Ring Of Honor TV – August 4, 2021: Brackets Palooza

Ring of Honor
Date: August 4, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Lenny Leonard

We’re on the way to Death Before Dishonor but since this promotion moves a bit slowly, we have some time before we get there. This week’s show is going to have a special theme as everything is going to be focusing on the Women’s Title tournament. It is about time as the thing has been talked about for months now, meaning it is going to have a hard time living up to the hype. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with a look back at Chelsea Green making her Ring of Honor debut at Best in the World. Green is still injured but she will be around sooner than later.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and shows us the tournament brackets. These brackets include…..Quinn McKay, who voted into the tournament by the fans. Fair enough as she got cheated, but you couldn’t get her a single win in there somewhere?

Miranda Alize is the Lucha Baddie and Alex Gracia is the Pink Dream. They know each other but they both want the title. These were as generic of a pair of promos as you could imagine.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Alex Gracia vs. Miranda Alize

Chelsea Green in on commentary. Alize wears a sombrero and a half lucha mask because she is half Mexican and half American. They go with the grappling to start and trade escapes from the wristlocks. A chop slows Alize down but she springboards into an armdrag to drop Gracia as well. Back up and Alex grabs a headlock to no avail so it’s a dropkick to put Alize on the floor instead. The dive doesn’t work though and Gracia is sent hard into the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Gracia in more trouble. Green: “It’s looking like Gracia has a better chance of getting a Chik-Fil-A sandwich on a Sunday than winning this one.” Gracia fights back with a Backstabber (Green: “Gracia might be getting that Chik-Fil-A sandwich on a Sunday!”) and a kick to the face gets two. Something like a Blockbuster knocks Alize down (despite Gracia not grabbing the head whatsoever) so she knees Gracia in the face for two. A cutter into a running knee to the face finishes Gracia at 8:43.

Rating: C-. I’m not sure what to make of this one but it doesn’t give me the most hope for the remainder of the tournament. They did moves to each other, one of them wore pink, the other one had a lucha theme, and one of them won. The pre-match promos did nothing to make me care about them, but what can you do in about fifteen seconds of talking? I need more than some just ok wrestling and I don’t expect to get that over the next several matches.

Respect is shown post match.

Mazzerati is all about her attitude and it’s all eyes on her when the bell rings. Nicole Savoy is a suplex machine and knows she’ll win with her half nelson suplex.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Mazzerati vs. Nicole Savoy

They talk trash to start until Savoy takes her down by the arm early on. That doesn’t last long so Savoy takes over with a test of strength instead. It’s too early for the armbar though and we take a break. Back with Savoy working on the arm some more with Mazzerati not being able to twist out.

Instead she hits Savoy in the face and calls her a loser so Savoy snaps off a fall away slam. The half nelson suplex is countered with a drive into the corner so Savoy is back with a Royal Butterfly suplex. Mazzerati gets two of her own off a bridging northern lights suplex. With the wrestling not working, Mazzerati punches her in the face to drop Savoy. Back up and Savoy snaps off a TKO, setting up the bridging half nelson suplex for the pin at 8:45.

Rating: C. Just having Savoy as the suplex machine gives her something to make her stand out, but at the same time, watching her crank on the arm that long was hardly thrilling. It’s still better than the opener though, as I got a bit more of a sense of their personalities. Maybe the opener just wasn’t the best match, which gives me a bit more of that hope stuff.

More respect is shown post match.

Rok-C is 19 years old and calls herself a prodigy. Sumie Sakai promises to win again, with Rok-C saying she respects her.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Rok-C vs. Sumie Sakai

Sumie takes her down with ease and teases a right hand before rolling away instead. A cross armbreaker sends Rok-C over to the ropes so Rok-C takes her down in a hurry. The standing moonsault knees to the ribs gets two on Sakai and some running knees in the corner get the same. We take a break and come back with Sakai working on a half crab, even making sure to grab the arm to block the tap. The good arm grabs the rope though and it’s time for a slugout.

A running knee to the face gives Sakai two and a springboard knee in the corner rocks Rok-C again. Sakai grabs a pretty nasty Boston crab until Rok-C makes the rope again. Rok-C is back with a middle rope Thesz press for two and a Russian legsweep gets the same. Sakai is back with a belly to back suplex but Rok-C catches her with a spinning kick to the head. The super sunset flip sets off a pinfall reversal sequence until Sakai grabs a DDT for two. Back up and Rok-C snaps off a victory roll for the pin at 9:36.

Rating: C+. This was a bit better with the back and forth making things more interesting. I was wondering who was going to wind up pulling this off and the upset made things a bit better. Ring of Honor’s obsession with Sakai had a lot to do with their previous division not taking off so it was a better choice to have Sakai put some over here while making them look better.

Remember the post-match respect? You get it again here.

Overall Rating: C. I’m not sure what to make of the tournament but the second and third matches gave me a bit more hope here. The show still isn’t great and I’m not wild on the idea of seeing these matches for the next few weeks. I’ve never been a huge tournament fan as it feels like you are killing a lot of time before you get to the stuff that matters. That can be fixed if you have good enough action, but that wasn’t really the case here. It isn’t a bad show, but it also isn’t an exciting one.


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Ring Of Honor TV – July 28, 2021: Not The New Normal

Ring of Honor
Date: July 28, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

These shows run together pretty badly most weeks, but I’m kind of looking forward to watching it most weeks. It feels like a show where you know you’re going to get something at least pretty good, putting it ahead of most these days. Coming in with low expectations and leaving happy is not a bad thing so maybe the can continue their streak here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We recap Mandy Leon cheating to beat Quinn McKay last week, with an assist from Angelina Love.

The Allure laughs off the idea that McKay was a challenge and that’s it for her.

Quinn McKay keeps the welcome short this week because she got hit in the head with brass knuckles. The only thing more painful than that is knowing her chances to be Women’s Champion are gone. We get the show rundown as usual.

Flip Gordon vs. World Famous CB

Before the match, Gordon says he has nothing to say until he gets his World Title shot. CB promises to make Gordon a victim. Gordon drives him into the corner to start before going to the test of strength. Some flipping around gives CB two and we take a break. Back with CB grabbing a few armdrags into an armbar, setting up some arm cranking.

Gordon isn’t having that and kicks CB into the corner for the boot choking. They head outside with Gordon hitting an ax handle off the barricade but missing a charge into the post back inside. CB is smart enough to go right back to the arm, including a hard stomp. Gordon has had it though and hits a quick Kinder Surprise, setting up Submit To Flip for the tap at 11:13.

Rating: C. This was a fine enough match with Gordon getting a win after shaking off some trouble. The problem here was Gordon was in trouble with the arm and then suddenly went to his finishers. You shouldn’t have a ton of issues with CB, but the transition to the ending could have been better. They’re doing a good job at getting the STF over though, which should work well in the World Title match.

The Bouncers and Ken Dixon invade the commentary booth and demand they be talked about a lot more. They’re coming for the Six Man and Tag Team Titles.

Flip Gordon still has nothing to say.

Sledge vs. PCO

Danhausen is on commentary (oh dear). Sledge isn’t impressed by PCO, who shouts a lot and seems to promise violence. Oh and IT’S ALIVE IT’S ALIVE! PCO takes him down to start, with Danhausen taking credit for the mat skills. Sledge is back up with some shots to the face, which Danhausen would not recommend.

A hard collision sends us to a break and we come back with PCO hitting a powerslam into a running basement dropkick for two. They chop it out as Danhausen talks about how PCO can help him get more bags of money. A running corner clothesline sets up a t-bone suplex but PCO pops back up. PCO wins a slugout and hits some Vader running body attacks but the chokeslam is blocked.

Instead PCO shoves him outside as Danhausen has to get around swearing. The flip dive onto the apron actually connects to crush Sledge again, who is driven into the apron a few times. A poke to the eyes gets Sledge out of trouble and he drops PCO onto the concrete. PCO is back up (as he tends to do) and they shove the referee for the double DQ at 12:16.

Rating: C. This is the kind of thing I can go for as they beat each other up rather hard for a long time. They went with the hoss fight here and that’s about as good as you’re going to get out of PCO at the moment. PCO has a weird charisma to him but he can only do so much. It was a fun brawl though, and that’s what PCO should be doing.

Post match, the brawl is on again and has to be broken up by security.

Post break, Sledge says that isn’t over.

Dak Draper vs. Dalton Castle vs. Eli Isom

The Six Man Tag Team Title challengers from Best In The World explodes. Draper wants titles and blames the other two for not having them. Isom knew something was up with the other two. Castle promises to make people take notice. The dancing Boys rip off Castle’s shirt and we’re ready to go. It’s a brawl to start with Draper knocking Castle outside and Isom doing the same to Draper.

Isom follows with a dive but Castle is back in with a suplex to send Isom into the corner. Draper adds a flapjack to Isom and kicks Castle off the apron, meaning it’s time for some Boys attention. Castle comes back in to start throwing suplexes but Isom catches him on top with a dropkick.

A belly to back suplex brings Castle back down, only to have Draper kick Isom in the face. Back in and Isom hits a spinning belly to back suplex to drop Draper. Another dropkick puts Draper on the floor and there’s a middle rope moonsault to take him down again. Castle is back with a chair to Isom but Draper isn’t having that. The Boys get on the apron and it’s the Magnum Drop to plant Isom for the pin at 6:50, which seems to please the Boys (and maybe Castle).

Rating: C. Nothing much to see here, but the ending seems to suggest something is up with Draper and Castle. Or maybe not as Castle can be a little weird. Draper winning is nice to see, but hopefully it does not mean the end for Isom. He has been a lot of fun to watch as he rises up the ranks, but I could see a longer Draper vs. Isom feud too.

We run down the Women’s Championship tournament lineup to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. It’s not often that everything gets the same rating and it’s all in the middle in this case. That’s a good way to put this show: completely average with nothing you need to see, though at least some things were moved forward. It was definitely weaker than their recent efforts, but it was by no means a bad show. It’s nice to not have to worry about things sliding down again, as I have every confidence things will be back to normal (as in the new normal) next week.

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Ring Of Honor Best In The World 2021: Let Them In

Best In The World 2021
Date: July 11, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Attendance: 1,250
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s time for the fans to be back here as well, which should make things a little more energetic. Ring of Honor has been one of the more consistently quality TV shows as of late and now they need to make that work on television as well. That might be easier said than done though so let’s get to it.

It really is cool to see some fans back.

Tracy Williams is out of the Tag Team Title match due to being hit by a car a few weeks back, so Jay Lethal will be defending in his place.

Pre-Show: Demonic Flaimta vs. Rey Horus

This is a rematch from the Survival of the Fittest qualifying round. Horus knocks him to the floor to start and snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron. Flamita gets whipped into the barricade but he is fine enough to dropkick Horus out of the air back inside. A running kick to the head gives Flamita a rather arrogant near fall and it’s time to slap Horus in the mask. Flamita stays cocky and cuts Horus down with some chops. Horus gets back up for a middle rope bodyscissors to the floor, naturally setting up the big no hands dive.

Back in and Horus hits a crazy springboard spinning tornado DDT for two. They get back up and slug it out until Flamita gets in a sitout powerbomb for two of his own. A frog splash onto Horus’ lets leaves both of them down until they slug it out from their knees. Back to back superkicks rock Horus, who grabs a satellite DDT for two more. Horus goes up top and gets pulled down with the MuscleBuster into the knees to the chest. Another superkick gives Flamita two so he tries another, only to get sunset flipped to give Horus the pin at 9:49.

Rating: B-. Take two luchadors and let them fly all over the place for about ten minutes. What better way is there to wake up a crowd for the rest of the night? Ring of Honor, like many other promotions before it, knew what they needed to do here and it worked out again. These guys were all over the place and that’s exactly what they should have been doing.

Post match Flamita drops Horus again and even spits on him.

Bouncers vs. PCO/Danhausen

The Bouncers have Ken Dixon with him. Brawler Milonas jumps PCO before the bell and it’s Danhausen in early trouble. Beer City Bruiser comes in to slam Danhausen, allowing Brawler to send him into the corner by the neck. A running clothesline drops Danhausen again and it’s time to choke on the ropes. It’s off to Bruiser for a clothesline of his own and it’s a Samoan drop into Brawler’s falling splash.

Danhausen avoids a charge in the corner though and manages a German suplex, allowing the hot tag to PCO. Striking abounds, setting up a crossbody of all things. PCO busts out a pair of dives onto both Bouncers and helps Danhausen chokeslam Bruiser. Cue Sledge to stare at PCO and Danhausen but Brawler takes PCO down.

Bruiser hits something like a Vader Bomb from the apron to the floor to crush PCO (egads), leaving Danhausen alone. Danhausen gets caught in a powerbomb from Brawler (Danhausen: “NO! PUT ME DOWN!”), which he slips out of to set up a hurricanrana off the apron and into the post. A quick pat wakes up PCO and Danhausen’s headbutt rocks Bruiser. Goodnighthausen is broken up so Danhausen manages an AA onto the teeth. The PCOsault finishes Bruiser at 9:05.

Rating: C. I can go for this kind of lighthearted comedy where they make no secret about what they are doing. Yeah it’s goofy but that’s the point, as Danhausen is in the exact right spot. If you want to have him team with PCO as a goofy team for awhile then so be it, as they aren’t going to win the titles or anything. Have some fun and don’t go anywhere beyond that.

Post match, PCO and Sledge have their staredown with Danhausen breaking it up.

The opening video looks at some of the bigger matches. They’re keeping it simple here.

PJ Black/Brian Johnson vs. Briscoe Brothers

The Brothers are back on the same page after beating each other up on their farm. Johnson yells at the fans on the way to the ring, because they’re all fat people who got fatter during the pandemic. He doesn’t like the idiot Briscoes either because they all like kissing their cousin. We even get a few jabs at Mama Briscoe, which is not likely going to go well. Johnson brags about being the best in the ring and on the mic so everyone will know his name.

It’s a big brawl to start (again, you don’t mess with a mama) and the Briscoes get the better of it, because Black messed with Mama Briscoe. Mark uses a chair for a big dive to drop Johnson and we settle down to Mark chopping at him inside. Jay comes in for the uppercuts and Mark does the same, as Ian says Happy Birthday to his mom (who you shouldn’t mess with either).

It’s off to Black, who kicks Mark in the face a few times to take over. Johnson adds a slam into an elbow drop for two and the referee takes some yelling. Mark isn’t having that though and fights up to bring Jay back in. The yelling and fighting are both on with Jay getting the better of things on Johnson. Black breaks up Redneck Boogie and Jay accidentally knocks Mark outside.

Johnson’s rollup gets two and Black breaks up the Doomsday Device. The Spike Eskin plants Jay and sets up a 450 to give Black two of his own. Jay kicks Black off the apron and Mark hits the kick through the ropes to Black. The apron Blockbuster drops Johnson and there’s the Cactus Elbow. Back in and the Jay Driller into the Froggy Bow finishes Black at 8:06.

Rating: C. This could have been fine as a TV main event so it works out well for a pay per view opener. The main point here was to establish that the Briscoes are back on the same page, which is a nice followup after their Fight On The Farm. It didn’t have much drama, but should there be between these teams?

We recap EC3 vs. Flip Gordon. EC3 was not happy with Gordon cheating to win a tag match because it does not fit with EC3’s Quest For Honor. At least it’s better than whatever he had been doing in the past few months.

EC3 vs. Flip Gordon

I’m not big on either guy so let’s get this over with already. They shake hands to start, with Gordon pulling him into a headlock for the opening bell. A hard shoulder drops Gordon but he’s right back up with the headlock. Gordon goes after the knee to take over and unloads on him with chops in the corner. A Ricky Steamboat style double chop puts Gordon down again but he takes out the knee in the corner.

There’s a dropkick to the knee to put EC3 on the floor, with the fans not sounding pleased. The leg cranking is on back inside but EC3 powers out, meaning it’s off to a chop off. The Psycho Boy takes Gordon down but the knee gives out again, allowing Gordon to bail to the floor. Gordon sweeps the legs and wraps the knee around the post to take over again.

Back in and the Submit To Flip goes on until EC3 makes it over to the ropes. Gordon goes up but gets top rope superplexed back down for the big crash. Gordon’s springboard….something is chopped out of the air but the knee doesn’t let EC3 follow up. A low superkick rocks EC3, who smiles up at him. That means it’s an Angel’s Wings into the Purpose (Bank Statement) finishes Gordon at 11:14.

Rating: C+. They worked a nice match here and both guys looked good, though it wasn’t exactly a smash. EC3 sold the leg well as it messed with his offense, but I’m still not sure I get what he is doing. It seems to be working for him, but a bit clearer of an explanation would be nice.

Post match Gordon slaps him in the face instead of shaking his hand, so EC3 extends his hand again. Another slap gets the same result, so Gordon spits in his face and walks off.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Dalton Castle/Eli Isom/Dak Draper vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Shane Taylor Promotions (Taylor/Soldiers of Savagery (Moses/Khan), with O’Shay Edwards) are defending. Castle’s jumpsuit is back and so are the Dancing Boys, because they better be. Draper takes Khan to the mat to start as we hear about Khan being a prince in Cameroon. Khan goes with the power and runs him over, allowing the double tag off to Isom and Moses. A dropkick staggers Moses but Isom tries a waistlock for no apparent reasons.

Castle comes in instead and points out that the fans are chanting for him (not exactly). The threat of wrestling earns Castle a hard push back into the corner but he low bridges Moses outside. The tease of a dive lets Castle drop to to the floor and hop onto the barricade for some more dancing. Back in and Castle gets all fired up on Shane, who drops him with a single chop. Isom comes in again and is planted with a spinebuster, allowing Khan to come back in for a suplex.

It’s back to Draper, who snapmares Khan down to drop a knee to the face, allowing Castle to snap off a t-bone suplex. The fast tags continue with Isom coming back in for a belly to belly, but Castle wants to come in instead. The delay lets Moses come in and wreck the challengers as everything breaks down. Back in and Draper picks up the pace, along with Moses for a powerslam, only to be told that Shane made a blind tag.

For some reason Draper thinks he can Dr. Bomb Taylor, who easily reverses into the Marcus Garvey Driver instead. Castle breaks that up so Isom comes back in for a rather impressive Air Raid Crash….as Castle is being tended to by the Boys on the floor. Isom goes up instead of covering but has to shove Castle off for trying to go up at the same time. That’s enough for Khan to hit a super Jackhammer (geez) and it’s time for the parade of finishers. Taylor has had enough of this and hits Draper with Welcome To The Land to retain at 10:56.

Rating: C. This was a very story heavy match as Castle continues to be a bit of a self obsessed pest, but how can you not love the jumpsuit? Isom continues to look like a star in the making and Ring of Honor is about the only place he could make that work at the moment. I’m still not sure why these titles exist, but the match was ok enough.

We get an ad for Honor Pals, Ring of Honor’s version of Wrestling Buddies, because those are the greatest wrestling toys ever.

Silas Young vs. Josh Woods

Last Man Standing and this former mentor vs. former mentee. They even make things a bit more interesting by pointing out that Young is 3-0 in Last Man Standing matches, making it his signature match. Woods jumps him from behind in the aisle though, because woods is smart like that. Young gets sent hard into the barricade but he is right back up with a springboard clothesline to put Woods on the apron. A hard forearm to the back cuts Young down again and Woods knocks him outside again.

Woods grabs a chair but Young shoves the referee into him (smart) to take it away. A chaos suplex off the barricade drops Woods again and it’s time to set up a table. We’ll add a ladder next to the apron, with Ian explaining that it’s there to fix the lighting. Woods sends him into the ladder and throws in a table of his own. Said table is set up in the corner, followed by a bunch of running strikes to Young in the corner. Young picks him up for a drive through the table though and it’s time to slug it out from their knees.

Woods pulls him into a leglock with Young crawling underneath the ropes and tapping to no avail. Yet another table is set up next to the other one on the floor but Young gets in a low blow for a breather. For some reason Young tries a running hurricanrana and is quickly powerbombed onto the ladder for his efforts. Woods throws in a bunch of chairs but gets caught in a backbreaker back inside. A chair shot to the back has Woods in trouble and Young nails Misery for a nine count. They slug it out on the apron above the two tables….and Woods German suplexes Young through both of them for the win at 13:10.

Rating: B-. That’s how it should have gone as these guys beat each other up for a good while until Woods survived. They built up the idea that Young was the best guy at this kind of match and then had someone beat him. Woods has been ready to break through to the next level for a long time now, though I’m not sure if this is going to be the big step forward.

During Hour One, Vincent challenged Matt Taven to a cage match in August and then beat him down.

From the trainer’s room, Taven accepts.

Brody King vs. Jay Lethal

Tracy Williams is here with Lethal. King powers him down with no effort to start and tells Lethal to bring it. A strike off doesn’t work for Lethal either so it’s a very early Lethal Injection for one. King bails to the floor so Lethal hits four straight suicide dives. That isn’t enough to put King down so Lethal hits a baseball slide, which doesn’t put him down either. Instead, King knocks him down again and throws him over the top by the throat. Back in and Lethal is chopped down in the corner as he can’t get anything to work so far.

King hammers away in the corner but Lethal slips out of a superplex and hits a powerbomb. That doesn’t last long either as King is back with a snap piledriver. King pounds him into a chair and hits a running crossbody to knock them both down. A Death Valley Driver onto the apron gets two on Lethal and he can’t even stand up for the Ganso Bomb. That means a hard running lariat to knock Lethal even sillier, followed by a pair of Ganso Bombs for the pin at 10:43.

Rating: C+. The more I see from this version of King, the more I’m expecting him to be the Final Battle World Title challenger. He was treated like a monster here and basically squashed Lethal, whose biggest stuff didn’t do much damage. That’s the right way to go with this and the Ganso Bomb looks like the biggest weapon going at the moment. Nice job.

We recap Mike Bennett vs. Jonathan Gresham for the Pure Rules Title. Bennett won a Pure Rules gauntlet match to earn a title shot but Gresham flat out said he didn’t respect him. Bennett has heard that over and over again but Gresham says this is all about his legacy. Now it’s time for Bennett to prove him wrong.

Pure Rules Title: Mike Bennett vs. Jonathan Gresham

Gresham is defending and this is under Pure Rules, with an extended pay per view time limit. Cary Silkin of all people joins commentary as the fans seem split to start. An early lockup goes nowhere as they seem to be taking their time here. Gresham grabs a waistlock to start the grappling but gets taken to the mat without much effort. They pop back up with Bennett shouldering him down to make things seem a bit more serious.

The threat of a London Dungeon (seated armbar) sends Gresham going straight to the rope for the first break. Gresham pulls him down and starts cranking on the arm for some unnatural angles. An armdrag sets up a hammerlock and Gresham cranks on the other arm at the same time. Now it’s time to twist the ankle at the same time as Gresham’s confidence is going up. Back up and Gresham’s running shoulder hurts Bennett’s arm again.

The Kimura goes on so Bennett uses his first rope break in a smart move. Gresham is sent outside so Bennett tries a dive, only to get pulled back into the Kimura. Bennett taps to no avail before going back inside for another rope break for a bit of a weird sequence. Back up and Bennett goes for the arm as well, meaning Gresham needs his second break. Bennett uses the good arm to hit a Death Valley Driver for two and the seated armbar goes on again.

With that broken up, Bennett clotheslines him down but the arm gives out on a piledriver attempt. Another clothesline gets two on Gresham but the arm is banged up. Gresham is smart enough to use his feet to pop the arm and Bennett is in a lot of trouble. The Cobra Twist sends Bennett to the ropes for the third and final time so a pair of springboard standing moonsaults have Bennett knocked to the floor. Gresham adds a suicide dive but Bennett is right back up with a powerbomb for two.

That’s fine with Gresham, who pulls him into the Crossface. Somehow Bennett crawls out and rolls Gresham into the corner. The piledriver connects for three…but Gresham gets his foot on the ropes for his final break. Gresham switches it up and pops the knee this tine but Bennett stacks him up on a rollup attempt for two of his own. With the arm not working, Gresham ties him in a nasty looking kneebar for the tap to retain at 19:21.

Rating: B. There is something so fun about watching Gresham pick apart a limb like that as he turns it into a science. Bennett was trying hard here but got taken down piece by piece, with Gresham taking him apart to win in the end. This was a heck of a performance and it is great to see him do it every time. The problem is I’m not sure who is going to be able to beat him, as he is virtually unstoppable in this kind of a match. In other words, whoever takes the title from him is going to look awesome and get a heck of a rub.

Jay Lethal is too banged up to defend the Tag Team Titles so Tracy Williams asks Jonathan Gresham to take his place. Gresham reluctantly agrees.

TV Title: Tony Deppen vs. Dragon Lee

Deppen is defending, Lee has La Bestia de la Ring in his corner and Kenny King is on commentary. They go straight to the slugout to start with neither being able to get very far with the forearms. They try chops instead with Lee knocking him into the corner, where Deppen reverses for more chops of his own. Lee gets knocked outside so Deppen follows him, only to get kicked in the chest.

Deppen pounds him down again, setting up a suicide Canadian Destroyer, which is only good for two because the Destroyer is more played out than the DDT. Back in and Lee is fine enough to hit a shotgun dropkick in the corner. With Deppen in trouble, Lee puts him on top for an Alberto double stomp to the apron (dang that always looks rough) but Deppen is right back in with a small package for two.

It’s bad enough that King heads to the ring for a distraction so it’s an exchange of no sold German suplexes. Lee hits a poisonrana but Deppen pops back up for the double clothesline to put them both down. Back up and Lee kicks the knee out the Dragon Driver gets two more as frustration is setting in. More kicks just fire Deppen up and he chops away, only to get suplexed into a powerbomb. The Incinerator gives Lee the title back at 10:10.

Rating: C+. This was a spotfest and that might get a little annoying in a hurry. What are you supposed to do when a match features a suicide Canadian Destroyer for two? They weren’t even bother to sell a lot of the time here and while I get the idea, it was hardly the best thing to see. Entertaining perhaps, but it took me out of things more than once.

King comes in to celebrate so here are Homicide and Chris Dickinson to chase them off. They’re challenging for the Tag Team Titles next so here are the champs to start the match less than two minutes after the previous one ended.

Tag Team Titles: Foundation vs. Violence Unlimited

Rhett Titus and Jonathan Gresham are defending for the Foundation in a Fight Without Honor (basically a street fight). The brawl is on in a hurry with Gresham beating Dickinson up on the floor. That leaves Titus to send Homicide into a chair in the ring as the violence begins. Dickinson catches Titus on top though and shoves him into an open chair (freaking ow man) but Gresham is back in with an abdominal stretch on Homicide.

With that broken up, Gresham kicks the chairs out….as Titus gives Homicide a Falcon Arrow through the timekeeper’s table. Back in and Dickinson chokes Gresham with I believe a shirt but can’t quite get an armbar. The Death Valley Driver gets two on Gresham and Homicide is back with a super cutter on Titus. That’s not even good for a cover as Titus is up with a powerslam with Dickinson having to make a save. Titus goes Rob Van Dam with a dropkick into a chair (not quite a Van Daminator but close enough), leaving Gresham to Octopus Homicide.

Dickinson breaks it up again and it’s a camel clutch into a Homicide basement dropkick. An STF has Gresham in more trouble and Homicide throws in a table, which Gresham shoves out while still in the hold. Gresham won’t tap so Homicide busts out a fork but Titus breaks it up with a gutwrench suplex. Titus sets up the table but Dickinson breaks up a superplex attempt, meaning it’s a super Razor’s Edge to send Titus crashing through the table. Homicide busts out the always terrifying Cop Killer on Gresham for the pin and the titles at 11:01.

Rating: C. I couldn’t get into this as it was like they had two different matches going on at once. Gresham was trying to do his technical stuff and the other three were having a hardcore brawl (makes sense for Homicide and Dickinson). It also felt like they were flying through everything here to get things done in a hurry, especially with the fast start. Not bad or anything but I couldn’t get into this.

Here is Maria Kanellis-Bennett to introduce former Ring of Honor broadcaster Lenny Leonard, who will be calling the Women’s Title tournament. We even have brackets!

Sumie Sakai

Mandy Leon
Vita VonStarr


Angelina Love


Nicole Savoy

Allysin Kay

Marti Belle

Some of those are missing first/last names but that’s as much as we get.

Actually hold on though as Vita VonStarr is out due to breaking rules, so we have a replacement: Chelsea Green, who says this is what freedom looks like. She just spent two and a half years being deemed unworthy so she is here to prove that she is enough. The Maryland Athletic Commission has deemed her unfit to compete, but she will be ringside throughout the tournament watching everyone. Her scars remind her that she is unstoppable and in one month, she is taking this division to the forefront of wrestling. So we still don’t know who is getting the final spot.

We recap the World Title match. Bandido won Survival of the Fittest to earn the shot and he is coming for the unstoppable Rush.

Ring of Honor World Title: Rush vs. Bandido

Bandido is challenging and gets jumped at the bell, with Rush hitting the Bull’s Horns at six seconds for a one count as he pulls his foot off of Bandido’s chest. They head outside with Bandido being whipped into the barricade to take the beating into the crowd. Back to ringside and a heck of a whip sends Bandido into the barricade, setting up the whipping with the camera cord.

They get back inside with Rush cockily kicking away and stomping on Bandido’s head. There’s another kick to the face in the corner and Rush is feeding off of the crowd. Bandido falls outside and Rush cracks him in the leg with a chair. More playing to the crowd lets Bandido get up for a desperation dive, his first offense in about five minutes. Back in and a shooting star press gets two on Rush as the leg is mostly fine. Rush grabs (kind of) him low to ask where something is but charges into an attempt at the X Knee.

That’s broken up as Rush hits a superkick instead, only to get caught in a crucifix bomb for two. An overhead belly to belly sends Bandido hard into the corner and he gets dropkicked out of the air. Rush sends him outside for a big dive and let’s get a table. Bandido manages to get back inside for a superkick though and a running shove sends Rush through the table. Back in and they trade some snap German suplexes until Bandido hits a pop up touch of the head (supposed to be a cutter).

That earns him a spinning kick to the head (fair enough as it was nowhere near a cutter, which commentary pointed out) and they’re both down again. It’s Rush up first to drag Bandido to the apron by the hair but Bandido is back up with the super fall away slam. The 21 Plex connects for two and the fans think this is awesome. Bandido charges into another suplex into the corner and Rush starts tearing at the mask. A shove of the referee is enough for Bandido to grab a rollup for the pin and the title at 16:04.

Rating: B+. These guys started fast and didn’t stop, which is how a match like this is supposed to go. They had one heck of a hard hitting fight with Rush being the monster who got too cocky and let the athletic freak catch up to him in the end as he went over the line. The match absolutely didn’t feel like sixteen minutes and it was the right call as Rush had been champion for far too long already. Heck of a main event and worth a look as Bandido jumps through the glass ceiling.

Post match, La Faccion Ingobernable runs in to beat down Bandido, with Rush getting in a belt shot to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. It’s a rather good show with the main event leading the way, but it was also a bit longer than it needed to be and a match or two could have been dropped. What matters most here though is some stuff happened, as so much of Ring of Honor TV feels like it just keeps happening with no end in sight. Good show here, but it could have used more than a few adjustments.



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Ring of Honor TV – July 14, 2021: Calendar Issues

Ring of Honor
Date: July 14, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are officially done with Best In The World, though I haven’t quite wrapped up the show itself. Thankfully Ring of Honor gives you a pretty nice cushion with the TV shows not meaning much for the next few weeks. Therefore, this show is likely going to be about taking care of some more minor stories that didn’t make the pay per view, so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay hypes up the pay per view, as the release date for this show can be a little confusing at times.

Dante Caballero/Joe Keys vs. Briscoes

Caballero and Keys are both terrified coming in, which is a nice change of pace. Keys: “We’re gonna get our a**** whipped.” Mark and Keys start things off with Mark taking it to the mat in a hurry. It’s already off to Jay and we take an early break. Back with Jay hitting a basement dropkick and snapping off a suplex to give Mark one.

Keys actually manages a belly to back on Jay, allowing the tag off to Caballero. Jay slips out of a slam though and snaps off a hurricanrana. It’s back to Mark to clean house as commentary is rather pleased with the idea of the fans being back. Redneck Boogie plants Keys for two so it’s a neckbreaker into the Froggy Bow to put him away at 9:36.

Rating: C-. Just a long squash here as the Briscoes are back on the same page and looking sharper than they have in a good while. That’s all they were going for here and it isn’t like the Briscoes should be having trouble with these guys. I’m not sure if I need to see them go after the Tag Team Titles again, but it isn’t like it would be the worst idea.

Flip Gordon vs. PJ Black

Brian Johnson is on commentary. Gordon doesn’t want to talk before the match. On the other hand, Black brags about how many places he has wrestled, earning a shrug from McKay. They trade some grappling and near falls to start, with Black bailing to the ropes. An armdrag into an armbar has Gordon down but he comes back up with a right hand. Black is fine enough to grab an anklescissors to the floor, setting up the slingshot dive.

Back in and Gordon rolls outside to avoid a dive and ties Black in the ring skirt to hammer away. The springboard missile dropkick puts Black on the floor again and a heck of a superkick puts him down as we take a break. We come back with Gordon hitting a suplex and chopping Black into the ropes.

Gordon’s tornado DDT is countered into a suplex but Gordon snaps off a reverse Regal Roll. The running shooting star press gets two and they chop it out again. Black faceplants him for two before winning an exchange of forearms. Gordon is back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for his own near fall so it’s a rake to Black’s face, setting up the Flip Five. Submit To Flip makes Black tap at 16:34.

Rating: C+. Another pretty good match with both guys working hard until Flip cheated to win. That’s how a match like this should go as you need someone to be cheating to make this work better. It was a fine choice for a TV match and it got some time, which is always going to help with something like this.

Post match Gordon goes after Black again but Brian Johnson runs in for the save.

Violence Unlimited vs. Foundation vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

Brian Zane joins commentary and that would be Brody King/Tony Deppen vs. Jonathan Gresham/Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King/Dragon Lee. Actually hang on a second as La Faccion has a seat at the timekeeper’s table before the opening bell, leaving it at two on two for the moment. Gresham and Deppen start things off with Deppen offering him the wrist, which does not seem to be so bright a move. They go to the mat for a standoff, with Gresham seeming rather confident. La Faccion pulls Gresham outside for a double suplex and we take a break.

Back with Lethal (now in a singlet) coming in to face King for a Best in the World preview. Now it’s La Faccion pulling Lethal outside for another double suplex, as one of the ring skirts has been pulled down as well. Back in and King drops Deppen onto Lethal for two and the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up and this time it’s Deppen being pulled outside for a double suplex of his own, leaving Brody as the odd man out.

Brody chases them away and Lethal uses the breather to bring Gresham in. Back in and Brody chokes Gresham on the rope but gets pulled outside….where he suplexes La Faccion for a change. The Foundation double teams Brody down for two but Lee makes the save, setting up a showdown with Gresham.

Lethal breaks that up and it’s Kenny coming back in for another showdown. After tossing Deppen outside, La Faccion double teams Gresham down for two. Brody comes back in for an attempted superplex on Lethal but Gresham breaks it up with a powerbomb. Deppen hits a Shining Wizard on Gresham but Kenny steals the pin at 17:43.

Rating: B-. The matches are fun but it feels like they are just putting together as many combinations of these guys as they can. That does not make for the most interesting set of matches, but at least they had some good action here. I get the idea behind the faction wars, though it would be nice if they seemed to be leading anywhere rather than merely trading wins and losses.

Best in the World rundown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show as it was good on its own but didn’t do a lot regarding the pay per view. The main event was not mentioned outside of a quick line or two on commentary, which hardly has me all that interested. Instead, it felt like a regular episode of the television show which happened to be taking place before the pah per view. Not bad, but it was hardly great or even worth watching.



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Ring Of Honor TV – July 7, 2021: Come On Chicken

Ring of Honor
Date: July 7, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are almost up to Best in the World and that means we should be in for the big final push towards the show. This time around though, we have a special fight between the Briscoe Brothers, taking place from their chicken farm. That might sound absurd, but these two could absolutely pull it off. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and gives us the weekly preview.

Last week, Bandido won Survival of the Fittest and is REALLY excited to get to challenge Rush for the World Title at Best In The World. He gave Quinn a big hug, which she said never disappoints.

Fred Yehi talks about how he has been having a bit of an up and down time around here as of late. Now he is on a roll and has a Pure Rules Title shot against Jonathan Gresham. He and Gresham had the same trainer and they have met a lot over the years. They’ll shake hands before and after the match, but he’s taking the title in the middle.

Jonathan Gresham was excited when he heard that Yehi was coming to the promotion. He didn’t expect Yehi to be so worried about the division though, so now it’s time to fight. When the bell rings, Yehi isn’t going to have to worry about anything more than getting taken apart. After the match, Yehi can shut up and get out of the way.

Pure Wrestling Title: Fred Yehi vs. Jonathan Gresham

Pure Rules with Gresham defending and #1 contender Mike Bennett on commentary. They shake hands but Gresham kicks the hands to break it up, which doesn’t go well for Yehi. In the least surprising moment of the show, they go to the mat to start and that’s good for a standoff. Yehi takes him down by the leg but has to slip out of an armbar, setting up another stalemate.

Something close to a stump puller has Gresham in more trouble but he slips out in a hurry. They trade hiptosses to send both of them outside, where Yehi snaps off a headlock takeover. We take a break and come back with a staredown as they get inside. Another attempt at a hiptoss over the top doesn’t work and the glaring continues. A rather aggressive lockup leaves both of them next to the ropes, with Gresham rubbing the wristband against the eyes.

Yehi shoulders him down and stomps away before they go into a pinfall reversal sequence. Neither can get a hold until Yehi tries a choke, sending Gresham backflipping onto him for two. A test of strength goes to Yehi, who drops down onto Gresham to break his bridge. Gresham switches the grip to crank on the hands but Yehi slips out again and tries some stomping. That’s fine with Gresham, who cradles him down and ties up the arms for the pin to retain at 12:16.

Rating: B. This was a well told story of how they were evenly matched and could counter everything, but Gresham was one step ahead of him in the end. It wasn’t a ridiculous looking match either, which is always a danger in something like this. Yehi continues to be awesome and it is nice to see him getting to hang with Gresham. I’m not sure who is going to be able to win the title though, as it is going to take something very special at this point.

Respect is shown post match.

Post break, Jonathan Gresham talks about training with Fred Yehi and is impressed, but this is his division. If Yehi wants another title shot, train a bit more and come get it. Gresham is ready for Mike Bennett, who is not honorable.

Watch Best In The World! You might even find out what is on the card!

Papa Briscoe recaps the recent issues between his sons Mark and Jay. They need to fight it out because that’s what they’ve always done.

The Briscoes are ready to fight, with Mark talking about the things he has done to Jay around here, while Jay talks about how he might need to prove that he is the better man again.

Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe

Papa Briscoe opens the door to the barn and they all get in the ring, with Papa saying to keep it clean and fight like men. Mark slaps Jay in the face and stomps away in the corner to start. Jay kicks him in the face to take it outside but Papa tells them to get back inside. That’s fine with Mark, who hits a running splash in the corner and hammers away. A moonsault takes way too long though and Jay shoves him off the top and down through a table.

They fight outside of the barn with Jay hammering away and finding a trashcan lid to whack him again. Some metal tub shots to the head rock Mark, who comes back with a low blow. Jay: “YOU SON OF A B****!” Be nice to Mama Briscoe man. Mark sets up a ladder and climbs onto the top of an RV. They yell at each other until Jay joins him for the slugout. Jay fires off punches until Mark chokes him down. Back up and Jay throws him off and onto a big pile of stuff. Jay: “I’m gonna go pin his a**.”

This involves taking Mark into the back of a truck, which Jay drives away to another par of the farm. By the time he parks (and once the cameraman gets out), Mark has disappeared and jumps him from behind. A table (in the back of the truck) is set up and Mark climbs a tree to get on top of a shelter. The big splash off of the room crushes Jay and they’re both down again.

Papa comes in to ask if they’re good yet and helps carry them back to the ring so they can get this out of themselves. They get back up and slowly slug it out, with Papa asking over and over “ARE YOU GOOD YET???”. A bunch of punches put them down on their knees until Mark hits a heck of a clothesline to put both of them down for good at 16:20.

Rating: B. This worked because it felt real. You could imagine these two beating each other senseless on this farm for the last thirty plus years and it fit perfectly. Two crazy redneck brothers having a fight (not a match, but a fight) on their farm feels completely realistic, as does Papa Briscoe being right there knowing that this is what his sons do. This is what happens when you have people who are being themselves and it feels very genuine. It’s no classic or anything but this was enjoyable because it did not feel set up whatsoever. Good stuff here and a lot of fun.

Papa: “Now clean this s*** up!”

Overall Rating: A-. One thing that Ring of Honor has done well is figure out how to put things together to make an hour fly by. There was a great mixture of stuff this week as the matches could not have been more opposite. Both of them worked well and I had a good time with these two matches. It didn’t have a lot to do with Best in the World, but that has never been Ring of Honor’s strong suit. Rather entertaining show here as Ring of Honor continues to be a good show.

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Ring Of Honor TV – June 30, 2021: Survive If They Let You

Ring of Honor
Date: June 30, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are rapidly approaching Best In The World and a lot of the card has either already been made or is pretty obvious. That is not a bad thing either, but we also have to set up the rest of the Survival of the Fittest tournament. In other words, you can feel things getting interesting around here again and that is a very nice thing. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and runs down the card, which will be headlined by the Survival of the Fittest finals. Well that’s big.

Here’s how all six of the finalists qualified.

But first, this.

Matt Taven vs. Dutch

Dutch has Vita Von Starr and Bateman with him. Taven goes straight at the monster to start and gets shoved down without much effort. Some heavy forearms to the chest have Taven in trouble but Dutch’s powerslam is broken up. A dropkick has no effect on Dutch, who runs Taven over to send us to a break. Back with Dutch taking it outside for a whip into the barricade.

Vita adds some choking but here is Maria Kanellis-Bennett to order her to the back. With that out of the way, Taven spin kicks him to the floor for the big suicide dive. The Flight of the Conqueror takes Dutch down again, setting up Aurora Borealis….for one, with Taven being stunned. Taven flips out of what looks like a spinning Boss Man Slam, setting up the Climax. That’s enough for Bateman to pull Taven outside and take him out for the DQ at 11:09.

Rating: C. The ending is annoying but I get why you don’t want either of these guys taking a fall. The story worked well here as this was about making Dutch look like a monster, which worked out well. I’m not sure how much longer they can drag out this Taven vs. Righteous story, but that has been the case for months now.

Post match, Vincent comes out to dance as Bateman beats on Taven. Mike Bennett comes in for the brawl but the Righteous gets the better of things. Security breaks it up.

Post break, Vincent talks about how Matt Taven wants everyone to cheer for him but one day, he’ll have nothing left. Dig what he’s saying? Taven looks a bit crushed.

Jay Briscoe is ready to knock Mark Briscoe out in the Fight on the Farm. He let Mark have the win at the 500th episode and now it’s time to knock him out like he always has.

Survival of the Fittest: Demonic Flamita vs. Brian Johnson vs. Eli Isom vs. Bandido vs. Rhett Titus vs. Chris Dickinson

Elimination rules and the winner gets a future World Title shot. During the entrances, everyone gets a quick promo about how they’re going to win and what it means to them. Bandido and Flamita trade the kicks to start before falling outside, meaning Dickinson and Titus can come in. Dickinson headlock takeovers him down but Titus is back up with a suplex for two. Isom comes in and goes to the mat with Titus for some grappling. It’s off to Johnson to come in and chop it out with Isom, who sends him into the corner with a backdrop.

Johnson sends Isom outside but gets dropped by Bandido. The big dive is loaded up but Bandido has to grab Flamita, meaning it’s a huge backflip World’s Strongest Slam onto the pile. Back in and Bandido kicks Johnson down, only to be rolled up by Bandido for the elimination at 4:48.

Flamita isn’t done though as he jumps Bandido and puts him through the timekeeper’s table. Some chair shots crush Bandido even worse, drawing out Rey Horus for the save. We take a break and come back with Isom armdragging Johnson into an armbar but his belly to belly is broken up. Johnson whips him hard into the corner and talks about how Isom has all of seven people in Indiana cheering for him.

That’s enough to fire Isom up for a release northern lights suplex but the referee gets bumped, allowing Johnson to get in a poke to the eye. The hanging cutter out of the corner sets up the Process….but Isom rolls outside. Dickinson comes in but Johnson bails to the floor, allowing Titus to come in for the dropkick to Dickinson. Johnson comes back in (pretty fast at that) but gets suplexed by Titus for two. Another dropkick sets up a running boot in the corner to rock Johnson again and the top rope knee finishes Johnson at 12:55. Dickinson comes in to go after Titus’ knee, setting up a kneebar for the fast tap at 13:28.

The rather banged up Bandido gets back in so Dickinson Saito suplexes him for two. Dickinson stays on the bad arm but Bandido pops back up with some shots of his own. The threat of a cross armbreaker has Bandido on the floor so here’s Isom to win a slugout. That doesn’t seem to hurt Dickinson for the most part until a superkick staggers him. That’s enough for Bandido to come in with the 21 Plex to get rid of Dickinson at 18:55.

We’re down to Isom vs. Bandido and after a break, the slugout is on. Isom gets two off a sidewinder suplex and the Rings of Saturn goes after the arms. Bandido grabs the rope and frustration has set in. The Promise is blocked though and Bandido hits the X Knee but the arm gives out on the 21 Plex. Isom grabs an Air Raid Crash for two but the Promises is broken up again. Instead Isom settles for two off a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The Promise is broken up yet again and this time Bandido takes him down into something like a reverse cross armbreaker/Koji Clutch hybrid (Isom’s arm is WRENCHED back) for the win at 23:51.

Rating: B-. This might not have been as epic as some of the previous editions of the match but they hit it full on with Isom’s near upset and had the right winner. That’s about all you can ask for in a huge match like this as Bandido vs. Rush sounds pretty awesome for a main event at Best In The World. Dickinson looked like a killer here too, so three of the six coming out looking good works well.

Respect is shown and Bandido celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As usual, Ring of Honor knows how to put on a good show and keep you entertained for an hour. The tournament final was the big focal point of the show and it worked well, with the opener being fine enough of a way to keep things going. I’m looking forward to the pay per view and if it can be as good as their TV, everything is going to work out.



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Ring Of Honor 19th Anniversary Show: What They Do Best/Worst

19th Anniversary Show
Date: March 26, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Rocky Romero

This is the Ring of Honor Wrestlemania season show and I get to continue my tradition of taking forever to get to the company’s pay per views. Things are still getting back to normal after the pandemic, though Rush is still the World Champion and defending the title against Jay Lethal. Let’s get to it.

Commentary kicks us off with some bad news: Dragon Lee is off the show so Kenny King will defend the TV Title as a replacement.

Pre-Show: Brian Johnson vs. Eli Isom vs. Danhausen vs. LSG

Only two in the ring at a time but this is Lucha Rules. Johnson yells at everyone else to start because he can’t shut up. Isom backdrops Johnson a few times to start so it’s out to the floor, meaning Isom gets to take LSG down. They pop up to a standoff but Johnson tags himself in and shouts a lot. LSG scores with a rolling clothesline and backdrops Johnson outside again but goes out with them, setting up Isom’s moonsault to take them both down.

Isom goes up and gets crotched, allowing Johnson to hit a hanging cutter. That’s enough to send Isom outside so LSG comes back in with a springboard crossbody. Rock A Bye Baby gets two on Johnson but Isom is back in with a high crossbody for two on LSG. Ism starts cleaning house, including a face buster which sends Johnson’s knee at least ten inches away from Isom’s knee. A triple clothesline puts everyone but Danhausen down so here he comes to low bridge Johnson to the floor.

Suplexes abound, including a northern lights suplex for two on Johnson. Good Nighthausen is broken up but Danhausen busts out the jar of teeth, which go into Johnson’s mouth. Johnson freaks out and a triple superkick makes it even worse. Isom plants Danhausen with a spinning DDT and exchanges rollups with LSG. Danhausen is back in with Good Nighthausen for two on LSG with Johnson making the save. Johnson hits the Process to finish Danhausen at 10:52.

Rating: C+. The action was fun and there is something about Danhausen that is just fun to watch. They keep him on these lower level matches so he doesn’t make anything seem ridiculous and that is all he needs to do. There is a place for someone like him and it makes for some fun moments like this one here. Good choice for an opener with the right person winning.

Pre-Show: Six Man Tag Team Titles: Mexisquad vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Mexisquad is challenging and this is also under Lucha Rules. The champs pose on the apron so Mexisquad dropkicks them all to the floor at the bell. The triple dive takes the champs down again and it’s time to triple team Shane inside. Some rapid fire strikes set up a double dropkick into a frog splash for two but Moses and Khan make the save. Shane brings in Khan, who gets triple teamed down as well.

Moses has had it with this and cleans house, including a spear for two on Flamita. A swinging Downward Spiral gives Shane two but the Squad gets together to take him down again. All three of them get onto the middle rope for a triple splash to crush Shane but Khan is back in for the Victory Lap (3D into a Downward Spiral) to knock Bandido silly.

Flamita is back up with a 619 to Shane, who sends Flamita into Bandido for a double knockdown. That doesn’t last long as Flamita goes up, only to have Bandido thrown into him for a crotching. Horus comes back in for a tornado DDT on Shane but Moses takes him down. Khan’s super Jackhammer plants Flamita and an elevated DDT (MNM’s old Snapshot) retains the titles at 7:51.

Rating: C. There was an idea here with the champs not being familiar with the Lucha Rules to put them in trouble. The Squad continues to have issues though and that seems to be building towards a split. I’m curious to see where it goes and who turns heel as a result, but for now it is nice to see the champs retain.

Post match, the Mexisquad gets in each others’ faces and a triple threat is set for later.

Opening sequence.

The opening video starts with a collection of VHS and DVD’s of Ring of Honor events (that’s a cool visual), including a look at the first event. Those shows inspired a new generation, and those wrestlers will be in action tonight. We don’t get much of a look at the specifics of the show, but I really liked that old show motif.

TV Title: Tracy Williams vs. Kenny King

King, with Amy Rose, is defending on behalf of Dragon Lee, who can’t travel following surgery. Williams takes him down into something like a seated abdominal stretch in a hurry. With that broken up, Williams starts in on the leg and cranks away on the foot before switching over to a front facelock. Back up and King unloads with right hands in the corner, setting up his own seated abdominal stretch. You don’t do that to Williams, who is right back with more leg cranking.

That’s broken up as well and King grabs a spinebuster into a tiger bomb for two. Williams puts him on top, gets shoved down, and comes back with a running enziguri anyway. That doesn’t get King very far as Williams grabs a Death Valley Driver for two of his own. The Crossface is broken up with a boot on the rope and King gets in a cheap shot for another near fall. Rose throws in Williams’ Tag Team Title to set up a tug of war, with Williams pulling him into a piledriver for the pin and the title at 7:14.

Rating: C. They kept this short as King wasn’t scheduled to be there and both guys had to wrestle again later in the night anyway. I can go for Williams getting a singles title though as he was rather good in the Pure Rules tournament and should have gotten something of his own. Pushing a traditional wrestler makes sense and it is nice to see him having some success.

Flip Gordon vs. Mark Briscoe

Grudge match and commentary tells us to expect a brawl. Briscoe slugs away to start and chops him up against the rope, setting up a brainbuster. A belly to back slam sets up a flipping backsplash for two on Flip, who is right back with the Kinder Surprise to send Briscoe outside. Back in and Gordon hammers away, setting up a fisherman’s suplex for two. The Eye of the Hurricane gets two more but another springboard is broken up with a shove out to the floor.

Briscoe hits the running Blockbuster off the apron (with Ian making a pair of Blockbuster jokes) but Gordon catches him on top back inside, setting up a top rope superplex for the double knockdown. They get up and slug it out until Gordon nails a jumping knee to the face. Briscoe kicks him to the floor though and pulls out a chair, which the referee gets rid of because, you know, it’s a chair. The distraction lets Gordon get in a low blow and Flip Five (I think? It’s a TKO.) finishes Briscoe at 7:49.

Rating: C+. I liked this one a bit more as it felt like they were trying to beat each other up because they want to hurt the other, which is the idea behind a grudge match. The ending was a bit lame as it was just a quick low blow into a finisher, but it could have been worse. Gordon continues to not do much for me though, even if he is one of the more prominent names around here.

Flip Gordon vs. Josh Woods

They’re moving quick here and Silas Young is in Woods’ corner. Woods wrestles him down to the corner without much effort but Castle is back with his own takedown. More grappling ensues until Woods puts him in the ropes for a German suplex. Gordon bails out to the floor for a breather but Castle runs back in for an elbow to the jaw. A running knee in the corner staggers Woods, who misses a springboard knee.

Castle takes him outside for a whip into the barricade, followed by a Russian legsweep back inside for two. The waistlock keeps Woods down for a bit before they fight over a suplex. One heck of a right hand (a rarity from Woods) sends Castle into the corner and Woods takes him outside for a ram into the barricade (call it a receipt). Two more whips into the barricade keeps Castle in trouble and a big right hand stagger him again.

A powerbomb onto the apron has Castle in even more pain and Young loads up a chair. Woods isn’t having that and the distraction lets Castle get in a few suplexes for two. The referee has to get out of the way of a charge into the corner, where Young (intentionally) holds up the chair to knock Woods silly. Castle didn’t seem to see what happens and gets the pin at 10:19.

Rating: C. They had the two wrestlers doing most of a wrestling match here until the storyline ending. The match wasn’t too bad, but this felt like a TV match instead of something pay per view worthy. Young turning on Woods will give them both something to do for awhile, but knowing Ring of Honor, it will take at least two months to get anywhere.

Post match Young says he has been a patient man with Woods for over a year but now Woods has defied him. This is the last time Woods will ever defy him, because Young will hurt him in ways to make Woods question his career. Young was a big rambly here but he got the point across.

Jay Briscoe vs. EC3

This is to decide if honor is real, as EC3 continues his babbling which doesn’t seem to actually mean anything other than saying words in an attempt to sound smart. EC3 is now the Essential Character, which seems to just confirm what I thought about the controlling your narrative deal. They talk trash to start with EC3’s running shoulder just giving us a standoff. EC3 takes Jay down with a headlock and it’s back up for more staring.

Some shoulders put EC3 down this time but he’s back up with a Thesz press for some rights and lefts (EC3: “WHERE’S YOUR HONOR???”) into a chinlock. Back up and EC3 knees him in the ribs as commentary talks about how the wrestling is confusing the brawling Briscoe. A powerbomb plants Briscoe again and we hit the chinlock again (EC3: “Wrestling.”). Back up and EC3 grabs a TKO but charges into a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle.

Briscoe’s running big boot puts EC3 on the floor, with Briscoe hurting his knee by following him out. Back in and EC3 grabs a superplex, followed by an Angle Slam. That means more shouting instead of a cover, setting up a brainbuster. EC3 misses a charge though and it’s a Death Valley Driver onto the apron to knock him silly. Another running big boot rocks EC3 but Briscoe’s knee is too banged up to cover.

The neckbreaker is broken up so Briscoe kicks him in the face again. EC3 is right back with his layout DDT to put them both down again. More yelling about honor earns EC3 a Death Valley Driver and he starts laughing. Briscoe can’t figure out how to finish him off and EC3 is back with another Thesz press. Back up and a discus forearm rocks EC3 for two, so now he offers a handshake. The Jay Driller finishes EC3 instead at 20:58.

Rating: B-. I don’t know if I’m not smart enough to get what EC3 is doing or if it’s just a bunch of nonsense, but it is one of the more worthless gimmicks going in wrestling today. Maybe he’s trying to be all out there or he’s trying to mess with people’s heads, but it isn’t working for me. The in-ring stuff was was good enough and it felt like a bit match. Just find something that draws me in a bit more, because EC3 shouting about honor isn’t doing it.

We get the post match handshake.

Quick recap of Mexisquad’s issues on the pre-show, setting up this.

Flamita vs. Rey Horus vs. Bandido

This is going to be fast. Bandido and Horus seem cool but Flamita isn’t interested in a handshake. Flamita takes them both down to start but Bandido drops him to the floor. That gives us the Bandido vs. Horus showdown, which might not have the impact that they were looking for twenty seconds in. They shake hands until Horus starts kicking away, only to get kneed in the face.

A spinning headscissors puts Bandido down and respect is shown. Flamita is back in to send them both into the corner for some running clotheslines. The tornado DDT plants Bandido to send him outside, with Horus hitting a dive. Flamita hits a bigger dive and throws Bandido back inside. Bandido reverses a headscissors into a faceplant as Horus comes back in and gets kicked straight into the corner.

Flamita gets Bandido in an electric chair….where Bandido manages to suplex Horus anyway (that’s a new one). That’s enough for Bandido to send Horus outside and now we get a bit more impactful showdown with Flamita. They slap it out until Flamita hits a heck of a superkick into a spiral bomb for two, with Horus diving in for the save. Flamita’s slingshot DDT plants Bandido and it’s a Muscle Buster into a gutbuster to Horus, with the two of them landing on Bandido to give Flamita two.

That leaves Flamita to talk trash to the two of them, saying there is no more Mexisquad. Flamita is sent to the apron so Bandido can hurricanrana him to the floor. Back in and Horus wins the slugout, only to charge into a pop up cutter. Flamita is back in though and a three way boot to the face puts everyone down. Horus is up first with a satellite DDT to Bandido and the super victory roll gets two on Flamita.

Horus is sat on top as Flamita electric chairs Bandido….who reverses Horus’ high crossbody into a belly to bell, sending Flamita flying with a poisonrana at the same time (at least I think, as that was nuts). Bandido sends Horus outside for the big running flip dive, followed by a springboard hurricanrana for two on Horus. The 21 Plex gives Bandido the pin on Flamita at 10:48.

Rating: B+. This was exactly what you would have expected from these three and that is where they shine. These guys know how to do some completely insane stuff that worked amazingly well, as I was trying to figure out what the heck they were doing. You could run these guys in any combination for a LONG time and it was very fun here, as it should have been.

Post match respect is offered but Flamita walks away again.

We go to a Police Athletic League gym for Vincent vs. Matt Taven as it’s time to go cinematic, or at least pre-taped.

Matt Taven vs. Vincent

Taven comes into the gym where it all started between these two, where Vincent is waiting with a big WELCOME BACK MATT TAVEN banner. Vincent talks about how Taven just wants the attention and then runs away as Taven says come down here and fight. Taven runs up some stairs to find Vincent, who jumps out near another ring to start the fight. After Vincent dances with a mannequin, Taven sends him into the post and shouts about how his world is a sad, sad world.

Vincent rolls outside so Taven’s suicide dive only hits some ladders (freaking ow man). Apparently Taven’s photo is on the wall, with Vincent pointing it out and then sending him into a filing cabinet. They go into a hall way with Taven being thrown over a desk and landing on his wrist. Back up and Taven throws him down some steps, setting up a big elbow over said steps.

Vincent runs away and slams a door onto Taven’s head. They slug it out and head into the room with the original ring, as Vincent asks if Taven remembers this. Taven slams him onto a rack of chairs before taking him into the ring. Vincent gets choked with a belt but manages a low blow to get a breather. The ring mat is pulled back and a Dudley Dog onto the exposed wood knocks Taven silly.

That means it’s time for Vincent to talk about how Taven loves the pain. Vincent drags….something towards the ring before throwing Taven onto a platform. We pause for some dancing until Taven is thrown into a door. They go up some more stairs and into some bleachers looking down at the ring, where they wind up sitting on the balcony. Cue a large man in overalls to shove both of them down through a table for a huge crash. The large man carries Vincent out, meaning it’s a no contest at we’ll say 13:00. He would eventually be named Dutch, as the newest member of the Righteous.

Rating: B-. I’m not sure what to think of this as it was more of a big segment than a match. These two do feel like the eternal rivals so it makes sense to do something like this. What we got was good, but as usual with Ring of Honor, they don’t quite know how to wrap things up and it can become quite the problem. Good for awhile and it didn’t overstay its welcome, but it was a way to keep things going and that happens too often.

Jay Lethal asks the referee to not stop the main event early. Deal.

Here is Queen McKay to bring out Maria Kanellis-Bennett, who is now on the Ring of Honor Board of Directors. Maria gets straight to the point: this summer there will be a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion. Anyone around the world is invited to come and compete but here is the Allure to interrupt. Angelina Love doesn’t like the idea of Mara showing up and taking over, wondering which position got Maria this position.

Maria laughs it off and says that Angelina’s career accomplishments mean nothing since she hasn’t had a match in a year. She’ll offer Love a deal though: win a match and she can have a first round bye in the tournament. Love can face….Quinn McKay on Ring of Honor TV. McKay gives us an adorable celebration and the staredown is on.

Dak Draper thinks he is the favorite in every match, including against Jonathan Gresham for the Pure Title.

Jonathan Gresham is ready to shut Draper up and plant the Foundation flag over him.

Pure Rules Title: Jonathan Gresham vs. Dak Draper

Gresham is defending and is giving up over a foot to Draper for a heck of a visual. They stare at each other a bit (Draper down, Gresham up) until Gresham’s takedown attempt goes nowhere. Draper takes him down instead and drives a forearm into the face. Back up and Gresham has to jump to grab a headlock, setting up a forearm to Draper’s face to even things up. Another knockdown has Gresham in trouble but he avoids a handstand knee drop.

Draper grabs him again and this time Gresham has to use a rope break. A rolling waistlock has Gresham in more trouble and he can’t do much with the much bigger Draper. Gresham gets planted again and Draper and twists it over into a rollup for two, which allows Gresham to get back up. Something like a reverse bearhug stays on Gresham’s ribs but he finally grabs the wrist to get a breather, allowing him to dive to the ropes for a second break.

This time Gresham gets to unload in the corner to put Draper down for a change. Draper comes back with a knee into a Stretch Muffler, making Gresham use his last rope break. An armdrag lets Gresham come back with a springboard moonsault press into an ankle lock to put Draper in his most trouble so far. That’s broken up in a hurry though and Draper hits a running crossbody. Another Stretch Muffler is blocked with some kicks to the head and Gresham kicks away at the leg.

A hard forearm to the side of the head gives Gresham two, with Draper having to use the rope. Gresham stays on him and the second rope break is gone too. There’s the ankle lock and Draper is out of rope breaks too. Back up and a hard right hand puts Gresham down, with the referee getting to a nine count until Gresham rolls to the apron, which breaks the count because he moved. Ok then.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a David vs. Goliath match with the ending being a great way to go. Draper tried to use his power to fight through Gresham but the octopus deal caught him. Gresham is fun to watch every time and Draper got to show a bunch of potential here. Now just let him win something, even if it is just a big match.

Commentary talks about what we just saw but Delirious comes in to whisper something to Rocky Romero. It seems like we have a challenge.

Tag Team Titles: Foundation vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus of the Foundation are challenging La Bestia de la Ring (replacing Dragon Lee, his son) and Kenny King, with Amy Rose. It’s a big brawl to start (perhaps before the bell) with everyone heading outside. Williams gets whipped hard into the post, leaving Titus to get dropped with a double dropkick. Bestia hits a backsplash but Williams comes back in for the chop off.

Williams tells Bestia to bring it and gets dropped with a clothesline. Another backsplash misses but King gets in a kick from the apron. King comes in for an enziguri to the floor, setting up a slingshot corkscrew dive. Back in and Williams manages a knockdown of his own, allowing the tag back to Titus for the big slugout with King. Everything breaks down and Titus clotheslines King into a Texas Cloverleaf.

Titus adds a half crab on Bestia but King grabs the rope, meaning both holds are broken. King grabs something like Eddie Guerrero’s Lasso From El Paso but Williams is out in a hurry. It’s already back to Titus, with Williams hitting a quick piledriver on King. Titus grabs a swinging full nelson with Bestia having to make a save.

Bestia plants Williams with a Tombstone and chops it out with Titus. A Codebreaker out of the corner gives Bestia one on Titus so Rose tries to slide in a chair. Bestia doesn’t want it and turns back to Titus, who nails some running boots in the corner. The full nelson knocks Bestia out to give us new champions at 10:29.

Rating: C+. This one didn’t quite make it to the next level but it wasn’t quite fair when you had champions teaming together for the first time. Titus and Williams work well together with Williams being great at the technical stuff and Titus having the size and heart to make it work. The title change makes the show feel more important, though the match itself was only pretty good.

Post match the big argument is on, with Rose slapping King in the face. Bestia cuts Rose in half with a spear and the guys leave.

We recap Jay Lethal challenging Rush for the World Title. Remember the last match which was a culture clash between two stables? Same thing here, but the singles version.

Ring of Honor World Title: Rush vs. Jay Lethal

Rush is defending and has the horned mask with the white fur coat because….I’m not sure actually. For the first time in Ring of Honor, Rush actually shakes hands before we’re ready to go. A headlock sends Lethal straight to the ropes so they go to the mat for some grappling. That gives us a clean break and things reset a bit. They go right back to the mat and it’s the same result as the feeling out continues.

Rush hits him in the face to make Lethal a bit more serious and they strike it out in the corner. Lethal hiptosses him down for the basement dropkick but Rush pops up, earning himself another dropkick. This one sends Rush outside and it’s a springboard dropkick to knock him off the apron. Back to back suicide dives send Rush into the barricade and he comes up holding his knee before Lethal can try the third. Lethal is smart enough to go after the knee back inside but Rush hits him in the face.

It’s back to the floor with Rush sending him into the barricade a few times, meaning we need a camera cord. Rush chokes a bit and hits a backdrop on the floor and it’s time to talk to the camera. They head back inside with Rush kicking away and standing on Lethal’s head for a laugh. Rush loads up the Bull’s Horns but stops to roll into Tranquilo instead. Lethal uses the delay to send him into the corner and they’re both down for a breather.

Some shots to the face just annoy Rush so they strike it out for another double knockdown. Rush puts Lethal up top but gets shoved down, setting up Hail To The King for two. The Figure Four goes on to put Rush in more trouble as the knee gets banged up even more. The rope grab breaks that one up in most of a hurry but Rush snaps off a rebound German suplex. A knee to the face gets two on Lethal and a middle rope double stomp connects for the same.

Something like the Calf Crusher has Lethal in trouble for a change but Rush misses a top rope backsplash. The Figure Four goes on again and here is La Faccion Ingobernable to offer a distraction. Cue the Foundation to clear them out as Rush loads up the Bull’s Horns. That’s countered into a spinebuster, setting up a cutter and the Lethal Injection for two in what was Lethal’s best shot. Rush forearms him into the corner and the Bull’s Horns sends Lethal outside. Back in and another Bull’s Horns retains the title at 18:30.

Rating: B. It felt like a main event match but all of the clutter didn’t help things. There was too much going on near the end and that brought the rest of the match down. Lethal was a good challenge for the title and he wore Rush down, but Rush still feels like a piece of the main event scene rather than the big star. Given that he is approaching the longest reign in the World Title’s history, they might need to find a way around that. Still though, solid main event between two of the bigger stars the company has had.

Post match the stables are back for another brawl (because that’s what they do) with the Foundation getting beaten down. Cue Brody King to say Rush finally did something without his family for a change. Rush has always had the numbers advantage but now King has his own numbers. Cue Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson and Homicide to beat down La Faccion Ingobernable but they spare the Foundation….for all of a few seconds before laying them out as well. The new team poses to end the show, because just two big stables wasn’t enough.

Overall Rating: B. It’s a good show, though it didn’t have anything that really jumped off the page. As usual, Ring of Honor is rather strong with the wrestling but not so much with the storytelling. The stable wars, now with three instead of two, is more than played out and I didn’t need to see another team added. There is nothing bad on here and it is an easy three hour watch, but this wasn’t exactly the big spark that they needed.

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Ring Of Honor TV – June 23, 2021: They’re Still At It

Ring of Honor
Date: June 23, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re rapidly approaching Best In The World but at the same time we are well on the way through the Survival Of The Fittest Tournament. It would not surprise me to see those two things cross over, with either the finals taking place at the pay per view or the winner getting their title shot there. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and runs down the card.

Bandido wants Bateman at his best because this is the first step towards Bandido becoming World Champion.

Bateman says it’s all about how much you want it. He and Bandido are polar opposites but anyone is going down to his elbow. Bateman will walk through anyone to get what he wants.

Survival Of The Fittest Qualifying Match: Bateman vs. Bandido

The rest of the Righteous is here with Bateman….and are ejected before the bell. We don’t get the Code Of Honor but we do get a fight over a lockup to start. A test of a test of strength gets Bandido a pat on the head so he tries a slam, sending Bateman bailing into the corner.

An exchange of shots to the face goes to Bateman and a chop cuts Bandido down again. Bandido gets smart with a running hurricanrana, setting up a dropkick to the floor. Another shot to the face drops Bandido for two though and we take a break. Back with Bateman planting him for tow more and slapping Bandido in the back of the head. Bandido twists the knee down and nails a Shining Wizard for two of his own.

Just to show off, Bandido hits a gorilla press driver into a standing shooting star press for two more. Bateman forearms a springboard out of the air for two more, only to have Bandido grab a crucifix bomb for the same. A rake to the eyes sets up a knee to the back of the head but This Is A Kill is countered with a headscissors. The 21 Plex finishes Bateman at 13:23.

Rating: C+. I’ll say the same thing I saw every time Bandido has a match: he’s really fun to watch and that is the kind of thing that deserves some extra praise. There is something about his style that works so well, and the crazy power display in the middle makes it even better. Good stuff here, with the right one advancing.

Post match, Vincent returns with the rest of the Righteous, to talk about a moment of clarity. Vincent wants the Ring of Honor World Title but Bateman has failed him. It is time for a Righteous rebirth because death is the greatest form of love. The beating is on, with Bateman standing still to take it.

Danhausen has lost every match since Final Battle and that is not good because his money sack is dwindling. Therefore, he needs to be more EVIL in Survival Of The Fittest.

Rhett Titus talks about being in the Survival Of The Fittest before but never being able to win the thing. Now he wants the World Title and Danhausen is standing in his way. He likes Danhausen, but now he will beat him because that is his profession.

We look at Flip Gordon and EC3 cheating to beat the Briscoes last month.

The Briscoes yell at each other over the loss when Papa Briscoe breaks it up. They can fight this out. On their farm.

Dragon Lee, who was never beaten for the TV Title, can’t believe that Tony Deppen is the champion. He’ll just win it back.

Tracy Williams took his eyes off the prize against Tony Deppen so now he is coming back for the title.

Tony Deppen is willing to do whatever it takes to retain the title.

TV Title: Tony Deppen vs. Dragon Lee vs. Tracy Williams

Deppen is defending, with Lee yelling at both of them and then dropping out to the floor. Lee comes back in to try and steal a pin on Deppen before going outside again. Deppen sends Williams’ arm into the buckle but Lee comes back in again. Williams chops Deppen by mistake to mess up a double team so Deppen gets kicked out to the floor. Lee is sent outside again, this time for a double suplex as we take a break.

Back with Deppen and Williams fighting over who gets to cover Lee. Deppen: “DO I LOOK THAT STUPID???” Williams: “YES YOU DO!” Williams is sent outside and Deppen hits a quick dropkick to Lee. With Deppen outside as well, Lee is back up with the big running flip dive to take both of them down again. Back in again and Lee unloads on both of them in opposite corners.

The running corner dropkick gets two on Deppen with Williams making a save. Williams hammers Lee down in the corner until Deppen knees him in the head. Deppen takes Williams up top but gets caught in the super DDT. Lee drops Williams and everyone is down as we take a break. Back again with a three way slugout from their knees until it’s a three way slugout from their feet.

They trade suplexes, with Williams German suplexing both of them at once. Lee dropkicks Williams to break up a piledriver attempt and everyone is down again. Williams and Lee slug it out with Williams hitting a discus lariat. The referee gets bumped so Lee hits Williams low, allowing Deppen to roll Williams up for the pin to retain at 11:27 (with Lee looking on instead of breaking up the count).

Rating: B-. The ending was a little weird but the action was good throughout. Deppen is working as a beatable champion who wants to prove himself while Williams is the technical guy who can do anything with anyone. Lee is a bit of a wild card and I’m curious to see where some of this goes. I mean, it’s going to continue the faction war because Ring of Honor loves that stuff, but it could be interesting to see how they go there.

Lee applauds a rather confused Deppen. Violence Unlimited comes out to celebrate as the Foundation checks on Williams. Cue La Faccion Ingobernable to laugh (and sing) about the Foundation falling apart. The strategy was to have Williams fall down the ranking, with Lee becoming the new #1 contender. Deppen can defend against Lee at Best In The World, or they’re coming to Deppen’s house and taking the title shot from his wife and kids. Violence Unlimited isn’t happy to end the show. They don’t do anything about it, but they aren’t happy.

Overall Rating: B-. Another easy to watch and entertaining show from Ring of Honor as you can start to see the Best In The World card coming together. That is a very nice thing to see as the company needs something to happen after building these stories up for so long. If their pay per view can be anything like the TV shows then they are going to be fine, as they are in the running for best weekly show at the moment.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Ring Of Honor TV – June 16, 2021: A Birthday Worthy Show

Ring of Honor
Date: June 16, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are well on the way to Best In The World and that means it is time to start getting a card together. That is in theory at least, as Ring of Honor doesn’t not usually run on the same schedule that most promotions use. We are also on the way towards Survival of the Fittest, meaning it is time for at least one more qualifying match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and recaps the first Survival of the Fittest qualifying matches. We also run down the card, including the Tag Team Titles being defended. That will be under Pure Rules, so we go over the tag version of the rules (as you should).

Eli Isom is ready to beat Dak Draper to advance to the Survival of the Fittest finals. They have met before and went to a time limit draw. Isom knows he could have won in five more minutes, so Draper needs to bring everything he had plus more to win this time.

Dak Draper knows Eli Isom and knew that their paths would intertwine. He isn’t worried about Dalton Castle because it is time to be on to bigger and better things, like winning the tournament and winning the World Title.

Survival of the Fittest Qualifying Match: Dak Draper vs. Eli Isom

Hold on though as the lights go out and here is dancing Dalton Castle with the clapping Boys. Castle says he’s just here to look at Draper so Isom sends Draper outside in a hurry and hits the big flip dive. Back in and Isom strikes away at the head, including a few right hands and a jumping kick to the face. Draper punches him out to the apron and manages a deadlift superplex, which is always the impressive sight.

Castle and the Boys start walking around as Draper drops a knee for two. A hard clothesline puts Isom down again and we take a break. Back with Draper hitting a top rope forearm to the head to send Isom outside. Isom gets thrown hard into the barricade, sending Castle into hysterics.

Back in and a waistlock has Isom in trouble until he rolls over to the rope. Draper is smart enough to put the hold right back on and it’s the Doctor Bomb for two. A monkey flip sends Draper into the corner and a spinning belly to back suplex gives Isom two of his own. Draper is right back with a powerslam and Castle starts the cheers. The Magnum Drop is loaded up but instead Draper takes Isom up top but Castle and the Boys walk away. The distraction lets Isom grab the Promise for the pin at 11:17.

Rating: C. The Castle stuff is interesting but this is a good example of one of Ring of Honor’s bigger issues. Draper and Isom feels like it started months ago and it is still going at such a slow pace. Stories take so long to advance around here so the good stuff that they have at the start is going to fade away by the time they get anywhere. As for the match, either of them could have won here, but Isom winning is a good way to go as he has been pushed pretty heavily as of late.

O’Shay Edwards talks about taking Sledge out and now it is time to beat Chris Dickinson in the Survival of the Fittest. Edwards has impressed me almost every time I’ve seen him so this has me interested.

Chris Dickinson has survived against everyone and he is ready to do it to Edwards again, just to stick it to everyone here.

Tag Team Titles: Dragon Lee/Kenny King vs. Tracy Williams/Rhett Titus

Williams and Titus are defending and this is under Pure Rules. Titus takes King to the mat to start and it’s time for the exchange of holds. King gets the better of things with a hammerlock and a front facelock but gets reversed into Titus’ own hammerlock. Williams comes in for some knees to the ribs and the Cloverleaf goes on, sending King bailing to the ropes. A Fujiwara armbar almost makes King use another break but he rolls out instead and brings Lee in to pick up the pace.

Williams welcomes the chop off until Lee snaps off a running hurricanrana to send him outside. That means a hard whip into the barricade to put Williams in trouble and we take a break. Back with Williams suplexing Lee down for two but King comes in to pound Williams down. King and Lee start taking turns hammering away until Williams gets over for the tag off to Titus. Some rolling neckbreakers have Lee in trouble as everything breaks down. King kicks Williams off the apron as Titus grabs a suplex for two on Lee.

The hot tag brings in Williams for a discus lariat on King, who has to use the final rope break to escape. King pulls Williams into something like an Indian Deathlock, meaning Williams has to use his first break. Lee is back in for a slingshot kick to Titus in the corner, followed by the running dropkick in the corner.

Back up and Titus loads up a superplex on Lee but gets caught in the Tree of Woe for Lee’s top rope double stomp. Titus is back up with the dropkick to put all four down. Lee’s running knee is countered and Williams hits a discus forearm in the corner. The super driver plants Lee and King comes in for the save….but that’s a DQ at 16:09 because King and Lee are out of rope breaks.

Rating: B. Now that is a good way to use the rules as you should. This is the kind of thing that you do not get to see very often and they set it up rather well. At the end of the day, the rules are established and they built the finish up throughout the match. It was all action as well, which is what you would see every time with these teams. Good match here and I really like the ending.

Post match La Faccion Ingobernable runs in for the beatdown but the Foundation makes the save. Violent Unlimited comes out to watch approvingly as the show ends. Why yes, these faction battles are still continuing.

Overall Rating: B-. Another good show here, but they do need to get to the pay per view card so something can actually happen with these stories. You’re only getting so far with the stories not advancing over and over. Now the good thing is the fact that the they have a pay per view in less than a month, but a good amount of stuff needs to happen there. It’s still a good weekly show, but you can only stay in the same place for so long.



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Ring of Honor TV – June 9, 2021: Tournaments Are Fun

Ring of Honor
Date: June 9, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are well on the way to Best in the World and the return of fans to the shows. That can make for some interesting changes around here, which might not be the best thing at the moment. Ring of Honor has been going along pretty well as of late and hopefully they can continue that when fans return. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The Survival of the Fittest Tournament is back. Cool.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and runs down the card, including the first Survival of the Fittest qualifying match.

We hear about the Survival of the Fittest Tournament, which is a bunch of qualifying matches to set up a six way elimination. The winner gets a future World Title shot and none of the entrants have been World Champion before.

Here are the qualifying matches:

Rey Horus

Eli Isom
Dak Draper


Brian Johnson

Chris Dickinson
O’Shay Edwards

Rhett Titus

Demonic Flamita (yes DEMONIC Flamita) is ready to take out Flamita and show the world that DEMONIC Flamita is here.

Rey Horus is ready to take out Flamita for the honor of Mexisquad and then win the World Title.

Survival of the Fittest Qualifying Match: Demonic Flamita vs. Rey Horus

Flamita now has a zombie/ghost/demon entrance, but then he just walks out in a black cloak to take away some of the impact. He even slaps Horus’ hand before the match, which is not very demonic. Horus gets driven into the corner to start so Flamita is back with some stomping. Back up and Horus wins a forearm off, setting up a bodyscissors into the ropes. Horus is sent to the apron though and that means a big running spear to drive him to the floor.

They get back in and Flamita throws him outside again, this time setting up a chair to the back. Horus is sat in the chair but comes right back up onto the apron. Flamita misses a backsplash though and is sat in the chair. Horus knocks him right back out of it and now is willing to try for a countout. Actually scratch that as Horus goes back to the floor, where Flamita grabs a standing Spanish Fly.

We take a break and come back with Horus getting two off a Code Red but Flamita hits a heck of a slingshot DDT. They both go up top with Horus snapping off an armdrag to send him down. The jumping very spinning DDT gets two on Flamita but he catches Horus on top again. A MuscleBuster is dropped into a gutbuster followed by a superkick is enough to put Horus away at 11:02.

Rating: B-. This was all about flying around and doing the fast paced spots, including the Spanish Fly on the floor. The other important part was having Flamita be all evil for the first time and it only kind of worked. He’s certainly a villain now, but I would hope for something a little more evil than a superkick for a finisher.

Sledge is ready for Brian Johnson in the Survival of the Fittest. Johnson better stare him in the eye because Johnson is going to crawl and beg for mercy.

Brian Johnson talks about Sledge being a hero outside of the ring for overcoming his addictions. Johnson is addicted to wrestling though so he is going to win the Survival of the Fittest.

Silas Young vs. Josh Woods

Pure Rules with a special thirty minute time limit. Both guys say they’re ready to win because they’re better. Woods armdrags him down to start and then grabs a standing armbar. With that broken up, they go to the mat for an exchange of holds. Young grabs a short armscissors into an armbar but has to flip away after Woods grabs his foot. Woods puts on a waistlock and rolls him around, only to get caught in a headlock.

Back up and Woods’ headlock takeover is countered into a headscissors, which happens two more times in a row to give us a standoff. They shake hands….with Young pulling him into a headlock. Woods throws him down and then BLASTS Young with a right hand to the floor. That’s good for a warning and an armbar keeps Young in trouble back inside. Young is able to come back with a one armed hot shot and the abdominal stretch goes on.

Woods breaks that up so it’s a bodyscissors to keep him down. That’s broken up with some weird ankle hold, which allows Woods to backflip out again. We take a break and come back with Young driving shoulders in the corner. Some clotheslines can’t set up a superplex as Woods reverses into a twisting superplex ala Kevin Owens. Woods pulls him into a rear naked choke but Young gets his feet in the ropes (and pushes off of them for two) for the break.

They head to the apron with Woods getting dropped with a DDT. Back in and they trade fireman’s carry attempts, with Young hitting the Regal Roll. The moonsault is broken up but Young has to grab the rope for his last break. Young is fine enough to hit the anarchist suplex for two, with Woods using his own first rope break. Woods is back up with a suplex into the corner and pulls him into the Beast Lock. The rope break doesn’t mean anything and Young has to tap at 21:29.

Rating: B. This was a match with a story coming in and then a story that was told throughout. They did a good job of having Young use one rope break after another because he needed to escape some holds. It was a good match as well and Young having to admit defeat in the end worked well.

Begrudging respect is shown post match.

Overall Rating: B. Pretty solid show here with back to back good matches and DEMONIC Flamita being enough to put it over the top. I’m curious to see where the tournament goes and that is going to be enough to carry the show for a few weeks to come. As has been the case in recent weeks, Ring of Honor is one of if not the best weekly TV show going at the moment.



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