Tagged: Randy Orton

Night of Champions 2013: Well That Was Surprising 23

Night of Champions 2013: Well That Was Surprising

Night of Champions 2013 Date: September 15, 2013 Location: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler This is the first PPV after the big summer angle with the...

Night of Champions 2013 Preview 4

Night of Champions 2013 Preview

It’s time for the first PPV after the big angle started and things aren’t really looking all that promising.  The show just doesn’t have the big event feel that it should.  The card is...

Smackdown – September 13, 2013: The Hard Sell 6

Smackdown – September 13, 2013: The Hard Sell

Smackdown Date: September 13, 2013| Location: Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield It’s the go home show for Night of Champions and for the first time in months,...

Monday Night Raw – September 9, 2013: BRYAN DID IT! 8

Monday Night Raw – September 9, 2013: BRYAN DID IT!

Monday Night Raw Date: September 9, 2013 Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler We’re in Bizarro Land tonight with three stories for the show. First...