Rampage – December 10, 2021: All About The Rush

Date: December 10, 2021
Location: UBS Arena, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

We’re still in New York and this time there is a pretty big match on the card, as the Lucha Bros are defending the Tag Team Titles against FTR. Other than that, we have the in-ring debut as Hook, which should be a heck of a moment in its own right. This show tends to do well with the faster pace so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. FTR

FTR, with Tully Blanchard, is defending. Fenix grabs Harwood by the wrist to start and takes Wheeler down at the same time. Penta comes in to help take FTR down and it’s time for a breather on the floor. Back in and Penta takes off his glove but manages to roll Wheeler up for two. Now the glove is tossed to Wheeler, allowing Penta to catch him with a superkick. Fenix springboards in with a high crossbody but the momentum sends him outside.

That means Harwood can drop Fenix back first onto the apron and the champs are in trouble. Back in and Harwood knocks Penta off the apron but takes too long going up, allowing Fenix to snap off a super hurricanrana. We take a break and come back with Wheeler rolling Penta up for two but getting caught by Made In Japan for two. It’s back to Fenix for a slingshot Liger Bomb so FTR loads up the belts. Fenix takes it away and hits Harwood by mistake (allowing us to get in the required Eddie Guerrero tribute), setting up rope walk kick to the face.

The frog splash only hits belt though, giving Harwood two of his own. The Big Rig connects but Penta dives in with a high crossbody to Wheeler to break up the pin. They strike it out until Fenix tries the rolling cutter. That’s countered into a Gory Bomb from Wheeler, who has to block Penta’s Fear Factor. Instead, the spike Fear Factor retains the titles at 13:56.

Rating: B. They went with the all action format here and it worked well. This should wrap up the feud, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see one more match between them to really blow it off. The teams have developed better chemistry together over the last few matches though and this was another good one.

Nyla Rose/Bunny/Penelope Ford vs. Anna Jay/Tay Conti/Ruby Soho

Vickie Guerrero is here with the villains. Bunny takes Conti down to start and hits a chop, allowing Penelope to drive Conti into the corner. Rose comes in to hold Conti in said corner, allowing Bunny to yell at Conti’s partners. Back up and Jay forearms Ford, who takes her down with a faceplant. The hot tag brings in Soho to clean house, including an STO for two on Ford.

We take a break and come back with Jay hitting a basement crossbody for tow on Rose as everything breaks down. The parade of secondary finishers kicks off and everyone is left laying. Vickie slips Bunny the brass knuckles to knock Jay silly, leaving Rose to hit the Beast Bomb for the pin at 10:20.

Rating: C. Not too bad here as everyone was putting in the effort. There wasn’t a lot of interest here though as they put everyone into a match and let them go, with the main story being the TBS Title tournament. That’s fine on its own, but the tournament feels like it has been going on for the better part of ever and it’s hard to build up that much interest until we get to the end.

Sting and Darby Allin are being interviewed about a show in two weeks when FTR and Tully Blanchard jump them. This is really becoming a tired deal for AEW and they need to drop it for a good while.

Hook vs. Fuego del Sol

Hook takes him down by the head to start and flips him over with a headlock takeover. Fuego has to elbow his way out of something like an STF so Hook takes him into the corner for some shots to the ribs. Another suplex rocks Fuego but he’s back up with a dropkick into the corner. The tornado DDT is blocked though and Hook clotheslines him down. Some crossface shots set up the Tazmission to finish Fuego at 3:19.

Rating: C+. Well who saw that coming? Hook destroyed him and looked smooth doing so, which was quite the surprise. Hook knows his grappling and does feel like a Taz inspired wrestler. They were smart to keep this short and to the point and the match worked pretty well as a result. Total surprise, and nicely done at that.

The Elite is ready to destroy the Best Friends, who aren’t sure what this promo should be about. They steal the Bay Bay catchphrase though and Adam Cole is ready to fight.

Adam Cole vs. Wheeler Yuta

The Best Friends and the Elite are here, because you need ten people for a one on one match. Cole elbows him in the face to start but la majistral is countered into a rollup to give Yuta two. Back up and Cole hits a superkick out of the corner before avoiding a high crossbody to send Yuta crashing. Cole kicks him down again and sets up a neck crank, followed by the fireman’s carry backbreaker for…no cover as Cole is a bit too confident.

Yuta is sent outside so Cole can stare Orange Cassidy down. Back in and Yuta counters the Panama Sunrise into a cradle for two. Now the high crossbody can connect but Yuta can’t cover. An enziguri sends Cole into the corner and a top rope forearm gives Yuta two. A bridging German suplex gets the same but Cole catches him on top. Yuta gets in a slam, only to have his top rope splash hit raised knees. The Boom finishes Yuta at 7:09.

Rating: C. There wasn’t and shouldn’t have been much drama with this one, as Yuta wasn’t going to be a threat to Cole. The best part was the lack of a big brawl or all kinds of interference from everyone on the floor. It was little more than a squash for Cole, so this could have been a lot worse under some different circumstances.

Post match everyone gets in the ring but Bobby Fish comes in to take out the Best Friends. The Elite beats everyone down and Cole poses to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Not as good as some of their previous shows but still a rather nice hour of wrestling. As has been the case in recent weeks with AEW though, they are trying to put too many people and too many things on a show and everything feels rushed. That can get annoying in a hurry, along with the interrupted interviews. It’s ok to not do the same thing time after time and it would be nice for AEW to learn that with those concepts.

Lucha Bros b. FTR – Spike Fear Factor to Wheeler
Nyla Rose/Penelope Ford/Bunny b. Anna Jay/Tay Conti/Ruby Soho – Beast Bomb to Jay
Hook b. Fuego del Sol – Tazmission
Adam Cole b. Wheeler Yuta – Boom



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Rampage – November 26, 2021: The People’s Champion

Date: November 26, 2021
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Taz, Ricky Starks, Chris Jericho, Excalibur

The Chicago swing continues and this time around we have the short form show. There are a few matches announced this week, including the Confirmed Time Period vs. the Best Friends and Riho vs. Britt Baker. That makes for a good start to the show and we should be in for a fun night. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Adam Cole/Bobby Fish vs. Best Friends

Fish kicks away at Yuta to start but it’s quickly off to Cassidy vs. Cole for pockets vs. Boom. Cole blocks another pockets reach and gets flipped down by the arm. Cassidy flips around Cole to increase the frustration and it’s back to Yuta for two off a backsplash. Yuta gets taken into the corner though and the double teaming puts him in trouble. Cole kicks him down and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy getting knocked off the apron but getting back up for the hot tag anyway. Some slow motion kicks annoy Cole and Fish and it’s stereo dives to take them down on the floor. Cassidy hits a big dive on Fish and Yuta hits an even bigger frog splash for two on Cole. Stundog Millionaire into a German suplex into a jackknife cover gets the same with Fish making the save.

Fish dragon screws Cassidy’s leg and grabs a kneebar but Yuta makes a save of his own. Beach Break hits Cole but Fish drives Cassidy into the corner. Yuta is back in with a fisherman’s buster for two on Fish as Cassidy is sent into the steps. Back in and Fish catches Yuta on top, setting up a super Falcon Arrow to pin Yuta at 12:55.

Rating: B-. Solid back and forth match here with the right team winning. Cole and Fish have had some issues getting their footing but they shouldn’t be losing to this version of the Best Friends. I’m sure Cassidy will get another chance at them in the future, but this was good action with the correct ending so I can’t complain all that much.

Tony Nese wants the TNT Title on Dynamite. He isn’t impressed with Sammy Guevara, who comes in to say Nese hasn’t done a thing around here. The open challenge is accepted though and they’re on for next week. Nese punches him down and puts a knee in the bad ribs.

Riho vs. Britt Baker

Non-title, Rebel and Jamie Hayter are here with Baker and Riho gets a title shot if she wins. Riho takes her down by the arm to start but has to go to the ropes to escape a quick Lockjaw attempt. A dropkick puts Baker on the floor and Riho hits a huge dive onto all three of them. Baker gets in a shot of her own back inside though and we take a break.

Back with Baker cutting off Riho’s comeback but getting sent into the corner for the running knee. Riho misses the top rope double stomp though and it’s an Air Raid Crash for two. A northern lights suplex gives Riho two more and now the top rope double stomp can connect for two more. Baker avoids the running knees in the corner and tries the fisherman’s neckbreaker, only to get countered into a rollup for the pin at 11:11.

Rating: C+. It’s strange to see Baker lose clean but Riho is certainly a top star in the division so this is hardly some complete shock. I don’t think Riho is any real threat to win the title but at least they have something set up for later. Baker needs something to fill in her time until she’s ready for the Thunder Rosa rematch and this is a good choice.

2.0 and Daniel Garcia are ready for Eddie Kingston and promise to be all serious. Kingston tells them to shut up because they’re not ready for him.

Daniel Garcia vs. Eddie Kingston

2.0 is in Garcia’s corner. Garcia charges at him to start and gets grappled to the mat. Back up and Garcia sends him outside, where Kingston beats up 2.0 to make things easier. Kingston gets back in and Garcia stomps him down in the corner before starting in on the knee. Kingston pokes him in the eye and bites away to escape but the knee gives him trouble as we take a break.

Back with Garcia staying on the knee but Kingston gets in a shot for a breather. The Saito suplex is blocked though and Garcia is right back on the knee. The heel hook sends Kingston to the ropes so Garcia just hammers on him instead. Kingston fights back up but the knee gives out to keep him in trouble. The slugout goes to Kingston but Garcia blasts him with a running clothesline. Garcia knees him in the face, only to get caught with the Saito suplex. The spinning backfist gives Kingston the pin at 15:00.

Rating: B. I thought this was wrapping up a few times and they just kept beating on each other. Kingston is one of those guys you want to see fight so he can somehow pull out the win in the end and that’s what you got here. Garcia is a good technical villain but there is something great about someone hitting a spinning fist to the face for a pin.

Post match 2.0 comes info for the beatdown but Chris Jericho gets off commentary to make the save.

Overall Rating: B-. This was another show where they focused on the midcard stuff but it was still a good week. That’s always nice to see and it worked well here, with Kingston getting the fans into things and three quality matches. It was another hour that flew by, though I’m not sure how many people are going to see a show on a holiday weekend. At least it was good for those who watched though.

Bobby Fish/Adam Cole b. Best Friends – Super Michinoku Driver to Yuta
Riho b. Britt Baker – Cradle
Eddie Kingston b. Daniel Garcia – Spinning backfist




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Rampage – November 19, 2021: The Gunn Show

Date: November 19, 2021
Location: Chartway Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Taz, Ricky Starks

We’re fresh off of Full Gear and the next big thing, probably for their upcoming Clash Of Champions style special, is Hangman Page defending the World Title against Bryan Danielson. That will be more than enough to carry the shows for a bit, but we should be in for some other stuff this week. What other stuff? Well probably some AEW stuff. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Billy Gunn vs. Darby Allin

The Gunn Club and Sting are all here. Feeling out process to start with Gunn not seeming that worried here. A test of strength isn’t happening but Gunn hits a heck of a backdrop to send Allin bailing for a breather. Gunn follows him out and sends him back inside, albeit with a pause for a staredown with Sting. After a hug to Austin Gunn, Billy pulls Allin out from under the ropes for a crash to the floor.

Another Sting distraction doesn’t do much for Allin, who misses a dive and crashes into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Allin biting his way out of a superplex attempt and diving onto the rest of the Club. Allin gets back inside but is sent into the corner. Billy does the Sting shout but misses the Stinger Splash. Instead Allin hits a flipping Stunner into the Coffin Drop for two. Another Coffin Drop pins Gunn at 8:51.

Rating: C. Gunn still looks great but it’s hard not to look at him and think back to twenty five years ago when he was still pretty deep into his career. That being said, Allin beat him and got the win so it isn’t like they did anything crazy here. I’m not sure why Billy had to kick out of the first Coffin Drop, but the pin is what matters here.

Post match the Gunn Club beats down Sting and Allin to leave them laying. The Sting vs. Billy showdown doesn’t do much for me.

We recap CM Punk interrupting MJF without saying a word.

QT Marshall wants to beat up CM Punk in his hometown of Chicago. Various threats are made to Punk and Tony Schiavone isn’t impressed.

The Men of the Year say that the Inner Circle won at Full Gear, but this isn’t over. Beating a manager doesn’t mean anything and you’ll see American Top Team Again.

TBS Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Red Velvet vs. Jade Cargill

Velvet goes right at her to start and ducks a pump kick. Cargill tries a powerbomb but Velvet counters with a failed sunset flip attempt. A fall away slam sends Velvet flying and there’s a knee to the ribs to make it worse. Back up and Velvet kicks dropkicks her to the floor for a crash.

Velvet loads up a dive but pauses to get hung up in the ropes, allowing Cargill to get in a slap. A chokeslam onto the apron connects and we take a break with Velvet in trouble. Back with Cargill unloading in the corner and then stopping for some pushups. Velvet uses the distraction to kick away at the ribs, setting up some running knees to the back. Cargill is right back up with a big boot to the face to cut Velvet off in a hurry but Jade is blocked. The Final Slice is blocked as well though and a fast Jaded gives Cargill the pin at 9:44.

Rating: C-. While I wouldn’t call it exactly good, it is impressive to see just how far Cargill has come in a pretty short time. She did well enough in a nearly ten minute match here, which is amazing considering how short everything as for her a long time. Velvet has gotten a lot better to and it’s great to see that much progress. She’ll get there one day, but this was Cargill’s to win.

Thunder Rosa is ready to beat Jamie Hayter and move on to the next round. Rosa yells in Spanish a lot.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

CM Punk is ready to face QT Marshall in Chicago. You don’t come into his hometown on the day before Thanksgiving because we’ll find out who the turkey is.

We look back at the confrontation between Bryan Danielson and Hangman Page on Wednesday with Danielson going evil before their title match.

We get the face to face showdown between the Superkliq and Bobby Fish and Jurassic Express/Christian Cage. Cole rants about the Conchairto being used to try to get rid of them but Jungle Boy talks about how he has beaten Fish before. Christian thinks it’s interesting to see the Superkliq talk when they have the numbers advantage. Fish can be there, but Cage is bringing his own friend, which means a chair.

Bobby Fish/Adam Cole vs. Jurassic Express

Jungle Boy chops at Cole to start and hits the very spinny springboard armdrag. Cole kicks him in the face and brings Fish in to strike away in the corner. Back up and Jungle Boy starts spinning around a bit more, including the same spinny springboard armdrag. Luchasaurus comes in to clean more house on Fish but a cheap shot slows Jungle Boy down.

The villains start beating on Jungle Boy in the corner as we take a break. Back with Jungle Boy fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a rebound lariat. That’s broken up but Jungle Boy can’t get to the ropes. Cole misses the Boom though and it’s Luchasaurus getting the tag to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Express starts cleaning house. The Extinction Level Event gets two on Cole but Luchasaurus is sent outside.

What used to be Chasing the Dragon gets a very close/surprising near fall on Jungle Boy. The Snare Trap is blocked but a springboard is cut off by Cole’s superkick. The Panama Sunrise is countered into a powerbomb but Fish breaks up the cover. Fish hits a running splash to Jungle Boy in the corner and it’s time to kick at the legs. Jungle Boy suplexes a charging Fish into the corner and here are the Young Bucks for a distraction. Christian comes out to chase off Cole and the Bucks, leaving Jungle Boy to Snare Trap Fish for the tap at 15:07.

Rating: B. This one felt like a big time tag match and that’s how ti should have gone. Above all else, Jungle Boy’s star continues to rise and it would not surprise me to see him move into more of a solo act going forward. Fish is there to take the fall on the reunion tour, which leaves Cole and Jungle Boy strong for their eventual faceoff.

Replays and posing take us out.

Overall Rating: C+. Not one of their stronger Rampages, but it was still a fine show with a good main event. There wasn’t a major match taking place this week, though Jungle Boy getting a big win in the main event was good for him. If this is on the weaker ends of this show, it is going to be just fine going forward.

Darby Allin b. Billy Gunn – Coffin Drop
Jade Cargill b. Red Velvet – Jaded
Jurassic Express b. Adam Cole/Bobby Fish – Snare Trap to Fish



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Rampage – November 5, 2021: Maybe The Best AEW Promo Ever

Date: November 5, 2021
Location: Chafetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Ricky Starks, Taz, Excalibur

It’s another live show this week and that could be a good thing. The big story this week is a face to face showdown between CM Punk and Eddie Kingston, meaning it’s time to get the popcorn ready. The talking alone should be great to hear and you can all but write in the Full Gear match from here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Anthony Bowens

Max Caster is here with Bowens and raps about how Danielson loves cucumbers, is famous for his wife’s reality show, has skinny legs and a father in law who kills wrestlers’ careers (Johnny Ace). Excalibur completely butchers the Full Gear announcement, saying that’s one week from tonight (try again), before saying it’s Saturday November 30 (that’s a Tuesday) and FINALLY getting it right with Saturday November 13.

Danielson goes after the arm to start but Bowens runs him over with a shoulder. Some kicks to the face don’t do much to Danielson, who is back with a kick to the chest. They fight to the floor though and Danielson is sent into the barricade. Caster gets in a shot of his own and we take a break. Back with Danielson kicking away again, including the running dropkick in the corner.

Another misses though and a twisting DDT out of the corner gets two. Danielson is back up and kicks Caster off the apron, setting up a big dive to take both of them down. Back in and a missile dropkick sets up the arm trap stomps to Bowens’ head. The LeBell Lock finishes for Danielson at 9:02.

Rating: C. They kept this to the point as Danielson was only in trouble when Caster interfered. Other than that, Danielson picked Bowens apart before finishing him off, which is all it needed to be. This was more or less a way to get Danielson on the show without having to do much, which has been the case more than once recently.

MJF gets a payoff from Andrade El Idolo for renting out FTR. With MJF gone, FTR is happy with winning the Tag Team Titles back at Full Gear. As for this week though, Dax Harwood didn’t see Pac out there so maybe they can get together on Dynamite. Top Guys out.

Here is CM Punk to say it’s nice to be back in St. Louis before calling out Eddie Kingston for a chat. There’s no Kingston, so Punk thinks he needs to talk more because Kingston likes to interrupt people and be rude. Now here is a rather serious Kingston, who doesn’t think much of Punk wanting an apology. Punk says Kingston interrupted him last week and that’s a little condescending.

Kingston mocks “the great CM Punk” and says he wasn’t at Dynamite because he was getting checked for Covid so he wouldn’t get everyone sick. We get the world’s smallest violin for Punk and a rather forced (and short) apology. Kingston wants to know who Punk is but Punk doesn’t think much of the apology. After mocking Punk some more, Kingston talks about how Punk was one of his heroes when he was getting into the business.

We hear some more names (Samoa Joe, Homicide, Amazing Red etc.) who inspired Kingston before he talks about how Punk is a narcissistic son of a b****. Kingston goes into a rant about how Punk disrespected him for being fat and not playing the right backstage politics. Punk thinks Kingston is putting a lot of baggage on him because the reality is a lot of people judged Kingston for falling short of that mark.

It wasn’t Punk’s fault for Bryan Danielson beating Eddie Kingston last week. It was Punk’s fault for expecting greatness from someone who is a bum. That one gets to Kingston, who asks if a bum would headline Full Gear and make it (Kingston: “This is a shot”) to the ONLY professional wrestling company in the world today. The whole locker room wants Punk out of here but Kingston is the only one willing to say it.

The challenge is on for Full Gear but Punk thinks Full Gear is a little high bar for Kingston. Maybe something like Dark or Elevation because that’s more Kingston’s speed (oh that was a good one). Kingston: “FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME AT FULL GEAR!” Punk polls the crowd and the match is on for Full Gear. Before Punk can leave, Kingston says he’ll beat him up and then Punk can go away for seven more years. The fight is on and here are the referees and security to break it up.

This was VERY different and one of the most emotional things AEW has ever done. I bought everything Kingston was saying as he blamed Punk for everything that has happened to him in his career. Punk acknowledged how good Kingston was but also his shortcomings, which is a reality he doesn’t want to face. Awesome stuff here and I’m down for these two having one heck of a fight on pay per view.

Christian Cage mocks the idea of the Superkliq calling themselves tough guys. Jungle Boy throws out the challenge for the six man tag at Full Gear, Falls Count Anywhere.

TBS Title Tournament First Found: The Bunny vs. Red Velvet

Velvet charges to the ring to start fast and they’re on the floor in a hurry. Velvet yells at Jade Cargill in the crowd but gets jumped from behind, allowing Bunny to kick her into the steps. Back in and Velvet grabs a rollup for two but Bunny hits a superkick. A kick to the stomach drops Bunny though though and the Final Slice gives Velvet the pin at 3:38.

Rating: C-. They made the right call by keeping this short as these two are only going to be able to do so much in a longer match. Their in-ring work isn’t their strong suit so let them stay out there, get their stuff in and get out before they overstay their welcome. That’s the right way to go with something like this and it worked out well enough.

We get the face to face interview with John Silver and Adam Cole. Mark Henry explains the BUDGE deal (thank you) from Silver’s interview on Dynamite but Cole doesn’t want to hear about this. Silver: “Budge got a boo boo!” Cole does have a banged up head after the Conchairto but he’s still ready to take Silver apart.

Full Gear rundown, with Jurassic Express/Christian Cage vs. Superkliq confirmed.

John Silver vs. Adam Cole

The Dark Order and the Young Bucks are here too. Silver mocks Cole’s pose to start and gets kicked in the head for his efforts. Cole is a little slowed due to the Conchairto aftereffects though and Silver gets in a few shots. That’s it for now though as Cole snapmares him to the floor, setting up the camel clutch into the double kiss from the Young Bucks.

We take a break and come back with the two slugging it out, with Silver getting the better of things. A suplex attempt is countered into the brainbuster onto the knee to give Cole two but Silver runs him over again. The Bucks try to get involved but here is the Dark Order to cut them off. Silver blocks the low blow and hits a heck of a helicopter bomb for two. A superplex is broken up though and Cole hits a superkick into the Boom for the pin at 11:03.

Rating: C+. Not too shabby here with Cole’s head issues making it more of a fair match. I don’t think there was any serious doubt about Cole winning, but they did what they could to make it interesting. Throw in the good near fall off the helicopter bomb and this was one of the best showings that Silver has ever had.

Overall Rating: B-. That Punk vs. Kingston promo alone is more than worth a watch here as it was about as invested as I can remember being in an exchange for a long time in two people talking. This show helped set up some things for Full Gear and felt like more of the third hour of Dynamite. That isn’t always the case here, but it’s nice to have as an option when you need to get some more things done.

Bryan Danielson b. Anthony Bowens – LeBell Lock
Red Velvet b. The Bunny – Final Slice
Adam Cole b. John Silver – The Boom



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Rampage – October 29, 2021: The AEW Formula

Date: October 29, 2021
Location: Agganis Arena, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Ricky Starks, Taz

It’s another big night as we have a potential classic on our hands with Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston. If that isn’t enough, we also have Britt Baker vs. Abadon in a street fight and Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal Part III. Rampage benefits a lot from the shorter time frame so they should be good to go again here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

World Title Eliminator Tournament Semifinals: Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston drives him up against the ropes to start and fires off a hard chop. More chops in the corner rock Danielson but he moonsaults over Kingston to set up the running clothesline. Kingston needs a breather on the floor but comes back in and blocks a single leg. Instead it’s Danielson being taken into the corner for more hard chops and a running knee to the ribs.

Danielson staggers around with his chest getting very red until Kingston pulls him down into a chinlock. More chops have Danielson’s chest looking BAD as we take a break. Back with Danielson kicking Kingston down on the floor but walking into a Saito suplex. Danielson beats the count so Kingston suplexes him again for two more, setting up something like a dragon sleeper. Kingston puts Danielson (whose chest is somehow looking worse) on top but a top rope superplex is broken up with a headbutt.

Danielson crotches him on top and hits the belly to back superplex to put them both down. Some AFFIRMATIVE Kicks have Kingston rocked and a big kick to the head puts him down again. Danielson goes for the arm but Kingston slips out, setting up the backfist to the head. They’re both down so the fans give them a standing ovation. Kingston goes to pick him up but gets pulled into the triangle choke. Danielson elbows away so Kingston flips him off and passes out at 16:24.

Rating: B+. This was a heck of a beating with Danielson’s chest alone making it worth a look. They didn’t bother with a ton of traditional wrestling here and just went with hitting each other really hard for a long time. Danielson was fighting from beneath here and Kingston continues to look like a star. You feel like he could win a big match and it would be cool to see him do so at some point. The reaction alone would be worth it.

Post match, Kingston walked away from the offer of a handshake.

CM Punk is having a good week but a ranting and raving Eddie Kingston comes in. Some wrestlers break it up and Punk offers to put Kingston to sleep again.

Matt Sydal vs. Dante Martin

It’s part three of a trilogy and Lio Rush is here with Martin. They stare each other down to start and take their time, with commentary thinking they’re off to a classic. Neither can hit a snapmare but Martin sends him outside for the middle rope moonsault to drop Sydal one more time.

We take a break and come back with Sydal kicking at the legs to slow Martin down but Martin goes after the knee as well. Sydal goes up but gets shoved off the top, only to avoid Martin coming off the top. The Lightning Spiral is blocked as well and Martin hits the double springboard moonsault press for the pin at 10:59.

Rating: B. Sometimes you find someone who can take an art form to another level and that is what Martin has been doing. Those flips are so smooth that you can’t help but watch, which can make it hard to keep track of in a match that moves so fast. Sydal kept up with him well enough, but this was about showcasing Martin and it did so rather well.

We get the face to face with Abadon and Britt Baker. Abadon can’t talk but Baker says she has some tricks for her. Then Abadon disappears so let’s move on to the main event.

Abadon vs. Britt Baker

Non-title and anything goes, with Abadon getting a title shot if she can win. Jamie Hayter and Rebel, as zombies, are here too. Feeling out process to start with Baker bailing out to the floor in a hurry. Rebel and Hayter grab a table and we take an early break. Back with Abadon putting a chair on Baker and hitting a running backsplash.

Baker sends her face first into a chair in the corner and they head to the apron. The swinging neckbreaker sends them both onto (not through) the table and a suplex doesn’t put Abadon through it either. Abadon does the zombie situp and pulls out the thumbtacks, which has Baker panicking. A Rock Bottom onto the tacks gives Abadon two but Baker pelts a chair at her head.

Baker wraps a chair around Abadon’s neck for the running stomp but Abadon gets back up. Baker puts tacks in Abadon’s mouth and superkicks her, setting up Lockjaw. Abadon bites her way to freedom so Hayter comes in to deck Abadon. That doesn’t work so Abadon grabs Rebel, allowing Baker to roll her into the tacks for the pin at 11:18.

Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling this one as much but it still told a story. Abadon continues to be the other world monster and Baker survived rather than beating her. This was all about the Halloween feeling and while some of the stuff they were doing was a bit excessive for a match in this setting, it did at least have some logic behind the setup.

Overall Rating: B+. They went with a formula that has worked well for AEW for a long time now: have some awesome matches and let the fans go nuts. That’s all you need to do sometimes and when AEW gets it right, they have something special. This was a very enjoyable show, though I have no idea how many people actually saw it with the World Series on at the same time.

Bryan Danielson b. Eddie Kingston – Triangle choke
Dante Martin b. Matt Sydal – Double springboard moonsault
Britt Baker b. Abadon – Rollup into tacks



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Rampage – October 22, 2021: More Doors Are Open

Date: October 22, 2021
Location: James L. Knight Center, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Ricky Starks, Excalibur, Chris Jericho

It’s tournament time as we get the first match in the World Title #1 contenders tournament. That alone should be enough, but we also get a rematch between Andrade El Idolo and Pac. The first one was a heck of a fight and the rematch could live up to the expectations so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

World Title Eliminator Tournament First Round: Orange Cassidy vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Cassidy has bad ribs coming in. We see a clip of Cassidy beating an unknown Hobbs in twelve seconds in July 2020, with Taz promising that will not happen again. Hobbs hits a spinebuster for an early two as Matt Hardy is pleased from the crowd. Cassidy’s ribs are bent around the post and a side slam gives Hobbs two. A clothesline cuts off Cassidy’s comeback attempt and we take a break.

Back with Hobbs staying on the ribs, including a torture rack. Jericho: “When’s the last time you saw a torture rack???” Yesterday at Crown Jewel. Cassidy slips out and grabs a small package for two but the Orange Punch is pulled out of the air. Some splashes in the corner have Cassidy in more trouble but the referee threatens to DQ Hobbs. That means some yelling, allowing Cassidy to grab the Mouse Trap for the pin at 8:18.

Rating: C-. That wasn’t much as Cassidy was getting squashed until he scored a quick rollup win. It’s the right call as we’re getting Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley in the second round, but it wasn’t exactly the best way to get there. That being said, if this is as bad as things get, they’re going to be just fine.

Here is Penta El Zero Miedo for a chat but hold on because he sees Las Super Ranas in the crowd. Since FTR apparently now has a six inch height difference, Penta goes over to them, allowing the real FTR to jump him from behind. Pac makes the save.

Britt Baker vs. Anna Jay

Non-title and Baker has Jamie Hayter and Rebel with her. Baker takes her up against the ropes to start but has to fight out of the Queenslayer attempt. Anna grabs a headlock so Baker fights up, only to get Downward Spiraled into a Koji Clutch. That’s broken up as well and Baker sends her face first into the corner and we take a break.

Back with Baker cutting off a comeback with a swinging neckbreaker but it’s time to load up the glove. The Lockjaw is blocked though and it’s off to some grappling on the mat, with Anna getting in the Queenslayer. Hayter offers a distraction though and the hold is broken, only to have Anna grab it again. Baker can’t climb the corner to flip back over so it’s a rope break for the escape instead. Back up and Baker hits a superkick to set up Lockjaw for the tap at 10:30.

Rating: B-. As Jericho said on commentary, that’s probably Jay’s best match ever as she was working hard and fighting for the one move she has that could beat Baker. Ultimately though, Baker is that much better than Jay and had the numbers advantage to make it worse. Jay might be a star someday, but she still needs a lot more ring time to really make it a reality.

Post match Baker puts it on again but Tay Conti comes in to make the save. The villains bail and Conti holds up the title.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

Here are the brackets for the TBS Title tournament:

Thunder Rosa

Anna Jay
Jamie Hayter

Jade Cargill

The Bunny
Red Velvet

Nyla Rose

Serena Deeb
Hikaru Shida

Kris Statlander

Penelope Ford
Ruby Soho

I’ve seen far worse brackets.

Tony Schiavone handles the face to face interview between Andrade El Idolo and Pac. Andrade promises to beat Pac tonight and brags about having friends around the world. Pac cuts Tony off and says this should have been settled weeks ago. Now it is time to settle this man to man.

Pac vs. Andrade El Idolo

Everyone else is barred from ringside. Pac wastes no time in knocking Andrade outside and hitting the big dive. Back in and the Black Arrow is broken up but Pac is right back to his feet to pick up the pace. Pac goes to the apron, where Andrade scores with a running boot to the face to put him on the floor. A running corkscrew dive takes Pac down again and we take a break with both of them outside.

Back with Andrade getting a near fall off Three Amigos and kicking Pac in the head to cut him off again. Andrade tries a slingshot dropkick but falls off the apron and crashes hard down to the floor. Pac whips him back first into an open chair but can’t get the Brutalizer back inside.

Andrade pulls him out to the apron and they slug it out until Pac is draped over the top rope. That lets Andrade jump back in and then right back out for a DDT to drive Pac into the apron for a nasty landing. Back in and Pac hits a brainbuster for two but Andrade hits him in the face. The hammerlock DDT is countered into a rollup for two so Andrade tries it again, only to get small packaged to give Pac the pin at 16:20.

Rating: B. As commentary was saying, there are some people who just have chemistry and that is the case with these two. They compliment each other well and it made for a better match here. It has been a nice miniseries on Rampage instead of putting it on Dynamite where it would likely get lost in the shuffle. Good match here and it felt like a showdown, which is what they were trying to do.

Post match the lights are out….and it’s Malakai Black to mist Pac. Andrade tells Black to bring in a chair but Arn Anderson comes out to point at Black (ala Kenny Omega, though I doubt that was intentional). Cue Cody Rhodes to clear out Andrade and powerslam Black. The threat of a chair shot sends Black bailing to end the show. That opens up a lot of doors and hopefully most of them don’t lead to Cody.

Overall Rating: B-. The opener wasn’t great but the rest of the show was quite good and moved some things forward. Dynamite is feeling big and they are slowly starting to set up Full Gear, which is coming up sooner than later. All in all, this was a good night though and the hour run time continues to be a great change of pace from Dynamite.

Orange Cassidy b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Mousetrap
Britt Baker b. Anna Jay – Lockjaw
Pac b. Andrade El Idolo – Small package


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New Column: Friday Night Highlights

In which I ramble and lose my train of thought about last Friday.



Rampage – October 8, 2021: The Wrestling Edition

Date: October 8, 2021
Location: Licouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Chris Jericho

We’re still in front of one of the hottest crowds of the year and that should do a lot of good for the card. This is another stacked show as we have CM Punk vs. Daniel Garcia, the Tag Team Titles on the line and the Brian Cage challenging Ricky Starks for the FTW Title in a street fight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We start with Mark Henry’s split screen interview. Daniel Garcia and 2.0 say that CM Punk walked away from wrestling when the focus wasn’t all on him anymore but now he’s back to get the attention. Punk isn’t worried about that and is here to face Garcia because of his skill. Oh and 2.0 are like the Nasty Boys’ little brothers.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Garcia

2.0 is here with Garcia. Punk wins a test of strength to put Garcia down, setting up a crossarm choke. Back up and Punk sends him into the corner so Garcia slows things down a bit. A heel hook sends Garcia to the ropes so Punk comes back with a few slams. As commentary talks about how great the slam can be, Garcia takes Punk down and wraps his leg around the post.

We take a break and come back with Garcia staying on the leg. Punk can’t suplex his way to freedom and it’s off to another leglock. Back up and Punk avoids a running dropkick in the corner, setting up the strike off. Punk uses the good leg for a leg lariat into a neckbreaker, setting up the running knee in the corner. Garcia is fine enough to hit an Angle Slam for two but Punk grabs the Pepsi Twist for two of his own. That’s broken up with Punk kicking him to the floor for the big dive onto Garcia and 2.0. Back in and Punk busts out a piledriver, setting up the Anaconda Vice for the tap at 14:15.

Rating: B. This is one of the reasons that Punk was brought in. The match made Garcia look better than he ever has and he got to beat Punk up for a bit. You don’t get to see that happen very often and it was probably the biggest match of his career. Punk breaks a sweat and has a rather good match while Garcia looks solid in defeat. Not bad, and what Punk is there to do (partially).

Matt Sydal doesn’t think Lio Rush has anything to offer Dante Martin. Rush doesn’t like that and offers to get Sydal a match with CM Punk next week. Works for Sydal.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. Acclaimed

The Acclaimed are challenging and rap about how they’re going to win the titles. The Bros get jumped from behind before the bell, earning the Acclaimed a bunch of kicks to the head to knock them silly. More kicks take things to the floor where a boom box shot has Fenix in trouble. That leaves the Acclaimed to take turns putting Penta in trouble but he DDTs his way to freedom.

That’s enough to bring Fenix in for some kicks of his own, plus a cutter to drop Caster. Penta and Caster are back up with superkicks but Fenix hits a double handspring cutter to put everyone down. Back up and Bowens hits Fenix in the face but Penta breaks up the Mic Drop. The spike Fear Factor retains the titles at 5:19.

Rating: C. They were going fast here and packed a lot into just five minutes. That’s what you expect out of the Lucha Bros and the Acclaimed did well enough to keep up with them. It wasn’t supposed to be a match with drama and they didn’t really come close to it, but it was a completely fine short form TV title defense.

Various women want the TBS Title.

Jade Cargill vs. Skye Blue

Cargill isn’t happy that Blue wants the TBS Title. Jade avoids a shot off the top to start and hits a pump kick. Jaded finishes Blue at 1:08.

Post match Cargill stays on Blue but Thunder Rosa makes the save with a chair.

We get the face to face interview between Ricky Starks and Brian Cage. Starks isn’t scared of Cage but Cage says no one is better than him. Henry hits his catchphrase.

FTW Title: Ricky Starks vs. Brian Cage

Starks is defending in a street fight. Cage starts fast and chairs Starks in the back. They head outside with Cage throwing him over the barricade, followed by some chops against the apron. There’s a whip into the barricade to keep Starks in trouble and it’s time to bring out the trashcan full of weapons. Back in and Starks grabs half of a pool cue to hit Cage in the ribs and face.

We take a break and come back with Starks hitting him in the face with a chain. A legdrop with a trashcan lid gets two on Cage but he cuts Starks off with a superkick. Starks gets dropped onto the trashcan so Taz calls out Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs. The distraction is enough for Starks to get in a belt shot and the spear for two, with Starks losing it over the near fall. Another spear hits a chair in the corner and the discus lariat blasts Starks but Hobbs makes a save. Hook breaks up the apron superplex though and the bleeding Starks hits Ro Sham Bo to retain at 10:43.

Rating: C+. This was a good fight and that’s what they were going for. I haven’t been overly interested in their feud, mainly because it has taken so long to get here, but at least the blowoff (or what should be the blowoff) was good. Both guys need to move on and in Cage’s case, he needs to move on rather far.

Team Taz celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. They focused on the wrestling this week and that’s a good thing. The hour flew by and had multiple solid matches, making this one of the higher quality editions of the show so far. The Philadelphia crow was going to cheer for anything and they had a lot to get excited about here, so well done on a rather fine show.

CM Punk b. Daniel Garcia – Anaconda Vice
Lucha Bros b. Acclaimed – Spike Fear Factor to Bowens
Jade Cargill b. Skye Blue – Jaded
Ricky Starks b. Brian Cage – Ro Sham Bo


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Rampage – October 1, 2021: CM Punk Sounds Hungry

Date: October 1, 2021
Location: Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, New York
Commentators: Taz, Ricky Starks, Excalibur

It’s time for a special night as we have two big matches on the same show. First of all, we’ll be seeing Bryan Danielson facing Nick Jackson in a match that could be rather interesting. Other than that, Jack Evans is putting his hair on the line against Orange Cassidy, as per Matt Hardy’s orders. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson

They start slowly until the threat of some strikes send Danielson outside. Nick spends too much time getting some cold spray that Danielson is right there with the suicide dive. Back in and Danielson takes him down into the surfboard/Dragon Sleeper. Not that it matters as Danielson is right back up with a flip into a rebound clothesline to take over.

A cross armbreaker sends Nick over to the ropes but Danielson is right back on the arm. Danielson suplexes him down to set up a hammerlock, complete with knees to make the arm worse. Back up and Danielson misses the running dropkick in the corner to put him on the floor. Matt Jackson gets in some cheap shots of his own and we take a break. Back with Danielson not being phased by the YES Kicks before firing off his own in the corner.

The moonsault into the running clothesline sets up the big kick to the head for two on Nick. The LeBell Lock is broken up in a hurry so they head to the apron, with Danielson kicking the post by mistake and getting suplexed hard. Nick hits a big flip dive and it’s a Scorpion Deathlock to put Danielson in trouble back inside. With that broken up, Nick hits a superkick but Danielson is back with a tiger suplex. The hard elbows to the face rock Nick again and Cattle Mutilation gives Danielson the win at 15:32.

Rating: B. This worked much better than I would have expected, as Danielson pulled Jackson in and eventually caught him in a hold. You can see a good difference between the two, as Nick is all about hitting whatever he can while Danielson feels more controlled and going with what he’s looking for each time. It made for a good match though and that is one of the reasons you have Danielson on the show.

Post match the Elite comes in for the beatdown but Jurassic Express and Christian Cage come in for the save. Danielson and Jungle Boy make Kenny Omega and Adam Cole tap.

We get a video from Ricky Starks, who is absolute in the fact that he is not scared of Brian Cage. This is reaching Blood Runs Cold levels of GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!

CM Punk talks about how the only reason he beat Will Hobbs is experience. People are starting to get that he is back and people are going to be gunning for him. That’s what he wants, because he would rather choke on greatness than starve on mediocrity. Going to sleep is always on the menu.

Jade Cargill vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa

Rosa kicks Cargill down to start but gets planted by Rose. Cargill makes the save and we get the big power showdown with Rosa being knocked outside. That leaves Rosa to hit a missile dropkick and we take a break. Back with Rosa hitting a running dropkick to Cargill against the ropes, followed by another involving a trashcan. Rose sends Rosa outside and grabs a half crab on Cargill, with Rosa making the save this time. Rosa has to win a fight on the apron and powerbombs Rose off the apron through a table at ringside. Back in and Cargill unloads on Rosa with a chair for the pin at 9:06.

Rating: C. Just a match here and I’m not sure how much it really accomplished. Cargill was able to win a match that went a little longer than usual, but seeing Rosa lose, especially when Rose is right there, isn’t the easiest thing to see. Rosa has been waiting to break through for a long time now and it seems we’ll be waiting even longer. It’s hardly some death sentence, but it’s a bit frustrating.

Malakai Black says the black mist to Cody Rhodes came from the heart. There is more destruction coming for the Nightmare Family.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

We get the face to face interview between Jack Evans/Matt Hardy and Orange Cassidy. Evans is ready to win but Cassidy doesn’t know what a hair vs. hair match is. Once he figures it out, he decides he won’t lose.

Jack Evans vs. Orange Cassidy

Matt Hardy is here with Evans and his distraction lets Evans get in a rollup for two. Cassidy is back with the lazy kicks before spinning Evans around by the hair. Hardy gets in a cheap shot though and Evans adds a spinning kick from the apron. A 450 from the apron crushes Cassidy and we take a break.

Back with Evans countering the tornado DDT into a northern lights suplex. A Michinoku Driver gets two and a standing sky twister press hits Cassidy for the same. Cassidy is right back with the tornado DDT and the top rope DDT gets two more. Cue the Hardy Family Office to even things up but the Dark Order, Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta to cut them off (because Cassidy vs. Evans needed the extras). The Orange Punch finishes Evans at 9:04.

Rating: C. The wrestling wasn’t the point here, but that has never stopped AEW from having WAY too many people come out during a match. Cassidy winning was never in question here and that’s fine, as it is nice to see him in this lower level feud instead of up near the top of the card. This is where he thrives and feels more like a star, so nice job of figuring that out.

Post match Hardy and company leave, so Evans can get his hair cut. Cassidy even sweeps up the hair, which is turned into a mustache for Negative One. The big hug ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This is what I wanted from Rampage: supplementing matches stories that get their main focus on Dynamite and giving other stories more attention than they are going to get on the main show. It made for a very easy to watch hour and that’s how this show should go. Nicely done, and they seem to be figuring out the Rampage formula.

Bryan Danielson b. Nick Jackson – Cattle Mutilation
Jade Cargill b. Thunder Rosa and Nyla Rose – Chair shot
Orange Cassidy b. Jack Evans – Orange Punch



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Rampage – September 24, 2021 (Grand Slam): The One Off Special

Date: September 24, 2021
Location: Arthur Ashe Tennis Stadium, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Ricky Starks

It’s the second half of AEW’s New York Adventures and that’s not a bad thing. This week’s Dynamite was huge and this is the biggest Rampage to date, clocking in at two hours instead of the usual one. I’m not sure what that is going to mean, but odds are it’s going to be fun. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

CM Punk vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hook is here with Hobbs. Punk, in trunks for a change, goes after Hobbs to start but a single shot sends him down on the ropes. Hobbs plants him down and we hit the neck crank to keep Punk in trouble. Punk’s comeback includes a knee to the ribs but Hobbs runs him over again and seems to be toying with him so far. A running crotch attack on the ropes hits Punk and we take an early break.

Back with Punk fighting out of a bearhug and striking away, including a running shot to the face to put Hobbs down. The top rope elbow gets two (and has Team Taz freaking out on commentary) but the GTS is countered. Hobbs plants him with a spinebuster for two more and then drops Punk again to cut off a comeback.

The Oakland Stampede gives Hobbs two more but Punk catches him top top. A super hurricanrana gives Punk two off the big crash. Punk’s cross armbreaker is countered into a powerbomb and it’s time to slug it out. Hook gets up for a distraction but Punk sends Hobbs into him, setting up the GTS for the pin at 13:35.

Rating: C+. Hobbs got a lot in this and that’s the reason you put him in there with someone like Punk. They had a good fight here and Punk survived, likely setting up the big match with Ricky Starks down the line. The Team Taz feud gives Punk a chance to shake off some rust and that’s the right idea, without burning through some big matches.

Thunder Rosa isn’t scared of Jade Cargill or Nyla Rose and fights on her own.

Superkliq vs. Christian Cage/Jurassic Express

Don Callis is on commentary and a lot of the Elite is here too. Christian takes Matt down to start as Callis takes shots at the “Stanford Supermax.” Matt comes in and gets taken down as well with Jungle Boy adding the running kick to the face. Cole runs away from Jungle but the Bucks take over on Jungle’s arm. Everything breaks down and the chase is on outside, with Jungle charging into a double superkick. Jungle is brought back inside for a double dropkick and we take a break.

Back with Jungle not being able to get away for the hot tag until he sends the Bucks into each other. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Luchasaurus to clean house, including the big Tail Whip. Matt head fakes Jungle to plant him with a DDT but More Bang For Your Buck is broken up. The Snare Trap has Matt in trouble until a save is made.

A running clothesline drops Matt and everything breaks down again. The brawl heads to the ramp, where Matt hits Christian low and throws him off the stage. That leaves Cole to hit a Shining Wizard on Luchasaurus, followed by the Panama Sunrise. The Bucks are back in for the BTE Trigger into the Boom (Last Shot) for the pin at 14:38.

Rating: B-. This was the all action match that it should have been and Cole getting the pin is the right way to go. As little as I need to see a subset in the Elite, Cole getting pushed is the right idea for now. He has the spark at the moment and it makes sense to go with him. It’s not like the Bucks need to win anything right now anyway.

Men of the Year vs. Chris Jericho/Jake Hager

Dan Lambert is here with the Men of the Year. Jericho and Sky start things off but it’s quickly off to Hager to pummel Page in the corner. Like a good veteran, Jericho gets in some choking in the corner, allowing Hager to get one off a belly to belly. Jericho comes back in but gets taken into the wrong corner as we go to a break.

Back with Hager in trouble for a change but he manages a running shot to the face to get a breather. The hot tag brings in Jericho to face Sky, plus a triangle dropkick to Page. The top rope ax handle drops Sky and the Lionsault is good for two. Everything breaks down and it’s an ankle lock to Page and the Walls to Sky as we take a break…and come back a second later to officially start the second hour. Both holds are broken and Jericho slingshot dives onto Page. Lambert trips Hager though and Sky grabs a small package for the pin at 11:01.

Rating: C+. Another perfectly fine match as Lambert and company get to run their mouths some more. That’s why you have someone like him around and it should work out when someone finally shuts him up. The Men of the Year aren’t the most thrilling team, but at least they’re getting to do something else.

Post match Jericho and Hager go after Lambert but a bunch of MMA guys come out to surround the ring. The big beatdown is on, including Paige VanZandt getting in some shots to Jericho’s ribs. A running knee leaves Jericho laying.

Lucha Bros/Santana/Ortiz vs. Hardy Family Office

Butcher and the Blade/Private Party for the Office here as this company continues to love itself some tag matches. The good guys start fast and send the Office outside for the huge quadruple dive (that was awesome). Back in and it’s another big brawl with the Office taking over for a change. Matt Hardy loads up some scissors but here is Orange Cassidy to cut things off.

Cassidy takes out Jack Evans and we take a break. Back with Fenix handing it off to Ortiz to clean house. Penta hits a torture rack backbreaker onto Quen and kicks Butcher in the leg for a bonus. Back in and Fenix kicks Butcher in the face but Blade kicks him in the face to even things up. Quen misses his shooting star though and Penta hits the Sling Blade. The spike Fear Factor hits Quen and the Street Sweeper is enough for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: B-. What we got was fun and there were all kinds of high spots, with that four way dive looking great. You don’t watch a match like this to have people stand out and there is nothing wrong with that. Santana and Ortiz getting the hometown win is a good thing, though the show is running very heavy on tags so far.

Matt Hardy isn’t happy with Orange Cassidy and he’s going to watch Penelope Ford beat Anna Jay to make himself feel better. As for Cassidy though, he’s issuing the challenge for a hair vs. hair match. If Cassidy has the guts, he can put his hair on the line against….Jack Evans. Matt to Evans: “YOU BETTER WIN!”

Sammy Guevara and Fuego del Sol come out for Sammy’s cue card deal but Miro jumps both of them and the beatdown is on. Fuego is tossed HARD off the stage and Game Over leaves Sammy down.

Andrade doesn’t like someone interfering in his matches like Chavo Guerrero did. Now he wants to beat Pac with no interference.

Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

Jay jumps her on the ramp to start fast and the low bridges Ford outside. Back in and a hook kick drops Ford and sets up a choke but here is the Bunny for a distraction. Ford drapes her over the top and kicks her out to the ramp as the beating begins. We take a break and come back with a slugout but the Bunny throws in the brass knuckles to knock Jay out for the pin at 6:48.

Rating: C-. This was a quick one and it didn’t get to showcase much. Jay continues to feel like a star but this is mainly going to be about Tay Conti at the end of the day. They’re a good team together and have done rather well so far. I could see either of them getting a nice push out of this feud, once they get to the big blowoff tag match.

Post match the beatdown is on so here is Tay Conti for the save, only to get dropped with the knuckles as well. The Hardy Family Office comes out to stand tall but here are Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander, with the Dark Order joining them, giving us about fifteen people in one segment. The Dark Order clears the ring but Stu Grayson and Evil Uno walk away.

We get the face to face showdown between Lance Archer/Minoru Suzuki and Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston. They want to fight so Mark Henry hits the catchphrase to get us out in a hurry.

Lance Archer/Minoru Suzuki vs. Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston

Lights out, meaning anything goes. Suzuki and Archer jump them to start with Suzuki and Moxley having their chair duel on the ramp. With that broken up, Suzuki and Kingston go inside to chop it out, with Suzuki laughing a lot. Kingston sweeps the leg and grabs a table. That goes badly as Suzuki kicks Kingston through the table in the corner but Moxley is back in to forearm Archer.

That’s broken up and Archer chokeslams Moxley off the apron onto a pile of people outside. It doesn’t last long as Moxley and Suzuki slug it out inside until Archer puts a belt around Moxley’s throat for a hanging. We take a break and come back with Moxley’s hands duct taped behind his back so Archer can get in another whip with the belt. Suzuki grabs a half crab but legs it go for no apparent reason. Archer holds Moxley in place so Suzuki can hit/bite him.

Moxley avoids a charge in the corner though and Kingston, with his left arm hanging, comes in to clean house. A poke to the eye sets up some machine gun chops to stagger Archer in the corner. That’s broken up and some chairs are set back to back. Archer loads up the Blackout but here is Homicide of all people to clean house with a chair. Some spinning backfists and the Paradigm Shift from a freed Moxley put Archer down, but Kingston puts him in a trashcan instead of covering. A bunch of kendo stick shots to the trashcan knock Archer silly for the pin at 15:10.

Rating: C. I couldn’t get into this one as it felt like a long segment at times, especially with the Moxley beating going on for the better part of ever. It also doesn’t exactly make Moxley and Kingston look that great to need someone to come in and save them, but that was more for the live crowd than anything else. Pretty good brawl, but it wasn’t exactly anything that kept my interest.

The long celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There were a crazy amount of people on this show and a lot of tag matches, but it felt like a special show instead of another run of the mill edition. Nothing was bad and the big Punk match felt like it mattered. As long as this is a one off two hour edition, they’re going to be fine, as this was basically Dynamite II for the week. It absolutely does not need to be this long every week, but for a one time special, it worked well enough.

CM Punk b. Powerhouse Hobbs – GTS
Superkliq b. Christian Cage/Jurassic Express – Boom to Luchasaurus
Men of the Year b. Chris Jericho/Jake Hager – Small package to Hager
Santana/Ortiz/Lucha Bros b. Hardy Family Office – Street Sweeper to Marq Quen
Penelope Ford b. Anna Jay – Brass knuckles
Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston b. Minoru Suzuki/Lance Archer – Kendo stick to Archer



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