Pro Wrestling Guerrilla – The Secret Of The Ooze: There’s No Living Up To That Hype

The Secret Of The Ooze
Date: August 14, 2004
Location: Hollywood Los Feliz JCC
Attendance: 160
Commentators: Excalibur, Disco Machine

It’s back to PWG and I don’t think you can ask for a cooler title than that. As usual I have no idea what to expect from this show, but this is just over a year into the company’s history. That could be hit or miss, though this is far before the days when PWG became such an indy darling. Let’s get to it.

We open with PWG World Champion Frankie Kazarian in the ring, bragging about beating Adam Pearce in a Loser Leaves PWG match. Pearce didn’t know his credentials, just like the other stupid fans (he used a different word and it started with an R) here. We hear about his title wins across different promotions but Kazarian stops to yell at a fan in the front row. As for tonight, he’s facing Colt Cabana, so we pause for a COLT COLT COLT chant. Kazarian is the future, and the future looks good.

Cue Cabana and he has a list of his own. He is a six time marshmallow eating champion, a three time Illinois state Hungry Hungry Hippos champion, and he can chug Tang faster than anyone around here. He’s also a former US, Intercontinental, ECW Mid-Atlantic Coast Champion and a three time 1-2-3 WWF Heavyweight Champion. Cabana tries to go into something about the present being today but gets a bit lost, only to say he’ll be champion. Simple hype for the main event here and it went well enough, with Kazarian sounding like a rather good smarmy heel.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Supa Badd and Human Tornado are in at #1 and Top Gun Talwar/Charles Mercury are in at #2 with Talwar grabbing a quickly broken headlock on Tornado. A dropkick staggers Tornado and everything breaks down with the fight heading out to the floor. Talwar gets a basketball bounced off his head, followed by a dunk and a hurricanrana from Tornado.

Back in and Badd atomic drops Talwar before Mercury is tossed outside again. Badd clotheslines Talwar and does pushups during the near fall for a bonus. As commentary says tags are encouraged rather than required, Mercury gets a Texas Cloverleaf on Badd and Talwar rolls Tornado up in the corner for the pin and elimination at 3:27.

Excalibur and Disco Machine are in at #3, with Excalibur (on commentary) credits Talwar’s drug use for losing a test of strength. With everyone else on the floor, Talwar goes up top and hits a huge flip dive to take everyone out. Mercury hits his own flip dive onto all three of them, followed by a legdrop for two on Excalibur back inside. Talwar’s clothesline gets the same and Mercury….really can’t quite manage to slam Talwar onto Excalibur.

Commentary blasts how bad things went as Talwar lands on Excalibur, who is right back up with a clothesline for a breather. It’s off to Disco as commentary makes fun of Chris Bosh and Rick Knox. An atomic drop hits Talwar and Mercury’s elbow drop for a save hits his partner by mistake. Everything breaks down and Excalibur Tombstones Talwar on the floor. That leaves Disco to chokebreaker Mercury for the elimination at 9:17 total.

Los Rojos Locos (a masked team) come in and deck Excalibur on the floor (Excalibur on commentary: “You can never trust a Mexican.”). That leaves Mercury to get beaten down inside, including #1 grabbing a Liontamer as we hear about Excalibur’s racist college entrance essay. A backbreaker gives #2 two on Mercury before #1 drops a middle rope elbow.

Mercury fights his way out of trouble and hits a double basement dropkick. Excalibur comes in to clean house as everything breaks down. #2 grabs Excalibur from the apron (Excalibur: “Patented dirty Mexican cheating.” HOW DOES HE HAVE A JOB???) but a charge misses. Excalibur and #1 wind up on their opponents’ respective shoulders and it’s time to play chicken.

With Disco down, Excalibur is dropped into an X Factor for little impact. Instead #1 is tied in the ropes, with #2 making a fast save. Disco gets caught in a Crossface/Boston crab combination with Excalibur making the save this time. Not that it matters as a half crab makes Disco tap at 16:25 total to give Los Rojos Locos the win.

Rating: C+. Well it was a gauntlet match and it went through three falls. That’s about all there is to say here, as the action was nothing great and Excalibur’s commentary was as worthless as usual. It opened the show well enough, but I can barely remember the other teams involved a few minutes after the match ended, which should tell you a lot about how well this went.

Here is Joey Ryan (reigning Tag Team Champion) to say Chris Bosh isn’t here so get him an opponent out here.

Joey Ryan vs. Quicksilver

Feeling out process to start with Quicksilver armdragging him down by the bad arm. Ryan is right back up with a dropkick into an armdrag into an armbar of his own. It’s so strange to see Ryan as a clean cut face but it’s quite the staple of early PWG. As commentary talks about Ryan enjoying the company of voluptuous young women, Quicksilver takes him down for a moonsault onto the arm.

The cranking continues as we hear about Ryan’s hand signals to an attendant to help him pick up women. The bad arm is sent into buckle but Ryan reverses out and sends him into the buckle as well. They head to the floor with Ryan hitting a big dive to take Quicksilver down again. Various jokes are made on commentary but they’re cut off by a phone call, leaving Excalibur to do solo commentary. Back up and they crash out to the floor again, followed by another arm crank from Quicksilver back inside.

We’ll make that a Fujiwara armbar until Ryan spinebusters his way to freedom. They’re both down so commentary talks about trail mix. Ryan is back up with a Tombstone shoulder breaker and we hit the Rings of Saturn on Quicksilver. That’s broken up as well so Ryan grabs a powerbomb for a rather delayed two. A piledriver doesn’t work though and Quicksilver hits him in the arm, setting up a rollup. That’s fine with Ryan, who reverses into one of his own for the pin at 13:14.

Rating: B-. As usual, your best move here is to ignore commentary and focus on what was an otherwise nice match. Quicksilver is someone who has been around for a lot of these PWG shows and tends to work well enough. Ryan can wrestle a good match as well, though he doesn’t exactly stand out nearly as much as he would with the sleazy stuff.

Post match Commissioner Paul T comes in to say Ryan and Scott Lost have not defended the Tag Team Titles in two months. Therefore, the titles will be held up and Ryan will face Lost. The winner gets the titles and can pick a new partner of his choosing.

Apollo Khan/Brandon Thomaselli vs. First Family

The Family would be Babi Slymm/Brad Bradley. Thomaselli kicks away at the rather large Bradley’s leg to start as commentary points out that Thomaselli has no connection to anyone in this match. A big chop rocks Thomaselli again and a running shoulder puts him down. Slymm and Khan come in, shake hands, and circle each other a bit. Slymm powers him down to start but Khan is right back with a hammerlock.

As commentary talks about whether or not they’re racist, Slymm grinds away on a headlock. Some dropkicks get Khan out of trouble and it’s back to Bradley, who runs into raised boots in the corner. Thomaselli’s high crossbody completely misses and Bradley grabs a heck of a German suplex. Slymm comes back in for a dancing elbow drop but Thomaselli slugs away on Bradley. A sunset flip doesn’t work as Bradley sits on Thomaselli’s chest, setting up an airplane spin of all things.

Slymm grabs the chinlock but Thomaselli is back up with a dropkick to the knee. Khan comes in and gets to clean house, leaving Thomaselli to hit an Asai moonsault on Bradley. Back up and Bradley is fine enough to low bridge Khan to the floor as the villains take over again. A belly to back neckbreaker drops Khan and a running knee in the corner gets two. Khan suplexes his way to freedom (with Excalibur crediting Khan’s people’s “strong legs and thighs”) and the tag brings in Thomaselli as everything breaks down. Thomaselli’s top rope hurricanrana is countered and a lariat finishes for Bradley at 14:21.

Rating: B-. Perfectly watchable match here but it doesn’t help when commentary is saying that there is no connection between some of the wrestlers. It was a cold match that worked well enough, but they weren’t really hiding the fact that that this was a thrown together match. Bradley looked good for a big man but the rest of the match was just kind of there, though it could have been a lot worse.

Puma vs. Josh Prohibition

They fight over a lockup as Excalibur actually gives us a backstory, talking about how this was originally supposed to be Prohibition vs. Super Dragon last month but things were changed because of a Japan tour (Excalibur: “When Japan calls, you must listen.”). It’s better than nothing. Puma works on a wristlock but Prohibition pulls him into a hammerlock.

The arm cranking continues until Puma reverses into a suplex for two. Excalibur talks about possibly recording the audio in the PWG locker room as Prohibition fights up and elbows him in the face for two. Commentary goes into his rapid fire calling of the match as Prohibition missile dropkicks Puma and puts on another armbar.

With the wrestling out of the way, Excalibur goes into a long story about Prohibition moving to Salt Lake City. Puma is back up with a Tombstone but a tornado DDT is countered into a double underhook arm crank. The Falcon Arrow and a brainbuster get two each on Puma but he German suplexes his way to freedom. A half crab makes Prohibition tap at 9:12.

Rating: B-. Good match here, as Prohibition is someone I’ve heard a lot about over the years but haven’t seen much of in the ring. Granted he didn’t exactly stand out, but I’ve seen far worse. At the same time, Puma is someone who was making appearances for Impact Wrestling around this time and was getting a bit of a name for himself before just dropping out of sight. Anyway, nice match, and it even included a reason for taking place.

PWG World Title: Frankie Kazarian vs. Colt Cabana

Kazarian is defending and doesn’t take kindly to some fans chanting various insults at him. They go with the technical off to start and grapple away on the mat until it’s a standoff. Cabana takes him down and Kazarian is already going for a break in the ropes. The fight goes outside with commentary ignoring everything to talk about Cabana, apparently much like Hollywood, being Jewish.

Back in and Cabana works on an armbar but Kazarian is right out with an elbow to take over. Kazarian sweeps the leg and hits a slingshot legdrop as we hear about Kazarian dropping water bombs on wildfires. Cabana fights up but plays some possum, allowing him to get two off a small package. Back up and Cabana tries the Wave Of The Future (Kazarian’s spinning Downward Spiral) but Kazarian breaks it up without much effort.

Cabana scores with a flying forearm (Tito Santana references abound) and Kazarian is sent outside. A dropkick through the ropes hits Kazarian but Cabana chops the post by mistake. Back in and Kazarian hits a Blockbuster for two but Cabana fights up again. That doesn’t last long this time though as Kazarian grabs the Wave Of The Future to retain at 13:10.

Rating: B. Commentary was ruining this (tends to be a tradition around here) but I’m digging Kazarian as this rather cocky heel. He’s feeling like someone who is ready to be a breakout star on the bigger stage and that’s kind of what he wound up doing. Cabana was being himself, but thankfully it was the more serious version, which did come out often enough in these bigger matches.

Post match the First Family comes in to stomp on Cabana and Cabana’s manager C. Edward Van Der Pyle mocks him, apparently siding with Kazarian. The bragging goes on for a long time until Cabana clears the ring with a chair.

CM Punk vs. Donovan Morgan

Before the match Morgan talks about something but Excalibur would rather talk about Steven Richards making Sunday Night Heat into Stevie Night Heat. Punk bails to the floor as Morgan keeps talking, only to be drowned out by Excalibur going on about someone’s sexual appetite. The referee brings a woman into the ring and Morgan kisses her, earning a tossed shoe.

With the woman gone, Morgan talks to Punk as Excalibur is STILL GOING ON about Richards. Excalibur says that Punk’s response is just meandering so we’ll talk about going to Whole Foods instead. The bell finally rings and they go into the corner, where Punk gets forearmed in the face. Punk: “That’s great, f*** you!” Morgan gets taken to the mat and keeps trying to sit out even after Punk has let him go. As interesting as that might be, Excalibur keeps talking about Richards instead. We pause for a bit as Morgan goes to the floor, only to come back in and get caught with a backbreaker. Punk starts in on the arm but Morgan snaps off a high collar suplex for a breather.

A figure four neck lock goes on for a bit, though it might be better if his legs were anywhere near Punk’s throat. Punk fights up and hits a DDT for a breather as they’re both down. Back up and they forearm it out until Punk grabs a crossface. That’s broken up just as fast and Morgan gets up for a middle rope DDT. A fisherman’s neckbreaker gets two on Punk but he’s right back with a backslide for the pin at 10:05.

Rating: B-. They were having a good match but commentary absolutely ruined almost everything they had going here. This was a great example of commentary putting every bit of the focus on themselves and while I get that’s kind of Excalibur’s thing, it doesn’t do any good for fans trying to watch the match. Incredibly annoying commentary aside, the match itself worked and I’ll take old school Punk more often than not.

Samoa Joe vs. Super Dragon

Hold on though as Dragon doesn’t like some late streamer throwing and goes outside to yell at the fans. Joe wrestles him down to start as we hear about Joe’s Ring Of Honor World Title reign. Back up and they strike it out with Joe firing off knees to the face. The big kick misses though and Dragon is out on the floor again. Back in and Dragon gets in a head fake, setting up a spinning kick to the head.

Joe isn’t having that and knocks him outside again, setting up the huge suicide elbow. Dragon is whipped into the chairs and Joe just unloads on him back inside. The kick to the chest sets up the knee drop for two as Dragon is in trouble. Some slaps to the mask have the fans booing Joe but Dragon comes out of the corner with a running enziguri. The sets up a corkscrew dive off the top to the floor, with Dragon’s boots hitting Joe and the rest of him hitting the floor/apron hard.

Back in and a tornado DDT gives Dragon another breather, leaving them both down. Joe is back up for the strikes in the corner and plants Dragon down hard. The powerbomb into the STF into the crossface has Dragon in more trouble, at least until a rope is grabbed. Joe sends him shoulder first into the post for the crash out to the floor, meaning it’s time to go after the arm back inside.

Dragon actually manages to hit a discus forearm to drop Joe but his arm is too banged up for a slingshot. The top rope spinwheel kick is knocked out of the air to give Joe two but the Island Driver is blocked. The Psycho Driver is countered as well so Dragon settles for a belly to back suplex instead.

Dragon hits a top rope knee to the head (ouch) for two, followed by a hard clothesline for the same. Joe snaps off the powerslam for two more and grabs a cross armbreaker. That doesn’t last either and it’s Dragon coming up with the chops in the corner. Joe backdrops him out to the floor, which is finally enough for the countout at 21:50.

Rating: B+. The more I think about it, the more I like that ending, as it wasn’t so much Joe winning as much as Dragon just couldn’t go any longer. It made both of them look like monsters and that is what they seemed to be trying to do here. Joe was on absolute fire at this point and could do no wrong, which probably explains the result. Heck of a match here and by far the best thing on the show.

Post match Excalibur and Disco Machine run out to check on Dragon to end the show.

We’ll also throw in the extras.

Los Rojos Locos do some rather high school level Spanish about how great and handsome they are. After speaking English to ask what the next word in Spanish is supposed to be, they ask why the Ballard Brothers aren’t being brought back (I bet you can get the joke).

Babi Slymm is ready to take over PWG with the help of his friends.

Colt Cabana is ready to go over the edge, though he does have to ask the director for his lines. For now, he’s off to England to craft his hone (that’s what he said). Now rewind the DVD and watch him over and over. With popcorn, Pop Tarts and smores!

Frankie Kazarian is ready to beat anyone ever from Chicago. Even Mike Ditka! He doesn’t care if Samoa Joe or Super Dragon is next.

The First Family brags about its high level of awesome. They’re great and the fans want them as their screensavers. Now they’re out because Van Der Pyle doesn’t feel like talking anymore.

Samoa Joe says the fans got what they asked for and he is the one who walked out. Now he wants the World Title.

Overall Rating: B. This show kept getting better as it went, but there were some things holding it back. By that I mean the commentary, which was an absolute nightmare all night long. Old PWG includes Excalibur ignoring the matches or long stretches of time and firing off all kinds of racist, sexist and homophobic jokes. It gets really tiring really fast and made me want to pull my headphones out so I could actually pay attention to the matches. Other than that, it’s another rather strong show, even if it was never going to live up to the name.


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Collision – September 9, 2023: Finding Their Feeling

Date: September 9, 2023
Location: Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

It’s tournament night again as we have the semifinals of the #1 contenders tournament, which should give the show enough of a focus. Other than that, we might have a better idea of how things will be going in the post-CM Punk era. That new direction is very important so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Samoa Joe, Penta El Zero Miedo, Roderick Strong and Darby Allin are all ready for the tournament.

Opening sequence.

International Title: Jon Moxley vs. Action Andretti

Moxley is defending and chokes him into the corner to start, with Andretti bailing to the floor for a breather. Back in and Moxley knocks him outside again but Andretti is right back inside. A handspring kick to the head rocks Moxley to set up a suicide dive but Moxley headbutts him down. Andretti takes the leg out though and Moxley is sent into the barricade as we take a break.

We come back with Moxley hitting a suicide dive but banging up his knee again. They get back inside where Andretti’s Phenomenal Forearm is cuttered out of the air for two. Andretti tries to get up but is sent hard into the corner. Moxley’s charge hits post though and Andretti tries a springboard corkscrew crossbody, which doesn’t make a ton of contact. Andretti stomps away but Moxley pulls him into the rear naked choke to retain the title at 11:07.

Rating: B-. Andretti got in some offense here but this was about getting Moxley out there for the showcase. The Ohio fans loved him so this was more of the old Moxley than anything else. It’s ok to get Moxley on the show for a moment like this as it isn’t like Andretti was the most serious challenger.

We get a video from Roderick Strong (flanked by the Kingdom) on his history with Adam Cole. We see a bunch of photos of them over the years, plus clips of their time in Ring Of Honor. Strong says he’s still here for Cole, but Cole is the one who changed. He’s going to win the tournament and the World Title, but that’s not enough.

Quick look at Samoa Joe and MJF brawling on Dynamite.

TBS Title: Kris Statlander vs. Robyn Renegade

Statlander is defending and they fight over arm control to start. Robyn misses an enziguri and gets suplexed for her efforts. Robyn’s sister Charlette offers a distraction though and a faceplant gets two on Statlander. Charlette chokes some more and the chinlock goes on. Statlander is back up with a Blue Thunder Bomb as Charlette makes a distraction save. Back up and Robyn misses a charge into the corner, allowing Statlander to hit an electric chair faceplant. An O’Connor roll with a bridge retains the title at 4:14.

Rating: C. That’s another open challenge and it wasn’t exactly enthralling stuff. Statlander getting on TV is a good thing and going over in something close to a handicap match worked, but these title matches for the sake of having a title match only have so much interest. Statlander needs someone other than the Outcasts to fight sooner than later.

Post match the beatdown is on but Jade Cargill returns for the save. Then she beats Statlander down as well. Well that would be sooner.

Ruby Soho isn’t happy to hear that Toni Storm has forgotten how she cost Soho the TBS Title. Saraya tries to calm things down and promises to retain the title at Grand Slam.

We get a sitdown interview with Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli. Kingston says this is over Castagnoli not doing business when he was leaving the independents, which Castagnoli seems to laugh off. The solution appears to be a New Japan Strong Openweight Title match at Grand Slam, but if Kingston loses, he also has to shake Castagnoli’s hand and say he respects him. It’s nice to see them fighting again, but this isn’t ending until Kingston wins the ROH Title or the feud is just dropped so odds are this isn’t ending anytime soon.

Bullet Club Gold vs. Gravity/Aerostar/Dios del Inframundo

No Jay White here but Cardblade is on commentary. Inframundo is better known as Drago from AAA. Austin and Gravity start things off with Austin getting the better of things. Inframundo comes in, despite being in the ring when he gets tagged (the referee doesn’t like it but lets it go because of course he does).

Robinson comes in for the snap jabs but Gravity and Aerostar kick away to take him down. Colten gets in a double clothesline from behind though and we take a break. Back with Gravity fighting out of a chinlock and bringing Aerostar in to pick up the pace with a bunch of dropkicks. The Quickdraw puts Inframundo down though and Robinson hits the leg lariat. The reverse layout DDT finishes Inframundo at 6:50.

Rating: C+. This was your “here are three luchadors doing dives” match with the Club getting a bit of a showcase win. That’s all it needed to be and they were in and out quickly, as they should have been for something like this. The Club are focal points of Collision and it’s good to see them doing their thing, even though it wasn’t quite the same with Jay White not being around.

CJ Perry (who I don’t think has officially been named) talks about how Miro changed when he won the TNT Title. Now she returned and wants to try to help him get the title back but he walked away from her. She’s ready to become the coldest manager in wrestling again.

The Dark Order wants you to join.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn announce their World Tour, complete with a map. Next stop: Grand Slam.

Rey Fenix vs. Angelico

Before the match, Fenix swears revenge on Jon Moxley and the Blackpool Combat Club. Fenix knocks him outside fast and hits a big dive. The spinning kick to the head from the apron connects but Angelico manages a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker back inside. Fenix takes him down again and hits a double stomp for two. There’s the rolling cutter for two more, followed by the Black Fire Driver to give Fenix the pin at 4:54.

Rating: C+. It’s good to have Fenix back after he wasn’t able to go to All In due to international travel issues. Fenix is another of those guys who has a charisma to him that makes you want to see him in the ring no matter what and that is very valuable. Now find something for him, either with or without his brother to do and capitalize on that charisma.

FTR announces an open challenge for the Tag Team Titles starting next week. This week had two open challenges for titles and next week has a third. That’s getting into tournament and battle royal levels.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Roderick Strong vs. Darby Allin

The Kingdom is here with Strong, who is officially NECK Strong. Hold on though as Christian Cage and Luchasaurus jump Allin in the back and beat the fire out of him. Allin, with Nick Wayne, comes out anyway though and, after falling a few times, is ready to go. Strong jumps him as soon as he gets in the ring and chops away a few times.

Allin reverses a backbreaker into a sunset flip for two before Strong misses a charge to the floor. The suicide dive hits Strong and we take a break. Back with Strong stomping away but Allin gets a crucifix and Code Red for two each. Allin goes up top and rakes Strong’s back but gets crotched down. Strong gives him a Rock Bottom onto the turnbuckle, with Allin falling down onto the apron and out to the floor for a nasty crash.

We take another break and come back with Allin hitting a flipping Stunner on the apron to send Strong outside. A Coffin Drop onto a standing Strong puts them both down on the floor. Cue AR Fox to try and make them stop but Wayne doesn’t want him here. Back in and Strong kicks him in the head but Allin grabs a Scorpion Death Drop. Fox and Wayne get in a fight with the Kingdom but Fox accidentally takes Wayne out. The Coffin Drop hits raised knees and End Of Heartache finishes Allin at 14:50.

Rating: B. They were telling a good story here as Allin was fighting from behind and trying to survive against crazy odds. As usual, Allin is able to pull people in and make you care about what he’s doing, which is very difficult to do. I’m a bit surprised at Allin losing, but Strong going forward does have some interesting aspects. Good stuff here, and it’s nice to have Strong showing what he can still do.

Powerhouse Hobbs talks about how he came at Miro and lost. Now he is looking to the Book Of Hobbs and everyone will fall.

Keith Lee is here on his own and advises people to run.

Video on the Righteous.

Here is Bryan Danielson for a chat. Danielson has been asked about what is next for him and that might be the start of the end of his career. Time is running out on him (the fans are not happy) but he is not going gently into that good night. He is Odysseus heading home from the Trojan War and we hear some Odyssey references. If this is his last year, it will be the most epic year of his career. He’s calling his shots, including at WrestleDream, where he wants to face Zack Sabre Jr.

Cue Ricky Starks and Big Bill, with the former saying he had to come out here. He received bread crumbs when hew wanted a full meal. Now he is going to take and take, but Danielson says he wasn’t done yet. Danielson seems ready to challenge him for a rematch but Big Bill jumps Danielson instead. Starks pulls him off….and jumps Danielson too. Jon Moxley runs in for the save but Bill kicks him down and hammers away. Starks chokes Danielson out with a shirt and gets to celebrate as he leaves.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Big Bill is ready to win the International Title on Dynamite. Rey Fenix interrupts and says he’s the next champion, but Bill tells him to go to the back of the line. Bill vs. Moxley has already been set for Dynamite.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Samoa Joe

Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line. Penta strikes away to start but gets run over with a shoulder. They head outside with Penta hitting a Sling Blade, earning him a lecture from JR about how you can’t win on the outside. We’ll ignore JR’s knowledge about countouts as Joe chops away and sends Penta into the barricade. Penta does the same to him and loads up a table (because tables) as we take a break.

Back with Penta kicking away at Joe but missing a double stomp. Joe knocks him down and grabs a neck crank, followed by a face first drop onto the turnbuckle. The double arm crank with a knee in Penta’s back goes on, followed by an elbow drop for two. Joe hits the enziguri in the corner but Penta is back up with a superkick. That just earns him a snap powerslam for two but Penta kicks him in the face for two more. Joe’s big boot gets the same, only to be sent to the floor for a flip dive. Penta’s big flip dive only hits table though and the Koquina Clutch finishes him at 14:58.

Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling this one nearly as much as the earlier tournament match as this felt like they were trying to fill in time rather than going for a win. Those chinlocks and various cranks from Joe felt like they were taking way too long and I never bought Penta as a threat to win. Not a bad match, but it needed to be a bit shorter.

Overall Rating: B-. The tournament stuff helped here, but I’m not overly invested if this is the new direction for Collision. There was a lot of what felt like thrown out there matches with the two open challenges for titles making the first part feeling like a Battle Of The Belts. The biggest problem was most of this didn’t feel overly important, but rather that it was just building for more important stuff down the line. There is a very good chance that it’s just a transitional thing as they move on from the Punk stuff, but this wasn’t the most exciting show.

Jon Moxley b. Action Andretti – Rear naked choke
Kris Statlander b. Robyn Renegade – Bridging O’Connor Roll
Bullet Club Gold b. Gravity/Aerostar/Dios del Inframundo – Reverse layout DDT to Inframundo
Rey Fenix b. Angelico – Black Fire Driver
Roderick Strong b. Darby Allin – End Of Heartache
Samoa Joe b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Koquina Clutch



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Rampage – September 8, 2023: He’s Still Got It

Date: September 8, 2023
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We actually have a pretty stacked show this week as the #1 contenders tournament continues here. There are two first round matches here as things are starting to feel a lot bigger in a hurry. Grand Slam is in less than a month and AEW is going to have to start setting things up for the show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Alex Abrahantes and all of Lethal’s associates are at ringside. Feeling out process to start with Lethal offering a handshake but opting for a strut instead. Penta hits him in the face and struts a bit as well, setting up the exchange of chops. Penta chops him in the corner and a double stomp gets one. More strutting ensues so Jeff Jarrett goes for Penta’s foot. That just earns him a stomp onto the hand and Penta teases a dive onto Lethal.

Instead he superkicks Lethal to the floor but the numbers game catches up to Penta. Karen ties the mask to the ropes, which is described as genius, assuming you ignore that Lethal can’t win if Penta is in the ropes. Everyone but Abrahantes gets ejected and we take a break. Back with Penta hitting a big flip dive tot he floor, setting up his third strut. The top rope double stomp gets two on Lethal but he’s back with a knockdown of his own. Lethal goes for the guitar but Abrahantes pulls it away. The Lethal Injection is countered into a Backstabber and Penta snaps the arm. The Fear Factor finishes Lethal at 11:37.

Rating: B-. I can go for more of Penta on his own as he has never really had the chance to shine without his brother in AEW. There is a grand total of no chance of him winning the tournament but getting a win before he gets to lose in the second round works well for him. Lethal is the definition of a good hand and he can do his thing even better without all of the interference going on. Nice opener with some stakes here.

We look at the issues between Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara from Dynamite.

Here is Sammy to interrupt Jericho talking at the commentary desk. They know they’re getting on each other’s nerves and now they want to hit each other in the face. They’re on the way to being Tag Team Champions but they need to get this out of their systems. They’ll do that at Grand Slam.

Video on Samoa Joe/MJF from Dynamite.

The Bunny/Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie vs. Hikaru Shida/Skye Blue/Britt Baker

Penelope Ford is here with the villains. Bunny and Blue start things off with the former blocking an armdrag. Blue rolls her up for two and waves before it’s off to Taya for a change. Taya gets in a heck of a forearm to take over and we take a break. Back with Shida coming in to forearm away at Anna but Taya breaks up the torture rack drop. Everything breaks down and Baker clears the ring but Shida misses a top rope double stomp. Baker and Shida are sent into each other, leaving Bunny to hit a running knee lift for two. Not that it matters as Baker pulls her into Lockjaw for the tap at 7:31.

Rating: C. This was the latest “here’s a bunch of the women’s division in a nothing tag match” of the week. Things have picked up a bit in the title pictures but the rest of the division is one random match after another. It wasn’t a bad match or anything, but you had six women in about seven and a half minutes with a break included. What were they supposed to get out of this?

Post match Baker and Shida argue over the collision but things seem cool.

Video on Hook.

Young Bucks vs. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only call Matt Jackson “Matt” and Matt Menard will be “Menard”. Jake Hager is here with Menard and Parker. Nick and Parker start things off but the Bucks quickly start the double teaming and clean house. We settle down to the Bucks working on Parker’s arm but a quick trip from the floor puts Matt in trouble. Menard comes in for a snap suplex and the villains get to take turns with the beating. Matt fights out of the corner and then does it again, allowing the tag off to Nick. Everything breaks down and superkicks abound, setting up the BTE Trigger to finish Menard at 5:07.

Rating: C+. This was a good use of the Bucks, as the team knows how to do this match like few others today. Sometimes you need a quick showcase for a team and it’s not like there was much doubt over who was winning here. The fans still respond to them so giving them five minutes out there is a smart way to go.

Mike Santana talks about how he came to a fork in the world. People have been asking questions and now they’ll get answers. He has to travel on his own though and he’s here to be the guy. Deal with it.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe

Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line. Jeff kicks the leg out to start and adds a basement dropkick to the back. A middle rope clothesline gets two but Joe goes basic by biting Jeff’s head. We take a break and come back with Jeff jawbreaking his way to freedom to leave them both down for a bit. Joe snaps off the jabs in the corner but Jeff manages a quick Whisper In The Wind. Jeff makes the comeback with his usual sequence but the Twist of Fate is pulled into the Koquina Clutch to knock him out at 8:33.

Rating: B-. You can point out all of the issues that Hardy has but dang he has more charisma than he knows what to do with a lot of the time. He just has that presence to him and it feels like you’re watching something special when he’s out there. That being said, Joe is going to the finals at least and they didn’t really hide it after showing that video on him vs. MJF. Still though, this felt like a match between two legends and that’s why it was taking place.

Overall Rating: B. The important thing here is that it felt like there were some stakes to this. You had the two tournament matches plus the Bucks making a short cameo, which makes for a pretty big edition of Rampage. I still don’t see much for the future of this show, but it’s nice to have something feel like it matters for a change around here.

Penta El Zero Miedo b. Jay Lethal – Fear Factor
Britt Baker/Skye Blue/Hikaru Shida b. The Bunny/Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie – Lockjaw to Bunny
Young Bucks b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – BTE Trigger to Menard
Samoa Joe b. Jeff Hardy – Koquina Clutch



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Dynamite – September 6, 2023: I Like Where This Is Going

Date: September 6, 2023
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re done with All Out and quite a bit happened at the show. Jon Moxley defeated Orange Cassidy to win the International Title, while Kenny Omega lost in his showdown with Konosuke Takeshita. There is a good chance that both of those will play into Grand Slam and WrestleDream over the next month. Let’s get to it.

Here is All Out if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Orange Cassidy to get the big ovation. He was told to stay home but came here anyway, because he’ll be here every week. As he goes to leave, he runs into the people coming out for the International Title match.

International Title: Jon Moxley vs. AR Fox

Moxley is defending and has Claudio Castagnoli with him. The right hands in the corner have Fox in early trouble but he’s right back up with a springboard missile dropkick to put Moxley on the floor. There’s the big dive to take him down as we see Darby Allin (who came out with Fox but left) and Nick Wayne watching in the back. Fox hits a running hanging DDT and we take a break. Back with Fox hitting a kick to the head into a 450 for two. Moxley isn’t having that though and takes him down for the elbows to the head. The King Kong Lariat sets up the Death Rider to retain at 8:24.

Rating: C+. As usual, Fox got in all of his flashy moves and flips and looked good enough, though there was no way Moxley was going to lose here. The more important story here though would seem to be that of Wayne and Allin’s different ways of looking at Fox. That’s going to go in some interesting directions but it might take some time to get there.

Post match Allin comes to the ring to check on ox but we see Christian Cage and Luchasaurus coming up to Nick Wayne in the back. Cage didn’t know Wayne’s dad was a wrestler so he looked his up….and Wayne’s dad was even worse than he thought. If Wayne wants a mentor, maybe he should look to a champion. Just something to think about. Christian goes to leave but asks Wayne to “say hi to your mom for me.”

TBS Title: Kris Statlander vs. Emi Sakura

Statlander is defending and gets rolled up for a fast two. Sakura sends her to the apron for the running crossbody to knock Statlander to the floor. Back in and they exchange clotheslines for a double knockdown. Sakura is up first with a reverse DDT and a backbreaker for two as this is pretty one sided so far. Statlander pops up and hits Wednesday Night Fever for the pin to retain at 4:20.

Rating: C. Well it made Sakura look great until the end while Statlander got in about two moves. What matters is that Statlander won, but it was a weird way for the champion to be presented. Sakura is someone who has all kinds of talent, but she’s just kind of dropped into random matches most of the time. This made her look good, though I’m not sure why Statlander couldn’t have gotten in some more offense before the win.

Roderick Strong has a sitdown interview where he talks about being alone for most of his childhood but wrestling helped save him. Adam Cole knew that, but now he’ll win the Grand Slam eliminator tournament alone.

Le Sex Gods vs. Aussie Open

Don Callis is on commentary and the Aussies jump them fast to start. We settle down to Sammy and Fletcher chopping it out until Sammy hits a dropkick to the ribs. A double suplex drops Fletcher and the fans rather like Jericho as we take a break. Back with Jericho avoiding the stereo clotheslines and hitting a Codebreaker for two on Fletcher.

The triangle dropkick sends Fletcher to the floor but Jericho’s dive only takes out Sammy. The Aussies ram them together and then take it back inside where the Aussie Arrow hits Jericho for two. Sammy is back in with a Spanish Fly to Davis, but Fletcher brainbusters Jericho for two more. Back up and the Judas Effect finishes for Jericho at 11:24.

Rating: B-. This was a good match between two talented teams, though the Aussies’ bad run continues. Jericho and Sammy teaming together regularly is something that makes sense, though that tension in the middle doesn’t bode well for their future. For now though, nice match as they kept the energy up.

Post match Jericho tries to apologize to Sammy but they wind up shoving each other and Sammy walks off.

We look at the Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks strap match, with Guevara’s body being rather wrecked. Starks is livid about another setback and wants a chance.

We look at MJF and Samoa Joe’s brawl at All Out.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita are in the back, with Callis bragging about Takeshita’s win over Kenny Omega. Callis has a new painting, but we’ll have to see it later. Next week, we’ll find out their next target.

Here is MJF for a chat. MJF talks about how he used to live right here in Indiana during his time on the independent circuit and yes the fans do appreciate that. Now though, he’s on his way to New York to face the winner of the Grand Slam tournament. One person needs to be taught a lesson but here is Samoa Joe to interrupt. Joe wanted to be out here to hear what MJF said, but MJF thinks Joe must have confused the entrance music for an ice cream truck.

The last time Joe was busy with an ice cream truck, he was being the biggest star on the other company’s network. MJF thinks that means it’s time to get creative, so we get some Pillsbury Doughboy jokes. Those are followed up with jokes about the size of various genitalia before Joe shifts to mocking the midwest. MJF doesn’t like hearing Joe call him “kid” and tells him to go enter the tournament.

Joe isn’t impressed but MJF has a story. We hear the story about his tryout with WWE and how William Regal blew him off. Then MJF sent him back to NXT where he belonged, and if Joe doesn’t watch it, he’ll be next. That night, MJF got to be a security guard on WWE TV and met Joe himself. Joe then shoved him into a brick wall and laughed. Well now MJF isn’t a kid anymore because he is now the World Champion and the best wrestler in the world today. So now, MJF is going to kill Joe.

That gets a smirk from Joe, who didn’t think MJF was a kid that night. Just a little b****. That earns Joe a slap, but he says he’ll be in the tournament to get him to Grand Slam. Joe kicks him low and holds up the World Title but MJF gets in a low blow of his own. The fight is on but Adam Cole runs in to break up the MuscleBuster. MJF has to be helped out but Joe talks a bit more trash about him anyway. Good showdown here, and Joe is certainly a fresh main eventer.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Roderick Strong vs. Trent Beretta

Strong and Adam Cole bump into each other on the way to the ring, with Strong talking a lot of trash. The Kingdom and Chuck Taylor are here too. Strong takes him into the corner to start before grabbing a front facelock. Back up and they trade chops until Trent hits a belly to back suplex. A tornado DDT sends Strong outside where he grabs his neck again. Strong is fine enough to belly to back suplex him onto the apron and we take a break.

Back with Trent fighting out of a fireman’s carry and hitting some rolling German suplexes. Trent grabs a Death Valley Driver for two and they fight into the corner. A super hurricanrana takes them back down and Trent counters the Stronghold into a small package for two. Trent’s piledriver gets two as Strong gets a foot on the ropes. Strong is back up with End Of Heartache to finish Trent at 11:04.

Rating: B-. These two worked well together and it was nice to see Strong getting back in the ring. I’m not wild on a lot of the things he’s been doing with Adam Cole but he can still go in the ring with almost anyone. They had a good match and it’s nice to see something a bit cleaner like this rather than all of the shenanigans that usually take place.

Toni Storm doesn’t remember anything about costing Ruby Soho last week. Next week, she’ll be ready to win. She warns Renee Paquette to watch the show, then throws it at her.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Page talks about how he was able to donate $50,000 to an education charity in Chicago. He used to be a teacher and knows they are underpaid and deserve the help. Cue Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana to interrupt though, with Swerve saying Page is now just a mascot.

Page was stuck on the pre-show competing for charity rather than on the main show for titles. Swerve thinks Page hasn’t had any new merchandise in a year, but he got a new contract and the good food he’s been eating has been showing. When is the last time Page even had a title shot? If Swerve had the opportunities Page had a year ago, he would have been the first Black AEW World Champion.

Swerve tells him to ride away so this can be Swerve’s house. Or they fight, with Page showing what Cowboy S*** really is. But remember, Swerve will whip him like a dive. Either way, Swerve is coming for the spot that Page doesn’t seem like he wants. Page goes after him but here is Brian cage to lay him out. Cage wasn’t needed here, but Nana getting to dance to Swerve’s music again was worth it.

Here’s what’s coming on Rampage.

Jay Lethal, Penta El Zero Miedo and Jeff Hardy are ready to win their tournament matches.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Darby Allin vs. Nick Wayne

They shake hands to start and Allin sends him to the floor, only to miss a suicide dive. We take an early break and come back with Wayne’s frog splash hitting raised knees. The shotgun dropkick puts Wayne in the corner for two before Allin grabs a Figure Four. That’s turned over with Allin bailing into the ropes for the break.

Allin knocks him down again and we get a quick breather. A fist bump sets up the forearm exchange but Allin stops to grab a mic and says Wayne needs to hit him harder. Wayne hits a superkick but cue Christian cage and Luchasaurus to interrupt. We take another break and come back with Allin charging into a knee on the apron. The hurricanrana sends Allin back down to the floor with Wayne hitting a frog splash for a bonus.

Back in and Wayne’s super cutter is broken up but Allin can’t bring himself to hit the Coffin Drop, instead just covering Wayne for two. Wayne grabs his own Last Supper for two but Wayne’s World is blocked. Instead Allin hits a crossbody into a crucifix into Code Red for two more. Allin ties up the arms and stomps at the head for the submission at 11:55.

Rating: B-. I’m still not seeing it with Wayne, who feels like someone else who can do the flips and little more. Having Allin not want to hurt his friend was fine, but I still don’t have much of a reason to care about Wayne himself. Good enough main event and Allin winning is the right way to go, but they’re leaning in heavily on Wayne and I’m not sure it’s working.

Overall Rating: B. This was a show where the wrestling didn’t matter, but rather setting things up for later. In that sense, this show was quite effective as they built towards Grand Slam and perhaps even beyond that. Multiple stories were either set up in the first place or advanced and I’m curious to see where some of those things go. This was a solid show, and if they can keep it up, we could be in for a nice stretch going forward.

Jon Moxley b. AR Fox – Death Rider
Kris Statlander b. Emi Sakura – Wednesday Night Fever
Le Sex Gods b. Aussie Open – Judas Effect to Fletcher
Roderick Strong b. Trent Beretta – End Of Heartache
Darby Allin b. Nick Wayne – Stomps to the head



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All Out 2023: And Now, We Rest

All Out 2023
Date: September 3, 2023
Location: United Center, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Excalibur, Kevin Kelly

It’s the second pay per view in eight days and this week’s card isn’t exactly strong. In theory the main event is Orange Cassidy defending the International Title against Jon Moxley, which has been built up rather strong. Other than that, we have a pair of Ring Of Honor title matches so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Zero Hour: Other The Budget Charity Battle Royal

Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta, Dalton Castle, Matt Menard, Tony Nese, Kyle Fletcher, Mark Davis, Serpentico, Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker, Scorpio Sky, Bishop Kaun, Toa Leona, Brian Cage, Hangman Page, Shawn Spears, Komander

The winner gets to donate $50,000 to the charity of their choice. Before the match though, Nese gets in the ring and does his “you’re all fat and need group training” deal. He does some pushups as the bell rings and is promptly eliminated. The Mogul Embassy and Dalton Castle/The Boys get in a fight on the floor, only to have Komander hit his rope walk shooting star onto them all (none of them are eliminated).

Hager tosses Serpentico as Nigel says he’s never actually been in a battle royal. Garcia and Spears have a staredown with the TEN vs. dancing until the Aussies break it up. The Mogul Embassy gets together to dump Komander but the Boys save Castle from hitting the floor. The same Boys drop Parker for the elimination (Parker: “SERIOUSLY?”) but Cage clotheslines Castle out. There goes Martin before the Best Friends chokeslam Cage. Leona tosses Taylor though, only to have Page get rid of Kaun.

Menard and Hager are both out as the ring is rapidly clearing out. Page and Beretta double clothesline Davis out and Sky eliminates Garcia (the fans aren’t pleased). We’re down to six, with Page, Andretti and Beretta squaring off with Cage, Leona and Fletcher. Andretti is sent to the apron and tossed out but Beretta half and half suplexes Fletcher out. Cage eliminates Beretta and we’re down to Page vs. Cage and Leona. The Buckshot Lariat gets rid of Leona but Cage hits a quick neckbreaker. Not that it matters as Page comes right back and tosses him out for the win at 13:13.

Rating: C. This was the “get everyone on the show” deal and the charity thing was a pretty unique way to go. That being said, it’s another battle royal and I don’t know how AEW could possibly run them into the ground any farther. This is their second in three days and that’s a bit much for anyone. At least they didn’t go long and Page winning seemed to pop the crowd so it was hardly some terrible idea.

Zero Hour: Hikaru Shida/Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue vs. Athena/Mercedes Martinez/Diamante

Athena and company are quickly sent outside and start arguing, allowing Blue to hit a big dive. Back in and Shida’s middle rope dropkick hits Diamante but Blue comes in and gets dropped with a gutbuster. Diamante sends her face first into a boot in the corner but Blue slaps Athena in the face. That’s not enough for the diving tag as Athena plants her down for two instead.

The next attempt is enough to bring Shida back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and we get an exchange of strikes to the head. Martinez hits a German superplex on Blue but Nightingale crushes her. Athena hits the O Face but they head out to the floor. Nightingale Pounces Athena into the barricade and Martinez is whipped hard into it for a bonus. Back in and Code Blue finishes Martinez at 8:23.

Rating: C. The sooner they can get Athena into the AEW women’s division, the better. She’s dominated Ring Of Honor for so long and is completely ahead of everyone else around there. Let her come up to the bigger stage and show what she can do with the better talent. Other than that, this felt like a way to get a bunch of women on the show, though having Blue in the Chicago gear made perfect sense.

Zero Hour: Trios Titles: Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

Jarrett and company are challenging and get a very basketball themed entrance. On the other hand, the champs come out with Dennis Rodman as Caster calls the other team the 2023 Oddities. Hold on though as Gunn has his own referee, so here is Aubrey Edwards. Jarrett and company jump them to start but it’s a quick Scissor Me Timbers to Jeff. The Acclaimed do a pretty bad strut but Jeff gets in a running crotch attack on the ropes to Caster.

Lethal comes in to stomp Caster down in the corner until a suplex gives us a double knockdown. It’s off to Bowens to clean house and Gunn comes in to hammer away as well. That works until Singh is there for a chokeslam to Bowens. Sonjay Dutt offers a distraction but Aubrey Edwards catches Karen Jarrett bringing in the guitar. Aubrey kicks her to the floor as Gunn hits Singh low. Rodman adds a guitar shot to Singh and there’s a Fameasser to Lethal. The Arrival into the Mic Drop retains the titles at 5:56.

Rating: C. Rodman seemed a bit….we’ll go with “off” here and only did one thing. This is probably a match that could have been on Collision or Rampage instead but here it is making this show longer instead. I do like getting the Acclaimed and Gunn out there for a fun enough title match though and it didn’t last long, so this could have been a lot worse.

And now, the show proper.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Dark Order vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Adam Cole

MJF and Cole are defending and we’re already in with the DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE chants. Silver slugs away at Cole to start but the threat of the double clothesline sends Silver out to the floor. Back in and MJF offers a handshake under the guise of sportsmanship, only to get in a cheap shot on Reynolds (the fans approve). The Kangaroo Kick is loaded up but he gets knocked down with a chair shot behind the referee’s back.

MJF’s neck is banged up and walks out (with help, rather than a neck brace), leaving Cole to fight on his own. Fans: “SINGLE CLOTHESLINE!” Cole is sent outside but cuts off a dive with a jumping enziguri. Back in and Silver kicks away at Cole, setting up a fisherman’s buster for two. Silver snaps off a German suplex for two before Cole is sent outside. Evil Uno gets in a cheap shot on the floor, setting up the jawbreaker into a German suplex for two on Cole.

There’s a double clothesline for two on Cole but he’s back with a kick in the corner to drop Reynolds. Cue the returning MJF to get the tag and clean house, including some right hands and a bite in the corner. Silver falls down and headbutts Silver low by mistake and Uno’s distraction is cut off by a superkick. The Double Clothesline retains the titles at 14:03.

Rating: B-. Honestly, what else were they supposed to do here? There was no reason to believe that the Dark Order was going to win, or really have much of a chance, without some kind of interference so the MJF handicap was all they had. It absolutely did not need to be on pay per view, but it had its entertaining moments.

MJF has to be helped out but here is Samoa Joe for his match. Joe shoves MJF on the way to the ring so MJF charges in for the brawl. Cole, instead of helping, calls out security as Joe grabs a front facelock (AHUH). Security finally gets in to break it up, as I’m trying to figure out where they came up with the inspiration for a shove and a front facelock until the fight was broken up.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Shane Taylor vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending. Taylor slugs him into the corner to start but Joe knocks it out to the floor. Back in and Taylor grabs a powerslam for two but Joe slugs away again. With Taylor on the floor, Joe hits a suicide elbow, only to get clotheslined for two back inside. A hanging Stunner gets two on Joe and a middle rope splash gets the same. They forearm it out until Joe pulls him into the Koquina Clutch to retain at 6:23.

Rating: C. Well that happened. I’m rather glad that they spent time setting up Taylor as the challenger on ROH and then had this match get PPV time. Taylor never felt like a threat and then Joe just choked him out. Joe has held the title for almost a year and a half now and it’s time to find him a serious challenger. Or take the title off of him already.

We recap Luchasaurus vs. Darby Allin for the TNT Title. Christian Cage thinks it’s his and has been as gloriously delusional as ever.

TNT Title: Luchasaurus vs. Darby Allin

Allin is challenging and Christian Cage/Nick Wayne are the seconds. Allin charges right at him and they fight to the floor, with Luchasaurus sending Allin into the steps. Cage wants more violence so Luchasaurus puts the steps on Allin’s back and steps on them. Back in and a spinning side slam gives Luchasaurus two, followed by one heck of a headbutt. Allin manages a quick shot but a springboard crossbody bounces off of Luchasaurus for a crash.

Allin’s rib tape is pulled off and they head outside, where Luchasaurus gets posted. Luchasaurus is put in a chair for the top rope flip dive. Back in and Allin manages a crucifix bomb for two but Luchasaurus sends him flying. Allin fights up again and dives onto Cage, followed by a super Code Red for two. The Coffin Drop is loaded up but Cage blasts Wayne with a chair. That’s enough of a distraction for Luchasaurus to hit a pair of Tombstones and a clothesline to the back of the head to retain at 12:09.

Rating: B-. There is something about seeing Allin throw himself at a monster like a brick wall and it worked well here. I’m glad to see Luchasaurus retaining the title as it means more of Christian Cage’s delusions of grandeur. Good stuff here and it’s not like Allin is hurt by getting mauled by a monster.

Post match the villains grab a chair to load up the Concharito but a bunch of people, including Shawn Spears, make the save.

We recap Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro. They’re both big and strong so let’s hoss fight.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro

They start fast and it’s a brawl with the slugout going to Hobbs. A running clothesline drops Miro but he knocks Hobbs to the apron. Back in and a dropkick puts Hobbs down again but he pops up for an overhead belly to belly. Hobbs misses a splash in the corner though and there’s a running flip dive off the apron to put him down again. They head back inside and Hobbs drops him again, setting up a chinlock. Miro fights up and hits some running knees before kind of Hulking Up.

A bunch of clotheslines drop Hobbs but he blocks a suplex and goes up. That’s broken up as well and the Machka Kick connects, only to have Hobbs plant him for another two. They slug it out until Miro blocks him with a running clothesline. The Game Over is actually broken though and Hobbs grabs a spinebuster for two. Hobbs loads up his own Game Over but Miro fights out plants him down and grabs the real Game Over for the win at 15:15.

Rating: B+. Oh yeah that worked. This was the definition of a “what you see is what you get” match as two monsters beat the fire out of each other for fifteen minutes until one of them won. There is something to be said about this kind of a hoss fight and my goodness it was a lot of fun. Now just find something for both of them to do already.

Post match Hobbs turns down a handshake and jumps Miro….and here is CJ Perry (formerly Lana, Miro’s wife) to chair Hobbs in the back. The distraction lets Miro make the save but he walks away from Perry (who he says isn’t real), who looks confused.

We recap Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho. Statlander can’t beat her, but this time it’s for Statlander’s TBS Title.

TBS Title: Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho

Soho, with Saraya, is challenging and gets run over with a shoulder to start. That’s enough to take the fight outside, where Soho sends her face first into the barricade. Saraya gets in a cheap shot to give Soho two and she chokes away in the corner. Statlander hits a clothesline but gets kicked back down for two more. They strike it out for a double knockdown before Statlander unloads in the corner. A running knee rocks Soho but she grabs a belly to back suplex.

Back up and Statlander can’t get Sunday Night Fever as Soho rolls her up for two instead. Soho snaps off a hurricanrana into a DDT into a basement hurricanrana for two more. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Statlander two but Soho pulls her off the ropes into No Future. Destination Unknown gets two so it’s spray paint time. Cue Toni Storm from under the ring to take it away though, allowing Statlander to hit Sunday Night Fever to retain at 12:12.

Rating: B. It’s amazing what happens when the women are given more time and don’t have a commercial right in the middle. Throw in the lack of spray paint in an Outcasts match and it was that much better. Statlander getting another win is a good thing to see, and now the Outcasts even seem to be imploding to make things that much better. Heck of a match here.

We recap Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks. Ricky Steamboat wanted revenge for Starks whipping him, so he got Starks to agree to a match with the Dragon. By that he meant the American Dragon, as Danielson made a surprise return.

Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks

No DQ strap match with Ricky Steamboat on commentary. Hold on though as Starks jumps him before putting the strap around his wrist and Danielson is beaten down. Danielson is busted open but let’s ring the bell anyway, with Starks going outside to hammer away. Since he’s one of the most professional wrestlers ever, Steamboat is there to explain that Danielson might be a bit out of ring shape despite being in great physical condition.

The whipping continues around the ring but Danielson is back with a headbutt. Starks backdrops him to the apron though and one heck of a strap shot has the blood flying. Back in and Starks gets crotched on top and the whipping is on, with Steamboat being rather pleased. Three dropkicks in the Tree of Woe rock Starks again but Starks gets in a whip of his own. Starks spends too long yelling at Steamboat though and Danielson pulls him into the ring.

More whipping ensues on the bloody Starks but he’s back with a long string of whips back inside. That just fires Danielson up as he shouts about Starks taking a beating. The YES Kicks knock Starks silly but cue Big Bill to jump Danielson. Steamboat pulls Bill off and chops away but gets shoved down. Danielson dives onto both villains, only to have Starks hit a spear for two. The running knee drops Starks again and Danielson kicks him into the LeBell Lock, with strap around the neck, for the knockout win at 16:36.

Rating: B+. There are times when the match needs to be straight up violent and that is what we got here. It was bloody and carnage, with Danielson looking like a monster at the end. Starks needs a win, but it’s ok to have him lose in a crazy brutal match like this one. In addition, Steamboat, who has barely been in wrestling in years, was better than most commentators and even looked decent with those chops. Heck of a match here.

Hangman Page is donating his winnings to the Chicago Public Education Fund.

Eddie Kingston/Katsuyori Shibata vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta

Shibata takes Yuta down to start and goes for the arm, sending Yuta over to the rope. Castagnoli comes in to lock up with Shibata before it’s off to Kingston. The fight heads outside with Yuta hitting a suicide dive and Castagnoli driving Kingston into the barricade. Back in and Yuta cranks on both arms at once but Kingston fights up with an STO.

Shibata comes in and strikes away in the corner but Castagnoli drops him again. A Fastball Special (Rocket Launcher) gives Yuta two but Shibata strikes his way out of trouble. An Indian Deathlock to Yuta and an ankle lock to Castagnoli at the same time has to be broken up. Everything breaks down and Shibata kicks Yuta into a Saito suplex to give Kingston two.

Kingston and Castagnoli strike it out until the Neutralizer gives Castagnoli two more. The Riccola Bomb is escaped and Kingston hits a spinning backfist. The northern lights bomb gets two and Shibata chokes Yuta out. Then Castagnoli hits an uppercut to finish Kingston at 15:26.

Rating: C+. That ending is bizarre to say the least and I’m not sure where they’re going now. Castagnoli has beaten Kingston at least twice this year and that doesn’t bode well for Kingston’s title prospects. There is a strong chance he wins the title at Final Battle, but my goodness it’s not easy to bring myself to care about a title match another three months from now.

We recap Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita. Don Callis needs someone else to throw at Omega so here we go.

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Don Callis is here with Takeshita. Omega gets struck down to start until Takeshita DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD with a belly to back suplex. Omega is fine enough to hit a Regal roll on the floor into a moonsault off the barricade. Back in and Omega ties up the legs but Takeshita fights out.

They go to the floor where Takeshita hits a brainbuster, meaning it’s time to load up some chairs. A slingshot dive onto the chairs onto Omega gets two, followed by a Helluva Kick into a Blue Thunder Bomb for the same. Omega fights up with the ax handles to the chest and a missed running knee sends Takeshita outside.

That means the big running flip dive to Takeshita on the floor, followed by a missile dropkick to the back of the head inside. Some snapdragons and the poisonrana give Omega two but Takeshita hits one heck of a lariat for the same. Takeshita reverses something into a kneeling Tombstone for two and they trade more strikes.

A super One Winged Angel is blocked and Takeshita hits a super Blue Thunder Bomb for a rather near fall instead. Omega hits a V Trigger but Takeshita finds the screwdriver. That’s taken away, so Takeshita hits a running knee for two. Another running knee finishes Omega at 22:29.

Rating: A-. This was a heck of a fight with Omega putting Takeshita over in the big match, as he should. Takeshita has been the guy who could be something if he got a big win for a long time and that has now been solved. There is bound to be a rematch and Omega can get his win back there as he gets closer to revenge on Callis. This helped make Takeshita though and that is what he has been needing for a long time now.

Bullet Club Gold vs. FTR/Young Bucks

Wheeler starts in on Austin’s arm before handing it off to the Bucks (THERE is the reaction from the fans we’ve been waiting on) and they take turns on said arm. White comes in to hammer on Harwood, who fires back with some chops. It’s off to Wheeler for a change and Robinson gets to take out his knee.

Some snap jabs have Wheeler in more trouble but he fights back up and hands it off to Harwood. The Club takes him into the wrong corner for the alternating beating though and Robinson is back with the chinlock. A belly to back suplex breaks it up but Harwood gets pulled outside for a drop onto the apron. Back in and another chinlock is broken up, allowing the tag off to Nick.

The springboard wristdrag/headscissors takes down Robinson and Colten and everything breaks down. The threat of a triple superkick sends White into the slingshot X Factor from Matt. Austin is superplex into a top rope headbutt into a top rope elbow into a 450 for two, with Colten making the save. The Shatter Machine hits Robinson and superkicks abound, setting up a BTE Trigger from Harwood and Matt for two on Jay. Then White hits a Blade Runner on Wheeler to give Austin the pin at 21:39.

Rating: B. This was a wild match and they hit a bunch of stuff throughout. I’m not big on the idea of FTR/the Bucks being some new wonder team but there’s a good chance that is just a one off. If this leads to the Club getting another Tag Team Title shot on the big stage, it’s all for the better though, as they have some incredible chemistry with FTR every time they’re out there together.

We recap Orange Cassidy defending the International Title against Jon Moxley. Cassidy has been on a record reign with the title but Moxley is by far his biggest challenger.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley

Cassidy is defending and gets blasted in the head to start. The dropkick gives Cassidy a breather but Moxley suplexes him down hard. The flipping Stunner is countered into a suplex toss and Cassidy crashes again. They go outside with Moxley posting him to draw the first blood. Moxley sends him over the announcers’ table and bites at the head, prompting a lot of yelling from the referee.

Back in and a piledriver gets two on Cassidy, meaning it’s time to bite at the cut again. The referee even asks if Cassidy can still go and yes of course he can. Cassidy is back with some DDTs but the Beach Break is blocked. Instead Cassidy hits a PK into the Orange Punch for two but Moxley pulls him into a choke. The armbreaker is reversed so Moxley pulls him into the LeBell Lock this time.

With that broken up, they head outside with Moxley peeling back the floor mats. Cassidy reverses into a Beach Break and they barely beat the count back inside. Back in and Cassidy hits the Orange Punch and a spear of all things gets two. Cassidy goes with the lazy kicks but turns them into much harder kicks, only for the King Kong Lariat to drop him. Cassidy pops back up so it’s another King Kong Lariat into the Death Rider for a very close two. Then Moxley hits another Death Rider to win the title at 19:43.

Rating: B. It was a violent match and felt like Cassidy’s biggest ever, but man alive that result is going to have some people arguing. Cassidy’s reign was mainly against lower level stars and he loses in his first match against a main eventer? That doesn’t so much make me think he’s been elevated to the next level as much as it confirms the status he was in for a long time. Good match and it was time for someone new, but I’m not sure how much Moxley needed this.

Cassidy gets the standing ovation to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This was another strong show, though I’m not sure how much a lot if will change the bigger stories going forward. Instead, this show was about having a string of strong matches and there were enough here to carry things on. The only weak stuff was either on Zero Hour or the ROH TV Title match (and maybe the Kingston/Castagnoli tag). It could have gone with being about 30-40 minutes shorter, but you won’t be disappointed with watching the whole thing. The big matches more than delivered though and that’s enough to make this work.

Hangman Page won the Other The Budget battle royal last eliminating Brian Cage
Hikaru Shida/Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue b. Athena/Mercedes Martinez/Diamante – Code Blue to Martinez
Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal – Mic Drop to Lethal
Adam Cole/Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Dark Order – Double Clothesline to Reynolds
Samoa Joe b. Shane Taylor – Koquina Clutch
Luchasaurus b. Darby Allin – Clothesline to the back of the head
Miro b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Game Over
Kris Statlander b. Ruby Soho – Sunday Night Fever
Bryan Danielson b. Ricky Starks via referee stoppage
Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Katsuyori Shibata/Eddie Kingston – Uppercut to Kingston
Konosuke Takeshita b. Kenny Omega – Running knee
Bullet Club Gold b. FTR/Young Bucks – Blade Runner to Wheeler
Jon Moxley b. Orange Cassidy – Death Rider

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All Out 2023 Preview

Well we’re back on pay per view about a week after the last one and that might not be the best idea. The build to All Out, the full week that we’ve had for it, has been a bit lacking, as AEW does not seem to have the most steam coming out of All In. Some of that can be attributed to the CM Punk debacle, but I’m not sure if that is going to be enough to make the show work. There is some potential in the card though and that is a good sign. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Athena/Mercedes Martinez/Diamante vs. Hikaru Shida/Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue

This is some weird ROH vs. AEW style match and that is kid of indicative of how the women’s division has been going as of late. Thankfully the Outcasts are not involved in this one and we should be able to get some focus on some stars who could use the attention. Athena has been on fire in ROH and Martinez can work well with anyone. Throw in Shida and Nightingale and this has some potential.

I’ll go with Blue and company though, as she feels like the definition of someone in this match for the hometown pop. Blue can handle herself well enough in the ring, but the fact that she was in Chicago themed gear on Rampage told me all I needed to know about this one. We should be in for a fun opener, but odds are it gets about eight minutes, like so many women’s matches these days.

Zero Hour: Trios Titles: Acclaimed/Billy Gunn(c) vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh

Normally the titles would be enough to drive the interest here but this is almost all about Dennis Rodman being in the champs’ corner. That’s another one pretty much entirely for the Chicago crowd and again, that isn’t a terrible idea. Rodman is going to stand in the corner for most of the match, put a cigar in his mouth, and probably punch Sonjay Dutt. Other than that though, we do have some titles on the line.

In what might be the easiest pick of the night, there is almost no chance of the titles changing hands here so we’ll go with the champs retaining. They just won the titles a week ago and there is no reason to believe that they are going to lose here. Just let the champs get another title victory and move on to whomever is next, though without Rodman after this one time.

Zero Hour: Over The Budget Battle Royal

This is a battle royal with no announced entrants, but the winner gets to make a $50,000 donation to the charity of their choice. That is the kind of thing that could make for quite the mess behind the scenes as AEW gets to pick a charity. Either that or we have the wrestlers all pick the same charity without letting it be known in advance. Now that being said, this is going to be a tricky one to pull off, as we don’t know who is actually in the ting.

Since the other two matches on Zero Hour have Chicago connections, and given the situation that took place this year, I’ll go with Colt Cabana to win the thing, both as a friendly Chicago deal and a big farewell to CM Punk. This is a match that pretty much can’t be previewed due to the whole WE DON’T KNOW WHO IS IN IT, but at least the charity stuff is a nice prize for a change.

TNT Title: Kris Statlander(c) vs. Ruby Soho

Here we have a match that isn’t likely to get much time but could do well for a match that gives the show a chance to breathe. Statlander has been built up rather well since winning the title and has been racking up wins, but that is going to have to end at some point. At the same time, Soho has to actually win something at some point, though I’m not sure if that is going to take place here.

I’ll go with Statlander retaining the title here, though after a rather good match. Soho is someone who can work with just about anyone and should be able to have a solid back and forth match with Statlander. At the end of the day though, the Outcasts having both titles doesn’t seem like the best idea so we’ll go with Statlander retaining, with the champ getting another nice win.

Eddie Kingston/Katsuyori Shibata vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta

This is a match that was added to the card without much fanfare and I’m not sure how good of a situation that is going to be. Kingston vs. Castagnoli has been going on for most of the last five months and at some point, Kingston almost has to win the Ring Of Honor World Title. For now though, we’re stuck here with another tag match, which is likely to help set up Yuta for another Pure Rules Title shot. That’s not the most interesting thing, but here we are anyway.

I’ll take Kingston/Shibata for the win here, as there is really not much of a reason for them to lose. Since the Pure Rules Title shots are pretty much handed out, Kingston getting a pin, likely over Yuta, will keep the feud going. At the very least, we should be on the way to Final Battle for Kingston vs. Castagnoli, but since ROH takes it sweet time, we have to get through something like this on the way there. Kingston and Shibata win here.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe(c) vs. Shane Taylor

So this is taking place on the AEW pay per view for reasons I do not fathom whatsoever. Taylor has wrestled two matches ever in AEW (both on Dark) and is basically a stranger unless you watch ROH. That doesn’t make for the most thrilling match, though Taylor did win a tournament to get the title shot. We have the potential for a heck of a hoss fight here, and if that is the case, we’ll be good to go.

There is no reason or Taylor to get the title back here so I’ll take Joe to retain. Joe has held the title for over a year at this point and could drop it at any time without losing any status, but I don’t think I can picture Taylor being the one to take the title from him. These guys are going to beat the fire out of each other and that should be a lot of fun, but Taylor doesn’t get the title.

Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks

This is a strap match as the American Dragon is stepping in for Ricky The Dragon Steamboat after a slightly clever tricky contract signing. In this case, Danielson’s return feels like something of a way to calm the fans down after Punk was fired and he might be about as good of an option as there was. The strap thing has kind of been Starks’ thing in recent weeks, so at least there is an idea here.

This one could go either way, but I think I’ll go with Danielson winning, as he might become the face of Collision in a hurry. With nothing Blackpool Combat Club related during his Collision return, there is a chance that he is going to be doing something else. For now though, at least he is getting to be in a big match and while Starks needs the win (and I’m not convinced Big Bill won’t help him get it), losing to a returning Danielson is hardly some terrible result.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Adam Cole/MJF(c) vs. Dark Order

Yes the Dark Order is getting a title shot on pay per view and I’m still not entirely sure why. In theory this is going to be followed by a Cole/MJF vs. the Kingdom showdown, though it wouldn’t have to be for the titles. The Dark Order has been needing some kind of a big win seemingly for years now and they at least have a chance at one here, though that might be a long shot at best.

I don’t see a reason for the champs to drop the titles here so I’ll go with MJF and Cole retaining. They already have something set up with the Kingdom and taking the titles from them here would take away a big aspect of their story. Also, at the end of the day, it’s hard to imagine the Dark Order actually winning anything that mattered, so we’ll go with the titles being retained.

Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

This is one of the matches where what you see is what you get. You know what you are going to see from these two monsters hitting each other rather hard and that should make for a fun match. They’ve been out there brawling already and just the taste was fun, so letting us get the full version should be even more fun as it can go even longer than the first previews.

I could see either of them going over here, but Miro seems like he would be hurt more by a loss than Hobbs so I’ll take the former. While Hobbs has lost multiple times already and doesn’t need to again, a loss from Miro would seem to be quite the blow. What matters here is just having two monsters slugging away at each other and that should work out well. Miro wins though, but it’s a coin flip.

Bullet Club Gold vs. FTR/Young Bucks

This isn’t exactly a strong follow up to FTR vs. The Bucks at All In but if we’re not getting a title match, I guess this is about as good as we can have. There is a history between the Club and FTR and I could go for another title showdown between them, but I’m not sure if that is enough to carry an eight man tag. It could go either way, though the Bucks and FTR’s relationship is rocky at best and that could be a problem.

I’ll go with the Club winning here, as they should be in for another Tag Team Title shot to complete the trilogy. White and Robinson are a heck of a team and the Gunns are fine enough on their own. That should be enough to overcome FTR and the Bucks, who don’t really have anywhere to go if they win. The Club wins here, after things break down and everyone gets to go nuts.

TNT Title: Luchasaurus(c) vs. Darby Allin

This has been one of the most entertaining stories in AEW in recent months, as Christian Cage has been tearing it up as the delusional mastermind who things he is the real champion. Luchasaurus has barely been a factor as Cage’s disdain for all things dead fathers is rather entertaining. Allin just wants the title back because he had it before, and now we get quite the showdown.

As much as I could see Allin winning the title, I want Cage to keep up his delusions of grandeur and those can’t happen as well without the title. At some point Luchasaurus is going to snap and destroy Cage, but for now, Luchasaurus manages to retain the title, perhaps with Allin’s friend Nick Wayne turning on him. This could go either way, but hopefully it ends with Cage holding the title again.

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita

The more I see of Takeshita, the more talent he clearly has. He needs a big win over a top name and Omega would it that description, but I’m not sure I can imagine him actually beating someone as big as Omega. Takeshita already pinned him last weekend in a tag match, but there is a fine line between that and actually pinning him in a singles match, clean or not.

I’ll go with Takeshita winning here, as I don’t think we’re far enough into the story for Omega to get his big win. With Don Callis out there, Takeshita can get the win off some straight up cheating or maybe just a distraction. Either way, we should be in for one of the bigger matches on the show here and there is even a chance that this headlines the show, despite Callis taking the life out of anything he touches.

International Title: Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Jon Moxley

This has been treated as the biggest match on the show and it has the best chance of headlining the event. Cassidy has held the title for a LONG time now and it is time to either have him lose the thing or get the biggest win of his career over one of the biggest stars AEW has ever seen. This could go either way and they have been treating it as something serious, so some doors are certainly open here.

I’m torn on this one but I’ll go with Cassidy winning. While there is a grand total of no reason for him to keep the title, it would do a lot of damage to him if he loses the belt in his first match against a top challenger. Cassidy feels like someone AEW wants to move up to the next level, but that takes a big hit if he loses here. I could be entirely wrong and Moxley winning would make sense, but if AEW wants Cassidy to go a lot higher, he has to win here.

Overall Thoughts

This show does not feel like the best in the world and I’m not sure how much of a spark it is going to have. Now the good thing about that is the talent is there to make it work, even if a thirteen match card is still rather long. If the big matches can deliver and nothing is too bad, we could be in for a show that gets by its lackluster build. That is where AEW tends to shine, and maybe they can make it work again.



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Collision – September 2, 2023: The Show After

Date: September 2, 2023
Location: United Center, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

And then CM Punk got fired. That is going to be the absolute game changer that shakes up everything about this company for a good while to come, with the next two shows being in Chicago to crank up the awkwardness. I have no idea what AEW has up their sleeves to get them through what could be a rather horrible crowd reaction but let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Tony Khan welcomes us to the show and announces that CM Punk has been fired. The incident endangered people, including Khan, who was fearing for his life. That is nothing anyone should have to deal with at work so Punk is gone. Anyway,, on with the awesome shows.

We get a recap of All In.

Opening sequence.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring to start and you can hear some CM Punk changes. Anyway, Tony brings in Ricky Starks, with Big Bill, to challenge Ricky Steamboat. Schiavone: “Ricky, you have issued a challenge to Ricky Steamboat, a 70 year old man. Are you out of your freaking mind?” Starks talks about how he’s tired of having to start over again and again, but every time he shows up and out.

No matter how many times people try to suck the life out of him, it doesn’t work. Starks talks about how awesome Bill is for everything he’s done, including overcoming addiction. He’s so angry that he wants to cry but he’ll do what he needs to do. Starks sat at home and watched All In because he whipped Steamboat, so now he wants a strap match at All Out.

Steamboat comes out and says he hasn’t complained once about getting whipped by Starks. The Dragon doesn’t complain but he has a contract ready for an old school fight. The contract actually says “Ricky Starks vs. The Dragon” so Starks signs, and Steamboat gets to the obvious point: he meant THIS Dragon, so cue the returning Bryan Danielson (the American Dragon). He signs as well and we’ve got a match, with Starks being livid.

Jon Moxley is going to be the man who solves the Orange Cassidy puzzle. If Cassidy is a cosplay wrestler, who is he pretending to be? I believe that would be Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer actually. Anyway, Moxley thinks Cassidy is the real thing, and we’ll find out on Sunday. A lot of people believe in him, so don’t let people down. They’re making this feel like a serious match and that’s a good thing. If Cassidy is treated like a joke, why would it matter if Cassidy beat him?

Trios Titles: Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angel Parker vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

Acclaimed and Gunn are defending. Bowens punches Parker down to start so it’s off to Garcia vs. Gunn. Garcia gets in a few shots and dances a bit before telling Gunn to suck it. Gunn knocks him down with Parker landing on his knees in front of him (gyrations ensue). Everything breaks down and Garcia gets elbowed, only to get caught with a double hot shot. The piledriver into a double implant DDT into the Dragontamer has Bowens in trouble but he makes the rope (because a piledriver into a double implant DDT leaves him wide awake).

We take a break and come back with Bowens diving over for the tag to Caster to clean house. Garcia takes Caster down but Menard tags himself in, allowing Caster to hit a running clothesline. Gunn comes in but gets distracted by Jake Hager. That doesn’t last long as it’s a Fameasser to Menard. The Arrival into the Mic Drop retains the titles at 8:30.

Rating: C+. This was a perfectly fine match and that’s how you keep the Acclaimed hot: give them a match where they have to work a bit before finishing with the usual. No it won’t last forever (or that long really because there isn’t exactly a division) but it’s a crowd friendly act that has worked every time they’re out there. Go with what works.

Dark Order is ready to win the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Ricky Starks is ready for Bryan Danielson at All Out because he’ll knock it out of the park like everything else.

Aussie Open vs. Nick Wayne/Komander

Wayne hits a running hurricanrana to Fletcher to start and then flips up but the Aussies are right back to take over. The Aussie Arrow gets two on Komander as we take a break. Back with Wayne cleaning house, including a frog splash to Fletcher. A half nelson suplex plants Wayne and one heck of a piledriver drops Komander. Wayne kicks his way out of trouble but a double Wayne’s World is countered into Coriolis for the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C. I’m trying to get my mind around a piledriver actually knocking someone silly enough to put them down for the rest of the match. This was a way to get the Aussies some of their heat back and there is nothing wrong with that. Wayne continues to be someone who can do all of the athletic stuff but there is nothing to make me care about him. He has no character or anything outside of athleticism and that isn’t going to get him very far.

Post match Wayne talks about how he’s upset with Darby Allin over forgiving AR Fox. Cue Allin, to say he burned a bridge with Wayne’s father and they didn’t make up before he died. He didn’t want something similar to happen to Fox, so now he wants Wayne to do the same. Allin is challenging or the TNT Title on Sunday and wants Wayne in his corner.

Cue Christian Cage (Nigel: “It’s the father of the year!”) and Luchasaurus, with the former saying it was mean of him to ask about Wayne’s father without asking for his mom’s name. Maybe he should slide into her DM’s and try to change that. Christian talks about how we’re in the United Center, and these people know how to smell a loser from a mile away. Wayne should bring a towel with him because it’s going to be destruction at All Out. Then I…er, we will still be TNT Champion. Christian is on another level right now and he knows it.

Claudio Castagnoli beats up Wheeler Yuta as he talks about how Yuta keeps getting up. He thought Eddie Kingston had changed, but apparently not.

Kingston laughs it off and says Katsuyori Shibata has some words for the Blackpool Combat Club. Shibata, through Google Translate, thinks they suck. Ok that was clever.

Saraya doesn’t want to hear about problems with the Outcasts but now she’s stuck in Chicago. She’s ready to see Ruby Soho win the TBS Title and Soho seems rather confident she will do so.

Tony Schiavone brings out Dennis Rodman for a chat. Before he can say anything, Jeff Jarrett and company come to the ring, with Jeff talking about how similar Rodman is to his team (both Rodman and Karen Jarrett look great in dresses). Rodman is offered a spot on their team but shoves down Satnam Singh. Cue Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed and we get a Trios Titles match for All Out, with Rodman in the champs’ corner.

Shane Taylor is ready to win the ROH TV Title.

Samoa Joe doesn’t think so, and is ready to take Taylor out.

Britt Baker/Hikaru Shida/Kris Statlander vs. Outcasts

Statlander and Soho start things off but Storm comes in instead. A slam drops Storm but she slips out of a second one and stomps Statlander down in the corner. Statlander is right back up with the tag to Baker though and a Sling Blade puts Storm down. Shida comes in for a knee to Soho’s ribs and we take a break. Back with Statlander powerbombing Saraya for two and then kicking her in the head. Statlander powerslams Saraya but Storm hits Saraya by mistake on the save attempt. Everything breaks down and Saraya spray paints Baker, allowing No Future to give Soho the pin at 8:11.

Rating: C. This was your weekly “here are the women in a match with a break in the middle and the Outcasts use spray paint to win” match. The women’s division has fallen a pretty long way since its peak and this was a good example of how uninteresting things are at the moment. The Outcasts feel so repetitive most weeks and that was on display here, but odds are they aren’t changing anytime soon.

MJF isn’t here so Adam Cole reads off some insults to Dark Order that MJF sent him. Well most of them as one is too disgusting to read.

Kris Statlander knows the Outcasts are going to use the spray paint tomorrow. The Outcasts come in and yelling ensues.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. GPA

Spinebuster finishes in 7 seconds.

Post match Miro comes out for the brawl.

All Out rundown, including a battle royal on Zero Hour.

Video on Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita.

Orange Cassidy does not want to be talking right now because he wants to fight. He’s proven himself over and over again and he’ll do it at All Out. Then he’ll take the weight off of Jon Moxley’s shoulders and put it on his. He still has no catchphrase.

Jay White vs. Dax Harwood

Bullet Club Gold and Cash Wheeler are here too. White gets backed to the floor to start but he comes back in for a chop, only to head back outside. Harwood scares him out to the floor again and we take a break. Back with Harwood being sent outside where everyone else teases a big fight. A DDT gives White two but Harwood catches him on top with a superplex. The top rope headbutt misses though and White gets two as we take a break.

Back again with Harwood hitting a brainbuster for two and knocking White outside. They go over the barricade for more chops but White snaps the leg over the ropes on the way back in. White gets two off a Death Valley Driver and Harwood gets the same off a piledriver. Back up and White sends him shoulder first into the post, setting up the swinging Rock Bottom for two.

Harwood is fine enough to hit a slingshot powerbomb for two but the Sharpshooter sends White to the ropes. Harwood follows him outside and gets caught with the Blade Runner. Back in and another Blade Runner finishes for White at 20:09. Nigel: “WHAT A MOMENT!” A career singles wrestler and former World Champion pins a mostly career tag wrestler?

Rating: B-. The action was good, but this was a match that felt like it went long for the sake of going long. Harwood can wrestle a match like that and White is rather good, but it’s still a bit hard to buy that it took White twenty minutes to win here. These two are some of the main stars of Collision but that doesn’t mean they need to be out there that long if it doesn’t make sense.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Young Bucks run in for the save.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show as the wrestling was the least interesting part almost throughout. They had the Punk drama hanging over them and managed to avoid a lot of drama from it, but other than that, the show was mainly focused on All Out. That show needs the help, but I’m not sure it got enough of it here.

All Out does not feel important and there isn’t much of a way to hide that. AEW needs a bit of a breather from big shows, and with Grand Slam and WrestleDream both less than a month away, we won’t be seeing that anytime soon. Instead, I could see the weekly shows running out of steam more and more, which isn’t going to bode well for the next few weeks.

Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Daniel Garcia – Mic Drop to Menard
Aussie Open b. Nick Wayne/Komander – Coriolis to Wayne
Outcasts b. Britt Baker/Hikaru Shida/Kris Statlander – No Future to Soho
Powerhouse Hobbs b. GPA – Spinebuster
Jay White b. Dax Harwood – Blade Runner



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All In 2023: That’s A Big One

All In 2023
Date: August 27, 2023
Location: Wembley Stadium, London, England
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the biggest show in the history of AEW and there will be 80,000 fans there to see it happen. That is the kind of thing that AEW can and should brag about for a long time to come and now it is actually a reality. The main event will see MJF defend the World Title against Adam Cole in a match that has had a heck of a path to get here. Let’s get to it.

The stadium looks incredible and feels like a Wrestlemania crowd.

Zero Hour: Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Aussie Open vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Adam Cole

The Aussies are defending and jump the challengers during the pre-match posing. Cole and MJF are sent outside and rammed into each other, which gives Davis two on MJF as the bell finally rings. MJF fights out of a chinlock but Fletcher pulls Cole off the apron. Davis drops him again and hits a backsplash for two before handing it off to Fletcher. That lets MJF get in a shot of his own and tease the Kangaroo Kick but Davis isn’t letting that happen.

MJF seems to kick Fletcher low and the rolling tag brings in Cole to clean house. A Backstabber gets two on Fletcher but it’s too early for the Panama Sunrise. It’s not too early for a superkick to Fletcher though and the Aussies are knocked outside. MJF takes too long setting up a dive and Cole is pulled outside for a double beating. Back in and the Aussie Arrow gets two on MJF but the stereo clotheslines hit each other. MJF actually hits the Kangaroo Kick (a one footed dropkick to both champs) and the double clothesline finishes Fletcher for the titles at 6:58.

Rating: C+. They started fast here and didn’t overstay their welcome, as you don’t want MJF and Cole to burn through too much energy before their big main event. There was no reason to keep the titles on the Aussies here as the belts have little value on their own. The fans went nuts for the Kangaroo Kick and the double clothesline though, as they got the fun part before the serious stuff from these two later.

Mercedes Mone (Sasha Banks) is in the crowd. I know she probably is, but can she just not come to AEW?

Zero Hour: FTW Title: Hook vs. Jack Perry

Perry is defending under FTW Rules, meaning anything goes and falls count anywhere. As a bonus, Perry gets a limo ride into the stadium, which does fit him rather well. Hook meets him in the aisle and throws him over/into the limo. Perry takes him onto the top of said limo for a brainbuster though and Hook is down (not out, as you should be after that, but down).

The RVD finger point sets up Rolling Thunder before Perry points at the windshield and says “it’s real glass, cry me a river.” Assuming that’s a reference to the CM Punk incident, grow up. Hook fisherman’s busters him onto the windshield and they head down to the ring for the first time. Perry manages a posting and grabs a hanging DDT off the barricade to make it worse.

A trashcan is thrown inside and Perry loads up Coast To Coast, only to drop down and flip off the fans instead. Hook slugs away but gets German suplexed for two. A superkick connects for Perry but Hook is right back with some rolling German suplexes. Perry knocks him down again and gets in some trashcan shots, only to miss a moonsault. Hook pounds him down and grabs Redrum to get the title back at 8:35.

Rating: C+. They didn’t do much with the rules here but Hook isn’t ready to have some big, long match, especially in front of a crowd like this one. Let him get in there and do his thing before getting the title back and leaving with his head held high. I’m not wild on having Perry lose so soon, but Hook winning the title back gives the fans something to cheer for and that’s a good thing.

And now, the real show.

Real World Title: CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe

Punk is defending. They take their time to start with Punk driving him into the corner and hitting a chop, which doesn’t sit well with Joe. It sits with him so unwell that Joe starts snapping off the jabs and tying him in the ropes (like a see saw, a Terry Funk spot) for the chops. Punk is back up and sends him to the floor, with Joe walking away from the slingshot dive (the fans REALLY like that one).

Joe hits the running boot against the barricade before swinging him through the base of the announcers’ table in a nasty crash. Back in and Joe plows through him with a shoulder and gives that casual look to the camera. Punk is busted open bad (I’m assuming from the table crash) and the corner enziguri makes it even worse. Another big boot sets up the backsplash for two and Joe is looking a bit frustrated.

The MuscleBuster is broken up though and Punk scores with a head kick for the double knockdown. Punk kicks him down again for one as Joe Hulks Up, followed by the powerslam for two. Punk’s running knee in the corner is countered into a powerbomb into the STF into the crossface but Punk rolls him up to escape.

Another kick to the head puts Joe down again, meaning it’s time for the spinning toehold (JR: “God bless Terry Funk.”). With that broken up, Punk charges into the release Rock Bottom out of the corner. A superplex is broken up with a bite to Joe’s head (the fans don’t like that) and it’s the Pepsi Plunge (middle rope Pedigree) to retain the title at 13:57.

Rating: B. You can tell that these two know each other inside and out and it makes their matches, including this one, that much better. They threw in a curve with the Pepsi Plunge instead of the GTS and I’m not sure it got the same kind of a reaction as the traditional route would have received. What matters here though was having a heck of an opener that started the show off hot, and these two were as good of an option as they had, with a rather good match as well.

Punk takes some time to soak in the crowd and even shows some respect to Joe on the way out.

We recap the Golden Elite (Kenny Omega/Hangman Page/Kota Ibushi) vs. Bullet Club Gold/Konosuke Takeshita. This is more about Kenny Omega vs. Don Callis, the latter of whom sent his goons to attack Omega. Now it’s about revenge as the numbers are even.

Golden Elite vs. Bullet Club Gold/Konosuke Takeshita

The Gunns are at ringside and Don Callis is on commentary. Page and Robinson start things off with a headlock not going very far. Omega comes in to chop away at Robinson before Ibushi and White come in to chop it out. Ibushi gets shouldered down but nips up and tells White to bring it. Omega comes in for the running Fameasser before it’s off to Takeshita, who sends Ibushi outside. A hurricanrana sends Takeshita outside and the Rise of the Terminator dive takes out Takeshita and White.

Back in and Omega misses a high crossbody and seems to have hurt his wrist. Ibushi makes the save and forearms it out with Takeshita as everything breaks down. JR: “You can disqualify someone you know!” We settle back down to White working on the leg before Robinson comes in to work on the (other) leg. A suplex sends Omega’s legs into the ropes for two (JR: “That was a weak a** cover.”) but Omega is back up for the slugout.

Omega plants Robinson and rolls over but the Gunns break up the tag attempt. Not that it matters as the hot tag brings Page in a few seconds later. White gets taken down and a slingshot dive hits Robinson on the floor. There’s the suicide dive to White but the Deadeye is broken up back inside. White flips forward and lands in front of Ibushi, who strikes him down and sets up the standing moonsault.

Omega and Ibushi hit moonsaults to the floor (with Ibushi slipping and having to settle for a bottom rope version). Back in and White gets triple teamed, setting up a half and half suplex. The big knee is blocked though and White manages the swinging Rock Bottom for a breather. We get the big Omega vs. Takeshita forearm off but Omega has to snapdragon Robinson.

The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Takeshita two on Omega, who is right back with a piledriver for the same. Omega plants Robinson and Page adds a super flipping fall away slam for two on Takeshita. The Gunns break up the Buckshot Lariat so Page takes out the Gunns instead. Omega is back in to set up the Buckshot to Takeshita but Omega has to escape the Bladerunner. One heck of a V Trigger rocks Robinson but Takeshita rolls Omega up with tights for the pin at 20:36.

Rating: B+. The match was all action (with some JR complaining thrown in) and the point was to give Takeshita the first win over Omega after the two of them have bickered for so long. This will set up the big singles match, maybe at All Out, but for now there is no reason to have Omega win. The others were mostly good, with Ibushi looking better than he did at Blood & Guts, though still a bit slow. Very action packed match here though and the ending was the right way to go.

We recap FTR defending the Tag Team Titles against the Young Bucks. They’re both great teams, they’ve split the first two matches, it’s the rubber match for the titles and bragging rights.

Tag Team Titles: FTR vs. Young Bucks

The Bucks are challenging. Harwood and Nick start things off, with neither being able to get much of an advantage. Wheeler comes in for a quickly broken headlock and Nick grabs a slam. That doesn’t last long as Wheeler takes him down, allowing Harwood to pick Wheeler up for a legdrop. Everything breaks down and it’s a double slugout until a double clothesline (not that kind) leaves everyone down.

The Bucks nip up and clothesline them to the floor, where a boot and spear put FTR down again. Back in and a superkick hits Wheeler, setting up the Swanton into the ropes for two. A middle rope elbow (ala Bret Hart) hits Wheeler but he manages a suplex to Matt for a needed breather. Wheeler fights them off again and dives over for the hot tag to Harwood. Nick is suplexed onto Matt, who has to escape some rolling German suplexes. That doesn’t work for Harwood, who hits another suplex but Matt reverses into the rolling northern lights suplexes.

Another northern lights suplex gives Matt two and the fans seem impressed. Nick comes back in with a knee to Harwood, who counters a springboard into a slingshot sitout powerbomb for two. The Sharpshooter goes on, with Wheeler adding his own to Matt on the apron. Both of those are broken up and we get a needed double breather. Nick superplexes Harwood but a pair of top rope splashes only hit raised knees.

Back up and a spike piledriver gets two on Nick and Harwood’s cradle gets the same. The Shatter Machine is broken up and Nick backslides Harwood for two. The Bucks hit their own spike piledriver for two but the Meltzer Driver is broken up. Instead Matt rolls Harwood up for two as Nick dives onto Wheeler. The BTE Trigger misses and Wheeler is back in to spear Matt to the floor.

FTR hits their own BTE Trigger into the Shatter Machine for two on Matt. Wheeler misses a springboard 450 and gets superkicked down for two. Now the BTE Trigger can connect for two, with Harwood possibly making the save. Harwood knows what’s coming and walks into the Shatter Machine, setting up another BTE Trigger for two more. The Meltzer Driver is broken up again though and it’s a Shatter Machine to retain the titles at 21:39.

Rating: B+. They surprised me here with FTR retaining and I’ll certainly take it. The exchange of finishers went well enough and the Bucks kicking out of the Shatter Machine is a lot more acceptable when they ultimately lost. It would have been a big stretch for the Bucks to win here so well done on giving FTR the big rub on the biggest stage. Very good match here too, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

We recap Stadium Stampede. The Blackpool Combat Club don’t like Eddie Kingston and the Best Friends so they’ve both gotten some backup for a ten man war all around the stadium.

Best Friends/Orange Cassidy/Eddie Kingston/Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Blackpool Combat Club/Ortiz/Mike Santana

Kingston charges Castagnoli to start fast in the aisle and the fight is on. Everyone pairs off and Chuck hits a big running flip dive. Castagnoli and Kingston fight up towards the entrance as Moxley has a branding iron. The Street Sweeper is broken up by Penta, who swings a rather mean chair. Sling Blades take the two of them down as we go split screen to throw a backstage fight between Kingston and Castagnoli.

Moxley cutters Penta and gives him a Paradigm Shift, but Penta is back with some skewers to pound into Moxley’s head. Penta is right back up with Made In Japan for two before Cassidy adds the lazy kicks. That doesn’t work for Moxley, who takes Cassidy down and gouges him with the skewers. The brawling continues with Kingston (bleeding) and Castagnoli continue brawling in stadium, this time with Castagnoli being sent off some steps.

Trent gets planted for a top rope splash from Santana and there’s a powerbomb onto some chairs to Penta. A piledriver onto the chairs drops Penta again and cue the medics to check on him. Moxley grabs a fork (of course) and stabs Cassidy in the head, which he then bites for good measure. Trent comes back in and gets hit in the face with a barbed wire board as we see Chuck and Wheeler fighting in the back. They join up with Kingston and Castagnoli, with Santana and Ortiz joining in. Chuck makes the save with an umbrella (because England) as a ladder is set up in the ring.

Trent gets dropped onto said ladder as Taylor and Kingston are fighting in a box somewhere. A powerbomb puts Trent onto the ladder as Moxley gets a barbed wire board (because barbed wire). Ortiz stabs Cassidy some more and Trent gets piledriven onto the steps (he’s having a rough night).

The Club takes things up to the ramp but SUE is back in the minivan. Moxley steals a kiss from her, which cannot be the best idea. Trent is somehow still alive and Sue throws in some cookie sheets to start the comeback. Cue Penta, now all in red and evil as Penta Obscuro, to take over. They head back to the ring where Penta Canadian Destroys Santana through a table. Wheeler’s screwdriver gets stuck in the turnbuckle, allowing Chuck to hit Soul Food.

Chuck adds an Awful Waffle but Cassidy gets caught in the Giant Swing (21 revolutions). Cassidy is back up with three straight Orange Punches for two on Castagnoli before he finds some tape to wrap around his hand. Said hand is then put into a bucket of class, which sticks to the tape and this can’t go well. Moxley breaks that up and Castagnoli takes Cassidy down again. Cue Kingston with a barbed wire chair to go face to face with Moxley but Castagnoli rolls him up for two. Kingston cleans house and spears Moxley into the barbed wire board. Cassidy is back up with the Orange Punch to pin Castagnoli at 21:15.

Rating: B. This was the wild, bloody brawl that it needed to be, though they only did so much outside of the main arena (understandable). They were all over the place with one insane spot after another here and while there was a lot going on, it was a bit hard to follow at times. Still though, heck of a fight, though Cassidy pinning Castagnoli better lead somewhere.

We recap the Women’s Title match, with Hikaru Shida defending against Toni Storm, Saraya and Britt Baker. Shida took the title from Storm so this is her rematch, while the other two won qualifying matches to get here.

Women’s Title: Saraya vs. Britt Baker vs. Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida

Shida is defending and Saraya has her family here, complete with We Will Rock You as an entrance theme. It’s a brawl to start with Shida being sent outside, meaning the Outcasts get to beat up Baker. The running hip attack connects in the corner but Storm and Saraya argue over who should get to cover. Shida comes back in with a double noggin knocker before hammering away at Storm in the corner.

Saraya makes a save and Storm hip attacks Shida to the floor. Saraya’s mother holds Baker on the floor but Storm’s running forearm misses, with said mother having to be held back. Back in and Saraya forearms Storm a few times, with Storm chopping her back to even things up. The bottom turnbuckle pad is ripped off and Storm loads up another hip attack in said corner, only to have Ruby Soho run in for the save.

The Scorpion Crosslock goes on Storm but Baker adds a Stomp to get two. Shida is back in for the torture rack drop (that still doesn’t work) to Saraya. The top rope Meteora gets two, followed by the Katana for the same with Baker making the save. Lockjaw is blocked and Saraya comes in with the spray paint to Storm, setting up the Nightcap for the pin and the title at 8:49.

Rating: B-. There’s your feel good moment for England and thankfully Shida at least got the one big entrance as champion on the major stage. Saraya winning is a great moment for the show, though I’m not sure how long of a reign she is going to have. Baker was just kind of there, while Storm and Saraya having issues could go somewhere. They kept this short and that’s probably for the best, but what we got worked.

We recap the Coffin match, which is Sting/Darby Allin vs. the makeshift team of Christian Cage/Swerve Strickland. It’s kind of a preview for Allin vs. Luchasaurus next week, as the heel team isn’t the most logical pairing.

Sting/Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage/Swerve Strickland

Coffin (casket) match, with Swerve getting rapped to the ring. Sting and Allin have an old British style entrance….before switching to Metallica’s Seek And Destroy (a song Sting used at times in WCW). It’s a brawl to start with Sting getting into a showdown with Christian. Sting finds a cricket bat to clean house and the good guys get the thumbtack jackets. With that broken up, Swerve chokes Sting with the cricket bat as Christian tapes Allin’s hands together behind his back.

Allin can still avoid a charge and hit a moonsault, followed by a dive with hands still tied up. The villains cut him off again but Allin’s hands get free and he slugs away. Sting is back in and takes Swerve outside for an apron splash through a table. Allin puts Christian in a chair and missile dropkicks him back out but it’s too early to close Christian in the coffin. Luchasaurus makes the save but here is Nick Wayne to go after him and they fight to the back.

That lets Allin load up a Coffin Drop onto Swerve onto the coffin. Allin only hits Coffin though and egads that’s a nasty landing. Back in and Sting gets the Scorpion Deathlock on Christian but Swerve makes the save with a chair. That just fires Sting up and he fights back on Swerve. Cage breaks that up with the cricket bat and a Swerve Stomp knocks Sting silly. With Allin knocked down again, Sting is put in the coffin but finds a bat to keep the lid open. Allin is back with a TNT Title shot to Christian as Sting Death Drops Swerve. That’s not enough to finish, so Allin adds the Coffin Drop for the win at 15:31.

Rating: B-. There comes a point where you know what you’re getting with these Sting matches and we reached that point a long time ago. He is going to do his thing and he and Allin will likely win every time, but at least it’s fun on the way there. As usual I could have gone without Swerve losing, but you just kind of have to expect that with him these days.

We recap Will Osprey vs. Chris Jericho, which is more about Jericho vs. Don Callis. They had a heck of a promo battle on Dynamite so this should be good.

Here is Fozzy to perform Judas live. Cool moment and it must mean a lot for the band.

Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay

Sammy Guevara and Don Callis are the seconds. Ospreay starts fast by sending him outside for the sky twister to the floor (with Jericho looking to get a knee to the head). Back in and they slug it out until Jericho sends him to the floor for a baseball slide. Ospreay gets dropped hard onto the apron with a German suplex, followed by a regular suplex back inside.

Jericho flips off the crowd, which is probably a good idea given what Ospreay is going to be in a match like this. A super hurricanrana gives Jericho two but Ospreay drapes him over the top. The shooting star to the back gives Ospreay two but another springboard is Backstabbed out of the air.

A Codebreaker gets two on Ospreay, who is right back with the Oscutter for two of his own. Stormbreaker is countered into the Walls but Ospreay slips out and they slug away on the mat. A Spanish Fly gives Ospreay two and a collision makes him get all fired up. Stormbreaker into the Hidden Blade into another Stormbreaker finishes Jericho at 14:56.

Rating: B. Another solid match here as Ospreay gets the win, as he should have. There is likely going to be a lot more between Jericho and Callis, so having Jericho lose to start is the right way to go. Ospreay is on another level at the moment and while Jericho can hang with him, having Jericho win might have been a bit too much. Another PPV worthy match though, as Jericho can still bring it under the right circumstances.

Nigel McGuinness announces tonight’s attendance: 81,035.

We recap the Trios Titles match. The House Of Black beat the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, with the latter retiring. Then the House kept attacking the Acclaimed so the OLD Gunn is back for revenge.

Trios Titles: House Of Black vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

The Acclaimed/Gunn are challenging and anything goes, with Caster’s rap including a Harry Potter joke. The House one ups them though by bringing out a lantern for a Bray Wyatt tribute. It’s a brawl to start (of course) with Black busting out an early but possibly hurting his leg. More dives connect but Billy’s is cut off. Julia Hart comes in and is told to….well something, followed by Scissor Me Timbers.

King is back in to take Gunn outside but misses a charge into the barricade. Back in and Gunn clotheslines down Black and Matthews before the One And Only (cobra clutch slam for you younger fans out there) gets two. The Arrival looks to set up the Mic Drop but Matthews makes the save. Bowens elbows Matthews in the head over and over but gets sent into the corner.

A Cannonball/stereo running knees to the head get two, with Caster making the save. King busts out the chain, which accidentally hits Black in the head instead. Bowens is back up with the jumping Fameasser, setting up the real thing from Gunn but Hart pulls the referee. Black kicks Gunn in the head for two and can’t believe the kickout. Dante’s Inferno is broken up, leaving King alone with all three challengers. The Fameasser into the Arrival into the Mic Drop gives us new champions at 9:49.

Rating: C+. They had to change the titles here as it would have been quite the punch to the gut if Billy lost again. The Acclaimed have needed something to do since they lost the Tag Team Titles so this was a necessary title change. That being said, this is what, the fourth no rules/crazy tag match of the night? Cut down on those next time.

Post match the House hands over the titles, allowing Bowens to present Gunn with the title for the nice moment.

We recap the World Title match. Adam Cole and MJF went to a time limit draw in a non-title match, then became friends and now ROH Tag Team Champions. Now it’s about the World Title though, with the question of whether one will turn on the other.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Adam Cole

MJF is defending with the full Devil entrance, complete with a throne and worshippers. They’re both wearing shirts and go to the mat with neither being able to get very far. Back up and MJF sends him into the ropes for a strut and a Rick Rude style hip swivel. Cole takes him down as well and hits the catchphrase, but MJF wants a handshake. MJF: “SPORTSMANSHIP!” Then he gets in a cheap shot to Cole and gives that great evil grin of his.

Cole is back with the fireman’s carry onto the knee for two as things have gotten a lot more serious. MJF gets pulled into the corner so Cole can grab a chinlock as Taz and Nigel argue on commentary. Cole knocks him down again and shouts that he’s better than MJF before ripping off MJF’s shirt. MJF gets serious or a change and hammers away in the corner before biting Cole’s head. Cole is sent outside and MJF hits a dive of his own, giving us a great stunned face.

Back in and MJF hits a top rope double stomp on the arm, sending them into a pinfall reversal sequence. MJF counters a leapfrog into a powerbomb backbreaker for two and they’re both down. They head outside with Cole brainbustering him onto the steps for the big knockdown. That’s good for a close nine count but MJF collapses before the Panama Sunrise can launch. A Tombstone onto the announcers’ table gets two on MJF back inside in quite the near fall.

Cole hits a running Canadian Destroyer but MJF pops up for a low superkick to leave them both down. They both shout DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE, clothesline each other, and go to a double pin at 19:00. Hold on though as Cole wants five more minutes, but MJF says they’re going until they have a winner. The referee gets bumped and they grab a chair, with both of them faking being hit by said chair (MJF even wraps it around his neck). The referee isn’t having this so MJF hits a Heatseeker for two.

Cole hits a straitjacket suplex on the apron and MJF crashes out to the floor. That’s not enough for Cole, who hits a Panama Sunrise on the floor to knock him sillier. Back in and Cole loads up another Panama Sunrise but MJF pulls the referee into the way again. MJF loads up the diamond ring but can’t do it. Cue Roderick Strong to kick MJF low (Cole didn’t see it), allowing Cole to look around and hit the Panama Sunrise. The Boom connects for an incredibly delayed near fall so Cole picks up the title….but throws it away. MJF grabs a small package to retain at 28:59.

Rating: A-. The action was very good here but the storytelling was better, with the teases of turning and Strong not being able to get Cole to go full evil. What matters here is having a result that could set up more than a few different results, as a rematch in Chicago next week wouldn’t shock me. Heck of a story here, and I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Post match MJF tries to tell Cole that they’re still friends but Cole kicks him away. MJF shouts about how Cole was always all about the title and throws it to him, telling Cole to do it already and turning his back. Cole drops the title again, despite Strong getting on the apron to yell at him to do it. MJF and Cole hug, with the Kingdom holding Strong back to end the show.

Oh one more thing: they’re back in Wembley next year for All In 2024.

Overall Rating: A-. The show was certainly a hit and even the worst matches were good enough. This was a show where the atmosphere and look were what mattered, but then the wrestling lived up to the hype as well. It’s pretty much a home run for AEW and while they have to scramble for All Out in a week, they have more than earned a victory lap for this one. Awesome show, and worth checking out up and down.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Adam Cole b. Aussie Open – Double clothesline to Fletcher
Hook b. Jack Perry – Redrum
CM Punk b. Samoa Joe – Pepsi Plunge
Bullet Club Gold/Konosuke Takeshita b. Golden Elite – Rollup with tights to Omega
FTR b. Young Bucks – Shatter Machine to Matt
Orange Cassidy/Best Friends/Eddie Kingston/Penta El Cero Miedo b. Blackpool Combat Club/Ortiz/Mike Santana – Orange Punch to Castagnoli
Saraya b. Hikaru Shida, Britt Baker and Toni Storm – Nightcap to Storm
Darby Allin/Sting b. Christian Cage/Swerve Strickland – Strickland was put in the coffin
Will Ospreay b. Chris Jericho – Stormbreaker
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. House Of Black – Mic Drop to King
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Adam Cole – Small package



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All In 2023 Preview

We have finally arrived in London for the biggest show in AEW history and very likely the biggest event the company will ever run. There are going to be a bunch of big matches as the card is stacked, meaning we should be in for a great night if AEW’s history is anything to believe. In theory the main event will be Adam Cole challenging MJF for the World Title so let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: FTW Title: Jack Perry(c) vs. Hook

This was made on Collision and as you might expect, it will be under FTW rules, meaning street fight. These two have more or less been feuding over the legacy of ECW, but thankfully the ECW legends have stopped showing up. The interesting thing here is that this could go either way, as Perry losing the title seems a bit soon but it seems like a perfect place to give Hook the title back.

I’ll go with Perry winning here, but the FTW Title needs to go away sooner than later. It’s nice to have Perry winning and holding onto something but at some point he has to get away from the ECW/Taz and Hook stuff. Losing the match here isn’t going to help him at all though so we’ll go with Perry retaining, likely through some shenanigans, but I’m hardly convinced that I’m right.

Zero Hour: Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Aussie Open(c) vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Adam Cole

There is a lot to unpack here and we’ll start with the fact that the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles are being used as a plot point in the AEW World Title feud. That isn’t a great way to make the titles look important, but then again what does look important in ROH? Anyway, MJF and Cole are still set or the main event of All In, and this match is likely going to play a big role in how that goes.

As I don’t think the MJF vs. Cole feud ends here, I’ll go with new champions. It’s not like the titles have any value otherwise so maybe they can get a temporary boost here. At the very last, I want to see the Kangaroo Kick and a double clothesline for the titles so there could be something to look forward to here. MJF vs. Cole is the biggest story in AEW at the moment and the Aussies can get the titles back later, as they should drop them here.

Golden Elite vs. Konosuke Takeshita/Bullet Club Gold

There is quite the variety of matches on the show and I’m not sure where else to start. This is one of two matches that are built around Don Callis, who has become pretty much the second biggest heel on the roster, depending on how you currently view MJF. The main feud here is going to be Kenny Omega vs. Takeshita, but the more I get of the Club these days, the better things go.

I’ll take Takeshita and the Club to win here, as Hangman Page or Kota Ibushi are both there to take the fall for the team. Omega vs. Callis N Pals feels like a feud that is going to keep going for a VERY long time and right now we are only kind of getting the fight between them. The villains have to win early so the hero can win later, meaning Takeshita and the Club go over here.

Darby Allin/Sting vs. Christian Cage/Swerve Strickland

This is a Coffin Match, which doesn’t quite fit in with the heels, even though Cage had something similar to one earlier this year. The Coffin Match idea seems to favor Allin and Sting, in addition to the fact that they have interacted for more than about half an hour if you count a 21 minute tag match Strickland and Cage teamed in this week on Collision. That doesn’t exactly bode well going forward and makes me think this match might not be the most surprising.

I don’t see any reason to have Cage and Strickland here, as Allin and Sting have all of the advantages here. Outside of Luchasaurus interfering (which is certainly a possibility), there isn’t much of a way to get behind the villains. It should be the usual wacky all over the place match with Sting doing some big dive before winning in the end, which is the most logical way to go here.

Real World Title: CM Punk(c) vs. Samoa Joe

What we have here is a good example of going back to a classic feud that works rather than just trying to recreate the past. They have issues that are going on at the moment and it makes the match feel like another step after a long break rather than reheating something for the sake of a nostalgic reaction. It helps that both of them are awesome talkers and the hype has been pretty good throughout.

I’ll go with Punk here, as he is a bigger star in AEW and it isn’t like the ROH TV Champion getting pinned is going to hurt him very much. There isn’t much of a reason to give Joe two belts and again, I can’t imagine much of a way for the villain to win here without some kind of interference (Ricky Starks and/or Big Bill in this case). What matters here though is having a legendary rivalry renewed (and likely ended) on a huge stage. With Punk winning.

Trios Titles: House Of Black(c) vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

It’s another case where it really could go either way but there is one way that it needs to go. This is the fallout of Gunn retiring/possibly dying based on how the Acclaimed was reacting, but now he’s back for the big fight in his chance for one more run with his friends. That should tell you where this is going, but there is something to be said about the dominance of the champs.

As dominant as the House has been, there is little reason to not put the titles on Gunn and the Acclaimed here, as having them lose would feel very anti-climactic after everything that has gone on. At the same time, the House has already run through most of the believable challengers so changing the titles here makes the most sense. I could see the House retaining, but the good guys getting their moment is the better way to go.

Tag Team Titles: FTR(c) vs. Young Bucks

Here we have the big showdown that should have happened about a year ago but instead we were left standing around because….something about the Trios Titles being absolutely necessary. FTR has been back to doing what they do better than anyone else in the world over the last few months while the Bucks have wrestled two regular tag matches since February. But it’s a big feud so reheating it this fast isn’t that big of a stretch.

As much as I want to pick FTR to retain here, I have a bad feeling that the Bucks are going to get their big moment here and get to be the first three time champion. Throw in Cash Wheeler’s legal issues in the last few days and it would be hard to picture FTR retaining. FTR should win, and while I would certainly hope that I’m wrong, I think they’ll go with the “special” moment of the Bucks winning the titles. Again. At least it isn’t a ladder match.

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Britt Baker vs. Saraya vs. Toni Storm

If there is one thing that AEW does very well, it is give you a match where you could see multiple winners. Here you have Shida, who has not gotten the big moment as champion, Saraya as the home country girl, Storm doing some of the best work in his career, and Baker, who REALLY needs the boost but hasn’t been doing much of anything interesting in months now. Three out of four isn’t bad though and we have some real options to leave with the title.

I’ll go with Shida retaining here, as there is something to be said about her getting the big moment. She had a long title reign the first time around but never got to do anything special like retain the title here. It’s also hardly a stretch to keep the title on here and only Storm feels like someone who is ready to take it off of her, but her whole thing is being upset over NOT being the champion. So yeah, Shida wins here, just hopefully not beating Storm in the process.

Eddie Kingston/Orange Cassidy/Best Friends/Penta El Zero Mideo vs. Blackpool Combat Club/Santana/Ortiz

This is Stadium Stampede, which we’re doing in theory a week before the already set up matches between Moxley/Cassidy and Castagnoli/Kingston. I’m not sure how they’re going to do one of these things with all of the people around but why go sane when you can go insane? The previous versions of this have been quite the spectacles, but their quality has been a bit up and down. Odds are we’re going to get some more totally out there stuff though and that can be fun.

This feels like the way to set up some rematches between the members of the team, which will hopefully include Moxley getting to take the International Title from Cassidy. Therefore, I’ll go with the villains winning as Moxley pins Cassidy to set up their match. The other option of Kingston beating Castagnoli is out there, but it wouldn’t shock me to see them wait for Final Battle in December to finally give Kingston the title. For now though, I’ll take the villains to win.

Will Ospreay vs. Chris Jericho

So here we have one of the most successful British wrestlers of all time and one of the most entertaining stars going today being presented as a heel (he’s with Callis so yes he’s a heel) on the biggest wrestling show in British wrestling history. I’m sure there’s a logic to that move, even if the face/heel dynamic could be all over the place here. That being said, the promo battle to set this up was one of the best I can remember in recent months so they’re certainly onto something.

As was the case earlier with the six man tag, the villains have to win early so they can lose in the end. Jericho losing here is the way to go as he can continue dealing with the fallout of initially wanting to join Callis’ family. Ospreay is probably coming to AEW full time sooner rather than later so it would make sense to give him the big win here. You can all but guarantee Callis’ interference, which isn’t likely to be enough to overcome the cheers Ospreay is going to get as he wins here.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman(c) vs. Adam Cole

This is the biggest story in AEW right now and my goodness it needs to keep going after this show. The good thing is that the story has all kinds of ways it can go and that’s not even factoring in the Roderick Strong side. The question becomes who turns on whom here, but the options of both or neither are strong possibilities. Having that many options is a great sign and now we get to figure out where it goes.

With all of the options available, I’ll go with…..Cole wins, but neither turns yet. It opens the doors for a rematch, likely at All Out, but what is going to matter is seeing where it goes from here. Cole has already failed to beat him once and having MJF be revealed as this big criminal mastermind would make Cole look like the biggest loser in the world. I might as well be flipping a coin here, but yeah I’ll take Cole to win and Strong to not get overly involved just yet.

Overall Thoughts

The best thing that I can say about any show is that I have almost no idea who is going to win most of these matches. There are different ways that you could go in almost every match and that makes for a rather interesting care. This show is going to be about the spectacle though and if AEW does it right, the place is going to look incredible. The wrestling has to back it up though, and the good thing is the potential to do so is absolutely there. Now just make it work.


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Collision – August 26, 2023: Don’t Do Bad Things

Date: August 26, 2023
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Caprice Coleman

It’s the final go home show for All In and that means it could go either way. We are going to get a final push to the show but the question is how much new stuff might be added. At the same time, All Out is in eight days and there isn’t much set for the show. While All In will have a lot to do with the card, we could get something or it here as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Here is Jack Perry, along with some people carrying the FTW Title, to open things up. The ring is set up for a funeral and Perry says it was a good title, which was just misunderstood at times. Instead of being sad at its demise, we should remember the good times. We see Perry with the title in various places, including bed, the bathtub, by the pool, in the shower etc.

It’s time to send the title to a better place though, and that means it’s time for a sledgehammer. Cue Hook on the video screen to say this wasn’t a good idea and now here he is in the ring. The beatdown is on and Perry gets suplexed through a table. Hook: “Wembley, Sunday.”

Orange Cassidy/Penta El Cero Miedo/Eddie Kingston vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian

Penta loads up the glove on Sabian but Penelope Ford shoves Alex Abrahantes on the floor. Everything breaks down fast and it’s Penta superkicking his way out of trouble in the corner. Sabian crotches Penta against the post but Cassidy makes the save and comes in to pick up the pace. Cassidy gets sent to the floor and it’s a double team neckbreaker to give Sabian two back inside.

Blade’s swinging neckbreaker drops Cassidy again and we take a break. Back with Cassidy dropping Sabian hard and handing it back to Penta. House is quickly cleaned, including an assisted Canadian Destroyer on Sabian. Butcher knocks Penta into the tag to Kingston and it’s hoss fight time. Kingston gets the better of things before sending Sabian and Blade into the corner for the rapid fire chops. Cassidy hits Butcher with the Orange Punch and there’s an exploder to Sabian. Made In Japan hits Sabian and Kingston gets the pin at 9:50.

Rating: C+. The good guys here felt like a bunch of people who had nothing else to do so here they are. Cassidy is going to get a reaction no matter what he’s doing so it’s smart to have him on a show like this. Butcher and the Blade continue to be a team who feel like they could do more but they are forever tied to Sabian for some reason.

Post break the Best Friends are in the ring with Cassidy and company to call out the Blackpool Combat Club and Santana/Ortiz. Those people BROKE TRENT’S MOM’S VAN so they’re coming or revenge. The Club pops up on screen to say it shouldn’t be a surprise that they picked Santana and Ortiz. Kingston starts heading to the back but the other four stay back as Castagnoli says Kingston and company will be out of friends again soon. We cut to the back where Kingston has a chair but can’t find anyone. Kingston promises to hut Moxley. They had me until the part about the van.

Video on FTR vs. the Young Bucks, with both of them talking about how important this match is.

Dark Order vs. Action Andretti/Darius Martin

Silver and Andretti start things off with Silver taking over, allowing Reynolds to come in for an elbow to the face. The powerbomb onto Silver’s knees gets two and a double elbow puts him down again. We take a break and come back with Andretti bringing Martin in to pick up the pace. A double DDT plants the Order and Andretti comes in with a springboard 450, meaning Silver has to make the save. Andretti is sent outside and it’s the jawbreaker into the German suplex into the flipping cradle for the pin at 8:37.

Rating: C. So the Dark Order is becoming a thing again and these two getting the focus is the best possible combination. Evil Uno being left out of the whole thing helps it so much as Silver and Reynolds have never been the issue. It was a watchable match, but again it does feel like these guys were out there to fill in time. Not their fault, but it was noticeable.

On Wednesday, AR Fox apologized to Nick Wayne and Darby Allin for everything that happened. Fox offered a handshake to Wayne, who walked away. Allin shook Fox’s hand though.

We get a new Acclaimed music video on how Billy Gunn is back and they’re coming for the House Of Black.

Video on the Women’s Title match.

Big Bill vs. Vary Morales

Ricky Starks is here with Bill, who gets tossed down hard to start. A swing around by the hair (ouch) sets up the chokeslam to finish Morales at 1:35.

Post match Starks whips Morales and promises a bigger strap next week.

Ruby Soho challenges Kris Statlander for the TBS Title at All Out. Soho calls Statlander more than a woman but less than an Outcast.

Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade

Robyn’s sister Charlette is here too. Robyn knocks her into the corner to start but Nightingale drops her with a shoulder. The basement crossbody gives Nightingale two and she manages a pair of Amigos into a fisherman’s suplex for two. Charlette offers a distraction though and Robyn takes over as we take a break. Back with Nightingale hitting a spinebuster for two but Robyn scores with a missile dropkick for the same. They head outside with Nightingale hitting a double suplex on both Renegades. Back in and the Babe With The Powerbomb finishes Robyn at 8:27.

Rating: C. Nightingale did her Nightingale style stuff and of course it worked because she’s the most adorable wrestler in recent memory. At the same time, she really needs to win something that matters around here sooner than later because otherwise she’s going to turn into the lovable jobber. On the other hand you have the Renegades, who have always felt like they could be something, but have lost all over the place in recent weeks. There is a lot of talent here, but none of them are really doing much and that’s a shame.

We see some quick clips of AEW stars in London.

Video on Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs.

Kris Statlander is sick of being stepped on by people like Ruby Soho so they’re on for All Out.

Keith Lee vs. Zicky Dice

Dice hammers away a few times and gets Pounced for his efforts. The Supernova finishes for Lee at 1:35.

We go back to Mexico, where La Faccion Ingobernable has been kidnapped and beaten up. Then they fought back and beat up their attackers, only to be knocked down again as someone we can’t see walks in.

Here is Samoa Joe to rant about how he wants to get his hands on CM Punk but has been told to wait until All In. Therefore tonight he’ll be on commentary for the main event and be a professional, but the beating is coming on Sunday.

We run down the All In card, complete with Hook vs. Jack Perry for the FTW Title confirmed for Zero Hour.

Video on CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe.

All Out rundown.

Hook/Darby Allin/Sting/CM Punk vs. Jay White/Luchasaurus/Brian Cage/Swerve Strickland

The Gunns, Juice Robinson and Christian Cage are on ringside. Punk headlocks Swerve to start but a hammerlock gets him backed into the corner. An anklescissors takes Punk down though and Swerve mocks his weird wrist thing. It’s too early for the GTS though so here’s White instead. They stare each other down a bit, but White wants Sting.

Punk goes to bring in Sting but gets jumped from behind (rare mental screwup there from Punk) before White goes after the leg. Punk suplexes his way out of trouble and it’s off to Hook to go after White in the corner. Allin comes in to stay on the arm and the tease of a tag to Sting sends White bailing back to Luchasaurus. Sting and Allin take turns crashing into Luchasaurus in the corner but Punk tries one too many.

Punk kicks his way out of trouble though and a big boot to the face cuts him off. We take a break and come back with Punk still in trouble and Swerve putting on a chinlock. An elbow cuts Punk off again and there’s a snap suplex to make it worse. Punk rolls away though and it’s back to Hook to pick up the pace. Hook gets knocked outside in a hurry though and some tosses into the barricade have him in trouble.

We take another break and come back with Hook fighting his way out of trouble and suplexing Cage for a needed breather. The hot tag brings in Punk to clean house, including a bulldog/running clothesline combination to White and Swerve. Punk goes up top but pauses for a good while, only to hit the elbow anyway. Swerve takes Punk down but Hook makes the save, meaning it’s time for the parade of knockdowns. Punk finally hits the GTS on Cage (with a heck of a stare at Joe) before grabbing the Koquina Clutch for the tap at 21:06.

Rating: B. This wasn’t as long as most of the main events around here but it worked well enough with everyone involved. The match was about getting in as much of a hard push towards All In as possible in one match, with Allin vs. Luchasaurus at All Out getting a bit of time of its own. Not a classic or anything, but they covered as much as they could in a limited time and that works.

Post match Joe says the match is officially over so the big brawl is on, with Jack Perry coming out to join in. The fights break off and a bunch of weapons are brought in, with Perry and Hook fighting up the steps. Joe belts Punk in the face and leaves to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show felt like it was designed or one purpose and one purpose only: fill in two hours and don’t screw up anything before London. They did that about as well as they could, if you ignore that the first hour and a half might as well have been an extended Rampage. You absolutely did not need to see this show, but there were some interesting pairings in the main event. The show is absolutely not going to matter this time tomorrow though and I think they knew that coming in.

Orange Cassidy/Eddie Kingston/Penta El Cero Miedo b. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian – Made In Japan to Sabian
Dark Order b. Action Andretti/Darius Martin – Flipping rollup to Andretti
Big Bill b. Vary Morales – Chokeslam
Willow Nightingale b. Robyn Renegade – Babe With The Powerbomb
Keith Lee b. Zicky Dice – Supernova
CM Punk/Sting/Hook/Darby Allin b. Jay White/Luchasaurus/Brian Cage/Swerve Strickland – Koquina Clutch to Cage



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