Ring of Honor TV – March 21, 2018: At The Right Time

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: March 21, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

We’re still in the post-Anniversary Show season, meaning we won’t quite be seeing the fresh shows yet. That being said, there’s a formula to making these things work and Ring of Honor isn’t half bad at pulling it off. Hopefully that’s what they can do again this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Kingdom/So Cal Uncensored vs. the Bullet Club with the latter seemingly falling apart.

Opening sequence.

The Dawgs vs. Coast to Coast

Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas are on commentary. On the way to the ring, Rhett Titus talks about this being a St. Patrick’s Day special, which should help Atlanta in their search for the Pot of Gold. Titus: “ROLL TIDE!” LSG and Titus get things going with Rhett’s left hand popping him in the jaw. A powerslam gets no cover as Titus needs to yell a lot instead of following up.

Ferrara tags himself in and gets dropkicked for his efforts as Coast to Coast takes over. Blast Off (kind of a double reverse slam) gets two on Ferrara but Titus makes the save with a dropkick. We take a break and come back with Titus slingshotting Ferrara into a splash before adding one of his own for two. The time wasting continues as Titus throws Ferrara into LSG a few times but the third takes so long that it only hits a raised boot.

That’s still not enough for the tag as Ferrara cuts it off and Titus’ Doggy Splash gets two. A missed charge allows the hot tag to Ali and it’s time for some shots to the face. Ali backdrops Titus onto Ferrara and one heck of a spinning Rock Bottom plants Ferrara again. LSG comes back in with a spinning butterfly suplex, followed by a frog splash to give Ali the pin at 10:09.

Rating: C. Coast to Coast is starting to get somewhere and while I’m not wild on another frog splash finisher, that’s a better way to wrap things up than that double dropkick. It makes them look like they’re changing things up and that’s what they should be going for after such a long losing streak. Nice little match, even if the Dawgs are that annoying.

Post match Bruiser and Milonas lay out Coast to Coast.

Marty Scurll is ready to take the World Title from Dalton Castle at Supercard of Honor. I’m certainly interested in seeing it.

Castle smiles at the idea of Scurll getting a title shot. He can’t pronounce New Orleans but he’s better at big events than the Cajun accents. There’s no way Scurll is taking the title.

Women of Honor Title Tournament First Round: HZK vs. Mayu Iwatani

From Osaka, Japan at a Stardom show. It’s a test of strength to start until HZK rolls her up for two. They hit the mat for a quick sequence into a standoff as this is already looking better than most first round matches. HZK starts in on he arm while putting her boot on Mayu’s face but a leg sweep gets Mayu out of trouble. A running dropkick puts HZK on the floor and that means a dive (after some balancing issues) to take us to a break.

Back with HZK grabbing a loose Crossface and then rolling her around the ring over and over into a rollup (think a reverse Tumbleweed) for two. A Michinoku Driver plants Mayu and a frog splash seated senton gets the same. Mayu comes back with a German suplex and a top rope double stomp for two of her own. That’s enough for Mayu so she superkicks her twice, followed by a dragon suplex for the pin at 9:40.

Rating: C+. Nice match here and far better than most of the other tournament matches, but the same problem persists: who are these people and why should I care? Just saying “they’re from Japan” isn’t enough and while I’m sure there are interesting details about these people, I haven’t exactly heard them so far.

Bullet Club vs. So Cal Uncensored/Kingdom

Cody/Hangman Page/Marty Scurll/young Bucks

Christopher Daniels/Frankie Kazarian/Vinny Marseglia/TK O’Ryan/Matt Taven

Cody gets his own entrance with Bury the Bear and Brandi, despite what happened at the Anniversary Show (where the Bear was unmasked as Kenny Omega and kissing ensued). He throws out “Bullet Club Is Fine” shirts for everyone and after a huddle, it’s time for the superkicks to clean house early on. Page adds in a shooting star off the apron to O’Ryan and Cody dives onto everyone. Back in and the Kingdom/So Cal Uncensored clears the ring until we get down to Daniels vs. Cody.

The STO is countered into a Downward Spiral to put Cody down but Matt needs to question Cody’s “leader” pants. A superkick makes up for it and Scurll comes in to start on O’Ryan’s arm. Kazarian and Page come in for the big slugout (there’s a huge showdown match in there somewhere) with Hangman getting the better of it and scoring with a dropsault to take out Daniels at the same time.

Cody comes back in for the snap powerslam (ala his brother) but Daniels offers a trip so Kazarian can springboard in with a legdrop. This time it’s off to Marseglia to hammer away as Cody takes a heck of a beating. A spinebuster into a middle rope headbutt gets two and the Club is knocked off the apron.

Back from a break with Taven kneeing Cody in the face and getting two off a cocky cover. Not quite Jericho but he’s getting there. An RKO of all things gets Cody out of trouble (good to see that he listened to his old mentor) and it’s a double tag to bring in the Bucks. Eh to be fair they’re basically the same thing anyway. Cody tags himself back in and gets two off a Snapdragon (Kenny Omega signature move), annoying the Bucks by canceling their superkick party. I knew I always liked Cody.

A moonsault/legdrop/450 combination from the Bucks/Marty give Cody two and everything breaks down again. Kazarian charges into a quintuple superkick and everyone not named Cody does the Ultimate Warrior rope shake. Cody loads up the Rise of the Terminator pose and the Bucks aren’t wild on that.

They eventually go along with it to quiet the booing, followed by a triple suicide dive. Daniels moonsaults onto everyone but Page one ups them with a huge moonsault. Taven gets in a HUGE dive to take everyone out but THE BEAR does a dive of his own for another wipeout. Cue Scorpio Sky to dropkick Marseglia by mistake, setting up Cross Rhodes for the pin at 15:21.

Rating: B-. This advanced the storylines and that’s what matters the most. Supercard of Honor is in just over two weeks and it’s time to really crank up the tension for that show. Cody vs. Omega for the Bullet Club is going to be a big deal but it would be nice to not have to watch a ton of different shows to get the entire story.

Post match the Kingdom and So Cal Uncensored brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling worked well here and they adjusted a variety of stories as we get closer and closer to the pay per view. Having the TV tapings up to date would help a lot but this is as good as it gets in Ring of Honor. The Anniversary Show was great and hopefully they have a good followup in New Orleans. Good show here as things are starting to pick up at the right time.

Remember to check out my website at steelcagewrestling.com, follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of the WWE Grab Bag (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor 16th Anniversary Show:

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

16th Anniversary Show
Date: March 9, 2018
Location: Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall, Sunrise Manor, Nevada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

It’s time for another Ring of Honor pay per view and that can mean a mixed bag of results. The main event this time around is World Champion Dalton Castle defending against Jay Lethal in what should be a good match. Other than that we have the Briscoes defeating the Motor City Machine Guns for the Tag Team Titles. I would say challenging but it’s about as obvious as you can get. Let’s get to it.

Here’s the go home show if you need a recap.

Pre Show: Women of Honor Title Tournament First Round: Sumie Sakai vs. Hana Kimura

Deonna Purrazzo is on commentary. Kimura is from Stardom in Japan and one half of their Tag Team Champions with her partner Kagetsu, at ringside. Sumie’s offer of a handshake is ignored and Hana pounds her down to start. A whip sends Sakai outside and Kagetsu chokes away like a villain should.

Back in and Hana pounds away, followed by a surfboard with a few presses up and down. A half crab stays on Sakai’s back but she’s still able to counter a suplex into a DDT. Sakai gets two off a bridging belly to back, only to have Kagetsu grab her leg on top. Hana’s brainbuster is good for two but it’s time for some heel miscommunication. The team is sent into each other and Sakai dives onto both of them in a good visual. Back in and Hana hits a Helluva Kick for two but Sakai grabs something like Cross Rhodes for the pin at 7:59.

Rating: C. I’m not wild on a match like this as you’re basically expected to watch the YouTube matches and Stardom to know who these people are. Sakai has been around Ring of Honor for a long time now and other than the fact that she’s a wrestler and from Japan, I couldn’t tell you a single thing about her. That’s the case with most of the women’s division and that’s not good. Work on that and the division will get better in short order.

Post match Sakai gets beaten down by both villains.

Pre Show: Women of Honor Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Brandi Rhodes vs. Tenille Dashwood

That would be Emma if you’ve already forgotten and Mandy Leon is on commentary. Tenille easily takes the rookie Brandi down for some early near falls but gets taken down by a shoulder. Brandi points to her head….and gets tripped down with Tenille not even getting off the mat. Point to Dashwood.

Back up and Brandi runs the ropes for a crisscross but Tenille just stops, leaving her to run on her own. Brandi slaps her in the face and that means the beating is on, including a double leg takedown and some right hands. A chase goes a bit better for Brandi and an awkward back elbow to the face staggers Tenille. Brandi goes with a short armscissors followed by a Sling Blade for two.

Rating: D. This really wasn’t good as it was clear Brandi had no business being in the ring with someone like Dashwood. I get why Brandi is getting a push (gorgeous smile, married to Cody, has a ton of potential) but she’s REALLY not there yet and it’s showing badly. They did play up the idea that she was in over her head but that’s not exactly how you want to be presenting a title tournament match.

Post match Brandi won’t shake hands and leaves with Leon.

The opening video is presented like a short documentary with wrestlers talking about their favorite memories over the last sixteen years. It switches up to a standard opening video for a very nice setup.

Bully Ray is in the ring and welcomes us to the show, promising a great night. He’s very good in the role of a hype man.

The announcers run down the card that we’ve already paid to see.

Hiromu Takahashi vs. Flip Gordon

They fight over a wristlock to start, which really needs to stop being the opening to every match in so many promotions. Gordon does his nip ups to avoid everything but Takahashi just dances instead of wasting his time. Smart man there. A shoulder drops Takahashi and there’s a hand walk into a headscissors out to the floor.

Flip hits a non-flipping suicide dive but gets the bad end of a chase with Takahashi dropkicking him off the apron. Back in and Takahashi starts in on the arm but now it’s time to start with his stuffed doll, which is totally a thing in ultra serious Japan. Thankfully that goes nowhere and we hit a figure four necklock to keep Flip in trouble. Back up and Flip hits some forearms, followed by the running shooting star for two. That move is so overused anymore. A low superkick into the Falcon Arrow gets two more and it’s time to head up.

The 450 misses and Takahashi snaps off a Canadian Destroyer, only to get superkicked before Flip goes down. Gordon wins a slugout with another superkick and the Star Spangled Stunner for two. Another 450 misses and Takahashi Death Valley Drives him into the corner, followed by a German suplex for a near fall of his own. A superkick sets up the Time Bomb to end Gordon at 12:22.

Rating: C. Good choice for an opener here as the company clearly sees something in Gordon but can’t put him over a pretty big name like Takahashi. You can tell Gordon is going to be a big deal in the near future and thankfully he has some more things going for him than just high flying offense. He needs more polish, but what he has so far is working well enough.

Quick recap of Punishment Martinez vs. Marty Scurll. Marty wanted to be #1 contender and tried to talk Martinez into giving him a title shot if he won the title. Martinez gave him a chokeslam so tonight we’re having a #1 contenders match.

Marty Scurll vs. Punishment Martinez

Scurll jumps him before the bell and tries the Ghostbuster but Martinez throws it off with ease. The big flip dive to the floor rocks Marty and a curb stomp gets two. It’s too early for the chokeslam so Marty chases the referee to the floor instead. Marty kicks him in the leg and hits a tornado DDT but has to escape a Last Ride attempt. The chickenwing is shrugged off and a full nelson faceplant drops Marty again. They’re burning the mat up so far (at least by their standards) and I’m rather pleasantly surprised.

Back up and Marty breaks up a springboard by kicking the ropes out, banging up Martinez’s knee again in the process. A running knee to the knee (not the smartest idea in the world) allows Marty to go outside and grab a bag, which is quickly taken away. Martinez hits a HUGE dive over the top to take Marty and security down and a curb stomp onto the apron….doesn’t seem to do much damage. Well to be fair it is Ring of Honor.

It’s table time but the springboard flip dive only hits table as Marty is somehow alive after a curb stomp onto the apron. Back in and Marty gets two off a piledriver and it’s more superkicks, followed some hard stomps to the head. Martinez pops up again (to be fair, that’s what a monster should be doing) so Marty loads up the powder, only to settle for a low blow and the rollup pin at 10:32.

Rating: C+. That’s more like it and you can pencil in Marty for the title shot at Supercard of Honor. I really could go for him winning the title, if nothing else for the sake of adding another issue tot he Bullet Club as Marty would be the only one holding a major singles title. Martinez is going to be fine as he can pop back up with the monster stuff and chokeslam people in have to recharge.

We recap the TV Title match. Silas Young cheated to steal the title at Final Battle but Kenny King won it back on TV. Tonight is the rubber match in a pretty decent feud.

TV Title: Kenny King vs. Silas Young

King, the hometown boy with his daughter in the front row, is defending while Young has the Beer City Bruiser in his corner. Young slaps away a handshake offer and flips out of a snapmare. A dropkick puts King down and Silas takes a lap despite being in control. Back in and Young shoulders him down again but King grabs a trip into a Last Chancery. As usual it doesn’t last long so King is up with a hiptoss and a slam. Those are kind of a downgrade after a hold like a Last Chancery.

The announcers talk about Bob Holly as Silas gets forearmed in the face but still manages to break up a springboard. A chinlock doesn’t last long so King gets thrown through the ropes and into a cameraman for a different kind of crash. Back in and King reverses a suplex into one that goes over the top, putting both guys on the floor in a heap. Just like their previous match, they’re not exactly following a standard pattern here and I’m not sure how well it’s working.

A spinning kick to the face knocks Young outside again and now the dive hits him instead of the hardworking crew. Back in and a high crossbody gives the champ two but Young gets the same off a spinebuster. Neither guy can hit the finisher so Young settles for the springboard moonsault for two instead. The ref gets bumped and OF COURSE Silas hits Misery a few seconds later, giving him a delayed two. I’m really, really over that trope. As expected, King hits a quick Royal Flush to retain.

Rating: C. I still don’t like these two together but it’s nice to get this done once and for all. King is turning into a nice midcard act and someone who could be moved up the card with a big feud. He has the natural charisma and the athleticism can go along with it. Young needed to hold the title a little longer, but at least he got to win something.

Post match AUSTIN ARIES comes out with his belt collection, saying he’s never won the ROH TV Title. That’s a challenge, and odds are it’s going down in New Orleans.

Long recap of So Cal Uncensored vs. Bullet Club. So Cal Uncensored seems sick of dealing with the Club on top of the promotion (preach it brother) and had the Six Man Tag Team Titles won via cheating, only to have new enforcer Bully Ray restart the match. Tonight it’s a street fight for the titles.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: So Cal Uncensored vs. Young Bucks/Adam Page

The Bucks and Page are defending. The champs dive onto So Cal to start and it’s already time for an assisted dropkick to stagger Daniels. A buckle bomb into stereo kicks to the head have Daniels in more trouble and a chair is brought inside. Page drops Sky onto the chair and scores with a dropsault for good measure. Sky’s misfortune continues with Page toss powerbombing him onto the ramp.

Thankfully Sky is back in with a kendo stick to save Kazarian from a belt whipping but the beating continues, including a shooting star off the apron onto Daniels. Kazarian is busted open as the Bucks pull a table out. Daniels is up to shove Matt through said table though and So Cal pops up to triple team Nick. A slingshot hurricanrana to the floor drops Page and Nick gets crotches with the kendo stick.

Sky sticks Daniels by mistake but Matt gets pulled into a cutter to keep him down. Stereo dragon sleepers have the Bucks in trouble but it’s Page coming in with a trashcan lid for the save. Page’s belt with nails sticking out is whipped onto Kazarian’s back and somehow doesn’t horribly main him. A backbreaker through the chair keeps Matt in trouble and it’s time to set up some pieces of the barricade on the floor. Nick is back up to save his brother and we hit stereo Sharpshooters.

This time it’s Kazarian making the save so Daniels chokeslams Page and hits the BME for two. Daniels gets thrown through the barricade pieces though and everyone is down again. With Kazarian on the table, it’s time for a ladder. Sky makes a save with a cutter onto the apron but here’s Matt with an elbow off the ladder through Kazarian.

Back in and a 450 onto a trashcan onto Sky gives Nick two with Shane Taylor coming in for the save. Nick can’t slam him (thank goodness) but Page can give Shane the Rite of Passage. It’s Daniels up with some zip ties to tie Page to the post though and Sky hits Matt in the bad back. A Boston crab/dragon sleeper combo is enough to end Matt for the titles at 19:03.

Rating: A-. This was a lot of fun as they didn’t bother trying to waste time with the wrestling. The story called for a wild brawl and that’s what we got. If nothing else it’s fun to see the Bucks lose and having them be in tremendous pain makes things even better. So Cal Uncensored winning makes for a more interesting story as they’re trying to stick around after their contracts expire at the end of the year. Obviously we have a bunch of stuff to get through first, but this was a great start. Very solid match.

Post match the Kingdom comes in to beat the Bucks down until Ray makes the save.

We recap the pre-show matches. Any excuse for more Dashwood is a good thing.

We recap Matt Taven vs. Cody. They both want to be in the World Title hunt so Taven stole Cody’s ring (of honor). Cody turned face as a result, which is actually a better fit for him, at least in the short term.

Cody vs. Matt Taven

There’s no Kingdom with Taven but Cody brings out Brandi and the All-In Bear. Taven bails to the floor to start before coming back inside to exchange standing switches. The threat of Cross Rhodes sends Taven outside again but Cody follows, only to rub his nose against the bear’s. Back in and the American Deathlock has Taven in trouble but a rope is grabbed in short order.

Taven hot shots him to take over and stomps away but heads outside and yells at Brandi and the bear. A dive misses and Cody stays in trouble, this time with a reverse chinlock. Cody’s uppercut gives him a breather but Taven is right back with a Boston crab to stay on the back. Taven tries a Lionsault but hits knees, meaning it’s time for a slugout. Cody’s snap powerslam with a lack of snap gets two and an Alabama Slam gets the same. With nothing else working, the Bear tells Brandi to grab a chair but the referee takes it away.

The distraction lets Taven score with a kendo stick shot, followed by Cross Rhodes for a pretty good near fall. Cody’s Beautiful Disaster is kicked out of the air but the second attempt works just fine. Taven is right back up with the Climax (1%er) for two more and there’s the required ref bump, followed by a double knockdown. Cue the Kingdom to help with a low blow but Cody has a cup. Bully chases the Kingdom away and Cross Rhodes ends Taven at 14:08.

Rating: B-. This was a little more overbooked than it needed to be, though at least the right person won. Cody is actually clicking as a heel but the Kenny Omega match is going to be a huge deal for him. He needs that kind of character development and this is a big step for him going forward.

Post match Cody gets the ring back but the Bear knocks him down. It’s Kenny Omega, who knocks Cody out with a V Trigger. Brandi makes the save and kisses Omega, saying to tell Kota Ibushi that he liked it. You think the fans went a little nuts over that one?

We recap the Tag Team Title match. The Briscoes are all serious again and want their titles back. That means crushing the Motor City Machine Guns in by far the biggest layup on the card.

Tag Team Titles: Briscoes vs. Motor City Machine Guns

The Guns are defending and the fans are very solidly behind the Briscoes. Mark suplexes Sabin for an early two and it’s already time for an early exchange of stomping. Sabin gets over for the tag to Shelley so house can be cleaned in a hurry as everything breaks down. Double superkicks from the apron have Mark in trouble as the announcers go over various former Tag Team Champions.

Mark is right back up with the Blockbuster from the apron but Jay takes a hanging swinging neckbreaker to keep the champs rolling. With Mark busted open, Shelley rakes away at the cut and rubs the blood on the referee’s shirt. Dude at least pay for the laundry. How much do you think these guys make? That’s enough for Jay as he comes back in and kicks the champs in the head.

Shelley is taken outside and manages to dodge a dropkick through the ropes, sending Mark into Jay instead. A hot tag brings in Sabin and the rapid fire double teaming begins. An assisted Sliced Bread #2 sets up the Cradle Shock with Jay making the save. There’s the Dream Sequence but Sabin dropkicks Mark by mistake for a double knockdown. The Froggy Bow gets two on Sabin but the Doomsday Device is countered into a rollup for the same. Jay gets two off the Jay Driller and I’m rather surprised on the kickout. Instead, the Doomsday Device connects to give the Briscoes the titles back.

Rating: B-. This was an obvious ending but at least the Guns were game here. The Briscoes are just on another level right now and there’s no reason to not have the titles back on them. I’m not sure who could take the titles from them anytime soon and if that means more awesome, surly Briscoes, I’m very pleased.

We get the same promo from Castle that we’ve seen twice on TV as of late, with him saying he can feel it in his belly.

Jay Lethal is ready to get his title back and isn’t leaving Las Vegas without it. At least this was something new.

Ring of Honor World Title: Jay Lethal vs. Dalton Castle

Castle is defending and of course we get Big Match Intros. Lethal’s leg trip attempts don’t get him anywhere and Castle is laughing. Castle shoulders him down and an early Bang-a-Rang attempt sends Jay outside. Back in and we hit the peacock pose before Castle forearms him in the corner. Castle blocks some suplex attempts and grabs one of his own to put Lethal in the most trouble yet.

Jay is right back with a trip to take it outside but Castle snaps off a hurricanrana of all things. That might mean a knee injury though and Castle is backpedaling in a hurry. Well as much of a hurry as you can have with a limp. Back in and an enziguri knocks Dalton off the apron for two suicide dives. The third is blocked though and Castle muscles him over for a German suplex on the floor.

Castle can’t follow up so the Boys fan the knee. How can you not chuckle at that? A chop hits the post though and Castle has another injury in short order. A ram into the bell has Castle in even more trouble but he posts Lethal for a breather. Back in and Lethal kicks one Boy off the apron but ring announce Bobby Cruise makes the catch. That earns Bobby a suicide dive so Cabana goes over to check on him.

Castle waistlocks Jay, apparently having recovered while Lethal wasted so much time. The Lethal Combination gives Jay two so it’s off to a torture rack. For a unique change of pace, Lethal flips forward (think a Regal Roll) and gets two more to keep Castle’s ribs banged up. Castle grabs a bridging German suplex for two, making sure to lift his leg to relieve the pressure.

A quick cutter drops the champ and it’s right back to the knee to keep Castle down. Jay’s Figure Four keeps him in control and the Lethal Injection scores….for two on a heck of a kickout. They head to the apron and a kick to the knee takes Castle down again. Lethal can’t hit a cutter on the apron and it’s Castle German suplexing him from the apron to the floor in a SCARY crash. Back in and they slowly slug it out with Castle barely able to stand. Another Lethal Injection is countered and the Bang a Rang retains at 25:57.

Rating: A-. This is the win that Castle needed. It’s long been established that he can hang at this level but beating Lethal, probably the best big match performer Ring of Honor has at this point, is a requirement. This sets him on a roll going forward, likely with Scurll as the next challenge. The match itself was the back and forth fight that ROH does very well, especially without the standard WWE formula. Throw in a clean pin and no shenanigans and this was all you could have wanted.

Post match Lethal shakes his hand but Marty Scurll comes out for the challenge to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Heck of a show here as Ring of Honor continues to know how to knock the big shows out of the park. I’m looking forward to Supercard of Honor and I wouldn’t have bet on that being the case just a few months ago. Right now everything is clicking and it’s become a very easy show to watch. Even the Young Bucks aren’t as annoying lately, which I didn’t think was possible. Very good show here though and worth checking out if you have the time.

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Ring of Honor TV – March 14, 2018: Three Times In A Row

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: March 14, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

This is one of those weird weeks where a pay per view has come and gone but we’re not to the next taping cycle yet. Therefore, tonight is probably going to be a standalone show, which have very mixed results around here. There aren’t likely to be any results from the Anniversary Show, which works well as I haven’t seen it yet. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Battle Royal

Chuckie T., Barretta, Shane Taylor, Josh Woods, Will Ferrara, Leo St. Giovanni, Flip Gordon, QT Marshall, Caprice Coleman, Shaheem Ali, Kid USA, F.R. Josie

I think I got everyone in there. They waste no time with this as the sequence ends and the bell rings with everyone sliding into the ring. The final two in the ring will face off in a regular match for a shot at the TV Title at a date to be announced. Chuckie and Barretta are thrown out by Shane at the bell, followed by Josie and Ferrara being tossed out soon thereafter.

Kid USA gets knocked off the top and Coast to Coast can’t get rid of Taylor. Coleman shoves St. Giovanni out by breaking up a springboard with Ali and Woods being thrown out a few seconds later. We’re down to Marshall, Taylor, Coleman and Gordon with QT offering to pay the others off.

We take a break less than five minutes into the show and come back with all four still going. Coleman kicks Gordon in the face but gets cut off with a springboard spinning spear. Marshall hits Taylor by mistake and that’s it for QT. Gordon has to springboard back in from the apron and takes Coleman down with a clothesline. Taylor throws Coleman out and it’s Gordon and Taylor moving on at 8:55.

Rating: D. Well, it was certainly short. The problem here was they didn’t have the time or the star power to really make things work. They made it clear that these are people who have never held the title, which doesn’t exactly give you a lot of star power. Taylor and Gordon could make for a good singles match, but the battle royal wasn’t the best way to get there.

The Kingdom is sick of hearing about the Bullet Club when the Kingdom is on fire. So Cal Uncensored comes in to say they’ve been conspired against for years. An alliance is suggested and the Kingdom seems intrigued. Post break, TK O’Ryan doesn’t like the idea but Matt Taven says it’s worth it. Vinny Marseglia just wants violence against the Bullet Club.

Stacy Shadows is a good sized woman who wants to go through everyone to make history.

Tenille Dashwood is tired of being overlooked. She’s beaten Shadows before in a non-televised ROH match so this might not be the biggest surprise. I mean, the winner gets Brandi Rhodes in a match that already aired on the PPV pre-show so it’s kind of spoiled in advance.

Women of Honor Title Tournament First Round: Stacy Shadows vs. Tenille Dashwood

Dashwood is better known as Emma and Deonna Purrazzo is on commentary. The much bigger Shadows blocks an armdrag attempt and drives Dashwood into the corner. Some kicks to Stacy’s legs set up a hurricanrana into a Russian legsweep for one. The running corner crossbody is shrugged off and Shadows scores with a spinebuster as we take a break.

Back with Stacy still in control and the announcers taking about the dangers of Dashwood’s Spotlight kick. A Vader Bomb misses though and Tenille grabs the Tarantula. Dashwood gets two off a high crossbody and the Spotlight Kick (a running kick to the side of the head) is good for the pin on Shadows at 8:41.

Rating: D+. Shadows was every bigger woman you’ll see and there was no reason to believe that Dashwood was losing here. This is a good example of a match that would have been better suited in a shorter form as it came off like they were stretching things out for the sake of stretching things out.

The Bullet Club is in the back and Cody seems worried about the Kingdom and So Cal Uncensored teaming up. Cody is tired of being told that he’s the bad guy and the team isn’t going anywhere. Can we just name this the Bullet Club Hour already?

Beer City Bruiser/Brian Milonas vs. Ryan Nova/Eli Isom

I think you get the idea here. Bruiser forearms Nova down to start and Nova’s kick to the ribs has as much effect as you would expect. A crossbody crushes Nova (Colt: “IS HE STILL ALIVE???”) and Milonas does his reverse splash. Nova gets crushed between the two big guys and it’s actually off to Isom to keep things going. That means a hard right hand to knock him silly, followed by a superplex into a frog splash to give Bruiser the pin at 3:48.

Rating: D. They’re certainly hammering you over the head with the idea behind Milonas and Bruiser, but that makes sense in this case as it’s not like they have anything else to do. Bruiser is at least decent but Milonas….my goodness no. This was a long squash but at least they got the idea down.

Shane Taylor vs. Flip Gordon

Bully Ray is on commentary and the winner gets a future TV Title shot. Gordon strikes away at the monster and the chops actually have an effect. A superkick does a bit more damage but Taylor pulls Gordon HARD out of the air with a spinebuster for two. Taylor goes with the heavy forearms to rock Gordon even more as the pace slows quite a bit. One heck of a legdrop gets two and we take a break.

Back with Taylor blasting him in the face for two more with Bully being stunned on the kickout. He’s so stunned that we cut to the announcers for a chat about Supercard of Honor. Taylor even hits a Bubba Bomb and Bully is now full on behind Flip. An enziguri rocks Taylor and there’s a second to stagger him…..until a hard clothesline takes Flip’s head off for two. The middle rope splash misses though and the Star Spangled Stunner into the 450 gives Flip the pin at 9:31.

Rating: C+. This was another story that didn’t need much laying out, though I’m not sure how smart it is to do very similar matches three times in a row. Gordon has some good charisma and all of the flipping does him some serious favors. If that’s how he keeps going, he’s going to be fine for a long time to come.

Post match Scorpio Sky runs in for the beatdown on Gordon but the Young Bucks make the save. They seem to be interested in Gordon but he doesn’t quite know what to do.

Cody wants to know where the rest of the Club is but he can do this himself because he knows all of their parts. Bullet Club is fine as they head into a ten man tag, presumably next week.

Overall Rating: C-. For a standalone episode, I’m not sure how well this one worked. Setting up a future TV Title shot is a good idea but having a first round match after the winner already had her quarterfinal match? Really? Other than that, having three big vs. little matches in a row felt like a really weak presentation, but maybe it was all they could put together. Not a bad show, but the Bullet Club stuff is getting old.

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Ring of Honor TV – March 7, 2018: They Got It Done

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: March 7, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

We’re coming up on the 16th Anniversary Show and that means it’s time to really hammer the card home. Or in this case, it’s time to have a bunch of other stuff before we actually get to the pay per view because of the weird schedule. The shows have been mostly solid as of late so hopefully the trend continues. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show if you need a recap.

Briscoe Brothers vs. Best Friends

The Briscoes cost them a title shot a few weeks back to set this up. The violence continues here as the Best Friends are knocked off the apron to start with the beating starting fast. Back in and the Friends hit a string of running clotheslines in the corner but stop for a hug. You don’t give the Briscoes that kind of a break so the Friends are knocked outside as we take a break.

Back with Mark driving Barretta into the corner but getting caught in a tornado DDT. It’s off to Chuckie for a sitout powerbomb as everything breaks down. An Eat Defeat into a suplex rocks Mark, setting up the big flip dive from Barretta. Back in and the reverse Razor’s Edge into a cutter gets a close two on Mark. Barretta’s backslide gets two more but it’s a Jay Driller into a Froggy Bow for the pin at 8:45.

Rating: C+. I’m not big on the Best Friends but amazingly enough, they’re this much better without all the hugging nonsense. Instead it was a straightforward match where they came close to beating the Briscoes, only to come up short in the end as they should have. The Briscoes are going to win the titles without much effort and that’s how it needs to go.

Post match the Motor City Machine Guns come in and lay out the Briscoes in an attempt to make you believe this isn’t going to be the biggest layup of a title change in years.

We recap last week’s TV Title change.

Recap of the Women’s Title tournament so far.

Christopher Daniels vs. Adam Page

Hang on a second though as here’s Bully Ray to eject Scorpio Sky and Kazarian under the threat of a suspension. Page, acting on Ray’s orders, wastes no time in taking it to Daniels by knocking him into the corner and out to the floor. Daniels gets hung over the ropes (by the Hangman of course) but comes back with a shot to the face as we take a break.

Back with Page fighting out of a chinlock and winning the big exchange of forearms. Page powerbombs him down and sends Daniels outside for the shooting star shoulder. Daniels is right back with a rollup but neither can hit their finisher. Best Moonsault Ever misses and the Buckshot Lariat is enough to put Daniels away at 9:17.

Rating: C. I remember watching Page and thinking next to nothing of him. He wasn’t interesting, he wasn’t different and he wasn’t very good. Now though, he’s managed to turn himself into someone who not only puts on good matches but has also figured out how to be the aggressive enforcer of Bullet Club. That’s a role he can play and much more than I ever would have expected from him.

Post match Shane Taylor runs in and beats Page down with Daniels saying it was the best money he ever sent. Ray pops up and isn’t pleased with these events.

Punishment Martinez/Marty Scurll vs. Jay Lethal/Dalton Castle

Before the match, Martinez and Scurll say they’ll be the World Champion, Lethal is ready to take the title and Castle is happy with a bowl of delicious soup. Martinez and Castle start but Punishment wants Lethal. Jay, in full on Macho Man style gear, comes in and gets caught in a hard headlock. The early chokeslam doesn’t work and Jay’s chops just seem to annoy Martinez. Dude his name is Punishment. How smart do you think it is to chop him?

Scurll demands to come in and Castle wants a piece of that (his words). Some jockeying leads to an exchange of wristlocks with Marty actually getting the better of it. Jay comes back in for an elbow to the jaw and the good guys exchange Matrix style poses. Marty uses the distraction to kick Jay in the face though and we take a break. Back with Jay slipping out of a Psycho Driver and handing it off to Castle for the suplexes, including a German suplex for two on Scurll.

Lethal kicks Castle by mistake though (You knew that was coming) and Scurll grabs the Ghostbuster on Jay. The full chickenwing dance is broken up by Punishment tagging himself in. Now the Psycho Driver and a curb stomp connect for a near fall on Jay (that’s not a good sign for two big moves from Martinez).

Scurll tags himself back in this time and everything breaks down. Martinez turns Jay inside out with a clothesline but charges into a dead lift German suplex. The fans are way behind Castle but Punishment beats on the Boys. Lethal is back in with some kicks to Martinez, followed by some errant powder from Scurll. Castle takes Martinez to the floor and the Lethal Injection ends Scurll at 13:20.

Rating: C+. The ending being too overbooked didn’t do this any favors but the rest of the match was all it needed to be. They set up both matches on Friday as well as they could have and aside from a DQ or countout ending, Scurll probably has the least to lose here. Lethal continues to be awesome, but I think he comes up short on Friday.

Cody says there is no throne for the Kingdom.

Matt Taven is ready to make Cody kiss the ring.

The Briscoes can’t be held responsible for what they’ll do to the Machine Guns.

The Guns aren’t letting the Briscoes be around one more year.

So Cal Uncensored is ready for a street fight party.

The Bullet Club promises to win.

Scurll says Martinez is in for a spot of bother.

Martinez says Scurll is just his next victim.

Lethal is getting his title back.

Castle’s belly is full of excitement. We saw most of these promos last week but it’s nice to have them on the go home show too.

Overall Rating: C+. The main goal was accomplished: I care more about this Friday’s pay per view than I did coming in. If nothing else, I got a reminder of the matches on that show, which were getting a little hazy. It’s still not a good looking show, but the main event should be awesome and if there’s one more good match included, things should be fine.

Remember to check out my new forums at steelcagewrestling.com and pick up the 2018 Updated Version of the History of the WWE Championship in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – February 28, 2018: Needs More Peacocks

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: February 28, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Colt Cabana, Ian Riccaboni

We’re off to a new taping cycle this week and we’ve got a big time TV Title match as Kenny King gets his rematch against Silas Young. If that’s not enough, there’s a new enforcer (General Manager, whether he says he is or not) in the form of Bully Ray. I’m not wild on seeing this take place again but you know you’re going to see it in most wrestling companies these days. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Bully Ray becoming the new enforcer last week. It’s still not great but I’d rather have him than the actual COO.

Ray is in the ring and very please to have this job. This is the best wrestling company in the world and he’s proud to be the enforcer. Tonight is all thriller and no filler. So is he a matchmaker or an enforcer?

Frankie Kazarian/Scorpio Sky vs. Young Bucks

So Cal Uncensored wastes no time in jumping the Bucks, who waste even less time in shrugging it off and taking over. A double hiptoss into a double basement dropkick puts Sky on the floor but here’s Cody to applaud and sit in on commentary. Back from a break with Sky in trouble as we look at Cody multiple times. Kazarian misses a charge in the corner so Nick kicks Sky in the head before giving Kazarian a Backstabber.

It’s Sky back up though and a big flip dive to the floor takes Nick down. Back in and Sky throws Kazarian at Matt for a tornado DDT and a near fall. Matt fights out of a double team, including a spear and kick through the ropes to Sky. Kazarian follows him out with a slingshot hurricanrana but Nick kicks him from the apron.

That earns him a cutter onto the apron from Sky and everyone is down. It’s Matt up first for a flip dive off the stage but both Bucks dive into cutters, followed by stereo dragon sleepers. Naturally those are reversed into double Sharpshooters and we take another break. We come back again with Kazarian hitting a Fameasser over the middle rope, only to have Nick come back with the slingshot X Factor and moonsault to the floor. The Meltzer Driver ends Sky at 13:45. The part after the second break was barely a minute long.

Rating: C+. Nice match here, even with a pretty obvious ending. I get that the Bucks and the Bullet Club are the full on faces now, even if they’re not the most traditional in the world. They’re better in this role than as the popular heels, but I’m still not fans of theirs for the most part. At least it makes more sense now.

Post match Christopher Daniels comes in to attack the Bucks, drawing in Hangman Page with a chair for the save.

We recap King vs. Young, or at least the part since Young won the TV Title. King pinned him in a tag match to earn tonight’s shot.

After last week’s show, Brian Milonas and Beer City Bruiser distracted King so Young could jump him from behind. Didn’t they do the same thing to Jay Lethal a few months back?

The surly Briscoe Brothers still want their Tag Team Titles back and don’t care about what it takes to get there.

Kelly Klein knows she’s the best because no one has ever pinned her or made her tap. The title is hers to win.

Bonesaw Jesse Brooks is the baddest woman in the world and ready to beat Klein.

We see some highlights of Klein vs. Brooks which saw Klein win with a knee to the face.

Deonna Purrazzo wants to be the face of the division and starts crying while talking about it.

Holidead is a bad Rosemary knockoff.

Purrazzo beat Holidead with a Fujiwara armbar with only the ending shown. This REALLY isn’t making the tournament look important.

Cody talks about the Kingdom not having a crown. They can’t steal his ring and get away with it.

Matt Taven calls Cody the American Melvin and is ready to prove it at the 16th Anniversary Show.

The Briscoe Brothers are going to take their titles back at the 16th Anniversary Show, but it’s not personal.

The Motor City Machine Guns tell the Briscoes to not worry about their future, because it’s going to be short.

Marty Scurll says the 16th Anniversary Show won’t be a pleasant night for Punishment Martinez.

Martinez says Scurll is the next victim.

Jay Lethal only needs one shot to get the World Title match.

Dalton Castle is excited to retain the title and can feel it in his belly. Just a bunch of short, to the point promos here, which you don’t get enough anymore.

TV Title: Kenny King vs. Silas Young

Young is defending and has Milonas and Bruiser with him. Feeling out process to start with King taking him down off a headlock. That means a headscissor counter and a repeat of the spot, followed by stereo dropkick attempts. Bruiser trips King up but since Bully is a new boss, he’s still competent enough to be watching the match. Cue the boss for a double ejection and we’re down to one on one.

They fight outside with Young sending him into the post and mocking the fans clapping King back up. We take a break and come back with King scoring off a spinning kick to the face for a quick double knockdown. They fight to the apron with King nailing a cartwheel kick before a big flip dive off the stage (I’m sure the Bucks will be thrilled). And let’s stop for a picture with a fan.

Back in and a spinebuster gives King two as the announcers aren’t thrilled with his picture taking strategy earlier. The Royal Flush is broken up twice in a row but Misery is countered into a crucifix for two. Young gets the same off a neckbreaker and he counters the Royal Flush into a small package for the same.

With the big moves not working, King slaps on a Last Chancery to send Young over to the ropes. Young bails to the floor for a breather and catches King with a low blow on the way back in. The springboard moonsault gets two more and now we get the mega angry version of Young. They forearm it out from their knees with King getting the better of it and sunset flipping Young out of the corner for the pin and the title at 14:00.

Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this one as it was just a back and forth match, albeit not a great one. King didn’t sell very much and that’s not the best way to showcase an athlete like him. Instead they were trading offense, which never really gave me a reason to get into the match as there wasn’t a ton of drama or near falls. Not bad, just laid out poorly.

Overall Rating: C-. Oddly enough, the streak of good shows comes to an end when the World Title scene isn’t receiving a ton of focus. Instead it was the not great TV Title match, the pretty weak main event and the still not exactly thrilling Women’s Title tournament. As usual, Ring of Honor is good at one thing but after you get past the top of the card, things go downhill in a hurry. Not a bad show, but really pretty uninteresting. Oh and two matches being reduced to highlights doesn’t say “all thriller and no filler”. It says we don’t have time for a full match and this isn’t important enough.

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Ring of Honor TV – February 21, 2018: Villains and Enforcers

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: February 21, 2018
Location: Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

We’re coming up on the 16th Anniversary Show and the card is starting to come together. If nothing else there’s a good reason to believe that Dalton Castle will be defending the World Title against Jay Lethal, but there’s also the possibility of Matt Taven, as the Kingdom continues its rise. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show in case you need a recap.

So Cal Uncensored is ready to make their mark by taking the Six Man tag Team Titles from the Bullet Club.

The Bullet Club says they’ll defend the titles and get some revenge. Adam Page promises six broken legs and they sing a song about being drug free.

Opening sequence.

Jay Lethal vs. Flip Gordon

This could be interesting. Gordon flips out of a headlock but his Oklahoma roll is countered into a rollup as well. Jay tries a cutter but Gordon gets his hands up and keeps his head off the mat in a nice counter. Back from an early break with Gordon knocking him into the corner as the announcers compare Flip to a franchise quarterback. Some running corner dropkicks rock Jay again but the third one misses, allowing Jay to hit one of his own.

Lethal starts in on the back with some knee drops and a backbreaker for two each. The reverse chinlock with a knee to the back is broken up and Gordon throws him outside for a suicide dive. Jay isn’t going to stand for this gimmick infringement and runs back in for a boot to the face. That sequence works so well that Gordon does the same thing to Jay, followed by a superkick from the apron. A middle rope corkscrew dive to the floor drops Jay again and we take another break.

Back again with the exchange of forearms and chops until Jay tries the Figure Four. That’s not working just yet so Gordon has to block the Lethal Injection. Instead it’s a springboard spinning Sling Blade to take Lethal down, followed by an enziguri for two. Lethal is sat on top but slips down for a powerbomb. That’s blocked as well and now the Figure Four goes on, sending Gordon bailing to the ropes. Lethal is done with this though and hits a dragon suplex into the Lethal Injection for the pin at 15:13.

Rating: B-. Lethal is the kind of guy that every promotion needs: someone who can have a good match with anyone and make them look better than they are otherwise. Gordon is a little more than a one trick pony but he needs a big win to keep himself from slipping backwards into the midcard pretty soon.

Post match Colt tells Lethal that he’s getting the World Title shot at the 16th Anniversary Show. Marty Scurll storms out and says it should be his shot. Jay says he’s earned this so Scurll says he should be #1 contender when Lethal wins the title. That’s quite the retreat from a villain but Lethal agrees.

Brandi Rhodes knows she’s the underdog in this tournament but that lets her fly under the radar.

Karen Q says you should be focusing on her and no one else.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Karen Q vs. Brandi Rhodes

Karen jumps Brandi during her posing but Rhodes is up with some knees to the face and a dropkick. Some choking in the corner cuts Brandi off and there’s a running shot to the face as we take a break. Back with Karen scoring with a standing moonsault for two but missing something like a frog splash. Brandi chops away and even hits a Sling Blade (not the worst) for two. A middle rope dropkick misses though and Karen grabs a Boston crab. Back up and Brandi jumps over her in the corner but hurts her ankle. Now if you don’t know what’s coming, I don’t know what to tell you. The small package sends Brandi on at 7:24.

Rating: D+. Brandi was passable here and that’s all she needed to be. There’s no secret to the fact that she’s still very green but it’s easy to see why Ring of Honor wants to push her. With the family collections and a million dollar smile, she’s worth the effort to put some time in. That being said, this is as far as she should go in the tournament as you’re only going to get so far with an offense mainly comprised of chops.

Dalton Castle wants to talk about beanbag chairs and baby bunnies but Scurll interrupts. Marty wants to be Dalton’s next challenger if Castle retains against Cody. It’s a deal.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: So Cal Uncensored vs. Young Bucks/Adam Page

The Bucks and Page are defending. Kazarian and Page slug it out to start but So Cal runs in, drops the Bucks, and stomps on Page in the corner. Of course the Bucks are right back in and hitting flashy double team offense, including a wheelbarrow facebuster into a cutter on Scorpio. Page hits a dropsault on Daniels and Kazarian so let’s hit that TOO SWEET chant. Nick dives onto everyone and it’s the triple suicide dives as the champs are in full control.

Back in and Page kicks Sky out of the air, followed by Kazarian clotheslining Daniels by mistake. Daniels and Kazarian finally get in a few shots on Page to put him in trouble and take over. Kazarian chokes on the ropes and we take a break. Back with Page and Kazarian hitting a double clothesline for a double knockdown. Matt gets the hot tag but both Bucks come in because this might as well be their promotion.

A variety of kicks to the challengers’ heads have the Bucks in control and a standing moonsault/top rope splash combination gets two on Daniels. Sky knocks them outside though and it’s a dive to both Bucks. Page is right behind them though with a moonsault off the top onto the pile. Back in and Matt hurricanranas his way out of the Angel’s Wings and we hit the Sharpshooter. Daniels taps but Kazarian has the referee. It’s Sky coming in with a belt shot and Daniels gets the pin….but here’s Bully Ray to interrupt the celebration.

Bully has been watching every show since Final Battle and there’s a lack of honor around here as of late. COO Joe Koff has given him the authority (erg) to enforce the Code of Honor around here so let’s restart this match. Triple superkicks and a Meltzer Driver retain the titles at 11:21 (not counting the break for Bully).

Rating: C+. The Bucks still aren’t my cup of Yoo-Hoo and their near non-existent selling is beyond old. Still though, you can’t deny their level of overness and staying power so this is about as much as you can ask for. Bully coming out for the restart feels like any given wrestling company and that’s not what I want to see in Ring of Honor. Still though, you know what’s what you’re getting in wrestling so just live with it.

Overall Rating: C+. Totally watchable show here with Scurll looking like the smartest man in the room all night. Him getting the World Title shot at Supercard of Honor is pretty much the only way to go and that should be quite the entertaining night. Other than that the show was standard Ring of Honor, albeit with a good opening match.

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Ring of Honor TV – February 14, 2018: Punishing Peacocks

Ring of Honor
Date: February 14, 2018
Location: Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

What does it say when this is one of the shows I’m looking forward to more than almost any other during the week? Well actually it says that I’m in for an entertaining hour, which is always nice to hear. We’re coming up on the 16th Anniversary Show and that means we need a pay per view card. Let’s get to it.

Dalton Castle is always ready and never surprised, though he seems a bit surprised that the Boys were standing behind him. Make it not much surprises him, so he knew he’d become the biggest target in Ring of Honor as soon as he became World Champion. Punishment Martinez attacking him wasn’t a surprise either because he’d want any advantage he could get if he was fighting himself. He’s not the same Castle as before because this is a champion. The only plan Castle has is to come out swinging and he’s going to retain this title. Castle is still rather odd, but the fire is there and he’s starting to feel like the top dog.

Opening sequence.

Coast 2 Coast vs. Beer City Bruiser/Brian Milonas

Bruiser is big but Milonas is just ridiculous looking. The big guys jump them at the bell as the announcers even talk about how huge Milonas is. Bruiser crushes LSG with a backsplash for two and Brian stomps him in the corner. LSG dropkicks them into each other though and it’s off to Ali for some headbutts. A Stroke/Downward Spiral gets two on Bruiser but Silas Young pulls Ali to the floor. Kenny King runs in for the save and it’s a no contest at 3:05.

Rating: D+. Nothing to see here and that’s the right ending. You had built up Coast 2 Coast with their win a few weeks ago and you have a brand new team so giving one of them a clean (or even a somewhat dirty) loss would have been a bad idea. We might as well ring the bell for the six man though and that’s what makes sense.

Coast 2 Coast/Kenny King vs. Beer City Bruiser/Brian Milonas/Silas Young

It’s already back to King but Bruiser gets in a cheap shot from behind. All three villains surround King with Coast 2 Coast just watching it happen from the apron. They finally come in after King has been crushed between the two big guys but do manage to send them outside. LSG hits a big springboard dive to take out Milonas and Bruiser, leaving Ali and Young to slug it out. King is back up though and it’s a Royal Flush to pin Young at 5:12.

Rating: C. Again, that’s probably the smartest move as it gives King a reason to get another title shot. Teaming Young with Milonas and Bruiser has been one of the best things that Ring of Honor could have done as he’s so far ahead of those two that it’s made him look great on all regards. King vs. Young should be good and hopefully Coast 2 Coast goes over these two lunkheads in their rematch.

The Dawgs want to take out Coast 2 Coast. Take them wherever you want. Just don’t make me watch the Dawgs.

Mandy Leon is a Ring of Honor dojo graduate who wants to bring a great division to Ring of Honor.

Madison Rayne thinks the women’s division is pretty awesome. Rayne was actually here a long time ago and wants to win the first Women’s Title.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Mandy Leon vs. Madison Rayne

Deonna Purrazzo is on commentary. Feeling out process to start with an exchange of headlocks. Mandy takes her down and hits a Hennig necksnap, only to get caught with a dropkick as we take an early break with the match still in first gear. Back with Madison getting frustrated and getting caught in a double faceplant for a double knockdown.

Mandy comes back with a Koji Clutch for a few seconds before sending Madison outside. A flip dive from the apron sets up a missile dropkick for two but Madison grabs a cutter (the Rayne Check) for the same. The Rayne Drop gets two more but Mandy is right back up with a pumphandle driver (Astral Projection) for the pin at 8:43.

Rating: C-. It’s pretty clear that Ring of Honor wants Mandy to be their Trish Stratus and it’s easy to see why. She’s not a bad promo, has a good look and is getting better in the ring, but she needs a lot more experience. Mandy is twenty five and hasn’t even been wrestling for four years yet. She doesn’t have the best fire in the ring, but that’s something that can be fixed over time.

The match itself was completely watchable and it’s a very good idea to have some more established names like Rayne and Tenille Dashwood in the tournament. The women’s division isn’t very well known and wins over those names will help the lesser known wrestlers. This was a big win for Mandy and I wouldn’t be shocked to see her in the finals.

Cody wants to know where the Young Bucks were last week when he was getting beaten down. They claim their flight was late, which Cody calls a “Kenny Thing”. Cody storms off when Marty Scurll comes in with a fan made sign. The Bucks don’t want to hear it right now and point out that his name is spelled wrong (Scurl).

The Brisco Brothers don’t care what the fans think of them because it’s all about making statements. One statement is that they’re the baddest team ever and they’re coming to get their property back.

Ring of Honor World Title: Dalton Castle vs. Punishment Martinez

Dalton is defending with Scurll on commentary. Marty rants about why Martinez and Castle got their shots at the title before him as Castle pretends to have something of his hand before slapping Martinez in the face. Punishment blocks a suplex attempt but gets low bridged to the floor for a suicide dive. The chokeslam onto the apron is broken up and Castle sends him into the steps as we take a break.

Back with Martinez hitting a spinning kick to the head to knock Castle off the ropes for a good looking crash. Martinez slows the pace, sending Marty into hysterics over him not taking advantage of his opportunity. The springboard corkscrew splash gives Martinez two and Castle rolls to the floor for a good fanning. Back in and we hit the chinlock and take another break.

We come back again with Castle getting two off a German suplex, followed by some more suplexes to really stagger the monster. A Falcon Arrow gives Martinez two of his own and he hits the big dive over the post onto Castle and the Boys (Marty: “CRIKEY!!!!!”). Back in and Martinez’s top rope spinwheel kick gets two in a kickout that should have gotten a better reaction. Instead of the South of Heaven chokeslam, Martinez loads up the Psycho Driver but gets rolled up to retain Castle’s title at 13:52.

Rating: B. This was VERY similar to Chris Benoit vs. Kane at Bad Blood 2004, even down to the rollup to retain the title. That’s a good thing too as the original was an awesome match with the underdog champion fighting through everything and catching the monster with a quick win. Castle has grown on me like few others and giving him a come from behind win like this is the best thing for him.

Post match, Martinez beats up the Boys.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event is the thing that matters most here and that’s enough to carry the show. The World Title scene has been the show’s strong point for a long time now and there’s nothing wrong with that. I liked the women’s match well enough and it’s nice to FINALLY see that division get some actual air time as the women need to get some attention so people can know anything about them. As has been the case of late, Ring of Honor is an easy watch with at least one good match included, which is more than you get on a lot of shows.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the 2018 Updated Version of the History of the WWE Championship in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor – February 7, 2018: A Good Villain

Ring of Honor
Date: February 7, 2018
Location: Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

I’m actually looking forward to this show for once as the company has been more entertaining as of late. The World Title situation has been very fun in recent weeks, which I never would have guessed with Dalton Castle on top. Hopefully the rest of the show can be just as entertaining as we move forward. Let’s get to it.

We look at Matt Taven attacking Cody last week, seemingly turning Cody face in the process.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: Best Friends vs. Motor City Machine Guns

The Guns are defending. Sabin and Chuckie start things off and it’s an exchange of armdrags into a standoff. Both guys tag so it’s off to Shelley vs. Barretta with Shelley being taken down. The Friends load up the hug but Sabin breaks that up. Friendship hater. Everything breaks down in a hurry and the Friends score with running corner clotheslines. That’s enough for the big hug and we take a break.

Back with Chuckie powerbombing Sabin for two but missing a moonsault. Sabin’s tornado DDT/dropkick combination takes the Friends down, followed by the Dream Sequence. Shelley tries a double Sliced Bread #2 on the floor but gets reversed, setting up a toss into a cutter. Barretta is right back up with a big flip dive and we get another hug in the aisle, only to have the Briscoes run in for the DQ at 9:13.

Rating: C-. I’m not wild on either of these teams but it’s not like it matters with the Briscoes being right there waiting to destroy whomever they face at the pay per view. The Best Friends do the hugging spot too often (twice in the match, plus another failed attempt) and it feels more like they’re just having fun than trying to win a title. That’s not a good thing and it happens too often around here.

Post match the Briscoes beat the Friends down before zip tying Shelley to the ropes. Sabin eats a Jay Driller “onto” a chair.

Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas debut next week.

Video on Punishment Martinez, talking about his fighting background and growing on the streets. He has a good, menacing voice here as he talks about torturing Jay White and various other names. After winning the Survival of the Fittest, it’s time to come for Dalton Castle and the World Title. Good promo here as Martinez shows us a bit of a different side.

Shane Taylor vs. Marty Scurll

Taylor throws him around to start so Marty stomps in the fingers to get a breather. A trip to the floor allows Marty to score with some superkicks from the apron, only to get shoved into the barricade. Back from a break with Shane missing a sitdown splash so Marty can score with a missile dropkick.

The suicide dive is broken up and Marty hits a tornado DDT off the apron. For some reason Marty tries the Ghostbuster, meaning he earns the splash for two. A chokebomb gives Taylor the same and amazingly enough, Marty’s finger break is stopped as he takes way too long. Somehow Marty manages a suplex for two, only to have the chickenwing broken up with ease. Shane grabs the umbrella but has it taken away, allowing Marty to throw powder in his face for the pin at 10:57. Ignore the referee not seeing the cloud of powder, the powder on the mat or the powder on Shane of course.

Rating: C. Marty was in full on face mode here and it was really working for him. I’m starting to get my head around the idea that a villain can be a good guy as Marty’s talents are starting to show more and more every time. I could easily go for Marty vs. Castle at Supercard of Honor and it would be a good match, if nothing else because of the promos.

Post match Scurll calls out Martinez, who sneaks in through the crowd. Next week, Punishment gets a World Title shot against Castle and Marty wants the first shot at the new champ. Martinez nods and then chokeslams Marty.

We look back at Bully Ray’s retirement last week.

The Women’s Title tournament starts next week. It’s about time.

Matt Taven vs. Cody

Taven speeds things up to start but neither can hit an early finisher. A standoff takes us to a very early break and we come back with Cody being tossed to the floor. They switch places though and Cody hits a big dive onto all three members of the Kingdom. Taven sends him arm first into the barricade though, followed by a whip into the post. The Kingdom gets in a few cheap shots in a sequence that works so well that they do it again.

Back in and both guys try a springboard kick to the head, meaning it’s another double knockdown as we take a break. We come back again with Cody hitting an Alabama Slam for two of his own. Taven kicks him down but his frog splash hits knees. The Kingdom tries to interfere again and that means a double ejection. The distraction lets Taven grab his walking stick but Cody kicks him low and hooks the small package for a pin at 11:25.

Rating: C-. I’m still not feeling Taven but I’m not sure how much sense it makes to have Cody go over here. Cody is a much bigger star than Taven and doesn’t need the win here. Let Taven get a pin here, especially if it’s by shenanigans, and build him up a bit if that’s where they’re going. The match was fine, albeit with a lot of the usual Kingdom shenanigans.

Post match the Kingdom beats on Cody, including crushing his hand. Taven forces him to kiss the ring to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The roll takes a bit of a hit here but I still like what’s going on here more than most of the last year. There’s a great top of the roster here and that makes for a good show, especially with the Briscoes being as awesome as they’ve been in years to carry the tag division. Good show here as Ring of Honor has stopped being a chore to watch.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the 2018 Updated Version of the History of the WWE Championship in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor – January 31, 2018: And Border to Border

Ring of Honor
Date: January 31, 2018
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

Ring of Honor is on a roll right now and that’s not something I get to say all that often. The wrestling has been good and the storytelling has been better, especially around the top of the card. There are several places they could go at the moment and that makes for some entertaining television. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of So Cal Uncensored attacking the Bullet Club last week, thanks to a distraction at the hands of Shane Taylor.

Opening sequence.

Punishment Martinez vs. Dobbs

Yes Dobbs. Martinez knocks him into the corner to start as we hear about Martinez’s accomplishments last year. Cabana: “And Dobbs is here too.” For some reason Dobbs hits him in the face and tries a dropkick, earning himself a glare from Martinez. The spinning kick to the face seems to have a bit better effect and the South of Heaven chokeslam ends Dobbs at 1:49. The squash it should have been.

Post match here’s Dalton Castle to suplex Punishment down. Martinez pops up but walks away instead. Castle looked like a star here and that’s what he should have done.

Coast to Coast is ready to put their career on the line.

War Machine vs. Coast to Coast

If Coast to Coast loses, they have to split up, though this weekend’s NXT show kind of gives away the ending. Caprice Coleman is on commentary. Ali dives onto War Machine during the entrances and a double dropkick puts Hanson down. Rowe is thrown onto Hanson but War Machine pops up without much damage done. Ali is taken into the corner so the beating can begin, including Hanson slamming Rowe onto Ali for good measure.

Ali finally avoids a charge and makes the hot tag to LSG so things can speed way up. A 450 gets two on Rowe and LSG manages a suplex on Hanson in a rather shocking power display. Ali’s spinning layout Rock Bottom drops Rowe but Hanson is back up with a handspring elbow as we take a break.

Back with Hanson slamming LSG into a backbreaker, followed by a gutwrench backbreaker from Rowe. A powerbomb into a frog splash gets two more on LSG and Rowe isn’t sure what to do. LSG rolls over to bring Ali in with the hot tag, which is rather nice of him considering War Machine has been in the ring at the same time for a long while now. Hanson charges into a boot, followed by a side kick to put him on the floor.

A Stroke/Downward Spiral combination plants Rowe for one and it’s the pop up powerslam to crush Ali. Somehow that’s only two as well and Rowe is TICKED at the kickout. Coast to Coast puts Rowe in the corner for some splashes and Rowe is actually in trouble. The Coast to Coast double Van Terminator gets two on Rowe but Hanson is back in. Fallout gets two on Ali as the kickouts are getting ridiculous now. They load up Fallout again but Ali reverses into a rollup to pin Rowe (ignore the shoulder off the mat) for the pin at 13:28.

Rating: B-. I dug the story here but they went one move too far with the kickouts to the point where it stopped keeping my interest. Coast to Coast is a nice high flying team and this win should help them (especially with War Machine on their way out), but of course they need to do this more often. A better finisher might help too. Say do the dropkick with someone in the middle of the ring, assuming they can get the timing right.

We recap Brian Milonas joining forces with Beer City Bruiser to go after the Tag Team Titles.

Bruiser calls Milonas a diamond in the haystack and a needle in the rough.

Here’s Bully Ray for a chat. Final Battle was his final battle and he’s retired. After he lost, his entire career flashed before his eyes. As the fans give him a standing ovation, Ray holds up his boots and says he was born in New York City, but as a wrestler, he was born in Philadelphia. He talks about being born in this building in 1995 and knew that this was the city, the building and the ring to leave his boots in.

Ray says it was his honor and sits them in the ring as the locker room comes out and the fans chant THANK YOU BUBBA. Jay Lethal gets in the ring and talks about how he wasn’t sure what to think when Ray came here. There are some rumors about Ray out there and some of them are really not that good.

Then Lethal saw Ray at every show, opening up the learning tree for everyone from the top of the card to the guys just starting out. Ray came here because he wanted to and that’s what Ring of Honor is all about. Lethal calls him a legend and says the door is always open if he wants to come back. A big hug wraps up a very nice segment as Ray gets a strong sendoff despite not being around Ring of Honor for very long. Nice job indeed.

We recap the start of the Women’s Title tournament. At some point they actually need to have the tournament and stop just talking about it. We see a bunch of names competing in the tournament but no brackets are revealed. Four Stardom women will be competing and the matches start airing in two weeks.

So Cal Uncensored vs. Cody/Marty Scurll/Adam Page

Marty Scull is on commentary. Sky and Scurll start things off with Scorpio getting in a double stomp to the back on a leapfrog in a nice touch. Scurll stomps on the fingers though and it’s off to Daniels vs. Cody, the latter of whom only after some coaxing from Daniels. Cody’s tiger bomb is countered into a hurricanrana as Taven makes Harry Potter references. Page and Kazarian come in to continue their rather violent rivalry with Page Cactus Clotheslining him out to the floor.

Everyone brawls at ringside until Cody can hit a dive over the top to take them down. Back in and the Club loads up a clothesline train in the corner, though Scurll keeps charging into boots. Cody and Adam finally pick him up and ram the boots into Daniels’ face to send us to a break. Back with a bloody Cody snapping off a powerslam on Kazarian and the hot tag bringing in Page to clean house.

Page takes Daniels outside for a suicide dive and a bunch of whips into the barricade. Everything breaks down again and they head outside for the bit series of dives, even with Page’s top rope moonsault hitting the barricade. He’s fine enough for the slingshot lariat but Kazarian catches him in a Backstabber. Sky’s jumping knee to the head is good for the pin on Page at 10:50.

Rating: C+. Nice fun brawl here to continue the issues between the groups….whatever those may be. I’m not entirely sure why So Cal Uncensored wants to destroy the Bullet Club but that’s not the worst sounding idea I’ve ever heard of. Daniels and company are a good act and if it helps push Sky, so be it.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a good show in a different way as the wrestling was solid enough but the real highlight was the Bully Ray segment. They treated him like a star, which isn’t the kind of sendoff he’s going to get in WWE. He deserves this kind of treatment though and a smaller company like Ring of Honor is where it fits best. Nice show here with the wrestling working and moving stories forward.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the 2018 Updated Version of the History of the WWE Championship in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


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Ring of Honor TV – January 24, 2018: Get Them Some Butter

Ring of Honor
Date: January 24, 2018
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana, Cheeseburger

After last week’s fairly strong show, we’re back in Philadelphia for more fallout from Final Battle and the return of the Young Bucks to ROH TV. Other than that, it’s hard to say where we’re going, though some more information on the Women’s Title tournament would be nice. They’ve talked about the division for so long now but we still need some actual development. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: The Dawgs vs. Motor City Machine Guns

The Guns are defending and it’s Shelley vs. Ferrara to start. Alex runs Ferrara over early on as Cabana wants to know where Cheeseburger is keeping his fries. Hopefully away from any actual matches. Sabin gets in a running kick from the apron and it’s Titus getting caught in the middle of some hard strikes to the face. Sabin adds a dive through the ropes and it’s off to an early break.

Back with the Dawgs actually in control until Shelley kicks Ferrara in the face and sends them into each other. A belly to back suplex looks to set up the tag to Sabin but Titus is there to break it up. An STO sets up a frog splash but Rhett only hits mat, allowing Sabin to kick Ferrara in the face. Ferrara can’t get a tornado DDT and the Dawgs are sent into each other again. The Guns hit the Dream Sequence, followed by a bunch of kicks to Ferrara. A Death Valley Driver/Cradleshock combo finishes Ferrara at 7:38.

Rating: C. Nice quick win for the Guns here but you can tell it’s all about setting up the Briscoes as the next champions. I’m not a fan of the Dawgs whatsoever but they put in an acceptable performance here, which is a lot more than I would have expected from them. Giving the Guns a pretty easy win like this makes sense and that’s all it was supposed to be.

Post match the Briscoes come out to say they’re the next champs. They better be.

So Cal Uncensored pays off Shane Taylor to deal with the Bullet Club later tonight.

Kenny King is ready to get his TV Title back. I could go for that.

Josh Woods vs. Jonathan Gresham

Rematch from the Final Battle pre-show where Gresham won. They hit the mat to start with Gresham getting in a slap to the face as the announcers talk about the old Pure Wrestling Title, which Gresham seems to miss. Back up and Woods throws him into the corner, only to get caught with a running dropkick to the knee. Another kick to the face puts Woods down again and it’s off to a neck hold as we take a break.

Back with Woods blocking a monkey flip but getting pulled out to the floor anyway. Gresham tries to dive back in but lands on a shot to the face, followed by Woods kicking him in the jaw to keep Jonathan in trouble. Some rolling gutwrench suplexes into a powerbomb gives Woods two so he knees Gresham in the face. Back up and Gresham grabs a rollup, knees Woods in the back, and rolls him up even more for the same move he used to win the first match at 8:49.

Rating: C. Gresham has certainly set himself apart with the crazy technical stuff and that’s a good thing. There are a lot of technical guys around Ring of Honor and having someone be the best of the group is one of the best things he could do. Being the wrestler is fine for a gimmick, especially if your name and look are both so basic.

It’s time for Coleman’s Pulpit, this week with Coast 2 Coast, who are splitting up if they don’t win their next match. They don’t want to split but they’re ready to start from the bottom all over again. Neither wants to hold back people who deserve the spot more than they do but Coleman runs his mouth about Ali (who came up with the idea of splitting) being the weak link. Ali gets fired up and does a nice promo, only to be shut down when he finds out their opponents are War Machine. As usual, Coleman added nothing here and was just a person in the scene.

Here’s Cody for his first comments since losing the title. He stripped everything away from Dalton Castle and left him as just a man. That man happened to be better though and he took the title at Final Battle. Cody will get a rematch and still has the official Ring of Honor but here’s Matt Taven to interrupt. Taven says Cody isn’t fooling anyone and he sees Cody for the little blond b**** that he is.

Matt goes to leave but Cody mocks him for actually dropping the mic. Cody talks about his hair, which got a bigger pop at Final Battle than Taven will ever get in his life. That line alone almost turns Cody face and we get a CODY’S HAIR chant. Taven actually agrees to kiss the ring but kicks Cody low. Again, I can live with this kind of Taven instead of the weird unfunny kind. Cody as a face is fine too, though it’s quite the sudden turn, if that’s what they’re going for.

Punishment Martinez vignette.

Dragon Lee/Titan vs. Best Friends vs. Young Bucks

Two in the ring at a time. Titan and Chuckie chop it out to start with the fans enjoying the volume. Chuckie kicks him down but it turns into a battle of flips and spins, which of course goes to Titan. A springboard crossbody is dropkicked out of the air though and it’s off to Barretta for a big hug. The double elbow makes up for it a bit and we hit the BEST FRIENDS chant.

Lee gets in a kick from the apron and Titan adds a hurricanrana, only to have Nick come in for some springboards of his own on Lee. A rope walk into a twisting armdrag puts Lee down but since it’s only an armdrag, he’s right back up with a slingshot dropkick in the corner. The Bucks both come in for some Sliced Bread and tosses into a dropkick and hurricanrana. The fans love the Bucks of course and don’t mind a bit as they clear the ring for the Rise of the Terminators pose.

There’s a double suicide dive onto the Best Friends, followed by Lee suicide diving onto the Bucks, who just stand there while the luchadors set it up. Titan adds a huge moonsault to the floor but the Friends (after another hug) hit stereo dives onto all four. Barretta takes too long setting up the Two Dog Night though and it’s time for the superkicks. A double Sharpshooter from the Bucks takes us to a break.

Back with Lee blocking a super hurricanrana attempt and catching Nick with the Alberto Del Rio Tree of Woe stomp. It’s off to Barretta so the Best Friends get their own run of double teaming. The Lawn Dirt (reverse Razor’s Edge into a cutter) drops Nick but Titan is in with a springboard missile dropkick. Nick is right back up (shocking) with his suicide dive and moonsault, only to have Lee hurricanrana him off the apron.

A springboard frog splash gives Titan two on Barretta but Matt and Chuckie make a save. That means a rather awkward hug, much to Nick’s shock. Of course Chuckie is so MESMERIZED that he can’t avoid the incoming superkick. Lee tries a running hurricanrana but gets powerbombed onto the apron for his efforts. Nick dives onto Barretta before coming back in for the Meltzer Driver on Titan for the pin at 11:35.

Rating: C+. It helps a lot when they’re not trying to do anything more than do a bunch of crazy spots, which is where the Bucks shine more than anything else. The Best Friends aren’t my favorite act in the world but once they drop some of the cuteness, they’re fun enough. At the same time, the CMLL guys were a lot of fun as your standard high flying lucha team and there’s always a place for that in wrestling.

Post match So Cal Uncensored runs in to go after the Bucks but Hangman Page makes the save with a chair to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Ring of Honor is at its best when they’re versatile and that’s what they did here. They had a little bit of everything on this show and it made for a fast moving, entertaining hour. The World Title situation is getting hot in a hurry and Castle could have some very fun matches against the top talent in the promotion. Good show here and Ring of Honor is actually getting on a bit of a roll.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Volume VI: July – December 1999 in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


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