Tagged: Site Stuff

I Was On A Podcast 0

I Was On A Podcast

It was the debut episode of a show called the Green Room which is all about the WrestleZone E-Fed WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.  There’s some WWE talk in there but a lot of it is...

New Ask KB Page 0

New Ask KB Page

I was getting a bit tired of scrolling through 800 comments so I made a new page.  It’s on the bar on top as usual.   KB

Thank You All Again 9

Thank You All Again

Last night was the second biggest day we’ve ever had here.  Thank you very much for blowing my mind yet again.  I’ll be around as long as you guys are. KB

Mind Blown 0

Mind Blown

I saw the ebook sale figures for December and they broke my record by a staggering 30%.  I have no words to describe how amazed I am at this and I can’t thank you...

Happy New Year 6

Happy New Year

Thanks to everyone for supporting me this year.  I’ll be around all year with more of my ramblings, including all of the Count-Ups (Royal Rumble double shot coming tomorrow), a new version of On...