Monday Night Raw – July 15, 2024: The One Without The Good Wrestling

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 25, 2024
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

The big story coming out of last wee was the return of Rhea Ripley, who chased off Liv Morgan and glared at Dominik Mysterio. Ripley is opening the show this week and Dominik is going to have some splainin to do. That could make for some interesting situations, along with the possibility of more matches being added to the Summerslam card.  Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Long recap of the Dominik Mysterio/Rhea Ripley/Liv Morgan situation.

We open with the long tracking shot of Ripley walking from the back and into the arena to quite the hero’s welcome. She’s glad to be back and will deal with Dominik Mysterio later, but for now, she wants to take care of Liv Morgan. Cue Dominik, with a black rose, but before he can say anything that matters, Morgan pops up on screen. After apologizing for screaming a lot in Mexico over the weekend, Liv talks about how she’s gotten to know Dominik while Ripley has been gone and finally got to be on top.

Ripley is ticked but says she knew Morgan wasn’t going to come face her. She’s waited three months for this and her patience can handle a bit longer. Like say until Summerslam. For the title. Morgan knew it would come to this and accepts, but hopes Daddy Dom will be there too. She blows him a kiss to wrap it up. Ripley looks into the camera and says she’s ending the revenge tour at Summerslam, along with Morgan’s title reign and career. Dominik tries to sweet talk her but the rose is thrown away. As usual, Ripley felt like the biggest star in the world here.

Post break Dominik continues to try to calm Ripley down but she throws a bunch of flowers at him. Damian Priest comes in to ask if everything is ok with Dominik, who isn’t sure.

Sheamus vs. Bronson Reed

They start with the brawling and Reed knocks him up against the ropes. Sheamus fights back but gets knocked to the floor and over the announcers’ table. The ten forearms to the chest have Reed in trouble and Sheamus hugs McAfee. Back with Sheamus hitting White Noise but he charges into a powerbomb. Reed misses the moonsault though, setting up a running knee to give Sheamus the pin at 8:28.

Rating: C+. As usual, there is little that you can do with an eight minute match that has a commercial in the middle. The good thing here though was the match was about two big monsters beating on each other until one of them couldn’t get up anymore. Sheamus gets a win, but he’s going to need something fresh to do sooner than later.

Post match Reed goes after Sheamus again but Pete Dunne runs in for the save. Sheamus wonders what’s up with that and Dunne decks him, allowing Reed to hit the Tsunami.

Damian Priest welcomes Rhea Ripley back to the team and is glad that everything seems to be ok. Ripley wants to know why Carlito is here but Dominik Mysterio cuts them off. Dominik apologizes but Ripley wants to know where this was last week, or for the three months she’s been gone. Dominik being in so far over his head and not realizing it is great stuff, as is Priest needling him about it because he knows Dominik is dead.

Ilja Dragunov comes up to Sami Zayn in the back and says he doesn’t want a title shot in exchange for helping him last week. Zayn says he’s giving Dragunov the title shot because he earned it. Dragunov reminds Zayn of himself, but he better bring it tonight.

Video on Gunther.

Zelina Vega says that when the love triangle is over, she wants the Women’s Title shot. Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark interrupt, with Deville saying the line starts behind them. Vega: “Sorry, I couldn’t hear anything past your forehead.” A match seems to be made for later.

Zelina Vega vs. Sonya Deville

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler are here too. Vega starts fast and sends her into the ropes for an early 619. Baszler gets in a cheap shot on Vega’s arm though and a reverse DDT (Deville’s Advocate, erg) finishes Vega at 1:02.

Post match the beatdown is on but Katana Chance, Kayden Carter and Lyra Valkyria run in for the save. Don’t lump Valkyria in with those two.

Dominik Mysterio asks Damian Priest why he didn’t warn him about Rhea Ripley week. Jey Uso runs in to ask if Ripley is single but Dominik tells him to leave. Priest reminds Dominik that he’s been in prison and tells him to deal with this.

Chad Gable interrupts Adam Pearce about the Wyatt Sicks situation, announcing that BO DALLAS IS UNCLE HOWDY. Pearce says Dallas is here tonight so Gable can call him out if he wants to. Gable says he’ll do everything by himself, again.

Here is Damian Priest for a face to face chat with Gunther, who talks about how Priest is still carrying this show on his back. Priest is still carrying out his childhood dream of being the World Heavyweight Champion. Gunther’s official assessment is very simple though: Priest is not living up to the hype and his reign is nothing. He’s willing to save Priest the embarrassment so just hand him the title now.

Priest wishes it was Summerslam so he could hit him in the face right now. Priest was living on the streets when Gunther was having everything hand to him in Europe. If Gunther is here for a paycheck, WWE doesn’t need him. Gunther: “Yeah you do.” Gunther says he appreciates the hardship but living on the street is a choice.

It shows how Priest was raised, while Gunther had everything he ever needed. Gunther was signed to WWE to avoid street trash like Priest winning the title. Priest talks about how Gunther has no heart because he never had to fight for everything he had. Priest is ready to fight right now, but here is Braun Strowman to interrupt. More on that later, but this was the first time that I had wanted to see Gunther vs. Priest as they have a personal reason to fight. Priest continues his excellent mic work as of late and I want to see how they play this out in Cleveland.

Adam Pearce tells Jey Uso that something is on but Bron Breakker interrupts to ask why he isn’t getting an Intercontinental Title shot. Pearce has no idea why this has anything to do with him and basically tells him to get lost.

Damian Priest vs. Braun Strowman

Non-title. Strowman goes straight to the power to start and sends him flying. They go outside where Strowman’s charge goes into the barricade, banging up his knee, as we take a break. Back with Priest hammering away but Strowman is back up with a choke. Strowman shrugs off a kick to the face but the knee gives out on a powerslam attempt. South Of Heaven finishes Strowman at 8:12.

Rating: C. This was a nice win for Priest but Strowman did not look good here. He looked slow and hobbled, even before the knee situation. The match let Priest look good against a monster and should get a boost on the way to the Gunther math, but Strowman might need a bit of time away. He did not look like a dominant force here but rather someone who couldn’t do much.

Post match Gunther comes out and slaps Priest in the face but Priest slugs him down. Gunther bails.

Chad Gable comes up to the Alpha Academy and says Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas! They all know that, but Gable wants them to have his back against Dallas tonight. They’ll pass, because they would rather team up with Xavier Woods against Final Testament. Deal.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark

Lyra Valkyria and Sonya Deville are here too. Carter gets taken down by Baszler to start but can’t get in the arm stomp. Chance comes in and gets choked down by Stark as we get a preview for Twisters. Chance fights up and the villains are sent outside for the Keg Stand from the top and we take a break. Back with Chance fighting back and hitting moonsault knees to Baszler. Carter drops Chance onto Baszler for two more but Deville comes up onto the apron. Valkyria cuts her off but the distraction lets chance get launched into Baszler’s knee to the face for the pin at 9:52.

Rating: C+. The ending was good but this was a match that could have been a lot shorter without losing much. That’s a solid finisher from the villains, but Chance and Carter haven’t been all that interesting in a long time. They’re just kind of there, which isn’t a great sign when the entire division is about five teams.

The Miz was at a celebrity golf tournament this week.

Dominik Mysterio comes up to Rhea Ripley again and says he has gotten a match with Jey Uso over what he said about her. Ripley: “Are you stupid?” Dominik says that he’s just trying to prove that she belongs to him and everyone knows he just screwed up. Ripley says “Excuse me?” and walks off. Carlito: “Not cool.”

Here is a rather happy Drew McIntyre to meet with Adam Pearce. They both want the match with CM Punk to happen and while Punk is off working to get cleared, McIntyre needs to do his part. Pearce brings some referees into the ring and says McIntyre needs to apologize. McIntyre says no, but Pearce basically threatens him with no match. McIntyre: “No.”

Why would he apologize after everything the referees have done to him? He wants Punk’s head on a spike, so Pearce says McIntyre is still suspended. The referees get shoved down but here is Seth Rollins before McIntyre can go after Pearce. The fight is on, with McIntyre getting away before the Stomp can connect. Rollins does the wave and McAfee gets into it too. They’re taking their time setting up Punk vs. McIntyre, but this much time being devoted to it tells me that it’s coming a lot sooner than later.

The Wyatt Sicks invaded the Pat McAfee Show by hacking the feed and delivered another box, with another PLAY ME tape.

We see said tape, with Erick Rowan sitting down and being asked how he’s been. Rowan says the last few years have been very hard because he used to have a family. They were unstoppable and always had each others’ backs….but then the whole world changed. He lost a brother, the one person who believed in him more than anyone else.

Then he started to get it together and his other brother was gone too. Now he doesn’t have a Family and he’s just Rowan. The unseen interviewer asks how that makes him feel and hands him a Wyatt sheep mask. Rowan says it gives him hope because they have a chance. This was great, probably the best thing Rowan has ever done, and you can tell how much it meant to him.

Even commentary basically admits that was sad.

Jey Uso vs. Dominik Mysterio

Commentary is now full in on the YEET entrance. Dominik jumps him before the bell and hits a dropkick before shouting about how that is HIS Mami. The beating continues, including Three Amigos, followed by a posting to keep Jey down as we take a break. Back with Uso fighting back and knocking Dominik down, only for Liv Morgan to run out and pull him away from the Superfly Splash.

Uso kicks Dominik onto Morgan, who flips him over onto his back on the floor. Cue Rhea Ripley (Morgan, with her head snapping up: “S***.”) to chase Morgan into the crowd, with the distraction letting Uso hit the spear. The Superfly Splash finishes Dominik at 9:09, leaving Ripley to roll her eyes.

Rating: C+. The match was a glorified backdrop for the angle, which was that much better. This story is carrying Raw right now and Morgan is pulling off an amazing feat by making the biggest star in the division look even better. Jey gets a win to boost him up again, but this was about everyone else.

A frustrated Ripley leaves, with Jey giving her a quick “call me” sign.

Video on Ilja Dragunov.

Damian Priest tells Dominik Mysterio to take it easy, because Rhea Ripley is behind them. She makes it clear: she belongs to no one, but he is hers. The black rose is returned and Ripley seems ok.

Here is Chad Gable to reveal that Uncle Howdy is in fact Bo Dallas! Only he could figure this out, but here is Dallas to interrupt. The Creed Brothers jump Dallas in the aisle and all three beat him up inside, but Dallas laughs. One heck of a German suplex connects and Dallas laughs in the corner, which doesn’t sit well with Gable. The lights go out (the people approve) and the Wyatts are here to surround the lantern. Laughing ensues.

Intercontinental Title: Ilja Dragunov vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn is defending. They grapple a bit to start until Dragunov is sent outside for the Arabian Moonsault as we take a break. Back with the Constantine Special connecting to leave both of them down. Dragunov tries it again but gets reversed into the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Dragunov’s charge into the corner is countered into an exploder but the Helluva Kick is cut off by a boot to the face.

The H Bomb is cut off as well though and Dragunov knocks him to the floor for an H Bomb from the apron. Back in and a top rope missile dropkick (which Cole calls a Coast To Coast, ignoring the lack of a second coast) hits Zayn but a top rope backsplash misses. Zayn hits a running boot to send him outside…and cue Bron Breakker to spear Dragunov for the DQ at 11:28.

Rating: B. This picked up near the end but the Breakker interference was the right call. There is a good chance that we are getting a triple threat at Summerslam, which makes me wonder why Breakker got pinned at Money In The Bank. Either way, good action and the correct result, which is a great combination.

Breakker spears Zayn as well to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a show where the non-wrestling parts were outstanding and the in-ring work was just good enough. The Dominik/Liv/Rhea stuff is great, with Dominik having no idea what to do, Morgan not realizing that Ripley does in fact want to kill her, and Ripley being in full control the entire time.

Throw in Priest almost as the Statler and Waldorf of the whole thing and it’s even better. Priest’s time with Gunther worked very well too and I’m hyped for Summerslam. Oh and Rowan’s promo was incredible as well. This was a great show and if the wrestling had been better, it would have been the best they had done in a long time.

Sheamus b. Bronson Reed – Running knee
Sonya Deville b. Zelina Vega – Deville’s Advocate
Damian Priest b. Braun Strowman – South Of Heaven
Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark b. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark – Knee to Chance’s face
Jey Uso b. Dominik Mysterio – Superfly Splash
Ilja Dragunov b. Sami Zayn via DQ when Bron Breakker interfered



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Monday Night Raw – July 8, 2024: Run

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 8, 2024
Location: Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with King Of The Ring and all roads lead to Summerslam, where the still World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest will defend against Gunther. Other than that, Drew McIntyre is suspended for going a bit coconuts on Adam Pearce following more CM Punk screwiness. Let’s get to it.

Here is Money In The Bank if you need a recap.

We open with a long Money In The Bank recap.

Here is CM Punk to get things going. Punk talks about how happy he is to be here before congratulating John Cena on his retirement. While Cena isn’t here tonight, Punk would love to lace them up with him one more time. As for someone else who isn’t here, we have Drew McIntyre, and we see a clip of him snapping on Adam Pearce after Money In The Bank. Punk says unfortunately ratings slipped because McIntyre was just on TV (McAfee: “Geez.”) before going into how McIntyre’s actions have consequences.

Punk is the consequences to those actions, which is why he has been doing these things to McIntyre for months. He wants to get his hands on McIntyre and he has already been fined $25,000 for what he did at Money In The Bank. That is money well spent but now he is begging Pearce to lift McIntyre’s suspension. Instead here is Seth Rollins to interrupt, with Punk sitting in on commentary because he knows the entrance is going to take awhile. Rollins finds it interesting that NOW Punk wants to sit on the sidelines rather than get inside.

Punk gets in, but tells Rollins to watch what he says. What Rollins doesn’t understand is why the “consequences for your actions” applies to everyone but Punk. What happened on Sunday was business to Punk, because McIntyre is walking around with that bracelet. Punk thinks Rollins would get that as a husband and a father, but Punk does actually apologize.

Punk: “But because it’s you, I can’t be that sorry.” Rollins says nothing is ever Punk’s fault, but he’s the dumbest smart dude that Rollins has ever met. Rollins threatens to snap Punk’s arm the second he’s cleared and Punk will never even be able to say McIntyre’s name. This felt like it was setting up Punk’s next feud after McIntyre and that works well.

Adam Pearce asks Dominik Mysterio if the Judgment Day is cool with Dominik teaming with Liv Morgan tonight. Of course they are, so here is Morgan to say it’s time to talk strategy.

Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable

They’re both taped up after Money In The Bank. They fight over a hiptoss to start until Jey sends him outside, where a suicide dive is cut off with a belly to belly. We take a break and come back with Gable putting Jey down and (barely) hitting a top rope headbutt for two. Jey is right back up to send him outside for a suicide dive but Gable gets the ankle lock….and we have Wyatts. Well the entrance at least, with the distraction letting Jey hit the spear for the pin at 7:16.

Rating: C+. This might as well have had a big countdown until the Wyatts got involved, as you have the guy with the new Fireflies against their main target. It’s good to give Jey another win and Gable is protected by the surprise. I’m not sure what the Wyatts’ deal is with Gable, but it could make for an interesting reveal whenever we get there.

Post match Jey immediately bails as Gable is left in the ring, which starts to fill up with smoke. Nikki Cross pops up so Gable runs, leaving her to deliver another box to commentary.

Sheamus (“That was weird.”) is in the back and is rather proud of being here for fifteen years. Bronson Reed comes in to say he is the future while Sheamus is stuck in the past. The challenge is issued but Reed is busy this week, so Sheamus can watch him beat up Pete Dunne.

The Wyatt package is another PLAY ME tape.

Bronson Reed vs. Pete Dunne

Dunne grabs an armbar to start before hitting a quick enziguri. Reed is sent outside and dropped with a moonsault as we take a break. Back with Dunne hitting another enziguri but getting caught with a heck of a clothesline. A powerbomb gives Reed two but Dunne is up with his third enziguri to cut off the Tsunami. Not that it matters as Reed shoves him down and hits the Tsunami for the pin at 7:14.

Rating: C. That was a lot of enziguris and they came in a not so great match. Reed didn’t quite squash him but there wasn’t much drama to this one. I still don’t get how Dunne is this meaningless most of the time but that has been his problem for years now. I’m not seeing that changing anytime soon, though I can go with seeing Reed getting a win for a change.

Post match Sheamus comes in for the brawl with Reed, but Dunne walks away from Sheamus (who did the same to Dunne and the Brawling Brutes).

Seth Rollins interrupts the Judgment Day, with Damian Priest saying he has this. Rollins says it’s better to be lucky than good and on Sunday, Priest was better. If he wants to keep it though, he needs to be better than that. Priest is willing to throw out the “no more title shots” for Rollins, just after Priest is done with Gunther.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. Zayn is happy to be here and happier to be here as still the Intercontinental Champion. Bron Breakker brought it on Saturday but he underestimated Zayn, who is still champion. After all these years, Zayn has earned some respect…and here is Breakker to interrupt.

Breakker stares at him and Zayn isn’t sure what he wants. Breakker says he’s here to look into the eyes of the only man in the locker room who can say he beat him. There is no reason Breakker should get a rematch…and then he spears Zayn down. Security can’t break it up so Breakker hammers away and hits the big running around the ring spear. Ilja Dragunov comes out to check on Zayn as Breakker finally leaves. If Breakker is going to get the title, I’m not sure how necessary it was to have him lose on Saturday.

Post break Zayn is busted up and Dragunov wants Breakker tonight. Deal.

We recap John Cena’s retirement announcement.

Judgment Day/Carlito vs. Braun Strowman/Awesome Truth

The villains jump Awesome Truth before Strowman can get to the ring so here he is to clean house. Awesome Truth grab stereo AA’s and we get going fast. Another AA hits Carlito to give R-Truth two, with Balor’s saving elbow missing as we take an early break. Back with McDonagh grabbing a chinlock on Miz, who pops back up. That means Balor comes in for a chinlock of his own before a double clothesline leaves both of them down.

For some reason McDonagh comes in and hits Strowman, which proves stupid as Miz dives over for a tag a few seconds later. House is quickly cleaned, with a chokeslam giving Strowman two. Strowman runs Balor and Carlito over with a double shoulder before chasing McDonagh out of the arena. R-Truth celebrates, allowing Balor to dropkick him down. After knocking Miz off the apron, Balor drops the Coup de Grace for the win at 8:14.

Rating: B-. Not a bad match here and it’s a good idea to give Judgment Day a win. The team has been having their issues in recent weeks and at some point it helps to boost them back up. At the same time, it’s not like beating R-Truth is going to hurt him. Miz might not be so thrilled with it though and that could be a problem going forward.

Adam Pearce is talking to CM Punk but says he isn’t sure about lifting the suspension on Drew McIntyre. Punk is part of the problem, but next week, Pearce is willing to see if he can talk to McIntyre, but Punk needs to stay home. Punk says he’ll work on getting cleared and agrees to let Pearce handle it.

Dominik Mysterio still isn’t interested in learning double team moves with Liv Morgan, because all he wants to do is beat up his dad. She thinks he’s tense but he backs up from her offers to loosen him up. Dominik trips onto a couch so she grabs his leg and starts stretching it. Judgment Day and Carlito (“That’s……cool?”) come in mock whatever is going on and, with Morgan gone, tell him to deal with this. Damian Priest is even figuring out why Rey Mysterio treats Dominik the way he does. Wacky shenanigans all around here.

We get the new Wyatt Sicks tape, which is Bo Dallas talking about how his Family is the discarded and forgotten. Dallas gave them a purpose and, as we see some of the other members, he talks about how they were begging for mercy as the buzzards circled. Grief is the price you pay for love, but now they must set the captives free. We see some rapid fire shots of the team and a smiling Dallas, who says sick is what they will be. They’re doing a nice job of making the team make sense here, which is more than you would have gotten with most of the original Wyatt Family.

Chad Gable finds Adam Pearce, who says it’s clear that the Wyatts are talking about him. Pearce says he has doubled security, but maybe Gable should figure out why the Wyatts are after him. Gable says he’ll deal with this and needs a vacation. With Gable gone, Pearce goes into his office and finds Bo Dallas. Oh dear.

Damage CTRL is sick of the lack of respect and say something changes, starting tonight.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker

Breakker suplexes him fast to start but Dragunov gets in one of his own. The Constantine Special misses though and Breakker runs him over. Breakker’s gorilla press powerslam gets two and we take an early break. Back with Breakker hitting a spinebuster and grabbing a bow and arrow stretch. Dragunov fights up and gets in a shot of his own, setting up a powerbomb out of the corner.

A top rope backsplash gives Dragunov two but Breakker is right back with a gorilla press gutbuster (geez) for two of his own. Breakker clotheslines him out to the floor but the spear is cut off. Dragunov (whose leg is cut open) loads up a charge but Breakker THROWS AN ANNOUNCERS’ CHAIR at him for the DQ at 10:27.

Rating: B. That ending worked so well, if nothing else because a chair shouldn’t be allowed to fly so hard. It looked like something devastating and that is exactly what someone like Breakker should be doing. Dragunov is someone who feels like he will fight until the end no matter what, though a chair hitting you in the face is a good way to cut him down.

Sami Zayn and agents/referees run in for the save but Breakker posts him. Dragunov tries a save of his own and is laid out as well.

Damian Priest says he’s a controversial champion, just like everyone else. He’s looking forward to a match with Gunther at Summerslam, because it is a challenge to his greatness. If Gunther wants to hear this face to face, come see him next week.

We look back at the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio stretching session.

We look back at the Final Testament attacking New Day last week.

Karrion Kross says Kofi Kingston will not be playing the accordion this week. The legends of the old guard are holding back the new blood in this division, so the new will clear out the old, including John Cena. Yes Xavier Woods beat Karrion Kross while Kofi Kingston couldn’t, so maybe Woods can be the next big thing, because the New Day is dead.

Damage CTRL vs. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter/Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria even dances with her partners before the bell. It’s a brawl to start with Sane missing a top rope dive at Carter. Kai and Chance come in, with the latter wristdragging her into the corner. Valkyria comes in for a legsweep into a basement legsweep for two before the villains are sent outside for a triple knockdown.

We take a break and come back with Chance fighting out of a chinlock and diving over to Valkyria. House is quickly cleaned and a sitout powerbomb gives Valkyria two on Sane. Carter breaks up a double suplex and Damage CTRL gets triple suplexed down. The Keg Stand hits Kai but Sane springboards in with a dropkick to knock Chance into the cover for the save. Carter gets posted and Sane hits a big dive to the floor, albeit with a nasty crash landing. Back in and Over The Moonsault finishes Carter at 8:36.

Rating: B-. This started to get going at the end but it felt like they got a bit lost at times. Much like Judgment Day earlier, Damage CTRL needed a win here and it should get them ready for whatever they have next. Then again it’s pretty clear that Sky is having to do all of this herself and she’s not going to be happy about it.

Post match Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark/Sonya Deville run in to beat down Damage CTRL. Stark says Iyo Sky cost her everything and kicks her in the face. Deville lays her out as well and the other villains stand tall.

Zelina Vega thinks Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio are a hot mess. Rey Mysterio is ready to teach his familia a lesson.

Zoey Stark/Shayna Baszler/Sonya Deville aren’t happy with Damage CTRL and call that a warning shot. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre come in to mock them. Chad Gable and the Diamond Mine are seen talking in the back.

Video on Gunther and his path of dominance throughout WWE on the road to Summerslam.

Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio vs. Zelina Vega/Rey Mysterio

Vega and Morgan start things off with Vega hitting her in the face for two. Dominik comes in to hammer on Rey, who is back up with right hands in the corner. It’s already back to Vega for a headscissors on Dominik but Morgan throws her into the corner. Back up and Vega knocks Morgan into the corner, with Rey throwing Dominik into her in a suggestive way. Morgan takes a bullet from the apron for Dominik though and we take a break.

Back with Dominik working on Rey, including a Michinoku Driver to cut off a comeback bid. Rey manages to send Dominik outside though and it’s Vega coming back in to beat up Morgan. A middle rope Meteora looks to set up Code Red but Morgan slips out and grabs Three Amigos (complete with Eddie dance). Rey comes back in to send Dominik flying and the big kick to the head sets up a Lionsault for two. Back up and Dominik tries his own Three Amigos but has to block a 619. Vega hits it instead but Morgan offers a distraction, allowing Dominik to drop Rey. The frog splash gives Dominik the pin on Rey at 12:38.

Rating: B-. This was all about the ending, as Morgan has helped Dominik get what he has been trying to achieve for years. That should make things very interesting going forward, as Dominik is going to have a major choice to make. At the same time, part of that choice is going to be worrying about Rhea Ripley trying to kill him, which almost has to happen sooner than later.

Post match Morgan jumps into Dominik’s arms and he seems interested…..but RHEA RIPLEY is back. Morgan bails into the crowd and looks terrified (because a shoulder injury was supposed to kill Ripley I guess). That leaves Ripley to glare at Dominik, who tries a hug but….the show cuts off before we see what happened. That’s either great timing or horrible timing and I’m not sure which.

Overall Rating: B. This was the show that was all about getting things ready for later, when the bigger stuff can happen. Between matches being set for later, Ripley being back and Drew McIntyre being set to return next week and the tease of his showdown with Punk, we could be in for a very fun ride towards Cleveland. I’m interested in seeing where a lot of this goes, and that is what the show should be trying to do on the way to one of the biggest events of the year.

Jey Uso b. Chad Gable – Spear
Bronson Reed b. Pete Dunne – Tsunami
Judgment Day/Carlito b. Braun Strowman/Awesome Truth – Coup de Grace to R-Truth
Ilja Dragunov b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Breakker threw a chair
Damage CTRL b. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter/Lyra Valkyria – Over The Moonsault to Carter
Dominik Mysterio/Liv Morgan b. Zelina Vega/Rey Mysterio –



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Money In The Bank 2024: That’s What This Show Does

Money In The Bank 2024
Date: July 6, 2024
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re back up north and it’s one of the biggest shows of the year. As has been the case lately, we have a five match card, but those are five pretty big matches. In addition to the two namesake ladder matches, we also have the Raw World Title, the Intercontinental Title and a stacked six man tag. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is the spy vs. spy theme, with the idea of a heist to get the briefcases.

Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Andrade vs. LA Knight vs. Chad Gable vs. Carmelo Hayes

It’s a brawl to start as you might expect, with Uso and Knight clearing the ring. The first ladders are thrown in, with McIntyre using one of them to clean house. Gable goes up top to catch McIntyre and grabs a cross armbreaker, with Andrade springboarding in to drop Gable with a legdrop. Hayes is in to take everyone out and it’s McIntyre vs. Uso, meaning the CM PUNK chants are out in full.

A spear cuts McIntyre down but Gable is back in, only to get kicked in the face by Uso. Gable is back up with some German suplexes, including rolling Chaos Theory to Hayes. Knight grabs a neckbreaker to drive Gable into a ladder and then takes Hayes outside for the rams into the announcers’ table. Hayes fights up again and goes for a big ladder, only for Gable to cut him off with a smaller ladder.

Andrade makes a save but McIntyre is there to break everything up as well. Knight is there with a BFT to McIntyre, setting up Uso’s Superfly Splash. Uso and Knight slug it out on top of the ladder but Hayes is back in to shove the ladder over, sending them into the ropes. Hayes flip dives onto Gable and goes up for Nothing But Net to Uso. Hayes goes up but gets caught in a NASTY sunset bomb onto a bridged ladder (Hayes bounced off that thing).

Gable suplexes Knight over the top and onto a ladder bridged onto the announcers’ table. That lets Gable go up but Uso moves the ladder, leaving Gable hanging. Uso spears him down and goes up but the briefcases is swinging. McIntyre THROWS a ladder at Uso and hits the Claymore, allowing him to pull the briefcase down and win at 16:33.

Rating: B-. It was a ladder match without much drama about the winner, which didn’t make for the most thrilling showcase. McIntyre felt like the only viable option to win the thing and then they went exactly in that direction the whole time. What we got was good, but there are only so many things you can do to make one of these things work after it has been done so often over the years.

We recap Sami Zayn defending the Intercontinental Title against Bron Breakker. Zayn is the underdog champion and Breakker is the physical freak with unlimited potential.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Bron Breakker

Zayn is defending and gets thrown around to start. Breakker is so confident that he offers Zayn a slap, which Zayn accepts. That earns Zayn a drive into the corner but Zayn fights out with some right hands. Breakker is sent outside for the Arabian moonsault but Breakker is right back with a belly to belly.

Zayn gets back up with a rope walk tornado DDT for two and they need a breather. Breakker gets sent outside but Zayn’s moonsault is cut off. A posting slows Breakker down but the diving DDT is countered with a hard clothesline. Back in and the Blue Thunder Bomb gives Zayn two, only to have Breakker catch him on top.

The Frankensteiner connects for two and they go outside again, with Breakker missing a spear but avoiding the contact into the steps (that’s the kind of learning he did against Dolph Ziggler during his NXT run). Instead Zayn is sat onto the announcers’ table for the clothesline and a big crash. Back in and Zayn is fine enough to hit the exploder into the corner, only for Breakker to cut off the Helluva Kick. The gorilla press powerslam looks to set up the spear but Zayn kicks him away. The Helluva Kick retains the title at 13:13.

Rating: C+. That was rather underwhelming, with the match never coming close to a higher gear. Breakker never seemed to go all out to beat him here and it showed rather badly. They were going for the idea of Zayn being the smarter champion over the inexperienced Breakker, which only kind of worked and was far from great in any way.

Here is host Trish Stratus to talk about her history in this arena. She won titles, had her retirement, and was the mystery partner of this man… here is John Cena. The fans go nuts, even as Cena’s towel says THE LAST TIME IS NOW ad his shirt says “After This, You Can’t See Me.” Cena says the fans are here to cheer, but tonight, he is here to officially announce his retirement from WWE.

Cena talks about his time in Toronto and how much he loves the Canadian fans. Whether WWE is hot or cold, Canadians always show up. So why retire now? It’s because this is Money In The Bank, the ultimate symbol of opportunity. Next year, Raw debuts on Netflix and he’ll be there for the first time.

We’ll also see some lasts, including his last Royal Rumble, the last Elimination Chamber, and in Las Vegas, the last Wrestlemania he’s going to compete in. He’s going to open the press conference after the show and answer all questions about his retirement. For now though, Cena wants to say thank you to everyone involved. He’ll be back in Toronto, but if you want some, come get some, because the LAST TIME is now.

Well that’s kind of a huge one and while you knew it was coming, it’s almost hard to fathom that it’s happening. Wrestlemania is going to be the Cena show all over again (I’m sure CM Punk will be thrilled) and at the end of the day, it really should be. Like him or not, Cena is one of the biggest stars ever and that is worthy of this kind of a spot.

Damian Priest wants to face Seth Rollins on his own and Finn Balor isn’t pleased.

We recap Seth Rollins challenging Damian Priest for the Raw World Title. Priest won the title at Wrestlemania but wants to prove he can beat Rollins, who was happy to get a title shot.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest

Priest is defending. Rollins chops away to start but gets taken out with the Broken Arrow. A lifting Downward Spiral gives Priest two but Rollins knocks him outside for a breather. The suicide dive sends Priest into the announcers’ table and they head back inside. A basement superkick rocks Priest and Rollins hits a springboard Swanton into a Lionsault for two.

Priest fights up and tries the Razor’s Edge but Rollins slips out and hits a running knee. A buckle bomb hits Priest, who is right back with a sitout powerbomb for two. We pause for Priest to make sure Drew McIntyre isn’t coming out before they slug it out. Priest’s kick to the head looks to set up South Of Heaven but Rollins slips out and hits the Stomp (or something close to it) for two.

Back up and Priest hits the Razor’s Edge for two and frustration is setting in. With Priest going up, Rollins runs the corner into the superplex and the Falcon Arrow gets a weird two (as the referee just kind of stopped counting. Cue Drew McIntyre with the briefcase and he’s cashing in so this is now a triple threat! And the bell…..rings so it’s on!

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest vs. Drew McIntyre

Priest is defending and cuts off an early Claymore attempt. Instead a jumping kick to the chest (not quite the Claymore) hits Priest and CM Punk is here to go after McIntyre. Punk blasts McIntyre with the chair…but stops to look at the title. Punk picks up the title and clocks McIntyre before sitting down on the announcers’ table (Cole: “What are you doing Phil?”). The South Of Heaven chokeslam finishes McIntyre to retain Priest’s title at 15:50 (between both matches).

Rating: B. Ignoring how nice it is to have one of the briefcases already out of the way, there is something to be said to having Punk cost McIntyre AGAIN as it is one of the better stories WWE has presented in a good while. I want to see those two fight, and that will likely be happening sooner rather than later. At the same time, Rollins is no longer allowed to challenge Priest for the title, meaning Gunther vs. Priest is rather likely for Summerslam. That’s certainly a way to go, but Priest is being built up fairly well on the way in.

Post match Rollins yells at Punk, who doesn’t seem to care.

Naomi vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Zoey Stark vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Chelsea Green vs. Iyo Sky

It’s a brawl to start (shocking I know) so Green is left alone with a ladder…but she’s scared of heights. Instead she tries to poke at the briefcase with the ladder, allowing Sky to springboard in with a dropkick. Sky knocks Stratton into a ladder in the corner and hits the running Meteora for a bonus.

Valkyria and Stark come back in to clear the ring, with Stark suplexing Valkyria down. A Samoan drop onto a ladder has Valkyria in more trouble and a twisting moonsault…completely misses Valkyria in a terrible looking crash. Naomi is back in to jump Stark and hits the splits legdrop onto the ladder. The split legged moonsault onto Stark onto the ladder connects but Stratton is back in to clean house. Stratton goes up and hits a big flip dive onto a bunch of people, leaving Green to set up the big ladder.

Valkyria goes up but Sky ties her up in a Tree of Woe in the ladder. That just leaves Valkyria to sit up and hit a German suplex to send Sky crashing down HARD. Stark and Stratton go up top and fight on top of the ladder until Naomi makes a save. Naomi winds up doing the splits between two ladders before taking Stark down at the same time. It’s time for some tables with Green and Stratton taking their sweet time setting them up.

A bunch of people go up but Green and Stratton make the save with some ladders. Stratton gets sent face first into the ladder and Valkyria gets powerbombed onto one of the bridged ladders for a nasty crash. Green cuts Naomi off and hits something like an Unprettier onto the ladder. Sky and Stark are up top and Sky kind of TOMBSTONES HER ONTO A BRIDGED LADDER. Green uses the chance to go up and….doesn’t quite win as Stratton comes up as well. Green gets launched off the top and through the tables at ringside, allowing Stratton to win at 16:51.

Rating: B+. Now this was more like it, as you had everyone going nuts and leaving it all in the ring with one big spot after another. That piledriver onto the ladder and Green’s free fall both made me gasp and that is a great sign. This was one of the better ladder matches I’ve seen in a long time and they picked the right winner on top of that. Awesome stuff here.

We recap the main event, with Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens/Randy Orton teaming up against the new Bloodline. Solo Sikoa has turned the team into a group built on violence, even taking out Paul Heyman. Now it’s time to try to slow them down.

Trish Stratus is in the back when Tiffany Stratton interrupts her. Stratton wants her to offer some praise, but Stratus says it’s what matters when you cash in that briefcase. Stratton thinks it’s sad that Trishy Time is over.

Bloodline vs. Randy Orton/Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens

Sikoa starts with Rhodes but hands it off to Tama to really get going. Rhodes takes Tama into the corner so Owens can come in and hammer away, including a SUCK IT. It’s off to Orton for the right hands but Fatu gets the tag and you can tell the fans are into this. Orton hits the hanging DDT but Fatu pops up, scaring Orton as he loads up the RKO. A basement superkick takes Orton own and Sikoa is able to come in and glare menacingly.

The slow beating is on until Orton suplexes Tama down. Owens comes back in to hammer away a bit and there’s the Cannonball. A Swanton gets two, with Fatu making the save. Fatu hammers on Owens and it’s back to Sikoa for the running hip attack in the corner. Fatu’s hip attack connects as well and it’s back to Tama to hammer away.

The slow beating continues with all of the Bloodline getting in their shots, only to have Fatu miss a charge into the post. Cody comes in to clean house, including the Cody Cutter to Tama. Fatu gets backdropped into the timekeeper’s area, leaving Sikoa to hit a not great spear for two on Rhodes. The referee gets bumped, so the Cross Rhodes into a frog splash into the RKO to Sikoa doesn’t get a cover.

Fatu is back up to break up the TripleBomb but the referee gets crushed against the steps again. Owens superkicks Fatu and hits him with the big Prime bottle, setting up a frog splash to put Fatu through the announcers’ table. Owens loads up the package piledriver but Loa hits him low (twice, with the first one seeming to miss) Back in and Orton busts out a bunch of RKO’s but gets Samoan Spiked by Sikoa. Rhodes hits two Cross Rhodes on Sikoa but Fatu is back in with a twisting flip dive off the top. An implant DDT hits Rhodes and the Samoan Spike finishes for Sikoa at 24:40.

Rating: B. That ending probably sets up the main event of Summerslam and that’s all this needed to do. It was a good enough brawl at the same time, and while it might not have been an all time main event, it did its job. Fatu did rather well in his in-ring debut as well, as he felt like an unstoppable monster at times. Good stuff here, with the ending being what mattered.

Overall Rating: B. This wasn’t some blow away, all time great show, but for the main show of the month, it did well enough. Part of the problem with Money In The Bank is that it’s more about setting up things for later rather than doing anything on its own. That worked out more or less the same here, as the briefcases are for later (well, the one that made it through the night at least) and the main event set up a Summerslam match. Not a great show, but it did what you should have expected.

Drew McIntyre won the men’s Money In The Bank ladder match
Sami Zayn b. Bron Breakker – Helluva Kick
Damian Priest b. Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre – South Of Heaven to McIntyre
Tiffany Stratton won the Women’s Money In The Bank ladder match
Bloodline b. Randy Orton/Kevin Owens/Cody Rhodes – Samoan Spike to Rhodes



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Money In The Bank 2024 Preview

We have arrived at one of the biggest WWE events of the year as it is somehow already time to bring back the briefcases despite the previous cash-in being about three months ago. In addition to the ladder matches, we have the usual variety of matches taking place, but as has been the recent custom, there are only five total matches. Let’s get to it.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn(c) vs. Bron Breakker

This is a story that has been done before and thankfully it tends to be Zayn’s specialty: a monster opponent who leaves Zayn looking like he has no chance of survival. In this case though, Breakker seems like he could be in for his first big main roster title win, which could be the start of a major career. At the same time, it is only about three months removed from Zayn winning the title in the first place and that would be a quick turnaround.

I’m not sure how and it might not be a good idea, but I think Zayn retains here. We are so recently removed from the all time dominant title reign and putting the title on another beast like Breakker seems a bit soon. At the same time, they are going to need something to protect Breakker here, as there is zero reason for him to be taking a clean pin, even to a veteran like Zayn. They might change the title here, but I’ll say Zayn escapes for now.

Bloodline vs. Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens/Randy Orton

Here we have what might be the biggest story in WWE at the moment, as Solo Sikoa is claiming to be the new Tribal Chief as Roman Reigns is out. That leads to a number of interesting options, including what happens when Reigns returns. Sikoa is going to need something big to keep him occupied on the way there though and I think it starts with an important moment here.

It’s hard to believe that this ends with anything but Sikoa pinning Rhodes to set up the title match at Summerslam. That makes all the sense in the world and seems to be what they are telegraphing, which is absolutely not a bad way to go. The makeshift team will put up a heck of a fight, but this is Sikoa’s chance to get the biggest win of his career and set the stage for probably his biggest match ever. We’ll go with the easiest way to get there as the Bloodline wins as Sikoa pins Rhodes.

Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

As usual, this is a case of eliminating the options that are not going to happen and getting us down to the most realistic. We’ll get rid of Carmelo Hayes and Andrade as they just aren’t happening. That leaves us with LA Knight (not likely, with Logan Paul probably costing him the briefcase at some point), Gable (same thing, but with the Wyatt Sicks), Jey Uso (maybe but a long shot) and one more option.

I’ll go with the simple and easy pick here and say Drew McIntyre, as he is the best possible choice. After everything he has been through with CM Punk, it is time to give him a win and it would fit nicely as he was cashed in on just a few months ago. There is the option that Punk costs him again, but that might be once too many times, even after McIntyre attacked Punk last month. I’ll take McIntyre to win here, but it’s the definition of anything could happen, as always.

Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

This one is trickier as there is only one option (Zoey Stark) who won’t be winning. That leaves the rest of the field rather wide open and that could make for an interesting situation. In this case, I’m not sure I can see Iyo Sky winning as she was just in the title picture at Wrestlemania. Lyra Valkyria doesn’t feel likely either, which leaves us with a couple of realistic options.

While Naomi holding the briefcase and possibly cashing in on her friend Bayley is an option (and maybe a strong one), I’ll go with what makes the most sense here and say Tiffany Stratton. There is a chance that Chelsea green wins for the nice Canadian moment, but Stratton having the briefcase and holding it over everyone’s head feels so perfect that I’ll go with that as the pick, but it’s another case where I’m far from confident.

Raw World Title: Damian Priest(c) vs. Seth Rollins

This is a match where the bigger question is where we’re going from here. The title match itself is big enough, but it brings up the question of what happens next month at Summerslam. Gunther is already waiting on the winner and I can’t imagine that Priest is going to be the one defending against him. That leaves the question of a possible cash-in or Rollins taking the title here, and I think you know where it’s going.

Even though it would feel like a return to where we were coming into WrestleMania, I’ll take Rollins to win here and go on to Summerslam for the big showdown with Gunther. That match was teased earlier this year and it could be a heck of a fight if we go there, so I’ll go with what makes sense. Rollins winning might not be the most interesting option, but it sets up the best possible outcome.

Overall Thoughts

These five match specials are a good way to go for WWE as they leave you wanting more but still deliver enough. There are some big matches on the card and we should be in for another solid one. Money In The Bank has a built in advantage of being a ladder match with some stakes, though the rest of the card is going to have to more than pull its weight. I’m optimistic about this one though and that’s always a nice feeling to have.


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Monday Night Raw – July 1, 2024: Three Men Beat Each Other Up In A Good Way

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 1, 2024
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Corey Graves, Michael Cole

We are less than a week away from Money In The Bank and that means we have a few qualifying matches to go for the ladder matches. That could make for some big stuff, but we also have the Wyatt Sicks and their love of old school technology to deal with first. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jey Uso for a chat to get things going. Uso promises to win the Money In The Bank briefcase no Saturday but here is Chad Gable to interrupt. Gable gets straight to the point: YEET IS NOT A WORD! He is a walking miracle, after surviving both the Wyatts and his family leaving him before qualifying for the ladder match last week. Uso thinks Gable is scared of the Wyatts but Gable says Uso is the one who took the Fireflies.

The fight is on until Uso gets the better of it and goes up, only to have Gable roll away before the Superfly Splash. Gable: “You think I’m just going to lay there while you splash me?” Cue the Wyatts, with Gable running off but only finding more of their silhouettes. Nikki Cross shows up at commentary to give Cole something else.

Post break, it’s another VHS, saying “PLAY ME”.

Xavier Woods vs. Karrion Kross

Kofi Kingston and the Final Testament are here too. Woods chops away to start but gets thrown down with a t-bone suplex. Kross gets sent to the floor for a suicide dive, only to powerbomb Woods against the post as we take a break. Back with Woods making the comeback, including some right hands in the corner. A kick to the head rocks Kross but he forearms a diving Woods out of the air. Then Woods grabs a small package for the pin at 7:26. It’s as sudden as it sounds.

Rating: C+. Woods getting a big win of his own is always nice to see as he’s a talented star who doesn’t get to showcase his skills all that often. At the same time, it’s almost hard to fathom that Kross is losing again, as it’s yet another case of him getting some momentum and then having the rug pulled out from underneath him. It explains why he’s never gotten anywhere on the main roster, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon.

Post match the Final Testament wrecks New Day, including a nasty armbar on Kingston.

Damian Priest tells Dominik Mysterio to deal with this Liv Morgan stuff. He just talked to Rhea Ripley and she isn’t happy. It’s time to deal with Morgan….who is in the Clubhouse for some reason. Morgan quickly leaves because her match is next, leaving Finn Balor to yell at Priest for not trusting anyone. Priest is ready to beat Seth Rollins on Saturday.

Video on Sika.

Zelina Vega says she is after the title and not Dirty D.

Raw Women’s Title: Zelina Vega vs. Liv Morgan

Morgan is defending. Vega charges at her to start and snaps off a springboard armdrag. Morgan chokes away in the ropes but gets dropkicked to the floor as Dominik Mysterio comes out to watch. The distraction lets Vega hit a Meteora as Rey Mysterio is out here to even things out a bit as we take a break.

Back with Morgan hitting Three Amigos before pointing at Dominik and putting on Rhea Ripley’s Prism Trap. That’s broken up and Vega snaps off a quick moonsault for two. Morgan hurricanranas her way out of trouble and blows a kiss to Dominik, who might smile. Vega is back with a super Code Red but Morgan rolls outside. Hold on though as Rey goes after Dominik, earning himself a baseball slide from Morgan. Vega hits a 619 into a tornado DDT for two so Dominik throws in a chair. That doesn’t work either, as the distraction lets Morgan hit Oblivion for the pin to retain at 11:33.

Rating: B-. This was more about Morgan and Dominik than anything else but they did a good job with some nice near falls from Vega. The title match kind of came out of nowhere but it was nice to see Vega getting a chance. Nice match here as Morgan and Dominik are still the best thing on the show, with the big moment still to come.

Post match Morgan dedicates her win to Dominik.

Drew McIntyre promises to win tonight and go on to win Money In The Bank.

We look at the first few minutes of the Wrestlemania documentary.

Here is Seth Rollins to say he thinks he’ll be back in this ring next week as World Heavyweight Champion. Rollins talks about how this is a championship city and they know why he has to win on Saturday. If he can’t win at Money In The Bank, he has to take another look at himself, but he is at his best when the pressure is on.

Cue Finn Balor to interrupt to say he’s in a bad mood because everything is changing. Rollins thinks Balor is changing, like Priest being the World Heavyweight Champion. Cue Priest to interrupt, with Rollins thinking it’s a trap, but Priest accuses Balor of getting in his business. Rollins is ready to fight and superkicks them together, setting up the Stomp to Balor. Priest gets in the South Of Heaven to leave Rollins laying.

Ludwig Kaiser has broken ribs and swears vengeance on Sheamus.

Post break Damian Priest tells Finn Balor that he appreciates the help but he has this on Saturday. Balor seems to accept that.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Dakota Kai vs. Zoey Stark vs. Ivy Nile

Kai kicks Nile to the floor to start but gets baseball slidden by Stark. Back in and Starks stays on Nile in the corner as we take an early break. We come back with Stark hitting a double super bulldog to put the other two down, followed by a double German suplex for two. Kai is back up with a Scorpion Kick, allowing Nile to German suplex Sky for two. The Kairopractor gets two on Nile with Stark making the save. Cue Damage CTRL so Isla Dawn and Ivy Nile run in to jump them. The distraction lets Stark hit the Z360 to pin Kai at 9:45.

Rating: C+. As usual, you can only get so much out of a match that runs about ten minutes and has a long stretch spent in a commercial. Stark going forward is a good way to go and Kai taking the fall is going to make things even worse for her status in Damage CTRL. Nice enough match, but there was so much taken up by the commercial.

We get the Wyatts video from earlier, with another interview between Uncle Howdy and Bo Dallas. Howdy asks what Dallas was thinking and Dallas says they are the ones who were forgotten. They were clay in the hands of the potter and now they are a family. The false prophets must pay for their sins. They talk about being the reckoning and their voices start to merge together.

Then Howdy disappears, leaving Dallas to say he sets them free. Then Dallas disappears, with Howdy popping back in to say there you are. Of note, which I’m assuming was true last week too: they are sitting in the Firefly Funhouse. Good stuff here again, as the motivations are continuing to be revealed. That’s better than having them attack people every single week and makes their actual attacks more important.

Chad Gable tries to talk Otis into coming back into the fold but Otis isn’t convinced. The rest of the former Alpha Academy pops in to stand by Otis.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik starts fast and runs him over, only to get dropkicked to the floor. Rey grabs a hurricanrana from the apron and we take a break. Back with Rey in trouble and getting elbowed in the face for two. Rey sends him into the corner though and hits a top rope seated senton, followed by a kick to the head for two more.

Cue Liv Morgan for a distraction, allowing Dominik to grab a half crab of all things. Dominik hits Three Amigos but Rey knocks him onto Liv, who seems to like being underneath him. Cue Vega to go after Morgan, with Dominik hitting a 619. Dominik goes up but Vega sends Morgan into the apron, crotching Dominik in the process. The 619 into Dropping The Dive gives Rey the pin at 10:15.

Rating: B-. These two work well together but, again, this was much more about Morgan and Dominik than the match itself. That’s not a bad thing either, as the story could take a bit of a turn with Morgan costing Dominik a big match. For now though, we’re getting closer and closer to the big stuff, which can happen whenever Rhea Ripley can show up again.

Sheamus is ready to hit hard and get his chance to become a two time Mr. Money In The Bank.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. He knows people are thinking Bron Breakker is going to destroy him, so here is Breakker to interrupt. Breakker knows Zayn has guts after he accepted the challenge, but it also shows that Zayn is nuts. Breakker promises to win the title, but Zayn has heard that far too many times.

Zayn thinks Breakker might not be as smart as he says he is….and then Breakker spears him in half. Breaker goes to leave and tries the big run around the ring, only to spear the steps instead. Zayn suplexes him into the corner and loads up the Helluva Kick but Breakker spears him in half again. Good stuff here, with that last spear looking awesome.

Damage CTRL isn’t happy and here is Lyra Valkyria to make it worse. The fight is quickly on and broken up shortly thereafter.

We look at the Bloodline turning on and destroying Paul Heyman.

Money In The Bank rundown.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to qualify for Money In The Bank.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

Sheamus and McIntyre stare at each other with the later shoving Dragunov away. That doesn’t work for him as breaks things up with a headbutt, leaving Dragunov vs. Sheamus. The brawl is on with Sheamus hitting an Irish Curse before knocking Dragunov outside and into the barricade. McIntyre is back up to send Sheamus over the barricade but gets posted by Dragunov. Sheamus is back up with the ten forearms from over the barricade and we take a break.

Back with McIntyre sending Dragunov flying off an overhead belly to belly suplex but Sheamus hits a top rope clothesline. Dragunov drops Sheamus and hits an H Bomb each for two on McIntyre. We take another break and come back with Dragunov pulling the other two down out of the Tower Of Doom. The fans declare this awesome as Dragunov hits a Constantine Special on Sheamus.

Back up and the Torpedo Moscow cuts off the Claymore so Dragunov goes up. Coast To Coast is kneed out of the air to give Sheamus two and frustration is setting in. The Brogue Kick hits Dragunov but McIntyre pulls him outside. Back up and the Brogue Kick is countered into a rollup for two but Sheamus hits him with a jumping knee. Not that it matters as the Claymore hits Sheamus to send McIntyre to Money In The Bank at 17:43.

Rating: B+. What is there to say here? You had three physical guys beating the fire out of each other until McIntyre got the win. McIntyre is the right choice to go forward as he has the biggest story going of the three and needs to be in the ladder match. They had an awesome match on the way there too and it was more than worthy of the main event spot.

Post match McIntyre promises to win the briefcase and shows off the stolen CM Punk bracelet to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The main event is by far the best thing about this show but they also kept a few other stories moving with some good action as well. The Morgan/Dominik story is the best story going on and it should be setting up for a big moment at Summerslam. I’m interested in where things are going around here and that is a great sign as they are coming up on some of the biggest shows of the year.

Xavier Woods b. Karrion Kross – Small package
Liv Morgan b. Zelina Vega – Oblivion
Zoey Stark b. Dakota Kai and Ivy Nile – Z360 to Kai
Rey Mysterio b. Dominik Mysterio – Dropping The Dime
Drew McIntyre b. Sheamus and Ilja Dragunov – Brogue Kick to Sheamus



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Monday Night Raw – June 17, 2024: He’s Here (And So Are They)

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 17, 2024
Location: American Bank Center Arena, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We’re done with Clash At The Castle and have about three weeks before Money In The Bank. Therefore, it’s time to start qualifying matches, which should be pretty straightforward. Other than that, Drew McIntyre is even more ready to kill CM Punk so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Long recap of Clash At The Castle.

Here is Seth Rollins for a big surprise return to get things going. Rollins welcomes us back to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself back to the crowd, who seems to remember him. With that out of the way, he’ll cut to the chase: he wants the World Heavyweight Championship back and with Money In The Bank just a few weeks away….and cue Damian Priest to interrupt.

Priest offers a sincere welcome back (Rollins isn’t sure about that) but this isn’t Rollins’ show anymore. Rollins compares their careers, including starting in groups and cashing in to win their first World Title at Wrestlemania. The catch though is that Rollins grew a set and learned to stand on his own. Priest talks about how he wants to prove that he’s the better man so Rollins can have a title shot at Money In The Bank. The fans approve and yes Rollins is in. Rollins being back is a big boost and it’s not like he’s out of line as the next challenger. This works, and it’s a nice way to set up a title match without much time to spare.

Earlier today the Alpha Academy came in to see Adam Pearce, with Chad Gable wanting another title shot against Sami Zayn. That isn’t happening, but Gable is willing to earn it. Works for Pearce.

Chad Gable vs. Braun Strowman

The Alpha Academy is here with Gable, who tries a German suplex to start. That goes as well as expected, with Strowman shouting about how he doesn’t like bullies. Gable’s armbar over the ropes doesn’t work very well as he gets knocked to the floor as we take a break. Back with Gable running away from Strowman and throwing Akira Tozawa at him. That doesn’t work at all, as he gets caught in the powerslam to finish for Strowman at 6:32.

Rating: C. It’s a bit weird to see Gable getting wrecked like that but that’s the point of a monster like Strowman. He can go in there for a one off match and destroy someone because that’s what a monster does. I’m not sure what is next for Gable, but he is going to need some kind of a fresh story, which may or may not be a feud with Otis.

Post match Gable orders the Academy into the ring and starts yelling at Tozawa, but Maxxine gets in his way. Gable takes her crutch away (geez) so Otis helps her to the floor, leaving Gable to slap Tozawa. That’s too far for Otis, who shoves Gable into the corner. Otis helps everyone else leave. If they hadn’t split on Saturday, that’s more or less it.

We look back at the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio shenanigans from last week.

Judgment Day isn’t sure what is going on with Braun Strowman but Damian Priest wants to know what is up with Finn Balor stealing Morgan’s hotel room key last week. Balor says he took it to protect Dominik, so Priest asks about Money In The Bank. The plan is indeed for Balor to cash it in….on Cody Rhodes that is. In other news, Dominik can’t find his purple cow vest. I’m assuming we’ll see how Morgan looks in purple soon enough.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Zelina Vega vs. Kiana James vs. Iyo Sky

They all trade rollups to start until James is sent outside early on. Sky moonsaults onto her but gets Meteoraed by Vega and we take a break. Back with Vega and Sky slugging it out until Sky manages a butterfly backbreaker. James is back up but gets sent into the corner, leaving Sky to hit a springboard missile dropkick on Vega. The 619 hits Sky but James breaks up the Code Red. Cue Liv Morgan and yes, she’s wearing Dominik’s purple vest. The distraction distracts Vega so she can be knocked to the floor, leaving Sky to hit Over The Moonsault for the pin on James at 8:33.

Rating: B-. Sky winning is the right move here as she’s the bigger name, though I could have seen Vega winning for the sake of an underdog spot. James was there to take the pin and little more, as I’m assuming that’s the only reason she was called up from NXT. It’s not like she has made any impact so far and her future isn’t exactly looking bright thus far.

We look back at Bron Breakker wrecking Ilja Dragunov and destroying Ricochet last week.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. After a break, Zayn talks about how he is happy to still be the Intercontinental Champion. He beat Chad Gable again, after a big fight that started after Zayn beat him in a wrestling match. Zayn feels bad for the Alpha Academy but it is time to leave. The Academy will leave Gable when they are ready but for now, Zayn has to worry about defending the Intercontinental Title against anyone.

Cue Bron Breakker to interrupt, with Breakker saying Zayn knows why he is here. Breakker is coming for the title, which Zayn holds up, but cue Sheamus to interrupt. Sheamus has been chasing that title for years now, so maybe he should be in line for a title shot. Breakker isn’t having this and threatens Sheamus, who isn’t worried about being on a list. Zayn thinks they need to sort this out so he’s going to go get the match made. Either of those two would make a good challenge for Zayn, though I’m not sure they should be having Breakker lose to either of them.

Dragon Lee wants revenge on Carlito for costing him a Wrestlemania match.

We look at Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

The new champs are happy but Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark come in to issue the challenge. Sure.

Dragon Lee vs. Carlito

The LWO and Judgment Day are here too. Lee kicks him to the floor to start and tries a dive, which is pulled out of the air. Carlito gets in a ram into the barricade but Lee snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron as we take a break. Back with Lee hitting a running knee but walking into a neckbreaker for two. Carlito takes him to the corner but gets caught with the top rope double stomp. Lee’s sitout powerbomb gets two…and here is Liv Morgan for a distraction. Zelina Vega goes after her and the big brawl is on, with JD McDonagh getting in a cheap shot on Lee. Carlito hits the Backstabber for the pin at 8:02.

Rating: C+. There were some nice spots in there and Lee can look good with just about anyone, but this feud feels like it has been going on for the better part of ever without much progress. I do like the idea of giving Carlito some wins here and there though, as he needs to be elevated a bit before a bigger loss down the line. Good enough match, but not an interesting story.

We look at CM Punk getting a referee shirt so he could cost Drew McIntyre the World Title at Clash At The Castle.

Chad Gable yells at the Alpha Academy, who leave him on their own. Gable promises to win Money In The Bank.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. He says CM Punk a few times….and then quits. Adam Pearce pops up to say McIntyre can’t do this but McIntyre keeps walking as we take a break.

During the break, McIntyre told HHH that he quit too and then left. This has me interested, though seeing McIntyre use it as a way to sneak attack Punk in Chicago on Smackdown would make a lot of sense.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Damage CTRL

Carter and Chance take Kai down to start and an apron splash takes her down to the floor. Back in and Sane drops Carter for the Insane Elbow as Lyra Valkyria is here to support Carter and Chance. The distraction lets Carter get in a DDT and the After Party finishes for Chance at 2:29. Rather quick and to the point there, though it wasn’t exactly a smooth match.

Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest is set for MITB.

Iyo Sky tells the rest of Damage CTRL to fix things or she’ll fix it herself.

Sheamus vs. Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn is at ringside. Breakker powers him into the corner to start before they crash to the floor, with Breakker getting the better of things. Back in and Sheamus hits the Irish Curse into the Regal Roll before throwing Breakker outside. There’s the clothesline from the apron but Breakker sends him over the announcers’ table. A hard clothesline off the apron rocks Sheamus and we take a break.

Back with Breakker hitting a fireman’s carry gutbuster for two but Sheamus tells him to bring it. Sheamus’ swinging Rock Bottom gets two and he goes up, with Breakker getting a running start and….slipping on the ropes (looked like a running Frankensteiner). A quick White Noise gives Sheamus two and he cuts off the spear with a knee for the same. There are the ten forearms to the chest and the Brogue Kick is loaded up, only to have Ludwig Kaiser jump Sheamus for the DQ at 12:12.

Rating: B. This was what you would have expected and I like the ending, as it gives them a way out without Breakker taking a pin or setting him up for a loss against Zayn. Sheamus getting one more shot at the title works if that is the way they want to go as the match will be good, though Breakker as the unstoppable force running around is a good fit for him as well.

Post match Sheamus fights back on Kaiser but gets speared by Breakker. Kaiser is back up to go after Sheamus but Breakker runs around the ring (with an AWESOME overhead camera shot to show exactly what is going to happen) to spear Kaiser down. I wonder if a certain Austrian monster will be mad about that.

Dominik Mysterio finds Liv Morgan and wants his vest back. That’s cool with her, as long as she takes it off of her himself. She starts the unzipping and he helps, only for Damian Priest to come in and tell Dominik to get out. Priest says Dominik wants nothing to do with her but that’s not how Morgan sees it. These mind games are interesting and again, the reaction for Rhea Ripley returning to crush Morgan will be great.

Karrion Kross wanted to hurt Xavier Woods but instead he offers a challenge to either member of the New Day for next week, no seconds allowed.

New Day is interested, with Kofi Kingston accepting the match. Ignore him cutting Xavier Woods off twice in there.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Finn Balor vs. Jey Uso vs. Rey Mysterio

Balor bails to the floor to start so the other two show respect before Jey grabs a headlock. Jey takes over but Balor pulls him to the floor for some rams into the apron. We take a break and come back with Jey and Balor slugging it out. Rey breaks it up with a top rope seated senton to Balor and a crucifix for two on Jey. Back up and Balor drops Rey but gets kicked in the head by Jey, who gets dropped with a Pele as we take a break.

We come back with Balor shoving Jey to the floor but getting 619ed in the ribs. The regular version of the 619 hits Balor, followed by a top rope hurricanrana to both Balor and Jey. Rey goes up but cue Judgment Day for a distraction, with Braun Strowman coming out to chase him off. Balor takes Rey down and hits the Coup de Grace but gets caught with the Superfly Splash to give Jey the pin at 16:44.

Rating: B-. This got time but as usual, having two breaks in the middle didn’t do it any favors. The thing that interests me the most here is Rey though, as I don’t think we quite appreciate how good he is. He’s pushing 50 and is still having quality matches with knees that are held together with duct tape and prayer. You can cut his career in half and still have a Hall Of Fame worthy resume. I know he’s good, but I don’t think enough people realize how much of an all time star he really is.

Post match Jey goes to celebrate in the crowd….and the lights go out, Fiend style. We get the door with light behind it ala Bray Wyatt’s return in 2022, which busts open, showing a woman (Nikki Cross) crawling towards a lantern. We see a large man in an evil rabbit mask (Erick Rowan) with a bunch of people knocked out next to him as he holds a mallet labeled HELP. Everyone in the Gorilla Position has been attacked as some men stand over them. Chad Gable is down and bloody (looking like he got shot in the head), with Uncle Howdy appearing.

All of the people come into the arena and the five of them pose together. Howdy says “WE’RE HERE” and blows out the lantern to end the show. It was certainly intense and they took over the end of the show, but it’s still firmly too early to know how they’re doing. Anyone can start off with a bang and then fizzle out (Retribution) but if they’re treated as a monster faction who has an impact, this could be something.

Overall Rating: B. Well it wasn’t boring. This show had all kinds of big moments, with Rollins returning, McIntyre quitting, Breakker and Sheamus having a hard hitting match and the big angle at the end. They’re setting things up for Money In The Bank and while the ending debut might wind up crashing hard, they’re certainly off to an intriguing star. I had a good time with this show and I’m wanting to see where it goes, so well done indeed.

Braun Strowman b. Chad Gable – Running powerslam
Iyo Sky b. Kiana James and Zelina Vega – Over The Moonsault to James
Carlito b. Dragon Lee – Backstabber
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter b. Damage CTRL – After Party to Kai
Sheamus b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Ludwig Kaiser interfered
Jey Uso b. Finn Balor and Rey Mysterio – Superfly Splash to Balor



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Clash At The Castle 2024: This, And More

Clash At The Castle 2024
Date: June 15, 2024
Location: OVO Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

It’s time to go international again as we have another of the five match card specials. The big focus this time is on the home country star Drew McIntyre, who is getting his rematch with Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship. Other than that, Sami Zayn defends the Intercontinental Title against Chad Gable (again) and Cody Rhodes defends the WWE Championship against AJ Styles (again) in an I Quit match (not again). Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at Scotland, with Drew McIntyre talking about how a fight is coming here. McIntyre says they’re known for their tempers so you can bring the crazy and they’ll bring the fight.

Smackdown World Title: AJ Styles vs. Cody Rhodes

Rhodes is defending (ignore his graphic saying “TALENT NAME” and the chyron saying “Women’s Tag Team Champion”) in an I Quit match. Rhodes starts fast with a running shoulder into a snap powerslam. The Disaster Kick is countered though and Styles chops away in the corner. Back up and the Flip Flop and Fly sets up a dropkick to send Styles outside, meaning it’s table time.

Instead of loading it up, Rhodes sends Styles knees first into the steps and then the barricade as the fight heads into the crowd. They fight into the back and the production area, where Styles gets in some choking. Rhodes shrugs that off and they go back into the arena. We’ll make that back into the ring, with Rhodes grabbing a Figure Four. Styles makes the rope and Rhodes lets go for some reason (the referee didn’t make him, as he wasn’t supposed to) and they’re both a bit slow to get up.

A suplex over the top leaves them both crashing to the floor, where Styles throws him onto the announcers’ table. The brainbuster onto the table rocks Rhodes again but he’s not giving up. Rhodes is busted open and Styles stops to yell at Rhodes’ mother, who is rather fired up. Back in and Styles hits the fireman’s carry backbreaker but it’s still too early for Rhodes to give up.

They head outside with Styles loading up the Styles Clash on the steps, only to be backdropped down. Back in and the Disaster Kick connects for Rhodes as the fans keep singing for him. Styles counters the Cross Rhodes into a DDT and it’s time for a chair. Said chair is sent into the throat, followed by some kendo stick shots. No Rhodes still won’t quit so it’s time for a belt whipping. Styles grabs a Bank Statement but Rhodes still won’t quit.

That makes Styles tie him up with handcuffs, but instead he goes to yell at Mama Rhodes. That earns him some slaps to the face so Styles threatens her with a chair (GEEZ MAN!). Back in and Styles chairs him down before wrapping a chain around his own arm. The Phenomenal Forearm is loaded up but Rhodes pelts a chair at his head, sending Styles through the table.

Rhodes finds the key to unlock the cuffs, which he uses to bust Styles open. The Cody Cutter and three Cross Rhodes (the third onto a chair) have Styles in more trouble but Rhodes won’t let the referee ask him. Rhodes cuffs him to the ropes instead and unloads with a chair, but Styles isn’t quitting either. The steps are brought in and the threat of that kind of pain makes Styles quit at 27:39.

Rating: B. It was good, but they had a huge mountain to climb after their first match. This wasn’t a match with a ton of drama about the results so it was more about the violence, which only got so good. They probably would have been better off with a street fight or Last Man Standing, but it was a good way to give Rhodes another strong title defense before he starts getting ready for whatever is next at Summerslam or so.

Post match Rhodes looks down at his mom and then hits Styles with the steps anyway. Rhodes goes to leave but runs into Solo Sikoa. The rest of the Bloodline comes in to beat Rhodes down. Cue Randy Orton and Kevin Owens for the save, with Orton glancing at the title.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are home and ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre vs. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark vs. Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill

Belair and Cargill are defending and you can only tag your own partner. Belair hammers on Baszler to start but has to flip over an invading Dawn. A suplex puts Baszler down and the handspring moonsault gives Belair two. Fyre (the fans approve), Stark and Cargill come in, with Cargill having to power out of a double top wristlock. A fall away slam/Samoan drop combination puts Fyre and Stark down as the fans are rather impressed.

Belair comes back in to to slam Dawn and the champs hit stereo delayed suplexes. The four challengers have a huddle on the floor and then go after Belair. A double suplex on the floor drops Cargill and a running boot to the face drops Belair back inside. Stark puts Dawn down and hits a slingshot corkscrew elbow. Baszler comes in to take over on Dawn, with Stark’s springboard dropkick getting two. It’s back to Fyre to pick up the pace, including a top rope flip dive onto Baszler and Stark.

Back in and Fyre’s missile dropkick gets two on Baszler and the Tower Of Doom sends a bunch of people down. Dawn seems to have hurt her elbow on the landing as Cargill is back in…by slipping on a springboard and crashing badly. House is quickly cleaned but Baszler grabs the Kirifuda Clutch….with Cargill looking like she’s tapping. Belair makes a save with a 450, with her knees landing on Baszler’s back for a nasty visual. The assisted German suplex hits Baszler but Dawn is back in with a German suplex to Cargill. Dawn steals the pin and the titles at 12:15.

Rating: C. This was a bit of a mess at times (Cargill falling and then tapping and Belair’s 450 were rather terrible) but they managed to turn what should have been a nothing match into something worthwhile. I was thinking this was going to be just another match for the champs and I was rather wrong about the result. Not a terrible match, but the rough parts brought it way down.

Post match Fyre and Dawn get bouquets of flowers in a nice moment.

We recap Sami Zayn defending the Intercontinental Title against Chad Gable. Zayn is tired of Gable being horrible to both himself and the Alpha Academy so it’s time for the big final showdown.

Intercontinental Title: Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn

Gable, with the Academy, is challenging and the fans sing about Zayn to start. Gable’s headlock keeps things slow to start so Zayn sends him outside for a meeting with the Academy. Back in and Zayn is sent shoulder first into the buckle, with Gable starting in on the arm. Gable cranks on said arm but Zayn fights up with one arm for a breather. Zayn manages to clothesline him out to the floor and there’s the springboard moonsault to take Gable out again.

Back in and Gable gets in a shot of his own but charges into a Michinoku river for two. Gable is right back with a powerbomb into a top rope headbutt for two and they’re both down again. The rolling German suplexes have Zayn in trouble but he reverses into some suplexes of his own. A half and half suplex gives Zayn two but Gable pulls him into a crossface. Zayn reverses into his own crossface, which is reversed into an ankle lock. That’s reversed into a rollup so gable goes outside to grab the title.

Gable hands it to Maxxine Dupri, who can’t bring herself to hit Zayn. Gable yells at her, with Zayn’s attempted Helluva Kick nearly hitting Dupri. The distraction lets Gable grab rolling Chaos Theory for two so he goes to yell at Dupri, with Otis getting in between then. Zayn’s big dive hits Otis, allowing Gable to go up and moonsault onto both of them.

Back in and Gable misses the moonsault, allowing Zayn to suplex him into the corner. The Helluva Kick doesn’t work as Gable rolls outside, where he ankle locks Zayn over the barricade. Zayn escapes to send Gable into Dupri, which does not sit well with Otis. Gable skedaddles back inside but instead of going after Zayn, Otis picks up Dupri to carry her to the back. The Helluva Kick retains the title at 21:59.

Rating: B+. This was a great mixture of action and storytelling, with Otis and Dupri not wanting to turn on Gable but eventually being pushed too far. At the same time, you had Gable and Zayn beating the heck out of each other, with Zayn being able to hold his own against Gable’s incredible athleticism. Good stuff here and the best mach of the show by far.

Post match Gable looks crushed.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are thrilled with their win and had all of Scotland behind them.

We recap Bayley defending the Smackdown Women’s Title against Piper Niven. Bayley is fighting against anyone and Niven is a home country monster, meaning the ans are going to be rather interesting here.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Piper Niven

Bayley is defending and Chelsea Green is here with Niven. A hard shoulder puts Bayley down to start and Niven stays on her outside. Back in and Niven misses the running seated crossbody, allowing Bayley to stomp on the annoying Green’s fingers. Green yells enough that she gets ejected so Bayley grabs a rollup for a quick two.

Niven is fine enough to send her back outside and there’s a flip dive off the apron. Back in and Niven nails a headbutt before suplexing Bayley onto her tailbone for two. Bayley fights up and sends her to the floor for a suicide dive, only to be driven hard into the apron. They go back inside with Niven being draped over the middle rope, setting up a top rope elbow. A top rope Swanton to Niven’s back just wakes her up, as she slams Bayley out of the corner.

Niven’s running backsplash gets two but Bayley grabs the Bayley TO Belly. Cue a masked woman (who looks like and is dressed like Green) for a distraction so Niven can get out at two. Bayley goes after Green but the Rose Plant is countered into the Piper Driver (with a scary landing) for two. The Vader Bomb hits raised knees so they head outside, with Niven grabbing a swinging Boss Man Slam. Back in and Niven misses a backsplash, allowing Bayley to hit a crucifix river to retain at 13:28.

Rating: C+. Chelsea Green carried this thing on her back, with the run-in being hilarious. The match itself was a bit plodding and the fans didn’t seem as interested as I was expecting, but it did pick up at the end. Bayley seems destined for the showdown with Nia Jax at Summerslam, which is where the winning streak likely comes to an end. For now, not a great match, but it did get better as they went.

We recap Drew McIntyre challenging Damian Priest for the Raw World Title. McIntyre won the title at Wrestlemania but Priest cashed in Money In The Bank to win the title about five minutes later. Now McIntyre is at home and getting his title shot.

Raw World Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest

Judgment Day is barred from ringside, McIntyre is challenging and is played to the ring by a pipe and drum band. As you might expect, McIntyre gets the huge hero’s welcome and the fans get so loud that we get a decibel meter on the screen. McIntyre starts fast and knocks him to the floor, with the big flip dive connecting. Priest gets in a few shots of his own and poses a bit, allowing him to hammer away back inside.

A lifting Downward Spiral plants McIntyre and there’s the running elbow in the corner. The Broken Arrow gives Priest two but McIntyre is back with a Michinoku Driver for the same. Back up and Priest knocks him to the floor, meaning it’s time for the step up dive….but Priest slips and gets tied in the ropes for a landing that could have been much worse. With Priest’s ankle tied in the ropes, McIntyre stomps away, much to the fans’ delight. Back up and Priest manages a kick but walks into the Future Shock for two.

Priest is back up with a few more shots and catches McIntyre on top, with the Razor’s Edge giving Priest two of his own. Back up and McIntyre hits a Glasgow Kiss but Priest is back with the spinning kick to the head. Another one misses though and McIntyre grabs a neckbreaker. McIntyre nips up and they go outside, where the Claymore sends Priest through the barricade.

Back in and the Claymore is countered into South Of Heaven for two and they’re both needing a breather. Priest takes him up top or a super hurricanrana but walks into a Claymore for a rather near fall. Back up and the referee has to dive to the floor to avoid a shot from Priest. Said referee is then knocked into the barricade, leaving Priest to counter a Claymore into a powerbomb. Back up and another Claymore gets a VERY delayed two…..because it’s CM Punk in a referee shirt (the camera was behind him so it was a great reveal). Punk kicks McIntyre low and the South Of Heaven retains the title at 20:14.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but they got me with the Punk run-in as that camera work was great. At the same time, it gives priest a good win to boost his status a bit, though the bigger story is Punk vs. McIntyre. Those two are going to have a huge match at some point and the heat is going to be off the charts. The match itself was a heck of a hoss fight and I’m curious to see where things go from here, so well done on a main event.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a rather awesome show with the closest thing to bad being a completely watchable women’s triple threat tag match. Other than that, you had a bunch of people working hard and having good matches, including the pretty great Gable vs. Zayn match. In addition to that though, they built up stuff for the future, which helps bridge the gap to Money In The Bank and beyond. As has been the case, the best thing I can say about these shows is it feels like they have a plan, but then they actually execute that plan. Pretty sweet show here, as WWE’s roll continues.

Cody Rhodes b. AJ Styles when Styles quit
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill and Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark – Assisted German suplex to Baszler
Sami Zayn b. Chad Gable – Helluva Kick
Bayley b. Piper Niven – Crucifix driver
Damian Priest b. Drew McIntyre – South Of Heaven



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Clash At The Castle 2024 Preview

It’s time for another overseas shows as these things are becoming a regular deal around here. In this case it’s back to Scotland for the second ever Clash At The Castle (castle not included). WWE has gone above and beyond with the amount of Scottish wrestlers on the show and that should make for a rather stacked event. The main events certainly look strong so let’s get to it.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn(c) vs. Chad Gable

This is a feud that has been going on for a good while now and that means it is reaching something of a critical point. After so many months of Gable chasing Zayn and the title, he pretty much has to win the thing one way or another. His previous attempts haven’t felt like the right time more often than not, but that might not be the case after everything else that has happened.

While there is always the chance that Otis will grow a spine here and cost Gable the match again, I think they have to give Gable the title and do it here. At the end o the day, he needs to win something, even if it isn’t for a long time. Gable has more than proven himself in recent months so let him have the title and get his big moment. If WWE needs to get the title back on Zayn they can do it whenever, but Gable really needs to win it here, and we’ll say he does.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill(c) vs. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark vs. Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn

Here we have one of the more interesting matches, as Belair and Cargill look unstoppable, Baszler and Stark need to win something, and Fyre/Dawn are the hometown stars. In something I would not have seen coming, WWE has managed to make this feel like an important match and that is quite the bonus all things considered. That doesn’t mean a surprise is coming though.

For the life of me I cannot imagine the monster superhero team losing the titles so soon, despite the match being set up as an easy way to change the titles. While I could go for seeing Fyre and Dawn actually be treated seriously, it doesn’t seem to likely be coming here. The champs retain, even if it might not be the best idea, because it isn’t their time just yet.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley(c) vs. Piper Niven

We have another Scottish challenger here as Niven gets to try to crush Bayley. I’ve been digging Niven more lately as she is starting to get the idea of how to be a monster, which could take her a very long way. What matters here is giving the fans a big hope spot of a title change, though unfortunately for the two of them, that could be a lot more easily said than done.

Much like the Women’s Tag Team Titles, I just can’t picture WWE pulling the trigger on a new champion here. Niven feels like the monster the champion slays and that’s all I can go with here. It wouldn’t completely stun me to see Niven win the title, but I don’t think that’s where they’ll go. Bayley is already a huge star and I don’t think she gets knocked down a peg just over two months after her title win at Wrestlemania.

Smackdown World Title: Cody Rhodes(c) vs. AJ Styles

This is an I Quit match, but the question here is can they find a way around a rather obvious result. It is hard to fathom that Rhodes will lose here, no matter how much the match has been hyped up. That isn’t a bad thing though, as occasionally the match isn’t so much about the drama but rather how you get there. It seems we are seeing that again and that should make things interesting.

It worked last month and it should work again here, so we’ll go with Rhodes retaining in what is probably the most obvious result on the entire card. These guys are going to beat the living daylights out of each other and have a heck of a violent match. No matter what happens here though, there is no reason for Rhodes to lose, though he’ll do it after one heck of a way.

Raw World Title: Damian Priest(c) vs. Drew McIntyre

I’m really not sure which way they’re going here, but this is all about CM Punk. Outside of Punk interfering, I cannot imagine him McIntyre losing here, as it has happened too many times lately and putting it in front of these fans would make it even worse. Punk hasn’t been seen in recent weeks and now we get to see what happens when these two go at it on their own. In theory.

I’ll go with the happy ending (for now) and say McIntyre wins. Priest has already gotten a lot out of being the champion, but there are certain things that are set up too perfectly to not go there. McIntyre getting his moment in front of his family to end the show is one of them and that seems to be where we are going. At least we should be, though the heat on Punk would be hard to fathom if he managed to cut McIntyre off again. This feels like McIntyre’s day though so I’ll say a new champion.

Overall Thoughts

This show is following the short and to the point format, with only five matches on the card. WWE has been running tighter shows like this in recent months and they have worked well. Nothing on the show looks bad and we should be in for a good one. Those fans being there to make it all the better and it should work out well. Just give McIntyre his moment (ok his latest moment) already.


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Monday Night Raw – June 3, 2024: The Team Is (Mostly) Back

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 3, 2024
Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We are less than two weeks away from Clash At The Castle and Drew McIntyre is officially the #1 contender. Before McIntyre gets to face Damian Priest though, Priest has to face Rey Mysterio this week. In other Judgment Day news, Liv Morgan kissed Dominik Mysterio at the end of/after (depending on your platform) last week’s show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Dominik Mysterio helping Liv Morgan win/retain the Raw Women’s Title, despite his efforts to do the opposite. Then Morgan kissed him, with Dominik not exactly shoving her away.

Here is Morgan to get things going. She welcomes us to the revenge tour and brags about injuring Rhea Ripley and sending Becky Lynch into early retirement, but kissing Dominik was the icing on the cake. Cue Dominik, with the fans not letting him get a word in. Dominik finally gets to the point: Rhea Ripley is going to kill her. Morgan: “She’s going to kill you too.”

Morgan offers to make it worth his while, because Dominik knows he’s been out here to get closer to her. She rubs up against him but here is Finn Balor to say this is enough and throw her out. Morgan asks what if Dominik doesn’t want her to leave but then goes, albeit with a rub of Dominik’s head first. Again: Dominik doesn’t really say no. The pop when Ripley returns to wreck things is going to be off the charts.

We recap Sheamus and Ludwig Kaiser brawling last week.

Sheamus says Kaiser isn’t much more than a Ken doll who carries Gunther’s coat. If you want his respect, put on banger after banger.

Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser jumps him from behind on the way to the ring and takes out the injured knee again. Back from a break and we ring the bell anyway, with Kaiser absorbing some shots to the head before taking out the knee again. Sheamus fights up and slugs away, at least until another shot to the knee takes him back down.

With the direct approach not working, Sheamus goes after Kaiser’s knee for a change and they fight to the floor. The ten forearms are loaded up but Kaiser sends the knee into the steps as we take a break. Back with Sheamus breaking up Kaiser’s forearms to the chest and then knocking Kaiser down for a needed breather.

The Celtic Cross is loaded up but Kaiser slips out, leaving the Brogue Kick to hit the buckle. Sheamus won’t let the referee stop it and begs Kaiser to hit him, with Sheamus firing off his own chops. Now the big knee connects but the knee gives out on the Brogue Kick attempt. Instead Sheamus settles for the fourteen forearms to the chest but the super White Noise is broken up. Kaiser kicks the knee out again and gets the pin at 13:44.

Rating: B. Tell a nice story, hit each other really hard, have the injury play into the finish. This was a checklist of good stuff with Kaiser getting the biggest win of his career. I’m wondering I this leads to Sheamus joining Imperium because he can’t beat them, which would be a fresh direction for him. For now though, he’s still doing well out there.

Judgment Day asks what Dominik Mysterio is doing out there but he has it under control. Damian Priest doesn’t seem convinced but he’s ready to focus on tonight’s issues instead.

Ilja Dragunov comes up to see Ricochet and tells him to be careful against Bron Breakker tonight. Ricochet is ready for Breakker and is willing to finish things with Dragunov later. Dragunov wishes him luck.

Video on Dragon Lee.

Dragon Lee vs. Finn Balor

McAfee says he can’t wait to watch Lee “for a shoot brother”. Balor works on the arm to start but Lee runs the ropes for a springboard wristdrag. Balor chops him into the corner but gets sent to the floor for the required dive as we take an early break. Back with Lee fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a corner dropkick.

McDonagh offers a quick distraction so Balor can grab a rollup for two, only for Lee to grab a sitout powerbomb for two of his own. Lee has to knock McDonagh off the apron before going up, only for Carlito to run in and crotch Lee down. Back up and Lee dives onto Carlito before kicking McDonagh down. The distraction lets Balor hit the shotgun dropkick into the Coup de Grace for the pin at 8:37.

Rating: C+. Lee continues to be a smooth high flier in the ring and he was more than protected by being down three to one here. It seems clear that WWE has something planned for him and putting him in the ring on Raw could help him move in that direction. At the same time, Judgment Day needed a win so it was smart to give them a bit of a boost.

Post match the beatdown is on again but Rey Mysterio and Braun Strowman come in to scare them off.

Post break Damian Priest isn’t happy with the Braun Strowman problem not being solved. Carlito can go get a match made and deal with that tonight. The team leaves and R-Truth comes in to say he knows how it is with the Judgment Day. Being in the group is hard, but it was the best time of his life. Miz comes in to say they’re the reigning Tag Team Champions but that was the best time of Truth’s life? Truth says Miz is obsessed with the Judgment Day and it’s starting to get weird. Miz’s stunned face is funny.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. The last time he was in Pennsylvania, he won the Intercontinental Title but he hasn’t been able to enjoy it because of Chad Gable. Zayn wants Gable out here, one on one, to settle this. Cue the rest of the Alpha Academy, with Maxxine Dupri reading a message from Gable. The message insults the Academy and issues a challenge to Zayn, who accepts for the title match at Clash At The Castle.

With that taken care of, Zayn brings up everything Gable has been putting them through in recent weeks. The team is better than that but he’s been there and knows they need to st themselves free. Cue Gable to jumps Zayn from behind and the beating is on, with Otis not looking happy. Gable holds Zayn up and tells Otis to hit him, but Otis won’t do it. Instead Gable hits him in the face and yells a lot until Akira Tozawa breaks it up.

Dupri breaks that up and Gable tells her to get on her knees and beg. Gable tells Tozawa and Dupri to leave but Otis gets in between Gable and the two of them, with the fans being VERY pleased. Zayn is back up to go after Gable but knocks him into Dupri and Tozawa for a crash out to the floor. Otis lays Zayn out and carries the other two to the back. They have something with the eventual Otis turn and the place is going to go nuts when it happens. Also, this would seem to address Gable’s contract status, at least in the short term.

Bron Breakker and Adam Pearce are watching in the back, with Breakker saying he would break Zayn in half. Breakker is happy to have worthy competition tonight, but Pearce says Ricochet requested the match. That’s fine with Breakker, who gets to be unleashed.

Chad Gable praises the Alpha Academy, but Tozawa and Dupri say they’re really hurt. Otis is still the #1 guy but doesn’t seem too happy about it.

Ricochet vs. Bron Breakker

Ricochet has bad ribs coming in and strikes away to start but has to slip out of a gorilla press. Breakker manages to hit a running elbow to cut Ricochet off and they head outside. Ricochet’s ribs are dropped onto the barricade and we take a break. Back with Ricochet DDTing his way out of a slam as we see Samantha Irvin (acknowledged as Ricochet’s fiance) looking worried.

A top rope clothesline and Lionsault give Ricochet two and he superkicks Breakker down for two more. Ricochet gets caught on top though and Breakker runs the corner for the Frankensteiner (it’s weird hearing that name on WWE TV). The spear finishes Ricochet off at 8:00.

Rating: B-. This was a by the book power vs. speed match with Breakker having to break his first sweat as part of the Raw roster. He took Ricochet’s big shots and then went nuts with the athleticism to win. That’s a great way to get Breakker over as a monster and there is a good chance that Breakker is going to get to hurt some bigger names rather soon.

Post match Breakker knocks him outside and picks up the steps but Ilja Dragunov runs in for the save.

Rey Mysterio tells Dragon Lee that they’ll take Carlito out soon enough. First though, they need to take out the Judgment Day, starting with Damian Priest.

We recap the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio segment, with Pat McAfee analysis.

Natalya vs. Kiana James

Before the match, James talks about how prepared she is and how much a win over Natalya would mean. Natalya takes her down by the wrist to start but James sends things into the corner. That’s broken up and Natalya takes her down by the ring, setting up a basement dropkick for two. Back up and James hits a quick shot, setting up 401K (running swinging faceplant) for the big upset at 2:53.

New Day isn’t worried about Karrion Kross trying to split them up. Kross comes in to say the power of positivity is dead but Kofi Kingston promises to hit hard. With Kofi gone, Kross says Woods won’t have to follow Kofi after tonight.

Natalya is annoyed and runs into Sonya Deville, who asks if she wants to talk. She does indeed, as Natalya says it’s time for a change. Hold on though as Deville goes to talk to Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, who still want nothing to do with her. Of note: Natalya and Deville could be seen talking in the background earlier tonight so this isn’t out of nowhere.

Carlito vs. Braun Strowman

Carlito starts fast with the running knee lift but Strowman isn’t having any of that. Cue Judgment Day to distract Strowman, who shrugs off the Backstabber attempt. A reverse chokeslam finishes Carlito at 1:24.

Post match Judgment Day swarms Strowman, who swats a chair out of Dominik’s hands. Cue Liv Morgan to stand between Strowman and Dominik, with Strowman backing off. A bunch of chair shots are enough to FINALLY put Strowman down and the team wrecks his knee. Morgan walks up to Dominik but Finn Balor gets between them.

Here are Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair for a chat. They’re glad to be back because they were invited here, and now they’re ready to show Raw just how great they are. Cue Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark to interrupt, saying they want the title match right now. Cue Adam Pearce to make the title match official.

Women’s Title Team Titles: Zoey Stark/Shayna Baszler b. Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair

Cargill and Belair are defending with Belair slamming Baszler down to start. Belair drives Baszler into the corner and it’s off to Cargill, much to the fans’ delight. A slam plants Baszler so it’s back to Belair, with Stark coming in off a blind tag. Starks’ missile dropkick puts Belair down but it’s already back to Cargill. The splash misses in the corner but the champs are fine enough to hit stereo delayed suplexes, setting up stereo nip ups.

We take a break and come back with Cargill in trouble but managing a knockdown. The double tag brings in Belair to beat up Stark, including a handspring moonsault for two. Everything breaks down and Cargill powers Baszler into the steps. That leaves Belair to hit the KOD on Stark….but Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn run in to jump Cargill for the DQ at 9:42.

Rating: C+. The ending is a bit of a surprise but maybe they aren’t already moving on to Cargill/Belair vs. Fyre/Dawn. There is still room for Baszler and Stark to stick around as they didn’t get pinned here, which should keep things a bit more interesting. Cargill and Belair continue to feel like superheroes though and that is going to carry them a long way.

Post match the four villains beat the champions down.

Damian Priest is ready for Rey Mysterio tonight but Drew McIntyre interrupts. McIntyre says he’ll day will be better in two weeks and ignores the CM PUNK chants in the process. As for Priest though, things are personal. McIntyre leaves and Priest says McIntyre has issues.

Here is Jey Uso who comes through the crowd…and then stops to talk there. Last year was the Bloodline civil war and that took a lot out of him. That taught him he could fight on his own and now he’s Main Event Jey Uso. For now though, he wants to thank everyone who YEETED with him on this journey. Jey gives a young fan his sunglasses but says it’s time for him to deliver something to the fans. Like say, winning Money In The Bank. This felt rather different and showed Jey’s future plans.

Lyra Valkyria says Becky Lynch is disappointed after last week but she’ll be back around. That’s how real winning is done, which Liv Morgan doesn’t understand. Valkyria has shown she can stand on her own two feet and likes Jey Uso’s idea of Money In The Bank. Cue Iyo Sky to jump her though and the big beatdown is on.

New Day vs. Authors Of Pain

The rest of the Final Testament is here with the Authors. Woods dropkicks Rezar into the corner to start but gets knocked down by the power. Akam comes in to drop Woods again and it’s back to Rezar for a neck crank. Woods’ jumping enziguri and a superkick should be enough for the tag but Karrion Kross distracts Kofi. What A Rush finishes Woods at 2:28, as Kofi never got into the match.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn want in on the Women’s Tag Team Title picture. Say at Clash At The Castle.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio

Non-title. Priest kicks him in the face to start but Mysterio manages to send him outside for a breather. Back in and Priest pulls him out of the air for a swinging Downward Spiral as things slow right back down. We take a break and come back with Priest slowly continuing the beatdown and promising to put Mysterio down for good. A hard forearm sends Rey outside (Priest: “Stay out there. Stay down.”) but he’s back in to send Priest face first into the buckle.

Mysterio sends him face first in again but Priest nails a superkick to put Mysterio down. Back up and a springboard seated senton hits Priest, allowing Mysterio to hammer away in the corner. That’s broken up with a rather hard drive across to the other corner, setting up one heck of a clothesline to give Priest two.

They go up top with Mysterio having to escape a super Razor’s Edge. A super hurricanrana sets up the 619 and Dropping The Dime gets two. Cue the Judgment Day to go after Mysterio, with Dragon lee coming out to even things up. Mysterio dives on them all but walks into South Of Heaven for the pin at 16:26.

Rating: C+. This picked up near the end but it felt like they were in slow motion for some reason. Priest would do something and then stand around a lot, almost like he didn’t want to do anything to Mysterio. What matters is Priest gets a nice win over a star like Mysterio, as he could use the extra lifts to make him feel more like one of the top stars around here.

Post match Drew McIntyre runs in to lay out Priest but Finn Balor cuts off the Claymore. McIntyre takes out the team and loads up the announcers’ table but walks into South Of Heaven through the table to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show did a nice job of setting things up for the pay per view, as we got at least two matches all but set for the show, while also mixing in some good enough wrestling. This week was about getting the Judgment Day back on track and they had a fairly strong night all things considered. On the whole, WWE is getting their TV down to a formula and the good thing is it’s a formula that makes for some solid week to week shows. I don’t feel bored watching Raw most weeks and I didn’t again here, with the stories being interesting enough to keep me engaged for three hours.

Ludwig Kaiser b. Sheamus – Kick to the knee
Finn Balor b. Dragon Lee – Coup de Grace
Bron Breakker b. Ricochet – Spear
Kiana James b. Natalya – 401K
Braun Strowman b. Carlito – Reverse chokeslam
Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill b. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark via DQ when Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn interfered
Authors Of Pain b. New Day – What A Rush to Woods



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Monday Night Raw – May 27, 2024: The Anti-Tournament Show

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 27, 2024
Location: EnMarket Arena, Savannah, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with King And Queen Of The Ring and we have a new Raw King in Gunther. That means he is going to get a World Title shot at Summerslam, but first Damian Priest has to defend against Drew McIntyre next month at Clash In The Castle. Other than that, Liv Morgan is the new Raw Women’s Champion and has to defend the title against former champion Becky Lynch tonight in a cage. Let’s get to it.

Here is King And Queen Of The Ring if you need a recap.

Long King And Queen Of The Ring recap.

Here is Ludwig Kaiser to introduce King Gunther, who carries the crown to the ring. We pause for a WE WANT RANDY chant before Gunther brags about beating Randy Orton to earn his crown. With that out of the way, he is ready to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam. He elevated the Intercontinental Title and now he has done it again with the King Of The Ring.

Cue Judgment Day to interrupt, with Damian Priest saying Gunther didn’t win anything because Orton’s shoulder was up. Yes Priest cashed in after winning a ladder match because that’s how it works. Priest offers to teach him a lesson, so Gunther says Priest can teach him before Summerslam and call him King, or teach him after and call him World Heavyweight Champion.

Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt and introduce himself to Gunther, who steps aside so McIntyre can face Priest. McIntyre says Judgment Day has been screwing up left and right since Rhea Ripley has been hurt. We hear about some British wrestling legends, but McIntyre is the only one to win the World Title.

McIntyre gives us a quick geography lesson because they don’t teach it in America, as he draws out where Scotland is located. WWE has called him a psycho and the terminator, but in Scotland they call him Drew, because everyone is like that. Priest brings up McIntyre’s wife for the sake of seeing if he can get under McIntyre’s skin but here is Braun Strowman for his scheduled match with JD McDonagh. This is an interesting way to go as you have two possible champions but the monster is waiting for either of them.

Braun Strowman vs. JD McDonagh

Joined in progress with Strowman powering him up and sending him into the corner. One heck of a toss sends McDonagh flying, setting up a running charge into the corner. Another charge is cut off though and Strowman goes shoulder first into the post. McDonagh gets in a shot to the knee on the floor and we take a break. Back with Strowman sending him outside and hitting the freight train. Finn Balor offers a distraction so here is Carlito for a cheap shot. That gets him nowhere, as Strowman grabs the powerslam for the pin at 9:32.

Rating: C. This didn’t need to be so long with Strowman flattening McDonagh without much trouble. Carlito not being able to help out in the end likely doesn’t bode well for him, which is part of his ongoing story. What matters here is Strowman getting a nice win in return and it went well enough.

Post match Strowman clears out the Judgment Day and Carlito without much trouble. McDonagh chairs him in the back and runs off.

Liv Morgan didn’t know Dominik Mysterio was going to interfere on Saturday but she’s ready to beat Becky Lynch in a cage. Watch her.

Damian Priest isn’t happy with Finn Balor and Carlito. Just find McDonagh before Strowman does.

We look at Bron Breakker being all violent last week.

Ricochet is banged up from last week and wants Breakker, but that can’t happen. Ilja Dragunov comes in and says thank you for the save last week and they can fight when Ricochet is better. Ricochet is cleared so he wants it tonight, with Adam Pearce making the match.

Ricochet vs. Ilja Dragunov

We get another QR code before the match and Dragunov chops away to start. Ricochet, with his bad ribs, is wrestled to the mat and a German suplex gives Dragunov two. Dragunov hits a running knee and bites the rope as we take a break. Back with Dragunov striking away but the Constantine Special is broken up.

Ricochet moonsaults him on the floor but a 450 misses back inside. Now the Constantine Special can connect to give Dragunov two and he plants Ricochet with a powerbomb. The top rope H Bomb is blocked and Ricochet hits the Recoil. A shooting star connects on Dragunov but Bron Breakker comes in to spear Ricochet for the DQ at 10:26.

Rating: B-. This was starting to heat up near the end but I like the DQ as you don’t want either of these two taking a fall. Dragunov already lost a big match in the tournament and Ricochet loses pretty often as well. Breakker getting involved makes him look like even more of a monster and that has potential as we move forward.

Post match Dragunov gets speared as well. Adam Pearce comes out to yell at him but Breakker isn’t having it.

Post break Pearce is still yelling at Breakker but walks off with Kiana James instead.

Earlier today, Awesome Truth was running an ice cream truck (because they’re like vanilla and….strawberry) when New Day came up to ask about some contest for a Tag Team Title shot. Karrion Kross comes up and Kofi mocks him for being all cryptic. Kross warms them about the AOP, so Woods tells him to bring Tokka and Razar.

Authors Of Pain vs. Creed Brothers

The Final Testament and Ivy Nile are here too. The Creeds go right after them to start, with Julius being knocked outside. Brutus slugs away but gets elbowed in the face for two. Rezar grabs a neck crank but misses a charge in the corner. Julius comes in for the suplexes into the nipups, but Scarlett sends Nile into the steps. The distraction breaks up the Brutus Ball and the suplex/sitout powerbomb combination (dubbed What A Rush) finishes Julius at 2:57.

We look at Carlito injuring Cruz del Toro last week.

Rey Mysterio talks about Carlito taking the wrong path out of jealousy over Dragon Lee. Tonight, Carlito isn’t going to face an old friend because he’s going to find out what happens when he faces the LWO.

Braun Strowman is limping around looking for JD McDonagh.

Memorial Day video.

Here is Sheamus for a chat. Sheamus hypes up King Of The Ring, which was banger after banger after banger, but sadly he was out in the first round. He blames Ludwig Kaiser but isn’t bitter. The only thing he isn’t happy about is Gunther’s coat rack bragging about what he did. Kaiser pops up on screen and says Sheamus is always talking, so Sheamus goes to get him. We follow Sheamus to the back where Kaiser jumps him, with the fight heading into the arena. Adam Pearce and the referees break it up.

Becky Lynch gives Lyra Valkyria a pep talk.

Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria

Dakota Kai is here with Sane and Valkyria has banged up ribs. Valkyria takes her down to start but the ribs flare up. A northern lights suplex hurts the ribs again and Sane catches her on top. Sane hits a hard sliding forearm to the ribs and a stomp to the ribs makes it even worse. The Insane Elbow is blocked with raised boots though and Valkyria gets a rollup for the pin at 3:42.

Rating: C. This was a nice win to get Valkyria back on track after her loss to Nia Jax. That’s exactly what she needed as she fought through the injury and won in the end by stealing a pin. Valkyria continues to feel like someone WWE wants to make into a big deal and it’s smart to give her a boost right back up the ladder.

Damian Priest isn’t pleased with Carlito for still being here, but Carlito steps out and Finds JD McDonagh. Priest isn’t happy with McDonagh for talking to Liv Morgan earlier but here is Dominik Mysterio. Priest isn’t happy with him either, though Mysterio says he’ll make it right tonight, including with Rhea Ripley.

Iyo Sky is not pleased with Kairi Sane’s loss and breaks a bunch of stuff before storming off screaming.

Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito

The LWO (minus Cruz del Toro, who is announced as well by mistake) is here with Rey. This is their first singles match in 20 years, with McAfee saying he was a junior in high school at the time. Cole: “I called that match.” McAfee: “…..D***.” Carlito starts fast with a whip into the corner and ties him in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses though and Carlito crotches himself against the post and we take a break.

Back with Carlito blasting him with a forearm for two, followed by a nasty faceplant. Carlito goes strong with an apron superplex for two more, meaning it’s time for frustration to set in. Mysterio fights up and hits a quick moonsault but gets planted for another near fall. A quick 619 attempt is blocked and Carlito dropkicks him out of the air. Carlito gets posted but here is Finn Balor, with Mysterio having to take him out as well. The Backstabber is blocked and the 619 sets up Dropping The Dime to give Mysterio the pin at 10:27.

Rating: C+. The match was perfectly fine with two guys who might not have been in the ring against each other in a good while but they can still work well together. This isn’t much in the way of revenge though, as Mysterio just beat him. If that’s all that is going to happen to him, why does he need the Judgment Day to protect him?

Post match Damian Priest comes in for the beatdown and Judgment Day stands tall.

Chad Gable asks Akira Tozawa why he wasn’t in Saudi Arabia, but he’s just disappointed. Braun Strowman pops in to look for JD McDonagh but has no luck. Otis shows up and Gable tells him to make up for his mistakes by beating Bronson Reed.

Otis vs. Bronson Reed

Chad Gable is here with Otis and accidentally distracts him to start, allowing Reed to hit a running splash in the corner. Reed hits a running elbow and Otis is knocked to the floor for some yelling from Gable. Back in and Reed hits a running dropkick but Otis slugs away and hits a running crossbody. Otis splashes him in the corner but Gable breaks up the Caterpillar attempt. Otis loads it up again so gable yells at him, allowing Reed to hit a superkick. The Tsunami hits Otis for the pin at 3:40.

Rating: C. This was a story advancing match as Gable is still causing Otis trouble and that is likely going to lead to a big blowup at some point in the future. I’m not sure when it is going to happen, but the fans are going to go nuts when the split happens. At the same time, Reed gets his own rebound win and it would be nice to see him keep moving forward.

Post match Gable calls the Alpha Academy into the ring and after a break it’s time for a meeting. Gable takes off his belt and tells Otis to grab the rope, but Maxxine Dupri cuts Gable off. Gable throws her out of the ring but here is Sami Zayn to interrupt. Zayn calls Gable a weak little man who can’t get the job done. That doesn’t work for Gable, who loads up the belt to Otis again, only to have Zayn take it away. Zayn tries to talk some sense into Otis but Gable takes Zayn out. The fans chant for Otis, who stays behind as the rest of the team leaves. Then Otis leaves on his own as the simmering continues.

Video on the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark want Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair to come to Raw and face them. Sonya Deville comes in and says they’re talking like they’re already champions but Baszler shouts her down. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn come in and a match seems to be made. Oh yeah. They work here too.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Morgan is defending inside a cage with pinfall, submission or escape to win. We’re joined in progress after a break with Morgan driving her into the cage. Morgan sends her face first into the cage a few times, followed by some hard shoulders to send her into it again. Lynch fights back and sends her head first into the cage, followed by a missile dropkick for two. A missed charge sends Lynch to the cage though and we take a break.

Back with Lynch getting two off a superplex but the Disarm-Her is broken up. Morgan’s Codebreaker gets two and they both go up top. Morgan gets knocked down but pulls her off cage, with a powerbomb getting two. Oblivion misses so Lynch grabs the Disarm-Her in the ropes. They go into the corner and crash back down…as Dominik Mysterio comes out.

He opens the door and begs Lynch to crawl out but here are Finn Balor and JD McDonagh to yell at him. Morgan hits an enziguri….but Braun Strowman comes out to go after Judgment Day. Dominik is sent flying into the door, which hits Lynch in the face, allowing Morgan to escape and retain at 13:22.

Rating: B-. This was pretty impressive from a storyline perspective as you had a few different things moving around at the same time. They managed to give Morgan another win over Lynch while also having the whole Judgment Day story advancing at the same time. The match itself was good enough, but this was a case where almost everything else is what mattered. Points for using the unrelated Strowman deal as a bonus too.

Morgan goes to leave but stops to look at Dominik in the aisle to end the show.  And then Morgan kisses him, with Mysterio not being sure how to react.  This did not air on all versions of the broadcast but is on WWE’s Youtube channel.

Overall Rating: B-. After weeks of focusing on the tournaments, everything changed this week as it was much more about advancing storylines on the way to Clash At The Castle. There are a lot of things coming in the next few weeks and this show did a good job of setting those up. The wrestling was ok enough but it wasn’t the focus here, and that’s ok after weeks of far above average in-ring content.

Braun Strowman b. JD McDonagh – Powerslam
Ricochet b. Ilja Dragunov via DQ when Bron Breakker interfered
Authors Of Pain b. Creed Brothers – What A Rush to Julius
Lyra Valkyria b. Kairi Sane – Rollup
Rey Mysterio b. Carlito – Dropping The Dime
Bronson Reed b. Otis – Tsunami
Liv Morgan b. Becky Lynch – Morgan escaped the cage



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