Smackdown – February 10, 2023: After All This Time

Date: February 10, 2023
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are just over a week away from Elimination Chamber and the main portion of the card is set. That is going to include a pair of Elimination Chamber matches, plus Sami Zayn challenging Roman Reigns for the World Title. Odds are the latter will get some focus this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn brawling last week, with Sami getting beaten down but also getting the Elimination Chamber title match.

Opening sequence.

Here is Paul Heyman to talk about Sami Zayn, who is not here this evening. Can anyone imagine Zayn as champion? It’s as insane as Cody Rhodes saying it was personal on Raw. Heyman: “YOU DUMBA**!” These championships are not just titles, but rather the centerpieces of the Island of Relevancy. They are the blood that flows through the veins of the Bloodline. Without these titles, there is no Roman Reigns.

Cue Zayn from behind though and Heyman knows this isn’t good. Zayn holds out his hand for the mic but don’t worry, because he won’t hurt Heyman. Isn’t that interesting? A month ago, Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso would have dropped him, but now Heyman is here by himself and Heyman probably knows why. Reigns’ days as Universal Champion are numbered and look at how he is acting. Look at how Reigns is treating everyone else.

Heyman has looked at Reigns for two years and it’s a little creepy. Now Heyman is talking about his days after Reigns so Zayn makes it clear: Reigns has eight days left. Heyman asks for the mic, but Zayn says Reigns doesn’t have to worry about Cody, because Zayn is taking him down first. With Zayn gone, Heyman looks shaken up. This stuff is still fire but dang it is going to be rough seeing it possibly cut off at the knees next week.

Hit Row vs. Sheamus/Drew McIntyre

This is due to Hit Row being made over not getting to face McIntyre and Sheamus as planned last week. McIntyre throws Adonis into the corner to start but Dolla breaks up the Claymore. Sheamus takes Adonis back inside, where a dropkick staggers him. Dolla gets in a shot of his own but Sheamus fights up. McIntyre Claymores Dolla and the Brogue Kick finishes Adonis at 2:52.

Post match we get a video from the Viking Raiders, who seem ready for a fight next week.

Jimmy Uso can’t find Jey, with the Tag Team Title match coming tonight.

Karrion Kross is ready to become the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Title by hurting Rey Mysterio. And two other people.

Lacey Evans vs. Cameron Harris

Evans doesn’t think much of Harris to start and whips her hard into the corner. Some pushups let Evans show off a bit, followed by the Woman’s Right and Cobra Clutch to make Harris tap at 2:05.

Jimmy Uso continues to panic about his lack of a twin brother. Paul Heyman wonders where Jimmy was when the psychopathic Canadian held him hostage in a casino. Jimmy shrugs it off and wants Heyman as his partner since Solo Sikoa isn’t here either. That doesn’t seem to work for Heyman, but Jimmy says it’s cool because his brother will be here.

Sonya Deville isn’t happy with not being in the Elimination Chamber. Chelsea Green interrupts and asks to see the Smackdown manager. Adam Pearce says he’s the Raw manager as well, which has Green accusing him of saying everyone looks away. Pearce is sick of this and puts them in a match together tonight.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Ricochet/Braun Strowman

The Usos are defending, or at least Jimmy is as he comes out with no partner. Well hold on though as we get the Big Match Intros….and Jey comes through the crowd. Jey shoulders Ricochet down to start and then elbows him for a bonus. Ricochet manages a Tajiri handspring elbows for two on Jimmy, who smiles as Ricochet grabs a front facelock. It’s off to Strowman for the winning splash in the corner, with Jimmy needing a breather. Back in and a quick Samoan drop plants Ricochet, followed by a superkick to send him outside.

We take a break and come back with Ricochet still in trouble. He gets in a shot of his own though and it’s the hot tag to Strowman to clean house. Strowman gets sent outside though and a superkick rocks him again. Back in and a high crossbody makes it worse but Strowman gets over to Ricochet. Jimmy gets knocked down and it’s a powerslam into the off the shoulders Swanton for two, with Jey making the save. Strowman runs Jey over on the floor but Jey tags himself in. Ricochet hits Jimmy with the shooting star press, only to bounce off so Jey can hit the Superfly Splash to retain at 13:14.

Rating: B-. Well so much for the drama, as Jey came in before anything happened and they had an Usos match. In other words, it was a match without a ton of drama as the Usos have been presented as so far and away better than any other team. What we got here was good enough for a televised title match and that’s all it needed to be if they weren’t going to have any serious drama.

Rey Mysterio is ready to fight through Karrion Kross to get another shot at Gunther and the Intercontinental Title.

Jey Uso tells Jimmy that he’ll always have his brother’s back. As far as the Bloodline, he doesn’t know yet. Jey leaves and Paul Heyman comes up to ask what Jey said. Jimmy says Jey didn’t say anything and just left, which is fine with Heyman. Question: did we ever get an explanation for why Solo wasn’t here tonight? I know Reigns had faith in Jimmy to get Jey there, but he’s also the kind of person to have all his bases covered.

Here is Natalya to talk about how she took Shayna Baszler’s spot in the Elimination Chamber. That’s because Baszler is nothing more than a Ronda Rousey knockout and Natalya is going on to win the Chamber next week. Cue Baszler to interrupt, saying she is tired of everyone dismissing her accomplishments. Natalya isn’t happy with Rousey….but here is Rousey to beat Natalya down. Shotzi’s save attempt fails as well and Baszler goes after Natalya’s arm to leave her laying.

Jey Uso runs into Sami Zayn, who says Jey has been having a rough time lately. Zayn knows what Roman Reigns can put people through and he thanks Jey for what he did at the Royal Rumble. Jey doesn’t have to go down with the ship and there is a way out at Elimination Chamber. Zayn acknowledges Jey, which gets a head snap. Jey tells Zayn to get out of here with that, but they do fist bump.

LA Knight doesn’t want to talk about the Pitch Black match because it’s all about the future and that is him. We have officially established that Knight is still alive.

Sonya Deville/Chelsea Green vs. Raquel Rodriguez/Liv Morgan

Liv sends Deville into the corner to start and hits a running knee. Deville is fine enough to kneel Morgan out of the air for two but she fights out of the corner. A missed right hand knocks Green off the apron and the hot tag brings in Rodriguez to clean house. Rodriguez brings Green in and sends her into Deville on the apron. The Tejana Bomb into Oblivion into a powerbomb to drop Morgan onto Green is enough for the pin at 4:07.

Rating: C-. Rodriguez continues to feel like one of the next big works in progress and it should be interesting to see where she goes. She still needs to work on some stuff in the ring, but you can’t argue with that size, strength and look. I’m not expecting this to be anything more than a one off, but Morgan as the replacement for Aliyah as Rodriguez projectile could be an upgrade over the hardcore stuff.

Madcap Moss, with Emma, is ready to win the four way. Emma has gotten him some better gear as well so he’s rather confident.

Earlier today, we got a sitdown interview with Charlotte, who isn’t worried about Rhea Ripley. Charlotte beat her at Wrestlemania three years ago and now Charlotte is still saying the same things about Ripley: she isn’t ready for this level. Three years ago, Charlotte taught her a lesson and she’ll put Ripley in her place in 50 days.

Karrion Kross vs. Madcap Moss vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar

One fall to a finish for a future Intercontinental Title show and Scarlett/Emma/Zelina Vega are here too. Moss and Kross slug it out to start before Escobar and Rey come back in to clear the ring. That leaves Rey vs. Escobar, which has Barrett rather interested. A backbreaker gives Escobar two but the 619 is broken up. Rey dives onto Kross and Escobar dives onto Moss as we take a break.

Back with Moss running all three of the others over and rolling Escobar up for two. Rey’s basement dropkick hits Escobar as Kross and Moss come back in too. The Phantom Driver gets two on Rey with Moss making the save. Escobar’s top rope hurricanrana gets two on Moss but Kross sends Escobar outside. Rey 619s Kross down but Scarlett makes the save, allowing Kross to blast Rey in the back of the head. Kross gets pulled outside though, setting up Moss’ top rope elbow for the pin and the title shot at 12:51.

Rating: C+. This was probably the best choice for an ending, as Gunther has already beaten Mysterio and he isn’t going to face Kross or Escobar. That leaves Moss as the next designated victim. At least his look is better now and if he gets a better name, they might have a little something with him. Kross continues to be just kind of there and Escobar is a good hand, meaning the talent was certainly here for this one, though it didn’t get up to that top level.

Paul Heyman comes in to see Jimmy Uso and says Roman Reigns is proud. The thing is, Reigns has an assignment for Jimmy next week: he wants Jimmy to stay home and watch the show on TV, because you get a different perspective from there. Sometimes you even hear things you don’t get otherwise. A slap at the Tag Team Title belt wraps us up. So, finally, after all these years, SOMEONE ACTUALLY WATCHED THE SHOW???

Overall Rating: B-. This show was good enough on its own, but what matters here is they set things up for next week. That is going to be rather helpful, as the Elimination Chamber card is set and there won’t need to be much major work done on the go home show. That is the kind of planning for the future that you did not get under the old WWE regime and it is working well here.

Drew McIntyre/Sheamus b. Hit Row – Brogue Kick to Adonis
Lacey Evans b. Cameron Harris – Cobra Clutch
Usos b. Ricochet/Braun Strowman – Superfly Splash to Ricochet
Raquel Rodriguez/Liv Morgan b. Sonya Deville/Chelsea Green – Powerbomb onto Deville
Madcap Moss b. Karrion Kross, Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio – Top rope elbow to Mysterio



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Royal Rumble 2023: He’s Gone And Done It Now

Royal Rumble 2023
Date: January 28, 2023
Location: Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Pat McAfee

It’s time to get on the Road To Wrestlemania and that means we should be in for a big night. There are two Royal Rumbles, but the real main event is probably Roman Reigns defending the World Title against Kevin Owens. The interesting piece there is not in the result, but in what Sami Zayn is going to do. That should make for a heck of a show so let’s get to it.

Hardy (a musician) talks about the opportunity and how you kick down a door in front of you.

Pat McAfee is back to join commentary and Graves is livid.

Men’s Royal Rumble

90 second intervals and Gunther is in at #1 and Sheamus is in at #2. They slug it out hard to start with Gunther not being able to throw him out. The Irish Curse slows Gunther down but it’s too early to toss him out as well. Sheamus takes him into the corner and the Miz is in at #3. Miz annoys Sheamus before he can get in though and the chase is on, allowing Gunther to chop Miz down. Sheamus and Gunther take turns missing each other but hitting Miz by mistake.

Kofi Kingston is in at #4 and hits a Boom Drop on Gunther and Sheamus as Johnny Gargano is in at #5. Miz can’t toss Gargano out so it’s One Final Beat to cut Miz down instead. Sheamus hits the forearms to Miz on the apron and the Brogue Kick gets rid of him. Gunther can’t get rid of Sheamus and it’s Xavier Woods in at #6. New Day gets to clean house for a bit before stopping for a dance (spanking is involved). Everyone else gets back up and it’s Karrion Kross in at #7.

Kross, Gunther and Sheamus get to beat on each other with the heavy shots until Chad Gable is in at #8. Suplexes and shooshing abound but Woods actually takes Gable down in a wrestle off. Drew McIntyre is in at #9 and drops everyone before kicking Kross in the face for the elimination. Gunther and McIntyre have the showdown and it’s time to chop it out. Santos Escobar is in at #10, giving us Gunther, Sheamus, Kingston, Gargano, Woods, Gable, McIntyre and Escobar.

A quick trip to the apron has Escobar in early trouble but he kicks Sheamus in the head. Escobar dives back in to drop Gable but Gargano catches him on top. The super Phantom Driver hits Gargano and it’s Angelo Dawkins in at #11. Dawkins gets to clean house and Gunther kicks Woods out. Kingston hits his standing double stomp on Escobar but Gunther knocks him off the apron and into a well placed chair. That was a NASTY crash but one foot is still on the chair.

Brock Lesnar is in at #12 though so none of that might matter. Most of the people in the ring stops for Lesnar and it’s time for Suplex City on a bunch of people. Escobar, Dawkins and Gable are all out….and it’s Gunther vs. Lesnar. They stare each other down and it’s Bobby Lashley in at #13. Lashley spears Lesnar down and hits McIntyre with another one. There’s one for Sheamus as well and Lashley gets rid of Lesnar. That’s not cool with Lesnar, who throws in part of the announcers’ table.

Baron Corbin is in at #14 as Lesnar throws some steps around. Lesnar runs Corbin over before he can get in and wrecks various other things at ringside. Seth Rollins is in at #15 as it seems Kingston is gone (not confirmed though). Rollins takes forever to get in and throws Corbin inside. A superkick and clothesline get rid of Corbin and Rollins slugs it out with Sheamus.

Otis is in at #16 and World’s Strongest Slams McIntyre. Rey Mysterio is in at #17….or at least he is supposed to be as he doesn’t show up. Rollins dumps Lashley and there’s the Caterpillar to Gunther. Dominik Mysterio, in a Rey mask, is in at #18. Otis is eliminated during Dominik’s entrance as commentary suggests that Dominik jumped Rey and took his mask. Dominik stays outside for warmups before coming in for some worthless shots to Sheamus.

Elias is in at #19 and guitars Gunther but McIntyre and Sheamus give him stereo kicks to the face (OUCH). That’s it for Elias and Finn Balor is in at #20, giving us Gunther, Sheamus, Gargano, McIntyre, Rollins, Rey Mysterio (yet to be seen), Dominik Mysterio, and Balor. Sheamus won’t let Balor go after McIntyre and gets dropped for his efforts. Dominik saves Balor from being dumped by Gargano and Balor kicks Gargano in the head. That’s it for Gargano, leaving us with Judgment Day gs. Sheamus/McIntyre. Booker T. of all people is in at #21 and it’s a Book End into a Spinarooni.

Gunther tosses Booker without much trouble and it’s Damian Priest in at #22 to complete Judgment Day. Brawling ensues and it’s Montez Ford (dressed like a boxer) in at #23. Ford sends Dominik to the apron but can’t get rid of him. Instead Balor sends Ford over the top but some cat skinning is good for the save. Priest chokeslams Ford out without much trouble though and it’s Edge in at #24.

Spears abound to Judgment Day and Edge tosses Priest and Balor. We get the Edge vs. Rollins staredown but Dominik interrupts, allowing the rest of Judgment Day to pull Edge out. Austin Theory is in at #25 as Edge chases Balor up the aisle. Edge beats up Priest at the entrance but Rhea Ripley jumps Edge. Cue Beth Phoenix to go after Ripley though and I think we have a mixed tag set for Elimination Chamber. We get back to the match with Theory taking down Rollins and hammering on McIntyre.

Omos is in at #26 and side slams Theory before getting chopped by Gunther. A chokeslam drops Gunther and it’s Braun Strowman in at #27. The Omos vs. Strowman staredown is on and they hit each other in the face a few times. Strowman’s right hand just annoys Omos but a running clothesline gets rid of him. Strowman beats up various humans and it’s Ricochet in at #28.

Sheamus and McIntyre go after Strowman and get him to the apron but can’t get him out. Sheamus saves McIntyre from an elimination and slugs it out with Gunther again. With Sheamus on the apron, McIntyre helps him again but Gunther puts both of them out. Logan Paul returns at #29 and everyone goes after him.

Paul gets back up and hits a Buckshot Lariat on Ricochet but Gunther sends him to the apron. That’s broken up and it’s Paul vs. Strowman for a bizarre staredown. Strowman and Ricochet beat up Paul and send him through the ropes to the apron as Cody Rhodes is in at #30. That gives us a final grouping of Gunther, Rollins, Theory, Strowman, Ricochet, Paul, Dominik and Cody. After taking his time with the entrance, Cody hits a Cody Cutter on Theory.

Dominik tries Three Amigos on Cody but gets caught with the Cross Rhodes. That’s it for Dominik but Strowman Monsterbombs Cody. The Last Symphony hits Strowman but Ricochet hits Gunther with a standing Sliced Bread. Ricochet and Paul land on the apron and springboard at each other, colliding in the air for one of the coolest spots you’ll see in a long time. Cole says there are seven left, meaning Rey is officially not in. Cody gets rid of Strowman and Theory dumps Ricochet to get us down to four, as Paul apparently evaporated somewhere.

Cody clotheslines Theory out, leaving us with Cody, Gunther and Theory. Rollins and Cody team up on Gunther and they both hit Pedigrees. With Gunther down (not out), Cody and Rollins slug it out but Paul comes back in toss Rollins. So we’re officially down to Gunther, Cody and Paul, the latter of whom gets in the Wrestlemania sign point. The big right hand is countered into Cross Rhodes and Paul is gone, leaving us with Cody vs. Gunther.

Cody flips away from Gunther but gets chopped in the corner. With the Wrestlemania sign over them, Gunther gets sent to the apron but blocks the Disaster Kick to get back in. They both go on top with Gunther getting Cody to the apron and stomping as well as he can. A butterfly superplex brings Cody back in but the Cody Cutter drops Gunther again. Gunther gets back in from the apron and Shattered Dreams makes it worse.

Somehow Gunther manages the running dropkick though and there’s the powerbomb to drop Cody again. Cody is sent to the apron but hangs on and they chop it out. The sleeper goes on with Cody still on the apron but he tries to pull Gunther over. Gunther is smart enough to let him go and chop Cody back inside. Cody pulls him into Cross Rhodes though and Gunther is out to give Cody the win at 1:11:25.

Rating: A-. Now THAT is how you do a Royal Rumble, as they kept this filled with star power and kept it moving throughout. You had mini feuds and stories throughout the match and then the last ten minutes had some actual drama. Cody was the big favorite to win throughout but what matters here is they showed they know how to do a Royal Rumble. It was an excellent performance throughout with only a few down spots. Cody gets the win but this was an absolute star making performance for Gunther too. Awesome match and one of the better Rumbles of all time.

We recap the Mountain Drew Pitch Black match. Bray Wyatt returned and LA Knight doesn’t think too much of him. They have attacked each other, but now it’s time for Bray’s first match back after returning a few months ago. No one knows the rules, but you win by pinfall or submission.

LA Knight vs. Bray Wyatt

Pitch Black match meaning….the lights are going to be all neon, including Knight’s gear. Wyatt, all covered in paint, starts fast and choke throws Knight. They head outside with Bray loading up the announcers’ table (and knocking around all of the light up neon stuff). Knight fights out of a suplex and hits a clothesline to drive them through the table. A kendo stick shot just wakes Wyatt up though and it’s Sister Abigail to give Wyatt the pin at 5:03.

Rating: D+. Yes it was stupid and yes it was WWE getting a nice check, but it was five minutes and Wyatt gets his feet wet with a win now that he is back. That’s about all you can ask for out of something like this so I’ll take what I can get. Wyatt going too far is always a danger and thankfully they mostly avoided it here.

Post match Wyatt puts on a new mask and stalks Knight, whose kendo stick shots have no effect. They fight to the tech area and Wyatt cuts him down with the Mandible Claw. Uncle Howdy pops up on a balcony above the stand and dives down onto Knight, meaning it’s time for a bunch of explosions and fire. The Firefly Fun House characters pop up above the platform too and look down on Knight.

Tonight’s attendance: 51,338.

Raw Women’s Title: Alexa Bliss vs. Bianca Belair

Belair is defending and hammers on Bliss in the corner. Bliss pulls her out of said corner and hits a dropkick to the ribs. Some kicks to the ribs have Belair in more trouble and we hit the chinlock. Belair powers that up and snaps off a suplex before pounding down forearms in the corner.

The handspring splash hits knees but Belair is fine enough to hit a faceplant. Now the handspring moonsault can connect for two but Belair can’t quite powerbomb her. Instead Bliss grabs a DDT for two and a backsplash gets the same. Back up and Belair hits a quick KOD to retain at 7:02.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here as Belair runs down someone else. I’m not sure what is coming for her at Wrestlemania but she almost has to lose at some point. There is nothing left for her to do on Raw save for maybe losing to Rhea Ripley, which very well may come in Los Angeles in a few months.

Post match we see a playground and visions of Uncle Howdy, as Bliss sees various images from her past. What in the world does the writer of this story have on WWE? They’ve been at this for years now and I still don’t get the appeal.

Women’s Royal Rumble

90 second intervals and Rhea Ripley (favoring her ribs from earlier) is in at #1 with Liv Morgan in at #2. Liv knocks her into the corner to start and gets in a few shots, only to get pulled out of the air. Ripley muscles her up for a suplex and Dana Brooks is in at #3. Brooke dropkicks them out of the air and knocks Ripley around a bit before going up top with Morgan. A superplex brings Morgan back down and it’s Emma in at #4. Emma cleans some house, including a neckbreaker over the middle rope to Ripley.

Shayna Baszler is in at #5 and goes after Ripley’s arm before ankle locking Liv. Baszler stomps on Dana’s arm and Bayley is in at #6. Liv grabs Oblivion on Bayley before she can get in but Bayley saves herself on the apron. Bayley fights back on Liv and B Fab is in at #7…and is the first one out at Ripley’s hands. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez is in at #8 and snaps off a headscissors to Ripley. As Perez gets to clean house, Dakota Kai is in at #9. Damage Ctrl takes too long to pose and get jumped by Liv and Dana.

Iyo Sky is in at #10 to complete Damage Ctrl, giving us Ripley, Morgan, Brooke, Emma, Baszler, Bayley, Perez, Kai and Sky. Morgan and Brooke get springboard missile dropkicked down before Brooke and Emma are tossed. Perez goes after Bayley but a hard dropkick from Sky puts Perez out. Natalya returns at #11 and goes after Baszler, who put her on the shelf. Candice LeRae is in at #12 and gets knocked into the corner by Baszler. We get the Natalya vs. Baszler showdown with Natalya snapping off a German suplex. They fight to the apron with Damage Ctrl eliminating both of them.

Zoey Stark from NXT is in at #13 and gets to kick a bunch of people. A kick to Ripley staggers her a bit and it’s Xia Li in at #14. Li gets to fire off a bunch of kicks of her own as Damage Ctrl gets rid of LeRae. Becky Lynch is in at #15 and this should clear out the ring a bit. Lynch unloads on Bayley and they fight to the floor (not out) with the rest of Damage Ctrl going after them. The trio takes out Becky and sends her over the announcers’ table but no one is eliminated.

Tegan Nox is in at #16 and helps Liv beat up Stark. Asuka is in at #17 (in long tights, with what looks like tiger/clown face paint and short hair, which might be her old Kana persona) and cleans house before starring Bayley down. Bayley gets scared and Asuka kicks Nox out. Piper Niven (yes Piper Niven, not Doudrop) is in at #18 and gets to clean house. Splashes abound and Tamina is in at #19.

Tamina goes after Doudrop, with commentary saying they have been dreaming of this showdown. No, no you haven’t you liars. Everyone else breaks it up and Becky is back in to start hitting people. Chelsea Green returns at #20, giving us Ripley, Morgan, Bayley, Kai, Sky, Stark, Li, Lynch, Asuka, Niven, Tamina and Green. Speaking of Green, Ripley tosses her in 5 seconds. Lynch gets rid of Kai and Sky back to back but Bayley dumps Lynch as well. Morgan gets rid of Bayley and Damage Ctrl brawls with her to the back.

Zelina Vega is in at #21 and is dressed as a character from Street Fighter 6, which she will be in as a character. Doudrop takes Vega to the apron, where Li and Vega strike it out. Li gets knocked to the floor and a middle rope Codebreaker hits Niven. Raquel Rodriguez is in at #22 and runs people over, including a fall away slam to Stark. Mia Yim is in at #23 with a tornado DDT to Stark and Lacey Evans is in at #24.

House is cleaned again and Michelle McCool, coming out of the front row, is in at #25. Tamina is out and Indi Hartwell from NXT is in at #26. Not much happens until Sonya Deville is in at #27. Yim hits Stark with Eat Defeat and Deville gets rid of her. Evans Cobra Clutches Vega to choke her out and send her hard to the floor for the elimination. Shotzi is in at #28 and has to save herself from a fast elimination. Deville gets rid of Hartwell and Nikki Cross is in at #29.

Cross forearms just about everyone….and Nix Jax is back at #30. The final grouping is Ripley, Morgan, Asuka, Niven, Rodriguez, Yim, Evans, McCool, Deville, Shotzi, Cross and Jax. Everyone surrounds Jax but she shrugs them off, setting up the showdown with Rodriguez. Jax drops Rodriguez and Morgan but a bunch of people go after her, with Ripley not being able to slam her. A horrible Riptide (fair enough) plants Jax and everyone gives her the giant treatment for the elimination.

Rodriguez knocks Evans out but gets caught in Asuka’s armbar. Asuka and Deville go to the apron with the latter being kicked out. McCool is out, with Shotzi and Yim following her. We’re down to Ripley, Morgan, Asuka, Niven, Rodriguez and Cross, with Niven getting to clean some house. Rodriguez kicks Niven out though and picks Ripley up for the trip to the apron. Ripley kicks Rodriguez out and Morgan gets rid of Cross. That leaves us with Ripley, Morgan and Cross so we reset a bit.

Morgan gets tossed into a Codebreaker on Asuka and manages to put Ripley on the apron. Ripley pulls Morgan out to the apron with her and kicks her down but not out. Asuka’s hip attack is blocked and all three of them wind up on the apron. Asuka mists Morgan and gets kicked out, leaving Morgan and Ripley. Morgan kicks the feet out so Ripley is hanging on by her hands but a headscissors drops Morgan to give Ripley the win at 1:01:07.

Rating: C. Well, the important thing is it cleared last year’s bar by about a mile. Having the NXT women in there helped a lot as there was no reason to not have them in there before. Other than that, they went with what mattered the most, as the idea was to have Ripley get the big win to move back into the main event scene. Ripley has been ready for the next big title run and this should set her up for that rather well. They had some dead spots in here but I’ll take some NXT surprises and a few returns (not Jax, never her) over the same legends every year. Not a great Rumble, but a passable enough one.

Hardy performs the show’s theme song, with commentary basically ignoring him.

We recap Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens for the World Title. This is all about finding out which side Sami Zayn is on, even if there is nothing to really suggest that he is anything but loyal to the Bloodline.

Undisputed WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

Reigns, with Paul Heyman and Sami Zayn, is defending. They take their time to start with neither going very far. Owens knocks him to the floor though and takes over early, including a backsplash to crush Reigns. Back in and Owens gets whipped hard into the corner, allowing Reigns to hit the jumping apron kick for two. Reigns grabs the chinlock before firing off the corner clotheslines.

Owens hits his own running clothesline for a breather before another one sends Reigns outside. The apron Bullfrog splash connects and the real version gets two back inside. Owens takes too long to follow up though and it’s a sitout powerbomb to give Reigns two. The Superman Punch is countered into a German suplex for two on Owens, only to have the Superman Punch connect to give Reigns a near fall of his own. The spear goes into the post though and Owens nails a superkick.

Owens hits the Swanton for two but gets caught on top. Some elbows knock Reigns down and Owens tries a jumping spinning moonsault but crashes down instead. Back up and Owens tries a more traditional moonsault, which misses anyway. The spear connects for two but the referee gets bumped. The Pop Up Powerbomb hits Reigns but there is no one to count. Reigns hits him low and tells Owens to grab a chair. Sami: “You told me not to do anything!”

Sami goes looking and finally finds one but takes a second to slide it in. The Stunner connects for two on Reigns, who comes back with the spear for the same. Owens bails to the floor and lands in front of Sami. Zayn tells him to stay down but Reigns hits another spear to send Owens through the barricade.

Back in and….Owens rolls outside again. This time Reigns sends the back of Owens’ head into the steps (OUCH) and then does it again. Reigns throws what used to be Owens back inside, with Heyman acknowledging Reigns as Zayn is looking worried. Some slaps to the face wake Owens up…and another spear cuts him down to retain the title at 19:14.

Rating: B-. The ending was about as obvious as you could get, but the question was what Sami would do. In this case that would pretty much be nothing, though you can all but guarantee something is coming before the end of the show. For now though, Owens gets to be the latest designated victim as we get closer to Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania. Not a great match, but that was never really the point.

Post match Jey goes to give Sami his own lei but Reigns says hang on a second. The big beatdown is on Owens, with a chair being wrapped around his neck in the corner. Solo Sikoa hits the running Umaga Attack as commentary wants someone to do something about this. Reigns busted out the handcuffs as Sami is looking more and more uncomfortable. Owens is cuffed to the rope so the Usos can superkick him over and over.

The fans chant for Sami as Reigns picks up the chair. Reigns talks a lot but Sami FINALLY gets in front of him before the swing. Sami says Owens is done and this is beneath Reigns. Instead, Reigns hands Zayn the chair, but Zayn doesn’t want it. Zayn finally takes it, with Reigns telling him about how Owens has held him down since day one(ish). Zayn loads up the chair and…..pauses, until Reigns hits him in the face.

They go nose to nose with Reigns saying this is his whole life. Zayn nods….and blasts Reigns in the back with the chair to a MONSTER reaction. Jimmy and Sikoa are livid and kick Zayn down as Reigns sits up and looks crushed. Jey Uso looks at Zayn but doesn’t beat on him as he is told to, instead walking up the ramp and looking upset.

Reigns unloads on Sami with the chair (Fans: “F*** YOU ROMAN!”) and rips up the lei before leaving Sami laying. I know Cody is the #1 contender and all that, but with that segment and that reaction, they better have something huge for Sami between now and Wrestlemania or Cody is going to be sacrificed to the wrestling gods in Los Angeles. That segment, especially that reaction, was an all timer and there is nothing that is topping it for a long time in WWE.

Overall Rating: B. This is a bit of a weird Royal Rumble as the show is normally built around the Royal Rumbles. In this case though, you have an awesome men’s Rumble, an ok women’s Rumble and an incredible post main event angle. That Zayn/Bloodline segment is more than enough to boost this up a bit and tied together with an all time men’s Rumble, the rest of the show is good enough. The Wyatt and Belair matches weren’t great, but they clocked in at a combined 12:05 (call it 20 for the post Wyatt match stuff) out of a four hour and twenty minute show. This show worked and the Road To Wrestlemania could be great.

Cody Rhodes won the Men’s Royal Rumble last eliminating Gunther
Bray Wyatt b. LA Knight – Sister Abigail
Bianca Belair b. Alexa Bliss – KOD
Rhea Ripley won the Women’s Royal Rumble last eliminating Liv Morgan
Roman Reigns b. Kevin Owens – Spear



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Royal Rumble 2023 Preview

It’s that time of year again as we are beginning the Road To Wrestlemania. That means we are going to be seeing some of the biggest shows of the year and things are about to get a lot more exciting. WWE has done a nice job setting up the Royal Rumble matches this year as there are a lot of open spots remaining, though the men’s match is more or less a two horse race. Let’s get to it.

Bray Wyatt vs. LA Knight

Let’s get the goofy out of the way first. This is the Pitch Black match, which is a product placement match from Mountain Dew. WWE still hasn’t exactly explained what it’s going to be, but knowing Wyatt’s involvement, things are going to get more than a little strange. By strange I mean ridiculous, but it’s a new Wyatt so I’m trying to hold on to false hope for as long as I can.

Of course Wyatt wins here, as there is zero reason to have Knight beat him in his first match. Save or some Uncle Howdy shenanigans, I can’t imagine there being any reason to think that Wyatt is in any danger here, though it is nice to see Knight putting in the work to make the match feel more important. This is Wyatt’s to win and I can’t imagine anything else, so hopefully they keep the goofiness to a minimum.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair(c) vs. Alexa Bliss

As much of a layup as this seems to be, this one has me wondering about where it is going. Belair has nothing left to prove on Monday Night Raw and shifting her over to the Smackdown Women’s Title picture could be a good change of pace. At the same time, if Bliss is doing nothing more than being weird all the time without any actual success, it is going to get old fast.

I’m not certain on it, but I’m taking the title change here, as I think Belair moves over to do something else. Becky Lynch or even Bayley can take the title from Bliss soon enough, but Belair is very, very firmly established as a top star and she needs a new challenge. At the same time, Bliss needs a win to reestablish herself and I’ll go out on a limb and say she gets that win here.

Undisputed WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Kevin Owens

The fact that Reigns is still on the same reign from when he defended against Owens TWO YEARS AGO at this same event tells you a lot about what he is doing. As has been the case with a lot of stuff lately, this is going to be much more about Sami Zayn than anyone in the match. Reigns has basically made this match Zayn’s final Bloodline exam and it begs the question of what is going to happen.

I’ll go with Reigns retaining, but I think we get the big stuff after the match. Once Reigns keeps the title, Zayn does something like refusing to help destroy Owens, turning face in the process. For the life of me, I can’t imagine anything but Zayn challenging Reigns for the title next month in Montreal, which would basically be Zayn’s Wrestlemania. Reigns isn’t losing the title here, but it’s going to be a big turning point in the Bloodline saga.

Men’s Royal Rumble

Let’s get the obvious out of the way right now. You can have your Brock Lesnar, your Bobby Lashley, your Seth Rollins and your Drew McIntyre. This match is 100% Cody Rhodes’ match to win with Sami Zayn being the only other person on the planet as a dark horse. Unless WWE has a monster surprise waiting on us here (and there are 11 spots open as of the end of Smackdown), this one should be pretty much in the bag.

Naturally I’m taking Rhodes, as I can’t picture a reason not to. I’m still not sure if Rhodes is THE guy to do all of this stuff, but if WWE has picked him to do it, then that’s better than slapping something together at the last second. As for a surprise pick, I still think there is a chance Randy Orton is back here, though he would almost have to win if he is back in this kind of spot. It’s going to be the Rhodes Show though, and while I don’t quite like it, I certainly get the idea.

Women’s Royal Rumble

Then we have this one and as sure as I was on the men’s, I’m completely in the dark here. There are several ways you could go for a winner and the fact that we only known twelve entrants makes it all the more confusing. Bayley and Becky Lynch are both possibilities, even if Lynch has yet to be announced for the match. I’d also call Raquel Rodriguez the darkest of dark horses, but if they wanted to pull the trigger on someone (even if they aren’t ready yet), Rodriguez is an option.

That being said, I’ll go with Rhea Ripley, who has yet to have her big moment. Her title reign was completely overshadowed by Charlotte and since then she has grown into a much bigger (and better) star. Ripley fits all of the criteria here and could be primed for a heck of a title match at Wrestlemania, say against a bit of a lame duck champion Becky Lynch. It should be Ripley this year, but I’m far from confident on this one.

Overall Thoughts

Even though the Sword Of McMahon continues to hang over our heads, there is a lot of potential with this show. If nothing else, I love not knowing who is scheduled for the Royal Rumbles and there is a good chance that we could be in for some awesome surprises. Just the fact that I can be excited for this show again is nice, and while it might go away as soon as McMahon changes his mind (again), I’ll take it for one night.


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Smackdown – January 27, 2023: That’s Downright Efficient

Date: January 27, 2023
Location: Sames Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble and that means we have some final pushes to make to get us to the big event. In this case, we are probably going to have some more names added to the Royal Rumbles, but there is also a Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa match that will probably involve the Bloodline. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Trial Of Sami Zayn from Raw. Roman Reigns told Sami Zayn to not be seen until the Royal Rumble.

The Usos and Solo Sikoa arrive and Sami Zayn sneaks in to thank Jey for having his back. If Jey ever needs anything, let him know. Sami leaves.

Opening sequence. Smackdown has an opening sequence?

Rey Mysterio vs. Karrion Kross

Scarlett is here with Kross. Rey snaps off the hurricanrana to start but gets tossed over the top for his efforts. They switch places though and the sliding sunset flip sends Kross into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Rey fighting back and shrugging off Scarlett’s attempted distraction. Rey hits the 619 into the top rope splash for two and Kross is mad. He’s so mad that Rey is able to crucifix him for the pin at 7:17.

Rating: C. That was rather short for a match that felt like it was a while in the making. Odds are we’ll see a rematch, probably after Kross attacks Rey again. Giving Rey some momentum going into the Royal Rumble is fine, but it’s weird to see Kross take a fall like this after being built up as a pretty solid monster.

We look at Brock Lesnar returning to cost Bobby Lashley the US Title on Raw.

Damage Ctrl is in the Royal Rumble.

Here is US Champion Austin Theory for a chat. Theory says he’s winning the Royal Rumble but here is the New Day to interrupt. Kofi Kingston says there are three Austin’s he respects: Austin Creed, Stone Cold Steve and Austin, Texas, where he lives. New Day says one of them will win, because when one of them wins, they all win. Theory says he is the biggest star in WWE but here is Miz to interrupt.

Miz: “Theory, I have been competing in Royal Rumble matches since before you hit puberty.” Theory: “Doesn’t that just mean you’re old?” The fight is on but Bobby Lashley runs in to clean house. Lashley promises to take out Brock Lesnar but cue Lesnar through the crowd to F5 Lashley. Lesnar is in the Rumble too and panic ensues. Nice segment here, as it added some names to the Rumble and didn’t waste a ton of time.

Rhea Ripley is in the Royal Rumble.

Lacey Evans vs. Jazmin Allure

Evans beats her down in the corner to start but takes off the sole of her own boot. That’s taken away so Evans hits her in the stomach instead. The Women’s Right sets up the Cobra Clutch for the win at 2:14.

Post match Evans says the Cobra Clutch is unbreakable and she’ll use it to win the Royal Rumble. She demands people salute her before throwing Allure over the top. Evans seems to have finally gotten the gimmick down but the promo was pretty bad.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre both think the other will win the Royal Rumble. They chop each other until they remember they have to beat up Hit Row tonight.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ return from injury.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Drew McIntyre/Sheamus vs. Hit Row

Hold on though as here are the Viking Raiders to jump McIntyre and Sheamus from behind. After a break, Adam Pearce says we have some replacements.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Braun Strowman/Ricochet vs. Hit Row

B Fab is here with Hit Row. Ricochet hammers on Adonis to start and sends him outside but Top Dolla breaks up the dive. Dolla gets kicked to the floor but the distraction lets Adonis get in a cheap shot to take over. Dolla runs Ricochet over and B Fab gets in a right hand of her own for two. Ricochet fights up and ducks underneath a clothesline, allowing him to DIVE (that looked good) over to Strowman for the tag. Ricochet’s dive hits Dolla and the Monster Bomb finishes Adonis at 4:57.

Rating: C. Ricochet and Strowman are good choices for a big/little team as they work well together and are both popular. If nothing else, it is nice to see Ricochet having something to do and the team getting a title shot wouldn’t be a bad idea. Hit Row continues to fall down the ladder and that might be best for everyone, as they just haven’t worked since their return.

Kevin Owens says he is going to beat up Solo Sikoa tonight so he can beat Roman Reigns tomorrow. The Usos show up for the fight but things get broken up, with Adam Pearce throwing the Usos out.

Jey Uso makes a phone call and says he needs a favor.

Here is LA Knight, with a tiny lantern, to Bray Wyatt’s old Broken Out In Love theme. Knight talks about how he was involved in the biggest moment at Raw XXX and now Bray Wyatt 24 hours before the Pitch Black match at the Royal Rumble. He wants whatever version of Wyatt to come out tomorrow because he’ll beat any of them up. Cue Wyatt on the stage in his rocking chair to say the time for talking is over. Tomorrow night, Knight is meeting the man he has been looking for. Uncle Howdy pops up in the balcony and Knight seems a bit shaken.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Legado del Fantasma vs. Imperium

Zelina Vega is here too. Wilde and Kaiser trade wristlocks to start but Wilde seems to slip a bit on a springboard attempt. Kaiser drops him with a right hand and it’s off to Vinci vs. Del Toro. Imperium double teams Del Toro for a bit and alternate with the shots to the face. That’s broken up though and the hot tag brings in Wilde as everything breaks down.

We take a break and come back with Wilde still in trouble. The uppercuts don’t get him away but a tornado DDT does plant Kaiser. Del Toro comes back in to clean house and Legado hits stereo running flip dives to the floor. A top rope splash hits Vinci for two with Kaiser needing to make a save. Vinci and Wilde head up top with Vinci hitting a super gorilla press (cool spot), setting up the Imperium Bomb for the pin at 12:13.

Rating: C. The fact that the tag team division has come far enough to have a midcard match like this is an amazing sign, as there was no way that would have been the case just a few months ago. It might not have been a classic, but it is nice to have that kind of depth for a change. Imperium vs. Strowman/Ricochet is a fine #1 contenders match and we should be in for a nice final to a bit of a weird tournament.

And now, one of my favorite moments of the year: Rumble By The Numbers.

30 Men and Women in the Royal Rumble matches
1988 was the first Royal Rumble (at least televised)
1,250 competitors
32 winners
2.5% of the participants have won
19 have gone on to win a title at Wrestlemania
57:12 is the longevity record for women, held by Bianca Belair
62:12 is the longevity record for men, held by Rey Mysterio
1 second is the fastest elimination
4 times San Antonio has hosted the Royal Rumble
3 times the Alamodome has hosted the Royal Rumble
3 is the record for most Royal Rumble wins, held by Steve Austin

Xia Li is in the Royal Rumble.

Earlier today, Sonya Deville interrupted Charlotte’s interview.

Charlotte comes in to ask Adam Pearce to give Sonya Deville a title match to get rid of her. It’s on for next week.

Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa

Owens starts the fight fast and runs Sikoa over. The backsplash hits but Sikoa bails before the Cannonball can hit. Owens follows him outside and gets rammed into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Owens in trouble but hitting a clothesline and DDT for a breather. The bullfrog splash gets two and they trade superkicks to no avail.

The Stunner is countered into a Samoan drop to give Sikoa two but Owens superkicks him into the corner. Now the Cannonball can connect and there’s the Swanton, only to have Sami Zayn break up the cover. For some reason that isn’t a DQ so Sikoa misses a superkick and hits Sami by mistake (we’ll say it’s a no contest at about 8:30, when Sami pulled Sikoa out).

Rating: C+. This was the hard hitting brawl that you would expect from these two and the Sami interference ending made the most sense. Sami continues to cause issues, including going against what Roman Reigns told him to do, and that is going to come up big at the Royal Rumble. For now though, it’s a good way to give us a cliffhanger to end the show.

Owens clears off the announcers’ table but gets chaired in the face. A splash through the table takes too long though and Owens superkicks Sikoa out of the air. The pop up powerbomb onto the table leaves Sikoa laying and a chair shot knocks him over the barricade. Owens throws the chair at Zayn (doesn’t hit him) and shouts at the camera about Roman Reigns to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The point of this show was to inch closer to the Royal Rumble and not rock the boat too much. Not only did they do that, but they set up two matches to give us a reason to come back next week. That is the kind of efficient show that I love to see and they did it well here. It’s great to see WWE actually planning this stuff out and giving us a good show as a result. Doing that over and over makes Smackdown, or any show really, so much easier to watch and it’s great to see WWE making it work.

Rey Mysterio b. Scarlett – Crucifix
Lacey Evans b. Jazmin Allure – Cobra Clutch
Ricochet/Braun Strowman b. Hit Row – Monster Bomb to Adonis
Imperium b. Legado del Fantasma – Imperium Bomb to Wilde
Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa went to a no contest



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Smackdown – January 20, 2023: The Theme Show

Date: January 20, 2023
Location: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We’re just over a week away from the Royal Rumble and that could make for an interesting build to the show. Most of the card is set and that means it is time for a Bloodline show. Sami Zayn is having some issues with the rest of the team and that could be very interesting. Other than that, we start the #1 contenders tag team tournament. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Sami Zayn going after Kevin Owens last week but getting some seemingly unwanted help from the rest of the Bloodline.

The Bloodline arrives and Roman Reigns doesn’t seem thrilled with Sami Zayn.

We get brackets for the Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament:

Drew McIntyre/Sheamus
Viking Raiders

Los Lotharios
Hit Row

Brawling Brutes

Maximum Male Models
Legado del Fantasma

Dang. That’s like, a division.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Drew McIntyre/Sheamus vs. Viking Raiders

Valhalla is here with the Raiders. Before the bell, Michael Cole mentions Jay Briscoe passing away and talks a bit about how great of a team Jay and Mark were. That’s all it needed to be and good for the new WWE bosses for letting it be done. It’s a brawl to start and everyone fights on the floor until Sheamus fires off the forearms to the Vikings’ chests. What looked to be a super White Noise is broken up, leaving Ivar to hit the crossbody against the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Sheamus fighting out of a chinlock but getting forearmed in the face. The Irish Curse gets Sheamus out of trouble though and the hot tag brings in McIntyre to clean house. The Michinoku Driver gets two on Ivar and the superplex is loaded up but Erik makes the save. That leaves McIntyre in the Tree of Woe and, after Sheamus takes out Erik, the sit up into the belly to belly superplex drops Ivar as we take another break.

Back again with McIntyre dropping Ivar but the Claymore is cut off with a kick to the face. Sheamus and Erik come in to slug it out but Valhalla breaks up the Brogue Kick. Ivar hits the top rope splash for two on Sheamus, giving us a shocked Viking face. The Vikings beat Sheamus down but he knees Ivar out of the air. The Claymore hits Erik and the Brogue finishes Ivar at 17:45.

Rating: B. These guys got time and beat each other up, which is what you probably wanted to see from this kind of a match. Let four big, strong guys beat each other up for the better part of twenty minutes with Sheamus and McIntyre getting a win onto what could be a win in the tournament. Good opener here and you could feel some of those shots.

Sami Zayn comes in to see Roman Reigns and asks if everything is cool. Reigns saw how Sami looked last week and knows he is going to try to cover things tonight. Reigns wants the truth and Sami admits that he was a little disappointed when he was ready to finish Kevin Owens but the Usos and Solo Sikoa got involved.

Owens keeps saying that Sami is being used and for a split second….Sami doesn’t know, but it’s all fine. Reigns: “Get out.” Reigns isn’t going to do this every single week and wonders when he had to start running his plan by the Honorary Uce. Sami should just go find Kevin and start his own Bloodline. Paul Heyman has to tell Sami to get out and looks shocked.

Raquel Rodriguez is in the Royal Rumble.

Here is LA Knight for a match but first, he wants someone to help Bray Wyatt figure out what he is. One week he isn’t Uncle Howdy and then one week he is. Knight knows who he is and is ready to take out Wyatt at the Royal Rumble.

LA Knight vs. Ray Jones

Knight takes him into the corner to start but the Bray Wyatt logo pops up on screen. Blunt Force Trauma finishes Jones at 30 seconds.

Post match it’s the return of the Firefly Fun House, complete with the cast of puppets. Bray Wyatt is fixing the door, complete with his pants too low, requiring a Bray symbol for a censor. Bray says he has missed all of us so much and he can’t wait to have lots of fun with his friends once again. The Fun House friends aren’t sure about the Pitch Black match but Bray wonders who would name their kid Los Angeles Knight.

Bray gives us a special moment about how the dark is a special place where things can hide. Then the screen goes wacky and we see Uncle Howdy, with Bray’s voice saying “I told you so.” Bray pops back up and, in a serious voice, says he hopes Knight understand. He is the one who opened the door and whatever comes through it is his problem. BYE! HAVE A NICE DAY! So are we continuing our path through Bray’s history?

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Los Lotharios vs. Hit Row

B Fab is here with Hit Row. Adonis gets caught with a double basement superkick to start so Top Dolla pulls Humberto to the floor. Humberto is knocked over the announcers’ table but Los Lotharios dropkick him down. The distraction lets Adonis grab a rollup with tights for the pin at 2:39. This really wasn’t that good.

Video on Cody Rhodes return. He’s back at the Royal Rumble.

Braun Strowman is in the Royal Rumble.

Here is Charlotte for a chat and she gets straight to the point: if Sonya Deville has a problem with her, come do something about it. Cue Deville, who says she had to be dragged off of Charlotte last week. Does Charlotte just not get it? She wants another title shot, but Charlotte tells her to focus on the Royal Rumble. Charlotte will fight her right here and right now, but Sonya turns it down. She wants the title on the line, which draws out Adam Pearce to say Sonya can’t do this. The distraction lets Sonya jump her from behind and leave.

Roman Reigns is annoyed at the Sami Zayn situation but Paul Heyman tries to talk him down. With Kevin Owens coming up, maybe it’s better to have Sami on the inside instead of the outside.

Lacey Evans demonstrates the Cobra Clutch. Just get Sarge in here already.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Imperium vs. Brawling Brutes

Kaiser hammers on Butch to start but he’s right back with an armbar. Vinci comes in and double teams Butch down as we take a break. Back with Butch rolling over for the tag to Holland so house can be cleaned. A double delayed backdrop puts Imperium down and it’s already back to Butch. The cross armbreaker goes on so Vinci busts out a double belly to belly moonsault for the save and two. Butch hits a heck of a tornado DDT to leave us with a double knockdown. Holland comes in off the hot tag as everything breaks down. A brainbuster on the floor knocks Butch silly, leaving the European Bomb to finish Holland at 12:31.

Rating: C+. These teams are always worth a look, though it isn’t quite the same without Sheamus and Gunther there with them. Imperium going forward is a smart way to go, as the team is starting to get some traction as more than just Gunther’s goons. They don’t need to win the titles, but getting a win or two in the tournament would do them a lot of good.

Paul Heyman tells Sami Zayn that Roman Reigns wants to see him.

Shayna Baszler is in the Royal Rumble.

We get a long and lengthy look back at Raw’s history.  There are some rather cool clips in there.

Karrion Kross, with Scarlett, is not amped up to face Rey Mysterio next week. Rey can’t decided what he wants to be and that isn’t how it works. Therefore, he’s going to take Rey out, and then win the Royal Rumble.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Legado del Fantasma vs. Maximum Male Models

Zelina Vega is on commentary and announces that she is in the Royal Rumble. Del Toro takes Mansoor down without much effort to start but Mace comes in to shove Legado to the floor. Back in and Mace’s double chokeslam is broken up, meaning Legado sends him to the floor for a change. The big flip dive drops Mace and it’s an assisted splash for two on Mansoor back inside. Mace comes in but gets sent into Mansoor for a crotching in the corner. The Russian legsweep/running kick to the face finishes Mace at 2:55. The Models continue to not work.

Sami Zayn comes in to see Roman Reigns again, with Reigns suggesting that he overreacted. Reigns says he wants as much loyalty as he puts into this and Zayn insists that he has it. All Reigns has to do is ask for something to be done, so Reigns tells him to have the transportation ready for after the contract signing. Fists are bumped.

It’s time for the contract signing. Roman Reigns takes forever to get to his seat….and then Kevin Owens pops up and hits him with the Stunner. The invading Usos are dispatched as well and a powerbomb puts Reigns through the table. Owens signs and now Sami Zayn shows up, which has Owens running up the steps and into the crowd as the Usos are back up too.

Overall Rating: C+. They had a theme here with the tag tournament stuff and that is a fine way to go for a night. The Rumble card is all set so there isn’t much that needs to be done there other than announce names for the Rumbles. The contract signing didn’t take much time at all and now there is the issue of Sami being there late because he was doing what Reigns told him. This was a show that moved some stuff forward as things are coming together at the right time. I’ll take that as a big positive and hope they can pull off the important stuff, though that is the much trickier part.

Sheamus/Drew McIntyre b. Viking Raiders – Brogue Kick to Ivar
LA Knight b. Ray Jones – Blunt Force Trauma
Hit Row b. Los Lotharios – Rollup to Angel
Imperium b. Brawling Brutes – European Bomb to Holland
Legado del Fantasma b. Maximum Male Models – Russian legsweep/running boot to the face combination to Mace




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Smackdown – January 13, 2023: Just Like NXT

Date: January 13, 2023
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

It’s a big show this week as we have a pair of major matches. This week we’ll be seeing another match between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, which should have some Bloodline implications. In addition, Gunther is defending the Intercontinental Title against Braun Strowman. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Intercontinental Title: Braun Strowman vs. Gunther

Strowman is challenging and wearing boots designed by a boy who died in the Waukesha parade shootings. Feeling process to start as Gunther is a bit hesitant to go after him. Strowman manages to send him outside though and the running shoulder sends Gunther into the announcers’ table.

We take a break and come back with Strowman getting posted, allowing Gunther to start in on the arm. The armbar goes on but Strowman powers up, only to fall down when the arm gives out. Strowman fights out again and hits a clothesline but the rest of Imperium offer a distraction, allowing Gunther to hit the chops. The powerslam gives Strowman a breather though and we take a break.

Back again with Strowman running him over and hitting a spinebuster for two. Strowman can’t hit the Monster Bomb though as Gunther is back with a heck of a clothesline for two. Gunther’s top rope splash gets two so he goes up again, only to have Strowman catch him. Gunther snaps the arm though and the powerbomb off the ropes retains the title at 17:28.

Rating: B-. I’m glad to see Gunther retain as his long reign continues with another good victory. Gunther racking up these wins is making him seem all the more impressive and I’m wanting to see just how far he can go with it. Strowman has been hot since he came back, but he doesn’t need the title and can show up again in a few weeks to do his monster thing again without any trouble.

Video on Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn’s recent issues.

Sami Zayn comes up to the Bloodline’s locker room to talk strategy, but Paul Heyman is here alone for the team tonight. Heyman is sending Zayn out there on his own against Kevin Owens tonight, as per Reigns’ orders.

Here is Rey Mysterio to talk about his recent issues with his family. On Christmas Eve, Rey’s son came to his house and got arrested for assault. That’s a tough thing to do, so now he is going to make himself feel better by winning the Royal Rumble. Cue Karrion Kross and Scarlett to interrupt, with Kross wanting to talk about Rey’s family. Maybe Dominik is what he is because Rey is such a horrible father and Rey was never there. Is Dominik a failure because Rey wasn’t there or because Rey wanted his son to be like him? That’s enough for Rey and the fight is on. Scarlett grabs Rey’s leg though and the Krossjacket leaves Rey laying.

Emma, Maxine Dupree and Raquel Rodriguez ask Liv Morgan if it’s a good idea to enter the Royal Rumble at #1. Morgan insists it is and gets a match with an annoyed Rodriguez.

Tegan Nox vs. Xia Li

Nox starts fast and strikes away, only to get pulled down for a crash. Li takes her into the corner and strikes away to keep Emma in early trouble. A kick into the corner sets up a running knee but Nox runs her over for a breather. Back up and the Shiniest Wizard finishes Li at 2:42.

We look back at the Viking Raiders attacking Sheamus and Drew McIntyre after last week’s Smackdown.

The Viking Raiders are ready to hurt people by obeying Valhalla.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre are happy to hear about a #1 contenders tournament for a shot at the Usos (for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles that is). Sheamus and McIntyre are in and face the Viking Raiders next week.

Here is Bray Wyatt for a chat. After a long entrance, Bray sits in a rocking chair to talk about knowing who he is. He is Uncle Howdy and the question is who are you. He will be reborn in darkness at the Royal Rumble and when the lights go out, LA Knight should run. This was all of Bray’s greatest hits and I wonder if they’ve just dropped everything else.

Sami Zayn interrupts Kevin Owens, asking why he couldn’t just stay away. Owens says Sami caused all of this and says Roman Reigns is using him. Sami says it’s family business and he’ll deal with Owens tonight.

Gunther is banged up but he’s happy with his victory. Now he’s going to the Royal Rumble.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Liv Morgan

Rodriguez shoves her into the corner to start and hits a big boot. There’s a toss over the top as we talk about the Royal Rumble, followed by a hard shot to the face to give Rodriguez two back inside. This time it’s Liv trying to throw Rodriguez over the top but not being able to quite do it. Back up and Liv rams her own head into the buckle before hitting a running Codebreaker. A clothesline sends Rodriguez outside and Morgan rams her into the post. The table is set up but Rodriguez rolls off before Morgan can dive on her. Back in and the Tejana Bomb finishes Liv at 4:47.

Rating: C. In other news, Morgan tries to do the hardcore stuff and it backfires on her. I’m still not on board with that part of her but Rodriguez getting another win is a good sign for her. She has the potential to be the next breakout star and beating someone who was Women’s Champion less than a year ago is a nice moment for her.

Sonya Deville wants a rematch with Charlotte but Adam Pearce says no. She can enter the Royal Rumble though. Sonya is going to make it happen somehow.

Post break, Sonya jumps Charlotte in the back. Referees break it up but Deville jumps on her again as Charlotte is livid.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ return last year, plus his injury and recovery.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

They won’t shake hands to start so Owens knocks him to the floor. Owens questions Sami’s Ucey but Sami knocks him away and runs back inside for the big dive. They fight to the apron and Zayn drops him with a brainbuster onto said apron as we take a break. Back with the two of them ripping at each others’ faces with Zayn getting the better of things. The superplex is broken up though and the bullfrog splash gives Owens two.

Back up and the Blue Thunder Bomb gives Zayn two but it’s a double knockdown to send us to another break. We come back again with Owens hitting the swinging fisherman’s superplex for a delayed two. They slug it out with Owens being knocked into the corner. Sami loads up the Helluva Kick….but the Usos and Solo Sikoa run in to beat Owens down (Sami doesn’t look pleased) for the DQ at 15:05.`

Rating: B. That’s a storyline ending as Zayn might not be pleased that he wasn’t given the chance to finish Owens off when he had the time. They are taking this storyline at a very steady pace and it is paying dividends when you get to the next big piece. As for the match itself, these two work very well together so it isn’t a shock that it was more good stuff between them.

Post match the big beatdown is on, with Owens being splashed through the announcers’ table to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. In a way, this felt like an old episode of NXT, as it seemed that they came in with a list of things to accomplish and then checked them off one by one. We got some names added to the Royal Rumble, a title match and the Bloodline story being advanced in about two hours. Throw in a pair of good matches and this was another efficient show, which is a sign of something HHH put together. Solid stuff here as we get closer to the important part of the year.

Gunther b. Braun Strowman – Powerbomb
Tegan Nox b. Xia Li – Shiniest Wizard
Raquel Rodriguez b. Liv Morgan – Tejana Bomb
Kevin Owens b. Sami Zayn via DQ when the Bloodline interfered



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Monday Night Raw – January 2, 2023: Off With An Ok Start

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 2, 2023
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are inching closer to the Royal Rumble and that means it is time to start setting up the show. With so many wrestlers needed to get into the Royal Rumble matches, there are only going to be so many spots left for other matches. At the same time though, only one person has been announced for either Royal Rumble so they might want to start picking up the pace. Then again, they might want to have a lot of surprises this time. Let’s get to it.

We open with the Bloodline (minus Roman Reigns/Paul Heyman) wrecking havoc at ringside. Sami Zayn says they’re taking over tonight but here is Kevin Owens to interrupt. Sami calls this a hostile takeover but Owens says he wants to punch Zayn in the face. Cue Adam Pearce and company to tell Owens that this isn’t happening tonight or all year. Security goes after the Bloodline but gets dropped, drawing Owens into the ring. Some low level stars run in to go after the Bloodline and the team is chased off. Pearce says if the Bloodline is here, they’re going to be in a match tonight.

Bianca Belair is ready to face Alexa Bliss, no matter what kind of Bliss she is.

Post break the wrestlers who chased the Bloodline off want some matches, with Elias demanding a fight against Solo Sikoa. Works for Adam Pearce, as does the Street Profits/Kevin Owens vs. the Usos and Sami Zayn in a six man tag.

Women’s Title: Alexa Bliss vs. Bianca Belair

Belair is defending and wastes no time in hitting Bliss in the face to start. They head outside with Belair sending her into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Belair running her over with a shoulder and telling Bliss to bring it on. Bliss sends her into the corner, takes a bow, and stomps away.

Belair is back with some right hands and muscles Bliss up with a suplex to block a DDT attempt. Some forearms to the back have Bliss rocked but she sends Belair to the floor, setting up the running flip dive off the apron. We take another break and come back again with Bliss putting on a chinlock.

With that let go, Bliss’ standing flip dive is countered into a rollup but Bliss counters the KOD. Belair muscles her down into a backbreaker and hammers away in the corner. Bliss gets smart by pulling her out to the floor by the hair….where there is a man in a Bray Wyatt style mask. That’s enough of a distraction for Bliss to throw her back in….but there is another man in a Bray Wyatt mask (different hair).

Then the Bray logo pops up on screen and Bliss beats up the referee. There’s no bell yet so Bliss beats up Belair too and sends her into various things. There’s a DDT onto the steps and Belair (with her busted open) is mostly out. Bliss hits another DDT onto the steps and referees come out. The bell never rang but we’ll say the match was thrown out at 18:00.

Rating: C+. This was getting good before the ending, which wound up being more Bliss storyline stuff. You can only get so far with that as this was her big chance and now it’s just another version of Bliss gets upset and goes violent, which has kind of been shoved into the ground. The match was working fairly well, but you can only go so far when it seems like it is setting something else up. That seems to be the case with a lot of Bliss matches/moments, and it needs to go somewhere soon.

Post break, here’s everything you just saw.

Austin Theory is ready for Seth Rollins because he is the future and Rollins is the past.

Elias vs. Solo Sikoa

Street fight. Elias promises to show Sikoa what WWE stands for and we’re ready to go, with music themed weapons at ringside. Sikoa powers him into the corner to start and hits a hard clothesline to take over. They head outside with Elias missing a guitar shot but sending Sikoa right through a drum kit. A drum cymbal to the head knocks Sikoa silly and we take a break.

Back with Elias being sent into a speaker near the entrance, followed by some mic shots to the head. They get inside again with Elias’ electric keyboard shot being shrugged off, allowing Sikoa to grab a Samoan drop for two. Another keyboard blast gives Elias two and some tambourines to the head send Sikoa into the corner.

A musical celebrity (Hardy, who sings the Royal Rumble theme song) gives Elias a guitar but Sikoa hits a superkick. Hardy gets in and hit guitar shot to the back has no effect. That’s enough for Hardy to run off, leaving Elias to hit the jumping knee. A top rope guitar shot is Samoan Spiked out of the air, leaving Sikoa to Spinning Solo Elias through a piano for the pin at 14:21.

Rating: C-. This was a good bit longer than it needed to be and it felt like they were just filling in time for a good chunk of the match. Again, part of the problem with the Bloodline is that it is hard to buy the members in any serious danger save for any major opponents. That isn’t going to be the case with Elias, making this a bunch of goofy weapons shots until a big weapons spot to end the show.

We look at John Cena and Kevin Owens defeating Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn on Smackdown.

Street Profits/Kevin Owens vs Bloodline

The brawl is on before the bell with the non-Bloodline taking over. We get the official start with Jimmy getting a shot on Dawkins, allowing Sami to come in for a front facelock. That doesn’t last long either as it’s off to Owens, who takes over on Jey while yelling at Jey. Ford is up but doesn’t want to tag in as he is worried about Bianca Belair. Owens gets stomped down in the corner and we take a break.

Back with Ford coming in off the hot tag to clean house, including a standing moonsault for two on Zayn. Everything breaks down and Dawkins runs Jey over in the corner. Ford is back with the running flip dive onto Jimmy and Zayn but here is Solo Sikoa to take Dawkins out. Owens goes after him but gets superkicked, leaving Zayn to Helluva Kick Ford for the pin at 11:40.

Rating: C. This got going and I could buy Owens and the Profits as a bigger threat to score an upset here. It was also nice to have Ford be upset about something that happened earlier in the show, as he should have been. There is no reason to have him be all normal so well done on some logic. Sami gets a win back to keep the team happy, but Roman Reigns is going to be waiting on him.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Sheamus and Drew McIntyre run in for the save. Now they feel like a threat to the Usos this week on Smackdown.

AJ Styles is confirmed to have a broken ankle, meaning he will miss the Royal Rumble.

Chad Gable vs. Dexter Lumis

Otis is here with Gable, who runs away from Dexter to start. After hiding behind Otis doesn’t work, Gable grabs a hot shot for a breather and starts in on Lumis’ arm. A northern lights suplex gives Gable two but Lumis is back with a takedown of his own. Gable grabs a German suplex and sends Lumis outside, where Lumis gets posted. Otis misses a clothesline into the post though, leaving Lumis to counter La Majistral into a cradle for the pin at 4:09.

Rating: C. This version of Gable continues to be a chore to watch, which is a shame as he is a rather talented star. That being said, watching him in the same role week in and week out gets old fast as they have cranked the annoyance up as far as it can go. Gable needs something other than the one note catchphrase because he is too good to be stuck with it. Lumis getting a more normal win is a good thing for him, as this was more of a way to keep him active.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ return last year, including the injury which took him back out of action. More on this later.

Here is Damage Ctrl for a chat. Bayley brings up the team starting here at Summerslam so it is nice to have one good thing come out of this city. However, we need to talk about the Iris elephant in the room. Bayley beat Becky Lynch, which brings out Becky to tell Bayley to shut up. Becky talks about Bayley having to get out of someone’s (unnamed) shadow and now she has own team. It is going to be a matter of time before the rest of Damage Ctrl turns on her but Bayley rolls it off. The challenge it out for tonight but Bayley shuts that down too. Instead, Becky can just fight the rest of the team, 2-1. Sure.

Becky Lynch vs. Damage Ctrl

Non-title and Bayley is at ringside. Becky Stunners Sky over the middle rope to start and nails an enziguri to drop her for two. Kai comes in and gets legdropped, followed by a running forearm in the corner. A kick to the face staggers Lynch though and Sky sends her into the apron on the floor. The double teaming is on, including Sky front facelocking Becky on the floor. Cue Michin to join Becky though and the hot tag brings her in to start the house cleaning.

We take a break and come back with Sky Crossfacing Michin, who powers up and kicks Sky into Kai for a tag. A neckbreaker drops Sky so Kai grabs Becky’s ankle…and Michin makes the tag anyway. Everything breaks down and Becky hits a missile dropkick. A double superplex hits Kai with Sky having to make the save. Becky goes outside to deal with an invading Bayley, leaving Michin to Eat Defeat Kai. That leaves Michin down long enough though for Sky to hit Over the Moonsault for the in at 13:40.

Rating: C+. They got going near the end and the finish felt like Michin got caught rather than getting beaten. The match worked well too as you don’t want Lynch hanging with the champs that long. This should keep us on the way towards a major Becky vs. Bayley showdown and that has all of the potential to steal whatever show it is on.

Seth Rollins is ready for Austin Theory.

Alexa Bliss, with what looks like some dried paint on her face, says she has control of Bianca Belair.

We look at Dominik Mysterio being arrested on Christmas Eve for invading the Mysterios’ house.

Dominik Mysterio, having since been bailed out of jail by Rhea Ripley, talks about how prison is an absence of feeling. This isn’t a game to him and he’s just getting started, so he’ll see Rhea Ripley soon. This is a different way to go for Dominik and the more of his own character he can develop, the better.

Video on Bronson Reed.

US Title: Austin Theory vs. Seth Rollins

Theory is defending. Rollins grabs a headlock to start before clotheslining Theory outside. A knee to the face rocks Theory again and we take a rather early break. Back again with Rolling firing off the fast chops but Theory gets in a shot of his own. The rolling dropkick to the back gives Theory two and he hammers away with left hands. A clothesline sets up a chinlock on Rollins to keep him in trouble. They head outside with Rollins being rammed into the announcers’ table a few times as we take a break.

Back with Rollins Hulking Up and hitting a backbreaker for two. Rollins catches him on top but Theory slips out of a suplex. The brainbuster onto the knee is reversed into a small package to give Rollins two more. The buckle bomb is broken up as well and Theory goes up, only to get superplex into…well nothing actually as Theory reversed into a brainbuster own for two.

They trade kicks to the face until an enziguri drops Theory. Rollins can’t follow up so it’s a double breather. Back up and Rollins wins a strike off, setting up the missed Stomp. Theory tries to leave but gets caught, allowing Rollins to hit a superkick back inside. The frog splash gives Rollins two but Theory shoves him into the referee. Rollins’ knee gives out as he escapes a suplex, though he’s fine enough to hit a Pedigree for a delayed two from a second referee. Theory tries to send Rollins into the referee again, allowing the low blow to cut Rollins off. A chop block sets up A Town Down to retain the title at 22:15.

Rating: B. This felt like a major main event but more importantly it felt like a huge win for Theory. At some point you need to pull the trigger on him and that might be what they are doing here. The fact that it came after what felt like a showdown makes it even better, and now hopefully we get to see where this is going, as Theory could be getting a rocket built for his back.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event boosted up a lot of this show, which was built around long matches. That’s a good thing in theory, but it only gets them so far when the matches are hit and miss. What does help this show is how energized it felt, as it came off like stuff was happening throughout. The only cold match was Lumis vs. Gable and they were in and out in less than eight minutes. It’s not a great show, but there was enough to make me want to see what happens next.

Alexa Bliss vs. Bianca Belair went to a no contest when Bliss attacked the referee
Solo Sikoa b. Elias – Spinning Solo through a piano
Bloodline b. Street Profits/Kevin Owens – Helluva Kick to Ford
Dexter Lumis b. Chad Gable – Rollup
Damage Ctrl b. Michin/Becky Lynch – Over The Moonsault to Michin
Austin Theory b. Seth Rollins – A Town Down

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Smackdown – December 30, 2022: Up And Down And Up And Up

Date: December 30, 2022
Location: Amalie Arena, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s the final show of the year and that means we are going to be seeing more than a few big things this week. First and foremost, John Cena is back for his only match of the year as he teams with Kevin Owens to face Sami Zayn and Roman Reigns. In addition, we have the Women’s Title on the line as Ronda Rousey defends against Raquel Rodriguez. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s is Bray Wyatt for an opening chat. Wyatt does not see himself as a good person but he does try. Looking back at how he got here, he doesn’t regret much, but last week he did something that he did regret. Last week, he apologized a cameraman in cold blood and….here is LA Knight to interrupt.

Knight cannot believe that the master of the mind games is here to apologize because he doesn’t buy any of this. Wyatt has been playing mind games and now it is time to pay the check. Knight remembers Wyatt being something around here and he wants Wyatt to be again. The Royal Rumble is coming up and Knight wants to make his first a special one. Wyatt doesn’t think much of Knight and accepts the challenge.

Cue Uncle Howdy for a rather slow walk to the ring (with the lights still down so we can’t really see him). Howdy and Wyatt stand next to each other and stare down Knight, but Howdy lays out Wyatt. Knight: “What the h*** is going on? None of this makes any sense.” Howdy leaves on his own. That’s at least another step forward in the story.

Sami Zayn goes to the Bloodline’s dressing room and finds Paul Heyman instead of Roman Reigns. Zayn thinks they need to talk strategy before tonight’s main event but first Heyman wants to talk about how happy Reigns is with Zayn’s loyalty last week. However, it seems that Reigns might not be happy with the fans getting behind Zayn. He hasn’t said anything, but the key is to stay ahead of the future. With that, Zayn goes in and Heyman looks a bit worried.

Sheamus vs. Solo Sikoa

As the match starts, Cole offers condolences to the family of Don West, who made an “impact” on the wrestling world. That’s a classy thing to do and it’s nice to see WWE acknowledge it in some way. A clothesline doesn’t get Sheamus very far to start so he knocks Sikoa over the top instead. An annoyed Sikoa grabs a chair but the Usos hold him back as we take an early break.

Back with Sheamus fighting out of a chinlock but getting caught with a Samoan drop. Sheamus fights up again and starts hammering away, including the ten forearms to the chest. The Brogue Kick is cut off with a superkick but Sheamus is right back with a running knee for two. It’s time for everyone to get in a fight on the floor, with Sheamus hitting a big dive off the top. The distraction lets Sikoa Rock Bottom Sheamus on the apron though and it’s the Samoan Spike to give Sikoa the pin at 11:07.

Rating: C+. It’s kind of impressive how well WWE has done with Sikoa. For someone who felt like a tacked on midcarder since his debut, WWE has turned him into a solid hand who could win almost any match that you put him in. This was another good outing from Sikoa and I’d like to see where he goes in the next few months.

Post match the beatdown is on and Sikoa wraps a chair around Sheamus’ neck. Before the running Umaga Attack can connect though, Drew McIntyre returns for the save to clear the ring.

Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Raquel Rodriguez

Rousey, with Shayna Baszler, is defending and goes right after Raquel’s bad arm to start. Rodriguez sends her into the corner though and hits an elbow as we take a break. Back with Rousey bending the arm around the rope and then pulling her down for a multiple limb crank (ouch). With that broken up, Rousey throws her down for two but Rodriguez powers up. A slam with the bad arm hurts both of them though and Rousey is right back with the ankle lock. That’s broken up as well and Rodriguez hits a flapjack for a breather. The Tejana Bomb is countered into an armbar and they head outside, where the Tejana Bomb onto the apron rocks Rousey as we take another break.

Back again with Rousey caught in a delayed suplex for two. The arm gives out though and Rousey grabs a Kimura, only to be powered up again. The Tejana bomb is countered into a choke but Rodriguez powers out again. This time it’s a Baszler distraction but Rodriguez is able to hit the Vader Bomb elbow anyway. Baszler puts the foot on the rope just in time, only to get ejected for some pretty flagrant cheating. With Rodriguez standing on the middle rope, Rousey climbs onto her and gets the armbar in the ropes. Rodriguez drops her back but lands on the elbow, meaning Rousey’s armbar is good for the tap at 16:20.

Rating: B. These two have some great chemistry together as this was their second good match against each other. Rodriguez not winning here is a bit more acceptable as she has the arm injury and Baszler interference to balance things out. WWE has done a nice job with her in recent months and I’d be stunned if she doesn’t win the title at some point in the year.

Post match Rousey and Baszler celebrate…..and Charlotte is back! She gets straight to the point: she is challenging for the Women’s Title TONIGHT. Rousey is in.

Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey

Charlotte is challenging. Big boot, spear, Rousey armbar, Charlotte rolls her up for the pin at 40 seconds. WWE is in on the CHARLOTTE WINS AGAIN now joke right? They have to be. And yes, Charlotte is the big hero in this.

Sami Zayn asks Roman Reigns if he’s cool with the crowd reactions. Reigns doesn’t seem thrilled.

We look at Dominik Mysterio being arrested for invading the Mysterios’ home on Christmas Eve. Rhea Ripley has since bailed him out.

A bunch of tag teams mock Top Dolla for his not so great dive last week. Dolla takes it well enough before shoving Ricochet. Holding back ensues.

Bray Wyatt vs. LA Knight is set for the Royal Rumble in a Pitch Black match.

Here is Imperium for a chat. Ludwig Kaiser introduces the team and brags about Gunther’s Intercontinental Title reign. We see a video on the title reign before Braun Strowman interrupts. Strowman didn’t see himself in that video and he wants his own title shot. Imperium goes to leave instead but Strowman grabs Gunther. The fight is on with Strowman clearing the ring but the run around ringside is sent through the barricade. Gunther wears Strowman out with a chair and they get inside, where Gunther grabs an armbar. Ricochet makes the save with a chair and clears the ring again.

Roman Reigns/Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens/John Cena

The rest of the Bloodline is here too. Owens hammers on Zayn to start as Cena does his always good job of playing cheerleader on the apron. With Zayn down in the corner, Owens brings up the SAMI chants, much to Reigns’ annoyance. Reigns comes in and stares down Owens, who looks over to Cena. That lets reigns blast him with a clothesline and a Rock Bottom for two as we take a break.

Back with Owens trying to get the tag but Cena is knocked to the floor. A superkick into the Pop Up Powerbomb gives Owens two, with Reigns making the save. Reigns beats Owens down and tags himself in, only to miss the Superman Punch. Owens nails a superkick and the bullfrog splash gets two.

Reigns counters the Pop Up Powerbomb into a Superman Punch but the spear only hits post. Cena is back up on the apron and there’s the hot tag for Cena to beat up Zayn. House is cleaned and Reigns is dropped as well, allowing the tag back to Owens. Stereo Shuffles hit the Bloodline and it’s an AA to Reigns, followed by a Stunner to pin Zayn at 10:59.

Rating: C+. This was a question of whether they would do the big angle here or wait for the fallout next week. Cena being back means a lot though, even if it is likely just a one off appearance. He still feels like one of the biggest stars ever and having him back boosted the show a lot. The match felt like something special and that is a sign that they did it right.

Overall Rating: B. The main thing I’ll say about this show is that stuff happened here. Between the multiple returns, the surprise title change and Cena being in the main event, this was a show that did not feel boring in any way. Good, fast paced show and Smackdown feels like it is heading for the new year on a bit of a roll for a change.

Solo Sikoa b. Sheamus – Samoan Spike
Ronda Rousey b. Raquel Rodriguez – Armbar
Charlotte b. Ronda Rousey – Rollup
John Cena/Kevin Owens b. Roman Reigns/Sami Zayn – Stunner to Zayn



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Monday Night Raw – December 26, 2022 (Best Of 2022): Simply The Best

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 26, 2022
Hosts: Jackie Redmond, Corey Graves

It’s the final show of the year and for the first time in a long time, we’re having a Best Of special. That should make for a pretty easy night, but there are also several things to pick from this week. WWE probably put about 18 seconds of thought into this, but it’s nice to have a bit of a week off for once. Let’s get to it.

Note that I’ll be including the full versions of the matches/segments rather than the edited versions broadcast here.

The Street Profits are in a white room, with Montez Ford saying he doesn’t think this is Gorilla. Angelo Dawkins uses his psychic powers to turn the walls into a Profits video. They realize they can make anything (PG at least) appear on the screen so we start with a look at various returns. Ford gets a little too excited over the hype videos so we slow things down a bit.

Opening sequence.

Our hosts welcome us to the show and send us to our first match.

From Summerslam.

WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar

Reigns is defending in a Last Man Standing match…..and Lesnar rides to the ring in a tractor. Lesnar cuts off Paul Heyman’s entrance and does his own, while standing in the….whatever you call the part of a tractor that holds stuff. Lesnar dives out of the tractor to start and Reigns is knocked outside, setting up a big overhead belly to belly. They fight over to the lighting structure and knock each other into it, with Lesnar getting the better of things again.

A German suplex sends Reigns flying again so it’s table time. Heyman begs enough for a distraction, allowing Reigns to Samoan drop Lesnar through the table. Reigns puts him through another table and takes it back inside for a pair of Superman Punches. The spear keeps Lesnar down for a bit but a second attempt is countered into a failed F5 attempt. Reigns gets sent outside in a heap so Lesnar goes to the tractor.

With that going nowhere, he hits Reigns in the head with a piece of the table for about six. Lesnar throws Reigns into the bucket of the tractor, raises him up, and then drops him down into the ring. With that not working, Lesnar rolls some German suplexes and hits an F5 for nine. Another F5 is countered into a guillotine, which Lesnar reverses into one of his own. Reigns is mostly out but dives back to the ropes to break the count at nine.

Lesnar gets back in the tractor….and starts ramming the ring. Then he lifts the ring up to send Reigns sprawling out onto the floor but here are the Usos for the save. Lesnar dispatches them so Heyman tries to call it off, only to get F5’ed through the announcers’ table (they’ve been teasing that for a LONG time). Reigns is back up with a spear and they’re both down…so here is Theory to cash in.

A briefcase shot drops Reigns but Lesnar F5’s Theory onto the briefcase. The Usos are back up with a double superkick for nine, followed by a spear for nine more. Reigns unloads with the briefcase for nine more, followed by a belt shot, but Lesnar gets up again. A shot with the other belt knocks Lesnar down and the Bloodline piles a bunch of stuff onto him before standing on top of it to retain at 22:44.

Rating: B-. This is going to be the really divisive match of the night and that isn’t a surprise. They did a lot of stuff and the match was a total spectacle, but they lost me at the end with Reigns knocking him down for nine over and over. It’s a good example of a match that needed to be trimmed down by a few minutes to hammer the point home better. At the same time, I’m sure the fans on the other side of the ring loved looking up at the video screen, because those front row tickets are pretty worthless when the ring is halfway on its side for the last seven minutes of the match.

The other problem here is simple: who in the world is supposed to be able to stop Reigns? Drew McIntyre is the next big challenger, but is that their solution? McIntyre has already had his time and while you can’t really gauge things from the pandemic, I don’t know how much of a success it was. Reigns has cleared out the company by this point, and they are going to need something special to get the title off of him, whenever they finally do it.

We get a long video tribute to John Cena.

From Raw, June 27.

Here is Vince McMahon to introduce John Cena, who comes through a tunnel of adoring stars. With Vince gone, Cena says this is a milestone, which he rarely likes to celebrate because he is always looking forward. However, tonight he has been looking back at what he has done and he couldn’t do it without these people. Cena has been allowed to do this for two decades and that is because of the fans.

The people have been honest enough to tell him when he sucks and kind enough to tell him when he doesn’t. Cena has been waiting for that right moment and this feels like that right moment. We get a THANK YOU CENA chant and he says his heart is beating out of his chest. Cena thanks the fans for moments like that one and for making him who he is. He has always said WWE prepared him for anything and he doesn’t mean Fast and the Furious or Peacemaker.

WWE has made him a better human being, person and husband. Spending moments with the families he has spent time with today has taught him empathy and kindness. The fans have taught him humility and perseverance and every time he gets in the ring, he gives everything he has because these fans give him everything they have. This isn’t about a last name but about people coming together and he’s 45 years old. He doesn’t know when you’ll see him again, though he isn’t saying it isn’t happening. Fans: “ONE MORE MATCH!” Cena: “It ain’t just gonna be one. Don’t worry about that.”

It isn’t about him but about us. If you like something, tell the people. If you see something that sucks, tell the people. Cena thanks the people and asks Laredo to show what kind of noise they can make. Some catchphrases wrap us up. Cena didn’t say much here, but it felt a lot more real than some of the things he usually says. Good stuff, even if it didn’t mean a great deal.

We take a very fast look at Steve Austin returning to a*action at Wrestlemania and beating up Kevin Owens in the main event of night one. This gets maybe two minutes for the setup and match.

We look at Sami Zayn vs. Johnny Knoxville in the Jackass match at Wrestlemania. Not my thing, but dang that crowd reaction was impossible to deny.

Zayn joins us to ask why you would show that. He’s not hurt but disappointed, though it doesn’t matter as we have enough Bloodline stuff to make it work.

We get a sitdown interview with New Day, who praise the NXT tag team division. After talking about the origins of New Day, we hear about the importance of their feud with the Usos. Kofi Kingston talks about how they have a lot of quirks, but they have found their way to what they are now. Over their years though, they have fought the Usos many times as their paths keep crossing.

From Smackdown, November 11.

Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Usos

The Usos are defending and they’re starting big here. Jey, with his hand taped, starts with Woods and they stare each other down a bit. Woods grabs a headlock as we hear about the histories between the teams. Kofi springboards in with a crossbody for two on Jey but it’s off to Jimmy with a right hand to the face. Everything breaks down and Kofi hits a Trust Fall onto both Usos as we take a break.

We come back with Jey hitting a suicide dive to send Kofi into the barricade and then whipping him into it again for a bonus. The fans want Sami, who is apparently missing due to a personal issue. We slow down a bit to Kofi being sent into the corner, setting up a wishbone leg split. A middle rope dropkick gets Kofi out of trouble though and Jey gets kicked away, only to have Jimmy pull Woods off the apron in a classic move. The pop up neckbreaker gives Jey two and we take a break.

Back again with Kofi fighting out of a chinlock and making the hot tag to Woods so house can be cleaned. Kofi hits a splash to set up a good looking Woods top rope legdrop for two. The Boom Drop connects on Jimmy but Jey makes a blind tag. That’s fine with Kofi who hits the SOS for two. Frustration is setting in as it’s off to Woods, who gets superkicked down to set up the double Superfly Splash. The 1D is broken up though and the Midnight Hour hits Jey on the floor.

Back in and a tornado DDT to Jimmy sets up the Midnight Hour for two as Jey makes a VERY last second save for two. The four of them stand up and slug it out with Woods being sent outside and superkicked over the barricade. That leaves Kofi to be sat up top where he goes old school with a double noggin knocker. Kofi tries a diving something, only to land in the 1D to retain the titles at 23:47.

Rating: A-. Yeah these guys are awesome together and this was no exception, as they had a long, pay per view quality tag match. I know it’s been done before and I’ve not been wild on seeing them fight again, but this should have been the final match to give the Usos the record. Unless there is some surprise Tag Team Title match on Monday (and there might be), New Day’s record has fallen and it happened after a great match.

Bianca Belair talks about her life starting from childhood, when she found out she was awesome in track. She started at the University of South Carolina but put too much pressure on herself and developed bulimia.

Belair joins us via satellite to talk about how much she loves Christmas and maybe she should make her own wrapping paper. We move on to how great her year has been, with so much of it leading to her Wrestlemania match with Becky Lynch.

From Wrestlemania.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair vs. Becky Lynch

Lynch is defending and gets a special intro (similar to the WWE TV intro as we look at moments from her career)….but Belair one ups her with the Texas Southern University marching band playing her to the ring. They both have special gear, with Lynch coming out in a kind of skirt/jacket combination and Belair in black and red with her top made to look like her lips logo. They both look like they’re on the big stage and it’s an awesome addition.

They both take the time to soak it in a bit but Lynch would rather punch than shake hands. The very early Manhandle Slam gets two and Lynch can’t believe the Summerslam plan didn’t work. Belair goes to the ropes to avoid the Disarm-Her so some covers give Lynch two. They trade rollups for two each and Lynch reverses a suplex into a DDT for two more. Belair tries….something but can’t get Lynch onto her shoulders so she switches to a rollup instead.

They head outside with Lynch slipping off the shoulders to send Belair into the steps to take over. Some Bexploders connect back inside and we hit the chinlock to slow things down a bit. With that broken up, Lynch switches to a cross armbreaker but Belair powers up and dumps her outside for the double crash. Back in and Belair drives some shoulders into the ribs in the corner, setting up a gutbuster for two. The handspring moonsault gets two more but Lynch catches her on top.

Belair gets creative with a Chicago Skyline of all things and a middle rope 450 gets another near fall. Lynch is back up with a Molly Go Round, with her feet hitting Belair in the face (OUCH) for two of her own. Belair is back with a spinebuster and a cradle but the kickout sends her into the corner.

The KOD is broken up but Belair KOD’s her to the floor. That doesn’t work for Belair so she tries to come back inside, only to have Lynch hit the Manhandle Slam onto the steps. Belair dives back in at nine and then kicks out at two, sending Lynch even further into hysteria. Another Bexploder is loaded up but Belair gets to the middle rope, moonsaults over Lynch, and hits the KOD for the pin and the title at 19:09.

Rating: B+. The action was good to great, but what mattered here was the feeling. This felt like the rise of a new champion, with Belair surviving what Lynch threw at her and then winning in the end, showing that she was the better woman when things were even. It came off like the Wrestlemania showdown with the special entrances and gear and I had a great time with the whole deal. Best thing on the show by a mile so far.

Post match Lynch falls out to the floor and collapses as Belair celebrates, giving us a great visual of the fallen former champion and the new queen.

Video on Gunther vs. Sheamus at Clash At The Castle.

Sheamus joins us from his house to talk about how important Christmas is for him. After a tour of his home bar, Sheamus talks about how the Brawling Brutes work well together because they have no egos. We hear about the Good Old Fashioned Donnybrook at Extreme Rules so you know where this is going.

From Extreme Rules.

Imperium vs. Brawling Brutes

This is a Good Old Fashioned Donnybrook, meaning street fight with some props at ringside. It’s a brawl to start, as it should be, with everyone pairing off in and around the ring. Kaiser is tied in the Tree of Woe for a running dropkick but the rest of Imperium comes over for the save. Everyone goes for the weapons and Sheamus is sent into various things at ringside.

With Kaiser and Vinci holding Sheamus over a bar, Gunther chops away and hits the big boot before dropping him onto said bar. Back in and it’s Butch and Holland getting beaten up, including the double running dropkick to Butch in the corner. As Imperium poses, Sheamus fights up and it’s time to wreck Gunther’s minions.

Gunther tells Sheamus to bring it and the slugout is on. A release German suplex drops Sheamus but he’s right back up with a clothesline. Holland and Butch are back up to help with the beating until everyone knocks each other down. The teams get up and fight to the floor, with Butch hitting a heck of a moonsault off some barrels.

Gunther is back up and hits the shillelagh shot for two Sheamus. The rest of the Brutes get back in and beat down Gunther, allowing Sheamus to hit a heck of a shillelagh shot to knock Gunther silly. Gunther gets powerbombed through the announcers’ table, leaving Kaiser to get Brogue Kicked for the pin at 17:42.

Rating: A-. The good old fashioned part was right as these guys didn’t bother with anything more than what was advertised. They beat each other up for about eighteen minutes and you could feel a lot of the pain and violence they were showing off here. Sheamus getting the win was the right way to go and he can probably have a final showdown with Gunther. This was what I was looking for from this match and they delivered hard.

Sami Zayn, wearing glasses and reading from the Bloodline Dictionary, talks about the greatness of the Bloodline.

We look at Drew McIntyre getting ready for Clash At The Castle.

McIntyre joins us to talk about how he is on the mend from a minor injury and can’t wait to be back. We hear about his match with Roman Reigns at Clash At The Castle.

Video on Karrion Kross vs. Drew McIntyre.

We look at various returns this year (and there have been a lot of them).

Cody Rhodes (whose return was not shown) talks about how much his return meant and how much he needed that kind of a reaction. We hear about his history with Seth Rollins, including the Cell match with the horrible pectoral injury. He feels he has paid his price and is ready to pick up where he left off. There is one thing that he came back for and he has made that clear (meaning the WWE Title). It’s still weird having Cody sound sane and not going all over the place whenever he talks.

From Hell In A Cell.

Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins

Inside the Cell and Cody has a torn pectoral muscle. Rollins cranks up the evil by coming out in Dusty Rhodes polka dots but Cody’s chest steals the show, because it looks AWFUL, making him seem all the nuttier for being out there. Cody starts firing off the left hands and manages a Disaster Kick, setting up a not so great Cody Cutter. The Figure Four goes on but Rollins manages to reach underneath the ring and grab a tool box. That doesn’t work so it’s a kendo stick to the bad arm to break things up.

Rollins stabs him in the chest with the stick and then knocks Cody into the Cell. Cody manages a whip of his own but can barely follow up. The steps off the shoulder rocks Cody again so Rollins puts on Cody’s jacket. He also grabs the weightlifting belt to beat on Rhodes before setting up the table. The fans chant THANK YOU ROLLINS as he steps on the bad arm in the corner. Cody can’t powerbomb him through the table but he can avoid the frog splash through the table, leaving Rollins down.

With nothing else working, Rhodes pulls out a bullrope with a cowbell so Rollins is confused. Rhodes ties one end around his wrist and Rollins does the same, giving us an impromptu bullrope match. Cody takes him down and hits a superkick, setting up the cowbell to the head for two. Rollins gets in another shot and unhooks the rope, allowing him to set up a table. A one armed Cross Rhodes gives Cody a quick two but the arm gives out on a powerbomb attempt.

Rollins cranks on the arm and toss powerbombs Cody through the table for two. It’s sledgehammer time but Cody kicks it away and hits a Pedigree for two of his own. Cody grabs the hammer but gets caught with the Stomp for two more. Another Stomp is countered into Cross Rhodes from Rollins but Cody pops up and hits one of his own for the double knockdown. They both go for the hammer but Cody switches to back to back Cross Rhodes. Now Rhodes picks up the hammer and hits a running shot for the pin at 24:18.

Rating: B+. That’s on a heck of a sliding scale as Cody was almost literally fighting with one arm. Having him win, especially before he goes off for surgery that might have him missing all the way through the Rumble, is quite the choice. It might be a feel good moment, but Rollins is going to need some time to recover from that kind of a loss. Cody looked like an absolute star and points for an amazing effort, but that arm was about as gruesome as you could get and it was hard to watch at times.

Video on Liv Morgan’s rise to the top of the Smackdown women’s division, including a cameo from Morgan’s mom to talk about what wrestling meant to Liv as a kid.

Morgan joins us to talk about what it meant to her and how happy she has been. She is ready for anything and the best is yet to come.

We get a quick look at Ronda Rousey taking the Smackdown Women’s Title from Morgan at Extreme Rules.

Video on the rise of Judgment Day.

Video on the rise of Austin Theory.

We look at Bobby Lashley’s year, setting up his nearly getting fired, plus Seth Rolling beating him to get the US Title shot next week on Raw.

From Crown Jewel.

Undisputed WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul

Reigns, with Paul Heyman (for the sake of clarity, any mentions of “Paul” will mean Logan), is defending and powers Paul into the corner to start. Paul wrestles him down a few times and Reigns actually needs a breather on the floor. Back in and Paul tells him to stop running so Reigns hits an elbow to the face. Some rights and lefts to the ribs set up a hiptoss to Reigns, followed by a running clothesline to the floor. A diving clothesline off the barricade takes Reigns down again and it’s a Buckshot Lariat for two back inside.

Paul’s springboard is knocked out of the air and Heyman is right there with the big rah rah speech. The chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by the corner clotheslines. The jumping clothesline gives Reigns two and he grabs a one armed camel clutch. Paul fights up and hits a gutwrench suplex for a much needed double knockdown. A Blockbuster gives Paul two and he hits his own Superman Punch (which looked a lot more like a Shawn Michaels flying forearm) into a high crossbody.

The standing moonsault gets two and Heyman is stunned. Sweet Chin Music (complete with Tuning Up The Band) is countered into a release Rock Bottom for two. The Superman Punch is countered with a shot to the ribs and the big right hand, followed by the Superman Punch to give Paul two. They head outside with Logan putting him on the announcers’ table. Paul talks to his friends in the front row, with one of them giving him a camera as Paul goes up top.

The splash through the table (with camera in hand) connects but here are the Usos to beat up Paul’s friends. Cue Logan’s brother Jake (also Paul) to take the Usos out with a right hand each. Logan hits a frog splash for two and here is Solo Sikoa to go after Jake. Logan dives onto the Usos and goes back inside, where Reigns hits the Superman Punch. The spear retains the title at 24:45.

Rating: B+. They went too far with the run-ins and interferences, but this was GREAT for a celebrity match and I was having a very good time. I didn’t think for a second that they were going to change the title, but that isn’t the point of something like this. The match was all about Paul getting to blow people’s minds and it worked well. Very fun stuff here, as Logan absolutely has the talent to be a special attraction around here. This was highly entertaining (Jake Paul easily dispatching the Tag Team Champions aside) and far better than I would have expected.

The hosts wrap it up to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I never know how to rate something like this so we’ll call this quite good and that’s about it. This show did what it advertised and covered a bunch of stuff throughout 2022 while also hyping up future major events. That was more than enough to make a three hour show interesting and they didn’t leave out anything overly important. We can move on to the important stuff this Friday and next Monday, but it was nice to have a one off, fun show that didn’t mean anything.



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Smackdown – December 23, 2022: I Guess This Counts As Merry

Date: December 23, 2022
Location: Allstate Arena, Rosemont, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s a taped show from Chicago, which means the fans should be livelier than most regular crowds. Since it is the Christmas season, the main event is a Miracle On 34th Street Fight as Ricochet and Braun Strowman vs. Imperium, but we also have a gauntlet match for a future Women’s Title match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Bloodline to get things going. Paul Heyman talks about all of their upcoming wins, including the Usos defeating Hit Row later tonight and Solo Sikoa getting another victory. Next week though, it’s the biggest televised match of the year, as Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn team up to defeat Kevin Owens and John Cena. Reigns get the mic, but has to pause for a SAMI chant. Next week, Reigns is going to SMASH someone, but Sami is looking a little off.

Reigns tells him to get it off of his chest, so Sami talks about how he has found family and respect in the Bloodline. You would think that would be enough, but there is a Kevin Owens cloud hanging over him. Owens’ existence and the fact that their names have been tired together makes Sami mad because he can’t get away.

Now John Cena is coming back too and wants to steal the show, but the Bloodline IS the show. Next week, Owens and Cena will acknowledge Reigns. Sami gets a hug to wrap it up. I’m not sure when it’s happening, but the Bloodline turning on Sami and him coming back to fight against them is going to be the reaction of the year.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Hit Row

Hit Row, with B Fab is challenging and Sami Zayn is here too. Adonis armdrags Jey to start but a chop block cuts Dolla off. Dolla fights up and brings Jey in but a chop block puts him right back down. We take a break and come back with Dolla getting over to the corner for the hot tag to Adonis so house can be cleaned. A cheap shot cuts Adonis off though and a Samoan drop gives Jimmy two. Dolla is back in and the Heavy Hitter gets two, with Jimmy having to make a save. Back up and Adonis gets sent outside, leaving the 1D to finish Dolla at 9:06.

Rating: C. The titles weren’t going to change hands here and I don’t think anyone bought the idea that they were. The Usos have been on top for so long that it is hard to fathom them losing, which is one of the problems with a match like this. There wasn’t much drama and Hit Row isn’t good enough to create it, so this was just ok at best.

We look at Ricochet coming up short to Gunther last week in a great match.

Imperium is ready to take out Ricochet and Braun Strowman tonight.

Gauntlet Match

For a future Smackdown Women’s title match. It’s Emma in at #1 and Xia Li in at #2, with Li running her over to start. Emma gets a suplex for a breather, but Li knees her in the face. The Cyclone kick finishes Emma at 1:47 and it’s Tegan Nox in at #3. Nox strikes away but gets kneed in the head for her efforts. Another Cyclone Kick finishes Nox at 3:19 total and it’s Raquel Rodriguez in at #4.

We take a break and come back with Li working on Rodriguez’s banged up arm. Rodriguez fights up and hits the spinning Vader Bomb elbow for two. Back up and Li misses the Cyclone Kick, allowing Rodriguez to grab the Tejana Bomb for the pin at 9:05. Liv Morgan is in at #5 and goes right at her, but has to power out of what seems to be a powerbomb attempt. Morgan’s victory roll gets two and they trade rollups for a near fall each. A choke works a bit better for Morgan but Rodriguez powers out for a double knockdown.

We take a break and come back again with Rodriguez hitting a superplex but Morgan manages a shot to the arm for a breather. There’s the middle rope dropkick to Rodriguez, setting up the Rings of Saturn for a smart hold. Rodriguez powers up again and swings Morgan off, only to get caught in a Codebreaker for two more. Back up and Rodriguez is fine enough to hit a fall away slam into the springboard corkscrew Vader Bomb elbow for another near fall. Morgan is back up with a sunset bomb but Rodriguez powers her up into a Tejana Bomb for the pin at 19:35.

Sonya Deville is in at #6 to complete the field and starts fast with the rapid fire kicks in the corner. Rodriguez tries to make the comeback but gets sent shoulder first into the buckle. An armbar in the ropes has Rodriguez in more trouble but she has to let go, allowing Rodriguez to plant her down for the pin at 22:35. Hold out though as here is Ronda Rousey to announce that Shayna Baszler is a surprise entrant at #7. Baszler goes right in and strikes away, even pulling off Rodriguez’s arm brace. The posing takes too long though and Rodriguez rolls her up for the pin at 24:11.

Rating: B-. Like most gauntlet matches, this left me wondering why some of the regular matches we see aren’t over as fast as some of the falls in this one. At the same time, the Morgan vs. Rodriguez stuff worked well and they had a nice chemistry going. Rodriguez winning was the only real option here and they made her look good in the process, so call this a nice success.

We look at Uncle Howdy being revealed as a real person last week, freaking LA Knight out even more.

Here is Bray Wyatt for a chat. Bray talks about how hard it is to come out here and be yourself, but he’ll never be tired of people wanting to see him. He talks about trying to present the realest version of him that he can, meaning LA Knight owes him an apology. No one, including Knight, believed that it was really him with all of those attacks…and then the light switches a bit. Wyatt seems to get sidetracked and crouches down before grabbing the Mandible Claw on the cameraman. The weird stare goes on as Wyatt has to be pulled off, leaving him confused and upset. The mind games continue, but they seem to have a direction.

Angel vs. Rey Mysterio

Karrion Kross and Scarlett are watching from the crowd while Humberto is here with Angel. Rey snaps off a headscissors to start and pounds away in the corner, only to have Angel TAKE OFF HIS PANTS. A backbreaker gives Angel two but Rey sends him into the ropes to set up the 619. Humberto breaks that up, allowing Angel to hit a superkick for two. The Wing Clipper is blocked so Angel tries his own 619. That doesn’t work either as Rey hits his own, setting up a slingshot DDT for the pin at 3:51.

Rating: C. Well first of all, oh yeah, Los Lotharios still work here. Other than that, this was a completely watchable back and forth match with Mysterio busting out a nifty new finisher. There wasn’t exactly a lot to see here but Mysterio getting in the ring and wrestling a basic match shows you just how good he really is. He can wrestle a completely competent match against almost anyone, which isn’t exactly a universal skill.

Ricochet and Braun Strowman are ready for Imperium.

Emma yells at Scarlett and Karrion Kross for getting on Riddick (as in Madcap Moss) and Rey Mysterio. She slaps Scarlett, causing Kross to say Emma doesn’t know what she just did.

We look back at John Cena’s career before he returns next week. The Make-A-Wish and military stuff gets a look at well before wrestlers talk about what a legend he is. I’m assuming this is airing rather than a Kevin Owens segment as Owens missed the double taping.

Lacey Evans is back next week.

Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Imperium

Miracle On 34th Street Fight. Strowman cleans house to start and throws Ricochet into a dropkick to Vinci in the corner. Vinci’s middle rope crossbody is pulled out of the air but Imperium starts in on Strowman’s leg for a breather. Strowman is fine enough to backdrop the villains to the floor, where Ricochet adds a hurricanrana as we take a break.

Back with Strowman getting posted and Ricochet getting beaten with a candy cane. Strowman gets back up and lifts Imperium onto his shoulders but they rake the eyes for a save. There’s a double suplex on the stage as Ricochet is back up. Some right hands stagger the already bleeding Vinci but Kaiser manages a chair shot for a breather. It’s time to open the giant present on stage and it’s….a ballerina, who dances away.

Another box is opened to reveal New Day dressed as soldiers to kick Imperium low (Barrett: “They’re nutcrackers!”) and march away. Strowman is back up and runs Imperium over before dragging Ricochet over to ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Some mistletoe is busted out and the kiss (from his real life girlfriend, in Cole’s words) brings Ricochet back to life. House is cleaned and it’s the running powerslam into the splash off of Strowman’s shoulders to pin Vinci at 11:54.

Rating: C+. What else were you expecting here? They were in a match involving big presents and Christmas decorations at the end of a holiday show. There was one result to this match and it was never supposed to be anything else. The match was completely fine and felt like something you might see on a house show, making this a completely entertaining main event.

Overall Rating: C+. For a show that was taped and the second two hour episode of the night, this was a totally acceptable show, which even had some good stuff included. WWE knew it wasn’t going to have a huge audience so why try doing anything important? The biggest development is finding Ronda Rousey’s next challenger for next week, which is hardly earth shattering. Nice show here though and I had a good time with it throughout.

Usos b. Hit Row – 1D to Dolla
Raquel Rodriguez won a gauntlet match last eliminating Shayna Baszler
Rey Mysterio b. Angel – Slingshot DDT
Ricochet/Braun Strowman b. Imperium – Splash to Vinci



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