NXT – December 6, 2022: Something About This Show

Date: December 6, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

It’s the go home show for Deadline and I’m not exactly expecting much tonight as a result. The card is mostly set, though we do need to determine the final entrants in each Iron Survivor Challenge. That means a pair of triple threat matches and they at least have some stakes going in. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Axiom vs. Von Wagner vs. Andre Chase

The rest of Chase U is here with Chase. A running boot rocks Wagner at the bell but he’s fine enough to headlock both of them at once. That’s broken up and a double shoulder puts Wagner on the floor. Axiom loads up a dive but gets rolled up for two by Chase. That’s enough for Wagner to get back up and send them both outside as we take a break. Back with Chase hitting a top rope superplex on Axiom near Wagner, who was either out of position to get knocked down or was trying to help with the crash.

Either way, Axiom heads to the floor and it’s a slugout between Chase and Wagner. A Russian legsweep drops Wagner to set up the spelling stomps, followed by a tiger driver to give Chase two on Axiom. Wagner comes back in but gets triangle choked by Axiom. That’s broken up and Wagner plants Chase for two. Chase DDTs both of them at once but Axiom shoves Chase to the floor and superkicks Wagner for the pin at 11:58.

Rating: C+. It was fast paced and that’s one of the best things that can be said about something like this. On top of that, at least Chase didn’t take the fall, even if it would be nice for him to actually win something for a change. The fans are into him and for some reason that seems to be enough for NXT for whatever reason. Also it was someone other than Wagner, which is a positive.

Julius Creed’s knee is cleared for him to compete but Ivy Nile asks the trainer to check his ribs. Those are banged up, and he won’t be able to compete because of them. Brutus Creed isn’t happy, but Nile says she’s protecting Julius.

Cora Jade is ready to do whatever it takes to become #1 contender.

Bron Breakker is about to go fishing when Apollo Crews shows up at the doc to join him. Crews compliments the boat and Breakker shows him how to cast. They praise each others’ athleticism, with Breakker admitting he copied the standing moonsault from him. Crews asks if this really calms you down, with Breakker talking about the pressure that comes from being champion.

Crews catches a fish, earning some praise from Breakker, before throwing it back. They agree that Deadline should be a good one and shake hands. Crews says today wasn’t Breakker’s day with fishing and Saturday won’t be his day at Deadline either. These vignettes have been different enough to make the feud interesting and that’s a nice change of pace.

Bryson Montana is in the ring for a match but Indus Sher takes him out. Cue Montana’s opponent.

Javier Bernal vs. Bryson Montana

Actually hang on as Bernal has a sudden hamstring injury so he’s out. Indus Sher says they won’t fight the Creed Brothers unless they’re 100%, so the challenge is turned down for now. Cue the Creed Brothers but Ivy Nile and some referees hold them back. No match.

Duke Hudson is trying to console Andre Chase when a very excited Thea Hail runs in to say she’s facing Isla Dawn tonight. Hudson doesn’t think it’s a good idea because Dawn is scary, but Chase says go do it. Chase isn’t happy when Hudson questions his decision.

Sol Ruca danced on Tik Tok at a live event but Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs and Malik Blade/Edris Enofe got in an argument behind them. A tag match was set.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Xyon Quinn

Stacks is here with D’Angelo, who is getting quite the positive reaction here. Quinn drives him into the corner to start but D’Angelo slugs away at the ribs. A suplex drops Quinn again Quinn’s Samoan drop sends D’Angelo outside, only to run him over back inside. D’Angelo hits something close to John Cena’s ProtoBomb for the pin at 1:49.

Post match D’Angelo says he’s back and he wants Wes Lee and the North American Title. Cue Lee to say the Don is back and the champ is ready for him. Dijak took Lee out recently though so if D’Angelo wants the title, he’ll have to wait until Lee takes care of some business. That doesn’t work for D’Angelo, who says his business comes first. Dijak pops up on screen to say he’s going to decimate NXT and take the title. Then Stacks jumps Lee, who shoves Stacks down and bails from the numbers advantage.

Last week, Hank Walker talked to Charlie Dempsey and says he wishes he could have followed in his father’s footsteps. Walker wants respect and they can do this if they need to. Dempsey says he’ll show Walker that he doesn’t belong.

Scrypts looks at his debut match and talks about how he needs to change things up, starting with the chosen ones. He writes his name down while surrounded by crinkled papers.

Hank Walker vs. Charlie Dempsey

Dempsey slaps him in the face to start so Walker takes him into the corner. There’s a big hiptoss to send Dempsey flying and a slam makes it worse. Dempsey grabs a gutwrench suplex but here is Drew Gulak of all people for a distraction. The Kimura keeps Walker in trouble abut he fights out and hits a Thesz press. That’s fine with Dempsey, who dragon screw legwhips him down but a half crab attempt is broken up. Dempsey cranks on the knee instead and ties up the face at the same time to make Walker tap at 4:02.

Rating: C. This was quick and to the point, as there is no reason to believe that Walker, who is little more than a brawler, could hang with a technical monster like Dempsey. I’m glad to see Dempsey taking someone apart, and having him do that to Gulak in a technical off could be very entertaining. Or Gulak mentors him, which might not be the best idea as Gulak last won anything….when?

Zoey Stark talks about timing and knowing how none of the people in the Iron Survivor Challenge can touch her.

Grayson Waller is ready to win the Iron Survivor Challenge because everyone is scared of him going in.

And now, Pretty Deadly as Santa and an elf in a Christmas set in the ring, for the real meaning of Christmas. They both sit in the throne (yeah there’s a throne) and read the book, which talks about their bulging sacks overflowing. They’ll never lose the titles and never be bruised so they have a Merry Christmas hug….and here is New Day to interrupt.

Kofi Kingston talks about how Pretty Deadly has beaten everyone, so let’s have a title match at Deadline. The fight is on and New Day clears the ring without much effort, including having presents put on Pretty Deadly’s heads. That’s a big surprise and Pretty Deadly will benefit from the win.

Isla Dawn is ready to hurt Thea Hail.

Javier Bernal is going to leave and suddenly remembers he’s in pain when McKenzie Mitchell shows up. No, he is NOT scared of Indus Sher, who don’t want any of him. He accuses Mitchell of being biased and wants someone more fair. Cue Ikemen Jiro, who Bernal trusts. Jiro calls him a chicken and Bernal isn’t pleased.

Thea Hail vs. Isla Dawn

Chase U is here too. Dawn shoves her down to start and hits a running shot to the back. Hail fights up and slugs away, including a running shot in the corner. There’s a t-bone suplex to Dawn, who is right back with a sitout reverse DDT. A second one finishes Hail at 2:50.

Post match Alba Fyre pops up to go after Dawn but gets held back by referees. Fyre charges anyway and a referee gets misted by mistake.

Kiana James is ready to be smart and win the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Lyra Valkyria is here next week.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

Odyssey Jones is here with Blade and Enofe. Jensen gets knocked into the corner to start and Blade hits a heck of a dropkick for two. That’s broken up and it’s Jensen working on the arm as Kiana James’ assistant shows up with a letter for Jensen. Blade hits a big moonsault on the floor onto Briggs (and almost misses), leaving Enofe to hit an old Dean Ambrose standing top rope elbow for two on Jensen. Von Wagner shows up to brawl with Jones and it’s the high/low to give Briggs the pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. It might not be the best idea to have multiple people getting involved or interfering in a match that doesn’t even last three minutes. I like both teams but it would be nice to have Blade and Enofe win something for once. The tools are there, but eventually they just feel like losers and that is a hard stigma to overcome.

Respect is shown post match.

Roxanne Perez is ready to prove herself because she keeps getting screwed over. But how do you prepare for a match that has never taken place before? She looks in a mirror to talk herself up and seems to buy it.

Shawn Michaels runs down the concept of the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Iron Survivor Qualifying Match: Indi Hartwell vs. Wendy Choo vs. Fallon Henley

In the back, Brooks Jensen opens the envelope from the assists, which contains VIP tickets to Deadline from Kiana James. Hartwell starts fast but Choo headlock takeovers Henley. A double rollup gives Hartwell two as Toxic Attraction is watching. Back up and Henley flips both of them down at once, with Hartwell being sent outside. Hartwell kicks Henley down on the floor though and we take a break.

We come back with Choo in the Tree of Woe with Hartwell kicking away, only to get rolled up by Henley. With Choo free, Hartwell is sent outside and Henley is suplexed, with Hartwell having to make the save. The Tower of Doom leaves everyone down and Choo splashes Henley. Then Hartwell sends Choo outside, decks Henley, and steals the pin at 10:15.

Rating: C+. Hartwell was the focal point of the match and is the most established star so her going forward makes sense. I still like Henley a lot but she might be better suited as the manager/friend of the team rather than a featured star. You know what you’re getting with Choo, though to be fair she has toned down A LOT of the silliness and it’s a big improvement. Hartwell was the right call here though.

Toxic Attraction says of course they’ll be at Deadline but Indi Hartwell comes in to say Saturday is her night.

Deadline rundown.

Here is Grayson Waller for the Grayson Waller Effect, with the rest of the Iron Survivor entrants (JD McDonagh, Carmelo Hayes, Axiom and Joe Gacy) as his guests. Waller insults all of them but Hayes says he’s ready to show that he is the A Champion again. McDonagh asks about Hayes losing the North American Title twice, but Hayes says that doesn’t matter right now. McDonagh is sure he can go 25 minutes, which Waller would never understand.

Waller shrugs that off and asks Gacy about this group. Gacy says individuals are selfish and will step over each other to get what they want. Axiom talks about how you have to evolve to win and that is where he excels. Hayes: “NERD!” We get a question from a fan: which spot would you want to enter the match?

Axiom says first or second so he can maximize his falls, but that doesn’t appeal to anyone else. Gacy promises that he’ll win but Hayes says he won’t miss. Waller says you never know when someone is going to strike first, earning himself a headbutt from Gacy. The fight is on and everyone but Waller heads to the floor, leaving Waller (with camera) to flip dive onto everyone else. The big brawl ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This could have been worse, as they did make the Iron Survivor Challenge feel like a big deal. That is kind of hard to do when it’s nothing but a heavily gimmicked #1 contenders match, but they pulled it off here. There wasn’t much else of interest on the show and Deadline is looking like a pretty unimportant card, but they made the featured matches feel bigger and that’s the important thing.

Axiom b. Von Wagner and Andre Chase – Golden Ratio to Wagner
Tony D’Angelo b. Xyon Quinn – Belly to back slam
Charlie Dempsey b. Hank Walker – Leg trap crossface
Isla Dawn b. Thea Hail – Sitout reverse DDT
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – High/low to Enofe
Indi Hartwell b. Fallon Henley and Wendy Choo – Running forearm to the back of Henley’s head



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NXT – November 29, 2022: Checklist Week

Date: November 29, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

This week is about the past and the future, as a group of Hall of Famers, led by Shawn Michaels, will announce the participants in the Iron Survivor Challenge. That would be quite the segment and it will determine most of the Deadline card. The main event is a rather big six woman tag so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Indi Hartwell vs. Roxanne Perez

Hartwell powers her around to start but Perez dropkicks her down. The chinlock goes on to slow Hartwell up but she fights up and sends Perez crashing out to the floor. Back in and a boot to the face drops Perez and a hard clothesline gives Hartwell two. A sideslam sets up the chinlock but Perez is up rather quickly.

Perez forearms away and sends Hartwell face first into the middle buckle as the comeback is on. A running basement dropkick sends Hartwell into the corner, where she comes out with a belly to back suplex to cut Perez off. Perez is fine enough to send her outside, setting up the high crossbody back inside. Hartwell is back up with a big boot but Perez kicks her in the ribs and grabs Pop Rox for the pin at 9:05.

Rating: C+. Perez continues to become a bigger and better star every week. She’s young, she’s good, and she continues to string together solid matches. What matters is Perez is being treated as something important and it wouldn’t surprise me to see her move up the ladder rather quickly. Perez even taking the Women’s Title is a possibility and that’s pretty impressive for someone who hasn’t been around that long.

Thea Hail and Duke Hudson interrupt Andre Chase, with Hudson apologizing for messing up last week (Chase: “I know, I was there!”). Hudson has gotten a petition together to get Chase into the Iron Survival Challenge but Grayson Waller comes up to suggest Hudson isn’t on the up and up. Hail has to be held back but Hudson has this.

Dijak vs. Dante Chen

This is Dijak’s return after a pretty long NXT absence. Dijak grabs him by the throat to start and sends Chen into the apron. A sitout chokeslam (Hard Justice) plants Chen and some hard forearms to the back knock him even sillier. Dijak elbows away in the corner but Chen comes back with some right hands. The double chop and a pump kick rock Dijak, who shrugs them off and hits Feast Your Eyes for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. This was mostly a squash and Dijak already looked better than he ever did on the main roster. Dijak ran through Chen, shrugged off whatever was thrown at him, and finished with his hard knee to the face. That’s what this needed to be, as Dijak isn’t someone who needs to be complicated. Just let him do his impressive looking stuff and he’ll be fine.

Post match Dijak says this is his place to dominate and he promises to run through everyone.

JD McDonagh came to the Diamond Dojo earlier today and the Creeds weren’t impressed. They’re ready for Indus Sher and argue with McDonagh about how sure they can do it. McDonagh continues to be a pest.

We go to the Hall Of Fame panel, with Shawn Michaels, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Alundra Blayze and Molly Holly picking the five entrants for both Iron Survival Challenges. They all praise the roster and discuss some possible entrants in the men’s match, but the announcement will be made later.

Grayson Waller vs. Duke Hudson

The rest of Chase U is here with Hudson. Waller grabs a headlock to start but Hudson powers him into the corner. A side slam connects as we see the Hall of Fame panel…paying absolutely no attention to the match whatsoever. Hudson gets whipped into the corner and the cravate goes on.

That doesn’t last long as Hudson makes the powered up comeback, including an overhead belly to belly. They head outside where Hudson almost boots Hail, only to say that he can stop it whenever he needs. Chase, who Hudson booted last week: “YOU CAN STOP IT WHENEVER YOU NEED???? Back in and the rolling Stunner finishes for Waller at 5:21.

Rating: C. This was about the storyline development with Hudson letting the big boot reveal slip. Chase is smart enough to figure that out and now the question becomes where things go from here. Waller should be beating Hudson on his way to something bigger, though I’m not sure if he’s going to make it to the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Javier Bernal has a special announcement: BIG BODY TUESDAY, complete with his own merchandise! You can get his Big Body Baseball Bat, which was requested by Adam Judge! Mitchell: “You mean Aaron Judge?” Bernal: “Adam is his middle name!” There is also the Big Body Pillow (McKenzie: “Already trademarked.”) Bernal: “Men want to be me and women want to be with me.” McKenzie: “Absolutely not.” Therefore we have a cologne, which she says smells like rotten eggs. Axiom comes in and a match is set. Bernal and Mitchell have some great chemistry together.

Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley

Henley kicks her down to start and we take a break less than a minute in. Back with James working on the arm, including ramming it into the top rope. The Codebreaker on the arm gets two and the arm cranking continues. Henley fights up and manages a one armed takedown, followed by a head of a shot to the face. The chase is on around the ring but James manages to grab the bag for a distraction, with Henley being sent into the post. The 401K finishes for James at 9:39.

Rating: C+. The arm stuff was nicely worked in here and even played into the finish to make it better. Henley losing again is a bit much, but it is nice to see James getting elevated for a change. Both of them have the talent and now the question is which one gets to move up to the next level first.

Malik Blade is crushed at Von Wagner ripping up his sweater but Edris Enofe and Odyssey Jones (in a Godfather shirt) tell him to use it to fire himself up. Blade can go with that but he wants to do this himself.

The Hall of Famers talk about the women and are rather pleased with some of their options.

Nikkita Lyons/Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Toxic Attraction

Hold on though as Zoey Stark jumps Lyons from behind and takes out her leg. Toxic Attraction looks on and smiles. No match.

Lyra Valkyria (the former Aoife Valkyrie from NXT UK) is coming and runs through the woods while losing her feathers.

Elektra Lopez is ready to make her own empire. If you bet against her, you’ll go broke.

Javier Bernal vs. Axiom

Axiom takes him down by the arm to start and hits a dropkick to send Bernal outside. We take a break and come back with Axiom wrapping the leg around the post. Some dropkicks to the knee keep Axiom in trouble and a hart slam jars the knee even more. Axiom manages a sunset flip and pulls Bernal into a choke, which is countered into a sitout powerbomb for two. The Figure Four stays on the leg until Axiom turns it over to send Bernal to the rope. Back up and Axiom hits the Golden Ratio superkick for the pin at 9:01.

Rating: C+. Axiom is someone who can make things look good in the ring, but there is something a little less than interesting about calling your finishing move the Golden Ratio. Bernal talking so much trash and then losing suits him well, and if they keep it as goofy as they have so far, it can go well. Just don’t try to make him into something he isn’t.

Nikkita Lyons is cleared for the six woman.

Pretty Deadly is excited because next week is…..CHRISTMAS!

Apollo Crews is at a diner when Bron Breakker interrupts. Breakker looks at the menu but doesn’t see Crews being ready to win the title. Breakker puts his own pressure on himself but Crews says he’ll have the speed and strength advantage. They’re both ready and things never quite get personal. Very minor note that no one else will care about: Crews’ pen was from a Chase bank. That is the kind of realistic thing that made the segment feel more normal, as I’m surprised WWE didn’t have the pen branded with their own logo. It’s nice to see something feel spontaneous rather than totally staged.

Julius Creed vs. JD McDonagh

Brutus Creed is here with his brother. McDonagh grabs a headlock to start and Julius can’t even suplex his way to freedom. Julius can power his way out of it though and the toss has McDonagh in trouble. The chase around the ring results in Julius being dropkicked off the apron as we take a break.

Back with McDonagh holding a bodyscissors as Indus Sher is out to watch. Julius fights up and knocks him outside for a heck of a clothesline but can’t German suplex him off the apron. Instead McDonagh hits an apron moonsault before going after Julius’ knee. Said knee is cranked around and taken to the floor, where McDonagh grabs a chair. The big swing is loaded up but Veer Mahaan takes it instead, which is a DQ…I think on McDonagh, giving Julius the win at 10:33.

Rating: B-. The ending was a little weird but McDonagh not beating someone else is rather nice to see. Indus Sher vs. the Creeds is being treated as a big deal and while it’s not the most interesting, they are putting the work in to make it better. Julius continues to feel like a top star ready to break out and giving him singles matches like this will make that more likely.

Video on Isla Dawn’s debut.

Dijak is leaving when the D’Angelo Family interrupts. Tony has a business proposal and Dijak seems interested.

Von Wagner vs. Malik Blade

Blade strikes away to start and rains down some right hands in the corner. Wagner powers out but seems to be favoring his knee as Blade sends him outside. Some rams into the announcers’ table have Wagner in more trouble but he avoids a frog splash. The fireman’s carry neckbreaker finishes Blade at 2:41 as Wagner’s monster push continues.

Post match Wagner stays on him but Edris Enofe and Odyssey Jones make the save.

Here are the Iron Survivor Challenge participants:

Carmelo Hayes
JD McDonagh
Grayson Waller
Joe Gacy

Zoey Stark
Cora Jade
Roxanne Perez
Kiana James

The final spots will be determined in triple threat wild card matches next week.

Toxic Attraction vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance/Nikkita Lyons

Jayne and Carter start things off but everything breaks down in a hurry. Triple superkicks send Toxic Attraction to the floor and Carter/Chance hit back to back dives. We settle down to Carter rolling Rose up for two but Jayne offers a distraction. Rose gets in some running knees to Carter and the villains take over in the corner. A spinebuster gives Rose two and we hit the bodyscissors.

Carter kicks her away and brings in Chance to fire away at Dolin but gets suplexed down. Lyons makes the save and everything breaks down again. We settle back down to Chance getting suplexed but grabbing a rollup for two on Rose anyway. Everyone else comes back in and Dolin sends Carter into the steps. Lyons suplexes Jayne but Rose gets in a cheap shot and the bad knee gives out. A not so great looking high/low finishes Lyons at 9:04.

Rating: C+. This felt like a house show main event with the thrown together group taking on the established villains. That worked out well enough as Toxic Attraction feels like such a team that should be difficult to stop. Lyons coming back and going after the title one day seems all but inevitable, but for now she needs to focus on Zoey Stark, which is likely coming at Deadline.

A pleased Zoey Stark looks down from the platform to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. When I think about this show, it felt like two hours of checking things off a list. It felt like several matches, angles and feuds were advanced in the span of one night and that is nice to see. In other words, it came off like something that was planned in advance and then everything came together. That kind of attention is nice to see and makes it feel like an old school edition of NXT. Good stuff here, and Deadline is mostly together, even without being officially announced yet.

Roxanne Perez b. Indi Hartwell – Pop Rox
Dijak b. Dante Chen – Feast Your Eyes
Grayson Waller b. Duke Hudson – Rolling Stunner
Kiana James b. Fallon Henley – 401K
Axiom b. Javier Bernal – Golden Ratio
Julius Creed b. JD McDonagh via DQ when McDonagh used a chair
Von Wagner b. Malik Blade – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Toxic Attraction b. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance/Nikkita Lyons – High/lot to Lyons


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NXT LVL Up – November 18, 2022: HIM???

Date: November 18, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

We are on the way to Survivor Series and for once there was something a little different here last week. Granted it was just a six man tag but after the months of the same formula, a little change was nice to see. There is no reason to believe that will stick this week, but at least they made things better once. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Thea Hail vs. Dani Palmer

The rest of Chase U is here with Hail and this is Palmer’s debut. Palmer even shakes hands with Chase U to start so she seems rather nice. They fight over arm control to start, with Hail getting the better of things off an armbar. A springboard wristdrag keeps Palmer in trouble before we get the armbar sequel. Back up and Palmer flips her over to set up a standoff in a bit of a surprise. Palmer manages to grab an abdominal stretch, which Hail breaks away from to start the comeback. A neckbreaker spun into a faceplant gives Hail the pin at 4:41.

Rating: C. This was a nice to meet you match from Palmer, who is another gymnast who can do her stuff well enough already but has nothing to suggest that she is ready as a wrestler whatsoever. That being said, a fair few WWE stars have started out as gymnasts and done well in wrestling, so maybe that is where we are going here. Granted there is no way of knowing where Palmer is after less than five minutes, so this is hardly the definitive note on her career.

Oba Femi, a rather large man from Nigeria and the University of Alabama is ready for his debut and wants to make his family proud.

Oba Femi vs. Dante Chen

Commentary talks about Femi’s power records at the Performance Center so he seems to have something behind him. Femi powers Chen to the ropes to start but can’t get out of a headlock. An uppercut drops Chen and Femi launches him into the corner, setting up a one armed sideslam for two.

The bearhug goes on, followed by another uppercut for another two, and a second bearhug as Femi doesn’t have the most varied offense so far. Chen manages to power out of the bearhug and Femi misses an elbow. A missed charge into the corner doesn’t do much for Chen, who is right back with a top rope chop to the head for two. The double chop finishes Femi at 5:33.

Rating: D. What the….IT’S DANTE CHEN! You have this guy who looks great, gets hyped up, has his power game praised, and DANTE CHEN beats him? Chen has languished for so long in the depths of NXT that I don’t think many people remember he works here. You can’t have Femi grab a bearhug or a powerslam and pin him? Femi doesn’t need to become the next Bobby Lashley right now, but what the heck was the point in having him lose?

Oro Mensah vs. Stacks

Tony D’Angelo is on commentary. Stacks takes him down by the arm to start but Mensah comes up and cranks away on the arm right back. Some armdrags have Stacks bailing to the floor, followed by a running crotch attack on the ropes. Back in and Stacks takes him down before going after the arm, including a Fujiwara armbar.

Mensah slips out so Stacks grabs another armbar. That one is broken up as well and Mensah strikes away, setting up a springboard missile dropkick. D’Angelo offers a distraction though, including a crutch shot to the neck. A running knee to the back of the head (basically a Stomp with the knee) finishes Mensah at 5:40.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what happened to Mensah but he came in hot and then went pretty cold a few weeks later, to the point where he is stuck on this show instead of doing anything else. Stacks is a bigger deal than Mensah and should have won, but it’s still weird seeing Mensah fall pretty quickly. If nothing else, D’Angelo should be healthy soon and that should open up some more doors for both of them.

Overall Rating: D+. Well this was incredibly frustrating and that is because of one match. NXT has a history of doing things like this with people who look great, even if it is on a show that has no meaning whatsoever. Anyway, the show was the usual style, though I do like having some NXT midcarders show up as the main event. It gives the show a bigger feeling, though apparently not at that DANTE CHEN level. Annoying show, and all because of one not so bright decision.

Thea Hail b. Dani Palmer – Neckbreaker into a faceplant
Dante Chen b. Oba Femi – Double chop
Stacks b. Oro Mensah – Running knee to the back of the head



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – November 15, 2022: Title Time

Date: November 15, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

Deadline is in less than a month but we have a big night to get through first. This week will see two title matches, as the NXT Title and NXT Women’s Titles will both be defended. Those are going to make for some major matches and there is going to be some other big stuff included as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

NXT Title: Von Wagner vs. Bron Breakker

Wagner, with Mr. Stone, is challenging. Stone offers an early distraction so Wagner can jump Breakker to start. Breakker’s arm is snapped over the top rope and some shoulders to the arm make it even worse. Back up and Breakker snaps off a suplex as we take an early break. We come back with Wagner fighting out of a chinlock and taking Breakker to the floor for a spinebuster onto the steps.

Breakker manages a top rope clothesline though and the comeback is on, including the powerslam. The Steiner Bulldog plants Wagner again but Wagner grabs a Fireman’s carry flipped into a neckbreaker. Breakker tries the gorilla press but his back gives out, leaving him to escape another fireman’s carry. The spear retains the title at 12:42.

Rating: C+. There was no reason to believe that the title was changing hands here but this got Breakker in the ring and let him get a win under his belt. Wagner is still a pretty generic monster but now that he is out of the way, Breakker can move on to something more important/interesting. For a one off title match, it went just fine.

Video on Alba Fyre vs. Mandy Rose.

Bron Breakker gets to the back where JD McDonagh congratulates him.

Here is Zoey Stark to say her back feels better now that she isn’t carrying Nikkita Lyons anymore. Stark came back from a nine month layoff and gets told that she’s going to be teaming with Lyons in the tournament for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Then Stark got hurt, but Lyons said that she wasn’t mad at her.

Stark didn’t get hurt doing something stupid, but rather while she was in the ring. Then they lost the Tag Team Title match and was tired of the apologies. We see Stark turning on Lyons last week and Starks is very happy with her new attitude. She blames the people and says it is now about her because she is UNDENIABLE. She is the hunter and everyone back there is the prey. As was the case last week: this would have more impact if they had five matches together as a team.

Duke Hudson comes up to see Andre Chase, who wants to know why Hudson threw in the towel last week. Hudson says it was because he values Chase’s health and if Charlie Dempsey had hurt him last week, the entire University would have been on the shelf. If people accuse him of loving the university too much, then he is guilty as charged. Thea Hail comes in and Hudson leaves rather abruptly. Hail says Hudson is growing on her.

Apollo Crews comes up to Bron Breakker and suggests he’s coming for the title.

Indus Sher vs. George Cannon/Ariel Dominguez

Sanga slams Cannon face first into the mat to start and drops him throat first across the top. Veer comes in to run Cannon over and some big slams drop the tiny Dominguez. A running big boot and corner splash rock Dominguez again, setting up a side slam/middle rope elbow to give Mahaan the pin at 3:26.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here but Sher didn’t exactly do anything to make themselves more interesting. They did a fine imitation of the Authors of Pain or the Viking Raiders as the latest power monsters and that’s about it. I’m sure they’ll be fine as they look the part, but this is far from original or any kind of a novel take on the concept of big monsters.

Post match Indus Sher says they’re ready to crush the Creed Brothers.

Diamond Mine is ready to fight but Ivy Nile tells them to cool it.

Wendy Choo calls Cora Jade a salty and petulant child who will never change. At the same time though, she said some things that Choo hasn’t heard since high school. Next week, she’ll give Jade two black eyes.

JD McDonagh vs. Apollo Crews

They stare at each other to start until Crews armdrags him into an armbar. Back up and McDonagh does the same thing back to Crews, only to get reversed into a headscissors. Crews grabs a backdrop and shoulders him out to the floor in a heap. That’s fine with Crews, who goes after him for a drop onto the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with Crews dropping backwards onto McDonagh off the middle rope, only to get caught in a sleeper. A belly to back suplex puts Crews down but he sends McDonagh outside, setting up the apron moonsault. They get back inside with a sitout powerbomb giving Crews two, meaning it’s time to go up top. McDonagh pulls him back down in a crash but Crews gets in a hard whip into the corner.

Crews misses a charge and cashes out to the floor, where McDonagh hits a good looking Asai moonsault. Back in and Crews catches him on top, this time with a super Angle Slam for a double knockdown. They trade small packages for two each until an exchange of shots to the face staggers them both. McDonagh gets two off a sunset flip and goes up top, only to miss a moonsault. A high angle spinebuster gives Crews the pin at 13:55.

Rating: B. That’s quite the surprise ending as I would have bet on McDonagh winning again to set up another title match down the line. The interesting thing here is that Crews finally gets a win that feels like it matters after a few months of just kind of being there. He’ll probably lose to someone in his next big match, but he has to win something to maintain some credibility.

Mandy Rose is ready to beat Alba Fyre because she is a superstar.

Javier Bernal is ready to face Axiom, ignoring that he is injured. With Axiom out of action, what about Ilja Dragunov? Eh he’s out too, so maybe anyone from Gallus? Oh yeah they’re all suspended. Well find him someone then! This was actually somewhat funny so I’ll go with shocked at Bernal being moderately entertaining for a change.

Here is Booker T. to moderate the contract signing between Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams. Hayes is proud to be in Booker’s Fave Five, but Booker isn’t sure about that. Lee says Hayes isn’t the A Champion anymore but Hayes says the fifteen minutes of fame end next week. Lee is ready for his first title defense because he is ready to prove himself again. They both sign and Williams talks some trash with Lee but Booker isn’t going to let violence ensue.

T-Bar is still ready to come back.

Odyssey Jones hypes up Malik Blade and Edris Enofe, but he isn’t wild on Blade’s sweater. Blade talks about how it is a tribute to his father, who wanted him to look nice.

Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs vs. Dyad

Fallon Henley and the rest of Schism is here too. Fowler slugs away on Jensen to start but gets taken down with a running faceplant. Briggs comes in for a flying shoulder and it’s quickly back to Jensen. Everything breaks down and Jensen gets knocked off the apron, leaving Reed to suicide dive him into the announcers’ table in a nasty crash. Briggs is right back up to clean house, including throwing Reid into the ropes on the floor, with Briggs clotheslining him out of the air. Cue Kiana James to go after Henley, earning herself a slap. Back inside and a double Codebreaker finishes Briggs at 4:10.

Rating: C. Well at least Schism didn’t talk. Pushing the Dyad as a team is a fine enough idea, though it isn’t going to matter until they actually win the titles. Kiana James as a thorn in the country boys’/Henley’s side is interesting, but she’ll need a team of her own to fight them at some point. For now though, costing them a win works well enough.

Shawn Michaels joins us for an announcement of a new match: the Iron Survivor Challenge. There will be a men’s and women’s match at Deadline with five entrants each. Two wrestlers will start and every five minutes, a new one will be added until all five are in. You win with the most falls in 25 minutes, with falls coming via pinfall, submission or DQ. If you win a fall, you get a point, but the person who loses the fall is put in a penalty match for 90 seconds. The winner is the new #1 contender, with entrants being announced in the coming weeks. So it’s a gauntlet Iron Man Penalty Box match? That’s quite a few things combined.

Indi Hartwell vs. Tatum Paxley

Ivy Nile is in Paxley’s corner. Paxley sends her into the corner to start but Hartwell does the same. A hiptoss is broken up so Hartwell knocks her down with a shot to the face. The chinlock doesn’t keep Paxley down very long as she makes the comeback, only to have Hartwell rip her mask off. Hartwell kicks her down and, after throwing the mask to Nile, hits a running forearm to the back of the had for the pin at 4:00.

Rating: C. Reheating Hartwell is a good idea and I’m curious to see just how far they’ll take her. She hit rock bottom for a good while and was even a regular on LVL Up so there isn’t much further she can fall. She didn’t need to cheat to beat Paxley here so it could have been a lot worse. Paxley continues to be just kind of there, but at least she’s getting on TV.

Scrypts was here but is already gone because he is too smart and fast to be caught. You’ll see how smart he is next week so do you want to play a game? So he’s Jigsaw?

Roxanne Perez congratulates Indi Hartwell on her win but wasn’t it too far to rip off Tatum Paxley’s mask? Hartwell doesn’t care because she wants in the Iron Survivor Challenge. The heel turn continues to work.

Women’s Title: Mandy Rose vs. Alba Fyre

Mandy is defending in a Last Woman Standing match. Fyre starts fast and knocks her outside to start. Some rams into the barricade knock Rose sillier and Fyre grabs some weapons from underneath the ring. The delay lets Fyre grab a slam on the floor but she’s right back with a half crab back inside.

We take a break and come back with Fyre hitting a dive off the top to take Rose out on the floor. Rose is back up with some ladder shots against the barricade to put Fyre in trouble but she’s back with a trashcan shot. Rose barely beats the count and they fight into the crowd, with Rose knocking her off the barricade.

Fyre fights up and knocks a diving Rose out of the air. A Gory Bomb onto the apron lets Fyre put her on the announcers’ table. Fyre goes up a ladder….and Isla Dawn pops up on the other side to send Fyre through the table. Rose beats the count at 11:56 to retain the title again.

Rating: B-. They had a good fight here, even with the screwy finish. What matters is keeping the title on Rose, which I wouldn’t have bet on coming in. NXT needs someone who can take the title off of her and I’m not sure who that is at the moment. At least it wasn’t Jayne or Dolin interfering in the end here, even if Fyre has to lose in another big match.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event felt big and Crews vs. McDonagh was a good match, which is enough to carry this week. The rest of the show was pretty in the middle at best, but I’ll take two rather good matches out of six on a weekly show. Other than that, they set up things for the future, though I’m not sure how well the Iron Survivor deal will go. For now though, nice week of TV as we are on the wa to a bigger show next month.

Bron Breakker b. Von Wagner – Spear
Indus Sher b. George Cannon/Ariel Dominguez – Side slam/Middle rope elbow combination to Dominguez
Apollo Crews b. JD McDonagh – Spinebuster
Dyad b. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen – Double Codebreaker to Briggs
Indi Hartwell b. Tatum Paxley – Running forearm to the back of the head
Mandy Rose b. Alba Fyre when Fyre didn’t answer the ten count



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NXT – November 1, 2022: Punt, Perhaps In A Baseball Sense

Date: November 1, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are into the final two months of the year and heading towards Deadline in December. It would seem that JD McDonagh is on his way towards the next shot at Bron Breakker, where he is probably a favorite to win the title. Now though the question is who shows up from the main roster this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Bron Breakker to get things going. He talks about how great a night Halloween Havoc was, and not just for him. We hear about Wes Lee winning the North American Title, but here is Pretty Deadly to interrupt. They don’t think much of Breakker retaining his title again but Breakker mocks their accents.

Cue Wes Lee to praise Pretty Deadly’s hair and Breakker is willing to let Pretty Deadly have the spotlight. Pretty Deadly poses for a picture (meaning a lot of hip thrusting) but Breakker says someone is going to interrupt. That would be Breakker and Lee, who want the Tag Team Titles. Prince: “There is no way this night could get any worse.” Cue R-Truth and yeah it’s worse. This was a bit of an out of nowhere title challenge, which makes me think the change in the World Series schedule might have messed up NXT’s plans.

R-Truth vs. Grayson Waller

Waller gets sent into the corner to start but comes out with a shoulder. A mock of You Can’t See Me earns Waller a trip down and Truth grabs a headlock. Back up and an STO drops Truth but he rolls away before Waller can try the elbow. They head outside with Truth hitting a big flip dive and we take a break. We come back with…..the match being stopped due to an injury to R-Truth at 7:13. Truth didn’t quite clear the ropes on that dive and hurt his knee. Oh that’s never good to see.

Rating: C. Oh that doesn’t look good. You never want to see anyone get hurt in any way and a knee is one of the scariest possibilities. It doesn’t help that Truth is in his late 40s and probably doesn’t have much time left in the ring. Hopefully he isn’t severely hurt and only needs some ice, but we could be waiting for a long time before he’s back out there.

Post match Waller brags about his win (which came on his own) over a 20 year vet.

We get a sitdown interview with Schism, with Ava Raine saying no one but Schism ever took the time to get to know her. She got hurt early in training and no one who had “known her for years” checked on her. The rest of the team talks about how much they care and can’t help what people think about them. And no, Raine isn’t brainwashed, but she will help Joe Gacy against Cameron Grimes next week. You mean the lack of a Get Well Soon card means we have to sit through MORE Schism???

Javier Bernal talks to Edris Enofe and Malik Blade outside of Shawn Michaels’ office. He was told to be here to find out about his match tonight, but Odyssey Jones comes out. Jones will face Bernal tonight.

Kiana James gives her assistant an envelope.

Indi Hartwell and Zoey Stark get in one of those “only WWE women argue like this” arguments and a match is set for later.

Andre Chase gives Thea Hail a pep talk before her match but she doesn’t feel right. There is no Bodie Hayward, but Duke Hudson breaks through a wall and offers to carry the flag.

Thea Hail vs. Kiana James

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson are in Hail’s corner. Hail is rather fired up to start but James takes her to the mat for an early armbar. It takes Hail a bit to fight back but she sends James into the corner, setting up the running flip neckbreaker. Back up and James hits her running reverse Sling Blade for two, as Hudson puts the foot on the rope. That’s too much for Chase, who ejects him on principle. Another reverse Sling Blade finishes Hail at 4:18.

Rating: C. The Chase University story was one of the best things in NXT and while Chase can still do some very funny things, you can feel that some of the energy is gone and the idea is starting to fall off. It doesn’t help when you have Duke Hudson, who is good but not the most exciting, guy there to bring it down (which does seem to be the point) and Hail losing, but hopefully they can figure out something to salvage it in some way.

Post match Charlie Dempsey returns and jumps Chase from behind, drawing Duke Hudson out for the save. Hail isn’t sure if she can trust Hudson but seems to enough.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen/Fallon Henley are ready to watch the main event. Kiana James’ assistant comes up to deliver the envelope from earlier to Henley. The trio reads the papers but don’t say anything about them.

Mr. Stone interrupts Wes Lee and Bron Breakker to ask why Von Wagner hasn’t gotten a title shot. Breakker tells him to get out.

Odyssey Jones vs. Javier Bernal

This is Jones’ first match in several months after a knee injury. Jones runs him over to start and then does it again for a bonus. Bernal gets smart by going after the legs to take the much bigger Jones down, setting up a sleeper. With that broken up, Jones has had enough and grabs a swinging Boss Man Slam for the pin at 4:21.

Rating: C. I’m not quite as all in on Jones as some but he does make for a good big man to crush people like Bernal. Jones is someone who could be a rather nice addition to the roster in some places and that is a good thing to have. Bernal….I know you need jobbers, but was he really the best that they had available?

Here is Toxic Attraction to celebrate Mandy Rose reaching one year as NXT Women’s Champion. Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin both congratulate her, talking about how she has beaten everyone and turned Toxic Attraction into one of the most important factions in the history of NXT. They send us to a video looking at her rather long title reign.

Rose: “Not bad for a piece of eye candy huh?”. She knows no one can stop her and thanks Dolin and Jayne for helping bring Toxic Attraction to the top. The numbers don’t lie and she wants some respect on her name. Anyone in the locker room knows where to find her so here is Alba Fyre. Dolin is put through a table and Fyre says Jayne is next, with Rose to follow.

Apollo Crews thinks NXT wants to see him face Bron Breakker because Crews is a matchup problem for anyone. Crews thinks Breakker is running from him, but Von Wagner comes in to say he’s next for Breakker. Please no.

Scrypts calls the Performance Center again and says being in NXT almost feels like home. We also see security footage of him spray painting his name on the wall.

Indi Hartwell vs. Zoey Stark

Nikkita Lyons is here with Stark, who gets caught by the wrist to start. Back up and Stark hits a springboard spinning crossbody as the lights go out for a bit (seems a bit planned). The lights come back up (after not going all the way out) as Stark works on Hartwell’s arm for a change. Stark gets clotheslined to the floor and the frustration is on as we take a break.

Back with Stark stomping Hartwell down in the corner, even as Lyons tells her to cool it. Stark teases taking her outside for a powerbomb through the announcers’ table but Stark talks her out of it. Back in and Stark kicks her in the face, setting up a clothesline to the back of the head for the pin at 9:48.

Rating: C+. The reheating of Hartwell continues and I’m still not sure how interesting Starks really is. Having her lose her temper isn’t quite an enticing story and having her with Lyons doesn’t exactly help things. Maybe they can get somewhere with her, but it’s not quite clicking yet.

The man who appears to be T-Bar talks about how this is his authority.

Valentina Feroz wants Sanga in his corner but Veer comes in to interrupt them. Sanga says he can’t do it as Wendy Choo watches from behind.

Nikkita Lyons has to calm Zoey Stark from going after the taunting Kayden Carter and Katana Chance.

Valentina Feroz vs. Cora Jade

Feroz looks rather upset on the way to the ring but she’s fine enough to take Jade down. A running knee sends Jade outside and Feroz sends her right back inside. Jade gets in a shot to the face and we hit the choke. Feroz breaks that up but misses a high crossbody, allowing Jade to hit a DDT for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: C. This was quick as it should have been, as Jade is rising up the heel side and Feroz is best known for being part of a tag team that is on the shelf at the moment. The lack of Sanga seemed to shake Feroz up and somehow they have set the story up so that makes a good bit of sense. There was no way Feroz should have won here, but at least the loss was logical.

Post match Jade goes after Feroz with her stick but Wendy Choo makes the save.

Stacks tells Tony D’Angelo that he took care of that thing. D’Angelo sees Stacks like his own son getting started. Elektra Lopez comes in to say she’s her own boss now and will be even more dangerous.

Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Wes Lee/Bron Breakker

Lee and Breakker are challenging. Lee sunset flips Wilson to start and then rolls him up for two more. Wilson gets annoyed when Lee flips away from him so it’s off to Prince. Breakker comes in for a backdrop and running clothesline to drop him hard. Stereo Frankensteiners take the Champs down and we go to a break.

Back with Lee dropkicking Prince through the ropes to the floor but Wilson jumps him from behind. Lee is thrown back in and elbowed down by Wilson so the beating can continue. A quick shot allows the tag off to Breakker though and a Steiner Bulldog puts Prince down. Breakker suplexes both of them and nips up, meaning it’s back to Lee and everything breaks down. Cue Carmelo Hayes for a distraction though and Lee gets rolled up to retain the titles at 12:00.

Rating: C+. This felt like something you would see at a house show and that isn’t a bad thing for a thrown together TV main event. Singles champions vs. team champions is a fine way to go, though I could have gone without Lee taking a pin. At least they had some shenanigans with Hayes interfering, but I also don’t need Hayes going after the North American Title again.

Lee and Hayes fight away and it’s Von Wagner coming in to jump Breakker.

Apollo Crews is watching in the back when JD McDonagh comes up. McDonagh doesn’t see Crews’ vision of being NXT Champion coming true.

Overall Rating: C+. The more I think about this show, the more I think that they pulled back a bit because baseball was moved into the time slot. That’s fine for a one off show as they didn’t know they were going up against the World Series until yesterday. Punt things until next week when you have a bigger audience and make this more of a stand alone show with previews for next week. For what it was, this was perfectly acceptable, but it’s not worth your time.

Grayson Waller b. R-Truth via referee stoppage
Kiana James b. Thea Hail – Reverse Sling Blade
Odyssey Jones b. Javier Bernal – Swinging Boss Man Slam
Indi Hartwell b. Zoey Stark – Running clotheslines to the back of the head
Cora Jade b. Valentina Feroz – DDT
Pretty Deadly b. Wes Lee/Bron Breakker – Rollup to Lee



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NXT LVL Up – October 28, 2022: They Did It Once

Date: October 28, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

And here we go again, with more of the same batch of people having matches against each other over and over. There are very few people who can rise up the ranks (or Level/LVL Up if you will), save for maybe Miles Borne in the last few weeks. Maybe that ride continues this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Stacks vs. Tank Ledger

Tony D’Angelo is on commentary. Stacks bounces off of the bigger Ledger to start and it’s time to crank on the arm. Ledger runs him over with a shoulder and a slam sends Stacks outside. A kick to the face drops Ledger on the floor as D’Angelo invites Saxton to dinner next weekend. The chinlock doesn’t work very well for Stacks and the comeback is on including a running crossbody for two. Stacks is right back with some running shots to the face, setting up a running elbow drop for the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C-. Stacks continues to be one of those guys who is just there in NXT and not doing anything, though to be fair he’s just a lackey who is keeping the D’Angelo stuff warm until he is back to health. That should be the case in a few weeks, but until then, Stacks is little more than just a guy having not very good matches.

Trick Williams is on the phone but stops talking about a vacation to be ready for Brooks Jensen. Williams isn’t worried because he has the FLASH.

Thea Hail vs. Jakara Jackson

Andre Chase is here with Hail and Duke Hudson is in the student section. Hail grabs a headlock to start but Jackson takes her down by the hair. We hit the armbar and Hail can’t quite roll out of it. Hudson busts out the Chase U flag and Hail powers out and starts the comeback. The faceplant cutter finishes Jackson at 4:32.

Rating: C-. Jackson has a great look but didn’t exactly come off as someone who had any chance of winning here. That being said, sometimes you have to get your feet wet and this is as good of a way as anything else. At the same time, Hail gets to win to boost herself up a bit, even if it was just an extended workout.

Brooks Jensen vs. Trick Williams

Josh Briggs is here with Jensen. They fight over arm control to start with neither being able to get very far. A flying headscissors of all things takes Williams down but he’s fine enough to tie Jensen in the ring skirt to stomp away and take over. Back in and a jumping clothesline drops Jensen for two and we hit the cravate. That’s broken up and Jensen snaps off a powerslam for a needed breather. The comeback is on and Jensen fakes Williams out from the ring skirt, only to have his high crossbody punched out of the air. Jensen is fine enough to hit a quick Fameasser for the pin at 6:10.

Rating: C. Williams is someone who is decent enough to be a bit better than Carmelo Hayes’ lackey and he was showcasing some of that here. This was a completely watchable match and it went fine for both of them. Jensen is doing fine with the country boy deal, but the team has definitely lost some steam since losing the titles.

Overall Rating: C. Yeah what else are you expecting here? The good thing is that they did have the star power up a bit this time around, as you can only get so far with the same NXT rookies. Having people like Jensen, Hail and D’Angelo does boost things up a bit, which is what this show has been dying for in recent weeks. Granted it isn’t likely to last, but I’ll take it as a one off.

Stacks b. Tank Ledger – Running elbow drop
Thea Hail b. Jakara Jackson – Faceplant cutter
Brooks Jensen b. Trick Williams – Fameasser



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NXT – October 11, 2022: It’s Not Looking So Scary

Date: October 11, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re rapidly approaching Halloween Havoc and that means we might need some more matches added to the show. The main event is already set and tonight we get another name added to the North American Title match as Axiom and Nathan Frazer wrap up their best of three series. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Javier Bernal vs. Bron Breakker

Non-title and here is JD McDonagh to join commentary. Breakker wrestles him down with ease to start and grabs an armbar. A belly to belly drops Bernal but he’s back up with a shot of his own. A shove to the face annoys Breakker though and he throws Bernal down. The gorilla press powerslam finishes Bernal at 3:18.

Rating: C-. This was just a step above a squash as Bernal got in just as much offense as you would expect him to get in such a match. There is no reason to have it be anything else and it’s fun to see Bernal get beaten up. Breakker continues to learn in the ring so keeping it short against lesser proven names is a good idea.

Post match McDonagh gets in the ring for the showdown and Ilja Dragunov comes in to join them. The brawl is on and Dragunov’s Torpedo hits Breakker, despite looking like he was aiming at McDonagh.

NXT North American Title Match Qualifying Match: Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer

In addition to being a qualifying match, this is the rubber match in a best of three series. Feeling out process to start with Frazer taking him down and smirking a bit. Axiom gets in his own takedown and…..well I’m assuming smirks back. They go with some grappling and Axiom takes him down with a headlock to slow things down a bit. Back up and Frazer pulls him out of the corner as we take a break.

We come back with the fight heading outside, where Frazer hits a Nightmare on Helm Street to put them both down for a bit. Frazer takes him down back inside and goes up top but dives into a triangle choke. That’s broken up so Axiom switches to a rear naked choke. Frazer escapes again and they trade kicks to the face. A double clothesline leaves both of them down and the fans applaud. Back up and Axiom knees him in the head and they go to a pinfall reversal sequence. Frazer finally gets the better of it and cradles him for the pin at 12:50.

Rating: B-. These two work well together and it was nice to see them getting to do their thing for a third time. I was expecting some kind of a draw to put them both in the ladder match so it was a bit refreshing to have a twist. Frazer winning is probably the better choice, though Axiom came out of the series looking good as well.

Post match, respect is show.

Ilja Dragunov is leaving but gets cut off by Grayson Waller. After Waller is a bit annoying, Dragunov mocks Waller’s sunglasses and a match seems to be made for later.

Valentina Feroz wants Sanga in her corner tonight and of course he’ll be there. Indi Hartwell comes in to suggest that Feroz is in trouble.

Apollo Crews writes in his journal about how changing one detail can make a huge difference. He is ready to get his hands on Grayson Waller at Halloween Havoc. The vision seems to be a bunch of clips of Halloween Havocs past, plus Chuckie from Child’s Play. He promises to leave Waller in the dark.

Indi Hartwell vs. Valentina Feroz

Sanga is here with Feroz. The much bigger Hartwell powers her up against the ropes to start and slams her down a few times for two. Hartwell grabs the chinlock and here is Veer to take Sanga to the back with him. Feroz doesn’t notice at first as she grabs a short armscissors. That’s broken up so she puts it on again, only to realize that Sanga is gone. The distraction lets Hartwell grab a superplex for the pin at 3:32.

Rating: C-. Hartwell is at least starting to put something back together but she has still fallen a long way. Other than that you have Feroz, who seems to be more of a pawn in the Indus Sher reunion. That’s a shame as I like Sanga, but I guess we need an evil foreign menace team instead, because that’s what we have been missing.

Post match Pretty Deadly pops up on the platform in an overly large cowboy hat and one of those hats with two beer cans on the side. They mock fans cheering for sports teams and the idea of anyone being a real challenge to them.

Cora Jade is annoyed at her lack of respect and it gets even worse when she finds out that Roxanne Perez is going to be on Smackdown this week.

Malik Blade/Edris Enofe vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Dyad

For the Halloween Havoc Tag Team Title shot. The Dyad takes over on Jensen to start but he punches his way to freedom and brings in Briggs to run the Dyad over. Enofe gets punched into the ropes, setting up the slides underneath the ropes and stereo right hands. The Dyad gets knocked to the floor for a meeting with Joe Gacy, allowing Fowler to come back in for a suplex on Enofe.

Briggs comes in to clean house and cuts off Reed despite a blind tag. Reed is thrown over the top and onto the pile at ringside, followed by Jensen hitting a big flip dive off the top for a wipeout. We take a break and come back with a Tower of Doom taking Blade down further than anyone else.

Briggs comes in and gets to clean house, including going to the floor, picking Enofe up, throwing him off the ropes, and clotheslining him out of the air (that was cool). Blade gets the tag and starts to clean house as everything breaks down. We hit a long string of strikes to the face until Enofe and Blade clear the ring. The back to back running dives take down the other four but Gacy drops Enofe with a discus lariat. Cue Cameron Grimes to take Gacy out and Enofe pins Reed at 12:29.

Rating: C+. This was all action and they didn’t try to do anything else. It makes sense to have something like this on a show just to spice things up a bit and the winner makes for an interesting setup. If nothing else, Blade and Enofe needed a win to get them somewhere and why not let them have a title shot? It isn’t like they have anything to lose.

Toxic Attraction want their Women’s Tag Team Title match and promise violence.

Kiana James wants to shut down Chase U because the land it’s on is really valuable.

Alba Fyre vs. Jacy Jayne

Gigi Dolin is here with Jayne and offers a distraction to start. Jayne knocks Fyre into the corner and looks a bit too cocky early on. Fyre fights back up and slugs away but can’t hit a Gory Bomb. A fireman’s carry slam gives Fyre two and some frustration is setting in. Instead it’s another Dolin distraction to annoy Fyre, meaning she hits a running dive to take both of them out at ringside. Back in and the Gory Bomb finishes Jayne at 3:32.

Rating: C. This is one of those stories that you know by heart as soon as the match is announced and that isn’t a bad thing. What matters is keeping Alba warmed up before her title match and so far, that is working well. You can pencil in the Gigi Dolin match from here and it should go rather well with the story they are telling.

Post match a fan jumps Fyre and it’s…..Sonya Deville. The beating is on with Fyre getting triple powerbombed through the announcers’ table.

Joe Gacy promises to end Cameron Grimes 3-1 because Grimes has no one to help him. Their follower in the red hoodie pops up behind the team as they leave.

Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Quincy Elliott and Hank Walker are ready for a match next week. Walker gives him a quick spank and Elliott thanks him.

Wes Lee vs. Stacks

Stacks takes him down by the leg to start but Lee is right back up with a shot to the face. Back up and Stacks goes for the leg and grabs a leglock. A torture rack neckbreaker gets two on Lee so Stacks goes up, only to get pulled back down. The Spiral Tap gives Lee the pin at 3:58.

Rating: C. Well you can see why Stacks is the lackey to Tony D’Angelo rather than the other way around. Stacks is one of the more generic stars that you will see in NXT as he just didn’t have anything to make him stand out. He did everything fine, but the crowd didn’t seem interested and Lee’s Spiral Tap was about the only interesting part. Not bad, but dull.

Post match Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes come in to beat Lee down but Oro Mensah makes the save.

Sonya Deville likes Toxic Attraction and doesn’t like Alba Fyre. Next week, Deville will be waiting in the ring for her.

Roderick Strong, in a neck brace, is wheeled in to see the Creed Brothers and wants Julius to take out Damon Kemp at Halloween Havoc. Strong apologizes for ruining everything by bringing Kemp in and is forgiven. If you can’t see how this is going at Halloween Havoc, you aren’t paying enough attention.

Thea Hail vs. Kiana James

The bell rings and Mr. Stone runs in to say he can’t enjoy Von Wagner’s win last week because Thea Hail slapped him. Stone charges at him and gets backdropped but James hits a reverse Sling Blade (401K) to finish Hail at 1:18. Sounds like a teachable moment.

Tony D’Angelo on crutches comes in to say he’s disappointed in Stacks for losing and for not listening to him. Stacks has another match next week, but D’Angelo won’t say against who.

Von Wagner tells Mr. Strong that he needs to be serious for two weeks.

Cameron Grimes seems to have some friends for next week.

Cora Jade has an invitation from Rhea Ripley to come to Raw, so HA Roxanne Perez.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Grayson Waller

Dragunov takes him down to start and works on the armbar. A jumping backsplash and running knee in the corner put Waller down again as this is one sided so far. Back up and Waller gets in a shot to the face to take over and even mocks his conducting. Oh and he mocks the Spinarooni, which has Booker annoyed as well.

We take a break and come back with Dragunov hitting some shots to the back, setting up a jumping enziguri. Waller knocks him right back down though and hits the middle rope elbow for two. Dragunov comes back with the 6 1 Line but a takedown sets up Waller’s choke. A neck snap across the top has Dragunov down so he goes to the floor….where the Spin The Wheel Make The Deal wheel appears and starts spinning (on its own). Back in and Dragunov rolls some suplexes, setting up the Torpedo for the pin at 11:05.

Rating: C+. The wheel thing was a little weird but Apollo Crews is doing a lot of weird things as of late. Dragunov winning here helps establish him a bit more in NXT, where he is still brand new. This should give him a small boost on the way to Halloween Havoc and I’d like to see what happens to him in what could be a wild triple threat.

Post match Bron Breakker runs in and spears Dragunov down. JD McDonagh applauds to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Not exactly a strong week from NXT here as they don’t have anything that has me overly interested for Halloween Havoc. The NXT Title match should be good, but it doesn’t feel like a story that is head and shoulders above everything else. The problem is that nothing else on the show does either and I’m not exactly interested in what they’re doing so far. Maybe they can change that next week, and at this point, they need to. Decent enough action this week and it wasn’t bad, but it didn’t make me more interested in their big show and that’s not good.

Bron Breakker b. Javier Bernal – Gorilla press powerslam
Nathan Frazer b. Axiom – Rollup
Indi Hartwell b. Valentina Feroz – Superplex
Malik Blade/Edris Enofe b. Dyad and Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen – Rollup to Reed
Alba Fyre b. Jacy Jayne – Gory Bomb
Wes Lee b. Stacks – Spiral Tap
Kiana James b. Thea Hail – 401K
Ilja Dragunov b. Grayson Waller – Torpedo




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NXT LVL Up – September 30, 2022: Let’s Watch Two (And I Did)

Date: September 30, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Sudu Shah

It’s another week of the NXT B show, which says a lot as NXT is a C show at best. That doesn’t leave much to get excited about around here, but they do things fast and have found a formula that works well enough. I don’t know what to expect this week but you can probably guess a lot of the names. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Javier Bernal vs. Ru Feng

Bernal grabs a headlock to start but gets punched back without much trouble. Feng is back with an armdrag into an armbar as the fans chant for Mortal Kombat. That’s reversed into a whip into the corner and Bernal is back with a hard clothesline for two. The chinlock goes on, followed by an elbow to the face for two on Feng. We’re already off to the second chinlock but Feng fights up and kicks away. A missed charge into the corner lets Bernal grab a jumping Downward Spiral for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: C-. I’m still not sure why Bernal got called up to the main NXT show as he is one of the most uninteresting guys in the ring. There is nothing to him to set him apart and yet he gets a promotion for whatever reason. Other than that you have Feng, who is your standard martial arts guy from about 1986. What were they expecting from this one?

Guru Raaj and Ikemen Jiro are ready for tonight’s main event and say so via subtitles.

Valentina Feroz vs. Thea Hail

Hail takes her down by the arm to start but Feroz is right back up to drop Hail hard. Some suplexes give Feroz two and we hit the cravate. Hail fights up again and gets a breather but Feroz pulls her into a sleeper. That’s fine with Hail though, who backflips into a rollup for the pin at 4:37.

Rating: C. Hail is growing on me and she is great as the overly enthusiastic college girl who happens to be kind of smooth in the ring. It worked well here and the win over Feroz is probably something of an upset. I don’t know how far either of them are going to go in NXT, but Hail being attached to Chase U at the moment should take her pretty far.

Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Ikemen Jiro/Guru Raaj

Blade runs Jiro over but a nip up means a comparison of jacket vs. vest. It’s off to Enofe for a headlock but Raaj comes in off a blind tag and hits a basement dropkick. Enofe is back up and sends Raaj to the floor for a dive before taking it back inside. Raaj is sent into the corner and Blade/Enofe don’t seem to be overly worried. Enofe misses a dive in the corner though and it’s Jiro coming in to clean house. Jiro hits a slingshot dropkick to the side of the head and adds a Swanton for two on Blade. The Ikemen Slash misses though and the Climax gives Blade the pin at 6:52.

Rating: C. This was a completely watchable tag match and I’m glad to see Enofe and Blade being treated as a decent team for once. Jiro is always smooth in the ring and Raaj was fine here as well. They even had a story with Enofe and Blade getting too cocky to get them in trouble. Good enough for a main event here.

Overall Rating: C. Another run of the mill show here, which is the case far too often. It is so run of the mill most weeks that I watched last week’s show again, thinking it was this week’s and never noticed the difference. They need something to make this show stand out more and I have no reason to believe they will be doing so anytime soon. As usual it’s not worth getting annoyed over a 28 minute show, but do something to spice it up a bit, please.

Javier Bernal b. Ru Feng – Jumping Downward Spiral
Thea Hail b. Valentina Feroz – Rollup
Edris Enofe/Malik Blade b. Ikemen Jiro/Guru Raaj – Climax to Jiro



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NXT UK – August 11, 2022: Their Run Of The Mill Style

Date: August 11, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studio, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re in a new world around here as the United Kingdom Title is vacant and that means it is time for a tournament to crown a new one. Other than that, we have the usual issues to deal with, likely meaning an NXT guest star and some stuff in the pretty decent women’s division. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We recap Ilja Dragunov getting injured and the need for a title tournament.

United Kingdom Title Tournament First Round: Oliver Carter vs. Charlie Dempsey

The rest of Die Familie is here with Dempsey and Carter is coming in with a banged up knee. Both of them get inset promos promising to win. Carter isn’t having any of this Die Familie posing before the bell and jumps Dempsey to start fast. A clothesline puts Dempsey on the floor and there’s the slingshot dive, with the knee holding up well enough. Back in and Dempsey sends him hard into the corner so the leg hits the ropes.

Dempsey takes him down by the leg for some rather painful looking cranking. Carter fights up and tries a springboard, only to hurt his leg again. Of course Dempsey is fine with going after an injured limb, setting up a northern lights suplex for two. Carter kicks out of a kneebar attempt so Dempsey ties up the leg again and fires off some forearms to the chest.

A leg trap dragon suplex gets two on Carter but that’s escaped as well. Some forearms stagger Dempsey to start Carter’s comeback but his knee gives out again. A Rock Bottom gives Carter two so he tries the superkick, only to have his knee fail one more time. Another dragon screw legwhip sets up a half crab….which Carter reverses into a cradle for the pin at 9:11.

Rating: C+. Carter has come a long way and it is nice to see him getting a chance like this. He has no chance of winning the title but he got a win here and gets to keep going for one more match. It’s also weird seeing Dempsey get pinned, but he is the kind of guy who is going to be able to have a spot for as long as he wants as there is always room for a technical star.

After last week’s #1 contenders main event ended in a mess, Blair Davenport, Eliza Alexander, Amale and Isla Dawn had to be separated.

Tyler Bate is ready to be United Kingdom Champion again.

Eliza Alexander vs. Thea Hail

Alexander fires off forearms to start but gets flipped into the corner for her efforts. Back up and Hail hits a quick dropkick but gets sent hard into the corner. There’s a hair toss to start working on the hair and a camel clutch to work on Hail’s…..camels? Hail powers up and hits an enziguri but a standing moonsault hits raised knees. Alexander hits a running kick to the face for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: C-. Hail has a lot of energy and her charisma in the Chase U segments are great, but the matches aren’t quite clicking yet. It’s also a little weird to see her lose here when she’s treated as something of a project, especially to Xia Brookside’s enforcer. Not much of a match, with something of an odd result.

Amale is immediately interrupted by Nina Samuels, who calls Amale no hope to the French whatsoever. Amale rants in French before switching to English to say she’ll go through anyone to become champion, including Samuels.

Andre Chase finishes explaining why we don’t have a U in the word “color” but Eddie Dennis comes in to besmirch this university. Chase: “WHO THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???” This is a TEACHABLE MOMENT and somehow Dennis gets a match with….Saxton Huxley? Dennis vs. Chase is as obvious of a path as you can get around here.

Teoman vs. Sam Gradwell

Rohan Raja is here with Teoman. Gradwell grinds away on a headlock to start but Teoman is back with a slap to the face. This goes as well as expected as Gradwell punches him in the face a few times, followed by a clothesline out to the floor. A Raja distraction lets Teoman sweep the leg on the apron though and we hit the chinlock back inside.

Gradwell powers up and tosses him away, with Teoman coming up holding his ankle. Even Gradwell doesn’t buy this but Raja grabs him from behind for a neck snap across the top. Teoman’s sliding forearm gets two so Gradwell fights up and slugs away. Raja gets caught pulling Gradwell off the ropes though and that’s an ejection. The distraction lets Gradwell hit a Samoan driver for the pin at 5:45.

Rating: C. Commentary was putting over how far Gradwell has come and that is absolutely right. He has gone from little more than another person without much of a personality to being the one who stands up to evildoers. That is the kind of spot that could serve him well as he is intense enough to make it work, which is exactly what he is doing.

Mark Coffey is in Sid Scala’s office when Noam Dar comes in, saying they need to talk. Dar wants a rematch and that’s fine with Coffey, who tells Scala to make a rubber match. Scala will get on that.

United Kingdom Title Tournament First Round: Wolfgang vs. Trent Seven

They take their time to start until Wolfgang shoulders him down. An armdrag into an armbar has Seven in more trouble, followed by some shoulders driven into his shoulders. Wolfgang runs him over again and they head outside with Seven being whipped into the barricade. Seven cuts off a dive from the barricade though and the beating is on back inside.

We hit the chinlock with a knee in Wolfgang’s back until he powers up, only to have his ribs give out. The ribs are fine enough for a release German suplex, setting up a basement shoulder for a double breather. A suplex into a cutter gives Wolfgang two and a fireman’s carry gutbuster gets the same. Wolfgang knocks him off the top but the Howling only hits raised knees. The Birminghammer finishes for Seven at 8:56.

Rating: C+. Nice stuff here, as Seven gets a win to continue his run. He isn’t likely to win the title either but he is in a better spot than Wolfgang, who just lost his title shot. The match was good enough too, with Wolfgang getting to dominate until Seven caught him in the end.

Overall Rating: C+. The good thing about having a tournament is that you can have a good idea of how long it is going to run. Odds are this one is going to last for probably a month, which should give us some nice action and drama. Other than that, we had the usual nice show with a bit of everything mixed in. In other words, it was your run of the mill NXT UK.

Oliver Carter b. Charlie Dempsey – Rollup
Eliza Alexander b. Thea Hail – Running kick to the face
Sam Gradwell b. Teoman – Samoan driver
Trent Seven b. Wolfgang – Birminghammer



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NXT – August 9, 2022: It’s Too Early For Heat

Date: August 9, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We’re a week away from Heatwave and that means we need to get in the final push towards the show. In this case that means a few grudge matches, plus One Final Accord between Santos Escobar and Tony D’Angelo. Other than that, we have a bit of a twist with a rounds match between Wes Lee and Trick Williams. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Kayden Carter/Katana Chance winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles last week.

We get some rapid fire interviews from people wrestling tonight, including Trick Williams, Wes Lee, Cora Jade, Zoey Stark and Tony D’Angelo.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Kiana James

Before the bell, we get a quick promo from Lyons and Zoey Stark, who are ready to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. James fights out of an early suplex attempt and cranks on the arm. That’s switched to the knee, which is crushed in the corner before James takes her to the floor for a whip into the steps. Lyons fights back up with a German suplex and most of a nip up but James gets to the ropes. Back up and Lyons kicks her in the face, setting up the splits splash for the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C-. Nothing much to see here as Lyons gets a win to keep her on TV in a quick feud. James has a unique enough character but she still needs a win or two to make her seem important. That might be a little bit in the future, but at least she is getting in the ring on TV a bit more.

James jumps Lyons post match, because this feud is continuing for whatever reason.

Roderick Strong doesn’t like Apollo Crews watching film with the rest of Diamond Mine. A match seems to be made for tonight.

Lash Legend cuts off Malik Blade and talks about how amazing she was last week. This goes on so long that we just cut back to the arena.

Wes Lee vs. Trick Williams

Carmelo Hayes is here with Williams. This is a Rounds Match, meaning there are three six minute rounds with the first to two falls winning. You win by pinfall, submission or countout but a knockout or DQ instantly ends the match (it’s Heritage Cup rules if you watch NXT UK). They’re also both in boxing gloves, even though this isn’t a boxing match.

Round one begins with a lot of circling and then flailing but Williams hits a good shot. Lee slugs away in the corner and the round ends with Williams going down. They take the gloves off to start the second round and Lee grabs some armdrags. A slingshot dive to the floor connects for Lee but Hayes offers a distraction, allowing Williams to drop Lee for the first fall at 57 seconds of the round and 4:12 overall.

Round three begins during the break and we come back with the start of round four, with Williams still up 1-0 and wearing a boxing glove on his left hand. Lee grabs a rollup for the second fall to tie it up at 1:14 of the round and 9:32 overall, even with Williams’ feet on the ropes during the pin.

Williams blasts him with a left hand in between rounds and gets two at the start of the fifth round. Another shot to the face gives Williams two, followed by a suplex for the same. Lee fights back with some knees and a bulldog but stops to grab a boxing glove and knock Williams silly for the pin at 2:54 of the round and 12:44 overall.

Rating: C-. I usually like the rounds/Heritage Cup stuff but this was too wacky with the boxing being added. Just wrestle the gimmick match as is without adding in something else, as that’s too much for a match that fans aren’t likely to be used to in the first place. Lee winning was a bit of a surprise, though he could use the boost.

We go to Chase U where Andre Chase is talking to a woman we can’t see. Thea Hail comes and finds out that she has hurt Arianna Grace’s face. She and Bodie Hayward were doing something on the university’s campus and a ball hit Grace in the eye. Grace wants revenge so Chase makes a match for later. Actually she was thinking more along the lines of a lawsuit, which sends Chase into a rant about how this university solves things in the ring. Hail is excited for her first match and falls over something on the way out.

Carmelo Hayes is still in the ring to complain about Nathan Frazer interrupting the open challenge last week. Giovanni Vinci interrupts and says he’ll take that title shot right now. They’ll do it at Heatwave instead but the fight starts now, with neither being able to hit anything until referees break it up.

Video on Bron Breakker vs. JD McDonagh, with McDonagh playing more mind games and promising to wreck Breakker’s arm. Breakker is ready to hurt him but McDonagh says to never bet against an ace.

Lash Legend is still telling Blade about her match last week, with Edris Enofe now there too.

Thea Hail vs. Arianna Grace

The rest of Chase U is here with Hail. Grace takes her down and starts unloading with forearms but only hits Hail’s raised hands. Hail fights out of a chinlock and hits some elbows to the face, setting up a standing moonsault for two. Grace backs off while favoring her eye, only to sucker punch Hail. Wasteland (Barrett approves) finishes Hail at 3:50.

Rating: C-. Maybe it’s me not being a fan of the gimmick but I’m not getting into Grace whatsoever. The beauty queen thing isn’t clicking and feels like something that has been done better before. Hail losing is a bit depressing as well as she has done so well with the Chase U stuff. Not exactly a great match either, but Hail’s energy helped it a lot.

Apollo Crews is on his way to the ring and we seem to look into his mind’s eye, where a green video shows Diamond Mine down in a ring.

We look at Solo Sikoa beating Von Wagner in last week’s falls count anywhere match.

Sikoa has a PCL injury and he’s out 4-6 weeks. Cameron Grimes comes up to say congratulations. Sikoa says he’s coming for the North American Title next week but Grimes doesn’t seem to like being compared to him.

Apollo Crews vs. Roderick Strong

No Diamond Mine with Strong. They go with the grappling to start with Crews wrestling him down before crews drives him into the corner. Back up and Strong grabs his first backbreaker before dropping him onto his back again. Crews knocks him back and goes up, only to give into a dropkick to cut him down in a hurry.

Back with Strong working on a reverse chinlock before kneeing away at the ribs. A missed charge in the corner lets Crews make the clothesline comeback. The middle rope Blockbuster and a wheelbarrow suplex give Crews two but Strong suplexes him onto the apron. Another backbreaker is shrugged off and Crews muscles him into a fireman’s carry gutbuster. The spinebuster finishes for Crews at 15:23.

Rating: B-. Commentary was calling this a match of the year candidate for NXT and while that might be a bit much, it was certainly good. Crews is someone who can go move for move with just about anyone and Strong isn’t going to have a bad match most of the time. The problem is that everything else Strong does is about as uninteresting as you can get around here and it was hard to bring myself to get into anything he was doing.

Lash Legend is still talking until Malik Blade finally cuts her off to say she lost. Legend is offended by the interruption but Pretty Deadly comes in to defend her honor. A match is made.

Sanga is trying to give Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz advice but Katana Chance and Kayden Carter come in to offer them a title match. Feroz and Leon aren’t sure about this but Sanga offers to help them find inner peace.

The Diamond Mine are doing another film story on Apollo Crews’ suggestion. They see something that they don’t like but Roderick Strong comes in to yell at them for not being out there. Julius Creed yells about someone getting involved in the big tag match last week and is going to deal with it next week. Strong doesn’t want to hear about that and breaks Damon Kemp’s laptop.

We have one final accord between Santos Escobar and Tony D’Angelo. The meet outside the building and….sit down at a table to talk. They have the same argument they have had over and over about which family is better and how neither of them have accomplished anything. Escobar offers one final match between the two of them: if D’Angelo wins, Escobar is gone, but D’Angelo gets to keep the rest of Legado del Fantasma. If Escobar wins though, Legado is free. The match is on, and it’s a street fight. This was a long segment that could have been set up in a much faster segment.

Tiffany Stratton goes into her locker room where Wendy Choo (dang it) is waiting. Choo has night vision goggles on and turns the lights out, allowing her to beat up Stratton. Choo says this isn’t over, making me wonder WHY THE HECK IS THIS NOT OVER. There is NO reason for this to keep going, and stop acting like Choo is the heroine in any of this with her one “prank” and sneak attack after another.

Malik Blade/Edris Enofe vs. Pretty Deadly

Prince gets caught in the wrong corner for some early double teaming to start but a toss into an elbow cuts Blade down. Pretty Deadly goes to pose on the floor but here are Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley to chase them back inside. The hot tag brings in Enofe to clean house as everything breaks down. A quick Spilled Milk finishes for Prince at 4:32.

Rating: C. Pretty Deadly winning is fine enough, though it would be nice to have Blade and Enofe win a match every now and then. The good thing is that they are continuously on TV and not getting squashed, so they are being at least somewhat protected. I could go for another of these on a bigger stage, or at least without the interference in the middle.

Cameron Grimes doesn’t like being mocked for being knocked down during last week’s main event. The Schism comes up to offer their condolences and Grimes might be a bit more interested.

Nikkita Lyons gives Zoey Stark a pep talk before her match.

Video on Toxic Attraction, with Jacy Jayne liking rock music and Gigi Dolin playing by her own rules.

Apollo Crews is happy with his win but Grayson Waller comes in to ask why Crews is here. A match seems likely.

Zoey Stark vs. Cora Jade

Mandy Rose is on commentary. Stark armdrags her down to start and fires off some knees to the ribs. Jade gets in a few shots of her own, including a knee to the face for a needed breather. We take a break and come back with Jade cranking on the neck but missing a shot with her stick. Stark grabs a German suplex to get out of trouble before they slug it out.

Jade tries to jump over her in the corner but gets superkicked down for two, with Rose wanting Jade to make a comeback. A hammerlock DDT gives Jade two and something like Sliced Bread connects for the same. Jade goes for the stick but Roxanne Perez pops up to take it away. Stark hits another superkick and flips Jade into a knee to the face for the pin at 11:04.

Rating: C+. I liked that finisher from Stark and Jade is already finding her rhythm as a heel. The good thing is that they are continuing to figure out what they are doing with this women’s division and it feels like there are multiple directions they could go on any given week. That’s more than most women’s divisions can say so well done.

Post match Perez chases Jade off and Rose gets laid out by Stark’s flipping knee (with Rose going DOWN on contact) to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This one wasn’t working for me so well as a lot of the first half was pretty lame. Things got better later on in the show but I’m only kind of interested in what they have on tap for Heatwave. NXT tends to do well with the big shows though so there is a good chance they make it work. Not a great show this week, but next week is the one that matters.

Nikkita Lyons b. Kiana James – Splits splash
Wes Lee b. Trick Williams 2-1
Arianna Grace b. Thea Hail – Wasteland
Apollo Crews b. Roderick Strong – Spinebuster
Pretty Deadly b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – Spilled Milk to Enofe
Zoey Stark b. Cora Jade – Flipping knee to the face




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