Best Of 2010s: Spot Of The Decade

IMG Credit: WWE

There are things that everyone remembers and that is the case for a reason. Some of these are as memorable as you can get and they are going to be that way for a very long time. This is a time where the top of the list is quite good, though there might not be the biggest list of choices. That’s because the best ones are just that awesome, which is the case here.

Honorable Mention

Dance Off – WrestleCon SuperShow Ten Man Tag – YouTube it. YouTube the whole match actually.

Kurt Angle’s Moonsault Off The Cage – Lockdown 2010

Kurt Angle is not a well man. There is something wrong in his head that makes him do some crazy things and this was one of them. He was in the middle of a war with Mr. Anderson (in a near classic cage match) and went on top of the cage in a repeat of his famous spot against Chris Benoit. This one actually connected (albeit mainly on Anderson’s face) and Angle went on to win the thing.

The biggest thing I can take out of this is that Angle is insane. I know that sounds a little over the top but are you really convinced otherwise? Angle is out there on a lot of things and this is just another example, though sweet goodness if that wasn’t a memorable move and one of the best matches TNA has ever had. Check that one out in full, but you’ll remember this part best.

Shane McMahon’s Cell Dive – Wrestlemania XXXII

I was in the stadium for this one and I almost couldn’t watch it. Maybe it’s my fear of heights but sweet goodness this wasn’t something I wanted to see happen. It was actually scary, though once you see the crash pad and hear Cole shout “FOR THE LOVE OF MANKIND” it wasn’t quite as bad. They weren’t quite recreating a classic, but there’s something special when you can feel your heart in your throat for a second.

There’s something special about seeing Shane do something this insane and nearly destroying himself in the process. He knows how to get that kind of a reaction from the fans and a lot of that is due to how much the fans care about him. This was an incredible dive and while we found out that it was a bit safer later on, the moment before he dove was as terrified as I can remember being at a wrestling show, and that has to mean something.

Ricochet Tells Velveteen Dream To Show Him – NXT – May 30, 2018

Sometimes in wrestling, there are moments where all you can do is just look in awe because you don’t know what just happened. Those are the moments where you know what you’re watching is special and that is the case a lot of the time when Ricochet is in the ring. There’s something about him that you can’t take your eyes off of and that was the case with the coolest thing he’s ever done.

Velveteen Dream was saying that he could do anything Ricochet could, so Ricochet got a running start, flipped over the top rope and landed on his feet in front of Dream. It takes a lot to impress Dream and he was STUNNED, giving us an additional moment to make this so special. Ricochet wrestles like a superhero and that’s what we got here, with one of the coolest things I can remember seeing in a long time.

Randy Orton RKOs Evan Bourne Out Of The Air – Raw – July 12, 2010

As luck would have it, I was in the arena for this one too and sweet goodness I don’t know what I saw. It was one of those moments that was as perfectly timed as you could have had, almost to the level of Shawn superkicking Shelton. Evan Bourne ran down to jump Orton after a match and tried the shooting star press, only to have Orton catch him out of the air with an RKO.

The timing, the impact, the selling from Bourne (a huge part) came together to make Orton look like a killer. This is one of those things where you see it happen and still can’t believe what you saw because there should be no way someone can time this so well. It was absolutely perfect and something where you don’t believe it could happen until you see it, and then you still don’t believe it because THAT’S NOT NORMAL.

I think it’s safe to say I watch a lot of wrestling so it takes something to have me jump to my feet. This did it.

Undertaker Kicks Out – Wrestlemania XXVIII

The Streak is something that will never be replicated. How can you tell? Given that you all know exactly what I mean when I say the Streak and probably started a highlight reel in your head, there is no way anything can ever match it. That’s why it was a scary prospect when it felt like it was in danger, and I have never believed it was over more than I did inside the Cell.

After pushing him a little too far, guest referee Shawn Michaels superkicked Undertaker into a Pedigree from HHH, sending Cole into shouts of “STREAK’S OVER! STREAK’S OVER!” I believed it, the fans believed it, the commentators believed it….and it wasn’t over. Undertaker kicked out again because for one night of the year, he’s immortal.

This is greatest near fall I’ve ever seen and it came in a match that would have headlined almost any other Wrestlemania. This was the match of the night and had more than one of the best moments of the year (Undertaker stepping on the sledgehammer is great too), plus the spot of the decade.


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