Impact Wrestling – October 12, 2017: Bad and Unacceptable

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 12, 2017
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Jeremy Borash

We’re less than a month away from Bound For Glory and some of the card is starting to come together. You can pretty much guess a lot of the things they’re going to do, though one question is will Moose manage to do something dumber than walk into an MMA gym alone and pick a fight. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Eli Drake and Chris Adonis attacking Johnny Impact, only to have Garza Jr. interrupt. This sets up Impact vs. Garza for the Bound For Glory title shot.

Garza says he’ll win. No dude, you won’t.

Opening sequence.

We look at Eddie Edwards winning the GHC Title and Garza trying to win the title. As usual, GFW is really, really overestimating how interesting these other companies are.

Eli Drake is defending the title in Japan this week.

Here’s LAX with something to say. They want their title match right now and don’t care what rules they have to abide by. This brings out OVE to say bring it, even if it’s a 5150 street fight. The champs don’t care but Diamante says it’s all of LAX vs. OVE at the same time. The match, and the brawl, is on with the champs getting beaten down, including Dave being sent through a table at ringside.

We look at a press conference announcing GFW wrestlers going over to Tokyo to invade Pro Wrestling Noah. Is it really an invasion if you announce a working relationship and hold a press conference announcing the matches? More on this later, because we’re just that lucky.

Video on American Top Team, including them attacking various GFW employees and Moose going to their gym and getting beaten down. This is a compilation of clips and packages we’ve seen before.

Another video on Garza Jr. By the way it’s 8:31 and we haven’t had a match yet. I’m not sure if that’s a complaint or not.

Rosemary vs. Hannah Harper

Red Wedding ends Harper in 59 seconds. Nearly half of that was them staring at each other.

Post match Rosemary calls out Taya Valkyrie for a dance with the demon. Taya comes out and mists Rosemary for a change of pace, followed by the Road to Valhalla.

We look at Moose getting beaten down at the American Top Team facility.

Moose is going back to the facility, but this time he has backup.

Here’s Taryn Terrell to tell us all to shut up. She’s got a Knockouts Title shot at Bound For Glory but now she wants to focus on Gail Kim. Taryn talks about Gail’s husband Robert Irvine and says after she’s done, they’ll be heading appearing on Divorce Court. Gail comes out and says she won’t be attacking Taryn, only to slap her anyway.

Alberto El Patron is back at Bound For Glory. DANG IT MAN JUST GO AWAY ALREADY!!!

Sienna is ready for a mixed tag tonight and can’t wait to beat up Allie. One of her partners, Texano, says AAA is awesome. The other partner, Caleb Konley, says North Carolina is awesome.

Grado is very tired and says no more. Joseph Park comes up in an expensive car with a bunch of good looking women. They’re just interns, though one of them calls Grado the meal ticket. Grado isn’t happy as Park leaves with the ladies.

Wrestlers talk about the importance of Bound For Glory. This is probably the fifth promo for the show in the first hour to go with the 53 seconds of in-ring action.

We’re an hour into this show and it’s been little more than a recap show so far. 53 seconds of wrestling and an announcement of a tag match for the pay per view. Wrestling Challenge was run better than this.

Sienna/Caleb Konley/Texano vs. Allie/Dezmond Xavier/James Storm

We finally break a whole minute of wrestling an hour and nine minutes into the show. Sienna stomps Allie in the corner to start but gets taken down with a clothesline. It’s off to Texano vs. Storm but Konley comes in instead. Some villainous cheating has Storm in trouble but Storm is quickly out of a chinlock. A leg lariat gives Texano two and Sienna stomps away as well.

Texano gets dropped again and the diving tag brings in Xavier. Kicks abound and a standing corkscrew moonsault gets two with Sienna making the save. Everything breaks down and it’s a Codebreaker from Allie into a Backstabber from Storm. Konley comes back in with a swinging slap, only to have Xavier hit a 619 around the post. Lee breaks up something off the top but it’s the Last Call to end Konley at 6:38.

Rating: D+. Normally I’m a fan of throwing a bunch of feuds into one match but what happens when the feuds aren’t interesting in the slightest? This was more evidence that Bound For Glory isn’t an interesting show as the TV building it up isn’t compelling in the slightest. There’s no reason for AAA and GFW to be feuding and Xavier feels like he hasn’t been around in weeks. I’m sure he’ll be in the X Title match at the pay per view because that’s what they do with that title most of the time. More uninspired booking here, which is becoming a trend.

Here’s a slightly different package on the wrestlers in Japan. Some of the quotes and clips are the same.

Yet ANOTHER video on Garza Jr., this time of him in Japan.

This week’s Global Forged as this show is allergic to wrestling. This one focuses on Jon Bolen, the head trainer.

LAX is ready for the street fight.

Moose went to the American Top Team facility again (we’ve seen the clip of him on the phone at least five times now), though this time he has backup. Fellow MMA fighter Stephan Bonnar (not named until after the segment is over) is there this time though and they have pipes. They walk in and that’s all for now.

Garza Jr. vs. Johnny Impact

The winner faces Eli Drake at Bound For Glory. Feeling out process to start until Impact takes him down with a headlock. Garza sends him outside for a suicide dive as the announcers promise more American Top Team stuff later tonight. Johnny is back up with a flipping elbow off the steps and we take a break. Back with Garza forearming Impact in the corner but LET’S TAKE OFF THOSE PANTS!

Some kicks to the face have Johnny in trouble and they slug it out, followed by a crossbody to put both guys down. Back up and Johnny kicks him down for two more but he has to bail out of Starship Pain. A second attempt completely misses and Garza gets two off a standing moonsault. Garza’s missile dropkick gets another near fall but a pinfall reversal sequence goes to Impact for the pin at 13:50.

Rating: C+. I don’t know how else to say it but no one cares about Garza. He’s just a guy who was in the lucha tag team and then he’s randomly in the #1 contenders match. A bunch of packages on him for one night isn’t enough to make me care about him in this spot, especially when they weren’t hiding the fact that Impact was winning.

Post match Cornette comes in to interview Impact but Adonis comes in and breaks a board over his head.

And now, back to the real story with American Top Team and UFC LEGEND (yes UFC LEGEND I say, along with JB who says it multiple times) Stephan Bonnar. Everyone is gone (it’s the middle of the night) so they just break stuff with the pipes instead and Moose steals some MMA belts. They also wreck the merchandise area. This is the way they’re hyping up the biggest show of the year people. It’s the best idea they have. Moose leaves a note with the receptionist (who didn’t say a word while in the same room where all this was happening) to end the show.

Overall Rating: D-. This is only above a failure because the main event wasn’t bad. I just sat through two hours of Bound For Glory ads, the same clip of Moose on the phone saying he needed help, videos that didn’t make me interested in Garza Jr. and GFW in Japan. If you take out the commercial from the main event, there was less than twenty minutes of action on the show and less than two minutes out of the first seventy were spent on wrestling.

I know they’re strapped with all the taping marathons and such but with this many wrestlers running around, there’s really no excuse to have almost no one to put on the shows. Come up with something better than a squash, a six person tag and a really obvious main event. With as many people as they have, including all the talent they bring in, there’s not much of an excuse for this. This show wasn’t so much bad as it was unacceptable, which is much worse.


Rosemary b. Hannah Harper – Red Wedding

James Storm/Dezmond Xavier/Allie b. Sienna/Caleb Konley/Texano – Last Call to Konley

Johnny Impact b. Garza Jr. – Rollup

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Impact Wrestling – October 5, 2017: I’m Getting Tired Of Saying This

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 5, 2017
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Josh Matthews

We’re closing in on Bound For Glory and fresh off another show that ended in chaos with the American Top Team guys cleaning house. World Champion Eli Drake actually got to do something though as he and Chris Adonis got to beat down Johnny Impact and Garza Jr., who is now involved in the main event scene for some reason. Let’s get to it.

In Memory of Lance Russell.

We get a Pray For Vegas graphic.

We open with a recap of Johnny Impact vs. Eli Drake last week with Impact getting cheated out of the title. Johnny wants a fair rematch.

Opening sequence.

Here are Drake and Adonis to open things up. Drake talks about driving down Victory Road last week and pulling straight into Slam Town. He turned the ghetto into a parking lot and built Eli’s Cakes on top. Eli: “YUMMY! YEAH!” Johnny isn’t here tonight and there’s a good chance he won’t get back after that Gravy Train he took last week.

Drake turns his sights to Jim Cornette, whose golden boy couldn’t get the job done. Cornette has brought up every challenger he can and next week he’s sending the champ to Japan. Since he has to go halfway around the world next week, he’s getting the night off tonight. As for Adonis though, he wants to fight so let’s get an opponent out here right now.

Chris Adonis vs. Garza Jr.

Adonis is in street clothes and Drake joins commentary. Garza scores with a series of kicks for two but Adonis takes over on the arm. Back up and a hurricanrana takes Adonis out to the floor but he drops Garza onto the barricade as we take a break. We come back with Garza fighting out of a chinlock but getting caught in a butterfly suplex.

Adonis cranks on both arms as this match just keeps going. Seriously it’s Chris Masters vs. the local luchador. Why is this getting ten minutes? A spinebuster plants Garza but we cut to the back where Johnny Impact arrives. The Adonis Lock doesn’t work as Garza sends him into the corner. Drake bails to feed the parking meter and THERE GO GARZA’S PANTS!!! The Lionsault misses and Impact runs in for the DQ at 12:00.

Rating: D-. We just sat through Chris Masters vs. the luchador whose big spot is taking his pants off for twelve minutes with a run-in DQ. That’s the best thing they have to open the show? Horrible stuff here as Adonis really isn’t interesting and hasn’t changed a bit since he was in WWE. Find something more interesting than this.

Post match Impact beats up Adonis but gets in a fight with Garza. Cue Jim Cornette to make Impact vs. Garza Jr. for next week (yay). He throws in a bonus: the winner will be facing Drake for the title at Bound For Glory. So Garza goes from a midcard tag guy to possibly #1 contender for the World Title in the main event of the biggest show of the year in a few weeks? Even Jinder Mahal would think that’s extreme. Garza and Impact brawl some more. By the way, the total time between Cornette coming up and the music playing after his announcement: 87 seconds.

Recap of Moose vs. Bobby Lashley, which of course features the American Top Team guys. Good grief why do they think we care?

Moose is in a parked car looking for Lashley. He’s heading for the American Top Team headquarters.

Wrestlers are ready for Bound For Glory.

We look at OVE winning the Tag Team Titles last week.

Konnan yells at LAX for losing so Santana gets in his face. The card table is turned over.

OVE vs. Jon Bolen/Trey McGill

Non-title. Jake starts with Bolen but gets waistlocked for his efforts. A high crossbody and neckbreaker drop Bolen and McGill is sent outside as well. Jake drops both of them with a double suicide dive, followed by Dave’s Asai moonsault. Back in and OVE kicks McGill in the head a few times and let’s plug those Pop TV sitcoms. A High/Low puts Bolen away at 3:38.

Rating: D+. Just a quick win here to further establish OVE as stars. It would be nice if they established some other teams though as I’m not sure who OVE is supposed to feud with after they presumably defeat LAX in the rematch at the pay per view. The tag division is one of the company’s weakest points and that’s really covering a lot of ground.

We recap James Storm/Ethan Carter III vs. the AAA guys, who completely hate this company because the script tells them to.

Here are KM and Sienna with the latter complaining about not having a match on Bound For Glory. No one has a match on the show yet you nitwit. She says she’s going into the Hall of Fame this year so here’s Gail Kim to interrupt. Gail wants her show at the Knockouts Championship Title (still such an odd way to word it) at Bound For Glory.

Cue Taryn Terrell to say she was the longest reigning Knockouts Champion in history and wants a chance to get the title back. Now it’s Allie coming out with Josh seemingly liking her look this week. The other three might be former Knockouts Champions but she’s Allie and deserves another chance to become champion. Cue Karen Jarrett to say Sienna isn’t going into the Hall of Fame. Yes, they actually felt that we needed that explained to us. It’s also a four way for the title at Bound For Glory.

Joseph Park has a meet and greet scheduled for Grado but Grado thinks the prices are a little high. Park says you can charge these marks anything. He pays Grado what seems to be a small amount of money but Grado again seems happy with it.

Caleb Konley/Andrew Everett/Trevor Lee vs. Sonjay Dutt/Petey Williams/Matt Sydal

Remember like three weeks ago when Sydal was getting a World Title shot? Or remember like fourteen years ago when people cared about Petey Williams? I mean you should, as it’s the only reason he’s in this spot at the moment. Everything breaks down just a few seconds in with the villains taking over early on, only to be sent into each other. A triple dropkick sends them outside, followed by an apron moonsault and a double suicide dive.

Back from a break with Dutt and Sydal legsweeping Lee and Konley to set up stereo standing moonsaults. Dutt gets kneed in the back and kicked in the face as the beating begins. Konley works on the arm as the announcers talk about the villains’ unity for wearing all black gear. Or they want to make sure no one recognizes them on this show.

Dutt grabs a tornado DDT while dropkicking everyone else, setting up the hot tag to Petey so house can be cleaned in a hurry. Everything breaks down and Sydal’s top rope double knees takes Lee down. Matt throws Lee into Everett on the top, followed by the shooting star to end Everett at 14:31.

Rating: C. I’m not even going to bother with the sarcasm here. It was a completely watchable cruiserweight match that means a grand total of nothing because they’re going to be thrown into an Ultimate X match for the title where no one gets to showcase any individuality and the whole thing is about crazy spots that we’ve seen before and we hear about how important the X-Division is despite it never getting any focus. We’ve heard the same thing for the better part of ten years now and I’m tired of pretending it’s going to change.

Dutt wants the title shot at Bound For Glory and the winners get in an argument over who should have the chance. Just announce Ultimate X already so it can be over hyped.

Here’s this week’s Global Forged.

Laurel Van Ness is back in the audience looking a husband.

Moose arrives at the gym and shoves Dan Lambert away. He gets in a cage but a fighter punches him in the face so the beatdown can be on. They throw Moose out of the building.

Ethan Carter III/James Storm vs. El Hijo de Fantasma/Texano Jr.

In what is becoming a trend, this is getting nearly half an hour. Storm takes Texano down to start as JB hypes this as main eventers vs. main eventers. Carter and Storm get in an argument over a tag though and it’s Fantasma sneaking in for a cheap shot to take over. Storm slips over and makes the tag to Carter for a flapjack on Texano.

The TK3 gets two but Fantasma gets the same off a dropkick. Carter is taken into the heel corner for some stomping, followed by a hard kick to the chest for two. It’s off to the chinlock for a bit until Carter fights up, only to have Pagano come strolling down. Back from a break with Carter still in trouble via some more choking on the ropes.

Texano adds in a jawbreaker and shouts in Spanish for Fantasma to go up. That means a missed splash though and a cutter allows the hot tag to Storm. Everything breaks down again and Storm starts to clean house. It must not be a very big house though as Fantasma superkicks him down, only to get crotched on top. He hasn’t had much luck up there.

The Tower of Doom takes everyone down and thing slow a bit. Carter is thrown outside and then into the post by Pagano as Eddie Edwards not being here to even things out is likely going to be a plot point. Storm loads up a suplex, only to have Pagano trip him up and hold the leg so Fantasma can get the pin at 19:50.

Rating: D+. This one boils down to whether this story interests you or not. It doesn’t in my case as I still have no reason to care about any of the AAA guys, nor do any of them have any motivation to be heels other than they’re from another company. That’s not enough of a story for my taste and I really didn’t need to see a completely average at best tag match going on for twenty minutes.

We go back to the LAX club house where Konnan has a big idea: a street fight at Bound For Glory. Everyone leaves to party and Low Ki is shaking his head.

Overall Rating: D. The show still feels completely flat as almost nothing interesting happened all night long. A big part of that is the roster being filled by so many outsiders, be they from MMA or AAA. It’s one thing if the matches are tearing the house down or something (like the lucha libre in ECW where they were a bunch of outsiders but stealing the show in a way no one had seen in America before) but that’s not what we’re getting here.

Instead it’s a bunch of average matches with very weak stories that aren’t drawing in any special interest. Odds are the MMA guys get in the ring at Bound For Glory, which hasn’t been interesting before and won’t be this time either. Either way, I’m sure we’ll be told that it’s the most thrilling thing we’ve ever seen and how the company is changing wrestling.

What GFW doesn’t seem to get is that changing wrestling isn’t always a good thing and just being different for the sake of being different doesn’t work. They need a focus and I really haven’t seen that in a long time. Figure out what you want to be and go with it, but just bringing in a bunch of people from another promotion whose entire characters are “this person is from this promotion and they’re awesome” isn’t enough. The show wasn’t terrible by any stretch but it also was one of the least interesting ones they’ve done in a good while, which is the case way too often around here.


Chris Adonis b. Garza Jr. via DQ when Johnny Impact interfered

OVE b. Jon Bolen/Trey McGill – High/Low to Bolen

Matt Sydal/Sonjay Dutt/Petey Williams b. Trevor Lee/Caleb Konley/Andrew Everett – Shooting star press to Everett

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Updated History of the Intercontinental Title in E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – September 27, 2017: It’s About Time

Lucha Underground
Date: September 27, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s FINALLY time to wrap this season up with the first week of Ultima Lucha Tres. There are currently about 194 matches scheduled over the next four shows and that means it’s hard to say what to expect around here. They’ve done a great job of making this show feel important though and that’s what matters most. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of tonight’s matches, including Famous B. vs. Texano and Killshot vs. Dante Fox, the latter of which is built around being in the army together and Fox being left for dead.

Melissa Santos welcomes us to the show for a change of pace and Matt Striker is even more excited than usual.

Vampiro runs down the Hell of War match, which means Three Stages of Hell with First Blood, No DQ and Medical Evac (Ambulance match).

Famous B. vs. Texano

If B. wins, Texano has to join his team but he’s coming in with a broken arm. Therefore, Dario Cueto has made this a handicap match.

Famous B./Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Texano

Wagner has his mask here because it was shot over a year ago. Texano and Wagner trade backdrops to start until Texano monkey flips him across the ring. A slingshot hilo connects and B.’s cast shot has no effect. The distraction lets Wagner stomp him down though and Wagner gets two off a backsplash. B. comes in and stomps away while wanting to know why Texano won’t just sign. Texano fights back with a sitout powerbomb on Texano but he’s not legal. Instead Brenda gets up on the apron to kiss Texano, allowing B. to roll him up for the pin at 4:22.

Rating: D. Other than Brenda, there was nothing to see here. Texano can only do so much and the Famous B. story is one of the least interesting things going on around here. He’s just not a character I can care about and everything he does feels tacked on instead of something that actually belongs on the show.

The announcers run down more of the card. I’m still not sure if they can fit all those matches into three weeks and give them the time they deserve.

Killshot vs. Dante Fox

After a break, the first fall begins with a First Blood match. They waste no time in heading outside as this is going to be all about the violence. There’s already a ladder bridged between the apron and barricade but Fox would rather throw a chair at his head. A shooting star from the apron crushes Killshot on the ladder to get the crowd even more into this. Fox chairs him in the head but can’t quite bust him open yet. Back in and Killshot hammers away but misses an apron legdrop.

Fox puts the chair around Killshot’s neck and dives off the barricade with a legdrop to the apron. They’re going straight for the violence here and that’s the right call. Fox pulls out a sheet of glass and bridges it over two chairs but Killshot catches him with a Rock Bottom onto the apron for a breather. Back in and Fox grabs a springboard C4 before throwing the glass and chairs into the ring. They head to the top with Killshot loading up a super Pedigree, only to be backdropped through the glass, drawing blood from the back for the first fall at 10:24.

The second fall is No DQ (because that’s totally different than what we just saw) and Killshot’s back is COVERED in blood. Dante puts an unfolded chair upside down in the corner and brings in a ladder. Oh this can’t end well. Like at all. A running springboard C4 through the chair only gives Dante two so he bridges the ladder over the ropes. Killshot is laid over said ladder for a 450 and another near fall, making me worried about what it’s going to take to finish this.

Killshot is back with a superkick and DDT out of the corner for two more. Fans: “FIGHT FOREVER!” It’s time for a barbed wire board (Striker: “The ancient Aztec torture rack!”) with Killshot setting it up in the corner. Killshot’s top rope double stomp only gets one but a running powerbomb through the barbed wire….doesn’t even get a cover. Instead Killshot grabs something like a One Winged Angel (without sitting Fox on his shoulders) ONTO THE BROKEN GLASS for the second fall at 6:14.

The third fall, an Ambulance match, begins after a break with Fox suplexing both of them over the top and out to the floor. Killshot is up first and drags a stretcher towards Fox as Striker accurately talks about the potential for infections on the dirty floor. With nothing else working, Killshot hits a super Death Valley Driver from the middle rope onto the stretcher on the floor, leaving a piece of Fox’s skin on the stretcher. I’m really not sure how to even respond to that.

Fox starts kicking his way off the stretcher so Killshot hits the double stomp off the barricade. It only gets Fox free though and they fight around to the front of the ambulance, which is backed into the entrance. Since they’ve done everything else, they head up to the bandstand where Fox chokes him with a cord.

Rating: A. I’m really not even sure how to think about this one. Above all else though, I completely bought the idea that these two wanted to destroy each other. This wasn’t about having a match and there’s nothing wrong (ok maybe not nothing) with just going insane like this for a change of pace. These matches work when they do them once in a blue moon instead of every single show or few shows, which is what worked so well here. I could completely get how it’s too violent for some people and I wouldn’t put up any argument if you hated it, but I bought into the story which is what matters most.

Overall Rating: A-. Well that worked. Lucha Underground is great at setting things up slowly but then delivering in the payoff, which is what they had here. Obviously it’s a one match show but it’s also a good reason to split this show up. Instead of having a bunch of violent matches to blow off the stories, let them do something like this where the matches have a chance to shine on their own. The main event, which is NOT for everyone, is worth seeing but skip the opener. If the rest of the show is up to this standard, this could get very awesome in a hurry.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Complete 2002 Monday Night Raw Reviews in either E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – September 20, 2017: Just Lucha Already

Lucha Underground
Date: September 20, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s the go home show for the first (of many) week of Ultima Lucha Tres. Therefore, it’s time to get ready for the biggest show of the year and the card, as long as it is, seems mostly set. The question now is what will we be seeing on the shows, which could be in quite the interesting order. Let’s get to it.

The opening recap, uh, recaps things, like the Gift of the Gods Title match and Melissa Santo being drawn into a mixed tag to deal with the Martinez family.

Fenix is training Melissa Santos for her in-ring debut. She pins him down and asks to take his mask off but he slips out. He says he’s Fenix with or without the mask and he’ll lose everything if he loses it. Melissa says he won’t lose her and bends him back for a kiss.

Famous B. is doing commentary. I doubt he’ll rock the outfits as well.

Dante Fox vs. Texano

Texano yells at B. so Fox jumps him from behind to take over. A big dive to the floor is teased but Fox settles for a moonsault off the apron instead. Killshot is watching from the balcony and Fox throws him a point before hitting a Swanton for two. Texano gets the same off some clotheslines and elbows to the jaw. A cutter out of the corner drops Texano but he’s right back up with the powerbomb. That’s countered as well though and Fox gets two off a crucifix bomb. A tiger backbreaker plants Fox….and B. gets in the ring to declare Texano the winner. The distraction lets Fox grab a rollup for the pin at 5:40.

Rating: D+. This was fun while it lasted but I’m getting tired of this Famous B. stuff. He’s not funny and he’s not interesting but for some reason he’s been around for the entire history of the show. Fox vs. Killshot has serious potential, though that was barely getting any kind of focus compared to the Famous B. stuff.

Texano tries to kill B. but Dario Cueto says no because he needs a ring announcer. Instead he’ll be facing Texano next week at Ultima Lucha. Famous B.: “But I have a broken arm!” Dario: “Then I guess it will be a handicap match!” And that’s why he’s awesome. If Famous B. wins, Texano is his new client.

The Aztec Medallions are turned in before the Gift of the Gods Title match tonight. Dario calls in medics for later.

Marty Martinez/Mariposa vs. Fenix/Melissa Santos

Melissa is uh, shale we say…….sweet goodness what was I talking about again? Mariposa cranks on Fenix’s arm to start until he smacks her upside the head. It’s off to Marty as things speed up, including some forearms and a kick to the head. A Lethal Injection gets two on Marty and there’s a big dive to the floor. Back in and Fenix keeps backing into the corner so Melissa can tag herself in. For some reason it doesn’t count and Marty drags Fenix back to the corner.

Mariposa kisses him before it’s back to Marty for a chinlock. Fenix fights up and shoves Marty into a kick from Melissa. The hot tag brings her in for a top rope seated senton and a double superkick to Marty. Mariposa gets sent face first into Marty’s crotch as Fenix drops Melissa onto Marty a few times for some near falls. Fenix gets crotched on top though and Mariposa ties him to the ropes. Oh this could get bad in a hurry. Mariposa and Marty surround Melissa and it’s an assisted Pedigree for the pin at 8:43.

Rating: C. This was much more storytelling than anything else and there’s nothing wrong with that. Melissa was great for a one off though I’m glad it seems to not be something they’re going with long term. Fenix vs. Marty should be a lot of fun, especially if the women get involved as a bonus. This probably should have been the Ultima Lucha match but I get why they went with it here….I think.

Fenix breaks out and makes the save before anything else can happen.

We run down the Ultima Lucha Tres card.

Gift of the Gods Title: Paul London vs. Mala Suerte vs. Saltador vs. Cortez Castro vs. Drago vs. Son of Havoc vs. Pentagon Dark

One fall to a finish. It’s a wild brawl to start and I’m in trouble trying to keep up with this. Pentagon and Havoc clear the ring to start but Saltador breaks up the showdown. Saltador gets kicked like he owes Pentagon money, only to pop up with a hurricanrana. Drago cleans house for a bit until Pentagon takes care of everyone else and stands tall. London is thrown over the top onto a pile of people as this is just random spots so far. It’s Suerte coming in with a crucifix for two but Drago comes in with his running Blockbuster for the same

Saltador gets his own near fall off a springboard Fameasser but Havoc saves Castro. Drago kicks London down but Saltador comes in to take him down as well. It’s Havoc diving onto various people until London and Saltador double team Pentagon. Not that it matters as he package piledrives both guys, only to have Son of Havoc add a shooting star for the pin on Saltador at the same time Pentagon pins London at 6:44.

Rating: C. I have no idea what to say about a match like this as it’s just carnage until the ending. Havoc and Pentagon winning is fine as you can imagine the next match being added for one of the next four weeks. It’s an entertaining match but don’t waste your time if you want anything more than a spot fest.

Dario makes a ladder match for the title at Ultima Lucha.

Dario gets into a limo to meet Councilman Delgado’s replacement. He has the gauntlet with him but the replacement isn’t happy. Dario suggests that either Jeremiah Crane or Mil Muertes would be a good choice to hold it so we’ll have a triple threat with those two along with Cage for the gauntlet. The replacement is offered to come to the temple next week and a cigar is lit by someone in shadow to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. We’re to the point now where they just need to do Ultima Lucha and probably end the series once and for all (hopefully not on a cliffhanger). The wrestling wasn’t much of a point here and there’s nothing wrong with that on a show designed to set up the biggest month of shows of the year. Good show but more important for the future than this week.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Complete 2002 Monday Night Raw Reviews in either E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – August 9, 2017: Anyone Could Win

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Date: August 9, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s time to set the final four in the Cueto Cup as we’ll be having the final two quarterfinal matches tonight. In addition to that though, we’re restarting the process of putting together the Gift of the Gods Title and that means it’s time to find some people to possess the medallions. Let’s get to it.

The opening video of course looks at the tournament so far, plus the Worldwide Underground getting a chance to win three medallions tonight.

Aztec Medallions: Rabbit Tribe vs. Worldwide Underground

The winners all get medallions of course. Before the Worldwide Underground comes out, the Rabbit Tribe (Paul London/Saltador/Mala Suerte) dance around Melissa Santos, who doesn’t seem to mind. Taya and Saltador start with the latter sliding between her legs and shoving her down by the back of her trunks. Ricky Mandel comes in and takes a hurricanrana, followed by a standing moonsault for two.

Taya charges into a clothesline but sends Suerte into the corner. All three members of the Tribe get in the corner for a Bronco Buster because we’ve somehow teleported back to the Attitude Era. Everything breaks down and the Underground is knocked out to the floor, leaving Mandel to get caught in a neckbreaker. London adds a shooting star for the pin and the medallions at 4:36.

Rating: D+. Not long enough to get anywhere but the Tribe’s oddness is starting to grow on me. I get that it’s the idea but for once it’s actually working. It’s also interesting to see the Underground lose as you would have guessed the three of them would make it to the seven way but a bit of a surprise can be a nice thing.

Post break, the Underground’s agent yells at the losing team and says they would be fired if not for Johnny Mundo’s intervention.

Cueto Cup Quarterfinals: Jeremiah Crane vs. Mil Muertes

Muertes jumps him in the aisle and the fight is on in a hurry. Muertes throws him through some boxes and we take a break with no bell. Back with Crane being thrown through a door as Striker says this is going to be a No DQ match. They fight in the balcony above the announcers’ area with Crane being thrown down to a lower balcony as this has been one sided so far. Crane fights back but gets sent into the post for his efforts, followed by going into the apron.

They finally get inside and I guess the match has already started as there’s no bell. Crane is quickly sent back outside and through some empty wooden chairs. Some chops have no effect on Muertes so Crane tries a lap around the ring, only to get cut in half by a spear. Muertes throws some chairs into the ring and a backbreaker puts Crane through them for two.

Crane gets all fired up and hits Muertes in the head with a chair over and over to get a breather. The chair is set over Muertes’ throat and Crane pounds it down with the other chair. Now it’s table time (duh) but Muertes spears him down instead. Muertes drops him face first onto the apron and it seems like it’s time to wrap things up.

Back in and another spear is countered with a guillotine choke but Muertes drops him down for the break. Muertes throws in a table but Crane puts him through it instead for a very close two. Jeremiah goes to the middle rope and dives right into the Flatliner to send Muertes to the semifinals at 10:15 (with the clock starting when they first got into the ring).

Rating: B-. Crane has gotten a huge rub from this tournament and it’s kind of sad to see him eliminated. Muertes is the right choice to go forward though as even though he’s not as dominant as he used to be, there’s always the chance that he could go on a tear and destroy everyone else to win the tournament.

Catrina kisses Crane, who seems to like it. That earns him a hard kick to the head and the villains leave.

An FBI agent comes to see Dario Cueto and says that the Order has chosen him to replace Councilman Delgado. The death seems to be news to Cueto but he’s a bit shaken by the agent’s presence. The agent says he’s a big Pentagon Dark fan but even his skin will burn when the war comes. All that matters is bringing the gods back to power.

Cueto Cup Quarterfinals: The Mack vs. Pentagon Dark

Texano goes right after him and gets two off a leg lariat. Pentagon knocks him outside though and nails a big running kick to the head. A Codebreaker with Pentagon hanging over the ropes gives Texano control again and he sends Pentagon hard into the barricade. Cue Famous B. and Brenda for a distraction, allowing Pentagon to hit back to back Sling Blades.

Texano kicks him down again though, only to charge into a Backstabber out of the corner. Something like an Indian Deathlock has Pentagon in trouble but he’s quickly in the ropes. Texano puts him in the Tree of Woe for a delayed dropkick, followed by a middle rope leg lariat for two. Famous B. tries to throw in a horseshoe but Pentagon takes it away and knocks Texano out for the easy pin at 6:08.

Rating: D+. The Famous B. stuff feels so out of place in the tournament, which is one of the biggest things Lucha Underground has ever done. B. is pure comedy (not exactly funny comedy that is) and that’s not what you should be having with one of the most serious characters in the company.

The semifinals are now set:

Pentagon Dark vs. Mil Muertes

Prince Puma vs. Fenix

Post match Pentagon loads up Texano’s arm but B. calls him out. That earns B. his second broken arm but Pentagon isn’t done. After leaving for a bit, Pentagon comes back to break Brenda’s arm to end the show.

Catrina is meeting Captain Vazquez, who she seems to know. Catrina says the gods don’t fear her and Vazquez talks about the gods using Cage’s gauntlet as a gateway. They both pull out their halves of the medallion and Vazquez says only one man in the Temple can take the gauntlet from Cage. He just so happens to answer to Catrina (Muertes’ name isn’t mentioned but it’s heavily implied), but she points out that without her half of the medallion, Vazquez will no longer be immortal. Catrina says the gods will learn to fear a thousand deaths and leave, after saying goodbye to her mother. Now that’s a twist.

Overall Rating: B-. This show did what it needed to do as we can see the end of the tournament from here. Things have really picked up and now that we have two great matches next week and then the big show, things should start getting back to the point that made this show such a hit. Throw in the storylines FINALLY picking up and this was one of the more entertaining shows they’ve done in a good, long while.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Complete 2002 Monday Night Raw Reviews in either E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – July 26, 2017: The Old Lucha Way

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Date: July 26, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

I believe the second round of the Cueto Cup wraps up tonight but the bigger deal is Rey Mysterio getting back into the ring for the first time in a good while. Worldwide Underground has a new pesky agent who has gotten PJ Black a match with Mysterio. That could be a lot of fun and when you couple it with the tournament stuff, this show has potential. Let’s get to it.

Standard opening, looking at the tournament as a whole and the matches for those competing tonight.

Striker mentions that the tournament final is in four weeks, which will also see Mysterio vs. Johnny Mundo for the Lucha Underground Title.

Cueto Cup Second Round: Texano vs. The Mack

They actually speed things up to start instead of going with the power brawl, including a series of near falls into a standoff. That’s quite the surprise. It even warrants a handshake before Mack grabs a headlock for a negligible advantage. Mack sends him outside for a running flip dive, followed by a running basement Blockbuster for two inside.

Some very loud chops have Texano in even more trouble but he comes back with some softer chops. They head outside again with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker dropping Texano, only to have Mack go down as well. Back in and Mack gets two off a swinging slam but here’s Famous B to spray him with a water gun. That earns B. a Stunner but the distraction allows Texano to grab a Batista Bomb to advance at 7:19.

Rating: C+. Good power brawl here though the ending felt like a cop out rather than a win for Texano. It’s not like either of them are going to win the tournament but the ending didn’t work for me. The match was fun while it lasted though and that’s a good thing, but Famous B. isn’t doing anything for me and hasn’t in a long time.

Son of Havoc is at a bar when Son of Madness comes out and takes his drink. They were in the same biker gang and Madness is here to bring Havoc back whether he likes it or not. At least it’s a story.

Mascarita Sagrada brings the Rabbit Tribe a present, with the card saying it will bring them good luck. It’s a rabbit’s foot, meaning panic ensues.

Cueto Cup Second Round: Pentagon Dark vs. Drago

They hit the mat to start, which is a lot more technical than you would expect from someone as violent as Pentagon. Drago sends him outside for a big flip dive, earning himself some rather loud cheering. Back inside and they trade some hard running kicks in the corner with Pentagon getting the better of it because he’s rather good at the whole beating people up thing.

Pentagon suplexes him into the corner for two but Drago grabs a hurricanrana for the same. A running Blockbuster gets the same, only to have Pentagon catch him in a half nelson driver for another near fall. Drago runs up the corner for a tornado DDT followed by a top rope hurricanrana but the top rope splash only gets two. Pentagon is tired of playing around though and hits a Mexican Destroyer…..for two. Well of course that doesn’t finish it. The package piledriver finishes Drago a few seconds later at 7:57. Then just have the Destroyer finish the thing.

Rating: C+. Ending aside, this was a nice back and forth spot trading showcase with each of them hitting most of their big stuff. Pentagon is coming off like a bigger star every single week and they would be crazy to not put him back into the title picture, likely destroying everyone in his path, very soon.

Post match Pentagon lays out Kobra Moon and goes for the arm but Aero Star makes the save. Drago lays out Aero Star and Pentagon breaks Star’s arm as a trophy.

Pentagon runs into Catrina in the back where she reminds him of his issues with Mil Muertes. Catrina promises that Mil hasn’t forgotten and will take him out of the Cup.

PJ Black vs. Rey Mysterio

They start fast with Rey grabbing a hurricanrana and a victory roll for two, sending us to a standoff with Black smiling. An ankle scissors sends Black outside but he catches a dive and drops Rey with something like a reverse Rack Attack. A top rope fist to the face gives Black two and it’s off to a double arm crank.

Back up and the 619 is broken up by a superkick but Rey misses a springboard. They slug it out until Rey flips him out to the floor for an Asai moonsault. The spinning crossbody gives Rey two but he gets caught in the Tree of Woe for a top rope double stomp. Can we please ban that spot all over wrestling? I’ve got money. A Styles Clash gives Black two but he gets caught in a tornado DDT.

The referee gets bumped though and here’s Johnny Mundo to lay out Mysterio. Jack Evans comes in to make it a triple team but here’s El Dragon Azteca to make the save. Taya takes him out though, leaving Black to get a close two. Azteca chases the Worldwide Underground off, leaving Rey to reverse a Razor’s Edge into a hurricanrana. The 619 sets up a springboard frog splash for the pin at 11:29.

Rating: B-. Black has really showcased himself over the last two weeks and that’s quite the improvement. I’ve never been the biggest fan of the guy in the world but it’s a good sign that he’s able to do a lot more than just have a flashy finisher. Mysterio might not be what he used to be but he’s still far better than many other cruiserweights and he gives Lucha Underground credibility, which they really can use.

Mysterio says everyone here will win the title from Mundo in four weeks.

Overall Rating: C+. Not a great show this week but we’re down to the final eight in the tournament and are starting to get some real build towards the title match. As usual, the best way to make TV seem important is to give it a long form build and that’s what we’ve gotten so far. These shows have been FAR more entertaining than what we had been seeing in the months leading up to it and that’s a very important upgrade.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Complete 2002 Monday Night Raw Reviews in either E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – June 14, 2017: Murder and a Tournament

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Date: June 14, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

Cueto Cup First Round: Mala Suerte vs. The Mack

Cueto Cup First Round: Argenis vs. Pentagon Dark

Cueto Cup First Round: Famous B. vs. Texano

Video on Rey Mysterio getting ready to challenge Johnny Mundo for the Lucha Underground Title.

Cueto Cup First Round: Aerostar vs. Drago

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Lucha Underground – January 11, 2017: Hasta Eventually

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Date: January 11, 2017
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

The opening recap looks at Dragon Azteca Jr. wanting to go after Matanza, Cortez Castro coming back to the Temple under a mask, Texano getting mad at Famous B. and Johnny Mundo picking All Night Long for his match with the Mack.

Texano vs. Joey Ryan

Texano shoves B. down and high fives fans as he leaves.

Cage vs. Veneno

That seems to be Castro under his mask. Veneno is wearing a spider style mask and Vampiro says the name means poison. A few kicks have Cage in trouble until a Screwdriver crushes Veneno for the pin at 1:23.

Cage leaves and Sexy Star comes out to yell at Veneno, likely due to the spider mask.

Matanza vs. Dragon Azteca Jr.

After the credits, Marty Martinez stalks Melissa Santos but Mariposa kidnaps him. She thinks he might be learning something but a slap to the face just makes him laugh.

Apparently this is a mid-season finale and the show will be back in the summer. That’s a very, very long time off and that’s not good.

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Lucha Underground – December 28, 2016: Lucha Underground Meets the Avengers

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Date: December 28, 2016
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Matt Striker, Vampiro

The opening video looks at Angelico returning, Cage vs. Texano, Catrina suggesting that Crane loves him and Prince Puma losing Grave Consequences.

Vampiro raises Puma from the grave and Puma, now dark, has a new master. I could totally go for this.

Jeremiah Crane vs. Mil Muertes

Crane goes right after him at the entrance and is knocked for a loop as a result. A running forearm to the back and a powerslam plant Crane again. As the referee looks at Catrina (understandable), cue Puma with a kendo stick shot, allowing Crane to hit a bicycle kick for the pin at 2:04.

Puma kneels to Vampiro and Striker is scared.

A stranger gives Sexy Star a present but says he used to be a Johnny Mundo fanboy. The guy leaves and the package contains a spider, just like a few weeks back.

Famous B. gives Texano an offer of fame and is promptly scared off.

PJ Black/Jack Evans vs. Angelico/Son of Havoc

Dario is looking in his glowing box when Star comes in. She wants and is granted a match with Mariposa next week.

Cage vs. Texano

Match number four in a best of five series with Cage up 2-1. Texano runs him over to start and hits a sliding clothesline but Cage turns it into a slugout. A turnbuckle pad comes off and Cage goes face first into the steel, setting up a sitout powerbomb to tie the series at 2-2 at 2:01.

Cage vs. Texano

This is winner take all and Cage is coming in bloody. Texano stomps him down in the corner but walks into a DDT. That just earns Cage a kick to the head in the corner, followed by a top rope hurricanrana and a slingshot splash for two. Cage kicks him in the face again and sends Texano outside for a big suicide dive.

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Lucha Underground – December 7, 2016: Bullfighting

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Date: December 7, 2016
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Boyle Heights, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

The tournament will be called the Battle of the Bulls with four fatal fourways (one fall to a finish). The winners will advance to a fourway elimination match for the title shot.

Battle of the Bulls First Round: Cage vs. Texano vs. Joey Ryan vs. Dr. Wagner Jr.

Dario gives Sexy Star a match with PJ Black. If she wins, she gets her title rematch inside a cage. If she loses though, no more title shots ever.

Sexy Star vs. PJ Black

Kobra Moon tells her tribe that they must bring back the man who deserted them over a thousand years ago. She orders them to bring her the man who used to be a dragon.

Battle of the Bulls First Round: Marty Martinez vs. Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. The Mack vs. Mil Muertes

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