Ring Of Honor TV Results – June 12, 2019: Points For Trying? Maybe?

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: June 12, 2019
Location: The Odeum, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Nick Aldis

It’s a big week this time around as we have hometown boy and NWA National Champion Colt Cabana defending the title against James Storm. I’m not sure how smart it is to have another promotion tying in to ROH but I’m also not sure if the company knows how to survive otherwise. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

NWA National Title: Colt Cabana vs. James Storm

Cabana is defending and that title is still hideous. They lock up to start with Storm missing a right hand in the corner, prompting Colt to tell the referee to admonish him. Cabana grabs a headlock as they’re firmly in half gear so far. A cartwheel over Storm lets Colt go right back to the headlock but Storm is right back with a weak Sling Blade. Last Call misses as Cabana bails to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Cabana working on the arm, followed by a falling splash. Storm trips him down though and gets in a kick to the head. Some right hands to the same general area keep the champ in trouble, setting up a running knee to the face. That’s good for a delayed two as they’re really not exactly putting in that much energy here. Cabana fights out of a chinlock and blocks the Eye of the Storm.

A headscissors puts Storm down but Colt can’t follow up, after those devastating….what did Storm do that should keep him down? Cabana gets up for his running shoulder in the corner, setting up the double jump splash for two. Back from another break with Storm sending him into the barricade and then sending him into the barricade again.

Storm stops to glare at Aldis on commentary before breaking the count like a veteran. The delay lets Cabana get in a hiptoss onto the concrete and it’s a moonsault for two back inside. Storm hits a pair of Last Calls but puts on the Cloverleaf to mess with Aldis even more. The bell rings without a tap….because the fifteen minute time limit has expired (at 16:34).

Rating: D+. This was more long than anything else with Cabana surviving. I’m sure they’re setting up Storm vs. Aldis, which makes a lot of sense as Storm is still someone who can go in the ring and looks like a star. The NWA doesn’t have the deepest roster in the world at the moment so someone with some credibility like Storm is a good idea.

Post match Cabana says he’ll go five more minutes but here are the Briscoes to beat down Cabana to vent some frustrations with the NWA. The Briscoes say everyone has been screwing them so it’s time for them to do some screwing of their own (I’m sure there’s a Deliverance joke in there somewhere). They call out Aldis (Nick: “Oh we’re going there?”) so the tie comes off and the fight is on. The Briscoes take care of Aldis with no trouble and stand tall over he and Cabana.

Back with a recap of what we just saw as we’re now over halfway through the show.

We run down the Best in the World card.

We get the second half of Jeff Cobb’s biographical video, now focusing on his journey into pro wrestling. He didn’t know it existed in Hawaii but he knew he had to get into it and started training. War Machine got him into Ring of Honor and here he is. Then he won the TV Title in three minutes and he can do the same with the World Title. They’re doing well here.

Here’s Silas Young for a match but first, he talks about how he’s a changed man. He isn’t going to keep taking shortcuts because there isn’t a better pure wrestler in the world than him. Sure he could have a mat classic against anyone in the back right now, but he’s found a guy who has beaten Lou Thesz, Johnny Saint and Billy Robinson. That would be….THE SQUID.

Silas Young vs. The Squid

It’s a guy in trunks and a mask. Squid works on a wristlock to start so Young does a bunch of nipups to escape. That sets up a handshake as Squid keeps waving his hands. They go to the mat with Silas’ half crab sending Squid over to the ropes. Another handshake gets Squid pulled into a headlock, followed by a shoulder. An abdominal stretch makes Squid tap at 2:03.

Post match Young keeps the hold on and lights up a cigarette at the same time. Young has been awesome over the last few weeks.

We recap Bully Ray vs. Lifeblood, which hasn’t been all that interesting because Ray feels like he’s been feuding with the entire company forever now.

Here’s Mark Haskins for a chat. He talks about wanting to be a professional wrestler instead of an entertainer. A few months ago, he and Bandido tore the house down and Juice Robinson was watching. That was enough to set up Lifeblood and the ranks were formed, including Tenille Dashwood. Then Bully Ray powerbombed her through a table, so Ray needs to get out here right now.

Post break here’s Ray, to say he’ll take Haskins up on his challenge. He wants the ring announcer and the referee out of the ring first and the two scamper off. Ray gets in and asks if Haskins is going to bite with the barking. He talks about his retirement last year in this very arena, drawing a RETIRE AGAIN chant. Ray brings up the fans refusing to let him leave last year and the grown men crying in the front row. They cried because they’re suckers just like Haskins.

See, he lied because that’s what he’s been doing for his entire career. No one has been able to stop him so why can Haskins be the one to shut him up? Haskins wants to fight but here’s Shane Taylor to interrupt. Tracy Williams comes out to even things up before anything gets physical. Ray tells the referee to get back in the ring and start the match.

Bully Ray/Shane Taylor vs. Mark Haskins/Tracy Williams

And no match as the Soldiers of Savagery run in to jump Haskins for the DQ at 28 seconds.

Post match the big beatdown is on but PJ Black runs in with a chair. The numbers get the better of Black though and Ray superbombs him through the table to end the show.

Overall Rating: D. So yeah, one real match and that was for an NWA Title. This show was all about the villains dominating in three different stories and while that can work, it’s not the most thrilling stuff in the world this time around. You have the Briscoes as monsters, which has been done several times before. Young is more of a smarmy heel, who will get taken down by Jonathan Gresham in a good match to blow off an entertaining angle.

Then you have the big angle though, with Ray leading a four man (so far) heel team to fight Lifeblood. That’s good enough on paper, but as soon as Ray is the focal point of the heel team, it starts to fall apart. I like the idea of Lifeblood but Ray, Taylor and two monsters aren’t exactly interesting villains. It’s an idea, but it feels like something that has been done by better villains before. I can appreciate them trying something here and it was far from terrible. It’s just not very interesting and that’s going to be a problem.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – June 5, 2019: Old Guys Are Still Good

Ring of Honor
Date: June 5, 2019
Location: The Odeum, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

Things have been going fairly well for the company as of late and that’s rather nice for a change. The problem is I’m not sure how long that can last, as there are a lot of problems that need to be fixed around here. Hopefully things stay as good as they have been in recent weeks, though this company doesn’t have the best track record. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Allure to talk about how they’ve brought credibility to the Women of Honor. They started a revolution a long time ago and it’s time to believe in then. We hear their resumes and they know how to make an impact. That’s why they debuted at the biggest show of the year in Madison Square Garden. And for all the Twitter trolls hiding in their mom’s basement, Mandy Leon is the foundation of the Women of Honor division.

Cue Jenny Rose and Kelly Klein for the brawl with Velvet Sky bailing to the floor. A hairspray blast blinds Jenny and the Allure gets out. Klein wants to know what the three of them have done lately and the challenge is laid out for anytime and anywhere. This still feels so out of place around here.

Bouncers vs. Kingdom vs. Coast to Coast vs. Young Lions

One fall to a finish. LSG shoves Milonas in the face for some reason and is shoved down with ease. Marseglia comes in instead but the chops don’t do much on the big man. The huge crossbody drops Marseglia so it’s off to Bruiser for some snap jabs. Marseglia gets smart and kicks at the knee before going after Bruiser’s teeth….which don’t exist.

Alex Coughlin takes himself in and gets Clark Conners to help with a double hiptoss on O’Ryan. The Lions start cleaning house and it’s a Cannonball from Bruiser to take out Coast to Coast. Back from a break with Conners taking a double flapjack from the Kingdom and a legdrop/backsplash combination getting two. We settle back down to Ali hitting a slingshot hilo for two on Conners, followed by a double slam for two more.

Conners finally slips out of a suplex attempt and the hot tag brings in Coughlin to clean house. A missed charge in the corner allows Bruiser to tag himself in though and everything breaks down again. Marseglia comes back in to start kicking people in the face but gets sent into a sitout Boss Man Slam.

Coast to Coast hits a Stroke/Downward Spiral combination on Bruiser but the Lions and Kingdom are back in. House of 1000 Horses drops Conners though and Ali gets two, with Bruiser shoving LSG onto the cover for the break. Coughlin tries to clean house but gets crushed in the corner, setting up Closing Time to give Milonas the pin at 10:23.

Rating: C. The Bouncers continue to grow on me as they’re fitting in well for the fun team spot, which isn’t the worst place in the world to be. The Young Lions losing doesn’t hurt them so this was hardly a devastating loss. If nothing else it’s nice to not see the Kingdom win again so this was a nice surprise.

Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams are ready for Bully Ray, even though Lifeblood’s numbers are down. PJ Black comes in to offer his services but they walk away.

We look at Colt Cabana winning the NWA National Title and being challenged by James Storm after the match. The title match is next week in Chicago.

We look back at last week’s show with Silas Young’s exhibition and Kenny King defeating Jay Lethal using Lethal’s own Lethal Injection.

We get a video on Jeff Cobb, who is challenging for the World Title at Best In The World. He was born in Baltimore but moved to Guam, where he managed to make the US Olympic team. He didn’t fare well and now he wants to be the best in the world in Ring of Honor.

Josh Woods vs. Maverick Boone

Woods powerbombs him down and hits the Seismic Toss for the pin at 54 seconds.

Yuji Nagata/Satoshi Kojima vs. Evil/Sanada

The crowd wastes no time in the ALL THESE GUYS chants as Nagata forearms Sanada to start. They go to the mat and it’s an early standoff. They shake hands and Sanada kicks him in the ribs, which you don’t do to an old wrestler. Nagata kicks at the leg and brings in Kojima for some kicks of his own. We pause for some chest bouncing between Sanada and Kojima until Evil trips Kojima to take over.

Sanada ties Kojima up in the Paradise Lock for the running dropkick. Back from a quick break with Kojima kicking and DDTing his way out of trouble. That’s enough for the diving tag off to Nagata so house the hard kicks can continue. The exploder suplex gives Nagata two and it’s time to forearm it out. Nagata’s big kick is countered but he blocks another Paradise Lock attempt. Instead it’s the Nagata Lock but Evil finally comes in for the break. The freed Sanada hits a springboard dropkick to Nagata and hands it off to Evil, who gets dropkicked in the knee.

That’s enough for the tag to Kojima for the rapid fire chops to both of them in the corner. A top rope elbow gets two on Evil but the discus lariat is countered with a rake to the eyes. Evil gets two off a clothesline but Nagata breaks up the Magic Killer. The Koji Cutter gets two on Evil, followed by the brainbuster for the same. Evil and Kojima trade standing switches until Sanada comes back in for a dropkick, setting up the Magic Killer for the pin at 12:16.

Rating: C+. I’ve never been a fan of Nagata’s but this was a fun match with the old guys looking good and Evil/Sanada getting a bit of a statement win over the legends. It was a smart move for a TV main event as these fans are going to cheer this kind of stuff every single time. Sometimes it’s ok to not have a storyline main event and that’s what they did here.

Here’s Dalton Castle to talk about what has been going on with him. He has come to terms with the fact that he lost at Supercard of Honor. It was a spectacular loss though because Rush beat him in sixteen seconds. It’s ok though because Rush is a dirty, filthy cheater. That’s why Castle wants a match with Rush…..’s brother Dragon Lee. Rush is going to pay with his family’s health as Castle breaks every bone in Lee’s body.

Cue the Boys, now in regular gear, to beat Castle down and knock him to the floor. Castle fights back though and sends them into the barricade and various other hard objects. Boy #1 is put on a table and Castle powerbombs #2 onto him but not through the table. Castle yells a lot to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The streak of good shows stumbled here but it’s not quite done yet. This was a show where they threw in some of the less important stuff and I have a feeling that’s going to be the case next week as well. There was nothing bad here though and that’s certainly better than some of the things that happen around here on some occasions. The Castle segment worked well and hopefully they can keep building up the midcard like this.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – May 29, 2019: An Exhibition Of Fair Play And Sportsmanship

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: May 29, 2019
Location: The Odeum, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

We’re coming off last week’s pretty awesome 400th episode but their regular shows still need some work. A new taping cycle might help but more than that, it might be nice if we had something built up to the pay per view that is taking place later this month. That’s never stopped ROH before though and I can’t imagine it will be any different here either.  Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Karl Fredericks vs. Flip Gordon

Fredericks is from the New Japan Los Angeles dojo. Gordon gets taken to the mat early on and goes after Flip’s arm until an escape gives us a standoff. They trade headlocks until a hard shoulder puts Flip down. Flip’s hand walk into a headscissors sends Fredericks outside as we take a break. Back with the springboard tornado DDT being countered into a spinebuster from Fredericks as he starts in on the spine.

They strike it out with Fredericks getting the better of things and dropkicking Gordon down. Gordon heads to the apron this time for a kick to the head, followed by the springboard missile dropkick to get things more at his speed. A slingshot neckbreaker sets up the STF to make Fredericks tap at 7:04.

Rating: C-. Fredericks has been making some appearances of late and I’ve been liking what I’m seeing. He’s strong enough and has a good look, though he needs experience and a character, which he isn’t allowed to have as a young lion. Still though, not a bad match for a quick one on TV with that much time cut out.

Video on War Of The Worlds with Matt Taven retaining the World Title over PCO and Shane Taylor winning the TV Title in a four way match.

Video on Kenny King winning the Honor Rumble, faking blindness, revealing the fake blindness two weeks later, and attacking Jay Lethal.

Here’s Jeff Cobb for a chat. Things haven’t been great for him lately but Shane Taylor didn’t beat him to win the title. Cobb isn’t out here to ask for his rematch though, because he wants Matt Taven and the World Title. Cue Taven to call Cobb an adorable Hawaiian Buddha. Why should Taven be worried about Cobb winning this title when Cobb couldn’t hold his old title? The title match is teased but Taven uses the old “not tonight”. He does throw Cobb the mic though.

Kenny King says he was blinded and he used the chance to study Jay Lethal. Now it’s going to be a best of three series with Lethal and they should bust out the brooms for the sweep.

Lethal knows what King is up to because he’s going to have something up his sleeve. Match #1 is going to be the same as the other two: Lethal wins.

Video on the Briscoes vs. the Guerrillas of Destiny with the Guerrillas retaining the Tag Team Titles.

Here’s Silas Young with a rather skinny man for an exhibition. Silas introduces the other man as Baxter Bellafonte and says this is going to be a catch as catch can demonstration. Young shows some arm holds and demonstrates various cheating tactics, though he does let go before a five count. He adds a low blow, which would ALWAYS be a disqualification.

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King

First of a best of three match series and King has an unnamed woman in his corner. We get a handshake to start and they take their time early on. King gets a fireman’s carry into a rollup for two and the fans seem fairly appreciative. Lethal is right back up so King bails to the floor for a breather and a break.

Back with King reversing the cartwheel hiptoss into a failed Crossface attempt for another standoff. They start slugging it out until Lethal’s signature dropkick is blocked. That’s fine with Jay, who knocks King to the floor anyway. The suicide dive is blocked as they have a firm story going here. Back in and we hit the chinlock, followed by a camel clutch. The rope gets Lethal out of trouble and we take a second break.

We come back again with King missing a splash and getting punched in his face for a penalty. King hits a springboard dropkick and teases his own suicide dive. That’s just a ruse though and the fans aren’t pleased by not getting what they wanted. That’s how you act like a heel people. King follows him out but gets dropped on his head so Lethal can take over back inside.

Now the springboard dropkick connects and Lethal hits the springboard dropkick for a bonus. Hail To The King gets two and the Lethal Injection is countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb to give King the same. Lethal is right back with some Lethal Injection attempts but the referee nearly gets bumped, allowing King to get in a low blow. King hits his own Lethal Injection for the pin at 15:52.

Rating: B-. They had a nice story going here with King knowing what Lethal had coming because Lethal is the veteran with a signature style before going to the cheating in the end. You can imagine what Lethal is going to do in the second match, though I worry about them trying to push King again, when it hasn’t worked all the other times before.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling was up and down here but it makes sense to have another two match show with some different talents getting their chance instead of doing the same things over and over. Couple that with the pretty entertaining Young segment in the middle and I had a good time with this show. It’s a solid effort, though not as good as last week’s awesome show.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – May 22, 2019 (400th Episode): The ROH Way

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: May 22, 2019
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s the 400th episode and in this case we actually have something special for the main event. This time around it’s Flip Gordon getting a World Title shot against Matt Taven, who is making his first defense after winning the title in Madison Square Garden. Other than that, the Six Man Tag Team Titles are on the line. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Jeff Cobb/Jay Lethal/Rush vs. Villain Enterprises

Villain Enterprise are defending against a random trio. PCO and Lethal start things off with the former shouting a lot before doing anything. Lethal refuses to hit him from behind but a chop has no effect on PCO. The hiptoss into the basement dropkick has no effect so Lethal does it again to the same result. Another dropkick puts PCO on the floor and he welcomes a suicide dive, scaring Lethal away.

Lethal eventually loads it up anyway but Marty Scurll jumps him from behind to take over. It’s off to Rush vs. Scurll, which isn’t as historic as Ian thinks it is. Rush starts flipping around and it’s a standoff with the fans being rather appreciative. Now it’s King vs. Cobb as the blind Kenny King joins commentary. An exchange of shoulders goes nowhere so Cobb snaps off a hurricanrana and brings Lethal back in. King crossbodies both of them down at once and snaps off his own hurricanrana.

Everything breaks down and Lethal fires off some dropkicks, only to get caught in a suplex/apron superkick combination on the floor. Back from a break with Lethal not being able to suplex King because King is, you know, huge. Instead it’s back to Rush as everything breaks down. The Bull’s Horns are loaded up in the corner but Rush settles for the running slap instead.

Scurll kicks him in the leg though and nails a low superkick but the chickenwing is broken up with a headbutt. Cobb starts suplexing people with a German version to PCO and an overhead belly to belly to Scurll. The standing moonsault gets two on Scurll with King making the save. Just to show off, Cobb suplexes Scurll and King at the same time. PCO shoves Cobb over the top and it’s King hitting the running flip dive. PCO gets backdropped onto them as well as the champs are rolling.

Back in and King tries a German suplex on Cobb, with Scurll sunset flipping his partner to send Cobb flying. King dives onto Lethal and Rush, leaving Scurll to hit a 619, with King diving in for a Cannonball to Cobb’s back at the same time. Back in and Cobb superkicks PCO, setting up Hail To The King to give Lethal….no cover as PCO sits up. Rush dropkicks PCO in the back of the head so a second Hail To The King can get….two as Scurll makes another save. Lethal Injection hits Scurll but King counters another into a spinning torture rack bomb. PCO adds the moonsault to retain at 14:17.

Rating: B+. Well that was a blast. This was all about complete insanity and PCO getting a pin over someone as big as Lethal should keep him in the World Title situation. I had a great time with this as they didn’t bother with tagging for the most part and just had an entertaining match. That’s what the Six Man Titles are all about and it worked really well here. Nicely done.

We see the same video from last week looking at Flip Gordon’s knee injury and road to recovery.

During the break, King came off commentary and choked Lethal, showing that he was NOT blind, a full week after debuting the gimmick.

We look back at the Soldiers of Savagery debuting last week to the confusion of Bully Ray and Shane Taylor.

We recap Taven vs. Gordon. Taven won the title at Supercard of Honor and Gordon won the Sea of Honor tournament to earn the shot.

Ring of Honor World Title: Flip Gordon vs. Matt Taven

Taven is defending and has TK O’Ryan in his corner, meaning Vinny Marseglia is lined up for interference. Gordon starts fast with a shotgun dropkick but gets backdropped to the apron. That’s fine with Gordon who nails an enziguri, setting up a monkey flip to send the champ flying. Taven sends him outside but Gordon is right back in with a rollup through the ropes, setting up a suicide dive to keep Taven in trouble.

Hang on though as Gordon has to adjust his knee brace, which isn’t a good sign. O’Ryan has to be superkicked away though and Taven gets in a shot from behind to take over. That means some condescending applause from the champ but Gordon is fine enough to kick him down and hit a standing moonsault. The knee is tweaked again though and Taven kicks it out to send Gordon outside. A running charge gets Gordon hiptossed into the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Gordon still in trouble, including the leglock to go with some logic. Gordon gets sent outside with the knee being even more banged up on the crash. A Blue Thunder Bomb into a half crab keeps Gordon in trouble. The rope grab lets Gordon fight back up with right hands and the knee is fine enough for the reverse Alabama Slam into the corner. Something like the Nightmare on Helm Street gets two and we take another break. Back again with Gordon going up top but getting punched in the face.

Gordon fires off some kicks to the head but another kick to the knee gets Taven out of trouble. The middle rope Russian legsweep plants the champ though and the spinning Falcon Arrow gives Gordon two. Taven grabs one heck of a pop up powerbomb and knees Gordon in the face for two more. It’s Gordon’s turn as he grabs a fireman’s carry for a swinging TKO but there are the red balloons (you knew they were coming) to break up the 450. A hanging Climax retains the title at 16:39.

Rating: B-. Yeah we know that’s how Taven wins matches because it’s the trope they’ve created for them. It’s not interesting and it’s not creative and they didn’t even try to hide it at the beginning with Marseglia nowhere to be found. Taven is more than watchable in the ring but he’s reached his peak of interest six weeks into his title reign. That’s what happens when your whole persona is “I’m a villain and everyone is against me”. Good match, but it didn’t feel important or epic at all.

Overall Rating: A. What were you expecting here? Ring of Honor has shown that they are far more interesting when they cut out the storyline elements and focus on the in-ring product. That’s what they did here and the show was a lot of fun as a result. This was all about having two very good matches with some minor stuff in between. What more could you possibly need from a show like this?

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – May 15, 2019: Did They Need To Edit Something?

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: May 15, 2019
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s not a good sign when I have to look back at my notes to see what is going on with today’s show. Since the MSG show, nothing has really stuck with me, aside from Dalton Castle’s nice heel confirming segment last week. The shows haven’t been terrible, but I need something a little better than not very memorable. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Shinobi Shadow Squad vs. Coast To Coast vs. Bouncers

That would be Cheeseburger/Ryan Nova for the Squad. Ali headlocks Nova to start but can’t get an O’Connor roll. A rolling neckbreaker takes Ali down and it’s off to Cheeseburger as the match quality seems likely to go down. Everything breaks down and the Bouncers squash both teams in the corner with some running splashes. Bruiser bites various people but insists that he can’t do it because he has no teeth.

With that paradox confounding some people, Coast to Coast kick the Bouncers out to the floor, leaving the Squad to dropkick Ali and LSG into the corner. Ali is right back up with the big flip dive onto the floor onto various people, sending us to a break. Back with Cheeseburger in trouble, including a slingshot hilo into a chinlock from LSG.

Nova gets knocked off the apron so Cheeseburger settles for a tag off to Milonas, who kicks the heck out of Ali to take over. The swinging Boss Man Slam gives Milonas two as everything breaks down. Nova tries some forearms on Milonas and Cheeseburger has to save him from certain doom. Double superkicks stagger Milonas but Bruiser clotheslines Nova. That leaves Cheeseburger to dive onto Coast to Coast and it’s Closing Time to finish Nova at 9:56.

Rating: C-. Heaven help me but I think I’m starting to like the Bouncers. They don’t do anything revolutionary and they’re rather limited in the ring, but they do what they do quite well. It also helps a lot when so many members of the roster are smaller guys and you have these two monsters. That makes them stand out so much more and it helped a lot here. Not a bad triple threat either.

We recap Flip Gordon challenging Matt Taven for the World Title.

We look at the end of last week’s show with Lifeblood calling out Bully ray for revenge over what he did to Tenille Dashwood.

We look back at the Allure attacking Jenny Rose and Kelly Klein.

We look back at Dalton Castle attacking the Boys. Why are we recapping the last two weeks?

We recap (erg) the Honor Rumble from MSG where Great Muta and Jushin Thunder Liger gave us an awesome moment but we needed to push Kenny King because that has worked so well over the years.

Here’s Kenny King….who is now blind because of being misted in the Rumble. King should be happy right now but since he’s blind, all of his happiness is gone. Since he started at #1 though, he should be called Kenny “Shawn Michaels” King. He brags about throwing out Muta and Liger to win but then Muta misted him and took away his vision. What matters most though is that he and Matt Taven are boys, but King is coming for the title. Before that though, he’s coming for Jay Lethal, albeit after he has his eye surgery. Lethal will bent the knee.

Flip Gordon talks about his knee injury and how hard he worked to beat the timetable for his return. Now he’s ready for his World Title shot next week on the 400th episode.

Flex Simmons vs. Josh Woods

Simmons is a guy with a rather limited physique who poses a lot. Woods spears him, faceplants him and finishes with the Seismic Toss (reverse fireman’s carry slam) at 38 seconds. Are they allergic to wrestling on this show?

Post break Woods says he’s down to fight. His shirt saying “down to fight” implied that.

Shane Taylor vs. Bandido

Bandido tries some early grappling before just superkicking the much bigger Shane in the face. Taylor’s jumping sitdown splash misses and a basement dropkick puts him on the floor. That means the suicide dive, followed by the Fosbury Flop dive to send us to a break. Back with Taylor not liking being hit in the chest, meaning it’s a single chop to bring Bandido to his knees.

Another chop puts Bandido on his back but he’s right back up and trying a fireman’s carry for some reason. That just earns him a heck of a chokeslam, followed by an even harder right hand. Taylor talks trash before tossing Bandido across the ring as the beating slows down. A running corner clothesline crushes Bandido again and a running clothesline in the middle gets two. Elbows to the face and shoulder give Shane two more and he punches a diving Bandido out of the air for a great visual.

Back from another break with Bandido slugging away again and no selling a shot to the face. He sells a chokeslam though, with Shane going down as well from near exhaustion. Bandido tries a discus forearm but gets headbutted away, allowing Shane to hit a swinging Downward Spiral for two. Another right hand breaks up another springboard and a hanging Stunner gives Shane two more. Ok these kickouts are getting ridiculous. Somehow Bandido is back with a springboard crossbody and a GTS of all things. The 21 Plex finishes Taylor at 13:56.

Rating: B. They lost me near the end there as Shane has been knocking people silly for a long time now and Bandido survived all of it before winning in the end. That’s a lot to take and I didn’t buy it near the ending there. Bandido is a star in the making (if not one already) but this was a bit of a stretch. I’m sure Shane is going to be fine, but that was a little too far with the kickouts.

Post match here’s Bully Ray because OF COURSE IT’S BULLY RAY in the big closing. Ray goes after Bandido but Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams run in. The yelling is on but the newly signed Soldiers of Savagery come in and beat down Lifeblood. Bully Ray and Shane Taylor are confused and ask each other who brought in the Soldiers. The Soldiers leave on their own to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The wrestling was better than usual here but egads what was that big stretch of recaps in the middle? It felt like they had to edit something out and that was all they had to fill in time. I’ve said it for the last few weeks but they continue to squander the momentum they had from the biggest show they’ve ever had. That’s rather disappointing but honestly, I’m not really surprised.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – May 8, 2019: The Slow Return To Normal

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: May 8, 2019
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Rhett Titus

It’s hard to say what we might be getting this week as last week’s return show after the trip to New York wasn’t the most thrilling in the world. It wasn’t bad by any means but I was expecting a little bit more. Maybe we get that tonight, but you really never can tell around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Eli Isom vs. PJ Black

Isom gets the better of the wristlock exchange to start and it’s an early standoff. Back up and Black gets in an armdrag into some legsweeps but Isom hits a jumping knee to the face. A springboard missile dropkick is countered into Black’s Boston crab, which is reversed into a rollup as we take a break.

Back with Black cranking on both arms and grabbing a Billy Goat’s Curse of all things. That doesn’t last long so it’s a springboard high crossbody instead, with Isom rolling through for two. A German suplex gives Isom two more and it’s time for the not very dramatic exchange of strikes. Isom muscles him up for a Death Valley Driver but slips off of a springboard, allowing Black to hit a springboard 450 for two. The moonsault double knees to the chest finish Isom at 8:41.

Rating: C-. I’m still not feeling Black most of the time as there’s the same vibe from him as the Motor City Machine Guns, who feel like they have every single thing planned out at times. The match was the usual fine opener and I like Isom more and more every time I see him. There isn’t much to say here, but it was far from bad.

We recap the build to some of the matches on the War of the Worlds tour.

Ray Lyn vs. Kelly Klein

Non-title. Before the match, Ray says she likes Klein but doesn’t respect her and won’t shake her hand. Klein is NOT her champ, so Klein shoves her into the corner to start things off. We take another very fast break and come back with Lyn hitting a running knee in the corner but having her high crossbody reversed into a fall away slam. Klein gets in some running strikes in the corner, setting up K Power for the pin at 4:03.

Rating: D. So Klein is a face now? There isn’t anything about her that sounds like a face, but that hasn’t stopped wrestling companies from calling it a turn anyway. The match wasn’t a squash with Ray getting in some offense before getting crushed, though Klein as the star face of the division against Allure isn’t going to work. Granted it’s still better than whatever they’ve been doing for the last year plus.

Post match Klein commands respect from Lyn, who does shake her hand. Lyn leaves and Klein talks about being the fighting champion. Allure cares about their online presence and their looks but she cares about wrestling. That’s what Women of Honor is about but here are Velvet Sky and Mandy Leon. Angelina Love sneaks in with a bicycle kick so here’s Jenny Rose for a failed save attempt. Rose gets the lipstick branding, and yes we are supposed to believe that this isn’t a Beautiful People rehash.

We look at Rush beating Dalton Castle in 16 seconds at Madison Square Garden, causing Castle to snap and beat up the Boys.

Tracy Williams/Mark Haskins vs. Vinny Marseglia/TK O’Ryan

The Kingdom jumps them at the bell but get sent to the floor in a hurry as we settle things down. It’s an O’Ryan distraction so Marseglia can hammer away on Haskins before it’s O’Ryan coming in legally. A blind tag brings Williams in for the kick to the chest and it’s time to start on the arm. The Kingdom gets tied together and kicked in the chest, setting up a double camel clutch (with the legs still tied together) as we take a break. Back with Williams in trouble in the corner and favoring his arm.

Marseglia suplexes him back into the corner and O’Ryan slaps on a top wristlock. A raised boot in the corner lets Williams hit a middle rope Fameasser, allowing Haskins to come in off the hot tag. The Crossface into the Rings of Saturn has O’Ryan in more trouble until Marseglia pulls him to the rope. That’s fine with Williams, who hits a frog splash to continue the Radicalz tribute offense. The shoulder goes out on a powerbomb attempt so it’s an ankle lock to O’Ryan instead. Marseglia makes a save so Haskins grabs the pull back Sharpshooter to make O’Ryan tap at 9:51.

Rating: B-. Lifeblood may have completely faltered as a storyline but they still have the rather good matches which are more than enough to keep them in such a high place. The fact that they rarely lose helps as well and this was another nice win over a team with some value. Not a great match or anything, but fine for a TV main event.

Post match Williams calls out Bully Ray as a cancer in Ring of Honor and they want to cut him out. This brings out Ray, who mocks them for being upset about Tenille Dashwood. Ray tells them where they can go and leaves to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The storyline advancement continues to take place at a rather slow place but at least the wrestling made up for it (mostly) this week. It still feels like they are in search of a top story and realizing that the World Title situation isn’t the best idea in the world. Not a great show as it feels like they’re slowly getting back to normal.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – May 1, 2019: Uh….I Guess It’s Worth It?

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: May 1, 2019
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are FINALLY back to the present with some fresh material after nearly a month of pre-taped shows. It’s been a long time coming and I can barely remember what happened at the Madison Square Garden show, but Matt Taven is the World Champion and that means we’re not in for something all that interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at Taven winning the title.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Taven for his first address as champion. He takes his sweet time getting into the ring and gets a pretty weak YOU DESERVE IT chant. Taven: “I earned this.” Taven explains what it means and another weak TAVEN chant starts up. He lists off everything he’s done in the last year, which is quite the run. It took a long time to get there, but everything was worth it in the end. If you want this title, you’ll have to earn it like he did.

This brings out Flip Gordon (rocking a suit) to say he earned his opportunity when he won the Sea of Honor tournament. Taven laughs that off because a tournament on a cruise ship is different than the main event in Madison Square Garden. Gordon doesn’t think it’s so funny, because he is the official #1 contender. This wasn’t crazy long, but the reaction to Taven is as underwhelming as I was expecting it to be. He’s the Jeff Jarrett of ROH and that didn’t work so well either.

We look back at Silas Young injuring Jonathan Gresham’s knee, the ensuing trash talk and then the cheating win.

Silas talked more trash after the match when Gresham came in and asked for one more match. Security broke it up in a hurry though.

In three weeks: Gordon vs. Taven for the title on the 400th episode.

Silas Young vs. Jonathan Gresham

Young has promised to win with a wrestling move. He also wants a handshake, which Gresham agrees to before dodging an early low blow attempt. Some leg trips gives Gresham two and it’s time to go old school with the crisscross. A hiptoss sends Young outside but he pulls Gresham with him, meaning it’s time for the headlock takeover into the headscissors counter sequence on the floor. Back in and another hiptoss attempt doesn’t send either of them over the top so we take a break.

We come back with Young riding him off a waistlock until Gresham chops his way to freedom. Young doesn’t like the strikes because he was offering pure wrestling. They chop it out until Gresham starts throwing fists, which is way outside of his norm. Young offers him the wrist and then spins out of a wristlock into a quickly broken armbar. Gresham does the same to him as this isn’t quite what I was expecting. Now it’s Gresham offering Young the wrist, which earns him the cheap shot you knew was coming.

A dropkick sends Young into the corner and there’s the running dropkick as we take a second break. Back again with Young getting a fast two off a sunset flip, followed by a DDT to send Young outside. Young tries to bring in a chair, which is quickly taken away, allowing Young to get in a ring bell hammer shot to the head. An abdominal stretch goes on and the unconscious Gresham is unconscious at 11:25.

Rating: C+. I liked the story here and that’s what mattered most as they’re pretty clearly setting up a rematch with that finish. Young is being a great jerk in the whole thing and the win is the ultimate slap in the face to Gresham. The third match will be entertaining as well and that’s a good sign for a midcard feud.

We look back at Kelly Klein winning the Women’s Title back but getting beaten down by the debuting Allure.

Klein says the title is what matters so she’s going to clean up the hot mess.

We look at Rush beating Dalton Castle in thirty seconds in New York.

We look back at Bully Ray putting Tenille Dashwood through a table (off camera) last week.

Lifeblood promises revenge on Bully Ray and the Kingdom.

Briscoes vs. Soberano Jr./Caristico

Soberano and Caristico (the original Sin Cara) are from CMLL. Mark takes Soberano down and shakes at him a bit so Soberano grabs a waistlock into a sunset flip for two. Some kicks to the arm set up a springboard hurricanrana and it’s off to Jay vs. Caristico. Jay doesn’t take kindly to the dancing test of strength so it’s a headlock to slow Caristico down. He’s fine enough for a rope walk wristdrag to send Jay outside but they back up before the double dives.

Back in and the masked men get kicked out to the floor with Mark hitting a dropkick through the ropes. The Cactus Jack elbow takes us to a break with the Briscoes in control. We come back with Caristico still in trouble as Mark headbutts him into the corner. A double handspring elbow takes down both Briscoes and it’s back to Soberano to pick up the pace.

That means a running moonsault dive to the floor and everyone is down on the outside. Back in and Caristico kicks Mark in the head, setting up a high crossbody for two. Jay is tired of this flying stuff and sends Caristico face first into a chair on the floor. A Death Valley Driver gives Mark two on Soberano and Redneck Boogie gets the same. The Jay Driller into the Froggy Bow finishes Soberano at 13:01.

Rating: B-. Good formula based match here and that’s what you should be doing when there’s no story. I’m not wild on the random foreigners appearing more often than not but at least we got a good match out of it, which is all you can ask for in a situation like this. You know the Briscoes are getting back in the title scene soon so the win here makes sense.

Overall Rating: C+. Uh, ok I guess. We spent nearly a month waiting for an announcement of a big TV main event, the continuation of a midcard feud and a one off tag match? I mean, it was a good show but is that really the best they had with all this time off? The stories need to be a little stronger and this wasn’t a good start to the new era. Hopefully it improves in the coming weeks but this was pretty underwhelming for what the show should have been.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – April 24, 2019: I’m Used To It By Now

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: April 24, 2019
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nick Aldis

I don’t know how either but somehow we’re still waiting to get to the post Supercard shows. I know it wasn’t the best night in the world for the company but egads man get on to something new already. It’s another night of one off matches that aren’t likely to mean much but that’s how things go around here these days. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Kenny King vs. Tracy Williams

King is the hometown boy and Williams is coming in with a bad shoulder. They start slowly as the announcers ignore the match to talk about the Crockett Cup. To be fair, that sounds a lot more interesting. King picks up the pace and rolls over to grab a headlock, which is reversed into one from Williams. A takedown puts King on the mat and we take an early break. Back with a standoff as the even match continues.

Williams takes him down and starts in on the arm as the announcers argue about handshakes in wrestling. King grabs the referee for a distraction and crotches Williams on top. That’s about it for the offense at the moment though as Williams knocks him off the apron. King jumps onto the apron and corkscrews off in a completely unnecessary flip.

Back in and a butterfly suplex gives King two as Aldis continues to break down a match like no one else in a very long time. King takes him up top but gets caught in a DDT onto the top rope (that’s a new one). A Death Valley Driver gives Williams two and we take another break. We come back with Williams not being able to get the Crossface, allowing King to grab a Last Chancery.

With that broken up, King kicks him in the head and then the ribs for two, which Aldis says is making Williams bend the knee. King grabs a rollup and a rope for two and it’s time for the chops to fire Williams up. The Royal Flush is countered into a small package for two and a fisherman’s buster gets the same. Williams tries a high crossbody but gets pulled out of the air, setting up the Royal Flush for the pin at 19:18.

Rating: B. Nice long (very long) match here with King getting a win to continue a roll that hasn’t actually started yet, which is very clear as the announcers didn’t mention his win in New York at all. King is fine for a midcarder and hopefully that’s where he stays, because I can’t imagine an extended main event run from the guy.

We recap Bandido vs. PJ Black II. The original match caused Black to see the error of his ways and is a reason why he joined Lifeblood. Tonight he’s ready to show everyone what the good Black can do.

Video on Nick Aldis vs. Marty Scurll for the NWA World Title at the Crockett Cup.

Bouncers vs. Reno Scum

Scum must work really cheap because I don’t get the appeal. Milonas and Adam Thornstowe start things off with Adam bouncing off the huge shoulder. The bigger Luster the Legend comes in to try his luck and gets slammed down without much effort. Bruiser hits a running crossbody to set up the snap jabs as the beating continues.

Scum goes with some double forearms to the back to take over for the first time. A double slam sets up a falling headbutt to give Luster two and we hit the bearhug. The missed charge sends Luster shoulder first into the post and the tag brings in Milonas to a rather tepid reaction. Thornstowe gets caught in Closing Time for the pin at 4:57.

Rating: D. The Bouncers are a perfectly nice team in this spot and for once ROH seems smart enough to understand that. They would get wrecked by the Briscoes, the Guerrillas or Villain Enterprises so let them hang around the midcard and win squashes or matches like this. The fans like them well enough and they’re a fine little boost in the middle of the show.

Bandido vs. PJ Black

They grapple to the mat to start with Bandido going after the leg. Back up and it’s a standoff with Black shooting an invisible arrow at Bandido. A shoulder just makes Bandido nip up, followed by a handstand nip up to get in Black’s head. Black misses an elbow and Bandido freezes him with the finger gun. A dropkick puts Black on the floor but he’s right back in for a crucifix driver as we take a break.

We come back with Bandido kicking him in the head to block a dive, setting up a heck of a moonsault to the floor. The Cannonball hits the barricade though and it’s time to head back inside for a slugout. Back in and Black gets crotched on top but manages to roll through a super hurricanrana into a Styles Clash for his own near fall.

A pumphandle into a cutter (the Wellness Policy, because we have to take a shot at WWE every few shows) gives Black two but Bandido rolls over and deadlifting Black into a piledriver (Black’s head landed on Bandido’s leg as the whole thing looked messy). Back from another break with Black hitting a moonsault press for two but running into a Spanish Fly for two more.

Bandido charges into raised boots though and a top rope double stomp to a standing Bandido gets two. Black gets caught on top for a super Spanish Fly but the moonsault hits raised boots. A shot to the face rocks Black again though and the handspring bridging German suplex finishes Black at 15:21.

Rating: B-. So you remember when Black was evil and lost to Bandido? Well now he’s good and lost to Bandido again. The match was very back and forth and entertaining, but I’m not sure what the point of this was. Black’s change hasn’t made him any better but I guess he feels better about it? Uh, good for him then I guess.

Post match they shake hands because Lifeblood is good that way.

Tenille Dashwood has been put through a table. Bully Ray pops up to say bad things happen to good people. People have been trying to figure out who attacked Dashwood six months ago and now we know. He’ll tell Lifeblood she says goodbye. I mean, they could have done this for some fresh new heel but why do that when you can have it be Bully instead?

Overall Rating: C+. As I’m writing this, Matt Taven is three weeks into his ROH World Title reign. We haven’t seen or heard from him in that time, not even in an inset promo. How in the world can we go that long in what is supposed to be a new era after that long of a chase? This keeps happening over and over and I have no idea why ROH can’t find SOMETHING that is better than this. At least have him say something. It’s only going to happen again at the next pay per view too, so what’s the point in even getting annoyed at it again? Nice show, but come on already with this scheduling stuff.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – April 17, 2019: The NWA Is The Way

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: April 17, 2019
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

The fallout from Supercard of Honor continues to be delayed as we’re still not quite ready to get to New York yet. As usual, that means we could be going in a variety of ways as you never know what sort of things this company will throw at you. Odds are it won’t be storyline based though, which can get old after awhile. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Briscoe Brothers aren’t happy with having to qualify for the Crockett Cup. That’s cool though, as they’ll throw someone a beating tonight to make it in. After tonight though, they’re not responsible for what happens.

Opening sequence.

Shane Taylor vs. Luchasaurus

Shane yells a lot and they take turns shoving each other in the face. Luchasaurus’ kick to the legs gets on Shane’s nerves so he chops the heck out of Luchasaurus’ chest. Some more kicks have Taylor in trouble but a right hand on the apron sets up a hanging Stunner for two.

Back from a break with Shane shrugging off a knee to the face and getting two more off a chokeslam. The Snake Bites (anklescissors faceplant) into the Shining Lizard (yep) gives Luchasaurus two of his own and they trade the big shots to the face. One heck of a clothesline blasts Luchasaurus for two more but something like Black Mass rocks Shane again. A chokeslam sets up a standing moonsault to Shane’s raised knees and Shane blasts him with a knee of his own. Greetings From 216 finish Luchasaurus at 8:11.

Rating: C+. Shane can have some awesome hoss fights and while this one was good, it wasn’t quite up to the levels of his fights with Jeff Cobb. Luchasaurus is a great monster, though having him lose here doesn’t do him a ton of good. I could see Shane being a great monster for someone to slay, though I’m not sure who that someone would be.

We look at Silas Young cheating to beat Jonathan Gresham last week.

Young and Gresham get in an argument in the back but they’re separated pretty quickly. A rematch is teased for later.

Sumie Sakai/Mayu Iwatani vs. Katie Forbes/Mazzerati

Tenille Dashwood is on commentary and announces that she is cleared to get back in the ring (which ring isn’t specified). Forbes is debuting here (she was at the Impact United We Stand show and didn’t exactly stand out). She’s also rather, ahem, hippy and that seems to be the main focus of her existence. Mazzerati slaps Iwatani in the face to start so it’s a fast paced Japanese armdrag to take Mazzerati down.

Since Mazzerati realizes how far in over her head she really is, it’s off to Sumie vs. Forbes for a change. Katie shoves her into the corner so Sakai kicks her in the foot (which seems to take three tries for Forbes to get the hint) and hits the Mongolian chops in the corner. Forbes hips her in the head and follows with a handspring hip attack in the corner. A Stinkface (yeah you get the idea) sends us to a break with the announcers calling this “terrible”.

Back with Mazzerati kicking Sakai in the knee and getting frustrated at the kickout. The legdrop misses so Sakai gets in a running knee but Forbes intercepts Iwatani on the floor. Sumie grabs a fisherman’s neckbreaker to drop Mazzerati again and this time the tag works just fine. Everything breaks down and Iwatani springboard wristdrags both of them at once. Dashwood: “I can do that but I just hold it back.”

Iwatani’s middle rope missile dropkick sets up a missile dropkick to give Sakai two. Forbes fireman’s carries both of them at once and does some squats before hitting the Samoan drop. There’s no cover so Iwatani superkicks Forbes, leaving Mazzerati to take Smash Mouth for the pin at 10:00.

Rating: D+. I would go into a little more on Forbes but I’d be surprised if she’s brought back. Her entire thing was the hips and that got annoying in a hurry because it feels out of place around here. Forbes wasn’t working for me and the act wasn’t great when it started and aged even faster. Mazzerati needs more work but there’s potential there. Just keep her away from Forbes, who was the big problem with the match.

PJ Black is impressed with Bandido and doesn’t like the cheating ways.

Crockett Cup Qualifying Match: Jeff Cobb/Willie Mack vs. Briscoes

This could be good. Mark and Mack chop the heck out of each other to start and you know they’re both cool with that. A crossbody takes Mark down and a knee to the head makes it even worse. Cobb comes in for his very delayed vertical suplex and the Briscoes are in trouble. Jay comes in to face Cobb and we take a fast break.

Back with Cobb charging into Jay’s elbow in the corner and a double elbow dropping him again. Some knees to the head and an elbow of his own put Jay down and they head outside. Mark isn’t that patient though and hits a big dive onto both of them to put Cobb back in trouble. Jay fires off the hard shoulders in the corner and a snap suplex (with some trash talk to Mack) has Cobb in rare trouble.

A dropkick gets Cobb out of trouble, because a 280lb Olympic wrestler can throw a great dropkick, and it’s the hot tag bringing in Mack. The reverse Cannonball gets two on Mark but Jay sends Mack into something close to a Claymore for two. We take another break and come back with Mark headbutting Mack in the corner with some surprising success. The neck crank goes on for a bit but Mack hits a pop up Downward Spiral (that’s a new one). The tag brings in Cobb but Jay comes in without a tag of his own in what seems like a bit of chicanery.

Cobb suplexes both of them in a row and then does it at the same time to show off. A standing moonsault gets two on Mark, who is right back with a Pele of all things. Jay’s crazy hard lariat gets two as Mack is back to life for the latest hot tag. Mack hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for two on Jay and it’s time to head outside. Since Mack and Cobb can never get together, Mark hits a running Blockbuster off the apron to drop Mack again.

Back in and Mack is fine enough for a t-bone suplex for two but walks into the Doomsday Device. Cobb shoves Jay into the cover for the save and breaks up Redneck Boogey for a bonus. The Stunner into a swinging German suplex sets up Mack’s frog splash for two on Mark in a great false finish. Jay grabs Mark to block the Tour of the Islands so it’s Mack and Mark chopping it out again. Mack hits a running big boot but Jay comes back in for a hurricanrana into the Jay Driller. Just in case, Mark drops the Froggy Bow for the pin at 19:44.

Rating: A-. I dug the heck out of this one as they were nailing it throughout with an energy you don’t get around here very often. The best thing I can say about it though was that it felt like an old NWA main event tag. Back in the day you would have a random pairing against a regular team (usually the Horsemen or the Midnight Express) and they would tear the house down with an awesome match. Cut about three minutes out of this and it’s even better, which is quite the accomplishment. Check this one out, and probably the Crockett Cup too.

Overall Rating: B+. The main event is more than enough to carry this one as far as it needed to go, though the rest of the card doesn’t exactly live up to that level. I want to see the Crockett Cup though, which is about all this show needed to do. They need to get to the main stories though because this isn’t going to be the norm for these shows.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring Of Honor TV – April 10, 2019: The Wrestling Before The Stall

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: April 10, 2019
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nick Aldis

We’re almost to the biggest Ring of Honor show ever and that means we should be getting an update on it in just a month or so because ROH can’t figure this out to save their lives. In other words, this is another lame duck show in a series of them, meaning we could be going in a variety of ways. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Alex Coughlin/Karl Fredericks/Clark Conners vs. Dalton Castle/The Boys

They’re Young Lions from the New Japan Los Angeles dojo, meaning black trunks and boots with a limited moveset. Dalton takes Conners down with ease to start but Conners says bring it on. The amateur wrestling goes to Castle (well duh) and an airplane spin sends Conners over for the tag to Alex. Both Boys tag themselves in at the same time and Coughlin has to deal with both of them at once, meaning a dropkick from #1.

Coughlin isn’t having any of the chops and drops #1 with some of his own. Back from a break with everything breaking down and the hot tag bringing in Castle to slug away at the Lions. Suplexes drop all three of them as Aldis can’t remember which Boy is which either. I mean, it’s not like it matters. Castle is alone in the ring and says to BRING HIM A BOY, both of whom are thrown onto a Lion, with both of them getting three turns each.

Back in and Conners gets powerbombed for two with Fredericks making the save. #2 gets the tag but is sent straight into the post, leaving Castle to take a double flapjack. Conners knocks #1 into the corner and a hard chop sets up the Boston crab. Castle makes a save of his own and pulls Conners outside, allowing #2 to take #1’s place. The small package finishes Fredericks at 10:08.

Rating: C+. I saw the Lions over Wrestlemania weekend and just like they did there, they impressed me here. Those guys have some skills to them and with more experience, they’re going to be fine. There’s something to be said here about having the Boys get the win though, as Castle’s bad run continues.

We look at Bandido beating PJ Black in January.

Black calls the loss an eye opener that made him see that the cheating wasn’t working for him. The rematch is in two weeks.

Bouncers vs. Voros Twins

That would be Chris and Patrick (twins), which is more information than we get about jobbers most of the time. They’re rather small and have lights in their hair as they seem very excited to be here. Aldis things the Twins, who don’t shake hands and offer a double thumbs down, are a little intoxicated. Patrick gets run over to start so Chris offers a failure of a distraction.

Another attempt lets Patrick chop block Bruiser down but the fans chant for beer. Since the Twins aren’t all that great, they allow Bruiser to roll over for the tag to Milonas so the big splash can connect in the corner. One heck of a clothesline puts Patrick on the floor and it’s the Last Call to Chris at 3:20.

Rating: D. The Bouncers are fine in a role like this and it’s about time they were turned face. How much booing do you think a team from the bar who loves to drink is going to draw? This is as good as it’s going to get for them, save for a token title shot somewhere in there. Just let the fans have fun and that’s all it needs to be.

We look at Silas Young attacking Jonathan Gresham at the Anniversary Show. Hence tonight’s main event.

The Briscoes are ready for Jeff Cobb and Willie Mack. What a random yet kind of awesome team.

Silas Young vs. Jonathan Gresham

Young’s headlock takeovers are countered with headscissors so he rakes the eyes instead. A test of strength goes to Young as well, with the boot to the ribs helping things out. They head outside for the exchange of chops with Gresham holding his own until they have to dive back in to beat the count.

Back from a break with a series of standing switches until Young realizes he’s in over his head. They head outside again with Gresham hitting a dive, only to miss the high crossbody back inside. A suplex sets up a double arm crank on Gresham, who gets out of it as easily as something that is easy to get out of. Young tosses him to the floor in a heap and a hard whip into the corner keeps Gresham’s back in trouble.

We take another break and come back with Gresham getting two off an O’Connor roll and spinning into a DDT to drop Young again. Gresham hits a running basement dropkick in the corner before bridging up into a failed backslide attempt. Young’s rollup gets two and it’s a double clothesline for a double knockdown. A Death Valley Driver into a bad looking double stomp gives Young two more and they’re both down again. The hanging swinging suplex gets two more but Gresham starts in on the leg.

For some reason Gresham is fine with a slugout, with some running forearms getting two each. Young gets sent into the ropes for a snap German suplex into another forearm for two more. Gresham sends him outside for a suicide dive and a shooting star press….only gets two again. It’s straight into an ankle lock until Young rolls him into the referee. A low blow into a rollup gives Young the pin at 21:50.

Rating: B-. It was rather long, but that fits well around a promotion like this with the wrestling being the focal point. Gresham is getting better and better every week while Young is the same villain he’s been for a long time. The match wasn’t great, but I can go for a long match for a change instead of squeezing in as many matches as you can onto a show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a wrestling heavy show as we continue to have almost nothing storyline based for a few weeks. Once the pay per view actually takes place though, we’re going to be in for a long wait, as tends to be the case around here. That being said, the stories coming out of the Supershow aren’t the strongest in the world so the wait doesn’t sound too bad. Pretty good show here though, with the wrestling getting the focus.

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