Rampage – December 15, 2023: Thieves!

Date: December 15, 2023
Location: College Park Center, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

Rampage has been on a bit of a roll in recent weeks and that could make things all the more interesting this week. While we probably won’t be having a Continental Classic match this week, we do have the Von Erichs near Dallas and that should be enough for a change of pace. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy/Von Erichs vs. Matt Menard/Jake Hager/Angelo Parker

Danhausen is here with Cassidy and company. Parker takes Ross up to the ropes to start but Ross cranks on the wrist. A dropkick and running boot to the face stagger Parker and it’s quickly off to Hager vs. Cassidy. Hager sends him hard into the corner but Cassidy rolls away and puts his hands in his pockets, setting up the tornado DDT.

Menard gets in a running knee to the head though and we take a break. Back with Cassidy rolling away and diving over to bring in Marshall to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Von Erichs dropkick Hager to the floor. Parker rolls Marshall up for two but Marshall rolls him up for the pin at 7:22.

Rating: C. Much like they did at Final Battle, the Von Erichs being in a match near Dallas is as much of a layup as you can get. They didn’t try anything screwy here and had a quick match to let the fans have a fun moment. I’m not sure if the Von Erichs are ready to be around here full time, but at least they did the basics well here.

Post match the villains jump the Von Erichs but Danhausen (with purple hat) comes in but Kevin Von Erich comes in to Claw Hager. Again: give the fans something to cheer about.

Mark Briscoe is out of the Continental Classic but this is like his rookie season as a singles wrestler. Jay Lethal and company come up, with Briscoe saying he and Lethal face off next week. They agree to fight for honor and everything is cool.

Don Callis Family vs. Hunter Grey/Paul Titan

Grey and Titan look like crosses between the Barbarian and the Missing Link. Hobbs hits the World’s Most Dangerous Slam to pin Grey at 47 seconds.

Post match Don Callis rants about the Golden Jets, who came together out of fear of the Don Callis Family. Callis introduces the Don Callis Family Rules, which mean…any members of his Family can come after the Golden Jets. That needed a rule?

Ruby Soho is upset by her loss when Saraya comes in to yell at her. Saraya says Soho needs her, but Soho tells her to go beat Riho by herself.

Anna Jay vs. Red Velvet

Jay offers her a left handshake to start before they trade rollups for two each. Jay bows in front of her and gets kicked in the face for her efforts, only to send Velvet to the apron. A running hip attack puts Velvet on the floor as we take a break. Back with Jay cranking on both arms and snapping of a suplex. Velvet blocks another suplex though and strikes away before checking her watch. The running knees to the back rock Jay again but she’s right back with a Gory Bomb for two. Cue Matt Menard to distract Jay though and a discus lariat gives Velvet two. Not that it matters as the Queenslayer finishes Velvet at 8:34.

Rating: C. Jay continues to feel like someone that AEW wants to push and if she can take it to just one level higher, that could very easily take place. For now, she is doing well enough and getting in more and more reps should only help her. Velvet is doing well enough too, but she is only going to be able to go so far with the whole cooking deal.

We recap all of the Devil stuff from Dynamite, capped of by Hangman Page being laid out.

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Komander/Penta El Zero Miedo/El Hijo del Vikingo

Dante and Komader fight over arm control to start until Komander pulls him into something like an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up so Dante is sent to the apron, where he avoids a running dive from Komander, who of course sticks the landing on the floor. Back in and it’s off to Vikingo and Andretti to flip around each other, with Andretti flipping out of a headscissors.

Vikingo misses a kick to the face and we have a standoff, with even Jericho applauding. Penta and Darius come in to chop it out until Penta scores with some Sling Blades. Everything breaks down (you knew that was coming) and the triple dives drop Andretti and Top Flight as we take a break.

Back with Vikingo caught in the wrong corner but he gets in a springboard armdrag to both Martins. Penta comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down again. Komander hits a springboard Swanton but Dante knees him in the face. Vikingo is back in with a very springboardy legdrop to Dante in the ropes. Penta hits a Big Bang Catastrophe of all things on Darius but Dante is back in to run Komander over.

Penta Codebreakers Dante, only to get hit with an AA onto the apron. Back up and Komander hits a running dive, followed by a monkey flip to send Vikingo onto the apron. Everyone needs a breather until Penta and Andretti chop it out back inside. The other four join them in the chop off until Andretti and Top Flight hit stereo superkicks.

The other three hit superkicks of their own and a triple clothesline puts everyone down. All six nip up and hit kicks to the face to put them all down again. Back up and Darius and Andretti cut off Penta and Vikingo with Spanish Flys, followed by a spinning half nelson slam to pin Komander at 16:06. Justin Roberts refers to it as a “spectacular match” because he has to be different.

Rating: A-. Yeah that was awesome, with all six of them going nuts for a long time and never really slowing down for more than a bit at a time. I had a great time with this and they didn’t bother trying to do anything but tear the house down. It’s a bunch of flips and dives and everything is all over the place, but dang it was a fun ride. It isn’t some technical masterpiece full of psychology and logic and it’s not supposed to be. Incredibly entertaining match that will probably make your eyes pop more than once.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event alone carries the show, even with the rest of it just being ok. This was a show built around one match and little else, which works rather well for an hour long show. Obviously check out the main event, but there isn’t much else to see on here. Nothing is bad, but one match blew away the rest without looking back.

Orange Cassidy/Von Erichs b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Jake Hager – Rollup to Parker
Don Callis Family b. Hunter Grey/Paul Titan – World’s Most Dangerous Slam to Grey
Anna Jay b. Red Velvet – Queenslayer
Action Andretti/Top Flight b. Penta El Zero Miedo/Komander/El Hijo del Vikingo – Hal nelson slam to Komander



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Rampage – December 8, 2023: The Rampage Problem

Date: December 8, 2023
Location: Bell Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

It’s kind of a special show this week with a Continental Classic match between Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia. That should get us back to pretty much even after Danielson missed the first week of the tournament and now we get to see where it goes from here. Maybe World’s End can get a boost as well, though that’s not normally Rampage’s style. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Angelico

Cassidy, with Danhausen (to cancel out Serpentico) is defending and this actually ties back into Ring Of Honor, where Cassidy and Danhausen saved Christopher Daniels from Angelico and Serpentico. Angelico goes after the arm to start but Cassidy reverses into a crucifix for two. The threat of the Orange Punch sends Angelico bailing to the floor and that means its time for the first of probably fourteen All In tickets on sale mentions on the night.

Back in and Angelico goes after the knee to slow Cassidy down and the leg is tied up (with another leg behind Cassidy’s neck to make it worse). That’s broken up and we take a break, coming back with Angelico taking out the leg again. Cassidy sends him into the corner but Serpentico’s distraction lets Angelico score with a big boot. That means Danhausen can go after Angelico, complete with a curse. Angelico is fine enough to grab a leglock but Cassidy gets his hands in his pockets (Tony: “IT GIVES HIM POWER!”) and rolls over to the ropes. The Orange Punch retains the title at 11:45.

Rating: C+. Angelico has been built up over the last month or two in Ring Of Honor and it made him a better challenger here. That being said, since Ring Of Honor is so rarely mentioned around here, that is only going to be so much of a boost. As for this match, the hands going into the pockets being a source of power for Cassidy is a bit much even for him, so hopefully it doesn’t go quite so on the nose in the future.

Trish Adora vs. Abadon

Adora chops away in the corner, setting up some kicks to the chest for one. Abadon gets a boot up in the corner though and unloads with forearms. A superkick and running knee set up the Black Dahlia to finish Adora at 3:32.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time to get anywhere here but Abadon being around outside of Halloween isn’t a bad thing. It’s nice to see Abadon around more often, though it isn’t going to matter much if it’s just a one off here or there. I’m still not sure why Adora is used as nothing more than a punching bag, as there is certainly something there with her.

Post match the lights go out and Julia Hart pops up to taunt Abadon with the title. Then Hart, and the title, disappear.

Video on Mercedes Martinez vs. Willow Nightingale.

Don Callis Family vs. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels

Don Callis joins commentary. Daniels chops away at Hobbs to start before firing off some forearms for some more luck. Hobbs runs him over and Takeshita adds a middle rope backsplash for two. Sydal comes in and armdrags Takeshita into a break. Back with Hobbs throwing Sydal down again before running Daniels over as well. The World’s Most Dangerous Slam finishes Daniels at 8:40.

Rating: C. This was mostly a squash and that’s about what it needed to do. Hobbs and Takeshita are pretty good as a monster team but there is only so much you can go with Callis around. Callis manages to pull any interest he can have out of any segment and having him do nothing more than stand around doing the same things over and over isn’t helping. Nice squash though, especially if you ignore Callis.

Action Andretti and Top Flight are ready to face Penta El Zero Miedo and company.

Continental Classic Blue League: Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia

Danielson takes him down by the arm to start and suplexes Garcia over as Garcia is in over his head to start. The big kick misses though and Garcia grabs a rollup for two. Neither can get their big hold and it’s a standoff as things reset a bit. Danielson starts kicking at the leg but Garcia kicks away in the corner to take over again. Garcia ties him in the Tree of Woe for a running dropkick but Danielson snaps off a German suplex.

We take a break and come back with….Schiavone shilling All In tickets again. They slug it out again until Danielson pulls him into the triangle choke with elbows to the head. The rope gets Garcia out of trouble but it’s too early for the running knee. Instead Garcia pulls him into the Dragonslayer but Danielson slips out. A hard piledriver plants Danielson for two so Garcia loads up his own running knee. That takes too long (due to dancing) and Danielson hits the real running knee for two. The LeBell Lock goes on and Garcia passes out at 15:27.

Rating: B-. Good match here with both of them working hard, though the focus was more on Garcia trying to be serious but falling apart because he went with the goofy dancing. That’s certainly a story with him, but Garcia is still going to need to find something that makes him more interesting. Winning a match or two might be a nice place to start.

Blue League Standings
Bryan Danielson – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Brody King – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Andrade El Idolo – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Eddie Kingston – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Danielson spits on him to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. It was nice to have a main event that felt a good bit more important, but this show summed up the issue with Rampage. On its own, Rampage is completely fine if not good most of the time. The problem is it comes in the middle of Dynamite and Collision (and Ring Of Honor if you like torture). When you have all that other content, a seventh hour (when Ring Of Honor goes over two hours, as it often does) can feel like quite the chore. That was kind of the case this week, which is a shame as the show was pretty good for the most part.

Orange Cassidy b. Angelico – Orange Punch
Abadon b. Trish Adora – Black Dahlia
Don Callis Family b. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels – World’s Most Dangerous Slam to Daniels
Bryan Danielson b. Daniel Garcia – LeBell Lock



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Rampage – December 1, 2023: A Show Because They Had To

Date: December 1, 2023
Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We’re back to the normal time slot this week and that probably won’t make much of a difference here. What matters here is having something interesting, as the show has a tendency to be an odd collection of matches rather than anything big. Maybe they can change it here though so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Dark Order vs. Danhausen/Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy/Hook

The villains start fast and the brawl heads outside. Back in and Danhausen snaps off a hurricanrana to Uno before all eight get inside for a big brawl. The good guys clear the ring and of course we get the big hug. Back in and Parker sets up Menard’s running knee to Cassidy’s head. Danhausen comes in for a release German suplex to Uno, followed by Hook’s series of suplexes.

Cue Wheeler Yuta to join commentary, with the distraction letting Hook get jumped from behind. We settle down to Reynolds stomping on Hook and getting to pose a bit as we take a break. Back with Trent getting the tag to clean house in a hurry. Cassidy comes back in to kick away, at least until Uno plants him with a piledriver. We get a staredown between Danhausen and Garcia, meaning curse vs. dancing. Danhausen pulls out Jake Hager’s hat though and the distraction lets Hook Redrum Parker. That distraction is enough of a distraction that Danhausen can roll Menard up for the pin at 10:11.

Rating: C+. Not much of a match, but the whole point of this was just to have a good time. Danhausen is the definition of goofy fun and we even moved Cassidy vs. Hook forward a little bit more. It’s not a great match or even very good, but they started the show fast and that is nice to see.

Ruby Soho (not looking happy), Saraya and Anna Jay are teaming up tonight, with Saraya praising Anna for being beautiful. For now though, they need to deal with Ruby Soho’s thing about Angelo Parker…who shows up. Saraya breaks up the whole meeting.

Here is Tony Schiavone to introduce two men who were in the main event of the very first wrestling match (yes match rather than show) on TNT. If by that you mean the second of three matches that night then yeah sure. In case that’s not enough, Schiavone says that the very last match on TNT was Sting vs. Ric Flair. Well, if you ignore every AEW match to air on there, sure.

Anyway, here are Sting and Ric Flair for a chat. Sting talks about being in the first and last match on TNT (apparently Sting is rather dense too) before mentioning Lex Luger and Bam Bam Bigelow. Flair talks about being in wrestling since 1972 and there are always some people who will be special in his life: Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Sting.

Flair promises to be there with Sting from the beginning until the end and (after a pretty clear camera cut, possibly due to some questionable comments being edited out) says they’ll dance all night and a little longer. This was the latest edition of “Ric Flair and Sting are so awesome that we have no concept of history” theater.

Kris Statlander, Hikaru Shida and Skye Blue are ready to get their momentum back starting tonight. Statlander seems to blame Blue for losing the TBS Title but Blue isn’t having that. Shida tells them to calm down and focus.

Don Callis Family vs. Jah-C/???/???

Jah slugs away at Hobbs to no avail and it’s a triple finisher, with Hobbs hitting the World’s Strongest Slam for the pin at 1:00.

Post match, Don Callis praises his team’s dominance and wants the Golden Jets.

Prince Nana wants the Workhorsemen to join the Mogul Embassy for tonight. Brian Cage isn’t sure.

Anna Jay/Ruby Soho/Saraya vs. Skye Blue/Kris Statlander/Hikaru Shida

Statlander and Jay start things off but it’s quickly off to Shida for a running elbow. Blue comes in for a shot of her own but Statlander tags herself in, meaning it’s time to argue. Shida finally tags herself in to beat up Saraya and Soho in back to back shots. We take a break and come back with Statlander planting Saraya. Jay makes a save and gets the tag to choke Statlander. With that broken up, Statlander pulls Jay into the path of Soho’s superkick, allowing Blue to grab Code Blue for the pin at 7:21.

Rating: C. It’s another women’s match where so much of the match was stuck in the break that there wasn’t much to be seen otherwise. They’re playing up the issues between Saraya and Soho, along with Statlander and Blue, which should make for something going forward. As usual, Blue gets a win, though she still needs to win a championship at some point for it to really matter.

We look at the Continental Classic matches from Dynamite and preview the matches on Collision.

Brian Cage/Workhorsemen vs. Penta El Zero Miedo/Komander/El Hijo del Vikingo

Komander tries to flip over Cage to start but gets tossed into the corner for his efforts. Commentary ignores this match for the rapid fire preview for Collision and more, because the main event doesn’t matter to AEW either. Vikingo comes in and chops away at Drake, who suplexes Vikingo down to even things up. Everything breaks down and the luchadors clean house, setting up the triple dives.

We take a break and come back with Penta cleaning house, including a double DDT. Komander missile dropkicks Drake, setting up a running corner dropkick. A backstabber into a double stomp into a top rope double stomp gets two on Cage but he’s right back up. Komander is monkey flipped into Drake’s powerbomb as everything breaks down. Vikingo hits a springboard Canadian Destroyer but gets piledriven by Henry. Made In Japan drops Henry, who is right back up to nail Cage by mistake. Cage drops Henry and walks out, leaving Vikingo to hit a 630 for the pin on Henry at 11:12.

Rating: C+. The match had all of the usual insane athleticism and fun stuff, but it’s the same thing that has been a problem for Rampage for most of the last few months: how is this supposed to feel like a main event? This could have been on any given Ring Of Honor in the middle of the show but it’s the featured match here. The time slot doesn’t help things, but man this felt like a nothing way to wrap up the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I’m not sure what to think here, as stuff did happen and some stories were moved forward, but it felt like a beefed up edition of Dark. Who was the biggest star on this show other than Cassidy? Statlander maybe? Saraya? The action was good enough, but it was a bunch of multi-person tags and the latest chance for Flair and Sting to reminisce about one or two matches. The show wasn’t bad, but it’s definitely not worth the time to watch.

Danhausen/Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy/Hook b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Dark Order – Rollup to Menard
Don Callis Family b. Jah-C/???/??? – World’s Strongest Slam to Jah-C
Skye Blue/Kris Statlander/Hikaru Shida b. Anna Jay/Ruby Soho/Saraya – Code Blue to Soho
El Hijo del Vikingo/Penta El Zero Miedo/Komander b. Brian Cage/Workhorsemen – 630 to Henry



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Rampage – November 25, 2023: They’re Here Because They Have To Be

Date: November 25, 2023
Location: Petersen Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

It’s another back to back week this time around as Rampage is basically serving as the Collision Kickoff Show this week. That could make things a bit interesting, though AEW has not exactly announced much for this show. You never know what you’re going to get from Rampage so hopefully it works out. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hook vs. Rocky Romero

Non-title and Hook takes him down for a front facelock to start. They fight over wrist control to no avail until Hook gutwrench suplexes him down. A German suplex drops Romero again and they head to the apron where Romero grabs a suplex of his own. We take a break and come back with the Forever Clotheslines until Hook suplexes him into the corner. A northern lights suplex gives Hook two but Romero drapes him over the rope for a middle rope dropkick. The running Sliced Bread gives Romero two but the version out of the corner is countered into Redrum for the clean win at 9:51.

Rating: C+. If AEW wants to make Hook look like a bigger deal, there are far worse ideas that putting him in the ring with Romero. While Romero might not be the next big thing in AEW, he is someone who can make almost anyone else look good. Hook is definitely a work in progress and putting him in there with Romero will make that progress go a good bit faster.

Video on Wheeler Yuta vs. Katsuyori Shibata over the latter’s Ring Of Honor Pure Rules Title.

Diamante vs. Kris Statlander

They fight over a test of strength to start with Diamante powering her down until Statlander manages to drive Diamante into the corner. Back up and Diamante snaps off a headscissors but Statlander’s powerslam gets two. Cue Diamante’s partner Mercedes Martinez for a distraction as we take a break. Back with Diamante having to roll out of Saturday Night Fever and grabbing a standing Sliced Bread for two. Statlander is back up with a heck of a discus lariat for the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C. This was Statlander’s rebound win after losing the TBS Title at Full Gear. The good thing is she had to work for this one as Diamante was game in defeat. Diamante is someone who has a good bit of charisma and fire in the ring but she’s never really won anything of note. At least she had a nice performance here, but if it doesn’t turn into something, it won’t matter much in the long run.

Post match Martinez jumps Statlander until Willow Nightingale makes the save.

Daniel Garcia is ready for his Continental Classic match. He’s on a losing streak and wishes his confidence was higher.

Here is the Kingdom to say Roderick Strong isn’t here but heroes wear neck braces. Action Andretti tried to KILL HIM last week and to make it clear, MJF is the Devil. They’re coming for the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Kingdom vs. Duke Davis/Danny Jones

The Kingdom jumps them, hits a bunch of stuff, and the Climax into Aurora Borealis finishes Jones at 1:10. Impressive squash.

Ring Of Honor Pure Rules Title: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta is challenging and of course this is under Pure Rules. They go with the grappling to start as we talk about Shibata’s injury from a few years ago and how amazing it is for him to be in the ring. Shibata grabs a headlock to grind him down and puts on the bow and arrow to take over. Some leg cranking keeps Yuta in trouble and a leglock sends him to the ropes for his first break. Yuta hits him in the face for his official warning, which has Nigel complaining about Bryan Danielson.

We take a break and come back with Shibata firing up out of the corner. Shibata chops him into the corner and snaps off a suplex for two. The ankle lock goes on until Shibata switches into an STF. That’s good for Yuta’s second rope break before Yuta sends him outside for the suicide dive. Shibata is back up with the running boot against the barricade but the referee gets bumped back inside. A low blow into a DDT into the seat belt gives Yuta the pin and the title at 12:29.

Rating: C+. They had the technically sound match that you would expect, but Yuta regaining what might be the lowest level title AEW/ROH presents isn’t exactly some big milestone. Shibata’s time with the title wasn’t exactly thrilling either so giving it to someone who will be around on a regular basis makes sense. At least Yuta can brag about beating Shibata, but it only means so much all things considered.

Post match Yuta gives him another DDT but Hook makes the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The wrestling was fine and the title match does mean a bit, but this couldn’t have felt more like a “we’re having this show because we have to” if they had set out to make it that way. It felt like the lowest stakes show imaginable and that makes for a very tedious hour. Almost nothing of consequence happened here as other than Hook vs. Yuta being furthered, I can’t imagine anything on here having much in the way of long term value. Perfectly fine match as far as wrestling goes, but this felt like a waste of time.

Hook b. Rocky Romero – Redrum
Kris Statlander b. Diamante – Discus lariat
Kingdom b. Duke Davis/Danny Jones – Aurora Borealis to Jones
Wheeler Yuta b. Katsuyori Shibata – Seat belt



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Rampage – November 17, 2023: The Go Home Go Home Show

Date: November 17, 2023
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone

It’s the final final show before Full Gear as Rampage is in its normal spot after Collision aired a night early. The main attraction here is Christian Cage defending the TNT Title against Trent Beretta, who earned the shot earlier tonight on Collision. Other than that, we’ll hear from Jay White so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Jericho comes out for commentary and of course milks some Judas from the crowd.

TNT Title: Trent Beretta vs. Christian Cage

Cage is defending and has Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne with him. They go face to face to start with Trent not being intimidated. They grapple a bit until cage misses a charge and falls out to the floor. Back in and Cage hits him in the face, meaning it’s time to choke away in the corner. Trent is fine enough to send him outside for a slingshot dive but Cage grabs the referee. That allows Wayne to get in a cheap shot and we take an early break.

Back with Cage grabbing a chinlock until Trent fights up for a slingshot spear. Trent snaps off a German suplex and blocks the tornado DDT. A super hurricanrana gives Trent two but Cage sends him outside. Back in and Trent grabs his own tornado DDT for two as Nigel is getting a bit panicky. Trent’s running knee gets two more, followed by Strong Zero (or the Scrunchie or whatever he calls that kneeling belly to back piledriver) for the same. Luchasaurus offers his own distraction though and Cage sends Trent hard into the buckle. The Killswitch retains the title at 10:18.

Rating: B-. Trent continues to be a good hand in the ring and someone who makes for a nice one off challenger here. Cage is in for a big six man tag tomorrow so it’s kind of nice to see him doing something different the night before. Nice opener here, with the numbers game being enough to hold Beretta back.

Chris Jericho rants into the camera about how he and Kenny Omega are going to beat the Young Bucks.

Toni Storm vs. Emi Sakura

Storm has Luther with her and offers Sakura the match’s script to start (oh you know that’s going to get some WWE jabs going). Sakura isn’t having any of that and they start fast with Storm sending her outside. Storm stops to pose on the apron though, allowing Sakura to hit a running crossbody to the ribs.

We take a break and come back with Sakura firing off chops but Storm isn’t having any of that. A running bulldog sets up a rather wound up right hand, only to walk into a tiger driver for two. Sakura’s backbreaker gets the same but she misses (by that I mean she hits Storm but wasn’t supposed to) a moonsault. Storm’s DDT doesn’t really work either so she goes with the hip attack and Storm Zero for the pin at 8:22 instead.

Rating: C+. This didn’t have time to really go anywhere but my goodness Storm seems to be having the time of her life in there. Seeing her go from the rock star style character to being all depressed to this is quite the transformation over the last few years and she is selling the heck out of it. There is almost no way she doesn’t win the title tomorrow and at this rate, they would be insane to not go with that.

Eddie Kingston is in the back with Jay Lethal and company with Lethal promising to take the Ring Of Honor World Title on the Full Gear Zero House show. Kingston wants to know why Lethal is talking like them. That’s not the Lethal he remembers and everyone leaves before violence ensues. Kingston turns around and Ortiz is waiting on him. That’s not where they’re going for Final Battle, right?

Roderick Strong vs. Action Andretti

The Kingdom is here too. Strong decks him to start but Andretti hits a dropkick right back. Some kicks to the ribs put Andretti back down before Strong rubs him face first into the mat. Andretti’s chops don’t have much effect but a kick to the ribs and a swinging neckbreaker do. A Falcon Arrow gives Andretti two more and we take a break.

Back with Andretti fighting up and hitting some running forearms. Andretti sends him outside and dropkicks the Kingdom, followed by a Spanish Fly….and Strong lands on his head. The referee and doctor come in to check on Strong and the camera goes wide as you can tell the fans know that didn’t go right. Thankfully Strong gets up and seems ok as he fires off some shoulders to the ribs in the corner. The jumping knee and End Of Heartache finish Andretti at 9:36.

Rating: C+. Yowza that was a scary botch as Strong got dropped on his head. What makes it worse is I was expecting it to be some kind of playing into the Neckstrong deal but looking at it again it’s pretty clearly a real mishap. Thankfully Strong is ok though and finished the match but dang that was a rough watch.

We get a sitdown interview with Jay White, who still believes that MJF is the Devil. White promises to win tomorrow night and does NOT like being compared to MJF. He talks about what will happen when he wins the title but here is MJF to jump him for a brawl. Juice Robinson comes in and sends MJF into a room with White following.

White opens the door and gets a TV thrown at him as MJF chases him outside. They go into the arena where MJF takes White down in the ring and gets the belt back….only to have the Gunns jump him. MJF won’t let go of the belt but the numbers’ game gets the better of it. Cue Samoa Joe to chase the Club off and shake MJF’s hand as we seem to have a team.

A Full Gear rundown and a lot of posing (plus Jericho getting in one more shout about the pay per view because he knows how to sell things) wrap us up.

Overall Rating: B-. Nice stuff here, especially with the big segment to finish it off. That was by far the best part of the show (save for the relief when Strong got up). It was a good enough show, though coming off a two hour Collision didn’t help things. For now though, they need to nail Full Gear and there is a good chance they could do just that, especially with the MJF stuff.

Christian Cage b. Trent Beretta – Killswitch
Toni Storm b. Emi Sakura – Storm Zero
Roderick Strong b. Action Andretti – End Of Heartache



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Rampage – November 10, 2023: FTR Can Do It

Date: November 10, 2023
Location: Oakland Arena, Oakland, California
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

It’s the rather rare live Rampage as AEW is shaking up its schedule a bit. As usual though, the card is kind of all over the place, as we’re getting a rare non-Collision FTR match. Rampage can be so random that it is hard to guess what we’ll be getting and that can make for a fun night. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Ricky Starks vs. Preston Vance

This isn’t quite as interesting as I was expecting after the RUSH graphic came on the big screen. Big Bill joins commentary as they trade chops in the corner to start. Vance knocks him to the floor but Starks rams him into the barricade. That’s enough for Starks to jump in on commentary to praise himself before suplexing Vance on the ramp.

We take a break and come back with Starks’ apron legdrop getting two. Vance hits a middle rope shoulder into a spinebuster but Starks hits a springboard tornado DDT. A Samoan driver plants Starks but he counters the full nelson into a rollup for two. Vance gets up so Bill offers a distraction, setting up the spear to finish for Starks at 7:08.

Rating: C+. This continues the interesting multi-team feud that seems to be breaking out on Collision. The good thing about a feud like that is it opens up a variety of options for matches as AEW can run all kinds of singles and tags out of there. Starks getting a win is good as well and it’s not like Vance has anything to lose.

Post match the beatdown is on but La Faccion Ingobernable makes the save.

Chris Jericho is ready to face Konosuke Takeshita in Japan and thinks Takeshita needs to be ready for one of the best wrestlers in the world. Revenge is promised.

Don Callis, with Prince Nana, is asked about who will be the fourth member of the Don Callis Family in the upcoming street fight. That would apparently be Brian Cage, who is being rented from the Mogul Embassy. Geez Sammy Guevara is still not cleared from his concussion? That’s not a good sign.

Jeff Jarrett and company are ready to see Jay Lethal win the Ring Of Honor World Title whenever he gets his title shot. Ortiz comes in to say he wants them to say what they’ve been saying from his face. Ortiz knows he’s going down, so he’s going down swinging. The fight is on and off rather quickly.

Ruby Soho vs. Red Velvet

Soho is doing this on her own, with Saraya happily heading to the back. Velvet throws her down to start and hits a leg lariat to drop Soho again. Velvet sends Soho into the corner but gets sent into the same corner for her efforts. Soho gets in a shot of her own and we take a break.

Back with Velvet making the clothesline comeback and hitting a standing moonsault for two. Some basement superkicks put Velvet right back down for two and a pair of Saito suplexes knock Velvet silly. Hold on though as someone delivers Soho flowers, allowing Velvet to strike away. A spinning kick to the head gives Velvet the big upset at 9:02.

Rating: C+. Velvet is doing a bit better than she was before the injury though it’s almost hard to fathom her beating Soho. It wasn’t a clean win but the result itself is quite the surprise. I’m curious to see where the secret admirer (assuming that’s what it is) idea goes as that could have quite the variety of options. Now just don’t screw it up.

We look back at the end of Dynamite with the masked men attacking Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed, much to MJF’s chagrin.

Kingdom vs. ???/???

Roderick Strong is here with the Kingdom and dedicates the match to his best friend Adam Cole. The Kingdom jumps them to start and finishes with the Neck Check at 50 seconds.

Post match Strong gets out of the wheelchair for a Backstabber and then gets back in for the ride up the ramp.

Daniel Garcia and pals challenges Andrade El Idolo for Collision. Ruby Soho, with flowers and Saraya, come in so the latter can accuse Angelo Parker of sending them. Storming off ensues.

The Kingdom and Roderick Strong are interrupted by Action Andretti and Darius Martin. A match is teased for some point in the future.

El Hijo del Vikingo/Komander vs. FTR

Harwood and Komander start things off with Komander grabbing a rollup for a fast two. That’s broken up so it’s off to Wheeler vs. Vikingo for a change. Vikingo kicks him into the corner and Wheeler is sent outside, setting up a suicide dive…which goes straight into the announcers’ table.

We take a break and come back with Vikingo hitting a dive off the top to drop Wheeler on the floor again. Komander hits a high crossbody on Harwood and Vikingo’s missile dropkick gets two. Harwood catches Vikingo on top with a superplex but Komander breaks up the….I guess Power as it’s part of the PowerPlex.

Wheeler catches Komander in a Gory Bomb and Harwood Tombstones Vikingo for two. Back to back slingshot powerbomb attempts are countered into hurricanranas for two on Harwood but the third attempt connects. Komander takes both of them down in the corner but walks into the Shatter Machine for the pin at 11:45.

Rating: B. Every time I start to get a little over FTR, they come up with something like this match. This was a completely different kind of match from them and it worked very well for a heck of a main event. The idea of FTR not being able to keep up with the luchadors and having all of them usual stuff getting countered was a cool way to go and I had a good time here. Heck of a match and a nice twist off of the usual.

Respect is shown….and the House of Black pops up on the screen for the staredown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event was by far the best part of the show but the rest was good enough. I can go with having a randomly awesome main event to go with a few stories getting advanced, though it’s hard to believe that will continue. For now though, pretty nice Rampage and having more FTR around is a good thing.

Ricky Starks b. Preston Vance – Spear
Red Velvet b. Ruby Soho – Spinning kick to the head
Kingdom b. ???/??? – Neck Check
FTR b. Komander/El Hijo del Vikingo – Shatter Machine to Komander



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Rampage – November 3, 2023: Move On

Date: November 3, 2023
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Paul Wight

We are just over two weeks away from Full Gear and that probably has very little to do with this show. As is occasionally the case around here, the focal point is going to be an international match as we have a lucha three way, which has quite the potential. Other than that, we are likely to get more build towards Collision. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Komander

Penta wastes no time in Fear Factoring Vikingo but Komander makes the save. Vikingo sends them outside for the big dive but Penta Sling Blades him on the floor. Back in and Vikingo hits a very twisting springboard splash onto Komander. Penta is back up with a big lip dive onto both of them, followed by the big chop to Vikingo. Komander gets chopped as well and we take a break.

Back with Penta striking away at Vikingo in the corner until a missed charge lets Vikingo kick him in the head. Komander is back in to take Vikingo down, setting up a springboard Canadian Destroyer. Penta kicks both of them down but Komander poisonranas him onto the apron. Vikingo dives into a superkick though, leaving Penta to hit a Gory Bomb and piledriver on the apron at the same time.

Back in and Penta hits a wicked spinning powerslam to Vikingo, who is back with a swinging Rock Bottom to plant Penta. Vikingo 630s Penta but Komander breaks it up. Komander’s implosion phoenix splash hits Vikingo but Penta Fear Factors Komander onto Vikingo for the pin at 12:40.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match where you know what you’re getting and that is not a bad thing. The match was all over the place with one bit of insanity after and it was hard to take your eyes off of it. These guys know what they are doing with this style of match and while it might not mean anything beyond this one show, it was a lot of fun and a good way to get the crowd hot again.

Sonjay Dutt and company cannot believe that Ortiz turned down his offer last week. Jay Lethal doesn’t care because he’s ready for Eddie Kingston anyway. With the team gone, Ortiz comes in to say he’ll deal with the team next week.

The Gunns vs. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels

Sydal strikes away on Austin to start and hands it off to Daniels, who avoids a charge in the corner. Colten gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and the Gunns get to take over. A running knee into a clothesline combination puts Daniels down and it’s Cardblade time. Back up and Daniels suplexes his way out of trouble, allowing the tag back to Sydal to clean house. The top rope Meteora gets two on Austin as everything breaks down. Daniels is sent outside, leaving Sydal to walk into 3:10 To Yuma for the pin at 4:30.

Rating: C. Just a quick win here to give the Gunns some momentum heading into their Ring Of Honor Tag Team Title shot. They’re as fine a team as any other to get one and it does tie into the Jay White Title shot. Other than that though, you have Daniels and Sydal as a jobber to the stars team in Ring Of Honor, making me wonder why this is happening on Rampage and not the Ring Of Honor show.

Post match the Gunns promise to take the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Danhausen is back. Actually correction as he comes back in to say never mind as he’ll be back next week.

Ruby Soho talks about how she’s been in a downward spiral as of late but Saraya tells Soho to “stick with me kid” and she’ll be fine. Soho: “Kid? I’m older than you.”

Matt Menard wants to know what was up with Angelo Parker on Dynamite when they couldn’t beat Chris Jericho. Parker says he’s going to check on Daniel Garcia before his main event.

Marina Shafir vs. Skye Blue

Shafir takes her down to start and Blue needs an early breather. Blue gets in a throat snap across the middle rope and unloads on the floor. We take a break and come back with Shafir sweeping the leg. A kick to the back has Blue in more trouble but she kicks her way to freedom. Blue even bites her, much to Shafir’s shock, setting up a pair of superkicks and Code Blue for the pin at 8:10.

Rating: C. As opposed to the Gunns getting a win to advance towards something, this was the latest Blue win as she is on a bunch of shows but rarely gets elevated in any way. I know she has the whole black mist poisoning her thing and seems ready to fight Julia Hart, but it’s a little hard to get interested in her when she has been doing so many of the same things for months now.

Video on Darby Allin vs. Lance Archer.

Video on Daniel Garcia vs. Trent Beretta.

Daniel Garcia vs. Trent Beretta

They go to the mat to start and trade some early near falls until Garcia hits a basement dropkick. Trent breaks up the Garcia dance and sends him outside for the middle rope moonsault. A brainbuster on the floor drops Garcia and we take a break. Back with Trent hitting a superplex for two but Garcia snaps off a belly to back suplex.

Trent comes back with a half and half suplex into a Death Valley Driver for two of his own. They trade German suplexes and slug it out until Trent hits a running knee. A piledriver gives Trent two more and they forearm it out. Garcia grabs a piledriver for two and puts on a crossface for the tap at 13:03.

Rating: C+. The wrestling was good enough and they got more time than any other match on the show, but this couldn’t have felt more like a forgettable midcard match if they tried. This came off like AEW forgot they needed a main event for the show and just threw two talented wrestlers in the ring. It wasn’t about the match quality, but rather about feeling that this match didn’t matter, which isn’t helping Rampage’s reputation.

Post match Garcia calls out MJF for a World Title shot. He almost calls himself a professional wrestler but stops to say he’s a sports entertainer to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The opener was really fun but this show was right back in the pattern of Rampages that mean nothing and feel like they’re airing because they have to. This show was the definition of “well, that exists” and not much more, which isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. I know AEW doesn’t put much effort into this show, but they should be able to make it feel more important than this.

Penta El Zero Miedo b. Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo – Fear Factor to Vikingo
The Gunns b. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels – 3:10 To Yuma to Sydal
Skye Blue b. Marina Shafir – Code Blue
Daniel Garcia b. Trent Beretta – Crossface



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Rampage – October 27, 2023: That’s A Good Fight

Date: October 27, 2023
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Tony Schiavone

The countdown to Full Gear continue and hopefully so does the string of good Rampages. In this case, we have the showdown between Ortiz and Mike Santana, which has been brewing for the last few weeks. Other than that, we get more of a build towards MJF vs. Kenny Omega tomorrow night. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mike Santana vs. Ortiz

Street Fight. They stare at each other to start with Ortiz sending him outside for the running flip dive. Various weapon shots keep Santana in more trouble but Ortiz takes too much time to set up a table. Santana fights up and manages a suplex back inside…with Ortiz rolling right back to the floor. An Asai moonsault hits Ortiz and the table is set up against the barricade. Ortiz is back up with a heck of a powerbomb through said table for two back inside. Santana suplexes him off the apron for a big crash to the floor as we take a break.

Back with the slugout from their knees until Ortiz fights up. They trade kicks to the head until Santana grabs a rolling cutter for two. Ortiz’s powerslam gets two and they both need a breather. A discus lariat hits Ortiz and a Cannonball makes it worse, followed by a torture rack powerbomb for the pin at 10:36.

Rating: B. This was a match that felt like a hard hitting fight and that’s what it needed to be. At the same time, it was nice to have them cut out the weapons later in the match and just hit each other a bunch of times. Santana’s finisher looked good too and he should move forward to something more important. Pretty sweet fight here and Santana gets a nice rub.

Post match Santana talks some trash to Ortiz and leaves. Cue Sonjay Dutt to talk to Ortiz.

Video on MJF vs. Kenny Omega for the World Title tomorrow night on Collision. MJF talks about his rise to the top, as well as seeing Omega watch him at any indy show and being amazed. Now if he can get the win over Omega, he will be happy. On the other hand, Omega is not what he once was but he is ready to show that he is still great. This is also Omega’s last chance to prevent MJF from breaking his record for longer title reign. Hold on though as Jay White interrupts Omega and says he’ll be waiting for him at Full Gear.

We cut to Don Callis, who offers MJF a spot in the Don Callis Family. MJF thinks it might be a great idea…except he’s already World Champion so he doesn’t need Callis.

Kris Statlander talks to Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue, both of whom have gotten more evil since being misted. Blue says she’s fine but Nightingale doesn’t get it. Nightingale realizes this isn’t who they are, but Blue tells her to be ready for tonight. Statlander isn’t sure what to say.

Here is Kip Sabian, with Penelope Ford, to mock Philadelphia sports. He knows the Phillies are going to come back in the next game and win the Super Bowl! Ford whispers to him so Sabian corrects himself before saying bet on James Harden (Philadelphia 76 who isn’t exactly happy with being on the team). Cue the returning Mark Briscoe who, after hearing one more Philadelphia sports joke, beats up Sabian without much effort.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society is ready for Anna Jay to become #1 contender to the Women’s Title. Don Callis comes in to recruit Jake Hager but Matt Menard isn’t pleased. Callis offers them help if they take out Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega before walking off. Anna tells them to calm down. Everyone but Parker leaves and Ruby Soho pops in to return Parker’s lost comb. They seem to be flirting a bit.

Willow Nightingale vs. Abadon vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue

For a future Women’s Title shot. Anna runs off to start so Abadon sends the other two into each other. Abadon German suplexes Anna and hits a Codebreaker on Nightingale and Blue. Cue Toni Storm to watch as we take a break. Back with Nightingale running over Abadon and Blue, setting up some running shots in the corner. Anna comes back in and gets Pounced but everyone gets together to put Nightingale on the floor. Abadon slugs away at Anna, who is back with the Queenslayer. That’s broken up and Abadon hits something like a DDT to pin Jay at 8:21.

Rating: C. So since it’s near Halloween, Abadon wrestles her first televised match since November and gets a title shot. This could have been solved by having her win a few matches over the last few weeks but that would be too much effort. Other than that, at least Nightingale didn’t lose the fall.

Max Caster offers MJF an invitation to National 69 Day (yes seriously, as it’ll be that day in their reign) but Anthony Bowens tells him to cool it.

We see a clip of the AEW International Championship press conference with Orange Cassidy proving he can wear a suit better than Claudio Castagnoli.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis, with powerhouse Hobbs, is on commentary. Takeshita grabs an armdrag to start but Fletcher slams him and they go out to the floor. Fletcher sends him over the barricade but Takeshita is back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two as we take a break. Back with Fletcher charging into an elbow but managing to send Takeshita outside.

There’s a suicide dive, followed by a high crossbody for two back inside. Takeshita snaps off a poisonrana but Fletcher is right back with a brainbuster for two. Fletcher goes up but caught in something like a kneeling middle rope Tombstone for another near fall (because a middle rope piledriver is a near fall). A nasty wheelbarrow suplex wakes Fletcher up for some reason and they strike it out until a knee to the face finishes Fletcher at 11:15.

Rating: B-. These two know how to do a rather AEW style match and it went well enough for the C show main event. At the very least, it was nice to see Callis and company on this show rather than Dynamite as it lets them stay a bit more fresh. Good match as you would expect from these two, though I could go with less Fletcher for a bit. His matches work, but he’s just not that interesting.

Post match Fletcher comes back in with a chair to Hobbs. That’s broken up and Callis says that’s the hate they want. He seems to offer Fletcher a spot no the team, with Fletcher being a bit non-committal to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I’m not sure what it was on here but this was a more entertaining edition of Rampage than most. The story of Callis looking for a new member of his Family made things a bit more interesting by giving it a mostly show-long story. Other than that, Santana vs. Ortiz was a good fight and they set up a title shot for Collision. I liked this, mainly because it felt like a show that mattered a bit more than usual.

Mike Santana b. Ortiz – Torture rack powerbomb
Abadon b. Anna Jay, Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue – DDT to Jay
Konosuke Takeshita b. Kyle Fletcher – Knee to the face



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Rampage – October 20, 2023: Load Up The Munsters

Date: October 20, 2023
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We are less than a month away from Full Gear and the card is starting to come together. This week is all about CMLL’s Mistico star though, as he will be facing Rocky Romero in a match for the (unofficial) Pound For Pound Title of Mexico. That alone should be enough to carry the show so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Rocky Romero vs. Mistico

Neither Romero’s CMLL World Historic Welterweight Title or Mistico’s CMLL World Middleweight Title is on the line and this is 2/3 falls. They fight over a lockup to start as commentary talks about an NFL game. Romero takes him up against the ropes to start and they trade Eddie Guerrero dances. A running shoulder puts Mistico down but he’s back up with a Tajiri handspring elbow out to the floor. The big corkscrew dive takes Romero down again and the fans are rather pleased with Mistico. Back in and Mistico ties him up in something like an Octopus on the mat for the fast tap at 2:42.

The second all starts fast as Romero takes him outside for a ram into the steps as Excalibur lists off previous holders of their titles. Back in and Romero goes after Mistico’s mask and we take a break. We come back with Romero hitting some running clotheslines before grabbing a one armed camel clutch. Mistico is back up and snaps off a headscissors before running the corner for an armdrag to the floor.

They slug it out on the apron until Romero snaps off a suplex to take over. The suicide dive sends Mistico sprawling up the ramp and a superplex brings him back inside for two. The two arm camel clutch goes on but Mistico slips out, earning himself a stomp to the back. Sliced Bread gives Romero the pin to tie it up at 9:52 total.

We take another break and come back again with Mistico kicking him to the floor, setting up a big dive off the top. Back in and a springboard spinning crossbody gives Mistico two. A moonsault hits Romero’s raised boots but Mistico snaps off a powerslam for two. Romero is placed on top but he comes back with a super Sliced Bread for a rather near fall. Romero goes up top again, only to get pulled down with a super Spanish Fly for two more. One heck of a running Canadian Destroyer plants Romero and La Mistica makes Romero tap for the win at 18:35.

Rating: B. It was a good match and it did feel special, as commentary was making Mistico seem like one of the biggest stars around. His high flying did look good and at times he came off like a superhero, which seems like something they’re shooting for. On the other hand you have Romero, who can wrestle a good match with anyone and its into these spots when he’s working in the right spot, which was the case here.

We get a face to face talk between Jay Lethal and Eddie Kingston. Lethal pitches his case for a Ring Of Honor World Title shot but Kingston doesn’t say anything. Jeff Jarrett calls him the Bronx B**** but ROH boss Stokely Hathaway (oh yeah that’s a thing) makes Jarrett vs. Kingston. If Jarrett wins, Lethal gets a title match. Works for Kingston, who gets in Jarrrett’s face and talks about how much he knows about Memphis wrestling. He’ll eat Jarrett alive.

John Silver vs. Kip Sabian vs. Brother Zay

For an International Title shot at Battle Of The Belts and there are a bunch of people at ringside. Silver gets knocked outside to start leaving Sabian to get armdragged by Zay. Some right hands in the corner are broken up by Silver, who gets caught by Zay’s dropkick. Zay dives onto Silver but Sabian breaks up another one with a kick to the head. We take a break and come back with Zay firing off some kicks, setting up an Asai moonsault onto Silver.

A springboard flipping Stunner gives Zay two on Sabian but a Twist of Fate is broken up. Silver German suplexes Sabian for two but misses a charge and falls outside. That lets Sabian hit an Arabian moonsault but the seconds get in a fight, allowing Zay to hit a springboard dive. Back in and Zay hits a Swanton on Sabian, only to have Silver kick Zay in the face for the pin at 8:08.

Rating: B-. Good match here with Silver getting the kind of surprising win. It’s a bit hard to imagine Silver being a serious challenger to a singles title but he’s the best choice of these three. They kept the action going here though and it was another entertaining match, thankfully with the seconds not doing much to screw things up.

Video on Mike Santana vs. Ortiz, which will take place next week.

Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Exodus Prime/Bryan Keith

Keith knocks Yuta into the corner to start and unloads with forearms. Yuta isn’t having that and snaps off a German suplex, meaning it’s Castagnoli coming in to clean house. Prime gets gorilla press dropped before Castagnoli goes outside for a running uppercut to Keith. The Swing into the dropkick sets up the Fastball Special to finish Prime at 1:44. Nearly a squash here, though Keith continues to feel like trying more than most people.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society argues again, with Jake Hager storming off. Anna Jay tells them to get it together because they can win the Trios Titles.

The Young Bucks and Hangman Page say they’re the Ring Of Honor Trios Titles (not Six Man, despite the words that can be seen on the belts) and issue an open challenge for Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including a “dream match” between Andrade El Idolo vs. Bryan Danielson on Collision.

Video on Skye Blue vs. Ruby Soho.

Skye Blue vs. Ruby Soho

Saraya is here with Soho, who takes her into the corner for some chops. Blue gets annoyed and tells her to keep chopping before firing off her own chops. Soho sweeps the leg to put her down and then hits a standing clothesline. Back up and Blue kicks her into the corner, only to charge into an elbow. They fight to the apron where Blue faceplants her down. A knee to Saraya distracts Blue enough for Soho to hit a kick from the apron though and we take a break.

Back with a double clothesline putting them both down, setting up the exchange of forearms. Blue is back up with some running clotheslines and a running knee against the ropes has Soho in more trouble. A kick to the head and a swinging neckbreaker give Blue two each but Saraya grabs the leg for a distraction. Blue has to deal with Saraya and walks into No Future for two. Another No Future is blocked but Saraya hits her with the spray paint can, allowing Soho to get a rollup pin at 10:03.

Rating: C. This wasn’t much to see as Blue’s matches are only so good in the first place and then it didn’t get much better. The ending here was lame as it was just a can to the head rather than a spray. It’s also hard to imagine Soho actually getting anywhere after another win as she never seems to get to the next level, but at least she didn’t lose here.

Post match the beatdown is on but Kris Statlander makes the save but Blue doesn’t want the help to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This started good but then went down in pretty quick fashion. There is only so much you can get out of a bunch of matches that don’t seem to have much to do with major storylines at the moment. Silver getting an International Title shot is the biggest story going here, though the Mistico vs. Romero match was quite good. Check out the first two matches, but then move on to some Munsters or Welcome Back Kotter.

Mistico b. Rocky Romero 2-1
John Silver b. Kip Sabian and Brother Zay – Kick to Zay
Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli b. Exodus Prime/Bryan Keith – Fastball Special to Prime
Ruby Soho b. Skye Blue – Rollup



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Rampage – October 13, 2023: It’s Still Rampage

Date: October 13, 2023
Location: Cable Dahmer Arena, Independence, Missouri
Commentators: Paul Wight, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re back to the normal schedule after a pretty stacked Dynamite and this time we’re on the way to Full Gear. The show still has a little over a month to go and that means there is a lot of time to get things set up for next month. We aren’t likely to get much about that this week but maybe the matches will be good. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hardys/Brother Zay vs. Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

Jake Hager is here with the latter and Zay works on Garcia’s wrist to start. We pause for Garcia to dance, allowing Zay to snap off an armdrag. Matt Hardy comes in with a middle rope elbow to the back before Jeff drops a middle rope splash for two. It’s back to Zay, who gets taken into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs.

Parker’s elbow to the back gives Garcia two but Zay slips away and makes the diving tag. Matt Hardy gets to come in and clean house again, including a sitout powerbomb out of the corner for two on Parker. Garcia loads up the dance again but this time Menard tags himself in to stay on offense. Everything breaks down and the villains need a breather on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Matt Hardy hitting a clothesline on Menard and bringing Jeff in to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Zay dropkicks Garcia, who is right back up with a belly to back suplex. The Hardys take over on Parker and Zay adds a splash in the corner. The Twist of Fate looks to set up the Swanton but Hager crotches Jeff down. Zay is right back with a step up dive onto Menard and Hager, only to have Garcia knock Zay down back inside. Garcia gets to do his dance and an elevated gutbuster finishes Zay at 9:36.

Rating: C+. I was a bit surprised by the result but it’s the right call. The Hardys don’t win anything important and Garcia’s dance is one of the most popular things in AEW at the moment. Give the former Society a win as they try to find a new boss, as they could be valuable lackeys to someone else if that’s the direction they take.

Post match the winners argue over Garcia’s dancing.

At Dynamite, Bullet Club Gold interrupted an interview with Penta El Zero Miedo and mock him and Rey Fenix for not having titles. Penta says Fenix won his title and calls Jay White a thief. Arguing ensues and Penta seems interested in the stolen AEW World Title belt.

Matt Menard doesn’t like Daniel Garcia’s dancing but Angelo Parker says they just won. Jake Hager doesn’t want to hear this arguing and says squash this. Menard says everyone needs to squash it and walks off.

Jay Lethal vs. Trent Beretta

All of Lethal’s cronies and Chuck Taylor are here too. Lethal chokes in the corner and calls out Eddie Kingston for the Ring Of Honor World Title. Trent fights up and gets in a few shots, only to be sent into the corner. Lethal can’t get a Figure Four but a standing hurricanrana can give Trent two. Back up and Trent’s running crossbody only hits ropes and he crashes to the floor in a nasty landing. Taylor grabs a chair to keep things as even as possible but Lethal is right there to post Trent.

Back with Trent hitting a slingshot dive and getting two off a backslide. Some rolling German suplexes put Lethal down and a half and half suplex gives Trent two. Lethal is right back with the Figure Four but Trent reverses into a small package for two. A superkick to the bad knee sets up the Lethal Injection to give Jay the clean pin at 10:16.

Rating: C+. So Lethal seems to be the next important challenger for the Ring Of Honor World Title, which is better than nothing as he at least has a history with the title, though it would be nice to not have that on an AEW show. Trent is a good opponent for Lethal as he can make most people look better, and it’s nice to see Lethal used on his own a bit more.

Ortiz talks about Mike Santana believing in him when he didn’t believe in himself. Santana was just next to him though instead of being with him. Cue Santana to ask where Ortiz was when he was out. They ask where each other was the whole time. A challenge is issues and they talk a lot of trash to each other. Santana says it wasn’t karma that took out his knee, but carrying Ortiz.

Emi Sakura vs. Skye Blue

Sakura blocks a rollup to start and they trade chops until Blue misses a charge. Blue gets dumped out to the floor and a hard running crossbody crushes her against the steps. Back in and the surfboard has Blue in more trouble but she leans back for two and a break. Blue gets a boot up in the corner and a DDT gets two. Skyfall is broken up and Sakura hits a very delayed butterfly backbreaker for two of her own. Back up and Blue hits a superkick and grabs Code Blue for the pin at 4:26.

Rating: C. Blue’s presence continues to exist around here and while she’s better than she was before, she’s still not exactly a top level star. It would be nice to have her do something more than show up, do ok and win with the Code Blue. Sakura is still about the same as she always has been, in that she’s fine at what she does but isn’t likely to move up the ladder anytime soon.

We look back at Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on the Gates of Agony vs. the Blackpool Combat Club.

Gates of Agony vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta for the Club and Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Kaun and Yuta start things off with Kaun taking him down into a headlock. Back up and Kaun powers him into the corner but Yuta slams him down and drops a backsplash for two. Castagnoli comes in for a stomp to the ribs but it’s too early for the Swing. It’s back to Yuta, who is sent outside and nailed with another shot to the ribs.

A hard whip into the apron keeps Yuta in trouble and Kaun runs him over to make it even worse. We take a break and come back with Yuta snapping off a German suplex. The tag brings Castagnoli back in for the parade of uppercuts. The hard clotheslines in the corner have Toa in more trouble but the Neutralizer is blocked.

Toa blocks the Swing as well and Kaun is back in with a gutbuster to Castagnoli. That’s finally enough for Castagnoli, who swings Toa into Yuta’s dropkick but Kaun makes the save. Castagnoli chases the interfering Prince Nana to the back, leaving Yuta to get facebustered for two. The double standing clothesline and the double spinebuster gets two on Yuta but here is Castagnoli again. Yuta hits an Angle Slam on Kaun and the Fastball Special finishes him off at 12:15.

Rating: B-. Castagnoli leaving at the end had me wondering if they might go with the surprise result here but ultimately sanity prevailed. It’s hard to fathom the Gates actually winning an important match so they went with what made sense has as the Club wins. I’m sure they’ll be off to something bigger in the future and that’s what they should be doing sooner than later.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, the wrestling was completely fine but it feels like this show exists to fill in time until we can get back to Dynamite, where things actually happen. It feels like a comic book miniseries to fill in gaps that the main series doesn’t have time to talk about. The show is far from terrible and isn’t a nightmare at just an hour, but it feels like absolutely nothing of note would be lost if it was dropped. Completely watchable show, but don’t waste your time.

Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker b. Hardys/Brother Zay – Elevated gutbuster to Zay
Jay Lethal b. Trent Beretta – Lethal Injection
Skye Blue b. Emi Sakura – Code Blue
Blackpool Combat Club b. Gates of Agony – Fastball Special to Kaun



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