Monday Night Raw – July 16, 2007 (2021 Redo): It Defies The Very Nature Of The Monarchy

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 16, 2007
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Attendance: 7,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for the Great American Bash and that means we need to finalize some of the card. The show’s main event is set as Bobby Lashley will challenge John Cena for the Raw World Title, but there are still a few things that can be added. Maybe we can even get an interesting card together. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with HHH’s King of Kings theme, but it’s King Booker and Queen Sharmell coming out instead. Booker thinks you might have been expecting someone else, but suggesting that HHH is the King of Kings is blasphemy. There is one King on Raw and it is NOT HHH. Therefore, as of right now, HHH is stripped of the name king, leaving Booker alone as the King. Well save for one person, which sends Booker over to Jerry Lawler.

Booker has respected him for many, many (of) years but now he wants Lawler to drop the King name. Lawler says he’s been a fan of Booker for many years, but he has been the King for thirty years and thinks they can co-exist. That’s not cool with Booker because it DEFIES THE VERY NATURE OF MONARCHY! Booker wants Lawler to kiss his ring, but that is a flat out no. You don’t tell Booker no so he ORDERS Lawler to do it instead. Still a no, so Booker is ready to fight, only to get punched down. Referees break it up and I think we have a match for later. Lawler looked fired up here and the fans seemed into it.

Ric Flair picks John Cena over Bobby Lashley. This goes on a bit longer than it needs to.

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Santino Marella

Elimination rules and the winner gets an Intercontinental Title shot against Umaga at Great American Bash. Hardy and Benjamin go to the floor to start, leaving Santino to cross armbreaker Regal to the ropes. The other two get back in with Shelton suplexing Santino for two, allowing Regal to knee Santino in the head for the fast pin. Benjamin goes after Regal but has to catch Hardy in an electric chair.

We take a break and come back with Hardy taking a double suplex for a double two. Benjamin and Regal get into a fight because they’re kind of schnooks, including Regal suplexing him down. The villains ram heads, leaving Jeff to unload on Regal in the corner. The slingshot dropkick misses though and Regal gets to hammer away again.

A missed charge goes badly though as Hardy grabs the Twist of Fate to get us down to two. Benjamin is right back up with the Blockbuster for two of his own but Hardy sends him outside for the slingshot dive. Back in and the Swanton misses but Hardy kicks out anyway. Benjamin grabs a piledriver, which is reversed into a quick rollup to give Hardy the pin (that was kind of sudden so I wonder if something was changed on the fly there).

Rating: C. The ending was a bit odd but moving Hardy into this spot is a good idea. He and Marella were the only realistic options and I don’t think anyone is overly interested in another Marella vs. Umaga match. Hardy is the kind of guy you can get behind in a hurry and that should work out fine for Sunday.

Edge picks John Cena.

Randy Orton is ready to destroy Cody Rhodes. Look at what he did to Shawn Michaels and imagine what he can do to Cody. Then imagine what he’s going to do to Dusty Rhodes on Sunday. Orton wants Dusty there ringside so he can get a preview.

Maria tries to console Santino Marella, who talks about watching Transformers yesterday. He feels like he doesn’t belong here….but spending the night with her could help him. Maria seems game, mainly due to the offer of pancakes the next morning.

Batista picks Bobby Lashley.

Snitsky likes to hurt people.

Snitsky vs. Val Venis

Snitsky powers him down to start with the shoulders and clotheslines. The pumphandle slam is good for the fast pin on Venis.

Post match, Snitsky hits another pumphandle slam for good measure.

Cody Rhodes talks about how proud he is of his dad and knows he could never be a bigger star than Dusty. There is no RKO that can slow down and he’s ready for Orton.

Here is Jerry Lawler in the ring to explain the Texas Bullrope match. Lawler goes over the rules, including the things he has seen Dusty Rhodes do to people in this match before. Cue Randy Orton to cut him off though….and doesn’t actually do anything. This is something Lawler should do more often, as he can explain things well and is someone fans will listen to.

Video on Randy Orton ending some careers.

Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton

This is Cody’s in-ring debut and Dusty Rhodes is in his corner. Cody jumps over him in the corner to start but gets blasted by a clothesline for his efforts. Orton takes too much time yelling at Dusty so Cody can start the comeback, only to miss a crossbody. There’s the powerslam into a knee drop as Orton is getting into a more serious mode. A snap suplex sets up the chinlock before Orton can hammer away again. Cody manages a shot to the face though and a missile dropkick gets two (with a big reaction from the crowd). The backbreaker cuts Cody off though and it’s the RKO for the fast pin.

Rating: C-. It wasn’t much more than a squash, but that’s all it should have been. Cody is in his first match on Raw so what would you expect him to be able to do to someone like Orton here? Orton wasn’t even all that evil here but he never felt like he was in any serious danger. This went as it should have and it could have been a lot worse, as Cody does seem to have been well trained.

Post match, Dusty comes in to check on Cody but glares at Orton for teasing the Punt.

Steve Austin picks John Cena.

Melina vs. Mickie James

Beth Phoenix and Candice Michelle are here too. Melina glares at Candice so Mickie rolls her up for a fast two. Back up and Mickie sends her face first into the corner but a Beth distraction lets Melina score with a kick to the ribs. A neck crank keeps Mickie in trouble but she fights up and grabs a neckbreaker for two. Mickie’s hurricanrana out of the corner has Melina rocked but Beth grabs Mickie’s leg. That’s enough for Melina to hit the standing legdrops for the fast pin.

Rating: C. This was a fine way to build Melina back up to the next title match as now Candice might have to worry about Beth as well. Mickie is bulletproof in this division so having Melina beat her while cheating is hardly a horrible situation. Not exactly a must see match, but it got things ready for the Great American Bash.

Smackdown Rebound.

William Regal comes up to Jim Duggan (what a pair), who gives us some fast catchphrases. Coach has sent Regal to get the 2×4 because he wants it bronzed. Duggan says no one puts his hands on his hardware, sending them into a series of innuendos (being down on knees and wood in hand are mentioned). Ron Simmons comes in for the catchphrase and Regal does his disgusted face.

Mick Foley picks Bobby Lashley.

Carlito vs. Sandman

Sandman goes technical to start with a wristlock and manages to take Carlito down. Back up and Carlito slugs away, even busting Sandman open a bit. The neck crank goes on but Sandman fights up without much trouble. Cue William Regal (who Sandman took out last week) to jump Sandman for the DQ.

Post match Jim Duggan makes the save to actually pay off the earlier segment. I wouldn’t have bet on that one.

JBL picks John Cena.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Super Crazy

Fallout from Crazy stealing a pin on Kennedy a few weeks ago in the Beat The Clock Challenge. Kennedy shoves him into the corner to start but Crazy comes out with a spinwheel kick. Crazy hammers away in the corner until a forearm cuts that off in a hurry. They slug it out again until Kennedy goes to the eyes for a breather. The abdominal stretch goes on but Crazy escapes and slugs away again, including a running clothesline. Back to back moonsaults look to set up a third, only to have Kennedy crotch him on top. A reverse superplex finishes Crazy off.

Rating: C. Another short and to the point match here to blow off the mini feud. Crazy got a nice rub out of the whole thing but ultimately there is only so far for him to go. Kennedy is likely on his way back to the main event scene so there was no reason to not give him this win. I’m not sure what is next for him, but a win over Crazy at least gives him some momentum.

Great American Bash rundown.

Here is Coach to emcee the Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena face off. Coach lists off the people Cena has beaten and asks why Cena believes he can survive. Yes, Cena, with some fake tears, feels that his title reign could end because Lashley speared him a few weeks ago. And even worse: he never learned to read! We get the Billy Madison “I award you no points” line before Cena gets serious with Lashley.

Cena has fought the best and won and lost, but Lashley will get his best. Lashley isn’t into talking and turns over his podium but Coach cuts them off. That’s too much for Lashley, who goes after Coach, only to have Cena tell him to focus on what matters. They do the big showdown but referees get Lashley to the back. Cena promises to test Lashley on Sunday so here is Lashley again, meaning the brawl is on to end the show. This was a pretty by the book segment but it worked, partially due to Cena’s energy.

Overall Rating: C+. There wasn’t much in the way of wrestling here but they made me want to see more than one match at the pay per view. Cena vs. Lashley went from big to epic in a hurry so points for doing what they do well. I’m looking forward to the pay per view and that’s a lot more important than having a good match on Raw.


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Monday Night Raw – July 9, 2007: Replacement Needed

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 9, 2007
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We are less than two weeks away from the Great American Bash and the big main event is set. WWE Champion John Cena will be defending the title against Bobby Lashley in a match that has to have Vince McMahon drooling. There are two shows left to build up to the show and that can be the important times on the way there. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker

Queen Sharmell is here with Booker in a rematch of last year’s King of the Ring finals (which JR mentions during the entrances). Lashley powers him around to start but charges into an elbow in the corner. Booker’s charge is countered into a powerslam though and Lashley plants him again for two. There’s another slam to put Booker down again but he’s back up with a spinning kick. Lashley isn’t having that and hits the Dominator, only to have Mr. Kennedy come in for the DQ.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but Lashley was beating up a former World Champion and making it look pretty easy. They’re doing a great job of making Lashley feel like an unstoppable monster and that is where Cena shines most of the time. This didn’t need to go on much longer and they made their point while still protecting Booker a bit.

Post match the double teaming is on until Coach comes out to say not so fast. Tonight it was supposed to be Cena/Lashley vs. Kennedy/Booker, but since Cena is in Los Angeles (for a panel on Larry King Live), Lashley can pick another partner. Either that or have a handicap match. Lashley clears the ring to show off a bit.

Coach goes into his office to find William Regal, who he thanks for helping last week. Regal says he got some compliments for bringing something fresh to Raw, but Coach has him in a match with Sandman tonight. Regal doesn’t seem pleased but he’s in.

Intercontinental Title: Umaga vs. Santino Marella

Umaga is defending after taking the title from Santino last week. The strikes to Umaga are as effective as you would expect and he plants Santino with the spinning Rock Bottom. Cue Maria to cheer for Santino (Lawler approves) as Santino is sent chest first into the corner. Umaga does it again as this is total dominance so far. The middle rope headbutt misses though and Santino hammers away, only to get knocked right back down in a hurry. The running hip attack crushes Santino in the corner and the Samoan Spike retains the title.

Rating: D+. Total and complete destruction here and that should wrap it up for Santino’s title shots. There is no reason to believe that Santino can hang with Umaga in a one on one match without assistance so this is the right way to wrap it up. Umaga can find some more people to fight for the title and odds are almost anyone would give him a better challenge at the moment.

Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch vs. Highlanders

Non-title and I had forgotten that the Highlanders were a thing around here. Cage runs Rory over with a shoulder to start and grabs a headlock to take him over again. Murdoch comes in for a headlock takeover of his own as this is another one sided match to start. A running elbow in the corner staggers Rory again and we hit the chinlock with a knee in his back. Rory gets up and his a jawbreaker to get a breather though and the hot tag brings in Robbie to clean house. Everything breaks down and a high/low finishes for Murdoch out of nowhere.

Maria apologizes to Santino Marella for the loss and suggests they go out tonight. Marella suggests he help her at his hotel, with Maria agreeing, as they could watch a movie. Or something.

Charlie Haas makes fun of Shelton Benjamin for kissing King Booker’s hand last night. Shelton, the birthday boy, is so confident that he’ll win tonight that if he doesn’t, he’ll kiss….Haas….on the lips. Haas is down and then realizes what he said. Oddly enough, no Ron Simmons cameo.

Video on John Cena.

Snitsky vs. Super Crazy

Snitsky powers him into the corner to start but charges into a boot. That’s about it for Crazy’s offense as Snitsky hits him in the back and whips him hard into the corner again. The pumphandle slam finishes for Snitsky in just over a minute.

Post match, Snitsky hits another pumphandle slam for a bonus.

We recap Randy Orton disrespecting Dusty and (the debuting) Cody Rhodes last week by slapping Dusty in the face. This week, Dusty wants some revenge.

HHH is coming back.

Here is Dusty Rhodes for a chat and he wastes no time in calling out Randy Orton. Cue Orton, with Dusty saying there was no way that it was going to be over last week when Orton slapped him in the face. Now is Orton just going to stand there and look stupid? Orton doesn’t want to hear the “respect your legends” speech again but Dusty goes on a mini rant about Orton spitting in Harley Race’s face. Dusty wants to hear about what Orton has done in the ring, so Orton talks about injuring Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam. That’s not how you gain respect, and LOOK AT DUSTY WHEN HE IS TALKING TO YOU!

Orton challenges him to a match at the Great American Bash, but Dusty says not so fast because he’s old and retired. That’s not cool with Orton, so he suggests that he’ll just end Cody Rhodes’ career instead. Dusty is willing to fight, but we’ll make it a Texas Bullrope match. Deal, with Orton saying Cody needs to be there to pick up the pieces. Cue Cody (Runnels according to JR), with Orton telling him to get out of the ring before he gets hurt. Cody slaps Orton in the face and Orton bails without going after the two of them.

Paul London vs. Shelton Benjamin

This could be good. Shelton powers out of a top wristlock attempt to start and then takes London down into a front facelock without much trouble. Back up and London kicks away at the ribs for little effect so he grabs a front facelock of his own. That’s broken up as well so Benjamin snaps off a backbreaker, setting up an armbar of all things. London fights up with a hurricanrana into a small package for two, only to have Benjamin go right back to the arm. That doesn’t seem to bother London, who grabs a victory roll for the fast pin.

Rating: C. This was good while it lasted but it didn’t have a ton of time to go anywhere. That being said, this is about as good as you’re going to get from these two as far as time goes, as WWE has never exactly shown much interest in a serious push for London. Then there is Benjamin, and there is no reason to believe in any push he receives ever again.

Mr. Kennedy jumps the banged up Super Crazy for last week.

Shelton Benjamin seems hesitant to kiss Charlie Haas but Haas will settle for a kiss on the hand. They hug, and NOW Ron Simmons comes in for the catchphrase.

Melina/Jillian Hall vs. Candice Michelle/Mickie James

Hold on though as Melina has a sprained ankle, but she has a replacement: the returning Beth Phoenix. Melina sits in on commentary as Beth hits Mickie with what would become known as the Glam Slam. Candice gets the tag just a few seconds later as everything breaks down in a hurry. Jillian side slams Candice for two but gets caught in a backslide to give Candice the fast pin. This was nothing.

Post match Beth and Jillian beat down Candice, with Melina literally jumping in to help as a villain should.

Smackdown Rebound.

HHH is still coming back.

King Booker isn’t happy that HHH is coming back but here is Mr. Kennedy to interrupt. Kennedy says Bobby Lashley made them look like fools last week but Booker says that was just Kennedy. Revenge will be theirs!

Sandman vs. William Regal

Carlito is on commentary. Regal hammers away in a pair of corners to start as Carlito accuses Sandman of being drunk. Sandman comes back with a knee to the face but has to go after Carlito with the kendo stick. Another shot drops Regal to DQ Sandman.

Video on Bobby Lashley.

John Cena joins us via satellite and talks about how nice it was for Larry King to have people willing to have an intelligent discussion on wrestling on his show. As for Lashley, it’s true that he is an uncrowned champion. At the Great American Bash, we’ll find out who the real champion is.

Great American Bash rundown. That’s not a bad looking show.

Bobby Lashley/??? vs. Mr. Kennedy/King Booker

The mystery partner is….Jeff Hardy. I’ve heard worse ideas. In something I wouldn’t have guessed, Hardy is a bit taller than Lashley. Anyway, Booker and Hardy get things going with Booker missing an early ax kick attempt. Hardy starts in on the arm but gets taken into the corner for some knees to the ribs. Kennedy comes in and gets to stomp away in the corner until Hardy mule kicks his way to freedom.

The tag brings in Lashley to clean house, including a suplex to Kennedy. Booker gets knocked to the floor and Lashley plays Matt Hardy for some Poetry in Motion. A cheap shot from the apron lets Kennedy take Jeff down but he’s right back with the Whisper in the Wind. Now the hot tag can bring in Lashley to clean house as everything breaks down. The spear hits Kennedy with Booker making the save, so Hardy takes Booker outside. A leapfrog over Kennedy sets up another spear to give Lashley the pin.

Rating: C. This was a house show main style match and that’s all it was supposed to be. Cena had WWE business to tend to so putting Hardy in at the last minute was as good of an option as they probably had. The match wasn’t anything memorable, but it gave Lashley the chance to wreck some people and look great on the way to the pay per view title match.

Overall Rating: C-. There were some good pieces on the show but it felt like they were going through stuff as fast as they could have. Cena not being around changed a few things but I don’t think him being here would have brought the show up that much. It’s much more skippable than bad, though in a way that’s a worse situation to have.



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Monday Night Raw – June 11, 2007 (Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night/2007 Draft): BOOM!

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 11, 2007
Location: Wachovia Arena, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz, John Bradshaw Layfield, Joey Styles

It’s time for a special three hour edition (like that has a future) as we have the annual Draft. This show will include all three brands, including ECW for a change. They have really hyped up the idea that ANYONE can be drafted to any show and that seems like they are primed for something interesting. These things can have quite the batch of surprises so maybe we can get that again this time. It’s also Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night, which I’m sure won’t go anywhere. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Vince McMahon reads us a prepared statement, saying that he is in full control of his mental faculties and tonight, you will hear uncensored comments on him from various people. Tonight will be the defining moment of his life.

Opening sequence.

All of the commentators welcome us to the show, saying that there will be interpromotional matches tonight, with the winning brand getting a Draft pick. I’ve heard worse ideas.

John Cena (Raw) vs. Edge (Smackdown)

Non-title. They lock up to start with Cena whipping him hard into the corner and getting one off a suplex. Edge is right back with a running forearm to the back of the head, followed by some shots to the jaw. A kick to the chest puts Cena on the apron and there’s a baseball slide to put him outside. Back in and Edge scores with a clothesline (JR: “Slobberknocker style.”) and a spinwheel kick gets two more.

Cena tries a quick FU but gets kicked in the face instead, setting up a chinlock as they’re certainly at a pretty fast pace early on. After powering up, Cena tries the STFU but Edge is straight into the ropes for another break. The Throwback has some more effect for Cena and now the real comeback is on. Edge misses what looked to be a spear and crashes out to the floor, where Cena loads up the super FU. Since that would cause quite the amount of damage, Edge rakes his eyes and dives in to beat the count for the win.

Rating: C. This was a televised version of a post show dark match they probably did about a hundred times, albeit with a countout instead of a DQ. They didn’t have much time to do anything here but there is nothing wrong with flying through a match when you have this kind of experience and chemistry with someone. It might not have been a classic, but it did what it needed to.

The Draft pick sends….Great Khali to Smackdown, meaning he has now been on all three brands since the beginning of the year. Cena smiles and Edge realizes he’s in trouble. Khali (with interpreter) comes to the stage and Edge panics.

We get a video on Vince McMahon’s introduction into wrestling (from the McMahon DVD, as will be the case with all of his clips tonight) and how he didn’t want people to know he owned the company for a long time. Other than a few quick notes, it wasn’t acknowledged very often on WWF TV until the late 90s.

Jesse Ventura says Vince hasn’t earned the title of Mr. just yet. This company is a dictatorship and Vince isn’t a benevolent dictator. Like the rest of them, Vince will fall one day.

Coach informs us that Vengeance will now be a Night Of Champions (we knew that already) and any former World Champion on the Raw roster at the end of the night can challenge for the WWE Title in the main event. Even if the WWE Title isn’t on Raw? Isn’t that kind of missing the point of the show?

CM Punk (ECW) vs. Carlito (Raw)

Punk knocks him down to start but Carlito manages to dropkick Punk out of the air to take over. A suplex and elbow stay on Punk’s bad ribs and it’s time to grab a bodyscissors. That’s broken up in a hurry and Punk grabs a bodyscissors to put him in trouble instead. The corner bulldog is broken up though and Carlito scores with the Backstabber to send Punk outside. Back in and Punk hits the GTS for the pin out of nowhere (it’s as sudden as it sounds).

Rating: C-. This came and went without much trouble as you can only get so far with a five minute match without that much drama. Punk isn’t going to lose to Carlito, as Carlito has fallen down pretty far in recent months. At the same time, Punk is rising up through the ranks and there was no reason to suggest he was in trouble here.

The Draft pick sends….the Boogeyman to ECW. That makes all the sense in the world actually. Joey: “Just what ECW needed: more freaks.”

Snoop Dogg likes Vince McMahon bringing in great wrestlers…who can beat Vince up.

Another McMahon clip looks at Vince tormenting various people over the years because he is a rather evil man.

Here is Mick Foley for a surprise chat. Normally he doesn’t like listening to Jonathan Coachman, but he heard something mentioned about former WWE Champions being allowed to take part in an open challenge match. Since he was rehired last year, he’s technically part of the Raw roster so he’ll be at Vengeance, assuming he isn’t drafted. As for Vince, he’s an arrogant, misogynistic and horrible person.

Sure Vince has money, but does he have any friends? Of course not! Foley reads off a list of people who won’t be participating tonight despite being asked: Hulk Hogan, HHH, Eric Bischoff, The Rock, Dick Ebersole, Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus (Foley: “My unofficial fifth child.”) and Ted Turner, all because Vince isn’t worth their time. They don’t appreciate Vince, so should anyone else? The fans say no and Foley agrees, so have a nice day! My biggest take out of that: it’s weird to hear Foley talking about Hulk Hogan.

Umaga (Raw) vs. Balls Mahoney (ECW)

Samoan Spike in less than forty seconds.

The Draft pick sends…..King Booker to Raw. I had forgotten he was a thing. Booker, with Queen Sharmell, comes back to pose for a bit.

Steve-O from Jackass rhymes about Vince McMahon and seems to be a fan.

Bobby Lashley (Raw) vs. Chris Benoit (Smackdown)

Non-title. Lashley tries a spinebuster to start but Benoit grabs the arm and ties it up on the mat. The power can’t quite get Lashley out of trouble so Benoit gets up and chops away. That’s reversed so Lashley can kick away, which the fans don’t quite appreciate. A front facelock slows Benoit down but he is right back to strike away in the corner.

The snap suplex gets two on Lashley and an attempt at a Crossface gets quite the positive reaction. Lashley powers out of that and tries a gorilla press, which is countered into a Crossface (that’s good for a reaction). The rope is grabbed so Benoit takes him down again and grabs the Sharpshooter, which is broken up with straight power. Back up and Lashley tilt-a-whirls Benoit up into a running powerslam for the fast pin.

Rating: C. This is a match that could have been much better with more time and a better story, though what we got was a nice tease. Power vs. technical is a style that has worked for years and it worked well enough here. Not enough time to make it work here, but what we got worked out well enough.

The Draft pick sends….Chris Benoit to ECW. They could use someone like him.

Lashley and Benoit shake hands.

We recap the Draft picks so far.

Donald Trump doesn’t think much of Vince McMahon and talks about how awesome Wrestlemania was. Maybe he should have his own appreciation night.

Ashley Massaro joins us via satellite and thanks Vince for inventing the Diva Search. She does however bring up making Trish Stratus bark like a dog….so here are Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young to disrobe, get on all fours, and bark like dogs (complete with a dog house and food bowl). That’s one of those things that has been forgotten for all the right reasons.

Jimmy Snuka and Iron Sheik join us to thank Vince McMahon for everything he did, though Sheik goes into a rant about Donald Trump and racket ball.

MVP vs. Santino Marella

Non-title. MVP gutwrench suplexes him to start and a clothesline gets two. We hit the cravate to hold Santino in place for a bit, followed by an exchange of kicks to the ribs. Santino gets the worse of things and gets caught in the chinlock, only to fight up with the variety of offense you would expect from someone who has had about five minutes. A fireman’s carry face first drop gives MVP two and a running boot in the corner connects. The Playmaker finishes Santino in a hurry.

Rating: D+. This was little more than a squash, which might not be the best way to present the Intercontinental Title. Then again it does kind of make sense for Marella, who isn’t supposed to be the most polished star in the world. MVP is starting to come into his own and a win like this helps push him a bit further, though I’m not sure how much value Santino had in the first place.

The Draft pick sends….Torrie Wilson to Smackdown.

Bret Hart wants to punch Vince McMahon in the jaw. There’s a name you wouldn’t expect to see on the show and I can go with the surprise.

Miz (Smackdown) vs. Snitsky (ECW)

Snitsky throws him into the corner for the Tree of Woe to start as commentary wonders if Snitsky gets the concept of the Draft. A big boot finishes Miz in a hurry.

The Draft pick….actually goes to Smackdown, as Snitsky keeps stomping away and the decision is reversed.

The Draft pick sends…..Chris Masters to Smackdown. Dang that show is getting wrecked in this thing.

Bobby Heenan talks about everyone Vince has fired and tries to figure out what is up with that walk.

Here is Roddy Piper to introduce a bunch of embarrassing Vince McMahon clips. That’s what you bring in Roddy Piper to do?

Mark Cuban calls Vince McMahon a winner who is living the American dream.

Candice Michelle vs. Kristal

Kristal takes her down and kicks away at the legs but Candice snaps off a backbreaker. The Go Daddy dance gets two and there’s a triangle choke over the ropes to make things worse for Kristal. The spinwheel kick finishes Kristal in a hurry.

The Draft pick sends….Bobby Lashley to Raw. That’s a big one and you had to know Lashley was getting off of ECW one way or another.

Lashley comes out to pose but here is Coach to cut him off. Since Lashley is no longer on ECW, he can’t be the ECW World Champion. Lashley isn’t happy, but promises to be a champion again.

Bob Costas says he wanted to be a WWE broadcaster but Vince McMahon said no. We hear about their infamous interview together and Costas was glad to have a calmer person like Bobby Knight on next.

Jeff Hardy (Raw) vs. Elijah Burke (ECW) vs. Batista (Smackdown)

Burke bails straight to the floor to start but Hardy jumps him from behind. Back in and Batista fires off the shoulders to Hardy’s ribs in the corner, only to have Hardy slip out of the Batista Bomb. Hardy takes him down and hits the Swanton for a very early two with Burke making the save. Batista gets sent outside, leaving Hardy to hit Burke with the slingshot dropkick. Back in and Batista runs Hardy over, setting up the Batista Bomb to finish Burke.

Rating: C. This was more interesting than I would have expected and it was cool to see some people going at it that you wouldn’t usually see get together. If nothing else, it made me want to see Hardy vs. Batista, which somehow never happened in a singles match. You would think their paths would have crossed at some point somewhere over the years.

The Draft pick sends….Ric Flair to Smackdown. Flair could use the change of scenery.

John Cena was at a car race.

Captain Lou Albano talks about how great he is. Vince McMahon is ok too.

Here’s a recap of the Draft picks. There will also be a supplemental Draft on Wednesday.

Here is Dusty Rhodes to talk about Vince McMahon loving to say “perception is reality”. Dusty says that you might not like Vince, but look at the reality of what he has done. You have to respect him.

Gene Okerlund talks about Vince McMahon letting him become the new host of Tuesday Night Titans….while knowing it would be canceled. We also hear about a bunch of horrible things Vince has done, as Gene doesn’t seem to be a fan.

Battle Royal

Smackdown: Matt Hardy, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, Chris Masters,

ECW: Kevin Thorn, Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer

Raw: Johnny Nitro, Eugene, Kenny Dykstra, Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro

The winning brand gets two picks. It’s a brawl to start (as battle royals tend to do) and Striker is gone in a hurry. Sandman, Regal and Chavo are out as well, with Dreamer following them as the ring is clearing in a hurry. Thorn gets knocked out too and it’s time for Viscera and Henry to have the big showdown.

Henry can’t get him out but he can clothesline Viscera down, followed by the big elimination. We take a break and come back with Eugene and Dykstra gone to leave us with Henry, Cor Von, Orton, Nitro, Masters and Hardy. The Pounce is loaded up but Hardy low bridges Cor Von out to get rid of ECW.

Masters throws Nitro out but Hardy gets rid of him as well, leaving us with Henry, Hardy and Orton. Matt can’t get rid of Henry but it’s enough for Orton to come over and toss Henry out, leaving us with two. A Side Effect drops Orton but the backbreaker cuts Hardy down as well. Hardy is back with the middle rope elbow to the head but Orton tosses him out to give Raw the win anyway.

Rating: C-. You can only get so far with a battle royal where there are brands instead of individual winners, though they did a good job of having Orton get the win. It’s pretty clear that he is on his way to a huge showdown with John Cena so having him get a win here was a nice little boost. The rest of the match was your usual battle royal stuff, so it wasn’t quite the most thrilling part of the show.

The Draft picks send….Snitsky and Mr. Kennedy to Raw. One of those things is a little better than the others. I mean Snitsky for having no hair of course.

Here are the final Draft picks:

To Raw
King Booker w/Queen Sharmell
Bobby Lashley
Mr. Kennedy

To Smackdown
Great Khali
Torrie Wilson
Chris Masters
Ric Flair

Chris Benoit

Vince McMahon is in his office and seems a bit nuts.

Steve Austin laughs off the idea of Vince McMahon Appreciation Night and goes over some great moments of their rivalry. He doesn’t appreciate anything about Vince at all. Swearing ensues.

Since the rosters are now set (as we are already ignoring the supplemental draft), the main event of Vengeance will see Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley (still with the ECW World Title in the graphic), Randy Orton and King Booker challenging John Cena. That is some serious star power.

Here is Vince McMahon for the big closing. Vince, with his hand shaking, picks up the microphone and then drops it back down. Without saying anything, Vince slowly walks to the back, passing by the wrestlers (who are all standing in line for no logical reason). Coach pops in to say the limo is the other way so Vince turns around, passes more wrestlers, plus Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco, before heading outside.

Vince hesitates to get into the limo, gets inside….and it blows up as the door closes. The limo burns to end the show. And now we have a rather big/hot top story. I remember watching this live and thinking it would blow up as he looked at it like that. No idea why, but it’s the kind of thing that WWE would do.

Overall Rating: C+. It certainly wasn’t a boring show and a lot of things did happen, but it also wasn’t exactly great. This wasn’t the kind of show where you should have expected anything great in the way of wrestling, but what we got was good enough to carry the night. The shakeups needed to happen, though Smackdown is looking more and more like the dumping ground for wrestlers with nothing else to do on Raw.

Then there is the Vince stuff, and again the story feels rushed. The testimonials from the people might not have been great, but some people did say nice things about Vince. That being said, it does make sense that he would be crushed when he wasn’t in his right mind to begin with. The whodunit story is on though, and I’m sure it will reach a satisfying conclusion.




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ECW On Sci Fi – May 15, 2007: Replays And Glaring

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: May 15, 2007
Location: 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

It’s the go home show for Judgment Day and Bobby Lashley is still chasing Vince McMahon and the ECW World Title. That has been a well done story so far and we could be in for even more of the same going forward, as the whole thing seems to have some legs, just because of how gleeful Vince seems to be as champion. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Bobby Lashley getting beaten down by Umaga and the McMahons last night on Raw.

Vince McMahon joins us from WWE headquarters and talks about how much of a fashion statement his doorag really is. He blames Bobby Lashley for needing it and Lashley must like seeing him in it. Well Vince likes what he saw happen to Lashley last night, which is why tonight it’s Lashley vs. the New Breed in another handicap match. That’s just a preview for Sunday though, where Vince will retain the title. Vince is just perfect in this role.

Opening sequence.

Rob Van Dam vs. Snitsky

Snitsky throws him down to start and stomps away, setting up some elbows for two. A suplex gets the same and Snitsky forearms away at the chest. Snitsky mixes things up a bit with a double underhook arm crank but Van Dam fights out and kicks away. The spinwheel kick and windmill kick drop Snitsky but Rolling Thunder misses. Instead Snitsky gets crotched on top off a missed boot and gets kicked outside. That’s fine with Snitsky, who blasts him with a clothesline before adding a chair shot for the DQ.

Rating: C-. Snitsky had the right look to be a monster and could do a good enough power match, so this was about as good as he was going to do. Van Dam has fallen pretty hard in the last few months and I’m not sure how much higher you can expect him to get at the moment. A win in a rematch over Snitsky might help, but I’m not sure if there is a magic formula for him around here.

Video on CM Punk.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Punk has heavily taped ribs and strikes away to start but gets slowed down by the injury. Richards is smart enough to go after the ribs and try to rip off the tape, which only earns him more kicks to the ribs. The bow and arrow stays on the ribs and Richards gets creative with a jumping double stomp. An abdominal stretch doesn’t last long but Richards misses a charge in the corner. Punk’s neckbreaker out of the corner gets two but Richards hits a running dropkick. Punk has finally had it though and reverses a tornado DDT into the GTS for the pin.

Rating: C. This was a short match but they did it about as well as they could have. Richards didn’t do anything outside of the logical path by working on Punk’s injured ribs but he mixed it up a bit tp keep things fresh. Rather nice match here all things considered and I would not have bet on that.

Elijah Burke fires up the rest of the New Breed, who don’t seem entirely convinced at his leadership.

Kevin Thorn vs. Nunzio

Ariel is here with Thorn, who powers him into the corner to start as the smoke from Thorn’s entrance has to clear out. Nunzio’s jawbreaker doesn’t get him anywhere as he hits a spinning jackknife out of the corner (that looked good) and hits some crossface forearms. Nunzio swings away to no avail as the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up but Thorn gets some boots up in the corner. The Dark Kiss finishes Nunzio in a hurry.

Rating: D+. Nothing match here, as you might have guessed, but the interesting thing here is that Nunzio was replacing Sabu. It turns out that Sabu wasn’t interested in losing to Thorn and was fired as a result. That is probably the best for everyone involved, as Sabu never fit in WWE and it isn’t like he was doing anything important at the moment.

Weekly Condemned material.

Extreme Expose.

Here’s the same video package that opened the show.

Bobby Lashley promises to end Vince McMahon on Sunday and get the ECW World Title back.

Judgment Day rundown.

Bobby Lashley vs. New Breed

Before the match, Elijah Burke praises Marcus Cor Von and says they’re getting there with Matt Striker. Burke starts going over his own resume but Striker handles the end of the introduction for him (while giving the fans an F for their lame effort). Cor Von likes Burke too and now it’s time to go. Burke starts for the team and is powered into the corner in a hurry. The delayed vertical suplex keeps Burke in trouble so it’s off to Cor Von for the power showdown.

Lashley leapfrogs Cor Von and elbows him in the face, which somehow makes Striker tag himself in. That means Striker can get a beating of his own but Cor Von sneaks in with the Pounce to send Lashley outside. The villains start taking turns on Lashley, who finally fights out of Cor Von’s chinlock. The comeback doesn’t last long as Cor Von knocks him down again, setting up the seated abdominal stretch. Lashley fights up again and starts pummeling Striker, including the spear for the pin as Burke and Cor Von watch from ringside.

Rating: C-. Another match where they didn’t have a lot of options and even the logical way to go was only so good. Lashley has been built up about as much as he can for a match like he has coming up so this was just the last thing he did rather than any major push. New Breed continues to fall apart, and that is a good thing as the team is ready to go on their separate ways.

Replays and glaring wrap up the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I wasn’t feeling this one and that isn’t a big surprise. It was pretty clear that Lashley vs. McMahon is the only real story on the show, so what else were they supposed to do for the rest of the hour? ECW does not have a lot of depth when it comes to stories. The matches themselves haven’t been much either, leaving this as a not very surprising lackluster effort.


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ECW On Sci-Fi – May 8, 2007: Lame Duck

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: May 8, 2007
Location: Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

It’s another big show as we have the ECW World Title on the line. This time around that means Rob Van Dam challenging Vince McMahon…..with Shane McMahon and Umaga, because that’s how the title goes. Since it’s supposed to be EXTREME though, the stipulation makes logical sense. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Earlier today, Bobby Lashley arrived but ran into Armando Alejandro Estrada, flanked by police. If Lashley tries to get in or touches Estrada, he’s under arrest. That’s fine with Lashley, who shoves Estrada (in his wheelchair) into a dumpster (after a long ride). Lashley: “I guess you guys have to arrest me.” How do you get through this without showing any emotion?

Opening sequence, capped off by Vince McMahon as ECW World Champion.

CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von

Elijah Burke, who is facing Punk at Judgment Day, is here with Cor Von. As the match starts, we get a crawler saying that Edge just became the new World Heavyweight Champion. That’s one way to advertise things. Punk knocks Cor Von outside but gets clotheslined down for his efforts. Back in and Cor Von starts hammering away at the ribs, setting up the bearhug.

Cor Von drives him into the corner and puts on the bearhug again, followed by a waistlock to stay on the ribs. Punk slips out and grabs a neckbreaker for a much needed breather and a rather delayed two. A neck snap across the top rope sets up a springboard clothesline to give Punk two more but the tornado DDT is tossed outside. Burke gets in a cheap shot, allowing Cor Von to hit the Pounce for the pin.

Rating: C. Storyline advancement 201 here and that’s what it should have been. Cor Von gets a win and the Punk vs. Burke match gets a little more advancement. That’s a rather nice way to spend ten minutes and it’s not like Punk is hurt by a cheating loss. I think you know where this is going at Judgment Day and that’s perfectly fine.

We recap Edge becoming Mr. Money in the Bank on Raw.

Here’s another look at the Condemned.

Sandman vs. Snitsky

Given that Snitsky is Raw bound, this might be interesting. The big boot finishes Sandman in less than a minute. This was not interesting.

Vince McMahon is rather pleased with the Sandman being destroyed. Now that Bobby Lashley is in jail, they’re going to crush Rob Van Dam. Umaga screams a lot.

Extreme Expose.

We recap Vince McMahon winning the ECW World Title, Vince tormenting Bobby Lashley last night on Raw and Lashley getting arrested earlier today.

Elijah Burke tells Matt Striker that the New Breed is on a role and takes credit for what they have been doing. Burke wants Striker at ringside for his match tonight.

Elijah Burke vs. Brian Major

Matt Striker and Brett Major are here too. Burke takes him into the corner to start and hits a hard knee to the face to put Major down. A hard right hand puts Major down again and Burke knocks him into the corner again. Major slugs away for a comeback, only to miss a springboard spinning crossbody. The Elijah Experience finishes in a hurry.

Post match Burke tells Striker that’s how it’s done.

Kevin Thorn and Ariel have a bright future (in fresh blood), but it’s not with the New Breed.

ECW World Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Umaga/Vince McMahon/Shane McMahon

Van Dam is challenging and Shane handles his partners’ introductions. Shane starts for the team and it’s time for some shuffling. A rollup and armdrag have Shane in trouble, as he looks like he’s in over his head. Rob starts firing off the kicks, including one to cut off an invading Umaga. The numbers get the better of him though and Umaga shoves him into the barricade to take over.

Back in and Shane works on an armbar before throwing Van Dam back outside for another beating from Umaga. This time Umaga comes in to drop the big leg, followed by the Samoan drop. Van Dam gets pounded into the corner but manages a kick to the head to start the comeback. It’s time to go up but Shane crotches him, setting up the top rope superplex. Umaga adds the top rope splash and the Spike, allowing Vince to come in and steal the pin.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what else you were expecting here as it was Van Dam failing to beat impossible odds. While this match wasn’t great, it did a nice job of making Bobby Lashley look that much better when he pulls off the upset. Van Dam never had a chance here and I don’t think anyone was expecting otherwise, especially with the pay per view already set.

Post match the ECW Originals run out for the save to end the show. Joey: “Has Vince McMahon just killed the spirit of the original ECW?” After everything you’ve seen, that match is what killed ECW?

Overall Rating: C. Pretty run of the mill show here, which was more designed to set things up for the future than anything else. It wasn’t a bad show by any means but it also wasn’t particularly good, meaning we’ll put it right in the middle. There are things set up for the future and now we get to see how those stories play out, which means the plans are working.




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ECW On Sci Fi – April 24, 2007: Sorry!

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: April 24, 2007
Location: Earl’s Court, London, England
Attendance: 11,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

ECW goes British for one night as we have the go home show for Backlash, which will have a pretty big title match. Other than that we have a pretty big match between the ECW Originals and the New Breed, despite CM Punk’s issues with his new team. That feud has gotten a bit better in recent weeks and maybe that can continue on the international version. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the New Breed’s recent issues with CM Punk. This do not seem to be going well with the new partnership.

CM Punk apologizes to the New Breed, but he doesn’t want to apologize for the things he has said. He wants to apologize for messing up and costing Elijah Burke his match last week. That’s all in the past though and now it’s time for an elimination tag against the ECW Originals. Everyone will talk about the New Breed after tonight and Punk shakes hands with everyone….except for Burke. Then he comes back to shake Burke’s hand because he’s just messing with him.

Opening sequence.

Umaga vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title and Armando Alejandro Estrada is here with Umaga. Vince McMahon (dig that hat) is watching in the back as Lashley hammers away to start but Estrada offers a quick distraction. Umaga knocks Lashley off the apron and sends him into the steps as the champ is in early trouble. A ram into the apron makes it worse but Lashley comes back in with a top rope shot to Umaga’s head. You don’t hit a Samoan in the head though and he knocks Lashley down again. The middle rope headbutt misses though and Lashley slugs away for the comeback. A clothesline puts Umaga on the floor but Estrada comes in for the DQ.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t much but what are you expecting in a match that doesn’t even last four minutes? It was only going to be so good and that’s what we got here, as they didn’t have time to do anything. At the same time, that’s kind of the point as this match was supposed to be a warmup for Sunday’s handicap match, and that’s all well and good.

Post match Vince McMahon comes out as Lashley beats up Estrada, including the spear. Lashley tosses Estrada outside (with no one catching him) and stands tall.

Remember the Condemned? It’s still a thing.

Elijah Burke talks to the New Breed, minus CM Punk. He thinks they might have made a mistake with bringing Punk onboard but Marcus Cor Von says there is no we. It was all Burke’s idea to bring him onto the team and the rest of the team doesn’t seem to want to hear this. Punk comes back in and things quiet down in a hurry.

Snitsky vs. Balls Mahoney

Snitsky wastes no time in running Mahoney over and drives him into the corner to make it worse. Mahoney fights back but gets kicked in the face for the pin.

CM Punk gives the New Breed, minus Elijah Burke, a pep talk. Burke comes in and doesn’t like this happening without him.

Backlash rundown.

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

ECW Originals: Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam
New Breed: Matt Striker, Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, CM Punk

This is elimination rules and Punk is ready to start for the team, but Burke says he’s sitting this one out. Dreamer and Burke start things off with Burke running him over but charging into a slam. Sabu comes in and Dreamer slams him onto Burke for two, setting up Sandman’s top rope knee to the back. The Rolling Rock misses though and Burke rolls Sandman up, with jeans, for the first elimination.

It’s off to Sabu and Striker, with the former hitting a springboard tornado DDT. That’s enough from Sabu so it’s off to Van Dam for the monkey flip. Cor Von’s distraction doesn’t work though and it’s a sunset bomb into a split legged moonsault to get rid of Striker. Cor Von comes in for a snap suplex but Van Dam kicks him in the head. A springboard kick to the face puts Cor Von down again and it’s back to Sabu for the camel clutch. The referee has to get rid of Van Dam though and Burke comes in with a cheap shot.

Cor Von’s swinging neckbreaker gets two on Sabu, who manages a springboard leg lariat for a breather. That’s about it for the comeback though as the Pounce ends Sabu in a hurry. Dreamer comes in and we take a break. Back with Thorn stomping on Dreamer before Cor Von comes back in for a belly to belly. Dreamer gets taken outside and crotched on the barricade….which is a DQ to get rid of Cor Von. So we’re down to Thorn/Burke vs. Dreamer/Van Dam and it’s Thorn coming in to work on Dreamer’s banged up back.

The sitout spinebuster gets two and it’s back to Burke as Punk isn’t looking pleased with all of this. Dreamer grabs a DDT out of nowhere to get rid of Thorn but the Elijah Express finishes Dreamer to get us down to one on one. Burke takes Van Dam down in a hurry and cranks on the arm but Van Dam manages a backdrop. A spinwheel kick knocks Burke off the apron….and Punk kicks him in the back. Van Dam, who didn’t seem to see Punk, throws Burke back inside for the Five Star and the pin.

Rating: C. It got some time, but this felt like it should have been a special house show main event. What mattered here was Punk vs. Burke, meaning the 19 or so minutes to get there weren’t exactly interesting. They got the important part though and the rest wasn’t terrible, so this worked out fine for the stage they were on.

Post match Van Dam leaves, so Punk helps Burke up, gives him the GTS, and says he’s sorry one more time to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The matches weren’t great but this felt like a special edition of the show. I’m not sure how much interest there is going to be in this show once the McMahons move on, but it is certainly nice while it lasts. Punk turning on Burke still feels like a course correction, which works just fine because it’s what needs to be done.




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ECW On Sci Fi – April 17, 2007: You Take That Back

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: April 17, 2007
Location: Datchforum, Milan, Italy
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

Things changed in a big way last week as CM Punk officially joined the New Breed. That is the biggest moment in the faction warfare story so far and it makes things even more tilted in the favor of the villains. I’m not sure what exactly the ECW Originals can do but ECW does have a history of thinking on the fly. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of CM Punk joining the New Breed in a bit of a shocker.

Opening sequence.

Here’s the New Breed, minus CM Punk, in the ring to get things going. Elijah Burke talks about how we have been seeing a man with a decision to make, but last week that decision was made. This brings out Punk, with Matt Striker holding the ropes open for him. The fans are rather happy to see Punk, with Tazz calling it a mixed reaction. Burke asks Punk why he joined the New Breed but Punk would rather keep those reasons to himself. All that matters is that he is part of the New Breed, which works for Burke.

Cue Rob Van Dam to tell Burke to shut up because he wants to talk to Punk. Van Dam offered Punk a spot in the ECW Originals last week and here he is with the New Breed. Punk is going to regret it, which Burke says isn’t going to happen. Burke thinks Van Dam is angry, so Van Dam throws out the challenge for tonight. Punk says if Van Dam wants to challenge a leader, Van Dam should challenge him, but Burke has this tonight. This was a rather clunky exchange and none of them exactly sounded good on the mic. It didn’t help that they were fighting over “no he’s on MY team”.

Snitsky vs. Nunzio

For some reason Nunzio thinks a waistlock is a good idea and is casually tossed away with ease. A headlock goes about as well for Nunzio, who gets taken down by a hard shoulder. Nunzio manages a kick to the face and a middle rope dropkick for one, with the kickout hurting Nunzio for a rare sight. A gutbuster and a ribs first drop across the top set up the big boot (to the arm) to give Snitsky the fast pin.

Elijah Burke makes it clear to CM Punk that he isn’t scared of Rob Van Dam. If Punk wants to be on this team, he needs to fall in line. This doesn’t sit well with Punk as he walks away.

Tommy Dreamer/Sandman vs. Kevin Thorn/Marcus Cor Von

Ariel is here with Cor Von and Thorn. Dreamer has an Italian flag because he can suck up to any crowd in the world. Cor Von hammers on Dreamer to start but Sandman comes in for a double suplex. Sandman’s super hurricanrana is shoved away without much effort and Thorn grabs a chinlock. That doesn’t last long so it’s back to Cor Von to suplex Sandman for two. Sandman avoids a charge though and the hot tag brings in Dreamer to clean house. Dreamer grabs a sunset flip and puts his hand on the rope (which should have made a kickout easier) for the pin (and ignore Thorn’s shoulder being up).

Rating: D. The ending was awful, but the bigger problem is how worthless these people look. Save for Cor Von, the addition of Punk to the top of this feud has made the lower level people look that much less valuable. If I can watch Van Dam, Punk and maybe Cor Von and Burke, why would I care about Dreamer, Sandman, Striker and Thorn? This feud has lost some of its depth and that was on display here.

CM Punk tells Matt Striker that the New Breed needs some better thinkers.

Here is Bobby Lashley for a chat. He can’t wait for Backlash, but he stopped at Raw last night. We see a clip of Lashley helping the debuting Santino Marella beat Umaga to win the Intercontinental Title in a huge upset. Lashley brings out Santino, who thanks the fans and Lashley in English and Italian. And that’s that.

CM Punk gives Marcus Cor Von and Kevin Thorn a pep talk, telling them to get back up. Elijah Burke pops up and doesn’t like Punk taking charge like this. Punk makes it clear he isn’t coming for the leadership of the team.

Backlash rundown.

Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke

They talk some trash to start until Van Dam kicks him in the head. After that rather simple but effective start, Burke sends him into the corner and kicks Van Dam down. Some more kicks to the shoulder don’t do much as Van Dam is back up with another kick to the face. The shoulders in the corner only hit post though and Burke grabs a logical armbar. A knee into the shoulder has Van Dam in even more trouble and you know Burke is going to be right there with the posing.

The shoulder goes into the post again and the armbar goes back on. Van Dam fights up with the good arm clotheslines into the rolling monkey flip. The referee gets bumped in the corner though (Joey: “We’ve got a zebra down in the corner!”), meaning there is no point in Van Dam loading up the Five Star. Instead it’s Rolling Thunder onto raised knees but here is CM Punk with a chair. Van Dam intercepts said chair though and knocks Burke silly, setting up the Five Star for the pin.

Rating: C+. Not a classic or anything but it did what it was supposed to do. This was about Punk continuing to cause issues with the New Breed and I would be a bit surprised if he was with the team that much longer. That almost has to be the case sooner than later, as Van Dam is all the ECW Originals have at the moment.

Punk checks on Burke but doesn’t look too upset to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show was about one thing and one thing only and they focused on rather extensively. I’m not sure if this was the plan all along or if they are rapidly backtracking on Punk joining the New Breed, but it is hard to imagine he is still with the team by the end of the month. That’s the right call too as Punk is probably the most popular name on the show and it doesn’t make sense to have him as a heel. Not a great show, but it featured more than a few steps forward in the biggest story around here. Now just get to the important stuff already.


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ECW On Sci Fi – April 10, 2007: Decisions, Decisions

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: April 10, 2007
Location: Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island
Attendance: 8,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

Things have picked up again around here as the New Breed beat the ECW Originals in a heck of an Extreme Rules match last week to even the series. I’m sure a third match is coming and CM Punk is lurking around the story as well. On the higher end, Bobby Lashley is going to have to defend the ECW World Title against Vince and Shane McMahon and Umaga in what I’m sure will be a technical masterpiece. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Vince McMahon, again in a snappy hat, to open things up. Vince talks about how humiliating Wrestlemania was for him and we get a quick recap of his newfound bald. Now it is time for revenge and since Steve Austin and Donald Trump are gone, Bobby Lashley is all that is left. Vince wants revenge, so Lashley is suspended from the arena tonight. Granted it wouldn’t have mattered, as Lashley suffered a severe concussion last night.

We see how said concussion took place, with the McMahons and Umaga destroying Lashley on Raw. Vince promises to take the ECW World Title at Backlash because he could make a rather nice champion himself. Before we get there though, Vince is going to ruin Lashley’s life, but he is going to do the same thing to the fans for laughing at him. Details coming later.

CM Punk is warming up when Rob Van Dam comes in to say that Punk should be an ECW Original. As I wonder if Van Dam knows what “original” means, Elijah Burke comes in to say Punk is joining the New Breed next week. Punk is sick of this and he’s making his decision tonight.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Kevin Thorn

Ariel is here with Thorn. Dreamer hammers away to start but gets knocked down, only to avoid a legdrop. They head outside with Dreamer sending him into the steps but getting pulled down off the apron. Back in and Thorn grabs his sitout spinebuster for two but Dreamer grabs a neckbreaker, which Tazz thinks could hurt Thorn’s neck. Dreamer’s spinebuster gets two but an Ariel distraction lets Thorn crotch him on top. The Dark Kiss finishes Dreamer in a hurry.

Rating: D+. Short match here with Dreamer getting in his usual assortment of right hands with a few moves thrown in as well. The New Breed continues to win more often than not and Dreamer is the kind of person to make them look better. Dreamer doesn’t need to ever win another match and he is going to stay over so let him keep doing his thing like this.

Snitsky interrupts Extreme Expose getting ready. The women run.

The Condemned is still a thing.

Hardcore Holly needs surgery after Snitsky wrecked his arm last week.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Rematch from last week where Punk beat him up pretty badly. Matt Striker comes out to watch for a bonus, so here is Sandman to even things out. We’re joined in progress with Punk hitting a butterfly backbreaker for two as Sandman and Striker both seem pleased. Punk misses a springboard crossbody though and Richards knees him in the ribs for two. That doesn’t last long as Punk kicks him in the face and hits the running knee in the corner. The ensuing bulldog gets two but Sandman’s Singapore cane shot hits Striker by mistake. Richards’ rollup gets two but Punk reverses into one of his own for the fast pin.

Post match Sandman tries to make peace but Punk doesn’t seem impressed. Punk? Holding a grudge?

Extreme Expose, but Snitsky interrupts again. This time Layla can’t run away and cowers against the ropes. Balls Mahoney tries to make the save and it goes as you would expect.

We recap CM Punk saying he would make his decision tonight. This comes after commentary said Punk would be making his decision tonight, turning this into one of the most pointless videos you’ll see in WWE in recent memory.

Rob Van Dam vs. Marcus Cor Von

Sabu, in a neck brace, is here with Van Dam and Elijah Burke (no neck brace) is here with Cor Von. Feeling out process to start with Van Dam trying to figure out how to deal with Cor Von’s power. Cor Von hammers him down in the corner and hits some knees to the ribs. We hit something like a seated abdominal stretch, setting up a Regal Cutter for two on Van Dam. A belly to back suplex drops Van Dam again as this is one sided so far.

The chinlock with a knee in the back makes things worse for Van Dam and there’s a release German suplex for two. We hit the regular chinlock until Van Dam fights up but Cor Von cuts off the kicks. The chinlock goes on again but this time the comeback works a lot better. A kick to the face puts Cor Von down and a running….double leg takedown (Huh?) sets up the spinning legdrop. The top rope kick to the face drops Cor Von but Burke goes after Sabu. That’s enough of a distraction for Cor Von to Pounce Van Dam for the pin.

Rating: C-. Pretty dull match here as it was mainly Cor Von grinding Van Dam down but the ending was what mattered here. Cor Von continues to look like a beast and having him beat Van Dam is a good sign for his future. The New Breed has all of the momentum right now and ultimately that is going to be the right move. The Originals were a way to hook in fans at the beginning, but why would fans want to see most of them now?

Post match here is CM Punk… join the New Breed. The big celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This week mostly focused on the ECW Originals vs. the New Breed and that wasn’t the most thrilling story. The bad guys are way ahead at this point and while that is going to change, it isn’t the most exciting part. I can’t imagine Punk sticks around with Striker and Thorn, but at least they gave us some drama on the way to what should be a twist. The rest of the show was pretty much nothing though and that didn’t make for the best show.


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ECW On Sci Fi – April 3, 2007: It Was Happening Sooner Or Later

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: April 3, 2007
Location: Allen County War Memorial, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Attendance: 4,500
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

We are done with Wrestlemania and ECW actually had more than a bit of a presence. Not only did ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley take out Umaga so Vince McMahon could be shaved bald, but the ECW Originals beat the New Breed in the big eight man tag. Neither seems to be over though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results is you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Bobby Lashley to talk about how big a night Wrestlemania was for him. Everyone is talking about the Battle of the Billionaires and we see some shots of Vince McMahon being shaved at Wrestlemania. We also see Lashley taking Vince’s hat last night on Raw, leaving Vince to hide his bald head under various things, including Lilian Garcia’s skirt. Lashley knows Vince is coming to end his title reign, so bring it on.

We look at the Condemned movie premiere in Detroit, which is the largest premiere of the century or whatever their latest title is.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Punk goes with a hammerlock into a headlock to start and Richards is in early trouble. Richards gets smart by going after Punk’s taped up ribs and a suplex gets two. We pause so Richards can mock the X pose before Punk grabs the abdominal stretch. Richards gets a bit too cocky though and charges into a knee to the face. The ribs are too banged up for Punk to try a suplex so he strikes away at Richards’ face instead. The (first time ever) officially named GTS finishes Richards.

Rating: C-. Richards always had some energy to him in these matches, even if he had a complete lack of a chance of winning anything. Punk gets back to winning after the Money in the Bank loss and that should be part of his way up towards the main event, either around here or elsewhere. ECW isn’t keeping Punk for long, so they should get what they can out of him while they can.

Rob Van Dam is in the back with Timbaland (music producer) and pleasantries are exchanged. Van Dam leaves and Extreme Expose comes in to suggest they get a spot in his new music video. Timbaland seems intrigued.

Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von offer CM Punk a spot in the New Breed. Punk says no, but Cor Von says you’re with us or against us.

Extreme Expose.

Wrestlemania music video.

Snitsky vs. Hardcore Holly

Holly slugs away to start and gets knocked into the corner for the hammering/choking. The big elbows set up some stomping but Holly gets a foot up in the corner. A suplex is countered into a failed Alabama Slam attempt and Snitsky kicks him in the face for the easy pin.

Post match, Snitsky unloads on Holly with a chair and crushes it in the steps for some hard chair shots. That’s certainly an injury angle to get Holly off of TV for a staph infection.

Hall of Fame induction ceremony video.

New Breed vs. ECW Originals

Extreme Rules, which was going to happen sooner or later. We’re joined in progress with Sabu dropping Striker to set up the one armed camel clutch and everything breaks down in a hurry. The weapons are brought in to clear out the New Breed, meaning it’s time for some dives. Dreamer whips Striker into a trashcan in the corner but Cor Von gets in a cheap shot so the New Breed can take over.

The rest of the Originals are held outside but Dreamer manages a DDT/neckbreaker combination to get a breather. Now the rest of the Originals can come back in to clean house with Sabu getting two on Striker. Burke knocks a swinging Sandman down without much effort but Dreamer hits the baseball slide into the chair into Striker’s face in the Tree of Woe. Sandman cleans house with the kendo stick but Cor Von is back up to suplex Dreamer onto an open chair.

There’s the Pounce to send Dreamer outside so Sabu comes back in to throw a chair at Cor Von’s head. Van Dam slips out of a Razor’s Edge through a table and rolls Thorn up for two. Ariel crotches Van Dam on top but Sabu makes another save. Van Dam and Sabu drive Thorn through the table at the same time but the Van Dam is sent outside. The Elijah Express sends Sabu through a table in the corner though and Burke gets the pin.

Rating: B. This was actually a heck of a sprint and that is what this should have been. Once they came back from the break, this was a pretty awesome match with all eight guys working hard and beating each other up. Odds are this sets up a tables match at Extreme Rules for the big blowoff, though the Punk factor is going to be interesting as well.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event carried the thing, though the rest of the show was little more than a way to have a breather after Wrestlemania. That’s all they needed to do here and it worked quite well, mainly due to one match. Sometimes you need to see something hard hitting and fun, which is what we got on this show. Nice job, though it’s more of a stand alone episode than anything else.




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ECW On Sci Fi – March 27, 2007: Happy Birthday Pop

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: March 27, 2007
Location: Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Attendance: 5,500
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

It’s the go home show for Wrestlemania and this time, ECW actually matters quite a bit in the show. This time we have the ECW Originals vs. New Breed eight man tag, plus the ECW Champion in what is really the show’s main event. I’m curious to see how a go home show will go around here so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick look at Vince McMahon pinning Bobby Lashley on Raw, albeit via a lot of shenanigans.

Opening sequence.

Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke

No seconds in a bit of a surprise. They go to the mat to start with Rob trying a backslide, only to have Burke drop down onto him for a creative counter. Rob simplifies things a bit by kicking him in the face and putting him on top top the top rope kick to the face. That means Rob van hit the big running flip dive to take Burke down again as we go to a break.

Back with Rolling Thunder hitting raised knees and a pair of suplexes giving Burke two. A Texas Cloverleaf of all things puts Rob in more trouble so he grabs a rope for the break. Burke grabs a chinlock with a knee in the back but Rob fights up and hits the spinwheel kick for two. The Elijah Express only hits buckle though and Rob nails the Five Star for the pin.

Rating: C+. This was another momentum building match towards Wrestlemania and that is perfectly fine in this situation. You need to keep Van Dam strong if you want the Originals to seem like they have any chance of winning on Sunday so this was a fine way to go. Burke continues to have some great charisma and he seems like he should be a bigger star than he already is.

Post match the New Breed runs in for the brawl but the ECW Originals make the save.

Extreme Expose.

Edge comes in to see CM Punk and the Hardys before their eight man tag tonight. They should work together to take out four other people in Money in the Bank. Punk and the Hardys don’t say no.

Snitsky vs. Balls Mahoney

Snitsky knocks him off the apron at the bell and sends Mahoney into the post for a bonus. Back in and another big boot finishes for Snitsky in a hurry.

We look at Vince McMahon (with some help) pinning Bobby Lashley on Raw.

King Booker suggests an alliance with Finlay tonight but Finlay isn’t interested.

We get a split screen sitdown interview with Vince McMahon and Bobby Lashley. Vince is looking forward to Wrestlemania being over because he beat Lashley last night. Sure Lashley has some credentials, but it’s a good thing Vince didn’t take his sweatshirt off last night. Vince follows the law of the jungle and it is going to come out at Wrestlemania when Umaga destroys Lashley for good. Then Donald Trump will be bald. Lashley: “Listen you old b******.” Vince will be bald at Wrestlemania. Lashley talked for about five seconds here.

Mr. Kennedy/Randy Orton/King Booker/Finlay vs. Matt Hardy/Jeff Hardy/Edge/CM Punk

Joined in progress with Matt hitting a Side Effect for two on Kennedy as we start fast. The Hardys take over on Kennedy but Jeff misses a charge, allowing Orton to come in and stomp away. A quick Whisper in the Wind gives Jeff two and Matt comes back in with the middle rope legdrop for two. Punk comes in but has to chase off Kennedy, allowing Finlay to come in and elbow him down.

It’s Booker coming in to hammer away with right hands and Finlay grabs the chinlock. Orton’s clothesline gets two and Booker grabs a front facelock. That’s broken up and Punk hits the running knee into the corner, setting up the bulldog. While that should be enough for the hot tag, Edge walks out and leaves instead as everything breaks down. Booker nails a quick ax kick to finish Punk.

Rating: C. This was as main event taggy as a main event tag can be and anyone could have gotten the pin. Edge walking out was completely expected of him and made all the sense in the world. I like that this match has gotten some more attention as of late, as it has a lot of people involved so many other things have gotten more attention.

The winning team brawls post match until the Hardys come in with a ladder (it is their nature) to clean house. Finlay is busted next to the eye and the Hardys go up the big ladder and grab the briefcase at the same time to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There is something fun about a show where they just stop focusing on the main stories and shift everything over to the Wrestlemania build. It worked well here and that’s all they needed to do. The show was still fine enough and the main event gave us some nice build towards Money in the Bank. Another show you don’t need to watch, but it helped with the important stuff.

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