Tagged: Steve Austin

WWE Announcer Instructions Online 0

WWE Announcer Instructions Online

Oh now this could be fun. So what we have here is a set of instructions given to the announcers from a few years back. It should be VERY interesting to see some of...

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode 10 9

Wrestling Wars Podcast Episode 10

Come enjoy us breaking down Elimination Chamber as well as discussing a topic that might get some people talking: has Cena surpassed Austin? http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-episode-10-we-close-out-the-kb-loop-with-a-review-on-ec-congratulating-roh-and-of-course-mocking-tna/   KB

In Your House XIV: I Knew They Could Do It 1

In Your House XIV: I Knew They Could Do It

In Your House #15: A Cold Day In Hell Date: May 11, 1997 Location: Richmond Coliseum, Richmond, Virginia Attendance: 9,381 Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross Things are still bad for the WWF but there’s...