Dynamite – January 5, 2022: Round Two

Date: January 5, 2022
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

It’s the debut on TBS and that means it is time for a stacked card. We have a TBS Title match, a Tag Team Title match, and a rematch of last month’s instant classic between Hangman Page and Bryan Danielson for the World Title. This time around there are going to be judges though, and that should work. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

AEW World Title: Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Page

Page is defending and there are three judges in case we hit the sixty minute time limit, with Mark Henry, Jerry Lynn and Paul Wight at ringside. They take their time to start and Danielson runs away a few times. Back in and Danielson dodges away again, allowing him to get in some more jumping jacks. That’s enough for Page, who sends him outside again and this time takes Danielson down.

Back in and the big dive is countered with a toss into the barricade for a hard crash. Danielson starts going after the arm to weaken the Buckshot Lariat and snaps it over his own shoulder. Back up and Page manages to knock him to the apron, where a springboard clothesline sends Danielson outside. They’re right back in this time and a top rope clothesline has Danielson in more trouble.

Danielson is fine enough to backdrop Page to the floor to set up his own dive. That’s fine with Page, who reverses into a belly to belly suplex. Danielson is able to send him into the steps though and Page is busted open. We take a break and come back with Danielson unloading on the head before switching to a cross armbreaker. Page breaks out of that in a hurry and hits a Death Valley Driver for a breather.

A German suplex gives Page two and he loads up a vertical version, only to fall over the ropes and out to the floor. They stick the landing though and Page gets posted hard. Page pulls him into the post to even it up though and does it again for a bonus to bust Danielson open. This time Page gets in some jumping jacks and we take another break. Back again with Danielson knocking Page off the top but charging into the Deadeye on the floor.

They head inside again and Danielson snaps on the LeBell Lock. That’s broken up as well and Page catapults him over the top, where Danielson can’t skin the cat. Danielson heads to the floor so Page hits a huge moonsault to take him out. Back in and the Buckshot Lariat misses, allowing Danielson to hit the running knee for two. A cradle piledriver (ala Jerry Lynn) gets two on Page so Danielson goes after the knee. Page manages to slip out and hits Danielson around the head to knock him a bit sillier. A hard belly to back suplex sets up the Buckshot Lariat to retain the title at 29:05.

Rating: A-. I liked this one more than the first version, as it was a tighter match and didn’t feel like they were killing time. It also got started faster and the blood made things feel that much more intense. This was the physical, hard hitting match that they needed to have and I got into it from the start. Now Page can move on to whoever else, with more than a few options out there. Danielson can go away for a few weeks and come back with a new target, which should work out well for everyone. Heck of a match here.

The Acclaimed don’t like Sting messing with them and will have a music video next week.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Shawn Dean

The bell rings but here is CM Punk to chase MJF off at the bell. Dean isn’t sure what’s going on but Punk kicks him in the ribs and hits the GTS for the DQ (Has AEW ever done that?) at 47 seconds.

Post match MJF wants to know what’s up with that but Punk says that doesn’t do MJF’s record any favors. MJF isn’t happy and says Punk is right back where he started because he knows without MJF, he is nothing. It was MJF that made his relevant (Tony: “I call bull**** on that.”) after Punk sold Tony Khan a bill of goods. Punk is just angry guy who runs his mouth a lot, like when MJF compared himself to Roddy Piper.

MJF wants to know if PG Punk thinks he’s as good as Piper, because Piper was actually good enough to main event a Wrestlemania. Maybe if MJF doesn’t start getting some more respect around here, maybe he can main event a Wrestlemania too. All Punk wants to do is beat MJF up so get in here and let’s do it right now.

Punk tells him to go to the greener pastures and main event night four of a buy one get one free extravaganza and then get released faster than he lasts in the sack. MJF says we’ll do it next week, when it’s Punk vs……Wardlow. Punk says he and Piper would fight anyone at any time, but MJF is going to run out of people to hide behind and then get put to sleep. This was less about taking jabs at each other and more about venom, which was a good step forward.

Here’s Chris Jericho for a chat. Jericho is glad to be back on TBS, where he hasn’t been since April 1999, when he lost to Booker T. on Thunder. Jericho: “I think he cheated.” Last week, Jericho came out here while Eddie Kingston was in the ring, but he wasn’t here to save Kingston. It was to take out 2.0, so here are 2.0 to interrupt. Jericho: “Ladies and gentlemen, Terrence and Phillip.”

Jericho says they have a square head that looks like a Post-It. That’s not cool, so he goes with Pinhead instead. Jericho goes back and forth between Pinhead and Squarehead before going outside to grab Floyd. Daniel Garcia sneaks in to jump Jericho though and the beatdown is on. Cue Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz and the villains are cleared out. Jericho isn’t sure about that save.

We look at Jake Atlas debuting on Dark: Elevation and getting signed as a result.

Adam Cole is with a less than enthusiastic Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish to talk about Atlas signing with AEW. Maybe we should have Cole vs. Atlas on Rampage to remind everyone that Cole is the guy people are talking about. Cole can even buy him a one way ticket back to Orlando. As usual, Brandon Cutler has some issues cutting the camera.

Wardlow vs. Antonio Zambrano

Shawn Spears is here with Wardlow and gives Zambrano a Death Valley Driver on the floor. The Powerbomb Symphony finishes Zambrano at 1:23.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Ruby Soho

For the inaugural title and Mark Sterling is here with Cargill. Jade powers her around to start and Soho thinks she might need another plan. That doesn’t seem to work very well as Soho is sent outside in a hurry, but here is Mercedes Martinez to yell. Cue Thunder Rosa to fight Martinez to the back and we take an early break. Back with Rosa managing an STO and kicking away at Cargill’s leg.

That earns her a heck of a shoulder breaker for two though and Soho is right back in trouble. A belly to back suplex gets Soho out of trouble so Sterling gets up on the apron. That’s good for an ejection so Cargill tries Jaded, which is reversed into a rollup for two. The Soho Kick gets two more so Soho takes her up top. Cargill is fine enough to counter into a super Jaded and Soho is done at 11:13.

Rating: D+. This wasn’t exactly a shock as Cargill felt like the favorite to win the tournament from the beginning. Cargill is a good beast to slay, but Soho has to actually win something at some point. You can only get so far on potential and charisma, and Soho is getting dangerously close to reaching that pint. Give her something already, even if it’s just winning a big grudge match.

Serena Deeb sits down with Jim Ross and says she’s done with trying to have respectful matches with Hikaru Shida. Now it’s about hurting Shida, because this has gone too far. No one is on her level and she will prove that next week when she faces Shida.

Malakai Black vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Julia Hart is here with Pillman. Black runs him over to start but Pillman takes it to the floor for a running dropkick through the ropes. We take a break and come back with Black charging into a boot to the face. A suplex gives Pillman two but he falls off the top on the Air Pillman attempt. Black Mass finishes for Black at 6:02.

Rating: D+. The time killed this one as there is only so much that can be done in such a short amount of time. Black kicked his head off for the win, though I’m not sure why Pillman fell off the top. I’m going to go with he just slipped (intentionally) but it was a bit of an awkward way to get to the finish.

Post match Hart gets in to check on Pillman, but here are the Lucha Bros for the save. The lights go out and Black winds up on the ramp while the Bros are in the ring….and that’s it.

Britt Baker mocks Ruby Soho for losing again but Soho says that’s funny coming from someone who can’t win without help. Soho brings up Baker not being able to beat Riho so Baker decks her. Cue Riho for the pull apart brawl.

QT Marshall and Aaron Solo are ready for Hook on Friday. Hook was at QT’s school and never did anything but eat chips and stretch people. Solo says stretch him if you can, survive if he lets you.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. Jurassic Express

The Express, with Christian Cage, is challenging. Fenix and Jungle Boy fight over a test of strength to start before trading rollups for two each. Everyone comes in for an early staredown until Luchasaurus and Penta kick the other two away. Penta takes his glove off and shoves his hand into Luchasaurus’ mask. The chops stagger Luchasaurus but he hits one that takes Penta down.

Jungle Boy is back in to wristlock both of them but they all wind up holding hands, with Jungle Boy and Fenix springboarding into a double wristdrag. JR is glad that two of them got out of the ring but Luchasaurus is back in to take the Bros down. Back up and Penta kicks Luchasaurus in the back of the head so Jungle Boy comes back in to clean house. Penta is sent outside but he throws Jungle Boy onto the apron so Fenix can run the top rope to kick him in the head.

We take a break and come back with Luchasaurus running over the champs. Penta gets put in a fireman’s carry and Jungle Boy jumps over him for a super Canadian Destroyer on Fenix. Back up and Fenix goes up top on the middle of the ropes for his own Canadian Destroyer on Luchasaurus. Made In Japan gets two on Jungle Boy and the spike Fear Factor is loaded up…and the lights go out (JR complains). They come back up with nothing having changed so Luchasaurus breaks up the spike Fear Factor on the apron.

With that cut off, Penta drapes Jungle Boy on the top and hits his own spike Fear Factor on the apron as Fenix dives onto Luchasaurus. Back in and another spike Fear Factor gets two on Jungle Boy so it’s time for a table. Christian Cage chases Alex Abrahantes off and it’s Luchasaurus chokeslamming Fenix through the table (Where his arm bends COMPLETE THE WRONG WAY. That thing is either broken or totally dislocated.). That leaves Penta to try Made In Japan on Jungle Boy, who reverses into a cradle for the pin and the titles at 14:03.

Rating: C+. The title change is huge of course but that arm injury was one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a long time. I wouldn’t bet on Fenix being back in the ring for a good long while because that looked awful. As for the rest of the match….dang these things are starting to lose their charm. It has almost nothing to do with an actual tag match and is all about flying around with little more than one big spot after another. They start running together in a hurry and that’s what happened here. The matches are very athletic, but don’t bother if you’re looking for what could have been a better match.

Chris Jericho and Malakai Black are (separately) watching from the crowd. A bunch of tag teams come out to glare at the new champs.

Overall Rating: B-. This show started off great and then went downhill pretty steeply as there wasn’t much else to see on it. Punk vs. MJF was good, but the rest of the matches left a good bit to be desired. The big title change at the end was a cool moment, but you can only get so much out of it when you have Fenix screaming in pain on the floor. They went with their biggest thing first and it was great, though there was nowhere else to go after. That can be a problem and it wound up hurting the rest of the show.

Hangman Page b. Bryan Danielson – Buckshot Lariat
Shawn Dean b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman via DQ when CM Punk interfered
Wardlow b. Antonio Zambrano – Powerbomb Symphony
Jade Cargill b. Ruby Soho – Super Jaded
Malakai Black b. Brian Pillman Jr. – Black Mass
Jurassic Express b. Lucha Bros – Cradle to Penta El Zero Miedo



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Dynamite – December 12, 2021: House Show Fun

Date: December 22, 2021
Location: Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re back with yet another special show, this time in the form of Holiday Bash. That should make for another big card, though this time around the major draw is Sting being back in Greensboro. I’m still not sure why that should matter to anyone but the live audience, though seeing Sting team with CM Punk and Darby Allin against MJF and FTR should be fun. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy vs. Adam Cole

They stare each other down to start and trade headlock takeovers. Cassidy grabs a rollup for two and it’s right back to the mat, with Cassidy bouncing out of a headscissors. Cole kicks him down again and grabs a chinlock as they keep fighting for minor victories to start. Cassidy fights up again and grabs some rollups for two each. Back up and Cole hits a Backstabber out of the corner, setting up a hard whip into another corner to put Cassidy in trouble.

Cassidy blocks a superplex attempt and hits a high crossbody into the tornado DDT. Cue the Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler, with Cassidy diving onto the latter. The Best Friends run out to take care of them but the distraction lets Cole send Cassidy into the steps. The Boom only hits steps though and we take a break.

Back with Cole winning a slugout, setting up the brainbuster onto the knee for two. Another one is countered into the Stundog Millionaire though and Cassidy grabs a top rope DDT for the same. Cole kicks him down again but gets small packaged for two more anyway. Another superkick rocks Cassidy and the Panama Sunrise sets up a cover, with Cole’s hands in the trunks, for two. The Boom misses though and Cassidy hits Beach Break for another near fall. Cue Bobby Fish for a distraction though and it’s the debuting Kyle O’Reilly to strike away at Cassidy. Now the Boom can connect to finish Cassidy at 17:04.

Rating: B. These guys were working hard here and the O’Reilly debut is going to get some interest. I almost bought the idea of Cassidy getting the win off the Beach Break too so well done on the tease. This was a pretty awesome match and I wouldn’t have bet on that so call this a very nice surprise.

Post match the Best Friends come back in but get taken down in a hurry, including the High/Low from Fish and O’Reilly. The Young Bucks come down and don’t seem to have known this was coming. Cole, O’Reilly and Fish leave together.

Video on Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson’s classic last week. The rematch is on January 5.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Page talks about how hard he fought last week but at the end, he had never felt less like a champion. Cue Bryan Danielson to cut him off and call Page an entitled millennial cowboy. Danielson beat him up for sixty minutes and should be the champ. He would have won, but he was a bit injured after that match with Evil Uno. Therefore, Danielson is not going to wrestle again until January 5 so he can take the title as he should.

But what if Page stalls again and retains off another draw? Danielson wants judges, who will guaranteed that he wins because he is clearly better. Page thought of a variety of options from a ladder match to a cage match to an inferno match, but it is clear that something needs to be different. He was three seconds away from winning, so sure the judges are fine. Just make sure the judges are paid off in advance because Danielson isn’t going to win. Page has given way too much for this title to be told that he isn’t good enough, or a B+ player. Can Page beat him in less than an hour? YES. More Danielson greatness.

The Pinnacle has a meeting and MJF wants to know why Wardlow didn’t have the champagne ready in time last week so he could have protected MJF from CM Punk. MJF sees right through Punk saving Sting because that good guy mask is slipping off faster than Sting’s Krusty the Clown makeup. FTR has no problem with Sting but now he is coming after the kings of wrestling. Now it’s time for the kings to destroy him.

Shawn Dean vs. Wardlow

Four powerbombs finish Dean in 1:12.

Post match, Shawn Spears comes in to chair Dean down.

Video on Cody vs. Sammy Guevara for the TNT Title on Christmas night.

Dan Lambert and the Men of the Year are in the balcony to talk about leadership. Lambert doesn’t think much about the people who run this company. On the other hand, he runs the best MMA gym in the world and has to make the right decisions to keep things fair. Tony Khan is the flip side of that: if you’re his friend you’re an executive vice president, but if you’re not his friend, you’re stuck in the midcard.

Look at what Khan has tasked him with doing: get people to cheer Cody Rhodes. Instead, Lambert wants the Men of the Year to face the winner of Guevara vs. Rhodes for the TNT Title. Lambert continues to be great, even with the inside wrestling stuff. That’s kind of the point, but he goes a bit too far with it at times.

We go to Britt Baker’s Christmas party, complete with her lackeys and Tony Schiavone. She isn’t worried about never beating Riho because she is bigger, stronger and better. Then she’ll prove that she is the best around, meaning we can hit the catchphrase.

Video on the Owen Hart tournaments, meaning a lot of clips of Owen, with the wrestlers talking about how much of an inspiration/influence he really was. The home movie stuff was rather cool.

TBS Title Tournament Semifinals: Nyla Rose vs. Ruby Soho

Vickie Guerrero is here with Rose, who jumps Soho on the way in. Soho’s jacket gets pulled over her head so Rose can hammer away, setting up a face rake. Back up and Soho cranks away on an armbar but can’t hit an STO. A powerbomb doesn’t work for Rose so she blasts Soho with a clothesline instead. They head outside with Soho winning a slugout but missing a charge into the steps (thanks to Vickie pulling Rose out of the way).

We take a break and come back with Soho hitting a bunch of clotheslines into a tornado DDT for two. Rose grabs a chair but gets it knocked into her face for the big knockout shot. Vickie shoves Soho off the top though, allowing Rose to hit the top rope knee to the back for two. Rose sends her shoulder first into the buckle to bang it up even worse. Some kind of a slam is countered into a dragon sleeper though, drawing Vickie up to the apron. The referee doesn’t see Rose tap but Soho lets go anyway. The powerbomb gives Rose two so she goes up, only to get pulled into the Soho Kick (cool) for the pin at 10:27.

Rating: C+. Pretty good stuff here, though the tournament has dragged on for so long that I’ve lost almost all interest in the thing. I’m glad to see Soho win though, as she could be a heck of a first champion, especially if it means handing Jade Cargill her first loss. Rose is a good obstacle to overcome and she looked like a monster here, as usual.

Video on Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida, with the former saying it will never be over.

Malakai Black vs. Griff Garrison

Brian Pillman Jr. is here with Garrison, who charges into a kick to the face to start. Black goes after Pillman instead but the delay lets Garrison come back with a suicide dive. The head back in and Black grabs a kneebar to send Garrison over to the ropes. Back in and Black strikes away but Garrison kicks him in the face. A rolling elbow knocks Black down again but he rocks Garrison with an awesome looking jumping knee to the face. Black Mass is loaded up but Black would rather take out the knee, setting up a half crab for the tap at 3:15.

Rating: C. Those strikes from Black were vicious and this is the only way the match should have gone. Black is head and shoulders above the Blonds and there was no reason for this to be competitive. Sometimes that’s the best way to go, even if Garrison was fighting on emotion for revenge here.

Post match, Pillman tries to come in and gets his head kicked off.

We look at Jurassic Express and the Lucha Bros’ staredown from Rampage.

Matt Hardy wants Private Party to be the new #1 contenders. As for Jurassic Express, Isaiah Kassidy wants to spend Christmas pounding Jungle Boy.

Jungle Boy is fine with the challenge. Christian Cage tells people to get their new Christmas shirt.

Here’s what’s coming over the next few shows.

CM Punk/Sting/Darby Allin vs. FTR/Maxwell Jacob Friedman

We get the MJF vs. Punk (in Sting face paint/gear) showdown to start so they circle each other…and MJF tags out without doing anything. Commentary knew that was coming as Dax Harwood comes in to feel Punk out a bit. The amateur off goes nowhere so Punk slaps him into the corner. Wheeler comes in and gets slammed so Allin can come in and knock Wheeler into the corner. It’s off to MJF, who runs away from Punk again and tags Wheeler right back in.

Sting (with CM Punk face paint/gear) gets to come in and cranks away on the arm but it’s too early for the Scorpion. A meeting on the floor means MJF can come in, only to bail from the Punk threat. Punk chases him into the crowd and they circle around the arena until they’re back at ringside. Back in and MJF’s diving tag hands it off to Harwood but Allin dives onto all three of them.

We take a break and come back with Allin in trouble and Wheeler spitting water in Punk’s face to mess with him even more. A bunch of stomping sets up a hard slam on Allin but he avoids a charge in the corner. Allin slams Wheeler down and dives over to Sting for the hot tag. Stinger Splashes abound but Wheeler breaks up the Deathlock and we take another break.

Back again with Sting fighting out of an abdominal stretch and hitting the falling headbutt low blow on MJF. Tony wants to see a hundred replays as Punk comes in to clean house. Punk’s high crossbody gets two on Wheeler and a swinging neckbreaker gets the same on Harwood. The top rope elbow takes too long though and Punk gets crotched, setting up a slugout with Harwood on top. Now the superplex can connect, with Wheeler turning it into the PowerPlex for a rather near fall.

Allin is back up (sans tag) to clean house but Punk kicks Harwood in the head for a double knockdown. They get back up for a slugout until the GTS is loaded up. That’s countered into the Big Rig but Sting makes the save. MJF’s DDT has no effect on Sting, who crotches MJF on the ropes. MJF gets tossed over the top onto FTR and lands ON HIS HEAD (with Wheeler and the referee immediately checking on him). Thankfully he’s ok enough for Sting to dive off the top onto all three of them for the huge crash. Back in and the GTS into the Death Drop into the Coffin Drop finishes Harwood at 25:53.

Rating: A-. This was an absolute blast and a great time in a match that felt like a house show main event. It got time, it had star power and the big spots all worked. Just all kinds of fun here and the ending with Harwood taking a huge beating for the loss was great. One thing though: AEW has to find some way to cut down on the near horrible botches, as MJF almost landed on his head on the floor. That happens way, way, WAY too often around here and people have already gotten hurt in something similar. Find a way to cut that out, immediately.

Overall Rating: A-. The opener and main event were very good to great, the Danielson/Page promo worked and there wasn’t a bad thing on the show. I had a great time with this show and it was one of the better Dynamites to date. If there is one thing AEW knows how to do, it is let the fans have a great time for two hours and that is what they did here. Great show and worth checking out, especially that main event.

Adam Cole b. Orange Cassidy – Boom
Wardlow b. Shawn Dean – Powerbomb
Ruby Soho b. Nyla Rose – Soho Kick
Malakai Black b. Griff Garrison – Half crab
Sting/CM Punk/Darby Allin b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/FTR – Coffin Drop to Harwood




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Rampage – December 10, 2021: All About The Rush

Date: December 10, 2021
Location: UBS Arena, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

We’re still in New York and this time there is a pretty big match on the card, as the Lucha Bros are defending the Tag Team Titles against FTR. Other than that, we have the in-ring debut as Hook, which should be a heck of a moment in its own right. This show tends to do well with the faster pace so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. FTR

FTR, with Tully Blanchard, is defending. Fenix grabs Harwood by the wrist to start and takes Wheeler down at the same time. Penta comes in to help take FTR down and it’s time for a breather on the floor. Back in and Penta takes off his glove but manages to roll Wheeler up for two. Now the glove is tossed to Wheeler, allowing Penta to catch him with a superkick. Fenix springboards in with a high crossbody but the momentum sends him outside.

That means Harwood can drop Fenix back first onto the apron and the champs are in trouble. Back in and Harwood knocks Penta off the apron but takes too long going up, allowing Fenix to snap off a super hurricanrana. We take a break and come back with Wheeler rolling Penta up for two but getting caught by Made In Japan for two. It’s back to Fenix for a slingshot Liger Bomb so FTR loads up the belts. Fenix takes it away and hits Harwood by mistake (allowing us to get in the required Eddie Guerrero tribute), setting up rope walk kick to the face.

The frog splash only hits belt though, giving Harwood two of his own. The Big Rig connects but Penta dives in with a high crossbody to Wheeler to break up the pin. They strike it out until Fenix tries the rolling cutter. That’s countered into a Gory Bomb from Wheeler, who has to block Penta’s Fear Factor. Instead, the spike Fear Factor retains the titles at 13:56.

Rating: B. They went with the all action format here and it worked well. This should wrap up the feud, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see one more match between them to really blow it off. The teams have developed better chemistry together over the last few matches though and this was another good one.

Nyla Rose/Bunny/Penelope Ford vs. Anna Jay/Tay Conti/Ruby Soho

Vickie Guerrero is here with the villains. Bunny takes Conti down to start and hits a chop, allowing Penelope to drive Conti into the corner. Rose comes in to hold Conti in said corner, allowing Bunny to yell at Conti’s partners. Back up and Jay forearms Ford, who takes her down with a faceplant. The hot tag brings in Soho to clean house, including an STO for two on Ford.

We take a break and come back with Jay hitting a basement crossbody for tow on Rose as everything breaks down. The parade of secondary finishers kicks off and everyone is left laying. Vickie slips Bunny the brass knuckles to knock Jay silly, leaving Rose to hit the Beast Bomb for the pin at 10:20.

Rating: C. Not too bad here as everyone was putting in the effort. There wasn’t a lot of interest here though as they put everyone into a match and let them go, with the main story being the TBS Title tournament. That’s fine on its own, but the tournament feels like it has been going on for the better part of ever and it’s hard to build up that much interest until we get to the end.

Sting and Darby Allin are being interviewed about a show in two weeks when FTR and Tully Blanchard jump them. This is really becoming a tired deal for AEW and they need to drop it for a good while.

Hook vs. Fuego del Sol

Hook takes him down by the head to start and flips him over with a headlock takeover. Fuego has to elbow his way out of something like an STF so Hook takes him into the corner for some shots to the ribs. Another suplex rocks Fuego but he’s back up with a dropkick into the corner. The tornado DDT is blocked though and Hook clotheslines him down. Some crossface shots set up the Tazmission to finish Fuego at 3:19.

Rating: C+. Well who saw that coming? Hook destroyed him and looked smooth doing so, which was quite the surprise. Hook knows his grappling and does feel like a Taz inspired wrestler. They were smart to keep this short and to the point and the match worked pretty well as a result. Total surprise, and nicely done at that.

The Elite is ready to destroy the Best Friends, who aren’t sure what this promo should be about. They steal the Bay Bay catchphrase though and Adam Cole is ready to fight.

Adam Cole vs. Wheeler Yuta

The Best Friends and the Elite are here, because you need ten people for a one on one match. Cole elbows him in the face to start but la majistral is countered into a rollup to give Yuta two. Back up and Cole hits a superkick out of the corner before avoiding a high crossbody to send Yuta crashing. Cole kicks him down again and sets up a neck crank, followed by the fireman’s carry backbreaker for…no cover as Cole is a bit too confident.

Yuta is sent outside so Cole can stare Orange Cassidy down. Back in and Yuta counters the Panama Sunrise into a cradle for two. Now the high crossbody can connect but Yuta can’t cover. An enziguri sends Cole into the corner and a top rope forearm gives Yuta two. A bridging German suplex gets the same but Cole catches him on top. Yuta gets in a slam, only to have his top rope splash hit raised knees. The Boom finishes Yuta at 7:09.

Rating: C. There wasn’t and shouldn’t have been much drama with this one, as Yuta wasn’t going to be a threat to Cole. The best part was the lack of a big brawl or all kinds of interference from everyone on the floor. It was little more than a squash for Cole, so this could have been a lot worse under some different circumstances.

Post match everyone gets in the ring but Bobby Fish comes in to take out the Best Friends. The Elite beats everyone down and Cole poses to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Not as good as some of their previous shows but still a rather nice hour of wrestling. As has been the case in recent weeks with AEW though, they are trying to put too many people and too many things on a show and everything feels rushed. That can get annoying in a hurry, along with the interrupted interviews. It’s ok to not do the same thing time after time and it would be nice for AEW to learn that with those concepts.

Lucha Bros b. FTR – Spike Fear Factor to Wheeler
Nyla Rose/Penelope Ford/Bunny b. Anna Jay/Tay Conti/Ruby Soho – Beast Bomb to Jay
Hook b. Fuego del Sol – Tazmission
Adam Cole b. Wheeler Yuta – Boom



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Dynamite – December 1, 2021: Flame On

Date: December 1, 2021
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Hangman Page, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We’re two weeks away from Winter Is Coming and that could be a heck of a big night. You can probably guess some of the card from here and that means AEW has a path to take on the way to the show. Other than that, we have a street fight this week as Cody Rhodes faces Andrade El Idolo. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Jim Ross isn’t here tonight so Hangman Page is filling in.

In two weeks: Page vs. Bryan Danielson for the World Title.

Bryan Danielson vs. Alan Angels

Danielson wastes no time in starting with the kicks as Angels is in trouble early. The fans are behind Angels and Danielson throws in a Hulk Hogan hand to the ear to turn up the anger another notch. The kicks and chops in the corner make it even worse, followed by the running corner dropkick. Angels fights back but gets pulled into a cross armbreaker. That’s broken up so Angels sends him outside for a pair of dives, setting up the standing Spanish Fly back inside. Danielson cuts that off with the running knee and the stomps near the head lay Angels out again. A kneebar (complete with the bicep pose) finishes Angels at 6:09.

Rating: C. This was exactly what it should have been as Danielson beat him up, survived a bit of a comeback, and then finished him decisively. There was no reason for Angels to get in any more offense than this and it didn’t go too far. Simple, to the point, and went as it was supposed to.

Post match Danielson says he kicked Angels’ head in in his hometown and he’s heard he can do the same thing next week in Long Island. Then he’ll do it again to Hangman Page in two weeks in the home of the Cowboys. Page is ready to fight tonight but John Silver cuts him off, saying Page can’t touch Danielson tonight. Silver says he can touch him though and charges the ring but Danielson says Silver is beneath him and bails. He’d love to slap Page in the face tonight (Page: “DO IT!”) but these people don’t deserve it.

Miro talks about trying to figure out what he should do next but then he received a vision. Now it is time to find what he is doing. He will repair one of the problems in his life but the other he will embrace.

Lee Moriarty vs. CM Punk

Hold on though as here is MJF (in an amazing Hanukkah suit) to join commentary. Punk spins out of Moriarty’s wristlock to start but gets pulled right back in. The wristlock sets up an armbar but Punk drives him into the corner for another escape. A leg lariat puts Moriarty down and we take a break.

Back with Punk slipping out of a suplex and getting a boot up in the corner. The springboard spinning high crossbody is rolled into a Gargano Escape but Punk escapes again. Moriarty heads up top but Punk blasts him in the face, only to come back with a super sunset flip. They trade near falls for two each until Punk kicks him in the head for a knockdown. Moriarty kicks him in the head and the kickout triggers a freak out. Punk is back up with a reverse suplex, which he flips into the fireman’s carry and the GTS for the pin at 10:23.

Rating: C+. Moriarty got a lot out of this as he gets to hang with one of the biggest stars AEW has to offer. I’ve liked Moriarty since the first time I saw him and now he is getting the chance to showcase himself. Give him something to do and he could go somewhere in a hurry. Punk is starting to find a style around here, as he was getting a bit more athletic this time around, with the GTS being the big blockbuster finish to get him out of trouble.

Post match MJF says cut the music to say the only thing Punk is the best in the world is at trying to get into Britt Baker’s pants. MJF says Punk looks confused….just like Baker would look if he got her in bed. Punk says MJF is wearing Larry David pajamas and calls him out for making fun of him for taking time to beat QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty. They’re both better than MJF and he knows it.

The challenge is on again but MJF turns him down for the second week in a row. MJF brags about winning next week’s Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal and promises to be better than Piper in Portland, Bret in Canada and Punk in Chicago. That’s not it though, because he promises to put Larry (Punk’s dog) to sleep if he sees him again. That’s too far for Punk, but Wardlow comes out to get between the two of them. More good stuff from these two, as you would expect.

Britt Baker isn’t happy about having to face Riho again but she’ll do it anyway. Jamie Hater gets called out for losing to Thunder Rosa, but she points out that Baker lost to her as well. Don’t worry about that though as Baker is ready for Hayter to beat Riho next week to get back in the good graces.

Adam Cole comes to the ring and then joins commentary. Cue Orange Cassidy to stare Cole down but the Young Bucks show up. Cassidy turns his back on Cole and does the lazy kicks, earning himself a low blow and a big beatdown. I know Cassidy has his shtick, but this made him look like a moron in every sense of the word.

Tony Nese is ready to take the TNT Title on Rampage.

Wardlow vs. AC Adams

Four straight powerbombs end Adams at 1:38.

Penta is ready for FTR and he’ll have Pac as his partner. Pac, with his eye patched up, is ready to fight on Rampage.

Sting/Darby Allin vs. Gunn Club

Sting has Allin styled face paint, it’s Colton/Billy for the Club and Team Taz is on commentary. Allin armdrags Colton down to start and dropkicks him into the corner for a bonus. Sting comes in for the staredown with Billy, who bails outside from the threat of the Stinger Splash. Back in and Billy hits a heck of a cobra clutch slam on Darby before taking him into the corner as we take a break.

We come back with Allin getting over for the hot tag off to Sting, who cleans house with the Stinger Splash. The Scorpion Deathlock goes on but Billy offers a distraction so Austin can get in a cheap shot. Allin dives onto Austin but Billy gets the Fameasser to give Colton two. Another dive takes out Billy on the floor (as the top of Allin’s head is busted open) and the flipping Stunner sets up the Death Drop for the pin at 10:10.

Rating: C. So ends the Gunn Club’s run, putting an end to their more or less negligible value. It’s not like Sting pinning a guy best known for his time on Dark is going to hurt him at all so this completely acceptable. That cobra clutch slam looked awesome and thankfully Allin “only” busted himself open on that dive, as he looked to land on his head.

Chris Jericho denies helping Eddie Kingston last week because he wanted to beat up 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. Cue Daniel Garcia and 2.0 to beat him down. Why you can hear the earlier Superkliq/Orange Cassidy segment taking place at the same time is anyone’s guess.

Team Taz, still at commentary, is ready for next week’s Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal but here is Lio Rush to interrupt. Rush says that as a commentator, Taz should know who he is. He has a chance to win the battle royal too but Taz says they already took Dante Martin away from him. Rush talks about being a fighter and says he’ll be there, even if he has a one percent chance. Forgive me for not feeling emotional about a split of a pairing that was together…three weeks?

Jade Cargill is ready to take out Thunder Rosa’s student on Rampage. Rosa comes in to say she’ll be on commentary and rants in Spanish.

TBS Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho

Statlander takes her down to start but the threat of a right hand has Statlander staring at Soho. Back up and Soho drops to the mat, where Statlander teases a boot but pauses in time, instead going with the boop. Soho scores with a Flatliner for a quick two and we take a break.

We come back with Statlander grabbing a headlock and countering a Rey Mysterio sitout bulldog into a Blue Thunder Bomb. Soho is back up to avoid a charge in the corner, setting up a poisonrana for two, giving us some of the biggest bugged out eyes I’ve ever seen. Statlander loads up the Big Bang Theory but gets rolled up for the pin at 10:27.

Rating: D+. This wasn’t great as they were kind of all over the place with Statlander looking lost more than once. I’m not sure if it is a lack of experience on the big stage or what but she has never been able to make it to that next level. Soho needed this win, as she came in red hot and then hasn’t done much of anything since, which has made for a weird path for her so far in AEW. Maybe a run to the finals (or a win) can fix that.

Post match they shake hands but here is Vickie Guerrero to yell at Statlander. The distraction lets Nyla Rose come in and take out Soho.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Cody Rhodes

Street fight and Andrade brings a knife. Well that’s serious. It’s a brawl in the aisle to start and Cody hits him with a trash can full of trash. They make it to ringside with Cody getting in a chair shot but Andrade is right back with a shot of his own. Andrade hits him in the back with the weightlifting belt and throws the belt into the crowd before pulling out….a laptop? Tribute to the York Foundation perhaps?

That’s broken over Cody’s head and Andrade hits him with the broken pieces. Andrade puts a chair over Cody’s chest and hits the split legged moonsault for two (With the kickout showing some weird stuff on Cody’s back. It almost looks like he has feathers stuck to him.). Cody is knocked outside hard as we take a break.

Back with Cody throwing a chair into Andrade’s face to break up a moonsault and the slugout is on. A powerslam plants Andrade but he blocks a suicide dive with a chair to the head. The floor pad is pulled back but the Shadow (the new name for the hammerlock DDT) is broken up with a backdrop. Cody, now busted, pulls out a sledgehammer….which he throws down to pick up a golden shovel. Cue Jose with a taser, but Cody hits him with the shovel.

The distraction lets Andrade hit a dive from the top, setting up the running knees into the chair into Cody’s face in the corner. That’s good for a delayed two so Andrade sets up a table, only to be hiptossed through it. Another table is set up and Cody loads up a superplex….as Brandi Rhodes pops up to pour lighter fluid on the table (ah so that’s what’s on Cody’s back). The reverse superplex through the table finishes Andrade at 19:29. Ignore that Andrade barely grazed the table and Cody’s ARM WAS ON FIRE during the pin.

Rating: B-. This is one where your mileage may completely vary as I have no idea what to make of this match. They packed A LOT into this one and the violence was good, but I’m not sure this feud warranted this kind of chaotic brawl. It wasn’t bad or even close to it, but it felt like Cody trying to have some breakthrough match to get the fans behind him and I don’t think that worked.

Then there’s the big finish and…no. Cody took most of the landing himself and again it felt like it was going too far for the sake of going too far. It wasn’t something that needed to be there and it looked more like a stunt for the sake of a stunt than something that should have taken place in this situation. It didn’t ruin the match, but it’s all people will remember about it and that’s not a good thing.

Overall Rating: C. They were all over the place this week and it was a lot to keep track of in two hours. A lot of the stuff was good and they did the right thing in a lot of their stories, but at the same time a lot of it felt stupid (Cassidy/flaming table) or like they were trying too hard (see also flaming table). Winter Is Coming should still be great just because of the action, but this felt really out of step with some of their more recent shows, which were a lot more smooth.

Bryan Danielson b. Alan Angels – Kneebar
CM Punk b. Lee Moriarty – GTS
Wardlow b. AC Adams – Powerbomb
Sting/Darby Allin b. Gunn Club – Scorpion Death Drop to Colton
Ruby Soho b. Kris Statlander – Rollup
Cody Rhodes b. Andrade El Idolo – Reverse superplex through a burning table




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Dynamite – October 23, 2021: Good Enough For The Wife’s Birthday

Date: October 23, 2021
Location: Addition Financial Arena, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

It’s another tournament focused show as we continue the World Title Eliminator Tournament and begin the TBS Title Tournament. We are also less than a month away from Full Gear and that show is going to need some more attention sooner than later. The card is being set up, but it rarely feels like something that is receiving focus. AEW knows how to pull these things off though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

World Title Eliminator Tournament First Round: Bryan Danielson vs. Dustin Rhodes

Feeling out process to start with Rhodes seeming to be a bit nervous to go after him. Danielson takes him down by the legs and ties them up in kind of an Indian deathlock. Back up and Rhodes hits the drop down uppercut but gets knocked to the floor, setting up the suicide dive.

Dustin is right back up with a flip dive off the apron and scores with a belly to back suplex for two. Danielson pulls him down by the arm though and it’s a short armscissors, setting up the stomp on the arm. They go up top with a superplex bringing Danielson back down, setting up Dustin’s snap powerslam.

Danielson kicks away in the corner but gets caught with the jumping clothesline. Dustin has to block the LeBell Lock and it’s time for some more kicks. A big one to the chest makes Dustin Hulk Up and it’s a piledriver to plant Danielson for two. Dustin is back up but Danielson slaps on the guillotine to finish at 15:24.

Rating: B. I’m not a big Dustin fan but he was going hard here and the match got a lot better as a result. This was about the old gunslinger taking one more shot but running into the buzzsaw that is Danielson. I don’t know how much reason there was to believe in an upset here, but they absolutely made it interesting on the way there. Very good stuff, with Rhodes pulling his weight and then some.

Kenny Omega and the Elite are ready for the Superkliq to face the Dark Order next week. Omega saw Hangman Page being all tough last week but he knows the man behind the mask. He knows Page’s weaknesses and at Full Gear, it’s going to be COWARD S*** instead of COWBOY S***! The Bucks compliment him on the last line.

FTR brags about winning the AAA Tag Team Titles last week. They have been waiting on the sidelines for over a year now and it is time to complete their return by winning the AEW Tag Team Titles.

Penta El Zero Miedo and Alex Abrahantes swear revenge on FTR for hurting Fenix last week.

FTR says bring it.

Tony Schiavone brings out Sting for an update on Darby Allin. Before he can say anything though, here is MJF to interrupt. After asking Florida to try and have some class, MJF talks about how Sting needs to tell these people that their little hero is a coward. Sting can paint his face, swing a bat, or even have your leftover stash from the 80s rain down on the, but you can’t fool MJF: Sting isn’t a good guy.

MJF talks about how all of Sting’s fans stick by them and then he leaves them, like he left Lex Luger in a wheelchair. The fight is on and here is the Pinnacle to beat Sting down, despite Sting swinging MJF’s jacket at them. MJF picks up Sting’s head and asks if he has broken Darby Allin’s mind this time. Allin can listen to these people all he wants, but this is what is waiting on him, because MJF is just that much better. The Pinnacle gets ready to leave but MJF hits Sting with the Dynamite Diamond.

Britt Baker isn’t happy with Tay Conti sticking her nose in the title picture. If Conti had worked hard to get to the main event, they could have had a nice title match. Now though, since Conti put her hands on something that didn’t belong to her, Baker is going to kick that a** that Conti loves showing everyone (her words) and keep her title. Baker continues to come off like she believes every word she says and that is why she is one of the best talkers in wrestling today.

TBS Title Tournament First Round: Penelope Ford vs. Ruby Soho

Ford takes her into the corner and starts the stomping but a running boot is blocked. They fight to the apron and slug it out but here is the Bunny for a distraction. That’s enough for Ford to get in a kick to the face and we take a break. Back with Soho striking away for two but missing a charge into the corner. Ford catches her with a jumping cutter for a close two so Soho gives her an STO out of the corner. Another kick to the head rocks Soho though and it’s the fireman’s carry gutbuster for two. Bunny tries to throw in the brass knuckles but the referee sees what’s going on, allowing Soho to grab an O’Connor roll for the pin at 8:30.

Rating: C-. Another not very long match here as Soho doesn’t quite impress. She is a weird case where she has all of the tools on the surface and seems to have a mind for wrestling but for some reason it hasn’t exactly clicked in the ring. Maybe that can be changed with just a few tweaks, but it isn’t working out perfectly.

Post match the Bunny goes after Soho but Red Velvet runs in for the save.

MJF says he sent Darby Allin a message this week but Wardlow interrupts. Wardlow wants to know why MJF shoved him in front of Sting last week. MJF says it was just fight or flight and tries to talk his way out of it. He sees that Wardlow has been working hard and that’s too much pressure. Therefore, he is assigning Shawn Spears (here as well) to be his account-abili-buddy. Wardlow and Spears are confused but MJF has to leave for a meeting. That was a little weird.

Bobby Fish vs. Anthony Greene

Green grabs a rollup for an early two but Fish is right back with the kicks to the knee. A hard suplex sets up a big kick to the head to end Green at 1:48.

Post match Fish kicks Greene down again to turn heel. The beating is on but CM Punk runs in for the save. So Fish vs. Punk? Well if it’s all you have.

Lio Rush still tries to tell Dante Martin that they’re going to be a great team. Martin still isn’t sure but Rush has already gotten them a match against the Sydal Brothers next week. Dante does not look happy.

World Title Eliminator Tournament First Round: Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer

Kingston jumps him in the aisle to start and the brawl is on outside the ring. Archer gets the better of things and pulls a plant over the barricade to slam onto Kingston. A chokeslam off the apron plants said plant onto Kingston and we head inside for the opening bell. Archer chops away but Kingston slips out of the Black Out. The chinlock goes on to put Archer in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Archer choking away in the corner but missing a running shoulder. Instead he gets a boot up to Kingston’s face so Archer tries a moonsault and lands ON THE TOP OF HIS HEAD. Thing stop pretty soon and Archer rolls outside, only to go back in where Kingston rolls him up for the pin at 8:12.

Rating: C. I’m going with right in the middle because I’m a bit shaken up after that landing. It isn’t often that I get scared watching wrestling but seeing a giant like that landing on the top of his head is one way to make it happen. That looked horrible and the best thing to see is that Archer was walking around. Hopefully he is on his way to the hospital though, because that was a scary situation.

Of note: former WWE star Tony Nese was shown in the crowd just after Archer’s crash.

Here are Dan Lambert and the Men of the Year for a chat. They aren’t impressed by the Inner Circle, because the team has been beaten down time after time. Yeah Jake Hager has an undefeated MMA record but no one has ever seen it. Santana and Ortiz are from the streets, but the Men of the Year treat the streets like a runway. As for Chris Jericho, why is AEW paying him to come to the ring and flirt with Paige Vanzant?

Cue Sammy Guevara to quote Jericho, by asking them to shut the h*** up. Sammy remembers hearing that they had some stipulations so let’s have them. Dan Lambert cuts them off and says that Sammy doesn’t suck on the stick as much as he thought he did. The Inner Circle can have their big team match at Full Gear, but only if Sammy defends the title against Ethan Page next week.

WHEN Sammy loses though, he’s also out of the Inner Circle forever. Sammy says it’s on, but if he wins, he gets to pick the members of American Top Team. That’s a deal, but Scorpio Sky is ready to fight right now. Cue the rest of the Inner Circle to chase the villains off in a hurry.

Jon Moxley knows he is supposed to be talking trash and yelling about how he’s going to take out everyone in the tournament. He’ll be doing that, but right now, all he can think about is his baby daughter. His daughter squeezes his finger (which is a little messed up) for all she’s got and all he can think about is her looking up at him. Winning this tournament will let him do more for her, and it’s time so smash everyone.

The Dark Order is ready for the Superkliq when Hangman Page comes in. Page is sorry for not getting back with them sooner. If they are going back after the Elite, and so close to Halloween, it might be time for some costumes. The Dark Order seems interested, with John Silver mentioning Bambi.

Jungle Boy vs. Brandon Cutler

Jungle sends him outside for an early suicide dive and throws him back in for a backdrop. The Snare Trap finishes Cutler at 1:02.

Post match Jungle Boy says he’s still feeling good and wants another member of the Elite. Since no one comes out, the Snare Trap goes on again so Cole screams for someone to help him. Cue Adam Cole to say we can do this right now but it’s a ruse so the Young Bucks can run in for the beatdown. Jungle gets beaten up the ramp and then throw off the stage through some tables in a huge crash.

Miro wants to know why his God has forsaken him. Now he will hurt everyone in front of him and become the favorite champion again. Therefore he can return to his wife, with blood on his hands, which is on us.

Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes

Black has beaten Rhodes twice before but now Cody is being more serious. Arn Anderson is back with Cody, who charges into the ring and we get the opening bell in a hurry. Cody goes straight for the knee but can’t get the Figure Four. Back up and they strike it out as the fans chant CODY SUCKS. A shot to the knee has Cody in trouble but he knocks Black away for a breather. Cody is right back on the knee and we hit the Figure Four as the fans seem to be paying attention to something else. Black bails to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Black in trouble after Cody hit Cross Rhodes through a table at ringside. Black manages to post Cody and they’re both busted open. The fans want Anderson to GET THE GLOCK as Andrade comes out for a distraction. Anderson cuts off Andrade’s assistant with the spinebuster and here is Pac to take out Andrade. Black mists Anderson but walks into the Cross Rhodes for two (and A LOT of booing).

Back up and Black kicks him down, setting up a bridging German suplex for two. Black Mass connects but Cody falls into the ropes to avoid the cover. Cody is back up and gets backdropped out and onto the apron. Black misses the middle rope moonsault and gets taken down by Cody’s suicide dive. The Cody Cutter drops Black back inside and it’s Cross Rhodes into a double underhook piledriver for the pin at 11:44.

Rating: B-. Is it really a surprise that Cody got his win back here? This whole thing has been a Cody story since the beginning with Black getting in some good shows and moments, but ultimately this was about Cody rediscovering the eye of the tiger. This isn’t the end of Black and this isn’t some horrible moment, but it isn’t something that needed to happen. Black is a potential breakout star and the fans do not seem to like Cody very much. Unless this is leading to something down the road with Cody turning, I’m really not feeling this move.

Overall Rating: B-. This was an interesting one as it certainly didn’t hit the heights that some of their shows did, though there was enough to make it worth watching. What interested me the most here is just how much energy there was to the show and how far it took everything else. The fans were into everything they were seeing here (even if they weren’t happy with Cody at any point) and that is going to make a show so much more fun. AEW might be a lot of things and there are criticisms to be made about it, but they know how to make their fans care about everything they are doing and that is huge.

Bryan Danielson b. Dustin Rhodes – Guillotine
Ruby Soho b. Penelope Ford – Rollup
Bobby Fish b. Anthony Greene – Kick to the head
Eddie Kingston b. Lance Archer – Rollup
Jungle Boy b. Brandon Cutler – Snare Trap
Cody Rhodes b. Malakai Black – Tiger Driver 98


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Dynamite – October 16, 2021: Act Two

Date: October 16, 2021
Location: James L. Knight Center, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, CM Punk

We’re on a rare Saturday night due to the MLB playoffs and they are going to have a hard time topping what they did last night with Rampage. Tonight we see the brackets for the #1 contenders tournament, as Full Gear is less than a month away. Add in a AAA Tag Team Titles match and we should be good to go. Let’s get to it.

Here is Rampage if you need a recap.

Guest commentator CM Punk gets his big entrance.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Malakai Black vs. Dante Martin

Lio Rush is here with Black. Some armdrags put Martin down to start but he sends Black outside. It’s too early for a dive though as Black comes back in and elbows him in the face. A powerbomb sets up a half crab to put Martin in trouble but he slips out in a hurry. That earns Martin and STO and shinbreaker, setting up a kneebar. Martin makes the ropes to escape and goes up top, only to have his springboard blocked. A sunset flip gives Martin two and a poisonrana out of the corner staggers Black.

With Black out on the ramp, Martin hits a springboard flip dive (with a bit of a slip) to drop him again. Back in and a double springboard moonsault misses for Martin, setting up a slugout. Black kicks him down and scores with a top rope double stomp, setting up a kick to the head. There’s a hard German suplex to drop Martin hard so he heads up top. That’s broken up with a super hurricanrana but Black is right back with a half crab. Martin escapes again and tries to go up again, only to get caught with Black Mass (Rush is NOT pleased) for the pin at 9:37.

Rating: B. They pulled me into this one as I wasn’t exactly thinking that it was great at the start. That was all changed by the end as these guys were beating the heck out of each other, with one big spot after another. I didn’t buy Martin as possibly winning, but it would have been too much of a stretch to have that take place anyway. Rather good match here as Black continues to prove that WWE was totally wrong about him every single week.

Post match Black goes to leave but stops to nod at Martin in respect.

The Jurassic Express talks about being banged up but the Elite comes in to beat them down. Kenny Omega manages to powerbomb Luchasaurus through the table to show that he can do it.

Here is the Inner Circle, fresh off their loss last night, to quite the reception. Santana isn’t happy about American Top Team, which brings them out with Dan Lambert to brag about their MMA success. Jericho tells us to welcome the “fat faced dip****” and yes the fans chant the name. Jericho accuses Paige Vanzant of having a thing for him, but he wouldn’t touch her with her husband’s genitalia. Punk: “I don’t believe him. I think he would.”

The challenge is on for the ten man tag but Lambert insults the team, including talking about the size of Jake Hager’s head. Lambert is down if the Inner Circle will accept their challenge, but he’ll give them the terms next week. Scorpio Sky says he has pinned Chris Jericho twice, but the fans think he still sucks. Sammy Guevara is ready to fight right now and he’ll see them next week. Vanzant continues to look like a star every time she’s on camera.

AAA Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. Las Super Ranas

The Ranas (the Super Frogs) are two guys in green suits with masks and challenging. Punk: “I don’t know if the Lucha Bros care, but that’s clearly FTR.” We’ll say #1 starts with Fenix, who spins the arm around to start until #1 takes him down and goes for the mask. A victory roll faceplant takes #1 down and everything breaks down, with the Bros going for the masks. Commentary confirms that it’s FTR, mainly due to the lack of flips. The masks come off and FTR clotheslines the Bros down to take over as we go to a break.

Back with Fenix getting dropped ribs first on top but Penta is back in for the brawl. Fenix gets a running start to springboard onto both of them, setting up the Lucha version of What’s Up. Everything breaks down and FTR tries to bring in the belts, only to get kicked down in a hurry. Cue Tully Blanchard (in matching green) for a distraction though, allowing Harwood to belt Fenix out of the air. A brainbuster gives Harwood the pin and the titles at 8:14.

Rating: C+. The frogs deal was weird but points for a surprise title change. FTR getting some gold is certainly a nice thing to see and I could go for another match between these two. The AAA Tag Team Titles have enough meaning for this to be an important win so nice job in a surprise, even if it doesn’t last long. It was also nice for commentary to sound smart, as they weren’t exactly fooled by the disguises.

Lio Rush says Dante Martin failed because he screwed up but Martin can be successful if he just listens. From this point forward, they’re tag partners, though Martin doesn’t seem convinced.

Andrade and FTR celebrate the win. MJF comes in to celebrate with them and gets paid by Andrade, seemingly to rent FTR for the night. MJF’s horrible Spanish is that much better.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley jumps him to start, puts Yuta down, and finishes with the Paradigm Shift at 1:11. Well that worked, though Orange Cassidy staring down at Moxley as Yuta is checked on by the medics seems to give us a future.

Serena Deeb beat Hikaru Shida last week but she’s not happy with how the division has been since she went on sabbatical. It was time to drag the division back up but here is Shida to jump her from behind.

Dark Order vs. Superkliq

It’s Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds and John Silver for the team here but the Superkliq jump them before the bell. Silver escapes the TripleBomb (because the Elite is the Shield these days) on the ramp with Reynolds coming in to help out. They get back inside for the opening bell and Cole gets triple dropkicked to the floor. We settle down to Silver having to kick all three of them away but a Don Callis distraction lets Matt kick him down.

Cole cuts off Reynolds’ dive with an enziguri and it’s a double superkick into a brainbuster onto the knee on the floor to drop him again. JR: “You might want to bother counting.” More kicks and shots to the face have Silver in trouble and we take a break. Back with Nick losing a shoe as Silver makes the comeback, allowing the tag to Uno. That means a full on Mr. Socko return, because AEW doesn’t like to put together the most unique stuff. Uno runs wild for a bit until a few more shots cut him (and the crowd) off.

Cole gets Uno in a camel clutch and the Bucks load up the double kiss, but the rest of the Order takes their place for the kiss instead. A double backdrop puts Cole on the floor and the Order gets to pose for a change. Something Evil gets two on Cole as everything breaks down again. The Order is sent outside and get take out by dives, leaving Cole to kick Reynolds down. A rollup gives Reynolds two and he knees Cole in the face for a bonus. The Bucks are back in with superkicks and the Panama Sunrise into the BTE Trigger into the Boom finishes for Cole at 10:48.

Rating: C+. I can forgive the Superkliq for not exactly taking the Dark Order seriously but they ultimately had to put in some effort to win. Cole getting the pin works as well as he continues to pad his resume while the Bucks take a bit of a step back from him. Silver continues to look like a star, though I’m not sure how much of a future he has in this 837 member group.

Post match here is Jungle Boy to go after the Superkliq, who run off because he grabs a chair. Brandon Cutler is left alone to try the cold spray, which is blocked by the chair. The Snare Trap has Cutler in trouble, with Boy adding the spray to Cutler’s eyes. Now see how easy it is to make Jungle Boy look good? Get rid of the freak show and he’s a star. It’s not that hard.

Cody Rhodes appears at his wrestling academy, where his fellow coaches (or maybe students) aren’t happy with him. Arn Anderson puts him through a drill where everyone goes after him one at a time. Cody wants to know what this is supposed to teach him so Anderson pulls out a photo of Dusty Rhodes beating him up back in the day. Arn talks about how Cody never wanted to disappoint kids, but would kids have thought Dusty was bad for busting Arn open that night? Of course not, because Arn had it coming. Malakai Black has it coming too.

Here is MJF to say he is stuck in a place that smells like hookers and gasoline. He doesn’t like not being announced for his match, even though there is no match scheduled. Punk: “You know how I can tell? No Wardlow.” MJF doesn’t think Darby Allin is ready to fight him so maybe he did break Allin mentally. After telling a fat guy to shut up, MJF feigns shock over hearing about Allin being attacked last week. MJF: “TONY SCHIAVONE! DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS???”

MJF is going to give us a match with Allin, so Wardlow brings out a referee to count the ten. The count is on….and here’s Sting to answer. A baseball bat shot to the ribs drops Wardlow and MJF runs into the snow. MJF teases running back in but runs despite Sting dropping the bat, much to commentary’s disgust.

Britt Baker interrupts Anna Jay’s interview and talks about how the Superkliq beat the Dark Order. Anna: “They are not losers!” Baker talks more trash and the fight is on with referees breaking it up in a hurry.

Kiera Hogan vs. Penelope Ford

The Bunny is here with Ford. Hogan grabs a headlock to start as Punk wants to know if there is any relation, though commentary isn’t sure which Hogan he could possibly mean. Tony is right there to bring them back to focus on the TBS Title as Ford misses a running boot in the corner, setting up a takedown to give Hogan two. Ford bulldogs her into the corner to take over again though and we go to a break. Back with Hogan hitting a superplex but not being able to follow up. A sliding kick to the face in the corner rocks Ford for two more but Ford hits a running cutter. The Muta Lock finishes Hogan at 7:53.

Rating: D+. Not the best match here, but neither of these two are exactly known as a ring general. They were both trying but ultimately you’re only going to be able to get so much out of them. Hogan is someone who has potential due to her amazing charisma and it’s clear that AEW sees a lot in Ford. Keeping it short was the right call here, and it’s not like this dragged down the show.

Post match here is Ruby Soho to jump Ford in revenge from last night. The beating is on but the Bunny comes out to….do nothing actually.

Miro isn’t sure what happened that caused him to lose the TNT Title. He thinks his God has turned on him because he was given a body of granite and a neck of sand. Miro will either be a champion or an enemy and it is time to destroy. He hasn’t seen his wife since losing the title and he will not again until he is God’s favorite champion again.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Tony Schiavone recaps Page’s feud with Kenny Omega, leaving Page to talk about how the Elite left their home in Ring of Honor in 2019. Their world changed and then he lost his big matches on the way. It felt like he started to lose a bit more, including his confidence. The one thing that it felt like he never lost was the fans chanting COWBOY S***, which means we have to pause for a chant.

That meant taking his shot on day one and learning to let the past live in the past and accept new friends in his life. It meant taking his chance to stick his neck out like his friends did so many times. It means having the guts to go back home for the birth of his son, but last week he finally picked up the phone and took a shot.

Page feels the people still believe in him though, and for the first time in his life, he does too. The promise he can make is that he will give us everything at Full Gear, including COWBOY S***! This was a heck of a promo and it was nice to have Page finally say these things instead of having to figure out the big story for ourselves. It wasn’t hard to figure out, but it’s nice to hear it from the source for a change.

Here’s what’s coming next week, including Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes III and tournament matches.

Bryan Danielson vs. Bobby Fish

Feeling out process to start with Fish’s headlock not working, as Danielson kicks him into the corner. Back up and Fish strikes away, only to get knocked outside. Fish gets posted but is fine enough to cut off the running knee from the apron as we take a break. Back with Fish working on the knee and hitting a sliding lariat for two more.

The half crab goes on but Danielson is back up with a suplex to send Fish flying. Danielson evens things up by wrapping the knee around the post but Fish is back in with a backdrop driver. Fish takes him up top for a super Falcon Arrow and starts tying up the knee. They both get kneebars until Danielson kicks him in the head for the break. A heel hook makes Fish tap at 12:28.

Rating: B. Fish got in a lot here, which is the kind of thing that makes AEW work so well. They know how to make someone look good in defeat, albeit in a match they had no business winning. There is nothing wrong with Fish losing to a much bigger star and Danielson gets a win over someone with some name value. AEW has figured out that formula and that is a great thing to see.

With less than a minute to go in the show, here is the bracket for the #1 contenders tournament:

Jon Moxley

Orange Cassidy
Powerhouse Hobbs

Dustin Rhodes
Bryan Danielson

Lance Archer
Eddie Kingston

That’s….interesting. I guess?

Overall Rating: B. Not so great brackets aside, this was another good show from AEW, who don’t seem to know how to had a bad one these days. They throw in at least two exciting matches to keep you hooked and the rest is all gravy. The title change was a nice surprise too, though I’m not completely sure why the frog suits were included. Anyway, another good night here, as AEW is on fire (again).

Malakai Black b. Dante Martin – Black Mass
Las Super Ranas b. Lucha Bros – Brainbuster to Fenix
Jon Moxley b. Wheeler Yuta – Paradigm Shift
Superkliq b. Dark Order – Boom to Reynolds
Penelope Ford b. Kiera Hogan – Muta Lock
Bryan Danielson b. Bobby Fish – Heel hook



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Rampage – October 15, 2021: Exactly What They Wanted

Date: October 15, 2021
Location: James L. Knight Center, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Ricky Starks, Taz

This is another special edition of the show as we have a bonus first hour airing on YouTube, which seems to be retaliation for WWE running an extra half hour of Smackdown this week. The bonus hour will feature Bryan Danielson vs. Minoru Suzuki while the regular show has CM Punk against Matt Sydal. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Buy-In: Tay Conti vs. Santana Garrett

Anna Jay is here with Conti, who takes Garrett down by the arm to start. Neither of them can hit am armdrag as commentary hypes up the Rampage card, including a commercial free opener. Conti’s leglock has Garrett in more trouble and she kicks Garrett in the face for two. Garrett is sent to the apron but misses a kick to the face, allowing Conti to roll her back inside for two.

There’s a forearm to Conti’s face to stagger her again and a running elbow in the corner makes it worse. Conti fights out of a leglock and a double hair takedown leaves both of them laying. Garrett’s handspring is broken up and Conti kicks her in the face. Some running kicks to the face in the corner rock Garrett again and the DDTay finishes Garrett at 4:47.

Rating: C. They hit/kicked each other hard here and it was a good way to start the show. The fans respond to Conti and Garrett is someone who can make anyone look better than they already are. You can see that Conti is going somewhere sooner than later and a big run towards the TBS Title would not be a surprise.

Video on Dan Lambert/American Top Team/Men of the Year vs. the Inner Circle. This includes various talking heads (and masks, because Excalibur is here too) talking about how Lambert is getting away with everything he says because of the MMA fighters behind him. As a result, we hear about their careers, which sounds more like reading a Wikipedia entry about their careers. Jorge Masvidal joins in and says they’re going to destroy the Inner Circle tonight. They’re ready to prove their dominance again.

Buy-In: Lee Moriarty vs. Bobby Fish

They go to the mat for the grappling to start before going to an early slugout. Moriarty takes him down by the arm but Fish punches his way to freedom. Fish grabs an armbar and drives Moriarty into the corner for some elbows to the face. Moriarty takes him down though and scores with a running kick to the arm. That’s broken up with a drive into the corner into a dragon screw legwhip to put Moriarty down again. Fish kicks him in the knee and gets two off a snap suplex.

Back up and Moriarty goes after the arm to take Fish down again, setting up the double stomp for two. Another comeback doesn’t get Fish very far as Moriarty suplexes him down for another near fall, complete with holding the bad arm. Fish reverses a suplex into a choke and a jumping knee gives him two. An exploder suplex sends Moriarty into the ropes and a big kick to the face finishes for Fish at 7:53.

Rating: B-. Yeah this worked, and it’s great to see Moriarty getting a chance. He really was one of the better indy stars going before he was signed to AEW so they certainly have an eye for talent. On top of that, Bobby Fish getting a chance to shine as a singles star is great as well, even if he might not go very far beyond being a good hand.

Video on Bryan Danielson, who is awesome and impressive, but his toughest test is tonight against Minoru Suzuki.

Buy-In: Bryan Danielson vs. Minoru Suzuki

They fight over arm control to start with Suzuki getting the better of things. The fans say this is wrestling as Danielson can’t get anywhere with an armbar. A snapmare takes Danielson down into a chinlock and he has to go to the ropes to escape a kneebar. Back up and Suzuki (mostly) blocks a dragon screw legwhip and tells Danielson to bring it. The fans do the YES pose and chant SI (ok that’s really clever) as it’s time to trade big shots.

Suzuki stands in the middle of the ring for a kick to the chest and actually gets staggered for a surprise. One heck of a forearm puts Danielson down and he seems to be immediately regretting this decision. Danielson is back up to take Suzuki to the mat for the hammer and anvil elbows. The threat of Cattle Mutilation sends Suzuki bailing to the ropes, where he pulls Danielson into a cross armbreaker.

Suzuki takes him to the floor and strikes away but lets Danielson get back in like a good monster. Danielson’s strikes don’t get him very far as the fans seem split. The armbar goes on, with Danielson getting to the rope as fast as he can. They head outside again with Danielson getting in a shot of his own, setting up the running knee off the apron. Back in and Danielson starts kicking at the chest, which just fires Suzuki up even more.

The SI stomps set up Cattle Mutilation but Suzuki rolls out, leaving Danielson to unload with strikes in the corner. Suzuki kicks him right back down so this time it’s Danielson pulling himself up to a strong reaction. The Fujiwara armbar has Danielson in trouble but he makes the rope again. That’s not cool with Suzuki but Danielson pulls him into the LeBell Lock. Somehow Suzuki rolls him over into the ropes for the break and they have to pull themselves back up.

Suzuki isn’t even pretending to be scared of Danielson and the big slugout is on. Stereo shots to the face put both of them down to a standing ovation. The delay lets Taz insult any fans who are watching TV at the moment rather than this before they’re back up for another slugout. Suzuki can’t get the sleeper but Danielson can’t get the LeBell Lock again. Back up and the running knee finishes Suzuki at 19:17.

Rating: A-. This was exactly what you would have wanted it to be and it was great stuff. What matters here is having two guys hit each other really hard until one of them couldn’t get up again. That’s all you could have asked for out of the match and Danielson gets a pretty big win over a legend. Suzuki is someone who can take loss after loss and not lose a thing, so this was about as great as it could have been.

Video on CM Punk’s time in AEW so far, because he has that IT factor. Tonight he has Matt Sydal, who is getting this match as a favor from Lio Rush. They know each other well and we see a clip from their first match in 2005, complete with Sydal talking about how Punk followed him to AEW. Everyone knows it’s going to be big, mainly because Punk is going to be involved.

CM Punk vs. Matt Sydal

We open the regular show with an exchange of arm control and an ICE CREAM BARS chant. Punk throws him into the ropes, possibly by the hair, to get out of an armbar and Sydal isn’t pleased. Sydal flips out of a suplex and they’re at another standoff. Punk gets in a slam and the fans chant OTRA VEZ (ONE MORE TIME) but another attempt is countered with a whip into the ropes.

A kick to the face rocks Punk and we hit the chinlock, with Sydal trapping the arms into a cradle for two in a nice move. It’s time to start in on Punk’s knee for kind of a reverse Muta Lock. The GTS and Lightning Spiral are both blocked and Punk gets two off a dropkick. The leg lariat puts Sydal down again but he is back up with a shot to Punk’s face. They head to the apron with Punk hitting a slam to drop Sydal back first for a nasty landing.

Back up and they both go to the top where an exchange of punches send them crashing to the floor. They get back inside, where Sydal hits him in the face for a near fall. Another Lightning Spiral attempt is countered into a neckbreaker to give Punk a breather and they take their time getting up.

Sydal grabs something like a reverse Texas Cloverleaf (like the Billy Goat’s Curse but with a Cloverleaf instead of a Boston crab) before trying to switch to a cobra stretch. That’s reversed into an Anaconda Vice attempt but Sydal is in the ropes in a hurry. A big kick to the head sets up the Lightning Spiral for two and they’re both down off the kickout. Sydal tries a crucifix but Punk counters into the GTS for the pin at 14:48.

Rating: B. This was the kind of match that Punk needs at the moment, as he had to go long to get a good win. It shows that he can still do it against good wrestlers, as Sydal can have a solid match with anyone. It’s easily Sydal’s best match in AEW and Punk broke a serious sweat to get there. Commentary did a nice job throwing in their history with each other to make it even better. Heck of a TV match here.

Respect is shown post match.

The Dark Order is back together and they’re ready for Adam Cole and the Young Bucks.

Bunny vs. Ruby Soho

Ruby goes after the arm to start before getting serious with a knee to the face for one. Bunny avoids a charge in the corner though and hits a dropkick to send Ruby into the buckle for two. Ruby manages to kick her away and goes up, only to get pulled down head first onto the buckle. Bunny’s sliding elbow in the corner rocks Ruby again and we take a break.

Back with Bunny in trouble on the floor thanks to a Downward Spiral. Soho unloads with chops in the corner and pulls her face first into the middle buckle. A running shot to the back of the head gives Ruby two but Bunny is back with a German superplex for two of her own. Down The Rabbit Hole is loaded up but Ruby reverses into a backslide for the pin at 10:43.

Rating: C. Perfectly fine match here with Ruby picking up a win over a high profile enough name. Bunny might not be the best in the ring but she has a presence that makes her feel important. Ruby is still a big deal and looks different enough to stand out, so she should be someone to watch in the TBS Title tournament.

Post match Penelope Ford comes in to help double team Ruby and the brass knuckles knock her silly.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite and next week on Rampage.

We get the split screen interview with Dan Lambert and American Top Team being ready to destroy the Inner Circle. The Inner Circle isn’t scared though and promises that Junior Dos Santos’ grandmother can make him a cake.

Inner Circle vs. Men of the Year/Junior Dos Santos

Dan Lambert and Jorge Masvidal are here with Dos Santos and company, with Lambert wanting a lot more respect. Sammy Guevara starts for the Circle and dropkicks Scorpio Sky down, setting up a quick bow. It’s off to Chris Jericho for a clothesline but Dos Santos comes in, with Jericho trying to punch with him for some reason. This goes very badly for Jericho, who is punched out to the floor in a hurry.

Jake Hager comes in for the showdown with Dos Santos taking him into the corner, only to be powered down as well. Dos Santos knees Hager in the face and the beating is on until Hager knees Sky down. The hot tag brings in Jericho, who goes outside to get into Masvidal’s face. The distraction lets Ethan Page get in a cheap shot from behind to take over as we go to a break. Back with Dos Santos powerslamming Jericho for two and handing it off to Page. An enziguri gets Jericho out of trouble and the hot tag brings Guevara back in.

The double springboard cutter drops Sky and there’s a Spanish Fly to Page. Guevara’s running shooting star press gets two on Sky as everything breaks down. The Lionsault gets two on Skyw ith Page making a save. Everyone else goes to the floor with the fans going nuts off….I think a big Guevara dive that the camera missed. Dos Santos gets Rock Bottomed through a table to put him down with Hager still on top of him. Back inside and Jericho gets Sky in the Walls but Paige Vanzant jumps the barricade for a distraction. Masvidal uses the distraction to hit the running knee on Jericho, giving Sky the pin at 11:27.

Rating: B-. Pretty good brawl here with Dos Santos more than hanging in there despite a lack of experience. This feud seems to have a long way to go and it will get better once the rest of the Inner Circle gets involved. Right now they don’t have much to counter all of the MMA guys, but taking it to the streets might work a little better. For now though, this was a nice win for the villains and the feud should be able to continue at a high level.

Post match the big beatdown is on (including Paige Vanzant taking selfies, because she’s an amazingly natural heel) until Santana and Ortiz run in for the save and clear the rung to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Heck of a night here, even with the extra run time. Having this as a one off two hour special was quite good, though I would hope that they don’t think it should be a regular idea. What we got here was mostly rather good, with Danielson vs. Suzuki being exactly the kind of match this audience would want to see. Punk’s match was good and the main event was a nice match and angle rolled into one. Pretty awesome stuff here and hopefully a good amount of people watched the whole thing.

Tay Conti b. Santana Garrett – DDTay
Bobby Fish b. Lee Moriarty – Kick to the head
Bryan Danielson b. Minoru Suzuki – Running knee
CM Punk b. Matt Sydal – GTS
Ruby Soho b. The Bunny – Backslide
Men of the Year/Junior Dos Santos b. Inner Circle – Running knee to Jericho


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Dynamite – September 22, 2021 (Grand Slam): Instant Classic

Date: September 22, 2021
Location: Arthur Ashe Tennis Stadium, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

We might be in for the biggest Dynamite in history as the show is in New York City in front of about 20,000 people. The card is stacked too and this is giving me vibes of the Raw in MSG debut, which just happened to be twenty four years ago to the day. If it’s close to that good, we’re in for a huge night. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega

Non-title and Don Callis is here with Omega. They take over a minute to lock up, earning the third loudest pop of the night so far. Omega takes him up against the ropes and hits the big chop, allowing himself some praise. A kick to the chest puts Omega down and we get back to even. Another kick sends Omega outside and it’s time to take a breather. Back in and Omega hits another chop as we are at four moves in about as many minutes (for a good start).

They pick up the pace and go into the corner for the exchange of kicks and chops until Danielson backdrops Omega outside. The suicide shove sends Omega into the barricade and it’s back inside to go after the arm. The armbar and a stomp has Omega in more trouble as JR runs down the card (JR: “And Cody Rhodes against Malakai…..not Malakai….Malakai Black!”). Omega is back with some kicks of his own, setting up a running knee to the ribs and a kick to the back.

Danielson uppercuts his way to freedom from the mat and hits the running clothesline. A corner dropkick sets up a super hurricanrana for two but Omega snaps off his own standing hurricanrana. Danielson is sent outside and Omega hits the big running flip dive to take him down again. Back in and they trade rollup for two each until Danielson whips out Cattle Mutilation. That blows the roof off the place, only to have Omega make the ropes in a hurry.

Danielson takes him down with a top rope dropkick on the apron, setting up the AFFIRMATIVE Kicks. The big one is countered into the snapdragon to send Danielson sliding across the ramp for a scary visual. Omega goes all the way up to the stage for the VERY long running V Trigger to send us to a break. Back with Omega hitting a buckle bomb to put Danielson on the apron again. Danielson gets in a rollup for two but Omega blasts him with another knee to the back.

Omega can’t hit the dragon superplex (because it would result in a bad case of death) so Danielson slips out and hits a belly to back superplex, with Omega landing on Danielson’s arm. Said arm is fine enough for a bridging belly to back suplex (kind of a reverse fisherman’s suplex) for two. Omega is back up top with the dragon superplex (geez) for two more. The One Winged Angel is countered into a poisonrana and now the big kick to the head connects.

Omega takes him down again but misses the Phoenix splash. They strike it out until another big kick to the head has Omega in need of a check from the referee. Danielson grabs the arms for the heavy stomps and but can’t quite get the LeBell Lock. Omega makes the rope so Danielson hits a running dropkick in the corner. The V Trigger connects and they trade more heavy shots to the head. An exchange of headbutts and more strikes take us to the time limit draw at 30:00.

Rating: A. You could see the time limit draw coming at about halfway through and that is not a bad thing. This was the right booking for a match like this and these two beat the fire out of each other for half an hour. The idea was that Danielson could go toe to toe with Omega and even had him beaten at the end but couldn’t quite complete the deal. Great match and one of the best TV matches in a long time.

Post match the Elite runs in for the beatdown but Christian Cage and Jungle Boy run in for the save.

Here is CM Punk to say he’s glad he isn’t wrestling tonight because how do you follow that? It has been a long time since he has been in New York City, just like professional wrestling. Some people have been wanting the old CM Punk back because they want the ticked off Punk. That brings him to Team Taz, half of whom are from New York but the fans still don’t like them. Those people don’t want him to be out here with Cult of Personality or to have wrestling fans. That’s why they have come after Punk, but they are sleeping on his legacy. It is his job to tuck them in, and that’s why Powerhouse Hobbs is going to sleep on Rampage.

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Julia Hart and Wardlow are the seconds here. Pillman takes him down to start and hammers away, setting up a hiptoss. There’s a backdrop as the fired up first gear offense continues. MJF starts his comeback but gets punched straight into the corner. A whip sends Pillman upside down in the corner though and MJF gets to pose a bit. Pillman is back with some rollups for two each and we take a break.

Back with MJF choking in the corner and yelling at the fans as Excalibur tries to figure out a metaphor for how evil MJF really is. A high crossbody connects for Pillman but his arm is too banged up to do much about it. Pillman scores with a superkick and the snap powerslam for two. MJF gets sent outside so he hides behind Hart, whose rescue allows him to clothesline Pillman down. Hart slaps MJF, who grabs her wrist but leaves himself open to a dropkick from Pillman. Back in and Air Pillman is countered into the Salt of the Earth for the tap at 9:27.

Rating: C. Pillman still isn’t ready to win a match like this but it was a good idea to put him in a quick mini feud with a bigger name. That is the kind of thing that can give him some valuable experience points and it isn’t like losing to MJF is some career killer. They just might want to let Pillman get a win over someone a little bigger than Max Caster.

Jake Hager thinks the Men of the Year are really the Boys of the Week because their beating is coming. Chris Jericho doesn’t get why you would want a fight with the Inner Circle in New York but it’s time for the Men of the Year to take their beating.

Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes

Cody has Arn Anderson and Brandi Rhodes with him. They start rather slowly for a match built on revenge until Cody tries to pick the ankle. That goes nowhere so Cody punches away, only to have his leg swept out. Black misses a big kick so Cody heads to the floor, leaving Black to moonsault into a seat on the mat. Brandi gets in Black’s face but she has to let him go so Black can grab something like an Octopus.

Cody gets out and sends Black outside for the Disaster Kick to rock him again. Cody’s dive off the top lands close to a knee to the face (or hands a foot in front of it) as we take a break. Back with Cody beating the count off of a big kick to the face. Cody hits a rather wise chop block and is soundly booed. A dragon screw legwhip over the ropes makes the booing even worse and Cody dropkicks the knee in the corner.

Black gets in a kick of his own but the leg gives out to prevent Black Mass. The Cody Cutter overcomes a slip to connect and Cross Rhodes gets two, even with Arn up on the apron. Anderson gets back up so Black sends Cody into him, only to get kicked in the face. Cody goes outside to check on Anderson, who isn’t happy with the decision. Back in and Black busts out some mist to the face, setting up a small package to finish Cody at 10:59.

Rating: C. The match wasn’t the best, but what matters here is Black beat Cody. There was no need to have Cody end the undefeated streak here and Black busting out something evil like the mist is a good idea. Both guys need to move on now, though the ending would suggest the possibility of a third match, which scares me a bit.

Video on Miro vs. Sammy Guevara. Sammy isn’t happy about Miro attacking Fuego del Sol after he already beat him. Yes Miro broke his neck in 2012 but his God healed him. Now his God demands pain and his wife demands pleasure. Sammy promises to buy Fuego a new car after he wins the TNT Title next week.

Sting/Darby Allin vs. FTR

FTR is in NWO inspired gear, making them New Day ripoffs. Darby is teased with some double teaming to start so it’s off to Sting, who powers Wheeler against the ropes to start. A Harwood distraction lets Wheeler get in a cheap shot but Sting shrugs it off in a hurry. The Stinger Splash misses though and FTR be clubberin in the corner. A double shoulder puts Harwood down and Sting gets to do the old falling headbutt low blow.

It’s back to Allin who sends FTR to the floor, but the Coffin Drop to the floor is pulled out of the air. FTR sends him into a hard object and we take a break. Back with Allin slipping away from both of them and getting over for the tag off to Sting. A spinebuster plants Harwood for two and a high crossbody gives Sting the same. Wheeler snaps Sting’s throat across the top though and Harwood rolls him up for two of his own. Harwood loads up the Tombstone but Sting slips out and tries the Deathdrop.

With that broken up, it’s a pair of Stinger Splashes, but Harwood puts a chair in the corner. The Deathdrop plants Wheeler but another Stinger Splash…..doesn’t quite hit the chair as Sting puts on the brakes (Egads AEW actually made Sting smart!). Instead, Harwood goes head first into the chair and, after punching Tully Blanchard down, Sting gets two off a rollup. The Scorpion Deathlock goes on and, after Allin Coffin Drops onto an interfering Wheeler, Harwood taps at 9:28.

Rating: C+. Almost anything Sting does is going to feel special as he can still do his thing rather well. It’s pure nostalgia for the most part but the fact that Sting can still have a completely respectable match helps. Allin gets to look good by association, which should be the case until the possible split between the two (which could make Allin an awesome heel, if they ever choose to go that way….which might be rather stupid).

We take a quick look at Britt Baker and Ruby Soho’s war of words on Rampage.

Here’s a preview of Rhodes To The Top.

Rampage rundown.

Women’s Title: Ruby Soho vs. Britt Baker

Baker, with Rebel and Jamie Hayter, is defending. Tony is a little worried that Baker doesn’t seem overly confident as the fans are split. Soho wins the battle over a lockup and takes Baker down to the mat to ram her head into the mat over and over. A headlock sets off a grapple off until Soho knees her in the face. Soho twists the arm around, sending Baker outside, meaning Soho is right there with the dive onto the goons (with Hayter taking a hard shot). Baker nails a superkick into a neckbreaker on the floor and we take a break.

Back with Soho hitting a running boot to the face but running into a superkick, much to Tony’s delight. Soho fires off some headbutts but gets caught with a Sling Blade. Rebel loads up Baker’s glove, only to have Soho pick the leg to block the Stomp. An enziguri in the corner drops Baker again and Soho hits a top rope backsplash for two more. Baker is right back up with a neckbreaker into the low superkick for her own near fall.

Soho heads to the apron but a superplex onto the goons is countered into a super Air Raid Crash for a very close two. Baker gets violent by stomping Soho face first into the steps, setting up the Stomp for two more. A rollup gives Soho two more and she nails the No Future (Riott Kick). Rebel gets the same but Hayter snaps Soho’s throat across the top. Lockjaw finishes Soho at 13:23.

Rating: B-. They got rolling near the end here and the goon squad finished Soho off. That’s a good way to use the two of them as Baker continues to build towards the inevitable major showdown with Thunder Rosa. Soho losing here is a bit of a surprise, but at least it wasn’t a clean fall to help things out a bit.

Overall Rating: B. The opener was more than enough to carry this show and the rest of it needed to just not be terrible. What we got was a perfectly watchable show with the main event being the second best match on the card. The show felt big and that’s what you needed from this show. Good, though not quite amazing, effort this week.

Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega went to a time limit draw
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Brian Pillman Jr. – Salt of the Earth
Malakai Black b. Cody Rhodes – Small package
Sting/Darby Allin b. FTR – Scorpion Deathlock to Harwood
Britt Baker b. Ruby Soho – Lockjaw




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Rampage – September 16, 2021: The Other Way To Rampage

Date: September 17, 2021
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
Commentators: Taz, Ricky Starks, Chris Jericho, Excalibur

It’s another stacked show this week with a pair of title matches. First up we have Butcher and the Blade getting a shot at the Lucha Bros, plus Miro defending the TNT Title against Fuego del Sol. The latter is made a little more interesting when you throw in del Sol’s car being on the line as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: Butcher And The Blade vs. Lucha Bros

The Bros are defending and Butcher throws Fenix around to start. Penta comes in to take over on Butcher, including the wheelbarrow splash for two. Butcher forearms Penta in the face so Fenix comes in, only to get kneed in the face. It’s already back to Penta for the Sling Blades to the floor, setting up the big dives from the champs.

We take a break and come back with Penta having to crawl over for the tag to Fenix, who strikes away at Butcher and Blade. Butcher breaks up something off the top rope so Fenix German suplexes him instead. A moonsault set up another German suplex for two on Blade, followed by the spike Fear Factor to Butcher.

Blade has to make the save so Penta kicks away at his legs. A powerslam gives Blade two as everything breaks down. Penta gets tied into the corner by the mask, leaving Fenix to get double stomped. With the powerbomb/neckbreaker loaded up, Penta takes his mask off to make the superkick save. Fenix grabs a hurricanrana to retain the titles at 9:43.

Rating: B-. Butcher and the Blade aren’t exactly top level challengers but they did just fine for a one off like this. They haven’t exactly been back for very long but they are undefeated this year (with most of the wins coming on Dark) so putting them here works. I’m not sure they needed much of an explanation for their title shot, though AEW certainly likes keeping things official.

Post match the Hardy Family Office comes in for the beatdown but Santana and Ortiz run in for the save.

Kenny Omega talks about how Bryan Danielson has always been the underdog and he isn’t even ranked over here. Danielson says everyone is underestimating him but he wants to start against the best. The underdog is getting taken apart here, just like everyone else.

Anna Jay vs. The Bunny

Tay Conti and Penelope Ford are the seconds and it’s a brawl in the aisle to start. Anna gets the better of things and takes Bunny inside to run her over. Bunny gets knocked back outside, where she pulls Anna’s shoulder hard into the post. The arm is cranked on some more as we take a break. Back with Bunny cranking on the arm again but Anna kicks the knee out. A running seated Blockbuster gives Anna two but the Queenslayer is broken up. The seconds get in a fight on the floor and Anna grabs a rollup for the pin at 6:59.

Rating: C. This was hard hitting enough to get by, though Anna still has a long way to go in the ring. She does the limited stuff well though and that is better than some people can say. It’s a smart move to let her have the win here as she needs it a lot more than Bunny, though neither of these two seem likely to break through to the title picture in the near future.

Post match the brawl is on again with Conti and Ford getting involved as well. Ford pulls out some brass knuckles to knock Conti and Anna cold.

Post break, Matt Hardy is furious and makes Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford, plus Lucha Bros/Proud and Powerful vs. Private Party/Butcher and the Blade for next week. For this week though, Hardy is sick of looking at an Orange Cassidy lookalike in the front row. The lookalike, who weighs about 300lbs, is pulled into the ring for a beatdown from Hardy and Jack Evans. Hardy pulls out some scissors and it’s time for the big haircut. Cue Orange Cassidy for the save.

Here are Ruby Soho and Britt Baker for a face to face chat. Britt thinks Riott is here for herself, because she needs to find out who she is. Ruby has changed her name and hair color so much because she needs to fit in. Everyone knows who Baker is around here though and we hit the crowd assisted catchphrase.

Ruby says of course everyone knows who Baker is because she tells them every week. Ruby knows who she is too, but now she has the freedom to show it. We pause for a RUBY SOHO chant before she wants to talk about Baker. Britt looks like every other broad she has stood across the ring from, even down to banging some dude in the back. Baker smiles a bit and nods as Ruby says she is trying to figure out if there is anything more.

Actually Baker would like to know the same thing, because Ruby was fired from the last place she worked. Ruby was fired, but it was the best thing that ever happened to her. She can’t believe Baker can see anything with her head so far up Tony Khan, but next week she won’t even be able to see herself as champion. Baker swings the belt and is chased off in a hurry. Good segment here with some great lines from both, but Soho really needs to win to not look like the flavor of the month.

We get the face to face interview with Fuego del Sol and Miro. Fuego is willing to put up his new car against the title, because he knows he can drop Miro on his head with the tornado DDT. Miro may be God’s Favorite Champion so he must have heard of David vs. Goliath. Miro talks about how he loves celebrating with his God above and his wife below, so he’ll retain the title.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

TNT Title: Miro vs. Fuego del Sol

Miro is defending. Fuego kicks away to start and sends Miro outside, only to have his dive pulled out of the air. A posting drops Miro though and Fuego does it again for a bonus. Another dive off the barricade is countered with a fall away slam though and we take a break. Back with Fuego fighting out of a bearhug but the tornado DDT doesn’t work. Instead it’s a pair of double stomps into a regular DDT to drop Miro. That’s too far for Miro, who unloads on Fuego in the corner. The jumping superkick gives Miro a new car at 8:55.

Rating: C. They had a tricky job here as there was no drama about who was winning here and they managed to turn it into something interesting. That is hard to pull off but Miro can do almost no wrong at this point. Fuego is a total underdog and tried his best, but it is going to take something special to beat Miro for the title.

Post match Miro takes the keys and puts them in Fuego’s mouth, setting up the Game Over. Sammy Guevara runs in for the save and picks up the title to end the show. Miro vs. Sammy works for me.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a different kind of Rampage as it felt like a missing hour of Dynamite. In this case, that is not a bad thing as they built up some stories before next week’s double shot of huge. It is still a very easy hour of wrestling to watch and the Soho vs. Baker promo was quite good. Another nice show here and that’s the norm so far with Rampage.

Lucha Bros b. Butcher and the Blade – Hurricanrana to Blade
Anna Jay b. The Bunny – Rollup
Miro b. Fuego del Sol – Jumping superkick



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Rampage – September 10, 2021: It’s Just What I’ve Always Wanted

Date: September 10, 2021
Location: Fifth Third Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Jim Ross, Mark Henry, Taz, Tony Schiavone

The biggest week in AEW history wraps up here with a pay per view quality match. This week’s feature match will see Pac vs. Andrade El Idolo in a match that was supposed to take place at All Out. Instead it is happening here, along with hometown boy Brian Pillman Jr. facing the rather rude Max Caster. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the lower section looking straight at the entrance.

Opening sequence.

Pac vs. Andrade El Idolo

Chavo Guerrero is here with Idolo. They stare each other down to start before going at it in a hurry. Andrade catches him with a basement dropkick and we hit the Tranquilo pose. Some kicks in the ribs just wake Pac up and he hurricanranas Andrade outside for the big running flip dive. Pac whips him hard into the barricade and we hit the chinlock back inside. Andrade snaps off a running boot to the face and a hanging DDT onto the apron sends Pac hard to the floor.

That means Andrade can hit his own big dive but it’s only good for one back inside. Pac gets up top but gets caught on the ropes, setting up the Alberto double stomp (which looked horribly violent) to put them both down on the floor as we take a break. Back with Andrade hitting a top rope split legged moonsault for two. With that not working, Pac is taken to the top but manages a super hurricanrana to bring Andrade right back down.

The running boot in the face rocks Andrade again to put him on the apron. Pac can’t hit a running sunset bomb to the floor so it’s a superkick to stagger Andrade instead. A huge moonsault to the floor has Andrade down again, though Pac might have hit his head on the barricade. Back in and a 450 connects for Pac but the Black Arrow is broken up. A running Pele kick rocks Pac again but he drives Andrade into the corner to block the hammerlock DDT.

Andrade charges into an overhead belly to belly into the corner but he catches Pac in the fireman’s carry. That’s countered into a crucifix bomb into the Brutalizer, which draws Andrade’s translator onto the apron with a stun gun to distract Pac. The Lucha Bros run out to take care of him but Chavo gets in a cheap shot to knock Pac silly. Andrade steals the pin at 15:42.

Rating: B. Sometimes you need to just let people beat each other up really well for awhile. That’s what we got here, as these two had a physical, hard hitting match. It was entertaining and I wanted to see it go to a better ending, but Pac looked like his usual self and Andrade felt like a star for the first time around here. Good stuff and I would have loved to see what they could have done on pay per view.

Post match Chavo and Andrade go to leave but Andrade turns on Chavo and slams his head into the ramp. With Andrade gone, the Lucha Bros superkick Chavo so Pac can grab the Brutalizer. Referees come down and finally break it up so Death Triangle can pose. Andrade might need a new manager now. Say one who managed him in Mexico recently?

Here are Darby Allin and Sting to answer Tully Blanchard’s challenge from Dynamite. Allin calls Shawn Spears a generic piece of s*** who has ridden Blanchard’s coattails. After a loud….whatever you call Sting’s scream, Sting calls out Blanchard for riding Ric Flair and Arn Anderson’s coattails for years. We can do it right now, so here is Tully to talk about the numbers game. Sting is distracted and doesn’t notice Spears running in to plant Allin with the C4 on the floor. No matter how old he is, Sting will never escape being an imbecile.

Adam Cole talks about what it means to be in the Elite because they are the best. Fans respect Bryan Danielson and Christian Cage because their body of work is so special. Cole isn’t even in his prime yet and he would mop the floor with Bryan Danielson.

Bryan Danielson says that the Elite feels and looks insecure and he is going after one specific member of the team. He would love to face Kenny Omega in his first match but if he isn’t stepping up, someone else will. Everyone is hungry around here so let’s go.

Britt Baker/Rebel/Jamie Hayter vs. Riho/Kris Statlander/Ruby Soho

Riho takes Baker down to start so it’s time to rethink things. Statlander comes in to muscle Baker over with a powerslam and picks Riho up to kick Rebel in the chest for a funny spot. Tony: “What do you call that Excalibur?” Taz: “Well he’s not here.” Hayter comes in but Rebel hits a cheap shot from the apron as we take a break.

Back with Riho fighting out of a chinlock so Hayter goes over to knock Statlander off the apron. She doesn’t knock Soho down though, meaning Riho can kick Hayter away and make the tag. A running kick to the face rocks Hayter and an STO gets two. Everything breaks down and Statlander rolls Rebel up until Baker breaks it up for the save. Statlander is back up with a twisting Falcon Arrow to Baker, with Riho getting on Statlander’s shoulders. Riho covers Baker up so Riho double stomps her instead. Soho comes back in for the former Riott Kick and the pin on Rebel at 9:27.

Rating: C. This was a way to get Soho some more air time and there is nothing wrong with that. AEW knows they have something with her and putting her in a six woman tag is a good way to have her out there without hurting anyone. Rebel is there to take losses for Baker so this went as well as it could have. Maybe not an all time classic, but it did what it was designed to do.

We get the face to face interview between Max Caster and Brian Pillman Jr. Caster is sick of Pillman having so many fake friends but they won’t be here tonight. Anthony Bowens says Caster is going to beat up Pillman’s Saved By The Bell reunion looking face. Pillman is going to prove if Caster can back up his talk because they’re in Cincinnati and Pillman is coming at him 100mph. Pillman hasn’t inherited his dad’s speaking abilities.

Max Caster vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Caster’s rap insults Cincinnati, but Bowens grabs the mic before he can say what a bowl of Skyline Chili looks like. Bowens: “YOU’RE ON THIN ICE!” Pillman takes him down and rains down right hands to start. Caster is sent outside for the dropkick through the ropes but Bowens breaks up Air Pillman back inside. That’s enough for Caster to get in some right hands in the corner and a knee drop gets two.

Caster sends him outside so Bowens can get in some stomping, followed by Caster’s dropkick to the back for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Pillman makes the comeback and pounds away with the right hands in the corner. Bowens’ interference lets Caster score with a right hand on top but Pillman shoves him away. A dive takes Bowens out so Caster can get in a shot of his own. The Mic Drop misses though and Air Pillman finishes Caster at 6:41.

Rating: C. This was 100% for the live audience and there is nothing wrong with that. Pillman was over huge in his hometown and it was great to see him get a win over someone who isn’t going to be hurt by the loss. That’s how something like this should go and AEW made it work out very well. Not a great match, but a nice moment.

Post match Bowens comes in to jump Pillman and the double team is on. Cue fellow Cincinnati native Jon Moxley for the save and thoroughly please the live crowd to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Now this is what I wanted to see from Rampage. They had a featured match and then some more showcase matches. The opener was excellent and then the other two matches did their jobs well enough. What mattered here was allowing some people to get some extra time without the breakneck pace of Dynamite and it was rather fun for a change.

Andrade b. Pac – Pin after Chavo Guerrero interfered
Ruby Soho/Riho/Kris Statlander b. Britt Baker/Rebel/Jamie Hayter – Riott Kick to Rebel
Brian Pillman Jr. b. Max Caster – Air Pillman




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