Rampage – May 5, 2023: It’s Not For Everyone

Date: May 5, 2023
Location: CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

It’s a special show this week, as we have both an earlier airtime and the Firm Deletion match from the Hardy Compound. Other than that, we have the push towards Double Or Nothing, which may or may not be addressed this week. I’m almost scared to see what they have planned for the Firm Deletion match so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

QT Marshall/Aaron Solo/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. El Hijo del Vikingo/Lucha Bros

Vikingo flips around to avoid Marshall to start, allowing Marshall to try his own flip and fall on his face. A springboard missile dropkick sends Marshall into the corner, setting up the inverted flip into the hurricanrana out of said corner. The middle rope Phoenix splash gets two on Marshall so it’s off to Fenix vs. Solo. Fenix walks the ropes in the corner for a wristdrag, followed by a roll into a failed kneebar.

Penta comes in with a high crossbody to Hobbs, followed by a superkick. Hobbs runs him over with a clothesline and forearms Fenix out of the air. There’s a shot for Vikingo as well before Hobbs gets to plant Penta again. Marshall posts Penta and we take a break. Back with Penta kicking his way out of trouble and handing it back to Fenix. Vikingo comes back in with a springboard hurricanrana, setting up the triple dives to the floor. Back in and the wheelbarrow splash gets two on Solo, who flips Fenix face first down.

Marshall suplexes Vikingo into a powerbomb but Penta is back with a running Canadian Destroyer off of Vikingo’s back. Everyone is down so commentary talks about the Double Or Nothing main event. The villains are up first but Fenix knees his way out of Solo’s suplex. Vikingo tags himself back in but gets caught n top by Marshall. That’s fine with Vikingo, who hits a super Canadian Destroyer. The big lip dive through the table is broken up by Harley Cameron, leaving Solo to get caught with the spike Fear Factor for the pin at 12:24.

Rating: B. Take six people and let them go nuts. Marshall was doing his thing well and Hobbs still looks like a monster and Solo was fine enough in what she did. For now it was nice to see the Bros and Vikingo wreck some people, especially after rumors of Fenix needing some time away due to injuries.

We see a clip from after Dynamite with MJF losing it backstage after the Double Or Nothing main event became a four way.

Chris Jericho is worried about Adam Cole attacking him, hence him not doing commentary tonight. He is working on various assurances to keep himself safe and we’ll hear more about that on Dynamite.

Jade Cargill vs. Gia Scott

Non-title. Jaded finishes the screaming Scott at 33 seconds.

Mark Briscoe….doesn’t get to talk as Jeff Jarrett and company. The team wants Briscoe to get FTR to give them a Tag Team Titles shot but he has a match. Jay Lethal thinks Briscoe will do the right thing.

Mark Briscoe vs. Preston Vance

Briscoe knocks him to the floor to start and scores with the running Blockbuster off the apron. A posting drops Vance again and Briscoe sits him in a chair, only to miss a middle rope flip dive, sending him into said open chair (OUCH). Vance whips him into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Briscoe having to climb the corner to escape a full nelson. A German suplex drops Briscoe but he pops back up and kicks Vance in the face.

They forearm it out, including a running version each, until Briscoe drops him with a running clothesline. Vance is right back with a shot of his own and goes for a chair, but settles for a slingshot spear. The chair is brought in again but it gets kicked out, allowing Vance to hit him low for two (JR: “He’s got testicles of steel!” Excalibur: “Well he has eight kids.” Schiavone: “That was terrible.”). Briscoe knocks him outside and uses the chair as a springboard to drop Vance again. Back in and the Jay Driller finishes Vance at 11:54.

Rating: B-. Vance might not ever be a star but he is good for a hoss fight like this, as the two of them beat each other up rather well for what they had the chance to do. Briscoe’s weird charisma is able to carry him a long way, but the stuff with Jarrett and company is only working so well. Then again, if that is what he wants to do right now, good for him.

Post match Briscoe’s family get in the ring to celebrate with him.

Dustin Rhodes is looking forward to AEW coming to his hometown of Austin, Texas on May 17. Brian Cage jumps him though and Swerve Strickland comes in for trash talk. Keith Lee makes the save.

Video on Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart, who are fighting on Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

Video on Daniel Garcia vs. Orange Cassidy.

Hardys/Isiah Kassidy/Hook vs. The Firm

This is the Firm Deletion match, meaning cinematic, at the Hardy Compound with Hardy/Kassidy’s freedom from the Firm on the line. The Firm (Big Bill/Lee Moriarty/Ethan Page/Stokely Hathaway) break the mailbox before going through the gates, where they are met by Vanguard1 (the drone). Matt Hardy’s face is projected to say they are going through the space time continuum. Then it’s night and the Hardys and company are shoot fireworks at them.

We actually have commentary as a bunch of referees pop up to try and keep track of things. Kassidy gets chokeslammed against a tree as Matt beats up Page. The Twist of Fate is broken up and Page drops Matt for two. Jeff breaks a tree limb over Bill’s back and chokes him with another one. Hathaway is left alone and we see clips of his walk of shame from a few weeks ago. Then two of Matt’s kids almost run him down with a miniature car. Bill hits Jeff in the head with a limb as Matt and Ethan fight into a well lit barn, complete with a ring, as we take a break.

Back with Matt kicking out and Page yelling about the count. The Twist of Fate drops Page for two as we cut to Hathaway in a lounge, watching the match on a couch. Matt’s family pops in, with Senior Benjamin (the odd gardener) tazing him. We cut back to the Firm covering the Hardys in gasoline. Bill pulls out a lighter but Brother Zay (Kassidy, in different gear), dives onto them (Matt: “Brother Zay, I KNEW YOU’D COME!”).

Back in the barn, Reby Hardy (Matt’s wife) sends Stokely into the ring for a Twist of Fate and Matt’s son Maxel adds a Swanton, but Reby sends him to bed. Zay legdrops Bill off a ladder through a table and we cut back to the barn, where everyone beats up Page. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Page at we’ll say 14:00 (there was no opening bell).

Rating: B-. I have no idea what to say about something like this as it’s kind of in its own little universe. While they did go nuts with a lot of the stuff, they didn’t go completely over the top like the previous versions. It was more a match in the woods/the barn with a few Deletion match elements thrown in, making it a lot less insane.

On the negative side though, this is still about Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Page, which has been going on since October and never got all that interesting in the first place. It’s kind of hard to buy the Firm, who has never been treated as anything serious, as a threat to the Hardys and an undefeated Hook, though granted it was never quite presented as an even standoff. I didn’t dislike it, but this is still the definition of “not for me”, though there is certainly an audience for the Hardys’ totally out there antics.

Jeff leaves and goes outside to light a huge Hardys symbol on fire in the yard. Jeff thanks God and we’re done.

Overall Rating: B. While your mileage may vary on the main event, this was the most entertaining Rampage in a good bit. The biggest thing here is the fact that while insane and not the biggest story, the main event actually felt special. So often Rampage will start with its biggest thing and then meander around for the next 45 minutes. They went in the opposite direction here and it made for a good show, though that main event may be a complete and total miss for a lot of people.

El Hijo del Vikingo/Lucha Bros b. QT Marshall/Aaron Solo/Powerhouse Hobbs – Spike Fear Factor to Solo
Jade Cargill b. Gia Scott – Jaded
Mark Briscoe b. Preston Vance – Jay Driller
Hardys/Hook/Isiah Kassidy b. The Firm – Swanton to Page


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Rampage – April 28, 2023: Sacre Bleu, What A Waste Of My Time

Date: April 28, 2023
Location: FLA Live Arena, Sunrise, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

We’re on at another weird time slot as the playoffs continue to wreck havoc on the AEW schedule. As usual, it’s hard to say what you are going to get from Rampage, though I would assume a heavy focus on stories that aren’t going to matter much elsewhere. Things do happen around here, but it would be nice if it felt more important. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bullet Club Gold vs. Ricky Starks/Shawn Spears

It’s a brawl at the bell and they all head to the floor to keep it up. White chokes Spears with a camera cord as Starks chops Robinson inside. A White cheap shot from the apron lets Robinson take over though and we go to a break. Back with White chopping Spears in the corner, with Ross liking the physicality.

Spears manages to fight over to the corner though and the hot tag brings in Starks to clean house. It’s right back to Spears but the C4 is broken up with a rake to the eyes. A Sky high gives Spears two on White but another C4 attempt is broken up as well. The Blade Runner finishes Spears at 9:47.

Rating: C+. Putting White in a team right off the bat isn’t exactly making me care about what he does and tying him in with the Bullet Club again doesn’t help. Starks isn’t exactly getting much higher up the ladder by teaming with Shawn Spears, making me wonder what the point of a lot of this is. The match itself was good enough, though the rest is only so intriguing.

The Hardys and Hook are mad about the Firm kidnapping Isiah Kassidy. The Firm pops up on screen to demand to know when the Firm Deletion match is taking place. We’ll make it next week on Rampage, and then Big Bill chokeslams Kassidy off camera.

Naturally Limitless vs. Brady Pierce/Charlie James

Dustin punches Pierce in the face to start and snaps off the powerslam. Lee comes in for his half of a double backdrop before knocking James down. There’s the Uncle Phil toss to James before Dustin tells Lee to throw him at both guys. The pop up Spirit Bomb finishes James at 2:08. Total dominance.

Post match the Mogul Embassy comes out for a staredown.

Tay Melo interrupts a Sammy Guevara interview and yells at him for agreeing to lay down for MJF. It’s his turn to listen instead.

Anna Jay vs. Ashley D’Amboise

Anna gets in a few shots to start and bends Ashley’s back around the post as we take an early break. Back with Ashley fighting out of a suplex but getting dropped with a neckbreaker. The Queenslayer finishes Ashley at 5:43. Not enough shown to rate as more than half of that was in the commercial but Jay’s dominance continues.

Post match Julia Hart pops up to brawl with Jay, who bends her around the post as well.

The Outcasts are ready for Saraya to beat up Willow Nightingale on Dynamite.

Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Cameron Stewart/Dante Casanova/Ryzin

Fameasser, Arrival, Mic Drop finishes Stewart at 52 seconds, a lot of which was Gunn standing there looking at Stewart.

Jay Lethal and Cash Wheeler are ready for the main event.

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

Jay Lethal vs. Cash Wheeler

Mark Briscoe is the guest enforcer and Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Sonjay Dutt/Dax Harwood are all here too. Lethal gets knocked outside to start before coming back in for an aggressive lockup. Some slams let Lethal put him down but Wheeler armdrags him into an armbar. Back up and it’s too early for Lethal Injection, meaning Wheeler can clothesline him to the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Lethal grabbing an abdominal stretch as we see Wheeler’s bruised ribs. Briscoe doesn’t let Dutt cheat and Wheeler escapes, only to get caught in a hot shot. Lethal gets in a strut but Hail To The King hits raised knees. Wheeler slugs back and grabs a powerslam into a DDT for two on Lethal. The ribs give out on a piledriver attempt though and the Lethal Combination drops Wheeler. The Lethal Injection is countered into a Gory Bomb but Dutt gets on the apron for a distraction. Briscoe goes after Dutt but Lethal sends Wheeler into Briscoe for the big crash. Now the Injection can finish Wheeler at 12:18.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough and now that we have the Tag Team Champions losing out of the way, we can move on to the title match. Hopefully this doesn’t lead to Briscoe wondering why Wheeler hit him, as I don’t think I can take another story where watching the tape would solve everything but no one does it. It was a perfectly sound match, even if it didn’t feel all that important.

Overall Rating: C. And that’s being about as generous as I can be. This show felt a lot more like a bad Ring Of Honor show than anything else, as it was just a bunch of midcard stuff that didn’t have anything worth seeing. It was a rare case of me feeling like I was wasting my time watching an AEW show and I have a bad feeling that is going to get worse around here, especially when Collision comes around. Certainly not a bad show, but a total “here’s an hour of wrestling that fulfills a requirement” show, which is often a lot worse.

Bullet Club Gold b. Ricky Starks/Shawn Spears – Blade Runner to Spears
Naturally Limitless b. Brady Pierce/Charlie James – Pop up Spirit Bomb to James
Anna Jay b. Ashley D’Amboise – Queenslayer
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Cameron Stewart/Dante Casanova/Ryzin – Mic Drop to Stewart
Jay Lethal b. Cash Wheeler – Lethal Injection



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Rampage – April 22, 2023: Get Back To The Point

Date: April 22, 2023
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

It’s a Saturday show due to the NHL playoffs and that means…well I have no idea what it means as the audiences for these shows can be all over the place. The big story advertised is Jeff Hardy talking about some stuff, which isn’t exactly an incredibly intriguing draw. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Christopher Daniels

They go technical to start with Daniels taking him to the mat for a facelock. Back up and Daniels chops away before backdropping Moxley outside. That means the dive, even as Excalibur and JR ignore the match to talk about what is coming tonight. Moxley sends him into the steps though and we take a break.

Back with Moxley putting him on top for a back rake, only to have Daniels shove him down. A high crossbody gives Daniels two but Moxley blasts him with the King Kong lariat. The piledriver into the choke has Daniels in more trouble but he slips out and grabs a backdrop. Angel’s Wings gets a delayed two, only to have Daniels break up the Best Moonsault Ever. Moxley chokes him out for the win at 9:00.

Rating: B-. Daniels is a good example of someone who will give you a good match against anyone and it still feels like it means something when someone beats him. That was the case again here and what we got worked well. Moxley is already dealing with the Elite and this was a nice boost to keep him going towards whatever the big match is going to be.

Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling are ready for Taya Valkyrie on Dynamite, where the Road To Valhalla is illegal for Taya.

Here are the Hardys, with Isiah Kassidy and Hook for a chat. Jeff says he is happy to be back after working so hard but the best thing he can do is retire….from screwing up. Stokely Hathaway pops up to ask about the details for the Firm Deletion match. Cue the Firm to jump the four of them and the good guys are laid out.

We look at the Outcasts beating down Britt Baker as Adam Cole had to watch.

Baker was in the medical room as Cole kept apologizing to her.

Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes are back next week.

Kiera Hogan vs. Julia Hart

Hogan starts fast by dropping her down but Julia goes for the throat to even things up. A snapmare sets up a kick to the back for two and counters Hartless into a rollup for two, only to have Hartless go on the second time to make Hogan tap at 3:07.

Rating: C-. Hogan hasn’t done anything since splitting from Jade Cargill and company but at least they’re doing something with Hart. The move to the House of Black has at least let her stand out some more, though she still isn’t exactly great in the ring. Just a quick match to give Hart something to do, which isn’t exactly a great sign.

Post match Anna Jay comes in for the brawl with Hart.

The Blackpool Combat Club interrupts a Christopher Daniels interview. Daniels is ready to fight but Jon Moxley comes in to cut them off. Then he lays out Daniels on his own.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/FTR vs. Varsity Athletes/Slim J

Mark Sterling, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here too. Slim J takes Harwood into the corner and hammers away but Harwood snaps off a suplex to take over. Wheeler comes in and gets caught with a headscissors so Lethal and Jarrett come in to take over instead. FTR and Lethal/Jarrett have a faceoff and we take a break.

Back with Woods chinlocking Wheeler to keep him down until a kneelift gets him out of trouble. Daivari gets caught with a suplex and it’s back to Harwood to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Jarrett doesn’t notice Nese rolling Harwood up for two. Harwood yells at Jarrett for not making the save so Nese charges in. That earns him a Stroke, with Jarrett letting Harwood get the pin at 8:16.

Rating: C. What were you expecting here? Lethal and Jarrett are find hands with almost nothing interesting about them and the Varsity Athletes are the Varsity Athletes. FTR are great but they can only carry a story this dull so far. It’s still very early in their new title reign, but I would hope that FTR has something better to do at Double Or Nothing.

Post match Mark Briscoe has to come out and play peacemaker.

Video on Orange Cassidy’s run as International Champion.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Butcher and the Blade are ready for Kenny Omega/Konosuke Takeshita on Dynamite.

AAA Mega Title: El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Dralistico

Vikingo is defending and gets dropped in the aisle by a flying Dralistico during his entrance. They get inside with Dralistico chopping away until a spinning kick to the head cuts him down. A poisonrana gives Vikingo a breather and a quick Canadian Destroyer sends us to a break. Back with Dralistico hitting a middle rope moonsault to the floor, followed by a springboard Codebreaker for two. They both go to the corner, where Vikingo hits another Canadian Destroyer onto the apron.

Cue La Faccion Ingobernable to jump Vikingo, who is fine enough to kick Dralistico down. A top rope double stomp gets two but Dralistico is back with a top rope hurricanrana to the floor. Back in and Dralistico grabs La Mistica until Vikingo slips out. The running knees in the corner set up the 630 to retain the title at 11:30.

Rating: B-. This was quite the step down for Vikingo, who only got to do a few of his usual big stuff. At the same time, there hasn’t been much of anything from him since the Omega match, as the same flips and dives are going to lose their impact the more you see him. As I saw Vikingo two days ago on Ring Of Honor, this didn’t do nearly as much and I can’t say that’s any kind of a surprise. Entertaining match, but either give Vikingo a feud or stop featuring him so often.

Post match La Faccion beats up Vikingo to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was good enough to get by but it has the traditional Rampage problem: nothing on here feels even remotely important and there is nothing to suggest that it is getting better. What even was the big story here? The Club takes out someone who was friends with the Young Bucks years ago? Hopefully they pick the pace up again next week, because this wasn’t much of a show. At least not one worth seeing.

Jon Moxley b. Christopher Daniels – Bulldog choke
Julia Hart b. Kiera Hogan – Hartless
FTR/Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett b. Varsity Athletes/Slim J – Stroke to Nese
El Hijo del Vikingo b. Dralistico – 630



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Rampage – April 14, 2023: The Rampage Special

Date: April 14, 2023
Location: UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We are about a month and a half away from Double Or Nothing but this week’s show has a bit of an international feeling. The major advertised match will see Aussie Open, the new IWGP Tag Team Champions Aussie Open defending against the Best Friends. Other than that, we should get at least some stories advanced with the action to back it up. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

IWGP Tag Team Titles: Aussie Open vs. Best Friends

Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher/Mark Davis) is defending with Davis running Trent over to start. As Excalibur lists off all kinds of former champions, what happened recently and what is coming tonight (taking about a minute to do so), Trent hits a high crossbody to take over on Fletcher. That doesn’t last long though as Fletcher drops him on top and the Best Friends are sent outside.

The Friends are rammed into each other before the hand off suplex drops Trent for two back inside. We take a break and come back with Chuck saving Trent and a double chokeslam putting Davis down. We get the Big Hug and a Doomsday knee gets two on Fletcher. Back up and Davis kicks Chuck into a spinning Tombstone, followed by a nasty piledriver to Trent. The double clothesline sets up Coriolis to retain the titles at 9:45.

Rating: C+. Nice stuff here as the Aussies get a win to establish themselves a bit better. The Best Friends are going to be over no matter what they do so there is little for them to lose in something like this. The match was energetic enough to be a featured showdown on Rampage and that’s a pretty good place to be.

Mark Briscoe isn’t sure that he’s on the same page as Sonjay Dutt and company, because apparently a misleading statement leads to a legally binding agreement. Dutt talks to Briscoe about working together and even has a shirt with the entire stables’ faces on it. Isn’t this more or less the same thing as Matt Hardy (also a legendary tag wrestler) with the Firm?

Here is FTR for a chat. It took them two years and five months to get the AEW Tag Team Titles back. There has been some speculation about their futures, but they have signed with AEW for another four years. They are retiring when their contracts are done, but for the next four years, you’re getting everything they have because they want to be the best team ever.

This is their redemption story after they have been beaten down. They have fought and fought to be here and the only difference between themselves and the fans is having the fans in their corner. They have four years left and it will be awesome. Top guys out. It’s nice to have some clarification for their futures and they’re back on top, where they should be.

The Hardys, Isiah Kassidy and Hook are glad to have Jeff Hardy back, after a rough nine months. They are ready for their match against the Firm so Matt and Private Party can be free from their contracts. The match will take place at the Hardy Compound (oh geez) as Matt seems Broken again.

Wardlow had no comment on destroying Powerhouse Hobbs’ card. Hobbs is mad, but he’s ready to destroy Wardlow in their TNT Title match next week.

Mark Briscoe/Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal vs. Spanish Announce Project/Jake Manning

Briscoe and company have Sonjay Dutt with them and the brawl is on fast. Dutt trips Manning down and Briscoe isn’t happy, leading to everything breaking down. Singh comes in for a gorilla press and chokeslam, setting up the Froggy Bow to finish Manning at 2:00.

Video on the Blackpool Combat Club vs. the Elite.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Emi Sakura

Taya chops away to start and hits a running elbow in the corner to rock Sakura. The running knees make it worse and Taya powering out of a waistlock doesn’t help. The Road To Valhalla is loaded up but here are Leila Grey and Jade Cargill for a distraction. Sakura drops Taya and we take a break. Back with Taya hitting a sliding German suplex but another Cargill distraction lets Sakura send Taya into the steps. Back in and Taya has had enough of this, setting up a spear into the Road To Valhalla for the pin at 8:33.

Rating: C+. It was nice to see Taya having to work for a win for a change as she continues to be built up for Cargill. Sakura is someone who has done well enough to make this mean something and Taya getting a win helps enough. Good match here, and now the question is whether Taya can take the title from Jade. I mean she probably won’t, but it’s nice to see her having more of a chance than most.

Post match Grey comes in but gets Road To Valhalled as well. Cargill comes in and slugs it out with Taya but Leila breaks up the Road To Valhalla. Jade plants her with Jaded to stand tall. It’s so nice to see Jade having an actual challenge to one of her upcoming title defenses rather than the next designated victim.

Jose The Assistant challenges El Hijo del Vikingo for a AAA Mega Title shot on behalf of Dralistico.

The Jericho Appreciation Society “raps” about the Acclaimed. Cue the Acclaimed, with Caster not even bothering to rap. The beating is on, with Billy Gunn whipping out some scissors to try to cut off Matt Menard’s hard nipples. The challenge is thrown out for Dynamite.

Jungle Boy and Shawn Spears are ready for the main event. Spears isn’t friends with MJF anymore but he wants the World Title too. If beating Jungle Boy gets him that much closer, so be it.

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

Jungle Boy vs. Shawn Spears

Spears rolls him up for two (and a ten) but Jungle Boy hits a dropkick for a ten of his own. They both go to the floor where the other can tease a dive but pull up at the last second. Spears gets sent into the barricade as we see Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara watching in the back. Jungle Boy gets sent over the barricade and we take a break.

Back with an exchange of near falls until Spears pump kicks him down. Jungle Boy hits a clothesline for his own knockdown though and they both get a breather. A rollup gives Jungle Boy two but Spears is back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Spears goes for a cradle but Jungle Boy stacks him up for the pin at 9:04.

Rating: C. This was a completely watchable match which never broke through to the next level. In other words, it was a Shawn Spears match and little more. Spears is one of the good hands around here who won’t give you a bad match but also won’t get anywhere beyond his ceiling. Jungle Boy gets another win to keep up the brilliant yet shockingly simple build towards Double Or Nothing of “have challengers win matches”.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a show that existed, with a bunch of stuff that didn’t really mean much and Jungle Boy getting a win in the main event. That’s Rampage in a nutshell for the most part and it isn’t something you need to see in any way. It’s a complete watchable show, but the big draw of this show was a guest team defending another company’s titles and finding out what is going to happen on Dynamite. That’s not the most interesting hour.

Aussie Open b. Best Friends – Coriolis to Chuck
Mark Briscoe/Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal b. Spanish Announce Project/Jake Manning – Froggy Bow to Manning
Taya Valkyrie b. Emi Sakura – Road To Valhalla
Jungle Boy b. Shawn Spears – Cradle



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Rampage – April 7, 2023: The Long Week

Date: April 7, 2023
Location: Ryan Center, Kingston, Rhode Island
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

We’re here for the first half of a double shot as it’s a live Rampage and Battle of the Belts back to back. That should make for a packed night and we’ll start here, including Hook vs. Ethan Page II, again for the FTW Title. Other than that, it’s Rampage so expect quite the variety tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Ethan Page

Hook is defending and this is FTW Rules, meaning anything goes and falls count anywhere. Page isn’t wasting time and knocks him off the apron but Hook fights back. A table is pulled out and Hook hammers away against the barricade. They fight into the crowd and through the fans and Page gets the better of things, only to have Hook pound away with forearms to the chest.

We take a break and come back with Page knocking Hook over the barricade but stopping to yell at someone. The distraction lets Hook hit an exploder suplex and whip out a chair (to go with the table inside). That table isn’t good enough though as Hook would rather suplex Page through a table at ringside.

Page breaks that up and powerslams him through the ringside table instead. The powerslam gives Page two and Hook is thrown inside for the first time. Page chairs him down but another swing hits the rope, sending the chair into his own head. The Twist of Fate onto a chair gives Hook two so Page tries to send him through another table. That takes too long though and Redrum retains the title at 9:14.

Rating: C-. I wasn’t into this one as it was a bunch of brawling through the crowd and fighting on the floor. Hook can do better than this and I don’t get the interest in slowly walking through the crowd for five minutes, a table spot and then Redrum. I’m not sure why we needed a rematch after Dynamite but this should wrap things up for good. It wasn’t an awful match, but they didn’t really do anything.

Post match Hook puts him through the table.

And now, QTV. After implying that Powerhouse Hobbs used Wardlow’s stolen credit card to buy a car (“that huge sale this week”), QT Marshall is ready to win a title and mocks Dante Martin’s injury.

Acclaimed/Jericho Appreciation Society vs. LSG/Bobby Orlando/The Infantry

Billy Gunn and Jake Hager are here too. Bowens strikes away at LSG to start and Scissor Me Timbers hits Orlando. That means a four way scissoring, but Acclaimed changes their mind and does it themselves. The Mic Drop finishes for Caster at 2:04.

Post match the Society jumps the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn.

Swerve Strickland talks about Trench and Parker Boudreaux being down and says that he’s being involved in a merger. He’s joining forces with….you’ll find out later tonight. Note that Swerve said of course he got 51% of the ownership. There’s your second jab at/reference to WWE’s merger/buyout and the second that isn’t exactly funny. Maybe that’s not what they’re doing, but otherwise, why make that specific of a reference?

Darby Allin vs. Lee Moriarty

Big Bill is here with Moriarty, who gets rolled up for a quick two. That leaves Moriarty a little aghast so he takes Allin down with a test of strength. They head outside where Allin gets in a shot of his own and sends Moriarty into the barricade. Big Bill boots him down though and we take a break. Back with Allin dropkicking him into the corner but having to glare Bill down. That’s enough for Moriarty to pull Allin off the top and get two off a European Clutch. Back up and Code Red drops Moriarty, setting up a dive onto Bill. The Coffin Drop gives Allin the pin at 9:46.

Rating: C+. AEW is setting up the Four Pillars match and they’re doing it the old fashioned way: by having the people involved (or at least the challengers) win match after match. These guys are suddenly on rolls and want the World Title. Just keep it up on the way to Double Or Nothing and include some bigger names, and you have a hot main event.

Post match Allin goes to leave but here is Swerve Strickland to offer a handshake…..and then Brian Cage jumps Allin, because Swerve has merged with the freaking Embassy.

We get a sitdown interview between Taya Valkyrie and Jade Cargill/Mark Sterling over ownership of Jaded/Road To Valhalla.

Video on Julia Hart vs. Julia Hart.

Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart

Anna jumps her to start and they fight to the floor, with Hart whipping her into the barricade. Back in and Anna kicks Hart in the face and snaps her throat across the top rope to take over again. Hart gets whipped into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Hart hitting a standing moonsault for two on Anna but getting caught in the Queenslayer. That’s broken up so Hart hits a top rope moonsault press. The Queenslayer goes on again but they fall out to the floor for a crash. Anna gets back in but Hart throws in a chair for a distraction, allowing Hart to spray the black mist. A small package gives Hart the pin at 9:43.

Rating: C. These two are certainly trying and you can see some improvements, but it still doesn’t feel like the most natural match when either of them are in the ring. Both feel like they’re going through a list of things they decided to do rather than flowing naturally and that doesn’t help much. It was far from a bad match and they didn’t mess up anything horribly, but there is a limit to what these two are capable of doing right now.

Post match Hart goes to leave and runs into Orange Cassidy on the way to the ring for the opener of Battle of the Belts.

Overall Rating: C. This wasn’t much as the biggest story coming out of it was the JAS attacking the Acclaimed, which took place two days after the Acclaimed rapped about how stupid the team was. Other than that, the Embassy now has a story and Hook beat Ethan Page again. This show continues to feel like they just throw whatever doesn’t make it onto Dynamite on there (or in some cases something very similar) and that doesn’t make for the most interesting hour.

Hook b. Ethan Page – Redrum
Acclaimed/Jericho Appreciation Society b. LSG/Bobby Orlando/The Infantry – Mic Drop to Orlando
Darby Allin b. Lee Moriarty – Coffin Drop
Julia Hart b. Anna Jay – Small package



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Rampage – March 31, 2023: The Lost Show

Date: March 31, 2023
Location: Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Chris Jericho

It’s time for the show that is stuck in the middle of the biggest weekend of the wrestling year. In this case, it’s going to be hard to find something that gets a lot of attention and there is a very real chance that AEW might punt here and wait for more eyes to be on them. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Sammy Guevara

Guevara has Tay Melo with him. Guevara gets on commentary’s nerves to start but Takeshita knocks him back a bit. Takeshita takes the leg out to put Guevara down and even strikes his pose as we see Darby Allin watching in the back. Guevara drops Takeshita over the top rope and hits a big top rope flip dive to take him down again.

Back in and Takeshita kicks him to the floor instead, setting up the big no hands flip dive. They both go up top with Guevara biting his way out of a German superplex. There’s a running stomp to bring Takeshita out of the Tree of Woe and we take a break. Back with Takeshita reversing a brainbuster into one of his own and grabbing a German suplex.

Guevara flips out of another one though and catches Takeshita in a standing Spanish Fly for two. Takeshita pulls him out of the air for a Blue Thunder Bomb for two and goes up top. That’s cut off by Guevara but Takeshita knocks him off the top. A hard clothesline connects but Melo grabs Takeshita’s ankle, allowing Guevara to hit the GTH for the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C+. This was about Guevara getting his win to match the rest of the Four Pillars, meaning that he might be on the way to Double Or Nothing for a World Title match as well. For now though, what matters is that Guevara keeps his momentum, but Takeshita taking another loss isn’t the best thing to see. Just let him beat someone important, please?

And now, QTV (JR: Really?”), with a discussion of who should be the next challenger for Powerhouse Hobbs. That doesn’t last long so QT Marshall talks about debuting the Dirt Sheet Driver, which he stole from Japan, so “the marks already love it”. Maybe he could hit it four times in a row and call it the Dirt Sheet Symphony. This is still rather bad.

Matt Hardy has drawn up Ethan Page’s contract for his match with Hook on Dynamite. Page doesn’t know what’s in it but signs (as Hook has already done). Hardy even winks at the camera as Page signs.

Best Friends vs. House Of Black

Trent hits a standing Meteora on Black to start and drives him into the corner. Chuck comes in but Trent gets knocked off the apron, leaving Chuck on his own against both monsters. King lariats Chuck down for two and sends Trent outside to keep up the beating. We take a break and come back with Trent getting the hot tag to clean house.

Trent hits the big running flip dive to drop King on the floor, followed by a missile dropkick to Black for two. The half and half Soul Food combination drops Black again but King is back in to…get low bridged to the floor actually. Everyone heads outside and King powerbombs Chuck through the table. Trent hits King with a chair and it’s a double DQ at 9:24.

Rating: C. The match was only so logical as I’m not sure why the House Of Black was needing this long to take out the Best Friends. The House Of Black has a bad tendency to not fight like monsters and they only did so much of it here. It’s not like the Best Friends should be squashed, but this was more even than it should have been.

Post match the beatdown stays on so Orange Cassidy comes out for the save….and gets laid out on the stage by Buddy Matthews.

Video on Keith Lee vs. Swerve Strickland. Note that the team split in November and they haven’t had a singles match yet.

Marina Shafir vs. Taya Valkyrie

Cue Jade Cargill and company to watch as Shafir goes with the grappling to start. Taya powers up and knocks Shafir away, setting up a quick Road To Valhalla for the pin at 2:37. More of the same from Taya.

Post match Mark Sterling sends the process server (Tootie) to the ring to sue Taya, who gives her Road To Valhalla as well.

Anna Jay is ticked off at Julia Hart for mocking her broken ribs. Jay: “I have a fat a** and a bad attitude.” She promises to choke Hart out. Jay is a lot of things, but a good talker isn’t one of them.

Juice Robinson is ready to beat up Action Andretti on his way to facing Ricky Starks.

Here’s what’s coming on future shows.

Action Andretti vs. Juice Robinson

Andretti starts fast by climbing the corner for a springboard armdrag. Robinson takes him into the corner and chops away while shouting about Ricky Starks. A headscissors drops Robinson though and we take a break. Back with Robinson hitting a gutbuster and driving a knee into the ribs. Robinson whips him into the corner as Excalibur talks about how Robinson has been using his power to keep control (point for telling the story). Andretti manages to send him outside for an Asai moonsault, setting up a springboard clothesline back inside. Robinson kicks him in the face though and hits the forward DDT for the pin at 9:02.

Rating: C+. We’ve pretty much reached the point now where Andretti is little more than a jobber to the stars, which is about all you could have expected from him. He wasn’t going to become the next bit thing off of one upset win so just being around is about all he could have expected. As for Robinson…he’s just kind of there as well and seems to be someone that Ricky Starks happens to be dealing with at the moment. Maybe that gets better, but for now he’s just ok.

Post match Ricky Starks runs in to chase Robinson off to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Pretty ho hum show here with some decent action. There’s only so much you’re going to be able to get with Guevara as the top singles star in action on the show, but at least they did seem to set up something with the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy vs. the House of Black. Other than that, a watchable yet not exactly must see show, which is pretty much Rampage to the letter.

Sammy Guevara b. Konosuke Takeshita – GTH
Best Friends vs. House Of Black went to a double DQ
Taya Valkyrie b. Marina Shafir – Road To Valhalla
Juice Robinson b. Action Andretti – Forward DDT



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Rampage – March 25, 2023: They Can Do Better

Date: March 25, 2023
Location: Cable Dahmer Arena, Independence, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

It’s a rare Saturday Rampage this week due to the NCAA Tournament. The show is coming off a pretty strong Dynamite this week so it has its work cut out for it. You never know what you might get on Rampage, which can make the show that much more interesting a lot of the time. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Penta El Cero Miedo vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs, with the QTV crew, is defending and they strike it out to start. Miedo knocks him to the floor but the dive is cut off, allowing Hobbs to hammer away. There’s a posting to drop Miedo again before Hobbs whips him hard into the corner back inside. Hobbs slowly beats him down and plants Miedo for two as we take a break.

Back with Miedo hitting a Sling Blade and a Backstabber out of the corner gets two. Hobbs isn’t having that and runs Miedo over before starting to get serious. Town Business is broken up though and Miedo superkicks him to the floor, setting up the big flip dive. A top rope double stomp on the apron sets up another one inside for two as Hobbs barely kicks out. QT Marshall offers a distraction though and Miedo has to deal with Aaron Solo. That lets Hobbs hit a belt shot into Town Business to retain at 10:35.

Rating: C. So now Hobbs has gone from a monster to needing QT Marshall to win the title to needing distractions from Marshall/Solo and a belt shot to retain. How any promotion can manage to screw up something like this is beyond me, but at least QTV is getting some extra attention. Why not just give Marshall the title and call it a day?

Post match Hobbs goes after Alex Abrahantes but Rey Fenix makes the save with a hammer.

We recap the Young Bucks getting attacked on Dynamite and Don Callis being up to some shenanigans after Kenny Omega beat Hijo del Vikingo.

Jeff Cobb wants Omega on Dynamite.

Here is Ricky Starks for a chat. He feels like he has been talking enough lately and now he wants Juice Robinson out here for a fight. Cue Robinson to say he is being called out so it’s time for Starks to take a beating. Robinson changes his mind so Starks comes after him, only to have Robinson bail into the crowd. They’re not fighting in Missouri, so they’ll do it in two weeks in New York. This story still isn’t exactly clicking.

Jay Lethal praises Jeff Jarrett, who wants respect from the delusional AEW fans. Sonjay Dutt says they’re coming for the Tag Team Titles. Satnam Singh stands there.

Brody King vs. Jake Hager

Julia Hart is here with King. They shove/knock each other around to start with neither getting very far. An exchange of running forearms to the face doesn’t work so King chops him hard to the floor instead. King whips him into the barricade but Hager does the exact same thing (just to King instead).

We take a break and come back with King hitting a Boss Man Slam for two. King clotheslines him in the corner but misses the Cannonball. The Vader Bomb hits King’s raised knees though and King hits a clothesline for two. Cue Anna Jay to post Hart and Hager rolls King up for two. That just annoys King enough to Samoan driver Hager for the pin at 7:17.

Rating: C+. Hager still doesn’t feel like the most important member of the roster but at least he put King over here to make up for some of last week’s loss to Daniel Garcia. King is someone who could be a big monster and now he needs to be built back up to make it more of a possibility. This is a nice start, but the Jericho Appreciation Society beating him a few more times wouldn’t stun me.

Swerve Strickland is ready to finish Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee when he wants to. For now, he has a fresh affiliate (Tec-9?) and is coming after them.

Leila Grey vs. Taya Valkyrie

Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling are here with Grey. A lot of trash is talked to start before Taya runs her over with a clothesline. Some right hands set up the Road To Valhalla to finish Grey at 1:13.

Post match Sterling yells at Taya and gets the Road To Valhalla too.

Video on the Kingdom vs. Acclaimed.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

Kingdom vs. Acclaimed

Matt Menard, with Angelo Parker, is on commentary, Maria is here with the Kingdom and Billy Gunn is here with the Acclaimed. Maria offers a fast distraction so Taven can knock Caster into the corner. Bennett comes in, decks Bowens, and goes back to Caster, who gets in a forearm of his own. It’s off to Bowens for a neckbreaker on Bennett and there’s Scissor Me Timbers. Scissoring ensues and we take a break.

Back with Taven kicking Caster in the face for two and the Kingdom gives Billy a crotch chop. Maria tries to slip in a shoe but Billy chases her off. Cue Top Flight (because this match needs a team on commentary, a team interfering and two managers) to chase her off. Bowens comes in off the tag and starts to clean house, including a running Fameasser from behind to Taven. Bennett is sent outside and it’s the Arrival into the Mic Drop for the pin on Taven at 9:50.

Rating: C+. Pretty good here as it’s nice to have a team as talented as the Kingdom around, but they were only around to help reheat the Acclaimed. It’s a shame to see the Acclaimed fall as fast as they have. They’re still talented and popular, but they have gone from the most over team in AEW to main eventing Rampage against a team who haven’t really been established around here. Oh and they get Menard and Parker next, just in case they needed even weaker competition.

Scissoring ensues after the match, with the Jericho Appreciation Society approving to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. It wasn’t a bad show but it felt like a rather typical Rampage, with little in the way of important stories. This week didn’t even have anything resembling a great match, making this feel like a rather hard punt. That’s fine for the tournament show, but it would still be nice to have this show feel a lot more important. Or for Hobbs to not be playing second fiddle to QTV, but that is looking more and more like a lost cause. Anyway, decent show this week, but absolutely nothing you need to see.

Powerhouse Hobbs b. Penta El Cero Miedo – Town Business
Brody King b. Jake Hager – Samoan driver
Taya Valkyrie b. Leila Grey – Road To Valhalla
Acclaimed b. Kingdom – Mic Drop to Taven


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Rampage – March 17, 2023: The Early Night Hour

Date: March 17, 2023
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Paul Wight, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in Canada for St. Patrick’s Day Slam, which will actually air very early on Saturday due to the NCAA basketball tournament. That means the audience is going to be down, which means the show might not be as stacked as usual. It would make sense, but that could make for an interesting show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Rey Fenix vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs, with QTV (Aaron Solo/QT Marshall), is defending and Fenix flips around to start. Fenix knocks him to the floor for a dive, setting up an Asai moonsault to drop Hobbs again. Back in and Hobbs runs him over for a change and takes it right back to the floor for a whip into the barricade. Hobbs takes it back inside and is rather pleased with how crumpled Fenix seems to be. The nerve hold goes on, followed by a suplex for two on Fenix as we take a break.

Back with Fenix being pulled back inside and the nerve hold going on. Fenix fights up and bounces on the ropes before having his springboard armdrag pulled into a powerslam for two. Fenix is able to snap off a German suplex for two and the rope walk kick to the head drops Hobbs again.

Hobbs is fine enough to drive him HARD into the corner, setting up a nasty spinebuster for two. Fenix gets back up and kicks him down, setting up a frog splash for two. A roll is pulled out of the air into another spinebuster though and Town Business (a reverse FU, which I don’t think was what they called Town Business before) retains the title at 14:13.

Rating: B-. Good power vs. speed match here and it’s nice for Hobbs’ first title defense to be against someone with credibility. That being said, my goodness does it feel like a waste for Hobbs to be part of a group. Hobbs is a force but now it looks like he’s part of the Factory 2.0, with QT Marshall being the star of their vignette last week. I don’t get the thinking here, as Hobbs could be fine on his own, but AEW does love its stables.

Post match, Hobbs beats up Alex Abrahantes for a bonus.

Adam Cole is ready to come back on March 29.

Stu Grayson wants Jon Moxley next week.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Ava Lawless

This is Taya’s in-ring debut and she powers Lawless into the corner for a running clothesline. The running knees in the corner set up a spear and the Road To Valhalla (better known as Jaded around here) finishes Lawless at 1:17. Total dominance.

Post match Jade Cargill, Leila Grey and Mark Sterling come out to glare at Taya.

Matt Hardy (in a Ribera Steak House jacket) train Stokely Hathaway for Hook. Hathaway’s tickle counter to a slam and having a cookie might not be the best idea.

Bollywood Boyz vs. Jericho Appreciation Society

The Boyz give Parker a modified Hart Attack (top rope elbow instead of a running clothesline) to send him to the floor to start fast. Back in and it’s off to Menard to take Gurv down as we go to a break. We come back with Harv cleaning house, including a running spinwheel kick to Parker. The Society double teams him down though and grabs the double implant DDT for the pin at 6:47.

Rating: C. I still do not get the logic behind having almost half of a match take place during a break, especially one as low level as this one. The Boyz are always worth at least a glance just due to how much fun they seem to be having out there but the Society is only so interesting. They’re a good enough team, but the idea of them feuding with the Acclaimed feels like as much of a downgrade as you can get after losing the titles.

Post match the Society mocks the scissoring.

Don Callis greeted Konosuke Takeshita at the airport with flowers and a Japanese man banging a drum.

Video on Hijo del Vikingo vs. Kenny Omega next week on Dynamite.

We look at the triple threat Trios Titles match from Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming at various shows.

The Gunns are happy about being Tag Team Champions and run into Top Flight, who they think are the valets. They get in an argument about being the best brother team and Top Flight wants the titles. The title match is set for next week. The Gunns leave their bags though and Top Flight takes them. Thieves.

Daniel Garcia vs. Brody King

Chris Jericho is here with Garcia while King has Julia Hart. Garcia bails to the floor to start and the chase is on and lasts over a minute until Garcia dropkicks the knee. With that not working, King sends him into the corner, only to miss a splash. Garcia gets sent outside where he stops to hit on Hart, earning himself a heck of a chop. The running crossbody against the barricade crushes Garcia again but he avoids a charge and sends King into the steps.

We take a break and come back with King planting him with a swinging Boss Man Slam for two. A piledriver gets the same and there’s a Cannonball in the corner to give King two more. Garcia goes after the ankle and slaps on a sleeper, which is broken up through straight power. Another missed charge lets Garcia grab his own Walls, sending King to the rope. Jericho gets in a baseball bat shot so Garcia grabs a choke to win at 12:26.

Rating: C+. Well that’s one way to go. King has been presented as a monster for the last few weeks and the solution is just “hit him with a baseball bat”. The fans went nuts for Jericho (of course) but I’m not sure how wise it is to have Garcia pin the monster like this. If you need Jericho to do something like this, do it in a dark match and save King’s unstoppable aura.

Overall Rating: B-. As usual, Rampage is an enjoyable watch and nothing was bad but it feels like another show where they were just supplementing Dynamite. The good thing is that everything served at least something of a purpose, which puts it above most Rampages. Now just have Hobbs crush the rest of QT and feed them to his cat (I’m picturing one named Milo) and everything is a lot better.

Powerhouse Hobbs b. Rey Fenix – Town Business
Taya Valkyrie b. Ava Lawless – Road To Valhalla
Jericho Appreciation Society b. Bollywood Boyz – Double implant DDT to Harv
Daniel Garcia b. Brody King – Choke



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Rampage – March 10, 2023: That Rampage Style

Date: March 10, 2023
Location: Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Jim Ross

We’re still in California and it’s the fallout Rampage from Revolution. I’m not sure what that is going to mean as you never know what you are going to get on this show. One of the bigger matches announced is Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance in a match Takeshita could actually win. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti

Guevara is more than a bit cocky to start so Andretti takes him down and starts hammering away. Andretti sends him outside and into the steps, setting up a dropkick and moonsault for two back inside. They head outside again with Guevara getting the better of things for a change. Back up and Andretti sends him outside again for a dive and we take a break.

We come back with a midair collision leaving both of them down. They slug it out with Andretti hitting a backbreaker into a neckbreaker to put Guevara on the floor again. An Arabian moonsault drops Guevara, setting up a springboard 450 for two back inside. The running shooting star press only hits knees though and Andretti gets flipped over into a DDT.

Andretti bails outside before the cover and we pause for Guevara to get some water (MJF style). Guevara takes too long to put him on the table though, allowing Andretti to knock him onto the table instead. The huge dive off the top sends Guevara through said table but cue Daniel Garcia for a cheap shot. GTH (that looked painful) finishes Andretti at 12:14.

Rating: C+. The main thing this match showed me was that while talented, there isn’t much that makes Andretti stand out. He does a lot of the same stuff that several people around here do and that isn’t going to do him much good. While the talent is there, he needs something to make him feel different. The win over Jericho was cool, but that is only going to carry him so far, which is starting to become clear. Putting him in ROH would make some more sense, but it looks like he’s the next person to have to face most of the Society.

Darby Allin doesn’t care about success if he can’t be himself. Maybe he can do more of that next week.

Jungle Boy is glad to be done with Christian Cage and now he’s ready to come after any man with a title.

Powerhouse Hobbs and QT Marshall are glad with the TNT Title win. Next week on Dynamite, it’s the debut of QTV, where they’ll tell you who really robbed Wardlow’s car. Because QT Marshall needs a talk show (or whatever it is).

Acclaimed vs. Starboy Charlie/Jack Cartwheel

Billy Gunn is here with the Acclaimed and Bowens starts with Cartwheel. As Gunn talks to a fan with a SIGN STARBOY CHARLIE sign, Bowens hammers Cartwheel down and hands it off to Caster. Scissor Me Timbers connects and it’s Charlie, in his overalls, comes in. Caster superkicks him straight down and the Arrival into the Mic Drop finishes Charlie at 1:44. Total squash.

Post match the Jericho Appreciation Society come out to offer the Acclaimed the shirt but get turned down again.

The Jericho Appreciation Society are ready to win the Trios Titles on Dynamite.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance

Don Callis is on commentary and Jose the Assistant is at ringside. They grapple up against the ropes until Takeshita hits a running clothesline. An elbow to the face sends Vance outside, setting up the slingshot dive as we take a break. Back with both hitting clotheslines for a double knockdown before Takeshita’s Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. The running knee connects but Jose puts the foot on the rope. After Takeshita takes him down, Vance’s discus lariat gets two. The full nelson is broken up and Takeshita backslides him for the pin at 7:55.

Rating: C+. This was about two people hitting each other rather hard until Takeshita picks up the win with a surprise pin. Takeshita needs to win a few things and this was a good start, but eventually it needs to be over someone a good bit bigger than Vance. And on Dynamite for a change too.

Swerve Strickland talks about how Keith Lee has taken out his Affiliates so maybe Lee is more prepared than he thought. He has something else in store for Lee though and now he’s turning into a cannibal.

Here is Mark Briscoe for a chat. He represents the baddest tag team of all time but now it is time to move forward with the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles. With Tony Khan’s permission, he has an idea: a tag team ladder match (of course) at Supercard of Honor for the titles, called the Reach For The Sky ladder match. We even have the first team: the Lucha Bros!

We recap the Firm vs. Hook, with Matt Hardy offering to train Stokely Hathaway for his match against Hook, where the team is banned from ringside.

We recap Riho vs. Nyla Rose.

Riho vs. Nyla Rose

Marina Shafir is with Rose, who powers Riho into the corner to start without much effort. A slam and splash crush Riho, who bridges out of a cover before the count (because a splash from someone over 100lbs heavier is shrugged of). Some dropkicks send Rose to the floor, where she pulls a dive out of the air. Riho manages to send her into the steps for a breather, setting up a high crossbody for two back inside. Rose is fine enough to grab a delayed vertical suplex and Shafir pulls Riho outside for a judo throw.

We take a break and come back with Riho knocking Rose off the top and hitting a middle rope hurricanrana. The top rope double stomp gets two but Rose is back with a powerslam for the same. Riho gets draped over the top for the knee to the back of the head for two more. A northern lights suplex gives Riho two of her own and a crucifix bomb gets the same. Shafir trips Riho but she’s back up with a rollup to finish Rose at 12:04.

Rating: C-. This one completely lost me as I couldn’t buy Riho surviving that kind of power offense from someone who outweighs her by at least 100lbs. On top of that, you have Riho suplexing her without much trouble. I get that AEW doesn’t exactly go for realism, but I shouldn’t be sitting here going “oh come on” over and over during a 12:00 minute match. Riho is often treated stronger than Super Cena ever hoped to be and it is rapidly losing its charm.

Post match Riho gets beaten down and Outcasts (Toni Storm/Ruby Soho/Saraya, because The Outcasts was the best AEW could come up with) come down to spray paint Riho.

Overall Rating: C. The only thing remotely related mattered storyline wise here (for AEW at least) was Andretti losing to Guevara thanks to Garcia. Other than that, this was a bunch of the norm for Rampage: decent to good wrestling which changes nothing and the regular secondary story of announcing things for Dynamite/some other time in the future. The show is easy to watch, but there is almost no need to watch it most weeks as you won’t miss a thing. That was absolutely the case here, and it has been the case more often than not recently.

Sammy Guevara b. Action Andretti – GTH
Acclaimed b. Starboy Charlie/Jack Cartwheel – Mic Drop to Charlie
Konosuke Takeshita b. Preston Vance – Backslide
Riho b. Nyle Rose – Rollup


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Rampage – March 3, 2023: The Balancing Act

Date: March 3, 2023
Location: Cow Palace, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

It’s the final show before Revolution and that means this week is live. Normally I would say a pay per view card is set two days before the show but AEW has a tendency to throw in a bunch of stuff at the last minute. This week will also see Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aussie Open vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta vs. Top Flight vs. Dark Order

The Dark Order jumps Castagnoli/Yuta in the aisle to start but Top Flight dives onto all four of them. Aussie Open drives Top Flight together as JR talks about needing to win to get a pay per view pay day. Ross: “Am I right about that?” And he is completely ignored, as that doesn’t seem to be right.

We get inside for the bell with Top Flight dropkicking Aussie Open with Davis being knocked to the floor. Reynolds comes in and hits a running elbow on Fletcher as Jericho talks about the attractiveness of Tony Schiavone’s grandmother. It’s off to Silver to take Castagnoli down and hammer away. Silver hits a running flip dive to take Davis down on the floor, runs over more people, and then gets pulled out of the air by Castagnoli.

A backbreaker gets two on Silver as we see La Faccion Ingobernable watching backstage. Castagnoli and Yuta kick Reynolds down and we take a break. Back with Reynolds flipping out of a belly to back suplex as Maria and the Kingdom are watching at ringside. Yuta comes in but gets stomped down by Reynolds, allowing a double tag off to Dante vs. Fletcher.

Dante forearms him down and hits the big running flip dive to the floor. Back in and Silver has to make a save but the Aussies superkick Dante out of the air. An assisted flip powerslam gets two with Yuta making the save. Davis blasts Fletcher by mistake though and it’s the Dark Order coming in to clean house. The Stunner into the German suplex hits Darius but Yuta comes in with the Seatbelt for the pin at 9:35.

Rating: B. This was your “here are a bunch of people doing a bunch of stuff” match of the week and it was an entertaining one. While I do think these matches tend to run together quite a bit, they worked well here and the Blackpool Combat Club’s nefarious ways continue. The Aussies still feel like they should be a bigger deal around here but maybe their infrequent appearances are slowing them down. As for Top Flight, can they please get a few wins already?

Post match Dark Order jumps Castagnoli and Yuta until things are separated.

Video on Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley in Sunday’s Texas Death Match.

We look at the Jericho Appreciation Society beating up Ricky Stars on Dynamite.

Jungle Boy wants to end Christian Cage…and it seems like it’s going to be something like Buried Alive. That seems like quite the jump after one 30 second match, jokes about Jungle Boy’s dad or not.

Riho vs. Emi Sakura

Sakura, Riho’s mentor, kicks her in the ribs to start and pulls the crossbody out of the air. Riho is back with a snap suplex for two and a headscissors puts Sakura on the floor. Sakura is fine enough to catch a charging Riho in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Riho gets crushed against the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Riho forearming away and hitting a 619. A high crossbody gets two on Sakura but she’s back with a running crossbody in the corner for two of her own. La Majistral gives Sakura two more and her moonsault….well it hits Riho but it doesn’t seem like it was supposed to. Riho misses the top rope double stomp but spins around Sakura into a rollup for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: B-. Riho is back and seems to be getting a strong push, which could lead up to a big match, perhaps against say Jade Cargill. This win makes her 2-0 this week and that should be enough of a stepping stone to somewhere. Sakura is someone else who can wrestle a good match with anyone and she was just right for putting Riho over here.

Video on Ruby Soho vs. Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter for the Women’s Title.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Serpentico

Town Business finishes Serpentico at 41 seconds. As it should be.

Don Callis recruits Konosuke Takeshita, who seems intrigued.

Mark Briscoe talks about being sick of Mark Sterling. He was ready for a tag team battle royal but he couldn’t find his brother Jay, because Jay must have already been out there (well dang). But no, he’s up there with the Lord now so Mark Briscoe went after Mark Sterling on his own. Then he saw the Lucha Bros in there and here they are with their friend. The six man tag is set for Revolution.

Revolution rundown.

The four teams in the four way Tag Team Title match are all ready to fight.

Video on Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates.

Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates

It’s a brawl to start with Lee and Boudreaux slugging it out. Boudreaux’s shots to the face just wake Lee up and it’s Dustin coming in to rain down right hands in the corner. Those are shrugged off but Boudreaux won’t tag for no logical reason. We take a break and come back Strickland throwing Dustin out of the corner and dropkicking Lee off the apron. Dustin backdrops his way out of trouble but there’s no Lee, leaving Dustin to powerslam Strickland instead.

That’s enough for the tag to Lee, who Pounces Boudreaux for the big crash. Strickland comes in and realizes he has to face Lee, leading to panic. One heck of a high angle spinebuster plants Strickland as everything breaks down. Strickland moonsaults off of Lee’s chest to take Dustin out on the floor. That leaves Lee to get Swerve Stomped for two but Dustin is back in. Lee crossbodies Boudreaux and Dustin hits a Canadian Destroyer on Strickland. Dustin gets tossed onto Boudreaux and the Big Bang Catastrophe finishes Boudreaux off at 11:03.

Rating: B-. This was about how the match should have gone, as Lee looks like a monster who is going to get his hands on Swerve at some point. I’m a bit surprised that it isn’t at Revolution, but it should make for a nice Dynamite main event in a few weeks. You also have Dustin holding things together for the incredibly inexperienced Boudreaux and it made for a nice main event.

One more Revolution rundown….doesn’t finish the show as Ricky Starks jumps Chris Jericho and brawls with him to end the show. That was a nice surprise.

Overall Rating: B+. While a lot of the matches didn’t exactly feel important (JR thinking there was a prize for the winner was really bad), this was a very easy to watch show with good stuff up and down the card. It was a mixture of different stories and kinds of matches to keep things interesting and that made for a solid Rampage. Now just get Revolution right (which they probably will) and maybe AEW can get back on track.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Top Flight, Dark Order and Aussie Open – Seatbelt to Darius
Riho b. Emi Sakura – Rollup
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Serpentico – Town Business
Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee b. Swerve Strickland/Parker Boudreaux – Big Bang Catastrophe to Boudreaux



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