Tagged: Royal Rumble

Chris Jericho Signed Through Wrestlemania 0

Chris Jericho Signed Through Wrestlemania

Apparently I was wrong on the one night only appearance.  It looks like they’re setting up something with him and Ziggler which is kind of surprising given that they’ve done that feud already, but...

The End Of CM Punk’s Title Reign 3

The End Of CM Punk’s Title Reign

The Rumble was last night and there’s a LOT to talk about so expect a lot of posts from me today about various topics from the show. One of the major things that happened...

Royal Rumble 2013: By The Book And Still Awesome 53

Royal Rumble 2013: By The Book And Still Awesome

Royal Rumble 2013 Date: January 27, 2013 Location: US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield As the tag line for the show says, FINALLY we’re here. The main...