Monday Night Raw – July 1, 2024: Three Men Beat Each Other Up In A Good Way

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 1, 2024
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Corey Graves, Michael Cole

We are less than a week away from Money In The Bank and that means we have a few qualifying matches to go for the ladder matches. That could make for some big stuff, but we also have the Wyatt Sicks and their love of old school technology to deal with first. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jey Uso for a chat to get things going. Uso promises to win the Money In The Bank briefcase no Saturday but here is Chad Gable to interrupt. Gable gets straight to the point: YEET IS NOT A WORD! He is a walking miracle, after surviving both the Wyatts and his family leaving him before qualifying for the ladder match last week. Uso thinks Gable is scared of the Wyatts but Gable says Uso is the one who took the Fireflies.

The fight is on until Uso gets the better of it and goes up, only to have Gable roll away before the Superfly Splash. Gable: “You think I’m just going to lay there while you splash me?” Cue the Wyatts, with Gable running off but only finding more of their silhouettes. Nikki Cross shows up at commentary to give Cole something else.

Post break, it’s another VHS, saying “PLAY ME”.

Xavier Woods vs. Karrion Kross

Kofi Kingston and the Final Testament are here too. Woods chops away to start but gets thrown down with a t-bone suplex. Kross gets sent to the floor for a suicide dive, only to powerbomb Woods against the post as we take a break. Back with Woods making the comeback, including some right hands in the corner. A kick to the head rocks Kross but he forearms a diving Woods out of the air. Then Woods grabs a small package for the pin at 7:26. It’s as sudden as it sounds.

Rating: C+. Woods getting a big win of his own is always nice to see as he’s a talented star who doesn’t get to showcase his skills all that often. At the same time, it’s almost hard to fathom that Kross is losing again, as it’s yet another case of him getting some momentum and then having the rug pulled out from underneath him. It explains why he’s never gotten anywhere on the main roster, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon.

Post match the Final Testament wrecks New Day, including a nasty armbar on Kingston.

Damian Priest tells Dominik Mysterio to deal with this Liv Morgan stuff. He just talked to Rhea Ripley and she isn’t happy. It’s time to deal with Morgan….who is in the Clubhouse for some reason. Morgan quickly leaves because her match is next, leaving Finn Balor to yell at Priest for not trusting anyone. Priest is ready to beat Seth Rollins on Saturday.

Video on Sika.

Zelina Vega says she is after the title and not Dirty D.

Raw Women’s Title: Zelina Vega vs. Liv Morgan

Morgan is defending. Vega charges at her to start and snaps off a springboard armdrag. Morgan chokes away in the ropes but gets dropkicked to the floor as Dominik Mysterio comes out to watch. The distraction lets Vega hit a Meteora as Rey Mysterio is out here to even things out a bit as we take a break.

Back with Morgan hitting Three Amigos before pointing at Dominik and putting on Rhea Ripley’s Prism Trap. That’s broken up and Vega snaps off a quick moonsault for two. Morgan hurricanranas her way out of trouble and blows a kiss to Dominik, who might smile. Vega is back with a super Code Red but Morgan rolls outside. Hold on though as Rey goes after Dominik, earning himself a baseball slide from Morgan. Vega hits a 619 into a tornado DDT for two so Dominik throws in a chair. That doesn’t work either, as the distraction lets Morgan hit Oblivion for the pin to retain at 11:33.

Rating: B-. This was more about Morgan and Dominik than anything else but they did a good job with some nice near falls from Vega. The title match kind of came out of nowhere but it was nice to see Vega getting a chance. Nice match here as Morgan and Dominik are still the best thing on the show, with the big moment still to come.

Post match Morgan dedicates her win to Dominik.

Drew McIntyre promises to win tonight and go on to win Money In The Bank.

We look at the first few minutes of the Wrestlemania documentary.

Here is Seth Rollins to say he thinks he’ll be back in this ring next week as World Heavyweight Champion. Rollins talks about how this is a championship city and they know why he has to win on Saturday. If he can’t win at Money In The Bank, he has to take another look at himself, but he is at his best when the pressure is on.

Cue Finn Balor to interrupt to say he’s in a bad mood because everything is changing. Rollins thinks Balor is changing, like Priest being the World Heavyweight Champion. Cue Priest to interrupt, with Rollins thinking it’s a trap, but Priest accuses Balor of getting in his business. Rollins is ready to fight and superkicks them together, setting up the Stomp to Balor. Priest gets in the South Of Heaven to leave Rollins laying.

Ludwig Kaiser has broken ribs and swears vengeance on Sheamus.

Post break Damian Priest tells Finn Balor that he appreciates the help but he has this on Saturday. Balor seems to accept that.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Dakota Kai vs. Zoey Stark vs. Ivy Nile

Kai kicks Nile to the floor to start but gets baseball slidden by Stark. Back in and Starks stays on Nile in the corner as we take an early break. We come back with Stark hitting a double super bulldog to put the other two down, followed by a double German suplex for two. Kai is back up with a Scorpion Kick, allowing Nile to German suplex Sky for two. The Kairopractor gets two on Nile with Stark making the save. Cue Damage CTRL so Isla Dawn and Ivy Nile run in to jump them. The distraction lets Stark hit the Z360 to pin Kai at 9:45.

Rating: C+. As usual, you can only get so much out of a match that runs about ten minutes and has a long stretch spent in a commercial. Stark going forward is a good way to go and Kai taking the fall is going to make things even worse for her status in Damage CTRL. Nice enough match, but there was so much taken up by the commercial.

We get the Wyatts video from earlier, with another interview between Uncle Howdy and Bo Dallas. Howdy asks what Dallas was thinking and Dallas says they are the ones who were forgotten. They were clay in the hands of the potter and now they are a family. The false prophets must pay for their sins. They talk about being the reckoning and their voices start to merge together.

Then Howdy disappears, leaving Dallas to say he sets them free. Then Dallas disappears, with Howdy popping back in to say there you are. Of note, which I’m assuming was true last week too: they are sitting in the Firefly Funhouse. Good stuff here again, as the motivations are continuing to be revealed. That’s better than having them attack people every single week and makes their actual attacks more important.

Chad Gable tries to talk Otis into coming back into the fold but Otis isn’t convinced. The rest of the former Alpha Academy pops in to stand by Otis.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik starts fast and runs him over, only to get dropkicked to the floor. Rey grabs a hurricanrana from the apron and we take a break. Back with Rey in trouble and getting elbowed in the face for two. Rey sends him into the corner though and hits a top rope seated senton, followed by a kick to the head for two more.

Cue Liv Morgan for a distraction, allowing Dominik to grab a half crab of all things. Dominik hits Three Amigos but Rey knocks him onto Liv, who seems to like being underneath him. Cue Vega to go after Morgan, with Dominik hitting a 619. Dominik goes up but Vega sends Morgan into the apron, crotching Dominik in the process. The 619 into Dropping The Dive gives Rey the pin at 10:15.

Rating: B-. These two work well together but, again, this was much more about Morgan and Dominik than the match itself. That’s not a bad thing either, as the story could take a bit of a turn with Morgan costing Dominik a big match. For now though, we’re getting closer and closer to the big stuff, which can happen whenever Rhea Ripley can show up again.

Sheamus is ready to hit hard and get his chance to become a two time Mr. Money In The Bank.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. He knows people are thinking Bron Breakker is going to destroy him, so here is Breakker to interrupt. Breakker knows Zayn has guts after he accepted the challenge, but it also shows that Zayn is nuts. Breakker promises to win the title, but Zayn has heard that far too many times.

Zayn thinks Breakker might not be as smart as he says he is….and then Breakker spears him in half. Breaker goes to leave and tries the big run around the ring, only to spear the steps instead. Zayn suplexes him into the corner and loads up the Helluva Kick but Breakker spears him in half again. Good stuff here, with that last spear looking awesome.

Damage CTRL isn’t happy and here is Lyra Valkyria to make it worse. The fight is quickly on and broken up shortly thereafter.

We look at the Bloodline turning on and destroying Paul Heyman.

Money In The Bank rundown.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to qualify for Money In The Bank.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

Sheamus and McIntyre stare at each other with the later shoving Dragunov away. That doesn’t work for him as breaks things up with a headbutt, leaving Dragunov vs. Sheamus. The brawl is on with Sheamus hitting an Irish Curse before knocking Dragunov outside and into the barricade. McIntyre is back up to send Sheamus over the barricade but gets posted by Dragunov. Sheamus is back up with the ten forearms from over the barricade and we take a break.

Back with McIntyre sending Dragunov flying off an overhead belly to belly suplex but Sheamus hits a top rope clothesline. Dragunov drops Sheamus and hits an H Bomb each for two on McIntyre. We take another break and come back with Dragunov pulling the other two down out of the Tower Of Doom. The fans declare this awesome as Dragunov hits a Constantine Special on Sheamus.

Back up and the Torpedo Moscow cuts off the Claymore so Dragunov goes up. Coast To Coast is kneed out of the air to give Sheamus two and frustration is setting in. The Brogue Kick hits Dragunov but McIntyre pulls him outside. Back up and the Brogue Kick is countered into a rollup for two but Sheamus hits him with a jumping knee. Not that it matters as the Claymore hits Sheamus to send McIntyre to Money In The Bank at 17:43.

Rating: B+. What is there to say here? You had three physical guys beating the fire out of each other until McIntyre got the win. McIntyre is the right choice to go forward as he has the biggest story going of the three and needs to be in the ladder match. They had an awesome match on the way there too and it was more than worthy of the main event spot.

Post match McIntyre promises to win the briefcase and shows off the stolen CM Punk bracelet to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The main event is by far the best thing about this show but they also kept a few other stories moving with some good action as well. The Morgan/Dominik story is the best story going on and it should be setting up for a big moment at Summerslam. I’m interested in where things are going around here and that is a great sign as they are coming up on some of the biggest shows of the year.

Xavier Woods b. Karrion Kross – Small package
Liv Morgan b. Zelina Vega – Oblivion
Zoey Stark b. Dakota Kai and Ivy Nile – Z360 to Kai
Rey Mysterio b. Dominik Mysterio – Dropping The Dime
Drew McIntyre b. Sheamus and Ilja Dragunov – Brogue Kick to Sheamus



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Monday Night Raw – June 24, 2024: Dang They’re Good Right Now

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 24, 2024
Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: The Miz, Michael Cole

We have less than two weeks to go before Money In The Bank but the big story here is that the Wyatt Sicks debuted last week and it’s not clear where that is going to go. Odds are we are going to hear something about it this week, along with Drew McIntyre attacking CM Punk on Smackdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Pat McAfee is not here this week, with Miz taking his place. Michael Cole says we aren’t going to read anything into that and we go into the Wyatt Sicks (with the name being official). Drew McIntyre walks by though and comes into the ring for a chat.

McIntyre talks about attacking Punk on Smackdown and we see exactly what happened. After everything Punk did, the people still chant his name. Punk attacked everything McIntyre has and cost him the World Title. McIntyre had promised his wife the title but Punk took it from him, so if you still chant his name, you are dead to him.

He hopes that Punk is at home in pain and eating through a straw because McIntyre put him there. McIntyre also has the bracelet he took from Punk, which was made by a fan and says AJ and Larry, the names of Punk’s wife and dog. Punk wears that with him on the road to take his family with him, but now McIntyre has them instead. McIntyre will be taking that bracelet to Toronto when he wins Money In The Bank. Now there’s a personal touch that makes sense and gives Punk another reason to want to fight McIntyre.

We look back at the Wyatt Sicks’ attack last week, including an attack on Chad Gable.

Gable arrives with security and doesn’t want cameras looking at him.

Post break, Gable’s locker room is guarded by security and various wrestlers are apparently surprised that he is even here.

Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser

In the back, Kaiser promises to show Breakker that he is no Kaiser. They slug it out to start until Breakker runs the ropes and plows through Kaiser as only he can. Kaiser gets powered into the corner and Breakker fires off some shoulders to the ribs, only to have Kaiser go to the eyes. Breakker is sent shoulder first into the post but he’s able to drive him into the apron. With Kaiser sat on the announcers’ table, Breakker dives off the apron for a clothesline in a ridiculous athletic display as we take a break.

Back with Breakker getting fired up and hammering away (the fans approve), setting up a jumping elbow. A super Frankensteiner has Miz losing his mind but Kaiser slips out of the gorilla press and knocks Breakker outside. The spear hits the steps though and Kaiser has an opening….which is closed as Sheamus comes in with a Brogue Kick to Kaiser for the DQ at 10:06.

Rating: B. That’s a case where the ending makes sense as Sheamus has issues with both of them, though he owed Kaiser one after previous weeks. This could lead to some interesting outcomes, with the Intercontinental Title hanging over the whole thing. Good match here too, with Kaiser continuing by far the best streak of his time in WWE.

Post match Sheamus loads up the announcers’ table but gets speared in half by Breakker.

Judgment Day is having some food and playing video games when Damian Priest comes in. Apparently this is all from Liv Morgan, which doesn’t work for Priest. Mysterio holds up something Morgan sent him on his phone (Carlito: “THAT’S COOL!”) but Priest says Mysterio needs to figure out how to explain to Rhea Ripley why Morgan has his number. Oh and they ALL need to worry about Braun Strowman.

Bron Breakker goes to Adam Pearce’s office and rants about being sick of everyone interrupting him. Sami Zayn pops in to say Breakker can challenge him for the title anytime, anyplace. Breakker issues the challenge for Money In The Bank and the match is on.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler gets knocked into the corner to start as Miz talks about what the briefcase can mean for your career. Sane grabs a headscissors to take both of them down and hits a big dive to the floor as we take a break. Back with Sane dropping Baszler but getting kicked down by Valkyria. A fisherman’s buster gives Valkyria two on Sane but Baszler is back in with her own suplex.

Sane adds a running Blockbuster, only to miss the Insane Elbow. They trade running shots to the head to everyone is down, with the fans deeming this awesome. The Kirifuda Clutch has Valkyria in trouble but Sane breaks it up with the Insane Elbow. Valkyria is right back up with the Nightwing to finish Sane at 8:26.

Rating: B-. This was almost all action and the only thing keeping it from being that much better was the break in the middle. Valkyria gets a win to make up for some of the loss at King And Queen Of The Ring, though I’m not sure I can imagine her winning the briefcase. The field is still fairly wide open and that should make for an interesting ladder match, which comes after a solid match here.

Drew McIntyre wants in Money In The Bank but Adam Pearce isn’t sure. McIntyre threatens various chaos if he isn’t in.

Next year’s Royal Rumble and a future Summerslam/Wrestlemania are coming to Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

Here is Liv Morgan (after a long tracking shot from the back) for a chat. She’s here to get Dominik Mysterio’s attention and hopes he likes those gifts she sent him, especially the text. Morgan invites Mysterio out here right now for one more gift but gets Zelina Vega instead. Vega doesn’t get Morgan’s obsessions but she’s here about the title. Vega has fought to get here and that’s because her why will always be bigger than Morgan’s libido. The title challenge is sent out and Morgan says they can do it next week.

Cue Mysterio, who says he doesn’t like the gifts, but Morgan knows he likes the texts. The fans chant SLOPPY SECONDS and Mysterio is booed out of the building, with the two women trying to calm them down so he can say anything. Mysterio wants anyone but Morgan to have the title so Morgan decks Vega. Rey Mysterio runs in to break it up but Dominik decks him, with Morgan looking so happy. Morgan follows Dominik out. This continues to be one of if not the best things on Raw at the moment.

Adam Pearce leaves Chad Gable’s locker room and says Gable is shaken up after last week but he’s medically cleared.

We look back at Seth Rollins’ return last week, with Damian Priest giving him a World Title shot at Money In The Bank. It also includes a look at Rollins’ rise through WWE and how hard he has fought to get here.

Liv Morgan hugs a not so thrilled Dominik Mysterio. With Dominik gone, R-Truth comes in and says he loves reluctant heroes. Morgan says she can get Dominik a match with Rey this week, but for this week, the Judgment Day can get a Tag Team Title shot. R-Truth agrees because he’s always loved Carmella.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable

During his entrance, Gable (with a bandage on his head) asks if we believe in miracles. The rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated because CHAD GABLE LIVES! He promises to win Money In The Bank and we’re ready to go. Gable chops at Reed to start and it goes as well as you would expect. That leaves Gable on the floor so the monsters can chop away at each other. Strowman is sent outside with Gable being tossed onto him, leaving Reed to hit a big dive onto both of them.

We take a break and come back with Gable avoiding Reed’s backsplash. Reed doesn’t seem to mind and sends Gable into Strowman’s raised boot in the corner. Strowman clears Reed out and hits the running shoulders at ringside, only for Gable to German suplex Reed for two back inside. Strowman breaks up the moonsault and slams Reed on the floor. Cue the Judgment Day to jump Strowman, leaving Gable to moonsault Reed for the win at 8:23.

Rating: B-. Gable winning after the loss last week is interesting, but they are still playing into the idea that he is more than a little shaken up. That should open up a lot of options and I’m curious to see where it goes. Gable escaping the two monsters is a fine enough idea, especially with Strowman being taken out by the Judgment Day.

Post match Gable is in the ring and we’ve got Wyatts. Nikki Cross crawls through the smoky ring and chases him off before presenting Michael Cole with a box and walking out. She was the only who appeared.

Post break the box is addressed to Pat McAfee and it’s a VHS (yes Cole explains what it is) which says PLAY ME. Cole sends it off to be played.

Chad Gable runs into the Alpha Academy and apologizes to them, but Otis says Gable hurt them, so they’re still done. Maxxine Dupri seems more sympathetic but a reunion isn’t likely. They leave, only for Gable to run into the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile, who ask if he needs help.

Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre

Non-title. The champs are knocked to the floor to start and Carter throws Chance onto them as we take an early break. Back with Fyre having to make a rope for a break as Cole recaps his commentary partner issues. The Keg Stand gets two with Fyre having to make the save. The After Party is broken up and the Downward Spiral/Gory Bomb combination finishes Carter at 5:53. Not enough shown to rate but this was rather short.

Post match Damage CTRL comes in to take out the champs.

Finn Balor tells Damian Priest about the matches Liv Morgan has gotten them set up but Priest thinks it’s too good to be true.

Miz catches up to R-Truth and asks him about the Tag Team Title match (apparently it took him 20 minutes to get back find R-Truth). This is all about love, but Miz isn’t sure about this. R-Truth loves him…but only as a friend.

Here is Damian Priest for a chat. He saw that video on Seth Rollins earlier and thinks they have a lot in common. They are both the kind of wrestlers who could be in a group and stand out as a leader. For now though, as long as Priest is World Heavyweight Champion, Rollins will never see the mountaintop again.

Cue Rollins to interrupt and, after hyping up Indianapolis for the Royal Rumble, asks what Priest meant by that. Rollins talks about how Priest is part of a team, but Priest says he didn’t ask for any help to win the title. After waiting for the fans to stop yelling about him, Priest says he has the title and Rollins has nothing. Rollins: “For now.” Priest one upped him last week, but Rollins wants to one up him here.

Let’s add a little side bet: if Rollins can’t win the title, he can never get another shot at Priest. But if Rollins does win the title, Priest has to stand on his own two feet and leave Judgment Day. Priest says the Judgment Day needs him ore than he needs them (the fans know that was dumb) and he’s in. Cue Gunther to say he understands that there is a lot on the line here and wishes them both good luck. He’s excited for the match and may the best man win…but that man will be the lesser man at Summerslam.

We see the tape the Wyatts had for Pat McAfee. It features Uncle Howdy asking how we eel since the loss. Do you feel forgotten? Do you remember who you are? We cut to Bo Dallas, sans mask, saying he is no one. Howdy asks Dallas how it felt when his brother died, with Dallas saying it felt like the most important thing in his life was taken from him.

Howdy asks if this is exploiting Bray Wyatt’s legacy, with Dallas saying he wanted to be like his brother. Dallas worked his entire life to be next to him and they were going to rule together. They had finally made it and then everything was taken away from him. No one knows what it feels like and he will not let Wyatt be forgotten.

They wanted to forget about everyone but Dallas said they made everyone remember. Howdy: “Yes we did.” They stare at each other and the tape ends. That’s definitely a way to go and they are probably smart for leaning into the Wyatt stuff. Making it clear that Wyatt’s brother is behind everything should help, along with making it clear that they don’t have powers and such.

Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston

None of the seconds stick around. Kingston starts fast and knocks him to the floor for the big flip dive. Back in and a suplex puts Kingston down for two as we take an early break. We come back with Kingston hitting a dropkick and getting two off a crossbody. Hold on though as the Final Testament pops up on the Titantron, showing the AOP beating up Xavier Woods. The distraction lets Kross hit the Final Prayer for the pin at 5:49. Not enough shown to rate but this feels like it has a long way to go.

We look at the debut of Jacob Fatu on Smackdown. Set for Money In The Bank: Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens/Randy Orton vs. the Bloodline.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Awesome Truth vs. Judgment Day

Judgment Day is challenging. Truth starts fast by kicking McDonagh down and Balor gets double hiptossed as well. Cue Liv Morgan to watch as we take an early break. Back with R-Truth having to fight out of trouble, allowing a tag off to Miz to stomp away on McDonagh in the corner. Miz sends Balor face first into the apron as Dominik Mysterio and Carlito come out as well. A double DDT connects on the challengers and the Skull Crushing Finale hits McDonagh, with Carlito putting the boot on the ropes.

Cue Braun Strowman to chase off Mysterio and Carlito, leaving R-Truth to go into the John Cena finishing sequence. The STF is broken up so R-Truth is back with a Ten Knuckle Shuffle. Morgan gets on the apron to shout about how this is about love before snapping R-Truth’s throat across the top. The distraction lets Balor get in a cheap shot. The Coup de Grace gives Judgment Day the titles back at 11:32.

Rating: B-. This was the fun match with all of the moving parts and everything going nuts until we had a big moment with the title change. Awesome Truth got their big moment at Wrestlemania but I don’t think there was any reason to believe they would be long term champions. This was good enough for what it needed to be, as it tied a bunch of stories together and got the titles onto bigger names.

Morgan poss with the new champs, who aren’t sure what to think of her but will take their titles.

Overall Rating: B. This show started hot and kept going, with a bunch of stuff either taking place or being set up to take place later on. There are a lot of things going on where I either don’t know where they’re going or want to see where they’re going and that is a great feeling. WWE is clicking right now and they’re doing it on both Raw and Smackdown. Rather solid show this week, and hopefully fans saw it with Game 7 of the Stanley Cup on.

Ludwig Kaiser b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Lyra Valkyria b. Kairi Sane and Shayna Baszler – Nightwing to Sane
Chad Gable b. Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman – Moonsault to Reed
Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre b. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter – Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination to Carter
Karrion Kross b. Kofi Kingston – Final Prayer
Judgment Day b. Awesome Truth – Coup de Grace to R-Truth



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Monday Night Raw – June 17, 2024: He’s Here (And So Are They)

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 17, 2024
Location: American Bank Center Arena, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We’re done with Clash At The Castle and have about three weeks before Money In The Bank. Therefore, it’s time to start qualifying matches, which should be pretty straightforward. Other than that, Drew McIntyre is even more ready to kill CM Punk so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Long recap of Clash At The Castle.

Here is Seth Rollins for a big surprise return to get things going. Rollins welcomes us back to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself back to the crowd, who seems to remember him. With that out of the way, he’ll cut to the chase: he wants the World Heavyweight Championship back and with Money In The Bank just a few weeks away….and cue Damian Priest to interrupt.

Priest offers a sincere welcome back (Rollins isn’t sure about that) but this isn’t Rollins’ show anymore. Rollins compares their careers, including starting in groups and cashing in to win their first World Title at Wrestlemania. The catch though is that Rollins grew a set and learned to stand on his own. Priest talks about how he wants to prove that he’s the better man so Rollins can have a title shot at Money In The Bank. The fans approve and yes Rollins is in. Rollins being back is a big boost and it’s not like he’s out of line as the next challenger. This works, and it’s a nice way to set up a title match without much time to spare.

Earlier today the Alpha Academy came in to see Adam Pearce, with Chad Gable wanting another title shot against Sami Zayn. That isn’t happening, but Gable is willing to earn it. Works for Pearce.

Chad Gable vs. Braun Strowman

The Alpha Academy is here with Gable, who tries a German suplex to start. That goes as well as expected, with Strowman shouting about how he doesn’t like bullies. Gable’s armbar over the ropes doesn’t work very well as he gets knocked to the floor as we take a break. Back with Gable running away from Strowman and throwing Akira Tozawa at him. That doesn’t work at all, as he gets caught in the powerslam to finish for Strowman at 6:32.

Rating: C. It’s a bit weird to see Gable getting wrecked like that but that’s the point of a monster like Strowman. He can go in there for a one off match and destroy someone because that’s what a monster does. I’m not sure what is next for Gable, but he is going to need some kind of a fresh story, which may or may not be a feud with Otis.

Post match Gable orders the Academy into the ring and starts yelling at Tozawa, but Maxxine gets in his way. Gable takes her crutch away (geez) so Otis helps her to the floor, leaving Gable to slap Tozawa. That’s too far for Otis, who shoves Gable into the corner. Otis helps everyone else leave. If they hadn’t split on Saturday, that’s more or less it.

We look back at the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio shenanigans from last week.

Judgment Day isn’t sure what is going on with Braun Strowman but Damian Priest wants to know what is up with Finn Balor stealing Morgan’s hotel room key last week. Balor says he took it to protect Dominik, so Priest asks about Money In The Bank. The plan is indeed for Balor to cash it in….on Cody Rhodes that is. In other news, Dominik can’t find his purple cow vest. I’m assuming we’ll see how Morgan looks in purple soon enough.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Zelina Vega vs. Kiana James vs. Iyo Sky

They all trade rollups to start until James is sent outside early on. Sky moonsaults onto her but gets Meteoraed by Vega and we take a break. Back with Vega and Sky slugging it out until Sky manages a butterfly backbreaker. James is back up but gets sent into the corner, leaving Sky to hit a springboard missile dropkick on Vega. The 619 hits Sky but James breaks up the Code Red. Cue Liv Morgan and yes, she’s wearing Dominik’s purple vest. The distraction distracts Vega so she can be knocked to the floor, leaving Sky to hit Over The Moonsault for the pin on James at 8:33.

Rating: B-. Sky winning is the right move here as she’s the bigger name, though I could have seen Vega winning for the sake of an underdog spot. James was there to take the pin and little more, as I’m assuming that’s the only reason she was called up from NXT. It’s not like she has made any impact so far and her future isn’t exactly looking bright thus far.

We look back at Bron Breakker wrecking Ilja Dragunov and destroying Ricochet last week.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. After a break, Zayn talks about how he is happy to still be the Intercontinental Champion. He beat Chad Gable again, after a big fight that started after Zayn beat him in a wrestling match. Zayn feels bad for the Alpha Academy but it is time to leave. The Academy will leave Gable when they are ready but for now, Zayn has to worry about defending the Intercontinental Title against anyone.

Cue Bron Breakker to interrupt, with Breakker saying Zayn knows why he is here. Breakker is coming for the title, which Zayn holds up, but cue Sheamus to interrupt. Sheamus has been chasing that title for years now, so maybe he should be in line for a title shot. Breakker isn’t having this and threatens Sheamus, who isn’t worried about being on a list. Zayn thinks they need to sort this out so he’s going to go get the match made. Either of those two would make a good challenge for Zayn, though I’m not sure they should be having Breakker lose to either of them.

Dragon Lee wants revenge on Carlito for costing him a Wrestlemania match.

We look at Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

The new champs are happy but Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark come in to issue the challenge. Sure.

Dragon Lee vs. Carlito

The LWO and Judgment Day are here too. Lee kicks him to the floor to start and tries a dive, which is pulled out of the air. Carlito gets in a ram into the barricade but Lee snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron as we take a break. Back with Lee hitting a running knee but walking into a neckbreaker for two. Carlito takes him to the corner but gets caught with the top rope double stomp. Lee’s sitout powerbomb gets two…and here is Liv Morgan for a distraction. Zelina Vega goes after her and the big brawl is on, with JD McDonagh getting in a cheap shot on Lee. Carlito hits the Backstabber for the pin at 8:02.

Rating: C+. There were some nice spots in there and Lee can look good with just about anyone, but this feud feels like it has been going on for the better part of ever without much progress. I do like the idea of giving Carlito some wins here and there though, as he needs to be elevated a bit before a bigger loss down the line. Good enough match, but not an interesting story.

We look at CM Punk getting a referee shirt so he could cost Drew McIntyre the World Title at Clash At The Castle.

Chad Gable yells at the Alpha Academy, who leave him on their own. Gable promises to win Money In The Bank.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. He says CM Punk a few times….and then quits. Adam Pearce pops up to say McIntyre can’t do this but McIntyre keeps walking as we take a break.

During the break, McIntyre told HHH that he quit too and then left. This has me interested, though seeing McIntyre use it as a way to sneak attack Punk in Chicago on Smackdown would make a lot of sense.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Damage CTRL

Carter and Chance take Kai down to start and an apron splash takes her down to the floor. Back in and Sane drops Carter for the Insane Elbow as Lyra Valkyria is here to support Carter and Chance. The distraction lets Carter get in a DDT and the After Party finishes for Chance at 2:29. Rather quick and to the point there, though it wasn’t exactly a smooth match.

Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest is set for MITB.

Iyo Sky tells the rest of Damage CTRL to fix things or she’ll fix it herself.

Sheamus vs. Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn is at ringside. Breakker powers him into the corner to start before they crash to the floor, with Breakker getting the better of things. Back in and Sheamus hits the Irish Curse into the Regal Roll before throwing Breakker outside. There’s the clothesline from the apron but Breakker sends him over the announcers’ table. A hard clothesline off the apron rocks Sheamus and we take a break.

Back with Breakker hitting a fireman’s carry gutbuster for two but Sheamus tells him to bring it. Sheamus’ swinging Rock Bottom gets two and he goes up, with Breakker getting a running start and….slipping on the ropes (looked like a running Frankensteiner). A quick White Noise gives Sheamus two and he cuts off the spear with a knee for the same. There are the ten forearms to the chest and the Brogue Kick is loaded up, only to have Ludwig Kaiser jump Sheamus for the DQ at 12:12.

Rating: B. This was what you would have expected and I like the ending, as it gives them a way out without Breakker taking a pin or setting him up for a loss against Zayn. Sheamus getting one more shot at the title works if that is the way they want to go as the match will be good, though Breakker as the unstoppable force running around is a good fit for him as well.

Post match Sheamus fights back on Kaiser but gets speared by Breakker. Kaiser is back up to go after Sheamus but Breakker runs around the ring (with an AWESOME overhead camera shot to show exactly what is going to happen) to spear Kaiser down. I wonder if a certain Austrian monster will be mad about that.

Dominik Mysterio finds Liv Morgan and wants his vest back. That’s cool with her, as long as she takes it off of her himself. She starts the unzipping and he helps, only for Damian Priest to come in and tell Dominik to get out. Priest says Dominik wants nothing to do with her but that’s not how Morgan sees it. These mind games are interesting and again, the reaction for Rhea Ripley returning to crush Morgan will be great.

Karrion Kross wanted to hurt Xavier Woods but instead he offers a challenge to either member of the New Day for next week, no seconds allowed.

New Day is interested, with Kofi Kingston accepting the match. Ignore him cutting Xavier Woods off twice in there.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Finn Balor vs. Jey Uso vs. Rey Mysterio

Balor bails to the floor to start so the other two show respect before Jey grabs a headlock. Jey takes over but Balor pulls him to the floor for some rams into the apron. We take a break and come back with Jey and Balor slugging it out. Rey breaks it up with a top rope seated senton to Balor and a crucifix for two on Jey. Back up and Balor drops Rey but gets kicked in the head by Jey, who gets dropped with a Pele as we take a break.

We come back with Balor shoving Jey to the floor but getting 619ed in the ribs. The regular version of the 619 hits Balor, followed by a top rope hurricanrana to both Balor and Jey. Rey goes up but cue Judgment Day for a distraction, with Braun Strowman coming out to chase him off. Balor takes Rey down and hits the Coup de Grace but gets caught with the Superfly Splash to give Jey the pin at 16:44.

Rating: B-. This got time but as usual, having two breaks in the middle didn’t do it any favors. The thing that interests me the most here is Rey though, as I don’t think we quite appreciate how good he is. He’s pushing 50 and is still having quality matches with knees that are held together with duct tape and prayer. You can cut his career in half and still have a Hall Of Fame worthy resume. I know he’s good, but I don’t think enough people realize how much of an all time star he really is.

Post match Jey goes to celebrate in the crowd….and the lights go out, Fiend style. We get the door with light behind it ala Bray Wyatt’s return in 2022, which busts open, showing a woman (Nikki Cross) crawling towards a lantern. We see a large man in an evil rabbit mask (Erick Rowan) with a bunch of people knocked out next to him as he holds a mallet labeled HELP. Everyone in the Gorilla Position has been attacked as some men stand over them. Chad Gable is down and bloody (looking like he got shot in the head), with Uncle Howdy appearing.

All of the people come into the arena and the five of them pose together. Howdy says “WE’RE HERE” and blows out the lantern to end the show. It was certainly intense and they took over the end of the show, but it’s still firmly too early to know how they’re doing. Anyone can start off with a bang and then fizzle out (Retribution) but if they’re treated as a monster faction who has an impact, this could be something.

Overall Rating: B. Well it wasn’t boring. This show had all kinds of big moments, with Rollins returning, McIntyre quitting, Breakker and Sheamus having a hard hitting match and the big angle at the end. They’re setting things up for Money In The Bank and while the ending debut might wind up crashing hard, they’re certainly off to an intriguing star. I had a good time with this show and I’m wanting to see where it goes, so well done indeed.

Braun Strowman b. Chad Gable – Running powerslam
Iyo Sky b. Kiana James and Zelina Vega – Over The Moonsault to James
Carlito b. Dragon Lee – Backstabber
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter b. Damage CTRL – After Party to Kai
Sheamus b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Ludwig Kaiser interfered
Jey Uso b. Finn Balor and Rey Mysterio – Superfly Splash to Balor



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Monday Night Raw – May 27, 2024: The Anti-Tournament Show

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 27, 2024
Location: EnMarket Arena, Savannah, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with King And Queen Of The Ring and we have a new Raw King in Gunther. That means he is going to get a World Title shot at Summerslam, but first Damian Priest has to defend against Drew McIntyre next month at Clash In The Castle. Other than that, Liv Morgan is the new Raw Women’s Champion and has to defend the title against former champion Becky Lynch tonight in a cage. Let’s get to it.

Here is King And Queen Of The Ring if you need a recap.

Long King And Queen Of The Ring recap.

Here is Ludwig Kaiser to introduce King Gunther, who carries the crown to the ring. We pause for a WE WANT RANDY chant before Gunther brags about beating Randy Orton to earn his crown. With that out of the way, he is ready to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam. He elevated the Intercontinental Title and now he has done it again with the King Of The Ring.

Cue Judgment Day to interrupt, with Damian Priest saying Gunther didn’t win anything because Orton’s shoulder was up. Yes Priest cashed in after winning a ladder match because that’s how it works. Priest offers to teach him a lesson, so Gunther says Priest can teach him before Summerslam and call him King, or teach him after and call him World Heavyweight Champion.

Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt and introduce himself to Gunther, who steps aside so McIntyre can face Priest. McIntyre says Judgment Day has been screwing up left and right since Rhea Ripley has been hurt. We hear about some British wrestling legends, but McIntyre is the only one to win the World Title.

McIntyre gives us a quick geography lesson because they don’t teach it in America, as he draws out where Scotland is located. WWE has called him a psycho and the terminator, but in Scotland they call him Drew, because everyone is like that. Priest brings up McIntyre’s wife for the sake of seeing if he can get under McIntyre’s skin but here is Braun Strowman for his scheduled match with JD McDonagh. This is an interesting way to go as you have two possible champions but the monster is waiting for either of them.

Braun Strowman vs. JD McDonagh

Joined in progress with Strowman powering him up and sending him into the corner. One heck of a toss sends McDonagh flying, setting up a running charge into the corner. Another charge is cut off though and Strowman goes shoulder first into the post. McDonagh gets in a shot to the knee on the floor and we take a break. Back with Strowman sending him outside and hitting the freight train. Finn Balor offers a distraction so here is Carlito for a cheap shot. That gets him nowhere, as Strowman grabs the powerslam for the pin at 9:32.

Rating: C. This didn’t need to be so long with Strowman flattening McDonagh without much trouble. Carlito not being able to help out in the end likely doesn’t bode well for him, which is part of his ongoing story. What matters here is Strowman getting a nice win in return and it went well enough.

Post match Strowman clears out the Judgment Day and Carlito without much trouble. McDonagh chairs him in the back and runs off.

Liv Morgan didn’t know Dominik Mysterio was going to interfere on Saturday but she’s ready to beat Becky Lynch in a cage. Watch her.

Damian Priest isn’t happy with Finn Balor and Carlito. Just find McDonagh before Strowman does.

We look at Bron Breakker being all violent last week.

Ricochet is banged up from last week and wants Breakker, but that can’t happen. Ilja Dragunov comes in and says thank you for the save last week and they can fight when Ricochet is better. Ricochet is cleared so he wants it tonight, with Adam Pearce making the match.

Ricochet vs. Ilja Dragunov

We get another QR code before the match and Dragunov chops away to start. Ricochet, with his bad ribs, is wrestled to the mat and a German suplex gives Dragunov two. Dragunov hits a running knee and bites the rope as we take a break. Back with Dragunov striking away but the Constantine Special is broken up.

Ricochet moonsaults him on the floor but a 450 misses back inside. Now the Constantine Special can connect to give Dragunov two and he plants Ricochet with a powerbomb. The top rope H Bomb is blocked and Ricochet hits the Recoil. A shooting star connects on Dragunov but Bron Breakker comes in to spear Ricochet for the DQ at 10:26.

Rating: B-. This was starting to heat up near the end but I like the DQ as you don’t want either of these two taking a fall. Dragunov already lost a big match in the tournament and Ricochet loses pretty often as well. Breakker getting involved makes him look like even more of a monster and that has potential as we move forward.

Post match Dragunov gets speared as well. Adam Pearce comes out to yell at him but Breakker isn’t having it.

Post break Pearce is still yelling at Breakker but walks off with Kiana James instead.

Earlier today, Awesome Truth was running an ice cream truck (because they’re like vanilla and….strawberry) when New Day came up to ask about some contest for a Tag Team Title shot. Karrion Kross comes up and Kofi mocks him for being all cryptic. Kross warms them about the AOP, so Woods tells him to bring Tokka and Razar.

Authors Of Pain vs. Creed Brothers

The Final Testament and Ivy Nile are here too. The Creeds go right after them to start, with Julius being knocked outside. Brutus slugs away but gets elbowed in the face for two. Rezar grabs a neck crank but misses a charge in the corner. Julius comes in for the suplexes into the nipups, but Scarlett sends Nile into the steps. The distraction breaks up the Brutus Ball and the suplex/sitout powerbomb combination (dubbed What A Rush) finishes Julius at 2:57.

We look at Carlito injuring Cruz del Toro last week.

Rey Mysterio talks about Carlito taking the wrong path out of jealousy over Dragon Lee. Tonight, Carlito isn’t going to face an old friend because he’s going to find out what happens when he faces the LWO.

Braun Strowman is limping around looking for JD McDonagh.

Memorial Day video.

Here is Sheamus for a chat. Sheamus hypes up King Of The Ring, which was banger after banger after banger, but sadly he was out in the first round. He blames Ludwig Kaiser but isn’t bitter. The only thing he isn’t happy about is Gunther’s coat rack bragging about what he did. Kaiser pops up on screen and says Sheamus is always talking, so Sheamus goes to get him. We follow Sheamus to the back where Kaiser jumps him, with the fight heading into the arena. Adam Pearce and the referees break it up.

Becky Lynch gives Lyra Valkyria a pep talk.

Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria

Dakota Kai is here with Sane and Valkyria has banged up ribs. Valkyria takes her down to start but the ribs flare up. A northern lights suplex hurts the ribs again and Sane catches her on top. Sane hits a hard sliding forearm to the ribs and a stomp to the ribs makes it even worse. The Insane Elbow is blocked with raised boots though and Valkyria gets a rollup for the pin at 3:42.

Rating: C. This was a nice win to get Valkyria back on track after her loss to Nia Jax. That’s exactly what she needed as she fought through the injury and won in the end by stealing a pin. Valkyria continues to feel like someone WWE wants to make into a big deal and it’s smart to give her a boost right back up the ladder.

Damian Priest isn’t pleased with Carlito for still being here, but Carlito steps out and Finds JD McDonagh. Priest isn’t happy with McDonagh for talking to Liv Morgan earlier but here is Dominik Mysterio. Priest isn’t happy with him either, though Mysterio says he’ll make it right tonight, including with Rhea Ripley.

Iyo Sky is not pleased with Kairi Sane’s loss and breaks a bunch of stuff before storming off screaming.

Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito

The LWO (minus Cruz del Toro, who is announced as well by mistake) is here with Rey. This is their first singles match in 20 years, with McAfee saying he was a junior in high school at the time. Cole: “I called that match.” McAfee: “…..D***.” Carlito starts fast with a whip into the corner and ties him in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses though and Carlito crotches himself against the post and we take a break.

Back with Carlito blasting him with a forearm for two, followed by a nasty faceplant. Carlito goes strong with an apron superplex for two more, meaning it’s time for frustration to set in. Mysterio fights up and hits a quick moonsault but gets planted for another near fall. A quick 619 attempt is blocked and Carlito dropkicks him out of the air. Carlito gets posted but here is Finn Balor, with Mysterio having to take him out as well. The Backstabber is blocked and the 619 sets up Dropping The Dime to give Mysterio the pin at 10:27.

Rating: C+. The match was perfectly fine with two guys who might not have been in the ring against each other in a good while but they can still work well together. This isn’t much in the way of revenge though, as Mysterio just beat him. If that’s all that is going to happen to him, why does he need the Judgment Day to protect him?

Post match Damian Priest comes in for the beatdown and Judgment Day stands tall.

Chad Gable asks Akira Tozawa why he wasn’t in Saudi Arabia, but he’s just disappointed. Braun Strowman pops in to look for JD McDonagh but has no luck. Otis shows up and Gable tells him to make up for his mistakes by beating Bronson Reed.

Otis vs. Bronson Reed

Chad Gable is here with Otis and accidentally distracts him to start, allowing Reed to hit a running splash in the corner. Reed hits a running elbow and Otis is knocked to the floor for some yelling from Gable. Back in and Reed hits a running dropkick but Otis slugs away and hits a running crossbody. Otis splashes him in the corner but Gable breaks up the Caterpillar attempt. Otis loads it up again so gable yells at him, allowing Reed to hit a superkick. The Tsunami hits Otis for the pin at 3:40.

Rating: C. This was a story advancing match as Gable is still causing Otis trouble and that is likely going to lead to a big blowup at some point in the future. I’m not sure when it is going to happen, but the fans are going to go nuts when the split happens. At the same time, Reed gets his own rebound win and it would be nice to see him keep moving forward.

Post match Gable calls the Alpha Academy into the ring and after a break it’s time for a meeting. Gable takes off his belt and tells Otis to grab the rope, but Maxxine Dupri cuts Gable off. Gable throws her out of the ring but here is Sami Zayn to interrupt. Zayn calls Gable a weak little man who can’t get the job done. That doesn’t work for Gable, who loads up the belt to Otis again, only to have Zayn take it away. Zayn tries to talk some sense into Otis but Gable takes Zayn out. The fans chant for Otis, who stays behind as the rest of the team leaves. Then Otis leaves on his own as the simmering continues.

Video on the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark want Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair to come to Raw and face them. Sonya Deville comes in and says they’re talking like they’re already champions but Baszler shouts her down. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn come in and a match seems to be made. Oh yeah. They work here too.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Morgan is defending inside a cage with pinfall, submission or escape to win. We’re joined in progress after a break with Morgan driving her into the cage. Morgan sends her face first into the cage a few times, followed by some hard shoulders to send her into it again. Lynch fights back and sends her head first into the cage, followed by a missile dropkick for two. A missed charge sends Lynch to the cage though and we take a break.

Back with Lynch getting two off a superplex but the Disarm-Her is broken up. Morgan’s Codebreaker gets two and they both go up top. Morgan gets knocked down but pulls her off cage, with a powerbomb getting two. Oblivion misses so Lynch grabs the Disarm-Her in the ropes. They go into the corner and crash back down…as Dominik Mysterio comes out.

He opens the door and begs Lynch to crawl out but here are Finn Balor and JD McDonagh to yell at him. Morgan hits an enziguri….but Braun Strowman comes out to go after Judgment Day. Dominik is sent flying into the door, which hits Lynch in the face, allowing Morgan to escape and retain at 13:22.

Rating: B-. This was pretty impressive from a storyline perspective as you had a few different things moving around at the same time. They managed to give Morgan another win over Lynch while also having the whole Judgment Day story advancing at the same time. The match itself was good enough, but this was a case where almost everything else is what mattered. Points for using the unrelated Strowman deal as a bonus too.

Morgan goes to leave but stops to look at Dominik in the aisle to end the show.  And then Morgan kisses him, with Mysterio not being sure how to react.  This did not air on all versions of the broadcast but is on WWE’s Youtube channel.

Overall Rating: B-. After weeks of focusing on the tournaments, everything changed this week as it was much more about advancing storylines on the way to Clash At The Castle. There are a lot of things coming in the next few weeks and this show did a good job of setting those up. The wrestling was ok enough but it wasn’t the focus here, and that’s ok after weeks of far above average in-ring content.

Braun Strowman b. JD McDonagh – Powerslam
Ricochet b. Ilja Dragunov via DQ when Bron Breakker interfered
Authors Of Pain b. Creed Brothers – What A Rush to Julius
Lyra Valkyria b. Kairi Sane – Rollup
Rey Mysterio b. Carlito – Dropping The Dime
Bronson Reed b. Otis – Tsunami
Liv Morgan b. Becky Lynch – Morgan escaped the cage



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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XXXIX Night One (2024 Edition): The Biggest Tag Match Ever (At The Time)

Wrestlemania XXXIX Night One
Date: April 1, 2023
Location: SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, California
Attendance: 67,303
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves
America The Beautiful: Becky G

I’ve been curious to get back to this show as it was rather well received last year, leading me to wonder just how well it holds up. The main event of the first night is the Usos defending the Tag Team Titles against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, which is still hard to believe in multiple ways. Other than that, we have Rhea Ripley challenging Charlotte for the Smackdown Women’s Title. Let’s get to it.

The set is a classic one, looking like the stage at the Academy Awards.

Becky G sings America The Beautiful.

The opening video features Kevin Hart, who threatens the voiceover guy with a big boot and legdrop. Hart is here to tell us a story about something that happened once upon a time in Hollywood. This sends us to a Wrestlemania greatest hits package before we look at the Wrestlemania trailers, which really weren’t close to the level of the originals in 2005. Hart asks the pyro budget to wrap it up.

Here are the hosts (in the ring rather than doing a full entrance in a smart time saver), the Miz and Snoop Dogg, to get things going. Miz talks about how they have a lot in common: they’re both musicians (Miz was in Wrestlemania: The Musical) and they’re both in a bunch of movies, plus Snoop is a WWE Golden Champ. Snoop: “So we’re the same?” Snoop says it’s more about the champions in the audience tonight, sending Miz into a preview of the card. We’re ready to fire it up so let’s get going.

US Title: Austin Theory vs. John Cena

Theory, defending, has one of my favorite entrance styles as the camera is shooting from the entrance, allowing you to look at the sea of humanity in front of him. It’s been awesome for years and it still is here. Cena on the other hand gets a video of his Make-A-Wish work (which is as cool as it gets) and has a bunch of Make-A-Wish kids with him for the big feel good moment. The entrance is rather strong, though maybe not as strong as that bald spot Cena is sporting.

Feeling out process to start with Theory grabbing a headlock and getting powered off without much effort. Cena goes after the arm and takes Theory down with a headlock takeover as the fans aren’t sure about this one. Back up and Cena powers him into the corner so Theory gets creative with a bite of the ear of all things. As I try to figure out if Theory was alive for Tyson vs. Holyfield II, Theory jumps Cena from behind and hits a suplex for two.

Theory takes a bit too long to follow up though and Cena snaps off a suplex of his own. The rolling Blockbuster cuts Cena right back down for two and we hit the posing for a bit. Theory’s rolling dropkick gets the same as the fans aren’t quite into these covers yet. More posing sets up Theory knocking him down again but a big stomp is blocked. The AA is countered into a DDT to give Theory two more and the frustration is on again.

Theory misses a charge into the corner and they slug it out until Theory grabs a sleeper. That’s broken up with a ram into the buckle and Cena initiates the finishing sequence. The AA is blocked again with a grab of the ropes and the referee gets bumped. Cena grabs the STF for the tap, which the referee doesn’t see. Theory gets in a low blow and A Town Down retains the title at 11:21.

Rating: C. It takes some guts to have Cena come out with the Make-A-Wish kids and then have him lose. As for the rest of the match, it was rather basic and felt like Cena was just playing the greatest hits. I get that Cena wasn’t able to be his old self, but it was getting close to “shell of his former self” territory. It was an attempt to give Theory a rub, but that didn’t quite click here as it felt like Theory was beating someone out there for one more match rather than a returning star.

Street Profits vs. Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Alpha Academy vs. Viking Raiders

This is dubbed a Showcase Match, which is pretty much flat out saying “they’re here to be on the card”. I kind of like the honesty there. Titus O’Neil is on commentary for no adequately explored reason. The Raiders have Valhalla (or Sarah Logan according to Titus) in their corner. Ricochet and Gable start things off and thank goodness they aren’t having four in the ring at once.

Ricochet’s hurricanrana attempt is countered into a quickly broken ankle lock so Ricochet sweeps the legs, only to get pulled into a backslide for one. Gable gets sent into the corner for the tag from Otis, who runs Ricochet over without much effort (Titus: “Big sweaty Otis!”). It’s right back to Gable, who mocks Strowman, allowing Ricochet to jump over Gable and make the tag.

All eight get in (you knew it was coming) and the big brawl is on. The Vikings clear the ring and the springboard clothesline/German suplex combination drops Ricochet. Ragnarok hits Ford but let’s stop to pose instead of covering. Strowman is back up to run both of them over, only to have Gable come back in for the rolling Chaos Theory. Gable goes up for a Swan Dive but Dawkins tags himself in, only to miss a dive. Ivar comes in and misses the moonsault as Dawkins moves (not that it would have connected anyway).

That leaves Strowman to hit a top rope splash for two on Strowman, with almost everyone else making the save. Otis World’s Strongest Slams Strowman but Ford is back in to clean some house. A bunch of people go to the corner and that is indeed a Tower Of Doom, with Ricochet diving onto them for the real crash. Strowman is up for the Strowman Express until Dawkins BLASTS HIM with a shoulder to pop the heck out of Titus. Ricochet is up with a springboard shooting star onto Dawkins but the shooting star press inside hits raised knees. Ford’s frog splash to Ricochet’s back (onto Dawkins’ knees) is enough for the pin at 8:29.

Rating: B. The term showcase makes sense here as that is what it felt like we saw. This was eight people getting the chance to have fun and it felt like something you would have seen on an independent show. That block on Strowman and Ricochet’s shooting star were both great, though the Profits were the most established team coming into this and giving them the win makes sense. I’m not usually wild on the people being stacked onto the card, but I’ll take it over a battle royal.

Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Omos, which takes place tomorrow.

We recap Seth Rollins vs. Logan Paul. Rollins is a star and Paul eliminated him from the Royal Rumble. To make it worse, Paul has knocked cost Rollins the US Title and knocked him out with his loaded right hand, leaving Rollins a little worried.

The UpUpDownDown crew simulates Rollins vs. Paul in WWE2K23, with Rollins having a 58% chance to win.

Seth Rollins vs. Logan Paul

Paul ziplines in, which is cool enough, but it doesn’t have much in the way of lasting power. Rollins has quite the entrance, as a conductor leads the crowd to sing his song. There is also a walking bottle of Prime, which can’t end well. Rollins grabs a headlock to start and talks to Paul a bit before being shoved away. They pick the pace up a bit with Rollins hitting a running shoulder but it’s way too early for the Stomp.

Back up and Paul throws him over the top (just like he did at the Royal Rumble, hence Paul saying “that’s twice”). Rollins isn’t happy with that and comes back in to hammer away until Paul snaps his throat across the top. Back in and Paul starts slugging away before avoiding a charge in the corner. A springboard crossbody into a standing moonsault gives Paul two and we hit something like a seated octopus. They strike it out while laying on the mat until Paul busts out a nice gutwrench suplex.

Commentary isn’t sure if they should be shocked that Paul is this good as he jumps from the mat to the top for a moonsault (geez) which only hits mat. The fans greatly approve of something (seemingly in the crowd) as Rollins makes the comeback and sends him over the top to even the score a bit. Three straight suicide dives connect for Rollins so Paul crawls away, only for Rollins to Stomp his hand on the steps.

Back in and the Pedigree is countered into an exchange of rollups for two each. Paul pops up and hits the big right hand but the pain means it’s a VERY delayed near fall. Rollins is back up with a sitout powerbomb for two and the Stomp is loaded up….but the bottle of Prime makes the save. It’s KSI (Paul’s business partner), whose distraction lets Paul post Rollins for the big knockdown. The announcers’ table is cleared off but KSI spends too much time filming, allowing Rollins to pull him in the way of Paul’s splash off the post through the table.

Back in and the Pedigree gets two in a heck of a kickout, leaving them both down. The frustrated Rollins hits an elbow to the back of the head but the Stomp is pulled out of the air. Paul busts out a GTS of all things before dropping a nice frog splash for two. With Rollins down in the corner, Paul goes up and tries a Coast To Coast, only to dive into a superkick. The Stomp finishes for Rollins at 16:14.

Rating: B+. These guys tore the house down with some awesome stuff as Paul continues to be an absolute freak of nature out there. He absolutely should not be this good with so little experience but here he is, having a heck of a match with a top WWE star on the biggest stage of them all. I had a great time watching this and you could feel the energy going up over and over throughout. Great match.

We recap Damage CTRL vs. Becky Lynch/Trish Stratus/Lita. Damage CTRL took out Lynch so she brought in Lita of all people to team with her and take the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Lita and Lynch, with an assist from Stratus, actually won the titles so now it’s time for a big grudge match.

Damage CTRL vs. Lita/Trish Stratus/Becky Lynch

Damage CTRL gets a normal entrance while the other three get a movie trailer/comic book style entrance, which is indeed rather cool and fitting for the show. For some reason they come into the stadium in black and white and….well it’s cool but I’m not sure I get the theme here. We get the big staredown to start and the fight is on before the bell. Damage CTRL is cleared out to the floor so Lynch baseball slides into Kai.

Back in and we officially start with Lynch’s early Manhandle Slam attempt being broken up. Sky offers a distraction so Kai can kick Lynch in the head, meaning the villains can take over in the corner. Some knees in the corner give Sky two, followed by a heck of a springboard missile dropkick for the same. A double wheelbarrow suplex/neckbreaker combination gives Bayley two, followed by Kai’s kick to the face for two more.

Lynch manages to send Bayley outside and drop Kai but Bayley pulls Stratus down to break up the tag attempt. Kai is finally knocked down though and the tag brings in Lita for a kind of awkward looking headscissors. Another headscissors sends Sky face first into the corner, setting up a faceplant for two. Lita goes up but Kai offers a cheap shot to put her down as the villains take over again.

Triple kicks drop Lita again before Sky bends the neck around the rope and screams menacingly. Lita manages to DDT her way out of trouble and brings Trish back in to chop away at Kai in the corner. A neckbreaker gives Stratus two but the Stratusphere is broken up. Everything breaks down and an assisted Stratusphere sends Kai off the top and down onto Sky/Bayley.

Back in and we get a rather awful looking Poetry In Motion to Kai, setting up the Disarm-Her from Lynch. Bayley breaks that up and takes Stratus down before pulling Kai over to the right corner in a move heels should use more often. The Rose Plant and Manhandle Slam are broken up but Bayley’s second Rose Plant connects with Lita having to make the save. Stratus comes back in and everything breaks down with everyone but Sky crashing out to the floor.

Sky moonsaults onto the pile and everyone is down at once. All six of them get back in and we have the three on three slugout, much to the fans’ delight. Lita hits Sky with a Twist of Fate and the Chick Kick drops Kai. The Litasault connects on Kai and Sky, leaving Lynch to hit a super Manhandle Slam for the pin at 14:38.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t very good as it felt long and then went another five minutes. Lita can’t really move all that well anymore (a lot of that will have to do with her neck problems) and it was getting tough to watch her out there. Everything else was ok at best and this really needed to be about five or more minutes shorter. Not an awful match, but slow and fairly dull to watch at times.

Video on Bianca Belair vs. Asuka for the former’s Raw Women’s Title on Night Two.

We recap Dominik Mysterio vs. Rey Mysterio. Dominik has been corrupted by Rhea Ripley and the Judgment Day and has gone full evil. This saw him torment his dad for months before finally getting Rey’s attention by going after his own mother. Now Rey is ready to teach his son, who was arrested for invading Rey’s house and now brags about his time (all of a few hours) in jail, a lesson.

Bad Bunny is on Spanish commentary.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

Following a long video showing him being transported from prison (including a shot of Auschwitz (as in the German concentration camp, which WWE had to apologize for using), Dominik is out first and comes to the ring in the back of a police van, where he has to be unshackled (with a lucha mask, which has Michael Cole WAY too incensed). Yeah that’s not going to be topped. Rey is driven to the ring in a low rider (with Eddie Guerrero music) by Snoop Dogg and yeah Dominik wasn’t topped.

Dominik, in gear close to Rey’s Halloween Havoc 1997 attire, locks up to start and gets absolutely nowhere with it. They go to the mat with Dominik taking him down, only to be sent out to the floor. Back in and Rey snaps off a running hurricanrana, meaning Dominik needs a breather. That’s fine with Rey, who headscissors him into the corner, where a whipping ensues. Dominik bails to the floor again, where he grabs a drink from his sister and throws it into her face.

Rey goes over to cut said sister off, allowing Dominik to catapult him into the post. That’s too far even for Graves, who can’t bring himself to defend Dominik on this one. The abdominal stretch goes on back inside before Dominik drops him down, meaning more trash talk can ensue. He yells at his mother enough that she slaps him in the face, allowing Rey to start the comeback.

Back in and Rey starts the comeback, including the springboard spinning crossbody. The Eddie Dance looks to set up Three Amigos but here is Judgment Day as Dominik drives him into the corner. Rey gets a running start but gets flipped over Dominik, sending him face first into the bottom turnbuckle for a VERY hard crash. After the referee makes sure Rey’s face isn’t broken, Dominik tries Three Amigos but Rey slips out of the third.

The 619 connects, only to have the Judgment Day offer a distraction so Dominik can take Rey down again. Rey is sent outside so Judgment Day surrounds him, only for the LWO to come in for the save. Back in and Dominik’s 619 sets up a frog splash for two, meaning frustration is setting in. Dominik unhooks the turnbuckle pad but the referee sees him, allowing Dominik to grab a chain instead. Bad Bunny breaks that up though and it’s a 619 into the frog splash to give Rey the pin at 14:31.

Rating: B. This is a weird one as I remembered absolutely loving it the first time but instead this was just good. The spanking in the corner spot was great and it was by far the biggest match Dominik has had. The big thing here was the Mysterio Family overcome Judgment Day and the evils of Dominik, which is about as feel good of a feeling as you can have.

It told a story and the action was good, making it feel very Wrestlemania worthy. Having the LWO there to cut off Judgment Day and Bad Bunny there to even things out again were nice additions as well. Good stuff overall, though maybe not the classic I remember it being originally.

You should visit Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico tourism bureau really recommends it.

We recap Rhea Ripley challenging Charlotte for the Smackdown Women’s Title. Ripley is the new monster of the division but Charlotte beat her before. This is a very different Ripley though and she wants the title, but also to avenge her loss to Charlotte at Wrestlemania XXXVI.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Rhea Ripley

Ripley is challenging. They take their time to start before Ripley runs her over. Back up and Charlotte knocks her out to the floor for a change, with Ripley looking a bit scared. She gets back inside where Charlotte is sent to the apron, only to come back with a big boot. A high crossbody gives Charlotte two but Ripley drops her face first onto the top turnbuckle. Ripley’s bodyscissors slows things down a bit, followed by the chops to keep Charlotte in trouble.

Charlotte is back up with some chops up against the ropes but Ripley snaps off a German suplex for two. Another comeback lets Charlotte drop her on the turnbuckle and hit some clotheslines, followed by the big chops to really stagger Ripley. Back up and Ripley rolls through a high crossbody and tries Riptide, only to get countered into a heck of a DDT for a near fall. Stereo big boots leave them both down for a minute before it’s time to slug it out. Ripley sends her into the knee but Charlotte snaps off a t-bone suplex.

Charlotte takes too long going up though and it’s a release German superplex for two, leaving Ripley shaken up. The breather lets Charlotte go after the knee and Natural Selection gets two. They go outside, where Charlotte misses a charge into the steps, allowing Ripley to grab a belly to back faceplant for two. Riptide is countered into a German suplex to put Ripley down but she’s back up with a German suplex to put Charlotte down on her face (that was almost really bad as Charlotte barely rotated enough).

Charlotte is fine enough to hit a heck of a big boot for tow more but the Figure Four is blocked again. A staggered Ripley rolls to the apron, where Charlotte hits another big boot. The moonsault to the floor actually connects but Ripley blocks the Figure Four again. The spear misses and a quick Riptide gets two, leaving Ripley absolutely stunned (you don’t see that every day). With the covers not working, Ripley grabs the Prism Trap, which looks even more impressive with someone as tall as Charlotte.

The rope is reached and Ripley almost runs into the referee, allowing Charlotte to come back with a spear for two of her own. Another big boot (Charlotte likes those) drops Ripley and the Figure Four finally goes on but the rope is grabbed in about half a second. They go up top, where Ripley drops her face first onto the post. That sets up a super Riptide to knock Charlotte good and silly for the pin and the title at 23:34.

Rating: A. I gave this a B+ last year and I completely shortchanged the whole thing. These two beat the living daylights out of each other and it felt like an absolute war with Ripley being crowned as the new queen. This is the match that Ripley needed to win and WWE got it absolutely right with the victory coming in a war. It was time for something new in the division and that was Ripley, who had to beat Charlotte to get there after what happened three years ago. Outstanding match here and an instant classic.

Video on Gunther defending the Intercontinental Title against Drew McIntyre and Sheamus on Night Two.

Austin Theory says he showed John Cena. Do you believe in him now?

Miz and Snoop Dogg announce tonight’s attendance: 80,497. Snoop says the only thing that would be better than that would be if Miz had a match tonight and Miz agrees. He put out an open challenge, but no one responded. Everyone knows that he is the toughest man here and we hit the catchphrase….which is cut off by Pat McAfee.

Cole stands up and Graves looks crushed all over again. McAfee says high to the beautiful people and greets Snoop before saying no one heard about this open challenge. He’s wearing his Wrestlemania tank top and the challenge is on. Miz would love to do it but he’s just the host of Wrestlemania so he can’t make the match. McAfee mocks Miz’s testicular fortitude so Snoop decides he can make the match. Miz tells Snoop to do this instead. Snoop: “I don’t do this. I rap.” And the bell rings.

Pat McAfee vs. Miz

McAfee slugs away to start and catches a charging Miz with a spinebuster. Miz goes up top but McAfee goes up with him and then backflips away. A superkick (and a nice one) knocks a diving Miz out of the air so Miz is ready to walk. For reasons of celebrity involvement, Miz shoves NFL tight end George Kittle, who jumps the barricade (security around here is awful) and clotheslines Miz. That lets McAfee go up onto the post and flip dive down onto Miz for the big crash. Back in and McAfee hits the Punt for the pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. This was the goofy fun that they knew it would be as Miz continues to be the perfect choice for the goof who can be beaten down and come back again later no matter what. McAfee is a nice celebrity guest star as he can more than handle himself in a short match and the fans seemed to like him. Good, easy fun here.

Wrestlemania XL is in Philadelphia.

Night Two rundown.

We recap the Usos defending the Tag Team Titles against Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens. Zayn had been part of the Bloodline but they eventually turned on him, leaving Zayn to turn to his long time, on again/off again partner Owens, who did not trust Zayn. There was one too many beatdowns though, and Owens finally reformed the team with Zayn to set up the title match, as they have to bring the Bloodline down one way or another. The other aspect of this is Jey Uso, who seemed to trust Zayn before getting stabbed in the back as well. Zayn still seems to believe in Jey, which adds a bit of a twist to the whole thing.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

The Usos are defending and are played to the ring by Lil Uzi Vert. Owens and Zayn are so fired up and you can feel every bit of it. After the Big Match Intros, Zayn seems ready to start with Jimmy but Jey comes in instead. Jey shoulders Zayn down but he comes back with right hands for a change. Jimmy low bridges Zayn to the floor though as the villains start taking over.

A suplex to the floor and a boot to the face keep Zayn in trouble, with Jey adding a Stinger Splash for two. Zayn finally manages to send the champs outside though and it’s Owens coming in to clean house. A big flip dive to the floor drops the Usos and a frog splash from the apron/top rope each gets two on Jimmy. Back in and Jey hits a pop up neckbreaker to cut Owens off though and we slow back down.

Owens fights back and tries a Swanton, only to hit raised knees. Jimmy adds a quick Superfly Splash for two and the near fall has Jimmy confused. Some superkicks put Jimmy into the corner though and it’s a Cannonball to Jimmy, with Zayn brainbustering Jey on the apron. The Swanton gives Owens two and Zayn adds his own Superfly Splash for two more. Cole references El Generico for the OLE chants but Jey cuts things off with a superkick.

A high quantity of superkicks get two on Zayn, with Owens having to make a save. Another superkick gets two but this time Zayn kicks out himself. Owens tries to come in sans tag but gets spinebustered through the announcers’ table for his efforts. Back in and the 1D gets two on Zayn, with Cole (and the fans) LOSING IT over the kickout. The livid Jey shouts at Zayn in the corner, slapping away while saying they were brothers.

Jey hits a Helluva Kick but Zayn grabs an exploder suplex into the corner. The tag brings in Owens for powerbombs a plenty, setting up a Helluva Kick from Zayn to Jimmy. The Stunner gets two on Jey and everyone is down. They all pull themselves up and the fight is on again, meaning more and more superkicks.

The Usos’ superkicks are superer though and Owens is down while Zayn is knocked to the floor. The double Superfly Splashes get two and the Usos are stunned. Zayn breaks up the super 1D though and Owens superplexes Jimmy, allowing the tag to Zayn for the Helluva Kick to Jey. Another Helluva Kick to Jey, a Stunner to Jimmy and a third Helluva Kick to Jey FINALLY give us new champions at 24:07.

Rating: B+. This was all about the emotion, as Owens and Zayn had such a long story to not only win the titles, but they headlined Wrestlemania (two in a row for Owens) to do so. That is one of those “who would have believed it” stories and my goodness the payoff was worth the wait. If nothing else, the fact that neither of them had won a Tag Team Title in WWE until now is almost hard to fathom. The match itself was rather good too and they nailed the finish as it had to be Zayn pining Jey, but even the Young Bucks would tell them to tone down the superkicks here. Heck of a main event though.

A big celebration and the highlight package take us out for the night.

Overall Rating: A-. There were eight matches on here (one of which was the impromptu celebrity match) and five of them were very good to excellent. That is getting into all time territory and if the other two matches (Cena/Theory and the six woman tag) could have held up even a bit more, it’s one of the best shows ever. For now, I’ll more than go with what they gave us, including an excellent Ripley vs. Charlotte match.

The biggest thing here though was how grand everything felt. From the stadium to the set to the crowd to the action, it felt like the biggest show in the world and that is what sets Wrestlemania apart. There is nothing like it in wrestling and this one blew a bunch of its predecessors out of the water. I liked it a lot on the first viewing and the repeat might have been even better. Definitely worth a look if you haven’t seen it before or even since the original airing.

Ratings Comparison

John Cena vs. Austin Theory

Original: C
Redo: C

Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy vs. Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Viking Raiders

Original: B
Redo: B

Logan Paul vs. Seth Rollins

Original: B+
Redo: B+

Damage CTRL vs. Becky Lynch/Trish Stratus/Lita

Original: C-
Redo: C-

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

Original: A-
Redo: B

Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte

Original: B+
Redo: A

Pat McAfee vs. Miz

Original: C
Redo: C

Usos vs. Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn

Original: A-
Redo: B+

Overall Rating

Original: B+
Redo: A-

Pretty close all around but it’s better than a B+ overall.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Smackdown – April 12, 2024: The Wheels Keep Moving

Date: April 12, 2024
Location: Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

It’s the first Smackdown after Wrestlemania and the big story is Cody Rhodes finishing the story, meaning it is time to find out what is next. That could go in a variety of different directions and after Raw, we aren’t likely to see the Rock anytime soon. I’m curious about where this an everything else goes so let’s get to it.

Here are Night One and Night Two of Wrestlemania if you need a recap.

We open with a quick Wrestlemania recap.

Here is Cody Rhodes to quite the hero’s welcome, including the YOU DESERVE IT chant that delays the start of his chat. Cody talks about how the Rock interrupted him on Raw and it made him think of someone from Detroit. That someone would say “who the h*** told you tonight was open mic night b****?”

After that line from Cody’s wife Brandi Rhodes from a few years ago on AEW Dynamite, Cody apologizes for the swearing and talks about the Rock handing him something we couldn’t see. Cody doesn’t say what it was but says that with Rock going off to Hollywood, he’s in the rear view mirror. That means it is time to get ready for Backlash in France, where he will be facing one of six wrestlers.

Cody goes over the six options (Santos Escobar, Rey Mysterio, LA Knight, AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley and Kevin Owens) and says in some cases you need to find out who the better man is. We are sold out here in Detroit and he is no longer the hunter but rather the hunted. To those six wrestlers, if you come at the king, you better not miss. For those of you don’t know him, he was undesirable, became undeniable and is now undisputed. This was the short form victory speech from Cody, but he moved towards his first challenger so the wheels continue to turn.

The Bloodline finds Cody Rhodes’ dressing room, with Kevin Owens sticking his head out. Solo Sikoa says he’ll take care of this. Paul Heyman says winning and losing matters here and if you want the locker room back, the title has to come back to the Bloodline. That’s from the Tribal Chief, so Sikoa seems to rethink things.

Sheamus is coming back.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar vs. Bobby Lashley

The winner faces the winner of another triple threat match for the Backlash title shot. After seeing a clip of Legado del Fantasma saying they didn’t attack Dragon Lee last week, it’s a brawl to start with Lashley taking over. Lashley and Knight head outside, with Escobar diving onto both of them as we take a break about a minute in.

Back with Lashley cleaning house until Knight knocks him to the floor. Knight takes over on Escobar…and here is Legado to beat him down, including a triple powerbomb. Lashley comes back in but gets beaten down as well, with the Street Profits coming in for the save. With everyone else gone, Knight hits the BFT to pin Escobar at 8:34.

Rating: C+. The action was good but there was a lot packed into this and that might not have been a good thing. Having that many people run in made the match feel secondary and that shouldn’t be the case in a match with some actual stakes. Knight winning should be setting up a rematch with AJ Styles next week and that is a good way to go.

The LWO doesn’t believe that Legado del Fantasma didn’t take out Dragon Lee. Rey Mysterio says he’s done a lot in recent years, but he thinks he has one more run as WWE Champion.

Here is the Bloodline for a chat. Paul Heyman talks about how things went badly at Wrestlemania and brings up Seth Rollins being the big problem. Rollins came in and distracted Reigns, who gave into temptation and went after Rollins so the focused Cody Rhodes could end everything. Cody Rhodes is the new undisputed WWE Champion, but like a phoenix rising from the ashes….and Solo Sikoa cuts Heyman off.

Sikoa says loses matter, so there are consequences to losing, right? Heyman agrees, with Sikoa saying consequences need change. Heyman panics, but Sikoa moves him aside to look at Jimmy Uso. Sikoa slowly hugs him, says he loves him, and then steps aside so the debuting Tama Tonga can jump Jimmy. The beatdown is on and Tama poses, with Sikoa pulling Heyman over to them (Heyman: “NO PLEASE!”).

Heyman gets to do the pose with them and tries to call Roman Reigns, but Sikoa knocks the phone out of his hand and stomps on it. Jimmy gets the chair wrapped around his head in the corner, where Sikoa says he loves him and the running hip attack (Heyman: “THIS IS NOT WHAT THE TRIBAL CHIEF WANTS!”) connects. The Bloodline leaves, with Heyman looking terrified/bewildered and Jimmy looking dead. This was tremendous, with Heyman selling things as only he can and a feeling of “when the Tribal Chief is away, the mice will play”. The Bloodline continues, and now we get to see where things go in the new direction.

Cameron Grimes vs. Bron Breakker

Breakker wrestles him around to start and hits the Steiner Line. Grimes manages some kicks out of the corner but goes up and is kind of World’s Strongest Slammed out of the air. The spear finishes for Breakker at 1:19. If Breakker can be healthy, he’s World Champion in a few years.

AJ Styles is ready for Rey Mysterio and Kevin Owens and hopes LA Knight is watching.

Here is Bayley for a chat and the fans really seem to love her again. She talks about how good it feels to hear that again and how she has been champion before. This time feels different though because she beat Iyo Sky to get here. It represents the most talented locker room she has ever been a part of, but even more than that, it’s because of all of the fans. The fans never gave up on her and she thanks them so much.

Let’s start this off right by giving someone a new opportunity so here is Tiffany Stratton to interrupt. She isn’t sure why she wasn’t invited to Wrestlemania so she accepts the challenge. Bayley wasn’t talking about “Terry” because she had someone else in mind: Naomi. Tiffany: “NAOMI? She couldn’t win a title if it glowed in the dark!” Cue Naomi, with Tiffany saying she already beat her. Naomi takes the coat off and says Tiffany is trying her on the wrong night. She can’t accept Bayley’s challenge just yet because she needs to beat Tiffany right here and now. Bayley is slipping right back into her old style and that is great.

Paul Heyman checks on Jimmy Uso, when Tama Tonga comes in to say by orders of the Tribal Chief (Heyman is scared again), and Solo Sikoa comes in with the taped thumb. Tonga and Sikoa leave. Heyman: “What the h*** does that mean?” Lost and confused Heyman is working very well.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi

Non-title and Bayley is at ringside. We’re joined in progress with Naomi running the ropes but getting knocked down. Stratton takes her into the corner for some shots to the ribs but Naomi hits a knee to the face. Back up and Naomi hammers away, only to be sent outside for a crash as we take a break. We come back with Naomi hitting a middle rope spinning kick to the head. Stratton drops her again and hits a running double stomp for two of her own. The Prettiest Moonsault Ever misses though and Naomi grabs a rollup for the pin at 9:16.

Rating: C. They needed to give Naomi a win to set her up for her title shot and while I could have gone with it not being against Stratton, this was the right way to go. Stratton is going to be around the title picture sooner than later and it wouldn’t shock me to see her cause some mayhem when Naomi gets her shot.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory brag about winning the Smackdown Tag Team Titles.

The Street Profits and New Catch Republic are watching the video. Nick Aldis says we’ll find the next challengers next week.

Logan Paul brags about beating a legend in Randy Orton and a dunce in Kevin Owens. It was the biggest Wrestlemania ever and that’s because of him.

Chelsea Green/Piper Niven vs. Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair

This is Niven’s first match in about two months. Belair beats up Green to start so it’s off to Niven, who tries going after the braid. That doesn’t work at all as it’s off to Cargill, who hits Jaded for the pin at 1:22. Yeah that worked.

Kevin Owens takes a Detroit Tigers WWE Title belt and, after shoving a CM Punk shirt off the table, talks about how he’s going to win. Also, Dominik Mysterio sucks.

Rey Mysterio vs. Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles

The winner gets LA Knight next week for the shot against Cody Rhodes at Backlash. Styles gets sent to the floor to start but he cuts off Rey’s dive without much trouble. Owens knocks Styles down and hits a Cannonball against the barricade. Rey drops Owens and we take an early break.

Back with Styles flipping Rey into a tornado DDT on Owens but being able to block the 619. Owens is back in and Styles is sent outside, leaving Owens to hit the swinging superplex on Mysterio. With everyone back in, Owens German suplexes both of them at once for a rather nasty landing and a triple breather. Rey tries the 619 on Styles but Owens breaks it up and hits a Stunner to send Rey outside. The Swanton hits knees so Rey and AJ go up. Styles hits a Styles Clash to send Rey onto Owens, which is enough to give Styles the pin at 9:14.

Rating: B-. They did some cool stuff in here but Styles was the only winner that made sense here. Styles vs. Knight II for the title shot is a good way to go and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Styles move on. Styles is a perfect choice to be Rhodes’ first challenger, as beating him would mean something but it’s not wasting a big title shot. For now though, nice main event to set up next week.

LA Knight comes out for the staredown with Styles to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The Bloodline stuff was the highlight here, with Tama Tonga being added in a good moment. Other than that, they set up a #1 contenders match to get us the Backlash main event and gave us Bayley’s first challenger. Throw in squashes for Bron Breakker and Jade Cargill and this was a fun show which also played off what we saw at Wrestlemania.

LA Knight b. Santos Escobar and Bobby Lashley – BFT to Escobar
Bron Breakker b. Cameron Grimes – Spear
Naomi b. Tiffany Stratton – Rollup
Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair b. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven – Jaded to Green
AJ Styles b. Kevin Owens and Rey Mysterio – Super Styles Clash to Mysterio



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Wrestlemania XL Night One: It Got Cold. Really Cold.

Wrestlemania XL Night One
Date: April 6, 2024
Location: Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Corey Graves, Michael Cole
National Anthem: Coco Jones

We have arrived. It’s time for the biggest show of the year and in this case, the main event of night one is going to have an impact on that of night two. We have Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins teaming up with the Bloodline, with the winners determining the stipulations for Rhodes’ title shot against Roman Reigns. Other than that, Rhea Ripley defends the Raw Women’s Title against Becky Lynch. Let’s get to it.

Note that I was in the stadium for this show, sitting in the upper deck with the stage on my right.

There is a new Then, Now and Forever video, which is rather awesome looking and has a lot of blue.

Coco Jones sings the National Anthem, which is a big change from decades of America the Beautiful.

Michael Cole welcomes us to the show and talks about the main event.

The opening video talks about the greatness of Philadelphia before moving on to the greatness that is Wrestlemania. Alas no Sylvester Stallone, but we’ll have to settle for Meek Mill.

Here is HHH (er sorry: Paul “Triple H” Levesque) for the big opening. He loves this stuff and welcomes us to the show. End of appearance.

We recap Becky Lynch challenging Rhea Ripley for the Raw Women’s Title. Lynch was the biggest star in the world and needs to prove that she still has it against Ripley, who is the best in the world right now. I’ve heard worse ideas.

Raw Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch

Ripley is defending and is played to the ring by Motionless In White. Lynch counters this by….having strep throat. Ouch. Ripley shoves her into the corner to start but Lynch snaps the arm over the ropes to go after the previously injured wrist. They head outside for a bit, with Ripley firing off shoulders in the corner back inside. A suplex gives Ripley two and she stomps Lynch down, setting up an Eddie frog splash.

The dance takes too long though, allowing Lynch to grab a top rope armdrag. A tornado DDT plants Ripley and Lynch drapes her over the ropes for the middle rope legdrop to the back. Back in and Ripley faceplants Lynch to take over and a knee to the face gets two. Riptide is blocked though and Lynch goes for the cross armbreaker, which is….eventually broken up with three straight powerbombs.

The arm is ok enough for Ripley to kick Lynch in the face for two, setting up the exchange of strikes. Ripley misses a charge into the post and Lynch grabs the Disarm-Her in the corner. That’s reversed into the Prism Trap with a bodyscissors but Lynch stacks her up for two instead. Riptide is reversed into a release Manhandle Slam for two and Lynch is getting frustrated. Another Disarm-Her attempt is countered into the Riptide for two and now it’s Ripley’s turn to be stunned.

They go up top where Lynch grabs a superplex and floats over into the Disarm-Her. That’s countered into an electric chair and they fall over the top to the floor without breaking it up. The electric chair drop onto the floor has Lynch crashing down hard, followed by a frog splash for two back inside. Back up and they head to the top again, where Lynch’s super Manhandle Slam is blocked. Instead it’s a Riptide onto the buckle (that’s a new one) into the regular Riptide to retain the title at 17:08.

Rating: B. This felt like both a rather good match as well as an official passing of the torch. While Ripley had been the biggest star in the women’s division for a good while, she needed to beat the biggest women’s star ever to cement her status. It was a heck of a fight and Lynch certainly made it interesting, but this was about Ripley getting her big title defense and it worked well. Heck of an opener here.

Pretty Deadly preview the six team ladder match, complete with impressions of the teams. These two are always hilarious because they lean into the cheese that hard.

Tag Team Titles: Judgment Day vs. Awesome Truth vs. DIY vs. New Day vs. Austin Theory/Grayson Waller vs. New Catch Republic

Judgment Day is defending in a ladder match, with the two sets of titles hanging up in different places (that sounds splitty to me). They’re going rapid fire with the entrances for obvious reasons, but they go so fast that the Awesome Truth’s graphics are still up for New Catch Republic, with commentary mocking the production team as a result. Xavier Woods is in Consequences Creed gear, which is rather appropriate here.

It’s a big brawl to start (of course) and a bunch of people go after Priest, leaving Theory and Waller to climb a ladder each. That’s broken up as well with a bunch of people going up in a less than successful attempt. The champs come back in and wreck people until Bate torture racks Balor and a ladder for an upside down airplane spin. You know, because he can do that. The Republic goes up top on the ladder at ringside and moonsault down onto a pile of people each.

Back in and Bate goes up so Priest Razor’s Edges Dunne into the ladder for a big double crash down. Miz gets double teamed so Truth….stands on the apron and begs for the tag. Naturally Miz gets away and makes the diving tag, allowing Truth to use initiate John Cena’s finishing sequence on Balor.

The crowd counts the pin off the AA so Truth thinks he won but DIY is back in. Truth has Johnny Gargano tune up the band (because Truth thinks he’s Shawn Michaels) and it’s a superkick to Priest, setting up Ciampa’s Fairy Tale Ending. DIY and Awesome Truth decide to go after a title each but Theory and Waller make the save…and win the Smackdown Tag Team Titles at 7:31.

New Day cuts off Theory from going for the other belts before the Republic throws Waller off a ladder and through another one at ringside (Waller held onto his belt of course). DIY clean house and load up some tables at ringside (oh dear), with Truth setting up another one on another side. New Day is back in and set Ciampa on another bridged ladder, with Woods hitting the Limit Break.

Kofi goes up and Trust Falls onto a bunch of people on the floor but Theory cuts off Woods’ climb. The Republic breaks that up and the Birminghammer drops Theory again. A slingshot DDT through a table takes out Gargano and Dunne, leaving Ciampa to hit an Air Raid Crash off the ladder to plant Bate.

Truth goes up but cue JD McDonagh to pull him down and help Balor climb up. New Day isn’t having that and chairs Balor down, setting up a toss to send McDonagh through the tables. Priest comes back in to wreck New Day until Miz cuts him off. Priest chokeslams Miz down as the ladder is breaking underneath them. A fresh ladder is brought in, with Truth AA’ing Priest to the floor, leaving Truth to climb the ladder and get the belts for the win at 17:32.

Rating: C+. It was a six way tag team ladder match with twelve people involved, plus McDonagh interfering. There is only so much you’re going to be able to get out of a mess like this and they did about as well as possible. It’s a fun match with some big crashes, but the titles being split is what matters most here. I’m not sure they needed to be, but I’ll take this over two people with so many belts at once.

Olympic gold medal winning wrestler Jordan Burroughs is here.

We recap Rey Mysterio/Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio/Santos Escobar. Rey and Escobar have been feuding since Escobar turned on him in November but Dominik got involved to teach his father a lesson again. Both of them have partners so let’s have a tag match.

Rey Mysterio/Andrade vs. Santos Escobar/Dominik Mysterio

The LWO and Legado del Fantasma are here too. Rey snaps off a headscissors to Escobar to start and it’s quickly off to Dominik. Everything breaks down in a hurry with the villains being sent outside. Andrade goes up so Rey sits on his shoulders and they dive onto the floor for a double crossbody while still being attached. Back in and Dominik breaks up the 619 before sending Rey outside again.

Escobar takes over on the floor and it’s a slingshot hilo to give Dominik two back inside. Dominik elbows him down for two more and a double basement dropkick gives Escobar the same. The seated abdominal stretch goes on as commentary talks about Carlito being unhappy with not being Andrade’s partner here. Rey Code Reds his way to freedom and the tag brings in Andrade to clean house.

Andrade’s running knees hit Dominik in the corner but he neckbreakers his way out of trouble. Rey comes in to beat up on the now legal Escobar as everything breaks down. Some Legado interference lets Escobar hit a super hurricanrana. Everyone else gets in a fight at ringside, including Wilde’s insane slingshot dive to the floor. Dominik grabs a chair but two rather large men in masks grab both the chair and Dominik, who is sent inside. Andrade takes out Dominik, leaving Rey to hit a top rope splash to pin Escobar at 11:00.

Rating: C+. I’m a little surprised that Rey beat Dominik (albeit indirectly this time) for the second year in a row but at least Andrade seems to be getting a push. Carlito might not be happy with it though and that opens up a door. If nothing else, this might be the end of Rey vs. Escobar, which is kind of a shame as Escobar felt like he had potential.

The masked men are former Philadelphia Eagles Jason Kelce and Lane Johnson.

We recap Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso. It’s a battle of the twins, with the two of them being so close for so long until Jimmy decided to side with the Bloodline against Jey. This included Jimmy costing Jey the World Title at Summerslam….and now the match is taking place eight months later.

Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso

Jey is rapped to the ring by Lil Wayne and then dives onto Jimmy to start the brawl before the bell. They get back inside for the bell and Jey hits the big dive to drop him again. Back in and a high crossbody gives Jey two but Jimmy grabs something close to a pop up Samoan drop (it doesn’t quite land). Jimmy slowly kicks him down, then does it again a few more times. The Superfly Splash misses so Jey hits a superkick of his own.

They slug it out (YEET/NO YEET) before trading jumping enziguris. An exchange of superkicks goes to Jey, with Jimmy being knocked into the corner. Jey kicks him down and loads up another big one but Jimmy begs off. Jimmy apologizes and Jey (eventually) accepts it, earning the cheap superkick from Jimmy in the process. The Superfly Splash gives Jimmy two but Jey hits a spear into his own Superfly Splash for the pin at 11:09

Rating: D. Oh yeah that didn’t work. Its a mixture of a few problems, starting with the fact that they wrestle such similar styles. You can only get so much out of that many kicks to the face and then a lame fake apology. The other problem is there was zero reason to believe Jimmy was going to win. In the time since Summerslam, Jey has turned into a solid midcard star who can be taken seriously. On the other hand, Jimmy is little more than a comedy goof most of the time.

This is a match that made sense on paper, but it needed to be a much more physical brawl and it needed to come about seven months earlier. As it is, it was a match that should have been a good brawl but instead it felt like “ok they’re having their match so they can say they did it at Wrestlemania.” This was a really bad miss and that’s a shame.

Ad for WWE Experience in Saudi Arabia. This was LOUDLY booed in the stadium.

We recap the Kabuki Warriors vs. Naomi/Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill, which is pretty much “these three women are amazing together” and Damage CTRL are little more than designated victims.

Naomi/Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill vs. Damage CTRL

Damage CTRL have a bunch of Japanese women dancing before their entrance, while the other three all step off a scissor lift for individual entrances. This includes Cargill, who has hacked off a lot of her hair. Naomi sends Asuka into the corner to start but gets caught by Sane, who sends her outside. The top rope elbow to the floor hits a standing Naomi and it’s back inside so Asuka can hit Naomi in the face a few times.

Naomi kicks her way to freedom and hands it off to Belair as they’re saving Cargill for the big moment. Belair grabs a vertical suplex while marching around the ring, because of course she can do that. A handspring moonsault hits all three villains for two but Kai cuts off the tag to Cargill.

The running knee gives Asuka two on Belair but she’s right back up to hand it off to Cargill for the big reaction. House is quickly cleaned and an over the shoulder piledriver plants Sane. Everything breaks down and Belair hits the hair whip on Asuka (you could hear that crack at the top of the stadium and my goodness it’s amazing). The KOD drops Asuka and Jaded finishes Kai at 8:05.

Rating: C+. The match was never in doubt and they did this exactly as they should have. This was 100% about Jade getting the big tag at the end and cleaning house to win, which they nailed to perfection. They didn’t risk her doing anything dumb or having the chance to get exposed, making this about as well done as it could have been. Perfect presentation, good enough match.

Post match the winners get the big hero pose and that is something WWE is going to want to push for a good while.

We recap Gunther vs. Sami Zayn for the former’s Intercontinental Title. Gunther is pretty much the most dominant champion of all time and Zayn isn’t sure if he still has it. Chad Gable has given him a heck of a pep talk and training to help him believe in himself, as Zayn is still worried about failing again. Now Zayn is fired up and that’s a threat to Gunther and the title.

Zayn is in the back with his wife and son, the latter of whom believes he can do it. His family leaves and Chad Gable comes in to say he believes in Zayn too, but Zayn is on his own tonight. Oh and he owes Gable a favor later. Zayn does the long walk towards the ring and runs into Kevin Owens, who gives him a big hug. Just play the Rocky theme already. Or one of the catchiest themes in wrestling history.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Gunther

Gunther is defending and Zayn’s wife is in the front row. Commentary is all over with the Rocky references, even saying that Zayn fights great but Gunther is a great fighter. Zayn ducks an early chop and strikes away but gets caught with a German suplex. A big boot drops Zayn again and Gunther lays him on top for the boot choke. Back up and Gunther fires off the chops but Zayn unloads with rights and lefts.

A half and half suplex drops Gunther but he’s back up with a big clothesline. It’s to early for the powerbomb though and Zayn grabs the tornado DDT. The Blue Thunder Bomb is countered and Gunther pulls him into the sleeper in the middle of the ring. With Zayn getting close to the ropes, Gunther drops him with a German suplex. Zayn manages the exploder into the corner but Gunther dropkicks him into the corner.

The powerbomb gives Gunther two and now he’s looking frustrated. Gunther clotheslines him hard again and hits two more powerbombs for two, meaning it’s time to yell at Zayn’s wife. Another powerbomb puts Zayn down and it’s a top rope splash to make it worse. Gunther does it again and still won’t cover, instead yelling at Zayn’s wife again. That’s somehow enough to wake Zayn up so Gunther goes up top again, allowing Zayn to hit a Helluva Kick. The brainbuster onto the buckle sets up a pair of Helluva Kicks to give Zayn the pin and the title in the big upset at 15:05.

Rating: A-. Maybe it’s that I’m a big Rocky fan but they nailed every bit of this. Gunther had been the unstoppable monster for so long and Zayn is about as perfect of an underdog as you can get in today’s wrestling. It was a great story, a heck of a match and an incredible moment when Zayn FINALLY beat Gunther. After such a long reign, Gunther is going to be just fine as he moves up to the main event scene. This was about as perfect as it could have been and I loved it quite a bit.

Here’s a four minute video on how great Wrestlemania really is. I kept waiting for this to go somewhere and it just didn’t.

Pat McAfee recaps the ending of the Rey Mysterio match earlier, complete with telestrator.

Adam Pearce and Nick Aldis thank the fans for the attendance of 72,543.

Celebrities are here.

Wrestlemania Sunday rundown.

We recap the Rock/Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins. Rock has returned and joined forces with Reigns as we have something of a Rhodes vs. Anoa’i Family war, plus the combined efforts to dethrone Reigns at any cost. Rock has made it very personal with Cody, even bringing Cody’s mother into things. The deal here is that while Cody has a shot against Reigns set, the stipulations will be set in the tag match. If the Bloodline wins, it’s anything goes tomorrow, but if Cody/Rollins win, it will be a normal match with the Bloodline barred from ringside.

The Rock/Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins

The entrances are incredibly long, with Rollins wearing something that could be described as clothes and Rock having a theme of reaching his final form and walking through a flaming Brahma Bull logo (while carrying the People’s Title which was given to him at the Hall Of Fame). From the start of the recaps to the opening bell (including Big Match Intros): about 25 minutes.

The bell rings and the four of them stare at each other for about a minute and a half until Reigns and Rollins start things off, with the first contact coming over two and a half minutes in. Reigns powers him down without much trouble but Rollins kicks him in the ribs. Cody comes in for some jabs which don’t get him very far. Rollins tags himself back in and NOW Rock wants in. The slow, dramatic tag does in fact bring him in and the fans are rather pleased with Rock.

Rollins gets shoved down again and hammers away, setting up the running clothesline out of the corner. It’s off to Cody and the fans are behind Rock again. They fight over a lockup and don’t get very far until Rhodes takes him into the corner and strikes away. Some double teaming has Rock in trouble as commentary talks about whether or not the Rock needed to save WWE.

All four get in for another showdown and now it’s time to go outside for a brawl. Rock tells the referee that he’s fired if he counts while they’re on the floor before brawling with Rollins in the crowd. Cody and Reigns fight up to the stage where a suplex drops Reigns again. Rock spits some water in Rollins’ face and Cody is thrown off the ramp (not that far mind you) for a crash. Rollins sends Rock back inside but Reigns takes out Rollins’ knee to turn things around.

Back in and Rock starts going after the bad knee before it’s Reigns coming in to kick at the knee as well. A half crab stays on the knee, followed by a whip into the steps on the floor. They go back inside where Rollins is whipped hard into the buckle, allowing Reigns to fire off the hard clotheslines. The Superman Punch is countered into a neckbreaker but Rock isn’t about to let the tag go through that quickly.

A low blow hits Rollins, with the referee having to apologize to Cody for not being able to do anything about it. Rollins fights back again and sends Reigns outside…where Reigns can cut off the diving tag attempt. Rock grabs the eternally awful Sharpshooter so Cody comes in with the big slap for the break. Rollins hits a superkick and a Stomp but can’t follow up because of the knee.

The tag brings in Cody a few seconds later and house is quickly cleaned. There’s the powerslam into the Disaster Kick to put Reigns down and the Cody Cutter gets two. Another Disaster Kick is countered with the Superman Punch and Reigns is not happy about his nose being cut. The spear misses and a top rope Cody Cutter…is more like a top rope elbow to the jaw instead.

Either way it puts Reigns down for a frog splash to give Rollins two. Rollins’ stomp is countered with a powerbomb for two but Cody is back in for the superkick party. The Stomp into Cross Rhodes gets two with Rock pulling the referee out. A low blow into the spear gives Reigns two on Cody and Rock is ticked. Reigns grabs the guillotine and Rock even holds Cody’s legs down until Rollins is back in with a stomp for the save.

Rock sends Rollins outside and gets the tag (because we need tags again) before bringing out the MAMA RHODES belt. Said Mama Rhodes (at ringside) yells at Rock but Cody knocks the belt away. The Bionic Elbow connects with Rock, who is right back with the spinebuster. The People’s Elbow is countered with the Cody Cutter, only to have Reigns break up Cross Rhodes.

Back up and Reigns’ spear hits Rock by mistake, setting up stereo Pedigrees for two. Rollins dives onto Reigns outside and the other two load up the announcers’ table. Rock gets the better of things and loads up a Rock Bottom but Rollins grabs Cody’s leg, meaning Cody can hit a Rock Bottom through the table. Reigns spears Rollins through the barricade and everyone is down.

It’s Reigns back up with the apron boot to Cody but Cody slugs his way to Cross Rhodes. Another Cross Rhodes connects but Rock hits him in the back with the weightlifting belt. A spear from Reigns sets up the Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow to give Rock the pin at 44:33(!). Cole: “Cody is screwed.”

Rating: C+. The match was good but e pluribus gads they went way too long. This is a match where you could cut out probably close to twenty minutes without missing much. The first twenty minutes barely had anything going on and then they went into the long heat segment on Rollins. Things picked way up near the end though and they did the right ending, but after a long show with the cold, this match felt WAY longer than it needed to be. What matters though is setting up Cody’s darkest hour as he is up against the wall and might need to assemble the Avengers (perhaps with some outside help) to FINALLY beat Reigns.

The winners celebrate and Cody/Rollins know they’re in trouble.

The big highlight package takes us out.

Overall Rating: B-. This is going to be a show where the experience of watching it live is going to be very different than watching it at home. The cold weather was a major factor in this as I spent most of the show trying to stay warm and that makes the show a lot less fun to watch. As for the show itself, you had a good opener, a heck of an Intercontinental Title match and the big epic main event but the rest of the show was lacking in quality. Only the Usos match was bad (and a lot of that was due to how we got here) but it certainly wasn’t a top level Wrestlemania. Overall, pretty good with some great high points, though it wasn’t able to get over the hump.

Rhea Ripley b. Becky Lynch – Riptide
Austin Theory/Grayson Waller and Awesome Truth won the six way tag team ladder match
Rey Mysterio/Andrade b. Dominik Mysterio/Santos Escobar – Frog splash to Escobar
Jey Uso b. Jimmy Uso – Superfly Splash
Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair/Naomi b. Damage CTRL – Jaded to Kai
Sami Zayn b. Gunther – Helluva Kick
The Rock/Roman Reigns b. Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins – People’s Elbow to Rhodes



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Wrestlemania XL Night One Preview

I hate having to do this but I just do not have the time to do a full on preview for the show in my usual format. It’s this or nothing this time so here’s a short form version:

Rhea Ripley retains over Becky Lynch. Ripley has held the title for a year and doesn’t feel anywhere near ready to lose it yet.

Gunther retains over Sami Zayn. The pieces are there, but I don’t think they pull the trigger on Gunther just yet.

The Tag Team Titles are split, with DIY and New Catch Republic (due to a lack of anyone else) getting a set each.

Jey Uso b. Jimmy Uso. Why in the world would it be anything else?

Bianca Belair/Naomi/Jade Cargill b. Damage CTRL. Did I mention the JADE CARGILL part? There is zero chance she’s losing her first Wrestlemania match.

Santos Escobar/Dominik Mysterio b. Rey Mysterio/Andrade. Yeah they did the angle on Smackdown, but why in the world would you have Rey beat Dominik two years in a row?

Bloodline b. Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins, setting up Bloodline Rules for Cody’s big title shot. I like the idea of him winning straight up, but having Cody overcome ALL of the odds is a better story.

Smackdown – March 22, 2024: That Wrestlemania Lull

Date: March 22, 2024
Location: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

We are just over two weeks away from Wrestlemania and that means things are going to be picking up around here. In this case that means we have Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes going face to face, which could make for a big moment even if the Rock isn’t here. Other than that we have Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar, which should be quite the showdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar

Their respective stables are banned from ringside. After the long recap of their relationship and split, Rey hammers away and drops Escobar with an elbow to the face. Rey slips a bit and comes up limping slightly, allowing Escobar to knock him off the top. Not that it matters as Rey hits a top rope hurricanrana into a baseball slide dropkick in the corner. Escobar is back with a running dropkick of his own, only to get headscissored out to the corner. The sliding splash connects for Rey and we take a break.

Back with Escobar hitting the running knees in the corner and tying him in the Tree of Woe. Rey breaks that up and sends him outside, setting up a dive off the post to the floor. Back in and another basement dropkick sets up a Lionsault for two on Escobar. Rey dropkicks him back to the floor for some rams into the announcers’ table, followed by a running seated senton into the timekeeper’s area. Escobar is thrown back in but a man in a Mysterio mask shows up to distract Rey. That lets Escobar hit his own 619 into the Phantom Driver for the pin at 12:34. It’s Dominik Mysterio, with the fans not being happy.

Rating: C+. That’s a surprise way to go and gives Dominik something to do after not being the biggest star in recent weeks. The Rey vs. Escobar feud is probably not done as we need the big LWO vs. Legado showdown, but for now we might be getting more from Rey vs. Dominik. It worked well last year, but it’s kind of a random twist after they haven’t interacted in a long time. As for the match, it’s always nice to have Rey back, but Escobar winning here should be a nice boost for him.

We look back at Bayley being beaten down by Damage CTRL, with Naomi’s save not working.

Bayley (in brighter clothes) thanks Naomi for her help last week but Naomi wants to take out Iyo Sky. Bianca Belair comes in and doesn’t buy what Bayley is saying after the last year plus. Belair and Bayley argue but Naomi walks off.

Post break Belair tries to convince Naomi that she’s right but Naomi is going to be out there fighting Damage CTRL. She wants Belair to help her, because Belair couldn’t do it on her own either.

Wrestlemania Tag Team Title Qualifying Match: Grayson Waller/Austin Theory vs. OC

Michin is here with the OC, who are now in two qualifying competitions for Tag Team Title shots over Wrestlemania weekend. Gallows and Theory start things off with Gallows launching him into the corner and hammering away. Anderson comes in and Theory/Waller are sent to the floor for a flip dive.

We take a break and come back with Gallows hitting a heck of a chokeslam on Waller, with Michin adding an armdrag on the floor. Anderson hits a flipping neckbreaker on Theory and grabs back to back spinebusters. The middle rope neckbreaker gets two on Waller but the Magic Killer is broken up. Waller grabs a rollup with feet on the ropes to pin Gallows at 6:54.

Rating: C. Not much to see here but they went the right way by not having the OC, who have barely done anything for months, go over. Waller and Theory might not be the biggest deal around at the moment but they deserve a chance to go to Wrestlemania over the OC. That being said, it’s nice to have the OC doing SOMETHING after just standing around for such a long time.

Video on Bron Breakker, including a bunch of his stats to make him look like even more of a physical freak.

Earlier today, Roman Reigns was on the Pat McAfee Show and talked about how he is the only one who didn’t have to go to Hollywood because it came to him.

Naomi vs. Iyo Sky

Non-title and Damage CTRL is here with Sky…or they would be if she was here. We cut to the back to see Sky attacking Bayley until officials break it up. Naomi kicks her into the corner to start but Sky slugs her way out of trouble, setting up a middle rope hurricanrana. A middle rope spinning kick to the face drops Sky though and something like a 619 bulldog gives Naomi two.

We take a break and come back with Sky being sent into the buckle, setting up a high crossbody. Something like a splits Banzai Drop (that’s a new one) gets two on Sky but she’s right back with the running Meteora in the corner. Naomi is fine enough to catch her on top for a superplex and they slug it out from their knees. Sky gets knocked down again and Naomi goes up, only to be distracted by Damage CTRL. That’s enough for Sky to pull her down and hit Over the Moonsault for the pin at 8:56.

Rating: B-. It’s always a good sign when a match ends and I want to see them do more, which was the case here. They were having a good match and Naomi was doing the more unique offense that makes her stand out. She’s been lacking that kind of a match since she returned to the company and it’s good to see her doing it again. On the other hand, Sky gets a nice win on the way to Wrestlemania, where Bayley is pretty clearly going to need some friends.

Post match the beatdown is on, including the mist, but Bianca Belair runs in for the save. The numbers game takes Belair down though and the villains stand tall.

Jade Cargill is officially on Smackdown with her first official

Post break Naomi is getting her eyes cleaned out when Tiffany Stratton comes in to say that’s a good look for her.

Kevin Owens is yelling at Nick Aldis when Pretty Deadly interrupts. Owens doesn’t like the interruption and wants a tag match next week, with Randy Orton popping up to be the partner (Pretty Deadly jumping when he appeared was great). Aldis makes the match and Owens punches both of Pretty Deadly at once to continue his running joke (Owens: “Hey Randy look I did it!”).

We see a video from AJ Styles’ house when LA Knight showed up for a brawl. The cops arrived and Knight was arrested, complete with footage from the police car as he’s taken away. Styles declined to press charges and Knight has been released.

Wrestlemania Tag Team Title Qualifying Match: Street Profits vs. AOP

The winners face Grayson Waller/Austin Theory next week for a spot in the Wrestlemania ladder match. All of their respective associates come out with them but only Paul Ellering sticks around. Dawkins goes after them to start but gets caught in the wrong corner. Akam fires off some knees but Dawkins is up with a dropkick to the floor. Ford tries a big flip dive but gets pulled out of the air and powerbombed into Dawkins as we take a break.

Back with Rezar hammering on Ford with some double stomping in the corner making it worse. Rezar comes back in but gets enziguried, allowing the diving tag off to Dawkins. The pace picks way up and the Silencer hits Akam but he slips out of a Doomsday Device. The Final Chapter connects but Dawkins makes the save. Ford gets out of the powerbomb/neckbreaker combination and small packages Rezar for the pin at 8:33.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t quite power vs. speed but the Profits had to keep things moving to take out the monsters. I’m a bit surprised that the AOP took a clean loss so soon after their return but the Profits are hardly some makeshift team. Ice match here and I wasn’t sure who was going to win, which is always a nice feeling.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Roman Reigns, with Paul Heyman, for his big showdown with Cody Rhodes, with promises that everyone else will leave them alone. Reigns reiterates said promises, has the fans acknowledge him, and then brings out Rhodes, albeit after a break. With Rhodes here, Reigns gets right to the point by calling Rhodes a fool for aligning himself with various people.

Reigns talks about how Seth Rollins promised to be Rhodes’ shield, but they were in the Shield together. They might not have done good guy things, but they had a bond. Rhodes asks if Reigns remembers the first team to beat the Shield, offering a hint of their last names (he says Rhodes, which is a weird way of saying “Orton, Kane and Bryan”). Rhodes gets to the point and asks if he can trust Rollins. Instead though, he asks if Reigns can trust the Rock. Is the Tribal Chief in charge, or is it the Final Boss?

Reigns says Rhodes asked Rock the same thing because it’s all he has. Rhodes may be great but he’s the greatest #2 of all time, while Reigns is #1. Rhodes talks about how Reigns was raised in this business, just like him, and Reigns probably grew up wanting to be the next big star. Even if he’s the best #2, Rhodes is the one, so good luck at Wrestlemania.

Reigns isn’t going to accept a handshake and goes to leave, but snaps his fingers. Cue the Bloodline but before they get in the ring, here are Jey Uso and Seth Rollins to cut them off. A big staredown ends the show. They’re in a weird place with this feud as the story is ready to go and they have to fill in two more weeks before we get there. That doesn’t leave them much to do other than have these big talking segments. While it worked, we’re at the point where they need to have the match, which could make for some tricky matches over the next two weeks.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was about the big talking segment, plus a few other things, which went well enough. Most of the focus was on the Women’s Title match plus the double Damage CTRL stories. Those stories needed the time, but this wasn’t a show you really needed to see. It kept the stories moving forward but lacked any big, important moment. We’re in that weird lull before Wrestlemania where you know what you are going to see at the show and we just have to get there. That can lead to some slightly lesser shows, but it could have been a lot worse.

Santos Escobar b. Rey Mysterio – Phantom Driver
Grayson Waller/Austin Theory b. OC – Rollup with feet on the ropes to Gallows
Iyo Sky b. Naomi – Over The Moonsault
Street Profits b. AOP – Small package to Rezar



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Wrestlemania XXII (2020 Redo): My Usual Confused Thoughts

Wrestlemania XXII
Date: April 2, 2006
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Attendance: 17,159
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross

It’s time for the biggest night of the year and this time around it has been rather fun. The Raw side has been a heck of a build while the Smackdown side has been hit and miss at best. This is one of the more forgotten Wrestlemanias (given that the image on the poster was of John Cena vs. Booker T., a match which hadn’t taken place in over a year at this point, you can kind of tell that they aren’t caring all that much) and it’s also the last one to date in a regular arena. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: Battle Royal

Eugene, Viscera, Goldust, Snitsky, Rob Conway, Tyson Tomko, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Matt Striker, Super Crazy, Psicosis, Funaki, Steven Richards, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Animal, William Regal, Simon Dean

Half from Raw and half from Smackdown, so yes they are wearing the designated shirts. Dean tries to do his intro and gets kicked in the face for the immediate elimination. Richards gets rid of Conway and Funaki goes out as well. There goes Cade, followed by Goldust getting rid of Richards. Striker is out too and there go Crazy and Goldust as the ring is cleared out in a hurry. Snitsky gets rid of Regal and MNM dumps Eugene after a Snapshot.

We get the Raw vs. Smackdown showdown and Murdoch and Psicosis go out back to back. We’re down to Viscera, MNM, Snitsky, Tomko and Animal with Viscera and Animal being the targets for the other four. Viscera misses a charge in the corner but beats up MNM without much trouble. That means a double Visagra (Cole: “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand!” What in the world could that possibly mean in this context?) and Melina is nearly sick. It gets even worse as Viscera tosses MNM to get us down to four.

Snitsky kicks Tomko out by mistake and the LOD chants start back up. A big boot to Animal lets Viscera get rid of him, much to the crowd’s annoyance. Snitsky misses a running big boot though and Viscera wins without touching Snitsky at all. Cole: “I was hoping that would go on for another 15-20 minutes!” Tazz: “One of the best battle royals I’ve ever been a part of!” They’re bringing the Wrestlemania level snark this year.

Rating: D. Yeah this was horrible but the whole point was to get the undercard on the roster. I’m not sure on the logic of having the Chicago guy get all the way to the final three and then have him lose for the sake of Viscera, but I guess they don’t want a heel winning to open the show. Not that it would have mattered as it would have been one of the pops of the night, but it’s not worth getting annoyed about in the first place as it was a six minute battle royal before the feature presentation begins.

Post match Viscera kisses Lilian, who doesn’t seem thrilled.

Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child sings America the Beautiful. You know they’re getting in those American visuals every year and this is no exception.

The opening video looks at some great Wrestlemania moments over I Dare You by Shinedown. I like the song so this is a pretty good combination. They switch over to another song and the matches for this year’s show. That’s a nice mix that they tend to do well most years.

The posters of wrestlers around the top of the arena are a nice touch.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Carlito/Chris Masters vs. Big Show/Kane

Show/Kane are defending and we get the always awesome visual of the city set being on fire during Kane’s entrance. Masters shoulders Kane down to start as JR says this is the first tradition two on two tag match for these titles since Wrestlemania XV. How do you go that long without doing the normal version? Kane is back up with a leapfrog into a dropkick and it’s off to Show for the loud chops in the corner. A poke to the eye allows the tag off to Carlito, who gets a HECK of a reception (one of the loudest reactions I’ve ever seen for him), though Show throws both he and Masters around with ease.

Carlito gets gorilla pressed over the top onto Masters (seemingly elbowing him in the face on the way down) and Kane hits the top rope clothesline onto both of them. Back in and a double flapjack actually gets two on Show, with the replay showing a ram into an exposed buckle had something to do with it. Kane gets the tag so Show has to break up the Masterlock. Everything breaks down and Masters saves Carlito from the chokeslam. Masters hits Carlito by mistake when trying to save him again, meaning Kane can boot Masters to the floor. Not the chokeslam can hit Carlito to retain the titles.

Rating: C-. It was basically a more energetic Raw match and that works well enough for a Wrestlemania opener. I tend to like something like this more than some white hot match to open the show as it means you can go up from here. Carlito and Masters hadn’t been treated as threats to the title coming into the show so it makes sense for them to be little more than an annoyance here.

Post match, Carlito and Masters argue, with the fans being entirely behind Carlito. No violence ensues though.

Shawn Michaels, with a bandage on his head, says he doesn’t regret saying that Vince McMahon needed to grow up. Last year he and Kurt Angle tore the house down and the year before that, he did the same thing with Chris Benoit and HHH. Tonight, Shawn is going to be a different version of himself. Tonight, Vince McMahon needs to bow down and pray because Shawn is taking him to his own personal h***.

Matt Hardy vs. Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ric Flair vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam

Money in the Bank, allowing Cole to get in his first (to be fair in this case, minor) slip up of the night by saying Edge cashed in after John Cena’s Armageddon match. It’s a big brawl to start and the fans are behind Van Dam early on. Hardy goes for the first ladder but Van Dam takes him down with a slingshot dive onto the ladder onto Hardy for the crash. A ladder is bridged against the ropes so Shelton gets a running start for a huge flip dive to take down all of the young people.

Flair and Finlay fight in the ring (go on) but Matt comes in for the save with a superplex to bring Flair off the ladder (egads man). So Flair screams a lot and gets the X treatment (thanks to his knee), meaning we’re going to be down a person after about two and a half minutes. Lashley goes up top but Shelton grabs a sunset bomb. He can’t get Lashley down though so Finlay and Hardy go into the hurt business to bring Lashley crashing to the mat. Hardy crushes Finlay with the ladder in the corner until Finlay throws it back at him.

Finlay loads up the ladder but here’s Flair (after about three minutes away) to cut him off. Chops abound and Flair goes up again until Finlay makes the save with the Shillelagh, making Flair take another bump he shouldn’t be taking. The briefcase is swinging back and forth so Finlay can’t pull it down, allowing Shelton to go up as well. Lashley breaks that up and hits the Dominator on Benjamin, so Van Dam has to dropkick a chair into Lashley for the save.

Matt’s screaming legdrop from the ladder hits Lashley but he has to Side Effect Finlay off the ladder. Finlay gets knocked down as well though and Rob hits a splash off the very top of the ladder for the big crash. Van Dam goes up so Shelton does the always insane springboard onto the top of the ladder (because he can just do that) and hammers away. Matt brings in another ladder and climbs up to slug away at Shelton, who steps over to the other ladder. Rob shoves them both over for the big crash to the floor (always looks great) though and pulls down the briefcase to win.

Rating: B. This was good but not quite up to the standard that the big ladder matches have. It wasn’t all that long either and they didn’t have time to build much up. Shelton got in the big, impressive spots but there were enough high level bumps to go around. Van Dam and Flair were the only realistic winners here too so they picked one of the best options. Not as good as the others, but it still did what it was supposed to do.

New Hall of Famer Gene Okerlund is interrupted by Randy Orton, who doesn’t think much of someone who held a microphone for thirty five years. He promises to win the Smackdown World Title tonight but here’s Batista to say whoever leaves as champion is just holding it for him. Next year, he’s going to be champion at Wrestlemania XXIII.

It’s time for the Hall of Fame class, minus Bret Hart, who was not comfortable with appearing.

Gene Okerlund (No one did it better.)

Sensational Sherri (How was she not in already?)

Tony Atlas (He always seems happy to be around.)

Verne Gagne (Doesn’t mean anything directly to WWE, but you don’t have a wrestling Hall of Fame without him.)

William Perry (Sure, but he couldn’t get a suit? Or a tie? Or a shirt that tucked in?)

The Blackjacks (Again, how were they not in already?)

Eddie Guerrero (Yep.)

Vickie Guerrero looks rather overcome by the reception in a touching moment.

US Title: Chris Benoit vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

JBL, with Jillian Hall, is challenging and the ramp raises up so the limo can drive in. After commentary can manage to stop talking about Jillian’s cowgirl look, they bring up JBL wanting to prove that he can beat another great technical wrestler after Eddie Guerrero. They go straight to the slugout to start until Benoit drop toeholds him to try the Crossface. JBL is able to block it so Benoit headbutts him in the back of the head, which is a rather intense next step.

Some forearms to the neck keep JBL in trouble and a chop takes him down again. It’s too early for the Sharpshooter though and JBL bails to the floor to hide behind Jillian. Back in and JBL hammers him down in the corner until he misses a charge, allowing Benoit to roll the German suplexes. JBL crotches him on top though and hits the Eddie dance for some good mocking. The superplex brings Benoit down in a crash, allowing JBL to dance some more. He even hits two Amigos before having to boot Benoit in the face to cut off the comeback.

We hit the chinlock but Benoit fights up with more suplexes. The Swan Dive gets a close two but JBL blocks another Crossface attempt. He also blocks a German suplex with a grab of the rope and the referee, allowing him to….actually not cheat. Instead the Clothesline From JBL is countered into the Crossface, which is countered into a cradle (with a grab of the rope) to give JBL the pin and the title.

Rating: C+. This has always been a bit of a weird one for me as JBL wasn’t exactly a hot challenger coming in but he did pick up the title, which reheated him in a hurry. He wasn’t going to make it back to the World Title anytime soon (or ever, as he didn’t need it), but he needed to win something instead of losing over and over again. This was good enough though and it’s hardly a stretch to see JBL win a match over Benoit.

We recap Edge vs. Mick Foley. Edge accused Foley of costing him the Raw World Title and wanted to beat him down, so Foley agreed to a fight. Foley wanted that one Wrestlemania moment and Edge is starting to realize that he might be in over his head.

Edge vs. Mick Foley

Hardcore match, Joey Styles joins commentary, Lita is here with Edge and Foley’s flannel shirt is buttoned up for a change. Edge has a bat to start but the early swings miss and Edge drops it to the floor. Foley slugs away in the corner and puts Edge in the Tree of Woe for the running elbow to the face. Lita throws in a metal sign though and it goes upside Foley’s head over and over. The spear hits early….and Edge is in a lot of pain, as Foley opens up the shirt to reveal a band of barbed wire wrapped around his stomach.

Foley cuts himself free and ties Edge in the ropes, meaning it’s time to grab the barbed wire bat. Lita tries for the save so it’s the Cactus Clothesline to Edge, sending all three outside in the process. Foley is certainly bringing it early on. A neckbreaker on the floor drops Edge and Foley pounds him down but his charge is hiptossed into the steps for a REALLY painful looking crash. There go Foley’s knees into the steps and it’s time for a chair. Edge loads up a table on the floor but Foley rolls off before Edge can come off the top.

Instead Edge slams him head first into the steel ramp (for a SICK thud)….and it’s time for the lighter fluid. Edge covers Foley in the fluid but gets piledriven for two. Foley grabs the chair but a Lita distraction lets Edge hit a DDT. Foley is busted and the barbed wire bat to the head makes it even worse. It’s time for the thumbtacks but Foley slams Edge (with no shirt) down onto them for the really big reaction.

A barbed wire Mandible Claw goes on and now it’s Edge being hit with the barbed wire bat over and over. Now it’s time for Foley to spray the table with lighter fluid but Lita hits Foley in the knee with the barbed wire bat. The table is set on fire and Edge hits the spear through the ropes and through the fire for the pin.

Rating: A. What is there to say about this? They massacred each other and Foley bled all over the place before taking a huge bump to end the match. This was a different side of Edge and it’s the side that needed to be shown to make him feel like more than a flash in the pan. This felt like two people wanting to hurt each other and then getting to do so, as Foley continues to know how to make someone into a much bigger star than almost anyone else.

Edge and Lita looking like they’re in physical shock after the match makes it a lot better.

Some fans won tickets to the show from Snickers.

Booker T./Sharmell vs. Boogeyman

Booker makes Sharmell start, jumps Boogeyman from behind, and then comes in to hammer on Boogeyman. The comeback doesn’t take long and Booker is sent into the post. Boogeyman eats some worms and stares at Sharmell for trying a staff shot to the back. Sharmell gets kissed with the worms and runs off, leaving Boogeyman to chokebomb Booker for the pin.

Rating: F. Of course this is a failure as there isn’t anything to be praised here. It was the three of them doing a short, bad match and the big deal was Sharmell getting a mouth full of worms. There isn’t much else to it than that and the fact that this aired at Wrestlemania at any point after about 1991 tells you why it’s a failure.

We recap Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James for the Women’s Title. Mickie is a psycho who was obsessed with Trish (they never said the word lesbian but that’s what they were going for) but Trish wasn’t interested. Once Mickie was flat out turned down, she completely snapped and decided to take the Women’s Title instead. This feels like a big fight and that’s a good thing around here.

Women’s Title: Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

Trish is defending. They fight over a lockup to start as JR tries to diagnose Mickie’s mental state. The Thesz press (JR: “Maybe the Louise Thesz press.”) puts Mickie down but she comes back with a kick, only to be thrown into the splits. A baseball slide puts Mickie on the floor but Trish kicks the post by mistake. Mickie wraps the leg around the post in a smart move and there’s a dropkick to the knee to make it worse.

The fans get behind Mickie and she wraps the leg around the ropes. The half crab goes on before it’s time to stomp on the leg in the corner. Mickie stops to soak in the cheers and bends the leg some more. This time Trish reverses into the spinning anklescissors but the fans aren’t happy with the comeback. The Stratusphere is countered with another slam of the leg to the mat as Lawler notices that Mickie’s skirt isn’t the most functional in a match.

Trish comes back with a Stratusfaction attempt but Mickie grabs her between the legs (on the Network) and licks her own hand (not on the Network) as JR loses it. Mickie tries the Stratusfaction but she either leaves it short or Trish can’t hold her on the knee, meaning they botch it horribly (also not on the Network). Mickie settles for the Chick Kick for the pin and the title. JR: “THE NUT JOB HAS WON THE TITLE!”

Rating: B-. This was getting really good near the end but then the botch happened and it stopped everything cold. The leg stuff was good and while it would have made more sense to have Trish’s knee give out when she was trying the Stratusfaction, it worked for a story in the match as Mickie knew how to break the thing down. More importantly though, Mickie FINALLY ends Trish’s year long plus reign and becomes the new star, which is long overdue. They needed to have the title change here as Trish had run out of gas a long time ago but it wasn’t like she had anyone good enough to drop it to.

Vince McMahons has the rest of the family drop to their knees in prayer before his match with Shawn. Vince: “God, let’s face it. I don’t like you, and you don’t like me.” Vince praises his own physique and promises to end Shawn.

Mark Henry vs. Undertaker

Casket match and the druids take their time wheeling the casket to ringside. Undertaker does the full entrance and Henry manages to keep glaring at him before jumping him to start things off. Some running clotheslines don’t do much to Henry so he runs Undertaker over with a single shot. They head outside with both guys going head first into the steps. The fans are in am ore traditional role here with the Undertaker cheers, which are cut off when Henry blocks Old School.

A low blow saves Undertaker from going into the casket and now it’s time to go after the arm. Old School connects this time but he still can’t get Henry down. Henry runs him over again but misses the running crotch attack and gets dropped into the casket. Undertaker follows him in and the lid closes before opening up with Undertaker’s hand around Henry’ throat.

They get back inside with Henry hitting the World’s Strongest Slam and covering because he isn’t that bright. Speaking of not that bright, Henry hammers away in the corner but gets planted with the Last Ride. Undertaker throws him onto and over the casket, setting up the Taker Dive (which barely clears the casket). Back in and a pretty impressive Tombstone lets Undertaker put him in the casket for the win.

Rating: D. Another one which didn’t work so well, mainly because there was no drama. Who was believing that Mark Henry was going to be the one to break the Streak? The Taker Dive and Tombstone both looked great but there isn’t much of a way around the fact that it was Mark Henry trying to break the Streak. It had no drama and wasn’t even that long, leaving this near the bottom end of the Streak (at least once it became a big deal).

We recap Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon. Shawn told Vince that it was time to get over the Montreal Screwjob and grow up so Vince decided to destroy Shawn once and for all. He has done a great job of making Shawn miserable and now it is time for Shawn to FINALLY get his hands on Vince in a no holds barred match.

Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon

No Holds Barred and there is a big framed copy of Vince’s Muscle and Fitness Magazine at ringside. Shawn jumps him to start and sends him into JR as the WE WANT BRET chants begin. The framed magazine goes around Vince’s head and Shawn is all ticked off. Cue the Spirit Squad to beat Shawn down though and hit the five man toss into the air. JR: “Someone get the hook!” Shawn gets their megaphone (which is smoking/powdery for some reason) and beats them down though, which sends them off for some reason.

Vince, now bleeding above the eye, gets in a clothesline to take over and it’s time to choke in the corner. The leather belt rips Shawn’s back up and it’s time to choke. Vince actually tunes up the band but Shawn blocks the kick (which had height but was nowhere near the right form) and hammers away. JR: “How are your stock dividends now???” The top rope elbow connects but here’s Shane with a kendo stick to take Shawn down. Always one to rub it in, Vince drops his pants but Shawn puts Shane’s face into it instead, followed by a low blow to Vince.

A clothesline puts Shane on the floor but that’s not enough, as Shawn handcuffs Shane to the rope. The Shane dance sets up a bunch of kendo stick shots to Shane and there’s a heck of a chair shot to Vince’s head. Lawler: “CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN!” Vince is busted open and Shawn tunes up the band….before stopping cold. Instead he goes outside and grabs a ladder, which goes straight into Vince’s forehead.

Shawn still won’t cover as he grabs some trashcans and a table instead, even shoving Shane away to get to them. The trashcan to the head drops Vince again and Shawn goes up the ladder. Then he climbs back down and pulls out the BIG ladder. Shawn climbs again, does the suck it sign, and elbows Vince through the table for the huge crash. Medics bring a stretcher out but Shawn scares them off, stands Vince up, yells a lot, and finishes with the superkick.

Rating: C+. Of course it’s junk as an actual match, but this was exactly what they set it up to be. There is no reason to believe that Vince can hang with Shawn in a regular match so he didn’t really come close. Vince brought in a bunch of people, Shawn beat them up and then the beating began. Shawn destroyed him completely (or at least until the next night on Raw, or maybe a week later if they’re feeling generous) and it made sense. Might have gone a little long, but it was the logical way to go.

Post match Vince is taken out on a stretcher and still flips Shawn off. Cole talks about how Shawn promised to never go back to his old self but did it here. Not exactly, as it was just Shawn being violent and aggressive, which isn’t quite what they were talking about on the way here.

We recap Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle for the Smackdown World Title. Rey won the Royal Rumble to earn the title shot but Orton talked enough trash to get him to put the shot on the line at No Way Out. Orton cheated to win, but Teddy Long put Rey in the match too, making it a triple threat.

Smackdown World Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle

Angle is defending and POD plays Rey, in an Aztec warrior costume this year, to the ring. Orton jumps Angle with the belt before the bell to start but Angle is right back in with a German suplex to Orton, plus a double German to both of them at once (with Rey flying through the air). An overhead belly to belly takes Orton over as well but Rey sends Angle face first into Orton’s crotch.

Angle is fine enough to send Rey up for a super hurricanrana to Orton before throwing Rey outside. Rey breaks up the ankle lock attempt and kicks Angle in the head for two as the fans are split between Rey and Kurt. The 619 is countered into the ankle lock and Rey taps (less than four minutes in) but the referee is with Orton. The German suplexes take down both challengers and an Angle Slam to the floor drops Rey in a heap. That means an ankle lock to Orton but this time Rey grabs the referee so he can’t see a tap.

Rey Drops the Dime on Angle but gets knocked outside again. The RKO connects for a delayed two on Angle and Randy goes up top, earning himself the running belly to belly superplex. Rey is back in with the springboard seated senton for two more on Angle and Orton is back in to kick Angle to the floor. The powerbomb neckbreaker gets two on Rey but the RKO takes too long, allowing Angle to come back in with the Angle Slam on Orton. Rey slips out of the Angle Slam and armdrags Angle to the floor. That leaves Orton to be dropkicked into the ropes for the 619 into the West Coast Pop for the pin and the title.

Rating: C+. This is still one of the more perplexing big matches in Wrestlemania history as it had no real structure other than them doing moves to each other. Nothing was built up, nothing set up the finish and Rey just pinned Orton to win. It was fine as it was, but I was expecting a lot more, including more time as it didn’t even last ten minutes.

Post match the Guerreros come out to celebrate with Rey.

JR and the King talk about HHH and John Cena being ready for tonight. They needed two minutes for this instead of the other World Title match? Ah right: they needed to put a bed and pillows in the ring. Great way to use the Wrestlemania time.

Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

It’s the annual Playboy match pillow fight so JR talks about Frank Gotch gate records in Chicago during the entrances. They to to the bed to start and then hit the catfighting. Torrie turns the bed over on her and then puts her dog on Candice’s face. Candice loses her dress and then puts on a headscissors over the ropes while bending backwards over the ropes. A middle rope elbow hits Torrie on the bed and it’s time to cut Torrie out of her dress. Candice pulls out her Playboy but gets rolled up for the pin.

Rating: D-. Yeah this happened and that’s about all there is to say about it. They were there to promote Playboy and it worked well enough, even though the Playboy Diva is usually a face and someone who wins but not quite this time around. It wasn’t exactly a match of course, but why would you expect anything else?

We see clips of the Wrestlemania press conference, with HHH saying the match against John Cena will be easy and Cena saying not so fast. HHH won a tournament to get the shot so there isn’t much of a story.

Raw World Title: HHH vs. John Cena

Cena is defending and HHH, sitting on a throne in a Thor/Conan motif (the announcers say Conan but he had a big hammer), rises out from the stage. Cena on the other hand comes out after a gangster video and following an old car, complete with CM Punk as a machine gun toting gangster in one of the more well known Before They Were Famous cameos. Still as close as he ever got to the Wrestlemania main event. We get an old school weapons check as JR puts over the idea of the grunt vs. the seasons, trained professional to give us a good story to the match.

They fight over the arm control to start and Cena is sent into the corner for some frustration. The fans are almost entirely behind HHH here, or at least the loud ones are. The FU doesn’t work and they stare each other down again. Cena is sent outside for a big cheer but he comes back in to slug away. A backdrop gives Cena two and the fisherman’s suplex gets the same.

We’re already into the chinlock as the fans tell Cena that he can’t wrestle. There’s the big whip over the corner to send HHH to the floor and another backdrop puts him on the ramp. Back in and HHH hits the jumping knee for a positive reaction as commentary keeps talking about the crowd reactions. HHH whips him hard into the steps and the fans even pop for him breaking the count.

Back in again and the facebuster into a running clothesline gets two on Cena, with JR calling it a slobberknocker. A pair of neckbreakers gets two more and we hit the neck crank. HHH switches to a sleeper and then a chinlock as JR gets the World Title wrong and has to apologize to Rey Mysterio. Cena fights up and hits his own clothesline before winning the slugout. There’s a powerslam and Cena initiates the finishing sequence but the Shuffle is countered with a spinebuster for two more. Another sleeper is countered into a belly to back suplex and it’s the Shuffle into the STFU.

HHH finally makes the rope and escapes the FU before sending Cena into the referee in the corner. That means a low blow to both of them, meaning HHH can give us the crotch chop. It’s sledgehammer time and Cena is knocked silly for a delayed two. The FU gets the same and the fans are popping hard on these near falls. Cena misses a high crossbody so HHH tries the Pedigree but Cena pulls him into the STFU, even trapping the arm so HHH can’t make the rope. It takes some time but HHH finally taps and Cena retains.

Rating: A-. That’s the ultimate achievement on Raw and the win that Cena really needed to become THE guy. He had been champion for almost a year straight but still felt somewhat like someone who hadn’t made it all the way to the top yet. Cena had been the guy, but he wasn’t THE guy until this one and that’s a big change.

The match itself was great as you would expect from these two on the big stage. They played up the idea that Cena was in over his head but ground out another win as he tends to do. Cena was getting better at the big matches around this point and of course that would become one of his calling cards down the line. This worked well and felt like a Wrestlemania main event as the company is now Cena’s, which is what matters most.

The celebration and five minute highlight package wraps us up.

Overall Rating: B-. Just like it did in the buildup, Raw annihilated Smackdown here with the two matches that made the show and a lot of other good stuff in between (plus winning Money in the Bank). Edge vs. Foley and the main event certainly deliver, but the rest of the show isn’t anything great. There are some really bad parts on here but the rest is good enough. That may sound good, but I’d like a little more than “good enough” for Wrestlemania.

The biggest problem here is that there really aren’t many blow away moments. Cena winning was more of a long term deal, Rey winning the title felt more like Eddie’s big farewell, Money in the Bank is all about the future and Trish finally losing is hardly top tier stuff. Shawn getting the win against Vince was nice to see, but that middle finger after the match doesn’t make it seem like a blowoff. The problem here is Smackdown, as there wasn’t much of note other than Rey’s title win. It was a one sided show between the two brands and when the show is built around both, it doesn’t work so well, Good, but forgettable.

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