Dynamite – September 11, 2024: Oh…No

Date: September 11, 2024
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are rapidly approaching Grand Slam in New York but it is also the All out fallout show. The big stories were the attempted murders of Bryan Danielson and Swerve Strickland at the hands of Jon Moxley and Hangman Page respectively. Neither of them should be here this week but strange things have happened. Let’s get to it.

I was in attendance for this show, sitting in the upper deck with the video screen slightly to my right. The attendance was very bad, with probably around 2,500 people, though the arena holds over 20,000. Seeing the amount of seats tarped off and empty made me say “wow” when I first walked in.

We open with a clip from All Out, with Jon Moxley explaining that he does not like Bryan Danielson’s ego and attacked him because it is Moxley’s nature. That’s a good enough explanation.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out the Patriarchy for a chat. Christian Cage has been told that he has “infinite aura” and now that he has the contract for a World Title match, he knows it is undeniable. When he saw Killswitch grab him by the throat, he knew that he had the perfect monster under his control. The fans chant LUCHASAURUS as Cage talks about how he’s coming for Bryan Danielson. The beating he’ll give Danielson will make his wife Brie wish she was the one with CTE. Cage makes it clear that he is the UNDISPUTED next World Champion.

Don Callis cashes in his favor with Will Ospreay to team with Kyle Fletcher for tonight’s Casino Tag Team Gauntlet Match. Fletcher talks Ospreay into doing it, saying there is no one he would rather team with t do this. As Mark Davis continues to become less and less important.

TNT Title: Jack Perry vs. Lio Rush

Perry is defending and comes to the ring in his Scapegoatmobile while Rush just has Action Andretti. Perry jumps him to start and the beatdown is on in the corner but Rush fights up with a dropkick to the floor. Rush tries a moonsault to the floor but gets dropped onto the apron for the crash as we take a break.

Back with Rush fighting out of a chinlock but getting dropped, which is enough for Andretti to come after him. That’s enough for an ejection but Rush fights up and hits a running Spanish Fly for two. Perry lawn darts him into the buckle though and a snapdragon puts Rush down again. Rush is right back with a poisonrana for a breather but Perry breaks up the springboard Stunner. The running knee finishes for Perry at 8:39.

Rating: C+. This was the way to give Perry some momentum back after his loss on Saturday and could have been a lot worse. Perry is far more tolerable when he stays around this level, which unfortunately does not happen very often. I’m not sure why Rush got this show but there were worse options to come after the title.

Perry goes to leave, saying people like him are crucified in this life so they can be glorified in the next.

We look at Hangman Page beating Swerve Strickland at a rather horrible level at All Out.

Page talks about how he has gone this far to beat Strickland and he would have spent an eternity in pain for a chance to hurt Strickland. Now if anyone stood in the way of him and his revenge, he is coming for them too. Page walks over and glares at Top Flight/Action Andretti before seeing the Dark Order, who don’t know him anymore. Then he runs into Jeff Jarrett, who says Page went too far when he put his hands on Jeff’s wife. The fight is on and has to be broken up.

Private Party and Komander come out for a match….and get jumped by the Blackpool Combat Club. Pac talks about how this company is broken and diplomacy has failed.

The Learning Tree arrives in a Bentley with a HI GUYS license plate. They’re going to show what they found in Orange Cassidy’s backpack tonight.

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

They trade strikes to start until Ricochet sends him outside for the big running flip dive. The fight heads to the stage with Ricochet being sent into part of the set, allowing Guevara t moonsault off the tunnel as we take a break (note that they have been on the floor for 1:13 before the break and the ten count has not even started).

Back with Ricochet being sent to the floor (Fan: “Sorry.”) and into the barricade. Ricochet fights up and hits a jumping flip dive off the barricade) that was great) for two back inside. The Benydriller is countered into a Canadian Destroyer and Guevara hits a top rope cutter for two more. Guevara’s GTH misses and Ricochet kicks him in the head, setting up an ax kick stomp (egads) into Vertigo for the pin at 10:54.

Rating: B. This was definitely a better showing from Ricochet, who got to do his usual stuff and beat someone with some stature. It’s good to have Guevara back, but he has definitely lost a lot of his status in his hiatus. The flips were good and that ax kick stomp was awesome, making this a good match with Ricochet looking like a star.

Post match the Beast Mortos runs in to spar Ricochet, with Guevara making the save.

We look back at Kris Statlander beating Willow Nightingale in the Chicago street fight.

Kazuchika Okada mocks his title defense on Saturday when Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis come in and want the Continental Title shot. Okada seems interested, complete with the b****.

Here is Darby Allin (to the reaction of the night, with people rising to their feet) for a chat. He gets right to the point and calls out Jon Moxley, who comes to the ring with Marina Shafir. Moxley talks about how nothing has changed between them but Allin cuts him off. Allin talks about how he was a homeless dishwasher and everything he owned fit in the trunk of his car. That’s why he wrestles the way he does and he loved what he saw in Moxley, who wouldn’t change for anyone.

They first wrestled in a high school gym and Allin was so nervous. Then he saw what Allin did to Bryan Danielson, which Allin could never do to someone like Sting. So what does Moxley want? It turns out Moxley wants Allin’s World Title shot at Grand Slam, because Danielson is going to be out of commission. Allin: “What are you stupid? You get dropped on your head? You been drinking again?”

After that gasp from the crowd, the fans hear Allin say Moxley has to earn it, with Moxley offering to earn it in New York. Allin accepts the challenge for Grand Slam, presumably with the title shot on the line. That’s quite the bait and switch for Grand Slam, which sold tickets based off the idea of the title match.

Nigel McGuinness interrupts Christopher Daniels and wants to talk to Tony Khan.

Commentary talks about September 11, which is a nice touch that would be nicer if it was going to a break instead of crammed between matches.

Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata

Non-title. They both miss some kicks to start and trade rollups for two each. An exchange of strikes to the face goes to Aminata but May ties her in the ropes and hammers away. We take a break and come back with May hitting a missile dropkick into the corner. Aminata kicks her away again and snaps off some suplexes. The running boot against the ropes gives Aminata two but May is back with a hanging DDT for two of her own. May’s running knee into Storm Zero finishes at 8:26.

Rating: C+. Not bad here with May getting a win, but she’s still missing a little something since she won the title. She’s still a good heel and is good at talking down to people but it’s not quite clicking. At the same time, Aminata seemed a bit shaky here and it wouldn’t surprise me if she was banged up somewhere in there.

Post match May lays on the mat with the belt and says she needs to have her championship celebration, but she wants Mina Shirakawa back too.

The Young Bucks mock the fans who say they want a new team to come after them. That’s why they have booked the tag team gauntlet match for tonight.

Learning Tree vs. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages

Boulder knocks Jericho into the corner to start so it’s off to Bill for the big forearms. Everything breaks down and Jameson is booted in the face. Keith adds Diamond Dust and Jericho’s arrogant cover gets the pin at 2:27.

Post match Jericho goes on a rant about how he wants his $7000 back from Orange Cassidy, which is why he took the backpack. Inside the backpack is a picture of Cassidy and the former Best Friends. Cassidy pops up on screen and says he has the money. Cue Mark Briscoe driving a big machine full of coins, which he pours into Jericho’s fancy car. Cassidy adds some cash and that should be it. Fans: “KEEP THE CHANGE!” Pouring a bunch of coins into a car seems more mildly inconvenient than anything else.

Here is Nigel McGuinness for a chat. There is not going to be a World Title match at Grand Slam, which must be a breath of air for Bryan Danielson. Like when he let go of choking Justin Roberts with his tie. The World Champion should be in action at Grand Slam, which brings him to the contract he has in his hand. The success that he has should be his and Tony Khan has made the match. At Grand Slam, it’s Danielson vs. McGuinness. So if he can have that match, why can’t he have the Allin match?

Hook wants Roderick Strong for the FTW Title.

Here are the Young Bucks, in AEW office chairs, to watch the main event.

Tag Team Casino Gauntlet

First fall wins and there is no guarantee that all of the teams get in. FTR is in at #1 and Kyle Fletcher/Will Ospreay are in at #2. Ospreay snaps off a hurricanrana to Wheeler to start but a sitout powerbomb gives Harwood two. Fletcher is knocked outside and the PowerPlex gets two. The Righteous are in at #3 and a Boss Man Slam into a Swanton gets two on Wheeler. Fletcher is back in to clean some of the house until the Kingdom is in at #4.

Fletcher gets knocked down to start and a running knee gets two on Ospreay as we take a break. Back with the Acclaimed coming in at #5 (the fans approve) and cleaning house. An AA gets two on Dutch and a pair of Fameassers put Harwood down. The MxM Collection is in at #6 to a big reaction of their own. Everyone brawls until the good guys manage a triple suplex. We take another break and come back with everyone brawling on the floor again with Top Flight coming in at #7.

This time they get to clear the ring until Ospreay kicks Dante in the head. The Shatter Machine hits Bowens but everyone makes the save. The Outrunners are in at #8 and the fans are way into them as well. This time they clean house as well, including the Paisan elbow to Vincent. The Grizzled Young Veterans are in at #8 as Floyd superplexes Mansoor onto the pile at ringside. We hit the parade of secondary finishers inside until Dante’s top rope splash hits raised knees. Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade on Dante to give Fletcher the pin at 22:14.

Rating: C+. This was the weakest of these matches so far as the strength of the matches comes from the surprises and we didn’t have any here. The Outrunners and the Collection got big reactions but it was the makeshift tam winning to continue the “Ospreay is really good at these things” deal. It wasn’t a bad match, but it felt long and was just a bunch of people doing stuff at times.

Overall Rating: C. This was not great by any means and was one of the weaker Dynamites in a good while. There was nothing worth going out of your way to see and the whole Danielson/Nigel/Allin/Moxley stuff is feeling very much like a bait and switch. This show did not feel like fallout from All Out, which was going to be hard to do with so many people missing. It wasn’t a terrible show, but you didn’t need to see it and that’s not a good way to go in this spot.

Jack Perry b. Lio Rush – Running knee
Ricochet b. Sammy Guevara – Vertigo
Mariah May b. Queen Aminata – Storm Zero
Learning Tree b. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Diamond Dust to Jameson
Will Ospreay/Kyle Fletcher won the Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match



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Rampage – September 6, 2024: Short Form

Date: September 6, 2024
Location: NOW Arena, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, Matt Menard

It’s the night before All Out as well as the third hour of a block of AEW, with Collision airing just before this. As usual with Rampage, things are not likely to be as big as Collision or Dynamite, but the lack of pressure often makes for a more entertaining show. That might be what we are getting here so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

The first 12 or so minutes of the show are the end of the Collision eight man main event, which ran over and saw the Blackpool Combat Club/Pac defeat the Elite.

The Outrunners and Erica Leigh are celebrating their first ever win in AEW (on Collision) when they get jumped by Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir. This is what Moxley is talking about.

Queen Aminata vs. Missa Kate

Aminata takes her down to start and the camera cuts to…a ceiling in the back. Well that was a wrong button. The headbutt finishes for Aminata at 1:05.

Video on MJF vs. Daniel Garcia.

Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara/Hologram vs. Dark Order

Hologram takes Uno down to start and it’s off to Reynolds, who Hologram plants with a DDT. The good guys pose together and we take a break. Back with Guevara diving over for the tag to Rhodes so house can be cleaned. The snap powerslams have the Order down but they’re back up with triple right hands. That’s broken up so Guevara and Hologram hit moonsaults to the floor. A Canadian Destroyer into Guevara’s middle rope cutter into Hologram’s 450 finishes Reynolds at 7:31.

Rating: C+. The efforts to get Hologram over continues and while he might not be the biggest breakout star ever, he’s certainly not doing badly. His high flying stuff is quite good, but treating him like some kind of special attraction is something of a stretch. For now though, having him get the pin with some popular stars is not a bad thing, especially over lovable losers like the Order.

The Bang Bang Gang want the Trios Titles but get cut off by the Gates Of Agony. A match seems imminent.

Top Flight/Action Andretti, Shane Taylor Promotions/The Beast Mortos and the Undisputed Kingdom are ready to win the three way trios tag on Zero Hour.

House Of Black vs. MxM Collection

This is a Friday Night Fashion Fight. Matthews and Mansoor start things off with Mansoor slipping out of a waistlock and striking a pose. Matthews poses as well and some judges (because there are judges) give him a low score. Mason comes in and gets his wish of facing King. Actually it’s right back to Mansoor, whose chop gets unanimous ten’s. The House gives themselves some ten’s and take out the Collection as we take a break.

Back with Matthews kneeing Mansoor down, allowing the double tags to bring in King and Mason. Mansoor’s superkick doesn’t do anything to King, who blasts him with a clothesline. King’s cannonball hits Mason for two but Mansoor makes a save, allowing Mason to grab a chokeslam for two. Matthews is back in to fire off knees before low bridging Mason out to the floor. A superplex into Dante’s Inferno finishes Mansoor at 11:43.

Rating: B-. They were going for a mixture of fun and serious here, with the judges being a bit of a weird addition. The Collection continues to be as entertaining of a thing as there is in AEW at the moment and it would be nice to see them getting to do something more important. There are the makings of a good tag division in AEW but that isn’t going to matter as long as the Young Bucks hold the titles.

Will Ospreay is ready for Pac and talks about their history in the British backyard wrestling
and the independents. Ospreay was told that he was good but he wasn’t Pac, and now he can never forget about Pac.

One more All Out rundown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show definitely takes a hit when it’s coming after two hours of Collision, which is treated as far more important. This week’s show was even more different as it was clipped down due to the Collision match eating up time. It’s certainly not bad and the main event was pretty good, but it’s not a show you need to watch if you saw Collision.

Queen Aminata b. Missa Kate – Headbutt
Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara/Hologram b. Dark Order – 450 to Reynolds
House Of Black b. MxM Collection – Dante’s Inferno to Mansoor



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Collision – August 31, 2024: That’s What Makes This Work

Date: August 31, 2024
Location: Denny Sanford Premier Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re in the middle of All In and All Out and that means things should be happening here. There are a few matches set for the pay per view but it would not be surprising to see some more added on this show. Throw in the good action you tend to get around here and we could be in for a solid week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Conglomeration/Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos/Johnny TV/Lee Moriarty

Shane Taylor and Taya Valkyrie are here with the villains. O’Reilly and TV get things going with some stand up grappling until Strong grabs a quickly broken cross armbreaker. Cassidy comes in for a basement dropkick and it’s off to Hologram for a monkey flip. Moriarty can’t do much with Cassidy on the mat so it’s back to Hologram, who gets rolled up for a fast two.

Hologram dropkicks him out to the floor so Mortos comes in, earning himself a rather spinning headscissors. Everything breaks down and we get a submission chain from almost everyone, with Mortos having to shoulder it apart. It’s time to head outside so Hologram can hit a big rope walk flip dive as we take a break. Back with Cassidy fighting out of trouble and getting over for the tag to O’Reilly. House is quickly cleaned but Mortos cuts that off, including a reverse Sling Blade.

O’Reilly gets over and hands it off to Hologram, who gets to clean house, including spite the spinning session to take down all of the villains in a row. Cassidy and O’Reilly fire off kicks to Mortos, setting up Cassidy’s Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy DDTs Mortos but gets suplexed by Moriarty. TV takes too long setting up Starship Pain to Hologram though and gets taken down with a reverse Spanish Fly, setting up a rollup to give Hologram the pin at 15:39.

Rating: B. This is one of those things that AEW does really well, as they took a bunch of people and put them into the ring at the same time for a fun match. It isn’t likely to be about much more than helping boost Hologram up but it was a match that went rather well for what it was supposed to be. It’s a good example of a match that didn’t take itself seriously and that’s how you can have a lot of fun with something like this.

We look back at Jon Moxley’s rather bizarre return on Dynamite.

Bang Bang Gang vs. Premiere Athletes

Austin and Nese start things off with the latter driving him into the corner with raw power. Woods comes in and a quick distraction lets the villains triple team Austin in the corner. Daivari gets in a knockdown of his own for two but Austin manages a quick Quick Draw, allowing the tag off to Robinson to pick up the pace. House is quickly cleaned, including a spinebuster to Woods. Everything breaks down and Colton gets two off a dropkick. Nese is sent into Mark Sterling at ringside and 3:10 To Yuma finishes Woods at 4:35.

Rating: C. The Gang gets a nice win here to put them back on the right track after some recent losses. That’s not a bad way to go and we could be in for some nice stuff from them going forward, though hopefully against some fresh opponents. The team is starting to gel, but Jay White coming back soon enough could take things in a different way.

We look at Mercedes Mone defending her NJPW Women’s Strong Title for NJPW.

Hikaru Shida (in tonight’s four way match for a TBS Title shot at All Out) is ready.

We look at Kevin Von Erich getting to do the Claw at All In.

FTR vs. Kingdom

Taven takes Harwood down to start but Harwood is right back up with a hiptoss. Some chops have Taven in trouble and it’s Wheeler coming in for a double hair toss. A double backdrop into a double clothesline has Taven on the floor and Bennett is sent out with him. Back in and Taven slips out of the slingshot suplex, allowing Bennett to get in a cheap shot as we take a break.

We come back with Harwood getting a VERY delayed two off a small package due to a distracted referee. Wheeler comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down. A top rope double clothesline puts the Kingdom down and it’s a German suplex into a flipping rollup for two on Bennett. Taven rakes the eyes to avoid a Sharpshooter but the Hail Mary is broken up. The Shatter Machine to Bennett sets up a PowerPlex to finish Taven at 10:08.

Rating: B-. Just in case the Kingdom losing on Rampage wasn’t enough I guess. FTR is in a similar place to the Bang Bang Gang from the previous match in that they need something to elevate them back up after a loss. There are worse ways to do it than this and the match went fine, though FTR needs something new in a hurry, which very well could be the Grizzled Young Veterans.

Post match the Grizzled Young Veterans come in to take out FTR. They’re tired of being compared to FTR but you will remember their name.

Thunder Rosa is ready for the four way.

Lance Archer abuses various production workers and security. One of them having their feet sticking up from a trashcan is a funny visual.

Top Flight/Action Andretti/Lio Rush vs. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Turbo Floyd

Leila Grey and Truth Magnum (odd) are here too as Andretti and Floyd start things off. And never mind as Boulder comes in to run Rush over but we get a series of rapid tags without anything in between, leaving Darius in the wrong corner. That doesn’t last long either as Darius dives over to Dante, who actually airplane spins Bronson. A four man suplex drops Bronson but Floyd cleans house on his own. Everything breaks down and a Downward Spiral sets up a frog splash to give Dante the pin on Jameson at 4:46.

Rating: C+. This was a strange one as they had a weird lineup on the villains side and then it didn’t have much time to go anywhere. It certainly wasn’t boring though and I’ll take that over some of the other options. Not much to see here, but what were they supposed to do with these circumstances?

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb are both ready to win the four way. Deeb knows she can beat the other three but offers an alliance, which has Aminata intrigued.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Don Callis joins commentary. They forearm it out before trading shoulders, with Ishii getting the better of things. Fletcher is back with a slam and right hands in the corner but Ishii runs him over with a headbutt. Ishii takes him to the apron, where Fletcher is back with a brainbuster and we take a break.

Back with Ishii hitting a hard clothesline in the corner and sending him flying off a suplex. Fletcher manages a kick out to the floor into a dive but Ishii manages a powerbomb for a double breather. Back up and one heck of a clothesline gives Ishii two but Fletcher lawn darts him into the buckle. They go up top and Ishii busts out a jumping hurricanrana of all things, only to have Fletcher hit a brainbuster for two. Fletcher’s clothesline wakes Ishii up so it’s a Tombstone to put him back down for two more, followed by the piledriver to give Fletcher the pin at 12:46.

Rating: B-. The match was what you would expect, but this is a good example of how Tony Khan can burn through wrestlers. Between this, Dynamite and Ring Of Honor, I’ve watched more than half an hour of Ishii in the last four days. Seeing Ishii on the card this week didn’t have me interested, but rather saying “geez, again?”. With the amount of wrestlers that Khan has available, I don’t get the thinking in having someone show up that often and burn out their interest so quickly.

Video on Queen Aminata, also in the four way.

Video on Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Title and being attacked by Jack Perry on Dynamite. The title match is official for All Out.

Pac is ready to face Will Ospreay at All Out and take the International Title. Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly come in and a tag match seems set for Dynamite.

Buddy Matthews vs. Komander

Matthews takes him down by the arm to start but Komander is back up with a wristlock of his own. A dropkick sends Matthews outside, where he reverses a dive into a suplex as we take a break. Back with Matthews hitting a hard knee on the apron but Komander grabs a running hurricanrana driver. Matthews strikes away until a poisonrana sends him to the floor, with Komander nailing a dive. Back in and a tornado DDT gives Komander two so he goes up, only to dive into another knee. Murphy’s Law finishes for Matthews at 10:00.

Rating: B. They got rolling near the end here and it was one of the more entertaining Komander matches I’ve seen. Who knew that if you stopped letting Komander run across the ropes while everyone waits around like a moron, things would get better? This was a heck of a match between the two as Matthews gets to show off, which he often does well.

The MxM Collection want the House Of Black next week. The House is in.

Video on Serena Deeb, the final entrant in the four way.

Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa

For a TBS Title shot at All Out. Shida slugs away at the other three of them to start and whips them into the same corner for a running knee. Deeb pulls Shida to the floor though and has a slugout with Rosa. Back in and Shida breaks it up, only for Shida and Rosa to be taken down with a double suplex. We take a break and come back with Aminata snapping off some suplexes, followed by some running kicks in the corner.

Deeb gets up and cleans house (including on Aminata, as the alliance is already gone) but Rosa breaks up the half crab on Shida. Rosa Backstabbers Aminata and hits some running dropkicks against the ropes for two. Deeb gets an Indian Deathlock on Rosa and suplexes Shida at the same time for a bonus. Rosa and Shida slug it out until Rosa snaps off a super hurricanrana. Rosa’s Death Valley Driver plants Shida but Deeb puts Rosa in a half crab. Aminata breaks that up but Shida hits the Katana to pin Aminata at 14:25.

Rating: B-. Shida is a good call here as she is still probably the most accomplished woman in AEW history. Letting her get a shot at the title, even in a match that doesn’t have much build, is a smart way to go. If nothing else, she should be able to have a quality match with Mercedes Mone, which is one of the reasons you would put her in a match like this one.

Overall Rating: B. Rather impressive show here with a bunch of stuff that kept my interest and a pay per view match being set up by the main event. That’s not a bad use of two hours, especially with so little time between pay per views. As usual, AEW is at its best when its wrestlers get to wrestle and we were seeing that for a long time this week, making for a higher level Collision.

Conglomeration/Hologram b. Johnny TV/The Beast Mortos/Lee Moriarty – Rollup to TV
Bang Bang Gang b. Premiere Athletes – 3:10 To Yuma to Woods
FTR b. Kingdom – PowerPlex to Taven
Top Flight/Action Andretti/Lio Rush b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Turbo Floyd – Frog splash to Jameson
Kyle Fletcher b. Tomohiro Ishii – Piledriver
Buddy Matthews b. Komander – Murphy’s Law
Hikaru Shida b. Queen Aminata, Serena Deeb and Thunder Rosa – Katana to Aminata



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Ring Of Honor – August 8, 2024: More Texas

Ring Of Honor
Date: August 8, 2024
Location: Esports Arena Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re still in Texas and the big story coming out of last week is Sammy Guevara showing up to join the other Texans because we all love Texas around here. Odds are we get some fallout from that this week as we build towards pretty much nothing for the foreseeable future. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Dark Order vs. Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara

Fallout from last week’s show closing angle. Guevara drops Silver down to start and it’s off to Dustin for a clothesline to send Reynolds outside. Everything breaks down and Guevara’s teased dive turns into a break dance into a pose. Dustin does the same and the fans are rather pleased. We settle down to Dustin getting caught in the wrong corner but he manages the powerslam, only to bang up his knee in the process. Dustin and Reynolds head outside, where Evil Uno gets in a cheap shot to give Reynolds a quick two.

Silver’s DDT on the knee gets two and the knee is wrapped around the middle rope. The Order takes turns working on the knee, including a half crab from Silver. That’s broken up and Dustin low bridges Reynolds outside, allowing the tag off to Guevara to pick up the pace. Back to back dives take out the Order but a superkick into a bridging German suplex gives Silver two. Guevara and Reynolds trade knees to the face until a DDT drops Guevara for two. Everything breaks down and Dustin’s knee is fine enough for the Canadian Destroyer. The GTH finishes Silver at 12:01.

Rating: C+. This was a completely by the book tag match and that’s perfectly fine. Dustin and Guevara fill in the Texas quota for the night while the Order has been around for so long that they’re kind of packaged into the whole thing. Hopefully this wraps up the feud though, as there isn’t much left for them (or the Von Erichs) to do here.

We look at the Women’s Title matches at Death Before Dishonor.

Athena is sick of Billie Starkz’s disappointments. Starkz’s MIT degree is revoked and she is officially Minion #400,237 ¾ in training again. Queen Aminata and Red Velvet come in and say it’s a tag match tonight because Athena and Starkz aren’t ducking them anymore. They JUST SHOWED a clip of the four of them in a pair of title matches from two weeks ago! How have Athena and Starkz been ducking them???

Taya Valkyrie vs. Hyan

Johnny TV, looking like he just finished a match, is here with Taya, who isn’t overly interested in the pre-match handshake. Hyan forearms her into the ropes to start and gets caught with a running elbow in the corner for her efforts. Taya knocks her down and cranks away on both arms before hitting a spear. Shania Pain finishes for Taya at 2:38.

Griff Garrison and Maria (minus Cole Karter) are cut off by the Spanish Announce Project. They want one more match for Serpentico’s mask, with Serpentico putting his mask on the line. This has to be it for this feud right? It has to be.

Tag Team Titles: Infantry vs. Kingdom

The Infantry, with Trish Adora, is challenging and it’s a brawl at the bell. The Kingdom tries to bail up the aisle but get pulled back to keep the brawl going at ringside. Bravo throws Taven inside to start properly and a double fist drop gets two. Bennett comes in and gets chinlocked down, followed by an armdrag into an armbar on Taven. A cheap shot from Bennett lets Taven grab a suplex and the villains take over. Bennett’s pop up right hand gets two and a Russian legsweep gives Taven the same.

Bravo fights out of a chinlock but gets dropped for two, with a grab of the rope being necessary. Back up and the diving tag brings in Dean to clean house. A frog splash gets two on Taven with Bennett making the save. The Death Valley Driver into Just The Tip gets two with Bravo making the save. The spike piledriver is broken up but so is Boot Camp. Bennett’s low blow sets up the spike piledriver to finish Dean and retain at 11:46.

Rating: B-. These teams have enough chemistry but that’s the second loss from the Infantry to the Kingdom. Normally I would say that it’s enough to end their feud but it isn’t like the tag division has that much depth. The Kingdom is more likely to lose the titles to an AEW team, as that is where they wind up spending most of their time in the first place.

Rachael Ellering vs. Brooke Havok

Ellering goes after the arm to start and powers her way out of a headlock. That’s enough for a standoff before Ellering runs her over, only to get tripped down so Havok can pose. Back up and Ellering fires off some chops in the corner but Havok takes her down and hits a basement dropkick. A neckbreaker gives Havok two but the Boss Woman Slam finishes for Ellering at 4:47.

Rating: C. Not much to this one here but Ellering matches are always going to b at least decent. That was the case again here, with Ellering needing to get a boost as she is still getting established around here. Havok was smooth enough out there and could be a nice choice for a spot like this going forward.

Respect is shown post match.

Lee Moriarty wants to face Action Andretti again and will put the Pure Rules Title on the line.

Outrunners vs. Stephen Wolf/Barrett Brown

Erica Leigh is here with the Outrunners, who shake hands with each other to start. Magnum chops the heck out of Brown in the corner to start and it’s off to Floyd to stay on the arm. An elbow drop sets up more posing and a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination finishes Wolf at 2:19.

Robbie Eagles vs. Darian Bengston

Eagles cranks away on the arm to start but Bengston takes him down and does some basketball poses. Back up and a spinwheel kick drops Bengston and a rather slow spinning toehold is broken up. Bengston’s forearms are broken up and Eagles kicks him in the leg. A 450 onto the leg sets up…something kind of leglock called the Ron Miller Special for the win at 5:21.

Rating: C+. Eagles is a star over in New Japan and looked good here, though it was little more than a squash with Bengston not being able to get very far. I could go for more of Eagles around here as the show could desperately use some more star power, but this might just be a cameo from an international star. That leglock certainly looked cool if nothing else.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Tony Nese

Mark Sterling and Ariya Daivari are here with Nese. For some reason Nese tries to chop away to start and gets knocked into the corner for his efforts. Nese’s forearms don’t get him anywhere so they head outside, where Nese manages to get in a quick dive for a knockdown.

Back in and Ishii fights out of a chinlock but gets caught in the Randy Savage jumping neck snap over the top. Ishii snaps off a belly to back suplex for two, followed by one heck of a clothesline for the same. Sterling is dealt with and the brainbuster is enough to finish for Ishii at 8:23.

Rating: C+. This felt like a way to have Ishii on the show and since the Premiere Athletes are the designated jobbers in AEW and ROH at the moment, the result wasn’t quite in doubt. Ishii can still do well enough, but like many others either here or in AEW, a lot of the special feeling goes away when he’s around so often. At least this one was a singles match instead of another big tag though.

Rachael Ellering is glad to be back after her injuries. Harley Cameron interrupts and seems happy to meet Ellering, who doesn’t seem impressed.

Johnny TV vs. Fuego del Sol

Taya Valkyrie is here with TV, who gets armdragged and dropkicked to start. TV knocks him down but it’s way too early for Starship Pain, allowing TV to hit a hard knee out to the floor. The flipping neckbreaker keeps del Sol down and we hit the chinlock back inside. A spinning knee to the face gives TV two and we’re back to the chinlock.

Del Sol fights out and hits an enziguri, setting up some running dropkicks in the corner. TV is back with a seatbelt for two, followed by a jumping kick to the head op top. Del Sol is fine enough to crotch him on top for a double stomp but TV easily gets in a knockdown of his own. Starship Pain finishes del Sol at 6:22.

Rating: C+. The del Sol push comes to a halt here and that isn’t the biggest surprise. Del Sol coming back was a nice surprise and it was nice to see TV actually get a win for once. At some point his status is going to fall with all of the losses so changing the results up a bit is not a bad idea.

Red Velvet/Queen Aminata vs. Athena/Billie Starkz

Both teams have matching gear, which is impressive for a match that wasn’t set when the show started. Starkz and Aminata start things off with Aminata taking her to the mat in a front facelock. It’s quickly off to Athena, who gets hammered down into the corner. Athena fights out and starts in on Aminata’s arm, setting up a Codebreaker for two. Starkz slams the bad arm into the mat a few times and, with Velvet being drawn in, some double stomping ensues.

Aminata fights up and gets over to Velvet, who tornado DDTs Athena for a fast two. A Codebreaker/German suplex combination sets up a running knee to give Aminata two. Back up and it’s off to Athena, who fires off superkicks to stagger Aminata and Velvet. A fall away slam/Samoan drop (at the same time) sends them flying again and Athena knocks Aminata silly with the big right hand. Velvet takes Athena down and hits the Mix on Starks but Athena makes the save. Aminata won’t let Athena use the microphone but Starkz gets in a belt shot for the pin at 12:11.

Rating: B-. The ending is a nice way to get Starkz back in Athena’s good graces, which she is going to need after losing last moth, which is not something Athena will like. The cheating is certainly an Athena way to go as well and it should set up a potential title rematch. At the same time, I could go for seeing some fresh challengers to either title, though I’m not sure that is going to take place for a good while.

Overall Rating: C+. The action was fine enough, and as usual, after about an hour and forty five minutes of decent/mediocre wrestling, I’m not overly interested in most of what I’m seeing around here. The World Title still might as well not exist most of the time and we’re back to the same Tag Team Title match that we saw over Wrestlemania Weekend.

The Women’s Titles are still in the same stories they’ve been in for a few months now, making this show feel like it is running a treadmill while being lost at the same time. As usual, it’s not a bad show, but an hour and forty five minutes of this stuff wears out its welcome very fast.

Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara b. Dark Order – GTH to Silver
Taya Valkyrie b. Hyan – Shania Pain
Kingdom b. Infantry – Spike piledriver
Rachael Ellering b. Brooke Havok – Boss Woman Slam
Outrunners b. Stephen Wolf/Barrett Brown – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Wolf
Robbie Eagles b. Darian Bengston – Ron Miller Special
Tomohiro Ishii b. Tony Nese – Brainbuster
Johnny TV b. Fuego del Sol – Starship Pain
Athena/Billie Starkz b. Queen Aminata/Red Velvet – Belt shot to Velvet



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Ring Of Honor – July 18, 2024: Anyone Want To Have A Pay Per View?

Ring Of Honor
Date: July 18, 2024
Location: Simmons Bank Arena, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are just over a week away from Death Before Dishonor and we have three matches set, with the third being announced last week on Collision. There is a good chance that we get something announced this week, but there is always the chance that everything else is announced at the very last minute. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roderick Strong beating Dalton Castle to become the #1 contender to the Ring Of Honor World Title. On an AEW show.

Ring Of Honor World Champion Mark Briscoe is fired up to face Strong. As he said on an AEW show.

Here are Athena, on crutches, and Billie Starkz, for a chat. Athena says she isn’t medically cleared with Starkz saying the same. Starkz outsmarted everyone to become the first Women’s TV Champion. Athena is injured but knows she can beat Queen Aminata on one foot. Next week, Lexi Nair will give Aminata five minutes of uninterrupted time. This was weird as it only seemed to announce that Aminata would have an interview next week.

Dalton Castle has a six man tag tonight but has no partners. The Outrunners come in and say they’ll be his partners, even if Castle doesn’t remember meeting them before. Some posing convinces him to say yes.

Outrunners/Dalton Castle vs. Lance Archer/Righteous

Castle powers Vincent into the corner to start and they go with some grappling. It’s off to Dutch vs. Floyd, with Dutch breaking up the posing. Magnum comes in to stat on the arm but Archer breaks that up without much trouble. Some clotheslines keep Magnum in trouble and Vincent’s backsplash gets two.

Archer comes in to stomp away before Vincent adds a basement Downward Spiral. Magnum suplexes his way out of a chinlock though and it’s back to Castle to clean house. A delayed German suplex gets two on Vincent but Archer comes in to break up the Bang A Rang. Floyd breaks out of a chokeslam, only to have Archer hit the Blackout for the win at 9:41.

Rating: C+. Perfectly fine six man here and thankfully they had one of the comedy goofs take the fall over Castle. The Outrunners and Castle are not a bad pairing and probably the best that can be done with Castle now that the Boys are gone. If nothing else, it gives three charismatic people something to do and that is always fun to see.

The MxM Collection is all about the three F’s: fashion, fitness and philanthropy.

Red Velvet vs. Maya World

World is Athena’s student. Velvet takes her down with a headlock to start but World is back up to work on the arm. World sends her into the corner to strike away but Velvet is back with a Japanese armdrag. A flapjack into a not great nip up sets up something like Natural Selection to finish World at 2:54.

Here is Evil Uno in street clothes to issue an open challenge to anyone from any promotion.

Evil Uno vs. Katsuyori Shibata

They lock up to start and Uno bails to the floor early on. Shibata pulls him into a quickly broken chinlock and Uno manages to knock him outside. A whip into the barricade has Shibata in trouble for a change but some chops just annoy him back inside. Shibata kicks him in the face and, after some stomping in the corner, the running corner dropkick makes it even worse. A cross armbreaker sends Uno over to the ropes….but Uno is hurt and the match is stopped at 5:01.

Rating: C. This wasn’t exactly a great match before the sudden ending, as Shibata more or less squashed him for about four minutes. That’s all this was ever going to be as Shibata is that much of a bigger star and I can’t imagine this was going to get much more time. It felt more like a way to get Shibata back in the ring after the Learning Tree stuff and this was…well I won’t say good but it could have been worse.

Cage Of Agony vs. Rustin Mulitalo/Cappuccino Jones/Carson Hutcheson

Mulitalo tries to jump Liona from behind to start and is promptly destroyed for his efforts. Kaun comes in to hammer away and Cage adds his standing fall away slam. Hutcheson comes in and gets suplexed, setting up some running splashes in the corner. A toss jackknife gives Kaun the pin at 2:35. Total decimation.

Shane Taylor talks about sitting out a hurricane and not getting a single call from AEW or ROH. If it was one of the bigger stars, they would have gotten a call, so he’s coming for those bigger stars. Like Mark Briscoe.

We run down the Death Before Dishonor card with nothing new added.

Queen Aminata vs. Mackenzie Morgan

Aminata wastes no time in snapping off some suplexes and then drives her hard into the corner. A running Air Raid Crash finishes Morgan off at 1:43.

Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Lights Out, meaning No Holds Barred. Hirsch snaps off some throws to start and they head outside. Diamante puts a trashcan over Hirsch’s head and hammers away but Hirsch is right back up and takes it into the crowd. Hirsch is sent into the barricade and crushed against it for two back inside. To mix it up a bit, Hirsch whips out a plunger and puts it onto Diamante’s face, much to the fans’ approval.

A running dropkick sends a chair into Diamante’s face in the corner and it’s time for the thumbtacks. That takes too long so Diamante gets in a suplex to put Hirsch into the tacks. They go to the apron, with Hirsch swinging away with a kendo stick. Diamante is laid on the table for a top rope moonsault through it, meaning it’s time for another table. Hirsch loads up a superplex through the table but Diamante reverses into a Code Blue to put Hirsch through the table for the pin at 12:23.

Rating: B-. It was a heck of a fight and while it might not have been as epic of a feud as Ring Of Honor seemed to present it as being, it did just fine for what they were trying to do. These two beat each other up, though Hirsch dominated such a long stretch that it was weird to see her get caught with pretty much one big move at the end. That being said, why in the world was this not at Death Before Dishonor? It was a hard hitting fight with an actual story. Why put it on this nothing show when your PPV card barely exists?

Overall Rating: C. Just like last week, this added pretty much nothing to the pay per view and gave me no reason to want to watch it. As usual, they’ll add in probably another eight or so matches with just a few days to go and then act like it’s some major event, which does not work in the slightest but it’s all you’re going to get around here. This week’s show was slightly better than last week, but other than maybe the main event, there is nothing worth seeing here.

Lance Archer/Righteous b. Dalton Castle/Outrunners – Blackout to Floyd
Red Velvet b. Maya World – Flipping cutter
Katsuyori Shibata b. Evil Uno via referee stoppage
Cage Of Agony b. Rustin Mulitalo/Cappuccino Jones/Carson Hutcheson – Toss jackknife to Hutcheson
Queen Aminata b. Mackenzie Morgan – Running Air Raid Crash
Diamante b. Leyla Hirsch – Code Red through a table



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Ring Of Honor – July 4, 2024: Three For One

Ring Of Honor
Date: July 4, 2024
Location: PPL Center, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re rapidly approaching Death Before Dishonor and there are a few matches you can probably guess from here, though nothing has been announced. In this case, there is a good chance that we will see some of them officially set, though some of the titles do not exactly have apparent challengers. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Infantry welcomes us to the show, which they will be hosting. After confirming that this isn’t about the Will Smith movie, they send us to the opening sequence.

Opening sequence.

Dark Order vs. Bang Bang Gang

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if the Dark Order wins or survives the time limit, they get a future title shot. Oddly enough, this is the Juice Robinson/Gunns version of the team, meaning they can have a Proving Ground match but not defend the titles. Austin and Uno trade shoulders to start with Austin being taken into the Order corner. Everything breaks down and the Gang misses triple splashes in the corner, allowing the Order to hammer away.

Colten gets caught in a triple pose, with Robinson breaking it up for a distraction. That’s enough for Colten to take over on Reynolds in the corner with a snap suplex getting two. Robinson’s clothesline gets the same and we hit the chinlock. Reynolds fights up and hits a neckbreaker, allowing the tag to Uno to pick up the pace. The Gang all wind up in 619 position and get kicked in the head for two on Robinson. Reynolds kicks Robinson to the floor but walks into 3:10 to Yuma to give the Gang the pin at 7:23.

Rating: C+. That’s about the ceiling for the Dark Order and it isn’t a bad idea. They tested the champions just enough before the loss and that’s all they should have done. The Gang is better than the Dark Order and there was no reason to set up a title match. Perfectly fine stuff here and it didn’t overstay its welcome.

The Infantry talk about the rest of the card.

We look at Atlantis Jr. winning the Ring Of Honor TV Title in Arena Mexico. Fletcher wants a rematch.

Athena and the Minions have recruited Tony Deppen (not named) as their security guard. Queen Aminata and Red Velvet come in to say that Aminata is getting the Women’s Title shot against the still injured Athena at Death Before Dishonor. Billie Starkz will defend the North American Title against Velvet too. Athena wants Tony Khan. Those are the matches you knew were coming.

The Infantry talks about various places in Washington DC and plug Honor Club.

Komander/Metalik vs. Kingdom

Another Proving Ground match. Taven chops Komander to start but misses a splash in the corner. Komander strikes away but Bennett comes in for the double teaming. That’s broken up and Komander hands it off to Metalik for the rope walk dropkick and two on Bennett. Everything breaks down and Metalik hits a dive to take both of them down on the floor. Komander adds a springboard moonsault to drop the champs again as commentary is getting into this.

Back in and Metalik gets catapulted into a kick to the head from Taven as we get the five minute call (which we didn’t get in the first match). A sunset bomb gets Metalik out of trouble and it’s back to Komander to pick up the pace. Komander hits a tornado DDT to plant Taven and Cielito Lindo gets two with Bennett making the save. An assisted moonsaults the same, albeit without the save this time. Back up and Rockstar Supernova out of nowhere gives Taven the pin at 8:05.

Rating: B-. This was about as good as it was going to be as Komander and Metalik might as well have been “and here are our resident luchadors”. That is a team who can do well enough with just about anyone and it worked well enough here. The Kingdom really needs some fresh challengers though and I don’t quite see these two as those challenges.

Mason Madden and Mansoor, the MxM Collection, are coming.

The Infantry go to Mount Rushmore and hype Death Before Dishonor.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Lee Moriarty

Another Proving Ground match under Pure Rules as Ring Of Honor remembers Yuta is a thing around here. Yuta takes him down for an ankle crank to start before hitting a basement dropkick for two. Back up and Yuta cranks on a cravate but Moriarty reverses into an armbar. Moriarty even bridges back onto the arm for a rather nasty looking bend. The cross arm choke has Yuta in more trouble but he reverses into the elbows, with Moriarty needing his first rope break.

Yuta snaps off a German suplex for two but Moriarty pulls him into the Border City Stretch. That means Yuta has to use his first rope with less than three minutes to go. The Stretch goes on again and is quickly reversed into a cradle to leave them both down with under two minutes to go. They trade rollups for two each and keep going with a minute left. The reversals go on for over a minute until they slug it out as time expires at 10:00. Therefore, Moriarty gets a future title shot.

Rating: B-. This is only the second time a challenger has survived a Proving Ground match and that is a great thing to see. The concept is still overused but having it actually set up a title match, likely at the pay per view, is a good thing. At the same time though, the six month hiatus of the title which didn’t really seem to matter is a very bad sign for the whole thing. It just doesn’t feel important and that is something they might want to address. Like say by getting rid of the thing.

Post match Yuta stares Moriarty down but Shane Taylor Promotions scare him off to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Well it certainly felt somewhat more important. The show was taking place on the Fourth of July so it wasn’t like it was going to be drawing a huge audience in the first place. They set some things up for Death Before Dishonor, though not having a World Title match with three shows left before the pay per view is not a great look. They felt like they went with the easiest path this week and that makes sense given the circumstances of the holiday, plus what needed to get done.

Bang Bang Gang b. Dark Order – 3:10 to Yuma to Reynolds
Kingdom b. Komander/Metalik – Rockstar Supernova to Komander
Wheeler Yuta vs. Lee Moriarty went to a time limit draw



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AEW Rampage – June 28, 2024: The Sandwich Of Odd Choices

Date: June 28, 2024
Location: PPL Center, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni

We are two days away from Forbidden Door and that means the card is mostly set up. While there is a chance that we could see something else for the pay per view, there is a good chance that we are going to be seeing a few minor pushes towards Sunday and little more. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Orange Cassidy vs. Outrunners

Cassidy works on Magnum’s arm to start and then mocks the double bicep pose. Floyd comes in and manages a running shoulder to drop Cassidy, meaning we get the REAL double bicep. Back up and Cassidy knocks both of them down, setting up the double dropkick. The referee almost gets hit but gets hugged instead, with the distraction causing Cassidy to get caught in a double belly to back suplex. A double slam gives the Outrunners two but Cassidy rams them into each other. Floyd is sent outside for a dive and the high crossbody hits Magnum. The Orange Punch gives Cassidy the pin on Magnum at 6:05.

Rating: C. That’s quite the odd choice to give Cassidy a win on his way into a showdown with a technical master like Zack Sabre Jr. The Outrunners are little more than a couple of comedy goofs and it isn’t a bit deal to see Cassidy beat them. Nothing much to see here and I’m not sure I get the thinking behind this one.

The Learning Tree has a new partner for the six man tag at Forbidden Door and we’ll find out who it is on Collision.

Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong vs. Infantry

The Kingdom and Trish Adora are here too. Kidd runs Bravo over with a shoulder to start and it’s Strong coming in for some hard chops in the corner. Strong gets caught in the wrong corner but cuts Dean off with a backbreaker as we take a break. Back with Dean caught in the wrong corner but a missed double clothesline allows the diving tag to Bravo. A slingshot cutter gets two on Kidd and there’s an ax kick to put him down again. Strong breaks up Boot Camp though and Kidd hits a quick piledriver to pin Bravo at 6:27. Not enough shown to rate but it was a competitive enough match.

There is going to be a Brodie Lee commemorative shoe.

TNT Title Qualifying Match: El Phantasmo vs. AR Fox

They run the ropes to start until Phantasmo snaps off a headscissors into a dropkick. A very springboardy hurricanrana takes Fox down but he avoids a dive and knocks Phantasmo outside. The big dive connects but Phantasmo is back up with a running forearm. An atomic drop into a Russian legsweep has Fox down as Nigel notices the Bret Hart homage. Phantasmo’s Lionsault gets two but Fox enziguris him into a twisting brainbuster. Fox puts him up top but takes too long, allowing Phantasmo to come back with a middle rope Canadian Destroyer. A faceplant finishes for Phantasmo at 5:24.

Rating: B-. Nice, fast paced match here, though it’s kind of hard to get behind the idea that Fox is going to win anything of value. Phantasmo is the New Japan representative in the title match, though it’s hard to imagine that he is going to win. For now though, I’ll take a pretty good match on TV with two talented stars.

Deonna Purrazzo is ready for the Owen Hart Tournament and her first round match against Hikaru Shida.

Dalton Castle vs. Shingo Takagi

They fight over a lockup to start until Takagi runs him over and we take an early break. Back with Takagi hitting a backsplash and driving in some elbows to the head. Castle is back up with a suplex and a spinning elbow to the head, followed by a reverse Sling Blade for two. Takagi grabs a Gory Bomb into a DDT, setting up Made In Japan to finish Castle at 7:49.

Rating: C+. The more I see Castle out there doing his awesome stuff, if nothing else his entrance, the more amazed I am that he is little more than a jobber to the stars. I know his back is messed up, but how do you look at someone with his unique set of talents and have nothing better for him? It’s one of the bigger shames in AEW and while I’d love to believe that it’s going to get better, it’s hard to believe that is a realistic option.

Saraya isn’t worried about Mariah May.

Skye Blue vs. Queen Aminata

They start fast with Blue missing a big boot and getting German suplexed for an early two. An exchange of rollups doesn’t go anywhere so Aminata grabs a pair of vertical suplexes. Back up and Blue hits some running knees to put Aminata outside, setting up the dive to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Aminata hitting a PK for two, followed by a heck of a running boot against the rope. Another suplex on the apron rocks Blue but the running hip attack only hits the steps. Blue suplexes her off the steps for a change of pace and a near fall back inside. Skyfall is broken up and Aminata headbutts her for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C+. What an odd choice for a main event. There is almost nothing going on with these two, at least in AEW, and yet they get the main event slot and longest match on the show. Aminata seems likely to be in line for a Women’s Title match in Ring Of Honor, but I’m not sure why she is getting this kind of a spot on a pay per view weekend.

Aminata tries to show respect post match but gets superkicked for her efforts. Red Velvet runs in for the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. In theory this was a preview for Forbidden Door with some other stuff thrown in, though Kidd isn’t on the pay per view card at the moment and Phantasmo is going to be one of a bunch of people in a ladder match. In other words, this was the usual somewhat random assortment of matches that tends to fill out Rampage. It’s not a bad show at all, but there were a few times where I was wondering why something was taking place.

Orange Cassidy b. Outrunners – Orange Punch to Magnum
Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong b. Infantry – Piledriver to Bravo
El Phantasmo b. AR Fox – Faceplant
Shingo Takagi b. Dalton Castle – Made In Japan
Queen Aminata b. Skye Blue – Headbutt



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Ring Of Honor – June 20, 2024: The Worst Thing In Ring Of Honor

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 20, 2024
Location: Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s time for a double title show this week as the Tag Team and TV Titles are on the line, with the latter in a 2/3 falls match. Other than that, we might want to start getting ready for the Death Before Dishonor card as the show is just over a month away. Then again it isn’t like the show is going to be announced until a week or two out so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Aaron Solo vs. Titan

They shake hands to start before Titan dropkicks him out to the floor. The threat of a dive brings Solo back in though and he strikes away. Titan is back up with a high crossbody to send Solo outside again, this time with a dive connecting. Back in and Solo slowly hammers away but Titan fights up for the chop off. A jumping kick to the head drops Solo but a top rope double stomp misses. Solo hits his own double stomp for two and nails a superkick, only to have Titan kick him in the face out of the corner. Now Titan’s top rope double stomp can finish at 6:20.

Rating: C+. This was just a step above a squash for Titan, as Solo isn’t exactly what I would consider a top star in any major promotion. It felt like another “hey here’s someone you might see at Forbidden Door” match and that works well enough as long as it isn’t overkill. Titan has done nicely in his few appearances and this continued that trend.

Anthony Henry/Griff Garrison/Cole Karter vs. Infantry/Sepentico

Maria and Trish Adora are here too. Henry gets caught in the wrong corner to start and the Infantry starts with the rapid fire double teaming. Karter comes in and takes Serpentico down with a clothesline, setting up and earl chinlock with Henry. A neck twist keep Serpentico down and Henry grabs another chinlock.

Serpentico fights up and grabs a hurricanrana out of the corner, allowing the tag off to Bravo. Everything breaks down and Garrison drops Dean, leaving Serpentico to hit a dive. Serpentico’s Swan Dive gets two and everyone is down. Back up and Serpentico knocks Henry down again, only to get chaired in the back by Garrison. A quick faceplant gives Henry the pin on Serpentico at 9:59.

Rating: C. I don’t know how to be subtle about this so I’ll just go with being blunt: the Garrison/Karter vs. Serpentico/Angelico feud is one of the lamest, least interesting things I have seen in wrestling in a very long time and for some reason IT JUST KEEPS GOING. There is little reason for them to be fighting anymore but here they are again because there is apparently nothing else for them to do but they must be on the show for some reason. This is one of the feuds that is making Ring Of Honor more and more annoying every time they’re on TV and for the life of me I do not get why.

Video on Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson tonight in a 2/3 falls match for the TV Title.

Here are Athena and Billie Starkz for an emergency meeting….and Athena is on crutches and in a walking boot. She’s looking at being out for 4-6 months due to some torn ligaments and she has decided that it is best or her to keep the title. Cue Queen Aminata and Red Velvet, with Aminata saying she’ll hurt Athena if the injury isn’t real in the first place. Maybe Athena is faking just like Starkz did to win her title. Starkz gets shoved down and lands on Athena, which is enough to clear everyone off. Things may change, but Athena not wrestling for months and retaining the title is not exactly a good idea.

Jacoby Watts vs. Brandon Cutler

Nick Comoroto is here with Watts, who does his usual speech, with Cutler cutting him off. Cutler isn’t sure where we are but knows the fans are stupid. Watts jumps him before the bell and the slugout is on, with Cutler grabbing a cutter. Cutler is back with a suplex but Watts grabs a swinging Downward Spiral. A Stunner finishes for Watts at 2:17. That was certainly a thing that happened.

Marina Shafir vs. Maggie Minerva

Shafir takes her down with a judo throw and cranks on the neck before choking in the corner. Minerva gets in a kick to the face but walks into a powerbomb. Mother’s Milk finishes Minerva at 2:06.

The Kingdom is tired of not being respected enough and is ready to beat 2.0.

Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson vs. Eric Eznite/Isaiah Harris/Jay Marston

Jameson starts with Eznite, who wants to pray to start the match. Jameson agrees and then decks him from behind. It’s off to Bronson, who sends him flying into the corner so Harris can come in. Harris slips off Boulder’s shoulders and hands it off to Marston, allowing Boulder to send multiple people flying. Marston is sent into Boulder’s chest and Bronson’s top rope splash finishes at 4:30.

Rating: D+. I cannot stand this team. I can’t stand their work, I can’t stand their talking, I can’t stand how they do THE EXACT SAME THING EVERY TIME THEY’RE OUT THERE and I can’t stand the fact that they have to be on this show or AEW so often. If “they’re muscular and strong but one guy has a hairy chest” is good comedy, then I would recommend taking up drama. Or just letting the three of them go because sitting through this nonsense over and over is infuriating.

Lance Archer vs. Deonn Rusman

Archer starts fast and knocks him to the floor, setting up a Black Hole Slam….for two. Rusman charges into a boot in the corner but manages a spear. Back up and Archer grabs a chokeslam, followed by the Blackout for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: C. It’s quite the choice to have your monster get speared down by someone the size of Rusman, though at least Archer came back and did his usual dominance for the win. Archer isn’t going to be a big star, but he’s a good choice for a midcard boss on the way to someone getting their chance at the bigger name. Keeping him strong is a fine way to go and that’s what they did here.

Atlantis Jr. wants a TV Title shot in Arena Mexico.

Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hirsch runs her over with a shoulder to start and then does it again, followed by a suplex. A running basement dropkick connects before Hirsch gets to hammer away in the corner. Diamanate’s gutbuster gets her out of trouble and she grabs an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Hirsch hits a knee to the ribs into a German suplex. The ribs give out though and Diamante hits a spear for two of her own. Hirsch is back up with a small package for the pin at 6:24.

Rating: C+. This was a good enough way to go and the extra time made it a bit better, though forgive me for not believing that this is going to be the win that gets Hirsch off the hamster wheel and into title contention. That’s one of the biggest problems with the women’s division, as Athena has made everyone else look like a middle of the road star. The TV Title might help, though I’ll believe Hirsch getting a big shot when I see it.

Post match Diamante drops her again.

Tag Team Titles: Kingdom vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

The Kingdom is defending. Bennett headlocks Parker down to start and it’s quickly off to Menard, with his taped up ribs. Menard takes over on Taven’s arm and pulls him down, with Parker dropping a top rope elbow to the back. Parker gets sent outside so Menard goes after the champs outside. Back in and Taven kicks Menard in the face and grabs a suplex for two on Parker.

Just The Tip gets the same and Parker fights up, including a dropkick to put Bennett down. A neckbreaker cuts off the tag attempt but the Hail Mary is broken up. The hot tag brings in Menard to clean house, including a Boston crab to Bennett. Taven’s slaps can’t break it up so Bennett goes to the ropes instead. Double Snake Eyes into a double DDT get two on Bennett so Menard grabs the belt. The referee tries to take it away, allowing Bennett to roll him up and retain at 10:05.

Rating: C+. Well so much for that. They built up Parker trying to win the titles for the sake of his family as a feel good story and then he just loses his shot instead. I’m not saying the titles needed to change, but the Kingdom are little more than Roderick Strong’s lackeys anyway so the loss would hardly be some game changer. Not a bad match, but that finish was incredibly flat.

TV Title: Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher is defending and it’s 2/3 falls, with Johnson diving over the top onto the floor to take him down. A Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two and Fletcher bails outside, with a big dive taking him out again. Back in and Fletcher manages a Stunner over the top rope to send Johnson to the floor for a breather. Johnson is sent into the barricade and the slow beating continues back inside.

A neckbreaker gives Johnson a quick two but Fletcher is right back with a hammerlock suplex. Johnson is back with a Death Valley Driver into a standing moonsault for two of his own. Fletcher knocks him hard to the floor but Johnson escapes a powerbomb and his a moonsault from the apron. They fight to the apron, with Fletcher hitting a brainbuster into a powerbomb back inside for two more. Back in and they fight over the Big Shot Drop until Fletcher hits another brainbuster for two another two, followed by a brainbuster for the first fall at 11:47.

Johnson says bring it so Fletcher kicks him in the chest. We pause for the doctor to check on Johnson but he’s good to go. The super brainbuster is broken up and Johnson grabs a rollup to even things up at 15:29 total. Back up and they slug it out, with Johnson getting two off a sunset flip. Johnson sends him to the floor for a sunset bomb (ok that was cool) for a nineteen count, with Fletcher diving back inside. Three straight frog splashes give Johnson two but the referee wants to check on Fletcher. The distraction lets Fletcher get in a low blow and another brainbuster to retain at 20:38 total.

Rating: B-. Best match on the show pretty handily, with Johnson continuing to look good against almost anyone. I’m assuming they’re saving the Fletcher loss for a bigger stage, but that impact might not be the same after watching him lose over and over again on AEW TV. This was a good, long match that probably could have been on Death Before Dishonor, but I get why you don’t want to run the same title match on back to back pay per views.

Overall Rating: C-. Now before people say “but the match ratings were good and that doesn’t add up”, (because someone will of course do that), this, again, wasn’t about the wrestling. This was a show that ran about 1:50:00 and A LOT of that could have been cut off for the sake of not dragging things out.

There were so many matches here that felt like they were being put on there to get an appearance out of wrestlers. That’s not a bad idea on paper, but Ring Of Honor has trotted out these same people for months on end with statements of “oh this person is building momentum and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a champion soon”. This is probably true, save for the fact that titles change hands around here either on one of three nights a year or on AEW TV.

The same people come out there, win matches, and then someone with no experience around here will get the title shots on pay per view because that’s how Ring Of Honor works. I can live with that in smaller doses, but sitting through almost two hours of this for one rather good match is nowhere near good enough. I couldn’t stand a good chunk of this show and for the love of all things good and holy, do not let this be what the show is going to be again going forward.

Titan b. Aaron Solo – Top rope double stomps
Anthony Henry/Griff Garrison/Cole Karter b. Infantry/Serpentico – Spinning faceplant to Serpentico
Jacoby Watts b. Brandon Cutler – Stunner
Marina Shafir b. Maggie Minerva – Mother’s Milk
Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson b. Eric Eznite/Isaiah Harris/Jay Marston – Top rope splash to Marston
Lance Archer b. Deonn Rusman – Blackout
Leyla Hirsch b. Diamante – Small package
Kingdom b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Rollup to Menard
Kyle Fletcher b. Lee Johnson 2-1



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Ring Of Honor – June 6, 2024: This Show Confuses Me

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 6, 2024
Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

For the first time in far too long, we have a title match this week with Kyle Fletcher defending the TV Title against Dalton Castle. That alone feels like a major match and that is more than you usually get around here. Hopefully we get something else to balance things out a bit though you never can tell. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Queen Aminata vs. Mazzerati

They fight over a lockup to start until Aminata snaps off a suplex. A running leg attack knocks Mazzerati into the ropes and there’s a big kick to make it worse. With Mazzerati tied up in the ropes, Aminata hits a heck of a running dropkick and the Air Raid Crash finishes at 3:26.

Rating: C. Total squash here and that’s what it needed to be as Aminata seems likely for the next Women’s Title shot. Granted we might not know when that is going to be as Athena might be out of action for a bit due to her ankle. For now though, I can live with Aminata getting built up, as she still hasn’t won anything significant so far.

Dalton Castle looks rather relieved and apologizes to Lexi Nair for everything he has put her through lately. Johnny TV comes in to accuse Castle of stealing his sunglasses, but Castle says he has no qualm (or whatever the word is, as Castle isn’t sure) with TV. They argue over whose plans are bigger, with Lexi and Taya Valkyrie saying those are huge.

Marina Shafir vs. Amira

They circle each other to start until a kick to the chest drops Amira. She tries to kick Shafir away but gets a cartwheel instead. A suplex sets up a reverse sleeper to finish Amira at 1:45.

TV Title: Dalton Castle vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher is defending and this is about seventeen minutes into the show, third from the start rather than the main event. They fight over a test of strength to start, with Fletcher quickly bailing out to the floor. Back in and Castle grabs a DDT, sending Fletcher bailing back to the floor. Fletcher knocks him hard off the apron for a crash to the floor, followed by chopping and taunting in the corner.

Castle fights back and takes him down by the arm for a needed breather. Some rolling throws have Fletcher in more trouble but he goes up, only to get crotched down. Castle hits a running knee and they’re back on the floor. Fletcher is fine enough to grab a half nelson slam to plant Castle for a change, followed by a brainbuster for two back inside. They fight over the piledriver and Bang A Rang until it’s an exchange of rollups for two each. Fletcher hits a superkick into the piledriver to retain at 12:20.

Rating: B. It was good and definitely felt like the biggest match Ring Of Honor has had in a long while. It’s nice to see Fletcher getting a win instead of jobbing on AEW TV over and over and he even beat someone with some status. That being said, why in the world would you put this in the early middle of the show instead of in the feature spot? I’m not sure I get that.

Infantry vs. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts

Trish Adora is here with the Infantry. Comoroto backs Bravo into the corner to start but it’s a double hiptoss to take him down. Back up and Comoroto skins the cat for a nice power display but Walls still doesn’t want to tag in. Dean flips out of a belly to back suplex and hands it back to Bravo for a kick to the face in the corner. Watts does at least break up Boot Camp, earning him a knock to the floor. Comoroto hits a double clothesline but walks into a double superkick. A frog splash gives Dean the pin at 4:04.

Rating: C. At least Watts did a little something here, which seems to be the point of their entire story. Then again, I’m not sure I get why I’m supposed to be interested in Comoroto when he’s losing. Then again again though, having him fight valiantly in glorified handicap matches isn’t the best way to keep him as a villain. I’m not sure where they’re going here, but Comoroto is still looking like a potential star.

Lee Johnson challenges Kyle Fletcher for a TV Title shot. Fletcher comes in and towers over Johnson, saying he has to get to the back of the line. Johnson has lost to him twice, but he believes he can beat Fletcher 2/3 falls. The champ is on.

Billie Starkz vs. Zamaya

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Zamaya (her hair is tall) wins or lasts the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Starkz takes her down for some taunting shots to the head, followed by a release German suplex. They head outside with Starkz sending her into the barricade for some hard stomping. Back in and Starkz kicks her down, setting up the Swanton for the pin at 3:29.

Rating: C. Another total squash here with Starkz getting another win on her way to a likely title showdown with Red Velvet. Starkz hasn’t been champion that long but it wouldn’t stun me to see her lose so soon. At the same time, it’s nice to see her getting a win, even if it comes at the expense of some incredible hair.

Post match Red Velvet comes in to scare Starkz off but Queen Aminata comes in to send her back inside so Velvet can get in some revenge for last week’s attack.

Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Johnny TV vs. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages vs. Dark Order

And this is your main event. Silver and Jameson have a pose off before the bell and Jameson jumps him for not getting the proper crowd reaction. Bronson comes in to elbow Uno in the face as commentary goes into a Who’s On First routine. Everything breaks down fast and Garrison/Karter get to pose.

We settle down to Uno getting stomped down in the corner, with Garrison/Karter mocking the Dark Order’s tagging technique. Uno finally slips over for the rather cold to Reynolds for the house cleaning. Everything breaks down again and TV helps his partners up for some staggering poses. The Savages are back up to clear things out but Reynolds dives off the top with a cutter. The Order breaks that up and hit the triple flipping slam to pin Jameson at 6:07.

Rating: C+. It was certainly energetic and the most popular team won, but this was also the latest wild match with so many people running around that almost no one got to stand out. That made things all the more of a mess, as the Savages/Jameson managed to fall again. Karter/Garrison aren’t much better, as they don’t even have Maria around to make thins better these days.

Overall Rating: C+. The TV Title match was good, but other than that, there was not exactly much t keep up the interest. They’re still building up Velvet and Aminata as title challengers but we’re pretty much ready for the title matches to happen already. Other than that, there wasn’t much going on here, though Fletcher vs. Johnson in a 2/3 falls match should be good. Just give us some more interesting stories throughout the card. It shouldn’t be that difficult.

Queen Aminata b. Mazzerati – Air Raid Crash
Marina Shafir b. Amira – Reverse sleeper
Kyle Fletcher b. Dalton Castle – Piledriver
Infantry b. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts – Frog splash to Comoroto
Billie Starkz b. Zamaya – Swanton Bomb
Dark Order b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Johnny TV and Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Triple flipping slam to Jameson



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Ring Of Honor – May 2, 2024: Short And…Well That’s It

Ring Of Honor
Date: May 2, 2024
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Things have been getting back more towards the pre-Supercard Of Honor ways around here and that has not made for the most entertaining shows. What matters is getting some interest going, which will likely be centered around Athena/Billie Starkz vs. Queen Aminata/Red Velvet. Other than that, there is work to be done. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Of note: the sun is setting at Daily’s Place so the whole venue looks really, really cool.

We run down the card.

We recap the Outrunners and the Infantry copying each other’s stuff for weeks.

Outrunners vs. Infantry

Laser Linda (debuting) and Trish Adora are here too. Adora runs Linda over to start and the Outrunners are dropkicked out to the floor before we get the opening bell. We settle down to the Infantry working on Floyd’s arm, followed by a double hiptoss to Magnum as commentary is impressed by the basic offense. Everything breaks down and Bravo hits a slingshot dive onto Magnum, followed by an old Valiant Brothers middle rope fist drop to Floyd.

Magnum is back in with a cheap shot on Bravo though and the villains (I think?) take over. Floyd grabs the leg to Magnum can hook a headlock, setting up the Outrunners’ double hiptoss as the blatant copying continues. Bravo gets up and manages a slingshot Stunner of all things, allowing the tag off to Dean to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down again and Dean hits a top rope splash, with Magnum’s save hitting Floyd by mistake. The Outrunners load up Boot Camp but get it broken up, allowing the Infantry to hit the real thing for the pin on Magnum at 8:50.

Rating: B-. The action was good, but what made this more interesting than usual was it had a story/some stakes to it. These teams have a reason to be mad at each other and I wanted to see the Infantry get the win. It wasn’t a classic or anything close to it but I’ll definitely take a good match with a reason to see the teams fight.

Nyla Rose vs. Camron Branae

Branae is better known as Amari Miller from NXT and slugs away at Rose to start. This goes very badly as Rose launches her into the corner but Branae manages to knock Rose to the floor. Back in and Rose hits a knee, setting up the Beast Bomb for the pin at 1:24. Branae showed some fire but Rose crushed her in the end.

Angelo Parker says he was going to retire when Ruby Soho told him he was going to be a dad. Now Parker has something to fight or and Matt Menard thinks it’s time to come after the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Undisputed Kingdom vs. The Qrown

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if the Qrown wins or survives the ten minute time limit, they get a future title shot. Bennett slugs away at Leonis to start and the Kingdom takes turns stomping away in the corner. Leonis blocks a double suplex attempt and snaps off a belly to belly but it’s too early for the tag to Maximus. Some hard clotheslines allows the tag to Maximus and house is quickly cleaned. That doesn’t last long though as the Kingdom is right back with the Hail Mary to finish Maximus at 4:17.

Rating: C+. The Qrown were a big deal in OVW when they were known as King’s Ransom, which might not be a good name but it’s a heck of a lot better than Qrown. The team definitely has potential as they are a good looking power team and I could go for seeing more of them. For now though, it was just a quick cameo and it worked pretty well.

JD Drake talks about being lost in the last month, to the point where his bowling game was messed up. He has a $2 bill and that means he has two choices. Now he is ready to come back and give a $2 bill worth of a beating as a Workhorseman.

Toa Liona vs. Jimmy Wild

Liona runs him over and chokes on the ropes, setting up an overhead belly to belly. Wild’s comeback is cut off with a superkick and a backsplash on the apron makes it worse. Liona hits a Pounce for the pin at 2:14. Total squash.

Dark Order vs. Zicky Dice/Sean Maluta/Adam Priest

Silver runs Maluta down with some shoulders to start and backdrops a charging Dice. The Order triple team Maluta for two but Dice gets in a cheap shot to Uno from the apron. Dice comes in for some mocking kicks to the head, only to have Uno neckbreaker his way out of trouble. Reynolds gets the tag to clean house and a butterfly powerbomb gets two on Priest. Everything breaks down and a Canadian Destroyer into the triple flipping slam finishes Priest at 4:42.

Rating: C. The Dark Order being on the show in Daily’s Place is a fine way to go as they were beloved here during the pandemic shows. Let the fans have something of a treat in a six man tag that isn’t going to hurt anyone. It’s not a match that took up any significant time and it was perfectly watchable so this was a fine addition to the card.

The Iron Savages are tired of being goofy without having success, so it’s time for a change of pace. They’re done trying to win over the stupid fans.

Aaron Solo vs. Jon Cruz

Solo wastes not time in stomping him into the corner and suplexing him right back out. Cruz is back with a slam as commentary praises Tony Khan for appearing at the NFL Draft in a neck brace. Solo shrugs it off and hits a spinning kick to the head for the pin at 1:31. Pushing Solo is a choice and he only looked so good here.

Queen Aminata vs. Robyn Renegade

They fight over a headlock to start with Aminata taking her down. Renegade gets up for a kick to the head into a Backstabber but Aminata drops her with some clotheslines. A running kick against the ropes knocks Renegade silly for two but a faceplant gets Renegade out of trouble. Renegade’s Death Valley Driver gets two, only for Aminata to German suplex her into the corner. The hip attack and an Air Raid Crash finish for Aminata at 5:14.

Rating: C. Aminata gets a win on the way to her likely title shot against Athena. That should make for a good showdown whenever we get there and this was her warmup. Other than that, there wasn’t much to it, though Renegade was firing back and had her usual intensity to make it decent.

Overall Rating: C+. They cut way back on the time this week and for the most part that was a good thing. While the opener is by far the best part of the show, it was nice to have things wrapped up so quickly. They featured some lower level stars this week but kept the show moving well enough that nothing overstayed its welcome. As usual, the brisk pace helps a lot around here and that was certainly true this week.

Infantry b. Outrunners – Boot Camp to Magnum
Nyla Rose b. Camron Branae – Beast Bomb
Undisputed Kingdom b. Qrown – Hail Mary to Maximus
Toa Liona b. Jimmy Wild – Pounce
Dark Order b. Zicky Dice/Sean Maluta/Adam Priest – Triple flipping slam to Priest
Aaron Solo b. Jon Cruz – Spinning kick to the head
Queen Aminata b. Robyn Renegade – Air Raid Crash



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