No Mercy 2005 (2020 Redo): Mercy Sounds Nice Right Now

IMG Credit: WWE

No Mercy 2005
Date: October 9, 2005
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Attendance: 7,000
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

It’s a Smackdown only pay per view this time around and that could go in a variety of ways. We have a two match card here with Eddie Guerrero challenging Batista for the World Title, but the more interesting part of the story is whether or not Eddie has really changed. Other than that, we have the Ortons vs. Undertaker in a handicap casket match. Let’s get to it.

The opening video talks about Eddie’s addictions and evils being gone….and then cuts to a graveyard to talk about Undertaker vs. the Ortons. Well that was chilling.

MNM vs. Animal/Heidenreich/Christy Hemme

Animal has a bad shoulder coming in so Heidenreich pulls Nitro up from the floor by the hair to start things off. Heidenreich runs him over and hands it off to Animal, who misses a charge into the corner to hurt the shoulder again. The Snapshot connects early on but Nitro takes his time knocking Heidenreich down so Nitro can only get two. The arm is pulled around the middle rope and Mercury grabs a neckbreaker for two more.

Animal grabs a quick powerslam for his own two and Heidenreich comes in without a tag. That earns him a backdrop to the floor (good for him, the filthy cheater) and Melina tags herself in for no logical reason. Animal catches her in midair and brings Christy in to play Bret on a Hart Attack. A bad hurricanrana sets up a Doomsday Device to finish Melina (after Christy figures out how to cover).

Rating: D. The match was pretty bad, mainly because these teams have feuded for months now and there has never been any reason to believe that MNM has a chance against them. I get why they want Christy in there (it’s not difficult to figure out) but have her as the manager or something because she’s terrible in the ring. There’s a place for someone with her looks and charisma, but it’s not here.

Eddie Guerrero wishes Batista good luck, though he doesn’t seem the most sincere. Batista wishes him the same, albeit a bit more nicely.

Simon Dean vs. Bobby Lashley

Dean has a guy with him, carrying a plate of burgers. Simon talks about how how Houston is the fattest city in America, which is why he brought these twenty double cheeseburgers. You can have one and be ok, but the problem is eating all twenty at once. He’s so confident tonight that if he loses, he’ll eat all of them. Dean tries an early cheap shot and gets suplexed for his efforts. Lashley misses a charge into the corner so Dean throws the burgers at the referee. The distraction lets Dean get in a shot to the head with the cheeseburger tray….and Lashley just glares at him. The Dominator finishes in a hurry.

JBL isn’t worried about Raw wrestlers interfering because they’ll see what he does to Rey Mysterio. Cue Rey to speak Spanish, which doesn’t sit well with JBL. Rey hands him a mask, because JBL is going to want to hide in shame after the beating Rey gives him tonight. Or maybe Jillian Hall can wear it instead.

Teddy Long welcomes Lashley to Smackdown when he goes to answer some questions online. Shouldn’t that welcome have come either when he was signed or in the previous few weeks? Does Long usually just let people wander around the locker room and have matches?

US Title: Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T. vs. Christian

Benoit is defending, it’s one fall to a finish and Sharmell handles Booker’s entrance. It’s a brawl to start with Benoit getting sent outside and Booker having to fight out of the corner. A double clothesline gets Booker out of trouble as Cole brings up the first assembly after 9/11 in this building. That’s how you keep the energy up man. Benoit comes back in and suplexes Christian onto Jordan, followed by Booker missile dropkicking Christian.

It’s Benoit vs. Booker for a bit and the fans are back into this one. Nothing actually happens though as Christian and Jordan come back in to break it up. Booker and Jordan clothesline each other for the double knockdown, leaving the Canadians to slug it out on top. They both fall to the floor and Booker forearms Jordan down for two.

Christian sends Benoit into Booker but Benoit is back up with the rolling German suplexes. More suplexes look to set up the Swan Dive but Christian gets out of the way. Instead, Benoit gets him in the Crossface but Jordan makes the save because he’s the only one who gets to tap out to that in big matches. With Jordan dispatched, Benoit Sharpshooters Christian to retain.

Rating: B-. This was a fun match and the three of them (plus Jordan) looked solid here. Benoit vs. Booker seems to be the next big feud based on that staredown but egads the idea of that much more Sharmell yelling at Booker for weeks on end makes my soul hurt. At least turn Booker hard heel if that’s what we have to sit through.

Post match Sharmell tells Booker that Benoit made him lose.

Lashley makes Dean eat the burgers, even though they were on the ground and on the mat.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Hardcore Holly

Kennedy does his usual so Holly pulls him over the top and starts hammering away in the corner. The dropkick puts Kennedy down again and the fans aren’t exactly thrilled with him being in control here. Kennedy begs off and manages a shot to the ribs so he can throw Holly outside. A ram into the corner makes it worse and the armbar goes on. Holly armdrags his way out, only to get taken down with a DDT on the arm.

Rating: D+. That was a weird sequence leading into the ending as Holly just dropped Kennedy for some reason and then didn’t sell a pretty big kick. Maybe he was mad at Kennedy for something but it didn’t look good at all. Then again neither does having these two having these two on pay per view, as you could see a bunch of empty seats popping up throughout the match.

Post match Holly is favoring his ribs so here’s Sylvan to attack the ribs even more.

Simon is still eating and finds a hair in one of the burgers.

Sharmell yells at Booker for losing but Kennedy interrupts to brag about winning. Sharmell yells at Booker even more, saying he’s his own problem.

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

Jillian Hall is here with JBL. Rey slugs away to start, including some kicks to the thigh. That earns him a headlock takeover as we talk about the growth on Jillian Hall’s face. Rey fights up and avoids an elbow, allowing him to kick JBL outside. The chase is on until Rey hits a baseball slide, only to have JBL hit him in the back.

Rey goes right back to the knee but it’s too early for the 619. Instead JBL bails to the floor and gets caught with a bulldog from the apron. JBL sends him hard into the timekeeper’s area and it’s time to pound Rey down in the corner. The super fall away slam sends Rey flying and a regular version makes it worse.

There’s a third on the floor and it’s time to hit the bearhug back inside. Rey fights out so JBL sets him on top, only to get caught with a “spinning tornado” DDT, according to Cole, who presumably doesn’t know what a tornado is. Rey’s moonsault press gets two but JBL shoulders him down. The Clothesline From JBL is countered with a dropkick and Rey hits the 619, only to walk into the Clothesline for the pin.

Rating: B-. That’s tied for the match of the night so far and that’s not really saying much. You could have gone with either winning here as JBL is still a big star on the show and keeping him strong makes sense for future matches. Mysterio isn’t someone who is going to be hurt by a loss, especially when he’s a foot shorter than JBL. Good enough match here and better than I would have bet on.

We recap the Ortons vs. Undertaker. Randy is still annoyed at Undertaker for beating him at Wrestlemania so he brought in his dad to help him. Tonight, it’s a handicap casket match.

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton/Bob Orton

Casket match, with Tony Chimmel incorrectly saying it is the first handicap casket match in history (HHH had one against Mideon and Viscera on Smackdown in 1999). Druids bring down the casket before Undertaker’s entrance to stretch it out even longer. The two of them can’t surround Undertaker as he slips between them and hits some shots to the face. Undertaker knocks Bob onto the casket but Randy gets in a low blow and drops a knee.

That’s broken up and Bob gets thrown into the casket, only to have Randy send Undertaker knees first into the steps. Undertaker fights out of the casket and drives his shoulder into Randy’s, setting up a Downward Spiral. Randy has to save his dad from Old School and a double superplex brings Undertaker back down. Bob tries to cover but then calls for the lid to be opened after realizing what’s going on (fair enough as this isn’t quite in his wheelhouse).

For some reason they try to suplex Undertaker over the top and into the casket instead of, you know, rolling him in, which goes as well as you would expect. A double DDT gets Undertaker out of trouble and Bob is thrown into the casket. Snake Eyes takes too long though and Bob gets out. That means Randy has to go into the post and a chair shot puts Randy in the casket. Undertaker triangle chokes Bob (because you can’t just chokeslam Bob) but the delay lets Randy pull the two of them inside with him.

Bob gets left inside with the lid shut but Randy powerslams Undertaker inside. Randy hammers away in the corner and, of course, gets caught in the Last Ride, though he’s able to slip out instead. Undertaker tries to throw him in but Bob pops out of the casket with a fire extinguisher to blind Undertaker, setting up the RKO. That and a fire extinguisher to the head put Undertaker down but he grabs Randy and pulls him in with him. The lid is closed, which should be an Ortons win, but they pop back out. One more fire extinguisher to the head is finally enough to put Undertaker in alone for the win.

Rating: C-. This was longer than it needed to be but Bob added enough to the match to be worthwhile. If nothing else it leaves the door open for a bigger one on one rematch down the line, likely in the Cell. They could have cut off about five minutes from this though and it would have been a lot better. Undertaker will be back because he always is, and it’s going to be time for revenge.

Post match the casket is locked and the Ortons wheel it up to the stage. Just like Kane in 1998, the light it on fire as everyone freaks out. Unlike 1998 there is more to go, and let’s get straight to that.

Cruiserweight Title: Juventud vs. Nunzio

Juventud is challenging after winning a battle royal on Velocity and Vito/the Mexicools are at ringside. During the entrances, we’re told that the Ortons are doing an interview backstage, because that’s what you do after LIGHTING SOMEONE ON FIRE ON LIVE TELEVISION! They trade rollups for two each to start as the camera suddenly won’t stay on the standard shot.

Could it have something to do with the large empty sections opposite the hard camera during this match? Juventud hurricanranas him off the top and then dropkicks him in the face for two. A kick to Juvy’s face sets up the middle rope legdrop but Juvy gets out of the way and takes out Vito. Back in and a northern lights suplex sets up the Juvy Driver for the pin and the title.

Rating: D+. This was short, disjointed, and in between the big matches on the show. What else were you really expecting to happen here? The fans didn’t care, the match was thrown onto the card and it’s for the most worthless title this side of the Western States Heritage Championship. What else was going to happen?

Post match Juvy cuts a promo with the Spanish announce team before leaving on his lawnmower.

Simon Dean can’t take anymore and runs for the bathroom after nineteen burgers.

We recap Eddie Guerrero vs. Batista. Eddie got the title shot at Palmer Cannon/the Network’s suggestion and suddenly decided that he was a changed man. It isn’t clear if he is or not, but Batista has warned him about what is going to happen if Eddie stabs him in the back.

Smackdown World Title: Eddie Guerrero vs. Batista

Batista is defending. They stare each other down to start until Eddie takes him down by the legs. That’s broken up with a standoff and they stare each other down….to a standing ovation? Ok then. Batista easily takes over with a test of strength so Eddie climbs the ropes, only to get slammed back down. A headlock keeps Eddie in trouble but the Texas crowd gets behind him all over again.

The hold stays on for a good while until Batista slams and shoulders him out to the floor. Eddie grabs a chair and that’s too far for Batista, but Eddie snaps his throat across the top rope. The frog splash to the back gets two and it’s a bodyscissors to stay on the back. Eddie switches over to a half crab but Batista makes the rope without breaking much of a sweat.

That lets Eddie grab a tag rope, which he throws down without using. Instead it’s back to the bodyscissors with a chinlock but this time Batista powers up to his feet. Batista charges but this time Eddie takes the knee out and grabs a Texas Cloverleaf. That’s broken up and the referee gets bumped, meaning it’s time for an evil smile.

Eddie picks up the chair but still can’t do it. Instead he throws the chair to the floor but Batista saw it in his hands and isn’t happy. The beatdown is on, including the spear and a spinebuster for a delayed two as Batista’s back is banged up. That’s enough for Eddie to hit Three Amigos but Batista is back up with another spinebuster to retain.

Rating: D+. I don’t know if it was a lack of chemistry or trying to do too much storyline stuff and not enough wrestling, but this didn’t exactly work. There’s more to this one though and while I can understand not doing the big blowoff in their first match, this was a disappointing end to a bad show. It could have been worse, but it needed to be a lot bigger after the rest of the show so far.

Overall Rating: D-. Oh yeah this was bad, with the two good matches barely being able to headline a regular Smackdown. The main event didn’t deliver and the Ortons vs. Undertaker wasn’t that much better. It could have been worse and the two matches two help, but this felt like a bad B show and underwhelmed even with almost no expectations coming in.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – October 7, 2005: It Might Be Time To Rethink Things

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 7, 2005
Location: Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

It’s the go home show for No Mercy and that means the show needs one more push towards the pay per view. Last week Eddie Guerrero may or may not have hit Batista in the back with a chair on purpose. That’s the kind of thing that could go either way for Eddie and that is making the story more interesting. We also need to deal with the fallout from Monday, when Smackdown and Raw got in a big brawl at Homecoming. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the Raw vs. Smackdown brawl.

Opening sequence.

Here are Teddy Long and Palmer Cannon in the ring. Teddy announces that tonight, it’s the six man tag that Eric Bischoff wouldn’t let you see last night: JBL/Christian/Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio/Chris Benoit/Batista. Cannon grabs the mic to say Smackdown can fight Raw again anytime with the network’s full report. Teddy knows Bischoff is going to want some revenge so the Raw wrestlers can come to No Mercy and start something that Smackdown will finish.

Cue the Ortons with Randy asking Long and Cannon to leave. Teddy has something to say but Cannon says they’ll leave the ring for the future of Smackdown. Randy is hoping Undertaker is watching, because tonight another legend is being destroyed. The Ortons are going to destroy the legend of Roddy Piper in a handicap match. Bob talks about his time with Piper and they were friends, but this is family. Why did Piper get all the glory when Bob did all the work? Cue Roddy Piper, with a pipe, to take both of them out without much trouble.

Booker T. vs. Orlando Jordan

Sharmell introduces Booker. They lock up to start and the fans go straight to the YOU TAPPED OUT chants for Jordan. Some cheap shots in the corner put Booker down as I’m just waiting for Jordan to screw something up. A running elbow gives Jordan a delayed one and Booker strikes away without much trouble. Jordan is right back with a knee to the ribs and the chinlock goes on.

Back up and Jordan elbows him in the face before turning Booker inside out with a clothesline for two. They head outside and Booker kicks a chair out of Jordan’s hands and it’s time to go back inside. Jordan tries to suplex him back in from the apron but Sharmell trips him up (Booker couldn’t see it) so Booker can land on top for the pin.

Rating: D+. That might be the best one on one match I’ve ever seen Jordan have and I’m not sure how much of that is due to Booker being able to make anyone look at least passable. At the same time though, Sharmell continues to be annoying and drags Booker down more and more every time. What does it say when you need help to beat Orlando Jordan?

Post match Booker sees what happened on the Titantron and isn’t happy with Sharmell.

Hardcore Holly vs. Sylvan

Mr. Kennedy, in a suit, comes out to introduce himself as a guest commentator. Sylvan starts fast and hammers away in the corner as Kennedy makes Sparkplug references. Holly is back with chops and the dropkick, followed by a clothesline to the floor. Back in and Holly hits his kick to the rather low abdomen but as the referee checks on Sylvan, allowing Kennedy to hit Holly with a microphone. Sylvan is up with a vertical suplex into a DDT for the pin.

Post match, Kennedy announces Holly as the loser. In a match involving Sylvain, he’s always the loser.

Piper talks about his history with Bob Orton. See, Bob isn’t quite the sharpest guy in the world and complained about the light being in his eyes so Piper bought him his hat. Then he complained about being called Jr. so Piper called him ace instead. Then Orton broke his hand, but who really had the handicap? This was one of those Piper promos where he goes in one direction and then says something where you’re kind of left scratching your head. In other words, it was more coherent than almost anything he has said in fifteen fifteen years.

Animal/Heidenreich vs. Paul Burchill/William Regal

Non-title and Animal and Heidenreich have Christy Hemme in their corner. Burchill gets thrown around to start so it’s off to Regal, who sends Animal shoulder first into the buckle. The arm gets posted twice in a row but Animal uses the good arm for a backdrop. Heidenreich comes in and everything breaks down. Christy gets on the apron to call for the Doomsday Device but Melina comes out to pull her down as MNM comes in to jump the champs for the DQ.

Post match Animal and Heidenreich are sent outside, leaving Christy to take the Snapshot. That might make the six person tag a little unfair. I mean to MNM and Melina, as Christy being out can only help Animal and Smackdown.

Eddie Guerrero, in a Batista shirt, says he showed he had Batista’s back last week because they’re close.

Here’s Eddie for a chat. He’s the #1 contender and that means he has the privilege of facing someone he admires in Batista. Eddie shows us some footage from after Raw went off the air of….the Smackdown wrestlers slowly backing up the ramp. This proves that Eddie had his back so on Sunday, the two of them will still be friends after the match. With that faulty logic out of the way, here’s Batista, in the same shirt, with Eddie playing cheerleader.

Batista shows us a clip of the chair shot from last week and he’d like an explanation. He’d also like a chair from ringside, which has Eddie a bit nervous. Batista hands it to Eddie and turns around, saying we should bring it out into the open. Eddie throws the chair down and says he was wrong about Batista. He thought Batista was just like him, but if the roles were reversed last week, it couldn’t have been Batista hitting him?

Eddie goes to leave but Batista says he wants to believe he has changed. Batista has eyes in the back of his head and if Eddie tries to screw him, it’s going to mean pain. That’s what Eddie wants, because the Batista he knows could hurt someone. Eddie promises to prove himself on Sunday and he’ll show it tonight too. I’m getting into this more and more every week as the mind games have been pretty awesome.

Raw Rebound.

Randy Orton/Bob Orton vs. Roddy Piper

Piper bites Randy to start and pokes him in the eye so it’s off to Bob for the old man slugout. It’s back to Randy for a dropkick and some right hands but Bob begs his son to let him get the pin. Bob loads up an elbow and there’s the gong strike. No one comes out so Bob hits the elbow anyway….and the gong goes off again, this time with the lights flickering. The distraction lets Piper small package Bob for the pin.

Rating: D. This had a bit of history to it but mainly felt like Piper was brought in because he was around for Homecoming. They were very smart to keep this short as you don’t want these guys trying to have a long match. There’s nothing wrong with Piper pinning Bob so while the match was bad, it was all you could have asked for in this situation.

Post match the druids are here to bring out a casket built for two. Undertaker pops up on screen to dare the Ortons to look inside. The lid pops up and Orton mannequins are inside to freak out Bob and Randy. Then the lights go out again and Undertaker is in the ring to scare them off.

Bobby Lashley vs. Eddie Craven

Hold on though as here’s Simon Dean, with his hand in a cast, to interrupt. Lashley broke his hand last week because he needed to take away the strength advantage. On Sunday, Simon is going to win because of advanced cardiovascular conditioning. Therefore, he’s going to do squats during the match. Lashley sends Craven into the corner to start and puts Craven in a fireman’s carry for some more impressive squats. A clothesline sets up an overhead suplex but Simon grabs Lashley’s leg. That goes nowhere so Lashley finishes with the Dominator in a hurry.

Eddie Guerrero/Christian/John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio/Chris Benoit/Batista

The match that would have been on Monday and Jillian Hall is here with the villains. Joined in progress with Benoit and Christian fighting over a lockup in the corner to no avail. Benoit gets serious and tries a Crossface but Christian goes straight to the ropes in a smart move. It’s off to Eddie for another version of a match that never gets old.

Neither can get anywhere with the technical stuff so they go to a test of strength with Eddie headbutting and kicking away. Eventually he flips forward into a hurricanrana for a rather unique way out. It’s off to Batista and Eddie isn’t sure what to do. A quick takedown attempt doesn’t get Eddie very far as Batista kicks him away and hits a gorilla press. JBL comes in and gets his knee dropkicked out by Rey, only to come back with a hard shoulder.

Rey goes to the apron but an Eddie distraction lets JBL knock him to the floor. Back from a break with Christian putting Rey in an abdominal stretch to keep him in trouble. Rey slips out and misses a springboard crossbody, allowing JBL to come in with a swinging neckbreaker. Eddie charges into an elbow in the corner though and Rey hits the sitout bulldog. The hot tag brings in Batista and it’s house cleaning time in a hurry. Eddie low bridges JBL to save Batista, allowing the spinebuster to finish Christian.

Rating: C+. Pretty standard main event six man tag but the talent involved is more than enough to carry it. Eddie vs. Batista has some potential on Sunday but a good build doesn’t necessarily mean a good match. The other matches were barely touched on but they have been set up well enough already. I can always go for mixing up a bunch of feuds into one match so this was as good of a main event as you could have had.

Post match Eddie hugs Batista but JBL and company jump both of them. Eddie and Batista clear the ring to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. No Mercy isn’t looking great and this show didn’t do much to make me think otherwise. I like Eddie vs. Batista but the rest of the card is really showcasing just how weak the Smackdown roster is at the moment. The top talent is doing what they can but when you have Orlando Jordan, Hardcore Holly, Sylvan and Heidenreich getting pay per view matches, it might be time to rethink things a bit.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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New Column: From A Certain Point Of View

Evolution can teach you about psychology:

Smackdown – September 30, 2005 (2020 Redo): Slowly And Not So Surely

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 30, 2005
Location: Entertainment Center, Laredo, Texas
Attendance: 3,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

We’re almost ready for No Mercy and most of the card is either set or all but set. That makes for a show that is all about getting fans to want to buy the pay per view, which is often the hardest part. Maybe it works out well here though, even if the show might not seem like the biggest deal. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Cole gives us a quick rundown of Laredo and its location near the border. I don’t think I need a geography lesson to open the show.

Here’s JBL, with an inner tube, a sombrero and a donkey as I think you know where this is going. After a bit of Spanish, JBL tells the fans to find someone with a green card, if they can. The fans chant at him so JBL threatens a big call to immigration before talking about going to meet Rey’s relatives. This includes inner tubing at night and jump starting “peek up” trucks. JBL says the back of the donkey reminds of everyone he sees here, which is why he had to be careful in selecting a partner.

Mr. Kennedy/John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio/Hardcore Holly

Kennedy compares Tony Chimmel to the donkey on the way in. Rey does the Mexican hat dance around the sombrero before dropkicking Kennedy down for an early two. An inner tube shot to the back lets Kennedy take over and it’s JBL coming in. That earns him a DDT and a tag to Holly means more of a beating in the corner.

It’s already back to Mysterio vs. Kennedy with JBL breaking up a quick 619 attempt. The fall away slam sets up the bearhug until Rey bites his way out. After dispatching Kennedy, it’s off to Holly to pick the pace way up. A full nelson slam plants Kennedy and it’s the dropkick to JBL. The questionably low kick to the ribs drops JBL again but Kennedy grabs Holly, allowing the Clothesline From JBL to connect for the pin.

Rating: C-. Just a quick tag match to advance a pair of feuds and there is nothing wrong with that. JBL doing the anti-Mexico stuff is as JBL as you can get so I wouldn’t have expected anything else. Kennedy is growing on me in a hurry and I’m starting to see why he was as popular as he was for the time being.

Eddie is eating some Mexican food when Batista comes up and takes it away. Just looking out for his partner you see. Batista eats it anyway, making me want some Mexican food in the process.

Melina is in the parking lot when Christy Hemme rides up on a motorcycle (I’m not sure that’s the safest riding attire). They get in an argument and Melina breaks a nail, meaning a match is imminent.

Melina vs. Christy Hemme

MNM are at ringside. Christy sends her into the corner and tells Melina to watch her nail. That earns her a dropkick for two as Tazz rambles about Christy looking great on the motorcycle. An armbar has Christy in trouble until she makes it to the rope, only to have Melina drape the arm across said rope. Christy’s sunset flip out of the corner into a kick to the head lets Christy roll her up for two (with a rather suggestive form on the rollup). Mercury distracts the referee though, allowing Nitro to trip Christy for the pin.

Rating: D. If you’re getting pinned just because you call on your face, it might be time to stay out of the ring. This was every lackluster women’s match you would get around this time, but at least there wasn’t a ton of catfighting. They don’t seem to be trying to make this a bunch of serious women’s matches and given the current crop of talent, that’s best for everyone.

Post match Melina yells so Christy hits her in the face. MNM goes after her but Heidenreich and Animal make the save.

We look back at Undertaker popping out of the casket last week in a fairly effective segment.

Bob Orton vs. Undertaker

Before the match, Bob insists Randy won’t be around tonight so Bob can show no mercy. Never trust a cowboy. Bob snaps off a left hand to start and the glare sends him bailing to the floor. Back in and Undertaker doesn’t honor a timeout request and hammers away but the ref gets bumped early. That means the low blow so here’s Randy to jump Undertaker, because you can’t trust a cowboy.

The big beatdown is on, with Randy hammering away and sending Undertaker over the announcers’ table. They toss Undertaker over the top and back inside so Bob can get two, meaning it’s time for the pain. The ref gets bumped again so Randy can try the RKO….which is shoved away. The Tombstone finishes Bob before Randy can cheat again.

Rating: D. Bob was only 55 years old here so it’s not ridiculous to have him in a match where he actually has to work. The wrestling wasn’t the point here of course as it’s all a way to show that Undertaker might be in trouble when Randy and Bob are allowed to wrestle at the same time. I’m not sure how good the casket match will be, but at least it should be a bit better than this.

Post break, here’s what you saw pre break.

We take a quick look at Bobby Lashley debuting and destroying Simon Dean last week.

Bobby Lashley vs. Russell Simpson

Simpson can’t wrestle him down or whip him in so Lashley drives the not so bright jobber into the corner. Some kicks to the leg slow Lashley down until it’s a backbreaker to drop Simpson. The Dominator gives Lashley the fast pin.

Post match here’s Simon Dean to offer Lashley a shake before their match at No Mercy. This goes as you would expect, with the shake being squashed and Dean being pressed out to the floor.

It’s time for the Peep Show. Before we get to our guest, Christian wants to know why there is no United States Title match at No Mercy. Chris Benoit has been on a roll as of late until he ran into Christian. That’s why he should get the title shot, but here are Booker T. and Sharmell to interfere. Sharmell says Christian asked Booker what he had done lately so Booker talks about pinning Christian last week.

This brings out Orlando Jordan to say he deserves a shot because it’s time for him to get his revenge on Benoit. Booker: “It took you longer to say that than it took Benoit to make you tap out.” Teddy Long comes out and says Benoit gets to choose the opponent but first of all, let’s have a triple threat match so everyone can showcase themselves.

Orlando Jordan vs. Christian vs. Booker T.

Joined in progress with Booker getting double teamed but he sends Christian to the floor and beats Jordan up. Everyone heads to the floor with Jordan being sent into the steps but Christian takes Booker down into a neck crank. Christian heads up top so Booker follows him, only to have Jordan come back in for the Tower of Doom. Booker is up first and beats on Christian, including loading up a catapult. Jordan rolls him up though, sending Christian over the top and grabbing the trunks to finish Booker.

Rating: D+. This Jordan stuff needs to stop in a hurry. The joke ran its course but he’s still here despite having no apparent reason to be there. Other than being there for the sake of filling in a spot, what other justification is there? Nothing match of course but that’s probably best for something with Jordan involved.

Post match Benoit comes out and says he’ll fight them off. Makes a lot more sense than another Jordan match.

Vince McMahon comes in to see Teddy and Palmer Cannon. After Palmer sucks up to him, Vince wants to know the Smackdown match for Homecoming. Teddy knows who will be involved, but not who is in it yet. Teddy had four days and couldn’t come up with a match involving three good guys and three bad guys?

Animal/Heidenreich are defending and Eddie’s stomach seems fine this week. The bell rings and we take a break about two seconds in for an Undertaker vs. Ortons ad. Back with Heidenreich throwing Eddie around and firing off rights and lefts in the corner. Eddie makes the mistake of punching Animal so it’s off to Batista for the big power showdown.

Animal kicks him down but misses an elbow and it’s already back to Eddie and Heidenreich. Eddie feigns stomach pain and gets in a low blow. That doesn’t last long though as Heidenreich knocks him down and puts on the chinlock. Animal’s powerslam gets two but Eddie hurricanranas his way out of a Doomsday Device. It’s off to Batista so house can be cleaned, including the Batista Bomb to Heidenreich. Animal makes the save but here’s MNM for the DQ.

Rating: C-. This was all about setting up the ending and thank goodness they didn’t change the titles. Eddie vs. Batista is interesting and having them go for the titles like this was fine, as long as they don’t actually win them. That’s a trope that needs to go far, far away and it’s quite the relief that they didn’t go that way this time around. Animal and Heidenreich do need to drop the belts, but not here.

MNM unloads on Batista and Eddie with chairs but Eddie takes one away, only to hit Batista by mistake (allegedly). Batista gets up and clears the ring, seemingly not knowing that Eddie hit him.

Overall Rating: D+. They’re in an interesting stretch here as Eddie vs. Batista is a feud where you have to wait and see what is really going on. That’s not normal for WWE and it’s nice to have a bit of a change. Other than that, Undertaker vs. the Ortons feels like it’s going to be going on beyond No Mercy and JBL vs. Mysterio only has so much potential. This show wasn’t great for the most part, but they do have a direction. I’m just not sure how good of a direction that is.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – February 27, 2020: They Did Something Different! Twice!

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: February 27, 2020
Location: Bell MTS Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

The Wrestlemania season is in full build, but so are the Super ShowDown and Elimination Chamber builds. That can cause a bit of a problem as there is so much stuff going on at once and they might not be able to make everything work at once. Main Event has surprised me before, but I would be surprised with a surprise. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

No Way Jose vs. Shelton Benjamin

Jose starts fast by taking him into the corner and snapping off an armdrag to the floor. That means a quick beatdown of the Conga Line, plus a little bit on Jose as well. Back in and Shelton grabs an armbar but Jose fights up and hits a splash in the corner. A fireman’s carry flapjack gets two so Jose goes up, only to dive into a cross armbreaker for the fast tap at 4:35.

From Raw.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman for a chat. The Canadian fans are happy to see their honorary Lesnar but Heyman cuts them off with his usual introduction. Heyman talks about how wrestlers are always trying to make catchphrases for themselves but Lesnar has never needed one. All Lesnar has to do is decide to be champion and no one can stop him. Lesnar getting in the ring is special and that’s what you’ll be seeing on Thursday at Super ShowDown. He owes Ricochet an uppercut and since Lesnar is wrestling, it is special by definition.

The stakes on Thursday have never been higher though, but why is that the case? If Ricochet can pull off the miracle, he is going on to face Drew McIntyre at Wrestlemania and the consequences are huge, if that happens. Heyman: “If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle, but she is not!” (that one cracked Lawler up). Lesnar is going to wreck McIntyre at Wrestlemania and be champion forever. And that is a spoiler.

From Raw again.

We get a sitdown interview with Drew McIntyre, who isn’t scared about Brock Lesnar because he’s main eventing Wrestlemania. Drew talks about debuting in 2009 (which he says was thirteen years ago) and how he hasn’t won a single World Title since that time. He lost his passion, which included his time in 3MB. Then he got fired and it put a chip on his shoulder, but he knew he could only blame himself. He wasn’t about to let people remember him as the idiot playing air guitar.

When McIntyre came back, he came back to NXT, which was where he could be a leader. Then he debuted on Raw in 2018, four years to the day since he was released. He’s been called the future but then he was a past superstar without ever being the present. That’s why he knew he had to eliminate Lesnar and now he’s going to Wrestlemania to fulfill his destiny. They’re doing everything they can to make McIntyre into a star and it’s slowly working.

Video on Becky Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler.

From Raw.

All six women’s Elimination Chamber participants, save for Baszler, are in the ring for a contract signing. Asuka counts the participants but realizes there’s one missing. Lawler continues anyway, with Sarah Logan, Natalya, Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott (who nearly comes to blows with Morgan) and Asuka all sign, which draws out Baszler through the crowd. Lawler wisely leaves as Shayna and Natalya are about to fight, but Asuka breaks it up.

Asuka tells Shayna to bite her but Natalya takes Asuka down and the fight is on, with Liv diving over the table to get at Riott. Shayna is eventually left alone so here’s Becky to take her down. Officials break it up in a hurry. I don’t remember the last time there was a big match with such an obvious winner but it’s getting annoying in a hurry.

24/7 Title: Riddick Moss vs. Cedric Alexander

Moss is defending and throws Cedric down with ease. A running shoulder drops him again but Cedric is right back with clotheslines and elbows. That sends Moss outside for a kick from the apron but Alexander’s slingshot is knocked out of the air back inside. We take a break and come back with Moss cranking on a waistlock. That’s broken up for a double stomp to the back of Moss’ head and a running dropkick to the same spot. The springboard Downward Spiral gives Cedric two but the Neuralizer misses, allowing Moss to hit a Rock Bottom to retain at 9:50.

Rating: D+. Again, I’m actually surprised by this one as they threw in something different in the form of a title match. Who in the world would have seen them doing something like that on THIS show? The match was nothing to see, but points to WWE for putting someone like Moss on television. I know he’s not some breakout star, but he’s been sitting in NXT forever and the show needs some fresh faces.

From Smackdown.

Here’s Goldberg for a chat. He’s glad to be back and whatever the Fiend is, he’s ready. Cue the Firefly Fun House with Bray doing some construction. Bray wants Goldberg to get to know his friends, including most of the cast. There is one person left though….and the lights go out. The Fiend is here but Goldberg is smart enough to turn around and spear him.

Goldberg loads up another one but the lights go out again and Fiend disappears to end the show, complete with Fiendish laughter. As usual, Goldberg is at his best when things are kept simple. He hit Fiend hard and Fiend went down, can he do it again? What more do you need?

And from Raw to wrap it up.

Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton

Owens pounds away to start but the threat of hit the Cannonball sends Orton outside. Cue Rollins and company for the distraction though and Owens is sent into the barricade as we take a break. Back with both of them down and the Profits and Viking Raiders running in for the big brawl. They fight to the crowd with everyone else, leaving Owens to get crotched on top.

Owens knocks him off anyway and hits the Swanton. Rollins is back though and Owens has to knock him off the apron, allowing Orton to come back with a clothesline. Another Rollins distraction lets Orton hit the hanging DDT….for a very fast counted pin at 8:10. Even Orton looks confused by what happened but he’ll take it.

Rating: C. The match had a lot of stuff going on at once but I can go for a few different stories being mixed together, even if it is just for a week. There is no need to always keep things separate so doing something like this is a good idea on occasion. The story is fine as well, with what seems to be a referee going along with what Rollins has been preaching, though I’ve never liked the trope for some reason. It’s a new wrinkle though and that’s fine.

Post match Rollins throws Orton some chairs but Owens pucks one up. The referee pulls it away so Owens grabs him and opens the referee’s shirt to reveal a Seth Rollins shirt. That means a Stunner to the referee and a powerbomb through a table ends the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The show wasn’t anything great or even good but they did something different this time around and that’s what I’ve been asking for since before I can remember. At least TRY to do something new or different, or at least look like you’re making an effort. That’s what they did here, at least to a certain degree, and the show was better as a result. Still not good, but at least different.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 24, 2020: They’ve Still Got It

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 24, 2020
Location: Bell MTS Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for Super ShowDown but since WWE doesn’t get the idea of slowing down on anything, we are also building towards Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania at the same time. Brock Lesnar is in the house tonight and that could mean some interesting things for Drew McIntyre and Ricochet. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look back at Randy Orton destroying Matt Hardy last week.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Orton for a chat. He needs to apologize for going a little too far, but he also mentions that it has been fifteen years since Raw has been in Winnipeg. Fifteen years ago, he was 24 years old and the Intercontinental Champion, but on that night he was punched in the face by someone named Adam, who you may know as Edge. The fans want Edge but Orton makes it clear that he isn’t here tonight. These people will never understand why he did what he did, but he is sorry for it.

Cue Kevin Owens, who first has to pause while the fans chant for him. Owens has been dealing with some delusional people as of late and now Orton is here as well. See, he doesn’t believe that Orton is telling the truth and now Owens wants to know why Orton attacked Edge.

Owens remembers when Edge retired because he was already wrestling for a living. Then in the Royal Rumble, he heard Edge’s music and wanted to be out there with him because he saw the look in Edge’s eyes. So why did Orton do what he did. Orton: “You think you know me?” Owens knows the people want to see them fight so Orton agrees, but a little later.

Angel Garza and Zelina Vega are ready to take out the trash that is Humberto Carrillo. Vega can’t get away from Charly Caruso fast enough but Angel kisses her hand and says with Charly, business is always pleasure. She seems to approve.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza

They start wacky by tying their legs together, standing on their heads, and slapping each other in the face. Garza gets sent outside but comes back in with a headscissors, only to have Carrillo land on his feet. Carrillo sends him outside again for a heck of a suicide dive and we take a break. Back with Garza tying him in the Tree of Woe, allowing Garza to TAKE OFF HIS PANTS! I MEAN HIS OWN IF THAT ISN’T CLEAR!

Carrillo fights back and sends him to the floor, only to do a handstand on the apron for some reason, allowing Garza to hit a superkick. An exchange of kicks on the apron puts Garza down and Carrillo stomps away for a bonus. A catapult sends Garza onto the middle rope for the moonsault to the floor and we take a second break.

Back again with Carrillo grabbing a standing Spanish Fly for two but Vega offers a distraction. Garza catches him on top and that means a super Spanish Fly for two. A pinfall reversal sequence gets several near falls apiece until Garza sits down on a rollup attempt for the pin at 14:41 (he might have had the tights but it’s not clear).

Rating: B-. They did some cool spots and it was clear that they know each other very well. It’s nice to have some lucha out there as they feel like something different, which is more than you get a lot of the time on Raw. If they could combine these two into one wrestler, they would have gold but for now they have a guy with more charisma than he knows what to do with and a guy who Vince wants to push really hard. Maybe they can make it work, but for now it’s just pretty good.

We recap Becky Lynch and Shayna Baszler, even though we’re still supposed to believe that there’s a point to the Elimination Chamber.

Ricochet vs. Luke Gallows

Ricochet starts moving fast to start and sends Gallows to the floor for the big flip dive. Back in and Ricochet springboards into a big boot as we see Paul Heyman watching. An uppercut gives Gallows two and we hit the chinlock. Ricochet fights out in a hurry and hits an enziguri for the double knockdown. The springboard crossbody into the standing shooting star gets two but Gallows is back with a superkick. Ricochet hits his own though and the Recoil connects, setting up a shooting star press (to the middle of the ring) for the pin at 4:31.

Rating: B. That might be a bit high but I really liked the story they told here. Ricochet has no change of winning on Thursday but they are having him win match after match against big names and I’m digging everything that they’re doing. This was a very well done match with the big man vs. little man and then the shooting star was amazing. The rating is much more for the setup and storytelling than for the wrestling, but I really liked this.

Post break, AJ Styles talks about how the OC needs to act like the best team in the world. Ricochet could become WWE Champion but if that miracle happens, AJ will be right there to get his title back. They need to plant their flag at the top of the food chain but here’s Aleister Black on the way to the ring. AJ says Black needs to learn what matters around here and they beat Black down. The team leaves and Black pulls himself to his feet. I’m up for Styles vs. Black.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman for a chat. The Canadian fans are happy to see their honorary Lesnar but Heyman cuts them off with his usual introduction. Heyman talks about how wrestlers are always trying to make catchphrases for themselves but Lesnar has never needed one. All Lesnar has to do is decide to be champion and no one can stop him. Lesnar getting in the ring is special and that’s what you’ll be seeing on Thursday at Super ShowDown. He owes Ricochet an uppercut and since Lesnar is wrestling, it is special by definition.

The stakes on Thursday have never been higher though, but why is that the case? If Ricochet can pull off the miracle, he is going on to face Drew McIntyre at Wrestlemania and the consequences are huge, if that happens. Heyman: “If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle, but she is not!” (that one cracked Lawler up). Lesnar is going to wreck McIntyre at Wrestlemania and be champion forever. And that is a spoiler.

We look at Becky Lynch calling out Shayna Baszler.

Aleister Black vs. Erick Rowan

Yeah you knew the rematches were coming. Despite getting beaten up, Black can still do his full entrance. Black is still staggered so Rowan runs him over and drives some knees into the back. A suplex doesn’t work for Rowan as he gets low bridged to the floor, followed by a big boot to knock him off the apron. Black gets knocked onto the apron and then sent into the timekeeper’s area and we take a break.

Back with Black getting Side Effected for two but he strikes away and sweeps the leg. There’s the springboard moonsault press and a running knee to the face gives Black two. Black might be limping a bit after the moonsault and Black Mass is countered into a Jackhammer for two more. Rowan sends him outside to whip Black into the barricade but a charge into the steps knocks the cage over. That’s fine with Rowan, who powerbombs Black into the post but then goes to check on the cage, allowing Black to hit Black Mass. Another one finishes Rowan at 10:24.

Rating: C+. These two beat each other up rather well and while the cage thing is getting annoying, it’s what Rowan would be doing in a situation like this. Black had to work for this one and while the match with Rowan didn’t need a sequel, they did a good job with this one. Black seems to be moving on to AJ anyway, so going through two Rowan matches isn’t a horrible situation.

Post match, Black challenges Styles for next week.

We get a sitdown interview with Drew McIntyre, who isn’t scared about Brock Lesnar because he’s main eventing Wrestlemania. Drew talks about debuting in 2009 (which he says was thirteen years ago) and how he hasn’t won a single World Title since that time. He lost his passion, which included his time in 3MB. Then he got fired and it put a chip on his shoulder, but he knew he could only blame himself. He wasn’t about to let people remember him as the idiot playing air guitar.

When McIntyre came back, he came back to NXT, which was where he could be a leader. Then he debuted on Raw in 2018, four years to the day since he was released. He’s been called the future but then he was a past superstar without ever being the present. That’s why he knew he had to eliminate Lesnar and now he’s going to Wrestlemania to fulfill his destiny. They’re doing everything they can to make McIntyre into a star and it’s slowly working.

Here’s R-Truth with the winter premiere of Truth TV, featuring Bobby Lashley and Lana as his special guests. They’re not here for the talk show though, because Lashley is scheduled to beat Truth up. Truth would rather ask him questions though, because Lashley is too big. Truth: “Have you seen Sonic the Hedgehog?” Lana: “RING THE BELL!”

R-Truth vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley stomps away and sends him outside as the fans chant for Rusev. Back in and Truth uses John Cena’s finishing sequence but gets speared down for the pin at 1:53.

We recap Baszler vs. Lynch’s face to screen argument last week.

Styles vs. Black is confirmed for next week.

All six women’s Elimination Chamber participants, save for Baszler, are in the ring for a contract signing. Asuka counts the participants but realizes there’s one missing. Lawler continues anyway, with Sarah Logan, Natalya, Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott (who nearly comes to blows with Morgan) and Asuka all sign, which draws out Baszler through the crowd. Lawler wisely leaves as Shayna and Natalya are about to fight, but Asuka breaks it up.

Asuka tells Shayna to bite her but Natalya takes Asuka down and the fight is on, with Liv diving over the table to get at Riott. Shayna is eventually left alone so here’s Becky to take her down. Officials break it up in a hurry. I don’t remember the last time there was a big match with such an obvious winner but it’s getting annoying in a hurry.

The Bella Twins are official for the Hall of Fame.

Here are the Street Profits for a chat before we get to their singles match. They are ready for their Tag Team Title match on Thursday against the Monday Night Messiah and Murph the Smurf. The titles are all that matters though because every day of their lives, they want the smoke.

Murphy vs. Angelo Dawkins

Murphy throws his shirt at him to start but Dawkins is back with the shots to the face and a running elbow, followed by the spinning splash in the corner. There’s a Sky High and Seth Rollins comes in for the DQ at 1:08.

Post match Ford clears the ring and says Dawkins hit Murphy so hard last week that it erased his last name. Ford can do it to Rollins right now too.

Montez Ford vs. Seth Rollins

Ford starts fast and knocks Rollins to the floor for the big flip dive and we take a break. Back with Dawkins and Murphy being ejected, allowing Ford to hit a heck of a springboard crossbody for two. A dropkick knocks Rollins down again but he grabs a suplex back inside for his own near fall. Ford rolls him up a few times but gets buckle bombed for his efforts. A running powerbomb into the barricade sends us to a break.

Back with Ford hitting an enziguri and a standing moonsault gets two. Another enziguri staggers Rollins and there’s a DDT for two more. Ford goes up but gets caught, only to sunset bomb Rollins down for the crash. The frog splash misses though and Rollins Stomps him for the pin at 15:21.

Rating: B-. These guys looked good together but Ford is the one who matters most. Even WWE can see what they have with him and maybe this is a sign that they have some plans for him on his own. You have to use talent like that in a big way and WWE would be nuts to not at leas try. If nothing else, having him do frog splashes and dives like that will keep him around for a long time.

Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton

Owens pounds away to start but the threat of hit the Cannonball sends Orton outside. Cue Rollins and company for the distraction though and Owens is sent into the barricade as we take a break. Back with both of them down and the Profits and Viking Raiders running in for the big brawl. They fight to the crowd with everyone else, leaving Owens to get crotched on top.

Owens knocks him off anyway and hits the Swanton. Rollins is back though and Owens has to knock him off the apron, allowing Orton to come back with a clothesline. Another Rollins distraction lets Orton hit the hanging DDT….for a very fast counted pin at 8:10. Even Orton looks confused by what happened but he’ll take it.

Rating: C. The match had a lot of stuff going on at once but I can go for a few different stories being mixed together, even if it is just for a week. There is no need to always keep things separate so doing something like this is a good idea on occasion. The story is fine as well, with what seems to be a referee going along with what Rollins has been preaching, though I’ve never liked the trope for some reason. It’s a new wrinkle though and that’s fine.

Post match Rollins throws Orton some chairs but Owens pucks one up. The referee pulls it away so Owens grabs him and opens the referee’s shirt to reveal a Seth Rollins shirt. That means a Stunner to the referee and a powerbomb through a table ends the show.

Overall Rating: B. The word I would use here is balanced, as we got a little bit of everything, including action, storytelling and talking, to come together for a rather solid show. There was nothing bad on here, save for maybe trying to make us believe that Baszler isn’t the biggest lock in recent memory. This was the best show they’ve had in a long time and I had a rather god time watching the entire thing. I don’t remember the last time that was the case and that’s a rather nice feeling to have back.


Angel Garza b. Humberto Carrillo – Rollup

Ricochet b. Luke Gallows – Shooting star press

Aleister Black b. Erick Rowan – Black Mass

Bobby Lashley b. R-Truth – Spear

Angelo Dawkins b. Murphy – Sky High

Seth Rollins b. Montez Ford – Stomp

Randy Orton b. Kevin Owens – Elevated DDT with a fast count

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – September 23, 2005: Stomach Games

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 23, 2005
Location: United Spirit Arena, Lubbock, Texas
Attendance: 3,000
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

No Mercy is coming up pretty soon and that means the card needs to start being set up. We already have the World Title match set and you can probably guess a few more from here. That makes for some interesting moments, though the Palmer Cannon story is already wearing thin. Hopefully everything else can balance it out. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Christian vs. Booker T.

Booker takes him into the corner to start and we get a clean break because Booker is a nice guy. A hiptoss has Christian bailing to the ropes for a breather but a clothesline puts him down again. Booker slugs away in the corner but Christian powerbombs him off the ropes and grabs a chinlock. That gives us a rather amusing visual as Booker looks irritated at having to do this so Christian steps on his head for a change of pace. Back up and a double clothesline knocks both of them down.

It’s Booker up first with the side kick connecting for two and a spinebuster puts Christian down for two more. He’s back up with a clothesline and unhooks a turnbuckle pad, causing Sharmell to yell at the referee. That means there’s a delayed two off the Book End, allowing Christian to get in a poke to the eye. Sharmell gets up on the apron to yell this time so Christian sends Booker shoulder first into the post. Christian loads up the Unprettier so Sharmell pulls his leg, allowing Booker to grab a rollup pin.

Rating: C-. Egads this Sharmell stuff is getting annoying but it might lead to Booker turning heel, where he thrives a little bit better. The match was the usual decent one between these two, albeit with Sharmell getting involved so often that it got annoying in a hurry. Now can we get back to one of these two going after the US Title again?

Eddie Guerrero has a stomach ache but refuses to be taken out of the main event where he teams with Batista against MNM. Vomiting ensues.

Jillian Hall introduces JBL as Texas’ favorite son and richer than JR Ewing. JBL comes out in street clothes to say he’s managed to come home again. This place reminds him of how far he’s come because now he knows how great New York City is. Texas has its perks too, like JBL being born here. People are still chanting his name though, from Texas Tech to Madison Square Garden. He still doesn’t like people who come here in the dead of night and wear masks to hide from immigration. JBL will defend wrestling and America because he is a wrestling god.

Animal/Heidenreich vs. Jared Steel/Anthony Galleti

Non-title and Galleti is pinned off a Doomsday Device in about a minute.

Sylvan (minus the Grenier) doesn’t think much of how Christy Hemme and Stacy Keibler look. Hardcore Holly comes in to defend their honor.

Sylvan vs. Hardcore Holly

Holly has Christy and Stacy with him but gets jumped by Sylvan to start. That earns Sylvan some chops but he sends Holly over the top for a crash. A running knee in the corner drops Holly again but he’s right back with a dropkick for the breather. The spinebuster looks to set up the Alabama Slam but Sylvain slips out. Sylvan catches him with a middle rope dropkick, only to have Holly come back with a shot to the face. That’s enough for Sylvan, who leaves for the countout.

Rating: D. As has been the case for several weeks now, points for trying someone new but it’s still Sylvan vs. Holly. What are you expecting from these guys? The match was short and nothing all that interesting, but was it ever going to be anything else? Sylvan as a fashion expert is Sylvan with a gimmick. I need more than that.

Teddy Long tells Batista about Eddie’s issues but the best doctor in town is on the way.

Cowboy Bob Orton has a casket in the ring and is directing people to set up decorations for what looks like a funeral.

We recap last week’s main event, including Undertaker seeing himself in a casket.

Bob brings out Randy Orton for part of the Undertaker’s retirement ceremony. They open the casket to show the fake Undertaker and Randy talks about how he won last week with mind games. As he is talking, the mannequin opens its eyes and neither Randy nor Bob have any idea what is going on behind them. Randy leans over Randy and gets grabbed by the throat but Bob pulls him to safety. Short angle but to the point well enough.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Rey Mysterio

Before the match, Kennedy says Chimmel is getting the hang of this commentary thing. Kennedy gives him a hug and tells Chimmel to take a bow, but it’s a low blow to put Chimmel down instead. A mic drops from the ceiling and Kennedy handles his own entrance, even saying that he gained a pound because the Simon System works. The threat of an early 619 sends Kennedy to the floor but he picks Mysterio up and hits a backbreaker for two back inside.

Mysterio sends him into the corner and gets in a springboard crossbody, only to get planted hard again. Kennedy sends him to the apron so Mysterio springboards in with a seated senton. That earns him a DDT but Kennedy misses a charge and gets caught with a Fameasser over the middle rope. Cue JBL, on a horse, for a distraction though, allowing Kennedy to hit the super Regal Roll for the pin.

Rating: C-. The match was fine enough but what matters here was some smart booking. They advanced Mysterio vs. JBL, which is all but guaranteed for No Mercy, but also keep Kennedy undefeated and strong. Just like in the previous match, they’re trying something new, but in this case they might have something with Kennedy.

Raw Rebound.

Teddy Long has an idea for Raw Homecoming but he and Cannon need to focus on tonight’s main event.

Sharmell has been talking to Kennedy and doesn’t know why Booker can’t get a US Title shot.

The doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with Eddie and neither does the attractive nurse.

Simon Dean comes out and gets a debuting star.

Simon Dean vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley shoves him down to start so Simon needs a shake. Simon can’t do much so Lashley bounds him off the mat in a unique spot. For some reason Dean tries a half nelson so Lashley does pushups with Simon on his back. Lashley suplexes him down and finishes with a Dominator. Why wouldn’t you push this guy to the moon?

US Title: Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan

Benoit is defending and takes his time here, finishing with the Crossface in about 50 seconds. I think we get the joke now.

Eddie seems to be feeling better after the nurse works on him but freaks out when Batista replaces her. Batista has his own doctor, who seems to violate Eddie in a rather personal way. The doctor’s name? Dr. Barnett.

Undertaker vs. the Ortons in a casket match is confirmed for No Mercy.

Batista/Eddie Guerrero vs. MNM

There’s no Eddie to start but he hobbles down the aisle, still holding his stomach. Mercury gets shoved into the corner to start and then gets shoved down for a bonus. For some reason Mercury tries shoving Batista, meaning it’s a chase around the ring. Back in and Mercury can’t whip Batista either so Batista easily chokes him. Nitro gets in a kick to the back and Mercury scores with a neckbreaker for two. Batista shrugs off a double suplex and spears Nitro down, meaning it’s time to clean house. A Melina distraction lets Batista hit the Batista Bomb on Mercury, only to have Eddie tag himself in and steal the pin.

Rating: D+. This was an angle instead of a match as MNM loses again, this time in a glorified handicap match. At least it was to someone who is at the top of the food chain, though it is still annoying to see a team who could be so much lose over and over. They aren’t the champions at the moment though so it could be a lot worse. Just get them their titles back from Animal and Heidenreich as the story is over. Batista vs. Eddie is getting interesting though and I want to see where things go from here with the mind games going hard.

Batista isn’t pleased with a smiling Eddie to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. It was a rough show this week with the wrestling not being all that great and the stories only being so good. Eddie vs. Batista is an interesting take on things but Cowboy Bob isn’t quite enough to make me care about the (still good) Undertaker vs. Randy feud any more and JBL vs. Mysterio is just a feud that is taking place. The show wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t very good and No Mercy isn’t looking great so far.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 17, 2020: Preach It

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 17, 2020
Location: Angel of the Winds Arena, Everett, Washington
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

We’re almost to Super ShowDown and that way we can get ready for the real Road To Wrestlemania. There are a lot of things left to cover before we get there though and that means we have to do some stuff tonight. I’m not sure what that is going to entail other than Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton in a street fight so we’re going in somewhat blind. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Randy Orton to get things going with a clip of his attack on Matt Hardy last week. He knows the Hardys like to go up and crash but here’s Matt, in street clothes and a neck brace, to ask what is wrong with Orton. Matt knows Orton didn’t like being asked about the Edge attack last week but he isn’t cleared to wrestle tonight. He and Edge have grit and Orton can’t hold them down. Matt isn’t sure what his future holds but Orton isn’t getting to determine the terms of his future.

Hardy gets in the ring as Orton says he could drop Matt with an RKO right now. Orton says he respects Edge and he’s truly sorry before leaving. He pauses and turns around though, sending Hardy outside to grab a chair. That just earns Matt a neck snap across the top rope and an RKO (with the fans wanting another), followed by a bunch of chair shots to the ribs and back.

Orton takes the brace off and loads up another Conchairto but pauses. Instead he takes Matt outside and does the Conchairto on the steps instead of in the ring to make it even worse. Orton goes to leave but then goes back and hits another Conchairto on the steps. Orton: “I’M SORRY!”

This was really good as Orton looks like the biggest villain ever, which is exactly the point. That’s where someone like Matt, who is beloved as a veteran, is most valuable and something like this was way more effective than a street fight where we were just waiting around for the RKO to finish Matt off.

Aleister Black vs. Erick Rowan

Black walks over Rowan case and Rowan isn’t happy as the fight starts in a hurry. They fight to the floor with Rowan hitting a running crossbody as we take a break. Back with Rowan beating Black up even more, including taking him outside to send Black legs first into the barricade for a different kind of crash.

A powerbomb into the post is countered with a hurricanrana into said post and Black knees him in the head back inside. Black Mass is blocked and Rowan kicks him in the head. A Jackknife gets two on Black but Black Mass connects to put Rowan against the ropes. He’s still awake though so Black hits another Black Mass for the pin at 7:47.

Rating: D+. Build a monster up, have someone slay him. The cage thing is still likely going to be a lame payoff (if we ever get one) but Black winning a match like this is a good sign for him. Rowan had been turned into someone with a little momentum and now Black has beaten him clean. That’s how you make Black a bigger deal, but don’t bog him down with a bunch of Rowan rematches. We’ve seen that he can beat Rowan and we don’t need to see it again.

Here’s Charlotte, in black and yellow, to address showing up at Takeover last night. After a clip of her accepting Rhea Ripley’s challenge, Charlotte talks about how she was impressed by what she saw last night in NXT. It made her think about training in a warehouse and how her NXT class formed the foundation of a third brand called NXT.

Now she’s bothered by the entitlement of people like Ripley, who didn’t scratch and claw to earn the respect that NXT has gained. Now Ripley has the audacity to hold up the title that Charlotte put on the map? Pride comes before the fall and Ripley is being humbled at Wrestlemania, because everyone is the next big thing….until they’re not. Charlotte is at her best when she’s talking down to people and that’s what she did here.

24/7 Title: R-Truth vs. Mojo Rawley vs. Riddick Moss

Moss is defending and the usual rules are suspended during the match. Rawley is sent outside early on and Moss screams a lot while covering Truth for two. That’s broken up by Rawley, who sends Moss into the barricade. Back in and Truth hits the ProtoBomb into the Shuffle but Rawley slips out of the AA. The fireman’s carry faceplant connects but Moss is back in with a cradle to retain the title at 1:49.

Post match Moss bails and Truth lays out Rawley.

McIntyre says Heyman can say Lesnar’s name over and over, from when they’re having lunch to when they’re having manicures to when Lesnar is crying because McIntyre took his WWE Championship. Heyman respects McIntyre’s talents but he knows someone who doesn’t, which is this man right here. Cue MVP to say he has an issue with Drew, who was invited to the VIP Lounge and then kicked MVP in the face. MVP isn’t getting cheapshotted this week so he hits Drew with the mic and kicks him in the face before the bell.

MVP vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew kicks him in the face and hammers away in the corner. The Futureshock and Claymore (with the camera showing the Wrestlemania sign) finish MVP at 1:12.

We look at Shayna Baszler attacking Becky Lynch last week.

Here’s Becky, carrying a paper bag, for a chat. She came to this country to seek her fame and fortune but she has no need for fame. However, she has a use for the fortune and pulls a bunch of money from the bag (including a bunch of $100 bills). Consider this a down payment for what she is going to do to Baszler because only animals go for the neck and they do it before going for the kill.

Becky is the longest reigning Raw Women’s Champion in history and that doesn’t make her prey. We hear about some former champions she’s defeated but here’s Baszler on screen to say Becky isn’t going to get to do that. She’s in the Elimination Chamber, which is in a cage for a cage fighter. Becky promises to be watching at the Elimination Chamber because she’ll be rooting for Shayna.

Lana, Bobby Lashley, Angel Garza and Zelina Vega are ready for a tag match (not against each other) but don’t seem happy about anything. It was Lana’s idea and it’s like a double date, but Vega makes it clear that she and Garza aren’t a couple. They’re all about money, but Garza is ready to show that no one can measure up to him.

Rusev/Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza/Bobby Lashley

Lashley starts against Carrillo as Garza isn’t all that interested. Neither can get very far against the other so it’s off to Garza for the high angle spinning crossbody. A wristdrag sends Garza down and Rusev jumps Lashley (as the feud is apparently still going). Garza uses the distraction to hit a dropkick and GARZA TAKES OFF HIS PANTS. That lets him give a fan a quick kiss but Carrillo dropkicks him into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Carrillo flipping out of Lashley’s spinning Big Ending and bringing in Rusev to unload on Lashley. The distraction lets Garza grab a rollup for two, followed by a superkick for the same. Lashley spears Carrillo on the floor but Rusev runs him over and hits a middle rope headbutt for two on Garza. That brings Lashley back up for a distraction though and Garza grabs a rollup, with trunks, for the pin at 9:54.

Rating: D+. This is one of those matches that just happened and neither feud is particularly interesting. Lashley vs. Rusev has been boring for a long time now and there is a real chance that we could be going into a seventh month of the feud should it make it to March. Garza’s future isn’t really clear at the moment either as Andrade’s suspension is up next week. That could be interesting, but just keep Carrillo a little more out of it.

Natalya vs. Kairi Sane

Fallout from Asuka kicking Natalya in the face two weeks back. The Warriors ask if Natalya is ok and then dance around singing that they don’t care. Sane forearms her into the corner to start but misses a dive, setting up something like the Thriller Dance. Natalya misses the discus lariat but slaps Sane in the face. The threat of a Sharpshooter sends Sane to the ropes and she comes back with a spinning backfist.

The chinlock into a sleeper doesn’t do much for Sane so she sends Natalya into the corner. Walking The Plank is countered with a discus forearm (though the camera cuts as they might have missed badly) but Asuka’s distraction breaks up the Sharpshooter attempt. Sane knocks Natalya to the floor and Asuka kicks her in the head for the countout at 4:47.

Rating: C-. I can give them points for trying to build up some side stories in the Elimination Chamber because there’s no hiding that it’s Shayna going on to Wrestlemania. This is better than nothing and while they would probably be better off doing Asuka vs. Natalya on Raw, I’ll take what I can get in the Chamber, even if it would be more interesting to run Asuka vs. Shayna in a singles match for the #1 contendership than having the two of them and four others in the Chamber. Anyway, nothing to this one but I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of it next week.

Here are Murphy and the AOP to introduce Seth Rollins for a sermon. He even has a pulpit to make it look a little more official. Rollins didn’t come up with the name sermon because that was bestowed on them by the powers that be, but it seems appropriate as what he has to say is divine. We are here to celebrate progress and movement into the future in Rollins’ vision. Last week was the end of phase one because the four of them showed that through the power of faith you can believe whatever you set your mind to.

Now the real work begins though because Rollins takes being the Monday Night Messiah very seriously. Now it is time to find the flaws in the system and rehabilitate them the best they can, or eradicate them if they must. This is the gospel and if you stand in their way….and here are the Viking Raiders. Rollins bails as they beat up Murphy and the AOP but here’s Kevin Owens to Stun Rollins on the stage.

Post break Rollins says that tonight it’s a six man tag.

Here’s the OC for a chat. AJ Styles is glad to be back because Wrestlemania season would be nothing without him. Karl Anderson declares AJ to be the new Mr. Wrestlemania and AJ accepts that honor. He’s the greatest superstar on any roster and of any era but believe it or not, he’s got critics. When he wins his gauntlet match at Super ShowDown, the only one who can say anything is him. Then he’ll say Who’s Next and maybe he’ll go win the WWE Championship again.

It could be anyone from Ricochet to Brock Lesnar to Undertaker to Shawn Michaels to Razor Ramon to Hulk Hogan to the whole NWO. Cue Ricochet, with AJ saying hold on Ricky. That’s fine with Ricochet, who understands AJ doesn’t think he’s earned a title shot. Ricochet has earned it though and he’ll do the impossible at Super ShowDown. The OC cracks up at the idea of Ricochet being WWE Champion so he challenges AJ to a match right now. Karl Anderson says not so fast because he isn’t letting AJ face this non Good Brother.

Ricochet vs. Karl Anderson

Ricochet starts fast and sends him outside for the big running flip dive. Back from the early break with AJ and Gallows having been ejected and Anderson grabbing a chinlock. That doesn’t last long as Ricochet fights up and hits a rolling dropkick. The springboard high crossbody into a running shooting star press gives Ricochet two but Ricochet has to roll through the 630. Anderson gets two off a spinebuster but walks into the Benadryller for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C. Not a bad little match here as Ricochet continues his roll towards Super ShowDown and Brock Lesnar. I’m not sure if there is any reason to believe Ricochet has a prayer at winning the title, but it’s nice to see him get built up a little bit. Maybe something could come of it, like a big Wrestlemania match. Either way, more Ricochet is a good thing and WWE seems to know that.

We recap the Orton/Hardy situation.

Liv Morgan doesn’t understand why Ruby Riott is trying to break her but that isn’t going to work anymore. She isn’t the puppy that Riott remembers, because she’s going to the Elimination Chamber to eliminate Riott and go on to Wrestlemania. No, you’re not.

Viking Raiders/Kevin Owens vs. Murphy/AOP

Owens dropkicks Murphy at the bell and hands it off to Ivar for a knee to the face. Owens keeps Murphy in the corner and the Vikings take turns beating Murphy up. Ivar slams Erik onto Murphy for two but allows the tag to Akam so we can have a fight. That means Erik can slug away but Akam grabs a powerslam to take over.

A toss into the knee from Rezar gets two and it’s Erik getting choked in the corner. Murphy grabs the chinlock but Erik fights up and knees Rezar in the face. The hot tag brings in Owens to clean house as we take a break. Back with Owens fighting up and scoring with a superkick to Murphy, only to get driven back into the corner.

Owens wins a slugout with Murphy and makes the tag to Ivar to fight the AOP at the same time. The low crossbody crushes Akam and there’s the spinning kick to Murphy’s face. Everything breaks down and Erik knees Rezar into the corner. Ivar drives Erik into Rezar for a bonus and Owen’s Swanton gets two. The Vikings and AOP fight to the floor, leaving Murphy to get Stunned. Cue Rollins for the DQ at 15:24.

Rating: C+. It’s an interesting change here as Rollins’ team loses, which hasn’t been the case so far. The resistance against Rollins and company is interesting as we might be getting closer to one of the big showdown matches. I do like the idea of bringing in new people to fight on one side or another and that’s what we’ve been getting here. Also: where was Samoa Joe?

Post match Rollins says Owens has crucified him since day one so now it is time to crucify him. Cue the Street Profits for the save but Rollins gets away. The Profits and the Vikings wreck Murphy and the AOP, with Ivar and Ford hitting top rope splashes (Ford’s is so impressive) to end the show. Rollins and company are going to need some new people to at least even the sides so that could go somewhere.

Overall Rating: C. I know the wrestling wasn’t great here but what mattered here was how it felt like they were doing a bunch of things. The big story here was how it offered a lot of variety and covered all kinds of stories and angles. You can tell that things are picking up for Wrestlemania season and in a few weeks we can get rid of Super ShowDown and the Elimination Chamber to get to the final push. It’s not a good show, but it’s a well put together show and that’s important as well.


Aleister Black b. Erick Rowan – Black Mass

Riddick Moss b. Mojo Rawley and R-Truth – Cradle to Rawley

Drew McIntyre b. MVP – Claymore

Angel Garza/Bobby Lashley b. Rusev/Humberto Carrillo – Rollup with trunks to Rusev

Kairi Sane b. Natalya via countout

Ricochet b. Karl Anderson – Benadryller

Kevin Owens/Viking Raiders b. Murphy/AOP via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – September 16, 2005: A New Hope

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 16, 2005
Location: Alltel Arena, Little Rock, Arkansas
Attendance: 4,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

With Raw’s Unforgiven coming up on two days after this show, it’s time to start setting up the next Smackdown pay per view. Last week seemed to be an ending point for some big stories and that means we are coming up on some new stuff. I’m looking forward to seeing what they have in store but you never know what that might be. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Chris Benoit vs. Christian

Non-title. Hold on though as here’s Orlando Jordan who says he wants another shot. Christian and Jordan beat Benoit down but Jordan gets caught in the Crossface. Christian breaks that up so here’s Booker T. to make it a tag match. The REFEREE makes it a tag match though as he must have sights on Teddy’s job.

Christian/Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T./Chris Benoit

Sharmell comes out to watch as Booker hiptosses Christian to start. The spinebuster gives Booker two but Jordan gets in a cheap shot from the apron. Christian knocks him to the floor and gets two off a neckbreaker back inside. The chinlock doesn’t last long but Christian keeps Booker down and brings Jordan in. Now why would you do something stupid like that?

Jordan grabs his own chinlock and, of course, Booker fights up and hits the Book End because Jordan is really, really bad at wrestling. Benoit comes in and suplexes Christian but Jordan breaks up the Crossface. Jordan and Booker head outside with the former grabbing a chair so Booker shoves him away, right into Sharmell. That’s not cool with Booker but in the melee, Christian hits the Unprettier to finish Benoit.

Rating: C-. It’s almost amazing how bad Jordan is and yet WWE keeps him at this level for whatever reason. He can’t do anything above the most basic stuff and can’t even do that right. That’s what makes it such a relief to have Christian being moved into Jordan’s slot against Benoit. It’s an instant (mega) upgrade and a huge relief.

Video on Randy Orton being the Legend Killer and Undertaker being the Undertaker.

Batista flirts with Christy Hemme and Stacy Keibler, has a sip of a Simon System milkshake, and heads to the ring.

Palmer Cannon and Teddy Long bring out Batista for a chat. Batista says he needs a new #1 contender, so Teddy, “Network guy”, who’s it going to be? Long is ready to announce someone who sounds a lot like Rey Mysterio as #1 contender but Cannon takes the mic away and picks Eddie Guerrero. Eddie talks about his addictions with the biggest being his addiction to manipulation. Last week, he finally beat Rey and now he has a new addiction: respect.

Now he is all about honor and love and Batista is greatness. There won’t be any hate at No Mercy and they can have the greatest match of all time. Batista says they can be friends and Eddie is very pleased. Everyone knows what kind of man Eddie is and imagine what kind of champion he can be. Eddie offers a handshake and wants to be friends but Batista wants a hug. This was a bit weird, but the mind games are going to be a lot of fun to watch, mainly because Batista is smart.

Tag Team Titles: Heidenreich/Animal vs. MNM

MNM is challenging because these teams are the tag division these days. Heidenreich runs Mercury over to start so it’s already time for a conference. Mercury gets in a few cheap shots before running to the floor, where Animal nails him with a clothesline. Animal comes in and gets choked on the ropes, setting up a double Russian legsweep for two. A neckbreaker gets the same and we hit the quickly broken sleeper. Animal kicks that away and brings Heidenreich back in to clean house. Melina’s interference fails as everything breaks down, including Mercury hitting Heidenreich with the belt for the DQ.

Rating: D. So yes the feud can continue so WWE can sell more DVDs. They would be a lot better off by having Heidenreich and Animal destroying jobbers because these matches are just showing how nothing Animal and Heidenreich have in matches that last more than a minute. The nostalgia run is fine, but don’t treat it like it’s anything more than nostalgia/cashing in on the original team’s legacy.

Long and Cannon argue over Eddie being named #1 contender but the network has its wishes.

The Ortons have a surprise for Undertaker in the back of a U-Haul truck.

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

Rating: C-. This would seem to set up a rematch at No Mercy as JBL isn’t going to be happy with a loss to someone like Mysterio. The good thing about Rey is something like this could be considered a fluke win and allows for a variety of rematches, even though seeing JBL over and over doesn’t exactly bode well. He’s still one of the top heels on Smackdown though and putting the two of them together is a fine way to go.

Nunzio and Vito are in Teddy’s office with the former wanting to know why he’s isn’t wrestling even though he’s Cruiserweight Champion. Eddie, who is still here, suggests a match with Batista and Cannon makes the match.

JBL won’t answer questions and walks away so here’s Mr. Kennedy to ask why he isn’t getting some attention. Oh and Josh Matthews smells so bad he smells like Arkansas. Kennedy introduces himself and as luck would have it, he’s up next.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Jacus Plisken

Right hands and the super Regal Roll finish Jock in about a minute.

Batista vs. Nunzio

Non-title, Vito is here with Nunzio and Eddie is watching from the stage. The announcers make it clear that Nunzio has been stuck on Velocity in recent weeks, further killing anything the title could still offer. Batista pulls both of them inside and throws Nunzio at Vito. Vito’s distraction lets Nunzio get in a dropkick and that’s enough to set off the destruction. The Batista Bomb finishes in a hurry. I’d love an explanation for why they do this to the Cruiserweight Title. It’s been the case for a long time now and there has to be a reason.

Randy Orton tells Cowboy Bob to wait for the right moment.

JBL has a secret meeting with Jillian Hall because he needs her assistance.

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Joined in progress with Undertaker shoving him away and grabbing a rather harsh headlock. A big boot gives Undertaker two and it’s off to a keylock. Orton fights up but gets pulled into a Fujiwara armbar as it’s weird to see scientific Undertaker. Old School is broken up with a crotching and Orton headbutts him so hard that he staggers himself. The superplex plants Undertaker and Orton calls for his dad to bring the truck.

Since we’re about five minutes into the match, Undertaker sits up, only to get DDTed back down. The truck comes in and is opened to reveal….a casket. Back from a break with Undertaker fighting out of a chinlock and elbowing away in the corner. That just earns him a dropkick and we hit the chinlock again. Orton goes up top but dives into a raised boot to leave them both staggered. The over the back backbreaker drops Undertaker, but he slugs Orton down from his knees.

The jumping clothesline connects and Undertaker scores with the big boot into Snake Eyes. Orton kicks him in the face and Undertaker glares him down before heading outside. Undertaker teases sending him into the casket but there’s an Undertaker mannequin inside, allowing Orton to send him into the steps. Back in and Orton has to slip out of a Last Ride attempt, only to have the referee get bumped. The RKO gets two from a second referee and a chokeslam connects for the same, with Bob pulling the referee out. Another RKO is countered and the Tombstone finishes Orton.

Rating: C. The match was a good bit overbooked but that’s the kind of thing that you have to expect from a main event level match like this. I’m sure we’ll get a casket match eventually and while that might not be thrilling, it does make sense given the story. Hopefully the wrestling is a bit better, but there is a special feeling when Undertaker is in the ring.

Overall Rating: C. The wrestling wasn’t great here but what matters is that we are seeing some new stuff. Eddie vs. Batista, JBL vs. Mysterio and Christian vs. Benoit, plus the continued rise of Kennedy all give me some hope for the next month. Smackdown had some good stuff over the summer but they have been long overdue for some fresh blood. Hopefully we can get something good in the coming weeks and this show made me think that’s a possibility.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – February 6, 2020: That Time Of The Year

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: February 6, 2020
Location: Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

We’re coming up on Super ShowDown because we’re just that lucky. Things are starting to take shape as we now have a WWE Championship match, meaning it is time to recap everything that got us here. I’m not sure how much there was to recap but that has never stopped this show before. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

OC vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

Gallows shrugs off a headlock attempt to start and shows Hawkins how it’s done. That means a big shove to put Hawkins down but he’s smart enough to kick away rather than go for a test of strength. Ryder comes in for a slingshot dropkick through the ropes to take both of them down but Gallows kicks him in the face.

Back in and Gallows unloads on Ryder in the corner, followed by a chinlock from Anderson. Gallows’ snap suplex sets up some elbows to the chest and another chinlock. Ryder fights up and makes it over to Hawkins for the hot tag so the pace can pick up. A Michinoku Driver gets two on Anderson but Ryder misses a dive and get sent into the barricade. The Magic Killer finishes Hawkins at 5:11.

Rating: C. This was a snappy little tag match and that’s better than you would expect from this show. That’s one of the things I like about Main Event: sometimes you get a surprisingly good match from people who have little reason to try. The reason they do have though is pride, and it’s nice to see people working hard just to make the fans happy in a match that means nothing in the slightest.

From Smackdown.

Usos/Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin/Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

The losers must eat DOG FOOD, which Cole has repeated about 37 times tonight. Corbin punches Jey down for an early two and a low bridge puts Jey on the floor. Roode, now in long tights, hits a spinebuster on the floor as Cole puts over how bad the dog food smells. We take a break and come back with Roode cranking on Jey’s arms. Jey slips out so Ziggler comes in, only to miss a Stinger Splash in the corner.

Corbin gets the tag and breaks up the hot tag though, allowing him to make Jey look at the dog food. That’s enough to make Jey get over for the hot tag to Reigns as everything breaks down. A big boot connects for Reigns but Corbin is back with a chokeslam for two. Ziggler adds a superkick and it’s the Deep Six for two more on Reigns. Jimmy is back in and sends Roode over the announcers’ table, setting up another dive to Ziggler. Reigns misses the spear but rolls Corbin up for the pin at 9:56.

Rating: C-. Yeah it’s another watchable match but it’s everything else that is making it bad. Between Cole shouting about the dog food over and over and over again and the fact that we’ve seen these people fight for months now and how this was nothing new as far as a six man formula goes, this wasn’t exactly thrilling. It’s fine for a house show stipulation where the kids can laugh, but when you have to hear about it all night long, it’s way too much.

Post match Corbin tries to leave but he gets speared down and handcuffed, meaning he gets chained up like he did to Reigns months ago. The buckets of dog food are poured over him so Reigns and the Usos can pose to end the show. It’s a poetic way to go about things with Corbin, but the feud has gone on for so long now that the impact is really, really weakened. Also it’s not exactly brilliant, cutting edge stuff in the first place.

From Raw.

Here’s Charlotte to announce her Wrestlemania decision. She has held the Raw and Women’s Titles more than once and….there’s a Rhea chant. Charlotte says she’s done that too and yes NXT has love for it’s queen but….here’s Rhea herself. Rhea says Charlotte has beaten Bayley and Becky, but Rhea has beaten her. She holds up the NXT Women’s Title and Charlotte smiles at her, only to walk around and leave. Charlotte throws in one more WOO for good measure. I’m not sure where they’re going with this and I like that.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Cedric Alexander

Shelton suplexes him down to start and a backdrop cuts off Cedric’s early comeback attempt. The anklescissors is blocked as well with Shelton kicking him in the ribs for two instead. The chinlock goes on and of course brings Cedric back to his feet, only to get hit in the face again. Cedric is sent to the apron and tries a springboard but gets kneed out to the floor.

Rating: C+. Another nice match here with both guys working. Cedric continues to be the guy who can do anything you ask from him in the ring and if he ever has the slightest bit of charisma to back it up, he’d be a star in the blink of an eye. I could go for a lot more of him, but I can also see why WWE is a bit hesitant to push him.

We look at Randy Orton attacking Edge last week.

From Raw.

Here’s Orton to explain himself. Orton takes his time before posing on the roles and the fans are not thrilled to see him. He thinks he owes an explanation but the fans are booing him out of the building in a hurry. That turns into an Edge chant and Orton still can’t bring himself to say anything. He finally says he can’t do this, puts the mic down, and walks away.

From Raw again.

Seth Rollins vs. Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is sent outside early and Rollins is right there with a Sling Blade to Ricochet. Another shot knocks Lashley off the apron so Rollins can get a quick two. Lashley is back in though and hits a DDT to Rollins and a neckbreaker on Ricochet at the same time. A clothesline puts Rollins on the floor but Ricochet gets in a kick to Lashley’s head. The rolling dropkick puts Lashley outside again and there’s the big flip dive.

The running shooting star press gets two with Lashley having to make a save. Another spinebuster hits Ricochet and a lifting Downward Spiral gets two on Rollins. A Blockbuster gives Rollins his own two on Lashley with Ricochet making a save this time around. The Buckle Bomb hits Ricochet but he’s back up with an enziguri to catch Rollins on top. There’s the Tower of Doom, though Lashley lets go of the two of them so it was more like Ricochet superplexing Rollins as Lashley just fell. The 630 hits Lashley for the sudden pin at 13:33.

Rating: B. Ricochet makes sense as the big winner as we’ve seen Rollins and Lashley vs. Lesnar isn’t exactly thrilling to anyone but Lashley. Ricochet may not have a chance to win but there’s a great Jeff Hardy factor him where there might be a .01% chance that he could win, but it’s very fun to think about. The match was good and it had the right winner so I can’t really complain.

Post match Lesnar runs in for a quick F5 to end the show. Lesnar might have been on screen for fifteen seconds and got a full payday for it. That’s why he’s smarter than we are.

Overall Rating: C+. Oh yeah you can tell it’s Wrestlemania season as they’re trying a little harder with both the wrestling and the story. It’s a show where you can tell the effort is a little harder and that’s the kind of thing you can’t fake. I’m looking forward to Wrestlemania and if they keep this up for the next few weeks, we’re in for a big night in Tampa.

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