Ring Of Honor – February 13, 2025: Ahoy!
Ring Of Honor
Date: February 13, 2025
Location: Norwegian Pearl Cruise Ship, International Waters
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Well this is different. This show was taped on the Chris Jericho Rock N Rager At Sea cruise, meaning the matches are taking place on a ship in international waters. One of my biggest issues with this show has been that nothing about it really stands out as different week to week but that won’t be the case here. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Chris Jericho welcomes us to the show and presents the idea of what we are going to see tonight. And he speaks some Spanish.
Opening sequence.
We run down the card.
You can see the water through the portholes and it’s rather cool to see.
Jay Lethal vs. Mason Madden
Mansoor, in limited clothing, is here with Madden, with the stolen Tag Team Title belt. To make things a bit more festive, Lethal is Black Machismo. We get a pose off to start as Mansoor puts on the bedazzled title. They tease a finger point before Madden kicks him in the ribs to take over.
Back up and Lethal presses strong grapple and flicks the controller stick to fire off the alternating punches to the face and ribs. Madden chokebombs him down for two and it’s time to start working on the arm. Lethal is back up with a springboard high crossbody and they trade some shots to the face for some alternating staggers. A big boot sets up the missed elbow and Lethal Injection puts Madden down. Hail To The King finishes for Lethal at 6:06.
Rating: C+. This was already more fun than almost anything ROH has done in months and it made for a nice start to the show. What matters the most here is that things are at least interesting and I’m actually wanting to see what else is going to happen on the show. Lethal as Black Machismo was a fun little surprise and he does a great impression of Savage’s movements. Good enough here, with the right vibe already being set.
Last week, Athena yelled at Billie Starkz for not living up to expectations.
Billie Starkz vs. Harley Cameron
Cameron grabs a headlock to start but gets reversed into an armbar. Back up and Starks gets in a quick spank against the ropes, only for Cameron to do the same. Some right hands in the corner have Starkz in trouble but she’s back with a DDT as commentary talks about the movie Trading Places. Starkz chokes on the ropes and she ducks an enziguri to set up a choke.
That’s broken up and Cameron makes the Clothesline Comeback, followed by some choking in the corner. Now the enziguri can connect for two on Starkz and Cameron’s pumphandle back suplex gets two. Starkz is with a twisting implant DDT spun into a backbreaker for two, only for Cameron to grab a crucifix for the pin at 7:34.
Rating: C. It was another win for Cameron as her confidence is growing, but I’m still not buying her as a threat against Mercedes Mone. She’s putting in the work in the ring and it’s working far better than it did before, but Cameron is going to be better known for everything else for a good while. Starkz losing again isn’t going to set well for Athena, though I don’t think I can take another match between the two of them.
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Tommy Billington
Non-title and the sun is setting for a really cool visual. Takeshita misses a charge to start and doesn’t seem thrilled. Back up and they take turns avoiding the other to a nice reaction…so Takeshita pulls out a spoon. Some shots to the head set up a suplex for two as the referee is fine with Takeshita spooning Billington. A snap suplex gets Billington out of trouble and they fight over a Tombstone until Takeshita gets planted. The Swan Dive misses though and Takeshita hits the running knee. The Blue Thunder Bomb finishes Billington at 5:52.
Rating: C+. This was a bit of a disappointment as I was expecting something more out of them. Granted they didn’t have enough time to do much, but it felt like they went from the middle of the match to the end without much in the middle. That made for kind of a weird showcase, as Billington has done better multiple times before.
Outrunners vs. Grizzled Young Veterans
Magnum poses at Drake to start before cranking on the arm. A headscissors has Drake in more trouble so it’s off to Gibson to take over in the corner. Some atomic drops set up stereo airplane spins to stagger the Veterans, meaning we have more atomic drops. Drake trips Magnum down though and a running boot to the head gets two. Gibson comes in off a blind tag to elbow Magnum and cut off anything resembling a comeback.
We hit the chinlock but Magnum is up with a suplex for a breather. The diving tag brings in Floyd to clean house and yes we do get a double noggin knocker. The double slam sets up the Mega Powers Elbow but Total Recall is broken up. Drake uses the scarf for some choking but Magnum is back in for Total Recall and the pin at 9:16.
Rating: C. The Outrunners being on something like this is about as easy of an idea as you can have and it worked well here. As has been the pint tonight, the match was more about having fun than advancing anything else and that’s perfectly fine in a case like this. As usual, the Veterans have fallen through the floor and they really aren’t that bad. I don’t get it, but it doesn’t seem likely to change anytime soon.
Earlier this week, Serena Deeb challenged Queen Aminata to a Pure Rules match. Works for Aminata.
Serpentico vs. Ricochet
Ricochet wastes no time in knocking him into the corner and hitting a running shoulder. Back up and Serepentico knocks Ricochet outside where it’s time for a breather on the ramp. A cheap shot takes Serpentico down though and drops an elbow to keep him in trouble.
Ricochet grabs a headscissor choke before driving Serpentico’s head into the mat for a hard crash. The People’s Moonsault gives Ricochet two and a running shooting star press gets the same. The Benedryller is loaded up but Serpentico reverses into a Canadian Destroyer. That’s enough for Ricochet, who is back with Vertigo into the Spirit Gun for the pin at 8:00.
Rating: C. This was an extended squash for Ricochet and that isn’t a surprise as he’s a main roster star and Serpentico is, uh, Serpentico. Ricochet gives Serpentico a bit of offense here but it was only ever going to be so interesting. For a match designed to add in some star power, it could have been much worse.
TV Title: Nick Wayne vs. Komander
Komander is defending. They fight over a test of strength to start before Komander sticks the landing on a monkey flip. They trade some flips until Wayne knocks him into the corner to take over. Komander flips around a bit and grabs a headscissors to the floor, where Wayne cuts off a dive.
Wayne plants him on the ramp and then works on the eyes back inside. A kick to the back gives Wayne two but Komander dives onto the ramp to leave Wayne confused. Back in and a dive gives Komander two, only for Wayne to come back with a dragon suplex for the same. A Canadian Destroyer plants Wayne though and sets up Cielito Lindo for the retaining pin at 9:22.
Rating: C+. As usual, there is pretty much no particular rhyme or reason to set up the title matches around here and that doesn’t make for the best continuity. At the same time, Wayne is at least a name in AEW and they were able to have an entertaining enough match. I’ll take the title being on the line over nothing at all and it was a fine enough main event.
Overall Rating: C+. Fun. That was the best thing I can say about this show and it was what Ring Of Honor has been missing for such a long time. Yes it was just a one off show and it wasn’t the most thrilling event with nothing worth going out of your way to see, but it was ANYTHING different after months and months of the same stuff. That was such a relief around here and my goodness was it nice to have this instead of the same show we see every week.
Jay Lethal b. Mason Madden – Hail To The King
Harley Cameron b. Billie Starkz – Crucifix
Konosuke Takeshita b. Tommy Billington – Blue Thunder Bomb
Outrunners b. Grizzled Young Veterans – Total Recall to Drake
Ricochet b. Serpentico – Spirit Gun
Komander b. Nick Wayne – Cielito Lindo
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