New Column: Who Can Stop The Fire?

I did things a bit differently this time so please bear with me.

Monday Night Raw – December 31, 2018: Better Luck Next Year

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 31, 2018
Location: Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

We’re taped this week for the second time in a row, which has to be the first time in at least several years, assuming two of the UK shows didn’t take place back to back at some point. The big deal tonight is a cage match between Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre, because that was a story that needed to go on for the better part of nine months, assuming it ends tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The cage is lowered to start.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre

In a cage with pinfall, submission or escape to win. Ziggler has thankfully lost the record scratch at the start of his song. An early escape attempt doesn’t work for Ziggler and Drew chops the heck out of him. That and a delayed vertical suplex are enough to put Dolph down for some writhing on the mat.

Dolph’s early comeback is cut off by the Glasgow Kiss but he catches Drew on top. That means a series of rams into the cage but Drew kicks the knee out for a crotching. Back from a break with Drew demanding that Ziggler fight and being set into the cage for his efforts. The superkick gives Ziggler two but Drew pulls him back inside. A double headbutt puts them both down again but Drew is up first, only to have Ziggler slam the cage door on his head.

The Fameasser gets two and we take a break. Back again with McIntyre superplexing him off the top of the cage and then sending Ziggler face first into the cage. The Claymore takes Dolph’s head off but Drew would rather sit and look instead of cover. Another Claymore finishes Ziggler at 19:29.

Rating: C+. It’s a good win for McIntyre but it’s way past time for this feud to be over. McIntyre is better than Ziggler and they need to move him on to something else already. They’ve been at this for months now and McIntyre has gotten everything he can from Ziggler. That doesn’t mean it’s stopping, but it means that it should.

Post match Drew isn’t done as he puts a chair in front of Ziggler’s head and Claymores it into Ziggler’s head, driving it into the cage. Drew says that he’s going to win the Royal Rumble and leaves, but comes back as Ziggler was sitting up in the chair. That means another Claymore to leave Ziggler laying. Ok are we done with these two now? I mean we should have been three months ago but are we done now?

Time for some New Year’s Resolutions.

Finn Balor wants the Universal Title back.

Ember Moon wants to win the Royal Rumble.

Ascension wants to bring back the Fashion Files. And win the Tag Team Titles.

Lucha House Party wants it to be their year.

Here’s Seth Rollins for a chat. He wants a fresh start this year but that’s the case every single week on Raw because things move so fast. However, he has a guaranteed rematch for the Intercontinental Title and wants to use that right now. Cue HHH to say that it’s a new day in WWE and those automatic rematches are gone. On top of that, Rollins doesn’t really deserve a shot right now.

That’s hard for HHH to say because he’s always supported Rollins, which Rollins isn’t letting slip by. HHH talks about how Rollins made him believe in him but HHH is done handing things out. Rollins loses it over that, saying that he never wanted things handed to him. While Brock Lesnar was up in Canada doing whatever Lesnar does, Rollins was out here having classics with everyone from Finn Balor to Dolph Ziggler to MOJO RAWLEY.

HHH wants the old Rollins back and tonight he can burn it down against Bobby Lashley. That’s cool with Seth, who is taking Lashley down tonight, then Dean Ambrose and the Intercontinental Title, and then the Universal Title. If HHH and his family gets in his way, they’re being taken down too. This brings out Shane McMahon to say that Rollins needs to leave, because we’ve got a battle royal with the winner getting an Intercontinental Title shot later tonight and it starts right now.

Battle Royal

Finn Balor, No Way Jose, Viktor, Konnor, Kalisto, Gran Metalik, Lince Dorado, Titus O’Neil, Apollo Crews, Zack Ryder, Mojo Rawley, Tyler Breeze, Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas, Curt Hawkins, Baron Corbin

This is dubbed the Fresh Start battle royal. It’s a brawl to start with Jose hitting an airplane spin on Viktor. Crews eliminates both of them and then puts the B Team on the apron. Some dropkicks have Konnor in trouble and things slow down a lot. Kalisto puts Kalisto on the apron but the House Party gets together to eliminate him. Back from a break with Balor eliminating Metalik by knocking him off the top and then sending the other members of the House Part to the apron.

They’re both thrown out by Balor but Crews then gets rid of the B Team, Konnor and Rawley in a rush. Breeze follows them out for Crews’ seventh elimination until Corbin chokeslams Crews down. Balor dropkicks away as we’re down to five with Balor cleaning house. Corbin gets in a shot from behind though and dumps Balor, leaving us with Corbin, Ryder, Hawkins and Crews.

Ryder gets in some hope spots but Corbin backdrops him to the floor to cut him off. Hawkins and Corbin have the staredown with the fans getting behind Hawkins, even as he’s thrown to the apron. Renee: “Take that haters.” Of course he’s out shortly thereafter to gt us down to two. Corbin throws Crews to the apron but Crews gets back in, allowing Corbin to try the slide underneath the ropes. That’s cut off by a jumping enziguri though, followed by a second to give Apollo the win at 11:38.

Rating: D+. Not much to this one, though they did a good job of making Crews look like a star in the whole thing. There’s nothing to be gained by having him just hang around until the ending and then win by eliminating one person, but Crews got rid of half of the field, which is quite the feat. Now of course that doesn’t matter if he loses badly to Dean tonight, which is about what you have to know is coming. Oh and Corbin in a battle royal is fine, as long as he doesn’t talk.

Post match Crews says that’s what he’s been looking for and it’s finally here after 364 days. Tonight, he wants the title.

Natalya talks about how great this year has been, including last week’s title match against Ronda Rousey. This has been a rollercoaster year and she wants the Raw Women’s Title, which is why she’s entering the Royal Rumble. Nia Jax comes in to say Ronda might not be the champion by then. Something might derail Natalya’s plans too, and here’s Tamina to jump her from behind. Nia: “Where’s your best friend now Natalya?”

Corbin is still in the ring after a break (ERG!) and rants about how hard his job was as General Manager because he had so much to do. This brings out Elias to play some Auld Lang Syne and call Corbin a loser. He was talking to Kid Rock earlier in the day and they agreed that spending New Year’s Eve with Corbin was a bad idea.

Detroit is making a comeback and now that Elias is here it can be ready to roll like never before. Elias’ song is about how Corbin sucks but it doesn’t matter because he’s in Detroit Rock City. The fight is on and they fight into the crowd for a bit before going back to ringside with Elias getting the better of it. If this is as high as Corbin gets, I can live with it.

Drake Maverick and the AOP promise to make the new year even more brutal. Akam pops a balloon.

The Riott Squad isn’t changing because no one ever changes.

Zack Ryder wants to win and collect action figures.

No Way Jose wants a party.

Bayley/Sasha Banks/Ember Moon vs. Riott Squad

Banks takes Logan into the corner to start as the announcers talk about Logan eating a deer heart at her viking wedding over the weekend. Ember comes in to roll Ruby (who has gotten a big haircut) up a few times, followed by a hard dropkick for two more. It’s off to Morgan to kick Moon in the face and then stomp her down in the corner. The Squad triple stomps away so Bayley and Banks come in for the brawl as we take a break.

Back with Bayley getting hiptossed but armdragging Morgan down to take over again. It’s off to Banks for an attempt at the double knees in the corner but Morgan is up in time to take her down instead. Ruby’s chinlock doesn’t go anywhere so Morgan comes back in and runs Banks down for two and some loud screaming. Banks slips out of a backslide and kicks her in the face but the numbers game gets the better of her Moon has to come in for a save and dives onto Morgan and Riott on the floor. That leave Bayley to make a blind tag and it’s the Backstabber into the top rope elbow for the pin on Logan at 12:30.

Rating: C+. DO! SOMETHING! ELSE!!! Good grief how many months has we spent watching Banks/Bayley/a friend of the month vs. the Riott Squad? They have the same match against each other over and over as we wait for them to be in the next big gimmick match on pay per view. How is anyone supposed to benefit from this? Well other than the writers who get to take this segment off every week of course.

We look at Braun Strowman’s year.

Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley wants a fresh start so there’s no posing tonight. He’s a fighter and tonight he’s going to fight. Lashley runs him over to start but Seth slugs away to get a breather. An enziguri staggers Lashley and a running knee to the back sends him outside. That means a slingshot forearm but a Rush distraction lets Lashley take over again. The nerve hold doesn’t last long as Rollins jawbreaks his way to freedom but he stops to go after Rush. That means a hurricanrana into the post and we take a break.

Back with Lashley holding a chinlock until he lets go for some posing. Rollins gets dropped onto his shoulder for two more but the delayed vertical suplex is escaped. Some right hands and a Sling Blade put Lashley on the floor. The suicide dives keep Lashley in trouble and the springboard clothesline gets two. Rush offers another distraction though and this time Rollins chases him to the timekeeper’s area. Rollins finally clotheslines him down but gets jumped by Lashley. That’s enough for Rollins, who hits him with a chair for the DQ at 9:38.

Rating: C. They’re trying to build Rollins up but just let him have a match he can win if you want him to work. Rollins got over huge in the first place because he had the most energetic matches on the show but now he’s swatting at Rush like a fly and losing to Lashley. Just let him win here as Lashley losing to a former World Champion isn’t going to derail him. He can do the post match beatdown after a win and still be fine.

Post match Rollins destroys both of them with the chair.

John Cena is back next week.

Remember that video where we see the same six NXT names over and over? Well here it is again.

Jinder Mahal/Singh Brothers vs. Heath Slater/Rhyno

So Rhyno, the hometown boy, is already back after what, three weeks of being fired? It’s no Kevin Owens quitting one week and being back the next but still not great. Slater punches away at Mahal to start but gets driven into the corner for the series of right hands. Sumir comes in for some elbows and dancing but it’s quickly off to Rhyno for the house cleaning. A belly to belly plants both Singhs and it’s time for the Gore. Sunil grabs the foot though and Mahal adds a superkick. The Khallas is good for the pin on Rhyno at 2:59. That was the most necessary match I’ve seen in years.

Ambrose says he doesn’t need to have a fresh start because he’s great right now. He’s not about to have Crews get some feel good moment to begin the year.

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable want to shut up the Revival for good next week so the division can be glorious.

The Revival wants to bring credibility back to the division.

Bayley and Sasha want to win the Tag Team Titles.

Intercontinental Title: Dean Ambrose vs. Apollo Crews

Crews is challenging and dropkicks Dean in the face for talking too much trash. A sunset flip and a rollup give Apollo two each and a clothesline puts Dean on the floor. That means a moonsault from the apron and we take a break. Back with Apollo fighting out of a chinlock and getting two off a small package. A double clothesline puts them both down but it’s Apollo up first with a kick to the head.

The Toss Powerbomb is broken up but Crews settles for two off a standing shooting star pres. A belly to belly sends Dean into the corner and now the Toss Powerbomb connects for two with Dean grabbing the ropes. Dean bails to the floor but gets caught with a flip dive. Back in and the frog splash misses, allowing Dean to hit Dirty Deeds to retain at 9:15.

Rating: C. Well thanks for pushing Apollo for about two hours. It sure was nice to have him do the same offense he always does before Dean pinned him to retain the title. At some point they need to push someone and having them lose like this isn’t the way to do it. I’m sure he gets points for losing or something, but either don’t put him in the match or have him win.

Alexa Bliss is proud of her time running the Raw women’s division but that time has come to an end. Next week, she’ll be debuting her own talk show called A Moment of Bliss. Her first guest will be Ronda Rousey, and Ronda better dress for the occasion because she won’t be in a pit.

Brock Lesnar is back next week.

Nia Jax/Tamina vs. Ronda Rousey/Natalya

Ronda wastes no time and starts the fight in a hurry before dropping Tamina. Nia comes in and has to fight off an armbar. That’s finally shoved away and it’s off to Natalya for a snap suplex on Tamina. Nia pulls Tamina outside but Ronda dives onto both of them to send us to a break. Back with Natalya in trouble and Nia sending her into the corner. The pull out of the corner is even worse and gives Nia two as it’s off to the chinlock.

Natalya scores with a crossbody though and the hot tag brings in Rousey to clean house. A jumping elbow gives Rousey two on Nia but she throws Rousey down again. The super Samoan drop is broken up so Tamina makes a blind tag and kicks Rousey in the face for two. The armbar on Tamina is broken up with the legdrop and Tamina superkicks Natalya to the floor. Tamina misses the Superfly Splash and gets armbarred for the tap at 12:21.

Rating: D. Oh no. This really didn’t work as it was every match we’ve seen Rousey have with these two. OH NO! THEY HIT HER REALLY HARD AND HOW CAN SHE EVER GET AND THERE’S THE ARMBAR! This was a lifeless main event and I was so bored sitting through it after a long show already. Bad ending to the show, which isn’t the way to end the year.

Overall Rating: C-. This show felt rather self contained as it came off more like a holding pattern for next week than anything else. That being said, given how low the viewership is going to be for this due to the holiday, that’s not the worst idea in the world. Next week’s show is stacked though and it should be a good start on the way towards the Rumble. Nothing of note to see this week, though Drew winning is a good sign.


Drew McIntyre b. Dolph Ziggler – Claymore

Apollo Crews won a battle royal last eliminating Baron Corbin

Bayley/Sasha Banks/Ember Moon b. Riott Squad – Top rope elbow to Logan

Bobby Lashley b. Seth Rollins via DQ when Rollins used a chair

Jinder Mahal/Singh Brothers b. Heath Slater/Rhyno – Khallas to Rhyno

Dean Ambrose b. Apollo Crews – Dirty Deeds

Ronda Rousey/Natalya b. Nia Jax/Tamina – Armbar to Tamina

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – December 27, 2018: The Necessary Version

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: December 27, 2018
Host: Scott Stanford

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Stanford welcomes us to the show in the studio, which isn’t something you see too often anymore.

From Raw.

Elias vs. Bobby Lashley

Miracle on 34th Street Fight so there are weapons around the ring, including Christmas trees. Lashley fires off shoulders in the corner to start until they head outside with Elias hitting him with a Christmas tree. Elias knocks him down again and we take a break. Back with Lio Rush helping put Elias in trouble and Lashley loads up a present. They come back in with Lashley throwing him in an overhead belly to belly and pouring out….Legos. Well that’s different. Not unique as I saw it done earlier this year, but different indeed.

Lashley loads up a superplex that wouldn’t put Rollins on the Legos whatsoever so Rollins shoves him onto them instead. A blast from a fire extinguisher blinds Lashley and he knocks Rush off the apron through a table. Another shot to the ribs with the fire extinguisher sets up the old Al Snow bowling ball to the crotch spot. Elias hits him with a cello for the pin at 12:36.

Rating: C-. It’s a tradition and I can’t get mad about it, but am I supposed to believe that the feud is over now? I don’t see why I should, as the ladder match should have ended things but this kept going anyway. The brawling was fine, but it’s not like this means anything more than the previous matches. It’s nice for Elias to win though, even if almost no one is going to see it.

From Raw again.

Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match, Drew talks about not being worried because he’s a mountain lion. If the other two get in his way, he’s not worried to kick their heads off. After he gets done with this, he’s moving on to the Royal Rumble so he can main event Wrestlemania (becoming the first entrant).

Drew cleans house to start and knocks both of them into the corner, only to charge into a shot to the face both times. McIntyre gets sent outside and both guys join him, where Drew sends them into various hard objects as we take a break. Back with Balor caught in an armbar and then suplexing Ziggler into an armbar of his own. The big headbutt sends Ziggler back to the floor but Balor knocks Drew down.

The Coup de Grace misses though and Balor rolls through, right into a Zig Zag for two. Balor knocks Ziggler outside again and tries another Coup de Grace, only to get crotched by Ziggler. A superkick drops McIntyre for two with Balor finally hitting the Coup de Grace for the save. McIntyre gets dropkicked to the floor, leaving Balor to hit the Coup de Grace to put Ziggler away at 11:39.

Rating: C-. I’m completely done with seeing these three fight and while it’s better that McIntyre didn’t take the fall, he shouldn’t be toiling with these people. He should be going after the World Title, but since that doesn’t exist and we CAN’T switch people from one show to another save or at designated times, this is as good as he gets. At least Balor got the pin, which is the second best option.

Post match McIntyre yells at Ziggler for ruining things and gets Zig Zagged. So yes, it’s still going and we’ll be seeing them fight again.

From Raw, again.

Women’s Title: Natalya vs. Ronda Rousey

Rousey is defending. Natalya spins out of an early wristlock attempt but Rousey takes her to the mat without much effort. An early side triangle choke attempt doesn’t quite work as Natalya slips out to grab a waistlock. That’s reversed into a bodyscissors for a bit until Ronda sends her outside in a heap. Ronda looks concerned about her friend as we take a break.

Back with Rousey in trouble and Natalya making things worth with a bodyscissors of her own. The chinlock doesn’t last long and gives Natalya two, with the kickout seeming to just annoy her. An abdominal stretch, with Natalya picking up a leg, makes things even worse for Rousey. Since that’s a hard position to hold, Natalya goes with a dropkick for two. A delayed suplex gets the same and Rousey looks shaken in the corner.

It’s a clothesline to get Rousey out of trouble and she unloads in the corner. A running knee gives Rousey two but Natalya is right back with a Sharpshooter attempt. That’s reversed into Piper’s Pit but Rousey takes too long, allowing Natalya to get the Sharpshooter. With Natalya trying to bring it back to the middle though, Rousey reverses into an armbar for the tap at 15:43, nearly letting go so fast that Natalya hadn’t tapped yet.

Rating: C+. Match of the night so far, but I didn’t quite buy Natalya as having a real change of winning. Maybe it’s her inability to be good with the emotional side of things or the fact that her push has focused on the memory of Jim Neidhart, but this wasn’t exactly thrilling. Rousey did a good job with showing that she didn’t want to hurt her friend, which could help set up an eventual rematch.

From Smackdown.

It’s time for MizTV, with the Best in the World trophy in the ring with him. Miz wastes no time in bringing out Shane McMahon as his guest. Shane says the new mandate from the company is to listen to the fans (less than 24 hours after Baron Corbin main evented Raw) so Miz brings up Paige being removed from power. That’s dropped in a hurry so Miz says there are four McMahon’s (three and a HHH actually) in power so Shane should have more time to form the best tag team ever with Miz.

See, this is all about Miz’s father. Miz lists off his resume and says he’s never heard his father say he’s proud of him. Then it was the Best in the World, where his father said that Shane was something else. Miz’s dad usually likes the high fliers so Miz was confused. Shane is the kind of guy who will put his life on the line and that got Miz’s attention. Miz needs to team with Shane to make his father proud and Shane should do it since this is the land of opportunity. Shane agrees, but says Miz better not screw him. They hold up the trophy to wrap things up. I’m scared of where this is going.

From Smackdown.

AJ Styles runs into Vince McMahon in the back, where Vince asks who AJ is. AJ lists off his monikers but Vince wants to know why AJ wasn’t wrestling in the house that he built. Vince wants the real AJ Styles and knows that AJ has a tormented soul. If AJ can harness his aggression, the animal inside him can get out. That’s what Vince wants to see so he slaps AJ, who beats Vince down. Agents break it up and Vince seems very happy.

From Smackdown, again.

US Title: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rusev

Rusev is challenging. Nakamura, in a full body suit again, takes Rusev into the corner to start but gets taken down by some running clotheslines. An early triangle choke sends Rusev bailing to the floor and we take a break. Back with Nakamura grabbing a cravate to keep Rusev in trouble. A suplex gets Rusev out of trouble but Nakamura kicks him right back down. The stomps on the back of the neck have Rusev in more trouble and Nakamura grabs a chinlock. Rusev gets up and heads to the apron but gets kicked outside as we take another break.

Back again with Nakamura getting two off a knee to the head. The front facelock goes on for a few moments until Rusev throws him off without too much trouble. Rusev gets two off a spinwheel kick and another kick to the face gets the same. They head outside with Nakamura sending him into the steps and hitting a middle rope knee to the face back inside.

Kinshasa is countered with the Machka Kick for two but Nakamura grabs another triangle. This one lasts a bit longer until Rusev eventually throws him off. Rusev misses a charge into the post and a knee to the head gives Nakamura two. A lariat turns Nakamura inside out and another Machka Kick gives Rusev the pin and the title at 22:45.

Rating: B. It’s about nine months late but I’m that Rusev finally won the title back. He’s been over all year and has seemed to be going in circles for months now. Nakamura continues his near downward spiral after all that time doing nothing, despite being US Champion for five months. Good match here, but these two are going in opposite directions.

And from Raw to wrap things up.

Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin

The week after the McMahons promise everything is what the fans want, Baron is main eventing the show. Seth unloads on him in the corner to start and knocks Corbin outside for the suicide dive. Back in and it’s way too early for the Stomp so Corbin bails, earning another dive. Corbin finally sends him outside and into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Corbin hammering down on Rollins’ back and hitting the chinlock that you were all waiting to see. Rollins fights up and gets in a Blockbuster, followed by the Sling Blade. A Falcon Arrow gets two but the Stomp is countered into Deep Six. Rollins goes up top but the springboard clothesline is countered with a chokebreaker. That’s about it for Corbin’s offense though as Rollins kicks him in the ribs and hits the Stomp for the pin at 12:36.

Rating: C. And that’s completely it for Corbin, who will fade back into the midcard where he belongs and never darken the main event scene again right? That’s the logical path to take, so I’m sure it’s exactly what’s going to happen. The wrestling was fine but you could tell that everyone was spent and there isn’t much of a way around that. It was fine, but not exactly energized after the first few minutes.

Overall Rating: C. This show was a pretty good idea given how much else was going on last week. The timing couldn’t have gone worse for WWE with Raw and Smackdown being on the two big holidays and next week is going to go badly as well. I barely remembered a lot of this stuff so it was cool to get a fast paced reminder like this. Totally necessary show for once, which you don’t get to say that often around here.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 25, 2017: I Feel Sorry For These Guys

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 25, 2017
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T.

For reasons of “USA Told Us To Do It”, WWE presents a three hour Monday Night Raw on Christmas night. As a bonus, the first hour will feature no commercials, because if there’s one thing I think of when I watch Raw, it’s that there’s not enough material. John Cena is back for another one night shot so let’s get to it.

Speaking of Cena, here he is to open things up. Actually hang on a second as Cena says there’s something that needs to change. Cena goes outside and says someone is wearing the wrong colors. He takes off his hat and shirt and hands them to a kid with some sort of a disability who is wearing his old orange gear. And that is why Cena comes off as a superhero and is just flat out awesome to boot.

That earns a MERRY CHRISTMAS chant and Cena talks about how WWE is like a family. However, he wants to say cheers to the good and bad times, but cheers on a special day like today. Cue Elias to interrupt for his big spot of getting a rub from Cena. John actually agrees to walk with him but they get cut off by a CM Punk chant. Elias: “CM Punk ain’t gonna interrupt me.”

Cena says we need to have some fun tonight and grabs a chair so Elias can perform. The lights go down and Elias is about to play but the CM PUNK chants cut him off again. The song starts and of course it insults Chicago so Cena cuts him off and says hit the lights. Cena thinks Elias is the real jerk because he keeps insulting every city he’s in.

Elias thinks Cena might be right and offers to do the song again if Chicago will give him a second chance. He sings again and this time sings a rather nice version before handing it off to Cena for “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. Cena starts off but gets punched in the face for his efforts. Elias goes to leave but comes back to stomp away and challenges Cena to a match right now. A referee is fine with this and we’re ready to go.

John Cena vs. Elias

Cena, whose shorts look shorter than usual, gets hammered down to start but grabs a desperation headlock. Elias gets two off a release slam before tying Cena in the Tree of Woe. An Alberto Del Rio top rope double stomp gets another near fall but Cena avoids a second attempt.

Cena gets taken down again though and a Batista Bomb gives Elias another near fall. We hit the chinlock to eat up some more time with Elias even flipping forward to get Cena away from the rope. Back up and a hard clothesline gets two on Cena, which does so well that Elias does the same thing again for the same result.

Cena has to pull himself up using Elias’ body, earning himself another right hand to the face for two more. A quick STF has Elias in trouble but Cena doesn’t have it in full. Elias crawls to the ropes so Cena tries to grab it again, only to have Elias pop up for a jumping knee to the face.

That doesn’t even get a cover as Cena rolls outside before grabbing the STF again. This time Elias makes the rope but the damage seems to have been done. Something like a slow motion Drift Away gets two but Elias takes his sweet time posing. Cena pops up and initiates his finishing sequence. The AA is good for the pin on Elias at 16:08.

Rating: C+. Elias got in most of the offense here and that’s all you can ask for him here. No Elias shouldn’t have won here as it’s just a way to give the fans a feel good win and there’s nothing wrong with that. You have to imagine Cena will be around for the Rumble and he’s going to be a favorite so let him have a win to get some of his mojo back.

Cena salutes the kid in the crowd.

Samoa Joe video.

Jason Jordan comes in to see Kurt Angle but Seth Rollins cuts them off, saying he wants to face Samoa Joe tonight. In a repeat of the same thing he does every week, Jordan says he wants his match against Joe. Angle suggests that they team up to deal with the Bar first but neither seems interested. Kurt makes the match anyway and puts the titles on the line.

The two of them leave and Roman Reigns comes in. Angle gives him Joe tonight, with the Intercontinental Title on the line.

Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher are in the ring before Kendrick faces Hideo Itami. Kendrick laughs off the idea of being scared of Itami because the two of them are some of the finest competitors around.

Hideo Itami vs. Brian Kendrick

They forearm it out to start with Itami getting the better of it and demanding respect. Back up and a jumping knee to the face gives Kendrick two. We hit a cross arm choke on Itami but he’s back up without much effort. The tornado DDT into the neck snap across the top has Kendrick in trouble and a running corner dropkick makes it even worse. The GTS ends Kendrick at 4:00.

Rating: C-. Itami is a great striker but he doesn’t have the best fire in the world. Just shouting RESPECT ME over and over isn’t exactly going to make him the most popular guy, but at least he’s trying. Let him show off more of his strikes and see what he can do and maybe that’ll get him somewhere. As it is though, nothing all that special here.

Video on the announcement of the Women’s Royal Rumble, naturally with Stephanie getting most of the focus. Thankfully we do get some reactions from some of the women.

Mickie James, Sasha Banks and Bayley run into the very Christmas themed Miztourage. They sing some Miz themed Christmas carols. The ladies bail in a hurry.

Bayley/Mickie James/Sasha Banks vs. Absolution

Paige forearms Sasha in the face to start before it’s off to Mandy. Mickie comes in for a running forearm and it’s off to Bayley, who gets a heck of a reaction. It’s off to Deville who gets in her hard strikes, only to have Bayley take her back into the corner. The fight heads outside with Sonya hitting a heck of a clothesline to drop Banks and take over. The fans are happy to have Paige back in but it’s quickly back to Sonya for a hard knee.

We hit a bodyscissors for a bit before the villains take turns beating on Banks. The announcers continue to drool over Mandy (they have good taste) as she knocks Bayley and James off the apron to break up a hot tag attempt. As is so often the case though, Banks shoves her away a few seconds later, allowing the hot tag off to Bayley so house can be cleaned. Bayley starts throwing suplexes and even knocks Deville off the apron for good measure. A Bayley to Belly gets two on Paige as everything breaks down on the floor. Back in and the Rampaige ends Bayley at 10:14.

Rating: C. Absolution winning is the right call and they’re starting to establish themselves with more defined characters. I could go for Rose as more than the eye candy character but to be fair, what else is she supposed to do? Paige is a good leader and Deville is made to be the tough one so it’s not like the team needs many changes. Then again almost none of this matters until we get to the Rumble but at least the right team won.

We look at Dean Ambrose’s arm being destroyed last week. The injury may keep him out up to nine months.

Renee Young isn’t happy to interview Samoa Joe, who has no remorse for what he did to Dean last week. Joe is ready to take the Intercontinental Title when Reigns comes seeking vengeance.

Video on Kane and Braun Strowman becoming #1 contenders to Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble.

Kane vs. Heath Slater

Apparently Rhyno got Slater this match to toughen him up a bit. Merry Christmas buddy. Kane takes him into the corner for some knees to the ribs and there’s the side slam for good measure. Slater bails to the floor for a breather and a pep talk from Rhyno. As you might expect, Kane throws him right back to the floor and it’s time for more pep talking. Back in and Slater’s offense is shrugged off, setting up the chokeslam for the pin at 2:13.

Kane goes after Rhyno post match and a quick flurry is cut off by a chokeslam.

Here’s Curt Hawkins who has to tell himself to face the facts. 2017 hasn’t been his best year but the year isn’t over yet. How about a little Christmas miracle tonight? The open challenge is on.

Finn Balor vs. Curt Hawkins

Hawkins grabs a quick rollup for two and gets the same result off the same move. Balor calmly kicks him down and hits the Coup de Grace for the pin at 1:30.

The Miztourage sings to Goldust and throw in a DVD of Santa’s Little Helper. Titus Worldwide comes up and Goldust gives them the DVD.

Bray Wyatt talks about how Sister Abigail always hated this time of year. He’s ready to face the Woken Warrior because Matt Hardy is surrounded by the fireflies. Bray is here.

Wyatt heads to the ring but Matt runs in and the fight is on. A Twist of Fate misses and Bray bails to the floor. After threatening to DELETE Bray, Matt throws in some maniacal laughter.

The Bar isn’t happy with having to defend their titles but they’re ready to fight. Sheamus has a gift for Cesaro, including a char containing their catchphrase. The gift: a Dean Ambrose action figure with a missing arm! Cesaro has a gift for Sheamus as well: a Seth Rollins action figure which Sheamus can break just like the real one tonight. There’s more in the box too as Cesaro has gotten him a Jason Jordan figure too. Sheamus: “I don’t want this.” Cesaro says no one wants Jordan so it’s perfect.

Cedric Alexander gets his Cruiserweight Title shot next week.

Enzo Amore/Drew Gulak/Ariya Daivari vs. Akira Tozawa/Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander

Miracle on 34th Street Fight but first Enzo (as Santa, with the other two as his elves) has to run his mouth about Cedric not getting a present on Christmas morning. Even though it’s a street fight, Daivari and Cedric start things off with Alexander cleaning house in short order. Tozawa and Ali take out Daivari and Gulak with dives as we take a break.

Back with Enzo whipping Tozawa back first into a Christmas tree. Tozawa remembers that he’s only fighting Enzo though, meaning the hot tag brings in Ali a few seconds later. The rolling X Factor gets two and there’s the 054 for two with Gulak making the save. Enzo’s candy cane kendo stick is taken away from him and begging off ensues. Gulak runs into Enzo by mistake, setting up a few stick shots to his back. The Lumbar Check ends Daivari at 7:49.

Rating: D+. So, again, why were the tagging in a STREET FIGHT? The match was about what you would expect here and the wrestling really wasn’t all that good. That being said, they did a decent enough job of setting up the title match with Alexander looking strong. This really didn’t do much for me though and felt rather forced, which isn’t the best idea during a comedy match.

Post break Enzo isn’t happy but runs into Nia, now with red and blue hair. It turns out they’re underneath the mistletoe and are about to kiss but Alexa Bliss runs in and needs Nia. Enzo doesn’t look happy.

Reigns is ready to hurt Joe for what he did to Ambrose last week.

Intercontinental Title: Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe

Reigns is defending and punches Joe in the face at the bell. Joe gets knocked into the ropes and it’s the apron boot for good measure. Back in and Joe grabs a belly to back suplex for two but Reigns snaps off the corner clotheslines. A big boot drops Joe again but he’s right back up with right hands to take us to a break.

We come back with Reigns getting two off a Samoan drop but getting punched in the face some more. It’s already off to the Koquina Clutch but Reigns is just too close to the ropes for the break. Joe takes him outside and the suicide elbow drives Reigns into the barricade. Reigns comes up holding his elbow so we hit the armbar in a logical move. The hold is broken and Reigns unloads in the corner before shoving the referee for the DQ at 12:45.

Rating: C+. This feels like a way to set up a rematch at some point in the future, likely at the Royal Rumble. Joe vs. Reigns is a good feud and it’s made even better when you have two people who can beat the heck out of each other. Working on the arm made sense and tying it back to Ambrose’s injury is a nice idea. Good brawl here, but it’s clear that they’re setting up for something in the future.

Post match Reigns beats on Joe even more, including a steps shot to the arm. Joe avoids a heck of a chair shot and looks a bit shaken up while bailing.

Rollins tells Jordan to bring it tonight and Jordan is ready.

The Miztourage is in the ring to sing about their Secret Santa match. I think you know where this is going.

Braun Strowman vs. Miztourage

The goons are thrown around with ease and the running powerslam ends Dallas at 58 seconds.

Powerslam to Axel, powerslam to Dallas, powerslam to Axel.

Here’s Alexa Bliss for a chat. She’s here tonight to give us the Gift of a Goddess because this has been her year. Bliss has dominated his year like a Jedi from Star Wars (unlike one from the DMV). That brings us to the announcement of the Women’s Royal Rumble, which Bliss takes credit for taking place. Cue Asuka to say she’s entering the Rumble because no one is ready for her. Bliss gets kicked down.

Brock Lesnar is back next week.

Tag Team Titles: The Bar vs. Seth Rollins/Jason Jordan

Cesaro and Sheamus are defending. Jordan wrestles Sheamus to the mat to start but the champs take him down with a double hiptoss. Rollins comes in off the hot tag and hits a suicide dive as we take a break. Back with Rollins in trouble as the champs take turns beating him down.

We hit the chinlock for a good while until Rollins fights up with some forearms to Cesaro’s head. That’s not enough for the hot tag though as it’s Sheamus cutting him off. A middle rope legdrop gives Sheamus two and we’re back in chinlock. Sheamus gets frustrated at Rollins fighting up again so Seth is sent outside for a clothesline from Cesaro. Jordan actually makes a save, earning himself a hard trip into the barricade.

Seth gets in a few shots but there’s no one to tag. Instead it’s the Irish Curse for two on Seth, followed by a hard knee to the face for the same. Jordan charges in for a save and the hot tag brings him back in. Everything breaks down and a pair of something like the Demolition Decapitators get two on Jason.

Cesaro unloads with right hands and a Brogue Kick takes Rollins down. The Cloverleaf sends Jordan scurrying over to the ropes and the champs are frustrated. Super White Noise is broken up though and Rollins takes Cesaro out to the floor. Back in, Jordan’s wheelbarrow neckbreaker is good for the pin and the title at 15:24.

Rating: C+. Well that was unexpected. I get the idea that it’s the first Christmas episode in twenty five years but that’s still not exactly something I would have guessed. It’s interesting to see where it’s going though and Jordan FINALLY has a win, albeit as a tag wrestler again (it’s almost like he shouldn’t have been moved out of his team in the first place). This is one of those things where I’m going to need more information, but at least it worked at the moment.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was a weird hybrid between a stand alone show that felt like something special and a show that actually advanced the stories. Then again, we have to get ready for the Rumble and they really don’t have time to burn off a show, even if it’s something like this. Hopefully people actually watched the show, but they’re going to be in a stretch to get much of an audience. Not a bad show though and better than I was expecting.


John Cena b. Elias – Attitude Adjustment

Hideo Itami b. Brian Kendrick – GTS

Absolution b. Bayley/Mickie James/Sasha Banks – Rampaige to Bayley

Kane b. Heath Slater – Chokeslam

Finn Balor b. Curt Hawkins – Coup de Grace

Akira Tozawa/Cedric Alexander/Mustafa Ali b. Enzo Amore/Drew Gulak/Ariya Daivari – Lumbar Check to Daivari

Samoa Joe b. Roman Reigns via DQ when Reigns shoved the referee

Braun Strowman b. Miztourage – Running powerslam to Dallas

Seth Rollins/Jason Jordan b. The Bar – Wheelbarrow neckbreaker to Cesaro

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 24, 2018: Go To Bed

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 24, 2018
Location: Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Corey Graves

We’re taped here, because thankfully USA decided the show didn’t need to be live on a night that was going to have a grand total of fourteen people watching. The big match tonight is Ronda Rousey defending the Women’s Title vs. Natalya and we’ll also be seeing the followup to the McMahon’s taking over last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video is Twas The Raw Before Christmas, set to the poem with a look at what we’ll be seeing tonight. This was released on the YouTube page a few days ago and it was awesome.

Here’s Elias, in a Santa hat, to open things up. After saying what WWE stands for, he has a new holiday classic for us. The song is about how annoying kids can be around this time of year but when things get tough, just ask what Elias would do. When it’s bad though, just remember that you could be Bobby Lashley, and he sucks.

Elias vs. Bobby Lashley

Miracle on 34th Street Fight so there are weapons around the ring, including Christmas trees. Lashley fires off shoulders in the corner to start until they head outside with Elias hitting him with a Christmas tree. Elias knocks him down again and we take a break. Back with Lio Rush helping put Elias in trouble and Lashley loads up a present. They come back in with Lashley throwing him in an overhead belly to belly and pouring out….Legos. Well that’s different. Not unique as I saw it done earlier this year, but different indeed.

Lashley loads up a superplex that wouldn’t put Rollins on the Legos whatsoever so Rollins shoves him onto them instead. A blast from a fire extinguisher blinds Lashley and he knocks Rush off the apron through a table. Another shot to the ribs with the fire extinguisher sets up the old Al Snow bowling ball to the crotch spot. Elias hits him with a cello for the pin at 12:36.

Rating: C-. It’s a tradition and I can’t get mad about it, but am I supposed to believe that the feud is over now? I don’t see why I should, as the ladder match should have ended things but this kept going anyway. The brawling was fine, but it’s not like this means anything more than the previous matches. It’s nice for Elias to win though, even if almost no one is going to see it.

We look back at the big announcement from last week.

Heath Slater wants his best friend back on Raw.

Tag Team Titles: Revival vs. Bobby Roode/Chad Gable

Roode and Gable are defending. Wilder knocks Gable down to start so Gable comes in with a monkey flip to Dawson. The armbar goes on and something like a flying headscissors takes Dawson down again. A blind tag brings in Dawson to take Gable down though and we take a break. Back with Gable still in trouble as the Revival keeps taking turns. Gable finally knocks Dawson down and it’s back to Roode to clean house.

Everything breaks down with Roode catching a kick to the ribs and flipping (!) Wilder onto Dawson for two. Gable comes back in for a rollup on Dawson, who gets the same off the same. They bridge up into a backslide but Dawson tags out just in time. An uppercut into a German suplex into a flipping (!) rollup cover gives Wilder two as Roode saves. Roode and Wilder fight to the floor and it’s a suplex reversed into a small package to pin Dawson (not legal) at 10:45.

Rating: C. As much as I want to see the Revival win, this was at least an entertaining match. Roode and Gable are a good team and proof that you can get something together if you actually do something with the people you have sitting around. The ending suggests a rematch and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s still not the ending I want.

The B Team tries to sell Apollo Crews a shirt in the form of the 12 Days of Christmas but he politely declines.

Lucha House Party works on a Christmas list but starts chanting again.

Curt Hawkins wants a new Hoverboard, a pet giraffe, dress socks, or A FREAKING WIN.

No Way Jose thinks Santa should get a gift this year. Like polar bear repellent. Or a conga line at the North Pole.

Video on the upcoming NXT callups.

Dolph Ziggler isn’t sure if he’s on the naughty or nice list but he wants a few things for Christmas. Like the Best in the World trophy, a standup special on Netflix, or respect when he beats Drew McIntyre and Finn Balor.

Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match, Drew talks about not being worried because he’s a mountain lion. If the other two get in his way, he’s not worried to kick their heads off. After he gets done with this, he’s moving on to the Royal Rumble so he can main event Wrestlemania (becoming the first entrant).

Drew cleans house to start and knocks both of them into the corner, only to charge into a shot to the face both times. McIntyre gets sent outside and both guys join him, where Drew sends them into various hard objects as we take a break. Back with Balor caught in an armbar and then suplexing Ziggler into an armbar of his own. The big headbutt sends Ziggler back to the floor but Balor knocks Drew down.

The Coup de Grace misses though and Balor rolls through, right into a Zig Zag for two. Balor knocks Ziggler outside again and tries another Coup de Grace, only to get crotched by Ziggler. A superkick drops McIntyre for two with Balor finally hitting the Coup de Grace for the save. McIntyre gets dropkicked to the floor, leaving Balor to hit the Coup de Grace to put Ziggler away at 11:39.

Rating: C-. I’m completely done with seeing these three fight and while it’s better that McIntyre didn’t take the fall, he shouldn’t be toiling with these people. He should be going after the World Title, but since that doesn’t exist and we CAN’T switch people from one show to another save or at designated times, this is as good as he gets. At least Balor got the pin, which is the second best option.

Post match McIntyre yells at Ziggler for ruining things and gets Zig Zagged. So yes, it’s still going and we’ll be seeing them fight again.

Video on Tribute to the Troops.

The B Team still hasn’t finished the song and starts over.

And now, a visit from Mr. McMahon-A-Claus, featuring gifts for the fans. Like John Cena back on Monday Night Raw and Smackdown, Women’s Tag Team Titles (no dates given), and a steel cage match next week between Ziggler and McIntyre. That’s enough though as the suit is too hot. Vince: “You guys ever see the movie Bad Santa?” Vince smiles to the production assistants in a scene that felt like it normally wouldn’t make TV.

Mickie James/Dana Brooke/Alicia Fox vs. Sasha Banks/Ember Moon/Bayley

Mickie and Ember start things off with Mickie knocking her down for an early two. Ember nips up into a headscissors but Fox tags herself in, only to get superkicked to the apron. A suicide dive sends Ember into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Ember still in trouble as Mickie kicks her in the ribs. Ember finally knocks Dana away and brings in Bayley to almost no reaction. Banks comes back in for the Meteora on James, followed by Ember Eclipsing Fox to the floor. A blind tag brings in Bayley with the Backstabber sending Mickie into the Bayley to Belly for the pin at 8:31.

Rating: D. I know this is an ice cold show by definition but it’s not a good sign when a match like this had no heat whatsoever. Maybe it’s the fans just being done after having so much content, but maybe it’s because these women have been fighting in various combinations for what feels like years now. But nah, we can’t give them anything else to do of course.

Post match the Riott Squad comes in to take out the winners.

We look back at Seth Rollins blaming Baron Corbin for all of Raw’s problems and their argument last week to set up tonight’s main event.

Here’s Paul Heyman to celebrate the holidays, which means talking about Braun Strowman. Heyman has seen Strowman’s personnel files, which includes asking Santa Claus for a replica title as a child. Now he’s an adult though and wants the real thing at the expense of Brock Lesnar. That’s not happening because even Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer couldn’t find him a path to the title.

This brings out Strowman, with his arm in a bandage instead of a sling, and Heyman is panicked. Strowman puts reindeer antlers and a red nose on Heyman, calling him the red nosed advocate. He’ll be fine for the Royal Rumble and Heyman is going to get these hands. Short and sweet from Strowman here.

We look back at Natalya winning the gauntlet match last week.

Natalya expects nothing but the best from Ronda and knows Ronda expects the same.

Alexa Bliss wants Bayley to get some personality, Sasha some humility, Natalya….well she’s a lost cause, and Ronda some good makeup. No mention of Bliss being in charge here.

Tyler Breeze wants Fandango back fast and some Ariana Grande tickets. When told he can only have one thing, he picks the tickets.

Women’s Title: Natalya vs. Ronda Rousey

Rousey is defending. Natalya spins out of an early wristlock attempt but Rousey takes her to the mat without much effort. An early side triangle choke attempt doesn’t quite work as Natalya slips out to grab a waistlock. That’s reversed into a bodyscissors for a bit until Ronda sends her outside in a heap. Ronda looks concerned about her friend as we take a break.

Back with Rousey in trouble and Natalya making things worth with a bodyscissors of her own. The chinlock doesn’t last long and gives Natalya two, with the kickout seeming to just annoy her. An abdominal stretch, with Natalya picking up a leg, makes things even worse for Rousey. Since that’s a hard position to hold, Natalya goes with a dropkick for two. A delayed suplex gets the same and Rousey looks shaken in the corner.

It’s a clothesline to get Rousey out of trouble and she unloads in the corner. A running knee gives Rousey two but Natalya is right back with a Sharpshooter attempt. That’s reversed into Piper’s Pit but Rousey takes too long, allowing Natalya to get the Sharpshooter. With Natalya trying to bring it back to the middle though, Rousey reverses into an armbar for the tap at 15:43, nearly letting go so fast that Natalya hadn’t tapped yet.

Rating: C+. Match of the night so far, but I didn’t quite buy Natalya as having a real change of winning. Maybe it’s her inability to be good with the emotional side of things or the fact that her push has focused on the memory of Jim Neidhart, but this wasn’t exactly thrilling. Rousey did a good job with showing that she didn’t want to hurt her friend, which could help set up an eventual rematch.

Dean Ambrose says that he’s getting what he deserves this year as the Intercontinental Champion.

Fighting With My Family trailer.

Jinder Mahal vs. Heath Slater

Good thing they did that whole Slater is a referee thing for….a week? Slater knocks him down to start and grabs the chinlock but here’s Santa Claus for a distraction. Slater gets two, but it’s the Singh Brothers coming in for the DQ at 1:52.

Post match Santa gets in the ring and cleans house, including a Gore to Mahal because it’s Rhyno.

The B Team, looking exhausted from their singing, still can’t remember the end of the song but they fall asleep in the back.

We look back at Mr. McMahon-A-Claus’ announcements earlier.

Same video on the six NXT people coming up.

Seth Rollins is ready to finish Baron Corbin.

Apollo Crews wants a tank so he can moonsault over it.

The Ascension wants to punish people. Viktor: “Are we doing Secret Santa this year?” Konnor explains why that’s a stupid idea in an unfunny moment.

Kurt Angle, who needs to shave, is happy enough to not have Corbin be General Manager of Raw.

Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin

The week after the McMahons promise everything is what the fans want, Baron is main eventing the show. Seth unloads on him in the corner to start and knocks Corbin outside for the suicide dive. Back in and it’s way too early for the Stomp so Corbin bails, earning another dive. Corbin finally sends him outside and into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Corbin hammering down on Rollins’ back and hitting the chinlock that you were all waiting to see. Rollins fights up and gets in a Blockbuster, followed by the Sling Blade. A Falcon Arrow gets two but the Stomp is countered into Deep Six. Rollins goes up top but the springboard clothesline is countered with a chokebreaker. That’s about it for Corbin’s offense though as Rollins kicks him in the ribs and hits the Stomp for the pin at 12:36.

Rating: C. And that’s completely it for Corbin, who will fade back into the midcard where he belongs and never darken the main event scene again right? That’s the logical path to take, so I’m sure it’s exactly what’s going to happen. The wrestling was fine but you could tell that everyone was spent and there isn’t much of a way around that. It was fine, but not exactly energized after the first few minutes.

Overall Rating: C-. That’s on a sliding scale here as there’s no reason to expect much from this show and the roster was already spent after a long show to start the evening. It’s far from bad but it’s nothing is going to matter by next week. They basically presented a show because they had to and that’s all they could do given all of the circumstances. It wasn’t great but for what it was, this was fine.


Elias b. Bobby Lashley – Cello to the back

Chad Gable/Bobby Roode b. Revival – Small package to Dawson

Finn Balor b. Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler – Coup de Grace to Ziggler

Bayley/Sasha Banks/Ember Moon b. Mickie James/Dana Brooke/Alicia Fox – Bayley to Belly to James

Ronda Rousey b. Natalya – Armbar

Heath Slater b. Jinder Mahal via DQ when the Singh Brothers interfered

Seth Rollins b. Baron Corbin – The Stomp

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Tribute To The Troops 2018: There’s Nothing Wrong With That

IMG Credit: WWE

Tribute to the Troops 2018
Date: December 20, 2018
Location: Fort Hood, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

This is one of the most unique shows that the company does every year as we’re at a military base this time around. As you can probably guess, the idea here is all about the troops and that changes some things. This isn’t going to be a storyline driven show whatsoever and it’s all about a fun night with a lot of celebrity cameos. Let’s get to it.

As you might expect, we open with the National Anthem.

The show is in a hanger, which is at least looking like they’re trying instead of a few years ago when they just did a house show and called it Tribute to the Troops.

Video on how important this show is.

Here’s New Day, with Big E. as Santa, Kofi as an elf and Woods as a reindeer with R-Truth and Carmella throwing out gifts. New Day talks about how important the troops are and mention some traditions, like watching your favorite New Day match on a loop until your wife says “KOFI GET OUT HERE SO THE KIDS CAN OPEN THE PRESENTS!” As for the troops away from home, send them a letter or a present but keep them away from the milk and cookies. The USA chants wrap us up.

Ronda Rousey/Natalya vs. Riott Squad vs. Tamina/Nia Jax

The troops are rather pleased with Rousey here as she starts with Logan. It’s quickly off to Morgan, who gets thrown down just as fast. Natalya comes in and shrugs off a slingshot bulldog attempt, setting up the discus lariat for two. The threat of a Sharpshooter is enough to bring Tamina in to take over, followed by Nia coming in for the big elbow on Natalya. Tamina gets in a few more shots before it’s back to Logan for a chinlock. Natalya fights up and makes the hot tag off to Ronda to clean house. The first armbar attempt is broken up so Ronda flips Logan and Morgan over for a double armbar and the double tap at 6:56.

Rating: C-. As usual, the ratings are going to be on a sliding scale tonight because the wrestling isn’t the point whatsoever. This is all about letting the fans have some fun and that’s what they got with Rousey. The fans got to have a good time and Rousey won with a cool looking finisher. That’s perfectly fine and all it needed to be.

Post match Rousey thanks the troops for everything they do and for giving us our freedom as the greatest gift of all.

Video on Jon Stewart getting to meet the troops.

Morgan Wallen performs Whiskey Glasses.

Elias/Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley/Drew McIntyre

Lashley cleans house to start with a shot to knock Balor off the apron and a drive to send Elias into the corner. McIntyre and Lashley take turns beating on Elias and we take an early break. Back with McIntyre getting two off a suplex to Balor and it’s back to Lashley for a chinlock. Lashley drops Elias off the apron with a right hand and it’s Balor caught in the corner again.

As usual, the hot tag goes through almost immediately thereafter so Elias can clean house. Lio Rush offers a distraction so the chase is on, allowing Lashley to plant Elias with a spinebuster. Balor breaks up the near fall with a Coupe de Grace and there’s the big flip dive onto McIntyre. A sunset flip finishes Lashley at 8:45.

Rating: C. Just a formula tag match here and that’s fine. Balor’s flip dive is always going to get a reaction and Elias, who probably sang something like, is worth a look for something like this. As you can probably guess, there’s no reason to believe the heels are going to win anything big, and there’s nothing wrong with that in this case.

Some wrestlers thank the troops.

It’s time for MizTV, with Miz thanking the troops, who are the really awesome ones. His guests this time are Charlotte and Becky Lynch and Miz gets straight to the point: they used to be best friends and then it all fell apart. Maybe it’s because Charlotte isn’t used to standing in Becky’s shadow after being the top dog for so long. Charlotte says queens cast shadows instead of standing in them.

Miz apologizes for overshadowing Becky in the latest Marine movie, which Becky says is big of him. Becky: “That’s probably the first time anyone has ever said that of you.” Becky says she’s the man and here are Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville to cut them off. Mandy should be the face of the division (Mandy: “I mean, look at me.”) and Sonya hits harder than Nia Jax. A match seems imminent.

Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Mandy Rose/Sonya Deville

Sonya and Charlotte start things off with Charlotte sending her outside for a slingshot dive. Mandy comes in to a not exactly surprising big pop and gets two off a rollup. It’s back to Sonya for some right hands as JBL sounds rather into the Charlotte vs. Becky rivalry. Mandy gets in a few more shots to slow Charlotte down before it’s back to Sonya for the heavy lifting. Charlotte gets close to the corner so Mandy comes in for a distraction, meaning the hot tag isn’t seen. Of course Charlotte chops her way to freedom and brings Becky in for the Disarm-Her and the tap at 5:55.

Rating: C-. Just a quick match here without any drama about the winners. Becky is the biggest thing in the company right now so getting her on the show was about as much of a requirement as you could have had. Mandy was there as eye candy and there’s nothing wrong with that in a show like this.

Earlier today, New Day had breakfast at Denny’s with some troops.

Here’s Jon Stewart for some jokes. Stewart talks about a rather uncomfortable trip to Afghanistan. Apparently flying in military helicopters and planes is rather rough.

Clips of some wrestlers meeting troops.

Morgan Wallen performs Up Down.

Daniel Bryan/Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins/AJ Styles

The villains jump Seth to start but AJ makes a save, allowing Seth to hit a suicide dive on Dean to get us to the opening bell. Seth and Dean start us off with a Sling Blade putting Ambrose down early on. Bryan trips Seth from the floor though and Dean slams him onto the mat to send us to a break. Back with Dean holding Seth in a Fujiwara armbar and setting him on top.

That goes badly as Seth slips out and hits a buckle bomb, allowing the hot tag off to AJ, who hits the drop down into the dropkick on Bryan. An enziguri cuts AJ off but he’s right back with the Calf Crusher. Dean makes the save but gets driven into the corner by Seth as everything breaks down. Bryan runs into Dean in the corner and Seth hits another suicide dive. AJ gets sent to the apron but comes back in with the Phenomenal Forearm to finish Bryan at 10:17.

Rating: C+. Match of the night here and that’s not surprising. As usual, this isn’t going to change anything from a storyline perspective so Bryan losing clean is perfectly acceptable. They didn’t even have the titles out here so it’s not like anything is affected. The action was good here and they sent the troops home happy, so it’s hard to complain that much.

Seth and AJ thank the troops and the locker room comes out for one more thank you.

One last video on the whole event wraps things up.

Overall Rating: C. Like I said, the wrestling wasn’t the point here and everything was watchable enough. It was nice to have some celebrities in there for some extra fun and it’s not like there was any reason to expect anything else. The atmosphere and venue help a lot as well as it actually feels like something different, which is supposed to be the case. Perfectly watchable show and that’s all it’s supposed to be.


Ronda Rousey/Natalya b. Tamina/Nia Jax and Riott Squad – Double armbar to Morgan and Logan

Finn Balor/Elias b. Bobby Lashley/Drew McIntyre – Sunset flip to Lashley

Charlotte/Becky Lynch b. Mandy Rose/Sonya Deville – Disarm-Her to Deville

Seth Rollins/AJ Styles b. Dean Ambrose/Daniel Bryan – Phenomenal Forearm to Bryan

Hidden Gems Collection #6: That Is Some Beautiful Hair

IMG Credit: WWE

Hidden Gems #6
Date: 1994, 2005, 2011

I know I had 2011 wrapped up but since these collections keep growing every week, sometimes I have to add to come back and take care of some new ones. In this case it’s a one off match, with Seth Rollins defending the FCW 15 Title against Dean Ambrose in a thirty minute Iron Man match. They’ve gone to draws in fifteen and twenty minute matches so here we go. And I’ll throw in a bonus or two for the sake of some length. Let’s get to it.

Since the Iron Man match is the real draw here, I’ll go with a few extras to start.

Terra Ryzing vs. Brian Armstrong
Date: February 26, 1994
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Attendance: 500
Commentators: Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan

This is listed as being from Saturday Night on February 26, 1994 but from what I can tell, this is the March 5 episode of Power Hour as it’s the only match I can find from these two. Who are these two you ask? Well that would be HHH (with some very big and very blond hair) and Road Dogg as a guy in trunks, who just happens to be part of a very famous wrestling family.

Armstrong, a rather popular (near) hometown boy works on a wristlock and an armdrag to put Ryzing in trouble. Heenan starts shouting for some reason but gets cut off as Ryzing hits a jumping knee to the face. An elbow drop keeps Armstrong in trouble and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker sets up an Indian Deathlock to make Armstrong give up at 2:51. Nothing to see here, but historical curiosities are rather fun and kind of the point of this whole collection.

Val Venis vs. CM Punk
Date: May 15, 2005
Location: Wachovia Arena, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 3,500
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Jonathan Coachman

This is from Sunday Night Heat and Punk’s singles debut after having a tag match on the same show earlier in the year. Punk grabs a headlock to start as Todd says Punk isn’t related to Punky Brewster. A hiptoss puts Punk down and they trade some legsweeps into near falls. Val makes the mistake of walking around clapping, allowing Punk to chop block him down. It’s time to start in on the leg, which might have been a better game plan than whatever he used in the UFC.

Punk drops some elbows on the leg and grabs a leglock to keep Val in trouble. Val gets back up for some chops but Punk wraps the leg around the post to put Val right back down. This is a lot more competitive than you likely would have expected. The kneepad is down and Punk even throws in some mocking.

Val makes the comeback with a knee and some clotheslines but the limping slows him down. The Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Punk and the knee gives out again on a fisherman’s suplex attempt. Punk is right back on the knee with a half crab and Val has to crawl over for the rope. Val gets in a half nelson slam and the knee is fine enough to hit the Money Shot for the pin at 6:38.

Rating: C+. This is a case of considering the situation. Punk was a jobber here and had a heck of a little match with Venis giving him a lot. I mean, it’s not exactly surprising given Val’s job of main tryout opponent for potentially future stars. Punk would be ROH World Champion in about a month and in developmental later in the year so it was clear that WWE had their eye on him even at this point. Heck of a nice match here and WAY better than it should have been.

FCW 15 Title: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Date: September 18, 2011
Location: FCW Arena, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Matt Martlaro

Seth is defending and it’s a thirty minute Iron Man match. They skip the entrances here so the bell rings in a hurry. They grapple around to start with Dean going to the ropes to break up an early waistlock. The threat of an early Avada Kedavra (a low superkick) sends Dean bailing to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Bo Rotundo (Bo Dallas), Maxine (General Manager) and Aksana (Women’s Champion) watching as we have about 26 minutes to go and no falls.

Seth cranks on an armbar and armdrags him into another armbar for good measure. More pulling of the arm keeps Dean in trouble with five minutes down. Dean finally gets in a shot to the face to take over as everyone continues to look on from ringside. Rollins is right back with a series of chops to tie Ambrose up in the ropes and then knock him all the way outside. Back in and Rollins misses a dropkick but backflips onto his feet (of course) so Dean kicks him low for the first fall with 21:45 to go.

Dean’s Midnight Special (White Noise) ties things up at 21:00 left and Byron has the right idea for once: “DO IT AGAIN!!!” A running clothesline gives Dean a 2-1 lead at 20:22 to go. Dean poses as we hit the ten minute mark but stops to hit a second lariat to send Rollins outside. Back from another break with Seth caught in a bow and arrow hold with 17:15 to go.

With that not working, it’s off to a neck crank for a change of pace. Rollins gets back up but misses a kick, allowing Dean to hit a belly to back faceplant for two at the halfway mark. Dean tries another Midnight Special but Rollins reverses into a sunset flip to tie things up at two falls each with 13:45 left.

That’s enough for Rollins to make the fired up comeback, including something like the BURN IT DOWN stomp out of the corner. The Stomp (called the Advanced Curb Stomp here) misses so Rollins sends him outside for the running flip dive, with Seth slamming face first into the barricade on the landing. Back in and Seth hits the springboard clothesline but Avada Kedavra misses. Instead Dean suplexes him out to the floor but crashes out with him in a big heap.

We take another break and come back with just under eight minutes to go and neither guy being able to get to their feet. That means a slugout from their knees until they get to their feet to stay at it. Ambrose gets in a hard shot to the head so Rollins is right back with a jumping enziguri to put them both down. After the big kickout, Seth goes with a Lionsault for two more. Seth unloads with more kicks to the face and the Stomp (a good one at that) gets two.

We hit the five minute mark and Seth isn’t sure what to do next. The yet to be named Phoenix splash misses but Dean can’t follow up with four minutes left. An eventual cover gets two as the fans are almost entirely behind Seth here. Dean STILL won’t follow up with three minutes left but eventually stomps on the stomach and holds his boot there for far too long. A Texas Cloverleaf has Seth in trouble with two minutes left but he makes the rope for the break. Dean keeps smiling and there’s a minute left. Now it’s Ambrose doing the stomping in the corner but misses Avada Kedavra.

Instead Rollins reverses into a Midnight special of his own for two. Avada Kedavra hits Dean for two as the time limit expires with Rollins looking stunned. Hang on though as Maxine says not so fast because we’re going to sudden death. Rollins gets a very fast two off a small package but Ambrose unloads on him in the corner. A running knee in the corner nails Rollins for two more but he kicks Dean to the floor.

That means a suicide dive to almost knock them into the crowd, followed by an exchange of splashes in the corner. A superkick to Dean sets up the prototype rebound lariat and the Midnight Special gets another two. Things slow down for a minute until Dean goes up top, only to get enziguried into a buckle bomb. Avada Kedavra connects again but Dean doesn’t even go down, telling Seth to bring it. He does just that with another Avada Kedavra, followed by a small package driver to retain the title at 34:20.

Rating: B+. This took some time to get going but eventually you could see all of the chemistry that made these two work so well together. The last eight to ten minutes were outstanding with some crazy energy, especially for an arena and venue this small. It’s a lot of fun and these guys beat each other up with some really hard shots and some awesome storytelling. I can see how they saw the star power in here and it was possibly better than any main roster match they’ve had.

Overall Rating: A-. Now that’s what I was hoping for. You can expect great stuff from Harley Race vs. Ric Flair and Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper but from these guys on either the C show or developmental? This was a heck of a lot of fun and I could look at HHH’s huge hair for days. Good stuff here with all three being worth checking out if you have the time, especially the Iron Man match.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Main Event – December 13, 2018: There’s Only So Much They Can Do

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: December 13, 2018
Location: Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, California
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Vic Joseph

I’m almost scared to watch this show given how likely it is to be full of Raw highlights. This hasn’t been the best week for WWE (thought it’s probably one of the least bad they’ve had this month) and I have a bad feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of Raw stuff on here instead of the better Smackdown material. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mojo Rawley vs. Tyler Breeze

The announcers at least acknowledge Breeze’s “change of attitude” for this match, which means they’re forgetting the two week heel run. Rawley hides in the corner to start before powering out by driving Breeze into the other corner. A release gutwrench suplex drops Breeze again and Rawley pounds away with some right hands. Choking makes it even worse for Breeze as Rawley doesn’t seem to be sweating him that badly.

Rawley slaps on a half nelson on the mat for some trash talk but lets Breeze up and charges into a superkick in the corner. With Rawley on the floor, Breeze loads up a crossbody off the apron but gets pulled out of the air and dropped face first onto the apron. Back in and Breeze hits some running forearms in the corner but Rawley shoves the last one away, only to get caught in a sunset flip for the pin at 5:14.

Rating: C-. Not too bad here as Breeze continues to go all over the place with the face/heel alignment. Both guys continue to be way too good to be on these shows when Raw is looking for anything fresh to keep things going. There’s no place for someone with a gimmick like Breeze other than waiting on Fandango to be healthy again? Or for someone with Rawley’s charisma and natural athleticism? To be fair, neither of them is a small British guy (who is WAY too talented for what he’s being used for as well) relieving themselves on a robe.

We look at Drew McIntyre losing to Dolph Ziggler and snapping on Finn Balor as a result.

From Raw.

Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler goes right after him to start but has to fight out of the corner as Drew slugs him down. A belly to belly suplex sends Ziggler flying and we take a break. Back with McIntyre hitting Super White Noise with Ziggler almost falling out for a nasty looking landing. They head outside with Ziggler posting McIntyre for a close nine but Ziggler collapses trying a superkick back inside. McIntyre talks a lot of trash so Ziggler snaps off the Zig Zag for two. They both take a good bit of time to get up and it’s Ziggler trying another superkick, only to get caught with a quick Claymore for the pin at 8:19.

Rating: D+. Nothing much to this one and I really, really hope that Balor isn’t going to be replaced by Ziggler on Sunday. I don’t get how he could possible be the third biggest face on the show, mainly because he’s not a face but rather a heel who was beaten down by another heel. At least McIntyre won though.

Post match McIntyre destroys Ziggler some more but referees break up a powerbomb on the floor. Instead, McIntyre kicks Ziggler’s head into the LED ring skirt.

From Smackdown.

Asuka vs. Charlotte

Before the match, Charlotte promises a preview for Sunday. Becky comes out to watch, as promised. Asuka goes for a kneebar almost immediately before throwing Charlotte HARD with a release German suplex. Charlotte kicks her down and tries the moonsault, which is countered into the Asuka Lock. That’s broken up with a drop down onto the back but Asuka grabs it again.

Charlotte gets out a second time and we take a break after a hot start. Back with Charlotte getting caught in an Octopus Hold, which she switches into a triangle choke. Charlotte punches and powerbombs her way out so it’s time for the Figure Four. Asuka turns it over so Charlotte goes right back to the knee in a smart move.

The spear is countered with a Codebreaker and Asuka starts firing off kicks, as the leg is just fine. Now the spear connects for two so Charlotte goes up again. The second moonsault attempt is blocked and the Figure Four attempt is countered into the Asuka Lock. Charlotte fights to the ropes and they fall outside, where Charlotte finds a kendo stick for the DQ at 15:23.

Rating: B. Good match here with both of them hitting everything they were going for here, including the big, hard shots and holds. They made it feel like a big showdown and that’s exactly what you needed in a match like this. I’m fine with the non-finish as you don’t want to take away the momentum from either of them before Sunday.

Post match Charlotte beats Asuka up some more and gets a swing at Becky. This doesn’t go well with Lynch, who sends Charlotte into the steps and unloads on her with stick shots. Asuka gets the stick away and unloads on both of them before posing with the stick to end the show.

Ascension/Curt Hawkins vs. Lucha House Party

Certainly better choice for the House Party than taking up a spot on Raw in an illogical place (there’s a place for them on Raw, but not how they’ve been used as of late). Viktor takes Lince down to start but gets snapmared right back. Kalisto comes in for the step up falling splash and it’s off to Hawkins, who gets dropkicked down as only he can. Well not as only he can but no one else loses as much as he does.

Everything breaks down and Kalisto’s dive to the floor is caught in a gorilla press (freaking ow man) by Konnor. Back in and Hawkins grabs a chinlock with Viktor coming in to cut off a comeback attempt. The chinlock goes on again and this time it’s a jawbreaker to get Kalisto out of trouble. Since this is a longer match though, Hawkins comes in to break up the hot tag attempt and it’s Konnor getting in a chinlock of his own to complete the trio.

Back up and Kalisto avoids a charge to send Konnor shoulder first into the post. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Metalik, who springboards in with a high crossbody. A missile dropkick gets two on Hawkins and it’s Kalisto and Dorado sending Ascension to the floor. As the double dives connect, Metalik drops the rope walk elbow on Hawkins for the pin at 7:23.

Rating: D+. Those chinlocks sucked the life out of this thing, which is hard to do in a match with the Lucha House Party. It’s not an entertaining match or anything but the ending was a great way to hype up the crowd as the long show gets started. Just keep them away from the main roster with all their annoying shenanigans.

Video on Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins over the last few weeks.

From Raw.

Here’s Seth Rollins to get things going. He isn’t happy with Dean Ambrose and tonight it’s time to spit some truth. Rollins is tired of hearing Baron Corbin (you and me both brother) talking about things so Corbin can get out here right now. Corbin says his door is always open to a superstar of Rollins’ caliber but Rollins tells him to cut it. Since Rollins has been dealing with Dean Ambrose, he hasn’t had the chance to tell Corbin how much he sucks as General Manager.

Rollins talks about everything Corbin has done wrong, including ruining a team like the Revival in whatever a Lucha House Party Rules match is. If Corbin keeps firing people, is it just going to be him, Lashley and McIntyre out here? Rollins: “That’ll send ratings up.” Or maybe they can have more urination segments. Then there’s BROCK LESNAR, who is never around and hasn’t wrestled on Raw since 2002. Right now, morale and TV ratings are at an all time low and it’s all because of Corbin’s job as boss.

Corbin says he doesn’t care about any of this because he’s in charge. If Rollins isn’t careful, it’s going to get worse for him. Rollins: “I don’t think it can get much worse around here pal.” Corbin talks about becoming permanent GM of Raw on Sunday after Rollins loses his Intercontinental Title. Then it’s time for Rollins’ life to become a nightmare.

Rollins tells him to start doing it tonight so the challenge is on. Actually, if Corbin wants to have a TLC match so badly, let’s do that tonight. Corbin says no so Rollins calls him a coward over and over. That’s eventually enough to get Corbin to agree to the match and it’s going to be for the Intercontinental Title.

I’m of two minds about this. On one hand, it’s a good sign that WWE is acknowledging how much people have been rejecting the show. The problem though is that this isn’t making things better. Having a TLC match is going to be cool, but not if Corbin is involved as he’s a big part of the problem. It’s one thing to admit that something is wrong, but until you do something to fix it long term, the problem is still there.

And from Raw again.

Intercontinental Title: Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin is challenging in a TLC match with Slater as referee. Rollins stomps him down in the corner and knees his way out of a suplex. They head outside with Rollins grabbing a chair but getting punched in the face for his efforts. Corbin orders Slater to get him a ladder but the delay lets Rollins hit a spring clothesline and we take a break. Back with Corbin cracking a chair over Rollins’ back and whipping him into the barricade to make things even worse. Rollins gets in a dropkick and tries for a ladder but Corbin suplexes him into said ladder in the corner.

Corbin hits the slide under the ropes clothesline and stops to hit the Strowman pose. A backdrop sends Rollins to the floor but he springboards in to catch Corbin on the ladder and hammer him down. Corbin is fine enough to knock him outside and we take another break. Back again with Corbin hitting a Deep Six and some big right hands to the head. Corbin tries another slide but walks into an enziguri.

That means it’s time for the big beating with a chair as Cole recaps the opening segment again. Back to back suicide dives connect but the third sees Corbin throw him through a table. Corbin can’t climb fast enough though as Rollins chairs him down. One of the chair shots hits Slater and knocks him off the apron, though Rollins doesn’t seem to mind as he hits a huge splash off the top through Corbin through a table.

Back in and Rollins goes up but Slater shoves the ladder over, sending him arm first into a table in the corner, which doesn’t break. Corbin climbs up and…..gets powerbombed through the table as Rollins won’t stay down. With Slater down, a Stomp is enough for Rollins to climb up and retain the title at 24:30.

Rating: C+. It’s hard to screw up a TLC match and there was some drama at the end, even though the Slater turn (I think?) didn’t mean much. The problem here is even more Corbin, which is the last thing this show needed. Rollins winning to give us a hero we can believe in helps, but my goodness did we need a twenty five minute Corbin match to wrap things up?

Overall Rating: D+. The Raw stuff could have been a lot worse but the wrestling really didn’t work all that well. At least they had something with the Smackdown material, but there’s only so much you can do when the wrestling content is so lame for the most part. Not terrible here, but it’s just a bad time for WWE at the moment.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

TLC 2018 Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

After a very long year, we’re at the final pay per view of the calendar. In this case, that means a show with a lot of violence in the form of TLC, or tables, ladders and chairs for long. This year’s show is packed, because we need every single match on the card BECAUSE THAT’S HOW WWE WORKS! I’m not sure what to expect on the show, but odds are it’s going to be long. Let’s get to it.

Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre

We’ll start with the first match that I saw when I looked at the card. Balor has been under the weather as of late and that means…well very little really, but they’ve been fighting for a few weeks now over Balor wanting to stand up against the bully. At the same time though, McIntyre should be ready for a heck of a push and that would seem to include a win here over Balor.

That’s what I’m going with here as Balor has no reason to win the thing while McIntyre can get another big win under his belt here. McIntyre is someone who can become a top star in the near future and Balor needs to be another victim on his list. Then he needs to move on to something more important, like….whatever it is that he’s supposed to do on a show without a World Champion again. But yeah, McIntyre wins here, as he certainly should.

Elias vs. Bobby Lashley

Officially this is a ladder match, but in reality it’s more like a guitar on a pole match with the win coming by pin after using the guitar. This has been a “great” feud with Lashley making fun of the fans by bending over in front of them and Elias playing songs that say Lashley sucks. They’re really stretching to make this a ladder match and it’s not something that needs to be there, but that’s what the calendar says.

I’ll take Lashley here, as WWE certainly seems to think there’s something entertaining about having Lashley do the “favorite pose” nonsense. Elias might not be the future of the company, but the fans like him a lot and at some point he needs to actually win something. He loses almost every big match he’s in and it’s not like Lashley is going to be devastated by losing here. Elias has a lot more to gain than lose here and needs it way more, but I think they’ll go with Lashley again.

Ruby Riott vs. Natalya

This is a tables match and a great example of something that doesn’t need to be on the pay per view. The match and feud aren’t interesting enough to warrant a spot on an already crowded show and the tables part was just thrown in there for the sake of having a tables match on the card. I mean, they’re fighting over Natalya’s father’s sunglasses, but they’re still fighting over a pair of sunglasses.

Give me Natalya here in the feel good win, but I just can’t get into the story. It’s not a match that needs to be on the pay per view and at best should be on the Kickoff Show. The Riott Squad, Bayley and Sasha Banks are likely to get involved and it would be more interesting as a six woman tag team tables match. If nothing else, it could be interesting to see Natalya go through the table with her dad’s picture on it. Natalya wins though, in a feel good moment.

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio

This is the chairs match of the show and at least in this case they actually used some chairs before the match was announced. It also helps when their feud has actually gone somewhere in the last few weeks. Mysterio is already back in a groove after his time away from the company and that means he could go somewhere in the coming months, which is quite a good thing.

I’ll take Orton to win here, as he seems more likely to go somewhere faster out of the two. Either guy can be reheated in the blink of an eye, but Mysterio can do it just a bit faster. Orton has to stay motivated to make things work while Mysterio can have a great match at the drop of a hat. I’ll take Orton here as he continues to crush the heroes on his way to a bigger match, though Mysterio will be just fine, as always.

SmackDown Tag Team Titles: The Bar(c) vs. The Usos vs. New Day

Of all the matches they had on the card, they didn’t pick this one to be the ladder match? These three teams have dominated the SmackDown Tag Team Title scene for the better part of two years, with only the Bludgeon Brothers breaking their stretch that started in March of last year. The good thing is the match should be good because they know each other so well, but at the same time it can only be so interesting because we knot it so well.

I’ll take the Usos to retain, for no reason other than they haven’t had the titles in a little while. This division is DYING for some fresh talent though, and I’m not sure if the Bludgeon Brothers count, whenever Rowan is back at full strength. There’s a lot of entertaining wrestling to be had here, but the story isn’t working for me because I’ve grown a bit tired of seeing these seven guys fight. It’ll be good, but not engaging.

Cruiserweight Title: Buddy Murphy(c) vs. Cedric Alexander

Murphy has been quite the surprise success story this year as he came from nothing down in NXT to being one of the more entertaining acts around. He can wrestle a heck of a match and Alexander can as well, meaning we could be in for some good stuff here. However, this match feels like a stepping stone on the way to something that much more important, which is where this winds up.

I’m thinking Murphy retains through some shenanigans here, meaning he’ll need a new challenger. Alexander will have a reason to get the title shot, but I’m thinking Mustafa Ali gets added to the match to make it a triple threat match at the Royal Rumble where Ali FINALLY wins the title. Much like the triple threat match, this should be good, but it should be setting up another match later on.

Mixed Match Challenge Finals: R-Truth/Carmella vs. Jinder Mahal/Alicia Fox

This is the match that really should be on the Kickoff Show but they’ve decided it needs to be on the main card. The second season of Mixed Match Challenge was…well there’s no other way to put it: the show was really dull, despite the better prize of the winners getting the #30 spots in the Royal Rumble. It doesn’t help that the final two teams are the joke teams who didn’t win a match until their final week of competition and made it to the finals more or less as a fluke, but the bigger stars are busy in other matches so there wasn’t much else that could be done.

I’ll go with Mahal and Fox here, which should be the biggest layup on the card. R-Truth and Carmella are great choices to wake up a crowd and there’s no reason to put them out there at the end when they can be used in the middle of the Royal Rumble to give the matches some energy. Hopefully this is kept short and the villains aren’t allowed to talk, because no one deserves to suffer through that.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey(c) vs. Nia Jax

I’m kind of amazed by this one. Rousey has cooled WAY down as of late and a lot of that has to do with being paired with Jax again. Jax is just a big vacuum of horrible, who brings down everything that she’s involved in. There’s no reason to believe that we’re getting a surprise title change here and Rousey needs to move on to the actually interesting matches instead of dealing with “I CAN PUNCH YOU REALLY HARD!”

Of course Rousey wins here, likely because Jax looks at Tamina by mistake and passes out from boredom. This is a match that needs to last about five minutes because Jax on offense is going to kill the crowd in a hurry. We know Rousey can lift her and we know she can get her in the armbar, so what exactly is the big mystery here? Will Jax accidentally break Rousey’s face too? We’re basing a match around the possibility of a real injury? I mean, I’ve heard worse ideas and it’s something that has worked before, but it was usually the case when it was someone a little more interesting than Jax. Like a bale of hay.

SmackDown World Title: Daniel Bryan(c) vs. AJ Styles

This is another one where it should be a pretty obvious ending, but at least the talent involved should help make up for some of the predictability. Bryan has found something with this new heel character and Styles has been World Champion for the better part of ever. There’s no real reason to have him get the title back, but with someone as good as Styles, you never can be completely sure.

I’ll go with Bryan retaining in what should be a great match. Bryan can do the in-ring work with the best of him but now that he’s all evil and….however else you would describe him, there’s a lot to be said about how good he can be. Styles will give it all he has (and having him wear a cup would be a great moment that I doubt they’re clever enough to use) but in the end, this needs to be Bryan, who could go a long way as champion in the near future.

Intercontinental Title: Seth Rollins(c) vs. Dean Ambrose

I’m not sure what to think of this. In theory it should be the biggest and hottest feud on Monday Night Raw, but instead the big story has been about Ambrose being obsessed with…how various cities smell. These two are joined at the hip and are again now that Ambrose has turned on the Shield to become what should have been a mega villain. Instead it’s just an Intercontinental Title match that will likely be more intense than the average showdown.

I see no reason to have Rollins hold onto the title here so we’ll go with Ambrose. It’s pretty clear that we’re coming up on Rollins in a big match at WrestleMania, possibly even against Brock Lesnar. Rollins is one of the hottest stars on the roster and it would make sense to get the title off of him soon, especially when it’s against someone like Ambrose, who has the history against Rollins to take away some of the sting of a loss. Ambrose wins here, but this is far from over.

Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll assume that Strowman will actually be wrestling in the match, though it’s certainly not a guarantee at this point. This is the match that needs to go one way but will likely go in a different one for the sake of WWE is stupid. Corbin needs to get far, far away from his spot at the center of Monday Night Raw but it wouldn’t shock me to see him win somehow anyway.

Since I need the sanity I’ll go with an injured Strowman winning the match in short order, as something has to be cut short to keep this show from being about five hours long. I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone take Strowman’s place in the match, but I’ll take whatever I can get that sees Corbin FAR away from the place he’s currently in. Strowman is almost guaranteed to face Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, so just let it be set up here and then give him six weeks to heal properly.

SmackDown Women’s Title: Becky Lynch(c) vs. Charlotte vs. Asuka

This is the real main event, no matter what WWE wants you to think at the moment. Lynch has become a star and these three have had some great segments against each other. The thing to remember here is that this match doesn’t mean much in the bigger story going on. All that matters here is who walks out of WrestleMania with one of the titles, whichever the big women’s match has on the line.

I’ll go with the surprise (which seems to be getting more traction) pick of Asuka winning the title here. It keeps both Lynch and Charlotte strong and FINALLY gives Asuka the big win after choking so many times on the main roster. Lynch can say that she didn’t really lose and set up a rematch while Charlotte does whatever she does next. Again: all roads lead to WrestleMania, and that’s really all that matters at the end of the day. Lynch can drop the belt here and get it back later, which is perfectly fine.

Overall Thoughts

Looking at this list has told me one thing: this show is going to be long. There’s a lot of stuff that feels like it doesn’t need to be on here (oddly enough, the ladder match and the tables match would be at the top of this list). Something is either going to have to be moved to the Kickoff Show or be really short to keep the show from feeling incredibly rushed. The key here is the action though, as this show has a tendency to be a lot of fun just because of all the carnage involved. If that’s the case, everything will be fine.

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New Column: Pandora’s Raw

I wrote this one before this week’s Monday Night Raw and I thought the opening segment might have made it invalid.  As expected though, it still applies.