Pro Wrestling Superstars – Toronto: A Lot Of Wrestlers Having Fun Matches

Pro Wrestling Superstars: Toronto
Date: April 14, 2012
Location: Doubletree By Hilton, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Bill Apter, Ken Tuccio, JJ Dillon, Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas

So back during the pandemic, Highspots had a crazy sale on its DVDs and digital downloads and I picked up a ton of them. Since I take forever to get to them, it’s been a bit since I’ve done one of these but here we go anyway. This is basically just a legends/independent show with whatever random lineup happens to be around (at the WrestleReunion convention), meaning you could expect anything here. Let’s get to it.

Host/boss Sal Corrente brings out Howard Finkel as a special surprise. Fink puts over the convention and Toronto and hopes the fans have a good time. It’s weird hearing him just talking instead of making some kind of announcement.

Michael Elgin vs. El Generico

Commentary sums up Generico’s entrance by saying if you don’t like it, you don’t like things that are fun. The much bigger Elgin powers Generico around to start and then shoulders him down without much effort. A leg lariat sends Elgin into the corner though and a Sami Zayn Helluva Kick connects. Generico tries another but gets elbowed in the face, only to get taken down by a hurricanrana to the floor. The dive is teased but Generico backflips into the middle before hammering away in the corner.

Generico’s high crossbody is pulled out of the air though and a powerslam gets two. Back up and Generico hits some clotheslines to limited success but a dropkick works a bit better. Now the big running flip dive can take Elgin down again but he’s right back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Generico two, only for Elgin to muscle him up for some kind of reverse implant DDT. Elgin charges into the suplex into the corner though and another Helluva Kick into the brainbuster finishes for Generico at 7:55.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of match that is always going to work, with two talented guys working a power vs. speed style. There is something about watching an underdog like Generico fight back against a monster like Elgin and it worked well again. It helps that there are no stakes and you can pretty much do whatever, but they kept it straight here with a perfectly fine wrestling match.

Tito Santana vs. Shawn Spears

Rick Martel (there’s someone you don’t see very often) and Jimmy Hart are here as well. They fight over a lockup to start and Santana backs him into the corner, where Spears claims a pull of the trunks (as a heel often does). Spears backs him up against the ropes for a change and we get an ARRIBA off (the fans go with Santana on that one). Dillon talks about having no memory of EVER cheating as a manager and knows Hart wouldn’t either. Heels have to stick together man.

Santana headlocks him to the ground and Spears needs a breather on the floor. Back in and Santana runs him over with a shoulder as commentary talks about the 32 year old Spears like he’s about 14. Spears goes to the eyes in the corner to take over (Dillon missed it believe it or not) and stomps away, setting up the chinlock.

Back up and Santana charges into a knee in the corner so Spears can get his feet on the ropes (Dillon: “I missed that again.”) for two. The chinlock goes on again as Apter thinks there should be two referees in matches. Spears misses a top rope splash so Santana loads up the forearm, only for Hart to trip him up. Martel chases Hart off (Spears: “WHERE YOU GOING?”), leaving Santana to grab a small package for the pin at 8:16.

Rating: C. Again, this isn’t a show where the quality of the match is worth much, but for a match between a mostly unproven Spears and a mostly over the hill Santana, this was perfectly watchable. Dillon as a classic heel commentator was fine, with some of his stories being more interesting than the match itself. For a match with no story and a pretty random pairing, this went just fine.

Adam Page/Asylum vs. Rhett Titus/Caleb Konley vs. Super Smash Bros vs. Grizzly Redwood/Jake Manning

Page is better known as Hangman, Asylum would go on to VERY minor fame as Stone Rockwell in TNA, Titus and Konley (with Leah Von Dutch) were independent stars for a long time, the Smash Bros are the Dark Order (Evil Uno/Player Uno and Stu Grayson/Player Dos) and Redwood is a lumberjack while Manning is an adult scout (the Manscout). Got all that? Eh probably as it isn’t that complicated.

Redwood and Page start things off and go to the mat as Tuccio talks about eating lunch with Redwood today. Apparently Redwood ate a tree he had cut down earlier. That’s quite the level of efficiency. Neither can get anywhere so Titus comes in to face Page, who hands it off to Konley. They stomp the mat a lot and try to tag out, only for the other six to drop to the floor.

Titus drops down so Konley can cover him, with commentary saying it was like 1998 with Hulk Hogan. First of all, that was in 1999 and second of all, the better choice, from the same era, would be the New Age Outlaws who did it in a multi-team match. Asylum comes in to take over on Titus before both Bros come in to do the same. A fist drop/standing moonsault combination gets two on Titus and the Bros stop to pose, with Tuccio not being impressed.

Titus finally drives Dos into the ropes for the tag to Konley, who gets taken down by Uno just as quickly. Manning comes in with a dropkick to the knee so Redwood can add a running bulldog for two. Redwood gets sent face first into the corner though and a pull on the suspenders keeps him in trouble. A rather hard backsplash gives Konley two and Redwood almost gets dropped on his head with a release German suplex.

Konley’s top rope ax handle gets two and we hit the cravate. A catapult into the ropes gets two more and Titus puts on a bodyscissors. That’s broken up and the tag brings in Uno to clean house. Everything breaks down and Dos hits a high crossbody on Asylum before Manning feeds Dos over to a slingshot spear from Redwood. Page chops away at Manning and gets two off a powerslam but Asylum comes in with a double underhook into a neckbreaker (that was cool) to send Dos outside.

Konley and Titus take Asylum out though until Page hits a shooting star (or most of one) from the apron onto a pile. Uno hits a dive of his own before Dos hits a corkscrew dive onto just about everyone else. Back in and what would become known as the Fatality finishes Konley to give Dos the pin at 13:26.

Rating: B. This was the “get a bunch of people on the card” match and my goodness it’s weird to see a lot of these people being such young stars. You could see that there was talent here, but only Page would go on to become a major star. It was certainly a fun match though and a nice change of pace after the previous one. It’s nothing great or groundbreaking, but it did exactly what it was supposed to do.

Gene Okerlund is brought out and a special guest: Roddy Piper. Yeah that works. We get quite the PIPER chant and says he was supposed to face Terry Funk here but thank goodness he’s not here. Instead, Piper was trying to think of something fun for these guys, because there isn’t much of a place for wrestlers to get experience. There’s really only WWE, which makes him spit.

These wrestlers are talented, so let’s let one of those young wrestlers come out here and talk to someone. A fan shouts something that I can’t understand and it makes Piper laugh. For now though, Piper invites someone down for a Piper’s Pit, so here is Caleb Konley (as Piper had requested someone from the previous match). The fans call Konley a metrosexual and Piper says Konley is doing great so far.

Piper points out that he doesn’t know much about Konley but he hands Konley the mic and tells him to see what he can do. Konley talks about how he has looked up to Piper since he was a kid and he hated Piper’s guts. Then he realized that he likes that feeling because he’s prettier than everyone else out here.

The fans’ wives and girlfriends can attest to that and they aren’t pleased. Konley asks Piper something but Piper says the rule is to never let go of the microphone. Piper wants Konley to introduce the next guest and he whispers a name in his ear. If Konley screws this up, Piper promises a clubbing. Konley introduces….BRUNO SAMMARTINO!

Piper says Sammartino still scares him and lets Konley handle the interview, with the threat of that clubbing still being a very real thing. After some basic biography questions (the fans aren’t happy), Piper whispers something to Konley, who says he thinks he can bench press more than Sammartino. Konley: “LOOK AT HIM!” Piper suggests asking Sammartino how much he has benched, which would be a then world record of 565lbs. Piper takes the mic (Konley broke the rule) and asks about Sammartino’s other record, which was benching 335lbs 38 times.

Piper wants a LEGEND chant and Konley again says he could beat Sammartino. Believe it or not, Sammartino doesn’t seem impressed and lists off the rather intense exercise regimen he still follows. With Sammartino holding Konley’s wrist, he says if Konley tries something, he’ll teach him a lesson. Piper asks Konley who he is and what he’s famous for doing. Konley: “Getting chicks!” Piper: “Maybe you should try wrestling because you lost the match.”

Piper talks about how he was treated when he started out and slaps Konley, demanding he slap back. Konley does as he’s told and then gets slapped out to the floor, with Piper saying WIN NEXT TIME. Piper says Sammartino is a legend to wrap it up. Konley went on to have a decent career, but this was probably his biggest moment ever. He did fine, but how do you stand out with those two around you?

Dave Finlay vs. Harry Smith

Finlay is of course better known as Finlay and Smith is Davey Boy Smith Jr., complete with his old Hart Dynasty theme. Feeling out process to start with Finlay taking him into the corner by the leg and then putting it on the mat, with Dreamer going into some actual analysis. Smith reverses into a kneebar into the ropes but we pause for Finlay to invite a rather passionate fan (apparently even commentary knows her by name) to be the new Hornswoggle under the ring. Said fan gets in the ring and dances with Finlay for a bit (the interlocking arm deal he did with Hornswoggle) in a nice moment.

We settle down to Finlay headlocking Smith and taking him to the mat as Dreamer talks about working out with Nikita Koloff earlier today (cool enough). Smith reverses into an armbar, which is reversed into a leglock as the match is mostly being ignored as Apter is basically interviewing Dreamer.

Apter points out that the WWE fans would probably be calling a match like this boring, though to be fair it’s a match on an independent show rather than Raw or Smackdown. It’s not supposed to be the same kind of thing, though Apter probably isn’t wrong. Smith grinds away on a headlock before being sent outside in a heap. Finlay gets in a quick shot as Smith is trying to get back in and there’s a loud ram into the post. The countout doesn’t work for Finlay so he jumps Smith on the floor and hammers away back inside.

The double arm crank goes on as we talk about how attractive Diana Smith has stayed over the years. They move on to this new thing called “social media”, which is quite the easy way to keep in touch with wrestlers and fans. Smith is sent outside again but manages to get his foot up to block a splash. Back up and Smith makes the clothesline comeback, followed by a superkick. The threat of a Sharpshooter sends Finlay to the ropes so Smith grabs the running powerslam for the pin at 13:57.

Rating: B-. Good enough stuff here, with a more traditional wrestling match to slow things down a bit. I’m sure Finlay was happy with putting over the son of a legend of British wrestling, especially with only about eight months left in his active career. Finlay could more than go at this point and he made Smith look good here, with that powerslam being a nice way to go.

Vader vs. Necro Butcher

This is….well it’s certainly a thing. Vader throws some chairs in the ring and even Butcher bails from that kind of violence. They get inside, where Vader yells at the fans and then powers Butcher into the corner for the big punches. Some hard clotheslines put Butcher down a few times and Vader pummels away in the corner.

A rake to the eyes gives Butcher an opening and he kicks away in the corner, which seems to annoy Vader more than anything else. Vader comes out of the corner with that running body block of his, setting up a Fujiwara armbar. A chokeslam plants Butcher before a Vader Bomb and another chokeslam put him away at 5:49.

Rating: C-. This was more or less an extended squash for Vader, as Butcher only got in a little bit in one corner. At the same time, it was just Butcher doing a regular match, which isn’t the best way to go. Not much to see here, with Vader getting to do his usual stuff and nothing really beyond that for the whole match.

Gene Okerlund introduces our next match.

Dominic DeNucci/Shane Douglas vs. Lord Zoltan/Shawn Blanchard

JJ Dillon is here too. DeNucci is a legend in his own right but is better known for training Mick Foley and Douglas himself. Zoltan is a mainstay of Pittsburgh wrestling and has some Danhausen style face paint. Before the match, Douglas grabs the mic and says some people have been asking for some shoot comments. He talks about Dillon (in a SWEET Four Horsemen jacket) and insults his association with Ric Flair before bringing out someone to be in his own corner: Bruno Sammartino.

Douglas takes Blanchard (I’m assuming he’s related to Tully in some way) into the corner to start and hands it off to DeNucci for some chops against the ropes. Douglas comes back in and tells Blanchard to get up but gets taken into the wrong corner for a front facelock. Dillon gets in some choking from the floor but Douglas fights up and cleans house. That’s broken up so DeNucci comes in for the save as everything breaks down. A low blow to Zoltan sets up the belly to belly to give Douglas the pin on Blanchard at 4:50.

Rating: C-. This was a good example of “yeah what were you expecting?”. You’re only going to get so far with something like this and the point wasn’t in having an exciting match. DeNucci was 80 years old here (yes it was his last match) and this was really just a way to have the Pittsburgh guys together. Not a good match, but seeing DeNucci and Sammartino out there was fun.

NCW Femme Fatales International Title: Kalamity vs. LuFisto

Kalamity is defending and this is from Northern Championship Wrestling, a Canadian company still around today. LuFisto is billed from “Montreal, Japan” (Apter: “Montreal…Japan?”) in what I’m assuming is a misprint. The bigger Kalamity backs her into the corner to start and we go to a standoff. They trade some slaps and armdrags before going head to head. Some kicks to the legs don’t get either anywhere so LuFisto trips her down and ties up the leg for a bit.

Back up and Kalamity kicks her down for a change, setting up some running knees to the back on the ropes. The half crab keeps LuFisto down but she fights out and pulls Kalamity into a Downward Spiral into the buckle. A middle rope dropkick gets two on Kalamity and a headscissors keeps her down. Back up and Kalamity crushes her in the corner, followed by a running forearm to the chest for another near fall.

A double clothesline gives us a double knockdown before LuFisto hits a running dropkick against the ropes. The cannonball and running boot to the face get a slightly delayed two on Kalamity but she runs LuFisto over again. LuFisto fights out of a superplex attempt and hits a top rope double stomp in the Tree Of Woe.

A nice spear drops Kalamity and LuFisto grabs something like a guillotine. That’s broken up as well and they kick each other in the face (geez) with LuFisto getting the better of things. Some rollups give LuFisto two and a German suplex into a spinning back elbow drops Kalamity again. A top rope headbutt misses though and Kalamity grabs a fisherman’s driver for the pin at 13:33.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a match and easily the best one on the show so far. I’ve never seen Kalamity before but she had some size and knew how to use it. LuFisto was more than handling her own and fighting against the power. Good match here, and keep in mind that this was before the Women’s Revolution, making this even more of a total hidden gem.

Roderick Strong vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Sweet goodness Liger’s music is great. Liger takes him to the mat to start but gets pulled into a leglock. That’s broken up for a standoff until Liger grabs a surfboard and rocks Strong back and forth for a bit. Liger ties up various limbs on the mat until Strong makes the rope and goes old school with a spinning toehold. Back up and Strong’s chops don’t do much as Liger sends him to the floor for a dropkick through the ropes.

Strong is back up and strikes away in the corner, setting up a suplex to put Liger down for a change. The waistlock stays on the ribs for a good while as Liger is in trouble. Back up and Strong misses a charge in the corner, allowing Liger to get in a German suplex. Another surfboard goes on, with Strong having to get over to the ropes. A belly to back side slam gives Strong two and it’s an Angle Slam into the Stronghold.

Liger gets out and they strike away until Strong grabs a fireman’s carry gutbuster. Back up and some running palm strikes rock Strong and a superplex gives Liger two. The Liger Bomb gets two more and a frog splash is good for another near fall. Strong knees him in the face though and a torture rack into the backbreaker gets two more. A tiger bomb finally finishes Liger at 15:35.

Rating: B. Another good match here with Strong getting a big win over a prominent name. Strong was already a big deal on the independent circuit and in Ring Of Honor but beating someone like Liger is still a feat. At the same time, Liger isn’t someone who needs to go over in any match as he’s been a legend for so long and is just so likable no matter what he does. The fact that they had a good match made it even better.

Respect is shown post match.

Raven/CW Anderson vs. Rhino/Tommy Dreamer

Believe it or not, this is indeed under Extreme Rules. Dreamer and Raven start things off, with the fans wanting blood. They circle each other but Raven brings Anderson in rather than fighting, because he’s smart like that. Both of them miss clotheslines and we have a standoff, as this is going a bit more slowly than you might have expected. Dreamer can’t get the sunset flip but Anderson can get the basement dropkick for the first good shot.

Back up and Dreamer hands it off to Rhino, which has Raven giving advice in the corner. A clothesline puts Anderson down and it’s back to Dreamer for a running elbow. Anderson gets in a left hand though and NOW Raven is willing to come in, as you might have expected. Some knees to the face keep Dreamer down and it’s back to Anderson for the reverse chinlock. Dreamer manages to send him into the corner though and it’s Rhino coming in to clean house. Raven breaks up the Gore and crotches Rhino on the post and the double stomping is on.

Commentary reminds us that this is an extreme rules match, despite nothing being extreme thus far. Dreamer teases the DDT on Anderson but stops to glare at Raven, who goes outside and heads up the aisle. Raven gets tossed back inside and Dreamer hammers away, with both of them going to the floor again. The fight goes into the crowd as things finally wake up a bit. Dreamer rings the bell low on Anderson before slugging at Raven back inside.

The DDT gets two on Raven so it’s time for a chair and table. Naturally that takes too long so Raven sends Dreamer into the chair for two, only to get Gored by Rhino (hey he’s still in this). Anderson’s spinebuster gets two on Rhino and the table is set up in the corner. That takes too long and the Death Valley driver through said table gives Dreamer the pin at 12:08.

Rating: C. This was an ECW match almost in name only, as they barely did anything with the weapons. You had the table in the end, because they had to get one of those in, but other than that it was just a bunch of guys doing basic stuff because it was about all they could do. Dreamer vs. Raven is a famous feud, but this was all they had?

Dreamer and Rhino leave so Raven yells at Anderson, who gives him a superkick. Then Anderson leaves and Raven stands there for a long time. He finally says Toronto sucks to wrap it up.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a show where the quality isn’t the point, but rather how much fun you have with the thing. It’s a bunch of thrown together matches with a variety of generations coming together to make the whole thing work. I had a good time watching it with no expectations, plus a few good matches to make it that much better. Throw in Bruno Sammartino and Roddy Piper in the same ring and it was hard to not have fun.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:

Rampage – August 16, 2024: The Fun Kind

Date: August 16, 2024
Location: Chartway Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

It’s back to what has become a well done supplemental show, which might not feel the most important but often has some rather strong in-ring action. That is usually a strength of AEW and it should work out again well here. We’ll probably get some build towards All In as well, with just over a week to go before the show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Conglomeration vs. Outrunners/Butcher

Kyle O’Reilly is on commentary and Erica Leigh is here with the non-Conglomeration. Briscoe and Butcher start things off with Briscoe striking away and hitting a running shoulder. Magnum comes in and gets dropped just as fast so it’s off to Floyd, with Ishii to help with a double hiptoss. Floyd’s forearms to Ishii don’t seem like a good idea as Floyd is taken into the wrong corner for some alternating beating.

Briscoe gets tripped out to the floor, where Butcher drops him onto the barricade as we take an early break. Back with Briscoe fighting out of a chinlock and suplexing Floyd, allowing the tag back to Ishii. Everything breaks down and Briscoe loads up the chair for the step up dive, only to be cut off by Butcher. Not that it matters as Briscoe fights back and hits the dive anyway, setting up the Jay Driller to pin Magnum at 9:49.

Rating: B-. Rather fun opener here and that’s what it needed to be. The people involved work well together and Briscoe is always entertaining. This was a good example of a match that was never meant to be serious and was just a way to get popular wrestlers in the ring. It worked well as a nice popcorn match.

Nyla Rose vs. Erica Leigh

The Outrunners are here with the terrified Leigh. A powerslam into a backsplash crush Leigh but Rose stops for a pose off with Truth Magnum. Rose’s running back elbow sets up the Beast Bomb to finish Leigh at 1:19. Just what it should have been.

Here are the Outcasts for a chat. Harley Cameron tries to wing Happy Birthday for Saraya’s birthday tomorrow, but Saraya is not in the mood. Cameron: “WELL THEN NEITHER AM I!” Saraya: “Let’s recap the past year of my life shall we?” Cameron: “WE SHALL!” Saraya won the AEW Women’s Title last year at All In (Cameron: “VICTORY!”) and then began her career as the unproblematic icon (Cameron: “NO PROBLEMS!” Saraya: “You’re screaming in my ear!”). Then Saraya lost friends (Cameron: “Loser!” Saraya: “I’m not a loser.”) and the title.

Saraya: “Then I did shows for them like Dinner And A Movie.” Cameron: “Streaming now on the TBS App!” Saraya: “Oh my gosh.” Now she isn’t even on All In this year but here is Toni Storm to interrupt. Storm is ready to fight against a monster of her own creation in Mariah May but she will never forget what she and Saraya have been through together. Saraya can face her on Dynamite and if she wins, she can have it all. Saraya: “I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR A**!” Storm: “Darling, you’re going to need a bigger foot!” This was hysterical and one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in AEW.

We look at the Young Bucks escaping with the Tag Team Titles from the Acclaimed on Dynamite. The Acclaimed isn’t pleased.

Kip Sabian vs. Nick Wayne

Mother Wayne and Killswitch are with Nick. They trade headlocks to start until Sabian is ready for a leapfrog and hits him in the face. Sabian sends him to the floor for the Arabian moonsault but a Mother distraction lets Nick get in a posting. We take a break and come back with Sabian springboarding into a cutter and Nick grabbing a double underhook DDT for two. Back up and Sabian catches him on top in a torture rack but Mother offers a distraction, allowing Killswitch to get in a cheap shot. Wayne’s World finishes Sabian at 8:15.

Rating: C+. The wrestling was fine and while this wasn’t exactly a top story, it was at least something that has been built up for a few weeks. I’m not sure how important Sabian is supposed to be after what feels like years of doing nothing, but Nick being a jerk to him for a few weeks is better than nothing.

Scorpio Sky isn’t allowed into Private Party’s club but Private Party comes out and says let him in.

Kyle Fletcher/Rush vs. KM/Rhett Titus

Don Callis is here with Fletcher and Rush. KM jumps Fletcher to start but gets caught in a quick Michinoku Driver. Titus comes in and Rush half and half suplexes him into the corner. The Bull’s Horns finishes at 1:55 in a total squash.

Post break Callis says that was just a taste of what the Family can deliver. Rush wants something bigger, which works for Callis. Fletcher isn’t sure what he’s doing now but Callis says focus on the future instead of the past.

Top Flight vs. MxM Collection

Leila Grey is here with Top Flight and Lio Rush is on commentary. Dante wristdrags Mansoor down to start but Mansoor is back up with a hiptoss into a stylish pose. An armbar has Mansoor down again before it’s off to Mason vs. Darius. A loud chop in the corner has Darius in trouble and a running hip attack makes it worse, leaving us with a double Collection pose. Everything breaks down and Top Flight sends them outside for (with air traffic control from Grey) the stereo dives.

We take a break and come back with Mansoor getting two off an atomic drop into a spinebuster. Mason and Grey get on the apron for a pose off though and Mansoor is so distracted that he gets superkicked down. Dante comes back in with a high crossbody, setting up a double airplane spin to Mason. A tornado DDT gets two on Mansoor but Mason is back in with a spinning Boss Man Slam. The Collection hits a chokeslam/German suplex combination (that’s a new one) for two on Dante but Darius pulls Mansoor out. Back in and Darius plants Mansoor, setting up a frog splash to give Dante the pin at 13:37.

Rating: B-. This was another fun match with the Collection being their usual entertaining selves and Top Flight getting a win. I could absolutely go with Top Flight getting a serious run towards the top of the division and the Grey addition could be a good sign for them. They have the talent and if they can stay healthy, it is certainly worth a try.

Overall Rating: B-. I could absolutely go with this as the norm for Rampage, as this was a collection of people getting to do their thing without having much in the way of pressure on them. The biggest moment of note was a Women’s Title match being set up for next week and it came in a hysterical segment. Really easy to watch show this week and I can absolutely go for that.

Conglomeration b. Outrunners/Butcher – Jay Driller to Magnum
Nyla Rose b. Erica Leigh – Beast Bomb
Nick Wayne b. Kip Sabian – Wayne’s World
Kyle Fletcher/Rush b. KM/Rhett Titus – Bull’s Horns to Titus
Top Flight b. MxM Collection – Frog splash to Mansoor



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Ring Of Honor – April 11, 2024: They’re Back

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 11, 2024
Location: Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, South Carolina
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are officially done with Supercard Of Honor and the big story is a new World Champion as Mark Briscoe dethroned Eddie Kingston. That should make for something interesting going forward, but none of that matters if the new champ is barely ever around here. Hopefully the show keeps up its shorter run times as they have helped a lot. Let’s get to it.

Here is Supercard Of Honor if you need a recap.

Supercard Of Honor recap.

Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe toast themselves following their win. And they like each other! They’re ready for the House Of Black at Dynasty.

Isiah Kassidy vs. Action Andretti

Marq Quen is here too. Kassidy hammers away to start but gets taken down with a running headscissors. They head outside where Kassidy pounds him down again and nails a whip into the barricade. Kassidy gets to mock him a bit, followed by an elbow to the face back inside. Andretti fights up and hits a backbreaker into a neckbreaker to send Kassidy outside.

The big dive connects and Andretti puts him down for two back inside. Kassidy cutters him to the floor, setting up a Swan Dive for a near fall of his own. The Twist of Fate is countered and Andretti hits a Disaster Kick for a rather close two. Quen offers a distraction so Andretti dives into a cutter for an even nearer near fall. They go up top where Andretti backflips out of a super Side Effect (cool) and hits a dropkick into the corner. The split legged moonsault puts Kassidy away at 9:57.

Rating: B. We’ll file this under “who saw THAT coming” as a tag guy and a lower level star like Andretti had a heck of a match. Those were some great near falls and I actually wasn’t sure who was going to win until the end. I can go for more stuff like this around here as it was far better than I would have guessed.

The Kingdom, with Wardlow, are happy with their win at Supercard of Honor.

The Infantry say you can’t stop them and they’re still coming.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Kaz Jordan/Julian Ward

Moriarty pulls Ward into a quickly broken abdominal stretch before knocking Jordan off the apron. Taylor comes in to throw Jordan into the corner for a heck of a clothesline. Something close to a chokeslam puts Jordan down again and it’s a headbutt to make it worse. The Marcus Garvey Driver finishes for Taylor at 3:37.

Rating: C. Nothing but a squash here as the Promotions continue to dominate. In theory that should get them a title shot, but that isn’t likely to happen as long as the Kingdom has the titles. It would be nice to see them go somewhere other than doing nothing matches on AEW, but there are some weird moves between the two rosters.

We look at Billie Starkz faking a neck injury to win the Women’s TV Title.

Starkz shows the title to her mom, who is not happy with how Starkz won the match. Athena is a bad influence and Starkz is stunned. She goes over to Athena to celebrate instead.

Nyla Rose vs. Kat Von Heez

Rose powers her into the corner to start and a Hennig neck snap makes it worse for Heez. A backsplash and frog splash finish for Rose at 1:04.

We look at Kyle Fletcher retaining the TV Title over Lee Johnson.

Johnson is happy with his performance because he got here, meaning he didn’t lose.

Fletcher is glad to be back after his visa issues.

Cole Karter vs. Christopher Daniels

Karter takes him down to start and Daniels even shakes his hand. Daniels is back up with a slam of his own but Karter hits a running clothesline for two. A dropkick gives Karter two and the chinlock goes on. With that broken up, Karter pops up and hits another dropkick, allowing him to strike a pose in the corner. Back up and Daniels hits an STO but the Angel’s Wings is broken up. Daniels avoids a top rope cannonball though and grabs Angel’s Wings for the pin at 5:24.

Rating: C. So Karter and Griff Garrison beat the Spanish Announce Project at Supercard but then Karter loses to CHRISTOPHER DANIELS the following week? Do you have any idea how low you have sunk to lose to Daniels at this point in his career? The match was fine, but it’s almost confusing to see what they did here.

We look at Dalton Castle winning the Fight Without Honor at Supercard, thanks to an assist from Paul Walter Hauser.

Hauser reveals that he was offered a chance to hang out with Johnny TV but Johnny offering a bunch of Boys made it feel weird.

Righteous vs. Bryce Donovan/Chico Adams

Vincent runs Adams over with a forearm to start and Dutch comes in with the legdrop. Donovan gets the tag and cleans a few of the rooms, only to get caught in Autumn Sunshine for the pin at 2:48. Nothing much to this one.

We look at Athena retaining the Women’s Title (again) over Hikaru Shida at Supercard.

Anna Jay vs. LMK

Feeling out process to start with Jay taking her into the corner for some chops. A few more strikes set up a Blockbuster, followed by a Gory Bomb to finish LMK off at 2:27.

Mina Shirakawa praises Mariah May for her win at Supercard and kisses her. Champagne is toasted.

Josh Woods is ready to hurt people as part of the Premiere Athletes.

Zak Knight vs. Alvin Alvarez

Knight spears him down for two to start and rains down some right hands in the corner. The good sized Alvin gets in a shot of his own but Knight suplexes him down. The running forearm sets up a Falcon Arrow….for two. Alvin fights up and the crowd is behind him, only for a clothesline to finish for Knight at 2:29.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Rhett Titus

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Titus survives the ten minute time limit or wins, he gets a future TV Title shot. Fletcher won’t shake hands and instead slams Titus down to start. Titus is sent to the apron but comes back with a slingshot shoulder. Fletcher knocks him down again and works on the arm, only to get reversed into a slingshot suplex. The big dropkick has Fletcher in trouble and a backbreaker makes it worse. Titus’ belly to belly sets up a half crab but Fletcher slips out. A snap German suplex into a half and half suplex into the piledriver finish Titus at 5:05.

Rating: C+. Titus is one of those guys from the older days of Ring Of Honor and he can still have a nice match here or there. It’s the kind of win that gives Fletcher a boost as he has to rebuild things up a bit after his visa hiatus. It’s a nice way to go for a main event and having one Proving Ground match work before made it feel that much more possible here.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a few weeks now with a far better length show and that has helped things tremendously. They fit eight matches into a little over 65 minutes here while also doing a bunch of promos. Outside of the opener and maybe the main event, the wrestling wasn’t anything noteworthy, but they featured some people and didn’t overstay their welcome. This Ring Of Honor works and if they keep that up, we could be in for a nice run.

Action Andretti b. Isiah Kassidy – Split legged moonsault
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Kaz Jordan/Julian Ward – Marcus Garvey Driver to Jordan
Nyla Rose b. Kat Von Heez – Frog splash
Christopher Daniels b. Cole Karter – Angel’s Wings
Righteous b. Bryce Donovan/Chico Adams – Autumn Sunshine to Adams
Anna Jay b. LMK – Gory Bomb
Zak Knight b. Alvin Alvarez – Clothesline
Kyle Fletcher b. Rhett Titus – Piledriver

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AEW Battle Of The Belts X: This Again

Battle Of The Belts X
Date: April 13, 2024
Location: Truist Arena, Highland Heights, Kentucky
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re back for another one of these things and that could go in a few directions. The card is focused on titles, but in this case there are no actual AEW titles on the line. Instead we have an unsanctioned title, an ROH title, and a title eliminator match. That’s quite the way to go so let’s get to it.

We open with fallout from the end of Collision, with the Don Callis Family laying out Bryan Danielson on the ramp.

Hook is asked about his title defense against Shane Taylor. Katsuyori Shibata, through the translator, says he has his back, but Hook respectfully has this.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Shane Taylor

Hook is defending under FTW Rules. The early strikes only get Hook so far but he low bridges Taylor out to the floor. The hard knees to the chest have Taylor in more trouble but Taylor drops him with a shot to the ribs back inside. Taylor starts in on the ribs, which he drapes across the top rope as we take a break.

Back with Taylor hitting a legdrop on the apron and pounding him down into the corner. Hook won’t quit so Taylor whips him into the corner again. The splash misses and Hook slugs away before grabbing the German suplex. Taylor is back with a release Rock Bottom out of the corner though and a middle rope splash gets two. Taylor can’t believe it but Hook grabs the Redrum, with even a drop to the mat not being enough to keep it broken. Hook keeps cranking and Taylor is out at 10:25.

Rating: C+. Classic big vs. little man match here with Hook hanging in there until the end and choking Taylor out. It was feeling like the Bayley vs. Nia Jax match from Takeover: London a good many years ago and that is not a bad thing. Hook gets to slay a monster and Taylor isn’t going to lose any status by putting Hook over here.

Rocky Romero is ready for Roderick String. Kyle O’Reilly comes in to wish him luck.

Roderick Strong vs. Rocky Romero

Non-title and the Undisputed Era is here with Strong. They fight over wrist control to start and then grapple to the mat with neither being able to get that far ahead. A running hurricanrana sends Strong into the corner and Romero starts in on the arm. Strong’s arm is fine enough to grab a backbreaker but Romero is back with a running basement dropkick. Romero sends him outside for a double stomp off the apron and we take a break.

Back with Romero fighting out of a chinlock and kicking him out to the floor. Romero hits some dives to take out Strong and company, followed by a standing Sliced Bread for two. Strong hits the Sick Kick for two of his own but Romero snaps off a hurricanrana into a tornado DDT. They go up top with a super Sliced Bread giving Romero two more. Romero goes up top but dives into a jumping knee to retain Strong’s title at 11:39.

Rating: C+. So Strong beats him clean with a jumping knee to the face. Why then was this match on a show about championships non-title? Anyway, it was another match where the people involved will all but guarantee that it’s at least decent but the idea of Romero winning a title in AEW isn’t the most plausible concept.

Post match Kyle O’Reilly comes in to check on Romero but the Undisputed Era comes in to lay O’Reilly out.

Serena Deeb would love to face Yuka Sakazaki and needs to climb the rankings so they can fight.

Ring Of Honor Women’s Title: Athena vs. Red Velvet

Athena, with her minion Billie Starkz (and with other minion Lexi Nair handling the ring introductions), is defending. They fight over a lockup to start until velvet snaps off some armdrags. Velvet knocks her outside for a moonsault off the apron but a belly to back suplex onto the apron drops Velvet right back down.

We take a break and come back with Velvet hitting some running knees against the ropes. Athena grabs a fireman’s carry, only to have Velvet snap off a hurricanrana to escape. Velvet flips her off the top and kicks Athena in the head, setting up a tornado DDT. Athena is back up and they crash out to the floor, where Athena sends her into the apron. Back in and Velvet grabs a rollup for two but Athena hits her in the face. The O Face (top rope Stunner) retains the title at 12:44.

Rating: C. The only good thing here was getting to see Athena having a chance on the main show (or at least in AEW) rather than being stuck in ROH forever. It worked well enough as Velvet is pretty low in the division, but she wasn’t the point here. Athena needs to be up in AEW already, but for some reason it just hasn’t happened yet.

Post match Athena and Starkz beat Velvet down but Queen Aminata comes in for the save. Aminata stares at Athena and kicks her to the floor to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. And this is the latest Battle Of The Belts, as it continues to feel like AEW is going “erg, we have to do this again?”. This show managed to not actually feature any AEW titles being defended, including a non-title match on a show about titles. The big story here was a likely match between Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong being set up, which doesn’t quite feel like it needed an hour long special. As usual, the shows aren’t terrible, but they feel so detached from everything that matters in AEW. I know it gets a small audience, but maybe that would change if they, I don’t know, tried?

Hook b. Shane Taylor – Redrum
Roderick Strong b. Rocky Romero – Jumping knee
Athena b. Red Velvet – O Face



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Supercard Of Honor 2024: Now With More Stuff

Supercard Of Honor 2024
Date: April 5, 2024
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s time for another of these pay per views which have a limited connection to what has been going on with the regular show. The main event will see Eddie Kingston defending the World Title against Mark Briscoe, eleven years to the day of Briscoe’s brother Jay winning his first World Title. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Premiere Athletes vs. Rhett Titus/Tony Deppen/Adam Priest

This is the Athletes’ return after a rather lengthy hiatus. Titus and Josh Woods start things off with Woods wrestling him to the mat rather quickly. That’s broken up as Titus fights into an armbar but Woods breaks that up even faster. Tony Nese comes in but gets his arm cranked on as well. It’s off to Deppen for a dropkick, only to have him get hammered down into the corner so the villains can take over.

Said taking over doesn’t last long as Deppen gets over for the tag to Priest to pick the pace back up. Ari Daivari is in for a reverse DDT and two on Priest, who also gets over for the tag almost immediately. Titus’ dropkick into a belly to belly suplex gets two as everything breaks down. Titus is left alone to roll Nese up for two until Woods is back in with a nasty German suplex. Priest gets muscled up over the top into a powerbomb from Woods, setting up stereo top rope fists from the other Athletes for the pin at 8:16.

Rating: C+. It’s hard to get behind the idea of the Athletes being back as they haven’t exactly been impressive during their time in Ring Of Honor. I can go with the idea of pushing someone fresh and this was a nice start, but they did what they could here against fairly low level competition. I’m not sure how far they can go, but at least ROH is trying something.

Zero Hour: Beast Mortos vs. Blake Christian

Mortos is better known as Black Taurus. Commentary even brings up WWE superfan Vladimir being here for the show, which always feels off when WWE isn’t involved. Christian takes the leg out a few times and snaps off an enziguri. Mortos’ headscissors is reversed for a standoff so Christian hits a springboard elbow. Mortos finally gets smart by running him over with straight power before grabbing a bearhug.

That’s broken up as well and Christian’s handstand into a headscissors out of the corner sends Mortos outside. The big running flip dive drops Mortos again and a top rope elbow gets two. Mortos isn’t having this and grabs a pop up Samoan drop for two of his own. Christian is right back with a Death Valley Driver, followed by a spinning tornado DDT onto the ramp for two. They both go up top, where Mortos grabs a super gorilla press into a pumphandle piledriver for the pin at 8:41.

Rating: B-. I got into this one, despite it being another bonus match with no story or even appearances from the people involved. Mortos is a good monster and Christian hung with him well enough, though it isn’t likely going to matter if the two of them are going to be gone again after the show. For now though, I’ll take a nice power vs. speed match, which is as classic of a story as you can get in wrestling.

Post match Komander comes out for a stare of respect at Mortos.

Zero Hour: Griff Garrison/Cole Karter vs. Spanish Announce Project

Maria Kanellis is here with Garrison and Karter, who have stolen Serpentico’s mask. The villains jump them to start but get cleared out rather quickly. Stereo dives to the floor connect but Maria distracts Serpentico with the mask. The ensuing cheap shot puts Serpentico down and they head inside, where Garrison puts on the mask. That earns him a rather violent…sunset flip, which is broken up by Karter.

Garrison rips at Serpentico’s mask (as in the one he’s wearing) but Serpentico grabs a hurricanrana, allowing the tag off to Angelico. A small package gives Angelico two as everything breaks down. Serpentico hits a double Downward Spiral so Maria gets in, only to be ejected. Angelico mocks her as she leaves but gets tripped down by Garrison. Back to ringside and Garrison steals Serpentico’s mask, allowing Karter to roll him up (with tights) for the pin at 8:31.

Rating: C. I could go a long time without seeing the stolen mask into a rollup pin finish. Also, after weeks of Angelico and Serpentico being upset over having the mask stolen, they just lose again. For the sake of protecting Garrison and Karter? As in the team who has been stuck in at best second gear since they came together about 68 years ago? I’m not sure why this wasn’t the big revenge moment as it’s just a showdown at one of the biggest shows of the year after more than a month of buildup.

Zero Hour: Momo Kohgo vs. Mariah May

May takes her into the corner for a clean break before taking things up against the ropes for some forearms to the back. Some running knees to the back give May two and she plants Kohgo for two more. Kohgo fights up and sends her to the corner, setting up a 619 for two of her own. May is right back with a missile dropkick but a German suplex is countered with a kick to the head. A DDT gives Kohgo two and they trade kicks to the head, allowing May to hit a Saito suplex. It’s Gonna Be May (running knee) finishes at 6:12.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much to see here as it was just a step above a squash. May never felt in danger here as Kohgo was little more than someone getting beaten up. That’s not something you expect from a Stardom wrestler but it did a nice job of showcasing May. She’ll be fine going forward, as the Toni Storm match is going to be a big deal sooner than later.

May decks her post match.

The opening video focuses on Ring Of Honor’s history in Philadelphia while looking at the show’s major matches.

For a bonus, here is Nigel McGuinness to join commentary.

TV Title: Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson

Fletcher is defending and Johnson is on the roll of his career. Since it’s a big show, Fletcher is dressed up as Kishin Liger (Jushin’s evil alter ego). They stare each other down for about a minute before going with the grappling, which goes nowhere. Johnson hits a dropkick, followed by some rather hard chops in the corner. That doesn’t work for Fletcher, who grabs a swing out Side Effect for two of his own to take over.

Fletcher goes up but gets knocked to the floor, meaning it’s a big flip dive to take him out. A charge sends Johnson over the barricade though and Fletcher adds his own running dive. Back in and Johnson gets in a shot of his own, setting up a standing shooting star press for two. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two more but Fletcher catches him on top with a super Falcon Arrow.

Johnson goes up again but gets kicked down, allowing Fletcher to it a sitout Last Ride for another near fall. Some more kicks cut off Johnson’s comeback bid but they head to the apron, where the Big Shot Drop (more like a little shot given how much elevation he got) plants Fletcher hard.

The double dive back in lets them beat the count and they slug it out. Fletcher grabs a heck of a Tombstone for two and they go up top, where Johnson is back with a super Canadian Destroyer. A frog splash gives Johnson two but the Big Shot Drop is countered into a hard Lawn Dart. Fletcher takes him up and hits a twisting brainbuster onto the turnbuckle to retain at 19:52.

Rating: B-. And yes, we continue to keep the title on Fletcher because he just gets so much out of being champion. Johnson’s hot streak was enough to get him the title shot, but it feels like he’s just filling in for Ethan Page. It was a hard hitting opener, but my goodness I do not get the hype with Fletcher whatsoever.

We run down the rest of the card.

Video on Stardom.

Mei Seira/Maika/Mina Shirakawa vs. Tam Nakano/Saya Kamitani/AZM

Stardom showcase. AZM rolls Seira up for two to start as they’re moving rather quickly. Saya gets in a cheap shot from the apron to cut Seira down and it’s Nakano coming in to take over. Seira’s forearms don’t get here anywhere but a superkick and a running Blockbuster do a bit better.

Maika (Stardom World Champion) comes in to suplex Saya and Nakano but the latter’s running knee connects for two. It’s off to AZM for a Disarm-Her as everything breaks down, with AZM hitting a suplex on Maika. Mina comes in to go after Saya’s knee but the Figure Four is broken up. Saya’s northern lights suplex gets two but Mina is right back on the leg.

This time the Figure Four goes on until AZM makes the save and everything breaks down again. Nakano hits a huge dive to the floor to take out a bunch of people, leaving Mina to forearm Saya down. A snazzy rollup gives Mina two with Nakano and AZM making the save. Back up and a lifting reverse layout DDT gives Mina the pin on Saya at 14:26.

Rating: B. This was the match with some rather impressive action to pop the crowd over and over again and that’s not a bad thing. I’m not sure why it needed to be added over something that had been built up on ROH’s regular show but to be fair, this was probably better than anything else they could throw out there. The oddest thing: this was longer than any match on the full Stardom show from the weekend.

Post match here is Mariah May to celebrate with Mina, her Stardom stablemate, though Mina and Toni Storm don’t get along.

Tag Team Titles: Kingdom vs. Infantry

The Infantry is challenging after going to a time limit draw in a Proving Ground match. The champs jump them from behind to start, with Bravo being kicked to the floor as the bell rings. We settle down to Dean chopping Bennett down in the corner and dropping an elbow for two. Everyone but Taven goes to the ramp so Taven hits a running dive to take all of them out.

A table is loaded up at ringside before the Kingdom hits a Hail Mary to plant Dean on the ramp. Bravo gets taken into the wrong corner for a bunch of stomping but he uses the ropes to pull himself away. The diving tag brings Dean back in and a jawbreaker into a German suplex gets two. Taven is back in with Just The Tip to give Bennett two and the Proton Pack hits Dean for two more.

Everything breaks down and Boot Camp hits Taven, with Bennett having to make a save of his own. An assisted swinging Rock Bottom plants Bennett on the ramp and Bravo splashes Taven through the table. Back in and the top rope splash hits Bennett but there is no referee. There is however a Wardlow to run Dean over and give Bennett the retaining pin at 13:50.

Rating: B-. Yeah that isn’t the biggest surprise as this was set up earlier this week so it’s not like it was some big story. At the same time, there was the chance to have a nice moment with the Infantry winning but they went with the heels winning again off some cheating. Ring Of Honor has a real problem with not giving the fans many of those happy moments and that was the case again here, as the Undisputed Kingdom’s lame run continues.

We recap the Women’s TV Title Tournament.

Women’s TV Title: Queen Aminata vs. Billie Starkz

For the inaugural championship. Feeling out process to start with Starkz taking her down but not being able to hit a big kick. Instead Aminata sends her into the ropes for one heck of a kick to the face. A full nelson with the legs has Starkz in more trouble and Aminata sends her flying with a suplex. Starkz fights back up but gets caught with a fisherman’s neckbreaker for two.

Back up and Starkz manages a quick clothesline for a double knockdown and a needed breather. Aminata sends her throat first into the ropes but misses a running dropkick, allowing Starkz to send things to the floor. Starkz’ Swanton only hits apron and a German suplex on to the floor knocks Starkz silly.

Back in and a running Air Raid Crash gives Aminata two, meaning it’s time for doubt to set in. A running kick in the face hits Starkz again but she’s able to knock Aminata off the top. The Swanton hits raised knees though and it’s time for the referee to pause things to check on Starkz. Everything gets all serious and Starkz gets a neck brace applied. Aminata holds the ropes open….and gets German suplexed into a sleeper to make Starkz champion at 17:41.

Rating: B. Well the ending was certainly creative and I think I liked it, as it fits something that a follower of Athena’s “win at all costs” mentality would do. At the same time, Starkz is a much better choice for the inaugural champion as Aminata just caught some fire in recent weeks. Probably the best match of the night so far and the right call.

Top Flight is ready to face FTR on Collision.

Here is Bullet Club Gold, with commentary saying you never know who might show up in Ring Of Honor. Coleman: “Even the champions!” It’s time for an open challenge for the Six Man Tag Team Titles, so here are some challengers.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Bullet Club Gold vs. Lance Archer/Alex Zayne/Minoru Suzuki

The Club is defending and I guess we ignore that Archer and the Righteous are a regular three man team but aren’t getting the shot here. White and Suzuki start things off with the fans thinking White’s chops were a bad idea. Suzuki’s sleeper sends White bailing out to the floor, with White promising to knock Suzuki out.

Austin comes in so Suzuki calls him “A** Boy” before no selling his chops. It’s off to Archer for a choke toss to Colten, who pokes Archer in the eye. That doesn’t do much good as it’s Zayne coming in and getting dropkicked down. It’s back to White to take over on Zayne, including the chinlock. Zayne fights up and rolls over to Archer so the house can quickly be cleaned.

Austin escapes the Blackout and manages to knock Archer down for a double breather. Suzuki and White get the double tags with a running kick to the chest getting two on White. The Blade Runner is countered into the sleeper but White breaks that up as well. Zayne comes in with a running hurricanrana out of the corner but White gives him a swinging Rock Bottom. 3:10 To Yuma hits Archer and the Blade Runner to Zayne retains the titles at 15:26.

Rating: C+. This was your “here is a random team to challenge for the titles because these titles still exist because reasons”. I’m aware that Archer/Zayne/Suzuki have enough of a connection in New Japan. Why that is enough to warrant a fifteen minute title shot on a show that is probably going to run over four and a half hours isn’t clear.

I really hope the Six Man Titles are unified with the Trios Titles sooner than later, as these matches just drag things doing, even when they include Suzuki and his “I make funny faces and don’t sell much but I’m a legend so it’s cool” status. I get that he’s a legend but he shows up infrequently and doesn’t really do much of note these days. Find someone else to do it instead.

Post match the champs brag about their win so here are Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed for the brawl. Anthony Bowens gets taken down with a Blade Runner and the Club bails.

We recap Dalton Castle vs. Johnny TV. Johnny and Taya Valkyrie have stolen everything from Castle, including the Boys (who got fired due to no showing events so they’re not here despite being the focal point of the story), so now it’s a Fight Without Honor.

Dalton Castle vs. Johnny TV

Fight Without Honor so anything goes and Taya Valkyrie is here with Johnny. Castle has the replacement Boys with him, which do help a little. Castle also seems back to normal, which should help him out a good bit here. The Boys leave but Castle is fine enough to try an early Bang A Rang, with TV bailing out to the floor. Taya shouts about the Boys to annoy Castle though, allowing Johnny to drop him onto the barricade.

Back in and Castle grabs a DDT before going after the arm. They go outside again where another distraction lets TV gt in a running knee to take over. Back in and the flipping neckbreaker gives TV two and he whips Castle over the corner for a crash to the floor. The table is set up but TV is smart enough to kick Castle in the head to keep him down. TV and Taya whip out his and hers kendo sticks to beat Castle down, both on the floor and back in the ring.

Castle fights up again and gets the stick, which has TV running away for cover. Back in and Castle snaps off some suplexes to send TV outside again. That leaves Castle to take the kendo stick and….slide it through his trunks before it falls onto the floor. Taya gets creative by spraying Castle with a leaf blower, allowing TV to powerbomb him through a table. TV wraps a chair around Castle’s head and hits him with the stick for two more, meaning it’s time to get frustrated.

Starship Pain takes way too long though and Castle knocks him outside again, meaning it’s time for the Boys to come out and get throw outside. The biggest one doesn’t quite hit TV so here is Jack Cartwheel as a Boy to take TV out. That’s not enough so here is actor/wrestler Paul Walter Hauser as a Boy to chill in the corner. That leaves TV to dive onto the pile at ringside, followed by Hauser laying out TV with a Sky High. The Boys kidnap Taya, leaving Hauser and Castle to pour out the thumbtacks. A Bang A Rang onto the tacks finishes TV at 22:06.

Rating: C+. This was a weird mixture of anger/violence and goofiness, which didn’t make for the best match. Castle didn’t really feel like he wanted to get revenge on TV and instead came off more like he was just having a half comedy match. The Cartwheel and Hauser stuff didn’t do much for me but I get why ROH would want to have someone as big as Hauser around. That being said, this was one of the matches I wanted to see on the show and it really didn’t work as well as it could have.

We recap Hikaru Shida challenging Athena for the Women’s Title. Shida is a multi-time AEW Women’s Champion and beat Athena (ten years ago) so now it’s time for a big showdown.

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Athena

Athena is defending and bails to the floor to start as they hit the stall button early on. Back in and Shida cranks on the arm but Athena bails from the threat of the Katana. Athena comes back in and gets dropped with a string of clotheslines but is able to tie Shida’s leg up in the ropes. An ankle lock keeps Shida down, at least until she slips out and slugs away against the ropes. A suplex gives Shida two and she hits a dropkick, only to get booted out to the floor.

Shida hits a running knee against the barricade but is too banged up to stay after things. Back in and Shida misses a kick, allowing Athena to snap off a Saito suplex. Athena is already getting frustrated so she goes up, only to have the O Face blocked. With that not working, Athena gets smart by going back to the leg with another ankle lock. Shida bails out to the ramp, where she gets in a knee to block Athena’s dive.

Strong Zero on the ramp plants Athena and the top rope Meteor gives Shida two. The Dominator into the Codebreaker gives Athena two and she is looking rather stunned. Shida grabs a Falcon Arrow for one and she hurricanranas Athena to the floor, where she hangs on to powerbomb Shida hard. Back in and the O Face gives Athena two but Shida is right back up with the Katana for the same. Athena gets back up and ducks a knee, setting up a superkick. Another O Face retains the title at 22:35.

Rating: B. Yeah it’s a good match and no the result isn’t a surprise. Athena has held the title for so long now that these wins barely register anymore. Shida felt like the most “here’s an AEW star to come after the belt” challenger ever and that isn’t exactly inspiring. Good match, but Athena continuing to hold the title has not exactly been interesting for a long time.

Here’s what’s coming on various AEW shows.

We recap Eddie Kingston defending the Ring Of Honor World Title against Mark Briscoe. They’re friends and Eddie is giving Mark a shot because he deserves it. At the same time, Eddie just lost the Continental Crown and can’t handle losing again. This match is eleven years to the day that Mark’s brother Jay won his first World Title so it’s a mixture of honor and family.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Eddie Kingston vs. Mark Briscoe

Briscoe is challenging and Kingston backs him into the corner to start. They fight over wrist control to no avail until Kingston snaps off a backdrop driver. Briscoe fights up and hits a big boot, followed by a running boot to send Kingston outside. Kingston gets in his own shot out there and hits a dive off the apron to make it worse. The announcers’ table is broken up and Briscoe is busted open as he gets back inside, with Kingston pounding him down into the corner.

Kingston snaps off a suplex and hits a clothesline to drop Briscoe to the floor. The suicide dive is cut off though and Briscoe dropkicks him into the barricade. There’s the Cactus Elbow to hit Kingston but he knocks Briscoe down again to take back over. Things get more violent as Briscoe is tied in the Tree of Woe before falling out for two. Back up and Briscoe wins a chop off and grabs a fisherman’s buster for two of his own.

There’s the Blockbuster from the apron to the floor to put Kingston down again and a Death Valley Driver connects back inside. The Froggy Bow gives Briscoe another near fall and they trade suplexes before a double clothesline leaves them both down. They go to the apron again, where Kingston snaps off a t-bone suplex to the floor.

Briscoe has to dive back in to beat the count and they slug it out from their knees. Another chop off goes to Briscoe, who hits a running clothesline to take Kingston down. A discus forearm puts Kingston down and they trade spinning shots to the head. Briscoe goes old school with the Cutthroat Driver into the Jay Driller for the pin and the title at 24:13.

Rating: B. It was another good fight and Mark finally getting his big moment was nice to see, but the lack of animosity between them made this feel a bit flatter than it should have been. Briscoe should have won the title a long time ago but I’ll take it over him losing again like he did last year. This was the only thing that could have headlined and it was a special feeling, though Kingston’s collapse could make for some rocky moments going forward.

Friends, family and wrestlers celebrate with Briscoe to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show might have been every Ring Of Honor problem rolled into one. As usual, the action itself was good to very good so the criticisms are not aimed at the wrestlers. Instead, we had a show that went on WAY longer than it needed to (just shy of four hours and forty minutes counting Zero Hour) with a staggering five matches going over fifteen minutes.

It’s a good example of a show that just needed to be trimmed WAY down, including cutting off say three Zero Hour matches and shortening some of the midcard stuff. It isn’t that the show was bad, but I was sick of watching it bay the end as it just kept going for hours. On top of that, it’s another big show with only so many noteworthy things happening, as the World Title and Women’s TV Titles changing hands aren’t likely to mean much in Ring Of Honor’s week to week status. Overall a pretty good show, but as usual, Ring Of Honor is REALLY in need of someone to say “and that’s enough”.

Premiere Athletes b. Tony Deppen/Adam Priest/Rhett Titus – Double top rope fist drops to Priest
Beast Mortos b. Blake Christian – Pumphandle piledriver
Griff Garrison/Cole Karter b. Angelico/Serpentico – Rollup with tights to Serpentico
Mariah May b. Momo Kohgo – It’s Gonna Be May
Kyle Fletcher b. Lee Johnson – Super brainbuster onto the turnbuckle
Mei Seira/Maika/Mina Shirakawa b. Tam Nakano/Saya Kamitani/AZM – Lifting reverse layout DDT to Kamitani
Billie Starkz b. Queen Aminata – Sleeper
Bullet Club Gold b. Minoru Suzuki/Alex Zayne/Lance Archer – Blade Runner to Zayne
Dalton Castle b. Johnny TV – Bang A Rang onto thumbtacks
Athena b. Hikaru Shida – O Face
Mark Briscoe b. Eddie Kingston – Jay Driller



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Collision – October 28, 2023: Fight Night

Date: October 28, 2023
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly

We’re three weeks away from Full Gear but in this case we have one heck of a main event here. This week will see MJF defend the World Title against Kenny Omega as the latter tries to preserve his record for the longest title reign in history. That should be more than enough to carry the show so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jay White vs. AR Fox

White has the rest of Bullet Club Gold with him. Feeling out process to start with Fox frustrating White, only to get caught in the corner for some chops. A bottom rope cutter gets Fox out of trouble and Fox dropkicks him out to the floor. Fox hits a running shooting star off the apron to a standing White but a suplex sends Fox crashing into the corner.

White plants him down again and Fox bails to the floor as we take a break. Back with Fox hitting a slingshot hilo on White, followed by a flip dive onto the Club, followed by a flip dive onto White. They get back inside with Fox hitting a Swanton for two but a 450 misses. The Blade Runner finishes for White at 10:49.

Rating: B-. It’s no surprise that these two work well together as they are both incredibly talented stars. This was another example of White getting a nice win to boost him up to the next level before he gets his big World Title match at Full Gear. Fox is one of those good hands who can make anyone look good and that is what he did here, as expected.

Post match MJF runs out to try and get his title back but the numbers cut him off. MJF leaves belt less.

Max Caster thinks he has gotten MJF to agree to be at National 69 Day but he’s been catfished. Caster gets to go stand in the corner while Anthony Bowens and Billy Gunn talk up the big night.

The Boys vs. The Gunns

Dalton Castle and the rest of the Bullet Club Gold are here too. Austin runs Brent over to start and everything quickly breaks down. With Brandon sent outside, 3:10 To Yuma finishes Brent at 1:42. Total squash.

Video on Kenny Omega vs. MJF, I believe the same one from Rampage.

Danhausen is still coming back.

Ryan Nemeth talks about all of the good things he is doing outside of AEW but he needs the best management. He knocks on CJ Perry’s door, but gets Miro instead. Miro pulls him inside and violent sounds are heard.

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Abadon

Shida, in a rather long red dress, is defending in a Fright Night Fight, meaning we have Halloween weapons abounding. Abadon gets run over to start but she’s right back with a headscissors. Shida hits a running dropkick and hammers away in the corner until a middle rope dropkick connects. They head to the floor where Abadon can’t quite pull her under the ring, but she can get in a trashcan lid shot to the back.

We take a break and come back with Shida grabbing a broom and going up top. A big dive misses though and they clothesline each other down. Shida strikes away to no avail so Abadon runs her over for two instead. Abadon whips out a bucket of hard candy and Blockbusters Shida onto them. A pumpkin shot misses though and Shida puts it on Abadon’s head instead. The Katana into the pumpkin into Abadon’s head retains the title at 10:11.

Rating: C. Well it was set up last night and since it was already the Halloween match, there was only so much of a reason to believe that Shida would lose here. The match wasn’t bad and Shida gets another win, though Abadon can only mean so much with almost a year between televised matches. The pumpkin deal at the end was at least cute though and that’s nice to see.

Post match Toni Storm comes out to pose and glare at Shida.

Video on FTR vs. Ricky Starks/Big Bill, with Dax Harwood vs. Starks set for tonight.

Video on the history between Keith Lee and Shane Taylor, who were partners in Ring Of Honor and then went their separate ways. Now they’re set for a fight.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Rhett Titus

Joe is defending. Titus slips out of a wristlock and chops away but gets pummeled down in the corner for his efforts. A right hand gets Titus out of the corner but Joe sidesteps a high crossbody. Joe looks at his non-existent watch but slips out of the MuscleBuster. The release Rock Bottom out of the corner sets up the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 2:04.

QTV is happy to be back and QT Marshall is ready to defend his title against anyone.

We look at Bryan Danielson being banged up on Dynamite.

Claudio Castagnoli talks about how Danielson has a broken orbital bone and promises to make Kazuchika Okada and Orange Cassidy pay for what they did. He’s ready to take the International Title from Cassidy on Dynamite.

Ricky Starks vs. Dax Harwood

Big Bill and Cash Wheeler are here too. Hold on though as the lights go out and the House Of Black are shown watching from the crowd/stage. With that cleared up, Harwood and Starks trade waistlocks to no avail so Starks works on a wristlock. Back up and Starks chops him into the corner but Harwood reverses for some chops of his own. Starks slugs away, only for Harwood to punch him out of the corner again. A whip over the top sends Starks crashing to the floor but Starks ties him into the ring skirt.

Starks grabs a suplex onto the ramp and we take a break. Back with Harwood hitting a top rope superplex for two and a big crash. Starks grabs a small package with trunks for two but the tornado DDT is countered into a suplex. The spear is cut off and Harwood hits a fairly scary looking piledriver for two as Bill breaks it up. Bill offers a distraction as well and Starks hits a piledriver of his own for the pin at 12:52.

Rating: C+. This was the usual good match between two more talented stars but now the question is who comes for the titles next. FTR isn’t the strongest looking team to challenge right now and I can’t really imagine the Young Bucks going after Starks and Bill. What matters here is getting the champs over strong though and that has certainly been the case so far.

Post match the lights go out again and we have the House Of Black. Cue the returning La Faccion Ingobernable though and the brawl is on, with La Faccion teaming up with FTR to send the five villains running.

Andrade El Idolo isn’t worried about Miro being angry over a possible CJ Perry association. He is a businessman and this is his business.

Kris Statlander wants Willow Nightingale and Sky Blue to make up. Nightingale talks about how there is a tension there and it might be due to Julia Hart. Blue says anything between herself and Julia is between the two of them.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tracy Williams

Castagnoli jumps him during the entrance, hits a bunch of forearms, something like a Rainmaker, and a big uppercut for the pin at 42 seconds. So that’s the angry Castagnoli.

Post match Castagnoli puts on something close to a LeBell Lock.

Samoa Joe gives MJF a pep talk and says scream his name if he needs some help tonight.

AEW World Title: Kenny Omega vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

MJF is defending. They go technical to start with neither being able to get anywhere with a wristlock. Back up and Omega fights out of a headlock, only for MJF to walk over his back. Omega cartwheels away from him and hey trade nipups (Omega doesn’t quite get it) ad we get a standoff. MJF pokes him in the eye but Omega is fine enough for a backdrop to the floor.

There’s the big running flip dive but MJF slides back in for a running Fosbury Flop of his own. A high crossbody puts Omega down back inside, only to have MJF take him down again. The chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by a hammerlock DDT for two on Omega. Back up and Omega grabs the snapdragon, followed by the cross arm choke. MJF gets sent outside for a middle rope moonsault, followed by the missile dropkick back inside.

The middle rope moonsault only hits raised knees though and they need a breather. MJF bites his head in the corner but Omega hits a brainbuster onto the knee. The table is set up at ringside but Omega heads back inside for a pinfall reversal sequence. A buckle bomb rattles MJF, who comes right back out of the corner with a clothesline to leave them both down. They fight to the apron where Omega grabs a snapdragon to knock MJF even sillier. One heck of a sitout powerbomb puts MJF through the table and we take a break.

Back with the big slugout until Omega hits the running knee. What looks to be the One Winged Angel is countered into a poisonrana but Omega hits one of his own and they’re both down again. Omega scores with another jumping knee, only to have MJF pull him down by the arm.

A pumphandle driver gives MJF two and a butterfly brainbuster rocks Omega again. MJF loads up a suplex but Omega reverses into one of his own. There’s a Texas piledriver for two on MJF, who has to get his foot on the rope for the break. We take another break and come back again with MJF holding his back on the floor. Omega goes up but gets crotched, allowing MJF to do some pelvic thrusting, only to have Omega drop him face first onto the buckle.

Another running knee gives Omega two and there’s another V Trigger, only to have Don Callis come out for a distraction. They trade rollups for two more and Omega hits another running knee for two more. Another rollup exchange gets two more before MJF hits the Heatseeker for a good near fall. MJF grabs a Panama Sunrise and another Heatseeker retains the title at 30:12.

Rating: A-. Well that was certainly a pay per view worthy main event and MJF winning clean is one of the biggest wins of his career. You don’t see Omega lose very often and to lose like this is an even bigger deal. It also makes MJF feel like a much bigger deal, as he isn’t known for winning his matches without some kind of screwiness. Outstanding TV match here, as I’m still thinking this could have been a pay per view headliner somewhere along the way.

Samoa Joe, Wardlow, Powerhouse Hobbs and Bullet Club Gold are watching in the back.

We get the big handshake of respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This is an instance where one match is more than enough to carry the whole thing, as one quarter was spent on one of the better matches of the year. Other than that, you had more of the things surrounding MJF going on, plus some rather nifty squashes. Those short matches help keep things moving while getting some people on TV and that is a nice perk. Rather good show here as AEW is going well at the moment.

Jay White b. AR Fox – Blade Runner
The Gunns b. The Boys – 3:10 To Yuma to Brent
Hikaru Shida b. Abadon – Katana
Samoa Joe b. Rhett Titus – Koquina Clutch
Ricky Starks b. Dax Harwood – Piledriver
Claudio Castagnoli b. Tracy Williams – Uppercut
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Kenny Omega – Heatseeker


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Ring Of Honor – August 10, 2023: I Am So Bored

Ring Of Honor
Date: August 10, 2023
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re down south for a change and this time around we have another #1 contender to crown. Gravity vs. Shane Taylor is set for a future TV Title shot against Samoa Joe and that should make for a nice showdown. Other than that, Maria Kanellis-Bennett is lurking around various stars. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dalton Castle vs. Slim J

Castle doesn’t have the Boys with him, but rather the Baby Chucks for a change. J gets tossed down rather quickly but he manages an anklescissors into a dropkick. Some right hands send J to the corner, only to have him come back with a middle rope spinning kick to the head. J hammers away but springboards into a failed Bang A Rang attempt. Instead Castle is back with some suplexes into the Bang A Rang for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C. Castle’s road back to the TV Title continues and that could make for an interesting situation. While Joe has already beaten Castle, there is something about Castle that makes him feel like a viable challenger. I could still go for him being the one to dethrone Joe, though we are still a pretty long way off from that.

Tony Nese and Mark Sterling say there is an obesity epidemic here, so tonight his match against Pat Buck is off. Instead: GROUP TRAINING.

Iron Savages vs. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce

Jacked Jameson is here with the Savages. Bronson powers him into the corner to start but gets caught with a jawbreaker to the back of the head. With that not working, Jameson throws in the Savage Sauce. After a drink, Bronson wrecks Ali and hands it off to Boulder for the house cleaning. A blind tag doesn’t work for Pearce as Boulder slams both of them at once. The electric chair splash finishes Ali at 3:14.

Rating: C. Total squash here and the Savages are the kind of team that can be fun to watch most of the time. There is something about a power team like that and having Jameson as the hype man helps. They go with the over the top stuff and it is something that will work a lot more often than not.

The Infantry vs. Zicky Dice/Movie Myk

Myk (with one of the worst ring names I’ve ever heard) grabs Dean’s arm to start but Dean snaps off some armdrags. Bravo comes in and gets driven into the corner, where Dice misses a charge. The diving tag brings Dean back in to hammer away, setting up Boot Camp (running big boot/Russian legsweep combination) to finish Myk at 3:27.

Rating: C-. Nothing great here but I do like trying something with the Infantry. It’s not that they’re some awesome team, but the tag division can use some fresh blood. The Infantry has been treated as losers for such a long time that they need some wins like this to reestablish themselves. They have a long way to go, but at least they’re starting somewhere.

Leyla Hirsch wants a shot at Athena but here is Maria Kanellis-Bennett to interrupt. She thinks Leyla needs some more confidence. Maria will be watching Leyla’s match tonight.

Lee Moriarty vs. Andrew Everett

Everett does this weird gimmick where he’s an average (or below average) sized guy but thinks he’s a giant, down to wearing The Giant’s style gear. Everett flips away to start and hits a dropkick but Moriarty ties him in the ropes and hammers away. Moriarty stomps on the arm but Everett is right back with a Falcon Arrow for two. A shooting star press misses for Everett though and a spinning faceplant sets up the Border City Stretch for the tap at 4:57.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one as Everett’s giant thing never played a factor and it made for little more than a pretty generic match. Moriarty doesn’t have Big Bill anymore and needs something to do. He has the skill on his own, but that wasn’t on display here. Just kind of a nothing match, though at least they’re trying something with Moriarty.

Pat Buck vs. Tony Nese

Mark Sterling is here with Nese, who does his “you’re fat and stupid so let’s do group training” stuff before the match. Buck takes him down by the leg to start and snaps it around but Nese stops for some pushups. Back up and Sterling offers a distraction, allowing Nese to hit a clothesline for one. The springboard moonsault lands on Buck as he rolls away, so Nese tries it again and this time Buck misses, allowing Buck to get two (nice job on keeping things going off the botch). A Sterling distraction lets Nese knock Buck into the corner though and the Running Nese finishes Buck at 5:51.

Rating: C+. Best match on the show so far, though it’s still just Nese with his rather dull “you’re all fat” stuff. Nese hasn’t meant anything in Ring Of Honor yet and I can’t imagine this stuff he’s been doing for weeks now has much in the way of legs. Maybe they have an upgrade coming for it, but for now, it isn’t quite feeling important.

The Workhorsemen know they’re great but want more. The Gates of Agony come in, with Prince Nana saying if the Workhorsemen beat them, they can have a Six Man Tag Team Title shot.

Athena vs. Rachael Ellering

Non-title Proving Ground match, so if Ellering wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Ellering grabs a sunset flip for two to start before avoiding a charge. A backsplash hits Athena for two but she’s back with some hard forearms. Athena knocks her out to the floor for a ram into the announcers’ table, followed by a cravate back inside. Ellering fights up and hits a Sling Blade, followed by a big swinging Boss Man Slam for two. Athena pulls her off the top though and a Shining Wizard sets up the O Face for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C+. Ellering was more competitive than most of the women Athena faces in these things but ultimately it was the same thing again. At some point it would be nice if she had someone give her a real sweat or even survived the time limit, but I guess we’re too far away from another pay per view for that. Decent match here, though Athena has done the same thing so many times now that it’s losing its luster.

Workhorsemen vs. Gates Of Agony

Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Kaun runs Henry over to start so Henry hits a dropkick for no avail. Toa comes in for a power off with Drake but can’t get anywhere. It’s back to Henry, who gets run over without much trouble. Some chops don’t do much to Kaun as Henry is knocked outside, where the Workhorsemen get sent into various objects. Back in and Kaun hits an Irish Curse for two on Henry but Toa misses a backsplash.

A missed charge allows the diving tag to Drake so house can be cleaned. Drake hits a neckbreaker into a backsplash on Toa, followed by Kaun being clotheslined to the floor. Drake’s dive in the general direction of the Gates grazes Toa enough that Henry can frog splash Kaun for two. A superkick into a top rope backsplash gets two on Kaun as he gets a foot on the rope. Drake’s moonsault misses though and Open The Gates finishes him off at 10:42.

Rating: B-. Best match on the show so far and the Workhorsemen were working hard here. At the same time though, the Workhorsemen lose again and the Gates win again. Just like Athena, at some point this stuff doesn’t have much of an impact as they do the same stuff week after week.

Cole Karter thinks Maria Kanellis-Bennett liked his match last week. She comes in to say we’ll see how he does this week.

Leyla Hirsch vs. Angelica Risk

Hirsch throws her around to start as Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes out to watch. Risk reverses a suplex into a small package for two but misses a middle rope dropkick. A cross armbreaker makes Risk tap at 2:25.

Athena doesn’t like being asked if she is the face of Ring Of Honor, when there shouldn’t be any question about it. She is all the champions and takes Lexi Nair with her to find more competition.

Cole Karter vs. Rhett Titus

Titus takes him down for an early armbar before hitting a monkey flip for one. The dropkick misses though, allowing Karter to hit a dropkick of his own. Cue Maria Kanellis-Bennett to watch again as Karter grabs a chinlock. Titus is back up with a backbreaker and a hard clothesline, setting up the dropkick for two. Karter pops back up with the backbreaker spun into the DDT for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C-. This was another not so interesting match as they just kind of did stuff until Karter got the pin. Karter is another generic heel who doesn’t have anything to make him stand out other than Maria looking at him. At the same time you have Titus, who feels like he’s just here for the sake of tying this Ring Of Honor back to the original while losing all the time. In other words, nothing to see here.

Robyn Renegade vs. Billie Starkz

Charlotte is here with Robyn. Starkz starts fast but Charlotte shoves her off the top for a big crash. Robyn hits a running knee in the corner and a snapmare gets one. We hit the fishhook camel clutch but Starkz gets out and punches her way out of the corner. A Gory Bomb gives Starkz two but Robyn faceplants her for two. Starkz sends Robyn outside and hits a dive onto both of them, setting up a Swanton for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. They built up the Renegades for a few weeks for the sake of having Robyn lose to Billie Starkz, who is interesting because she’s young. That’s certainly a choice and not the one that I would have made, but for some reason Starkz is supposed to be a big deal. Robyn looked solid as usual, but so much for that at the moment.

Post match the Renegades beat her down until Athena of all people makes the save. Athena actually lets Starkz go. So Starkz over the Renegades. Sure.

Josh Woods wants to be treated as a real fighter, so Mark Sterling gets him a match with Silas Young next week.

TV Title #1 Contenders Tournament Final: Shane Taylor vs. Gravity

Gravity’s monkey flip is blocked and Taylor powers him down without much effort. A hard lariat gives Taylor two and the neck crank goes on. Taylor hits a slam and mocks the slow Gravity walk, meaning he misses a legdrop. Taylor’s suplex is countered into a small package for two but he release Rock Bottoms Gravity out of the corner. Gravity breaks up a middle rope splash and hits a super Samoan drop. The top rope splash misses though and Taylor hits the Marcus Garvey Driver for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. Another decent match here, but what matters here is they went with the right ending instead of setting up Gravity vs. Samoa Joe II. Taylor was a nice surprise and could set up a heck of a hoss fight, which is better than seeing Gravity get squashed again. The match wasn’t much, but what were they supposed to do with five minutes?

Overall Rating: C. This was one of the least interesting wrestling shows I have seen in a long time. The best match was just pretty good and the rest of the show was either a group of squashes or the same people doing the same things that we’ve seen over and over. Ring Of Honor really needs to give me a reason to care about some of these people, or at least do SOMETHING other than “and then this person has a match and then this person has a match”. The wrestling quality is fine, but my goodness do anything to make it more interesting.

Dalton Castle b. Slim J – Bang A Rang
Iron Savages b. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce – Electric chair splash to Ali
The Infantry b. Movie Myk/Zicky Dice – Boot Camp to Myk
Lee Moriarty b. Andrew Everett – Border City Stretch
Tony Nese b. Pat Buck – Running Nese
Athena b. Rachael Ellering – O Face
Gates of Agony b. Workhorsemen – Open The Gates to Drake
Leyla Hirsch b. Angelica Risk – Cross armbreaker
Cole Karter b. Rhett Titus – Backbreaker spun into a DDT
Billie Starkz b. Robyn Renegade – Swanton
Shane Taylor b. Gravity – Marcus Garvey Driver



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Ring Of Honor – July 27, 2023: Dreadful

Ring Of Honor
Date: July 27, 2023
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re done with a high quality but mostly skippable pay per view with Death Before Dishonor. The biggest change from the show saw Aussie Open becoming the new Tag Team Champions while everyone else retained. That should lead to something interesting, though there is no word on when the next major show is going to be. Let’s get to it.

Here is Death Before Dishonor if you need a recap.

The show is back up to just shy of two hours, the longest in about a month. I’m sure what’s what was missing from the build towards Death Before Dishonor.

Josh Woods vs. Eli Isom

Pure Rules, with Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata as a guest judge (alone with Jerry Lynn and Jimmy Jacobs). Mark Sterling is here with Woods (along with the rest of the Varsity Athletes), who would rather wrestle in front of real New Yorkers rather than fake ones in Newark. Woods wrestles him into the ropes to start and that’s Isom’s first break. Back up and Isom takes him down into an armbar, only to get kicked hard out of the corner.

Another running shot to the face rocks Isom and Woods sends him shoulder first into the buckle. Isom intentionally uses a rope to escape the beating before using some forearms to stagger Woods. A swinging belly to back suplex gives Isom two but Woods armbars him over to the ropes for the final rope. Woods grabs a sleeper into a PK into the Gorilla lock for the tap at 7:55.

Rating: C. This was more or less a pure rules squash as Woods would seem to be the next challenger for Shibata. That doesn’t make for the most interesting match but that is the case with a lot of the Pure Rules matches. They work well from a technical standpoint, but seeing a lot of the same people having not the most thrilling matches in the world doesn’t do a lot o good.

Post match Sterling challenges Shibata for a title match against Woods.

Trish Adora is ready to get back on track.

Trish Adora vs. Vita Vonstarr

Vita shoves her away to start so Adora grabs a headlock. The Air Raid Crash is loaded up but Adora switches into the kneeling stretch instead (that needs a name). Back up and Vita grabs a Black Widow but Adora isn’t having any of that and runs her over with ax handles for two. Vita’s Michinoku driver gets two, only to have Adora come back with the Lariat Tubman for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C. Vonstarr got in some offense here, which isn’t a surprise as she used to be a regular for Ring Of Honor before everything changed. Adora gets some momentum back and still seems like someone who could be put into a heck of a title feud if given the chance. Granted it might be a bit with Leyla Hirsch back, but at least Adora didn’t lose again here.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Mogul Embassy vs. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson

The Embassy, with Prince Nana, is defending. Commentary points out that Cage has been on 17/22 episodes of ROH thus far, because I guess we just haven’t gotten the point already. Jameson and Boulder take turns being thrown at Cage in the corner but Jameson gets taken into the champs’ corner to start the chops. A fireman’s carry is escaped though and it’s Bronson coming in to clean house.

Kaun wastes no time in cutting him off though and it’s Loa coming in to elbow Braun in the face. A superplex drops Bronson for two but he’s back up with a shot to the face, allowing the tag off to Boulder. Everything breaks down and Boulder powerslams Kaun for two but Toa is back in to wreck things. Bronson chokebombs Cage for two but he’s back up to suplex Jameson. Kaun hits a Pedigree of all things to pin Jameson at 10:10.

Rating: B-. The match was the kind of mostly wild power brawl that made for an entertaining ten minutes. At the same time though, the fact that Cage has been around that often doesn’t exactly keep him feeling interesting. It feels like these titles are being defended almost every week against one thrown together team after another. It’s not like the matches are exactly great, so why put them on over and over?

Leyla Hirsch vs. B3cca

Hirsch runs her over without much trouble to start and then chokes with the boot in the corner. A gutwrench suplex sets up a waistlock on B3cca but she’s back up with a shotgun dropkick. B3cca’s running knee in the corner sets up a missed middle rope dropkick, allowing Leyla to hit a running knee for the pin at 3:37.

Rating: C. This was a rather Ring Of Honor match with Leyla mostly dominating and shrugging off almost whatever B3cca throws at her. Leyla continues to feel like one of the stars ready to break through to the other side but, much like Adora, you have to let her move up a bit. Leyla has been back in the ring for a few weeks now and her feet should be adequately watered. Let her do something other than squash people already.

Athena wants someone to step up already because she’s tired of beating “local jobbers”.

Renegades vs. Tiara James/JC

JC slugs away at Charlotte to start but makes sure to knock Robyn off the apron. Robyn is right back up for a double suplex and the double stomping is on in the corner. That’s broken up and the tag brings in James to clean house, including a bulldog to Charlotte. That doesn’t last long though and it’s a Sling Blade Hart Attack to finish James at 3:57.

Rating: C. I still like the Renegades but like many women’s tag teams, there isn’t much for them to do right now. There is no women’s tag division and while one of them can be fine on their own, it’s a little weird to see one without the other in the ring. Find something for them to do and let the talent play out, but that might be a little trickier than expected.

Athena vs. Christina Marie

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Marie either wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Marie kicks her in the back to start and adds a Hennig necksnap for one. Athena gets up and blasts Marie with a forearm before hammering away on the mat.

As we hear about Tony Khan only giving title shots to people in the top five or top ten (like Aussie Open and the Best Friends, who hadn’t wrestled here in three months before getting a title shot last week), Athena knocks her outside and then chokes on the ropes. A bunch of forearms to the back set up a kick to the head, followed by the big right hand to finish Marie at 3:21.

Rating: C. Remember how Cage has been around for all but five Ring Of Honors? I’d be surprised if Athena didn’t have him beat. It’s getting really hard to get invested in Athena slaughtering someone else, especially after she beat her best challenger last week. It’s a good example of how leaving her off a show or two would help a lot, but for some reason she, and several others, are on almost every show. Marie’s minute or so looked good but what is she supposed to get out of that?

Post match Athena gives her the usual post match beatdown.

The Kingdom vs. Rhett Titus/Tracy Williams

Maria is here with the Kingdom. Bennett and Williams chop it out to start and it’s quickly off to Taven for a change. A quick middle rope dropkick takes Williams down but Titus comes in to pick up the pace. Titus gets caught in a backbreaker/middle rope elbow combination but he gets the knees up to block a Lionsault.

Williams comes back in and hits a reverse Death Valley Driver to slam Taven’s knees into the mat (that’s a new one). Bennett and Williams grab stereo holds and sit down on them, setting up the slap off. With those broken up, Titus comes in to knock Taven silly but picks him up instead of covering. The delay lets Taven hit Just The Tip, setting up the Proton Pack to finish for the Kingdom at 7:34.

Rating: B-. Another good match here as the Kingdom continues their roll, but why should I believe that this means anything? When you can get a title match at random, these matches lose the interest that they have. I still like the Kingdom a good bit, but for some reason they’re stuck either here or on Rampage while the tag division in both companies isn’t exactly deep.

Stokely Hathaway and Samoa Joe announced a new #1 contenders tournament for the TV Title. Like the one that ended last week?

#1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Christopher Daniels vs. JD Drake

Daniels flips him over into an armbar to start before hitting a dropkick to put Drake down. Back up and Drake hits a clothesline, setting up the chinlock with a knee in the back to keep Daniels in trouble. A swinging Boss Man Slam gives Drake two before it’s time for a chop off. Daniels kicks the knee out and hits a clothesline to the back of the head, setting up a top rope Downward Spiral for two. Drake crushes him with a cannonball in the corner for two of his own The moonsault misses though and the Best Moonsault Ever finishes for Daniels at 6:06.

Rating: C+. This was about what you would have expected from a match between these two and that means it was decent enough. What mattered here was having Daniels get a win after fighting from underneath a bit, which he can still do rather well. Him winning the whole thing isn’t out of the question and it wouldn’t surprise me at this point.

Big Bill/Lee Moriarty vs. Gabriel Hodder/Adrien Soriano

Moriarty takes over on Soriano to start but gets hit in the face for his efforts. Hodder comes in and is dropped just as quickly so it’s off to Bill for a double clothesline. The chokeslam finishes Hodder at 3:09.

Rating: C-. I’m not sure what the deal is going to be for Big Bill, as he is suddenly in two teams, both of whom are treated as a threat to win something. At the moment though, the team with Brian Cage seems to be a bigger deal and that is likely a better place for him to go. The Moriarty team is fine, but there is something about a big power team that works rather well.

#1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Tony Nese vs. Cheeseburger

Before the match, Nese does the same “you people are fat so we’re going to do group training” speech he has been doing for the last few weeks. Nese whips him into the corner to start but Cheeseburger slides away and climbs on top of him for an arm crank. With that broken up, Cheeseburger is tied in the Tree of Woe for some rapid fire kicks to the ribs. Cheeseburger knees his way out of a suplex and grabs one of his own, setting up a bulldog. The Shotei palm strike gets two on Nese, followed by a DDT for two. Mark Sterling offers a distraction though and Nese grabs a pumphandle driver for the pin at 5:53.

Rating: C. Nese will be fine as a second round villain to be vanquished and that should be enough for him in the whole thing. The health nut/mocking others’ looks is a classic way to draw heat, but Nese needs something else to back it up in the ring. For now though, a win over Cheeseburger is a good way to go for him and should set him up for a better second round match.

#1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Anthony Henry vs. Gravity

Gravity takes him down to start and then does the rapid fire nipups to escape a wristlock. Henry is back up with some forearms only to be sent outside for the big dive over the top. Back in and Henry hits a Death Valley Driver, setting up some shots to the back to keep Gravity down.

Gravity is back up with a dropkick before pulling him into kind of a reverse Koji Clutch. That’s broken up and Henry hits a PK for two, followed by a Razor’s Edge spun into a DDT for the same. Gravity shrugs it off and hits a powerslam into a top rope splash for the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C+. Gravity seems to be Tony Khan’s Flavor of the Week now as he is around on quite a few shows as of late. He’s talented enough and it’s nice to see him getting a win here and there, though I could also see him pulling a miracle run here and winning the tournament. This wasn’t exactly a classic, but as a way to give Gravity a win, it worked well enough.

#1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Shane Taylor vs. Serpentico

Serpentico strikes away to start until a forearm knocks him silly. There’s a big toss to send Serpentico flying and then Taylor does it again. A big clothesline gives Taylor two but Serpentico flips him off. Taylor gets staggered by a kick but a release Rock Bottom puts Serpentico down again. The big splash finishes for Taylor at 4:21.

Rating: C-. Another match without any serious doubt for the winner and that isn’t exactly something that gets my interest up this late into a very, very long show. There was nothing to make me believe that Serpentico was going to win here and it felt like waiting around until Taylor beat on him enough before getting the win.

Trustbusters vs. Dalton Castle/The Boys

Ari Daivari is here with the Trustbusters. A double hiptoss takes Kay down to start so Kiss comes in to choke away in the corner. It’s off to Castle to take Kiss in the corner, where castle gets slapped in the face. They both miss clotheslines until Brent comes in and backflips out of a pair of belly to back suplexes, allowing the hot tag back to Castle. The Boys are thrown outside and onto the Trustbusters (that’s always a cool spot) and the Bang A Rang finishes Kay at 5:19.

Rating: C. I could watch Dalton Castle all day and he looked good here, but I’m not exactly going to get invested in the idea of Castle and the Boys going after the Six Man Tag Team Titles again. I can get the idea of sending the fans home happy with these guys though, as they are about as entertaining of a team as you’re going to get.

Overall Rating: D. Before I’m told that “a bunch of B’s and C’s doesn’t make a D”, that’s not the point of this show. The problem here is that this was not an entertaining wrestling show. It was a bunch of stuff that you get almost every week with the first round of a not exactly interesting tournament added in. Commentary even flat out said something to the effect of “yeah Brian Cage is here A LOT”. See also Athena, Tony Nese, the Workhorsemen and more.

This show was long, not interesting, and felt like it could have come from any point in Ring Of Honor’s history with almost no changes. There were probably three shows crammed into one here for no reason, as the pay per view card shows how little this show means for important shows down the road.

Ring Of Honor’s wrestling is usually pretty solid to good, but the structure, the presentation and everything else is about as bad and boring as you can get in wrestling. I could not stand this show and if not for some talented people on the card, it would have been one of the worst shows that I have seen in a long, long time. Dreadful stuff this week.

Josh Woods b. Eli Isom – Gorilla lock
Trish Adora b. Vita Vonstarr – Lariat Tubman
Mogul Embassy b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson – Pedigree to James
Leyla Hirsch b. B3cca – Running knee
Renegades b. Tiana James/JC – Sling Blade hart Attack to James
Athena b. Christina Marie – Right hand
The Kingdom b. Rhett Titus/Tracy Williams – Proton Pack to Titus
Christopher Daniels b. JD Drake – Best Moonsault Ever
Big Bill/Lee Moriarty b. Gabriel Hodder/Adrien Soriano
Tony Nese b. Cheeseburger – Pumphandle driver
Gravity b. Anthony Henry – Top rope splash
Shane Taylor b. Serpentico – Big splash
Dalton Castle/The Boys b. Trustbusters – Bang A Rang to Kay



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Ring Of Honor – June 15, 2023: For What Purpose

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 15, 2023
Location: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nigel McGuinness

We’re about five weeks away from Death Before Dishonor and that means the card needs to start coming together. There is still enough time to burn off another show or two but things need to start heading in that direction. If nothing else, Claudio Castagnoli certainly needs a new challenger for the World Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Matt Sydal is ready to face Samoa Joe for the TV Title.

Samoa Joe is ready to face Matt Sydal for the TV Title. Points for treating this like a big time fight.

Opening sequence.

TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Matt Sydal

Joe is defending and they’re starting fast here. Sydal goes after him and is immediately taken into the corner and forearmed down for his efforts. Back up and Sydal hits a jumping kick to the face to put Joe outside. The Meteora off the apron hits Joe but he runs Sydal over without much trouble back inside. The nerve hold keeps Sydal down and Joe cranks on the arm for a bonus.

Sydal fights up with some chops and a jumping knee, followed by a spinwheel kick, which leaves Sydal on the floor in a weird result. Back in and Joe’s powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana, though Sydal comes up holding his knee. The knee is fine enough for a top rope Meteora and a near fall so Sydal goes up top. That’s fine with Joe, who crotches him down and grabs the MuscleBuster to retain at 6:46.

Rating: C+. That’s it? They built Sydal up as this big challenger for months and he just loses in about seven minutes? Joe has held the title for about fourteen months now and very few have given him a run for his money. I don’t think you can quite add Sydal to the list, but as for now, I’m not sure who else can challenge for the title, save for reheating Mark Briscoe.

Respect is shown post match.

Deimos vs. Nick Comoroto

This is Deimos’, with Teal Piper (Roddy’s daughter), debut. Deimos (rather tall and muscular) pounds Comoroto down to start and counters a slam into one of his own. They fight to the floor with Comoroto sending him into the steps to take over, followed by a running powerslam for two back inside. A Widowmaker gives Comoroto two but Deimos is back with a spinebuster. Deimos’ big boot gets two as Piper is starting to panic. Comoroto gets in a throat snap across the top though and it’s an Alabama Slam for the pin (with feet on the ropes) on Deimos at 5:14.

Rating: C. They were lumbering around a bit but this was a nice enough power match. Comoroto still feels like he could be something as he has the rather unique look and a good offense to back it up. Deimos is a tall guy and looks great, though he didn’t do much here to set him apart. I could go for more from both of them though, as some seasoning and experience could get them somewhere.

Mark Sterling has gotten Tony Nese some time to speak tonight.

Iron Savages vs. Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus

The Savages have their hype man Jacked Jameson with them. Boulder suplexes Williams to start before it’s off to Bronson, who gets sent into the corner. An armbar over the ropes slows Bronson down but the Savages get in stereo gorilla press slams to take over again. Titus comes in and kicks Bronson in the face, followed by a quick belly to belly.

Boulder comes back in for a Boss Man Slam/swinging sidewalk slam (cool) to plant them both. Back up and Williams/Titus manages something like a double AA on Boulder. Bronson comes back in and gets caught with a Hart Attack but Boulder is back in for the save. Bronson fire thunder drivers Titus onto Williams (that’s a new one) and an electric chair splash gives Bronson the pin at 4:56.

Rating: C+. The Savages might not be the most complicated team in the world but it is nice to see someone with that kind of power around here. Being so different makes them stand out ala a team like War Machine back in the day and Jameson is funny enough in short doses. Let these guys run through some more people on a regular basis and I could see them getting a title program down the line.

The Workhorsemen (who seem to be on every week) don’t like FTR, or Mark Briscoe for that matter. Briscoe can take FTR’s beating for them.

Diamante vs. Teal Piper

Deimos is here with Piper, who gets in a quick slam to start. A neckbreaker over the middle rope cuts Piper off though and Diamante hits the running corner dropkick. Diamante slaps her in the face, which is enough to fire Piper up for some kicks in the corner. A sleeper doesn’t work for Piper as it’s something like Cross Rhodes to bring her back down. Diamante ties up the arms in a choke for the stoppage at 4:11.

Rating: C. Piper didn’t get squashed here but she only showed so much. Maybe it would have been better if she hadn’t popped up in the earlier match, but seeing her twice in one night took away some of the special feeling. She has enough skill be have a run on the indies somewhere though and with some more experience, could be something down the line. Diamante is still good for a spot like this and I’m still not sure why she hasn’t gotten a bigger role before.

Respect is not shown post match.

Tony Nese vs. Serpentico

Before the match, Nese and the rest of the Varsity Athletes say they have tried to get the fans’ respect for years but it has never happened because the fans aren’t on the same level. Instead, the wrestling is on hold because it’s time for group exercise! Ari Daivari leads the exercise until Serpentico’s entrance interrupts.

Nese wrestles him down without much effort but Serpentico comes back up with a slap. That’s too far for Nese, who stomps away and nails a hard elbow for a bonus. Serpentico tries to fight up but gets caught with a spinning kick to the face to put him right back down. Nigel goes old school by saying Nese is the winner of this year’s Jesse The Body Award. Hold on though, as Riccaboni says that he won a pose down against Frankie Kazarian.

With that out of the way, Nese grabs a bodyscissors and hammers away, only to miss the springboard moonsault. Serpentico’s jumping Downward Spiral gives him a breather but Nese German suplexes him into the corner. The Running Nese is enough to finish Serpentico at 6:05.

Rating: C. As much as Nese vs. Serpentico is a main event….I’m thinking nowhere in the country, I can go with Nese and company actually having something to annoy the fans. Calling the fans fat and out of shape isn’t much, but it’s something that might get Nese some heat for a change. The match was little more than a squash, but they might be trying something with Nese and I’ll take the effort.

Athena makes fun of Kiera Hogan and gets decked from behind by the real one.

Notorious Mimi vs. Miranda Alize

They trade slaps to start with Alize knocking her into the corner and sweeping the leg out. A butterfly suplex gives Alize one and a hurricanrana driver is twice as good. Alize stops to yell at her and gets faceplanted for two but Alize is right back with a cutter. The Drive By (Shining Wizard) finishes Mimi at 3:11.

Rating: C-. Now this was more of a squash, as Alize ran through Mimi save for about fifteen seconds. I never got the big appeal of Alize in her original Ring Of Honor run and that has only been slightly upgraded here. She could certainly be a midcard villain and I could see a big showdown with someone like Skye Blue, so there does seem to be some value there. Mimi is apparently rather young and like many others on the show, needs a good bit more experience.

Dalton Castle/The Boys vs. The Righteous/Stu Grayson

Brent and Vincent start things off with Vincent running him over with an elbow. A dropkick works better for Brent so it’s Brandon coming in with a springboard high crossbody to Grayson. Everything breaks down and Castle is sent into the post, leaving Brent to get beaten down without much trouble.

Dutch hits a splash and Grayson adds a heck of a clothesline to keep Brent down. An enziguri gets Brent out of trouble though and the hot tag brings in Castle to clean house. A reverse Sling Blade drops Vincent but Dutch blocks a suicide dive. Back in and a triple flipping faceplant finishes Brent at 7:24.

Rating: C+. This was an energetic match with Castle and the Boys being their usual entertaining selves and the villains working well together. Grayson being the unofficial member of the Righteous works for him and they could be a nice team, especially if they’re done with the Dark Order. For now though, I’ll take a nice trios match.

The Dark Order promises to get more violent and ask if they’re Grayson’s family.

Athena vs. Trish Adora

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Adora wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. We pause for Athena to yell at the fans to start, with commentary pointing out how stupid that is in a ten minute match. Adora slips out of an early headscissors but a test of strength lets her crank on Athena’s arm.

Athena bails to the floor and the distraction lets her snap the leg across the rope to take over. A leglock with a hair pull has Adora in more trouble, at least until she makes the rope. Some trash talk lets Adora come back with a German suplex and a powerslam gets two. Athena manages a quick whip into the corner though and the O Face finishes Adora at 7:10.

Rating: C+. Adora continues to feel like someone who has a lot of breakout star potential around here and I could go for seeing her featured a good bit more. That being said, Athena gets to take out someone else, likely on her way to another match with Kiera Hogan for whatever reason. That’s the feud that has been decided on, no matter how much Athena dominated the first match.

Post match Athena attacks her again but here is Kiera Hogan with a trashcan lid for the brawl. Athena takes it away and knocks her down but Hogan takes it back and blasts her (Riccaboni: “Bangin on a trashcan!”). Hogan sets up a table….which Athena spears her through, just in case Hogan started to feel like a viable threat. Athena knocks herself silly too though and both of them have to be helped out.

Mark Briscoe vs. Anthony Henry

JD Drake is here with Henry. Mark slugs away to start and sends Henry outside for the dropkick through the ropes. Back in and the rolling Death Valley Driver hits Henry but a Drake distraction lets him get in a dropkick. A DDT into a double armbar has Mark in trouble but Mark gets up and kicks him in the face.

Henry kicks him right back and we hit the crossarm choke. Back up and Briscoe hits a dropkick of his own, followed by a fisherman’s buster for two. The Jay Driller is blocked and Briscoe pulls him into a dragon sleeper. With that broken up via a handy rope, they chop it out until the Jay Driller finishes for Briscoe at 7:17.

Rating: C+. It seems that they’re building towards another Briscoe title shot, which makes the loss at Supercard of Honor all the more confusing. I get the idea of Mark being built up after adversity but I believe he’s already checked that box this year. For now though, it’s another pretty nice Briscoe match, as the Workhorsemen get in their required appearance.

Tony Khan introduces Stokely Hathaway and praises him for his good job so far. Hathaway pitches a Chicago street fight between Athena and Kiera Hogan next week. Sure.

DKC vs. Daniel Garcia

This is from Dynamite in Colorado Springs, it’s under Pure Rules and DKC is a student of Katsuyori Shibata. Garcia takes him to the mat without much trouble as we see Jerry Lynn sitting in as a judge. Not talking despite being one of the bosses of the show, but he’s here. A loud chop seems to wake up DKC, who is right back with a running hurricanrana. DKC goes up top but gets knocked outside, allowing Garcia to pose a bit.

Back in and Garcia gets two off a suplex, setting up the STF. DKC uses his first rope break, which has Garcia applauding himself. Garcia loads up a charge in the corner but stops to dance, which is apparently a shot at Shibata. DKC hits a middle rope jumping kick to put Garcia down and then fires off a series of chops. A neck crank sends Garcia over to the ropes for the break, allowing him to come back with a Boston crab. With that not working, the Dragontamer finishes DKC at 7:34.

Rating: C+. This was a logical step towards Garcia vs. Shibata, even if that might not be the most thrilling feud. The Pure Rules matches are something different, but they are only so interesting in the first place. Garcia vs. Shibata does feel like something of a feud, but it’s something that could be dropped without missing much.

Post match Garcia sits ala Shibata.

The Mogul Embassy knows they have beaten everyone and they’ll do it again against more weak competition.

Viva Van vs. Skye Blue

Van, who apparently holds five titles right now, grabs a wristlock to start but gets taken down just as quickly. A rolling kick to the face gives Van two but Blue gets in a boot to the face. Blue’s hurricanrana into a Shining Wizard gets two, only to have Van grab a wheelbarrow suplex for the same. Back up and Blue superkicks her, setting up Skyfall for the win at 4:01.

Rating: C. This match is the prime example of something that did not need to be on this show and could have been cut to shave off some time. Blue won a #1 contenders match on Rampage and then lost last night on Dynamite. Did she really need a rebound win 24 hours later? She’s been on six of the last eight Ring Of Honors so it’s not like she’s never around. This was there to add another match to a show for the sake of adding another match to the show and that’s where this show gets really tiresome every week.

Respect is shown post match, which makes sense as Van looked solid.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Mogul Embassy vs. Action Andretti/Darius Martin/AR Fox

The Embassy, with Prince Nana, is defending. Fox and Cage get things going with Cage running him over with a shoulder. A slingshot splash is pulled out of the air and Fox is sent flying with a fall away slam. Martin comes in to dropkick Cage into a tag to Khan as the pace picks up.

Toa walks on Martin’s back but he’s right up to his feet for a tornado DDT. Andretti gets the tag and is knocked outside for some whips into the apron. Back in and Andretti is fine enough to hit a Canadian Destroyer on Cage. That’s enough for the tag to Fox as the pace picks up again. A springboard missile dropkick hits Cage and a big dive to the floor does it again. Back in and a Swanton gives Fox two, followed by an assisted middle rope cutter for the same.

Everything breaks down and Toa runs over all three challengers at once. Khan hits a fireman’s carry gutbuster on Martin but Fox is back in with a 450. Fox and Andretti kick away at Cage and Andretti hits his torture rack neckbreaker. Khan gets sent to the floor but Cage is back with a discus lariat to Martin. The Cheeky Nandos kick hits Andretti and Weapon X retains the titles at 10:19.

Rating: B. They went with a simple concept here and had every go nuts for the last few minutes. It was a power vs. speed match and that might be the most basic wrestling formula there is. That is the case for a reason as it works well when it is done right, as was on display here. The champs got rocked before coming away with the dramatic win and that made it the best thing on the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I liked it better than last week as it felt like there was a bit more purpose to some of the matches, but on the other hand there was (yet again) a lot of stuff that felt like it was there to pad the run time. There’s little need to have a lot of these people on the show every single week, and now Tony Khan is apparently going to be around to make matches while Hathaway plays a suck up villain and Jerry Lynn doesn’t talk. It’s nice to see them trying something, but a two hour show with a bunch of seven minute matches featuring so many of the same people week after week is only going to be so exciting.

Samoa Joe b. Matt Sydal – MuscleBuster
Nick Comoroto b. Deimos – Alabama Slam
Iron Savages b. Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus – Electric chair splash to Williams
Diamante b. Teal Piper via referee stoppage
Tony Nese b. Serpentico – Running Nese
Miranda Alize b. Notorious Mimi – Drive By
The Righteous/Stu Grayson b. Dalton Castle/The Boys – Triple flipping faceplant to Brent
Athena b. Trish Adora – O Face
Mark Briscoe b. Anthony Henry – Jay Driller
Daniel Garcia b. DKC – Dragontamer
Skye Blue b. Viva Van – Skyfall
Mogul Embassy b. Action Andretti/Darius Martin/AR Fox – Weapon X to Andretti


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Ring Of Honor TV – May 25, 2023: 19!

Ring Of Honor
Date: May 25, 2023
Location: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nigel McGuinness

It’s Double Or Nothing week but Ring Of Honor still doesn’t have a major show of its own to build towards. I would assume that we might be seeing something like that being announced in the next few weeks, but for now we’ll have to settle for this show producing acts like Metalik/AR Fox/Blake Christian to be fed to the House Of Black on Dynamite. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

By the way: this show sets new records at 2:56:30 and 19 matches.

JD Drake vs. Mark Briscoe

Anthony Henry is here with Drake. Briscoe sticks his chest out for the chop so Drake does the same, meaning the chops abound. A boot to the chest rocks Drake and Briscoe sends him outside. That means a dive to take out Henry and Drake at the same time but Drake is back in with more chops. A spinebuster gives Drake two more and a Boss Man Slam is good for the same.

Briscoe knocks him off the top though and a missile dropkick puts Drake down. Drake is willing to let Briscoe chop him, but Briscoe grabs a swinging Rock Bottom for two instead. Henry’s distraction breaks up the Jay Driller and Drake hits his moonsault for two more. For some reason Henry tries his own Jay Driller, which is reversed into a Death valley Driver. The Froggy Bow finishes for Briscoe at 9:24.

Rating: C. Drake continues to move well for a big guy but he was outmatched here against Briscoe. That’s part of the problem with Briscoe at the moment as he doesn’t want to be in a team (fair) but he’s a big enough star that he needs to win something. The TV Title was done at Supercard Of Honor and the World Title is mainly stuck on Proving Ground matches, so instead Briscoe just kind of floats, in this case as a guest referee on the main show.

Respect is shown post match and Briscoe says he wants the TV Title. I could go for a rematch, but Briscoe needs to actually win the thing.

Christopher Daniels wants Matt Sydal to get a TV Title and they’ll start the path tonight.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Serpentico

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Serpentico wins or lasts the ten minute time limit, he gets a future title shot. Castagnoli shoves him down to start as commentary talks about what kind of dog these two would be. Serpentico grabs his Castagnoli’s hands for a test of strength but gets sent flying off a suplex. A rollup gives Serpentico two and Castagnoli is sent to the floor for a big flip dive. Castagnoli sends him into the steps and hits about ten straight clotheslines back inside. A big clothesline finishes Serpentico at 3:39.

Rating: C-. Pretty much a squash here as there was no reason to believe that perennial jobber Serpentico was going to be a threat to Castagnoli. We’re currently waiting to see who is next for a title shot and the pickings are fairly slim at the moment. Maybe someone steps up soon, but for now, we might be stuck with little more than this from the champ.

Vertvixen vs. Kiera Hogan

Vertvixen grabs a headlock to start, followed by a running dropkick. Hogan fights up with a kick of her own as Athena comes out to watch. A Downward Spiral into a Koji Clutch has Hogan in trouble but she sends Vertvixen face first into the buckle for two. Vertvixen is back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two but Hogan grabs a Saito suplex for the pin at 4:59.

Rating: C. Hogan wasn’t a serious threat to Jade Cargill in AEW and she isn’t going to be a threat to Athena anytime soon. Athena has been great in her role but she needs a much stronger challenger than she has been getting recently. Skye Blue worked as she has at least done something, but Hogan beating Vertvixen in about five minutes isn’t going to make her a viable challenger.

Post match Athena shoves Hogan, who trips over Vertvixen, just to make her look even more like a goof.

Kyle Fletcher vs. AR Fox

Fletcher takes him down to start without much trouble and then circles the standing Fox a few times. Some hard shots put Fox down and Fletcher gets to stomp away but Fox blocks a suplex attempt. Instead it’s a suplex to drop Fletcher for a change, setting up the rolling cutter for two.

Another jumping cutter is countered into a dragon suplex but Fox kicks him in the face. Fletcher gets kicked to the floor for a big flip dive from the top, followed by a 450 for two back inside. They both go up top where Fletcher snaps off a super Falcon Arrow. The spinning Tombstone finishes for Fletcher at 10:12.

Rating: B-. I’m kind of amazed that it only took one drop on the head to finish Fox but my goodness that’s a nice change of pace from the usual amount of kickouts you see from similar moves. Fletcher is getting a nice singles run while Mark Davis is hurt but it’s hard to imagine it lasting when the team is ready to go again. Fox can have an exciting match against anyone and thankfully that one ridiculous match a few weeks ago was an anomaly.

Willow Nightingale vs. Hyan

Nightingale runs her over and poses a bit before grabbing something like a reverse Koji Clutch. Hyan gets in a few shots in the corner but Nightingale hits a running shoulder. The middle rope dropkick sets up a cannonball, followed by the Babe With The Powerbomb to finish Hyan at 4:14.

Rating: C. Nightingale could drop a box of puppies into a woodchipper and find a way to make it charming. You don’t see that kind of delightfulness very often and it is infectious every time she is out there. There is no such thing as too much Nightingale and I could go for her moving up the ladder rather soon.

The Kingdom vs. Willie Mack/Ninja Mack

Maria Kanellis-Bennett is here with the Kingdom. Willie hiptosses and armdrags Taven to start but Bennett comes in to take over. Taven is right back in with a middle rope dropkick but Willie clotheslines his way to freedom. Ninja comes in and reverses Taven’s suplex attempt to keep the pace up. A superkick rocks Taven but Bennett grabs a suplex to take over.

Taven’s frog splash gives Bennett two, only to have Ninja slip away and make the tag to Willie for the house cleaning. House is quickly cleaned, including the Samoan drop to Taven. The standing moonsault gives Willie two and Ninja hits a double backflip into a moonsault onto both of them at ringside. Back in and something like a 3D hits Taven but Bennett forearms Willie. The Proton Pack finishes Ninja at 7:44.

Rating: C+. Well, there’s your debut of the hot new team, as the Kingdom rightfully beats them. I’m not sure why Mack and Mack needed to lose in their first match together but at least it was a decent one. The Kingdom continues to be a team who could and probably should be higher up on the card, but here they are for the time being.

Dream Girl Ellie vs. Mercedes Martinez

Martinez runs her over to start and hammers away on the mat. A big boot drops Ellie again and some hard knees to the face make it worse. The surfboard dragon sleeper finishes Ellie at 2:59.

Willie Mack and Ninja Mack aren’t done.

Ashley D’Amboise vs. Danielle Kamela

They fight over wrist control to start until Kamela takes her into the corner for the stomping. D’Amboise gets tied in the ropes for some kicks to the back, followed by the chinlock. That’s broken up and D’Amboise hits a running flipping neckbreaker for two. Kamela is back with a faceplant, only to have D’Amboise hit a reverse AA for two more. A Rock Bottom finishes Kamela at 5:08.

Rating: C. Kamela definitely felt polished and it isn’t surprising that she had a stint in NXT before (as Vanessa Borne). If she can go at this pace and improve beyond that, she could absolutely be something in the future. Other than that, D’Amboise feels like someone with potential, and keeping her around makes sense.

Rocky Romero vs. Titus Alexander

Alexander elbows him in the face and hits a sliding dropkick, setting up a quick dance. Back up and Romero hits some Forever Lariats, only to walk into another dropkick. Romero is right back with a springboard tornado DDT before a missed charge sends Alexander outside. A standing Sliced Bread gets two on Alexander back inside but he grabs a brainbuster for two of his own. Romero has had it with him and puts on a cross armbreaker for the tap at 4:17.

Rating: C+. Alexander was bringing it here and did get to showcase some nice cocky heel stuff. Romero can wrestle a smooth match with anyone and got in some stuff to make both of them look good here. If this was a tryout for Alexander, he might have done well enough to stick around for a bit so nice work.

The Righteous/Stu Grayson vs. Marcus Kross/Vary Morales/LSG

Morales has to spin/roll away from Grayson to start before it’s off to Kross. Grayson throws him into the corner and brings Dutch in to power Kross around a bit more. Vincent’s basement Downward Spiral has him rather pleased but LSG comes in for a springboard forearm. Cue the Dark Order to worry about Grayson as Dutch’s swinging Boss Man Slam cuts Morales in half. Knightfall finishes Kross at 4:09.

Rating: C. Well at least they’re doing something with Grayson and the Righteous after so many weeks of just having them stare at each other. Granted we’re still not sure what is going on, but I’ll take this over the Dark Order running around without really doing anything. The Righteous are a decent team and could be in the title hunt if given the chance, but they get to work with the Dark Order instead.

The Dark Order and the Righteous yell at each other as Grayson is left in the ring.

Zack Sabre Jr. and Samoa Joe are ready for their tag match, with Sabre wanting to show that his TV Title is the one that matters most.

Shane Taylor vs. Tracy Williams

Shane Taylor has the Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry/JD Drake) with him while Williams has Rhett Titus. Taylor powers him around to start and unloads in the corner, only to get armbarred over the top. Back in and a side slam plants Williams but he’s right back with a middle rope DDT. A frog splash gives Williams two but Taylor gives him a release Rock Bottom. The big splash gets two and the package piledriver finishes Williams at 5:12.

Rating: C. Taylor continues to be a wrecking ball who runs through everyone in front of him (save for Mark Briscoe) and that could be used in a bigger spot later. Williams is still someone who can wrestle with anyone, but if he keeps losing over and over, I’m not sure how much good that is going to do. For now though, this was another perfectly fine match.

Athena vs. Promise Braxton

Non-title Proving Ground match. Athena takes her down and hits a shoulder, meaning it’s time to dance. Back up and Braxton snaps off an armdrag but Athena kicks her in the face. Athena’s release front suplex gets two more but Braxton gets in a shot of her own. That’s enough for Athena, who forearms the heck out of her and grabs a cobra sleeper for the win at 5:58.

Rating: C-. Of all the times where Athena has beaten up someone with no chance of beating her in a Proving Ground match, this was the most recent. It’s fun to see, but we’ve seen this so many times now that it is starting to lose its charm. She doesn’t need to be around every week, and having Kiera Hogan as the next victim isn’t going to make things much better.

Post match Athena stays on her but Kiera Hogan makes the save.

Dralistico vs. Tony Deppen

Deppen dropkicks him to the floor to start and hits the big flip dive through the ropes. Dralistico whips Deppen into various things, setting up a springboard Swanton back inside. A kick to the face lets Dralistico pose on the top rope but he misses a charge, allowing Deppen to hit a springboard flipping dive to the floor. Back in and Deppen lets Dralistico chop away until they trade knees to the face. A poisonrana plants Deppen but Dralistico can’t follow up. Dralistico cuts off a springboard and hits a springboard hurricanrana. That and a Fujiwara armbar finish Deppen at 6:32.

Rating: C+. Deppen is one of the better jobbers to the stars around here and he made Dralistico look good here. At the same time, Dralistico hasn’t exactly done anything on his own in ROH or AEW. He has talent, but there isn’t much about him that makes him stand out. Granted not being around Rush so often should help him a bit, and he looked good here.

Nick Comoroto, in his sweet hat, is ready to face Blake Christian, who looks like everyone else.

Miranda Alize vs. Skye Blue

Blue snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor and the chase is on, with Alize catching her with a DDT back inside. Alize kicks her in the head in the corner and a double underhook DDT gets two. A kick to the back of the head gives Blue one but Alize pulls her into the Miranda Rights. With that broken up, Alize misses a charge in the corner and gets rolled up for the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C. This was a match where they didn’t have the time to do much, which is a shame given who was involved. These two could have a good match if they are given the chance but not even making it to four minutes isn’t going to let that work. Alize has done well in her time around ROH and Blue has shown her talents multiple times. Just give them more time.

Athena yells a lot and seems to want to hurt Kiera Hogan.

Cole Karter/Zack Clayton vs. Action Andretti/Darius Martin

Andretti flips over Clayton to start and sends him into the corner before hitting a nice dropkick. Martin comes in and gets his head taken off with a clothesline. It’s already back to Andretti, who kicks Karter down. Back up and Karter is able to shove Andretti off the ropes and out to the floor in a crash. They get back in and Andretti kicks his way out of trouble, allowing the tag back to Martin. House is cleaned until Clayton grabs a powerslam, setting up a frog splash to give Karter two. Back in and Andretti/Martin hit a double pendulum slam to finish Karter at 4:48.

Rating: C+. Another decent match here as Andretti and Martin continue to look like a nice young, high flying team. Granted it doesn’t matter much until Dante gets back, though commentary might have had a good idea of Top Flight and Andretti as a trio. Until then though, I can settle for them doing something like this a few more times.

Blake Christian vs. Nick Comoroto

Comoroto throws a toothpick at him to start so Christian kicks him in the head. The chase is on around the ring and it works so well that they do it again. Christian manages to get back inside and hit a big flip dive to drop Comoroto for the first time. Back up and Comoroto posts him hard to take over, only to miss a charge into the buckle. Christian knocks him to the floor for the dive, followed by a top rope double stomp to the back on the apron. Comoroto hits a fireman’s carry slam for two so Christian….throws a chair across the ring. As Comoroto goes to get it, Christian rolls him up for the pin at 6:31.

Rating: C+. I still see potential in Comoroto, just due to how different he looks and how he has the power and charisma (the hair helps too). Christian continues to be good, but I don’t know if there is really anything he does that makes him stand out. The skill is there, but he’s going to need something more than that to move up to the next level.

Diamante vs. Trish Adora

Adora goes straight to a Kimura to start but has to deal with a headscissors attempt. A neckbreaker drops Adora and a baseball slide sends her to the floor. Back in and Diamante hits a basement dropkick in the corner but Adora punches her into the corner. Diamante neckbreakers her again and puts on an armbar for the tap at 4:47.

Rating: C. Diamante has always shown a lot of fire in her appearances and it was good to see it again. Adora is someone I’ve seen do some impressive things on the independent circuit but she didn’t have the chance to showcase it here. Both of these two are worth some time, but they are a long way from being big deals around here.

Alex Coughlin wants Katsuyori Shibata for the Pure Title next week.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Slim J

The Trustbusters are here with Slim J, who breaks up CERO MIEDO to start. Penta superkicks him to the floor but a suicide dive is cut off with a forearm. Back in and we hit the chinlock but Penta pops up for the Sling Blades. The Fear Factor is countered into a swinging cutter, only to have Penta kick him down in the corner. That means the Alberto double stomp but Slim J hits a wheelbarrow Downward Spiral for two. Penta has had it with him though and punches Slim J out of the air, setting up the Fear Factor for the pin at 4:43.

Rating: B-. I could have gone for more of this as Penta can still do his thing well when his brother isn’t around. He is someone who feels like a big deal and that isn’t something you can teach. On the other hand you have Slim J, who is kind of hard to take seriously but he can go in the ring if he is given the chance.

Zack Sabre Jr./Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal

Sabre and Sydal start things off with Sabre taking him down by the arms. Sydal spins up and kicks him into the corner, meaning it’s off to Joe vs. Daniels for a flashback. That doesn’t last long as Sabre comes back in and is quickly double teamed down. Joe comes back in to kick Daniels in the corner as commentary wonders about who gets a TV Title shot if Daniels gets the pin.

The armbar goes on to keep Daniels in trouble before Joe cranks on a wristlock. Sabre tags himself in and doesn’t seem happy with Joe, so it’s right back to Joe for a neck crank. The snap powerslam gives Joe two but Daniels fights up and gets away. The tag brings in Sydal to clean house, at least until a neckbreaker cuts him off. Sabre grabs a single underhook suplex but Sydal pulls him into a crossface.

Daniels gets the Koji Clutch on Joe at the same time, leaving Joe’s eyes rolling back in his head. Sabre makes the rope and saves Joe, who is able to break the Angel’s Wings. Sabre takes Sydal down and twists his neck, only to walk into Angel’s Wings to send him outside. Back up and Daniels charges into a Rock Bottom out of the corner, setting up a Koquina Clutch to give Joe the win at 15:17.

Rating: B. Match of the night here and the extra time, plus the talent involved, would seem to be why. I’m curious to see what is next for these guys, as Joe vs. Sabre would be a showdown, but Daniels vs. Sydal seems like a possibility as well. Either one would work, and this was a good example of a rather nice TV main event.

Joe and Sabre show respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. What do you want me to say here? It was nineteen matches over about three hours. There was some good stuff in there but when you’re nine matches in and not even halfway done, it’s a little hard to stay interested. There were a bunch of women’s matches and the division certainly has talent, but most of the matches were four to five minutes long and no one really stood out in a big way. The same is true with the men’s matches, leaving me wondering why this show was put together this way.

That’s what I really don’t get here: how is a show running this long with this much content supposed to be the best possible option. Who was putting this show together, got to twelve matches, and thought they needed seven more? This was long for the sake of being long and it didn’t work out very well, just due to how much was there and very little getting the chance to stand out in any significant way.

Mark Briscoe b. Anthony Henry – Froggy Bow
Claudio Castagnoli b. Serpentico – Clothesline
Kiera Hogan b. Vertvixen – Saito suplex
Kyle Fletcher b. AR Fox – Spinning Tombstone
Willow Nightingale b. Hyan – Babe With The Powerbomb
The Kingdom b. Ninja Mack/Willie Mack – Proton Pack to Ninja
Mercedes Martinez b. Dream Girl Ellie – Surfboard dragon sleeper
Ashley D’Amboise b. Danielle Kamela – Rock Bottom
Rocky Romero b. Titus Alexander – Cross armbreaker
The Righteous/Stu Grayson b. Vary Morales/Marcus Kross/LSG – Knightfall to Kross
Shane Taylor b. Tracy Williams – Package piledriver
Athena b. Promise Braxton – Cobra sleeper
Dralistico b. Tony Deppen – Fujiwara armbar
Skye Blue b. Miranda Alize – Rollup
Action Andretti/Darius Martin b. Cole Karter/Zack Clayton – Double slam to Karter
Blake Christian b. Nick Comoroto – Rollup
Diamante b. Trish Adora – Armbar
Penta El Zero Miedo b. Slim J – Fear Factor
Samoa Joe/Zack Sabre Jr. b. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal – Koquina Clutch to Daniels


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