Monday Night Raw – December 25, 2023 (Best Of 2023): They Covered It

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 25, 2023
Hosts: Jackie Redmond, Peter Rosenberg

Since it’s Christmas night, we have the Best Of 2023, which could cover all kinds of things. There have been some rather good things taking place this year and that means we should have a nice set of options. There’s a good chance that we’ll be getting stuff from both main roster shows and pay per views so let’s get to it.

Note that I’ll be posting the full versions of matches rather than the clipped versions that air on the broadcast.

The Miz welcomes us to the show and says he was supposed to host the Oscars but was too busy hosting Wrestlemania instead. We run down some of the best matches of the year in what is probably a preview of what we’re seeing tonight.

We go to the studio with Jackie and Peter, who run down the special guests we’ll be hearing from tonight. For now though, our first match.

From Night Of Champions.

World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins

For the inaugural title and they’re starting big here. They take their time to start with Styles sending him to the apron but it’s too early for the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles rolls out of a headlock but Rollins is right back with a kick to the head to take over. Back up and Styles drives him into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Rollins is back with a Downward Spiral into the middle turnbuckle.

Styles is right back with a suplex into the corner and the Phenomenal Blitz. The middle rope moonsault into a reverse DDT plants Rollins again but he’s right back up with a buckle bomb. The frog splash gives Rollins two but the Pedigree is reversed into an enziguri. With nothing else working, Styles loads up the super Styles Clash but Rollins slips out to avoid quite a bit of pain.

Instead, Rollins puts him on top for a reverse superplex into a reverse sitout suplex for two. The Phoenix splash misses and they fight to the apron, where Styles hits a brainbuster to knock Rollins silly. Back in and Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm (instead of covering) but Rollins breaks it up and sends him back to the floor. The suicide dive hits Styles but Rollins comes up favoring his knee.

Back in again and Styles grabs the Calf Crusher but Rollins grabs a choke for the escape. Styles kicks away until he has to duck the Pele. Rollins’ Pedigree is countered into one from Styles for two as Styles is bleeding a bit from the head. The Phenomenal Forearm is superkicked out of the air but the knee gives out on the Stomp attempt. The knee is fine enough to hit a Pedigree, followed by the Stomp to give Rollins the pin and the title at 20:37.

Rating: B. This was a different kind of match as there was no personal issue and they were just out there fighting for the title. It worked well as the two are both incredibly talented and know how to work the main event style match. The knee injury was a nice way to go and gave the match some drama, but it was hard to imagine Styles having a real chance here. Rather awesome opener though and Rollins is the best choice possible for the first champion.

Rollins joins us to talk about what it means to be the inaugural World Heavyweight Champion and to give opportunities to so many people. CM Punk is brought up, with Rollins talking about the lack of respect between them and it would be almost impossible for Punk to gain his respect. We move on to Drew McIntyre, who makes a lot of good points, but it’s the way McIntyre is explaining them. If McIntyre wants the title, he has to beat him, so may the best man win.

The Alpha Academy shills WWE Shop.

We talk about Jade Cargill signing with WWE. Oh yeah that was a thing.

From Wrestlemania XXXIX Night One.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Rhea Ripley

Ripley is challenging. They hit shoulders to start with Charlotte going down, allowing Rhea to tell her to suck it. Back in and they slug it out, with Ripley knocking her into the corner. Ripley bodyscissors her, followed by a German suplex to cut off the comeback. Charlotte gets in a shot and goes after the knee, as is her custom, but Ripley isn’t having that. Riptide is blocked and they trade big boots to leave them both down.

They slug it out until Charlotte snaps off a fall away slam and goes up top. That takes too long though and Ripley catches her with a release German superplex for two, leaving Ripley stunned. Charlotte goes to the knee again and Natural Selection gets two. They go outside with Charlotte missing a charge into the steps, allowing Ripley to hit a belly to back faceplant for two.

Charlotte rolls some German suplexes but Ripley gets one of her own (with Charlotte almost landing on her head). Charlotte is fine enough to hit a big boot and Ripley is sent outside, where the moonsault connects. The Figure Four is blocked and Charlotte almost runs into the referee, leaving Ripley to hit Riptide for…two (yeah you knew Charlotte would get to kick out of that at least once).

The stunned Ripley gets small packaged for two and the Prism Trap goes on instead. Charlotte makes the ropes and the referee is almost bumped, meaning a spear can give Charlotte two. They slug it out until Charlotte hits another big boot into the Figure Four but Ripley is right next to the ropes. Ripley goes to the apron and they both go up, with Charlotte being dropped face first onto the post. Charlotte is out and the super Riptide gives Ripley the pin and the title at 23:32.

Rating: B+. This started slowly but once they got into the big falls they had me wondering where it was going. While it would have been hard to imagine Ripley losing, there is always that chance with Charlotte in there. What matters is Ripley gets the win that matters and becomes the new star. Charlotte needs to go away from Ripley for a bit (it feels like she hasn’t been on Raw in a long time) and let her be the big deal. For now they, I’ll take Ripley getting the title that she has earned and getting it by pinning Charlotte at Wrestlemania.

Ripley talks about how dominant a year Judgment Day had and promises to eradicate Ivy Nile.

We take a quick look at Logan Paul beating Ricochet at Summerslam.

From Backlash.

Damian Priest vs. Bad Bunny

Street fight and Bunny is the hometown boy to a major reaction. Bunny brings the kendo stick but whips out a shopping cart full of weapons. Priest powers him into the corner to start but gets slapped in the face, with Bunny hitting a Michinoku Driver for two. Bunny grabs the kendo sticks but Priest knocks him down and breaks one of them. Back up and Bunny hammers away in the corner, only to get taken down again.

South Of Heaven connects but Priest pulls him up at two. It’s time to bring in an ax handle (single this time) but instead Priest loads up the springboard dive…which is cut off by a chair being thrown into his face. Bunny hits a big dive and drops him with a bunch of trashcan lid shots, giving us a Flair Flop on the floor. Back in and another Michinoku Driver gives Bunny two more but it’s time to head back outside.

Priest gets the better of things this time and smashes the Puerto Rico kendo stick across Bunny’s back. They head into the crowd and over to the tech area, where a Falcon Arrow sends Bunny crashing HARD through some tables. Adam Pearce comes out to say this needs to stop but Priest carries Bunny back to ringside. Priest misses a kick to the post and can barely stand, so Bunny blasts said leg with a kendo stick.

Bunny hits something like a Stunner to the leg out of the corner and the leg is wrapped around the post. A chain is wrapped around the leg to send it into the post again (with Priest begging him not to do it). Priest begs off from a chair shot and gets in a kick of his own, only to get hit low for his efforts. Cue Judgment Day to go after Bunny, with Rey Mysterio making the save.

With Rey beaten down, Carlito makes the save to an explosion, including the Backstabber and apple spit. Judgment Day gets back up but here is Savio Vega, who brings out the LWO to keep up the fight. With everyone else gone, Priest’s leg gives out on a kick to the head attempt, allowing Bunny to grab a Figure Four. Priest gets out so it’s a Sliced Bread for two (with Bunny almost landing on his head). A Canadian Destroyer finishes Priest at 25:05.

Rating: A. Yeah this was a total blast and played to the live crowd as well as anything else was going to. Bunny is as over as free beer in a frat house around here and they brought in the legends/current stars to make it feel that much bigger. It was fun and Bunny put in an all time celebrity performance, but Priest deserves all kinds of credit for holding it all together. Great stuff here, but egads how is anything supposed to follow this?

New Day joins us to give their take on everything this year, ranging from big meaty men, the women’s division, people who kick you in the head, the tag division and the Alpha Academy.

From the September 4 Raw.

Intercontinental Title: Chad Gable vs. Gunther

Gunther is defending and after the Big Match Intros, a headlock takeover puts Gable down. Back up and Gable dropkicks him to the floor as we take a break. We come back with Gable cranking on the leg over the ropes. The leg is fine enough for a big boot and the hand is fine enough for a chop but Gable is right back up. Gable unloads in the corner but Gunther kicks him out to the floor as we take another break.

Back again with Gable reversing a powerbomb into a hurricanrana to the floor. Gunther kicks him down and goes up, only to have Gable run the corner for a superplex. The ankle lock is broken up but Gable suplexes his way out of a sleeper. Rolling Chaos Theory gets two and the grapevined ankle lock goes on. That’s broken up as well and Gunther gets the sleeper. With that broken up, Gunther hits a sleeper suplex into the powerbomb into the hard clothesline to retain at 16:03.

Rating: B. They were rolling by the end and made the most out of a rough situation. Gunther has gone over a year as champion and will break the record for longest reign ever later this week. There is no reason to take the title off of him here, so Gable was tasked with making the most out of a rough situation. It was a heck of a fight here near the end, but this was the only way it should have gone.

Paul Heyman joins us to talk about Roman Reigns’ dominance over the year. We look at some of Reigns’ victims, along with those who came up against the Bloodline. As a bonus, 2024 is a leap year, so we get one extra day to acknowledge Reigns!

Cody Rhodes joins us and talks about how much he and his family loves Christmas. He talks about how his dad wasn’t around much on Christmas because it was a huge show day, but now it’s the day after Christmas so he’s ready to be in Madison Square Garden tomorrow. As for Shinsuke Nakamura, Cody is ready to settle things no matter how long it takes. As for Brock Lesnar, Rhodes never wants to go back to Suplex City, but he does have a soft spot or the post-Fastlane press conference. The fact that he and Jey Uso were a bit tipsy might have something to do with it.

From Summerslam.

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar

Cody jumps him before the bell but gets caught with a quick suplex. A neck snap across the top staggers Brock and a pair of Disaster Kicks make it worse. Cody tries it again though and this time gets rammed into the corner for his efforts. Brock is knocked to the floor for a hard suicide dive though and Cody has an opening. Back in and Brock hits a trio of suplexes to send Cody down and it’s time to bounce a bit.

Another German suplex sets up another suplex and Cody falls out to the floor. Brock knocks him off the apron and tells Cody to save himself but Cody beats the count again. That means an overhead belly to belly and Brock clotheslines him outside again. An F5 on the floor gets nine and Brock is mad. Another F5 through the announcers’ table gets nine and now Lesnar looks more confused than angry.

More suplexes wake Cody up for some reason and he heads outside, where some postings slow Brock down and a steps shot (DQ anyone?) makes it worse. The Disaster Kick and Cody Cutter drop Lesnar back inside and a double springboard Cody Cutter gets two. Lesnar pulls him into the Kimura but Cody makes the rope. Back up and Lesnar is sent into an exposed buckle, setting up Cody’s Kimura. That’s broken up so Cody hits three Cross Rhodes for the pin at 17:32.

Rating: B. They were trying for an epic match here and it just didn’t get that far. Cody surviving and surviving was a rather Lesnar style story and it worked well enough, but I still can’t buy Lesnar losing to the Cross Rhodes, which just isn’t a very good finisher. This was the way the feud had to end though as Cody gets a huge win to defeat Lesnar for good and should be on his way back to the title picture sooner than later.

Post match Lesnar actually shows respect and even high fives some fans as he walks away.

We look at Becky Lynch winning the NXT Women’s Title.

Lynch talks about how she does the buying and shopping for Christmas but Seth Rollins does all of the putting together. She went back to NXT to show what he has become and to help others get a chance they hadn’t had yet. Becky is ready for Nia Jax in a match five years in the making. As for this year though, she was a team with Lita and got to feud with Trish Stratus, which is where we’re going next.

From Payback.

Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch

In a cage with pinfall, submission or escape to win and NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton is here watching again. Becky starts fast with the Bexploders but gets elbowed in the face for her efforts. Trish sends her into the cage and grabs a spinebuster to cut off a comeback attempt. The double fishhook keeps Becky in trouble (Trish: “CHEESE!”) but Becky manages to ram her into the cage a few times.

It’s too early for the Disarm-Her so Becky is sent into the cage two more times. Trish Matrixes her way out of a clothesline, only to have Becky drop a double legdrop onto the stomach in a clever counter. Some rapid fire rams into the cage have Trish in more trouble and Becky goes up top for the Fameasser in the ropes for two. Trish is back up and hammers away in the corner but Becky slips out and hits a powerbomb for two more.

Back up and Becky is sent into the cage again, setting up a Widow’s Peak (including the Victoria hair pulling) for two. Becky misses something off the top and gets caught with Stratusfaction for another near fall. They go up top with Trish hitting a super bulldog for two, allowing her to stare at the camera and show off a NASTY welt on her forehead. Both of them head up top with Trish knocking her down, only to have Becky climb back up for a top rope superplex and a huge crash for two more. Becky goes up as Trish goes for the door so Becky climbs down for the save.

Cue Zoey Stark to grab Trish’s arms but Becky pulls her back in….where Stark slams the door on her face. Not that it matters as the Manhandle Slam gets two, as Stark comes in for the save. Becky is back up and slams the door shut to fight both of them at once. A Manhandle Slam to Stark and a super Manhandle Slam to Trish are enough for the pin at 20:02.

Rating: B+. It was a heck of a fight and what matters is that it felt like the big blow of to the feud. That’s what it needed to be, as this feud has gone on long enough and it’s time for both of them to move on. As usual, Becky looks like a warrior who overcame the odds because very few can hang with her when she is at the top of her game. The Stark interference was a bit much but if that’s the only downside to the match, they did rather well.

Chelsea Green interrupts Adam Pearce over not being on the show so far. He has a highlight package about her though, which as you might expect, is her getting destroyed and humiliated in various ways. Green storms out and R-Truth comes in to say that was better than It’s A Wonderful Life.

Jey Uso talks about how things are a bit different this year because he doesn’t have the family around for the holidays. He got tired of fighting the Bloodline and went to Raw, where Sami Zayn made the transition that much easier. As for 2024, he just wants to be himself.

We look at Judgment Day’s 2023.

From Survivor Series.

Men’s WarGames

Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, Randy Orton
Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, Drew McIntyre

There’s no Orton to start as they’re milking the heck out of this. Balor and Rollins start fast with Rollins diving right at him to get it going. Balor is sent into the cage a few times but slips out of the Buckle Bomb and hits a clothesline. Rollins is sent into the cage as well but comes right back with a Sling Blade. A running knee to the face puts Balor down as McDonagh comes in to give the villains control.

Kendo sticks are brought in as well and the double beating has Rollins down. McDonagh moonsaults from one ring to another to drop Rollins again and more kendo sticks make it worse. Uso evens things up and hammers away with right hands and kicks to the head. McDonagh manages a running Spanish Fly to Uso but he and Rollins are back up with stereo superkicks. The four of them split off as the clock runs down….and Priest tells McIntyre that he’s going in instead.

Priest comes in and is quickly double teamed but the numbers game gets him out of trouble. Some baton shots have the good guys in trouble, setting up Priest’s flip dive off the top. The beating continues until Zayn comes in, though only after slamming the door on Balor’s head. A table is brought in to clean house, including a Blue Thunder Bomb to Balor. McDonagh catches Zayn going up but gets knocked back down, leaving Zayn to pull out a pipe.

With things slowing down, McIntyre comes in to wreck a variety of people until Uso cuts him off with some right hands. A 1D cuts McIntyre down and it’s Rhodes in to even things up again. Rhodes pulls out a bullrope but Rollins wants to know if Orton is going to be here. Mysterio is in to complete the Judgment Day and loads up Three Amigos on Rhodes. The rest of the other team surrounds Mysterio though and the big beatdown is on fast.

The rest of Judgment Day gets up, with McIntyre and Priest hitting stereo moonsaults. Priest Razor’s Edges Rollins through a table as the clock expires….and here is Rhea Ripley with the Money in the Bank briefcase but heeeeeeeeere’s Randy, meaning WarGames is officially on.

House is quickly cleaned and we get the staredown with McIntyre as the fans are impressed. Orton and company start cleaning house, including the quintuple hanging DDTs. Hold on though as Jey and Orton have a staredown (remember the Bloodline put Orton out in the first place) but Jey takes a shot aimed at Orton. Back up and Judgment Day is beaten down, with McDonagh trying to run. That’s cut off and McDonagh is thrown down into the RKO. Cross Rhodes finishes Priest off at 34:21.

Rating: B+. This was a better match than the first, if nothing else due to the match not feeling like it was trying to stretch out time. The Orton return was the big moment, even if he didn’t exactly do much. There was a better story here and it was a heck of a fight, which is how WarGames is supposed to feel. Best match on the show here, which is a good sign given that it was by far the most important.

The winners pose…..and CM PUNK RETURNS! Punk comes to the entrance and hits IT’S CLOBBERIN TIME before hugging some fans to end the show. Well that’s quite the shock.

We look at the reactions to Punk returning and his appearances on Raw, saying he is home.

The hosts wrap us up.

Overall Rating: B. These shows are always weird to grade as they almost can’t have anything bad by default. It covered a lot of the major points of the Raw side of things for the year and that is kind o hard to do in three hours. For a Christmas night special though, this went rather well and that’s all I could have asked for given the circumstances.



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Smackdown – December 22, 2023: I Remember All Of Them

Date: December 22, 2023
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re taped this week for what might be the final Smackdown of the year. Things got interesting to end last week’s show as AJ Styles made his return to go after the Bloodline. At the same time though, he also went after LA Knight, which could have some Royal Rumble implications. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roman Reigns returning and the challengers lining up, including the returning AJ Styles.

Here is Styles to get things going. Styles talks about how Randy Orton and LA Knight want to face Roman Reigns. He can’t blame them, but he’s at the front of the line to face Reigns. Cue Knight to say he gets Reigns first and the fans are going to be saying his name, but Styles can be first on Knight’s list.

Styles brings up Knight using Styles’ absence to get into the Crown Jewel title shot but here is Orton to interrupt. Orton says this ring is his home but Knight says the Bloodline hasn’t taken him out yet. Cue Nick Aldis to say the three of them can fight in two weeks for the Royal Rumble shot at Reigns. Works for Styles, who tells them both to stay away tonight when he faces Solo Sikoa.

Shotzi/Bianca Belair/Zelina Vega/Michin vs. Damage CTRL

This is Holiday Havoc, the Christmas themed street fight. It’s a big brawl to start with Belair dropkicking Sky into the corner to start. Bayley makes a save but Shotzi is back in with a present. That would be a chair but Bayley blocks the drop toehold onto said chair. Instead Shotzi uses the chair for a springboard dive onto Bayley.

Shotzi hits a big dive but the villains clear the ring with kendo sticks. Belair and Shotzi get their own sticks for their own house cleaning but it takes too long to set up a table. We take a break and come back with everyone down until Vega sends Sky outside. Belair sunset flips Bayley for two and a Doomsday Dropkick, with a trashcan over the head, drops Sky for the same.

Vega drops Sane but gets misted by Asuka, allowing the villains to go for some big boxes. Those contain…Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre, who wreck Sane and Asuka. Bayley gets caught with the KOD and Michin gives Sky Eat Defeat. The top rope backsplash through the table gives Michin the pin on Sky at 12:43.

Rating: B-. I can go or these goofy, completely out there matches and that’s what we had here. It was a fun, goofy match and that’s all it needed to be, though Michin is likely to get a one off title shot out of this. There are worse ways to go for her and throwing in the returns of Dawn and Fyre make this all the more interesting.

Jimmy Uso talks to Solo Sikoa about audibles as Roman Reigns looks annoyed. He wants Nick Aldis here now.

NXT North American Title: Butch vs. Dragon Lee

Lee is defending and works on the wrist to start. Butch punches him in the face but Lee manages a slingshot dropkick in the corner. The running dive to the floor is cut off though and we take a break with Lee in trouble. Back with Butch stomping on the hands until Lee snaps off a running hurricanrana over the top and out to the floor. They get back inside where Butch hits a sitout powerbomb for two, setting up a chop off.

Lee gets the better of things and hits his own sitout powerbomb for two of his own. Butch gets tied in the Tree of Woe but is fine enough snap Lee’s fingers. Since fingers aren’t needed, Lee hits the top rope double stomp for two. Butch’s Bitter End is countered as well and Operation Dragon retains the title at 9:46.

Rating: B-. More good stuff here with Lee getting to have another match against a more than capable opponent. That is more than you get most of the time and it worked well here. Lee’s status is growing more and more every week and the more title defenses he gets under his belt, the higher he’ll go. Good stuff here, though can we place find something else for Butch to do?

We recap the US Title #1 contenders tournament.

Paul Heyman brings Nick Aldis to Roman Reigns, who does not like Aldis booking matches without running them by Reigns first. Adam Pearce understood that, but Aldis says he’s the sharp end of the stick around here. Tonight, Solo Sikoa is facing AJ Styles and Sikoa will be fine. He’s a big boot who took care of John Cena in a way that even Reigns didn’t. Aldis is looking forward to getting to know Reigns better. This was good stuff from Aldis here, as he didn’t back down from Reigns and gives him a bit of a new adversary.

US Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Kevin Owens vs. Carmelo Hayes

We get an insert interview from Logan Paul (these are GREAT ways to keep him involved when he’s not around) who says Hayes’ first win was impressive but now he has to face the DISGUSTING Kevin Owens. They lock up to start with Hayes taking him down for an early two. An exchange of near falls lets Hayes hit a dropkick and Owens seems impressed. Owens comes back with a right (as in still broken) hand, allowing Hayes to pull him out to the floor.

That’s fine with Owens, who sends Hayes into the steps as we take a break. Back with Hayes grabbing a slam, followed by an ax kick for two. A spinning faceplant gets the same but Owens puts him on top for a hanging DDT. They trade kicks to the face until Owens blasts him with a clothesline. Hayes manages a Codebreaker but Nothing But Net misses, allowing Owens to hit a pop up powerbomb for two more. The Swanton and Stunner send Owens to the finals at 10:20.

Rating: B-. That’s a fine way to get rid of Hayes, who came in and got a win on the main roster before losing to a bigger star. This wasn’t meant to bring Hayes up full time and they didn’t do anything they shouldn’t have done. At the same time, Owens has felt like the obvious winner of the tournament since the beginning so him in the finals was almost expected.

The OC comes in to see AJ Styles, who hasn’t been in touch. Karl Anderson asks if they’re good. Styles: “I don’t know. Are we?”

Karrion Kross promises to take away something else from other people. Of note: he seems to say the word “authors” and as the lights are lashing, two large men can be seen standing around him. Authors of Pain perhaps?

United States Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Bobby Lashley vs. Santos Escobar

The Street Profits are here with Lashley, who starts fast with a running shoulder in the corner. Escobar manages to go up top but gets pulled out of the air and sent outside. We take a break and come back with Escobar hitting a suicide dive. The running knees in the corner connect twice in a row but Lashley fights his way out of a superplex attempt. Cue some men in masks to jump the Profits though, with the distraction letting Escobar grab a rollup for the pin at 8:19.

Rating: C+. That’s a smart move as not only did WWE need a way to get the almost unstoppable Lashley out of the way, but it also avoids the fans cheering for him over Kevin Owens in the finals. Escobar also seems to have some backup now and that could very well set up a nice six man tag against the LWO when Rey Mysterio is back.

Post match the masked men are revealed as Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza.

Butch is upset by his loss but he lost to the better man. Pretty Deadly comes in to mock him and the fight is on, with Nick Aldis coming in to tell Butch to find a partner for two weeks from now. That sounds Sheamus-y.

Logan Paul isn’t impressed by his potential opponents. As usual, he’s at his best when he’s talking down to people and that was on high here.

Here’s what’s coming in two weeks. Earlier tonight, a graphic confirmed that next week will be a Best Of show.

AJ Styles vs. Solo Sikoa

Styles strikes away to start but gets dropped with a shot to the face. Sikoa is knocked outside for a knee from the apron, followed by a slingshot forearm as we take a break. Back with Sikoa hitting a backdrop and sending Styles back first into the post. Another whip sends Styles face first into the bottom buckle and the running Umaga attack makes it worse.

Styles fights back and drops him as well, setting up a Lionsault for two. The Phenomenal Blitz connects but Sikoa grabs a pop up Samoan drop for another near fall. A forearm to the face looks to set up the Phenomenal Forearm, which is countered into a missed Samoan Spike. Styles gets back up and hits the Phenomenal Forearm, only to have Roman Reigns run in for the DQ at 11:33.

Rating: C+. I’m a bit surprised that Styles didn’t get a pin here but he did have Sikoa in trouble until the screwy ending. What matters is that Styles is back in the ring and looked like his old self. I don’t know if he’ll win next week, but having Styles back in any role on the roster is going to be something that helps out quite a bit.

Post match Jimmy Uso comes in to help with the beatdown but Randy Orton and LA Knight make the save. The Bloodline is cleared out but the other three get in a fight to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a pretty nice show with some good action and quite a few returns. They’ve also set up a pretty stacked card for New Year’s Revolution, which should be a big time event to send us on to the Royal Rumble. You have to do well n the way to a Best Of show next week and they did well enough, though I wouldn’t call anything here worth going out of your way to see.

Shotzi/Bianca Belair/Zelina Vega/Michin b. Damage CTRL – Top rope backsplash through at able to Sky
Dragon Lee b. Butch – Operation Dragon
Kevin Owens b. Carmelo Hayes – Stunner
Santos Escobar b. Bobby Lashley – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Solo Sikoa via DQ when Roman Reigns interfered



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Smackdown – December 15, 2023: For Your Last Minute Gift Ideas

Date: December 15, 2023
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re getting closer to the end of the year and that means the Royal Rumble build is getting underway. In this case, that means we have a rare appearance from Roman Reigns, who is going to need a challenger for one of the biggest shows of the year. Odds are we don’t find that out this week, but we might get closer to narrowing it down. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Bloodline to get things going. Roman Reigns tells the fans to acknowledge him before telling them to shut their mouths. It’s promotion season because he is a fair Tribal Chief. If people are doing well, you praise them, but if they’re doing wrong, you smash them. Reigns says this man is the next in line if something happens to him and….after we pause for a RANDY chant, Reigns tells Jimmy Uso to congratulate Solo Sikoa.

Cue Randy Orton and, after a break, Orton promises that he’s coming for Reigns. After 18 months off, Orton wants everything from Reigns, so he’s starting by challenging him for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. Reigns laughs it off, saying he hasn’t thought about Orton in eighteen months. Orton has to earn his chance, but Orton calls Reigns a legend. Since Orton is a Legend Killer, who crouches down like he’s loading up the RKO, remember that Daddy is back.

Video on Carmelo Hayes, who is in the tournament to crown a new #1 contender to the US Champion.

US Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller

During Hayes’ entrance, US Champion Logan Paul insults Hayes, saying that while Hayes says he doesn’t miss, Paul has missed his entire career. After that pretty great line, Hayes starts flipping around to start and hits a quick dropkick. Waller is back up with a right hand and a hard kick to the face drops Hayes again. Hayes grabs a hurricanrana out of the corner and ties Waller in the ropes for the Fade Away (springboard legdrop with Hayes jumping backwards).

A springboard forearm and a running clothesline put Waller on the floor as we take a break. Back with Waller hitting a rolling Downward Spiral for two but Hayes gets a spinning faceplant for the same. Waller gets a boot up in the corner and hits a spinning Rocker Dropper off the middle rope (that’s a new one) for two more. Hayes’ springboard DDT gets him another near fall and Nothing But Net (top rope Fameasser) finishes Waller at 10:22.

Rating: C. The action was good enough and felt like a nice NXT match, which is about what you would have expected. Hayes is one of the biggest stars in NXT right now so giving him a shot in a tournament like this isn’t a bad idea. While I don’t think he’s going to win the whole thing, giving him a chance to show what he can do is a good thing as he is all but guaranteed to be up here sooner than later.

LA Knight runs into Randy Orton in the back and they both seem to want Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble. Orton doesn’t seem to like that.

US Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory

Owens has a broken hand thanks to Theory (and Grayson Waller). Logan Paul gets in another insert promo here, insulting Owens’ physique and wardrobe. Owens works on a headlock to start before shifting into an armbar. The backsplash connects but Owens comes up favoring his hand, allowing Theory to bail out to the floor. A Cannonball from the apron hits Theory again but it’s too early for what looked like the Swanton. Theory is right back with a suplex onto the apron as we take a break.

Back with Owens hitting the frog splash but the hand means it’s a delayed near fall. The Swanton only hits raised knees though and Theory gets a breather. Owens strikes him right back down and strikes away though, setting up a one armed DDT for two. With Owens taking too much time going up again, Theory grabs a springboard Spanish Fly for a near fall of his own.

Theory puts Owens on top and tries a superplex, which even Graves knows is a bad idea as Owens reverses into his swinging superplex. They head outside again with Owens being sent over the barricade but he beats the count. That means a Blockbuster can give Theory two but Owens ties him in the Tree Of Woe. The Cannonball into the Swanton gets two but Theory kicks the hand to block the Stunner. Owens gets smart by hitting him with the case for the pin at 13:55.

Rating: C+. The hand played enough of a role in the match and that’s what it was supposed to do. What matters is that Owens seems all but guaranteed to be in a title match with Logan Paul sooner than later, which is a perfectly fine way to go. Theory’s fall continues, as he and Grayson Waller do well together but neither of them exactly win much of anything anymore.

Roman Reigns isn’t happy about Randy Orton and wants him handled. Jimmy Uso suggests Solo Sikoa but Reigns wants Jimmy to do it himself. A yeet, followed by an awkward stare from Reigns, is shared. Jimmy: “No yeet.”

Karrion Kross promises to recycle everything around here and suggests a bunch of destruction. Like Bobby Lashley destroyed him?

Kevin Owens is ready to face Carmelo Hayes, who comes in to say he respects Owens, but he’s coming for him. Owens isn’t sure what to make of him.

Commentary reveals that Charlotte will be out of action for nine months after a knee injury last week.

Bayley is happy with Asuka injuring Charlotte and hypes up the Kabuki Warriors. The rest of the team wants the rest of the titles, with Bayley seemingly entering the Women’s Royal Rumble and promising to take Rhea Ripley’s title.

Kabuki Warriors vs. Zelina Vega/Michin

Michin and Vega jump them in the aisle to start and we’re ready to go after a break. Joined in progress with Michin in trouble and getting taken down on the floor. Sane hits the sliding D to Michin in the corner for two and the Warriors hit stereo sliding kicks for two more. Asuka hits a clothesline but Michin manages a suplex for the tag off to Vega.

A running knee gives Vega two and a 619 connects, only to have Asuka hit her in the face. Vega flips out of the Asuka Lock for two and everything breaks down. With Vega being dropped onto the announcers’ table, some double teaming sets up the Insane Elbow to give Sane the pin at 6:17.

Rating: C. It’s nice to have the Warriors back, even if it was in a match that was little more than a squash. The team is valuable to have around as they have a history of success and can be used as he final bosses for the next hero champions. For now though, this was just a step ahead of a squash and makes other teams realize what they’re up again.

Jimmy Uso is worried that he’s being set up but Solo Sikoa doesn’t have much to say. Instead, he flexes the finger.

Santos Escobar is ready for Bobby Lashley.

Lashley, with the Street Profits, isn’t scared and the Street Profits say Escobar is losing.

Randy Orton vs. Jimmy Uso

Orton doesn’t waste time and starts hammering Uso into the corner to start. That’s enough to send Uso bailing out to the floor where he requests a time out, meaning we take a break. Back with Orton dropping him onto the announcers’ table for two and grabbing an armbar. Some right hands in the corner have Uso down again as commentary talk about how Roman Reigns might be making a mistake by picking Solo Sikoa.

Uso enziguris his way out of trouble and the running Umaga Attack gets two on Orton. A backdrop puts Orton on the floor again and we take another break. Back again with Orton making the clothesline comeback, followed by the powerslam. The hanging DDT connects but here is Solo Sikoa. Cue LA Knight to cut Sikoa off though and the RKO finishes Uso at 14:26.

Rating: C+. Orton is already looking like his old self in the ring and that is a good sign for his future. He would still seem to be on track for the big shot against Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, as other than Knight, I’m not sure who else would be in the running. Uso can still take loss after loss without being hurt and that was the case again here, as he should be fine in this role for a pretty long time to come.

Post match Orton stares at Knight, who keeps looking at his watch. Cue Roman Reigns to take Knight out and then go after Orton. Uso gets back in and Orton is beaten down, with the invading Knight getting taken out as well. Cue the returning AJ Styles to make the real save, with the Bloodline bailing. Styles decks Knight and stares at Orton though, which makes things all the more interesting to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a show about starting the turn towards the Royal Rumble, with AJ Styles’ return at the end being the big moment. Other than that, the tournament moved forward just a bit and we seem to be on the way to Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns. The wrestling wasn’t exactly tearing the house down but it did well enough. Things can really pick up for the Rumble build soon enough and they planted some seeds this week.

Carmelo Hayes b. Grayson Waller – Nothing But Net
Kevin Owens b. Austin Theory – Punch with a cast
Kabuki Warriors b. Zelina Vega/Michin – Insane Elbow to Michin
Randy Orton b. Jimmy Uso – RKO



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Smackdown – December 8, 2023 (Tribute To The Troops 2023): Riding On Star Power

Date: December 8, 2023
Location: Amica Mutual Pavilion, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Kevin Patrick

It’s a big night as CM Punk is on Smackdown for the first time in about ten years, but it’s also a special event. This is the annual Tribute To The Troops, which is taking place on Smackdown rather than as a stand alone show. That should make for a pretty important show, especially with so much time to kill before the Royal Ruble. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

There are several troops in the crowd, including opposite the hard camera.

The War And Treaty sing God Bless America.

US Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Santos Escobar vs. Dragon Lee

Survivor Series rematch. Hold on though as here is Dominik Mysterio (defending the NXT North American Title against Lee tomorrow night at Deadline) to watch. Lee sends Escobar to the floor to start and there’s the big flip dive to follow. Back in and a superkick gives Lee two as JBL compares Mysterio to Gandhi. Escobar grabs a suplex for two and yells a lot as he takes Lee into the corner. Lee’s hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb onto the apron and we take a break.

Back with Lee slugging away and hitting a running forearm. A German suplex drops Escobar, who drops Lee with a superkick for two. The Phantom Driver is broken up and Lee grabs a sitout powerbomb for two of his own. Lee gets caught on top though and the Phantom Driver is good for the clean pin at 9:05.

Rating: B-. That’s a confusing way to go, as Dominik was right there to cost Lee the match but instead Escobar just beat him. I’m fine with Escobar moving forward in the tournament but do you have to weaken a #1 contender on the way to a title match? Either way, nice opener, even if it is part of a tournament with what should be an obvious winner (and it’s not Escobar).

Post match Dominik mocks Lee.

We look at Randy Orton signing with Smackdown last week. And RKOing Nick Aldis of course.

Aldis comes in to see Orton, who isn’t happy about teaming with LA Knight against the Bloodline. Orton doesn’t know Knight but Aldis says both of them want the Bloodline so it’s ok. With that out of the way, Orton gives him the check to pay for the fine from last week’s RKO, but he gives twice as much as needed. Orton: “That’s for next time.” That was funny.

We look at some previous Tributes To The Troops.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Rhodes says this is a special night because it is Tribute To The Troops. He is proud to be part of the team to carry on this tradition and thanks everyone here and around the world. We get a video on Tribute To The Troops over the years. Rhodes thanks the troops again and introduces the United States Army Drill Team.

Brad Nessler, who calls tomorrow’s Army vs. Navy football game, joins commentary.

Montez Ford, a veteran of the Marine Corps, wishes the troops Happy Holidays.

US Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Karrion Kross vs. Bobby Lashley

Scarlett is here with Kross. An early Hurt Lock attempt is blocked so they head outside where Lashley takes over. Back in and Lashley snaps off an overhead belly to belly as we take a break. We come back with Kross taking over and the camera going over to commentary. A Downward Spiral plants Kross and a suplex puts him down again. The spear finishes for Lashley at 6:39.

Rating: C. This was barely long enough to rate and was little more than a squash for Lashley. Given that Lashley is an Army veteran, it would have been stunning to see him lose on this show, or to Kross in general for that matter. Not much of a match here, but it was cool to have Nessler (who was fine) on commentary as a bonus.

We look back at Bayley accidentally costing Kairi Sane a match against Bianca Belair last week.

Bayley apologizes to Damage CTRL and volunteers to stay in the back for tonight. The rest of the team seems cool with it but Bayley looks nervous.

Here is CM Punk for a chat. He says this is the top of the hour so he won’t get his time cut, so chant for him all you want. Adam Pearce is trying to sign him to Raw and maybe those Raw fans were a bit louder. Punk says the fans are going to play a part in where he signs, so where do you want him to go? The fans seem to be pro-Smackdown, but they are even more pro-Punk winning the Royal Rumble, climbing a turnbuckle and pointing at a sign before main eventing Wrestlemania.

Apparently some people aren’t happy with this version of CM Punk so instead of “what do you all want to talk about”, it’s who do you want to talk about. Maybe Cody Rhodes? Punk has some stories, but what about someone who isn’t here? Like say, Roman Reigns? Punk acknowledges him, but remember that Paul Heyman was his wise man first. He knows Reigns’ cousins and shoutout to Main Event Jey Uso. If he scraps with Jimmy Uso, he has to deal with ALL OF THE COUSINS so he might need some help. Who could that be?

Maybe Randy Orton? LA Knight? Kevin Owens? He’s not sure about the prickly Owens, because the two of them are too much alike. Punk: “I don’t know who would feel comfortable teaming with someone who just punches people in the face backstage. I mean it’s 2023 ladies and gentlemen. You just can’t be doing stuff like that people. It’s insane.” After the big grin off that line (and a CM Punk chant), Punk talks about how there is one person who isn’t happy he’s back.

Punk isn’t putting any stock in that person though because he has a whiny voice and isn’t even the Man in his own household. The fans do the Seth Rollins song and Punk is glad that he’s having fun. He is going to announce his decision about where to sign on Monday and he is back to finish his story. That means main eventing Wrestlemania, which the fans again seem to like.

The Brawl Out/Jack Perry (pick one) reference was great (though the Heyman line was up there too) and this was much more the Punk promo people were wanting to see last week on Raw. Like him or not, Punk knows how to talk and it was on full display here. Good stuff, with Punk feeling it a lot more than he did on Raw.

Post break Punk runs into Kevin Owens, who doesn’t seem thrilled to see him.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

The rest of Damage CTRL, minus Bayley, is here too. Hold on though as Zelina Vega, Shotzi and Michin take care of the rest of the team so it’s one on one. They strike it out to start and head to the floor, where Charlotte is sent into various things. Charlotte gets in a shot of her own though and scores with the top rope moonsault (or some of it as least) as we take a break. Back with Charlotte sending Asuka face first into the buckle and grabbing the Figure Eight. Cue Bayley to break it up though and the distraction lets Asuka grab the rollup for the pin at 6:17. Not enough shown to rate, but this was about the Bayley interference.

Cody Rhodes runs into CM Punk in the back and finds it interesting that Punk might be in the Royal Rumble.

Video on a soldier who won the Medal Of Honor in 2015.

We look at Logan Paul getting into it with Kevin Owens last week, plus Owens suffering a hand injury in a match against Grayson Waller.

LA Knight meets Randy Orton, but CM Punk pops in to say good luck. Orton to Knight: “You ready for tonight?” Knight: “Yeah.”

Here’s what’s coming next week, including Roman Reigns.

Randy Orton/LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso/Solo Sikoa

Orton pounds Jimmy down into the corner to start and it’s off to Knight for a sliding dropkick. Orton tags himself in (Knight doesn’t seem pleased) and it’s off to Sikoa for a rather serious showdown. Uso gets in a cheap shot from behind and we take a break. Back with Orton hitting a belly to back suplex on Jimmy to put both of them down. Knight comes back in and grabs a swinging neckbreaker but Uso offers a distraction.

That’s enough for Sikoa to grab a belly to belly and the slow beating is on. The running Umaga Attack connects in the corner but Knight knocks Sikoa off the ropes. A middle rope bulldog is enough for the tag off to Orton and house is cleaned. House is cleaned and Orton hits the powerslam before dropping Uso onto the announcers’ table. The hanging DDT (with a YEAH) connects but Sikoa breaks up the RKO. Knight takes out Sikoa and loads up the BFT but Orton hits the RKO for the pin at 12:14.

Rating: B-. Oddly enough this match was mainly about Uso in a few different ways. First off, Uso might as well have come into this with a shirt on that said “I’m here to take the RKO” and that’s exactly what went down (as it should have). At the same time, Uso is clearly having a blast with the over the top selling and movements, which is making him such a goofy heel who works perfectly in this spot. Nice house show style main event and the ans went nuts for Orton, as expected.

Knight and Orton seem to share some respect post match.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a surprisingly strong show, with the wrestling being fine, but the focus was on Orton and Punk. The two of them bring so much star power to the show and they feel like the biggest things in the world. That’s on top of Lashley getting a dominant win and Roman Reigns being back next week, plus Cody Rhodes here as a guest star. The star power was on full display here and it really does make the show feel that much more important. They also managed to weave in the troops stuff without going overboard and it worked pretty well. Good show, as they’re slowly veering towards the Rumble.

Santos Escobar b. Dragon Lee – Phantom Driver
Bobby Lashley b. Karrion Kross – Spear
Asuka b. Charlotte – Rollup
Randy Orton/LA Knight b. Jimmy Uso/Solo Sikoa – RKO to Uso



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Smackdown – December 1, 2023: Signed, Smackdown Delivered

Date: December 1, 2023
Location: Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re done with Survivor Series and that means it is time to start getting ready for the Royal Rumble. As a result, we are likely to need a new challenger for Roman Reigns and wouldn’t you know it, Randy Orton happens to be here tonight. That should be enough, but we also have some Damage CTRL issues to cover. Let’s get to it.

Here is Survivor Series if you need a recap.

Here is Bianca Belair to get things going so we see a video on the women’s WarGames match. Belair thanks her teammates for helping her in WarGames but she’s not done with Damage CTRL. She wants her title back from Iyo Sky so here is Damage CTRL (minus Bayley) to interrupt. Dakota Kai says if Belair wants the title match, she’ll have to go through the entire team. That works for Belair, but here are Charlotte and Shotzi to interrupt. The brawl is on, with Damage CTRL being cleared out rather quickly.

Post break, Damage CTRL runs into Bayley, who needs to be out there tonight when Kairi Sane faces Bianca Belair. Bayley looks worried.

Butch vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley has the Street Profits with him. Before the match, Lashley (who is rather popular) says this isn’t what Butch wants to do. Butch goes right after him and gets powered into the corner for his efforts. Back up and Butch dropkicks him to the floor for a dive off the apron and a knockdown.

We take a break and come back with Lashley snapping off a suplex. The high angle spinebuster puts Butch down again and Lashley sends him outside. The spear hits buckle though and Butch manages some enziguris. A standing Sliced Bread gives Butch two but Lashley is right back with a running powerslam for the same. There’s the spear to finish Butch at 8:08.

Rating: C+. I’m really not sure what they’re doing with Lashley here, as he’s one of the biggest stars in WWE but he’s just kind of there on Smackdown. You could easily swap him into a main event or title program and it wouldn’t be a problem, but here he is instead. On the other hand you have Butch, who is stuck without anyone to help him and not being able to do anything on his own. If that’s the case, just make him Pete Dunne again already.

Video on the men’s WarGames match.

Paul Heyman comes in to see Nick Aldis and asks about Randy Orton being here tonight. Aldis is planning to sign Orton to an exclusive Smackdown contract tonight, even if it costs him the entire Bloodline. If that doesn’t work for Heyman, what is he going to do about it? Heyman: “Anything it takes.”

A banged up Butch doesn’t know why Ridge Holland walked out last week but Pretty Deadly comes in to mock him. The fight is on, with Butch getting knocked down by the numbers’ game.

Video on Santos Escobar turning on the LWO.

Santos Escobar is ready to teach Joaquin Wilde a lesson.

Santos Escobar vs. Joaquin Wilde

Wilde starts fast and knocks him to the floor to start for a nice looking top rope flip dive. Back in and Escobar ties him in the Tree of Woe for a running dropkick to take over. Escobar cranks on the arm for a bit until Wilde fights up. A dropkick to the knee slows Escobar down and a rolling DDT gives Wilde two. Escobar isn’t having that though and runs him over, setting up the Phantom Driver for the pin at 3:59

Rating: C. Escobar’s rise continues and it makes perfect sense to have him take out some of the LWO. Granted you might not remember that Wilde is part of the team as he has barely been around in such a long time. The big showdown with Rey Mysterio is coming but WWE is doing a nice job of getting him ready on the way there.

Post match Escobar stays on Wilde but Dragon Lee runs in for the save.

Adam Pearce comes in to see Nick Aldis, because he has his own contract offer for Randy Orton.

Here is Logan Paul for his championship celebration. Paul has a message to everyone who has been against him to start: WHERE ARE YOU NOW? There are people backstage who hate that he’s so good and now he has the US Title. Now he wants some challengers and we are going to have a tournament to crown his new challenger. People involved include Santos Escobar, Dragon Lee, Karrion Kross, an unnamed NXT star, Austin Theory, Grayson Waller and Kevin Owens.

The tournament starts next week but here is Owens to interrupt. Owens insults Paul’s energy drink and says the nightmare is ending when he wins the US Title. Paul says six seconds is five more than he needs to KO Owens, who says this is his world. Cue Austin Theory and Grayson Waller (the latter being Owens’ opponent tonight) to run their mouths, earning a right hand from Owens.

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller

Logan Paul is on commentary and Austin Theory is at ringside. Owens starts fast but Waller gets in a shot to the back of the head to take over. A superkick takes Owens down as Paul isn’t worried about the winner of the tournament. Waller’s middle rope elbow gets two but Owens is back with a suplex. It’s still too early for the Cannonball so they head outside, with Owens nailing a clothesline. A splash off the apron connects as well as commentary asks if Paul is ready for Owens. Paul: “Even if I’m not, I’m going to pretend I am.” Theory offers a distraction though and Owens’ hand is crushed in the steps.

We take a break and come back with Owens hitting a frog splash, only to bang up his hand in the process. Owens manages a DDT and superkicks Theory into the corner. Ow the Cannonball connects and a Swanton gets two. Waller goes after the hand to block the Stunner and we hit the armbar. With that broken up, Waller ties the hand in the corner and tries a running kick, which is reversed into a rollup to give Owens the pin at 10:50.

Rating: B-. There is something nice about having the match built around Owens’ hand injury and then going with a rollup rather than Owens hitting his finisher in spite of the injury. Owens winning the tournament is a very real possibility and he already has the match with Paul set up. If nothing else, the talking alone will be worth the whole thing.

Video on CM Punk’s return. He’ll be on Smackdown next week.

Bianca Belair vs. Kairi Sane

Charlotte and Shotzi are here too. We go to the back, where Bayley seems worried so Iyo Sky tells her to stay here instead. The rest of Damage CTRL goes to the ring and we’re ready to go. Belair runs her over to start and snaps off a dropkick to take over. Asuka offers a distraction so Charlotte does the same. Only Charlotte gets caught so she’s caught, but Asuka tries to come in. That’s too much for the referee, who ejects everyone else as we take a break.

Back with Sane cranking on something resembling a Boston crab, followed by a double arm choke. Belair fights up and snaps off some slams, setting up the handspring moonsault for two. Sane is back with a shot to the face and another forearm from the top gets two more. They go out to the floor, where Belair Glam Slams her onto the apron. Cue Bayley to go after Belair, only to have the Insane Elbow broken up. The KOD gives Belair the pin at 10:36.

Rating: B-. It’s nice to see two stories in a single match like this with Damage CTRL’s issues with Bayley, plus Belair having to fight through the entire team to get a title shot. That could open up more than a few doors and I’m interested in seeing where both of the stories go. Either way, Nice main event here, as Belair gets a win while Damage CTRL’s issues continue.

Here is Nick Aldis, with Adam Pearce next to him, to introduce Randy Orton. The fans are rather pleased to see Orton but the GM’s start fighting over him. Pearce offers Orton the winner of Jey Uso vs. Seth Rollins (Orton is intrigued) while Aldis counters with the guys that took Orton out (Orton is again intrigued). Cue Paul Heyman to interrupt, saying there will be no RKO’s this evening, nor will Orton get to make a decision tonight.

The Bloodline will make Orton’s decision for him, so here are Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa to interrupt. The fight is on with Orton being beaten down, only to have LA Knight run in for the save. Jimmy is left alone for the beating and the RKO, leaving Orton to pick up the contracts. Heyman: “GO TO RAW! YOU’RE SAFE ON RAW!” Orton signs with Smackdown and Heyman isn’t happy. Orton says Heyman needs to call Roman Reigns because daddy is back. Aldis celebrates with Orton, who drops him with an RKO. Heyman calls Reigns to end the show. I’ll take that over a long running back and forth ordeal over where Orton should sign.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a show that was going at a slower pace, which makes sense as they have almost two months before the Royal Rumble. That being said, Orton signing and the announcement of the tournament, plus Bayley and Damage CTRL’s issues continuing make for a pretty packed show. They can start really hammering home more for the Rumble in the next few weeks, though they’re off to a good enough start.

Bobby Lashley b Butch – Spear
Santos Escobar b. Joaquin Wilde – Phantom Driver
Kevin Owens, b. Grayson Waller – Rollup
Bianca Belair b. Kairi Sane – KOD



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Monday Night Raw – November 27, 2023: What’s Old Is New Again

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 27, 2023
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Corey Graves, Michael Cole

We’re done with Survivor Series and the big story is the return of CM Punk in a heck of a shocker. Punk returned at the end of Survivor Series and, while he didn’t actually do anything, the ans certainly remember who he is. Now the question is where things go from here, but we’ve got almost two months before the Royal Rumble. Let’s get to it.

Here is Survivor Series if you need a recap.

Opening sequence, with a new theme song.

Here is Randy Orton to get things going and yeah the fans still like him. Orton acknowledges that the fans seemed to miss him before talking about how he got into WarGames because of Cody Rhodes. Cody’s dad invented WarGames and he wanted to bring the three most dangerous letters in WWE into that match.

Cue Rhea Ripley to interrupt, with Ripley talking about how Orton doesn’t get that things have changed around here. The Judgment Day has replaced the Bloodline and are on top of the WWE. Orton is the reason Damian Priest didn’t get to cash in Money In The Bank and Orton needs to move away from the Judgment Day.

Orton says he’s been hearing about Mami for a long time now, but Ripley needs to understand that Daddy is back. Ripley says she gave him a chance so here are Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh (in a neck brace) to jump Orton. That goes as well as expected, with Orton saying he’s getting a match with Mysterio tonight.

Some teams in the Tag Team Turmoil are ready when Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile brings in country singer Jelly Roll. R-Truth comes in to not be sure who he is, leaving Akira Tozawa to dance a bit.

Tag Team Turmoil

For a future Tag Team Title match. Alpha Academy (Otis/Akira Tozawa) is in at #1 and DIY is in at #2, with Ciampa running Tozawa over to start. Gargano comes in and mocks Tozawa’s dancing, only to have a splash hit raised knees. It’s off to Otis to drop them both with running shoulders. A spinning elbow hits Ciampa and the Academy hit stereo Caterpillars. Otis is sent to the floor though and Meet In The Middle hits Tozawa for the pin at 3:08.

Indus Sher is in at #3 and they take Gargano down without much trouble. A missed charge into the corner lets Gargano grab a rollup for the fluke pin at 5:33 total. The Creed Brothers, with Ivy Nile, are in at #4 with Brutus grabbing a fireman’s carry on Ciampa. Julius comes in and gets caught with a quick shot, allowing the tag off to Gargano. The Creeds are sent outside in a heap before Julius comes back in to get kicked in the face.

Brutus breaks up Meet In The middle though, allowing Julius to lift Gargano into a powerbomb (from his knees, because of course he can do that). The Brutus Ball finishes Gargano at 10:09 total and it’s New Day in at #5. Woods takes Julius into the corner but has to grab a leg to keep him from getting away. That lets Kofi hit a top rope splash to the back but Julius is fine enough to power up with a suplex from the mat.

Brutus hits a standing moonsault into Julius’ standing shooting star press for two. Woods gets over to Kofi for the top rope double stomp/backbreaker combination but Kofi misses Trouble In Paradise. Instead Kofi hits a high crossbody on Julius, only to have him roll through for a fall away slam. Brutus moonsaults off the apron to take Woods down, setting up the Brutus Ball to pin Kofi at 17:23 total.

Imperium is in at #6 (last team) and Julius gets beaten down in a hurry. Kaiser is back up with a springboard spinning crossbody as Brutus is whipped into the announcers’ table. A spinebuster into a PK sets up the Imperium Bomb for two, with Brutus having to make the save. The tag brings Brutus in to clean house but Kaiser gets in a chop block. The nerve hold keeps Brutus in trouble but he fights up for stereo running boots.

That’s enough for the tag to Julius, meaning it’s the suplexes into the nipups to fire the fans up. A rollup with trunks gets two on Julius but he’s right back up. Another Brutus Ball is broken up by Vinci so the Imperial Bomb is loaded up. Julius runs up and steps on Vinci’s back (slipping off in the process) before jumping up top to superplex Kaiser down. Now the Brutus Ball can give the Creeds the pin and the title shot at 25:48.

Rating: B-. This got a lot of time and in this case that might have hurt it a bit. There were times when I was waiting on this to wrap up already and then it just kept going. The good thing is the Creeds won, as they should have, as they are already one of the best teams in WWE. With that kind of athleticism and teamwork, it’s hard to ignore how good they really are. Go with what works here, and give them the shot they deserve. They won over some good teams here and that just makes them feel all the better.

Finn Balor is worried about the Creed Brothers but Damian Priest doesn’t want to hear it right now. He knows they’re thinking about how he cost them WarGames but Balor tells him to relax. Priest and Balor are off to check on the banged up JD McDonagh.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. First up, he thanks every member of his team at WarGames for the win, including Randy Orton, who helped them win in his dad’s match. The other story was the return of CM Punk, which took everyone by surprise. People want to hear what he has to say but Cody wants to say welcome back.

With all of these stories taking place, Cody wants to make his own story….by declaring for the Royal Rumble. The lights go dim though and here is Shinsuke Nakamura, who says he has been patient with Rhodes for far too long. Cue Nakamura to mist Cody down as the target is revealed. That’s an interesting way to go and I could go for seeing where it heads next.

Bronson Reed vs. Ivar

Valhalla is here with Ivar. They trade the big clotheslines to start until Reed uses a running stomach shot to put him down. A seated senton out of the corner drops Reed but he’s right back with a suplex. Valhalla offers a distraction though and it’s a spinning kick to drop Reed as we take a break.

Back with Reed hitting a splash in the corner, setting up the rapid ire chops. They trade kicks to the face until Reed gets two off a backsplash. Ivar grabs a Tour of the Islands for two of his own but misses a moonsault. Valhalla’s distraction breaks up the Tsunami though and that’s good for an ejection. Ivar knocks him to the floor but Reed catches him coming off the apron…and drops him almost immediately. They fight into the timekeeper’s area and it’s a double countout at 8:35.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t wild on the finish but these guys had a big old hoss fight and that is all it was supposed to be. It’s kind of nice to not have one of them take a all here, even if the countout elt somewhat lame at the same time. There’s a good chance they’ll have a rematch where Reed wins, but Ivar did look solid here, as has been the case with him lately.

Post match Reed gives him a Death Valley Driver into the barricade, but Ivar is up in a few seconds for a chair shot to Reed. They keep fighting through security until they’re finally split up.

Shayna Baszler gives Zoey Stark a pep talk after her loss but here is Nia Jax to say she’s getting the Women’s Title. Baszler doesn’t want to hear it but Stark gets the match with Jax for later.

We look at CM Punk’s return, including some fan reaction videos.

R-Truth is in Judgment Day’s club house, eating some jelly rolls. He wants in on the WarGames match but is told it already happened. Truth: “Did you win? How did I do?” The one thing he does remember is that Randy Orton is back so they throw him out. JD McDonagh offers to take care of Truth.

Nia Jax vs. Zoey Stark

Stark strikes away but gets knocked out of the air on a springboard. She manages to knock Jax to the floor though and there’s a springboard dive to the floor. We take a break and come back with Stark fighting out of a torture rack but getting cut off with an elbow to the face. Stark goes after the knee, including crushing it with a Swanton. The Annihilator is broken up and Stark goes up top, only to get caught with a Samoan drop. The backsplash sets up the Annihilator to finish Stark at 9:02.

Rating: C+. That’s about what you would expect, with Stark fighting valiantly but coming up short against the monster that is Jax. You can only do so much against her as Jax is likely coming up on a title shot so for now it’s just racking up wins until they get somewhere with her. In Jax’s defense, she is moving a bit better than she was in her previous run so things could be a lot worse.

We look at Gunther retaining the Intercontinental Title over the Miz at Survivor Series.

Gunther isn’t happy with Imperium and wants them to deal with DIY. With the two of them off to deal with that, Miz pops in to say he heard Gunther say his next opponent needed to challenge him to his face. Well here is that challenger, which has Gunther laughing. Gunther praises Miz for bringing it on Saturday because he proved he belongs in the ring. Just not with Gunther.

Here is Seth Rollins for a chat. After saying that he is a visionary, Rollins wants to hear the CM Punk chants. Rollins isn’t impressed, but that’s all the time he wants to spend on Punk. Instead, we should talk about the title that he has built up for the last six months. Rollins isn’t feeling too good two days out from WarGames but he’s starting to get the itch to be a fighting champion again.

Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt, saying he wants to shake Rollins’ hand after the match at WarGames. McIntyre bought into Judgment Day’s plan and now he has to put everything else behind him. All that matters is the World Heavyweight Title, but Rollins says beating McIntyre was the best thing that ever happened to McIntyre. That seems to work for McIntyre, who says he deserved the slap that Rollins gave him.

Rollins thinks McIntyre should get a rematch, but there are some people who deserve one more. The title will be on the line next week….against Jey Uso. And that isn’t cool with McIntyre, who drops him with a headbutt (possibly hitting the belt in the process and cutting himself open). McIntyre yells at him a lot but here is Jey for the save.

Post break, Sami Zayn comes up to Drew McIntyre and asks what is going on. Zayn has had his own issues but he keeps getting up instead of whining like McIntyre. Zayn knows the end of his road is winning the World Heavyweight Championship. McIntyre is already a two time champion and a monster. McIntyre doesn’t like the implication and a match is set up for next week.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Natalya/Tegan Nox vs. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven

Green and Niven are defending. Natalya easily takes Green down to start so it’s off to Niven. A missed charge sends Niven shoulder first into the post, allowing Nox to hit a PL. Natalya comes back in with a high crossbody and we take a break. Back with Natalya hitting a sitout powerbomb for two on Green and handing it back to Nox.

A Molly Go Round gets two on Green but Niven tags herself in. Nox doesn’t realize it and Codebreakers Green, allowing Niven to hit her with a backsplash. Everything breaks down and Green’s dive off the apron is cut off. Niven’s flip dive off the apron takes Nox and Natalay down at the same time. Back in and the basement crossbody gives Niven the pin at 8:40.

Rating: C+. They were trying and the match could have been a lot worse, but these belts have never felt valuable and that is still the case here. Would it have made that big of a difference if the titles changed hands here? Not particularly, as Natalya and Nox wouldn’t have had a bunch of challengers anyway. The action worked, but these titles really haven’t meant much in years.

Here’s what’s coming on next week’s show.

Randy Orton gives Jey Uso a pep talk and they seem to bury the hatchet.

Becky Lynch talks about going to war at Survivor Series but it’s time to move forward.

Randy Orton vs. Dominik Mysterio

Non-title and JD McDonagh is here with Mysterio. Orton starts fast and knocks him to the floor, setting up a heck of a backdrop as we take an early break. Back with Orton shrugging off Mysterio’s offense and snapping off a powerslam. The hanging DDT looks to set up the RKO but McDonagh pulls Mysterio outside. Hold on though as Jelly Roll stands up and shoves McDonagh down, allowing Orton to drop Mysterio onto the announcers’ table. Orton does it again before DDTing McDonagh. The distraction lets Mysterio hit a 619 but he takes too long, allowing Orton to come back with the RKO for the pin at 9:26.

Rating: C. Mysterio wasn’t so much a threat to Orton here as the first victim after his return at Survivor Series. Orton looked good in his singles return here, with all of the old signature stuff plus the bulked up frame. I’m not sure what is next for him, but there were worse ways to get his feet wet again.

Here is CM Punk for the big return speech. Punk says it looks like h*** froze over, because a Blackhawks an is being cheered in Nashville. That’s just him being himself but after Saturday, two words have been coming to him and he’s a little scared of how true they are. The truth is that he’s changed and now he’s home. He hasn’t been here in about ten years and the fact that the people who haven’t forgotten him is touching.

The voiceless found their voice and that is why he is back. He missed all of this and he wishes he could say he never should have left, but at one time a wise man told him he would have to leave to get everything he needed out of this place. Everyone has welcomed him back with open arms….well almost everybody. Some people are afraid that the brass ring is in his back pocket and they can’t grab it.

Some people are afraid that their best efforts at being the best in the ring, on the microphone or on commentary isn’t enough. The Best In The World is in this ring on Raw in Nashville and his nae is CM Punk. After the music starts playing, he says he’s here to make money instead of friends…and that’s it to end the show.

This wasn’t a promo with a lot of meat included, but it was more along the lines of “hey, I’m here again and still somewhat the same person”. They didn’t drop anything big here as it’s clear that Seth Rollins already has problems with Punk. They can develop something later, but they took a slower start here and that was kind of nice for a change.

Overall Rating: B. This show was all about having Orton and Punk back, which worked out well. Since they have so much time to go before the Royal Rumble, they were able to set things up slowly and get us ready for what is coming in the next few weeks. At the same time, Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura should be good and the Drew McIntyre issues are going to continue with Jey Uso getting the title shot next week. This wasn’t a great show, but it did what it needed to do at a slower pace.

Creed Brothers won Tag Team Turmoil last eliminating Imperium
Bronson Reed vs. Ivar went to a double countout
Nia Jax b. Zoey Stark – Annihilator
Chelsea Green/Piper Niven b. Tegan Nox/Natalya – Basement crossbody to Nox
Randy Orton b. Dominik Mysterio – RKO


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Survivor Series 2023: The Comeback

Survivor Series 2023
Date: November 25, 2023
Location: Allstate Arena, Rosemont, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re back to WarGames this year with a pair of the big team fights. The big story for the men’s edition is the return of Randy Orton after a year and a half’s absence due to a back injury. Other than that, Damage CTRL is up against a team who can’t get along and Gunther defends the Intercontinental Title against Miz. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at WarGames, talking about how important it is to go to war.

Quick WarGames rules rundown:

• Two wrestlers start and fight for five minutes.

• After five minutes, the team with the advantage (as determined before the match) gets a three minute advantage.

• The teams alternate until all ten are in and then it’s first pin/submission to win.

• No it isn’t the original WarGames rules. Let it go already.

Women’s WarGames

Charlotte, Bianca Belair, Becky Lynch, Shotzi
Bayley, Iyo Sky, Asuka, Kairi Sane

Becky and Bayley start things off with Bayley getting in a few shots to take over. Becky knocks her off the top but gets sent hard into the cage to even things up. They go in between the rings to fight over a suplex until Bayley finally drops her on the steel. Becky is sent into the cage again as Shotzi comes in to give the good women the advantage. A bunch of chairs and a trashcan are thrown in so Shotzi can launch herself at Bayley a few times.

Bayley cuts off Shotzi’s dive but Becky is up with some hard kendo stick shots. Bayley climbs the cage to get away from both of them but she can only get so far. Sky is in to tie things up and throws Shotzi down with a chain. A double superplex drops Becky again but Bianca Belair unevens things again. Belair drops Bayley onto a trashcan in the corner and hammers away on Sky. A double suplex drops the villains until Kairi Sane does a weird dancing skip to the ring.

Sane grabs a trashcan lid to clean house before Shotzi is buried underneath a bunch of chairs. That means a pop up elbow so Sane can crash onto the pile but Belair is back with a gorilla press toss. Charlotte comes in to complete the team but is quickly powerbombed into the cage to cut her off. That doesn’t last long as Charlotte fights up and hits a double Natural Selection off the top.

Hold on though as we get a Charlotte vs. Becky faceoff until Damage CTRL rams them into each other. Sky goes up to the top of the cage and drops a chain down so Dakota Kai can tie it around a trashcan. That lets Kai go up top, put the can over her head, and dive onto everyone else. Asuka completes the team but has to throw in a bunch of kendo sticks before getting in. Oh and of course a table. And a fire extinguisher.

The match officially begins with Damage CTRL standing up with the sticks and…just kind of standing there as the other team is all down. Becky and Belair are tied together with the chain for a four way dropkick. Shotzi is up but gets misted down by Asuka, who dropkicks a trashcan with Becky inside. The table is set up but the delay lets Damage CTRL get powerbombed out of the corner.

Charlotte goes to the top of the cage for a moonsault onto everyone and a near fall on Bayley, leaving almost everyone down again. Becky and Charlotte start wrecking people before hugging for the big friendship moment. Stereo submissions go on but Becky and Sane make the saves. Becky is right back with the Disarm-Her to Sane but Bayley makes another save.

Sane and Becky slug it out until Bayley is over with the Rose Plant to put Becky down. Belair gets in a fire extinguisher blast but a parade of shots to the face leave almost everyone down. Bayley takes Charlotte’s spear to save Sane, setting up a top rope backsplash, the KOD and the super Manhandle Slam through a table to destroy Bayley for the pin at 33:36.

Rating: B-. The violence was good and they had some good spots but there were so many times where you might as well have watched them set everything up before the show. As usual in modern WarGames matches, there was a lot of standing around and reliance on weapons rather than violence and hatred. It’s certainly not bad, but as usual, cutting of a good ten minutes would do wonders.

A bunch of wrestlers eat Ruffles (sponsor) with Pretty Deadly and Otis arguing over what to call them. R-Truth pops up for his first appearance in over a year but says he’s been here the whole time. Akira Tozawa comes in to dance.

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso are a bit nervous because Randy Orton isn’t here yet. Zayn says it’s ok because they have history and are ready to fight together.

We recap Gunther vs. the Miz for the Intercontinental Title. Gunther doesn’t think much of Miz, who is fighting for the title and respect.

Intercontinental Title: Miz vs. Gunther

Gunther is defending. Miz kicks away at the leg to start before ducking a chop in the corner. Chops and left hands in the corner have Gunther in trouble until a shot to the face gets on his nerves. The chase is teased but Miz grabs the leg and wraps it around the post in a smart move. The Figure Four around the post has Gunther in more trouble but he boots a diving Miz out of the air.

Gunther gets in his own shots in the corner and a German suplex has Miz’s eyes bugging out. Another big boot has Miz trying to get up but he reverses a powerbomb into a hurricanrana. Miz strikes away some more and goes back to the leg in a smart move. More kicks to the leg set up kicks to the chest and a tornado DDT gives Miz two. Back up and Gunther’s powerbomb gets two, leaving more than a few people shocked.

Gunther smacks him around a bit and grabs a sleeper until Miz grabs a turnbuckle pad. With that ripped of, the referee has to make some repairs, allowing Miz to kick Gunther low. The Skull Crushing Finale gets two but the sleeper goes on again. Gunther is driven into the corner but the sleeper goes on again. This time Miz flips backwards into a rollup for two, only to have Gunther blast him with the clothesline. A not perfect top rope splash hits Miz’s back and the Boston crab retains the title at 12:21.

Rating: B-. I was thinking they might have pulled the trigger on Miz here but they did the smarter thing here and saved that for a bigger deal with Gunther. The match was structured well with Miz trying to get under Gunther’s skin and take out the legs as often as they could. Gunther adds another win, though I’m not sure who is going to be the next challenger as he’s running out of people to smash.

Judgment Day is excited because Randy Orton isn’t here yet. Even if he shows up, there’s always the chance that he turns on his team.

We recap Santos Escobar vs. Dragon Lee. Escobar turned on the LWO so Carlito stood up for the team, only to be hurt by Escobar as well. Lee is standing up for all things good.

Santos Escobar vs. Dragon Lee

Escobar starts fast and stomps him down in the corner, setting up a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Lee gets tied in the Tree of Woe for some stomping, setting up a running dropkick for two. Lee avoids getting his knee crushed in the steps and snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron. There’s the big running flip dive to the floor, followed by a running knee to the head back inside. They both wind up on top, with Escobar snapping off a super hurricanrana for two of his own.

We get the almost required mask tearing until Lee is sent to the apron. Lee manages to tie him in the Tree of Woe for the top rope double stomp but walks into a superkick. They slug it out until Lee muscles him up for a sitout powerbomb and another near fall. Back up and Escobar snaps off a Destroyer, followed by the Phantom Driver to finish Lee at 8:19.

Rating: B. I was a bit surprised by the clean ending but it was nice to see Escobar get a big win like this. He’s the new big bad in the story and it wouldn’t have made sense for him to lose here. At the same time, I would have expected Lee to have some more protection in the loss. For now though, I can go with a rather good match and the right result.

New Day arrives in the Slim Jim car.

We recap Rhea Ripley vs. Zoey Stark for the former’s Raw Women’s Title. Ripley is the dominant monster but Stark wants her shot at the belt.

Raw Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Zoey Stark

Ripley is defending and they go to the mat for the slugout to start. Stark knocks her outside for the dive, followed by a springboard missile dropkick for two back inside. Ripley drops her as well before they head to the apron. That works better for Stark, who hits a DDT and a springboard corkscrew splash for two back inside.

Ripley posts her hard and takes it back inside for some headbutts. The double arm crank and some stomps have Stark down again but she fights back up. A kick to the face gives Stark two but Ripley kicks her even harder. Riptide is escaped and Stark gets in a sliding kick to the face for two. The Z360 is cut off and it’s a headbutt into Riptide to retain at 9:16.

Rating: B-. There was only so much that could be done here as there was no reason to believe that Stark was going to take the title. Ripley is a force in the women’s division right now and her title reign isn’t going to end until some big moment on the major stage. Stark did well though should be fine going forward, even if Ripley was the star here, as she so often is.

Seth Rollins assures his teammates that Randy Orton will be here.

We recap the men’s WarGames match. Judgment Day (with Drew McIntyre as an associate) is the dominant force on Raw and a bunch of other people are trying to do something about it. The question now is whether Randy Orton, who has been out of action for a year and a half, can come back and turn the tide.

Men’s WarGames

Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, Randy Orton
Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, Drew McIntyre

There’s no Orton to start as they’re milking the heck out of this. Balor and Rollins start fast with Rollins diving right at him to get it going. Balor is sent into the cage a few times but slips out of the Buckle Bomb and hits a clothesline. Rollins is sent into the cage as well but comes right back with a Sling Blade. A running knee to the face puts Balor down as McDonagh comes in to give the villains control.

Kendo sticks are brought in as well and the double beating has Rollins down. McDonagh moonsaults from one ring to another to drop Rollins again and more kendo sticks make it worse. Uso evens things up and hammers away with right hands and kicks to the head. McDonagh manages a running Spanish Fly to Uso but he and Rollins are back up with stereo superkicks. The four of them split off as the clock runs down….and Priest tells McIntyre that he’s going in instead.

Priest comes in and is quickly double teamed but the numbers game gets him out of trouble. Some baton shots have the good guys in trouble, setting up Priest’s flip dive off the top. The beating continues until Zayn comes in, though only after slamming the door on Balor’s head. A table is brought in to clean house, including a Blue Thunder Bomb to Balor. McDonagh catches Zayn going up but gets knocked back down, leaving Zayn to pull out a pipe.

With things slowing down, McIntyre comes in to wreck a variety of people until Uso cuts him off with some right hands. A 1D cuts McIntyre down and it’s Rhodes in to even things up again. Rhodes pulls out a bullrope but Rollins wants to know if Orton is going to be here. Mysterio is in to complete the Judgment Day and loads up Three Amigos on Rhodes. The rest of the other team surrounds Mysterio though and the big beatdown is on fast.

The rest of Judgment Day gets up, with McIntyre and Priest hitting stereo moonsaults. Priest Razor’s Edges Rollins through a table as the clock expires….and here is Rhea Ripley with the Money in the Bank briefcase but heeeeeeeeere’s Randy, meaning WarGames is officially on.

House is quickly cleaned and we get the staredown with McIntyre as the fans are impressed. Orton and company start cleaning house, including the quintuple hanging DDTs. Hold on though as Jey and Orton have a staredown (remember the Bloodline put Orton out in the first place) but Jey takes a shot aimed at Orton. Back up and Judgment Day is beaten down, with McDonagh trying to run. That’s cut off and McDonagh is thrown down into the RKO. Cross Rhodes finishes Priest off at 34:21.

Rating: B+. This was a better match than the first, if nothing else due to the match not feeling like it was trying to stretch out time. The Orton return was the big moment, even if he didn’t exactly do much. There was a better story here and it was a heck of a fight, which is how WarGames is supposed to feel. Best match on the show here, which is a good sign given that it was by far the most important.

The winners pose…..and CM PUNK RETURNS! Punk comes to the entrance and hits IT’S CLOBBERIN TIME before hugging some fans to end the show. Well that’s quite the shock.

Overall Rating: B. I kind of like the slimmed down match card, as two matches combine to be almost seventy five minutes counting entrances. The show was all about WarGames with three other matches in the middle doing little more than bridging the gap between the featured showcases. Those matches worked well enough though and it was a good show overall, with the big surprise at the end likely overshadowing everything else.

Team Lynch b. Damage CTRL – Super Manhandle Slam through a table to Bayley
Gunther b. The Miz – Boston crab
Santos Escobar b. Dragon Lee – Phantom Driver
Rhea Ripley b. Zoey Stark – Riptide
Team Rhodes b. Judgment Day/Drew McIntyre – Cross Rhodes to Priest



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Survivor Series 2023 Preview

I’ve always loved Survivor Series and but it is the show that has evolved more than any othe other Big Four pay per views. The days of the elimination tag matches are long gone but now things are more focused on the ideas of survival. We have a pair of WarGames matches this year, which should be more than enough to carry the show. Other than that, the show is looking decent enough so let’s get to it.

Raw Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley(c) vs. Zoey Stark

We’ll start with what should be the easy one here as Ripley is by far the biggest star in women’s wrestling and needs a victim. The good thing is that we’re getting someone fresh in Stark, who only had her one shot in a five way, which barely means anything. This is a match we haven’t seen before and it should make for a nice showdown, even if there might not be the most drama.

So of course Ripley retains here, as it could be a very, very long time before she loses the title. I’d be rather surprised if we don’t get a Becky Lynch showdown at WrestleMania next year and that isn’t going to be derailed by Stark winning here. Stark will definitely get in some offense, but this is going to be Ripley hitting Riptide and doing her dominant cover to retain and move on to something bigger.

Dragon Lee vs. Santos Escobar

This is an adjusted match as Lee is replacing Carlito, who was injured by Escobar on Smackdown. What has me interested here is that this could be part of a much bigger story, especially with Rey Mysterio out of action for the next good while. It’s pretty clear that WWE sees a lot in Lee and it would make sense to push him in a spot like this one. That leaves some questions here though and that makes it a bit more interesting.

I’ll take Escobar winning here, likely through some shenanigans. There are more than a few other people who have to be accounted for in this story and I’m expecting some of them to get involved here. If Escobar is supposed to be the new big bad, there is little reason to care about what he is going to be doing with Mysterio later on. Escobar wins here, albeit with some shenanigans.

Intercontinental Title: Gunther(c) vs. The Miz

Now this one could go either way and that makes for a good bit of fun. The thing is, now that Gunther has the record, there is a much greater chance that he could finally lose the title. Other than the total combined days record, which he would break some time in February, there isn’t much else for Gunther to do with the title. Miz also has a nice track record of winning matches where he seems to have no chance and that would be the case again here.

Now that being said, as much as I believe there is a chance Miz could pull off the big upset here, I think I’ll go with Gunther to retain. I could see the Imperium minions causing drama here, but Gunther deserves a better ending to his title reign than that. I’m not sure how that is going to happen, but I don’t think it’s going to be at the hands of Miz and what would probably be a fluke win.

Women’s WarGames

We’re getting to the meat of the matter here with one of the two matches that really matter and what will probably open the show. This is the latest band of thrown together heroes against Damage CTRL, though the villains are hardly all together either. Smackdown focused on the issues between Lynch and Charlotte, but that could very well be a red herring going into the big showdown.

I’ll go with Lynch and company winning here, as Damage CTRL seems to be ready to fall apart, with a loss coming here making sense. I could see Lynch and or Charlotte saving the other in a Sting/Nikita Koloff way (look it up) and Bayley taking the fall, earning her big trouble from the rest of the team. Having this at four on four helps a lot as it could shorten the match, which has been one of the biggest problems in WarGames past. But yeah, Damage CTRL loses here.

Men’s WarGames

Here’s the real main event as an even rag taggier band of good guys are getting together to fight Judgment Day/Drew McIntyre. On paper, this should be Judgment Day going over and causing a bunch of chaos on Raw, though any match where JD McDonagh is included means a chance of the good guys picking up a win. That’s just one of the ways this could go though and that has me wondering.

I could see this going either way but I’ll take Judgment Day/McIntyre winning here. At the end of the day, it makes more sense to have them win, perhaps even with a Money In The Bank tease as Seth Rollins will be right there. What matters here is keeping McIntyre strong though, as he is freshly turned heel and you don’t want him to lose in his first big match on the new side. The villains win, after a war that goes on a good bit long.

Overall Thoughts

This is a show with a shorter card and in a way that makes sense. Save for LA Knight not being on the card, there isn’t much missing from the show and we could be in for a good night. I’m liking the idea of the women’s WarGames match going a bit shorter, as it should make for a better match. This show doesn’t really have a marquee matchup but in a way that works, as it’s more about the team showdowns anyway. Now just don’t have WarGames be an overly long and bloated mess and everything will be fine.


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Survivor Series Count-Up – 2013 (2014 Redo): The Authority Reigns

Survivor Series 2013
Date: November 24, 2013
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 13,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield

Pre-Show: Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

After an opening video about the flame of survival in us all that is. As usual this transitions into a video about the main events.

Rey Mysterio/Goldust/Cody Rhodes/Usos vs. Shield/Real Americans

Rhodes and Ambrose get things going with Rhodes nailing him with a right hand. Dean comes back with a clothesline but argues with the referee, allowing Cody to roll him up for a quick elimination. Everything breaks down for a bit with the Usos nailing all four remaining opponents. Each Uso dives on a team and the good guys are in full control.

Back up and Goldust grabs a DDT to put both guys down. Goldust has to elbow all of his opponents before hitting a sunset bomb on Cesaro, only to have Swagger come in first. The Vader Bomb hits raised boots though and the hot tag brings in Mysterio. A quick 619 sets up a superkick from Jimmy and the Superfly Splash from Jey to make it 5-3.

Jey finally gets over for the hot tag to Jimmy who takes Reigns down with a Samoan drop. The running Umaga attack gets two but Roman blocks the splash with his knees and nails the spear to make it 4-2. Cody comes in with a missile dropkick to Rollins as things speed up. The moonsault press gets two but the Disaster Kick is caught in midair. Rollins gets countered into Cross Rhodes but makes a blind tag, allowing Reigns to spear Cody for the elimination.

Intercontinental Title: Big E. Langston vs. Curtis Axel

Langston took the title from Axel on Monday and this is the rematch. Axel puts on a headlock but gets taken down with pure power. With that not working, Curtis starts going after the arm for almost the same result. Big E. busts out a leapfrog before just running Axel over. A running splash in the corner crushes Axel again and a clothesline gets two.

They head outside for a few seconds with Axel knocking Langston off the apron to get his first advantage. Back in and Curtis puts on a chinlock before Langston fights up with a big belly to belly. The Warrior Splash connects but Axel grabs a quick PerfectPlex for two. Back up and the Big Ending retain the title with ease.

Total Divas vs. True Divas

Total Divas: Bella Twins, Natalya, Funkadactyls, Jojo, Eva Marie

True Divas: AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Kaitlyn

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

We recap Cena vs. Del Rio. Cena had to leave due to a bad arm but came back to take the World Heavyweight Championship from Del Rio like the main event jobber that he was. This is the rematch and Del Rio is going after the arm. Of course.

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

Santino and Truth play with toys, only to be joined by Los Matadores, El Torito, Fandango and Johnny Ace.

CM Punk/Daniel Bryan vs. Wyatt Family

Everything breaks down and Rowan throws Punk out to the floor. A splash gets two on Bryan as things settle back down. Harper runs Bryan over and chokes with the boot before catapulting him throat first into the rope. Daniel fights back until Erick catches him in a half nelson suplex. The monster gets too confident though and goes after Punk, only to get kicked in the head. The hot tag brings in Punk to clean house again but he dives on Rowan and Wyatt instead of Harper. Back in and the top rope elbow gets two on Luke but Rowan breaks up the GTS. That earns him a running knee and the GTS ends Harper.

Bray teases getting in but backs down as you would expect.

WWE Title: Big Show vs. Randy Orton

We hit the front facelock as the crowd goes silent again. Instead Orton shifts to a horrible sleeper until Show suplexes him down. Orton rolls outside to avoid a chokeslam so Show sends him into the steps. Back in and Show tries to go up for some reason, allowing the champ to crotch him down and nail the Elevated DDT. He takes too long setting up the RKO though and eats a chokeslam for two.

Orton celebrates but Cena comes out and holds up his own belt to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

Original: B-

Redo: C

Real Americans/Shield vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust/Rey Mysterio/Usos

Original: B-

Redo: C

Curtis Axel vs. Big E. Langston

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Total Divas vs. True Divas

Original: D-

Redo: F

Mark Henry vs. Ryback

Original: D

Redo: D

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena

Original: D+

Redo: B

Wyatt Family vs. CM Punk/Daniel Bryan

Original: B

Redo: B-

Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Original: D-

Redo: D

Overall Rating

Original: D+

Redo: C-

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Survivor Series Count-Up – 2012 (2023 Redo): I’m Not Usually Stunned

Survivor Series 2012
Date: November 18, 2012
Location: Bankers Life Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Attendance: 8,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield

So this is another redo as for some reason I thought doing most of the shows that ended in a 2 was a good idea. This show had quite a few problems up and down the card but there is quite the special moment at the end that might be worth another look. Other than that, we have Team Punk vs. Team Foley, the latter of which has no Foley. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: 3MB vs. Team Co-Bro

That would be Heath Slater/Jinder Mahal (with the very skinny Drew McIntyre) vs. Santino Marella/Zack Ryder and this is quite the time capsule match. Ryder and Mahal start things off with Ryder snapping off an armdrag to take over. Marella comes in for an armdrag into an armbar to Slater and it’s right back to Ryder. McIntyre grabs Slater from the floor so he can avoid a dropkick but Ryder gets over to Santino for the hot tag.

Slater cuts that out rather quickly and the villains take over in the corner. A neckbreaker gives Mahal two and Slater grabs the chinlock. With that broken up, Santino backdrops his way out of trouble and hands it back to Ryder to clean house. The Broski Boot hits Mahal but Slater makes the save as everything breaks down. McIntyre gets in a cheap shot from the steps though and it’s a full nelson to give Mahal the pin at 6:12.

Rating: C. Not much to this one and that’s about how it should have been. These matches are designed to get the fans into the show and they kept it short and to the point. It’s not like Co-Bro was likely going anywhere and 3MB….well they were bigger than Co-Bro at least. Not exactly a good match, but it did its job well enough.

The opening video looks at the history of Survivor Series before shifting into a look at this year’s big stories.

Team Clay vs. Team Tensai

Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd
Tensai, Primo, Epico, Prime Time Players

This is a bonus match and there is nothing wrong with that. Kidd and Epico get things going with Epico fighting out of a headlock. Kidd’s jackknife rollup gets two as commentary ignores the match to talk about Jerry Lawler facing the Rock in his first match. Epico’s armdrag doesn’t get very far so Gabriel comes in for two off a moonsault. Rey comes in for a basement dropkick for two of his own but it’s off to Young as commentary remembers to talk about the match.

It’s off to Cara to take Primo down before running up the corner for a spinning high crossbody. A sunset bomb gets two on Primo but he’s back with a shot to the face, allowing the tag off to Tensai. It’s off to Titus, who awkwardly picks Cara up and holds him for a shot from Primo. An enziguri to Tensai finally gets Cara out of trouble and it’s Clay coming in to clean house. Primo and Epico are sent outside and we hit a parade of dives until we’re left with Clay vs. Tensai. Clay tries an exploder suplex but drops Tensai on his face instead. Back up and Tensai runs him over, setting up a running backsplash for the elimination at 8:25.

Gabriel comes back in and gets dropped, allowing Titus to come in for a weird looking abdominal stretch. Tensai comes back in and misses a backsplash, allowing Gabriel to roll him up for the pin at 10:20. Gabriel can’t follow up though and gets choked by Titus as the beating continues. Commentary talks about various famous debuts at Survivor Series and Epico grabs a chinlock. Gabriel gets up and hands it off to Kidd, who gets sent into the barricade as the crowd is almost eerily silent. Titus misses a running big boot though and Kidd rolls him up for the pin at 13:49.

Despite still winning, the good guys keep getting beaten up as Young jumps Kidd this time around. Kidd slips out of a belly to back suplex though and grabs the Sharpshooter to get rid of Epico at 14:58. Cole: “One of Bret Hart’s relatives using his move to eliminate someone at the Survivor Series!” JBL: “I’m sure Bret will be mad about that too.”

Primo goes up but gets dropkicked out of the air, allowing the tag back to Mysterio. A kick to the head gets two on Primo and Rey knocks him off the top, setting up the missed 619. Primo’s Backstabber is blocked and Rey cradles him for the pin at 17:29. That leaves Young alone, meaning it’s a 619 to set up a parade of finishers, capped off by Rey’s top rope splash for the pin at 18:25.

Rating: C-. I like the idea of throwing a bunch of people on the show to get them some extra time, but could you make it a little more interesting? Things picked up a bit once Rey got in there and showed some fire, but the fifteen minutes leading up to that were mostly dull. While it’s not a bad match, it’s a good bit longer than it needed to be and mostly boring, which isn’t a good way to start a show.

Survivors: Rey Mysterio, Justin Gabriel, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd

Kaitlyn is on her way to the ring for her Divas Title match when (I believe) Aksana, in a blonde wig, jumps her. Champion Eve Torres comes in to say she hopes Kaitlyn is ok, so Kaitlyn shoves her down and says the same thing.

Divas Title: Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

Eve is defending and commentary actually DOES ITS JOB by explaining that Kaitlyn was attacked in the same way at Night Of Champions, resulting in Eve taking her place and winning the title. And now that a rather odd moment is cleared up, Kaitlyn throws the wig at Eve and we start fast. Kaitlyn pounds away on the mat and kicks her to the floor as commentary goes into the Raw vs. Smackdown (non) issues, with Cole having no idea what JBL is talking about.

Eve isn’t allowed to run through the crowd so she kicks away back inside. Choking in the corner has Kaitlyn in more trouble and Eve manages to add a regal style wave. A figure four necklock goes on as commentary compares Eve to Kate Middleton. Kaitlyn makes the rope and knocks her outside again, followed by a hard shoulder back inside. A gutbuster gives Kaitlyn two but Eve grabs the ring skirt and they crash out to the floor. Back in and Eve’s suplex neckbreaker retains at 6:59.

Rating: C. This was a weird period for the women’s division as they weren’t exactly good yet but they were so much better than they were at their worst that things are at least decent. Eve was one of the better stars of her era and Kaitlyn had enough fire to get people to want her to win the title. Not an awful match, and at least better than the previous one.

We look at the pre-show, where Alberto Del Rio called Dolph Ziggler his team captain, even though Ziggler will be eliminated fast. A team wide argument ensued.

Team Foley is arguing as well but believe it or not, Foley gives them a pep talk to calm them down. Eventually everyone but Randy Orton gets together for a BANG BANG. Orton to Foley: “I hate you.” Foley: “That means he’s ready.”

US Title: R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro is defending and before the match, mocks America for having anything to be thankful for this year. Well except for having him as the US Champion of course. We hear about various foreign US Champions, which has JBL annoyed that he wasn’t included. Cole: “Do you even listen to me?” Truth rolls him up for two to start and then punches at the wrist Cesaro holds up to avoid some right hands.

Cesaro knocks him into the corner and hits a kick to the head, followed by the armbar. With that broken up, Cesaro stomps him in the chest for two and we hit the waistlock. Commentary gets in a big argument about rugby as Truth fights up, gets waistlocked again, fights up and gets waistlocked again. Truth gets out (again) and hits a side kick, only to miss the ax kick. Cesaro uppercuts him and hits the Neutralizer to retain at 6:57.

Rating: C-. This didn’t exactly lift the show up off the ground as a good chunk of it was Cesaro holding him in a waistlock. Cesaro felt like a monster around this point and you could see what a lot of fans saw in him. At the same time, there was no reason to believe that Truth was going to take the title here and it showed pretty badly.

We recap Vickie Guerrero playing voicemails from AJ Lee where she was conflicted about her relationship with John Cena. Lee says they were edited together and Dolph Ziggler and Cena got involved as well. This Lee soap opera/melodrama felt like it went on forever.

Here is Lee, who has promised to reveal something about Vickie for a change. She has seen Vickie accusing her of having an inappropriate relationship with John Cena but thinks AJ is hiding something. Cue Vickie to yell about Lee, who produces a photo of Vickie and Ricardo Rodriguez sharing burritos. Then it’s Vickie and JR sharing barbecue sauce.

Vickie is livid and Lee thinks it’s because of her guilt. Next up: Vickie (in a leopard print swimsuit) dancing with Brodus Clay. They threaten each other but understand that they can’t hurt each other. Cue Tamina (looking almost unrecognizable compared to most of her career) to lay Lee out.

Paul Heyman isn’t worried about tonight’s main event and doesn’t like accusations that CM Punk has to cheat to win. While John Cena is chasing AJ Lee, Punk is the first man to beat Ryback. Punk is the best of the three and the best in the world.

We recap Sheamus challenging Big Show for the Smackdown World Title. Show beat him for the title last month and now Sheamus is back, with the battle over the Brogue Kick vs. the KO Punch. Show has also attacked Sheamus’ friend William Regal to make this even more personal.

SmackDown World Title: Big Show vs. Sheamus

Show is defending. Sheamus slugs away to start and tries to get Show to chase him in a smart move. That only works for so long though as Show hits a clothesline and chops away in the corner. A shot to the leg puts Show down though and Sheamus hammers away in the ropes. There are the forearms to the chest but Show bails outside before the Brogue Kick can connect.

Back in and Sheamus goes up, only to be speared out of the air in a nasty looking crash. Show slowly hammers away as commentary AGAIN talks about great moments in Survivor Series’ history. Sheamus gets sent hard into the buckle but manages to snap Show’s throat across the top. A single big boot cuts that off though and a big elbow gives Show two. We hit the quickly broken nerve hold before Show knocks him down for two more.

Sheamus comes back with a sleeper for a bit before slugging away, only to miss a charge into the post. Show loads up the Vader Bomb but Sheamus is up with an electric chair for two as the fans are WAY into this stuff. The KO Punch misses and Sheamus drops him with a running ax handle. White Noise gives Sheamus two but Show pulls the referee in the way of the Brogue Kick. Sheamus checks on the referee but Show is up with the KO Punch for the pin from another referee at 14:45.

Rating: B. This a was a fight and that is what it needed to be. It was in the Sting vs. Vader formula, with Sheamus slugging away at the giant and getting knocked back down again and again. The fans got behind Sheamus and wanted to see him take out the dragon and that is exactly the point of the match. Heck of a match here and by far the best thing on the show.

Post match the referee switches the result to a DQ. Sheamus is back up with a chair and UNLOADS on Show with about twenty shots. As Show begs off, Sheamus hits him with the Brogue Kick to leave him laying.

Team Ziggler vs. Team Foley

Ziggler: Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow
Foley: Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Miz

This match had so many lineup changes (injuries, other matches being changed) that it barely resembles what they were going for in the first place (Team Punk vs. Team Foley). Kingston rolls Otunga up for two at the bell and sends him outside as commentary keeps making legal jokes. Back in and Kofi starts in on the arm before handing it off to Danielson for more of the same. Otunga slams his way out of trouble and brings in Sandow (hopefully allowing Otunga to fix his trunks, which are out of place), who hits the Elbow of Disdain.

Danielson fights out of a chinlock and hits a running dropkick in the corner. The YES Kicks rock Sandow again as commentary talks about Mike Tyson (they are all over the place tonight and even Lawler calls JBL out on it here). Sandow tries to walk out but gets pulled back in by Kane, who hits a chokeslam to get rid of Sandow at 3:06. We pause for Kane and Bryan to argue though, allowing Ziggler to hit the Zig Zag on Kane for the elimination at 3:45.

Orton wins an argument with Miz over who gets to punch Ziggler, followed by a slingshot suplex for two. Kofi comes in for a heck of a monkey flip for two and it’s off to Barrett to miss a charge at Bryan in the corner. Del Rio gets in a cheap shot so Barrett can kick Bryan to the floor. Back in and Otunga gets to work on the arm but he stops to pose. That’s enough for the YES Lock to make Otunga tap at 7:09.

Del Rio comes in to kick away before Bryan sends him crashing out to the floor. Back in and Kofi strikes away at Del Rio, setting up the Boom Drop. Del Rio fights his way out of trouble though and hands it off to Barrett for a tilt-a-whirl slam. The Bull Hammer gets rid of Kofi at 9:41 and it’s 3-3.

Orton comes in to send Barrett into the corner but charges into a boot to the face. A suplex puts Barrett down and Bryan comes back in to kick away in the corner. The YES Kicks don’t work so well this time as Barrett clotheslines him out to the floor. Del Rio comes back in and fights out of the YES Lock, setting up the cross armbreaker for the tap at 12:36.

Miz comes in for the first time and actually takes over, allowing Orton to stomp on Del Rio for a change. That’s broken up as well and it’s back to Ziggler for the chinlock. Of course Orton knows just how to fight out of one of those and knocks Ziggler down for a breather. The hot(ish) tag brings Miz back in to unload on Barrett in the corner, setting up the running clothesline. The top rope ax handle staggers Barrett and, after escaping a pumphandle slam, Miz hits the Skull Crushing finale for the elimination at 16:03.

So that leaves us with Miz/Orton vs. Ziggler/Del Rio and Miz’s DDT gets two on Del Rio. Del Rio’s German suplex gets the same but Miz pulls him off the middle rope for a crash. Del Rio sends him right back into the corner though and hits a running enziguri to get rid of Miz at 17:13.

Orton comes in and gets distracted by Ziggler, allowing Del Rio to kick him down for two. That doesn’t last long as Orton is back up for the clothesline comeback, plus the powerslam. A Ricardo Rodriguez distraction lets Del Rio drop Orton for two more, leaving Foley to beat up Rodriguez. Ziggler has to break up an RKO attempt but dropkicks Del Rio by mistake, leaving Orton to send Ziggler into the post. The RKO drops Del Rio for the pin at 20:57 and we’re down to Orton vs. Ziggler.

Another RKO is blocked and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag for two. The Fameasser misses and Orton plants him with the hanging DDT. There’s no cover though, as instead Orton loads up the Punt. As usual though it takes WAY too long, allowing Ziggler to hit a superkick for the final pin at 23:40.

Rating: B-. I don’t remember liking this one very much at first but that might have been due to all of the twists and turns to get to the match. Watching it back years later and….yeah it’s just kind of good. There is a bunch of star power and the wrestling is more than acceptable, but other than beating up Rodriguez, Foley added nothing here.

This is a match that feels like it could have been a lot better if they went with the original plan, but things got so twisted around and messed up that everything was lost in the switch. Not a bad match at all, but I felt like I needed a ten minute recap and a flow chart to figure out how we got here.

Fans want to see Rock vs. various people at the Royal Rumble. My goodness the nightmare days of Tout.

We recap CM Punk defending the Raw World Title against John Cena and Ryback. Cena was supposed to get the title shot inside the Cell last month but was injured and gave Ryback the shot instead. Ryback got cheated by rogue referee Brad Maddox (who wanted to make a name for himself in a story that bombed rather badly) so tonight, Punk defends against both of them at once.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Ryback vs. CM Punk

Punk, with Paul Heyman, is defending and oddly enough, comes out second. Cena chases Punk around on the floor to start until Ryback takes Cena’s place. Back in and Cena and Ryback get in an argument over who gets to beat up Punk in the corner. Ryback gets the better of things by driving Punk’s head into the mat over and over until Cena gives Punk a running bulldog. With Punk down on the floor, Cena and Ryback are left to escape finishers.

Punk is back in with a suplex on Ryback but Cena clears him out and suplexes Ryback as well for two. We hit the chinlock on Ryback until Punk is back in for the save to send Cena outside. Ryback goes back to the power and drives Punk into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs. Cena is back in and gets DDTed to give Punk two so we can get a breather. Ryback hits a running powerslam on Punk but gets ProtoBombed….and pops right up.

Cena drops Ryback again, only to have Punk pull him outside for a hard whip into the steps. Back in and Ryback beats on Punk for a change until Cena breaks up Shell Shock. The STF has Ryback in trouble but Punk makes the save with a top rope elbow. It’s Ryback up first and he tosses both of them to the floor for some big crashes. The not-Rybacks fight out of a double suplex and instead double suplex Ryback through the announcers’ table.

Back in and Cena initiates the finishing sequence but Punk breaks it up with the GTS for a rather close two. The AA gives Cena the same so Punk kicks away as we can hear the Spanish commentary in the background. Cena pulls him back into the STF but Ryback is back in for another save. There’s the Meat Hook to Punk, with Cole declaring that there is nothing stopping Ryback now.

Shell Shock connects but Cena breaks up the pin. That earns Cena his own Shell Shock…but three guys in black run in to jump Ryback. Cole recognizes them as Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins from NXT (ignore that Ambrose never wrestled on NXT TV) as theyput Ryback through a table. Punk pins the still out Cena to retain at 17:58.

Rating: B. This was the usual main event style triple threat match and that means it worked rather well. What matters here is having a way to keep the title on Punk and it certainly was a surprise way to do so. The interference came out of nowhere and that is the kind of finish that leaves a lot more going on for the future. Ryback losing again isn’t going to do much for his future, but Punk retaining is the bigger story as he gets a step closer to the showdown with Rock in January. Good main event here though, with all three working hard.

Replays take us out.

Overall Rating: B-. This starts out rather slow but the last three matches are more than enough to carry things over the line. The ending here is what matters more than anything else though as WWE gets a brand new main event crop of talent, which is not something you see every day. Punk seems like he is going to be losing when he faces Rock at the Rumble, but at least we are getting something fresh to keep things going. Good show here, though it could have used something better in the first hour or so.

Ratings Comparison

3MB vs. Team Co-Bro

Original: C-
2013 Redo: D+
2023 Redo: C

Team Clay vs. Team Tensai

Original: B-
2013 Redo: C
Redo: C-

Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

Original: D-
2013 Redo: D
Redo: C

R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Original: D
2013 Redo: D
Redo: C-

Sheamus vs. Big Show

Original: C-
2013 Redo: C
Redo: B

Team Ziggler vs. Team Foley

Original: C-
2013 Redo: C-
Redo: B-

Ryback vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk

Original: B-
2013 Redo: C+
Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: D+
2013 Redo: D
Redo: B-

I’m not usually stunned by my old ratings but WOW. This show might not have been great but it wasn’t that bad. Dang how miserable was I back then?



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