Monday Night Raw – January 13, 2020: Brock Lesnar Laughs At This Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 13, 2020
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Vic Joseph

We’re less than two weeks away from the Royal Rumble and that means things need to pick up a lot. The Rumbles themselves have barely meant anything so far as it seems to be all about Brock Lesnar for the men and Charlotte seems destined for the women’s. You know, in case you were worrying about something fresh sneaking in. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the end zone in the lower arena.

Opening sequence.

Your regular rant that only I care about: this show is not on the campus of the University of Kentucky. Rupp Arena is not owned by the University nor on its campus. I know just saying “Lexington” is too much to ask for WWE, but when you spend four years of your life at a school, it can get annoying hearing them get it wrong (or intentionally saying it wrong) EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Here’s Randy Orton for an opening chat. The music stops but Orton gets cheered so much that he has to get on the ropes for one more pose. Orton, not on the mic: “I had to.” Orton says he was asked to come out here and excitedly welcome everyone to Raw. He isn’t the excitedly kind of guy though so he’ll invited one single person out here instead.

That would be AJ Styles and sweet goodness that hair has a life of its own. AJ mocks Orton for faking a knee injury and having the gall to suggest that he is the favorite to win the Royal Rumble. Last week, the world saw AJ Styles hit the greatest RKO anyone has ever seen. AJ: “It was beautiful!” People even said it was phenomenal but AJ would rather talk about the Rumble, which draws out Drew McIntyre.

Drew says he’s been tested lately, with the Conga Line putting him on the ropes last week. Now he wants some more competition, so here are AJ Styles and Randy Orton having an RKO size measuring contest. Drew: “My Claymore is bigger.” That makes Orton drop his mic and McIntyre wants a triple threat right now. Ring the bell.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre gets knocked to the floor early on and Orton breaks up a way too soon Phenomenal Forearm attempt. Cue the Good Brothers in a hurry with an RKO taking down Anderson and a Claymore to Gallows as we take a break. Back with AJ sitting on top and getting chopped by Drew, who gets crotched on top. Orton joins them and tries a superplex on AJ, only to have Drew sit up and German superplex Orton who superplexes AJ for a rather cool spot.

The fans accurately think this is awesome as Drew beats on both of them in turn. There’s the Futureshock to AJ and a headbutt to Orton but the Claymore is cut off with a dropkick. They all head outside with Orton hitting Drew in the face to knock him silly before staring AJ down. Back in and AJ catches Orton with a hanging DDT but Orton blocks an RKO (that’s weird to say). Another attempt is countered….and that means a Styles Clash to AJ for a close two. AJ is back up but walks into the RKO, only to get Claymored by Drew, who pins Orton for the win at 10:22.

Rating: C+. This was a weird setup where they were trying to do two things at once: advance AJ vs. Orton and make Drew seem like more of a threat. That was a little hard to do in a match that has nothing to do with winning the Royal Rumble but it was good for him to get this kind of a win. The Styles Clash to AJ was a great touch and I’m curious to see how they blow the thing off. Good match too, even with the triple threat formula.

We recap Big Show returning last week to help Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe against Seth Rollins and the AOP.

Rollins talks to the AOP about how you’re either with us or against us but no one can stop them. That includes Owens, Joe and Big Show in case that wasn’t clear. Rollins has done everything to make sure their destiny is intact and tonight, you will see what happens when you don’t embrace his vision.

Ricochet vs. Mojo Rawley

Ricochet starts fast with an anklescissors into a dropkick, allowing him to get in a little dancing for a bonus. Mojo gets thrown outside and that means a big flip dive as the announcers talk about what that would mean in the Royal Rumble. Back in and Mojo hits a quick Pounce for two, followed by a corner splash to make it worse. The Alabama Slam out of the corner is blocked though and Ricochet kicks him in the head, setting up the Recoil. Ricochet hits the 630 for the pin at 3:21.

Rating: C-. Rawley is still someone who I’d like to see a bit more from but he was just a warm body for Ricochet to pin here. That’s all well and good too as Ricochet is one of the brightest stars around. I could go for seeing him get a big run in the Rumble, though there is no way he’s getting close to the main event because he’s never been in the main event before so we can’t put him there for the first time.

The Street Profits are excited about what is coming for the rest of the of the night, but Dawkins is too concerned with his Oscar ballot. Ford: “WOW! An important pop culture reference!” For now though, ring Charlotte’s music.

Charlotte vs. Sarah Logan

Fallout (not a rematch since the bell never rang) from last week when Sarah jumped Charlotte and attacked her robe. Charlotte kicks her in the face at the bell and Logan is already on the floor for a breather as Lawler recites nursery rhymes. Charlotte follows her outside for some chops so Logan hammers away at the ribs. The rather slow paced count continues as they keep brawling but they dive back in at nine. That works for Charlotte, who sends her into the buckle and slaps on the Figure Eight for the pin at 2:04. Just give Charlotte the Rumble already, unless there’s a heck of a surprise in the works.

Post match Charlotte puts on her robe and leaves but comes back to throw Logan over the top in a nice touch.

Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens are looking forward to the Fist Fight. Big Show comes in and says it’s time to reintroduce Seth Rollins to his fist.

Here are Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar, with Heyman making fun of the crowd. Heyman: “Ladies and gentlemen and things that live in Kentucky….” The fans then cheer his introduction so Heyman calls them stupid for not getting the idea. Now it’s a YOU SUCK chant so the two of them walk to the ramp and think about leaving. Heyman: “My client DOES NOT suck!” They get back in the ring so Heyman can recap the fact that Lesnar is in the Royal Rumble and entering #1, though it takes some shouting to get over the fans booing him out of the building.

Heyman talks about the new Streak in WWE, which is different from the one that Brock Lesnar broke. This Streak is made up of his spoilers, like the one where he says Brock will win the Royal Rumble despite entering at #1. The spoilers will set you free because they are truth….and here’s R-Truth to interrupt. He’s heard about the big man being in the Rumble and just like his childhood hero John Cena taught him, he’ll never give up. That’s why at the Royal Rumble, he’s throwing Paul Heyman over the top.

Paul is stunned and Lesnar is DONE, laughing his head off and not being able to look at Truth. That doesn’t stop Truth from talking about how he’ll get rid of Heyman, who calls Truth “Bong Hit” and says Brock is the one in the Rumble. Truth unenters the Rumble and says it’s hard to keep track of what Heyman says because “you talk a lot”. Brock can barely stand up straight from the laughter and even Heyman can’t calm him down.

Truth says he doesn’t want to be taken to Sioux Falls City. Heyman: “IT’S SUPLEX CITY! SUPLEX CITY! SUPLEX CITY! YOU’RE NOT FUNNY!” Brock gets in Truth’s face so Truth asks what’s up and starts dancing, only to get taken down by a clothesline. The F5 leaves Truth laying and Brock picks up the 24/7 Title, which he throws back at Truth. Brock: “That’s what’s up.” This was hysterical, even if it added nothing. Seeing Brock not being able to control himself was a special feeling and I can’t blame him as Truth was great here, as always.

Post break Truth is being helped to the back so here’s Mojo Rawley to pin him and steal the title.

Earlier tonight, Lana and Bobby Lashley arrived. They’re not happy with being asked about the wedding and we see some highlights. Lana understands that everyone is jealous of them because they’re so amazing. They’ve made some New Year’s Resolutions: accept that everyone is jealous of them and CRUSH RUSEV.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

They go straight into the brawl and Rusev gets two off a spinwheel kick. Lashley is right back with right hands in the corner but a suplex gets Rusev out of trouble. Some kicks to the back and another suplex have Lashley down, and the Cannonball gets two. A thumb to the eye and a running clothesline put Rusev on the floor though and a spear takes us to a break.

Back with Rusev fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the knee to cut that off in a hurry. Rusev kicks his way out of trouble and hits a Samoa drop. Lashley’s German suplex is no sold and it’s the jumping superkick to put Lashley down. Lana offers a distraction though and Lashley gets in a cheap shot.

Cue Liv Morgan to go after Lana and threaten to rip the wig off her hair, among other insults that we can’t make out due to rapid fire camera cuts. Lana steals a drink from a fan to throw in her face and send her into the barricade, leaving Lashley to hit the spear and finish Rusev at 14:22.

Rating: C-. This felt a lot shorter than it was and the match wasn’t all that good. That’s a big part of the feud as we are not in the fifth month and we have only seen two matches. Neither of them have been very good either, and now we are likely setting up a mixed tag with the men needing to take care of the not very good women. How is this supposed to be an upgrade?

Post match Lana rants about how no one mistreats her because she’s a supermodel, a fashionista, a fashionista and a celebrity. Therefore, next week it’s a mixed tag, with Lashley not exactly being happy with needing to take care of Rusev and Lana at the same time.

Here are the Viking Raiders to issue an open challenge because they want to fight.

Viking Raiders vs. ???

Non-title, Open Challenge, Singh Brothers, Viking Experience, 38 seconds. That’s still too much Singh Brothers.

Rusev and Liv accept, with Liv saying she is the “living embodiment of karma and karma isn’t a goddess.” NO ONE TALKS LIKE THIS! And they’re never going to go into what could have been an interesting story with Liv and Lana are they?

Here’s Becky Lynch to sign the contract for her Royal Rumble title defense against Asuka. Before Asuka comes out, Lynch can’t manage to say anything, which is rather out of character for her. Asuka comes out with Kairi Sane and rants in Japanese. Kairi messes with Becky with the umbrella so Becky throws it out in an emotional outburst.

Asuka, looking bored, signs and Becky, with a heavy sigh, does as well. Becky says may the best woman win and takes the mist to the face as Asuka laughs a lot and leaves with Sane. Replays show that it hit her square in the eyes too. The medics come out and work on Becky’s eyes as she screams in pain.

She demands a microphone though and talks about how the money and the fame are poison to people who fight for a living and her veins are full of it. Asuka has brought out something in her and she is coming to the Rumble to fight. If she goes down, she is going down swinging and taking Asuka with her. This was the fired up promo that Becky can deliver very well and I really, really want to see this match.

We look back at Andrade retaining the United States Title over Rey Mysterio and stealing Mysterio’s mask, only to have Rey snap and take it back later in the night.

Next week: Andrade defends against Mysterio in a ladder match.

Zelina Vega talks about how Andrade was man enough to take the title from Mysterio and then beat him again last week. Then Andrade was man enough to take Rey’s mask but Rey had to attack and steal the title from them. That’s why they have filed a criminal complaint against him and why Mysterio is a horrible example to Latinos everywhere. Andrade promise to defeat Mysterio again and then rants in Spanish about keeping his title.

Mysterio talks about representing Latinos with all of his heart. He’s coming for the title next week and will give it everything he has because he’s fighting for respect as well.

Video on Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy.

Buddy Murphy vs. Aleister Black

They go straight for the strikes until Black just glares at him. The threat of Black Mass sends Murphy to the floor and they brawl against the barricade. Black gets the better of it and they fight up the aisle with Lawler talking about various opponents he just could not beat over the years. Black gets slammed hard onto the ramp but Murphy is smart (I think?) enough to break up the count.

Another kick to the leg knocks Murphy off the barricade though and they head back inside for the first time in a good while. Back in and Black gets sent into the post, setting up a suplex to the floor and we take a break. We come back with Black hitting a running knee to send Murphy into the timekeeper’s area. They get back in with the fans finding it awesome as Black strikes away.

Neither Black Mass nor Murphy’s Law can connect though so Murphy sends him outside again, only to have Black slide back in for a running knee to the face. Murphy hits a kick to the head though and drops Black off the top. He spends too much time on top though and gets kicked out to the floor for the massive crash. Black crashes to the floor also though and we need a bit of a breather.

They both crawl back in to beat the count and the slugout is on again. Black gets the better of it again by kicking him in the head, only to get superkicked out of the air on a moonsault attempt. Murphy’s Law connects for two as Black puts his foot on the rope. With nothing else working, Murphy tries his own Black Mass, only to get caught with the real thing. That’s only good for two, due to what seems to be a ridiculous complaint from the referee about a shoulder being up. That’s fine with Black, who hits a second for the pin at 13:48.

Rating: B. These two have awesome chemistry together and I could watch Black strike away for days. Murphy has been excellent as well as he tries to figure out a way to stop the monster that is Black. They have found a nice feud here and even though Buddy has lost three times in a row, he has moved forward and away from 205 Live so it’s a step in the right direction.

Erick Rowan vs. ???

Murphy is still sitting at ringside and says not now on the questions. Rowan throws him outside and then into the barricade but it’s time to look into the cage. Rowan even reaches inside, only to be bitten to draw some blood. That’s not cool with Rowan, who takes it out on the jobber. The Iron Claw finishes at 1:32.

Big Show/Kevin Owens/Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins/AOP

Fist Fight, meaning anything goes and the only way to win is for the referee to say your team can’t continue. The AOP and Rollins jump Show during his entrance so here are Owens and Joe with kendo sticks for the save. The fight is on and it’s Show and Rollins in the ring while the other four fight by the entrance.

Show chops Rollins against the barricade but Rollins manages a posting. Owens one ups that by running up the curved set and flip diving onto the AOP on the floor (very cool moment). Joe dives off the ramp onto Akam and everyone is down again. Rollins is sent outside and finds the still seated Murphy, who he begs for help.

That’s just what happens, as Murphy gets in and hits Show low, allowing the two of them to put Show through a table in the corner. Joe and Owens are sent through the announcers’ table for the huge crash and now it’s time to surround Show. The AOP powerbomb Show and it’s the Stomp to make the referee end it at 5:17.

Rating: D+. The angle with Murphy was the point of course and that’s the right way to go. Rollins as the Monday Night Messiah is interesting and having him get some followers is a good idea. What matters most here though is getting someone fresh on a higher level and that includes Murphy. I don’t know if he’s the big solution, but you have to upgrade someone at some point and they tried it here. The surprise was better in person as Murphy wasn’t shown on the big screen, or at least not shown for more than a split second, so it was an even bigger surprise.

Post match Rollins hugs the AOP and then Murphy to end the show. Nothing happened after the show went off the air.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a show dedicated to moving things forward but at the same time they had some pretty good wrestling to go with it. The deal at the end with Murphy helped more than anything else and it was a show that helped get things ready for the Rumble. Throw in Lesnar dying of laughter as he couldn’t handle Truth’s antics and I had a rather good time with the show. Maybe part of it was being there live, but I had fun with this one.


Drew McIntyre b. AJ Styles and Randy Orton – Claymore to Orton

Ricochet b. Mojo Rawley – 630

Charlotte b. Sarah Logan – Figure Eight

Bobby Lashley b. Rusev – Spear

Viking Raiders b. Singh Brothers – Viking Experience to Samir

Aleister Black b. Buddy Murphy – Black Mass

Erick Rowan b. ??? – Iron Claw

Seth Rollins/AOP b. Big Show/Kevin Owens/Samoa Joe via knockout

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – August 11, 2005: That’s Important Too

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: August 11, 2005
Location: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

We’re less than two weeks away from Summerslam and the card seems to be set on both sides. This time around we need to build more towards the lower half of the card as Randy Orton vs. Undertaker and the World Title match are mostly set. I’m not sure what that is going to mean for tonight though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Booker T. vs. Joey Mercury

Fallout from last week where Mercury stole a pin on Booker in a tag match. Sharmell is here with Booker while Melina, Nitro and Jillian Hall are here with Mercury. An early Jillian distraction lets Nitro get in a cheap shot so that’s an early double ejection of both Nitro and Hall. Booker hammers away to start and hits an elbow and kick to the jaw.

Mercury is back with a knee to the ribs and a clothesline to set up the chinlock. That’s broken up in a hurry as Booker strikes away even more, setting up a side slam for two. The flapjack into the Spinarooni into the Book End looks to finish but we need a catfight on the floor. Mercury’s rollup gets two so it’s the ax kick to give Booker the pin.

Rating: D+. Just a match here with Booker not exactly breaking a sweat against Mercury. That being said, it’s not like Mercury is supposed to be much on his own, hence the whole team aspect. Booker is a much bigger star and we might see a Tag Team Title match at some point, assuming Booker and Benoit are still partners.

It’s time for the Peep Show with a rather awesome set, including an inflatable flame chair. Christian wastes no time in bringing out Batista as this week’s guest and the fans are rather pleased. Christian can’t believe that he, the biggest Draft pick, isn’t on Summerslam. Batista certainly is though and we hear about the match with JBL.

That’s not cool with Christian, so he’s going to be beating Batista tonight. Batista: “Are you talking to me?” Christian freaks out so Batista takes the mic and says Christian needs an attitude adjustment. The fans seem interested though and the match is made. Better than more of Batista trying to make me interested in another match against JBL.

Heidenreich/Animal vs. Scotty Sabre/Jason Static

Non-title. Heidenreich and Animal jump them before the bell and the beatdown is on in a hurry. A Boss Man Slam hits Sabre so it’s off to Static, who gets his head knocked off by Animal’s clothesline. The powerslam into the Doomsday Device finishes in a hurry.

The Mysterios arrived earlier.

We recap last week’s announcement of Eddie Guerrero wanting custody of Rey Mysterio’s son Dominic.

Randy Orton is returning to the ring tonight and demands to know his opponent. Theodore Long says Orton can find out in the ring. All Orton can know is that it’s a legendary opponent of the Undertaker.

Randy Orton vs. ???

Rating: D. Yeah what else were you expecting here? Kamala was 55 at this point and wasn’t exactly someone you expected to win a big match at this best. It was fine as a way to get to the post match stuff and it worked out just fine. The match itself was nothing of course and the setup with Undertaker was all that mattered.

Post match the blue lights come on and the ring fills with smoke. Nothing is said, but it’s a cool visual.

A woman from child protective services is here to observe Eddie and Dominic to decide what is best for tonight. Eddie says he’ll she her what is going on.

Here are Eddie and the social worker, who looks rather intimidated to be in a big arena. After getting the social worker’s name wrong, Eddie talks about wanting to bring Dominic into a home full of….compassion and…..honesty and truth, all of which aren’t the easiest things for him to say. The Mysterios come out and Eddie drops to his knees as Dominic looks confused (as usual).

Eddie blames the Mysterios as the social worker takes notes. With Dominic not coming to him, Eddie gets in Rey’s face and says no one beats him. Rey doesn’t quite agree but Dominic hasn’t spoken a word since Eddie’s story last week. Eddie has beaten everything, including addiction, but he can’t beat Rey. Even when Eddie gets inducted into the Hall of Fame, his plaque will say he couldn’t beat Rey Mysterio.

So the solution is clear: they need to have a match for the custody of Dominic at Summerslam. Eddie doesn’t think so, but Rey calling him a chicken****. Eddie finally agrees and says Dominic comes home with him tonight. Social worker: “Are you kidding me? You people are a bunch of crazies!” Until Summerslam, Dominic is going into foster care. Rey tells him it’s going to be ok and Eddie promises Dominic that the nightmare ends at Summerslam. This went over twenty minutes but the social’s worker’s response was funny and it gave us one of the most infamous match stipulations ever so I can live with it.

Mexicools vs. William Regal/Scotty 2 Hotty

Earlier today, Regal was disturbed by the idea of Scotty’s Worm. Scotty and Crazy start things off with Scotty running him over. A cheap shot from the floor lets Juvy (not in the match) get in some cheap shots though and it’s Crazy hitting a running dropkick. Psicosis comes in with a legdrop for a delayed cover, though he already made a tag for a rather confusing choice of actions. Scotty fights up but Regal drops to the floor instead of accepting a tag, meaning it’s handicap time. Crazy knocks Scotty down and Psicosis’ guillotine legdrop is good for the pin.

Rating: D. Another match designed to be about the angle instead of the match and….do they think I’m going to be interested in Regal turning on Scotty in a match with the Mexicools? I know you have to have some lower level stories but coming up with some more interesting people shouldn’t be that difficult.

Rey and his wife Angie are in tears.

Jillian Hall challenges Booker and Sharmell to a mixed tag against Mercury and Melina. And don’t look at her blemish.

Here’s John Cena’s new music video.

Chris Benoit vs. Simon Dean

Dean calls Benoit a flabby wolverine and the beating is on in a hurry. A few forearms to the back and a clothesline get Dean out of trouble. The front facelock goes on with Dean firing off some knees to the face so Benoit rolls the German suplexes. Three in a row set up the Crossface for the fast tap. Just a step above a squash.

Christian vs. Batista

Non-title. The trash talk is on in a hurry so Batista tells him to bring it on. Christian tries to shove him away from a lockup and is launched into the ropes for his efforts. Some rams into the corner have Christian’s face in some pain and his sunset flip attempt just annoys Batista. A backdrop puts Christian on the floor and a right hand drops him again. Back in and Batista gets sent shoulder first into the post, meaning it’s time for the armbar. Batista powers out of that as well and hits a super backdrop, setting up the shoulders in the corner. There’s the spinebuster but JBL comes in for the DQ.

Rating: C-. This was too short to mean anything but there could have been a nice match in there if they had some more time. What we got was watchable enough though as Batista is getting into the groove of being the top dog. It’s very good that he’s gotten away from HHH for a change though as that was only going to let him get so far. Christian continues to look like a star in the making and at least he didn’t get pinned when he didn’t have to.

Post match Christian offers a distraction and JBL gets in a chair shot to the head. A bunch of chair shots to the back keep Batista down to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. As was mentioned more than once, this wasn’t a show built around adding anything major to Summerslam. The show is set and all we needed was some finalizing of details (you knew Eddie vs. Rey was coming and this just made it official). The build was mostly good, though that Eddie vs. Rey promo could have been cut down by a good bit. The problem is that while it did some good things, it wasn’t in the most interesting way and that brought it down a lot. Not a very good show, but at least it got some things done in a bit of a different way.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – August 4, 2005: The Evil Accessory

Date: August 4, 2005
Location: Harbor Yard Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

We’re two and a half weeks away from Summerslam and things are starting to come together. Last week saw Eddie Guerrero go WAY over the line by telling Rey Mysterio and his son Dominick that Eddie was Dominick’s real father, though he’s not done with his stories. Other than that we’re building towards JBL vs. Batista for the World Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Eddie/Rey situation from last week. Eddie’s “I LIED” was great.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Rey Mysterio to be the first ever guest on the debut edition of the Peep Show. Christian thinks the appropriate question is who’s your daddy and recaps last week until Rey cuts him off. Rey is here because he wants to fight Eddie right now but Eddie comes up on screen. He has the Eddie’s Bedtime Stories book, plus reading glasses to complete the evil look.

Eddie shows off the new I’M YOUR PAPI shirt and thinks it’s time for Chapter Two. Rey tries to cut him off but Eddie, again being the smartest person on the show, just reads over him. Actually hold on as Eddie changes his mind and decides to finish this later. He’ll finish it by the end of the show. Christian jumps Mysterio from behind and lays him out with the Unprettier.

Jillian Hall explains how much the blemish on her face has hurt her soul. We get a closeup look at it and she asks if it’s oozing. She wants people to look her in the eyes because she has a purpose. Her name is Jillian Hall and she is MNM’s fixer. She walks over to Sharmell and Booker T. (good thing they were standing there) and walks on by, with Booker wanting to make sure he didn’t just see that.

MNM vs. Booker T./Chris Benoit

Booker and Nitro start things off, thankfully cutting off Tazz hammering home the fact that Jillian has a big growth on her face. Nitro’s headlock doesn’t work very well as Booker clotheslines him down for two. Benoit comes in for two off a snap suplex but it’s quickly off to Mercury, who gets chopped down as well. It’s way too early for the Sharpshooter though as Nitro pulls Mercury outside as we take a break.

Back with Booker kicking Nitro in the face for two and a neckbreaker is good for the same. Everything breaks down and Benoit gets to snap off the release German suplexes. A Melina distraction lets Mercury break up a belly to back superplex though and Benoit is in trouble for the first time. Well it’s better than more talking about the blemish, because you might not have gotten the idea just yet.

A running knee in the corner keeps Benoit in trouble and the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up with another German suplex and an enziguri is enough for the hot tag to Booker. The Book End gets two on Nitro with Mercury making the save so Benoit Crossfaces Nitro on the floor as well. Melina breaks up the ax kick so Sharmell starts the catfight, only to have Jillian spear her down. The distraction lets Mercury grab a rollup with ropes for the pin.

Rating: C. The Jillian discussions from Tazz sound like they’re written by a ten year old and they’re getting even worse. It’s a joke that might work once but they’re beating it so far into the ground that it loses whatever impact it might have. MNM getting the next title shot (not official but more than likely) makes the most sense as it’s not like there is a division to speak of at the moment.

Raw Rebound.

Long makes Christian vs. Mysterio for the main event.

We look back at Randy Orton costing Undertaker the #1 contendership last week.

Orton promises to make his intentions clear tonight.

Here’s Long to introduce the contract signing for the World Title match. Batista and JBL come out with the latter saying he’s going to get the title back because he’s the wrestling god. Batista says that’s a wrestling fraud, because JBL keeps taking the easy way out. Long gets them both to sit down for the signing with Batista signing in a hurry. JBL laughs at him for signing without filling in a stipulation. Batista says pick what you want so JBL throws out a bunch of goofy ones before picking No Holds Barred. JBL signs and the match is set.

Animal gives Heidenreich face painting permission.

Summerslam rundown.

Animal/Heidenreich vs. Josh Daniels/Damien Adams

Non-title and Heidenreich now has face paint. Adams’ chops have no effect so it’s the swinging Boss Man Slam and the Doomsday Device for the easy pin.

Here’s Randy Orton for his big explanation. Wrestlemania was supposed to be his night when he beat the Undertaker and killed the ultimate legend. Then fate intervened and stopped him, but last week fate intervened again to stop Undertaker from becoming #1 contender. Now, Orton needs to beat the Undertaker because the Undertaker is a legend in WWE.

Undertaker took away his chance at immortality at Wrestlemania so Orton will take away everything he can from Undertaker, including his chance to be World Champion. Orton’s legacy was formed by every veteran that he dropped with an RKO and by becoming the youngest World Champion last year at Summerslam. Therefore, at this year’s Summerslam, he’ll get what he needs when he beats Undertaker. Orton demands an answer right now and then panics when the gong strikes (that never gets old). Undertaker’s voice comes on and says Orton will rest in peace at Summerslam, with RIP appearing on the Titantron.

The Boogeyman is still coming.

An unidentified woman with an envelope arrives to see Eddie. We get some flirting and Eddie promises things will get hotter in the arena.

Christian vs. Rey Mysterio

Rey slugs away to start and hits the slingshot dive to the floor. They get inside for the opening bell and Christian sends him hard into the corner to take over. Rey is back with a kick to the face and some right hands as he’s being more brawlerish here. The springboard seated senton gets two as Eddie and the woman come to the stage.

Back from a break with Christian hammering away and then choking on the ropes. A fireman’s carry gutbuster gets two on Rey and we hit the abdominal stretch. Christian drops some headbutts to the ribs for a change of pace and it’s off to a waistlock. Rey gets dropped ribs first across the top rope and a knee puts him on the floor, much to Eddie’s delight.

A quick throat snap across the top gives Rey a breather but Christian dropkicks him out of the air to put him right back down. Now it’s the seated abdominal stretch as you can’t question Christian’s focus. Christian keeps mixing things up (well done) with a bearhug but Rey slips out and snaps off a hurricanrana for two. We take a break and come back with Rey hitting a DDT for a delayed two more. Rey is right back up with the 619 into Dropping The Dime for the surprise pin.

Rating: C. The back work went on for a good while but it wasn’t bad or anything. Rey’s comeback seemed to mainly take place during the break so it was a little lackluster, but Rey can get sympathy like few others in history. Christian continues to be stuck in the blocks on Smackdown, even though he still feels like a star ready to break out.

Post match Rey wants Eddie to come to the ring but Eddie calls that rude. Instead he introduces the woman as Anna, and asks her to take the Bedtime Stories book to Rey. Either Rey can read Chapter Two or Eddie will do it for him. Rey can’t do it so Eddie says Chapter Two is custody papers.

A court has said that Dominick belongs to Eddie so next week, Rey is bringing him to Eddie. Or maybe not if Rey is nice enough about it though. Rey talks about how he and his wife have raised Dominick and the first word Dominick said was dad. He taught Dominick to ride a bicycle and he took Dominick to the hospital when he broke his arm. They were going to tell Dominick the truth about Eddie but Eddie had to do everything on his own and ruin Dominick’s life.

Rey asks Eddie man to man to not hurt Dominick any more. He even drops to a knee but Eddie says that Anna is his attorney. She just reminded Eddie that Eddie is the real father and he’d never lie to his kids. Dominick is the son that Eddie has longed for and he’ll carry out the Guerrero legacy. Next week, Dominick is Eddie’s son so all Rey has to do is stay tuned for Chapter Three: Dominick Comes Home To His Papi. Cole doesn’t seem all that upset or stunned to end the show. This was rather long, but it’s now getting into that ridiculous territory and that’s a strange place to be given the material of the whole thing.

Overall Rating: C-. The wrestling was mostly fine here, but some of the angles didn’t do much for me. The Eddie vs. Rey stuff continues, but it’s getting to the point of uncomfortable and there is a good chance that we’re going to get into ridiculous. Orton vs. Undertaker II should be good and JBL vs. Batista….well someone has to fight for the title. Summerslam is going to need someone to step up big because I’m not sure if Hogan vs. Michaels is going to be able to carry it. Maybe they’ll surprise us, but they are going to have their work cut out for them.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – December 26, 2019: Keep It This Way

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: December 26, 2019
Host: Scott Sanford

It’s going to be another week of just recaps here as this week’s Monday Night Raw was taped in advance. That being said, it’s not like anyone was paying attention to the television shows in the previous few days anyway. I’m not sure how well this is going to go but you never can tell with what they’re going for with this show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Bray Wyatt beating Miz at TLC after shrugging off everything Miz threw at him. This switches into short haired Daniel Bryan returning to attack Bray, setting up a likely title match at the Royal Rumble.

Opening sequence.

From Smackdown.

Here’s Bryan for an opening chat. Bryan talks about how he looked in the mirror after Bray’s attack on him a few weeks ago. His hair and beard were gone, but what he saw was the lack of the Daniel Bryan brand. Then he went home and when his daughter saw him without his hair and beard for the first time ever, she cried. Bryan sees something new in his face. He doesn’t see the man who main evented Wrestlemania, but rather the man who worked for years to get here. Bryan wants Wyatt out here right now but here’s the Miz instead.

Miz talks about how what happened to Bryan was terrible, but Wyatt attacked him personally. Bryan doesn’t know what it’s like to have his home violated so Miz wants revenge. He’ll be taking what Wyatt treasures most when he takes the Universal Title. Cue King Corbin to mock them for being bad fathers before playing a loop of the announcement that he won on Sunday.

Corbin says he’s next in line for Wyatt because the two of them have failed as wrestlers and fathers. The fight is almost on but here’s Dolph Ziggler from behind for the beatdown so Corbin can stand tall. So yeah Bryan is back and everything, but it’s Corbin and Ziggler to open things up again. I know you’ll hear this thrown around a lot, but this felt like WWE just trolled us by bringing out Corbin and Ziggler in another opening segment.

From Smackdown.

Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. New Day

Non-title and Cesaro’s entrance now looks like the Matrix. Kofi dropkicks Nakamura down for an early one so it’s off to Big E. to run Nakamura over as well. A spinning kick to the head drops Big E., so he’s right back with the Rock Bottom out of the corner. Cesaro makes the save so Kofi hits a big flip dive to take Cesaro down outside. A running clothesline drops Big E. though and Nakamura adds in a knee to the head.

Big E. gets sent into the steps and we take a break. Back with Nakamura kicking Big E. down but Kinshasa is blocked with a heck of a clothesline. The hot tag brings in Kofi to clean some house, only to get caught with Swiss Death. The Cesaro Swing gets two but the Neutralizer is broken up. A rather sloppy small package finishes Cesaro at 12:02.

Rating: C-. Pretty paint by numbers match which felt like it could have been on any house show. To be fair though, it’s not like they are going to do anything significant on this show and the champs won. Cesaro taking falls isn’t even worth getting annoyed over anymore either and that’s a sad reality….which we’ve been in for years now.

Post match the beatdown is on but Braun Strowman makes the save and hits the running shoulders around the ring.

Video on the Seth Rollins/AOP vs. Kevin Owens.

From Raw.

Mojo Rawley vs. Kevin Owens

Owens runs him over to start and throws in a bunch of chairs. Back in and Mojo manages a fireman’s carry faceplant onto said chairs for two. The chairs are set up next to each other and Mojo actually slams him onto them for two more. Since being slammed onto opened chairs doesn’t really hurt, Owens hits a superkick into the Swanton for two of his own. A table is brought in and it’s a Stunner into the Pop Up Powerbomb through the table to finish Rawley at 6:30.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what to think about this one. They were smart to keep it short because no one was going to buy Mojo as a threat to Owens, but it wasn’t interesting in the first place and the match was just an annoyance for Owens. The No DQ part was just a detail and a way to increase the violence, but it never got interesting or really close to it.

Post match, Owens calls out Rollins and the AOP for a fight. Post break here are Rollins and AOP with Rollins saying a lot of things without having a microphone. He offers a handshake but Owens superkicks him down. That means a beatdown from the AOP though and Rollins is back up for the Stomp. This sends Samoa Joe into a rant about how those aren’t men because they’re just thugs. Someone needs to strike first so you can tell one story.

From Smackdown.

Daniel Bryan/The Miz vs. King Corbin/Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler gets in trouble early and it’s the stereo YES Kicks to both villains. Bryan hits some YES chants and we take a break. Back with Bryan hitting the running corner dropkicks on Corbin but the Deep Six plants Bryan. Ziggler’s big elbow gets two and it’s back to the corner to keep up the beating. The trash talk is on and Ziggler hammers away in the corner.

Corbin hits a running clothesline but takes too long bragging, allowing Bryan to hit the missile dropkick. Miz comes in for a bunch of kicks to both and a rollup for two on Ziggler. The Skull Crushing Finale hits Corbin but Ziggler’s superkick is good for two. Another superkick is countered into the Figure Four though and, with Bryan taking out Corbin, Ziggler taps at 10:21.

Rating: C-. This had a little more energy than the other tag match but I’m not exactly buying Miz as a threat to anyone after he got beaten just five days ago. Corbin and Ziggler continue to be little more than villains who just happen to be here and I don’t see that changing. I mean, Ziggler does wear a hat now so he’s changing a little right?

The lights flicker and the Fiend’s laugh end the show, though we do get an announcement for next week: Miz vs. Bryan vs. Corbin in a #1 contenders match for the Rumble title shot.

Video on Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles.

From Raw.

Randy Orton/Viking Raiders vs. OC

Fallout from last week’s main event. Ivar shoves Anderson into the corner to start and it’s off to Erik for a slam of his own. An Ivar knee gets two on Anderson and Erik slams Ivar onto him for two. Gallows comes in for a change of pace and kicks Erik in the head to put him on the floor. AJ gets in a cheap shot and it’s Erik in trouble for a change. The jumping knee gives AJ two and it’s Anderson grabbing the chinlock.

This one doesn’t last long though as Anderson goes with the spinebuster for two instead. Erik gets in a forearm to AJ though and the hot tag brings in Orton. Gallows doesn’t waste time in backdropping him to the floor though and Orton’s already banged up knee is hurt again. The big staredown on the floor takes us to a break and we come back with Gallows working on the knee some more.

Orton fights up and brings Erik back in for the tag so house can be cleaned. Ivar is in rather quickly for a side slam and basement crossbody. Erik drives Ivar into Anderson in the corner and the Viking Experience gets two with Gallows making a save. Orton comes back in off a blind tag as AJ sends the Vikings outside. The RKO is broken up so Anderson takes one instead. Gallows goes after the knee though and it’s the Phenomenal Forearm to put Orton away at 14:01.

Rating: C. This was a bit boring but it tied into last week and gives us a reason to see both matches again. I could go for more AJ vs. Orton as their match last week wasn’t too bad but the Vikings vs. the OC isn’t exactly thrilling. As long as the AOP is walking around, it’s hard to buy anyone else as a major threat to the titles. At least we had something to fill in some time here though, which was part of the point.

And from Raw again to wrap it up.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins

Mysterio is defending and Rollins has the AOP. Side note: Rollins no longer has BEASTSLAYER on his Titantron (not sure how long it has been gone but it was there the night after Survivor Series). Good, as that had nothing to do with what he is doing at the moment and involved one feud that hasn’t been active since August. Rollins starts fast but Rey slips out of a suplex attempt. A discus forearm knocks Rey silly so he’s right back with a headscissors.

The 619 misses though and Rey is sent shoulder first into the post. He’s also thrown hard to the floor as we take a break. Back with Rey fighting out of an armbar and sending Rollins outside. That means a sliding sunset bomb into the barricade, setting up the springboard seated senton. A tornado DDT gives Rey two but Rollins scores with the buckle bomb and a low superkick for his own two. The Stomp misses though and Rey hits the 619, only to have the AOP interfere for the DQ at 9:53.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of action that you would expect from these two but the ending saves the big match for another date. It might be an annoying way to end the show but that was the right way to go here. Mysterio can fight Rollins another day, perhaps when he has some more backup. I could go for more and that’s what they were trying to get the fans to want.

Post match the beatdown is on and they go to the announcers’ table. Joe stays in his seat though and doesn’t like being told to move. If he gets up, it isn’t going to be to move. Joe gets up so Rollins gets in his face, meaning the jacket comes off. Rollins walks away but tells the AOP to finish him. The beatdown is on and Joe gets taken out as Rollins Stomps Rey. The AOP puts Joe through the table to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. As tends to be the case, this show did little more than remind me of how uninteresting a lot of what WWE is doing at the moment really is. It’s not terrible but it’s just there, and I need more than that to keep my interest from week to week. That being said, it’s still better than having the same nothing matches over and over again so they’re going in the right direction here, even if it isn’t going to last.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 1990 (Original): Here He Comes To Save The Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 1990
Date: January 21, 1990
Location: Orlando Arena, Orlando, Florida
Attendance: 16,000
Commentators: Jesse Ventura, Tony Schiavone

Yes, that Tony Schiavone, not the other Tony Schiavone. He was around for a cup of coffee around this time and it’s more or less completely forgotten. Anyway, we’re at the third Rumble now and the look of the show has completely changed. It’s not the old and for lack of a better term tired looking ring and logo, but rather the bright and colorful one that is more commonly known. Naturally Hogan is world champion here and is looking for an opponent at Mania 6.

At this time, no one knew who that was going to be. There were rumors ranging from Warrior to Mr. Perfect (more on that later) to Zeus of all people. There were even rumors that Vince was going to have Hogan drop the belt back to Savage to have Savage vs. Warrior for the main event.

Vince was in real financial trouble at this time and Mania absolutely had to be huge or he very well could have gone bankrupt. Other than the Rumble, there’s not a lot here. Correction: there’s nothing else here. On that note, let’s get to the drivel that is the non main event matches before we get to the real reason this show exists.

The opening is just Vince listing the card and a lot of people in the Rumble. Oh and there’s a Brother Love show tonight. Jesse is wearing Mickey Mouse ears. That’s just awesome. There needs to be another character like Jesse on commentary. He’s just so awesome at it.

Fabulous Rougeaus vs. Bushwackers

All American Boys is just an awesome song. Jimmy Hart was awesome. This whole era just completely rocks. I love me some Marching Morons. Jacques has a big old beard here so maybe Jesse can finally tell their unsimilar faces apart. Jesse says that Mickey and Goofy didn’t have tickets. That’s so stupid yet Jesse makes me chuckle with it. It’s good because they’re killing time in the ring so Jesse at least gives us something to enjoy.

This is I guess you would say a rematch from Wrestlemania 5. We’re a minute in and Ramon uses a sleeper. Butch bites the referee’s pants. There was just something slightly homosexual about these teams. Watch their matches and you’ll sense it too. Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that we have a comedy match here. After about 4-5 instances of the same exact stuff over and over again, the Bushwackers are in trouble.

Luke gets beaten on for a good while as this is running too long. Naturally Luke gets the tag to Butch. If nothing else the crowd is on fire here. If they’re like this for Luke and Butch, what are they going to be like for Hogan? Anyway, after some interference by Jimmy, the Battering Ram ends this.

Rating: D+. This just went on too long. If they cut about 3 minutes in the middle of it, this would have gone much better. It was a comedy match which is ok, but not for nearly 15 minutes. That’s just way too long. These two had some shall we say interesting matches over the years and this was no exception. There’s not a lot going on here, but the crowd liked it so take that for what it’s worth.

DiBiase and Virgil are with Gene, who suggests that DiBiase rigged last year’s drawing. Either way, he has #1 this year. DiBiase was just a masterful heel. His line of “Let me tell you something little man” is just awesome stuff.

Genius vs. Brutus Beefcake

Genius’ brother is the far more famous but possibly less talented Randy Savage. Yeah I said it. Beefcake’s music is just sweet and always has been. For like the 12th time tonight we see the capacity crowd. We get it already. Genius offers a left-handed handshake. Why don’t more people do that? Genius is doing a semi-gay gimmick here, complete with cartwheels and various things that apparently equate to homosexuality.

Sorry if that comes off as derogatory, but it’s simply the case. An atomic drop by Brutus makes Genius roll around the ring three full times. That’s quite impressive. This is really a glorified squash, despite Genius being the lackey of one of the bigger heels in the company in Mr. Perfect. He also beat Hogan (count out) on SNME a few weeks prior to this. Brutus is a power guy, but you very rarely see him portrayed as such.

For such a long match (run time of about 12 minutes) not a lot is happening here. It’s not really bad and it’s kind of interesting, but nothing of note is really happening. After the sleeper doesn’t get put on, the referee is bumped and the lack of a clean ending becomes obvious. WOW. The crowd popped like a cherry for the sleeper. That’s saying a lot. Somehow inside of about 12 seconds the Genius is sound asleep.

That never ceases to amaze me. Here’s a haircut for the Genius because the referee is still out cold. Perfect runs in and beats up Beefcake though. It’s thrown out in case you were wondering. Oh and in this beatdown, Perfect uses a Perfectplex. I won’t even touch on why that’s stupid. Perfect hits a few chair shots to the ribs as it’s announced as a double DQ, I guess for the haircut. Or some reason we have a slow motion replay of basic strikes.

Rating: C+. Like I said, for such a long match, nothing really happened. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad though. It wasn’t bad at all, but it just kind of came and went. Beefcake had a very short feud with Perfect and then got injured I think, putting his career on the shelf for a good many years. Perfect would become IC Champion after Warrior had to vacate it, and the rest of his career is well known. Either way, this wasn’t bad at all, but certainly not memorable.

Mooney is with the Heenan Family. He mentions that they might wind up fighting each other. Hilarity ensues.

Mania 6 will be in Toronto.

BLAST IT ALL! Ronnie freaking Garvin is on this show. In case I haven’t mentioned it, I want him to be shot.

Submission Match: Ronnie Garvin vs. Greg Valentine

Let’s get this over with. Both guys use submissions occasionally, so that’s validation of a gimmick match. Since this is a submission match, they both take boxing stances and pound on each other. Well if nothing else it’s physical. The boxing makes a bit of sense as it’s wearing the other guy down. That at least makes some sense. They keep going for pins here, which makes sense as it’s instinct to go for a pin in a wrestling match for these guys.

If that’s fake or legit, I’m fine either way. If it’s legit, that’s just instinct. If it’s fake, it’s a nice addition to a match. Jesse implies these two are top level talent. Not in the WWF at least they’re not. They’re really building this slowly which is something good. It’s not done anymore and it should be. Oh I forgot: both guys have shin guards on which allegedly stops the submissions from hurting.

To further my hatred of him, Ronnie Garvin is in the figure four and makes “funny” faces at Valentine. Who in the world thought that would be a good idea? No wonder Vince was running out of money. He spent a ton of it on high quality cocaine apparently. Garvin uses an Indian Deathlock. Other than Terry Funk losing to Harley Race with it, I don’t think anyone has ever won anything with it.

If nothing else, these guys are beating the tar out of each other. That’s not bad at all. After a double collision, Hart steals Garvin’s leg brace which is called the Hammer Jammer. Now the figure four works. I think that almost comes close to making sense, but it’s just overdone. After reversing the figure four, we slug it out some more. This has been a very Attitude Era style match. Garvin steals the Valentine leg brace. Hart gets beaten up and a bad Sharpshooter from Garvin gets him the win.

Rating: F. Any match that Ronnie Garvin is featured in automatically is awful, no questions asked. For an unbiased grade let’s go with a B-. This was very intense and all kinds of brutal without weapons use. I still hate Garvin, but this was his best match to date that I’ve seen.

Sean is with Hacksaw, who says that Boss Man won’t be a problem for him. Duggan just looks WEIRD here. His eyes are mostly closed so I’m guessing stoned and or drunk. The end of his board is green for some reason too.

Big Bossman vs. Jim Duggan

Duggan still has no music here. Oh and Slick is Boss Man’s manager. Surprising no one, this starts as a big brawl. Almost immediately we’re on the floor. Boss Man misses a charge and his arm hits the post, and in something that stuns me, Duggan actually follows up on it! That lasts all of 3 seconds as Boss Man goes back on offense, with a FREAKING ENZIGURI! What in the world??? Where did he learn that?

Tony says the Boss Man shouldn’t have the nightstick. Jesse counters with why should Duggen have the 2×4? Tony says it’s his trademark. Wow and I thought Vince was biased towards faces. From a wrestling standpoint, this is crap. From a brawling standpoint it’s pretty good. I’m not sure what Duggan has done other than punch, but that’s ok I suppose. No actually it isn’t. I know he’s a brawler but there’s other stuff you can do too.

Clotheslines, shoulders, maybe a suplex or something? That would at least add some variety. There’s a real similarity in styles here which means that it’s going to be very hard to have a good match between these two. It can work with guys like Bret and Shawn, but with guys like Duggan who are kind of limited in their offense, this isn’t going to go well. Also, this isn’t the Boss Man that you’re familiar with. He’s about 40-50 pounds heavier at this stage of his career.

He’s not nearly as fat as he was last year, but he’s still a big old guy. You can really tell here by the end that they’re both just completely spent. Considering we’re about eight minutes in, that’s not saying a lot. For some reason that I’ll never get, Boss Man goes for a top rope splash that naturally misses.

It’s a shame that two guys are this spent this fast. Ok maybe not fast but it shouldn’t be this bad period. Boss Man nails Duggan with the stick but gets caught for the very cheap DQ. Dang man can we please get a clean pin in a match tonight? Is that too much to ask for? The 2×4 doesn’t hit anyone but it gets rid of the heels.

Rating: C+. This was fine for what it was, which is a big brawl. Neither guy is going to light the world on fire or anything like that, so this was about as good as it was ever going to get. Boss Man had slimmed down a bit here and was getting close to the weight that he would be most famous at. That enziguri was kind of preview of the great stuff that was coming from him in the next year or so. Anyway, this was good enough and they kept it kind of short which was the best thing possible.

Nothing has change in the last half hour as Mania 6 is STILL in Toronto!

Perfect is proud of what he did, and that he got #30.

Brother Love Show

Love is talking about the definition of a lady. He brings out the definition of a lady: Sensational Sherri. Jesse actually says she looks hot. I don’t remember hearing that term in 1990. In what takes about 10 minutes, they say that Sapphire is the definition of a peasant which brings her out.

Love keeps cutting her off over and over again which gets her more and more angry. She hits Sherri, leading to Savage coming out. Dusty of course comes out and the faces run off the heels and beat up Love. That took 12 minutes somehow. What was the point of Sapphire? Does anyone have an answer to that for me? That was long and rather pointless.

A lot of people say their thoughts on their Rumble numbers.

Dino Bravo wants his to be close to Warrior’s.

Earthquake will crush everyone.

Demolition say they won’t have to fight each other this year, so they’re lucky.

Bad News Brown says that people will be crying when their favorite wrestlers lose.

Dusty says that he wants to get his hands on Savage. Sapphire joins him to incomprehensibly yell.

The Rockers say they’ll be fine and they want the Powers of Pain.

Hercules says that he’s ready.

Rick Martel says no one will touch his beautiful face.

Tito Santana says he has no friends today. ARRIBA!

Jimmy Snuka says something about sharks.

Slick and Akeem (who over the last two years has had by far the best run in the two Rumbles) is the baddest guy in there.

Warrior is his general insane self, saying something about a virus, then mentioning Hogan’s name.

Tony and Jesse say some generic stuff before the next batch talk. This must have been an intermission.

Savage says he’s the person you shouldn’t bet against.

The Powers of Pain say they’ll win, which makes no sense but whatever.

Jake says the man that will do anything will win, which is him.

The Harts say they’re ready to go the distance. Those two had scary chemistry together.

Honky says he’s going to play 29 hits.

Finally, Hogan says that he’s ready.

Royal Rumble

We already know that DiBiase got #1, so the big question is who got #2? The answer would be none other than the joke of the Hall of Fame, Koko B. Ware. Seriously, what’s wrong with this picture? DiBiase, who still doesn’t have music here but would get it by Mania, isn’t in the Hall of Fame but Ware is. That’s just inexcusable. Ted jumps him on the way into the ring which is smart.

Koko is blonde here for no apparent reason. He gets slammed head first into the buckle and for some reason that wakes him up. Koko goes into jobber offense 101 but a charge at the ropes leaves DiBiase alone in the ring. 3 is Marty Jannetty, who I’m currently debating about in the spam zones. After some more jobber offense including that signature punch of his, Jannetty tries a cross body near the ropes and goes out to leave DiBiase alone again.

Jake Roberts is in fourth. These two would go at it again at Mania. DiBiase jumps to the floor to go after him including putting on the Million Dollar Dream. Back in the ring Jake naturally takes over and goes for the DDT, which fails. Sorry for the play by play aspect here, but this early on it’s really just one liners until we get something significant going on, which may take a little time.

They beat on each other for awhile until Savage comes in at 5. He’s rocking bright blue tights trimmed with black and nearly pink gloves. I’ll give him this: he was unique. They double team Jake as we’re finally getting something going here. Far less than two minutes later, Roddy freaking Piper is in at 6. The fans pop loudly for him too. That’s a pretty good collection of talent in there, but very few titles in the company.

Savage had three, DiBiase had three, Piper had one and Roberts had zero. That’s quite surprising. That’s quite a tag match also. There are some insane feuds in there, some of which never happened. Savage vs. Piper anyone? Can you imagine the promos those two would have on each other? All four of these guys could work and talk with the best of them. We mess that up with the Warlord coming in at seven.

He’s still a Power of Pain here so he’s about as generic of a monster heel as you could imagine. In something that’s both surprising and cool, Piper just flat out beats Warlord up. That’s awesome. Piper can really fight when he has to. Sherri shouting to break Jake’s neck is creepy. The eighth guy is Bret Hart. DANG there’s some talent out there! You have Bret, Savage, Roberts, Piper and DiBiase out there.

Just how awesome of a collection of talent is that? Bret got a very good pop by the way, so people knew that he was something special. Since he’s Bret Hart he goes after the biggest man in the match. This is a smark’s dream match here. Piper and Hart work together. Is there a bad combination in there that doesn’t include Warlord? With this many great guys in there, nine has to suck.

It’s Bad News Brown, who somehow is the sixth most talented guy in the ring out of seven? That can’t be something that would happen a lot. Brown was so far ahead of his time it’s scary. Think of Brown and then think of Austin. How many similarities are there in there? Jake sets for the DDT but Savage knocks him out instead. Dang I guess it couldn’t last forever. Piper almost puts DiBiase out but Savage makes the save.

Tony suggests that Savage has been paid off. That’s an interesting thought. We hit double digits with Dusty, who skips to the ring. That was just a wrong image. Naturally he goes after Savage with a bunch of elbows that miss by about two or three inches each. Dusty takes out Savage in what might have been the only thing Dusty ever got over Savage in their very long feud. There’s a fan in a red shirt in the front row that is as energetic of a fan as I’ve ever seen at a wrestling show.

Andre is eleven, moving so slowly that it’s flat out sad to watch. He can’t even stand up straight since his back is so messed up. Within seconds he tosses the Warlord as Heenan and Fuji are going at it on the floor. I’d pay to not have to see that. Dusty gets crushed by the epic weight of Andre in the corner. There’s some great comedy there that a guy as lazy as Dusty is getting crushed by the biggest guy in the company.

Speaking of annoying wrestlers, Red Rooster is 12. I know I wasn’t talking about annoying wrestlers but I had nothing better for a transition there. Piper throws out Brown but Brown comes back and pulls Piper out. They fight to the back with a huge Roddy chant accompanying them. This led to the weird match where Piper was painted half black.

According to his DVD, Andre and someone else ribbed him by getting rid of the stuff that got the paint off of him so he was stuck like that for 2-3 weeks afterwards. That’s just amusing. Just to recap, in the ring we have Andre, Rooster, Hart, DiBiase, Rhodes, and at 13 we have Axe of Demolition. As he gets in, Andre throws out Rooster, thank goodness. Dusty and Axe get Andre tied in the ropes but before they can try to throw him out, Haku, Andre’s partner, comes in at 14 to make the save.

DiBiase looks spent one second and the next he looks great. That’s impressive. Dusty does his weird Hulking Up thing with the dancing that I always got annoyed with. His Twinkie reserves get low though and he gets knocked back down. We get to halfway with Smash, putting the tag champions and the former champions in there at the same time. What a coincidence!

Akeem the African Dream and by far the most successful Rumble guy ever starts the second half by going after Andre of all people. Demolition take out Andre with a simple double clothesline. That gets a massive pop. Bret is thrown out during the hullabaloo over Andre. Your current lineup is Demolition, DiBiase, Rhodes, Akeem and Haku. Snuka is in at 17. This thing is going by quickly.

He and Akeem go at it in the house show match from a nightmare. Snuka wins, putting Akeem out early, at least by his standards. Schiavone says the battle rages on, which he used to say all the time in the World War 3 matches. Bravo gets up to 18. You can tell that the guys are starting to get a bit tired out there. There’s a ton of power guys in there also. Earthquake is 19 and he nearly immediately puts out Dusty.

He tosses Axe as well so you can see how big of a deal they were going to make this guy, at least in the short term. Neidhart is 20, giving us him, Earthquake, Haku, DiBiase, Smash, Bravo and Snuka. All of them other than Bravo combine to get rid of Earthquake. Hart is panicking over this of course. Granted I think he panics ordering dinner. I mean think about it: chicken or pasta. HE CAN’T TAKE THAT KIND OF PRESSURE!!!

We start the final ten with Ultimate Warrior who is the IC Champion at the time. He takes out Bravo, who is as pale as humanly possible while still being alive. Only DiBiase and Snuka aren’t power guys out there, and Jimmy is debatable.

Martel is 22nd, and somehow he’s the only former world champion in this match at the moment. How creepy does that sound? Haku takes out Smash with a backdrop and a superkick that was always awesome. We get a Strike Force reunion as Tito Santana is in at Michael Jordan’s number.

We’re in need of some fresh jobbers in there to replace the tired ones that we have. Hey it’s Honky at 24. He certainly fits that description at this time period. Warrior and Martel take out Anvil followed by Warrior putting out DiBiase to a big pop. That man has earned a ham sandwich if anyone ever has. We’ve got Warrior, Snuka, Honky, Haku, Santana and Martel in there at the moment and they’re joined by Hogan at 25.

He stumbles coming to the ring. That’s just funny. He takes out Snuka and Haku before taking the shirt off. Warrior gets rid of Tito and you can see it coming a mile away, but the awesomeness of it isn’t diminished at all. As if there wasn’t enough ego in the ring, Shawn Michaels is out next, 26th to be exact. There goes Honky so we have Hogan, Warrior…and as I was typing the other names they were thrown out, leaving us with the showdown of showdowns.

To say the crowd popped hard is an understatement. Heenan, who has no one in the ring at the moment, is standing out there watching. That’s just cool. They hit some shoulders and no one goes back that far. A criss cross leads to a double clothesline. From an unbiased perspective, that was really boring. From a pure 80s mark, the world just exploded from the sheer levels of awesome in those few seconds.

Both guys stay down for about 15 seconds until Barbarian is out at 27. That guy has been around forever with very little change to his gimmick, but he kept getting work. That’s quite interesting. Think about it. He was in WWF in the late 80s through early 90s, then in WCW for a bit then a quick run in WWF again and then was in WCW forever. That’s saying a lot. Rude I guess jumps the gun as he’s in maybe 20 seconds after Barbarian.

Even Jesse makes a point about it. Rude hits a pretty good dropkick to put Warrior down. For some reason Warrior saves Hogan. Jesse of course hates it but Tony has no issue with it. Rude and Warrior just always had scary good chemistry together. I’ve never gotten that. Hogan tries to return the favor and save Warrior but knocks Warrior out instead. Warrior of course jumps back in and then more or less dances out.

29 is Hercules leaving just Perfect for 30. What is the deal with pale guys wearing powder blue? Both Hercules and Bravo do that. If what’s said about Hogan and Big Show is true, Hogan has bigger boots than Show. I find that unlikely. I love how Jesse and Heenan were right about Hogan being crooked for years. I wonder if those were semi-shoot comments. Perfect finishes us at 30.

He was actually more or less set in stone to win this thing, but Hogan said no, giving us this ending. Barbarian is put out by Hercules. Yeah Perfect was supposed to be the top heel to challenge Hogan, probably even fighting him at Mania but due to Hogan saying no and Perfect vs. Hogan tanking house shows, Vince went with Warrior. That explains the big showdown from earlier.

We get down to Rude and Perfect against Hogan, which was the original ending but with Perfect winning though. Perfect accidentally puts out Rude, leaving us with Perfect and Hogan. Can you imagine if Perfect had actually won this? How awesome would that have been? It’s not like Hogan would have been crushed by it or anything. Perfect gets the suplex on Hogan but Hogan pops up.

You mean he got up from a generic not exactly snapping suplex? NO WAY! Even I have to give that one to Hogan. After smacking the post, Perfect is gone and Hogan wins…of course. I would have loved to see Perfect win there to set up that match on SNME or something. It wouldn’t have worked at Mania, but it would have rocketed Perfect to the top heel spot which was vacant at the time. I guess it was him, but not by much at all. Massive posing ends the show.

Rating: A-. This was good all around. It had cool moments like Demolition beating Andre and the showdown, but it also had the great battle royal stuff like odd alliances and interesting matchups. This was the Rumble getting it right for the first time. Earthquake looked like a big deal because of this which was the main point. This certainly was a success and went by FAST, which to me says it was interesting.

Overall Rating: C-. Let’s see: first match sucked, second match was a long glorified squash, third was a Garvin match, and fourth was a decent brawl. You add in a good Rumble and to me that’s right in the middle. It’s not a terrible show, but once again this is all about the main event with a horrible midcard. This was all about setting up Mania though and it did just that. Hogan vs. Warrior was the dream match that people wanted to see and they got a preview here.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 23, 2019: A Different Kind Of Raw

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 23, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Samoa Joe, Vic Joseph

We’re taped this week and that’s quite the good idea as there is no need to have the talent working so close to Christmas. That being said, one of the big ideas over the last two weeks has been to make Seth Rollins into a bigger heel, despite the show taking place in his home state. Tonight he gets a US Title shot because even though he beat Brock Lesnar twice this year and now has the AOP behind him, Brock doesn’t exist until we get closer to the Royal Rumble. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Kevin Owens to get things going. We see a video on Seth Rollins and the AOP joining forces to attack various people. Owens is ready to say something but Mojo Rawley cuts him off. Mojo wants an explanation for Owens Stunning him but Owens wants to start their No DQ match right now. That’s fine with Mojo.

Mojo Rawley vs. Kevin Owens

Owens runs him over to start and throws in a bunch of chairs. Back in and Mojo manages a fireman’s carry faceplant onto said chairs for two. The chairs are set up next to each other and Mojo actually slams him onto them for two more. Since being slammed onto opened chairs doesn’t really hurt, Owens hits a superkick into the Swanton for two of his own. A table is brought in and it’s a Stunner into the Pop Up Powerbomb through the table to finish Rawley at 6:30.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what to think about this one. They were smart to keep it short because no one was going to buy Mojo as a threat to Owens, but it wasn’t interesting in the first place and the match was just an annoyance for Owens. The No DQ part was just a detail and a way to increase the violence, but it never got interesting or really close to it.

Post match, Owens calls out Rollins and the AOP for a fight. Post break here are Rollins and AOP with Rollins saying a lot of things without having a microphone. He offers a handshake but Owens superkicks him down. That means a beatdown from the AOP though and Rollins is back up for the Stomp. This sends Samoa Joe into a rant about how those aren’t men because they’re just thugs. Someone needs to strike first so you can tell one story.

Over the weekend, R-Truth was in New York City. After being told about the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, Akira Tozawa rolled him up to win the 24/7 Title. That’s his reward for all of the great performances over the last few weeks?

Cedric Alexander vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley starts throwing him around to start but Cedric manages to roll away. The spinning back elbow rocks Lashley and a headscissors into a dropkick puts him on the floor. A moonsault off the apron drops Lashley again but hold on because Lana says whoa a lot. She gets in the ring and asks Cedric who he thinks he is. How dare he attack Lashley a week before they’re getting married? The invites are going out and Lashley needs to look great, so let’s have a classic Greco-Roman match.

Back from a break with the match continuing as usual, including Alexander kicking Lashley in the face from the apron. The fans chant for Rusev as the springboard Downward Spiral is broken up. A hard clothesline turns Alexander inside out and a neckbreaker gets two. Lashley hits a rather high in the air Downward Spiral for two more but Alexander gets in a dropkick.

The springboard clothesline connects and there’s the suicide dive for a bonus. The big running flip dive makes it even worse and the Neuralizer connects for two. Lashley is right back with the spinning Big Ending but the spear is cut off with a dropkick to the knee. Another springboard misses though and it’s the spinebuster into the spear to finish Alexander at 13:22.

Rating: C. This was your match that was extended to stretch the show out. The Lana/Lashley stuff is as painful television as you can find and I’m almost scared to see how bad the wedding is going to be next week. I would say at least it’s getting closer to a conclusion but there is no reason to believe that any such ending is coming. The match was back and forth but it ran long and the Lana announcement in the middle could have come before or after.

Rollins doesn’t get what Owens is trying to do.

Tozawa (in a 2K19 jacket because even WWE wrestlers don’t want to support the new game) runs into R-Truth again and they bump into someone, causing him to drop his food. The chase continues.

Zack Ryder vs. Drew McIntyre

They trade slaps to start and McIntyre pounds him down in the corner. Ryder sends him outside for a dropkick through the ropes, only to get blasted with a clothesline. Back in and the overhead belly to belly sends Ryder flying and the Claymore finishes Ryder at 2:09. That’s how it should have gone.

Post match Drew beats up Ryder and Curt Hawkins. McIntyre even handles their congratulations to him before saying 2020 is his year.

Here’s Becky Lynch for a chat. She’s a little more serious this time and talks about how things go better when she takes things into her own hands. This company has been trying to protect her but she needs to face Asuka next. Asuka is the only woman that Becky can’t beat so it’s time to collect on one last debt. Cue the Kabuki Warriors to say they are the champions. Asuka calls herself Asuka Two Belts and Becky shouts back in Japanese. The match doesn’t seem to be confirmed yet.

Aleister Black vs. Deonn Rusman

Black vs. Murphy II is set for next week. Leg sweep, jumping knee, Black Mass at 38 seconds.

Buddy Murphy vs. Joeasa

Jumping knee and Murphy’s Law (complete with Buddy pulling him up ala Black for Black Mass) finish Joeasa at 33 seconds.

Post match Black comes back in to hit Black Mass.

Rey Mysterio is ready for Seth Rollins tonight. It’s the first time they’ve ever met, but it’s going to be Rey vs. Seth/AOP. Rey is ready for the AOP to see Seth take the 619 and for him to leave still US Champion.

Tony Nese vs. Ricochet

Nese starts dodging with the flips so Ricochet shows off his own flips. A necksnap across the top rope sets up a bodyscissors to slow Ricochet down some more. Back up and Ricochet kicks him in the face but a springboard is broken up. Not that it matters as the superkick into the Recoil puts Nese away at 2:33. It was energetic while it lasted.

Akira Tozawa hides behind a Christmas tree but then runs away as soon as R-Truth shows up.

Charlotte vs. Chelsea Green

This is Green’s main roster debut and she does the Tessa Blanchard look over the shoulder pose in the ring. They lock up to start with Charlotte going after the arm to start, only to get taken down for a basement dropkick. The chinlock goes on for a bit but Charlotte fights up with the chops. A big boot drops Green and the Figure Eight is good for the tap at 4:06.

Rating: C-. Green looked good and intense but there was only so much you’re going to do with Charlotte. I can’t imagine this is anything more than just a one off match and that’s fine for something like this. They have to fill in the time with something so doing it this way is as good as anything else.

Santa Claus punches Tozawa and wins the title. He runs off so Truth and Tozawa are going to work together to get the title back.

Liv Morgan talks about being young, impressionable and anything but typical.

Randy Orton/Viking Raiders vs. OC

Fallout from last week’s main event. Ivar shoves Anderson into the corner to start and it’s off to Erik for a slam of his own. An Ivar knee gets two on Anderson and Erik slams Ivar onto him for two. Gallows comes in for a change of pace and kicks Erik in the head to put him on the floor. AJ gets in a cheap shot and it’s Erik in trouble for a change. The jumping knee gives AJ two and it’s Anderson grabbing the chinlock.

This one doesn’t last long though as Anderson goes with the spinebuster for two instead. Erik gets in a forearm to AJ though and the hot tag brings in Orton. Gallows doesn’t waste time in backdropping him to the floor though and Orton’s already banged up knee is hurt again. The big staredown on the floor takes us to a break and we come back with Gallows working on the knee some more.

Orton fights up and brings Erik back in for the tag so house can be cleaned. Ivar is in rather quickly for a side slam and basement crossbody. Erik drives Ivar into Anderson in the corner and the Viking Experience gets two with Gallows making a save. Orton comes back in off a blind tag as AJ sends the Vikings outside. The RKO is broken up so Anderson takes one instead. Gallows goes after the knee though and it’s the Phenomenal Forearm to put Orton away at 14:01.

Rating: C. This was a bit boring but it tied into last week and gives us a reason to see both matches again. I could go for more AJ vs. Orton as their match last week wasn’t too bad but the Vikings vs. the OC isn’t exactly thrilling. As long as the AOP is walking around, it’s hard to buy anyone else as a major threat to the titles. At least we had something to fill in some time here though, which was part of the point.

A sleigh race breaks out in New York before Santa runs away on foot again.

Erick Rowan has a present for the camera in his cage.

The Street Profits don’t know why they haven’t gotten their wedding invitations. They could go for the bachelor party though. On top of that, they aren’t sure what’s in Rowan’s cage.

Erick Rowan vs. ???

The jobber offers a candy cane before going after the cage. Rowan takes part of the covering off of the apron and drops him face first onto the exposed….canvas. A crossbody sets up the Iron Claw which sets up the Iron Claw for the pin at 2:21. Same as always.

Rowan gives the candy cane to whatever is in the cage.

R-Truth gets the title back so here’s Tozawa….but the referee is sick of this and goes home. They agree to a truce and to go find the Big Apple.

Here’s Rusev for a chat. Yeah he lost at TLC and he’s upset about it. He’s not upset about Lana and Lashley getting married though because it’s the greatest day of his life. Marrying Lana is the greatest punishment he can give Lashley and the wedding is on RUSEV DAY.

Rusev vs. No Way Jose

The Machka kick gives Rusev the pin at 36 seconds.

Post match Rusev busts out a Spinarooni and leaves with the Conga Line. Rusev even gets some kisses, sending him into more dancing.

Seth Rollins is going to win the US Title and establish dominance.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins

Mysterio is defending and Rollins has the AOP. Side note: Rollins no longer has BEASTSLAYER on his Titantron (not sure how long it has been gone but it was there the night after Survivor Series). Good, as that had nothing to do with what he is doing at the moment and involved one feud that hasn’t been active since August. Rollins starts fast but Rey slips out of a suplex attempt. A discus forearm knocks Rey silly so he’s right back with a headscissors.

The 619 misses though and Rey is sent shoulder first into the post. He’s also thrown hard to the floor as we take a break. Back with Rey fighting out of an armbar and sending Rollins outside. That means a sliding sunset bomb into the barricade, setting up the springboard seated senton. A tornado DDT gives Rey two but Rollins scores with the buckle bomb and a low superkick for his own two. The Stomp misses though and Rey hits the 619, only to have the AOP interfere for the DQ at 9:53.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of action that you would expect from these two but the ending saves the big match for another date. It might be an annoying way to end the show but that was the right way to go here. Mysterio can fight Rollins another day, perhaps when he has some more backup. I could go for more and that’s what they were trying to get the fans to want.

Post match the beatdown is on and they go to the announcers’ table. Joe stays in his seat though and doesn’t like being told to move. If he gets up, it isn’t going to be to move. Joe gets up so Rollins gets in his face, meaning the jacket comes off. Rollins walks away but tells the AOP to finish him. The beatdown is on and Joe gets taken out as Rollins Stomps Rey. The AOP puts Joe through the table to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I could go for more of these squash heavy shows. You can only get so far with the long matches as a lot of fans are going to get sick of the matches that feel like they’re going on forever. If nothing else, how many people are going to stick around because “oh well it’ll be something different in a minute”? It’s a change of pace and that’s what Raw has been needing for a long time. We also get some fresh blood on the show and maybe something can click. Not a great show, but the format made it feel a lot faster and that’s a good thing.


Kevin Owens b. Mojo Rawley – Pop Up Powerbomb through a table

Bobby Lashley b. Cedric Alexander – Spear

Drew McIntyre b. Zack Ryder – Claymore

Aleister Black b. Deonn Rusman – Black Mass

Buddy Murphy b. Joeasa – Murphy’s Law

Ricochet b. Tony Nese – Recoil

Charlotte b. Chelsea Green – Figure Eight

OC b. Viking Raiders/Randy Orton – Phenomenal Forearm to Orton

Erick Rowan b. ??? – Iron Claw

Rusev b. No Way Jose – Machka Kick

Rey Mysterio b. Seth Rollins via DQ when AOP interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – December 19, 2019: Addition By Subtraction

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: December 19, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

What happens when you try to recap a week where they were barely doing anything in the first place? This is the holiday edition of the show and really, there was hardly much worth talking about this week. Maybe they can have something special around here, but there is also a chance that it is going to be a shorter show as Monday was a double taping, meaning the Main Event material might not be as strong. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening sequence….is a recap of Seth Rollins/AOP vs. Kevin Owens. I don’t remember the last time this show hasn’t opened in the same way. It’s probably been years at this point so this is quite the switch.

From Raw.

Here’s Rollins to open things up and he wastes no time in bringing out the AOP. Rollins talks about how this has been his year because he’s beaten Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title twice. That made people think he was the future but then the mood changed, with people questioning his leadership.

Being a leader is about making decisions for the sake of progress and he’ll make decisions some people don’t like. Rollins is a leader and visionary who will lead this brand and this business into the next decade. He will drag you into 2020 and if you resist, the AOP will enforce his will. That brings him to tonight, and he has a score to settle, whether people like it or not.

From Raw.

Viking Raiders vs. OC

Non-title rematch they went to a double countout last night. Hold on though as the OC needs to talk about how dominant the Vikings are. That being said, only one team has beaten the Vikings and that would be the OC. Erik knees Anderson into the corner to start and it’s off to Ivar, who gets slammed down onto Anderson for a bonus.

Some forearms from Ivar set up Erik’s delayed vertical suplex into an armbar. That goes nowhere so it’s off to Gallows, who is knocked to the floor in a hurry. The suicide dive is blocked and Gallows hits a fall away slam into the barricade. Back from a break with Erik still in trouble as Gallows hammers away in the corner.

A big boot sets up the chinlock, followed by Anderson’s boot to the face for two. Erik gets up and shrugs Anderson away for the hot tag to Ivar so the pace can pick up. The Bronco Buster in the corner connects but a charge into another corner misses, allowing the belly to back neckbreaker to hit for two.

Ivar’s double handspring elbow takes both of them down and the Vikings hit stereo suicide dives as we take another break. Back with Ivar coming in off the second hot tag as everything breaks down. Ivar gets driven into Gallows in the corner for two and Erik adds a spinebuster to Anderson. In what can only be a bad idea, Ivar goes up but misses a moonsault (which would have barely made contact in the first place), allowing Anderson to kick Erik off the apron. The Magic Killer finishes Ivar at 19:26.

Rating: C+. Well it was better than last night due to the clean finish, but at the same time it was a clean pinfall over the Vikings. If you’re setting up for the eventual showdown with the AOP (as you should be), the Vikings should be unbeatable. There’s nothing wrong with pushing the OC, but it’s not exactly helping the Raiders at the moment. At least cheat to win here somehow.

From Raw.

Here are Bobby Lashley and Lana for their celebration. Lana explains what happened last night when Lashley beat Rusev in the tables match. After swooning over how beautiful Lashley is and telling the fans that they’re the ones who suck, Lana pulls out a ring….so Lashley can propose. That’s a no though, because Lashley doesn’t like being told what to do….except her, so he proposes. Lana is so happy that it went like they rehearsed and she says yes a lot.

Quick look at Daniel Bryan returning at TLC.

We look at the end of the gauntlet match, plus Seth Rollins attacking Rey Mysterio after the ending, setting up next week’s title match.

And from Raw one more time.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Orton wastes no time and the early RKO attempt sends AJ bailing to the floor. Back in and Orton starts in on the leg but AJ hits him in the face for a breather. The springboard is cut off but the hanging DDT is countered into the Calf Crushes. Orton makes the long crawl, only to get dragged back into the middle to slap the hold on again. This time Orton makes the rope, though he certainly looked to be tapping when he was missing. Orton bails to the floor but AJ chop blocks the leg out again as we take a break.

Back with AJ still on the knee and kicking Orton down in the corner. Orton drops him onto the buckle though and gets himself a breather. The powerslam plants AJ and the backbreaker out of the corner does the same but Orton hurts the knee even more. Orton’s superplex attempt is broken up and there’s another chop block to take the knee out again.

AJ scores with a Lionsault for two and we’re into an overrun. Orton breaks up another springboard forearm and hits the hanging DDT but the RKO is countered into the Calf Crusher. That’s broken up as well so AJ tries the Phenomenal Forearm, only to dive into the RKO for the pin at 16:32.

Rating: C+. These two work well together and I liked the slower pace for a change. It’s ok to mix things up a bit and while their feud over the last few weeks hasn’t exactly been thrilling, this felt like a fresh match and something that they had put some effort into. Nice main event, with the leg stuff being a focal point to hold things together.

Post match the OC runs in to beat down Orton but the Viking Raiders come out for the save. The OC gets the better of it and it’s a Magic Killer to Erik to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. There is something to be said about being done with Main Event in five minutes, which is what happened here. It makes sense to not show any Smackdown for a week, but that doesn’t make it any less odd. It’s even more skippable than usual, but there is something to be said about not having the original matches. They rarely add anything and it just slows down a show that doesn’t need to exist most of the time.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 16, 2019: The Long Joke With The Bad Punchline

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 16, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Samoa Joe, Vic Joseph

We’re done with pay per view for the year and it’s time to get started on the Road To The Road To Wrestlemania. That being said, odds are we aren’t going to really head in that direction until after the new year, as tends to be the case. I’m not sure how much to expect from this week, but maybe we could see some hints of what is coming. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Seth Rollins denying being in league with the AOP and then announcing that of course he is. Kevin Owens doesn’t seem happy.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Rollins to open things up and he wastes no time in bringing out the AOP. Rollins talks about how this has been his year because he’s beaten Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title twice. That made people think he was the future but then the mood changed, with people questioning his leadership.

Being a leader is about making decisions for the sake of progress and he’ll make decisions some people don’t like. Rollins is a leader and visionary who will lead this brand and this business into the next decade. He will drag you into 2020 and if you resist, the AOP will enforce his will. That brings him to tonight, and he has a score to settle, whether people like it or not.

The announcers talk about how dangerous AOP can be.

Viking Raiders vs. OC

Non-title rematch they went to a double countout last night. Hold on though as the OC needs to talk about how dominant the Vikings are. That being said, only one team has beaten the Vikings and that would be the OC. Erik knees Anderson into the corner to start and it’s off to Ivar, who gets slammed down onto Anderson for a bonus.

Some forearms from Ivar set up Erik’s delayed vertical suplex into an armbar. That goes nowhere so it’s off to Gallows, who is knocked to the floor in a hurry. The suicide dive is blocked and Gallows hits a fall away slam into the barricade. Back from a break with Erik still in trouble as Gallows hammers away in the corner.

A big boot sets up the chinlock, followed by Anderson’s boot to the face for two. Erik gets up and shrugs Anderson away for the hot tag to Ivar so the pace can pick up. The Bronco Buster in the corner connects but a charge into another corner misses, allowing the belly to back neckbreaker to hit for two.

Ivar’s double handspring elbow takes both of them down and the Vikings hit stereo suicide dives as we take another break. Back with Ivar coming in off the second hot tag as everything breaks down. Ivar gets driven into Gallows in the corner for two and Erik adds a spinebuster to Anderson. In what can only be a bad idea, Ivar goes up but misses a moonsault (which would have barely made contact in the first place), allowing Anderson to kick Erik off the apron. The Magic Killer finishes Ivar at 19:26.

Rating: C+. Well it was better than last night due to the clean finish, but at the same time it was a clean pinfall over the Vikings. If you’re setting up for the eventual showdown with the AOP (as you should be), the Vikings should be unbeatable. There’s nothing wrong with pushing the OC, but it’s not exactly helping the Raiders at the moment. At least cheat to win here somehow.

When asked what is in his cage, Erick Rowan offers the following response: mind your own business.

AJ Styles is ready to destroy Randy Orton on his own tonight. Anderson and Gallows are down with that.

Erick Rowan vs. Dante Leon

Leon goes straight for the cage but is smart enough to dive underneath the ring to get there. He trips though and the beating is on in a hurry. The Iron Claw finishes Leon at 1:55.

Andrade is ready for tonight’s gauntlet match for a shot at the US Title. He doesn’t like being asked about Humberto Carrillo being in the same match. Zelina Vega yells at Charly Caruso for bringing it up and says the win was bad for Carrillo because they’re ready for him.

Liv Morgan, in a bathtub, narrates about having to destroy herself so the real her can emerge.

Here are Bobby Lashley and Lana for their celebration. Lana explains what happened last night when Lashley beat Rusev in the tables match. After swooning over how beautiful Lashley is and telling the fans that they’re the ones who suck, Lana pulls out a ring….so Lashley can propose. That’s a no though, because Lashley doesn’t like being told what to do….except her, so he proposes. Lana is so happy that it went like they rehearsed and she says yes a lot.

We look back at the opening segment.

Here’s R-Truth to talk about how inspiring John Cena’s open challenges were when he was a kid. Now he wants to become the United States’ (yes with the apostrophe) 24/7 Champion. Then he can take it all the way to Wrestlemania. R-Truth: “WHERE’S THE SIGN???”

Gauntlet Match

Non-title, for the #1 contendership to the US Title, no number of entrants is given but it’s R-Truth in at #1 and Akira Tozawa in at #2. Truth shouts a lot to start and then misses a charge into the post. Tozawa hits a running Cannonball off the apron and a missile dropkick gets two back inside. Instead it’s a quick rollup to get rid of Truth at 2:11, meaning the Mob comes out to chase Truth off.

Ricochet is in at #3 and we come back from a break with Tozawa jumping over him in the corner. Ricochet starts snapping off the flips though, setting up an anklescissors into a dropkick to the floor. Tozawa is right back with Trouble in Paradise to the floor, setting up the suicide headbutt. Back in and Ricochet grabs a rollup for two, followed by an over the back backbreaker.

With that broken up, Ricochet slips out of a Black Widow and kicks Tozawa in the head. Another kick misses though and Tozawa deadlift German suplexes him for two. Ricochet is right back with the springboard clothesline for two but the running shooting star press hits knees. Tozawa has to roll out of the top rope backsplash though and it’s a superkick into the Recoil to give Ricochet the pin at 13:00.

Matt Hardy is in at #4 and we take another break. Back with Matt hammering away in the corner and sending Ricochet into all three buckles in a row. A suplex gets two more and we hit the cravate to keep Ricochet down. Matt gets two off a Razor’s Edge powerbomb but Ricochet is back with a dropkick. A kick to the head in the corner has Matt down but the springboard clothesline is countered into a heck of a Side Effect for two. Matt’s moonsault misses and Ricochet hits the running shooting star press for his own near fall. A quick Twist of Fate attempt is countered into a rollup and Matt is done at 23:40.

After a look at the replay to make sure it was a pin (I’m not sure what was in doubt), Humberto Carrillo is in at #5 as we take another break. Back again with Carrillo dropkicking him down for two and scoring with an enziguri for a bonus. The high angle armdrag sends Ricochet outside and there’s the big spinning flip dive. Back in and we hit the armbar, followed by a kick to the arm to cut off the comeback. An armdrag sets up another armbar as Lawler says Carrillo is the embodiment of a babyface.

Ricochet fights up again and gets two off a sunset flip, followed by a Landslide for the same. Zelina Vega comes out to watch them both needing a breather as we take a break. Back with Ricochet hitting the springboard clothesline into another running shooting star press for another two. Vega looks impressed and seems to be scouting both of them. Ricochet hits a running crossbody to send them both outside for the big crash.

They dive back in at nine and Ricochet catches him with a palm strike on top. A heck of a top rope superplex plants Carrillo for another near fall and he barely gets the shoulder up. Back up again and they slug it out until Ricochet grabs a northern lights suplex into a regular suplex for two. Ricochet goes up but has to flip out of the super reverse hurricanrana. Carrillo is right back up with a running Canadian Destroyer into the moonsault for the pin at 46:40.

Andrade is in at #6 and jumps Carrillo from behind as Vega is looking very pleased. Back to back running knees in the corner connect but Andrade throws him outside instead of covering. The floor mats are peeled back (you don’t see that one very often) and Andrade sends him into the barricade. The hammerlock DDT onto the concrete ends Carrillo so here’s Rey Mysterio to chase Andrade away. I’m not sure if the match is done or not but we’ll say it’s over at 49:00.

Rating: B-. This was long, but my goodness the Carrillo vs. Ricochet part was some good stuff and carried a lot of what we got. As a whole it wasn’t all that great with the stuff at the beginning (though Tozawa got to look great) and the ending was annoying, but when a good chuck of the match is awesome, it’s more than enough to call it a big positive.

Post break Carrillo is taken out on a stretcher but here are Rollins and the AOP, with the steel pipe, to beat down Mysterio. Rollins says he was just giving Rey his pipe back and that Rey owes him one. They go to leave but Rollins comes back with a Stomp.

Post break, Rollins didn’t think Rey would be able to answer the challenge. What challenge? The challenge for the United States Title that Rollins lays out for next week that is.

Randy Orton promises to remind AJ of who he is so AJ will never forget.

Asuka vs. Deonna Purrazzo

I wouldn’t have bet on this one. Purrazzo kicks Asuka to the floor before the bell and we take a break before things are officially going. Asuka returns the kick as we come back but Purrazzo pulls her down into an armbar. That’s broken up so Asuka tries her own cross armbreaker. With that not working it’s switched into a kneebar and then a modified STF. Purrazzo gets out of that as well and hits a quick Downward Spiral for two. Asuka unloads with strikes though and pulls her into the Asuka Lock for the tap at 4:13.

Rating: C. I can appreciated the idea of bringing in someone new and it’s not like losing to Asuka is that big of a shock. Purrazzo can go in the ring and getting to hang with Asuka in an exchange of submissions shows that they know how to use her. The division could use some fresh blood so maybe Purrazzo can be something.

We get a sitdown interview with Becky Lynch, who isn’t happy with her loss last night. She didn’t like being put in a tag match but above all else, she doesn’t like her record against Asuka. Becky looks at the camera, saying she needs to face Asuka. That could be interesting.

Mysterio says he’ll defend the title against Andrade at any time, but he isn’t happy with what Andrade did to Carrillo. Then there’s Rollins, who showed why no one respected him tonight. Next week, the title match is on.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Orton wastes no time and the early RKO attempt sends AJ bailing to the floor. Back in and Orton starts in on the leg but AJ hits him in the face for a breather. The springboard is cut off but the hanging DDT is countered into the Calf Crusher. Orton makes the long crawl, only to get dragged back into the middle to slap the hold on again. This time Orton makes the rope, though he certainly looked to be tapping when he was missing. Orton bails to the floor but AJ chop blocks the leg out again as we take a break.

Back with AJ still on the knee and kicking Orton down in the corner. Orton drops him onto the buckle though and gets himself a breather. The powerslam plants AJ and the backbreaker out of the corner does the same but Orton hurts the knee even more. Orton’s superplex attempt is broken up and there’s another chop block to take the knee out again.

AJ scores with a Lionsault for two and we’re into an overrun. Orton breaks up another springboard forearm and hits the hanging DDT but the RKO is countered into the Calf Crusher. That’s broken up as well so AJ tries the Phenomenal Forearm, only to dive into the RKO for the pin at 16:32.

Rating: C+. These two work well together and I liked the slower pace for a change. It’s ok to mix things up a bit and while their feud over the last few weeks hasn’t exactly been thrilling, this felt like a fresh match and something that they had put some effort into. Nice main event, with the leg stuff being a focal point to hold things together.

Post match the OC runs in to beat down Orton but the Viking Raiders come out for the save. The OC gets the better of it and it’s a Magic Killer to Erik to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a rather different kind of show and I’m not sure how well it worked. The wrestling was mostly good but almost everything else wasn’t so strong. The Rollins/AOP stuff isn’t clicking yet and the Lashley/Lana stuff has completely worn out its welcome. Then there’s the ending to the gauntlet match, which felt like some big joke after spending the better part of an hour on one match. Granted it was good action, but pulling the rug out from under your feet to set up Rollins vs. Mysterio for next week isn’t a smart move. Overall, not a terrible show, but it would have been MUCH better at two hours, as usual.


OC b. Viking Raiders – Magic Killer to Ivar

Erick Rowan b. Dante Leon – Iron Claw

A Gauntlet match went to a no contest

Asuka b. Deonna Purrazzo – Asuka Lock

Randy Orton b. AJ Styles – RKO

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 9, 2019: A Different Way To Rush Through Everything

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 9, 2019
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Samoa Joe, Corey Graves

I know it seems ridiculous but we are only six days away Tables, Ladders and Chairs. There are only a handful of matches confirmed for the show so tonight is going to be all about rapid fire build, because that’s the best thing this company knows how to do these days. Expect some more from AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton, and of course Rusev vs. Bobby Lashley. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring with table and chairs so Rusev and Lana can get divorced. Lana and her lawyer come out and Lawler reads off a statement, saying that the restraining order has been lifted. Rusev, in a Donald Duck shirt, comes out and has a seat as Lana rants about she never loved him. He isn’t allowed to speak because this is always about him. Rusev Day went to his head and it’s time to get on their feet to yell at the fans.

Rusev says this is how his marriage went and Lana needs to calm down. He’s the one who needs protection this week and we see a clip of Lashley and Lana being arrested last week. Lana rants about how Rusev will never have anyone like her, but Rusev says he can’t stand her now so why would he want another. Lana screams about how Rusev Day and the WWE Universe destroyed her marriage, nearly breaking down in tears. Rusev says this is ridiculous and wants to sign the divorce papers.

They’re ready to sign but Lana insists that she sign first. Lana: “I get the dog!” They get in an argument over the dog, which is giving me flashbacks to HHH and Stephanie back in the day. Lana emphatically signs but Rusev needs something from her before he signs. Lana thinks he means sex in a variety of places but instead it’s a match with Lashley. Cue Lashley to say he wants the divorce finalized so he can marry Lana. They agree to a match at some point and Rusev signs, triggering the brawl. Lashley beats him up on the floor but Rusev suplexes him through the table back inside.

Kevin Owens accuses AOP of attacking him because Seth Rollins ordered them to do so. Last week he got away though, and that’s a problem for AOP. Owens walks off and runs into Rey Mysterio, who offers to have his back against the AOP if he needs someone. Actually make that the pipe has Owens’ back and Owens accepts.

Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre

On his way to the ring, Drew talks about Matt having a newborn son and the cross eyed look shows that it really is Matt’s. Drew knows Matt is a true professional, but he’s made some mistakes outside of the ring and maybe him reproducing isn’t a good idea. Hardy slugs him into the corner and hits a Twist of Fate as we take a break. Back with the bell ringing and Matt clotheslining him out to the floor. Drew breaks up the Twist of Fate with a shove into the steps though and Matt is in trouble. The Futureshock into the Claymore finish Matt at 2:21.

We look back at the Kabuki Warriors defeating Charlotte last week.

Charlotte offers Becky Lynch some help against the Kabuki Warriors but Lynch has this one on her own.

Owens and his pipe look for the AOP, though Mojo Rawley isn’t sure which way they went. He suggests three directions so Owens hits him in the face, saying Mojo just went in the down direction.

Here are the Viking Raiders to issue an open challenge for their gold. Or silver.

Batista is going to the Hall of Fame. Well deserved.

Tag Team Titles: Viking Raiders vs. Street Profits

The Profits are challenging. Erik misses the shotgun knees in the corner and it’s a spinebuster into the frog splash for two on Erik with Ivar diving in for a save. We settle down to Ivar and Ford trading cartwheels until a spinwheel kick gets two on Ford. Dawkins plants Ivar for two more but it’s back to Ford, who walks into the Viking Experience for the pin at 3:12.

Rating: C+. They packed some stuff in here, just like they would do down in NXT. That being said, I’m rather surprised that the Profits lost so quickly. It’s not like they were severely damaged though as they got in the best near fall on the Raiders yet and it’s not like they got squashed. It was fun while it lasted if nothing else.

Post match respect is shown but here is Seth Rollins for a chat. Everyone else leaves though because the respect is gone. Rollins wants the AOP out here right now but gets Owens instead. Rollins says there is no need for the piper but Owens begs to differ. We see the AOP arriving in the back and it’s off to a break. Back with Rollins saying the AOP is going to come out here and beat Owens up but it has nothing to do with him.

That’s enough to make Rollins leave so here’s the AOP to speak their native languages. Owens says those are all good points and he wants them down here one at a time. Cue Sami Zayn and Mojo Rawley with Sami saying he has a managerial license to jump from Raw and Smackdown. Rather than just being a manager though, Sami is a liberator and that’s what Owens needs right now.

What Owens did to Mojo backstage was too far and Sami wants an apology. They’re about to fight but Sami intervenes, citing the STEEL PIPE in Owens’ hand. Mojo: “Anyone is tough with a pipe in their hands.” Owens wants to test that and throws it to Mojo, setting him up for the Stunner. A few pipe shots to the back leave Mojo laying and send Sami running.

Post break, Owens’ hunt continues.

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy is set for TLC so Murphy promises to beat him on Sunday.

Aleister Black vs. Akira Tozawa

Tozawa works on the arm to start and has to bail into the corner off the threat of a kick. Some armdrags let Black grab the arm again but a spinning kick to the head misses again. Tozawa snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor but the suicide headbutt is kneed out of the air. Black Mass finishes Tozawa at 3:35.

Rating: C-. The slaughter of the cruiserweights continues as Black claims another one. That being said, the image of Black Mass hitting Tozawa in the face was a great visual as that thing hit to perfection. In theory that makes Buddy the next big challenger but I’m not sure how that is going to go.

Video on Humberto Carrillo.

Humberto is ready for an interview but Zelina Vega and Andrade come in. Yelling ensues and a match is set for tonight.

Liv Morgan’s makeover is coming soon.

Andrade vs. Humberto Carrillo

Andrade won’t let Carrillo start with the flips so it’s a backdrop into a chinlock. Back up and an elbow to the face sets up a running kick to the same face for two. Carrillo gets sent to the top but spins around and hits a high crossbody. Andrade is sent to the floor for the big moonsault and we take a break.

Back with Carrillo backflipping into a moonsault for two but Andrade blocks a superplex attempt. That means the top rope double stomp can get two but Andrade misses the running knees in the corner. Carrillo scores with a missile dropkick into the Aztec Press (which almost completely misses) for two, as there was no way you could give up a fall off something like that.

A spinning back elbow to the face gives Andrade two and now the double knees in the corner connect. Carrillo pops back up with the running dropkick in the corner though, drawing Vega to the apron. Andrade is sent into her though and it’s a victory roll to finish Andrade at 11:04.

Rating: C+. This is how you give Carrillo a push if they insist on doing so. Andrade and Vega having some issues may not be the best idea in the world but it’s better than just having Andrade go nowhere. At least now he’s got some kind of a story to go with it, which hasn’t been the case for a long time.

Post match Andrade blames Vega for the loss and they argue a lot.

Rey Mysterio isn’t ready to lose his US Title back to AJ Styles tonight.

Remember how Owens couldn’t find the AOP? He still can’t.

Zack Ryder vs. Buddy Murphy

During the entrance, Aleister Black says Murphy will regret picking a fight with him. Buddy starts fast and takes him down for some knees to the back. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Ryder is back with a faceplant and the running forearm in the corner. The Broski Boot sends Murphy outside but Curt Hawkins gets taken out. Back in and the jumping knee to the face sets up Murphy’s Law to give Buddy the fast pin at 2:00.

Owens finds the AOP’s van and unloads on it with the pipe. The AOP comes in and beats him down. Someone is in the back of the van and….of course it’s Rollins. Seth says it’s come to this and Stomps him onto the bare concrete. Rollins looks at the AOP and they leave together. So to recap, here are the last few weeks:

Owens: “You’re with the AOP!”

Seth: “No I’m not!”

Owens: “Yes you are!”

Rollins: “No I’m not! Ok I am!”

Post break Rollins is in the arena to rant about how everything should have gone perfectly for him. He gave everything he had for every one of the fans but they booed him anyway. Rollins doesn’t care for the fans getting on the Owens’ bandwagon because Owens if the flavor of the month. It was true that he wasn’t with the AOP but no one believed him. What does Rollins have to do to get the people’s respect? All of this negativity has turned into a self fulfilling prophecy as he is now standing with AOP. They come out to stand by his side and all three leave together.

Owens is loaded into an ambulance.

Becky Lynch vs. Kabuki Warriors

Non-title. Becky suplexes Asuka to the floor to start but the numbers advantage lets Asuka choke away in the corner. Back from a break with Becky hitting a dropkick and kicking them both down. A double DDT gets two on Kairi but she’s back up to slam Becky off the top. Asuka’s missile dropkick misses though and there’s the Bexploder. The middle rope legdrop misses though and it’s the Asuka Lock, only to have Lynch reverse into one of her own.

The Warriors are sent to the floor but Asuka knees Becky in the face to put them all down. Lynch beats the count back in, where Asuka hits a Shining Wizard for two more. A Doomsday forearm gets the same but the Insane Elbow hits raised knees. Asuka breaks up the Disarm Her but it’s a Rock Bottom to plant Asuka. The Disarm Her is broken up by Asuka and Becky doesn’t know what else to do. They go outside again and Asuka chairs her in the ribs for the DQ at 13:04.

Rating: C. I didn’t like the ending here but it’s time to set up a TLC match on Sunday so we need to get that out of the way. The Tag Team Title match should be fun but I’m not exactly looking forward to the rapid fire “hey we’re friendly enough now to fight the champs”, which is likely taking place later tonight.

Post match the Warriors pull out a chair and another Insane Elbow puts Lynch through the table.

The OC is ready to get the US Title back. If Randy Orton gets involved, they’ll end his career, either forever or for life.

The NWO is coming to the Hall of Fame as well. As they should, though Syxx being included is a bit of a stretch.

Charlotte interrupts Becky getting treatment on her shoulder. Becky doesn’t want to hear it so Charlotte leaves….and gets jumped by the Warriors.

Erick Rowan vs. ???

The jobber hits the floor at the bell and grabs Rowan’s cage. He runs it up to the stage, leaves it there, goes back to the ring and tells the referee to count. That’s good for eight and there’s the Iron Claw (make it two) to give Rowan…..a win via referee stoppage for a change of pace at 1:18.

In the back, the Warriors challenge Becky and Charlotte to challenge them to a match at TLC.

Charlotte and Becky agree to fight the Warriors. For the titles. In a TLC match.

And now, the Monday After Weekend Update with the Street Profits. It’s more or less Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update with a bunch of jokes hyping up the TLC card.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Mysterio is defending. AJ takes him down to start but a rollup gives Rey a fast two. The frustration is already high for AJ so he sends Rey chest first into the corner. A catapult sends Rey into the corner again, albeit a little harder this time. The chinlock goes on for a bit but Rey sends him outside and hits the Asai moonsault for the big knockdown. Cue the OC and the distraction lets AJ send Rey into the post as we take a break.

Back with AJ dropkicking him out of the air for two as Mysterio is in trouble. AJ sends him outside but Rey gets back in for a slingshot sunset bomb into the barricade. That’s only good for nine each so Rey starts slugging away back inside. The springboard seated senton and a legdrop give Rey two, followed by a tornado DDT for the same. An Alley Oop plants Rey on his face but he sends AJ into the ropes for the 619.

Rating: C+. Good enough stuff here with the ending being a nice little surprise instead of the expected RKO. Mysterio retaining the title works well, though I’m not sure who he is supposed to defend against next. Maybe McIntyre, but I’m not sure how much good that title would do him. At least we should get AJ vs. Orton on Sunday.

We are off the air IMMEDIATELY with the ring announcer only saying “And still the United States!”

Overall Rating: B-. This was a different kind of show with a hard focus on a few stories. Those stories worked out well enough with a few matches being good enough to back things up. They had to hit the hard sell to TLC because they have no time to get there any other way. It felt like a different kind of show and that’s a good sound after everything else that this show has done in the last few months. Just get us to next week’s show so we can move on to the Royal Rumble build and some actual time. Not a great show, but a different enough style to make it work.


Drew McIntyre b. Matt Hardy – Claymore

Viking Raiders b. Street Profits – Viking Experience to Ford

Aleister Black b. Akira Tozawa – Black Mass

Humberto Carrillo b. Andrade – Victory roll

Buddy Murphy b. Zack Ryder – Murphy’s Law

Becky Lynch b. Kabuki Warriors via DQ when Asuka used a chair

Erick Rowan b. ??? via referee stoppage

Rey Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Small package

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – November 25, 2019: Seems Like A One Night Special

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 25, 2019
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler

It’s the final important show in Chicago and that means we should be in for the start of something new around here. We’ve been dealing with the NXT Invasion for so long now that I’m almost not sure where things are supposed to go from here. Raw came in dead last on Sunday though and that means it’s time to hold some people responsible. Oh and TLC is in less than three weeks because we’re not allowed to have a breather from major shows. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the upper deck and looking straight at the Titantron.

Opening sequence.

The locker room is around the ring and it’s Seth Rollins, billed as the locker room leader, running a town hall. We wait for the CM Punk chants to wrap up (Seth: “I tried to get him here. He wants to sit behind a desk in Los Angeles.”) before Rollins admits that NXT destroyed them last night. Rollins grew up a fan of Raw and watched people like Steve Austin and DX, but last night, everyone around this ring sucked. If anyone wants to say something, now would be the time.

With no one saying anything, Rollins calls out Orton for being the weak link on the team last night. Orton looks at him and walks out so Rollins calls out Charlotte for failing as a leader last night. Rollins: “And you call yourself a Flair.” Charlotte walks out too and Rollins wants to know where AOP were last night.

They leave when told they aren’t needed, so Rollins focuses on Rey Mysterio. Rollins says he beat Brock Lesnar twice this year but Rey couldn’t do it with a lead pipe and his stupid kid. Rey leaves and so does everyone else, save for Kevin Owens. Rollins rants about Owens being Mr. NXT and how he does nothing on Raw these days. He’ll never be Seth Rollins….and there’s a Stunner to leave Rollins laying. Turning Rollins from the guy who says stupid things on Twitter while still being a face on Raw into a delusional heel is a good idea and something they had to do after how loudly he was getting booed.

Post break Rollins challenges Owens to a match tonight.

Earlier today, Rusev was held out of the arena by a restraining order.

Bobby Lashley vs. Titus O’Neil

Lana is out with Lashley. Titus tries to start and chops away but walks into a spinebuster….as Rusev runs in through the crowd for the DQ at 1:05.

Post match the beatdown is on with Rusev hammering away and sending Lashley into the steps. They fight up the ramp with Rusev sending him into the set and then onto the announcers’ table. Rusev shouts that this isn’t about Lana but here are the cops to arrest Rusev and drag him out. Hang on though as Rusev breaks away and tackles Lashley off the stage and through a table. One of the big steel beams gets kicked onto Lashley for a bonus and a smiling Rusev is finally taken away. And yes, that does get the biggest reaction Rusev has had in months because he actually fought back for a change. It’s not hard people.

Lashley had to be taken out on a stretcher while Lana screamed a lot.

AOP vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

AOP wastes no time in hitting the Last Chapter on Hawkins and some knees put Hawkins down. Stereo Death Valley Drivers into the corner set up the Super Collider into the powerbomb/neckbreaker combination for the pin on Ryder at 1:22. Complete and utter squash.

Andrade vs. Akira Tozawa

Are they giving the big names the first hour off tonight? Andrade chops away to start and stomps a downed Tozawa for a bonus. The armbar is countered into a small package for two on Andrade as Tozawa picks up the pace. A release German suplex connects but Andrade sends him into the corner. The running knees in the corner and it’s the hammerlock DDT to finish Tozawa at 2:29.

Aleister Black didn’t like Buddy Murphy coming after him last week. Murphy’s mere presence in this arena tonight means that Murphy wants to pick a fight with him.

Matt Hardy vs. Buddy Murphy

Hardy hammers away to start and sends him into the buckle early on. Some more right hands connect in the corner but Murphy takes him to the floor for a whip into the barricade. Back in and the Side Effect gives Buddy a breather but the corner bulldog is blocked. A middle rope elbow to the back of the head connects, only to have Murphy knee the heck out of Matt. More knees to the face are enough for the pin on Hardy at 2:58.

Post match Murphy confirms that he is picking a fight with Aleister Black so here’s Black to strike away, with Murphy bailing in a hurry. How WWE managed to not get what to do with Black for six month astounds me.

Charlotte says she has never claimed to be a team player. Asuka was clearly bitter after losing to her twice so tonight Charlotte will prove how great she is.

We recap the opening segment. Owens vs. Rollins is set for later.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carrillo is challenging….or at least he would be if the OC didn’t jump him at ringside and lay him out.

Ricochet comes out to check on Carrillo, with AJ mocking the superhero for not making the save in time. With Carrillo down, Ricochet challenges him for the title tonight. That won’t be happening, so here’s Randy Orton to challenge as well. That’s shot down so Drew McIntyre and Rey Mysterio come out to do the same and get denied as well. Ricochet has an idea though: a four way with the winner getting a title shot later in the night. AJ calls it stupid but Gallows thinks it sounds kind of compelling. AJ: “THAT’S WHY I WAS TALKING TO KARL!” Anderson says it’s a hot crowd in Chicago so do it. That’s enough for AJ and it’s on.

Ricochet vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

The winner gets a title shot at AJ later in the night. Ricochet and Rey clear the ring to start but Orton comes back in before the mini dream match can start. That just earns him a dropkick and an enziguri rocks Rey. McIntyre pulls Ricochet to the floor for a slam though and Rey is thrown on top of him for the crash.

Ricochet gets thrown back inside with McIntyre tossing him around with ease. Orton charges into a boot to the face and the rolling dropkick puts McIntyre into the corner. It’s Rey coming back in with a springboard seated senton to Orton and a kick to Ricochet’s head. McIntyre’s superplex is broken up as he gets caught in the Tree of Woe, only to sit up and German superplex Orton, who superplexes Rey at the same time. Cue the OC as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet slugging away at both villains but getting caught in Orton’s hanging DDT. It’s time for the required showdown between Orton and McIntyre so they chop it out with Orton’s ears ringing after a hard one. Ricochet comes back in and reverses McIntyre’s reverse Alabama Slam into a victory roll for two. A heck of a Batista Bomb gives McIntyre the same on Ricochet but Orton cuts off the Claymore with an RKO. The OC pulls Orton to the floor though, leaving Rey to springboard back in for a moonsault press into a small package to pin Ricochet at 14:28.

Rating: B-. This took some time to get going but they got into a groove by the end and had an entertaining match. That’s all you can ask for out of something like this as there are a lot of people doing stuff at the same time. It also gives us AJ vs. Mysterio tonight and AJ vs. Orton later so nice job of setting up a few things at once.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Rey is challenging and gets sent into various turnbuckles to start. A backbreaker keeps Rey in trouble for a bit and AJ ties him in the Tree of Woe for a baseball slide to make it worse. The catapult sends Rey’s throat into the rope as AJ isn’t seeming worried here. Rey gets in a few shots to the ribs but his knee gives out on a springboard attempt. He’s fine enough to send AJ shoulder first into the post though and they’re both down. It’s Rey up first but Anderson breaks up the 619, which is good for a double ejection.

We take a break and come back with Rey getting sent chest first into the buckle because he isn’t banged up enough already. The Tree of Woe is on again but the baseball slide earns AJ a crotching this time (Lawler: “Oh no! Oh no!”). The seated senton and the sitout bulldog combine for two but Rey is running out of steam.

AJ catches him on top and it’s the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Rey is right back with Code Red for two of his own and now the 619 connects….to bump the referee. Cue the OC but Orton runs out as well to cut them off. A 619 sends AJ into the RKO and the frog splash gives Rey the pin and the title at 15:08.

Rating: B. This was the big culmination of the whole story and the fans got completely behind Mysterio. That’s what Mysterio does as well as almost anyone ever and this was a very well done story. Mysterio overcame the odds again and won the title as a nice consolation prize after last night. And of course it was a good match given who was out there. Well done all around and the feel good moment they were shooting for.

Kevin Owens has known who he is since the beginning, unlike Rollins, who has been doing everything he can to become whatever someone else wants him to be. All Rollins is is insufferable so tonight, Owens is Stunning Rollins.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

Kairi Sane is here with Asuka. Charlotte points to her hair, which got misted so badly last night. Asuka gets hammered out to the floor and sent into the barricade as Charlotte gets to work off some frustration. Charlotte has to deal with Sane but Asuka’s kicks to the legs have no effect. Some elbows to the face stagger Asuka but the Figure Eight is kicked away in a hurry.

Asuka slugs away and hits the backfist, only to run into the big boot to give Charlotte two. With Asuka taking a breaker on the floor, Charlotte goes after Sane, who runs through the crowd (high fiving every fan on the way up, which isn’t shown on camera for obvious reasons). Back from a break with Asuka getting kicked off the apron but managing a kick to the face. The German suplex rocks Charlotte for the first time but Asuka can’t follow up.

The Asuka Lock is countered into a rollup for two and Charlotte throws her down with the fall away slam. A running flip splash gets two more but Charlotte runs into something like a Codebreaker for another near fall. Natural Selection is countered into a triangle choke, which is countered into a Boston crab. With that not working, Charlotte goes after the knee before spearing her down for two. Cue Sane again for the distraction, which earns herself a posting. Asuka uses the breather to hit the mist (with Charlotte clearly pulling her hair back before it hit) and cradle Charlotte for the pin at 17:23.

Rating: B-. The ending holds things back a lot here as Charlotte pulling her hair right before the mist looked stupid, but what makes it even worse is the refereeing. In the previous match, Anderson and Gallows get ejected for maybe tripping Mysterio but Charlotte looks like she just got off a Nickelodeon game show (and the mist is all over Asuka’s chin) and that’s not enough evidence? The saving grace is that it comes at the end of a rather good match, which is all you would expect from these two.

Erick Rowan vs. Kyle Roberts

Roberts goes outside to check on what is in Rowan’s crate and you just don’t do that. Total destruction into the Iron Claw for the pin at 1:24.

Buy stuff for Black Friday! R-Truth and the IIconics are a rather nifty sales team.

AJ Styles is so upset at losing his title that he can only manage to say Randy Orton.

We recap Rusev attacking Lashley.

Lana is crushed over Lashley being hurt but she’ll be fine during this trying time. And thank you for asking.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Rollins sends him to the floor to start but the suicide dive hits an elbow to the face. A half crab has Owens down but he’s right back up with a superkick to the floor. That’s enough for Rollins to grab a chair, which isn’t going to be allowed as the refereeing seems to have been upgraded after the mist nonsense. Back with Owens in a reverse chinlock, followed by some chops in the corner.

A DDT gives Owens a breather and the Cannonball crushes Rollins again. Rollins rolls outside so it’s a backsplash to make it even worse, plus the frog splash for two. The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered though and Rollins hits the Blockbuster. The Stomp misses though and now the Pop Up Powerbomb gets two. They hit a superkick each and Owens grabs the Stunner but can’t cover. Instead….here’s the AOP to jump Owens for the DQ at 14:03.

Rating: C+. The ending is going to be what matters here and I’m not sure how well it’s going to go. Rollins as a top heel with some big lackeys behind him could work, especially if this sets up a rematch against Owens at TLC. The wrestling was fine enough but you could sense that they were tired after a long weekend, which is understandable.

The fans are NOT happy with this and call it BS, with some fans in my section shouting about how it makes no sense and is therefore bad. That suggests to me that they suggesting that they don’t quite get how wrestling works. Owens gets sent into the post but AOP walks away from Rollins. The Stomp to Owens ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of stuff going on here and the high quality wrestling was a big part of it. The wrestling was the best part of the whole thing but the angle advancement wasn’t quite as strong. Rollins as a heel sounds good but other than the Mysterio stuff, there wasn’t much to be seen in the way of good storytelling. It’s more good than bad, but I’m not sure how well this is going to work week to week.


Bobby Lashley b. Titus O’Neil via DQ when Rusev interfered

AOP b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Ryder

Andrade b. Akira Tozawa – Hammerlock DDT

Buddy Murphy b. Matt Hardy – Knee to the face

Rey Mysterio b. Ricochet, Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre – Small package to Ricochet

Rey Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Frog splash

Asuka b. Charlotte – Cradle

Erick Rowan b. Kyle Roberts – Iron Claw

Kevin Owens b. Seth Rollins via DQ when AOP interfered

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