Smackdown – April 3, 2020: GTV Was Good

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: April 3, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentator: Michael Cole

While it might not feel like it, this is the go home show for Wrestlemania. The show is again taped, and maybe now that we are only twenty two hours away from the start of the show, we can get some kind of information about the changed World Title match. I mean it’s not like it’s that important or anything. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

There are ladders around the arena and it’s time for MizTV, but here are the Usos instead. They aren’t waiting to be invited out here because it’s time for them to win the Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania. Cue the New Day to say not so fast because it’s time for them to enter the annals (Big E: “Hehe annals.”) of history by winning the titles again. The fight is about to start but here are Miz and Morrison to interrupt.

Miz talks about how New Day and the Usos will destroy each other, allowing he and Morrison to retain. They climb the ladders and say BE JEALOUS but New Day and the Usos run up the ramp so the brawl can be on in a hurry. The ladders are knocked over and, just as Miz said, New Day and the Usos beat each other up, allowing the champs to pose.

Naomi vs. Lacey Evans vs. Tamina

Sasha Banks and Bayley are on commentary. Tamina cleans house to start and we take a very early break. Back with Tamina getting one on Naomi but Lacey comes back in to take over. The slingshot Bronco Buster connects as Sasha and Bayley no sell questions about turning on each other at Wrestlemania. Sasha gets up and sends Lacey into the steps, leaving Naomi to sunset flip Tamina for two. A Samoan drop gives Tamina two so Bayley offers a quick distraction, allowing Tamina to superkick Naomi for the pin at 8:24.

Rating: D+. This was your “hey Tamina really could win” match, followed by everyone collectively laughing. She’s in the match to get it up to a higher number, though I’m still not entirely sure why she’s on the roster. Nothing to see here of course, but at least they got the Tamina stuff out of their system tonight.

Post match Bayley tries to make amends with Tamina and gets superkicked. Sasha tries the same and gets Samoan dropped.

Tucker is warming up when the circle of lights pops up. This time the words “THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLD” flashes up on screen.

From Wrestlemania XXIV:

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Flair has the blue robe one more time and while I’m still a fan of the black and white one, I can’t help but smile at seeing the classic look again. Shawn shoulders him down to start and it’s clear that they’re going to have all the time they want here. They trade some hammerlocks with Shawn getting the better of it on the mat. That’s broken up as well and we get the first WOO.

The chops in the corner let Flair yell about Old Yeller but Shawn slaps him in the face and asks if that’s all he has. An exchange of chops in the corner goes to Flair (as it should) but Shawn elbows him in the jaw and goes up. This time Flair slams him off the top and goes up…..for a crossbody into a near fall! You would think that would get more of a reaction but he has to fail at an early Figure Four attempt.

Shawn kicks him to the floor and tries an Asai moonsault, which only hits the announcers’ table, with his ribs landing on the edge which doesn’t break (I’ve seen that many times and it draws a very real cringe). That’s only good for a nine count and Shawn can barely move because of the ribs. A belly to back suplex gives Flair two and he manages a delayed vertical for the same. Note: Charles Robinson (Little Naitch) is referee here and for some reason he’s in a Smackdown shirt. Yeah he’s a Smackdown referee, but you can’t just throw him in a Raw shirt for the occasion?

Flair’s neckbreaker gets two more but Shawn sends him outside. That means a moonsault to the floor which takes Flair out and bangs up the ribs even more. They chop it out back inside and it’s Shawn’s forearm into the nipup as the pace picks up a bit. A slam drops Flair and Shawn’s top rope elbow connects, meaning it’s time to Tune of the Band. Shawn can’t bring himself to do it though and Flair grabs the legs and slaps on the Figure Four in the middle of the ring.

The hold is turned over and they load up the bridge into the backslide….but Flair just can’t do it anymore so they go into a rollup instead. It’s time for the chop block and NOW the Figure Four is on for real. Shawn crawls to the rope so Flair stomps away some more until the referee drags him away. That’s enough of a delay for Shawn to hit Sweet Chin Music for a very close two and the fans go nuts on the kickout.

Shawn loads it up again but stops to tell Flair to get up. That means a low blow (again, you knew he was getting that in somehow) for two more and the fans really bought the near fall. To mix things up a bit, Shawn sweeps the legs and tries a reverse Figure Four (thank goodness it wasn’t a Sharpshooter) to send Flair bailing to the ropes this time.

A rollup with tights gets two and they chop it out from their knees. The chops bring them to their feet and Shawn hits another superkick to put Flair down. There’s no cover though as Shawn goes into the corner and Flair slowly gets up. Shawn says the now legendary I’m Sorry, I Love You and superkicks Flair one more time, this time for the pin at 20:34.

Rating: B+. I don’t remember truly liking this one before and that’s because there are different ways to look at it. It’s hard not to look at a match like this through the emotional lens but if you take that away (which you kind of have to given that Flair wound up wrestling again), it’s actually a heck of a match with all of the old Flair tropes thrown in. Those worked for so long because it’s a great formula that can work against anyone. When you add in Shawn’s second to none abilities, there was no way this wouldn’t be outstanding.

The problem though is that Flair just can’t do a lot of this stuff anymore. He’s trying as hard as he can and what he could still do was good, but seeing him not be able to bridge up anymore was rather sad because it’s something he’s done for so many years before. I don’t remember liking this match that much but it really is a strong one, even ignoring all the other things added to it.

Post match Shawn leaves the ring and a crying Flair gets to his feet for one of the best standing ovations you’ll ever see. This is more than deserved and while he should have retired a long time ago (you could argue all the way back in the 90s), he was far from embarrassing himself and someone as influential, successful and downright talented as he was should absolutely get this kind of a sendoff. And for those who are wondering why, this was originally going to close the show but Flair refused and insisted it go in the middle.

We look back at Elias being attacked last week.

Goldberg is now defending against Braun Strowman. No reason is given and the match is just changed.

Otis tells Tucker to leave him a little piece of Dolph Ziggler. Tucker says he ran into Mandy Rose earlier and she asked about him. Otis gets a text and is rather happy before running off.

Tucker vs. Dolph Ziggler

No Otis this time. Tucker runs him over to start and the fight is on in a hurry, including some kicks to Ziggler’s ribs. A quick shot puts Tucker down for the jumping elbow but he’s right back up with a big boot. Ziggler’s DDT out of the corner puts them both down and we take a break. Back with Tucker slugging away and knocking Ziggler outside. That means a ram into the barricade and a side slam gets two back inside. They head outside again and this time it’s a Zig Zag onto the steps for the DQ at 9:17.

Rating: D+. This is the latest part of your soap opera story around here and that’s not the best thing in the world. Otis vs. Ziggler could be entertaining but at the same time, it’s not the kind of match that I need to see at WrestleMania. Ziggler probably could have won here and then taken Tucker out but it could have been a lot worse.

Post match Ziggler loads up the steps but Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville appear to break it up with Otis making the real save. The Truth Will Be Heard appears again and this time we go to a control room. Someone whose face we can’t see says he told us the truth will be heard. He plays a video from Valentine’s Day showing Mandy talking to Sonya.

After Mandy leaves to do something, Sonya picks up Mandy’s phone and sends Otis a text, saying she’ll be late. We see Otis saying that sounds great and Sonya deletes both messages. Sonya then talks to Ziggler, saying both of them will get what they want. Back in the arena, Mandy walks away from Sonya. Otis chases Dolph out as well. Eh GTV could be fun back in the day so this should work.

Post break, Mandy won’t talk to Sonya.

Daniel Bryan vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Cesaro and Drew Gulak are at ringside while Sami Zayn is on commentary. They fight over arm control to start until Bryan dropkicks him to the floor the running baseball slide sets up Bryan’s running knee from the apron and Nakamura is down. Back in and Bryan hits a running dropkick in the corner, only to get knocked off the middle rope. Nakamura’s middle rope knee to the chest gets two and the sliding German suplex in the corner takes us to a break.

Back with Bryan still in trouble as Nakamura kicks away at the chest. Bryan kicks away and goes for the arm, followed by even more kicks to stagger Nakamura again. The YES Lock is countered and Nakamura pulls him into a blocked cross armbreaker. That’s reverses into another armbreaker from Bryan (Sami: “HOW DID HE DO THAT???”) which is switched into the LeBell Lock. Cesaro runs in for the DQ at 11:39.

Rating: C+. This was the first match all night that felt like something worth watching. Bryan and Nakamura are a great pairing and can have a solid match against each other, which is what we got here. They had some time and while Bryan getting the tap out would have been a bit better, this was the best match of the night by a mile.

Video on the Fiend vs. John Cena.

Here’s Cena for the big closing segment. Cena thanks the fans for getting us here and now we are less than one day until Wrestlemania. The thing is, no one knows what is going to happen, including Bray Wyatt himself. See, no one, including Bray, will tell him what a Firefly Fun House match is. Fear can lead to panic and panic can lead to collapse. The Fiend feeds on fear and panic and here we are. Cena will not be afraid and the poor man’s Mr. Rogers isn’t scaring him.

Goldberg has shown how to beat the Fiend and now the Fiend has made this happen. Cena promises a beating but here are the Firefly Fun House characters, saying that after Fiend is done with Cena, he’ll play with them forever. They say forever over and over again until Ramblin Rabbit says he’s here. The lights go out and the Fiend appears in the crow’s nest. Bray himself pops up behind Cena to say let him in. The lights go out again and Cena is alone to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This didn’t add much to Wrestlemania but then again it’s not like this is the kind of show that really needs to. Not this year at least, as nothing else makes sense this time around. The announcement of Strowman replacing Reigns was laughably bad as there was no build or explanation, but other than that we had some perfectly fine building for the matches. I don’t really want to see anything more than I did coming in though and the wrestling was mostly weak, but it could have been a lot worse.


Tamina b. Lacey Evans and Naomi – Superkick to Naomi

Tucker b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Ziggler slammed Tucker into the steps

Daniel Bryan b. Shinsuke Nakamura via DQ when Cesaro interfered

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Elimination Chamber 2020: They Can Only Go So Far

IMG Credit: WWE

Elimination Chamber 2020
Date: March 8, 2020
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Jerry Lawler, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

It’s time for the show the company mostly forgot until the last second. Thanks to being sandwiched between Super ShowDown and Wrestlemania, this is a show that has received very little attention and the build has suffered as a result. Neither World Champion is involved here and the likely main event is a #1 contenders match to the Raw Women’s Title. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Viking Raiders vs. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins

It’s like a rejected Main Event match. Ryder and Ivar start things off and it’s an early power display from Ivar, who throws Ryder all over the place. Hawkins comes in and gets the same treatment but a cheap shot from the apron lets Hawkins grab a suplex for two. Hawkins’ neckbreaker gets the same and we hit the chinlock.

That doesn’t last long so Erik gets sent outside for a clothesline from the apron and we take a break. Back with Erik fighting out of a chinlock and hitting Hawkins in the face, allowing the hot tag to Ivar. Everything breaks down and the Rough Ryder hits Hawkins by mistake, setting up the Viking Experience to finish Ryder at 4:49.

Rating: D+. So they’re turning Hawkins and Ryder heel and then have them get beaten by the Raiders in a short match? Good, as that’s exactly how it should have gone, heel turn or no heel turn. You can’t have a team like Ryder and Hawkins beating the Raiders no matter what they do because it would be beyond reasonable, as Hawkins and Ryder have been nothing for so long. I could go for the two of them as heels, but at least let them do something else before getting this high.

The opening video talks about the Road to Wrestlemania but to get there, you have to go through the Chamber. Shayna Baszler promises to have some horrible things planned.

Daniel Bryan vs. Drew Gulak

Gulak is the hometown boy. Feeling out process to start and a shoulder puts Bryan down in the corner, leaving him a bit surprised. Gulak goes with a headscissors on the mat so Bryan headstands his way out and they tie their legs together. An exchange of kicks on the mat puts them both in the ropes and Bryan needs another breather on the floor. Back in and Bryan ties Gulak’s legs up and pulls on his face but Gulak slips out of the surfboard attempt.

Gulak reverses into one of his own as he continues to know a counter for everything Bryan throws at him. Bryan slips out and hits him in the face so they go into the corner for the chop off. Gulak gets in a dragon screw legwhip (remember that he told Heath Slater to work the knee a few weeks ago) and it’s back to the headscissors on the mat again. This time Bryan tries to spin out but gets dropped on his head (from about four inches) to put him down again.

Gulak grabs him by the neck and puts Bryan over his back for a spinning neckbreaker and another near fall. Back up and they suplex each other over the top for the big crash to the floor, leaving Bryan with his back banged up. They head back inside for a Saito suplex to drop Bryan, leaving him favoring his arm, possibly due to the neck. A seated full nelson stays on the neck until Bryan fights up for two off a dragon suplex.

Gulak suplexes him again for another two (with Bryan landing HARD on the back of his head) to send Bryan outside. He has to dive back in to beat the count and the running clothesline takes Gulak down. What looked to be a belly to back superplex is broken up so Gulak hits a reverse superplex into the Gulock. Bryan flips out though and pulls Gulak into the YES Lock for the knockout win at 14:19.

Rating: B+. I dug the heck out of this as it was a rather well done story, even tying into the stuff that Gulak had been saying for weeks. It was giving me a Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid vibe from about 25 years ago with Bryan not taking his opponent all that seriously at first before realizing he was in a real fight. The neck stuff made sense and it was as solid of a put together match with no stakes that I’ve seen in a very long time. Good stuff with the psychology and storytelling both shining brightly.

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode don’t need luck to win the Tag Team Titles tonight, with Ziggler dedicating the win to Mandy Rose. The ring of lights popped up on the screen behind them, with no one noticing it again.

US Title: Andrade vs. Humberto Carrillo

Andrade is defending and has Zelina Vega with him. A spinning back elbow to the face gets an early two on Carrillo but he’s back up with a dropkick. Carrillo clotheslines him to the floor and scores with a very high angle spinning crossbody for two back inside. Andrade gets in a shot to the face for a breather though and it’s time to start in on the arm. The armbar goes on as Cole lists off some great United States Champions. Lawler: “You want to list Humberto Carrero with those stars?”

They head outside with Carrillo being sent into the barricade, giving Lawler a chance to praise countout victories. Carrillo dives back in to beat the count at nine (twice in two matches) and the armbar goes on again. That’s broken up and Andrade is kicked outside for a breather, followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker back inside. They go to the top where Carrillo can’t hit a superplex, but he can hit a super hurricanrana for the delayed two.

Andrade is right back with the running knees in the corner for two so Zelina pulls back the ring mats. The hammerlock DDT is countered with a backdrop and Carrillo flip dives over the referee to take Andrade down. Back in and Andrade rolls through a high crossbody for two and it’s off to a pinfall reversal sequence. Carrillo grabs a victory roll but Andrade reverses into a rollup with tights to retain at 12:30.

Rating: C+. The spots are good and the action was there but the lack of caring about Carrillo could not be any more clear. The fans just are not interested in him and while they may react to his spots, they don’t seem to care about him in the slightest. I don’t see that changing, and the fact that he lost again here should seal his fate for the future. It won’t because of the cheating, but it should.

AJ Styles doesn’t think much of Aleister Black’s music and tattoos but it doesn’t matter because Black isn’t a challenge. The Good Brothers are going to be in his corner and no it’s not going to be a fair match. How could it be a fair match when Black is facing AJ Styles?

The Chamber is lowered.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. New Day vs. Lucha House Party vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery vs. John Morrison/The Miz

Miz and Morrison are defending and it’s Gran Metalik/Lince Dorado for the House Party. New Day (with white paint by numbers gear) is in at #1 and the Usos are in at #2. Some quick trash talk sets up the fight with Kofi dropkicking Jimmy, only to get punched down by Jey. Kofi slips off a springboard and falls onto Jey for two but goes up again anyway. This time Big E. has to break up a double superplex and it’s a standoff until Lucha House Party in at #3 (after about three and a half minutes instead of the announced five).

The Luchas pick up the pace, including the Golden Rewind and the missile dropkick into three straight moonsaults for two on Jimmy. Big E. throws Dorado and Metalik over the top for back to back crashes, followed by launching Kofi onto both of them. Back in and Kofi jumps over Big E. but misses a double elbow, leaving Big E. to go outside. Dorado tries a springboard onto the Chamber wall but slips, with his foot going through the chain.

Thankfully he doesn’t break his leg and is fine enough to climb on top of a pod. Kofi follows him for the slugout with Metalik joining him to knock Kofi down. The Luchas hit big flip dives and Miz and Morrison are in at #4 (as the time continues to be WAY off). Dorado gets double spinebustered down and Morrison’s standing shooting star press gets two, with Metalik making the save. Miz and Morrison tie Metalik in the Tree of Woe and kick away, followed by a double DDT for two on Jimmy.

Jey gets caught in a neckbreaker/springboard double stomp combination for two more, followed by a spinning Razor’s Edge slam for the same on Dorado. Metalik goes on top of a pod and snaps off a great looking hurricanrana to Morrison for another near fall. Kofi is back in with the Boom Drop to Miz but Trouble in Paradise misses. That means the spinebuster/Flying Chuck combination for two more but Big E. is back up for a powerbomb/top rope knee to the chest combination for two on Miz.

Heavy Machinery is in at #5 and starts wrecking things before stopping cold in a weird moment (someone might have missed a cue). Big E. gets crushed by Tucker and Otis and the Caterpillar gets two….as Dorado is hanging from the top of the Chamber. He pulls himself up for a shooting star onto everyone but Heavy Machinery for the spot of the night. The Compactor finishes Metalik at 17:14 and it’s Ziggler and Roode in at #6 to complete the field.

Miz and Morrison help them beat down Heavy Machinery and the fans start cheering for Otis again. Tucker fights back so Otis goes after Dolph, sending him up to the top of a pod. That means Tucker follows him up and throws him onto Otis, who drops him throat first onto the top rope. Tucker flip dives onto New Day and the Usos, leaving Roode and Ziggler to jump Otis.

The fans are glad to see them leave and it’s down to New Day, the Usos and Miz/Morrison. The champs get stared down by all four of them and the beatdown is on in a hurry. Miz and Morrison are sent over the top and it’s a superkick to Big E., followed by a pop up Samoan drop for two on Kofi. Big E. comes back to clean house so Kofi can go on top of the pod, only to miss a high crossbody. Miz and Morrison come back in to steal the pin at 29:04, leaving us with the Usos vs. the champs. Double superkicks give the Usos two but only one Superfly Splash connects, with the other hitting knees.

That means a double near fall as they thankfully didn’t manage to screw up the Elimination Chamber as well. Miz sends the Usos into each other and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for two on Jimmy. The Figure Four goes on and Morrison takes care of Jey, setting up Starship Pain at the same time. Jey breaks up the cover with a rollup for his own two but it’s a Miz rolling Jey up with feet on the ropes and Morrison grabbing the legs (totally legal) to retain at 32:53.

Rating: B. This was a weird match as the fans were into the big spots (which were awesome) and they REALLY cared about Otis vs. Dolph but the crowd just gave up after that part of the match was over. It’s a strange situation to have the titles mean almost nothing by comparison to the story but I get why they booked it the way they do. Now they have two stories in this division, though the fans don’t care whatsoever about one of them. It was a good match, but the build was so lame that it isn’t likely to leave much of an impact. Heavy Machinery vs. Roode/Ziggler at Wrestlemania should be awesome though, if it’s done right.

Natalya is disgusted by Randy Orton and promises that Beth Phoenix will survive this so she can see Edge destroy Orton. Oh and she’ll win the Chamber match tonight.

Aleister Black vs. AJ Styles

No DQ and the Good Brothers are at ringside. Feeling out process to start with AJ bailing to the ropes early on before striking away to slow Black down a bit. Black kicks him in the chest as the UNDERTAKER chant starts up. A Gallows distraction lets AJ get in a dragon screw legwhip though and he crushes it in the corner to make things even worse. It’s kendo stick time with a few shots keeping Black in trouble until he gets in a shot to the face for a breather.

A dropkick puts Black on the floor though as the fans want tables. AJ dives into a knee and Black makes the fans happy with a table. That takes too long though as AJ is back with some chair shots. The chair is wedged in the corner and the fans want Undertaker again. A kick to the head drops Black again and we hit the leglock. That’s broken up as well so Black can start striking away, only to get pulled into the Calf Crusher.

Since the ropes aren’t an option, Black crawls over to the stick and crushes it against AJ’s face for the break. The stick shots have AJ in trouble so he Peles his way out, leaving them both down. AJ gets in the Phenomenal Forearm to a kneeling Black and a brainbuster gets two more. Black starts striking away again and the middle rope moonsault connects for another near fall.

The bridging German suplex gets the same but AJ is back with a fireman’s carry backbreaker. Another moonsault from Black is countered into an attempted Tombstone but Black rolls through into a rollup for two. Black kicks him into the chair in the corner and it’s time to go outside again. This time AJ sends him over the announcers’ table but Black kicks him onto the table. The Meteora drives AJ through the table and they’re both down again, with Black holding his leg.

Black Mass is loaded up inside but Black has to kick the Good Brothers down. All three jump him though and there’s the Magic Killer to drop Black. The Phenomenal Forearm is loaded up….and there’s the gong so the fans can explode like they’ve been wanting to all match. AJ gets chokeslammed and the lights go out again so Undertaker can disappear. And Black Mass gives Black the pin at 23:14.

Rating: B-. I know I’m going to get some glares for liking this show so much but it’s another good match in a string of them tonight. Black gets his big win that he’s been needing and it’s another completely legal win. It was an even match and he almost had it won until the Good Brothers got involved so there isn’t even an asterisk on the thing. A handicap match (or a tag match if Kane is there too) could be a better way to go at Wrestlemania but what matters here is Black getting a big boost. Good match too, though it took its time to get going.

We look at the Street Profits winning the Tag Team Titles on Raw.

The Street Profits want the smoke.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Street Profits vs. Seth Rollins/Murphy

The Profits are defending and the AOP are in the challengers’ corner. Dawkins works on Murphy’s arm to start and it’s Ford coming in to do more of the same. The fans want the smoke but have to settle for more of the Profits working on the arm. Rollins comes in and gets in a shot to the face before handing it back to Murphy in a hurry. Dawkins comes back in with a dropkick and back to back double Japanese armdrags put the challengers on the floor.

Back in and Rollins takes over on Dawkins’ leg but Murphy gets kicked over the top. The hot (Already?) tag brings Ford back in for the house cleaning, even though he slips when trying to stick the landing on a backdrop. The big flip dive hits Murphy but the AOP grabs Ford. Cue the Viking Raiders to fight them to the back and we settle down to Murphy chinlocking Ford to take over. Another Meteora gets another two but Ford is back up and tags Dawkins in.

That means dropkicks a go-go as everything breaks down, including Ford splashing Rollins for two. Rollins Sling Blades Dawkins and a double superkick gets two. Murphy tries a Pedigree but gets catapulted into the corner, setting up a right hand to Rollins. Ford’s frog splash hits knees so Rollins can get two and it’s the buckle bomb/enziguri combination to drop Ford again. Dawkins makes the save and suplexes Rollins on the floor, leaving Murphy to get loaded up in a double superplex.

Rollins is back in though and turns it into a Tower of Doom to put everyone down. Cue Kevin Owens through the crowd with a bucket of popcorn but instead of having a ticket, he hops over the barricade and sits on the announcers’ table. That distracts Rollins but Owens points at Dawkins, who drives Rollins into the barricade. A double powerbomb puts Murphy against the barricade as well, setting up the Cash Out to finish Rollins and retain at 18:14.

Rating: C+. The match was ok but there was too much going on and it got a bit too messy. What matters is the Profits retaining though and the match with Owens seems all but a lock for Wrestlemania in one form or another. It’s the big feud on Raw outside of the World Title scene and the match makes sense, though I’m curious if they’ll do anything other than just a straight singles match.

Post match it’s a Stunner for Rollins, plus a popcorn shower.

We recap the Kickoff Show match.

We recap Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura. Strowman beat Nakamura to win the Intercontinental Title and is fighting all three of them to up the ante a bit.

Sami knows that the fans want to see Strowman wreck people but in all the months they have been dealing with Strowman, Sami has avoided him every time. Tonight, Sami is going to face him one on one and he wants Cesaro and Nakamura to stay on the apron because he needs to do this.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman is defending and Sami starts for the team but tags Nakamura in after about ten seconds of staring. Nakamura’s headlock is shoved away and his running clothesline has even less effect. A running splash in the corner crushes Nakamura but Sami distracts Strowman, allowing Nakamura to kick the knee out. The trio starts taking over on Strowman with Sami being willing to stay in and jab away at a downed champ.

Nakamura grabs a sleeper but Strowman fights up and tosses Cesaro from corner to corner. Sami runs away from Strowman, who runs over Cesaro and Nakamura as Sami hides underneath the ring. The other two catch Strowman and a missed charge sends him shoulder first into the post. Kinshasa into the post knocks Strowman cold and Sami adds the Helluva Kick for the pin and the title at 8:24.

Rating: D+. The big idea here is that Strowman can’t get his hands on Sami, which works fine when you’re a manager but not so much when it’s a former NXT Champion who has beaten big names. Odds are this sets up a squash to give Strowman the title back at Wrestlemania, which makes you wonder why they needed to give Strowman the title in the first place. Anyway, it could lead to a nice payoff and that’s what matters at the end.

We run down the Wrestlemania card.

We recap the women’s Elimination Chamber, which is not a total lock for Shayna Baszler. Nope not at all.

Shayna Baszler vs. Asuka vs. Liv Morgan vs. Ruby Riott vs. Sarah Logan vs. Natalya

The winner faces Becky Lynch at Wrestlemania and it’s Riott at #1 and Natalya in at #2. Ruby goes straight at her to start but gets taken outside for some kicks from the chatty Natalya. The Sharpshooter goes on outside with Natalya shouting TAP until it’s broken up. Some shots to the ribs put Natalya in trouble and she gets bounced off the cage to make it worse. More cage shots keep Natalya down and it’s Sarah Logan in at #3 as Natalya is double kneed into a pod.

Logan climbs onto a pod as Natalya manages to powerbomb Riott off the Chamber. That means a big dive off the pod, with Logan seeming to kick Natalya in the face on the way down. Back in and it’s a Tower of Doom to put everyone down until Shayna Baszler in at #4. A faceplant sets up the Kirifuda Clutch to eliminate Logan at 7:45. Baszler knees Riott in the face and Clutches her out at 8:13, leaving her alone with Natalya. That means several rams against the pod and the Clutch makes Natalya tap at 9:24, leaving Baszler alone for a bit.

Baszler poses a lot as Liv shouts that she’s going to Wrestlemania. It’s Morgan in at #5 and she manages a kick to the face, only to get swung into the Chamber wall. Another swing sends her into the pod and Baszler chokes her in front of Asuka, as the crowd (and commentary) goes silent for a bit. Another Clutch knocks Morgan out at 13:58, leaving Baszler to wait on Asuka. The pod finally opens and Asuka hits the hip attack, only to have Shayna kick and knee her down.

A quick Asuka Lock attempt is countered but so is the Kirifuda Clutch, with Asuka getting the Lock on the second try. They roll outside to break it up and Asuka gets rammed hard into the wall. Back in and the Clutch has Asuka in trouble but she rolls into a cover to force the break. Another spinning faceplant sets up another knee to the face and Asuka is in trouble. The Clutch sends Baszler to Wrestlemania at 21:00.

Rating: D+. So you know how WWE made it clear that Shayna was going to face Becky at Wrestlemania? Well we just saw Shayna run through four jobbers and Asuka to guarantee the match. It couldn’t have been booked much better, but it also couldn’t have been much less interesting. Baszler looked like a monster, but how impressive is it to have her squash Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan? It was logical and told the right story, but that doesn’t mean it was fun to watch for the most part.

Overall Rating: C+. It was better than it had any right to be but man alive did this show die near the end. There comes a point where hard work isn’t going to be enough to overcome such a weak card and that point came right at the end of Black vs. Styles. The first four matches are all quite good, but everything after that is ok at best. This wasn’t a good looking show coming in and some people managed to overcome it, but there was too much weak/predictable booking weighing it down.


Daniel Bryan b. Drew Gulak – YES Lock

Andrade b. Humberto Carrillo – Rollup with a handful of tights

Miz/John Morrison won an Elimination Chamber match last eliminating the Usos

Aleister Black b. AJ Styles – Black Mass

Street Profits b. Seth Rollins/Murphy – Cash Out to Rollins

Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura b. Braun Strowman – Helluva Kick

Shayna Baszler won an Elimination Chamber match last eliminating Asuka


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Elimination Chamber 2020 Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

We had to get through this one sooner or later. WWE can only do so many things at once and that has not been so clear in a long time. Just ten days ago, they were trying to build towards three shows at the same time and since one of them was in Saudi Arabia and the other one was Wrestlemania, Elimination Chamber was lost in the shuffle. Throw in the fact that the likely main event is designed to crown a pretty obvious #1 contender for the Raw Women’s Title and this show might not be the most appealing. Let’s get to it.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Elimination Chamber

Miz and John Morrison are defending and in this case, that’s not a great thing for them. They won the titles a mere nine days ago and have already lost twice, because in WWE’s mind, that makes them tougher or something. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler won a gauntlet match (because we can’t say Tag Team Turmoil anymore for whatever reason) to earn the right to enter last, as the best way to build up a six team elimination match is with a six team elimination match.

I’ll go with something I’d like to see more than what I think will happen and go with the Usos to win here, setting up one more big match against New Day for the titles at Wrestlemania. Now odds are Miz and Morrison retain or they put the titles on Roode and Ziggler (because reasons) but I have to have some hope for the future, and while New Day vs. Usos may have been done to death already, it’s better than any other option these titles have at Wrestlemania (assuming they’re even defended, which they don’t need to be).

Raw Tag Team Titles: Street Profits(c) vs. Seth Rollins/Buddy Murphy

Rematch from this week’s Raw where the Profits won the titles in a pretty surprising twist. It also makes me wonder where things are going from here, as if the Profits retain it makes the title change seem a little unnecessary (in storyline terms at least) but if Rollins and Murphy retain, it ties Rollins down a bit for Wrestlemania. In other words, it depends on where you think things are going next.

Therefore, I’ll take the Profits to retain, as it’s hard to imagine Rollins in a nothing Raw Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania. He has bigger things to do, like fight Kevin Owens in a big singles match, which is where I think they’re going. Murphy can be in his corner or something, but for not, the logical move is to keep the titles on the Profits and give the fans something to cheer about on Monday.

United States Title: Andrade(c) vs. Humberto Carrillo

This is a match that we’ve seen multiple times already and I’m not sure how much I want to see it again. The question is whether the story ends here or if we go on to Wrestlemania for a four way match for the title also involving Angel Garza and Rey Mysterio. Either way, you can tell that WWE wants to do something with Carrillo, and after his previous failed attempts to win the title, I don’t know how many more times he can come up short

I’ll take a shot here and say Carrillo wins the title, as I just can’t picture him losing another title match to Andrade. I do expect the four way at Wrestlemania as it could be a cool match, but these matches haven’t exactly done much to make me care about the buildup. Odds are the match will be entertaining, but sweet goodness Carrillo wouldn’t be able to find charisma if he fell into it. That isn’t going to get him very far, but I think he gets the title here.

Drew Gulak vs. Daniel Bryan

This match was set up last night on Smackdown and it’s one of the more interesting matches on the show actually. Bryan has been feuding with a few different people as of late, and that makes things a little different. I’m not sure if it’s going to mean anything, but it’s great to see someone helping out some of the talent who can’t get a breathe otherwise. Not many people would do that and it doesn’t surprise me that Bryan is one of them who will.

Of course Bryan wins here because as nice as he is, I can’t picture him losing to Gulak in a major match. Bryan giving his friends a hand is a big deal and it’s something that helps everything out here. I’m not sure where this is leading to (maybe Bryan stands up to Sheamus as the resident top small guy) but for now, he can make Gulak look great and hopefully give him a chance to do something else, albeit with Bryan winning.

Intercontinental Title: Braun Strowman(c) vs. Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura

Then there’s this and I’m not sure what to make of it. Strowman has already beaten Nakamura for the title and now he has to overcome even more odds. Part of the problem here is that Nakamura already held the title for about seven months and didn’t do anything with it, because that’s how midcard titles work these days. It’s not clear if only Nakamura can win the title, but if he’s the only option, it’s a lot less interesting in a hurry.

Either way, I’m going with Strowman retaining, if nothing else because he needs to keep the title for a little while to build him back up. There are only so many times you can have him lose and we have long surpassed that number for Strowman. Let him overcome the odds and crush Zayn like a bug, which is the right way to go in something like this. I’m not sure where this is going for everyone but Strowman retaining is the only way to go here.

Aleister Black vs. AJ Styles

If there is one match that can steal the show, this is it. It’s officially a rematch from Monday where Styles gave Black his first pinfall loss, albeit with so many asterisks involved that it doesn’t really mean much. This one comes down to whether or not Undertaker gets involved, as Styles vs. Undertaker is all but a lot for Wrestlemania. That’s going to mean something for the match here and I think I know what it is.

I’ll go with Styles to win here, likely with interference from the Good Brothers and capped off with Undertaker giving one of those “signs” of his. Black losing to interference is a lot different than taking a clean loss so hopefully we get somewhere else for him at Wrestlemania. I have no clue where that is but as long as it’ snot the battle royal, he should be fine. But yeah, Styles wins here.

Raw Women’s Elimination Chamber

I think I’ve made my thoughts on this one about as clear as possible, as has WWE. The Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler match has been teased since November and now we’re at the point where it can be set up for Wrestlemania itself. For some reason we need to do that inside the Elimination Chamber rather than just having Baszler beat Asuka in a battle of the best NXT Women’s Champions ever, but then again that doesn’t make for the best show name.

In the least surprising result in years for WWE, Baszler wins here, hopefully by eliminating everyone in the match. Baszler vs. Lynch has all but been announced and that has made this match feel completely unimportant as it has been built up. I’m not sure what we are going to be seeing otherwise, but seeing Natalya, Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan treated as serious contenders to the biggest women’s match of the year is going to be a lot to take.

Overall Thoughts

What else is there to say about this show? It’s one of the least interesting and least important shows that WWE has put on in what feels like forever and the build hasn’t changed any of that. The World Champions aren’t going to be in the house because their Wrestlemania matches are already set and we have a seven match card (with Bayley/Sasha Banks vs. Naomi/Lacey Evans possibly being added in some form) that doesn’t have much on the line. In short, this is a completely lame pay per view that might wind up being watchable due to the work, but that’s about all it has to offer.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – March 6, 2020: Please. They Need It.

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: March 6, 2020
Location: Keybank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for the Elimination Chamber and we have the two Chamber matches set up. One of them will be a tag team edition, so this week we get to see the six teams fight in another form of an elimination match. This time it’s a gauntlet match with the winners getting to enter the Chamber last. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of John Cena’s return last week, with the Fiend appearing to set up their Wrestlemania match.

Opening sequence.

Here are Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross in the ring to talk about the Hall of Fame. We hear about this year’s class and, after calling out the Kabuki Warriors for a Women’s Tag Team Title match, bring out the NWO (Sean Waltman, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall this time) for a chat. Nikki says that she’s been a big NWO fan for life and takes a picture with the three of them. Bliss what they should call Waltman, who says “Hall of Famer”.

We get around to Nash ending Goldberg’s winning streak and Nash talks about talking to Roman Reigns. Nash told Roman that he needs Scott Hall and a cattle prod to defeat Goldberg. Hall: “That was a shocking finish.” Cue Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura in an interruption I didn’t expect. Sami says 1997 was a great time but it’s time for the future. We get some praise for Hall and Nash as former Intercontinental Champions. Sami: “And Sean Waltman….you know exactly how much the Intercontinental Title weighs because you carried their bags for years.”

Waltman is ready to fight but Nash says Sami looks like Seth Rogen after two weeks of stomach flu. The fight is teased and the fans are WAY into this. Sami backs off though, saying their objective is to destroy Braun Strowman at Elimination Chamber. Cue Strowman so Cesaro goes after him, only to be thrown into the set. Nakamura gets dropped as well and it’s Sami being caught between Strowman and the NWO. Sami hides behind Alexa (oh yeah the women are here) and bails so Strowman throws a chair and promises violence on Sunday. It’ll even be too sweet.

The NWO looked like stars, the women were there because someone had to set this up and the modern guys looked like they were trying to be on the legends’ level. They were trying, but it wasn’t clicking in the way they were shooting for. Usually I don’t find that to be the case but it certainly felt like it here.

Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Naomi/Lacey Evans

Rematch from last week. Bayley and Sasha take Lacey into the corner to start and the stomping is on in a hurry. Naomi gets pulled off the apron and send into the barricade as we take a break just over a minute in. Back with Bayley working on Evans’ leg and the feed being interrupted for the circle of lights that has been popping up in recent weeks.

Evans gets over for the tag to Naomi as house is cleaned in a hurry. Back in and Naomi kicks Banks in the head, followed by a bulldog into the middle buckle. Bayley has to break up a sunset flip at two but the split legged moonsault is broken up. Banks gives Naomi two knees in the corner for the pin at 7:07.

Rating: D+. They almost have to be setting up Banks vs. Bayley for the title at Wrestlemania, as it’s not like there’s anything else going on. Either that or some big multi-woman match that they certainly seem to love doing. The match wasn’t anything to see, but maybe that’s because they did it last week.

New Day talks about trying to recreate Kofimania, but this isn’t Polk High and Kofi isn’t Al Bundy. They can go all night long like a moose in mating season, with Big E. hitting on Kayla Braxton before breaking into New Day Rocks.

Bayley and Banks are so awesome and can’t believe the Bellas are getting into the Hall of Fame before them. No one can touch them from the past, present and future and Bayley might even skip Wrestlemania and go straight to the Hall of Fame.

In one of those perfectly natural segments that you see on WWE TV, Shorty G. tells Apollo Crews that he has his back. Crews isn’t interested.

Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews

Crews gets sent to the apron to start but manages to snap Sheamus’ throat across the top. A high crossbody into the standing moonsault gives Crews two but Sheamus drives him into the corner. The Brogue Kick gives Sheamus the pin at 1:07.

Drake Maverick returns from whatever hole he fell into to ask Drew Gulak for a match against Daniel Bryan. Gulak says he knows all 163 of Bryan’s weaknesses but here’s Bryan to interrupt. If Gulak is so confident, how about he come fight Bryan on Sunday?

Dolph Ziggler is here with Mandy and Sonya. Mandy drives Carmella into the corner to start but Carmella reverses and shuffles away. Sonya comes in and runs Carmella over but Dana comes in to dropkick Sonya in the hand. A blind tag brings Mandy in though and a running knee finishes Dana at 2:55. Just a way to get Mandy, Sonya and Ziggler on TV.

We look at Cena vs. Fiend being set up again.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House with a wall full of John Cena pictures. Bray Wyatt calls it magnifico and thinks the fans must be asking why Cena. Ramblin Rabbit pops in to say it’s because Cena beat him six years ago at Wrestlemania, sending Bray into a depression and starting his downward spiral of negativity. Bray, sounding a bit nervous: “Yeah Yowie Wowie.” Bray says there would be no Firefly Fun House without Cena. He forgives Cena, but a being built on pain and fueled by vengeance is waiting at Wrestlemania. That being is not so forgiving and around and around we go. Let him in.

Video on Roman Reigns vs. Goldberg.

King Corbin interrupts a question because he doesn’t want to hear about Roman Reigns. Elias interrupts with some guitar, much to Corbin’s annoyance. Corbin calls Elias a gimmick and says shut up or answer to the king.

Heavy Machinery is getting ready for the gauntlet match but Otis walks over to Mandy, who was all of three feet away. Otis talks about getting a text from her on Valentine’s Day but Mandy says it’s too late because a woman doesn’t like being stood up.

This week in WWE History: Occupy Raw in 2014.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Non-title with six teams and the winners enter the Elimination Chamber last. New Day is in at #1 and Heavy Machinery is in at #2 with Tucker shouldering the rather popular Kofi down to start. They both try dropkicks but it’s a standoff, meaning Big E. and Otis come in. A battle of the shoulders goes to Otis and stereo delayed vertical suplexes put New Day on the floor. Otis clotheslines them both and we take a break. Back with Big E. getting over for a tag to Kofi so the pace can pick up. Kofi gets launched over the top onto Tucker, who suplexes him down HARD. A dropkick cuts off a charging Big E. and it’s the Compactor for the clean pin at 8:20.

The Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado/Gran Metalik) is in at #3 and start the high flying, including a springboard crossbody to Tucker. That doesn’t seem to matter though as he takes Dorado down in an armbar. Dorado gets Tucker into the corner but the hot tag brings Otis in a few seconds later. Otis starts shrugging off the chops and strikes with the power of jiggling. Everything breaks down and the House Party hits stereo springboard dives as we take a break.

Back with Tucker putting Dorado in a quickly escaped half crab. Otis bearhugs him instead but the Golden Rewind puts Otis down to one knee. Tucker and Metalik come back in with Metalik hitting a reverse Sling Blade. The rope walk dropkick puts Tucker down and the chinlock goes on. An enziguri into a good looking top rope splash gets two on Tucker, who is right back up with his own splash for two more. Otis splashes Dorado in the corner and hits the Caterpillar for the pin at 20:33.

The Usos are in at #4 and we’re joined in progress after another break with Jey armbarring Tucker. Jimmy kicks Otis off the apron but Tucker kicks Jimmy down as well. Jey superkicks Tucker for two….and gets rolled up to get rid of the Usos at 25:08. Miz and John Morrison are in at #5 and it’s a quick spinebuster/Flying Chuck combination for two on Tucker.

Post fall, Miz and Morrison destroy Otis and Tucker. We cut to Mandy watching Otis get beaten up when Dolph Ziggler comes up and says watch this. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler are in at #6 as we take another break. Back with Roode chinlocking Tucker as Otis is still down on the floor. Tucker suplexes his way out of trouble but has to trade some kicks to the ribs with Ziggler. A dropkick puts Tucker down for two and a Stinger Splash into the neckbreaker is good for the same.

Rating: C-. Let me make sure I’ve got this straight: we just spent 40+ minutes completely recreating the Kofi Kingston gauntlet match from last year but with Heavy Machinery pinning the already weak Tag Team Champions and then losing to Dolph Ziggler in the end? The Kofi story worked because A, it was Kofi Kingston and B, it felt different. This was almost a copy of the same story and while the fans were getting into Otis, it was hard to believe that he would win in the end. Why? Dolph Ziggler was in the match, and Dolph Ziggler must squash any fun that can be had.

Overall Rating: D. I keep thinking that they couldn’t take my interest away from Elimination Chamber even more but then they do something like this and we’re at a new low. What headlines that show? The #1 contenders match as we count down to Shayna vs. Becky? The match we’ve known was coming for about a month now? It feels like they’re not trying and that is as frustrating as you can get with WWE. Just get the show out of the way as soon as possible so they can actually make an effort on the way to Wrestlemania. Please. They need it.


Bayley/Sasha Banks b. Naomi/Lacey Evans – Double knees to Naomi

Sheamus b. Apollo Crews – Brogue Kick

Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler won a gauntlet match last eliminating Heavy Machinery

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – December 27, 2019: The Spark That Doesn’t Catch

Date: December 27, 2019
Location: Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the final show of the decade and that means….well probably not much really, as we are in the period just before the build to the Royal Rumble starts up. This time around though we are in for a big match with Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. King Corbin for the #1 contendership to the Universal Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Elias to sing about how bad things were in 2019, such as Bayley and Shane McMahon. But hey, at least this show doesn’t have the Lana/Bobby Lashley wedding.

Opening sequence.

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. King Corbin

Hold on though as Corbin needs to brag about his success before Miz can even come out. Miz and Bryan have a lot in common: they’re terrible fathers, they’re former World Champions and they’ve both main evented Wrestlemania. They aren’t doing it again next year though because Corbin is getting the shot and taking down the Fiend.

Miz thinks he’s an action hero but he’s not a real hero in the ring. Cue Roman Reigns as the throne falls over, meaning it’s Reigns taking over on Corbin with a bunch of uppercuts. The Superman Punch off the steps looks to set up the spear but Corbin bails over the barricade instead. No match of course.

Post break, Corbin demands that the triple threat match be postponed.

New Day/Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Sami Zayn/Cesaro

Cesaro headlocks Kofi to start so it’s off to Nakamura, who is elbowed in the face in a hurry. A clothesline puts him on the floor so Sami grabs Kofi’s foot to take over. Sami actually comes in legally for the first time (well the first time where he does anything) in months. Kofi gets sent outside and Cesaro hits a heck of a running uppercut to knock him over the announcers’ table.

We take a break with Cesaro feigning innocence and come back with Kofi’s hot tag attempt being cut off. Cesaro uppercuts the heck out of him for two and it’s Nakamura coming in for his own spanking abdominal stretch. Strowman grabs Nakamura’s hand but Cesaro makes the save. Kinshasa is countered with the jumping double stomp to the chest and they’re both down. Graves: “Kofi just waffle stomped him in the middle of the ring.” I hope he managed to do the Watusi and watch I Love Lucy too.

The hot tag brings in Strowman and it’s time to clean house, setting up the running shoulders around the ring. Strowman chases Sami but runs right into the jumping knee to the chest from Nakamura. Back in and Strowman blasts Nakamura with a clothesline, only to get caught with a great looking springboard uppercut from Cesaro. Nakamura tries to use the pancake platter but Kofi hits him with it instead, setting up the running powerslam for the pin on Nakamura at 13:32.

Rating: C. Perfectly watchable tag match here and it helps set up Strowman vs. Nakamura, likely for the title at the Rumble. I’m not sure if Strowman is going to win the title, but it’s a different match that we haven’t seen before. New Day still needs opponents, but they’re the perfect placeholder champions for a time like this.

Post match, Strowman dances with New Day. Corey, in the mod deadpan voice ever: “A ‘get these hips’ chant has broken out in the Little Caesars Arena.”

We recap the opening sequence.

Corbin has demanded that the triple threat match be postponed so it’s Miz vs. Bryan in a singles match.

Here’s the dog food segment again.

Sonya Deville is signing some autographs when Mandy Rose comes up to get her for a match. Sonya isn’t interested because Mandy wasn’t there for her last week and storms off. Otis comes in and offers Mandy a homemade fruit cake. He apologizes for the sweat last week but Mandy is cool with it. Otis wants to say something else but Mandy has to leave.

Carmella vs. Mandy Rose

They to to the mat to start but Mandy slips out and hits a running knee. We hit the cross arm choke on Carmella, who is right back up for the slugout. They trade some near falls, including Mandy getting two off a backslide. The O’Connor roll is blocked though and Carmella hits a superkick for the pin at 2:30.

Rating: D+. Carmella’s theme music saying “ain’t got time for this” sums up where about half of the Smackdown women’s division is at this point. These matches are like from back in the old days and while they aren’t that bad, they’re feeling like something that means nothing at all. It’s not a good sign that they could slip back into that reality all over again but it seems to be the case.

Sheamus is still coming back.

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

Feeling out process to start with Miz shouldering him down, setting up some staring. Bryan kicks him to the floor but gets backdropped to the apron. They hit stereo crossbodies for a double knockdown….and here are Corbin’s helpers for the double DQ at 3:30.

Post match Miz and Bryan clean house.

Post break Corbin says he’s in on the triple threat, so here are Bryan and Miz to jump him.

It’s time for a Moment of Bliss with Nikki Cross joining Alexa. This week’s guest is Lacey Evans, who did NOT like Sasha Banks insulting her daughter last week. We see a clip of the beatdown and Lacey talks about how that was crossing a line. It brought out Mama Bear and she isn’t happy with the idea of standing out here with her back to the entrance. She’s ready to fight right now so let’s have this match.

Lacey Evans/Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks/Bayley

Hold on though as Sasha and Bayley drag (kind of) Dana out here with Sasha calling Lacey a terrible mother and friend. The fight is on and we take a break before the opening bell. Back with Bayley jumping Lacey but getting taken into the corner for the tag off to Brooke. Dana hammers away but gets taken into the corner so Banks can start beating on her as well.

A little taunting brings Lacey in, allowing Dana to get double teamed in the corner. Bayley kicks her down again and Banks gets two off a Meteora. Brooke finally gets in a shot to the face though and the hot tag brings in Lacey to face Bayley. Some knees to the ribs have Bayley down and a picture perfect double jump moonsault gets two as Banks makes the save. The case lets Bayley hit the Bayley to Belly for two but Dana tags herself in. There’s the Woman’s Right to Bayley but the Bank Statement makes Dana tap at 6:35.

Rating: C. The heat on Dana was longer than it needed to be but this keeps Lacey vs. Bayley going and it’s not like Dana can sink any further. I do like the fact that she is now trusted to be in matches like this and she is far from embarrassing herself. Dana is never going to be a star, but she’s improving and that’s what matters most.

Dolph Ziggler hits on Mandy, who still has the fruit cake. He asks about her New Year’s plans and thinks the cake is for him. Some suggestions that everyone has gotten a piece of Otis’ cake makes Ziggler put it down though and he steps on it. Cue Corbin to get Ziggler out of there in a hurry though.

Mustafa Ali talks about how this year didn’t go as well as he was hoping for but 2020 will be better.

Otis is crushed, just like his cake.

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin

The winner gets Wyatt at the Rumble, though Cole calls Bryan the Fiend as we get things started. Miz and Bryan kick away at Corbin to start so he bails to the floor, leaving Miz to roll Bryan up at one. Bryan posts Miz on the floor and hits the big running knee off the apron, only to get sent over the barricade by Corbin (with Bryan seeming to hurt his knee). The chokebreaker drops Miz as well and it’s Corbin completely dominating early on. Back in and the Reality Check drops Corbin, setting up the running corner dropkicks. Corbin runs both of them over though and we take a break.

We come back with Miz and Bryan trading near falls until Miz sends him outside. Miz fires off the kicks to Corbin in the corner, including some to the leg to set up the Figure Four. Bryan comes in with the headbutt for the save and gets two, as Miz looks on in shock for a cool visual. The hold is turned over so Bryan grabs the LeBell Lock on Corbin in a combination you don’t often see.

With that broken up, the End of Days gets two on Miz as Corbin has to make a save. There’s the running knee to Corbin but Ziggler runs in for the superkick to give Corbin two as Reigns makes the save. Reigns knocks Corbin over the barricade and we take another break. We come back with Corbin and Reigns gone, leaving Miz to hit the running corner clothesline.

Bryan gets taken up top and it’s a super shinbreaker (that’s a new one) to work on the knee. A Codebreaker to the knee drops Bryan again and a DDT to the other leg has Bryan in more trouble. Bryan grabs a quick cross armbreaker but Miz bites his hand to break up the LeBell Lock. The running knee is countered into the Skull Crushing Finale for two so Miz goes right back to the Figure Four. That’s reversed as well and Bryan slaps on the LeBell Lock for the tap at 20:18.

Rating: C+. They went with some different stuff here and of course we can’t beat Corbin because the show needs his head or whatever they want to call it. At least they got to the right result and we can move on to the big Fiend vs. Bryan rematch. That being said, oh come on with starting with the triple threat, going to a singles match and then doing a triple threat which turned into a singles. You think they might be overdoing it a bit there?

Post match Bray pops up on screen to say Bryan is about to have all kinds of fun. See, HE isn’t done with Bryan so Bray wants to know if Bryan will let him in. Bryan: “YES!”

Overall Rating: C. There was a bit of a spark to this one and it helped out a good bit. Now what we had other than that wasn’t all that great, but at least they have set up a few things on the way to the Rumble. The problem is more that the characters being presented, outside of Wyatt and Bryan, just aren’t very interesting. The women’s division matches are terrible and I’m not exactly going to get into Mandy and Otis’ oddball potential romance. Corbin and Ziggler aren’t helping things, but there are other problems besides the two of them.


New Day/Braun Strowman b. Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura – Running powerslam to Nakamura

Carmella b. Mandy Rose – Superkick

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz went to a double DQ when King Corbin’s throne carriers interfered

Sasha Banks/Bayley b. Dana Brooke/Lacey Evans – Bank Statement to Brooke

Daniel Bryan b. The Miz and King Corbin – LeBell Lock to Miz

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – October 25, 2019: Oh This Was Bad.

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 25, 2019
Location: Spring Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s another show with a purpose as we have the go home show for Crown Jewel. Therefore Brock Lesnar and Cain Velasquez are here, because that’s the biggest match on the show no one other than WWE wants to watch. I’m not sure what to expect around here but hopefully it picks up a little bit. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We start fast with MizTV with Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and most of their teams, with no entrance for anyone. You have Hulk Hogan’s theme available and you don’t think that’s a good way to start the show? Miz introduces everyone (including Shorty G, who is now in neon basketball gear with a big G on the front), including members of the teams who aren’t here. Hogan talks about forming a team so Flair rants about how awesome his team is. That sends Flair into a speech about how he’s never lost to Flair and how great his own team is.

Sami laughs at Hogan bragging about Shorty G, who can’t wait to shut Sami up. Ali, who is about the same height as G, makes fun of Sami for not wrestling anymore but Corbin cuts them off to say Crown Jewel was named in his honor. Corbin promises that Reigns will let everyone down as he always does. Reigns: “Corbin, shut up man.” Reigns insults Corbin’s king gear and a six man tag is set up, with Hogan calling Nakamura a young boy. Sami isn’t available though, due to a neck issue so he has a replacement ready: Cesaro, who starts the fight with Reigns right now. Team Hogan clears the ring and we get some Real American.

New Day vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

No Woods here as he had surgery for his torn Achilles today so you won’t be seeing him in the ring for a very long time. Ziggler starts fast by knocking Kofi to the floor and we take a break about a minute in. Back with Big E. cleaning house and bringing Kofi in off the hot tag for a launch onto Ziggler. Everything breaks down and it’s a spinebuster to Big E. Kofi springboards in with a double ax handle to Roode but gets rolled up with tights for the pin at 5:12. New Day was announced as getting a Tag Team Title shot on next week’s show and they lose here to set up the Tag Team Turmoil. This is an example of WWE being REALLY STUPID!

Post match Revival comes out to brawl with New Day but Heavy Machinery makes the save. I’m still trying to get over how completely stupid that match result was. It’s a match designed to set up next week’s big gauntlet so there are literally NINE other teams you could put out there other than the #1 contenders. How exactly did the decision making process go?

Video on Tyson Fury vs. Braun Strowman.

Lacey Evans vs. Camron Connors

Actually hold on as Lacey says she isn’t lowering herself to beat someone like Connors. She’s going to walk out instead of embarrassing her so Lacey says ring the bell so she can be counted out. Lacey dives back in at nine and hits the Woman’s Right for the pin at 47 seconds. Well that happened.

A far too excited Nikki Cross doesn’t like the insults that Bayley has thrown at her lately. Tonight, Nikki has to face Mandy Rose, who is certainly gorgeous, but wrestling isn’t a beauty pageant.

So we’re forty minutes in and we’ve had the following:

  • Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, who have two of the most iconic entrances of all time, standing in the ring to start the show.

  • Shorty G. in neon basketball gear.

  • The #1 contenders losing in a five minute match when you could throw in multiple other teams (like one of the teams who made the post match save) to make the same point.

  • Lacey Evans teasing walking out before coming back in to win in less than a minute.

I’m starting to get the mindset of the people who can’t stand this show lately. It’s like a bunch of people put in individual stuff but no one talked to each other as the show was being put together.

We look at the Firefly Fun House being burned down.

Drew Gulak vs. Kalisto

Well of course that’s what this show needs. Before the match, Lucha House Party talks about wanting to bring lucha libre to Smackdown. They do know that REY MYSTERIO is already on the show right? The bell rings and Gulak grabs a mic to introduce himself. He has a PowerPoint presentation on how Tyson Fury can defeat Braun Strowman. The slides won’t change so Kalisto kicks him down, only to get caught with a spinebuster. The referee stops to check on him but says it’s ok. Gulak loads up the Cyclone Crash….and here’s Braun Strowman for a distraction. The Salida Del Sol finishes Gulak at 2:15.

Post match it’s a running powerslam to plant Gulak. He does it again at the audience’s request and promises the same to Fury.

Here’s Daniel Bryan for a chat with Michael Cole. Last week he pinned the Intercontinental Champion and the arena erupted in YES chants. Bryan didn’t want to get involved though, so is the YES Movement back? Before that can be answered, here are Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn to interrupt. Sami shows us a clip of Bryan declaring the YES Movement dead back in November. The fans don’t like the new Daniel Bryan though because Sami wants to talk about the REAL Daniel Bryan.

Sami knows that Bryan is a real and honorable man but the people don’t care. It’s interesting that Bryan has a lot more in common with Sami and Nakamura, who care about the same things he cares about. They are all artists in the ring though, and now Bryan is at a crossroads. He can either go back to the people with the nitwits who chant YES or he can move forward with the two of them. The handshake is offered but Bryan walks away instead. This was the only good thing on the show so far.

Nikki Cross vs. Mandy Rose

Sasha Banks and Bayley (all in black) are on commentary. Mandy knocks her down to start and cuts off a comeback attempt with a forearm to the face. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Rose gets two off a fall away slam. Sonya Deville gets in a hard right hand to Nikki but she’s right back with a high crossbody for two. Another Sonya distraction backfires and it’s the Purge to finish Mandy at 4:37.

Rating: D+. Another match that just happened as this show is spiraling down. Bayley as the emotionless champion could go somewhere but Nikki as a title contender isn’t so likely. They’re trying to make someone new though and I can certainly give them points for that, but this wasn’t the best place to try and have something positive, at least not after the first hour of this show being such a mess.

Clip of the Undertaker on the WWE float in Riyadh.

Here are Rey Mysterio and Cain Velasquez for a chat. Rey is proud of his son Dominick for trying to fight back and now Rey knows he’s really a Mysterio. As for Brock Lesnar, Rey knows Cain is going to give Lesnar another scar. Lesnar and Paul Heyman need to get out here right now so we can do this face to face.

They pop up on screen instead, saying that Lesnar has more important things to do than go face to face with Velasquez. Brock has been doing something but Heyman won’t say where he has been doing it. Rey still wants them out here right now so Heyman says Rey should guess to whom Brock has been doing something. We pan down to the unconscious Dominick and Lesnar laughs.

Post break, Rey and Cain are checking on Dominick in the trainer’s room. Lesnar comes in with a trashcan to clean house, including an F5 to send Mysterio into the wall and another F5 to drop Cain onto Dominick.

Post break Velasquez shouts about Brock in Spanish and seems to swear vengeance.

Cesaro/King Corbin/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Roman Reigns/Ali/Shorty G.

Hogan and Flair are here too. Team Flair jumps them at the bell and the fight is on outside, with Jimmy Hart having to hold Hogan back. Reigns and Corbin take turns hammering away at each other in the corner and Roman nails the Samoan drop for two. Nakamura comes in and gets hit in the face so it’s off to Gable (Cole said his old name so it’s good enough for me) to work on the arm.

Of course Gable can wrestle Nakamura down without much trouble as Cole brings up Gable’s Olympic career, with Graves pointing out that he looks like he belongs on the Tune Squad. Ignoring the fact that almost no fans under the age of twenty five are going to get that reference, that’s quite the mixed look at Gable. Ali comes in for a running hurricanrana to Cesaro, who muscles him over with a gutwrench suplex. Team Flair takes turns sending Ali to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Ali trying to fight back but having his tornado DDT blocked. Instead Cesaro picks him up by the throat, only to have Ali plant him with a DDT. Nakamura and Corbin break up the hot tag attempt though, only to have Ali enziguri Corbin. That’s enough for the tag to Gable, who suplexes Nakamura and neckbreakers Corbin. The moonsault gets two on Corbin (with Hogan in one of his elements as a cheerleader on the floor) and there’s a suplex to Cesaro.

Nakamura breaks up the ankle lock with a running knee so he and Corbin put Gable on top. That earns them a double missile dropkick and the hot tag brings in Reigns for the house cleaning. Cesaro takes Reigns down though and the Sharpshooter goes on until Ali breaks it up with a superkick. Everything breaks down and it’s the parade of secondary finishers. Reigns Superman punches Cesaro out of the air and hits the spear, setting up Ali’s 450 for the pin at 15:03.

Rating: B-. They took their time to get started here but once it was clicking, everything started to roll. The post break stuff was rather entertaining and Ali getting the pin was a nice touch. I’m not exactly thrilled in the ten man tag as it’s likely to go a long time and not be very interesting, but at least the six man version was pretty good.

Overall Rating: D. Oh I did not like this show. While it did pick WAY up starting with the Bryan segment, the rest of the show was a complete mess with the build to Crown Jewel taking over everything, even if it wrecked whatever else might be going on. In other words, if you’re not on Crown Jewel, your appearance here didn’t matter in the slightest. It’s another example of WWE trying to cram in so much stuff and the shows suffering as a result.

We’re less than a month away from Survivor Series and the show has not been mentioned once on WWE TV. By the time it is, which if we’re lucky will be next Friday (when the Smackdown roster is completely gassed from flying around the world in a day), when we’re about three weeks away. Then three weeks after that it’s TLC, with the Starrcade special in the middle. WWE has gotten a lot worse about this overdoing it lately and it’s really, really getting to be a problem. Just let things breathe for once so your fans aren’t so burned out. Why is that so much to ask?


Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode b. New Day – Rollup with tights to Kingston

Lacey Evans b. Camron Connors – Woman’s Right

Kalisto b. Drew Gulak – Salida Del Sol

Nikki Cross b. Mandy Rose – Purge

Ali/Shorty G./Roman Reigns b. Cesaro/King Corbin/Shinsuke Nakamura – 450 to Cesaro

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – August 19, 2019: It’s Nice For A Fresh Feeling

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 19, 2019
Location: XCEL Energy Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Renee Young

It’s royalty night with the first round of the King of the Ring tournament kicking off. That means we should be in for some good wrestling, but it could also mean that we’re in for some annoying booking. This would also apply to the likely announcement of NXT moving to USA to fight off the combined forces of Marko Stunt, Orange Cassidy and Sonny Kiss. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Roman Reigns to open things up. After we see a long recap of the whole Whodunit story, here’s Dolph Ziggler before anything can be said.

Roman Reigns vs. Dolph Ziggler

Hang on though as Ziggler insists that he is NOT a Twitter warrior like the fans and is worried about what is happening to Reigns. Ziggler goes into a rant about how he was beaten up at Summerslam and even lost to Maryse’s husband last week. Now it should be him, and there’s a superkick to Reigns before the bell.

Reigns takes his time getting up for the bell but manages to knock Ziggler outside. The clothesline off the steps misses though and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on the floor as we take a break. Back with Reigns backdropping him to the floor and hitting the apron kick. A big boot drops Ziggler again but Ziggler scores with the running DDT for two.

The Fameasser is countered into a powerbomb attempt with Ziggler slipping over the back and hitting the Zig Zag for two more. The superkick (with Cole calling it Sweet Chin Music) is blocked with a Superman Punch. Back up and the spear is countered into the Fameasser for two as it’s the friendly exchange of moves. Ziggler shouts about being better than Reigns and how Roman blew his chance. The Stinger Splash is cut off by the spear to end Ziggler at 10:55.

Rating: C+. Yeah fine. This was pure Ziggler and that’s why the interest wasn’t there. It’s the EXACT SAME THING that Ziggler always does to the completely nothing returns. I know he’s been around for a long time now but what does WWE see in Ziggler from a character standpoint? I don’t remember the last time he did anything different and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Video on Sasha Banks returning last week and attacking Natalya and Becky Lynch.

Becky talks about how everyone is coming for the title, including Banks, who just vanished for four months. It took Becky a few interviews to do what Banks never did: become the top dog in the division. Why did it take Becky to unleash the real Sasha? The real great ones don’t need to be provoked. This is a cat and mouse game and Becky is going to give Sasha something to go home and cry about.

Here’s Jerry Lawler in the ring for the King’s Court. Before he brings out Sasha Banks as his guest, he talks about the King of the Ring and how important it has been to some careers. We see the bracket, with Lawler picking Cedric Alexander and Ricochet on the Raw side….and there go the lights for Bray Wyatt. Lawler is smart enough to bail before the lights go out in full but the Fiend pops up behind Lawler on the stage. Cole: “TURN AROUND KING!” Yes so the Fiend can give him the Mandible Claw, which is exactly what happens.

Vic Joseph has replaced Lawler on commentary.

Ricochet/The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre/Baron Corbin

On the prospect of Baron being King, Renee says “for the love of God, someone please stop Baron Corbin.” Ricochet starts fast with a springboard crossbody to McIntyre as there is some weird red light in the ring. The fans are happy when it goes off as the villains are sent outside. Ricochet adds the big middle rope moonsault and we take a break. Back McIntyre throwing Miz with a suplex and cranking on the arm.

It’s off to Corbin, who is now in a black tank top, which looks at least somewhat less stupid. Corbin does the slide around the post for the clothesline to set up McIntyre’s spinebuster for two. Miz gets in a DDT and brings in Ricochet for the fast paced kicks. A rolling dropkick gets one on Corbin and the running shooting star gets two.

McIntyre is back in to throw people around but the Claymore is broken up. The Skull Crushing Finale hits McIntyre but Corbin chokeslams Miz. Another chokeslam to Ricochet is broken up so Corbin settles for two off the Deep Six instead. Miz pulls Ricochet out of the way of a charge in the corner though and the Recoil finishes Corbin at 10:20.

Rating: C-. Baron Corbin, who main evented pay per views earlier this year, has made his biggest impact by changing his shirt. What does that tell you about the level of interest this guy has? I have a bad feeling he’s going to go far in the tournament though and him winning it wouldn’t be out of the question. It would be out of the realm of something that makes fans happy, but that’s always the case with Corbin.

Booker T. joins us via Skype to talk about the Fiend being a monster. As for King of the Ring, he likes Drew McIntyre. There’s nothing significant to these interviews but they’re a nice little change of pace for two minutes a week.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman

AJ is defending and has the rest of the OC with him. This is fallout from Strowman running in last week to save Seth Rollins from a beatdown last week. AJ slaps him in the face to start and tries a chop block, which has no effect. A chase to the floor doesn’t work well and it’s Strowman backdropping AJ. The OC is knocked off the apron but Strowman charges into a boot in the corner. The Phenomenal Forearm is knocked out of the air but the OC comes in for the DQ at 1:50.

Post match the beatdown is on but Rollins runs in for the save. With the OC cleaned out, Rollins shakes Strowman’s hand, but Strowman takes his time letting go. Eventually he does and nods at Rollins, who doesn’t look sure about this.

Post break Rollins comes up to Strowman in the back and says Strowman should be the next challenger. Strowman sounds intrigued but tonight, Rollins thinks they should become Raw Tag Team Champions. Strowman growls in what seems like an agreement.

King of the Ring First Round: Samoa Joe vs. Cesaro

Joe says that he’ll win and let his actions do the talking. Cesaro says the tournament plays to his strengths so the King of Swing can be the King of the Ring. Cesaro’s running uppercut gets two about five seconds in so Joe elbows him right back. The springboard spinning uppercut gives Cesaro two more but Joe sends him outside and over the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Joe knocking him down again and cranking on the neck. The backsplash misses though and Cesaro kicks him in the face. A suplex gives Cesaro two more and the high crossbody is good for the same. Joe knocks him out of the corner though and drops the backsplash. That just earns him an uppercut into a Crossface but Joe slips out and pulls him into the Koquina Clutch for the win at 10:11.

Rating: C-. Good, hard hitting match with Joe getting a not very surprising win. Cesaro is mainly in WWE to put people over these days so there is only so much that can be done to make him a convincing challenger. Joe winning the tournament isn’t out of the question as he is always a threat, which is a very valuable thing to have.

Cole talks about some matches coming up later and mentions the Wild Card Rule for the first time in probably a month.

Over the weekend, Drake Maverick tried to attack Elias in a recording studio and got beaten up.

Here’s Elias for a song. Hang on though as his microphone keeps messing up. With that out of the way, Elias says hang onto your loved ones because this is his farewell performance. He has too much going on, from the 24/7 Title to being King of the Ring that he doesn’t have time to perform. The guitar is out of tune though so he needs a replacement as the mic keeps messing up. The assistant gets in the ring and even Renee know what’s going on here. It’s R-Truth and a referee but the rollup only gets two. Truth gets smart by hitting the ax kick for two more but the big guitar shot misses. Elias bails and escapes for now.

Rey Mysterio talks about having a beautiful family and a wonderful career. He’s had the chance to meet people all over the world and considers them his friends. Things haven’t been clicking for him recently though and Andrade ripped his mask off. When he’s in the ring, he knows what he needs to do but his body isn’t responding to it.

His biggest fear though is that his injuries have caught up with him and he didn’t expect it to come so soon. It’s time for him to hang up the mask (big gasp for that) and let the new generation step in. Rey goes to unmask but his son Dominick stops him. With Rey crying, Dominick says he wants to be Rey’s partner. Rey says he’ll stay for Dominick. Good promo here, with Rey showing as much emotion as I’ve ever heard from him.

New Day vs. Revival

Non-title. Revival is wearing snake skin boots, courtesy of Randy Orton. Big E. shoulders Dawson in the corner to start and it’s off to Woods for a change. Everything breaks down early on and the Revival is clotheslined outside as we take an early break. Back with Big E. cleaning house and loading up the dive to the floor, only to have Orton run in for the RKO for the DQ at 6:20. Not enough shown to rate but the action was entertaining while it lasted.

Post match Kofi Kingston runs in to fight off all three of them but walks into the RKO. Woods gets back in but runs into a three man 3D. They’re not done yet though as Revival goes old school and crushes Woods’ knee, with Orton making Kofi watch.

Sasha Banks joins us from the back for an interview with Cole. Banks talks about how crazy of a week it has been for her and she would like to explain from the beginning. Last week she looked in the mirror and realized that blue is her color and now it’s all over social media. She looks good and feels even better. Cole: “No one is talking about your new hair.” When asked about attacking Becky and Natalya last week, Banks says you’re welcome and walks off. If that microphone offended her, it might be three months before we see Banks again.

Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. Fire And Desire

Non-title. Sonya gets some early rollups for two each on Bliss to start and it’s off to Mandy, who cartwheels over Bliss and poses a bit. Mandy gets knocked outside with Bliss not looking happy with her. It’s back to Cross for a crossarm choke but Bliss comes back in very quickly, earning herself a knee to the face from Mandy. The hot (?) tag brings in Sonya for some strikes of her own and a spinebuster to Bliss. Cross is right back with the Purge for a very sudden pin at 4:20.

Rating: D+. That ending was out of nowhere and it seemed like they were told to go home in a hurry. Bliss and Cross are already doing more with the titles than either of the previous champions and while I wasn’t really looking forward to seeing the titles on TV more, this is a lot better than what we’ve seen before from them.

Rollins tries to talk strategy with Strowman, who keeps looking at the Universal Title. They argue over who should follow who’s lead.

King of the Ring First Round: Cedric Alexander vs. Sami Zayn

Cedric says he’s a man of action and it’s time to raise the Age of Alexander. Sami says he’s been losing for months now and it turns around tonight. Zayn is aggressive to start and kicks Alexander down for some early one counts. A backbreaker gives him some near falls and we hit the chinlock. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Zayn goes with a Michinoku Driver for another two. Alexander fights back up and hits the spinning elbow to the face, followed by the anklescissors. That means a suicide dive to the floor and the Neuralizer connects back inside. The Lumbar Check finishes Zayn clean at 3:38.

Rating: C-. I like the Alexander push though my goodness whose dog did Zayn kidnap and sell for Pop Tarts cereal? He’s not just losing a lot but he’s losing in fast matches. At least he did get some offense in here though and looked aggressive, but it seems that they might be leading somewhere with these losses. I hope so at least.

The Street Profits (minus the NXT Tag Team Titles) check their brackets. Ford is 2-0 but Dawkins’ is already busted. They preview the rest of the first round but Dawkins wonders why we can’t have a tag team King of the Ring tournament. Ford: “We’re already kings.” I mean, he is wearing a crown. They’re ready for the Tag Team Title match tonight when Seth Braulins can win the gold.

AJ Styles gives the OC a pep talk.

Natalya has just seen the WWE doctor again but needs to rant about Sasha for interrupting her last week. Cue Banks to jump Natalya again and send her into an anvil case. Banks: “Go to h*** Nattie. And tell your daddy I say hi.” That was a good line.

Tag Team Titles: Seth Rollins/Braun Strowman vs. OC

The OC is defending and has AJ with them. Strowman runs Gallows over to start and it’s off to the taped up Rollins to work on Gallows’ arm. Anderson comes in but a quick tag brings Gallows back in, meaning Rollins has to knee him to the floor. A running kick to the head puts Anderson outside as well but the numbers catch up with him.

That means Gallows gets to drop Rollins ribs first into the barricade a few times and we take an early break. Back with Anderson hitting a spinebuster on Rollins, but Anderson gets knocked off the top. That means the Blockbuster, but Rollins bangs up the ribs again. With the hot tag near, Gallows is smart enough to post Strowman and cut him off. Gallows comes back in as everything breaks down, with Rollins getting to clean house again.

A low bridge puts Gallows on the floor, leaving Anderson to take the Falcon Arrow for two. The numbers catch up with Rollins again as AJ crotches him on top but it’s Strowman back up to run over AJ and Gallows. Back in and Rollins rolls over for the hot tag to Strowman and it’s time to wreck things. Rollins cuts Styles off with the Stomp and Strowman hits the running powerslam on Anderson for the pin and the titles at 12:04.

Rating: B-. Good match here with a surprise ending and that’s not a bad thing. This seems to be the way to set up the Strowman vs. Rollins match next month so odds are we’ll be seeing the OC get the titles back pretty soon. It’s a booking trope that has been done for years and it’s going to work fine enough here.

Strowman and Rollins celebrate to end the show. There is NO announcement about NXT.

Overall Rating: C+. It was another acceptable show where it felt like things were happening. That’s what makes a show work so much better and the show never felt long. What mattered here was they’re setting things up for Clash of Champions and it feels like we’re seeing some fresh names getting a chance. For so long it was the same people over and over so that’s the best thing that could happen to the show. Good night here, and I’m curious to see where things are going for the first time in a long while.


Roman Reigns b. Dolph Ziggler – Spear

The Miz/Ricochet b. Drew McIntyre/Baron Corbin – Recoil to Corbin

Braun Strowman b. AJ Styles via DQ when the OC interfered

Samoa Joe b. Cesaro – Koquina Clutch

New Day b. Revival via DQ when Randy Orton interrupted

Nikki Cross/Alexa Bliss b. Fire and Desire – Purge to Deville

Cedric Alexander b. Sami Zayn – Lumbar Check

Seth Rollins/Braun Strowman b. OC – Running powerslam to Anderson

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – August 6, 2019: We Need Another Week

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: August 6, 2019
Location: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s the final show before Summerslam though it feels like we could have another month’s worth before the show. A lot of the feuds have felt like they’ve been rushed on the way there so hopefully they can take care of something tonight. The big story is Shane McMahon on the Kevin Owens Show because of course it’s Shane. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Charlotte to open things up. She talks about how great she is, making her the real greatest of all time. Charlotte is here every week because she wants to be great but Trish is just here for one more match. Someone truly great would not have ran away as the Women’s Revolution came. The athletes of today are far superior to those of Trish’s era and on Sunday, Charlotte can prove it.

For tonight though, here’s a video of Charlotte’s greatest moments. Hang on though as the video is about Trish, who comes out with a smile. Trish talks about how she wants to come back to prove it to herself and her family. We get a quote from Harley Race, who says there is no better place in the world than underneath those bright lights.

We look back at last night’s Ziggler/Miz/Shawn/Goldberg segment.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio

Ziggler does a full Goldberg entrance (minus pyro of course) and jumps Rey before the bell. A superkick leaves Rey laying and there’s no match.

Ziggler rants about how he just took out another legend (he’s not a good Randy Orton either) and promises to make Sunday Goldberg’s last match. Cue Ali and we have a replacement.

Ali vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ali nails a spinwheel kick and a suicide dive and we take a break before the bell. Back with Ali making a comeback and striking away, including a high kick to the head. The rolling X Factor gets two but Ziggler flips him over with a clothesline. Sweet Chin Music misses and Ali gets two off a rollup. The superkick finishes Ali at 1:46 shown. Having Ziggler be an Orton/Mysterio/Michaels hybrid isn’t going to make me care about him.

We look back at the attacks on Roman Reigns.

We look back at Brock Lesnar attacking Seth Rollins last night and Rollins promising to beat Lesnar.

We get a sitdown interview with Reigns, who isn’t sure how to handle someone he can’t see attacking him. WWE has been offering him personal security but he’s a man who isn’t doing that. The big question is who is behind this. Reigns doesn’t know, but he apologizes to Samoa Joe for accusing him. The attacker is still out there and he’s getting answers tonight.

Here’s the Harley Race tribute video. If there is a more universally revered name, I can’t think of it off the top of my head.

Ember Moon vs. Natalya

Moon kicks her in the face to start and hits the running Downward Spiral. Natalya bails to the apron to avoid the Eclipse but pulls Moon down into the Sharpshooter on the floor. That’s a double countout at 1:23.

Bayley runs out for the save.

It’s time for the Kevin Owens Show with Owens wasting no time in calling out Shane McMahon. Shane comes out and has Greg Hamilton do the intro, which Owens cancels in a hurry. Owens has been asked a lot of things over the last few weeks, as the fans are wondering why Shane’s career isn’t on the line as well. The answer is simple: he’s a McMahon and can do whatever he wants. Owens has an appeal to Shane though: put up his career against Owens and give the fans what they want.

That’s not happening as Shane has Owens where he wants him. Shane talks about how he could beat Owens in a variety of ways but Owens calls him out for a lack of testicular fortitude. They’re ready to fight right now but here’s Elias for a distraction. They head outside with another Elias distraction earning him a Stunner on the announcers’ table. That’s enough for Shane to get in some shots from behind and turn the announcers’ table on him. Shane dropkicks a chair into his face to leave Owens laying. Shane got to talk here and it was like a terrifying flashback.

Here’s Sami Zayn to talk about Aleister Black. Sami offered Black a gift by picking a fight to him but Black has locked himself in a dark room where he can be safe. Mr. PICK A FIGHT WITH ME doesn’t want to fight Sami at Summerslam because he’s terrified of what is coming. Cue Black, who talks from his rising platform, saying the match is happening now instead of at Summerslam.

Sami Zayn vs. Aleister Black

Black kicks him down to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Sami hammering away and getting some near falls off a clothesline. Black’s strikes are cut off with a backbreaker and a chinlock, which lasts all of a few seconds. Black is right back up with the running strikes to the head and a standing Lionsault drops Sami again. Black Mass finishes Sami at 5:49. Not enough shown to rate but this was a definitive win for Black.

Shelton Benjamin is asked about competing for the 24/7 Title. Shelton: “Well.” This has been the WWE writers amusing themselves.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House. As Huskus the Pig eats a bunch of chocolate, Bray pops in to say Finn Balor isn’t scared of anything. That sounds like ignorance in disguise because Finn invited the Fiend to his doorstep willingly. Bray gets serious and seems to be having trouble controlling himself. The Fiend is coming so let him in.

Elias makes fun of Chad Gable for being short and even quotes Randy Newman’s Short People song.

Kofi Kingston talks about getting here in spite of Randy Orton. He was starting to stand out in his feud with Orton but then Orton might have used his influence to hold him back. Now Kofi has succeeded no matter what and he has proven that he is worthy to be here. We see Kofi going back to Ghana to show how far he has come but he wants vindication by beating Orton at Summerslam.

New Day vs. Daniel Bryan/Rowan

Non-title. Bryan goes right after Woods to start but gets sent to the floor for the big flip dive. Back from an early break with Bryan working on Big E.’s arm but getting taken into the corner for the tag off to Woods. That means a wristlock but you don’t do that to Bryan, who easily drags Woods into the corner for the tag off to Rowan. Woods has to chop and punch away in the corner but Rowan hits a running crossbody to knock him down again.

It’s back to Bryan for a cravate on the mat but Woods hits an elbow to the face. That’s not enough for the tag so Woods hits a rolling elbow. Rowan still won’t let the tag go through though and knocks Big E. off the apron. Woods gets tossed over the timekeeper’s area and we take a break. Back with Woods knocking Rowan down so Big E. can come in with the suplexes.

Big E. busts out a Brock Lock but Bryan pulls him down into the LeBell Lock. That’s easily broken up with simple power so Bryan switches it into a triangle choke. That’s broken up with a powerbomb so Bryan brings in Rowan for the spinning kick to the face. Woods tags himself back in as Big E. runs Rowan over. The rope walk elbow connects so Bryan dives over for a save. Big E. spears Bryan through the ropes but Rowan hits Woods with the steps for the DQ at 17:17.

Rating: B-. The ending was the right call here as Bryan and Rowan need to save some face instead of losing another match. I was worried about seeing the champs losing again here but thankfully WWE thought it through instead of having them lose twice in a row. The match was a good back and forth fight too with a good build until the ending.

Post match New Day gets destroyed even worse.

Roman Reigns goes into the locker room and tells everyone to get out….except Buddy Murphy. Reigns saw Murphy there last week near the fork lift and wants to know if he did it. Murphy doesn’t know what Reigns is talking about so Reigns threatens violence. If Murphy knew who did it, he wouldn’t tell Reigns a thing. Reigns punches him in the face and throws him hard onto a table, still asking who did it. Murphy says Rowan did it and he didn’t see Bryan involved. We cut back to the ring where Bryan and Rowan don’t say anything to end the show. That was a little lacking, but points for going with something a bit different.

Overall Rating: C+. This wasn’t a show about wrestling as the whole thing was about setting up things for Sunday. That’s what they’ve been needing more of around here, though the ending wasn’t the strongest. It feels like the story needs one more week but since we don’t have time for that, it’s the rushed finish to set up Sunday. The rest of the show did what it needed to do and that’s better than having a bunch of matches that aren’t all that interesting.


Dolph Ziggler b. Ali – Superkick

Natalya vs. Ember Moon went to a double countout

Aleister Black b. Sami Zayn – Black Mass

New Day b. Daniel Bryan/Rowan via DQ when Rowan used the steps

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – June 24, 2019: Working Some Doubles

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 24, 2019
Location: Angel of the Winds Arena, Everett, Washington
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Corey Graves

It’s the night after Stomping Grounds and given how things are looking at the moment, I’m not sure how much that’s going to change the direction we’re going. Extreme Rules is in less than three weeks and there is a strong chance that we’re looking either at rematches or matches that are so similar you won’t notice much of a difference. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Seth Rollins to get things going. Rollins says last night, Baron Corbin thought he was going to take the title from him, but here’s Becky Lynch to interrupt. Seth: “Hey, you kind of interrupted me.” Rollins talks about how Corbin tried to stack the deck but he didn’t know that Rollins had the best backup on the planet. Becky: “I guess it pays to be the Man’s man.” Lynch recaps the evening between herself and Lacey Evans but Corbin’s music interrupts.

There’s no Corbin though as Evans runs in from behind to jump Becky. Now Corbin comes in and gets taken down with a Sling Blade. The Bexploder sends Lacey outside as well and the villains are left on the floor. Corbin tells Seth to go make the Man a sandwich and Lacey threatens to hit them both again. Lacey wants a mixed tag for Extreme Rules, which works for Becky, but with a condition: after Baron and Lacey lose, neither get to face Seth and Becky again. Actually hang on as Baron has an idea: both titles are on the line and it’s winners take all. Never let it be said that WWE can’t drag things out beyond their expiration date.

Daniel Bryan/Rowan/Revival vs. Usos/New Day

Elimination rules here with a fall getting rid of a team. Dawson tags himself in to take Bryan’s place so New Day takes him down for a splash/legdrop combination. Rowan comes in and cleans house, including a sitout Rock Bottom to Big E. The splash misses though and it’s Woods kicking Bryan in the chest. Bryan sends him outside for the suicide shove but it hits Dawson by mistake. Woods gets forearmed for his efforts and Bryan adds a missile dropkick. The YES Kicks connect but Dawson elbows Bryan by mistake, allowing Woods to roll Bryan up for the pin at 3:32.

The Shatter Machine gets rid of Woods at 4:03 and we take a break. Back with the Usos hitting stereo dives, followed by a bell so the match is “officially” restarted. Ignore that there seemed to be action during the break and the lack of a bell between the previous falls as they now have to find ways around the “no wrestling during a break” rule. To be fair though, it’s not an official rule.

Dawson grabs a powerslam on Jimmy, followed by a Steiner Bulldog (Renee: “Classic Revival!” Steiners, Revival, whatever.) for two. Dawson’s superplex hits Jimmy but Jey tags himself in and dives off of Wilder’s back with a Superfly Splash to Dawson to steal the pin at 11:36. Nice finish there.

Rating: D+. This was the usual elimination match with everything having to happen in a hurry because they don’t have a lot of time. At least one pair of champions lost via miscommunication and the other lost via a quick pin. I’m sure we’ll get some title matches at Extreme Rules and that’s fine.

We recap Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns last night to set up tonight’s handicap match.

Earlier today, Braun Strowman pulled a 17,000lb tractor trailer. Tonight, it’s a tug of war against Bobby Lashley.

Miz is walking to the ring and Abby the Witch from Firefly Fun House appears behind him, though she isn’t mentioned.

Here’s Miz for MizTV and we get straight to the guests: R-Truth/Carmella. Truth is nervous about getting inside but the 24/7 Title rules are suspended during the course of the interview. Miz recaps the history of the title, including the pinfall at Drake Maverick’s wedding over the weekend. Miz: “Truth, A MAN’S WEDDING??? REALLY???” Truth talks about how he can’t do anything in life without having to look over his shoulder. He can’t even have a picnic! WWE Superstars are showing up at his house dressed up as police officers and telling him that his car is on fire.

Cue Maverick to say that winning the title was the biggest moment of his career and his wedding was supposed to be the biggest day of his life. Truth ruined everything and now his wife won’t talk to him. They haven’t even consummated the marriage. Truth: “Fiber is good for that!” Maverick wants a rematch right now. For the title, not his wedding. Miz gets word that the title match can happen right now and all other competitors are banned from interfering. Truth grants Hornswoggle his match.

24/7 Title: R-Truth vs. Drake Maverick

Truth is defending and hits Little Jimmy to retain in 14 seconds.

Post match the mob comes out to give chase and Cedric Alexander hits the Neuralizer. No Way Jose makes the save though, allowing Truth and Carmella to run. Drake is asked where he goes from here but can’t say anything.

We recap the opening segment.

Evans and Corbin are ready to win at Extreme Rules. If they take out Lynch, they can take out Rollins.

Shane McMahon/Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns

Rating: D. Well that came out of nowhere. The match itself was inconsequential of course and there’s nothing wrong with that. As scared as I am of Shane pinning Undertaker at Extreme Rules, I’ll take it over a handicap match with Reigns having to sell for Shane again. At least Drew didn’t take another fall here so it could be worse.

And now, a tug of war between Bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman. Lashley gets the early advantage and has Strowman at the line, but then Strowman smiles. Strowman pulls him over without much effort but Lashley jumps at him and the beating is on. The rope goes around Strowman’s eyes and he falls to the floor with Lashley beating him down. At least it was short, though putting it on after Undertaker wasn’t the best idea.

AJ Styles tries to talk about Ricochet but No Way Jose’s conga line interrupts him. The Good Brothers have joined in but AJ tells them to take their match against the Viking Raiders more seriously. AJ wants to know what happened to the guys he met in Japan but Gallows says they’re at the top of their game.

Good Brothers vs. Viking Raiders

Anderson gets taken down to start with Erik slamming Ivar onto him. One heck of a clothesline takes Ivar down and it’s Gallows coming in for a chinlock. The Boot of Doom gets two on Erik and the Good Brothers are rather pleased. Ivar comes back in for the seated senton in the corner though and a dive takes out Gallows. The Viking Experience finishes Anderson at 3:20 as AJ is disgusted in the back.

Rating: D+. Again this was much more about angle advancement than the match and there’s nothing wrong with that. The Good Brothers joining forces with AJ again is about all they’re going to get at the moment, though I can’t imagine that’s going to be enough to keep them in WWE. Given how they’ve been used in the last year or so though, that’s hardly the worst thing for everyone involved.

Nikki Cross apologizes to Alexa Bliss about last night. Bliss says it’s ok because she’s going to try to get a rematch against Bayley.

Post match Naomi and Natalya come in to see Cross, who doesn’t know what Bliss is all about. Bliss comes in and accuses them of talking about her behind her back. That classic women’s dialogue sets up a match between Naomi and Bliss for tonight.

Heath Slater vs. Mojo Rawley

And then Slater walks into the Little Jimmy to give Truth the title back.

And then Cedric Alexander hits a Lumbar Check on Truth to win the title.

And then EC3 hits the 1%er on the floor to win the title.

And then Carmella comes out to distract EC3 so Truth can roll him up and win the title for the ninth time.

We look back at Ricochet winning the US Title last night.

Ricochet talks about working hard to win the title but tonight he’s facing someone he’s looked up to for his entire career in AJ Styles.

Here’s Kofi Kingston for a chat but Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens cut him off for a quick interview. Why is he here, who does he think he is and why won’t he leave? Sami wants to know why Kofi’s entire identity as WWE Champion is having New Day save him. The New Day that Sami and Kevin DESTROYED last night. Kofi talks about New Day being a brotherhood that nobody can break and brings up beating Owens at Money in the Bank. Sami gets invited to the ring to take another Trouble in Paradise right now.

Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn

Non-title and this was announced earlier in the show. Kofi takes him down for an early splash before grabbing a headlock. The top rope forearm to the head sets up the Boom Drop but Trouble in Paradise misses. Sami kicks him in the ribs to take over and Owens gets in a few shots of his own.

Back in and Kofi fights back with some right hands but charges into the exploder into the corner. The Michinoku Driver gets two but Kofi is right back with his jumping double stomp. Sami makes another comeback and tries the Blue Thunder Bomb, which is reversed into a rollup to give Kofi the pin at 8:12.

Rating: C-. Not much time to do anything here, but the other problem is Sami and Kevin being knocked down yet another peg. I’m not sure how many more times WWE thinks they can lose to Kofi but I’m sure we’re going to find out. It’s like that’s their only job on TV anymore and it’s not really helping anyone.

Post match Owens says he wants a shot and Kofi comes back to the ring.

Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title again. Sami’s early distraction lets Owens go up for the Swanton, which hits raised knees. A superkick gives Owens two and they head outside with Owens trying the apron powerbomb. Kofi reverses and hits an SOS (with a NASTY landing on the ramp) for the rather fast countout at 1:34.

Post match Kofi sends Sami to the floor and hits the big dive onto both of them. Kofi poses but Samoa Joe jumps Kofi from behind. A Rock Bottom plants Kofi on the stage and Joe glares down at Kofi. Joe leaves but runs back out to put Kofi in the Koquina Clutch. BUT WE HAD TO SIT THROUGH DOLPH ZIGGLER TWICE???

For Extreme Rules: Undertaker/Reigns vs. McMahon/McIntyre.

Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss

Cross is here with Bliss. Naomi starts with the splits and a little gyrating on the mat, only to be pulled down by the hair. Back up and Naomi gets her own takedown, setting up the splits splash. Naomi baseball slides Nikki by mistake, with the distraction being enough for Bliss to hit the DDT for the pin at 1:15.

Post match Bliss beats Naomi down and has Nikki help her but Natalya runs in for the save.

Natalya/Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross

Natalya drives Bliss into the corner to start and it’s off to Naomi for a full nelson. It’s already back to Natalya but a distraction lets Bliss take her down into a chinlock. That doesn’t last long as Natalya pops up with some suplexes to put Bliss down. The Sharpshooter doesn’t work and it’s off to Cross for the faster pace. A running bulldog gets two on Natalya and the fisherman’s neckbreaker connects, but Bliss steals the pin at 5:39.

Rating: D. Nothing match here as Bliss vs. Cross continues, albeit without being the most interesting prospect in the world. At some point Cross is going to have to snap into her old self if they want her to matter, because what they’re doing here isn’t working. However, I have a bad feeling that it’s what they want her to be.

Ricochet vs. AJ Styles

Non-title. Ricochet tries his flipping counter to a wristlock but AJ just drops down into a headlock for a smart counter. They get up to their feet but here are the Good Brothers to stand at ringside. Anderson offers a distraction but AJ goes to the floor and throws them out so they can’t ruin the match. That’s fine, as the match will be restarted after the break.

Back with Ricochet flipping into an anklescissors to stagger AJ and a dropkick gets two. Ricochet starts in on the arm and rolls AJ up for two more but Styles is right back with the Pele. Another dropkick sends Styles outside though and that means the big running flip dive to take him down again. Styles is fine enough to suplex him into the corner for two and it’s off tot he reverse chinlock.

Ricochet fights up so Styles hits a spinning backfist, which is answered with an enziguri. A springboard clothesline into a standing shooting star press gets two on AJ. The moonsault into the reverse DDT gets two on Ricochet, followed by the Phenomenal Blitz for the same. Ricochet knocks him down again and hits a moonsault for two but the 630 misses. AJ’s forearm sets up the Phenomenal Forearm for the pin at 10:54.

Rating: B-. You know, I blame myself for this one. I was dumb enough to believe that they might actually give Ricochet a solid push without throwing in these stumbling blocks like so many other wrestlers have to face. This isn’t the death knell and I’m not mourning the end of Ricochet’s push but he really had to lose a day after the title win? Hopefully he gets to beat AJ at Extreme Rules, but the clean pin is the only way to get there?

AJ helps Ricochet up to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Man there was a lot on this show. A lot of the wrestling wasn’t very good, but the energy was back and the show had some surprises in there to keep things going. That’s WAY better than what we had been getting and I think WWE knew they had to pick up the pace after the last few months. Extreme Rules is already looking better than I was expecting, but we have a long time to go for them to grind me down into nothing. Still not a good show here, but they’re getting a few steps away from those nightmare shows in May and early June.


Usos/New Day b. Daniel Bryan/Rowan/Revival – Superfly Splash to Dawson

R-Truth b. Drake Maverick – Little Jimmy

Shane McMahon/Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns went to a no contest when Undertaker interfered

Viking Raiders b. Good Brothers – Viking Experience to Anderson

Kofi Kingston b. Sami Zayn – Rollup

Kofi Kingston b. Kevin Owens via countout

Alexa Bliss b. Naomi – DDT

Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross b. Naomi/Natalya – Fisherman’s neckbreaker to Naomi

AJ Styles b. Ricochet – Phenomenal Forearm

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – June 20, 2019: The Unnecessary Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: June 20, 2019
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Renee Young, Byron Saxton

This should be an interesting one as Monday Night Raw was a lot better this week, meaning there is a new level of stuff for Main Event to screw up. You never know what they might be able to pull off around here, but the Smackdown highlights aren’t exactly looking promising. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Sarah Logan vs. Dana Brooke

Logan shoves her into the corner so Dana talks a bit. A small package gives Dana two and a cartwheel splash gets the same. Dana hits a running shoulder but gets sent into the ropes. That means a trip to the apron where Logan hits a running knee to drive Brooke’s face into the post. Brooke is busted BAD and the match is called off at 2:59. Just a freak accident and not something to be blamed on either of them.

From Raw.

Here’s Roman Reigns, who isn’t happy with having to see a video of his loss to Shane McMahon at Super ShowDown. He wants to beat someone up tonight so Shane can come out here and fight. Shane pops up on screen to say no because Reigns needs to worry about McIntyre on Sunday. Drew promises to beat Roman up on Sunday until it becomes very uncomfortable. Maybe he’ll pin Reigns then, but it won’t be over until Reigns is physically disfigured.

He wants Reigns’ children to scream at the sight of him and that’s enough for Reigns to come through the crowd and head after him. Reigns beats up the Revival and puts Drew through the table before chasing Shane into the arena. A diving clothesline over the barricade drops Shane and it’s the Superman Punch into the spear. Reigns tells him to tell Drew he’s getting beaten up on Sunday. Somehow, this is still all about Shane.

From Raw again.

Here’s Becky Lynch for a chat. She gets straight to the point and calls out Lacey Evans, who comes out without much trouble. Evans talks about how jealous Becky is of her and how many things she’s done that Becky can never dream of. She’s a former United States Marine who can run boot camp in the morning and a cotillion at night. Lynch just wants to fight while Evans talks about how the women’s division needs a real woman as champion. Becky is beatable, but Lacey spends too much time getting in the ring and gets caught in the Bexploder. Becky steals her hat. More of the same from these two, though that’s not terrible.

From Raw. Again.

Here are Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross for a Moment of Bliss. Hang on though as Bliss doesn’t have her coffee. Cue Bayley with the coffee, though she drinks it instead. Bliss starts talking about Bayley being horrible so Bayley wants to hear it from her face to face. Bliss gets up and the size difference is hilarious, even though Bayley isn’t that tall.

After Bliss calls Bayley out for being two faced, Bayley talks about Bliss always being the one who tries to start drama because she’s an entitled little princess. Bliss: “I’m not entitled. I’m just better than you.” Bayley says she has proven herself but Bliss says Bayley peaked in NXT. The fight is on but Nikki offers a distraction so Bliss can deck Bayley.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House. Bray is watering his plants, which he says is just like our minds. If you water them and give them care, they can grow. Some ideas are just full of worms though and that’s not good. Some kids have been told bad ideas, like the earth being round or dinosaurs being extinct. Bray knows what it feels like to not belong or to be different.

That’s why he built this place for us, so they can all be together. We see all the puppets looking at him as Bray gets more sinister and tells everyone to join him here. People worship what they fear and fear is power. Follow the leader. The video starts breaking up and we see various clips from the series’ history, including the Muscle Man Dance, all with the words LET HIM IN flashing on the screen and voices singing “Follow the Leader” as the Fiend appears. Let him in. So is this all in Bray’s mind or some way for him to deal with his psychosis?

Cedric Alexander vs. Robert Roode

Remember when Roode was supposed to be something? Roode goes for the arm to start so Cedric elbows him in the face. An anklescissors into a dropkick has Roode in trouble and a basement dropkick gets two. The armbar goes on and it’s time to mock Roode’s pose. A rather hard clothesline puts Alexander down and we take a break.

Back with Alexander fighting out of a chinlock and the Neuralizer gets two. The Lumbar Check is countered into a failed Glorious DDT attempt so Roode hits the spinebuster for two more. Cedric goes up top and gets broken up, setting up the Glorious DDT to give Roode the pin at 9:16.

Rating: C. Not a bad little match here, though it’s not like it matters all that much because neither of them are going to be able to get to the main show in any significant role. That’s so much of the problem with WWE these days and I don’t see it getting any better anytime soon. Hence the people not watching you see.

Stomping Grounds rundown.

We look at Seth Rollins attacking potential referees with his chair.

From Smackdown.

Seth Rollins/Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

2/3 falls with less than twelve minutes to go. Seth hits Trouble in Paradise to pin Sami for the first fall in nine seconds and we take a break about 45 seconds in. Back with the bell ringing to start the second fall and Seth hitting the Sling Blade on Owens. The champs start in on Owens’ arm but he gets a DDT on Rollins. We see Paul Heyman watching in the back and according to, he’s officially on Raw so that’s nine.

Sami grabs a chinlock but can’t hit a superplex. Instead Rollins headbutts him down but has to slug it out with Owens while still sitting on the buckle. The Blockbuster takes Owens down again and that’s enough for the tag off to Kofi. The pace quickens and the Boom Drop hits Sami.

There’s the spinning high crossbody for two more but Sami’s Blue Thunder Bomb gives him two of his own. Rollins comes back in to run Owens over but Sami breaks up the Stomp. Owens gets two off a rollup, followed by a superkick. The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered and the low superkick sets up an enziguri. Now the Stomp can finish Owens at 11:19.

Rating: D+. The match itself was fine if it’s a one fall match but for a 2/3 falls match, this felt like the cop out that it was. Oh and well done on having Kevin and Sami lose AGAIN, which sets them up for their next loss on Sunday to New Day. The booking continues to make my head hurt but that’s just what you have to expect.

Overall Rating: C-. This could have been a lot worse and that’s an improvement for this show. The biggest issue for Main Event is that the highlights are usually rather boring but they kept this one moving well enough to make it work. Until Raw and Smackdown get better, this show doesn’t need to exist and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at: