Smackdown – December 11, 2020: Who’s Zooming Who?

Date: December 11, 2020
Location: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s time to head to the new Thunder Dome as basketball season has taken the Amway Center off the board. Instead it’s off to a baseball stadium, meaning we could be in for an interesting setup this time around. We’re also just over a week away from TLC, meaning we are going to need some additions to the card. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The new setup looks mostly like the Amway Center, but there are some shots where you can see how much bigger the whole thing is.

Here’s Sasha Banks for the contract signing for TLC. There’s no contract though and no Carmella, with Banks thinking this is a setup. Carmella pops up on screen to send her assistant (an unnamed man) down to the ring with the signed contract. She talks about how she isn’t getting in the ring with Banks tonight. This is the Queen’s Gambit instead of Tiger King and she’s four moves ahead of Banks. The contract arrives in the ring and the deal is signed, but Banks wants to do this tonight instead. Adam Pearce makes the match for tonight and the title is on the line. Banks beats up the assistant and turns the table onto him.

The Street Profits mock Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler, because it’s time for singles matches against the champions!

Montez Ford vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match, Ziggler says he’s accused of being a poor man’s Shawn Michaels, but he’s a rather rich man. The only thing less funny than his stand up comedy is the Street Profits as the Smackdown Tag Team Titles. Robert Roode promises that when the two aces get their shot, the title reign is going up in smoke. Ziggler takes him into the corner and gets an early two, followed by something like a Crossface.

Back up and Ziggler kicks the leg out to set up a neckbreaker for two more. Ziggler spends a bit too much time gyrating though and gets catapulted into the corner, setting up a dropkick. A running Blockbuster sends Ziggler outside, so the partners come in for a standoff. That lets the Profits stop for a dance…..and the cannon shoots solo cups into the ring as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler dropping the rapid fire elbows and hitting a neckbreaker for two more. We hit the sleeper with a bodyscissors for a bit but Ford fights up with some clotheslines. The jumping enziguri misses but Ford slams him down and hits a standing moonsault. Ziggler goes to the knee to try the Fameasser but has to settle for two off a sunset flip instead. The Zig Zag is blocked and now the jumping enziguri connects. Roode goes after Ford for a distraction though, and Ziggler hits a superkick for the pin at 11:00.

Rating: C. Ford is always fun to watch and it’s not like losing to a former World Champion is going to destroy everything he is doing. The Street Profits have held the titles for the better part of ever (being realistic that is) and if they make it past Ziggler and Roode, they’re losing them to the Usos ASAP, so this is filling time at best or the end of the line at worst. Losing a singles match doesn’t matter, as the Profits are already a made team.

Sami Zayn yells about not having a shirt when Big E., with his new shirt, comes in with his new Think Big shirt. Worry not though as Apollo Crews has a hand drawn I AM SAMI ZAYN shirt, which Sami can’t rip up. He’ll show us later! Big E.: “I’m gonna show you all the things!”

We take a break and come back with Sami in the ring ranting about not having his own shirt. He brings up Pat Patterson getting so much attention last week….and here’s Big E., with new music, to cut him off.

Sami Zayn vs. Big E.

Non-title. Sami stalls on the floor to start and is almost immediately caught in a headlock back inside. The spanking abdominal stretch is escaped and Big E. elbows him down. The apron splash connects and we take a break. Back with Sami getting one off a knee to the face and the chinlock goes on. That doesn’t last long so Sami hits a middle rope clothesline into his own gyrating, which brings Big E. back up for a belly to belly. Another one sets up a third one and now it’s the real gyrating.

The Warrior Splash sends Sami outside, followed by a hard clothesline as he comes back in. Sami kicks him away but Big E. rolls through a high crossbody. The Big Ending is broken up with a rake of the eyes but the Rock Bottom out of the corner breaks up the Helluva Kick. Sami has banged up his previously injured hand….and he uses it to slap Big E. in the face. The chase is on around the ring with Sami diving underneath the ring. Big E. gives chase but Sami comes out the other side and beats the count at 10:51.

Rating: D+. Remember when Big E. was supposed to get some big singles push? I’m sure one is coming, but man alive they aren’t getting it off to a good start. If nothing else, it doesn’t help your solo efforts when you have NEW DAY ROCKS on the back of your gear. Then again, this is far from some end to him and it certainly seemed to be setting up a rematch.

Bayley wishes Carmella good luck and rants about Sasha Banks being overpaid and overrated. The only person worse than her is Bianca Belair, who pops up behind her. Belair thinks Bayley should be worried about herself because her hair is awful and she looks dusty. Belair whips out some receipts, saying she beat Natalya and Bayley was the first one eliminated at Survivor Series. Bayley storms off, with Belair saying she can text these to her.

Carmella promises to win the title tonight and look sexy while doing so. She tells her assistant to get the champagne ready to toast her title win.

We look back at last week with Kevin Owens confronting Roman Reigns and getting in a match with Jey Uso. After the match, Roman wrecked both of them with a chair to end the show.

Jey comes up to Reigns, who asks if Jey and his family are both good. Kevin Owens comes to the ring and Jey says let me go get him. Reigns gives him permission as Owens is loading up weapons. With Jey on the way to the ring and Reigns watching, Owens sets up the table, ladder and chairs before talking about how Reigns is using his family to fight. Owens doesn’t have a family, but he has some friends to help him out.

First up you have the cold, unforgiving chairs, which will help him bruise Reigns. Maybe he can even break a few bones to make it hard for Reigns to sit at the head of the table. That brings him to his second friend, the table. See, table is hard at first but then it’s looking forward to receiving Reigns at TLC. Then there is ladder, which is unforgiving, rough around the edges and unpredictable. It’s his favorite though, because it is going to help him hurt Reigns and get back to where he belongs.

Owens climbs the ladder and says Reigns can be head of the table because Owens is going to give everything he has to become Universal Champion again. Cue Jey Uso with the chair to take Owens down and hammer away, including a shot to the knee. Owens gets back up for a Pop Up Powerbomb through a table, so here are Reigns and Heyman. Reigns is ready to go but Heyman talks him out of it, saying Reigns is the OG and the head of the table. Heyman: “Who’s zooming who here?” Reigns leaves and Owens grabs a chair and limps off after him.

Post break, Owens yells at Reigns talking about his family….and gets jumped by Reigns from behind. The beatdown is on, with Reigns shouting about who supports Owens’ family. Reigns looks at the camera and lists off his accolades, saying he is the one who puts a roof over your head and the food on the table. Owens’ kids need to talk some sense into their daddy, before he takes the food off of the table. One more kick to the head leaves Owens laying with a glossed over look on his face. This was rather good, as Owens may be ticked off, but Reigns is a complete monster.

Riott Squad vs. Billie Kay/Natalya

Natalya is a mystery partner because WWE doesn’t know how to do mystery partners now either. Riott hits Kay in the leg to start and Morgan comes in for a running elbow in the corner. As we get an announcement that next week’s show will be on Fox Sports 1, Kay uses a Natalya distraction to hit Shades Of Kay, setting up the tag. Natalya takes her into the corner for the tag back to Kay, who tags Natalya right back in. Hold on though as Kay and Natalya argue with each other, allowing Morgan to kick Kay into Natalya. That’s enough for the Codebreaker into the Riott Kick to finish Kay at 2:45.

Post match Natalya leaves Kay on the floor.

Earlier this week, Chad Gable taught Otis to work on his blind side. This involves putting a blindfold on Otis and throwing things at him/hitting him in the back with things. Several hours later, Otis catches the ball without seeing it. He misses the high five, but it’s better than nothing. Gable: “Oh yeah. He’s an alpha.”

Gable talks about molding this lump of clay into Michelangelo’s David. Otis: “Mr. Angelo. He’s a good guy.” Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura, their opponents for tonight, come up to mock the idea of Otis and Gable beating them.

Chad Gable/Otis vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Cesaro

Otis and Cesaro start things off with Otis hitting an early slam, much to Cesaro’s shock. It’s off to Gable, who waistlocks Cesaro down for two as the surprise dominance continues. Cesaro manages an uppercut to Gable though and it’s Nakamura coming in with the kicks. A Liger Kick gets Gable out of trouble and the double tag brings in Otis and Cesaro. House is cleaned again, with Otis nailing a discus clothesline. Gable wants the tag instead of letting Otis hit the Caterpillar, allowing Cesaro to Swing Gable down. Kinshasa is good for the pin at 3:19.

Rating: C-. I’m curious to see where this goes, as it would be a little much to believe that Otis and Gable are going to beat former champions on their first shot. The match itself wasn’t great, but I can’t get over how much better it is to have Gable doing ANYTHING other than being a short joke. Now just get everything else working a little better.

Post break, Gable says Otis failed because he is using the alpha mentality. In other words, he is showing Otis what to do by showing him what NOT to do. Otis looks confused.

King Corbin congratulates Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler for their good work last week. The interviewer comes up and, after being scanned with a metal detector, asks about Corbin’s new help. Corbin dubs them the Knights Of The Lone Wolf and says they’re here to help him as needed. Makes as much sense as anything else and I’m glad to see them getting another chance.

Next week: Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode get their Tag Team Title shot, plus Bayley vs. Bianca Belair.

Women’s Title: Carmella vs. Sasha Banks

Carmella is challenging and the assistant, with champagne, is here at ringside. Sasha drives her into the corner to start but Carmella shouts a lot and ties her into the ropes. A slap to the face annoys Sasha but a flying headscissors sends her into the ropes. Carmella can’t get the Code of Silence but Banks can’t get the Bank Statement either. Sasha sends her to the apron for a knee to the face, followed by the slingshot Meteora to send her into the post.

That earns Sasha an X Factor onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Carmella sending her face first into the post and hammering away on the mat. Carmella slaps on the chinlock but Banks is out in a hurry. That means another Meteora, followed by another slingshot Meteora for two more.

Carmella grabs a figure four necklock over the ropes but can’t get the X Factor. Instead the Code of Silence goes on, only to have Banks reverse into the Bank Statement. The assistant throws in a champagne bottle though, which is enough of a distraction to allow him to break the hold. Banks explodes on Carmella in the corner and it’s a DQ at 9:56.

Rating: C. I wasn’t wild on the ending, but it was designed to set up a rematch at TLC so fair enough. Carmella was looking better than usual here, though she still has a lot of work to do to get to a higher level. Banks fighting against the odds and then slipping up at the end was fine, though Carmella really doesn’t feel like much of a threat.

Post match Carmella beats up Sasha on the floor, including breaking a champagne bottle over her back. Cole: “ARE YOU CRAZY???” Carmella sprays the champagne around to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This show was all about setting things up for the future, but the biggest problem was that it isn’t exactly thrilling stuff to be setting up. You can see a handful of matches being built up for TLC and that should work out fine, but at the end of the day, the star power around here isn’t the strongest outside of the main event. Not the worst show and the two hours go by fast, but nothing worth watching this week.

The new venue worked out well, as you can’t tell they left the Amway Center most of the time. The only notable issue was a buzzing on the audio, throughout the show, but only for a few seconds at a time. If they can get that worked out, it’s going to be just like being in Orlando, which worked fine.


Dolph Ziggler b. Montez Ford – Superkick

Sami Zayn b. Big E. via countout

Riott Squad b. Billie Kay/Natalya – Riott Kick to Kay

Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura b. Otis/Chad Gable – Kinshasa to Otis

Carmella b. Sasha Banks via DQ when Banks attacked in the corner



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Tribute To The Troops 2020: I Can’t Be Mean To This Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Tribute To The Troops 2020
Date: December 6, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

It’s time for the annual military salute show and this time it’s all digital, with the Thunderdome hosting everything for a change. That doesn’t exactly give me hope as these shows can fall into a trap of seeming like a show which just happens to have the Tribute To The Troops label slapped on. Hopefully that doesn’t happen here because it’s just kind of lame when that’s the case. Let’s get to it.

We open with a look back at the history of the show, which has had quite the batch of successful moments over the years.

Street profits/Rey Mysterio/Daniel Bryan/Jeff Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode/Sami Zayn/King Corbin/Elias

That’s quite the mixture of talent. Ziggler takes Rey down to start and yells a lot, allowing Roode to come in for a change. Mysterio sends him face first into the corner and brings in Jeff, who uses Rey for Poetry in Motion. It’s time to start in on the arm, which suits Bryan just fine as he comes in with the running dropkick in the corner. Elias comes in so Bryan starts hitting the YES Kicks, meaning everything breaks down on the save attempt.

Bryan and Ford hit their big dives (or very big in Ford’s case) to wipe out the villains as we take a break. Back with Roode chopping away at Bryan in the corner but a little mocking of the YES chant, allows Bryan to knock him off the top. There’s a missile dropkick to give Bryan a breather and the double tag brings in Mysterio and Corbin. The pace picks up with Rey kicking him out of the corner and nailing the wheelbarrow bulldog for two.

Sami comes in and gets caught with an enziguri, allowing Cole to get in a nice Pat Patterson mention. Rey catches Sami with an enziguri and it’s off to Dawkins to clean house. Everything breaks down and the parade of finishers begins. Dawkins hits a double underhook swinging neckbreaker, setting up Ford’s frog splash (with a salute) to pin Sami at 11:14.

Rating: C. This is a show where the wrestling means absolutely nothing as the entire point is to have some fun stuff in a laid back atmosphere. That’s what we had here, with everyone involved getting a chance to showcase themselves a little bit. Ford getting to clean house is always a treat and the fact that he is a veteran makes it that much more appropriate. This is the kind of match that the show needs and getting some unique combinations helps too.

The NFL on FOX thanks the troops.

Lacey Evans and NFL analyst Jay Glazer are at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (in San Diego). Evans wins a push up contest against some Marines over three Marines but the second place finisher gets cheered as well.

A singer named Hardy performs.

We look at WWE wrestlers meeting the troops over the years. They had to do it digitally this year and it’s better than nothing.

More NFL on FOX people thank the troops.

Sasha Banks/Bianca Belair vs. Bayley/Natalya

Banks takes Bayley to the mat to start but Bayley forearms both of them away. Belair isn’t about to have anything of a drop toehold but she gets driven into the corner instead. Natalya comes in and gets dropped with a running should, allowing Belair to tell her to bring it on. The big jumping splash connects and everything breaks down, with Belair launching Banks into both of them as we take a break.

Back with Belair being sent hard into the corner but fighting out without much trouble. The hot tag brings in Banks to clean house, including a slingshot double knees to crush Natalya in the corner. The top rope Meteora gets two and Belair hits a handspring moonsault. Bayley and Bianca fight to the floor, leaving Banks to slap on the Bank Statement and, after being flipped back into the middle of the ring, Natalya taps at 7:24.

Rating: C. It’s another showcase match and that’s all it needed to be. Belair is an insane athlete and Banks getting to beat up Natalya isn’t going to hurt anyone. They didn’t try to do anything out of the ordinary here and that’s all it was supposed to be, with some nice action along the way.

We look back to 2007 when Vince McMahon canceled Santa Claus’ appearance, only to have an injured Santa Cena beat him up.

Rob Gronkowski thanks the troops.

Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz

Non-title (Really?) and John Morrison is here with Miz. McIntyre sends him outside without much effort to start and follows with a chop. Morrison (in his Santa hat) goes for a cheap shot and is launched over the barricade for his efforts. The distraction lets Miz get in a cheap shot though and drives McIntyre into the barricade.

Back in and Miz crotches him into the Tree of Woe, allowing McIntyre to do his sitout toss off the top (always impressive). McIntyre hits a neckbreaker and pulls Morrison inside for attempting a save. Miz gets in a thumb to the eye and puts his feet on the ropes for two. McIntyre kicks Morrison off the apron and blocks the Skull Crushing Finale. The Future Shock drops Miz and the Claymore finishes at 4:32.

Rating: C-. That was even more nothing than usual on these shows, which is covering a lot of ground. McIntyre shredded Miz here without breaking a sweat, which makes me wonder why they couldn’t just make it a title match to make things feel a little bigger. It wasn’t a good match, but it wasn’t really supposed to be, so well done….I guess?

McIntyre poses in front of the virtual fans to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Unless the show is completely wretched, I can’t bring myself to criticize these things. They aren’t supposed to be anything serious and this one certainly wasn’t, with a bunch of matches thrown out there with some stars doing cool stuff. That’s exactly what they are supposed to be and given the circumstances they had to face, you really can’t get annoyed at them here. Not a good show or anything, but that’s not the point in something like this.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – December 4, 2020: Thanks Pat

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: December 4, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

TLC is now later this month and that means it is time to start putting the card together. The big story coming out of last week would seem to be Kevin Owens as the next challenger for Roman Reigns and the Universal Title, but the question is what kind of a match will they be having. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with the roster on the stage and Michael Cole talking about how important Pat Patterson was to WWE and wrestling as a whole. We get the ten bell salute and everyone is rather silent in a nice moment.

Opening sequence.

Kayla Braxton is in the ring and gives Roman Reigns a huge introduction, including listing off all of his accomplishments. This brings Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman to the ring, with Heyman showing Braxton how to properly do the introduction. Braxton brings up Jey Uso going nuts last week and we see a clip of Reigns talking about how Jey lost at Survivor Series because his team didn’t respect him and therefore didn’t respect his family.

Therefore, Jey attacked Otis and Kevin Owens, with the latter fighting back and saying that he is ready to face Reigns. Back in the arena, Braxton asks if Reigns is scared of Owens because Reigns wouldn’t fight last week. Reigns says she has failed at her first question on the biggest night of her career. Michael Cole could have done this job. The next question is about Reigns possibly using Jey Uso, so Reigns has Heyman talk about how successful Uso has been over the last few weeks, even drawing higher ratings than usual.

Cue Kevin Owens (with either new music or bad acoustics) to say he wants to face Reigns but Jey gets in his face. Owens says he wants to face the head of the table instead of a bus boy. Since Reigns is the head of the table, let’s get a table, a ladder and some chairs in the ring and put that title on the line. Jey is ready to go right now but Reigns calms him down.

Reigns says he accepts, but we’re not doing it right now because there is a lady in the ring and he isn’t a savage. Reigns tells Owens to grow up and leaves with everyone else. Owens says he’ll grow up with Reigns grows some testicles. Reigns pauses for a few seconds and then keeps walking without looking back.

Post break Jey apologizes for overstepping his bounds but Reigns says he’s got this. Owens will face the consequences.

Bayley vs. Natalya

Bianca Belair is on commentary. Bayley takes Natalya into the ropes to start and goes outside to yell at Belair. The running dropkick underneath the ropes takes Natalya down but Bayley goes to yell at Belair again, earning herself a whip into the steps as we take a break. Back with Bayley ducking the discus lariat but getting rolled up for two. Bayley sends her into the corner but misses a charge into the corner, with her knee getting banged up in the process. The Sharpshooter goes on and Bayley….taps at 6:04? Really? Not enough shown to rate but that was a rather surprising ending.

We see some tweets to Pat Patterson, including a rather touching one from Vince McMahon.

Cole and Graves introduce the Pat Patterson tribute video, with the original Intercontinental Title at ringside (good looking belt).

We get the Pat Patterson tribute video, set to Patterson singing My Way, his signature song.

Rey Mysterio/Big E./Daniel Bryan vs. Sami Zayn/Shinsuke Nakamura/Dolph Ziggler

The current and five former Intercontinental Champions as this is the Pat Patterson Tribute Match. Nakamura can’t do much with Big E. to start so it’s off to Ziggler, who is powered into the corner without much effort. Bryan comes in to work on the arm and takes Zayn out with a suicide dive for a bonus. Back in and Bryan goes up top, only to get dropkicked down by Ziggler as we take a break.

We come back with Bryan finally getting away from Ziggler in the corner and diving over for the hot tag to Big E. House is cleaned in a hurry, including suplexes to Nakamura and Ziggler. Big E. sends Zayn into the corner but misses a charge into the post. Mysterio tags himself in and hits a top rope sunset flip for two but the wheelbarrow bulldog is countered into the Blue Thunder Bomb (sweet) for two more. Ziggler comes back in so it’s back to Bryan for the running dropkick in the corner.

The YES Kicks rock Ziggler but he’s right back with a superkick for two of his own. Rey dives in to take out Nakamura, only to get pulled down to the floor. Zayn tags himself in behind Ziggler’s back so Bryan’s running knee to Ziggler gets no count. The surprise rollup gets two on Bryan, who is right back with the YES Lock on Zayn, who gets his foot on the rope for the break. They trade rollups for two each until Bryan grabs the small package for the pin at 11:25.

Rating: B-. Action packed match here with a bunch of wrestling moves, which is the kind of tribute match that should be taking place for a Pat Patterson tribute. This worked very well and I had a good time with it, but what matters here is paying tribute to Patterson, who certainly deserves it. Another Bryan vs. Zayn match sounds nice too.

Post match the villains offer another fight but Ziggler gets left alone. Ziggler offers a bunch of alliances but gets a Patterson atomic drop from Bryan. After a long time falling, Ziggler slips into the 619 position and the Big Ending leaves him laying.

Kevin Owens talks about how he used to look up to Roman Reigns, who never looked down on people. He was one of the boys but now everything has changed. Maybe Paul Heyman got in his head or maybe Reigns talked himself into being this way. Owens has done some horrible things but he has tried to change. Kalisto of all people interrupts and, after giving him a compliment on his fedora, Owens calls Reigns an arrogant….he can’t say the word because he’ll upset FOX. It’s two syllables that starts with an A and Owens hums it instead. Otis comes in and says they’re ready to run over Uso and Reigns tonight. Sounds good to Owens.

We get a sitdown split screen interview between Carmella and Sasha Banks. Carmella mocks Banks’ catchphrases and nicknames but Banks says she’s ready to fight right now. Cole brings up Carmella saying she used to be like Banks, which makes Banks like. Carmella wishes she could be like Banks, sending Carmella into a laugh about not needing to be a Nicki Minaj wannabe.

Banks talks about Carmella needing help to get everywhere she can, including latching on to the guy with no chin and then R-Truth. Carmella says she’s the one who walked into the Performance Center and then became a star. Now the hot chick is going to take Banks’ title. Banks makes the challenge for TLC and we seem to be set.

King Corbin vs. Murphy

The Mysterio Family is here with Murphy so Corbin brings out too unnamed lackeys in hoods. Corbin tosses Murphy out of the corner to start and then pulls him over the top for a toss into the middle. Murphy comes back with some shots to the face and sends Corbin outside for a dropkick through the ropes. A kick to the face from the apron drops Corbin again but the lackeys’ distraction lets Corbin throw him hard over the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Corbin hitting Deep Six as Graves identifies the men as Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler, formerly of the Forgotten Sons (not mentioned of course). Corbin punches Murphy down in a hurry but Murphy is back with a quick chinlock of all things. Back up and Murphy hits a quick dropkick, followed by the jumping knee to the floor. Cutler and Blake get in a fight with the Mysterios and Corbin uses the melee to catch Murphy in the End of Days for the pin at 10:04.

Rating: C-. The wrestling wasn’t much and I’m not thrilled on Murphy losing, but it does make me feel better to see Cutler and Blake back. They never had much of a chance to get over on their own on Smackdown and then their careers were derailed because of what their partner said at the wrong time. At least they are getting their chance here and the two of them as lackeys is as good as anything else they could get at the moment.

The Street Profits hype up the main event but Robert Roode comes up to talk about last week’s loss. Cesaro is here as well though and says he and Shinsuke Nakamura are the real team around here. A lot of yelling ensues.

Otis/Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns/Jey Uso

There is no Reigns to start so Jey has to go it alone. Otis wastes no time in blasting Uso with a clothesline, only to miss a charge into the post. Owens comes in and gets caught in a Samoan drop so here are Reigns and Heyman to even things up. An enziguri puts them both down again and it’s Reigns coming in with a Superman Punch to drop Otis. Reigns isn’t done and he sends Otis into the announcers’ table, the post and the steps.

Just to make it worse, Reigns picks up the steps and CRUSHES Otis over and over. Owens tries to make the save but Jey takes him down as well as we take a break. Back with Owens in a handicap match this time and getting kicked down by Uso. Owens manages to send him into the corner for the Cannonball though and the backsplash crushes Jey again.

Back up and Owens hits his own Samoan drop, allowing him to glare at Reigns. Owens demands that Reigns get in the ring but the referee stops him, allowing Jey to hit a superkick. Jey goes up top but Reigns tells him to tag out because he is finishing this. Owens knocks Reigns off the apron though and drops Jey, only to have Reigns break it up for a lame DQ at 11:26.

Rating: C. This was more about story development than the wrestling and there is nothing wrong with that for a main event like this one. Owens has been talking a lot but now he has woken the beast and things are going to get a lot harder in a hurry. The other important part here is with Uso, who is feeling more and more in place in spots like this, which is almost hard to believe.

Post match Reigns and Uso grab chairs to destroy Owens. The Superfly Splash onto a chair onto Owens makes it worse….and Reigns hits Jey with the chair. Reigns shouts about having to do it himself and unloads on Jey. Reigns yells that Owens has his attention and hits him in the face. Owens should have just taken the title but he had to attack Reigns’ family so now Reigns is taking his manhood and livelihood. Reigns poses with the title to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Good show this week as they had some fine action, but more importantly they got things rolling towards the pay per view. We now have five matches total (with two more being announced earlier today) and two of those were announced here tonight. Good show here and that six man tag to go along with all of the Patterson praise made for a rather smile inducing night.


Natalya b. Bayley – Sharpshooter

Rey Mysterio/Big E./Daniel Bryan b. Sami Zayn/Dolph Ziggler/Shinsuke Nakamura – Small package to Zayn

King Corbin b. Murphy – End of Days

Kevin Owens/Otis b. Roman Reigns/Jey Uso via DQ when Reigns attacked Owens



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – November 27, 2020: Go With What Makes Sense

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 27, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the fallout show from Smackdown and there isn’t much to brag about around here. As usual, Roman Reigns was the high point for the blue show as he defeated Drew McIntyre in the champion vs. champion main event. Other than that, it’s time to start getting ready for the TLC pay per view next month so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Jey Uso to open things up. After Survivor Series, everyone is talking about the Undertaker but they should be talking about his cousin. Drew McIntyre has beaten Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar but he couldn’t beat Roman Reigns….and here are Reigns and Paul Heyman to cut him off.

Reigns says play it and we see a clip of Reigns ordering Uso to make up for losing in the Survivor Series match. Uso would go on to help Reigns defeat McIntyre in the main event, seemingly regaining Reigns’ confidence. Back in the arena, Reigns says he told Jey to leave on Sunday and never needed any help against McIntyre. Why does Jey think Reigns’ Team Smackdown lost? They don’t listen because they don’t fear him and they don’t fear him because they don’t respect him.

Like Reigns said on Sunday, if they don’t respect Jey, they don’t respect the family. If they don’t respect the family, then who are they? Jey must think that Reigns is some b**** in the locker room begging for Thanksgiving leftovers. If that’s how Jey sees him, how do people see him? How do Jey’s kids look at him? That’s how Reigns feels because of Jey’s failures and he doesn’t like that. Reigns and Heyman leave Uso standing in the ring without saying anything. Sweet goodness Reigns is incredible at this stuff.

Otis vs. King Corbin

Otis comes to the ring as Jey is leaving….so Jey jumps him with a chair and completely destroys him. No match for now.

Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler vs. Street Profits

Non-title. On the way the ring, Ziggler and Roode talk about how rough that is for Otis, who has a lot on his plate. Ziggler: “Like at catering.” The Profits on the other hand think that Ziggler is Shawn Michaels, but apparently he’s just a big fan. They start fast with Ziggler trying to pick up the pace but Dawkins punches his dive out of the way. It’s far too early for the frog splash though as Ford crashes to send us to a break.

Back with Ziggler hitting a Stinger Splash on Ford in the corner, setting up Roode’s backbreaker for two. The abdominal stretch is broken up but Ziggler is right there to prevent the tag. Ford fights up a few seconds later and the hot tag brings in Dawkins to clean house. The Anointment into the Cash Out crushes Roode but Ford’s banged up ribs means it’s a delayed two. Ziggler tries to superkick Ford but gets enziguried down, only for Roode to grab a rollup for the pin at 7:55.

Rating: C-. That’s the kind of match you’ve seen a few hundred times now and odds are it sets up a title shot at TLC. I’m not sure I can imagine the Profits dropping the titles to them, but that’s how they lure you into a false sense of security with Ziggler and Roode. You don’t think they would actually go with something that dull and then that’s what we get. Keep an eye out for that, always.

We look at the recent history between Sami Zayn and Daniel Bryan.

Bryan is asked about his strategy against Zayn tonight. What he has learned is that like Jey Uso, Zayn has a devil on his shoulder. Zayn will exploit anything available because he wants to retain the title. Bryan just wants the Intercontinental Title.

The Mysterios and Murphy are very thankful for everything, including Murphy finally seeing what Seth Rollins really is. Cue King Corbin to say Murphy is riding what little is left of Rey Mysterio’s coattails. Murphy has to be held back a bit.

We get the Undertaker tribute video from Sunday, along with the abbreviated version of his Final Farewell at Survivor Series.

Sami Zayn vs. Daniel Bryan

Non-title. Before the match, Sami talks about how unfair it is that he is expected to wrestle a day after a horrible holiday that celebrates what happened to the Native Americans of this country. The only person who should be thankful is Bryan, who is FINALLY being rewarded with the match that he wants. Bryan’s music cuts Sami off and we’re ready to go with Bryan taking Zayn down by the arm.

There’s a stomp to the arm, which has Zayn claiming a stomp to the hair instead. Bryan stays on the arm by cranking away on the mat but Zayn knocks him outside for a breather. Back in and Zayn gets crotched on top, meaning Bryan can knock him outside for a change. The top rope dive hits the barricade though and we take a break. Back with Zayn getting some near falls, only to have Bryan fight back with the running clothesline. It’s time to crank on the arm some more but Zayn gets out to the apron to post Bryan.

A brainbuster onto the apron mostly destroys Bryan (that looked awful) but it’s only good for a nine count. Back in and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Bryan and Zayn is stunned. Bryan pulls him down into a cross armbreaker but that’s blocked as well. Instead Bryan floats over into the YES Lock but Zayn manages to get to the ropes. Zayn goes to the floor, where Bryan hits back to back suicide dives. The chase up the ramp is on and they head to the back, with only Zayn running back to beat the count at 13:08.

Rating: C+. Good stuff here, as Sami can turn on the in-ring stuff when he needs to. That ending seems to be setting up something else in the future and a rematch later on wouldn’t surprise me. Zayn is someone who could hold the title for a long time and it will feel like a big deal when he finally loses, which is what they are going for with someone like him.

Post match we cut to the back where Jey Uso is attacking Bryan. Kevin Owens tries to break it up but Jey shoves him away too. Referees get Jey off and Owens follows, with violence being implied. Post break, Owens yells at Jey while Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman watch. Owens says this isn’t their personal playground and for someone who is all about family, Reigns doesn’t great his family very well. Owens leaves and Reigns asks if Jey is going to put up with that disrespect.

Natalya vs. Bianca Belair

Bayley is on commentary as Natalya grabs a victory roll for one. Belair misses a heck of a charge into the post so Natalya forearms away to little avail. Natalya runs her over again and puts on a surfboard, even bridging back for two. Belair is back up and avoids the discus forearm, setting up a double chickenwing toss out to the floor. They fight outside with Belair decking Bayley, allowing Natalya to get in a shot to the face back inside. The Sharpshooter is broken up though and Natalya crashes into Bayley, setting up a rollup to give Belair the pin at 3:05.

Rating: C-. Belair vs. Bayley would certainly be a fresh match and a nice way to elevate Belair up the card. Eventually you need to win a few matches against bigger names and that is the chance they seem to be giving Belair here. Natalya losing means nothing anymore so Belair gets a win without hurting anyone and is moved into a better feud at the same time.

Murphy vs. King Corbin

The Mysterios here with Murphy and offer an early distraction so Murphy can slug away. Corbin runs him over though and takes it outside, where Aalyah offers a distraction. Corbin: “What is going on here???” The distraction lets Murphy get in a dive off the apron but Corbin hits Deep Six back inside. Corbin pounds him down in the corner and then tosses him into another corner to make it worse. Murphy manages to hit the jumping knee to the face and, after Dominick shoves Corbin’s leg off the ropes, gets the pin at 3:56.

Rating: C-. Another match that didn’t have the most time to go anywhere but it seems that Mysterio and company have their next big feud. I’m almost scared to wonder why Corbin is going to recruit to help him, but this is more Corbin’s speed. If he’s going to have something that can work for him, this is going to be it.

Post match Corbin yells about it being 4-1 and wants a rematch with Murphy. Corbin will be ready.

Sami Zayn brags to Apollo Crews and Big E. about beating Bryan in ten seconds, just like he did to Crews. That’s it for Crews, so Big E. says Zayn has no foundation after all the cheap ways he has won. Zayn says that sounds like sour grapes because he is in the middle of his title reign and Big E. hasn’t been champion in years. Sami brings up the ten seconds thing again so Big E. shakes and squeezes his hand for a ten count.

Billie Kay joins commentary to show off her resume.

Carmella talks about how embarrassing Sasha Banks is as Women’s Champion, which is why Carmella has been attacking her. Cue Banks to jump her from behind and tell Carmella to not mess with things.

The Street Profits and Bianca Belair shill WWE Shop merch.

Kevin Owens vs. Jey Uso

Owens hammers away to start and the brawl is on early. They head outside with Uso sending him hard into the steps and hammering away with right hands. Back in and Uso works on the arm by bending it around the rope. Owens fights back with a backsplash but gets sent into the post. The suicide dive is cut off though and Owens catapults him into the post. A superkick over the announcers’ table has Jey in more trouble and we take a break.

Back with Owens hitting a Swanton off the apron, only to have Jey take the arm apart again. The armbar goes on for a bit until Owens fights up with the good arm. The Pop Up Powerbomb doesn’t work due to said arm so Uso hits a superkick for two. Owens gets the knees up to block the Superfly Splash but Jey sends the shoulder into the post again. That’s enough for Uso, who grabs a chair and unloads for the DQ at 11:56.

Rating: C+. Again, the fact that Uso has gotten this much out of Reigns’ heel run shows you how good things have been for Reigns as of late. It’s another good enough match but this one was about setting things up for later rather than having anything be overly competitive. They did their thing and the ending was the right choice so there isn’t much to complain about.

Post match Jey is held back so Owens gets the chair and massacres Uso. Owens says if Reigns has a problem, come say it to his face. He gets on the announcers’ table and says he’s the head of it, There’s a Stunner to Uso and Owens has a seat, asking where Reigns is. Owens says he’ll be waiting as we see Reigns seething to end the show. Sounds like TLC to me.

Overall Rating: C. This show was up and down for most of the night as the Uso/Reigns stuff was almost the only part that really worked. It seems like Owens is getting the TLC title match and that works out for everyone involved. Smackdown is REALLY light on main event challengers at the moment and Owens as a one/two off challenger should work rather well. Go with what makes sense and let the talented wrestlers make it work. The rest of the show was hit and miss, but they set up the big story they needed to cover.


Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler b. Street Profits – Rollup to Ford

Sami Zayn b. Daniel Bryan via countout

Bianca Belair b. Natalya – Rollup

Murphy b. King Corbin – Jumping knee

Kevin Owens b. Jey Uso via DQ when Uso used a chair



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Survivor Series 2020: Thank You. Again.

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2020
Date: November 22, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe, Tom Phillips, Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s time for a special show as not only do we have Raw vs. Smackdown in the battle for the all important Brand Supremacy, but it’s also the thirty year anniversary of Undertaker’s debut. Tonight it’s his Final Farewell, which I really hope is the real FINAL Farewell and not a way to set up one more Wrestlemania match. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Battle Royal

Dolph Ziggler, Elias, Chad Gable, Cedric Alexander, Humberto Carrillo, Shelton Benjamin, Shinsuke Nakamura, Robert Roode, Jeff Hardy, Apollo Crews, Ricochet, Angel Garza, Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, Murphy, Kalisto, Miz, John Morrison

It’s a brawl to start and Dominik gets rid of Morrison early on. Kalisto and Rey have a lucha off until the Hurt Business jump them from behind. Alexander gets rid of Kalisto and Ziggler superkicks Rey down to break up a 619 to Roode. Ziggler tosses Rey so Murphy goes after him as Garza gets rid of Carrillo. The Hurt Business eliminates Garza and it’s Alexander and Ricochet fighting to the apron with Ricochet kicking him out.

Benjamin knees Ricochet out but Crews gets rid of Benjamin as well. Murphy and Roode put each other out and it’s Ziggler vs. Dominik on the apron. Ziggler misses a charge into the post and Dominik dropkicks him out, leaving us with Dominik, Elias, Nakamura, Miz, Crews, Hardy and Gable. Nakamura misses the running knee in the corner but hits the Kinshasa to knock Crews out. Hardy gets rid of Nakamura though and Elias is out as well, leaving us with Hardy, Miz, Gable and Dominik.

Gable clotheslines Hardy out (that’s a surprise) and Miz kicks Dominik in the face to cut off a 619 attempt. There are the YES Kicks to Dominik and the big one actually hits. Dominik throws him to the apron but Miz rolls back in, followed by the baseball slide to put Miz back inside (oh here we go). Gable suplexes Dominik but gets caught with a springboard armdrag. The 619 connects and Gable is out so Dominik thinks he won. Miz, back in, wins, 12:14.

Rating: D. Do they just try to get on my nerves with these things? It continues to be the most annoying finish to any match you can see in WWE because they use it WAY too often and it isn’t even clever. Miz winning is fine but that’s not the right way to get me interested in a show going forward.

Raw – 1

Smackdown – 0

The opening video looks at how important it is to be the Best Of The Best but the teams aren’t getting along. This transitions into the Undertaker, which is a good bit more important.

Raw Men vs. Smackdown Men

Raw: AJ Styles, Braun Strowman, Riddle, Keith Lee, Sheamus

Smackdown: King Corbin, Seth Rollins, Otis, Jey Uso, Kevin Owens

Just in case you’re confused, they do have the red and blue shirts, with USA and FOX on the back. Before the match, AJ, with his bodyguard, reiterates that he is captain but Riddle’s entrance cuts him off. Team Raw starts bickering about who the captain is before the bell until AJ and Uso start things off. The drop down into the dropkick barely hits and it’s Jey coming back with the right hand (Otis: “JUICY!”).

The Pele misses and Jey grabs a rollup for two as Paul Heyman is watching backstage. AJ walks into the Samoan drop and it’s off to Otis vs. Riddle in a hurry. Riddle’s headlock doesn’t work so it’s some pelvic thrusting with Otis shouting “OH YEAH BRO”. The sleeper doesn’t work and Otis dances off some kicks to the chest. A splash cuts Riddle off and it’s Owens coming in to go after Riddle’s bare feet. That doesn’t work so well so it’s off to Sheamus vs. Rollins, who looks pretty stoic, for a somewhat intriguing showdown. Rollins drops to his knees, tells Sheamus to do his part, and takes the Brogue Kick for the pin at 6:02.

Team Smackdown needs a meeting on the floor, with Owens saying Rollins will always be a piece of trash. Owens talks about how neither team works well together….and Strowman runs all four of them over out of boredom. Back in and Strowman shouts that his team needs to get on the same page and hands it off to Riddle to kick at Corbin. The smiling Lee comes in to face Otis, because the logical followup to last year when Lee pinned Rollins and almost pinned Roman Reigns.

They fight over the lockup before Lee’s shoulders don’t put Otis down. The Grizzly Magnum is cut off and Otis hits him with the stomach. Lee gets him up in a fireman’s carry but Otis lands on his feet. A left hand puts Otis down and it’s back to Strowman for the right hand. Strowman hits a running dropkick and it’s AJ coming in, only to get caught with a jawbreaker. Owens comes back in to backdrop AJ and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets two. Owens forearms him off the apron and everything breaks down. A series of Stunners has Team Raw staggered until AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm to get rid of Owens at 12:19.

The End of Days hits AJ but the rest of the team makes the save. There’s Deep Six to Sheamus but AJ kicks Corbin down. The Floating Bro pins Corbin at 13:07 and it’s the full Team Raw vs. Uso/Otis. Sheamus hits a running knee for two on Uso and there are the ten forearms to the chest. Jey gets in a shot to the face and the hot tag brings in Otis for the suplexes. Strowman comes in and the shirts come off for the showdown. A big boot drops Otis but he’s right back with a slam.

The Caterpillar looks to set up the Vader Bomb but Riddle makes the save. The running powerslam gets rid of Otis at 16:39 and it’s Jey Uso vs. the entire Raw team. Uso starts superkicking everyone he can and the big dive over the top takes out all five of them. They get back in with Strowman going into the post and there’s a superkick to AJ. The bodyguard (Almos?) pulls AJ out of the way of the Superfly Splash but the Phenomenal Forearm is broken up. Lee makes a blind tag though and the Spirit Bomb finishes Uso for the win at 18:58.

Rating: D+. There were spots where the action was good but there was way too much time spent on “WE DON’T LIKE EACH OTHER”. This felt like a match where one team had to win and someone finally did, but it wasn’t exactly a thrilling way to get there. Otis did get a chance to shine here so he might have a bit more of a future than he seemed to have just a few weeks ago. It’s not an awful match and there have been WAY worse Survivor Series matches, but this wasn’t exactly a good way to get things going as the story wasn’t interesting during the build and they doubled down on it here.

Raw – 2

Smackdown – 0

New Day (Raw) vs. Street Profits (Smackdown)

Non-title and Big E. is here with New Day, who are in their Gears of War attire due to being characters in the game. We even get the trailer for their version of the game. Before their entrance, the Street Profits are in the back to talk about Undertaker and various wrestlers Undertaker has faced over the years. This includes singing Sexy Boy and saying Kane didn’t have a catchphrase but he did spray fire and that was cool.

Now it’s time to face New Day, who have been doing this for more than five years and accomplished all kinds of things (Dawkins: “YOU BUILT A TIME MACHINE!”). Tonight, they’re here to take the torch because they want the smoke. There was some fire from the Profits here and they shows how well they can talk.

Dawkins and Woods feel each other out to start but it’s quickly off to Kingston for some shouting at each other. Ford flips in (which the camera partially misses) and shoulders him down before they trade a bunch of leapfrogs. Dawkins comes back in for a double flapjack and a splash gets two on Kofi. The armbar goes on but the belly to back moonsault hits Kofi’s raised boot.

Everything heads outside with Kofi hitting the big dive and Woods shouting that the Profits are not ready for this New Day beating. Back in and the chinlock goes on, with Kofi taunting Ford by having a sip of a solo cup. Kofi works on the arm but it’s a shot to the face to allow the hot tag to Dawkins. House is cleaned with suplexes and a swinging butterfly suplex gets two on Woods.

Running Sliced Bread from Ford gets the same but Woods gets over to Kofi to pick up the pace. The Midnight Hour (with Woods playing Kofi and Kofi playing Big E.) gets two but it’s the Anointment into the Cash Out to Kofi. Ford’s bad ribs delay the cover though and Kofi is out at two. Everything breaks down and Ford hits Kofi with Trouble in Paradise. Woods hits a gorilla press gutbuster for two on Ford but Dawkins tags himself in. A Doomsday Blockbuster is enough to finish Woods at 14:03.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going and while New Day putting someone over has been done for a long time now, this felt a little different as the Profits have been champions since March and are already established as a team. Both teams are great in the ring and while I’m not sure if this was a passing of the torch, it was an awesome match with the Profits looking like the best team around today, as they should be at this point.

Raw – 2

Smackdown – 1

Respect is shown post match.

Bayley reluctantly puts on the arm band.

Nia Jax insists that Lana is NOT tagged in tonight.

Bobby Lashley (Raw) vs. Sami Zayn (Smackdown)

Non-title and the Hurt Business is here with Lashley. Sami bails to the floor to start and realizes he’s surrounded. The distraction lets Lashley get in a shot from behind but Sami catches him on the way back inside. Lashley runs through Sami’s clothesline but Sami hammers away and hits a top rope elbow to the back of the head for one. Back up and a big toss sends Sami flying, followed by the driving shoulders in the corner. The delayed vertical suplex drops Sami again….and Sami claims to have vertigo (which he did back in 2018).

The goldbricking rollup gives Sami two so Lashley runs him over, sending Sami outside. Sami shoves Alexander to try and get the DQ but the Hurt Business is smarter than that. Lashley follows him out but gets posted, only to barely beat the count back in. Sami goes for the turnbuckle pad, which Shelton ties right back on like a good friend should. Lashley is back with his big spinebuster to send Sami outside, where he claims MVP tripped him. When that doesn’t work, Sami is thrown back inside so the Hurt Lock can give Lashley the win at 7:46.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t designed to be a competitive match and I’m curious to see where Sami goes with his conspiracy theory stuff. It has been done before but Sami is the kind of talker who can make it work. Lashley did not need to be losing here and to be fair, he was never in any serious danger. This is how it should have gone and it worked as well as could have been expected.

Raw – 3

Smackdown – 1

Jey Uso goes to see Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman, with Jimmy Uso defending his brother about it being 5-1 and Jey trying his best. Reigns says Jimmy can go but Jey is staying. Jey lost because his team doesn’t respect him. If they don’t respect Jey they don’t respect Reigns and if they don’t respect Reigns, they don’t respect the family. If that’s the case, Jey has no place at the table so get out of here with your brother. Reigns is so great here because he comes off like he knows he can back up his word, but more importantly, Jey knows Reigns can back up his word and that makes him all the more of a monster.

Asuka (Raw) vs. Sasha Banks (Smackdown)

Non-title and since Cole isn’t on commentary, Graves handles IT’S BOSS TIME. Phillips: “How much is Cole paying you?” Graves: “Fifty bucks.” They go to the mat to no avail to start so Banks hiptosses her into an armbar. Banks switches to a short armscissors but they roll around on the mat with Banks getting a quickly broken Bank Statement. Some rollups give Banks two and she starts working on Asuka’s fingers.

There’s the Backstabber for two and Asuka bails outside for a breather. Banks talks trash from the ring and even holds the ropes open for her. Asuka sends her outside as well and now it’s Asuka holding the rope open for a change. Back in and Asuka grabs an ankle lock, followed by the sliding knee for two. The armbar goes on again but this time it’s Banks fighting up into an abdominal stretch. Asuka breaks that up and hits the running hip attack to the floor but Banks gets in a shot to the face.

Back in and Banks misses the Meteora though and they’re both down. Another hip attack misses Banks and another Backstabber gives Asuka two. The running knees connect for Banks in the corner and the Bank Statement goes on, with Asuka reversing into most of an Asuka Lock. That’s broken up as well but Asuka hits some knees to the face for two. Asuka grabs an ankle lock but they go into a pinfall reversal sequence for two each. A knee to the face rocks Asuka, who is right back with a kick of her own. The Asuka Lock is reversed into a rollup to give Banks the quick pin at 13:03.

Rating: B+. This was a different way to go and the match worked as a result. What mattered here was they didn’t bother going with the usual formula from these two and instead had them trading submissions until Banks caught her at the end. It was a heck of a match and Banks looked fired up off the pin, as she continues to accomplish various things she has never reached before to make this run feel different. Great stuff here, again.

Raw – 3

Smackdown – 2

We recap Miz winning the Kickoff Show battle royal.

Also on the Kickoff Show, the Gobbledy Gooker won the 24/7 Title.

The Gooker finds a trail of bird seed leading to a big pile, allowing Akira Tozawa to sneak up and grab a rollup for the pin and the title. R-Truth hits Tozawa with the bag of seed and wins the title, meaning the chase is on.

Raw Women vs. Smackdown Women

Raw: Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Peyton Royce, Lace Evans, Lana

Smackdown: Bianca Belair, Bayley, Natalya, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan

Bayley’s armband even says CAPTAIN. Lacey and Bayley start things off with Lacey taking her into the corner for the napkin toss. You don’t do that to Bayley, who fights out of the corner and hands it off to Natalya. The belly to back drop into the step over basement dropkick gives Natalya two so Royce comes in. That means a double suplex from Natalya and Belair, with squats thrown in, for two. Riott comes in but gets drop toeholded down, allowing the tag off to Baszler.

A rollup gives Riott two so it’s quickly off to Jax, who is taken into the corner for the quintuple team. Liv’s sleeper doesn’t work so Lana tags herself in, much to Nia’s shock. Lana knocks Liv down so it’s off to Natalya for a reunion of a team that wasn’t important in the first place. A front facelock has Natalya in trouble but Jax tags herself in and orders Lana to sit on the steps until Jax tells her to get up. We settle down to Bayley kicking away at Royce in the corner until Royce gets a full nelson with her legs in the ropes (Graves: “I’d give that a perfect ten.”).

Bayley brings in Belair for a gorilla press Snake Eyes, setting up Bayley’s top rope elbow for two with Evans making a save. We hit the parade of secondary finishes, with Riott’s kick missing Jax’s head so badly that commentary has to point it out (as they should). Bayley goes up top but gets caught by Royce for in a superplex onto the pile on the floor. In theory at least, as Bayley THUDS to the floor right between them, meaning you can hear Bayley ask if everyone is ok. Back in and the Deja Vu gets rid of Bayley at 9:58.

Natalya comes in and the stepover basement dropkick is reversed into a half crab from Royce. Belair makes the save though and Natalya….can’t get some kind of leglock on Royce. Instead she goes with the Sharpshooter to make Royce tap at 11:41. Evans comes in with a clothesline to Natalya and the Woman’s Right finishes Natalya at 12:33.

It’s Belair in next so Evans clotheslines her down. Belair hits a double chickenwing faceplant but Evans catches her on top with a super Spanish Fly for two with the Riott Squad making the save. It’s off to Jax, so the Squad takes over on her in the corner. The Codebreaker into the Riot Kick staggers Jax right into the corner so Baszler can come in, making the Squad look a bit inept.

Riott gets kicked down but manages a rollup for two on Baszler. That just earns her the Kirifuda Clutch but this time Riott flips back onto her for a very delayed two. It’s so delayed that Baszler chokes her out and gets the easy pin at 16:48. We’re down to Belair/Morgan vs. Jax/Baszler/Evans/Lana with a ticked off Morgan taking over on Evans in the corner. A crucifix bomb gets rid of Evans at 17:59 as Jax has to yell at Lana to stay on the steps.

Liv shouts BRING IT B**** at Jax and slugs away, followed by a floatover DDT. Jax is back on one knee and an enziguri…just makes her get back to her feet. The Samoan drop finishes Morgan at 19:04 and it’s Belair down 3-1. Belair starts flipping around, including a moonsault over Jax (Jax: “WHAT THE???”) out of the corner. A splash hits knees though and Jax drops the leg for two. Belair manages to kick Jax off the ropes and out to the floor but Baszler tags herself in.

The Kirifuda Clutch goes on but Belair gets out of it with a belly to back suplex. Baszler slaps it on again, with Belair powering to her feet this time and walking to the ropes with Baszler on her back. Belair collapses into the ropes for the break, with Baszler not letting go until it’s a DQ at 22:26. Jax loads up the announcers’ table but Belair shoves her into the steps. A backdrop sends Jax over the barricade for the double countout at 23:10….and that makes Lana the soul survivor because she was standing on the steps.

Rating: D. This just kept going and showed you how interchangeable the women are outside of the top of the division. Lana surviving and winning isn’t exactly shocking and it probably gets us one step close to what should be the inevitable tables match against Jax at TLC where she suddenly makes up for the last three months. I’m still not sure who thinks this version of Lana as the big face is a good idea (ok it’s Vince) but dang they’re taking their time getting there. The rest of the match was as nothing as you would expect from this group of women, and that’s very sad given the talent that is involved.

Raw – 4

Smackdown – 2

TLC: Enter The Storm is on December 20.

We recap Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns. McIntyre showed up on Smackdown and called out Reigns, who told him to go win a title and see him at Survivor Series. That’s what McIntyre did and here we go.

Roman Reigns (Smackdown) vs. Drew McIntyre (Raw)

Non-title and Reigns has Paul Heyman with him. They fight over a lockup to start with Reigns taking him to the mat off a headlock. McIntyre reverses into one of his own, followed by a running shoulder to put Reigns on the floor for a change. Back in and Reigns hits him in the face and sends McIntyre face first into the buckle to take over again. McIntyre slugs away but they head to the floor where Reigns gets in a posting.

Back in again and Reigns hammers him down, setting up a snap suplex for two. Reigns hits the jumping clothesline for the same and we hit an arm trap chinlock. McIntyre fights up with a neckbreaker and pops up, only to walk into a Samoan drop for two. The Superman Punch is countered into a spinebuster for two and they’re both down again, as this is finally starting to reach a higher gear.

Reigns slugs away some more but McIntyre hits the Glasgow Kiss into the Future Shock for a rather close two, sending Heyman into another level of panic. The Claymore is countered with a Superman Punch but McIntyre is right back up. Reigns tries the guillotine but gets thrown down in a hurry. The Claymore misses so Reigns tries the spear, which is countered into the Kimura.

Reigns has to go to the ropes and they head outside, with McIntyre being Samoan dropped through the announcers’ table. The spear through the barricade looks to destroy McIntyre but he’s out at two again. Another spear is cut off by a kick to the face but Reigns hits another spear for two. McIntyre hits the Claymore, which bumps the referee to the floor. Cue Jey Uso for a distraction so Reigns can hit a low blow and Jey adds a superkick. The guillotine goes on and McIntyre is out at 24:54.

Rating: B. This took a long time to get going but once they hit that next gear, it started living up to the hype. They did what they could to protect McIntyre here and that’s how it should have gone if they were going to have a finish. Normally I’d take that over some double countout or double DQ finish but that might have been better here. Still though, heck of a match once it got going and McIntyre didn’t lose much in defeat. And it’s better than Randy Orton interfering to set up another match.

Raw – 4

Smackdown – 3

Post match Jey sits on the stage until Reigns comes up and hugs him.

It’s time for Undertaker’s Final Farewell so let’s bring out the guests:

Shane McMahon

Big Show


Jeff Hardy

Mick Foley



Savio Vega


Kevin Nash

Booker T.

Shawn Michaels

Ric Flair



Commentary says Undertaker launched Hardy to a Hall of Fame career in their ladder match, because Matt Hardy no longer exists right now. With that out of the way, Cole gets to mention the Bone Street Krew, which has to be one of the only mentions ever of the group on WWE TV. Everyone is in the ring and we get a long video package on Undertaker, set to Metallica’s Now That We’re Dead with various legends talking about what Undertaker means.

Vince McMahon comes out to say that Undertaker has been here for three decades (even saying he was there in the WWF). They say nothing can live forever, but Undertaker’s legacy will live forever. With that, he gives us the Undertaker. Undertaker’s symbol appears and we get what sounds like an electric version of his old music. The regular version begins and we get the full entrance, with Undertaker looking around and soaking in some cheers. Undertaker says that everyone’s time has come to let the Undertaker rest in peace.

The THANK YOU TAKER chants start up again and he tips his hat, takes the knee and strikes the pose, with a Paul Bearer hologram appearing with the Urn and an OH YEEEEEESSSS. The gong toes off and the music hits again, so Undertaker gives us one last throat slit. Undertaker slowly walks up the ramp, looks back, and raises the fist. He slowly walks off and through the curtain as the show ends. I don’t know what else there is to say here. It’s the Undertaker and he’s not going to be around anymore. That’s going to take some getting used to.

Overall Rating: B. This is one of the weirder shows WWE has ever put on as it more or less exists in a vacuum as the results mean nothing, but at the same time it had the Undertaker’s farewell. The wrestling was pretty good for the most part, though the two Survivor Series matches were a pretty wretched pairing. The stakes were much lower than last year but there were three very good matches and the Undertaker segment brought the emotion. It’s a good show, but dang they could have done with cutting out a pair of matches. Or with some actual stakes for a change.


Raw Men b. Smackdown Men last eliminating Jey Uso

Street Profits b. New Day – Doomsday Blockbuster to Woods

Bobby Lashley b. Sami Zayn – Hurt Lock

Sasha Banks b. Asuka – Rollup

Raw Women b. Smackdown Women last eliminating Bianca Belair

Roman Reigns b. Drew McIntyre – Guillotine choke



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – November 20, 2020: That’s A Great Line

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 20, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for Survivor Series and there are still three spots to fill in on the Smackdown teams. I can’t say I’m overly surprised as WWE likes to take their time, but this is really cutting it close. Other than that…well there isn’t all that much, but we’ll probably get some talking about the champion vs. champion matches. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Street Profits are in the newly refurbished Champions Lounge and talk about how Sunday is going to be Undertaker’s Final Farewell. Montez Ford rolls his eyes back in his head and the thunder and lightning start….and here’s Big E. with a sombrero. Big E.: “It was all they had in props.” They talk trash about Sunday’s match with New Day, with Angelo Dawkins promising to beat Kofi Kingston so badly that his Jamaican accent will be back. The Profits will break bread with New Day anytime but on Sunday, they want the smoke. Big E. says it’s cool because New Day is here tonight and hits the catchphrase.

Here are Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in the arena, asking if there is a big fist breaking through glass or if they can check into the Smackdown Hotel. Either way, they’re here to talk to the Street Profits, because they want the smoke instead of this fire. Woods says they’re dead men, which Kofi says is rather harsh. Kofi: “I just want a match dude. I don’t want them dead!” Woods says it’s just his way of shifting to talk about the Undertaker, so they both lay down and do the sit up.

Cue Sami Zayn, who says Undertaker is leaving because he knows Sami owes him some revenge. Undertaker chokeslammed him in Madison Square Garden so now he’s taking the coward’s way out. United States Champion Bobby Lashley isn’t leaving so easily, even though WWE wants to protect one of their poster boys. Sami gets in the ring and says he’s going to give New Day a chance to start talking about the hottest thing in WWE: himself. Woods comes up with the best compliment he can: Sami’s outfit makes him look like a dad who just put a down payment on a studio apartment.

Cue King Corbin to say New Day just had a farewell match a month ago so they don’t need to be here. Woods says that was their farewell match as Smackdown stars but tonight they’re here as Raw stars. Violence is teased so here are Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode to interrupt. Ziggler says New Day and the Street Profits trading the titles cost them a title shot, so New Day has an idea: they’ll defend the titles tonight, but they might as well face Corbin and Zayn instead.

Zayn appreciates the offer but doesn’t want to strain something before Sunday and they’re not a team, but they could beat Roode/Ziggler easily. Woods suggests the two teams fight and the winners get a shot tonight… Roode and Ziggler jump New Day. Cue the Street Profits for the save, with Ford hitting a big flip dive to take the villains down (and to impress Kofi at the same time). Please just do the eight man so I don’t have to watch either Ziggler or Corbin wrestle twice.

Street Profits/New Day vs. King Corbin/Sami Zayn/Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

Joined in progress with Ford dropkicking Ziggler and Dawkins coming in to suplex Ford onto Ziggler for two. Kofi and Roode come in with Kofi hitting the jumping back elbow to the face. A dropkick sends Roode into the corner, with Kofi explaining to Ford the proper way to throw one. The Unicorn Stampede is on before Corbin comes in to hit Deep Six on Woods. A sunset flip gives Woods two and it’s already back to Ford for a dropkick of his own. Everything breaks down and Kofi’s spinning crossbody hits Ford by mistake and we take a break with Kofi upset.

Back with Ziggler chinlocking Ford and driving him back into the corner so Corbin can hammer away. Corbin slams him down and then hammers away with right hands. Ford flips out of Ziggler’s belly to back though and hits the enziguri, allowing the double tags to Kingston and Roode. House is cleaned but Trouble in Paradise misses, allowing Woods to tag himself back in. After Woods gets his own near fall, Dawkins comes in for the spinning corner splash on Roode, who tags Sami in a second later. That’s not cool with Sami, who gets caught with the spinebuster into the Cash Out to give Ford the pin at 12:38.

Rating: C+. The action was good, even if this is the kind of match that you might have seen a few dozen times. Ford didn’t seem to remember the crossbody after the break but it’s not like they have anything else to build the match at the moment. Also we didn’t have to watch Ziggler or Corbin twice in a night so it could have been much worse.

Post match Sami stumbles to the back and says that shouldn’t count as he runs into Daniel Bryan. Sami yells a lot as Bryan puts on a mask and then keeps shouting so Bryan shoves him down. Bryan says he tries to social distance as much as possible.

Post break Bryan looks back at Jey Uso beating and attacking him last week. Bryan talks about how everyone has an angel and a devil on their shoulder and no he isn’t concerned about coming back too soon. Bryan was the one who heard his kid crying every night and couldn’t even pick her up. Tonight, Jey needs to be worried because Reigns, the devil on his shoulder, got him here. As usual, Bryan can bring the emotion when he needs to.

Adam Pearce has picked the final member of Team Smackdown because there is something about his story that he likes. It’s Otis, which makes Chad Gable very proud. They go off to get ready so Pearce turns around to see Natalya. She says she should be on the team too but now she has to face Tamina in a qualifying match. Pearce says the other spot has been taken by Bayley, but Natalya needs to go now because her match is next.

Seth Rollins talks about how Murphy was nothing until Rollins saved him and gave him a new life. Now Murphy owes everything he has to Rollins, from his career to his new girlfriend. After tonight, Murphy goes back to being nothing.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match; Natalya vs. Tamina

Bianca Belair is on commentary but hold on because here’s Bayley to sit in as well. Tamina knocks Natalya out to the floor and then hits some elbows back inside. Natalya is right back with the discus lariat though and the Sharpshooter makes Tamina tap at 1:46. Well that was quick. Natalya even kisses the referee on the cheek in celebration.

Post match the Riott Squad comes out so the entire team can pose.

We look at Drew McIntyre showing up last week and confronting Roman Reigns, who told him to win a World Title and come see him at Survivor Series. Then McIntyre beat Randy Orton on Raw and now the match is set for Sunday.

It’s time for the contract signing with Reigns and McIntyre, with Reigns making sure to sit at the head of the table, as he should. Reigns says he knew McIntyre could do it because he’s been in those shoes. Paul Heyman told him years ago: he is the right guy in the right place at the wrong time. McIntyre says Reigns isn’t going to get inside his head because he already has his match on Sunday.

Reigns told him to go win a World Title and that’s exactly what McIntyre did. McIntyre signs and says it’s Reigns’ move, but he has some advice: please underestimate him. Spend the last two days of peace to prepare for war. Reigns doesn’t seem to appreciate that because he’s the one who gives advice.

Now he is going to let McIntyre sit underneath the learning tree. On Sunday, McIntyre is not going to understand the brutal truth but one day he’ll learn that he is a secondary title holder. McIntyre has the title that people get when Reigns is busy (that’s a great line). Reigns is the head of the table and one day McIntyre will have the chance to do that. When that is true, he’ll look back at these nights and thank Reigns.

McIntyre is going to thank him and Reigns will love him right back, because McIntyre will always be his favorite #2. Reigns signs and Heyman hands him the title. This was really good, partially because they were just talking (without holding microphones) and you could feel the power struggle.

We look back at last week’s Final Chapter between Rey Mysterio and Seth Rollins, with Murphy helping Mysterio by attacking Rollins.

Seth Rollins vs. Murphy

Rey, Dominick and Aalyah Mysterio are here with Murphy, who gets knocked off the apron during the entrance. Murphy says he has this and charges in to start the brawl in a hurry. Rollins ties him in the ropes and asks if Murphy remembers this. It’s time to grab a kendo stick but Rey takes it away, only to get punched in the face. Dominik gets beaten down as well but Murphy gets loose and makes the save, only to get shoved HARD off the top and down into the barricade.

Back from a break with Murphy’s Cheeky Nandos kick being blocked, allowing Rollins to grab the Sling Blade for two. Murphy gets in a kick to the face to stagger Rollins though and there’s a dropkick through the ropes to the floor. The big running flip dive drops Rollins again but Rollins is right back with the superplex into the Falcon Arrow.

They head to the apron to slug it out and Murphy hits a good looking jumping knee. Rollins is fine enough to hit the Stomp on the way back in but Murphy gets a foot on the rope. There’s the Buckle Bomb but another Stomp is cut off with the jumping knee. That works so well that they do it again, followed by Murphy’s Law to plant Rollins for the pin at 11:09.

Rating: B-. This was a good and hard hitting match to FINALLY end things and hopefully frees up both of them to do something else. They beat each other up rather well and Murphy gets a huge boost, but what matters is WWE following up on it. That has never been their strong suit, but the pieces are there to make it work.

Michael Cole is in the ring with Asuka and Sasha Banks to talk about how this Sunday will be the finale of a big rivalry. They have traded the Raw Women’s Title over the last few months but Banks says it’s Boss Time all the time. She has time for Asuka though because Asuka is one of the best ever. Asuka laughs about Summerslam but Banks promises to make her tap on Sunday. Asuka: “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” Banks: “I can see you and for once I can finally understand you.” Banks is ready to fight right now but here’s Carmella to jump her from behind and tie her in the Tree of Woe. Asuka watches on but doesn’t seem happy.

Jey Uso doesn’t like Daniel Bryan saying Roman Reigns is the devil inside Jey’s head. The only devil is right here and he made himself beat Bryan up. Tonight, he’s doing it again.

Jey Uso vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan takes him down by the leg to start and then kicks away for a bonus. Back up and Uso gets in a hard shot to the face, meaning it’s time to take off the elbow pad and get serious. They head outside with Jey sending him into the steps and loading up the announcers’ table. Commentary points out how evil Jey looks but Bryan fights back and hits the missile dropkick back inside.

Bryan is holding his back but is still able to strike away in the corner. A backdrop puts Jey on the floor and Bryan hits a suicide dive, sending Jey hard into the edge of the table. Bryan’s charge is backdropped through the table though and we take a break. Back with Jey hammering away but shouting that this isn’t personal. A headbutt to the ribs has Bryan in more trouble and there’s a backbreaker to keep him down. Jey hits a top rope superplex for two but has to fight out of the YES Lock attempt.

Some hard knees to the ribs and back have Bryan in more trouble but Bryan crotches him on top. That means a belly to back superplex, with Jey landing hard on his shoulder. Bryan grabs the arms and starts stomping at the head but the superkick cuts Bryan down. A low superkick sets up the Superfly Splash but Bryan gets the knees up, setting up the small package to pin Uso at 13:50.

Rating: B. This was a hard hitting fight and Bryan coming out with the win was the right call….at least I think it is. Uso has now lost back to back matches, but he has been losing to former World Champions so it’s not like this is some huge demotion. They probably shouldn’t have had Jey lose on the way to Survivor Series, but this felt like a way to start the build up of Bryan as Reigns’ next challenger.

Overall Rating: C+. Good enough show here, but there some of the stuff they did to build to Sunday really didn’t make me want to watch the show. The opening tag felt like what they came up with at the last possible second (likely because it was) and really showed that these champions have no important reason to be fighting. That makes for some rather wacky television and that was the case here, save for Reigns vs. McIntyre which felt big because of who was involved. The other stuff worked, but I really need a better reason for people to fight other than they both have titles.


Street Profits/New Day b. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode/Sami Zayn/King Corbin – Cash Out to Zayn

Natalya b. Tamina – Sharpshooter

Murphy b. Seth Rollins – Murphy’s Law

Daniel Bryan b. Jey Uso – Small package



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Survivor Series Count-Up – 2016 (2017 Redo): Short And Bitter

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2016
Date: November 20, 2016
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 17,143
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, David Otunga

I say this every year but it’s always hard to believe that it’s been a full year since this show. This was the first time that a Survivor Series was expanded to four hours but thankfully there’s a good chance that they could make it work, mainly due to the elimination matches. The main event though is Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, which I’m sure will be completely uneventful. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Drew Gulak/Ariya Daivari/Tony Nese vs. Noam Dar/TJ Perkins/Rich Swann

This is a preview match for something called 205 Live, which debuts next week. I know it hasn’t gone great but the division really has evolved into a better place than when it started. Swann gets a nice reaction and then starts with Nese, who gets chopped in the corner. They do their regular flips with Swann’s jump over Nese’s feet getting a good pop (as always) before it’s off to Perkins.

Some suplexes set up an Octopus Hold but Nese reverses into a kind of gutwrench suplex. Gulak comes in and gets caught in the wrong corner with everyone working him over. We actually get a TJ PERKINS chant as he slaps on the kneebar to keep Gulak in trouble. Everything breaks down and we take a break.

Back with Daivari in trouble this time as Dar gets two off a running kick to the face. Nese offers a distraction though and a spinebuster takes Dar down. A superkick gives Daivari two and it’s back to Gulak to crank on the leg. If this sounds rather uninteresting, it’s only because that’s what it is.

Dar dropkicks his way to freedom and the hot tag brings in Swann to very little reaction. A good looking jumping hurricanrana takes Daivari off the middle rope as everything breaks down again. That means we hit the dives but the referee CUTS PERKINS OFF. Now you know that’s not working so Perkins dives over the referee to take out some villains. Back in and Swann’s standing 450 ends Daivari at 11:48.

Rating: C-. I forgot how uninteresting these earlier cruiserweight matches were. The guys barely have characters and the entire story here was “three faces vs. three heels”. It didn’t get much better for a long time but, as usual, the problem comes down to one simple thing: if the smaller guys on the main roster can be big stars and do all these dives, why should I be impressed when cruiserweights can do them too?

Kickoff Show: Luke Harper vs. Kane

Harper is part of the NEW Wyatt Family, which screwed Kane over, meaning we need a match here. Kane grabs a full nelson of all things and we’re in a chinlock fifteen seconds in. That goes nowhere so Harper grabs a headlock as the fans are oddly split here. Kane starts in on the shoulder by sending it into the buckle. Harper sends him outside though and hits that suicide shove of his (Who needs cruiserweights?).

A slingshot flip splash gives Luke two and we take a break. Back with Kane in a chinlock (well duh) but managing to superplex Harper down for a crash. The sidewalk slam gets two but Harper scores with a superkick for the same. Kane’s running DDT and Harper’s Boss Man Slam are good for two more each but it’s the chokeslam to put Harper away at 9:10.

Rating: D+. Well what were you expecting here? This was exactly the match you would have planned out for them and Kane won with his finisher. It’s about as paint by numbers of a power match as you can get and while it wasn’t terrible, it’s also a match I really didn’t need to see.

The opening video looks at Goldberg vs. Lesnar and then all the Raw vs. Smackdown matches. Well at least they got some time. I’m sure Stephanie’s voiceovers had nothing to do with it.

Raw Women’s Team vs. Smackdown Women’s Team

Raw: Bayley, Alicia Fox, Charlotte, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks

Smackdown: Alexa Bliss, Becky Lynch, Carmella, Naomi, Nikki Bella

Entrances alone take forever of course, which will be a theme tonight. Charlotte is Raw Women’s Champion and has Dana Brooke in her corner. Becky is Smackdown Women’s Champion but Nikki is captain. You know, because of course. Bliss gets a heck of a reaction (gee I wonder why). Actually hang on a second as there’s no Nikki. We cut to the back where she’s down after being attacked. Not to worry though, as Smackdown coach Natalya is more than willing to take the spot.

We settle down to Becky and Banks trading rollups before it’s off to Charlotte for more of the same. Becky can’t get the Disarm-Her and it’s off to Nia as things get a lot more difficult. Carmella and Bliss come in for the expected results and Naomi’s high crossbody is pulled out of the air. Natalya actually gets a reaction but Nia clotheslines her head off for her efforts. It’s off to Fox vs. Carmella with Alicia avoiding a Bronco Buster, setting up what looked to be a mostly missed ax kick for the elimination at 6:35. Bliss comes right in, sends Fox into the buckle and adds Twisted Bliss to tie it up at 6:48.

Charlotte and Naomi come in with the latter cleaning house, including knocking Nia outside and hitting a high crossbody to the floor. Nia posts her though and that’s a countout at 8:23. We pause for the Tye Dillinger TEN chant until Bliss takes Banks down and grinds her face into the mat. Banks sends Bliss and Natalya into each other, followed by the double knees in the corner to Alexa. Back up and Bliss saves Natalya from the Bank Statement, allowing Natalya to roll Banks up for the elimination at 10:20.

Charlotte comes in and gets suplexed, meaning we hit the SUPLEX CITY chants. You would think fans would know more chants than that. Charlotte goes up for the moonsault but, as always, Natalya powerbombs her down for two in the near fall that never ends Charlotte. The required Sharpshooter sends Charlotte crawling for the ropes but a big boot ends Natalya at 12:01.

Becky and Bliss get in an argument over who should come in, allowing Jax to suplex them both at the same time. Of course that gets a MAMA MIA from Mauro, which I miss hearing so often. Bliss gets caught in a slam but Becky makes a blind tag and missile dropkicks Bliss in the back to knock her onto Jax. The Disarm-Her actually makes Jax tap at 13:35 and it’s 2-2 with Becky/Bliss vs Charlotte/Bayley.

Jax mauls Becky, leaving Bliss to get big booted down for the elimination at 14:03. Becky fights back as fast as she can with the series of clotheslines into the leg lariat, followed by Bexplex. Bayley has to dive in for a save after a top rope legdrop before coming in for the slugout. Another Bexplex gets two but Bayley’s elbow to the back gets the same. You can tell Becky is getting tired out there so Bayley blocks the Disarm-Her and grabs the Bayley to Belly for the final pin at 17:53.

Rating: C+. The quick eliminations didn’t help things here but the ending was the right call. There was way too much talent on the Raw side to lose and I’m VERY glad it was Natalya, who can wrestle this style without having to dumb things down too much. Becky was pretty much all the blue team had for a lot of the match and she put up a valiant effort, only to be outgunned. That makes her look strong and Bayley getting a win like this is a good thing for her at this stage in her main roster career.

Charlotte takes Bayley out post match and beats her around ringside.

Smackdown mascot James Ellsworth runs into Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, who weren’t funny in 2016 either. They make some bad chin puns but Raw GM Mick Foley comes in to run them off. Ellsworth talks about all the great memories he has of Foley, most of which involve him being in extreme pain. Foley thanks him anyway and suggests Ellsworth move to Raw. He appreciates the offer but politely turns it down because he’s true blue. Foley leaves and Ellsworth runs into Braun Strowman, who asks if he knows Ellsworth. James runs in a smart move.

Intercontinental Title: Miz vs. Sami Zayn

Miz is defending and Sami is trying to take the title to Raw. We get the Big Match Intros and Sami gets quite the reaction for being Canadian. Sami spins out of a wristlock to start and Miz looks annoyed in the corner. Miz gets sent outside but Sami has to bail out of the flip dive. The moonsault off the barricade works though, drawing over Maryse for a distraction. Well she can be quite distracting.

This one works well with Miz taking out the knee to get his first advantage. Some hard stomps to the knees have Sami in trouble but he’s still able to clothesline Miz to the floor. A flip dive works as well, followed by a Michinoku Driver for two. Miz’s short DDT gets the same and it’s time for a double breather. The running corner dropkick/clothesline look to set up the ax handle but Sami reverses into the Blue Thunder Bomb.

The Helluva Kick only hits corner though and that means the Figure Four. This one stays on for a good while until Sami makes the ropes, earning himself some YES Kicks. Sami reverses one into a Figure Four of his own but Maryse rings the bell. Since Sami isn’t all that bright, he of course falls for it, only to have Miz roll him up to retain at 14:06.

Rating: C-. Kind of a dull match as you knew a lot of Sami’s near falls weren’t going anywhere. I can go for Miz and Maryse teaming up to steal wins though and it’s a big reason why he’s been an awesome Intercontinental Champion. This would also help play into Sami’s heel turn nearly a year later as he would get tired of losing while playing by the rules. Makes sense, especially in a long term form.

Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles are bickering over being teammates tonight when Shane McMahon comes in and tells them to cool it so Smackdown doesn’t lose again.

Raw Tag Teams vs. Smackdown Tag Teams

Raw: Enzo Amore/Big Cass, Cesaro/Sheamus, Gallows and Anderson, New Day, Shining Stars

Smackdown: American Alpha, Breezango, Heath Slater/Rhyno, Hype Bros, Usos

A fall eliminates both members of a team. Enzo and Cass suck up to the live crowd, as you might expect. New Day and Slater/Rhyno are the respective champions. Fandango tries to give everyone a fashion ticket to start, earning himself a Midnight Hour for the elimination at 44 seconds. New Day spends too much time celebrating though and it’s a superkick from Jimmy to pin Big E. at 1:08.

Gallows comes in to punch Jimmy in the face before handing it off to Cass for the tall power. The fast tags continue as it’s off to Epico vs. Ryder (who is rocking some old school Survivor Series logo trunks) with Mojo coming in for a clap around the ears. Rawley gets taken down into the corner for the huge group beating though as we keep trying to get everyone in. It’s back to Ryder (not Slater like the fans want) but Gallows saves Anderson from the Broski Boot. Instead it’s the Magic Killer to pin Ryder at 5:08.

Gable comes in as Graves talks about how scared he is of American Alpha. It doesn’t seem to be the most valid fear to start though as Epico takes Gable down into a chinlock. Some rolling suplexes have Gable in more trouble and Primo comes in with a springboard ax handle to the ribs. He misses a charge in the corner though and it’s off to Jordan for a quick Steiner Bulldog to get rid of the Stars at 8:08.

The six remaining teams (Enzo/Big Cass, Cesaro/Sheamus, Gallows and Anderson vs. American Alpha, Heath Slater/Rhyno, Usos) come in at once as everything breaks down. That means Enzo gets tossed over the top onto a big pile….which was mainly Raw guys but whatever. Rhyno gets thrown over the top as well, only to have Slater add an even bigger dive. Back in and Cesaro swings Jordan but Gable makes the save with a Rolling Chaos Theory.

Gable isn’t done though as Jordan throws him over the top for a HUGE flip dive onto everyone. Sweet goodness those two were awesome together. I mean, not as awesome as Jordan on his own with Kurt Angle kind of around but still. Back in and it’s a quick Magic Killer to get rid of Jordan at 10:39 as the eliminations are still flying. A spinebuster plants Slater and he’s caught in the wrong corner.

Sheamus won’t tag Cesaro (this was before their ridiculous matching outfits) and an argument breaks out, allowing the hot tag off to Rhyno as everyone bickers. Rhyno comes in and Gores Gallows for an elimination at 12:28. Cass wastes no time with a big boot to Rhyno, followed by the Bada Boom Shaka Lacka for the pin at 12:45.

That leaves us with the Usos….who superkick Enzo down to set up the Superfly Splash and an elimination at 13:26 before I can type the Raw teams. So now we’re down to the Usos vs. Cesaro/Sheamus with the latter hitting the ten forearms (you know the chant) on Jimmy. Cesaro comes in and eats a double superkick but Sheamus Brogue kicks Jimmy with Jey making a diving save.

Super White Noise plants Jimmy again but Jey is right back with a Superfly Splash for two with Cesaro making a save of his own. The hot tag brings in Cesaro for the Uppercut Train and a 619 as the fans lose their minds over Cesaro again. A high crossbody gets two on Jey and it’s time for the Swing. Jimmy breaks up the Sharpshooter and Jey gets the Tequila Sunrise. That’s reversed right back into the Sharpshooter with Sheamus remembering he’s in the match to cut off Jimmy, leaving Jey to tap at 18:55.

Rating: B. This was during the time that I couldn’t stand Sheamus and Cesaro (not a lot has changed in a year) but they did a lot of stuff in this match, despite the crunched timeline. Getting nine eliminations in less than nineteen minutes is a lot but you have to clear the ring out at the beginning. It’s entertaining, but hits a hard ceiling that it’s not getting past.

Stephanie and Foley decide that Sheamus and Cesaro should get a Tag Team Title shot tomorrow night. They recap the rest of the show with Stephanie getting way too serious, as usual.

Preview for TLC with Dean Ambrose vs. AJ Styles in a TLC match for the title.

Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick does his best Sean O’Haire impression and is ready for Kalisto. If Kalisto wins, he brings the division to Smackdown. It’s fine for a one off match but it was really hard to buy Kendrick as the best cruiserweight in the company in 2016.

Cruiserweight Title: Kalisto vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick is defending and charges straight into a knee to the face. Kalisto is right back with a suicide dive, followed by a springboard corkscrew crossbody for two. Some rollups give Kalisto more near falls and a shotgun dropkick has Kendrick in even more trouble. A rollup into the corner finally gives Kendrick a breather and he crushes Kalisto between the steps and the apron for good measure.

Back in and we hit the cravate to slow things back down. Kalisto manages to fight up and get to the apron where he grabs a C4 out to the floor in the big crash of the match. A good looking suicide dive takes Kendrick down again but he reverses a super Salida Del Sol into the Captain’s Hook. Kalisto finally grabs the ropes and fires off some kicks, followed by the hurricanrana driver. The Salida Del Sol gets two with Kendrick getting to the ropes. Kalisto heads up top….and here’s Baron Corbin for the DQ at 12:21.

Rating: C-. The match was good at times but Kendrick really isn’t the kind of guy you want as a long term champion. It also didn’t help that you knew they weren’t changing up the cruiserweight division so close to 205 Live’s launch. Corbin interfering was fine enough, but it really does make the title match feel like a big waste of time.

The Kickoff Show panel recaps the show so far.

Daniel Bryan yells at Corbin, who doesn’t want little pests running around on Smackdown.

We recap the men’s Survivor Series match, which started in July at the second Brand Split. Naturally this is about the McMahons as Shane and Stephanie are the Commissioners and therefore they have to be fighting. We look at all the entrants as this is treated like the major match is should be treated as. Then Shane is added to the match and that notion kind of falls apart.

Raw Men’s Team vs. Smackdown Men’s Team

Raw: Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns

Seth Rollins

Smackdown: AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, Shane McMahon

AJ and Owens are the World Champions, Reigns is US Champion and Ellsworth is here as the mascot. This is also during the period where Orton is part of the Wyatt Family because we needed that story to get to Orton as World Champion again. Rollins gets a nice reaction and it’s far better without BURN IT DOWN or whatever the line is. AJ and Owens start things off with Styles wasting no time in hitting the drop down into the dropkick.

That’s enough of that though as it’s and they slug it out with AJ getting the better of it. The STUPID IDIOT chants mean it’s time for Jericho, who throws his shirt at AJ and hammers away. Styles dropkicks him down again as the announcers discuss Jericho insulting Undertaker on Twitter. It’s off to Ambrose vs. Rollins, which turns into far more of a wrestling match than it should.

Rollins can’t get a Pedigree so let’s go back to Jericho. Chris yells at Dean for the $15,000 jacket issue, earning himself some really bad armdrags. An enziguri cuts Dean down for two but Ambrose is right back with a bunch of right hands to the head. Shane comes in for the first time and my interest goes down. I’m still not a fan of middle aged Shane and this isn’t likely to change things.

Shane’s bad punches and an armdrag (better than Dean’s) take Jericho down until a dropkick cuts him off. The announcers debate the TV ratings as Reigns comes in and gets booed out of the building. Roman hammers him down in the corner and Seth comes in for a chinlock. That’s broken up so let’s go with Dean vs. Kevin. Owens hits a superkick but gets caught in a hurricanrana, only to have Jericho break up Dirty Deeds.

Everything breaks down and Strowman tags himself in, leaving the fans to chant for Ellsworth. The fight heads outside with Dean being left alone in the ring until Strowman catches his slingshot dive. Strowman walks him around the ring until AJ’s slingshot forearm to the floor breaks it up. Owens dives onto everyone and Strowman tosses Shane across the ring in a pretty good power display.

Some double teaming doesn’t do much to stop Strowman but they manage to knock him outside. That’s enough of Dean and Ambrose working together so they get in a fight, allowing Strowman to hit the running powerslam for the pin on Dean at 15:57. AJ was looking right at the cover and didn’t move. Shane gets to beat on Strowman for a bit but thankfully he gets hammered down as well.

The Phenomenal Forearm is pulled out of the air with AJ being tossed outside in a nasty heap. Orton gets thrown aside too but a stare from Bray stops Strowman in his tracks. Strowman grabs Jericho by the throat but decides to run Bray over instead, followed by a dropkick to put him on the floor. Braun goes outside as well but runs into an RKO onto the announcers’ table. After we pause to see what a random eight year old fan thought of it (he was applauding), Shane drops the top rope elbow to put Strowman through said table. That and Ellsworth grabbing Braun’s foot get Strowman counted out at 21:18.

Strowman catches Ellsworth running up the ramp though (How slow is this guy?) and throws him off the stage through some tables. Everyone else is mostly dead until Jericho covers Shane for two. Owens is fresh enough to drop the backsplash on Shane for two (but only after mocking the dance). There’s the Lionsault but Shane gets two of his own off a small package.

Shane takes a Codebreaker but Orton comes in before the cover, meaning Shane survives another finisher. He avoids a top rope splash though and it’s off to AJ to work on Jericho. With Owens getting in an insult to AJ’s hair (too far man), Jericho counters the Styles Clash into a failed Walls attempt. The Phenomenal Blitz rocks Jericho but Owens comes in with the List of Jericho to blast AJ. That’s a DQ at 29:23, but not before he gives AJ a Pop Up Powerbomb.

Orton gets the tag and comes in with the RKO to get rid of Jericho at 30:19. Notice Reigns blankly staring up at the ramp and not hearing the RKO RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. So it’s down to Shane/AJ/Orton/Wyatt vs. Reigns/Rollins with Orton hammering on Rollins to start. Wyatt and Orton take turns on Seth as Shane is still laid on the apron after his long time in the ring. The superplex takes Rollins down (looks great too) but it allows the hot tag to Reigns. AJ comes in as well and MY GOODNESS the fans do not like Reigns.

House is cleaned with a series of Samoan drops, followed by a great looking Razor’s Edge powerbomb for two on AJ. Seriously that was good enough to cut off the booing. A Pele cuts off a Superman Punch and it’s back to Shane for no logical reason. Shane gets in a tornado DDT to drop Reigns and a clothesline takes Rollins down. Reigns tries a spear but gets awkwardly countered into the post.

In probably the spot of the match, Shane loads up Coast to Coast but gets speared out of the air for a SICK landing. Shane actually kicks out at two but you can see that he is completely gone. Like Lesnar after the botched shooting star gone. The referee says Shane is eliminated at 37:07, presumably due to his brains looking like a pie that has been run over by a bus driven by raccoons.

We pause for a bit as doctors get Shane out of the ring until Roman blasts Bray with a clothesline. Rollins and AJ get stereo hot tags with Seth’s Blockbuster putting Styles down. There’s the slingshot knee to AJ and a suicide dive to Wyatt. With Reigns down on the floor, let’s hit that ROMAN’S SLEEPING chant! Still one of my favorites because the fans just will not give him a break no matter what. An enziguri staggers AJ on top and now it’s WAKE UP ROMAN. Reigns does in fact wake up and saves Rollins from a hanging DDT on the floor.

With Orton down, it seems as good a time as any for a DoubleBomb. Styles makes a save before it can be loaded up but here’s Ambrose to jump Styles again. The fans call Dean a STUPID IDIOT as the former Shield beats up security. NOW the TripleBomb puts AJ through the table, allowing Rollins to get the pin at 47:00. It’s down to two on two with the Wyatts vs. the Shield (not the worst idea in the world)….and here’s Luke Harper for a distraction so the Wyatts can take over.

Reigns posts Orton but Harper superkicks him down, only to have Rollins score with a flip dive to the floor. Back in and the low superkick hits Wyatt but he dives into an RKO, giving Bray the pin at 49:25. Reigns, all alone, sends both of them outside and takes Harper out as a bonus. Back in and Orton eats a spear to save Wyatt, leaving Bray to grab Sister Abigail for the pin at 52:50.

Rating: A. This is a great example of a match that benefits from all of the time it had. What I loved about this was how long it took to take someone out. Most of the people in here were former World Champions and it doesn’t make sense to have them losing in a minute or two like in the other matches. They let the match build up for a change and that’s what makes this feel important.

Above all else though, this felt like someone surviving instead of whoever was left last. Look at the women’s match. Bayley barely looked like she had been through anything at the end. Orton and Wyatt looked banged up, which is how they should after a match like this. It’s a well put together match that got the kind of time it needed, which is exactly how something like this should be. Really strong stuff here with Bray, who actually needed it, getting the win.

We recap Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar. Goldberg was being interviewed about being in WWE2K16 and said he didn’t owe Lesnar a rematch. Lesnar challenged him though and Goldberg wanted his son to see him wrestle. The match was on and it does indeed feel like a battle of two people who could kill each other.

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

We get the full Goldberg entrance, complete with someone knocking on his door. Lesnar drives him into the corner to start but Goldberg shoves him right back down, scaring the heck out of Lesnar in the process. Back up and the spear connects to drop Lesnar again. There’s a second spear, followed by a Jackhammer to give Goldberg the huge upset at 1:25.

Yeah I still don’t like it. Sure it was shocking and a huge moment, but what did this set up? Goldberg eliminating Lesnar from the Rumble, Goldberg getting the most unnecessary Universal Title reign ever, and then a good sub five minute match at Wrestlemania. One of WWE’s biggest issues is giving fans something to cheer for and they give this spot to Goldberg, who they didn’t even create, for the sake of a video game (might not have been their call) and a story that could have made someone’s career. After this, Samoa Joe and Braun Strowman both fell to Lesnar, but Goldberg doesn’t. I don’t buy it, nor to I like it.

Goldberg celebrates with his family to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. One of the major perks about a match running nearly an hour on a three and a half hour show is that it can REALLY bring an overall rating up. Throw in a good women’s match and nothing really bad, this is actually a strong show. It’s far from perfect (main event aside, though that was the only thing that could have closed the show) but it’s a heck of a card, which I can always go for of course. The main issue is they could have gotten this one under three hours so it’s a bit long but nothing too bad. Really solid show though and most of that is due to the mega long match.

Ratings Comparison

Rich Swann/Noam Dar/TJ Perkins vs. Ariya Daivari/Tony Nese/Drew Gulak

Original: C

Redo: C-

Kane vs. Luke Harper

Original: C-

Redo: D+

Women’s Survivor Series Match

Original: C

Redo: C+

Miz vs. Sami Zayn

Original: C+

Redo: C-

Tag Team Survivor Series Match

Original: D+

Redo: B

Kalisto vs. Brian Kendrick

Original: C

Redo: C-

Men’s Survivor Series Match

Original: A-

Redo: A

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Original: N/A

Redo: N/A

Overall Rating

Original: C-

Redo: B+

My eyebrows went up when I saw the original overall rating. The year of mellowing on the ending have helped a lot as there’s no way this is a B-. Also I really couldn’t stand Sheamus and Cesaro back then.

Here’s the original review if you’re interested:

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Survivor Series Count-Up – 2016 (Original): Something About Battle Lines

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2016
Date: November 20, 2016
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, David Otunga

Pre-Show: Ariya Daivari/Drew Gulak/Tony Nese vs. TJ Perkins/Rich Swann/Noam Dar

Swann gets out of a suplex to start and dropkicks Nese in the jaw before handing it off to TJ. More flipping ensues and we can hear Renee Young talking to her producer and saying “nine minutes”. The kneebar has Gulak in trouble but everything breaks down to send us to a break.

Pre-Show: Kane vs. Luke Harper

The opening video is pretty standard and focuses on the three elimination tags plus Goldberg vs. Lesnar.

Raw: Bayley, Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Charlotte, Sasha Banks

Smackdown: Nikki Bella, Natalya, Carmella, Naomi, Becky Lynch

Charlotte destroys Bayley post match to set up the next title feud.

Anderson and Gallows pick on James Ellsworth until Mick Foley comes in for the save. After talking about how much he loved seeing Foley get beaten up as a kid, Ellsworth turns down an offer to come to Raw. Braun Strowman comes up and scares Ellsworth away.

Intercontinental Title: The Miz vs. Sami Zayn

Sami comes right back with a flip dive and the Michinoku Driver for two but Miz starts doing Daniel Bryan stuff again and takes over. That just means a Blue Thunder Bomb to give Sami two but the Helluva Kick only hits the buckle. The Figure Four goes on until Sami turns it over for the counter.

Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown

Raw: Enzo Amore and Big Cass, New Day, Anderson and Gallows, Shining Stars,

Smackdown: Heath Slater/Rhyno, Breezango, Usos, American Alpha, Hype Bros

Stephanie McMahon and Foley give Cesaro and Sheamus a Tag Team Title match tomorrow night on Raw.

Cruiserweight Title: Kalisto vs. Brian Kendrick

Corbin gives Kalisto the End of Days.

Pre-Show recap.

Team Raw Men vs. Team Smackdown Men

Raw: Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman

Smackdown: Shane McMahon, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar drives him into the corner to start but Goldberg hits two spears in the first minute. The Jackhammer beats Lesnar in ONE MINUTE THIRTY SEVEN SECONDS!!!


The show goes off the air before 10:30 with nothing else happening.


Team Raw Women b. Team Smackdown Women – Bayley to Belly to Lynch

The Miz b. Sami Zayn – Rollup

Team Raw Tag Teams b. Team Smackdown Tag Teams – Sharpshooter to Jimmy Uso

Brian Kendrick b. Kalisto via DQ when Baron Corbin interfered

Team Smackdown Men b. Team Raw Men – Sister Abigail to Reigns

Goldberg b. Brock Lesnar – Jackhammer

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – November 13, 2020: They’ve Still Got It

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 13, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re less than two weeks away from Survivor Series and that means it’s time to get the rest of the men’s elimination team set up in a hurry. Other than that I would say it would be nice to hear something about the champion vs. champion matches but that ship seems to have sailed. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman to get things going, with the commentators actually talking about Reigns vs. Randy Orton or Drew McIntyre at Survivor Series on the way to the ring. Reigns says Heyman calls this the Island Of Relevancy because Reigns makes everyone relevant. Jey Uso was the one who made you ask which twin he was but thanks to Reigns, he’s Main Event Jey Uso.

Over the last two weeks he has beaten Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens and then at Survivor Series it will be him leading Smackdown to victory. Then Reigns will beat the secondary champion on the same night. You can respect the man’s accomplishments but not respect the man himself….and here’s Drew McIntyre to interrupt.

McIntyre says he won’t waste Reigns’ time but he’s going to win the title on Monday and they’ll see each other at Survivor Series. He remembers eliminating Reigns to win the Royal Rumble this year and then beat Heyman’s (unnamed) client in five minutes at Wrestlemania. Reigns wouldn’t remember that though because he wasn’t at Wrestlemania. Someone had to step up in Reigns’ absence and that was McIntyre. At Survivor Series, McIntyre will prove that he’s the man.

Reigns says that’s all true but he’s back now, and that means no one knows who McIntyre is. He doesn’t watch Raw, just like everyone else, because they’re all watching Smackdown to see him. Reigns says tell us who McIntyre is, so McIntyre promises to win the title and then show Reigns what a champion really is.

They go nose to nose but here’s Jey Uso to ask what McIntyre is doing here. Jey talks about the people he’s beaten and challenges McIntyre for tonight. McIntyre shoves Uso down and stares at Reigns, seemingly meaning the match is on. If that’s not setting up Survivor Series, it better be setting up Wrestlemania because that sounds like a heck of a showdown.

Post break Reigns screams at Jey and says take care of this.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Apollo Crews

Sami is defending and before the match, he goes on a rant about how he was only told about his title defense at 7pm. WWE is trying to sabotage him but he is going to turn this into a positive. Tonight he is going to show what it means to be the Intercontinental Champion and how much better it is than the United States Title.

Crews’ entrance cuts him off and Apollo slugs away to start, including tossing Sami outside. Back inside and Crews hits a jumping enziguri into a standing moonsault for two. Sami is sent outside again, where he tears the ring skirt off. Crews is sent into the apron and Sami ties his leg into the ring structure for the countout at 2:08. Well that was unique.

Adam Pearce talks to Drew McIntyre and offers him the match against Jey. Drew almost mocks Pearce for suggesting that he wasn’t interested.

The Mysterios are ready to end Seth Rollins for good tonight. Rollins calls himself the messiah but to Rey, he’s nothing but the devil.

Here’s Sasha Banks to talk about how she is the champion and still going after everything that she has been through. Cue Bayley for a distraction though, allowing Carmella to come in with a superkick and the X Factor.

Otis is eating three plates of food at once at catering when Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode come up to mock him over being so pathetic. They bring up Tucker and Mandy, which makes Otis turn the table over. See, Otis eats a lot of food and doesn’t have any friends so….that’s about all there is to him now.

Tribute To The Troops is coming back.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Otis

Robert Roode is here with Ziggler. Otis drives him into the corner to start and then sends Ziggler flying without much trouble. Roode offers a distraction so Ziggler hits the Zig Zag…for two. Well that was surprising. The superkick is blocked though and Otis hits a World’s Strongest Slam into the Caterpillar (more of a falling elbow than a jumping one this time). Roode’s distraction doesn’t break up the Vader Bomb and Ziggler is done at 1:51. Points for actually not mocking someone and then having them lose for a change.

Post break Chad Gable congratulates Otis on his win and offers to be his mentor. He even has a brochure on the Alpha Academy, which seems to interest Otis. This is already more interesting than anything involving a one note short joke.

Long video on Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio, which has dragged in several other people over the last six months. Tonight it’s No Holds Barred in the final chapter (I’m sure).

Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio

No Holds Barred with the rest of the Mysterio Family and Murphy at ringside. Rey slugs him into the corner to start but Rollins takes him down in a hurry. It’s time for a chair but Rey dropkicks the leg out to save himself. Rollins is sent into the turnbuckle and it’s a tornado DDT onto the apron. They head outside with Rollins sending him into the steps but Rey sunset bombs him into the barricade.

We go to a replay for the sake of Rey needing to adjust his mask and come back with Rollins countering the sliding splash into a suplex drop onto the announcers’ table (Rey’s mask is twisted to the side again with his nose sticking out on the landing). Back in and Rollins starts in on the back before sending him chest first into the corner. The chair is wedged into the corner but the comeback is on with Rey snapping off a headscissors for a breather. Rollins sends him sliding underneath the bottom rope for a crash to the floor though and the steps to the face put Rey down again.

The Stomp only hits the steps though and Rey knocks him onto them, setting up the sliding splash for a good landing. Back with Rollins loading up a table in the ring and hitting Two Amigos (on the fifteenth anniversary of Eddie’s passing) but the third through the table is broken up. Rollins slides the table into Rey’s ribs for a clever counter though and the stomping is on in the corner. Rey gets in a few shots but a powerbomb out of the corner and through the table gets two.

Rollins goes for Rey’s other eye but has to superkick Dominik for trying to interfere. Murphy stares at the rest of the Mysterios as Rey dropkicks the chair into Rollins’ face. That makes Murphy look back and forth before getting inside and handing the chair to Rollins. Then he knees Rollins in the face to complete the turn (for the third or so time), leaving Rollins to get into 619 position to yell at Murphy. Rey completely misses the first time and falls out to the floor, but the second attempt connects, setting up the frog splash for the pin at 18:30.

Rating: B. They kept billing this as the final chapter and if that’s what it was (forgive me for not buying it), they went out with a good one. Once you get rid of all the nonsense between these two, they’re very talented wrestlers who can have a good match in almost any form. That’s what they did here and it felt like a major match worthy of the big blowoff.

Post match the family hugs and Aalyah goes for Murphy. Rey stops her though and says Murphy has been looking for his approval. Rey shakes Murphy’s hand, Aalyah hugs Murphy, and Dominik finally shakes his hand as well. Murphy even hugs Angie.

Adam Pearce has put Natalya into another Survivor Series qualifying match but that’s not what she wants. She wants to just be put on the team because she’s the BOAT and storms off. Chelsea Green pops up next to Pearce for her debut.

Post match Rollins screams at Pearce about Murphy and demands a chance to destroy him.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Natalya vs. Liv Morgan vs. Tamina

Actually hang on as we’re making it a four way.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Natalya vs. Liv Morgan vs. Tamina vs. Chelsea Green

Everyone starts going after Tamina to start because she’s the monster who has to be dealt with every time. Green and Natalya take her outside for a whip into the barricade. A dropkick knocks Green off the apron so Liv and Natalya can fight back inside. Morgan hits a spinning DDT for two but Natalya takes her down for the chinlock.

That’s broken up and Morgan gets two off a clothesline as this has broken into a singles match for the time being. Natalya sweeps the legs but the Sharpshooter is broken up. A Codebreaker gives Morgan two but Tamina finally comes back in and gets caught with another Codebreaker to give Liv the pin at 3:50.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what happened there as Green just disappeared about a minute into the match. Liv and Natalya seemed to be looking over their shoulder a few times waiting on someone to run in as well so I’m not sure what happened there. I really hope it isn’t an injury, because when you consider she broke her wrist in her NXT debut, we could be looking at another level of snake bit.

Drew McIntyre talks about how humiliating it would be for Jey Uso to lose in his own backyard.

Big E. hustles someone in a rope jumping competition but here are the Street Profits with some covered plates. They pull the plates back but Big E. is curious why everything is shaped like an L. See, that’s what the Profits are going to be serving New Day at survivor Series, if they even beat the Hurt Business on Raw. Big E. says the Street Profits are good but at best they’ll be New Day Lite or Diet New Day. A lot of one sided laughter ensues.

Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso

Unsanctioned. McIntyre shoves him into the corner to start and shrugs off a shot to the face. Instead, Drew takes him into the corner and chops away, even ripping off Jey’s shirt to make it worse. There’s a stomp to Jey’s hand and an elbow to the face takes him down as well. Jey gets fired up and sends him over the top, only to have his dive cut off with a shot to the face. Back in and Jey kicks the ropes for a low blow, followed by a superkick out to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Drew charging into a Samoan drop for two. Jey stomps him down in the corner but the running Umaga attack is cut off by a shot to the face. Back to back belly to belly suplexes have Jey in trouble but the Future Shock is countered into a rollup for two. A sitout spinebuster gives Drew another near fall, only to have Jey come right back with a superkick. Jey gets caught on top but manages to break up the superplex to knock McIntyre into the Tree of Woe.

As usual, Drew pulls himself up and throws Jey down by the neck. The threat of a Claymore sends Jey bailing to the floor so the brawl can be on again. Cue Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman for a distraction though and Jey manages to post him. McIntyre is sent into the steps as well…but Reigns won’t let Jey follow him back inside. Reigns tells Jey to make him understand so Jey goes inside and hammers away. Drew doesn’t seem to mind and pops up with the Claymore for the pin at 12:33.

Rating: B-. At first I was annoyed at the idea of Uso losing, but at the end of the day he just lost to one of the biggest stars WWE has and easily the biggest face in the company. Jey has been playing with the house’s money for months now and it’s not like losing to a much bigger star is going to kill his push. Good match too and dang Reigns vs. McIntyre feels like a must see showdown.

Post match Drew gets in Reigns’ face again, with Reigns adjusting the title and telling Drew to get himself one of these.

Overall Rating: B. Now that was a well paced wrestling show. The stuff that didn’t matter was in and out in a hurry and the stuff that did matter got time and was allowed to develop. Also, well done on actually acknowledging the champion vs. champion matches, which have been left by the wayside. That being said, I’m worried about Green though as there was clearly something wrong with her just disappearing like that in a match that should have been a strong debut for her. That’s really not a good sign and hopefully whatever happened is nothing serious.

What stuck out to me though was how well they set up Reigns vs. McIntyre. It goes to show you what happens when you build people up well and then set up a match. Reigns has been unstoppable since his return but McIntyre has been turned into the top face in the company over months of being treated like a star. Then you put them together, even for a tease, and I want to see what happens. That’s a proper build, and in a way it’s even more frustrating because it shows that WWE still knows how to do this. Either way, I want to see the match and that’s a nice thing to be able to say again.


Sami Zayn b. Apollo Crews via countout.

Otis b. Dolph Ziggler – Vader Bomb

Rey Mysterio b. Seth Rollins – Frog splash

Liv Morgan b. Tamina, Chelsea Green and Natalya – Codebreaker to Tamina

Drew McIntyre b. Jey Uso – Claymore



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – October 2, 2020: They Know What They’re Doing

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 2, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We are past Clash Of Champions and the pretty amazing moment between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso in the main event. Reigns wants to be acknowledged as the Tribal Chief of the Anoa’i Family and beat his family to get what he wanted. Even Paul Heyman seems scared of what he has done and now we will get to see where things are going. Let’s get to it.

Here is Clash Of Champions if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Reigns destroying Jey until Jimmy Uso came down to throw in the towel.

Here are Heyman and Reigns for Reigns to be officially crowned Tribal Chief. Heyman, sounding shaken, says it’s time for the crowning, but Reigns says he wants to hear Jey Uso acknowledge him. Cue Jey to say he doesn’t know Reigns, who showed his true colors on Sunday. Jey did as well though, because Reigns beat him up. Reigns won’t break his spirit though, and if Jimmy didn’t throw in the towel, Jey would be champion.

Reigns says if Jey wasn’t proud of what he did, Clash was the worst night of his career, both professionally and personally. That’s not what he wanted to do going into that match because he was trying to help Jey. All he wanted to do was put his name in the main event for once. He loves Jey more than Jimmy does and all Jey had to do was acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief.

All he wanted was to represent the family to the fullest, but Jey disrespected him. Jey broke his heart and even now, Jey can’t look him in his eyes. If Jey wants another shot, sure he can have it. We’ll do it at Hell In A Cell, but it will have the highest stakes in WWE history. Reigns hugs him and whispers something in his ear that the microphone doesn’t entirely pick up and walks off with Heyman.

Jey cuts him off though and says whatever the stakes are, Reigns is on. Cole implies that the match is going to be inside the Cell but neither Jey nor Reigns said that. With Reigns and Heyman gone, here is AJ Styles to say it doesn’t matter who gets the most chicken bones at the end of the table. AJ says Jimmy is the better athlete anyway and Jey is just the runt. Jey knocks him outside and hits a dive off the announcers’ table.

Jey Uso vs. AJ Styles

AJ starts with the trash talk (in the loudly mic’d up ring) but gets kicked down. A headbutt to the chest connects but AJ avoids a charge in the corner. Some kicks to the back and chest set up the jumping knee to Uso for an early two. Uso gets catapulted throat first into the bottom rope but he’s fine enough to counter the Styles Clash. AJ gets sent outside again but he’s fine enough to cut off a dive with a kick to the head. There’s a suplex to put Jey onto the announcers’ table and we take a break.

Back with Jey fighting out of a chinlock and grabbing a neckbreaker for two. The superkick is cut off though and AJ grabs the fireman’s carry backbreaker for his own two. Uso kicks him to the floor and hits the big dive but the Superfly Splash hits knees. Jey breaks up the Phenomenal Forearm though and hits a low superkick to set up the Superfly Splash for the upset pin at 10:46.

Rating: B-. This is a heck of an upset win for Jey but it isn’t the biggest stretch in the world and that’s one of the better things about being such a successful tag wrestler. No Jey hasn’t done these things on his own, but he has had success elsewhere so this isn’t coming completely out of nowhere. Good match too, which shouldn’t be a surprise given who was in there.

Post match Jey looks serious and keeps saying “I’m gonna get him.”

We look at Sami Zayn winning the ladder match.

Sami as both Intercontinental Titles and says he knows people are expecting him to gloat. Tonight is a whirlwind of emotions though and at the top of that list is resentment and anger. Initially his anger was against the fans because no one said a word when he was stripped of the titles. When AJ won the fraudulent title the fans cheered and then they just accepted it when he lost it to Jeff Hardy. As the only one around here with any principles, Sami throws the new title in the trash.

We recap Miz and Morrison trying to get Otis to hand over the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Next week: Otis defends himself in court. Oh sweet goodness.

Otis vs. John Morrison

Otis slugs him down to start and runs him over with a clothesline for a bonus. A pop up faceplant drops Morrison again and Otis throws him down with a suplex. The Caterpillar into the Vader Bomb finishes Morrison at 1:39. Well that was efficient.

Big E. says that with the Draft looming, he wants to face Sheamus in a Falls Count Anywhere match next week.

Sheamus vs. Shorty G.

Shorty sends him into the post and gets two off a German suplex to start. The moonsault misses though and the Brogue Kick drops Shorty. Another finishes him at 53 seconds. Of all the people being treated as stupid jobbers, Gable very well might be the most frustrating one I’ve seen in years.

Here’s Raw’s Kevin Owens (in a Street Profits shirt) for the Kevin Owens Show. Since this might be his new home after the Draft, he thought he should get used to this place so he’s here to talk to Alexa Bliss. Owens talks about how he has seen this change in Bliss’ attitude and anger, which reminds him of what he sees in Aleister Black. Bliss doesn’t know what he means and asks about Owens changing as well.

Owens says this is about her changing and asks to understand about the darkness taking over her. In a rather out there voice, Bliss talks about being in his (the Fiend’s) presence and how you feel like you’re on pins and needles. When he looks at you, it’s like you can’t look away. Owens would not know what that is like though, as Owens says we’re not talking about Black anymore. He says it’s like Bliss is brainwashed, and she says that’s true.

All of the lies have been washed away and she has been cleansed by him. Owens: “He’s here isn’t he?” Bliss: “He’s everywhere. I can hear him now. Let him in.” The lights go out and here’s the Fiend for the Mandible Claw to Owens as Bliss looks on. Fiend reaches his hand out to Bliss, who slowly takes it in a pretty creepy moment.

King Corbin/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Matt Riddle/Lucha House Party

Before the match, Riddle talks about how this might be his last chance to team with his Lucha Bros. Kalisto isn’t there, though the rest of the House Party doesn’t seem to mind. Nakamura strikes away at Dorado to start but gets caught with a dropkick. Cue Kalisto though and we take a break. Back with Metalik being stomped down in the corner and Cesaro coming in for the delayed suplex.

Nakamura grabs a front facelock but Metalik hits a tornado DDT, allowing the hot tag to Riddle to forearm away at Corbin. There’s a t-bone suplex to Corbin into the Broton. The running kick to the chest gets two with Nakamura making the save. The Golden Rewind hits Nakamura but Cesaro comes in to uppercut Riddle for two. Metalik nails the big running flip dive to Cesaro but Kalisto kicks Dorado in the head by mistake. Riddle is right back up with a Final Flash to Cesaro, setting up the Bro Derek for the pin at 6:43.

Rating: C. That was a bit of a weird ending as they did the Kalisto miscommunication and then Riddle just pinned Cesaro a few seconds later. I guess we need to save him pinning Corbin for the epic trilogy match, or maybe they want to just keep Corbin looking strong because….he’s Corbin I guess. At least Riddle got the pin though.

Long recap on the fallout from Bayley attacking Sasha Banks.

The mystery woman is Carmella, who says she danced around forever and it didn’t get her anywhere. Now she is the princess and untouchable, unless she doesn’t want to be.

Here’s Sasha Banks for a chat. Banks talks about how she thought Bayley would have grown a backbone over the years but that hasn’t happened. Next week, it’s Bayley vs. Banks for the Women’s Title and Bayley knows what happens when there is no one there to save her. The neck brace comes off and Banks says Bayley doesn’t stand a chance, b****. I’d like to think that’s going to be shenaniganzy.

Next week: the Draft, Bayley vs. Banks for the title, Sheamus vs. Big E. in a falls count anywhere match and Owens vs. Fiend.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Jeff Hardy

Sami is defending and has taped up ribs. Jeff gets knocked into the corner to start and Sami stomps away, only to have Jeff get in a kick tot he ribs. The turnbuckle pad got ripped off somewhere in there but Jeff avoids being sent into the steel. There’s a backdrop to Sami to send him outside and a baseball slide sends him into the announcers’ table. Jeff misses Poetry In Motion against the barricade though and we take a break.

Back with Sami putting on a chinlock and shouting about Jeff’s title reign being a fraud. Sami heads to the middle rope for an elbow to the back of the head for two as frustration is starting to set in. With Sami going up again, Jeff follows him up and grabs a top rope superplex for the double knockdown. The Twist of Fate is countered into a backslide for two and the Blue Thunder Bomb is countered into a sunset flip for a near fall.

Sami suplexes him into the corner and now the Blue Thunder Bomb connects for two. Jeff knocks him down again but the Swanton hits knees (with one possibly hitting Jeff in the head). The Helluva Kick misses and Jeff loads up the Whisper in the Wind but Sami pulls him down, sending Jeff face first into the exposed steel for the pin at 14:11.

Rating: B. This is the kind of thing that people forget WWE can offer. They have an insanely deep talent pool, and when they cut away all of the nonsense and bad writing and angles and just let their really good wrestlers have a pretty long TV match, you get good results. It was a very nice wrestling showing between two people who know exactly how to have this kind of a match and I had a good time with the whole thing. Nicely done, and do it more often.

Overall Rating: B-. There were some parts on here which weren’t the best, but those matches were kept very short, leaving us with a pretty solid show. You had two good matches and some stuff was set up both for next week and at the pay per view. This was an efficient use of two hours which even expanded up to downright entertaining at times. Just like the main event, the show felt like it stripped away so much of the boring and downright stupid stuff that you get on Raw, leaving more or a wrestling show. WWE can still do these things rather well and if they just went that way, we would all be much happier.


Jey Uso b. AJ Styles – Superfly Splash

Otis b. John Morrison – Vader Bomb

Sheamus b. Shorty G. – Brogue Kick

Matt Riddle/Lucha House Party b. Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura/King Corbin – Bro Derek to Cesaro

Sami Zayn b. Jeff Hardy – Hardy fell onto the exposed turnbuckle



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