Rebellion 2021 Preview

We haven’t been around for one of these in a little while. Impact Wrestling is back with another of its quarterlyish pay per views with Rebellion, and this time it is al about the guest star. The big main event is AEW World Champion Kenny Omega vs. Impact Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann in a title for title match. Impact has done everything it can to make this interesting and it has gone about as well as you would expect. Maybe the rest of the show can make up for it. Let’s get to it.

Tag Team Titles: FinJuice(c) vs. Good Brothers

Let’s get this out of the way to start: FinJuice is not very interesting. They’re talented in the ring, but their characters in Impact boil down to “we’re from New Japan and like wrestling.” Unless I’ve missed something, there isn’t much more to them than that. I understand why it’s a big deal to have the titles defended in New Japan for Impact but it doesn’t do much for the champs. The Good Brothers aren’t much better, but at least they’re around.

Without much drama, the Good Brothers win the titles back here, ending the quick excursion title reign. That way we can have the titles on Dynamite as well as the Good Brothers get to speak in insider terms and hang out with Omega even more while making young boy jokes. It worked so well the first time so why not let them do it again since they’re having so much fun?

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Fire N Flava(c) vs. Rachael Ellering/Jordynne Grace

The titles go more and more in the same vein as the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles as we have another thrown together team getting a title shot. Ellering debuted on Impact as a replacement for the retired Jazz so sure let’s have a title match. These titles have not exactly gone well, though Fire N Flava are rather good as the annoying heels who talk WAY too much.

I’ll go with the champs retaining here, just for the sake of not dealing with someone who wasn’t in the promotion three weeks ago becoming a champion. I’m still not sure how necessary these titles are, but there are enough women on the show that it makes some sense. I just wish they would do a better job setting up teams, especially given how many options they have. But yeah, the champs retain here, as they should.

Trey Miguel vs. Sami Callihan

This is Last Man Standing and hopefully this wraps up their feud before they suddenly become best friends who kind of hate each other but work together anyway. It’s a tired trope and you see it enough today all over the place but you know it’s probably coming. They should be able to have a good match though as Miguel can do anything and Callihan is made for this kind of a brawl.

I’ll take Miguel to win here as it would pay off the idea of him having no heart, especially if he can survive a package piledriver or two. Callihan is already a former World Champion so the loss isn’t going to do much damage. Go with what makes sense here, which hopefully means they go in different directions after the match. Miguel is someone with a lot of potential and he doesn’t need to be bogged down with Callihan as his partner.

Matt Cardona vs. Brian Myers

I’m not sure what to think of this one as they have done a decent enough job of keeping this from being Zack Ryder vs. Curt Hawkins, but what we’re getting still isn’t all that great. These two are just kind of there in the ring, though they do their things well enough. I don’t know if I really need to see the match, but this is the logical way to go for both of them.

I think I’ll go with Cardona winning here, as I don’t think Impact is ready for the devastating power of a guy with a running clothesline as a finisher. Cardona is more interesting than Myers, who can stick around as a gatekeeper for the midcard, which is where he fits in best. The match itself should be fine, though I’m scared about how annoying Matt Striker is going to be.

Knockouts Title: Deonna Purrazzo(c) vs. Tenille Dashwood

Dashwood really is one of the weirdest cases in all of Impact, as she should be the top star given all of the potential she has, but for one reason or another it has never clicked. It feels like it has taken forever to get us to her having a big time title match and I’m really not sure if she is actually going to win the title. This could go either way, but what should be a coronation is feeling more like an obligation.

I’ll go with Purrazzo to win here as she seems like someone who could be champion for a very long time to come. There is not much of a reason to put the title on Dashwood here other than “hey maybe we should make Dashwood champion”. Hopefully they figure that out, because Purrazzo is being turned into quite the champion. I don’t know who takes it off of her, but hopefully they have some time before they need to figure it out.

Violent By Design vs. Chris Sabin/Eddie Edwards/James Storm/Willie Mack

I’m curious as to how this one is going to go as Eric Young has a torn ACL. He is capable of having a decent match even on one leg, but I’m not sure if this match has been taped in advance or not. This is a match that has been set up fairly well so hopefully the match goes as good as it could. The match should be a solid one, assuming they don’t do anything nuts, which they should be able to pull off here.

This could go either way, but with Young hurt and going away for a pretty long time, there is little reason to have Violent By Design here. Therefore, I’ll take the motley crew to win here, which makes sense given the situation. Above all else, they could have a way to write off Young here, which could go in a few different directions. Just have a violent match with the right people going over and everything should be fine.

X-Division Title: Ace Austin(c) vs. TJP vs. Josh Alexander

This is the first Impact match in a good while that I have been looking forward to this much. These guys are all talented and capable of coming up with something awesome. They have been feuding over the title for a little over a month now and this is the logical way to go. As long as they are given time and the chance to have a great match, this is all but destined to steal the show.

I’ll go with a hunch here and say Alexander wins. You really could go in any of the three ways to walk out with the title. Madman Fulton can help Austin out a bit but I think someone winds up tapping to Alexander to give him the title for the first time. The good thing about this match is that you really could go with any of them, meaning that if the match is given the chance to shine, we should be in for an awesome match no matter what happens.

Impact Wrestling World Title/AEW World Title: Rich Swann(c) vs. Kenny Omega(c)

And now we have the match that Impact has treated as the biggest match of all time and AEW casually acknowledges if they have nothing else to do because Lost In Space was a rerun this week. This seems to be part of AEW’s grand plan to make Omega the champion of all things, meaning you should be able to see how this one is going. Granted you should have been able to see that from the second Omega showed up in Impact.

Omega could win this match if he showed up to work without his pants, so of course he is walking out with the titles. This is what AEW thinks is some kind of amazing story and if they just have to make Impact look weak to do so, I’m sure Impact will go along with it because that is what they do. The match will be good, but Swann has as much of a chance at winning as I have of being Miss Nevada 1972.

Overall Thoughts

The more I look at this card, the less interested I am in the show. The main event and Tag Team Title match don’t do much for me as the endings are just about obvious. There are interesting parts on the show, but I’m not sure how many of them are going to live up to the hype. Then again, Impact has a great record of having good shows with bad builds, so maybe they can pull it off again here.



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Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Universal Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Edge vs. Daniel Bryan

It worked for Bryan before.

E pluribus gads where do I begin with this? You could go any way here and I’m not sure which path WWE is going to choose. Reigns should be the champion for the better part of ever, Bryan might never get another run with the title and Edge has been set up as the big winner out of the whole thing. Each idea could work, and I’m not sure where they are going here.

As much as I think Reigns needs to win and retain here, I think Edge winds up with the title. Despite the fact that the wrestler with the most titles in WWE history who just came back after nine years away and won the Royal Rumble while entering first needing ONE MORE BIG FEEL GOOD MOMENT is pretty stupid, I think they’ll go with Edge here. Bryan is fine in his role of putting people over and Reigns can get the title back later. He shouldn’t lose it and I hope he doesn’t, but I think that’s where we’re heading.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Raw Women’s Title: Asuka(c) vs. Rhea Ripley

Not bad for a (second) debut.

I’m not sure how well the match is going to go, but the fact that Ripley is now on the main roster (and not having to deal with Charlotte) makes me smile. She is as potential of a main roster breakout star as you can get and I would love to see her become some kind of a huge deal. That very well may start here, and since Asuka feels like she has been champion for the better part of ever, this should be a layup.

In what I hope is the easiest move of the entire show, Ripley should win the title here and hold it for a good while. There is no reason whatsoever for Asuka to retain the title here by taking Ripley’s legs out from under her as she is just starting to get on the main roster. Asuka needs to lose the titles already and let Ripley become the new star, as it isn’t like Asuka is going to lose anything by putting her over.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Women’s Tag Team TItles: Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler(c) vs. ???

The mystery match portion.

Remember a year when Baszler was a sure thing to take the Raw Women’s Title from Becky Lynch and then she didn’t for whatever reason and never won the titles and is now stuck with this reign with Jax? Just an observation. Anyway, this is coming off of the previous night as the winners of the Tag Team Turmoil match get the shot here. Since we already know for sure who is getting the shot, we know where this can go.

Alas, I’ll take Lana and Naomi going over for the titles here, because the world is looking forward to Lana winning a title and hearing about how she has overcome so much. Jax and Baszler aren’t interesting as champions and as much as I would love to see Naomi pushed as a star, this would be all about Lana, which is about as brilliant of an idea as you could have, because reasons.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Intercontinental Title: Big E.(c) vs. Apollo Crews

Bang the drums properly.

This is a Nigerian Drum Fight, because WWE needed another name for hardcore and thirty plus writers couldn’t come up with anything better. Crews’ gimmick isn’t exactly brilliant, but it is slowly starting to grow on me as he is actually making the ridiculous thing work. At the same time, Big E. has been champion for over three months and hasn’t really done anything but feud with Crews. That could go a few ways, but I’m not sure which way it will be.

As worried as I am about what a Nigerian Drum Fight is going to entail, Crews needs to win the title here. He can drop it back to Big E. in the future but what matters here is giving Crews some momentum, because he hasn’t actually won anything of note since his heel turn. Big E. winning wouldn’t surprise me, but it probably needs to be Crew going over here, just for the sake of his future.


Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: US Title: Riddle(c) vs. Sheamus

The real money from these two is in selling hats.

I know it’s not as important, but I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that colorful birds come flying out of Riddle every time he jumps in the air for the shoe flip. That’s up there with the Strowman train. Anyway, Riddle has a scooter, Sheamus doesn’t like it, come watch two hard hitting people beat the fire out of each other for ten to fifteen minutes and have a good time.

If you look at this on paper, Sheamus probably deserves the US Title. That being said, taking the title away from Riddle after about two months would be about as dumb of an idea as you could have. Riddle is weird/annoying enough on his own so he is going to need to keep the title for a pretty long time. Have him beat Sheamus up (and vice versa) and leave with the title in a big moment.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Randy Orton vs. The Fiend

Just please…..let it be over.

Please, please, PLEASE let this be the end of this stupid feud. As is usually the case with anything the Fiend does, this has gone on WAY too long and gotten far too ridiculous. They need to just let this this wrap up already because I’m almost scared to know what they would think of next. The feud isn’t working and hasn’t for a long time now, so just let it be over.

Speaking of over, I’ll say Fiend goes over, as he deserves some revenge after what happened to him last year. Throw in deserving some revenge after the awful Wrestlemania match they had before and Fiend should absolutely get the win here. I’m not sure what is next for either of them but all that matters is that they do something else, because this needed to end a long time ago.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

It’s a long time coming.

This is kind of cool to see as these two have spent their entire careers joined at the hip. How awesome is it going to be for them to get to face each other at Wrestlemania after all these years? There’s also the Logan Paul factor but is isn’t like he can do that much damage to the whole thing. This is going to be about two old friends getting to do something they talked about since they were kids and that is great.

I’ll take Owens here, likely with some shenanigans from Paul, whether intentional or not. Let Zayn have something else to get annoyed about while Owens FINALLY gets a win after losing to Roman Reigns time after time. All this needs to be is a nice match as either of them winning would be fine enough. Owens seems to be more fun though and as long as Paul doesn’t do anything stupid, they’ll be fine.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: Smackdown Women’s Title: Sasha Banks(c) vs. Bianca Belair

Bring on the headliners.

I think this one might headline and that would be a pretty cool moment. It isn’t quite the same as main eventing Wrestlemania but it is something you can claim and get away with it well enough. Unfortunately you can’t claim that this has been a well done build to the show, because they had to spent about a month dealing with Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler and Reginald because… anyone knows that.

They almost have to pull the trigger on Belair here because Banks doesn’t need the title and Belair has never actually won a championship. Just give her the belt already because that is the kind of thing that can make her feel like a star instead of just an athletic marvel. Belair needs this, just like the women’s division REALLY needs some fresh blood. WWE kinds of needs to get this right and having the match headline would be even better.

Wrestlemania XXXVII Preview: WWE Title: Bobby Lashley(c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Somehow this is opening.

I’m not sure what to think about this as they are really pushing this as a big match. I just don’t know if they have done enough to make it work. It’s a match we have seen before and McIntyre is already a two time World Champion. Lashley needs to keep the title for a bit and as nice as it would be for McIntyre to have his moment in front of people, we have already seen him as the top guy for a year. Let someone else do it already.

In something I’ll likely regret, I’ll go with Lashley as the winner here, though I would be surprised if McIntyre didn’t get the title back soon. Lashley has waited for a long time to get this title run and I would love for it to go longer than about five weeks. McIntyre has had his day and is basically a made man at the moment, so don’t mess up something that needs a chance. I wouldn’t hate McIntyre winning, but he really shouldn’t/doesn’t need to.