Smackdown – March 28, 2025: He Finally Got There

Date: March 28, 2025
Location: 02 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re still in Europe and this time around we’re in a rather big location. The major attraction this week is actually a contract signing between CM Punk, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, which should make for some fireworks. Other than that, Braun Strowman is getting a US Title shot, which might attract some attention. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Various people came to work today.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Naturally the fans sing his song before Cody asks what they want to talk about. We get the dueling John Cena chants before they switch back to singing (positively) about Rhodes. He’s ready for Wrestlemania but on Monday, he and Cena will be face to face in the same arena.

Cue Randy Orton to interrupt and the fans get to sing again. Orton says he isn’t the sentimental type, but for the sake of London, he looks at Rhodes and can’t believe the man he has become. He remembers Rhodes in his early 20s, working harder than anyone but Rhodes realized that he needed to go somewhere else to grow. That took some guts, which Rhodes displayed again when he was facing Seth Rollins inside of the Cell and again when he beat Roman Reigns.

That was the end of the story, but now Rhodes is in another story. Orton respects him and loves him and he’s very proud. Now though, it is time for Wrestlemania and Orton is going to kick Kevin Owens’ head off. After Wrestlemania though, Orton is going to come after Rhodes and the title, but he’s going to look Rhodes in the eye and say he’s coming for this. Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt, saying he is sick of these nepo babies.

Orton has been back and took more time off, because people talk about McIntyre’s five minute World Title reign than Orton’s entire comeback. That’s why Wrestlemania should be McIntyre vs. Rhodes, but Damian Priest screwed that up. If Rhodes survives Cena, McIntyre is the one taking the title from him. The reality is that Orton looks great on the outside, but his back is hanging on by a thread. Orton tries a quick RKO but McIntyre bails out to the floor. This isn’t so much adding something new to Wrestlemania, but it’s teasing something for after Wrestlemania, which is important as well.

Tag Team Titles: Street Profits vs. Pretty Deadly

The Profits are defending. Dawkins headlocks Prince to start but it’s quickly off to Ford, who gets double hiptossed down. We take an early break and come back with Ford knocking Prince down and handing it back to Dawkins. A whip into the corner crotches Ford on top though and everything breaks down. Dawkins grabs a spinebuster to set up the frog splash but Ford hits the illegal Wilson, meaning Ford can get a rollup for two. A four way collision lets Pretty Deadly hit Spilled Milk on Dawkins with Ford making the save. The Doomsday Blockbuster retains the titles at 7:56.

Rating: C+. Pretty Deadly was getting to be more serious tonight in their home country and it was nice to see them getting to do something like this. They weren’t about to win the titles but the fans liked them and were into the match. There are a bunch of teams going for the belts at the moment and I hope that doesn’t result in a ladder match at Wrestlemania.

Earlier today, the Green Administration annoyed Zelina Vega and Kayden Carter/Katana Chance, with a tag match being set for tonight.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, as in the match from Wrestlemania XIII, is going into the Hall Of Fame. That’s a new concept.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Piper Niven/Alba Fyre

Chelsea Green is here with Niven and Fyre. Carter and Chance take Fyre down to start for a basement dropkick to the head. Fyre is sent outside for a pop up crossbody but Niven is back with a running crossbody. We take a break and come back with Carter fighting back, including a springboard spinning legdrop for two on Fyre. Niven accidentally crushes Fyre with a backsplash but Carter manages to Samoan drop Niven for a breather. Everything breaks down but Green offers a distraction to break up the After Party. The Piper Driver finishes Carter at 7:01.

Rating: C. You need to give the new evil team a win or two and that’s what we got here. Chance and Carter aren’t a great team but they’re good enough that people know who they are. It might not have been a great match, but it was the kind that set things off in the right direction for Niven and Fyre.

Post match the beatdown is on so Zelina Vega runs in to clear the ring, only for the numbers game to catch up with her.

US Title: Braun Strowman vs. LA Knight

Knight is defending and gets shoved down to start. A belly to back suplex isn’t happening for Knight so Strowman runs him over for two. Strowman gets low bridged to the floor, where he easily cuts Knight off with a big boot. We take a break and come back with Strowman charging into a boot in the corner to give Knight a needed breather.

Knight sends him into the corner and now the belly to back suplex connects. The jumping elbow gets two on Strowman but the BFT is easily blocked. Strowman knocks him to the floor for the train but Jacob Fatu jumps Strowman for the DQ at 6:19. Not enough shown to rate but they didn’t get very far into it anyway.

Post match Fatu easily takes both of them out, with the running hip attacks rocking Strowman in the corner. The Moonsault makes it even worse.

Jimmy Uso is fired up after slapping Gunther on Raw because he knows that Jey Uso can beat Gunther at Wrestlemania. He runs into Miz and Carmelo Hayes, the former of whose insults set up a match tonight.

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga yell at Jacob Fatu for what he just did, but Fatu isn’t having any of that. Fatu promises to be the last man standing with Strowman and promises to bring the US Title home to the family. He’ll do it with or without Sikoa.

Naomi talks about being someone who always wants to do the right thing. This includes taking out Jade Cargill last year. How can Cargill just show up out of nowhere and take Naomi’s place? Naomi has been an influence on people for the last ten years but now she’s tired of being just another third wheel. Moving forward, if Cargill will continue to be in her way, proceed with caution.

Cargill is looking for Naomi, who hasn’t been seen here. B-Fab and Michin come in to know Cargill will give Naomi what she has coming.

We see a shadowy person with smoke and Roman numerals popping up.

Michin vs. Charlotte

B-Fab is here with Michin….and they’re both jumped by Naomi before Charlotte comes to the ring. Cue Jade Cargill to chase Naomi off, with B-Fab having to be taken out. Charlotte comes out and has a staredown with Cargill on the way. The bell rings and Charlotte gets an early two as we take a slightly less early break.

Back with Michin fighting out of a chinlock and managing a tornado DDT for two. Charlotte kicks her in the head but Michin manages a sitout powerbomb for another near fall. The cannonball sets up Eat Defeat for two as Charlotte gets her foot on the rope, which has Michin annoyed. Charlotte gets up and goes after the leg, with the Figure Eight getting the fast tap at 7:39.

Rating: C+. Michin got in some offense here but there was no reason for her to be a serious threat to Charlotte, who is on her way to another title match at Wrestlemania. Let Michin shine a bit, then have Charlotte win in the end. That’s all this needed to be and they made it work well enough.

Tiffany Stratton mocks Charlotte’s insults to her last week, because that little girl is going to retain the Women’s Title over Charlotte at Wrestlemania.

We look at HHH’s entrances over the years.

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

Orton grabs a quickly broken headlock to start and McIntyre starts in on the back. McIntyre gets sent into the corner for some right hands and his shoulder goes into the post. They go outside, where Orton drops him onto the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with McIntyre working on the arm but Orton fights up and makes the clothesline comeback. The powerslam looks to set up the hanging DDT but McIntyre snaps the throat across the top. Orton fights back but cue Kevin Owens for a distraction. McIntyre hits the Claymore for the pin at 7:56.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t exactly their World Title matches from a few years ago but there is only so much you can do with about eight minutes. Owens coming out for the distraction is fine and gives McIntyre one of his bigger wins in a bit. That’s what he has been needing, even if it seems like he is heading for a showdown with Damian Priest at Wrestlemania.

Post match Owens goes after Orton but can’t hit the package piledriver on the announcers’ table. The Punt is loaded up but Owens gets away.

The orange luchador is confirmed to be Rey Fenix, who will debut next week.

Jimmy Uso vs. The Miz

Uso starts fast and hammers away but Miz is back up with some knees to the back. The running boot misses though and Uso clotheslines him to the floor. Another shot takes Miz into the timekeeper’s area and we take a break. Back with Uso fighting up and striking away, only to get caught with a short arm clothesline. The DDT gives Miz two and the Yes Kicks connect. Uso is right back with a quick superkick and the Superfly Splash finishes at 7:52.

Rating: C. Another fairly short match tonight, with Uso getting some momentum before his likely destruction at the hands of Gunther on Raw. Miz is the perfect choice to give Uso a singles win as he’s been a made man for so long. Uso might not have much of a chance against Gunther, but at least he’s being built up well.

Post match Uso promises to take Gunther out on Raw.

Drew McIntyre meets a singer and goes to leave but runs into Damian Priest in the parking lot. The brawl is on and Priest chokeslams him through the windshield of a car. With Priest gone, CM Punk walks by and I managed to avoid a “real glass” joke.

We look back at the John Cena/Cody Rhodes segment from Raw.

Here is Nick Aldis to run the main event contract signing. Roman Reigns, with Paul Heyman, comes out first and appreciates the fans chanting his name. Even Heyman gets in on the act and Reigns is basking in his own glory. Reigns signs the contract and seems to think his night is done but here is Seth Rollins to interrupt.

Rollins talks about their history in this building and how they are on the same mission. Reigns points out that THEY died a long time ago, but Rollins points out the evil that is CM Punk. When Reigns had the chance to take Punk out, he let it go, which is why Rollins has to clean up Reigns’ mess again. Rollins signs as well, giving us two out of three.

This brings out Punk, who says he has come here to chew bubblegum and sign a contract, but he is all out of bubblegum. Punk starts looking through the contract, which has Reigns annoyed. Reigns: “Go to page four. Clause five. Come on junior this is TV today.” Heyman goes over to Punk and says he knows what Punk is looking for….and it’s in there: the match will be closing the show, making Punk a Wrestlemania main eventer.

Punk starts crying but Rollins snaps, shouting about how Punk doesn’t deserve it. Rollins blames Heyman and Reigns for letting this happen but Punk thanks the fans here and in Louisville, Kentucky for making this happen. Reigns wants the thanks for making this happen so the fans chant his name again. Punk thanks him as well, signs, and says he’ll see him in the main event of Wrestlemania….but that’s not the favor that he is owed.

Like him or not, Punk being in the main event of Wrestlemania is far from a stretch. It’s a genuinely emotional moment for him and that’s a great thing to see. The favor aspect makes things more intriguing, and Punk’s delivery of that line made me a lot more interested.

Overall Rating: B-. As is usually the case for Wrestlemania season, the wrestling wasn’t the point here. This was about getting things ready for the show, with the contract signing giving the match the big fight feel that it needs. This was a solid enough show, with stories advancing in some very nice ways. Now just keep it up for a few more weeks and everything will go on fine.

Street Profits b. Pretty Deadly – Doomsday Blockbuster to Wilson
Piper Niven/Alba Fyre b. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance – Piper Driver to Carter
Braun Strowman b. LA Knight when Jacob Fatu interfered
Charlotte b. Michin – Figure Eight
Drew McIntyre b. Randy Orton – Claymore
Jimmy Uso b. The Miz – Superfly Splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – March 21, 2025: Italian Reference

Date: March 21, 2025
Location: Unipol Arena, Bologna, Italy
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

The European excursion continues as we roll into Italy. We’re less than a month away from Wrestlemania and that means we should start to see some more of the show coming together again this week. CM Punk, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns are all here this week so there is a chance things will get nuts. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Randy Orton to get things going but before he can get a word out, Kevin Owns interrupts him. Owens apologizes for everything he did to Orton, saying only Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn deserved what happened to them. Orton can understand the idea of letting anger make you do things you’ll regret so if Orton can forgive him, Owens can forgive him.

Last week, Owens saved Carmelo Hayes to prevent Orton from becoming his old self. They should be looking to the future, so why not winning the Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania? Orton says he should go beat Owens up right now and after thinking about it…yeah Owens deserves a kick in the head. It used to be “Fight Owens Fight” but now it’s “b**** Owens b****.”

Orton hears voices in his head, they counsel him, they understand, and they’re telling him to kick Owens’ head off at Wrestlemania. The match doesn’t seem to be officially set but this was as quick and to the point as you could get, with Owens realizing he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Damian Priest/Jimmy Uso vs. Drew McIntyre/Shinsuke Nakamura

Priest and McIntyre start brawling in the aisle before the bell with the other two joining in. They get inside with Uso hammering away at McIntyre, who suplexes him out of the corner to cut that off. The fans chant something that I can’t make out but it seems against McIntyre. Uso fights back but gets pulled to the floor for a kick from Nakamura.

Back in and Nakamura hits a running knee, followed by another in the corner. McIntyre adds a suplex as the fans are chanting for Uso. The armbar has Uso in more trouble but he Samoan drops his way to freedom. A jumping enziguri puts Nakamura down and the needed tag brings in Priest to clean house. The Old School crossbody hits Nakamura and a clothesline gets two. Uso cuts off McIntyre and South Of Heaven finishes Nakamura at 7:43.

Rating: C+. Uso and Nakamura are kind of floating around at the moment but Priest vs. McIntyre is all but penciled in for Wrestlemania at this point. That’s the kind of match which could go a long way for Priest, though it feels like a bit of a letdown for McIntyre at the moment. The match itself was seemingly just a way to get them on the show and there are worse ideas.

Post match McIntyre jumps Priest, promising that the beatings will be on sight every time. Priest’s head is rammed into the mat and McIntyre adds a Claymore.

LA Knight says he has Braun Strowman’s back against Jacob Fatu. Strowman says that the match is now for a US Title shot and he sees the title as his ticket to Wrestlemania. Works for Knight.

We look at Tiffany Stratton and Charlotte’s wild brawl last week.

We get a split screen interview between Charlotte and Stratton, with Charlotte cutting off Stratton, saying the Queen goes first. Stratton is always trying to be like Charlotte because that’s what everyone has to do. Stratton thinks that because she’s a blonde and can do a backflip, she can be the next Charlotte. Back in the day, Charlotte was one of her biggest supporters, but Charlotte mocks the idea of ever being in Stratton’s corner. Stratton promises to win at Wrestlemania, which Charlotte finds funny. Stratton better win at Wrestlemania, or she’s the latest victim of Charlotte’s never ending dominance.

Jacob Fatu vs. Braun Strowman

For a future US Title shot. Strowman powers him into the corner to start and then knocks him to the floor. Back in and Strowman kicks him in the head but the charge around the ring only to miss a charge over the announcer’s table. Strowman’s head is sent into various things but a whip sends Fatu’s knees into the steps.

They get back inside, where Fatu hits a running clothesline and then tells Strowman to get up. Then why did you knock him down? Strowman fights out of a neck crank so Fatu Samoan drops him into a backsplash for two. Strowman is back up with a running clothesline in the corner and a spinebuster but Solo Sikoa runs in for the (rather unwise) DQ at 9:21.

Rating: B-. It was another hoss match between these two, but there is only so much to be gained from Strowman winning like this. After Fatu smashed him at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Strowman is either going to have to pin Fatu at some point (which isn’t a good idea) or he’s always going to be behind him in the feud. They are at least mixing it up with the title aspect, though seeing Fatu win the title seems like a rather strong outcome as well.

Post match Fatu is mad but helps with the beatdown anyway. LA Knight runs in for the save.

Post break, in the back, Fatu yells at Sikoa and Tama Tonga, with Sikoa saying it looked like Fatu needed help. Fatu tells him to watch it.

Piper Niven vs. Zelina Vega

Chelsea Green and Alba Fyre are here with Niven. Vega tries to run the ropes to start but has to slip off of Niven’s shoulders. Some choking works a bit better for Vega and she hammers away in the corner, only to get distracted to send us to a break. Back with Niven knocking her down to cut off a comeback and sending Vega hard into the corner.

A gorilla press is countered into a choke though, with Vega switching into something like an octopus hold. The Code Red is blocked so Vega grabs a tornado DDT for two instead. The 619 connects, only for Fyre to offer a distraction. Niven hits a crossbody for the win at 12:15.

Rating: C. This feels like the start of something for Vega, as she is going up against a lot of odds on her way to a title match. It might take some time to get her to that match and she might need some help on the way, but it does seem like they have set things up. Hopefully it winds up working, as Vega certainly needs the boost.

We get a long recap of John Cena’s big explanation and response from Cody Rhodes on Raw. It still feels so weird hearing those things coming from Cena’s mouth.

Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens is set for Wrestlemania.

Jade Cargill is ready to show Liv Morgan what she gets for trying her. After that, it’s time for revenge on Naomi.

We get the A/4 logo again.

Liv Morgan vs. Jade Cargill

Raquel Rodriguez is here with Morgan. Cargill kicks her down to start but goes after Rodriguez, only to cut off a sneaking Morgan for a ram into the barricade. Morgan tries to leave but is quickly dragged back as Cargill isn’t up for the whole retreating thing. Back in and a powerbomb gives Cargill two but another Rodriguez distraction lets Morgan get in a cheap shot to take over.

We take a break and come back with Cargill fighting out of a chinlock to drive Morgan into the corner. Morgan is fine enough to hit Three Amigos but Oblivion is countered into a German suplex. Cargill plants her with a spinebuster and something like an F5 does it again. Cue Naomi for a belt shot though (the Rodriguez distraction helped) and Oblivion finishes Cargill (her first pinfall loss in WWE) at 10:11.

Rating: B-. That’s an interesting way to go as you wouldn’t expect Cargill to lose a fall, especially in what wasn’t a heavily hyped up match. That being said, it does make Naomi look like that much bigger of a deal as she has cost Cargill something else. I’m not entirely interested in seeing them fight, but at least they’re doing something a bit different with Naomi.

Post match Naomi stays on Cargill, including a hanging Pedigree and a knock onto the announcers’ table.

We look back at Drew McIntyre attacking Damian Priest after their tag match earlier.

McIntyre says he has explained his issues with Priest and mocks Priest’s voice. He’ll see Priest in London next week…and then runs into Seth Rollins, who stares at him.

We look at the Street Profits winning the Tag Team Titles last week.

Here are the Profits, who say this is long overdue. They had been doubting themselves for a bit but these titles made everything worth it. They’re proud that they can count on their brothers but here is Legado del Fantasma to interrupt. Santos Escobar says they’re coming for the titles but here is Pretty Deadly to interrupt. They’re the #1 contenders and Legado needs to step aside, but Escobar says that is NOT happening. The Profits know Pretty Deadly have their shot but Legado wants to fight tonight so let’s do it.

We get the orange luchador vignette again, which is pretty clearly Rey Fenix.

Street Profits vs. Los Garza

Non-title. We’re joined in progress with Angel in trouble and Ford hitting a running knee to the face. Berto comes in to knock Ford down and a double basement superkick drops him again. Angel ties Ford in the Tree of Woe so stomping can ensue but a quick head fake and a dive brings Dawkins back in to pick up the pace. A low bridge drops Dawkins to the floor though and we take a break.

Back with Dawkins fighting out of a double arm crank but getting dropkicked down just as fast. Berto plants Dawkins again and the Gory Bomb/flipping cutter gets two, with Ford having to make the save. Dawkins finally gets in a shot of his own and it’s back to Ford to take over. Ford has to flip out of a super double gorilla press attempt and a superplex gets two on Garza. Dawkins hits his own flip dive and Ford’s frog splash is good for the pin at 14:32.

Rating: C+. This got more time than I was expecting and it wound up being a good enough, back and forth match. Los Garza aren’t likely to move up the ranks very far, but they’re good enough to make someone else look better in the ring. The division on Smackdown has gotten that much better, though I’m really hoping we don’t get some big ladder match at Wrestlemania.

HHH Hall Of Fame video.

Pretty Deadly runs into DIY, who offer to help them win the titles next week in exchange for a title shot. Pretty Deadly: “NO BOY!” The Motor City Machine Guns pop up to gloat.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Roman Reigns, with Paul Heyman, for a chat. CM Punk took him out at the Royal Rumble so Reigns took him out on Raw. Seth Rollins tried to kill him so Reigns tried to kill him. He’ll be out here if anyone has anything to say to him so here is Rollins in person. After a lot of the fans singing Rollins’ theme song, Rollins says Reigns should have let him finish Punk off because Punk is that dangerous.

The reality is Rollins and Reigns cannot coexist in the same place at the same time. They should write another chapter in their story but here is Punk to interrupt. Punk says neither of them have beaten him without the other’s help. Reigns was tossed out of the Royal Rumble where it was every man for himself. That was after Punk saved Reigns’ family at WarGames, and he’s still owed a favor of course.

Punk dives on Reigns and the fight starts fast, with Rollins getting involved as well. Referees break it up and Punk points to the Wrestlemania sign (Heyman: “NO!”), leaving Rollins to fight with Reigns. Rollins breaks away and points at the sign before going after Punk. Reigns drops both of them with the steps and points as well, with the brawl having to be broken up again to end the show. I’m not big on triple threats, but they’ve done a good job of making me want to see these three fight. There is a reason for them to want to get at each other and that makes for a much better story.

Overall Rating: B-. The crowd wasn’t as hot as it was last week but they were certainly there enough to keep up the interest. This show was more about getting things ready for Wrestlemania and they added one match, with another being all but confirmed. That’s a good way to go, along with some other things being pushed forward. Wrestlemania is starting to come together, and other shows like this should help it along even more.

Damian Priest/Jimmy Uso b. Drew McIntyre/Shinsuke Nakamura – South Of Heaven to Nakamura
Braun Strowman b. Jacob Fatu via DQ when Solo Sikoa interfered
Piper Niven b. Zelina Vega – Crossbody
Liv Morgan b. Jade Cargill – Oblivion
Street Profits b. Los Garza – Frog splash to Berto



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – March 14, 2025: Viva

Date: March 14, 2025
Location: Olimpic Arena Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re taped from Europe this week, which is going to be the case for a little while now. That should make for some interesting situations and we are just over a month away from Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes is here to talk about John Cena on MizTV, which feels like it is a way to set up a match tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

A bunch of people came to work, but in Spain.

Here is the new US Champion LA Knight for a chat. The fans are VERY happy to see him and give him one of those cool singing welcomes. Knight: “YEAH!” This is the first Smackdown in Barcelona (the fans sing again, with Knight quipping that it’s a tough crowd tonight) and he is worldwide.

Cue Jimmy Uso to interrupt, saying he needs a rope to Wrestlemania so he wants to challenge for the title right now. Cue Solo Sikoa to say Jacob Fatu deserves a title shot. Sikoa calls Jimmy the failure of the family but Jimmy says the failure was trusting Sikoa as his little brother. The brawl is on with the bad guys in control but Braun Strowman runs in for the save. Nick Aldis comes out to announce a six man tag (with some Spanish thrown in).

Jimmy Uso/Braun Strowman/LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa/Jacob Fatu/Tama Tonga

We’re joined in progress with Uso coming in to jump over Sikoa in the corner and slug away. The ten punches in the corner rock Sikoa but a distraction lets him come back with Spinning Solo. Fatu’s backsplash sets up Tonga’s slingshot hilo and Sikoa adds a running Umaga Attack in the corner. Uso gets in a shot of his own though and hands it off to Knight to pick up the pace.

The jumping neckbreaker and DDT get one on Fatu, who is back up to knock Knight silly. Knight knocks him right back down though and hits the top rope elbow. Fatu drops him again and we take a break. Back with Tonga taking Knight into the corner for a running splash. Fatu hits his own Umaga Attack but Knight manages to suplex Sikoa. Strowman comes in to clean house, including the running shots on the floor. Knight and Uso take out the others, leaving Strowman to powerslam Tonga for the pin at 10:09.

Rating: C+. This was a house show style match and Strowman gets to win for the popular guys. Tonga is more or less there for the sake of taking the falls for the team as we are getting closer to the split at the top of….whatever Sikoa and company are calling themselves. The match was nothing great, but it did what it needed to do in getting the show started off well.

Post match Sikoa takes Strowman down and Fatu goes after him as well, including the triple jump moonsault. It works so well that Fatu does it again.

We get a look at HHH before his Hall Of Fame induction.

We look back at Naomi admitting she attacked Jade Cargill, leaving Bianca Belair in tears and earning Naomi another beating from Cargill.

Cargill has a sitdown interview in an empty arena earlier today, saying she is physically ready to go. Naomi suggesting that she was the victim made Cargill sick because she remembers being attacked and seeing Naomi run away. She couldn’t believe that Naomi would team with Belair like nothing happened so she had to take matters into her own hands. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez come in to mock her, with Cargill issuing the challenge for next week.

B-Fab, in English and Spanish, is ready to start her legacy by beating Charlotte.

B-Fab vs. Charlotte

They take their time staring each other down to start before Charlotte powers her into the corner. B-Fab comes back with a half nelson slam for two and Charlotte rolls outside as we take a break. Back with Charlotte stomping away before taking her down with a neckbreaker. The chinlock goes on and Charlotte even manages to mock the crowd at the same time.

We take another break and come back with Charlotte hitting the figure four necklock faceplants to keep B-Fab in trouble. It’s too early for the Figure Eight though and B-Fab fires off some right hands. A pump kick gives B-Fab two but Charlotte is back with a superkick. Natural Selection into the Figure Eight finishes B-Fab at 8:22.

Rating: C+. B-Fab was trying here but this was all about getting Charlotte her first singles win in a very long time. That’s not a bad thing and B-Fab held her own in a longer match than you usually see from her. Charlotte is on her way back to the title picture at Wrestlemania though and this was more about letting the fans know how good she can be, again.

Post match Charlotte won’t let go and it’s Tiffany Stratton in for the save. Security can’t break it up and the fight stays on, with Charlotte diving off the announcers’ table to take Stratton down. Stratton hits her own dive and they’re FINALLY split up. I would hope that they’re wearing different colors at Wrestlemania because they were both in pink here and I was having trouble telling them apart.

Drew McIntyre blames Damian Priest for all of his problems in the last year.

Here’s the Miz for MizTV but Charlotte and Stratton are still fighting at the entrance. Security breaks it up again, only for Stratton to get up on the video screen for a big flip dive. Stratton shouts that there is a new queen in town to finally wrap it up.

And now, MizTV, with Miz doing the introduction in Spanish to continue a trend tonight. Miz talks about how his guest should have taken the Rock up on his offer but then got beaten down by two great rappers instead. Here is Cody Rhodes, with the fans singing his theme song in one of those shows of respect that never gets old. Miz goes even heelier than usual by saying he doesn’t have time for the singalong, which earns him a quick Cross Rhodes. Cody takes off his jacket to reveal a BARCELONA NIGHTMARE shirt (the fans approve) before saying he only wants to talk to John Cena, so he’ll see him Monday.

Earlier today, Shinsuke Nakamura told Nick Aldis he wanted a rematch when Damian Priest came in to say he wanted Drew McIntyre. Priest doesn’t like what he thinks Nakamura is saying so Aldis makes the match for later. As usual, Priest comes off like he is always ready to fight and that makes him feel more important.

We get a teaser for someone who looks a lot like Rey Fenix. Interesting that he might not be on the same show as Penta.

Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

They trade arm cranking to start until Nakamura takes him into the corner for Good Vibrations. A running clothesline puts Nakamura on the floor though and we take an early break. Back with Priest dropping him face first onto the barricade, only to miss a charge back inside. Nakamura hits the middle rope knee for two and it’s time to choke on the ropes.

We take a break and come back with Nakamura grabbing a chinlock. An enziguri takes Priest down again but he catches Nakamura with the lifting Downward Spiral. They go outside with Priest sending him over the announcer’s table, setting up the Old School high crossbody back inside. Back up and they trade strikes to the face but here is Drew McIntyre to sit on the announcers’ table. The distraction lets Nakamura load up Kinshasa, which is reversed into South Of Heaven. That’s enough for McIntyre to come in and jump Priest for the DQ at 8:42.

Rating: B-. This was about two guys getting to go after each other and hit the other rather hard until they got to the finish. In this case that’s how it should have gone as you don’t want Priest to lose, but Nakamura getting pinned twice in a row would be a bit much. The match itself was a good back and forth fight though, which shouldn’t be a surprise given whom was in there.

Post match McIntyre goes for Priest’s eyes, allowing Nakamura to hit Kinshasa. Nakamura leaves and McIntyre wrecks Priest. McIntyre goes to leave but sees Priest getting back up, earning himself a Claymore and some yelling.

DIY says they make the tag team division the best in the world and they’ll prove it again tonight. The Motor City Machine Guns come in to say they’ll be waiting.

Chelsea Green is glad that her administration is at full force despite everything she has had to go through. Zelina Vega comes in to say she wants a title shot but gets a match with Piper Niven next week instead. Works for Vega, who is still coming for the title.

Randy Orton vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes offers him a handshake but the fans want the RKO. Orton tries for the handshake but Hayes pulls it away, earning himself quite the beating. The belly to back drop onto the announcers’ table has Hayes in trouble and we take an early break. Back with Orton dropping him on the table again but Hayes gets in a cheap shot to take over. The fans do not like Hayes and rhythmically chant about it as we take another break.

We come back again with Orton fighting out of a chinlock but getting put right back into it. Orton fights up and hits the powerslam before pulling Hayes out of the air for another powerslam. The hanging DDT sends Hayes outside and he grabs a Stunner over the top rope. Nothing But Net misses so Hayes settles for the springboard DDT for two instead. Hayes goes up top again and gets superplexed back down but the RKO is countered into the First 48. Then the RKO connects to give Orton the pin at 10:22.

Rating: B-. While Hayes is losing a lot of these big matches, he is staying in these matches and looking good against bigger stars. What matters is that he could be moved up to the next level with just a win or two. Other than that, there is something to be said about having a younger star like Hayes who can go out there and hang with these names, though a win here or there would be nice.

Post match Orton gives him another RKO to even the score a bit. The Punt is loaded up but Kevin Owens runs in for the save. Owens bails before violence can ensue.

Jacob Fatu wants one more match with Braun Strowman next week.

We get a mysterious smoky vignette with the number 4. Or is that a slightly slanted A?

Here is Gunther for a chat. Gunther says that the Road To Wrestlemania Europe starts here and as the greatest European wrestler of all time….he wishes they could be in Madrid instead. Gunther mocks Jey Uso as having no substance and asks for “a kid” to come face him, meaning Axiom gets a rare main roster appearance.

Gunther vs. Axiom

Non-title and Axiom, a masked high flier from Spain, is one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions. Axiom is a bit tentative to start before going to the mat and getting in a quick kick. Gunther misses the chop in the corner and Axiom strikes away as the fans are losing their minds over this stuff. A chop cuts Axiom off again but the fans are right there as he fires off forearms.

The Boston crab has Axiom in trouble and Gunther flips it into an STF. Gunther goes after the mask, which wakes Axiom up enough for a missile dropkick. A running knee connects but Gunther dropkicks him down. The dropkick gets two but Axiom catches Gunther on top, with a super hurricanrana connecting. The Golden Ratio (superkick) gives Axiom two so he cranks on the arms. That’s enough for Gunther, who hits a powerbomb, the clothesline, and another powerbomb for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: B. The fans were crazy into this and they were carrying this even higher than the two of them were getting in the first place. At the same time, Axiom was more than holding his own out there to make for a heck of a match. Gunther can work well with anyone and having him shut down a smaller high flier like this makes sense. Good match, with awesome crowd reactions.

Post match Gunther sleepers axiom for the knockout.

We look back at Roman Reigns accidentally helping Seth Rollins beat Cm punk in a cage match on Raw. Then Paul Heyman helped Punk up, earning Punk one heck of a beating from Reigns.

Here is Heyman for a chat, declaring that today is Roman Reigns Day, because it is the release day for WWE2K25. He knows everyone is going to go home and play the game, but please wait until the show is over because he likes to keep the ratings high during his segments. Heyman moves on to CM Punk, who is his friend, but it isn’t CM Punk Day, nor will it ever be Seth Rollins Day. If you have a problem with that, you can say it to his face next week in Italy.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Legado del Fantasma wishes the Street Profits luck. The Profits are ready to get the Tag Team Titles.

Gunther tells Jimmy Uso to get Jey Uso to not challenge him at Wrestlemania or bad things will happen.

Tag Team Titles: DIY vs. Street Profits

The Profits are challenging. Dawkins and Ciampa start things off with Dawkins unloading in the corner to start fast. The assisted moonsault gives Ford two and it’s back to Dawkins, who chases Gargano on the floor. That’s enough for Ciampa to hammer away back inside as Pretty Deadly is shown watching. Ford comes back in but gets nailed by Gargano before Ciampa drops him ribs first across the top rope.

The Fairy Tale Ending is blocked though and Ford kicks Ciampa away, allowing the tag off to Dawkins. House is quickly cleaned but Ford’s 450 only hits raised knees. Back up and a Doomsday Blockbuster gives Ford two with Ciampa making the save. The Fairy Tale Ending/superkick combination gets two on Dawkins but Meet In The Middle misses. Ford’s frog splash connects for the pin and the titles at 11:52.

Rating: B-. This had to happen at some point as the Profits had been so close to the titles so many times, only to come up short. It’s nice to see them getting the gold, as it spices things up in the division. Odds are we wind up with some kind of a big five team ladder match at Wrestlemania, but for now, this is the right move as it is long overdue.

Overall Rating: B. Here you had a show where the crowd boosted things up that far, as the fans were going nuts all night long. The title change at the end made things feel that much more important and it was a big way to get things going with the six shows in Europe. It’s not a great show, but the fans were hot and you can see where a lot of this stuff is going, which is nice to see.

Jimmy Uso/Braun Strowman/LA Knight b. Solo Sikoa/Jacob Fatu/Tama Tonga – Running powerslam to Tonga
Charlotte b. B-Fab – Figure Eight
Damian Priest b. Shinsuke Nakamura via DQ when Drew McIntyre interfered
Randy Orton b. Carmelo Hayes – RKO
Gunther b. Axiom – Powerbomb
Street Profits b. DIY – Frog splash to Gargano



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – March 7, 2025: The Fallout

Date: March 7, 2025
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

It’s pretty rare that you see an event take place which turns WWE completely upside down, but that is what we are dealing with following Elimination Chamber. John Cena turned evil for the first time in over twenty years and there are a lot of people who are less than thrilled with the whole thing. There is a good chance we’ll be dealing with that here, plus the US Title is on the line as LA Knight gets his rematch against Shinsuke Nakamura. Let’s get to it.

Here is Elimination Chamber if you need a recap.

Earlier today, as people were coming to work, Drew McIntyre jumped Damian Priest.

Elimination Chamber recap, though we don’t see the Cena beatdown.

Here is Randy Orton to get things going. Orton talks about how crazy things have been lately but ever since he started, John Cena has always been at the top. Now though, he’s just a bottom for Rock, which gives a new meaning to the term “Rock Bottom”. That brings him to Kevin Owens, with Orton admiring the wrestler but not liking the person. Orton thinks Owens’ jealousy has destroyed him, like Owens’ jealousy made him try to destroy Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn.

That brings us back to Orton, who had to come back from a career ending surgery. Owens was trying to give Zayn such a career ending injury at Elimination Chamber. That’s what brought Orton out, and he was hearing those voices for the first time in many years. Now he’s ready to prove that Pat McAfee is the second best punter in WWE. This was a very serious and fired up Orton, which you don’t see very often.

Chelsea Green yells at Nick Aldis about her title match tonight but Tiffany Stratton doesn’t want to hear it. Piper Niven accuses Stratton of censorship and gets a match tonight as a result.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Piper Niven

Non-title. Stratton jumps over her to start and tells Niven to come on, earning herself a big shoulder. Niven’s backsplash misses and Stratton hits a basement dropkick but Niven sends her to the floor. The flip dive off the apron wipes Stratton out and we take an early break. Back with Stratton firing off some clotheslines and a handspring elbow in the corner. Another basement dropkick gives Stratton another two and the Swanton connects for another near fall. Niven powers her down and loads up the Vader Bomb, only to miss so Stratton can nail the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the pin at 7:43.

Rating: C+. Well, the fans are responding to Stratton a bit more positively so things are at least going in the right direction. It’s another example of the simple, classic story here with Stratton having to find a way around the monster. That worked out well, though the buzzsaw that is Charlotte is still waiting for her at Wrestlemania.

Post match Charlotte runs in and takes out Stratton’s knee, setting up the Figure eight to make it even worse.

Nick Aldis explains the issues in the tag division and yes he does have a chart to explain the whole story (which is actually rather helpful). The solution: a #1 contenders match this week and the Street Profits (not in the #1 contenders match) get their title shot next week.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Los Garza

For the #1 contendership. Angel tags himself in to start and is immediately dropkicked by Wilson but Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS and all six get in to brawl. Pretty Deadly and the Guns are kicked to the floor, setting up the stereo dives from Los Garza as we take a break. Back with Shelley taking Pretty Deadly down, allowing the tag off to Sabin, who catches Berto with a tornado DDT for two. Everything breaks down and we hit the parade of knockdowns until Sabin hits a dive onto a bunch of people. Skull & Bones is loaded up but Prince reverses into a backslide for the clean pin on Sabin at 7:06.

Rating: B-. There was a lot of action for such little time, especially when you factor out the break. Pretty Deadly winning isn’t the biggest shock but them winning clean certainly is, as that is just not something that happens. This sets up some interesting possibilities, which is a nice sign for the division. There are several stories going on at once, though the reactions to them are only so strong thus far.

We look back at Jade Cargill returning at Elimination Chamber and beating Naomi down.

We look at some reactions to John Cena’s turn.

Here is Bianca Belair for a chat. She should be on top of the world because she is on the way to Wrestlemania but two of her best friends are fighting. Belair doesn’t believe that Naomi did this and Jade Cargill won’t talk to her so she needs some answers from Naomi right now. Cue Naomi, who says she and Belair need to get their Tag Team Titles back. Belair flat out asks Naomi if she did it but Naomi goes on a rant about how Cargill took advantage of Cargill or not. She doesn’t say yes or no so Belair wants a flat out answer. Naomi admits that she did it and Belair is in tears.

Naomi said she did it for Belair, who says they are done and walks out. As Belair leaves, Naomi gets angrier and says she should have pushed Cargill sooner and harder. Naomi: “YOU UNGRATEFUL B****!” Cue Jade Cargill, who shares a quick look with Belair (whose face seems to say “do what you have to do, I’m out”) and Naomi is quickly destroyed again. Naomi as a villain is an interesting way to go, but she doesn’t seem to be the new big bad or anything close to it.

We look at the issues between Drew McIntyre and Damian Priest.

McIntyre blames Priest for costing him the chance to be the World Champion at Wrestlemania.

We look at Cody Rhodes surprising Lex Luger with an induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Unfortunately, we don’t get any Summerslam 1993 balloons.

Charlotte talks about how the women’s division is soft but B-Fab comes in to say no one is interested in bowing down to her. The challenge is issued for next week. I’m not a big fan of Charlotte, but B-Fab is going to get massacred here, and that’s what should happen.

Braun Strowman vs. Solo Sikoa

Sikoa bounces off of Strowman to start and is knocked to the floor for his efforts. The ensuing charge sends Strowman into the steps though and Sikoa adds a running Umaga attack as we take a break. Back with Sikoa managing a Samoan drop, allowing him to stop for some posing. Another Umaga attack connects but Sikoa takes too long loading up a third one, allowing Strowman to run him over. Strowman hits the running powerslam but Tama Tonga comes in for the DQ at 6:56.

Rating: C+. Again, there was only so much that could be done with so little time but Sikoa was wrestling more of a power style here, which worked well for him. The ending was a good thing to see as you don’t need Strowman losing another match. I’m not sure how far Strowman can go against the evil group, but at least he looked dominant enough at different parts of the match.

Post match Strowman clears the ring but here is Jacob Fatu for the big showdown. The brawl is on with Strowman getting the better of things to start, only to be sent over the barricade. They fight over to the tech area and Strowman slips out of a Samoan drop, setting up a chokeslam through a table (and through the water bottles). Fatu gets up and backs away anyway.

LA Knight is ready to face Shinsuke Nakamura and get the US Title back. All it takes is one BFT to put Nakamura back to factory settings and it’s time to give Old Glory a better representation than it’s had lately.

Chelsea Green yells at Piper Niven for not being ready for the street fight. Zelina Vega comes in to say she’s coming for whomever comes out as Women’s US Champion tonight.

Women’s US Title: Chelsea Green vs. Michin

Green is defending in a street fight (and yes she is dressed as Cactus Jack from the 2000 Royal Rumble because she is that awesome) and has Piper Niven with her. Michin on the other hand is in an Eagles jersey and brings the weapons with her to start slugging away before the bell. They get inside for said bell and Green gets drop toeholded face first into an open chair. It’s already time for a table (yeah you knew that was coming) and we take a break.

Back with Michin spraying her with a fire extinguisher and loading up another table, only for Niven to break it up. Green manages to go Coast To Coast but cue B-Fab to beat on Niven on the floor. Michin fights up with kendo stick and hammers away. A Cannonball crushes a trashcan against Green for two and now the table is brought in.

Eat Defeat sends Green onto the table, which breaks before anything happens. Michin hits a top rope backsplash onto Green onto the broken table but someone in a hoodie (those freaking hoodies) pulls Green out. A kick to the head rocks Michin and it’s Alba Fyre, apparently now part of Green’s team. Fyre hits a Canadian Destroyer onto a chair and Green retains at 10:03.

Rating: B-. This was the usual street fight style match but what matters in the end was about having Fyre joining the team. With Isla Dawn gone, it’s nice to see Fyre having something to do, as she’s far too talented to be left off the shows. If nothing else, Green continues to be awesome, with the Jack cosplay being outstanding.

Santos Escobar isn’t happy with Los Garza. Andrade comes in to seemingly recruit Berto.

TKO is launching a boxing promotion in partnership with Saudi Arabia.

We get the long look at the John Cena turn.

Here is Cody Rhodes (with a HORRIBLE looking eye) for a chat. Rhodes talks about how he didn’t see what happened at Elimination Chamber coming. John Cena turned on him after earning the title shot at Wrestlemania. Rhodes spent two years driving Cena around to learn everything he could.

Now though, Cena has given up and, with Rhodes trying to keep his composure, he talks about how Cena had acted like his friend. Then at some point, Cena said the title was going to get heavier every day and now Cena believes that he is the last of his kind. Now the title has never felt lighter so if Cena wants some, come get some. This was the fired up Cody that it had to be and it worked well enough.

Miz pitches Nick Aldis an interview with Cody Rhodes next week on Melo Don’t MizTV. Carmelo Hayes comes in to mock Randy Orton, who pops up and gets a match with Hayes next week.

Saturday Night’s Main Event is back on May 24.

Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Uso

Jimmy jumps him to start and knocks McIntyre to the floor, where a dive is cut off with a right hand. A quick charge sends McIntyre over the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Jimmy hitting a Samoan drop and nailing the running Umaga attack. A superkick gives Jimmy two but the Superfly Splash misses. The Claymore finishes Jimmy at 7:16.

Rating: C+. This was a win that McIntyre has been missing after something of a string of losses and it evens things up after his loss to Uso a few weeks back. That’s all this needed to be, as McIntyre is likely on to bigger and better things in the near future. Jimmy still needs something to do, and a loss like this isn’t the best sign for his immediate future.

Post match Damian Priest runs in to jump McIntyre. Security can’t quite keep them apart and Priest gets in a few more shots.

Shinsuke Nakamura is ready to finish LA Knight for good.

Video on DIY vs. the Street Profits for the Tag Team Titles next week.

DIY is ready to retain the titles next week because they are the best team. They hold a moment of silence for the Street Profits, with Byron Saxton screwing it up.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

US Title: LA Knight vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Knight is defending and knees him down to start but Knight is back up with some right hands. They go to the floor, with Nakamura hitting a running knee to take over again. The sliding German suplex drops Knight again but Knight knocks him outside, this time for a baseball slide.

We take a break and come back with Knight hitting his jumping neckbreaker into a powerslam into the jumping elbow for two. Nakamura cuts off the superplex attempt though and hits a nasty belly to back superplex for another near fall. Kinshasa is cut off so Nakamura goes up, only for Knight to run the ropes for the superplex. There’s the top rope elbow but Nakamura heads outside to grab a chair.

The referee takes that away so Nakamura tries the mist, which hits the referee by mistake. Knight’s rollup gets no count so Nakamura kicks him in the head again and a Meiko Satomura Scorpio Rising connects. Nakamura grabs the chair again but gets caught with the BFT, meaning another referee can run in to count the pin and give Knight the title back at 11:10.

Rating: B-. They did a nice job with the fake out of having the rollup with the referee down, only to have Knight get the title back anyway. It’s a bit of a weird way to go as Nakamura only won the title a few months ago and now Knight has it back. That’s good for Knight though, as he was kind of floating around without much to do. It’s a big win for him and hopefully he gets to have a bit of a better reign this time around.

The big celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. It wasn’t a great show but they had to deal with the huge moment from Elimination Chamber. You can only get so far with that without having Cena or the Rock here, but that’s going to be saved for a bigger moment down the line. The title change at the end was a big deal and we got some emotional promos. You can see a lot of Wrestlemania coming from here and this show took some steps in getting it ready. Now just take those next steps in the coming weeks and things should go well.

Tiffany Stratton b. Piper Niven – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
Pretty Deadly b. Motor City Machine Guns and Los Garza – Backslide to Sabin
Braun Strowman b. Solo Sikoa via DQ when Tama Tonga interfered
Chelsea Green b. Michin – Canadian Destroyer onto a chair
Drew McIntyre b. Jimmy Uso – Claymore
LA Knight b. Shinsuke Nakamura – BFT onto a chair



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Elimination Chamber 2025: I Can’t Believe It

Elimination Chamber 2025
Date: March 1, 2025
Location: Rogers Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee, Wade Barrett

It’s the last big show before Wrestlemania and that means it is time to set up the rest of the card. In this case we are going to be seeing a pair of the show’s namesake matches to find out some #1 contenders. Other than that, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are going to have a heck of a fight and Cody Rhodes might sell his soul. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the Chambers, with a bigger focus on the men’s match and John Cena in particular. In addition, Rock is trying to get Cody Rhodes to be his corporate champion in exchange for his soul. Kind of high stakes if you think about it.

Women’s Elimination Chamber

The winner faces either Rhea Ripley or Iyo Sky (facing off for the title in two nights on Raw) at Wrestlemania. Liv Morgan is in at #1 and Naomi is in at #2 to get us going. The bell rings and here is the returning Jade Cargill, who has Morgan panicking. Cargill jumps into the Chamber and….jumps Naomi, absolutely massacring her with a pump kick into the wall of a pod. Belair is losing her mind inside her pod and Cargill sends Naomi head first into the Chamber wall before walking out. Morgan laughs at Belair as Naomi is declared unable to compete, meaning she’s out.

Belair is in at #3 and she’s all shaken up, only to strike away at Morgan. The handspring moonsault misses and Morgan stomps away in the corner. Belair fights back up and now the moonsault connects to leave them both down as Roxanne Perez is in at #4. Perez strikes away in the corners but Belair pulls her out of the air. That’s fine with Perez, who tries to tie Belair’s hair into the Chamber wall. Morgan is back up to take out Perez and hits a running knee to Perez back inside.

A double clothesline leaves both of them down and it’s Bayley in at #5. She pulls Perez into the pod and rams her into the wall over and over. Bayley isn’t done and sends Morgan into the cage before going into some standing switches with Belair. The running sunset bomb sends Belair into the corner for two and the top rope elbow connects for the same. Perez is back up to take Bayley down though and a frog splash gets two.

Morgan is the only one standing as Alexa Bliss is in at #6 to complete the field. Bliss choke shoves Perez down and hammers away but Morgan breaks it up. Perez is back up to send Bliss into the Chamber wall but Bliss grabs a backbreaker for a breather. Back in and Belair and Bayley pull Bliss out of the air and plant her down, only for Belair to hit the Stunner over the ropes to put Belair down.

Perez is back in with a spinning faceplant to Bayley into a crossface so Bayley rolls outside and rakes the hands into the wall to escape. Perez says that Bayley was never her role model and tries a moonsault, only to hit raised knees. The Rose Plant is broken up though and Morgan hits a quick Oblivion to elimination Bayley. Morgan and Belair climb on top of a pod, where Belair uses the hair to whip Morgan down. Belair dives onto the other three and all four are down on the outside (with Morgan showing off a crazy welt from the hair whip).

Back in and we get a Tower Of Doom with Bliss getting the worst of it, leaving them down again. Morgan is back up to take Perez down though and Twisted Bliss is good for the elimination. That leaves us with Bliss vs. Morgan vs. Belair, with Morgan hitting Belair with Three Amigos. They trade rollups until Bliss gives Belair the Sister Abigail DDT, only for Morgan to roll Bliss up for the pin.

We’re down to two and Morgan uses the hair to whip Belair into the wall over and over for another near fall. Morgan’s top rope Codebreaker doesn’t seem to do much as Belair spears her down for two. Belair takes her outside for some swings into the wall and pod for a crazy power display. Back in and a 450 hits Morgan’s knees but Belair is right back with the KOD for the win at 29:13.

Rating: B-. This got better near the end but I wasn’t feeling much in the way of desperation or urgency here. The action was good, but it felt like they were just having a match which happened to be in the Chamber and happened to be for a Wrestlemania title match. It should have felt like they were going after it more and that just never happened.

That being said, Belair getting the title shot is a good choice as she’s more than a big enough star, but DANG there was something overshadowing her here. Cargill’s return and absolute massacre of Naomi was outstanding and absolutely stole the show, even though I’m having a hard time believing Naomi is some kind of a criminal mastermind in the whole thing. Oh and GEEZ with the welt on Morgan after the hair whip. That was nuts.

We recap Trish Stratus/Tiffany Stratton vs. Nia Jax/Candice LeRae. Stratton is the new Women’s Champion and took the title from Nia Jax, who isn’t happy. Stratus didn’t like the bullying and is here in her hometown to help fight them off.

Trish Stratus/Tiffany Stratton vs. Candice LeRae/Nia Jax

Stratus hammers on LeRae to start and sends her outside where Stratton takes over. LeRae manages to send Stratton into the steps though and we head back inside. The Annihilator is broken up and it’s back to Stratus for a tornado DDT. Jax plants Stratus for two and holds her up for a running dropkick from LeRae. Jax does something like a reverse Stinkface to Stratus and LeRae gets to stomp away a bit more.

Stratus fights up and gets in a shot of her own though, allowing Stratton to come in and clean house. An Alabama Slam plants LeRae and Stratton spinebusters Jax for the power display. Back up and Jax gets to clean house but Stratus catches her on top with a super bulldog. The tag brings Stratton back in and she cleans house, setting up the Prettiest Moonsault Ever to pin Jax at 11:39.

Rating: C+. Yeah this was fine as the next step in the “PLEASE LIKE STRATTON BEFORE SHE FACES CHARLOTTE, PLEASE!” plan. They’re trying to turn her into the new popular star and that’s going against quite a bit of the grain with her entire presentation. As usual, Stratus continues to look like she could hang with anyone today, but this was about Stratton finishing off the Jax story and moving on to Wrestlemania.

We get a long video on the Rock’s career accomplishments, which I guess is to show Cody Rhodes what he could have, but feels far more like Rock getting to brag about himself.

We recap Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn. Owens is annoyed that Zayn didn’t help him win the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble and attacked him, injuring Zayn’s neck in the process. Zayn is back for revenge and it’s unsanctioned, meaning anything goes whatsoever.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

Owens hammers away to start and elbows Zayn down. They go outside where Owens grabs a chair and swings away, only to hit the top rope by mistake, with the chair coming back onto his own head. Zayn unloads with chair shots to the back and grabs a hockey stick. Owens gets beaten down again but manages to deck Zayn, who takes too long grabbing a table. Choking with the stick and a bite to the head have Zayn down and NOW the table can be loaded up.

They fight out into the crowd and Zayn hits him in the head with a trashcan (McAfee: “He just hit him in the head with Dominik Mysterio!” Barrett: “Completely unnecessary but very funny.”). Zayn sends him through some well placed tables and they head back to ringside, where Owens hits him in the head with the bell a few times. Back in and Owens goes up top, where Zayn is right there to hammer away.

That’s fine with Owens, who LAUNCHES him through a pair of tables at ringside. Owens suplexes him through some chairs but Zayn is back with a half and half suplex through a chair. The Helluva Kick hits the referee by mistake as Owens pulls him into the way so here is a second referee for a rather delayed two. Owens drops him as well and grabs another table, only for Zayn to get in a chair shot on top.

For some reason Zayn tries a superplex and gets swung through the table for not doing his Owens homework. Owens yells at Zayn in the corner before going across the ring, allowing Zayn to hit his own Helluva Kick. Zayn pulls out a barbed wire chair for a shot to the back, followed by a drop toehold to send Owens face first into the wire.

The wire chair is bridged onto two other chair and a Blue Thunder Bomb onto the wire gets two more. The Helluva Kick is loaded up but Owens counters into a Blue Thunder Bomb. They head outside where Owens wraps a chair around his neck for two rams into the post. An apron powerbomb brings the agents out to check on Zayn so Owens does it again for the win at 27:36.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going and could have been a bit shorter, but once they started getting into the violence and just trying to hurt each other, it worked very well. These two have such a history together that it makes sense for them to want to destroy one another every so often, which is what we saw here. I’m sure they’ll be back as friends one day, but for now, Owens continues to feel like a monster and that should set him up for a showdown at Wrestlemania, likely with Randy Orton.

Post match Owens goes back to beat on Zayn some more….and Randy Orton is back. Orton lays Owens out and loads up the Punt but the agents break it up. Security takes some RKO’s.

We recap the Men’s Elimination Chamber, which is a look at the six entrants and how all of them need to win, featuring quite the intense narration.

Men’s Elimination Chamber

For the shot against Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania. Drew McIntyre is in at #1 and Seth Rollins is in at #2 to get us going. Rollins goes right after him to start but gets slammed onto the barricade for a nasty crash. McIntyre is sent into the Chamber wall as Punk talks trash from his pod. A clothesline puts McIntyre back inside the ring and Rollins catches him with a springboard knee to the face.

Paul has a marker to write various taunts on his pod wall as McIntyre tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Rollins for two. McIntyre plants him on the floor, stops to look, and then hits a catapult throat first into the turnbuckle. With Rollins down, Damian Priest is in at #3 and immediately slugs it out with McIntyre. A Razor’s Edge toss sends Rollins outside but McIntyre cuts off the dive attempt.

Back in and Rollins cuts off a Claymore with a superkick, only for McIntyre to German superplex both of them down for a big crash. Logan Paul is in at #4 and hits a springboard high crossbody for two on McIntyre. Priest rises up to go after Paul and knocks him outside for some punishment on the Chamber wall. Priest rope walk hurricanranas (geez) McIntyre down and Rollins is back up to superkick Paul for two.

John Cena is in at #5 and gets to clean house with an AA and ProtoBomb but walks into the Claymore. Priest is right back up to roll McIntyre up for the quick pin though in a bit of a surprise. The ticked off McIntyre hits a Claymore on Priest though, allowing Paul to hit the frog splash off the top of the pod for the pin. CM Punk is in at #6 to complete the field and immediately strikes away at Paul, who was waiting on him. A suplex drops Paul and Punk climbs the Chamber wall to point at the sign.

We get the big Punk vs. Cena showdown but Rollins cuts Punk off and yells at Cena that Punk is his. Cena isn’t having that and breaks it up, only for Paul to come back in and take out the two of them. Paul’s Buckshot Lariat misses Punk, who is back with the GTS to eliminate Paul and get us down to three. Punk and Cena pin pong Rollins back and forth, setting up a Hart Attack for one of the weirdest things you’ll see in a good while. Cena and Punk have their big showdown and hug before slugging it out.

The GTS is loaded up but Cena reverses into the STF. That’s reversed into the Anaconda Vice but Cena escapes as well. Punk dives onto Rollins and then high crossbodies Cena, who muscles him into the AA for two. Rollins is back up to send Cena through a pod and Pedigrees Punk for two, leaving everyone down. Another Pedigree on the floor is broken up but so is Rollins’ superplex. Punk drops the top rope elbow but the GTS is countered into the buckle bomb and a Stomp gets two.

Cena is back in and tries the AA on Rollins, only for Rollins to escape and land in the GTS. An AA gets rid of Rollins and we’re down to Punk vs. Cena in a heck of a showdown. A handshake lets Punk pull him into a GTS for two, followed by Cena’s AA connecting for the same (Punk’s kickouts are getting a bit hard to handle in this match). Punk staggers up but gets Stomped onto the steel by Rollins in a nice surprise. The STF goes on and Punk is out to give Cena the win at 32:40.

Rating: B. Once we got down to big star vs. big star, this was great stuff and came together well. Cena vs. Punk is one of those rivalries that will always work because they’re such opposites in so many ways and it made for a great moment with the respect into the fighting. Paul losing so quickly was a bit of a surprise, though Punk blocking what is better known as Hangman Page’s finishing move seemed like something of a wink and a nod. Rollins vs. Punk vs. Reigns is probably coming at Wrestlemania, but Cena getting one more main event works too.

Post match Cena thanks the fans and here is Cody Rhodes for the showdown. Cue Travis Scott (rapper) for a cameo so the Rock can do his big entrance. Rock tells Cody that it’s time for him to do it, meaning it’s time for a big hug. He wants and needs Cody’s soul and if Cody says yes, the American Nightmare lives forever.

If not, then the dream dies again. Cody says he wants it all and his soul doesn’t belong to him anymore…because he gave it to this ring and these people a long time ago. Cody: “Hey Rock: GO F*** YOURSELF!”, but without any censoring (that will never feel right in WWE). Cena huge Rhodes….and then Rock signals to him, meaning it’s a low blow to Cody as Cena is corporate.

Cena steals Cody’s watch and hits him in the face over and over to draw the blood, followed by a belt shot. The villains pose and Rock uses the weight belt a bit before Cena, Rock, and Scott (who was there for the whole thing) leave to end the show, with Cody left a bloody mess in the ring.

Wow. This was this generation’s Bash At The Beach 1996 as it’s one of those things that felt like it would never actually happen. I’m not sure how well it’s going to go, but actually pulling the trigger has kind of blown my mind. It’s a big change of pace and something that has been at least hinted at in recent weeks, but I didn’t think they would actually go there. The show has been over for a bit now and my head is still kind of spinning so I think we can call that a success.

Overall Rating: B+. Let’s get this out of the way: the show itself was good, but the heel turn at the end is going to (rightfully) get SO MUCH of the attention. That’s the kind of angle you only get every few years (if not decades) and it’s setting the stage for Wrestlemania. We’ll have to see where it goes, but for now, things are interesting in a hurry. The rest of the show worked well, with nothing bad and the awesome Cargill attack to get things going. The best thing about a show like this is it leaves a lot of things to talk about next week, and that’s what you want this close to Wrestlemania.

Bianca Belair won the Women’s Elimination Chamber last eliminating Liv Morgan
Trish Stratus/Tiffany Stratton b. Nia Jax/Candice LeRae – Prettiest Moonsault Ever to Jax
Kevin Owens b. Sami Zayn – Apron powerbomb
John Cena won the Men’s Elimination Chamber last eliminating CM Punk



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Elimination Chamber 2025 Preview

The Road To Wrestlemania continues as we have one of the biggest shows of the year. In this case it means putting six people into the Elimination Chamber for a Wrestlemania title shot. Other than that, we have something of a multi generational dream team against some villains, a major unsanctioned fight and something about a wrestler selling his soul. Let’s get to it.

Tiffany Stratton/Trish Stratus vs. Nia Jax/Candice LeRae

It says a lot when a legend like Stratus coming back to her hometown is the least important match of the show but that is the case this time. The big point of this match seems to be getting Stratton a win over some villains after being evil for so long. That is going to be a stretch, but having her out there with Stratus is going to be about as likely of a scenario as you’re going to have.

There is a grand total of no reason to believe that Jax and LeRae are winning here so I’ll take the blondes, with Stratus pinning LeRae for the win. The specifics aren’t going to matter all that much, but what matters here is making Stratton look like a star. She’ll do that and hopefully wrap up the feud with Jax and LeRae for good. Stratus can get the feel good moment and that’s all it needs to be.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

There are certain matches that just work in wrestling and this is one of them. You can have these two out there in a crossword puzzle contest and it would work out well. Just let them do their thing and go nuts against each other, with Owens hurting Zayn again and leaving him needing someone else to come after him. Perhaps at Wrestlemania in the form of Randy Orton.

As for the winner, I think I’ll go with Zayn getting the win, only for Owens to lay him out again after. The winner here doesn’t really matter as it’s more about the two of them getting to fight each other, which is going to work well. It’s the idea that works out every time and they have a rather good reason to want to fight each other, which should only make it better.

Women’s Elimination Chamber

As usual, this is going to be a process of elimination. We can write off Roxanne Perez for not being ready enough, Morgan for having her feud with Ripley been done to death and Naomi is just not going to get a Wrestlemania title shot. That leaves us with Alexa Bliss, Bianca Belair and Bayley, which should make for an interesting set of options. It just doesn’t leave us with a clear favorite.

I’ll take Belair here, as she is the best of the three available options. Bliss vs. Ripley would be a big stretch due to the size issues so we can probably rule that out too. Bayley is probably the best second option as her feuding with Ripley could go in a few different directions, but Belair feels like the best bet. That is absolutely a Wrestlemania level title match that we have not seen at this level so it could be worth a look. I’ll go with Belair, but it’s far from a sure thing.

Men’s Elimination Chamber

This one is a lot more tricky as it’s harder to eliminate anyone off the top. Priest would be the only name who would not feel like he has much of a shot so we can probably knock it down to dive. That leaves us with a bunch of possible ways to go and that is a great sign for the match. I really could see it going in almost any of those directions and that has me very curious.

I’m actually going to eliminate Cena, as I don’t think he makes the most sense here. If he didn’t win the first guaranteed title shot, it doesn’t quite fit to see him win the second. Paul can have a big featured match with someone he has ticked off and Rollins vs. Rhodes just doesn’t feel like a Wrestlemania match this year. That leaves us with Punk and McIntyre and….I think I’ll go with McIntyre, who needs the big win and also opens the door for Punk to use his favor from Paul Heyman, whatever that might be. So yeah McIntyre wins in a match that really could go in a lot of different directions.

Overall Thoughts

There isn’t a long card here, but between the two Chamber matches and the Rock/Cody Rhodes segment, they should be able to fill the time in well enough. As for Rock/Rhodes, there was a line on Smackdown where it sounded like Punk was asked if he would sell his soul, and given his obsession with main eventing Wrestlemania, that very well could be the fallback option for Rock. It would be a big twist, and that might be what this show needs to really get it over the hump. Otherwise, we should be in for a good show, as the big stuff is going to start soon.


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Smackdown – February 28, 2025: They Like Talking A Lot

Date: February 28, 2025
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

It’s the night before Elimination Chamber and that means we need one last push towards the show. Odds are that is going to include more of Cody Rhodes being unsure about whether or not he should accept the Rock’s offer, plus some final pushes towards the Elimination Chamber matches. That could make for an interesting enough show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Rock telling Cody Rhodes that he wants Cody’s soul.

Cody Rhodes arrives and is told he has a private locker room, courtesy of the Final Boss.

Here is Trish Stratus in a Maple Leafs jersey to get things going, just in case the fans didn’t love her enough. She gets rather emotional at the THANK YOU TRISH chants and then says “it’s the jersey isn’t it”. Trish asks what year it is when we have Lilian Garcia introducing her, the Rock is back and she’s wrestling in her hometown.

Stratus talks about how it’s a generational thing because the dad of a young girl in the front row probably had her poster on the wall. Tomorrow will be the first time her kids will see her wrestle live and here is her partner, Tiffany Stratton (also in a Leafs jersey). They declare it Trishy Time and then take the jerseys off and throw them into the crowd.

Cue Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (yes, she is dressed as the Mountie) to interrupt, with Green talking about how honored she is to represent the better country of America. Stratton makes the challenge and Stratus thinks it’s a good idea so get a referee out here right now. This was Stratton going for more of a pure hero and it could have gone far worse. Have her adjust her talking style and focus more on her athleticism and it could work.

Chelsea Green vs. Tiffany Stratton

Non-title. We’re joined in progress with Green getting two off an enziguri and grabbing a chinlock. Stratton gets out and hits some clotheslines, followed by the spinebuster for two. Green’s Rough Ryder gets two but Stratton hits a quick dropkick. Niven breaks up the Prettiest Moonsault Ever so Stratton hits a dive, only for Candice LeRae and Nia Jax to jump Stratus. Jax pulls Stratton to the floor for the DQ at 3:13 shown.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here but thankfully it was a DQ rather than having one of the champions lose. At the same time, this was Stratton’s debut as a more clean cut hero and that might have warranted a pinfall, albeit not over Green. Odds are she can get that at Elimination Chamber, but this is a match that could have probably been a big segment instead.

Post match the beatdown is on but Stratus makes the save and the villains skedaddle.

Nick Aldis announces a one night tournament for the #1 contendership to the US Title. This feels rather unnecessary and like little more than a way to fill in time.

Jacob Fatu isn’t happy with Solo Sikoa, who thinks Fatu should bring the US Title home to the family. Fatu seems pleased.

Cody Rhodes’ dressing room has a bunch of alcohol and what I assume is sushi. R-Truth is here and thinks it might be worth selling out for, with Rhodes telling him to help himself. R-Truth is glad Rhodes isn’t being shellfish.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Jacob Fatu vs. Andrade

Fatu runs him over with a shoulder to start but Andrade gets in a low bridge. A hurricanrana sets up a big moonsault to the floor and we take a break. Back with Andrade hitting a poisonrana and they’re both down. Fatu is back up to run Andrade over, only for Andrade to hit a boot to the head in the corner. The double jump moonsault gets two on Fatu as the fans declare this awesome. Back up and a sunset flip is blocked as Fatu sits on his chest, setting up an implant DDT. The triple jump moonsault gives Fatu the pin at 8:22.

Rating: B. This is where you can have fun with some people you might not have expected to see together and it wound up going well. They had good chemistry together and that made for a nice match here. Fatu gets to beat someone else but he certainly didn’t smash Andrade, which he shouldn’t be doing given what Andrade has done before.

We recap the Street Profits being all violent and aggressive as of late.

Earlier today, the Profits refused to apologize to Legado del Fantasma and Nick Aldis had to break it up.

Los Garza vs. Street Profits

Or not as DIY and the Motor City Machine Guns run in for the big brawl. No match.

Drew McIntyre comes up to Cody Rhodes and talks about how they would do anything to get to the top. Rhodes has a chance to jump up there and McIntyre looks forward to finding out that Rhodes sold out a long time ago.

Video on John Cena going to the Elimination Chamber…and Drew McIntyre comes into the arena, saying cut it off. McIntyre says Cena is going to become a hypocrite, just like he did when he decided he was in the Elimination Chamber. He sits on the announcers’ table and says it would be interested in seeing what 2010 Cena would think of modern Cena.

First up, Cena would make a bad joke about the bald spot that needs its own zip code but here is Damian Priest to interrupt. Priest: “R-Truth makes more sense than you do!” McIntyre says he was screwed over last year, including at Wrestlemania. The reality is that McIntyre won the World Title but was so obsessed with CM Punk that Priest was able to cash in Money In The Bank. McIntyre (sat in Punk’s signature style): “I am not obsessed with CM Punk.”

Priest is ready to beat McIntyre at Elimination Chamber and reminds McIntyre that be dropped him the last time they were here. McIntyre is ready to let Priest try to do it again but here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. Rollins talks about how this place was looking fun so he had to come in and join the party. He blames McIntyre’s terrible Money In The Bank cash in for not winning the World Heavyweight Title last year and gets in Priest’s face.

Cue CM Punk to interrupt, saying that Rollins looks like an oven mitt (close enough) and he’ll Rollins tomorrow night. He doesn’t have any issue with Priest, but he’s ready to take him out in the Elimination Chamber. That leaves the other guy who is obsessed with him, but Punk is obsessed with going to Wrestlemania. Someone asked him if he would be willing to sell his soul to get to the top and they’re all dealing with serious Punk tomorrow.

Punk calls out John Cena for having his retirement tour and not showing up but the other three say they’re ready to take him out. McIntyre will just complain on the internet if he loses…and here is Cena….’s music, with Logan Paul coming out instead. Paul makes it clear that Cena doesn’t care about Canada before mocking Rollins, who is dressed like he lost a bet. There is a Priest standing in the ring but he is still the answer to WWE’s prayers. Paul calls out Punk, who chases him away. This was the “a bunch of people talk to each other” and it worked well.

We go to the Kickoff Show, where a bunch of women got in a brawl.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

Knight drives him into the corner to start before Escobar bounces out of a headscissors. A Side Effect looks to set up Knight’s jumping top rope elbow but Escobar gets up instead. Knight sends him outside, where Escobar gets in a whip to the steps as we take a break. Back with the two of them striking away until Knight plants him down with a neckbreaker.

Escobar’s armbar doesn’t get him very far as Knight is back with some clotheslines into a jumping elbow drop. A missed charge sends Knight into the corner, setting up a top rope hurricanrana. Escobar goes up top, only to dive into the BFT (and a nice one at that) to give Knight the pin at 11:16.

Rating: B-. Another nice back and forth match here with Knight getting the win, as he should have given his recent issues with Shinsuke Nakamura. Escobar is another example of someone who can work well with almost anyone in the ring and that’s a good way to make Knight look better. I’m not sure if Knight is getting the title shot, but he would make the most sense of all of the options.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. He knows there is a long history between himself and Kevin Owens, so he wants Owens out here right now. They can say their final piece to each other and that’s it before tomorrow. We cut to Owens in an empty stadium (the location for tomorrow’s show) where he can talk about how they have never had a bigger match.

Owens promises to watch Zayn’s family suffer after tomorrow because this is all Zayn’s fault. Zayn says he is nervous, but it’s because of what he will do to Owens. He brings up the names of Owens’ parents (that gets Owens serious) and says it’s on tomorrow. Owens says he’ll see Zayn tomorrow to wrap it up. As usual, these two feel important together and that will be the case again tomorrow.

Carmelo Hayes says he won’t need the Miz tonight. With Hayes gone, Cody Rhodes comes in and Miz asks him what he’s going to do. Rhodes isn’t sure, but Miz talks about how Rhodes could be so much more in Hollywood if he takes the deal.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman throws him around to start and they go outside, but here is Tama Tonga for a distraction. Cue Solo Sikoa with a chair to Strowman’s back for no effect so Strowman takes the chair. Hayes drops to the mat though and the referee sees Strowman holding the chair, which is enough for the DQ at 1:27. Well that was quick.

Post match Strowman powerbombs Tonga.

Naomi, Bayley and Bianca Belair are ready to fight in their six woman tag tonight.

Bayley/Naomi/Bianca Belair vs. Roxanne Perez/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez

Naomi and Morgan slug it out to start with Naomi kicking her into the corner without much trouble. All six get in for the slugout until Bayley drops Morgan with a suicide dive. Another dive lets her point at the sign and we take a break. Back with Bayley bulldogging Rodriguez out of the corner, allowing Belair to come back in. Belair muscles Rodriguez up for a suplex and the standing moonsault gets two.

Everything breaks down and Naomi gives Rodriguez a hanging Pedigree on the apron, followed by a swinging kick to Perez. Bayley hits the top rope elbow on Perez before Naomi and Raquel crash out to the floor. The Bayley To Belly is broken up and Perez goes after Bayley’s knee, setting up the Pop Rox for the pin at 8:52.

Rating: C+. Perez gets another win and that is a good sign for her future. I could go for seeing more of what she is going to get to do, as she is more than ready for the main roster. While she isn’t likely going to win the Chamber, WWE is giving her a strong push to start and that could go a long way.

Post match Alexa Bliss runs in to lay Perez out. The Wyatt Sicks logo pops up because we just have to do that for some reason.

Charlotte is ready for Tiffany Stratton at Wrestlemania.

Travis Scott will be at Elimination Chamber.

Elimination Chamber rundown.

Shinsuke Nakamura promises to make an example out of whomever challenges him next.

Jacob Fatu is ready to smash the other two.

Jacob Fatu vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. LA Knight

For a future US Title shot. Fatu stomps on Knight in the corner and glares at Hayes for daring to stop him. Knight gets back up to knock Fatu outside and hits an elbow on Hayes, only to get pulled outside by Fatu. Hayes joins them and Fatu misses a big charge into the timekeeper’s area as we take a break.

Back with Fatu in control again and taking turns knocking both of them down. Hayes manages a springboard DDT to Fatu, who just screams at him before hitting the pop up Samoan drop. A BFT hits Fatu but Hayes is back up with the First 48 for two on Knight. Back up and Hayes is thrown outside onto Fatu, who sends him into the steps. Knight hits a nice spinning dive to send Fatu into the steps but Hayes is back with Nothing But Net. Fatu pops up for a Swanton to break up the cover and hits the triple jump moonsault, only for Knight to steal the pin at 12:18.

Rating: B. They were working here with Hayes being there as a way to give Knight the pin without beating Fatu. What matters the most here is that Knight is getting his title match at some point, though I’m not sure we needed to have a tournament to set that up. Either way, Knight winning the title back isn’t out of the question, and he looked good on the way there.

CM Punk asks Cody Rhodes what the Rock could possibly offer him, though Punk says he’s glad he never got that offer.

Here is Michael Cole for an in-ring chat with Rhodes. Cole gets right to the point, saying that Rhodes has the chance to sell out tomorrow night. The Rhodes that Cole has known for twenty years wouldn’t do it but this is a different Rock. Cole goes over what Rhodes could get out of this, including a limited schedule, a bunch of money, and a big red truck, with Rhodes’ name and logo on it, which rolls into the arena.

Rock pops up on screen with his own version of the truck, saying he knows Rhodes is going to do the right thing. He brings up talking to Dusty Rhodes in the hope that Cody will do the right thing and let the Rock have what he wants. Rock busts out a weightlifting belt labeled “Cody’s Soul” with the date of June 11, 2015, the date Dusty died. He’ll see Cody tomorrow for the decision.

Cody is unsure to end the show. It helped to have this laid out a bit more as that helps explain why Cody might want to take the deal, but it’s still hard to believe he’ll do it. That being said, it very well may be the point, as Rock might have someone else ready to take him up on the offer.

Overall Rating: C+. This third hour is dragging the show down and that was on clear display here. It felt like there was a lot on here for the sake of filling in time, with the whole tournament thing feeling like it was just added in. On the positive side, the wrestling itself was good and they fleshed out the Cody deal a lot more. That being said, it’s really hard to get interested in whatever the Rock is talking about as this version of him isn’t making good TV. Get him mad and things are better, but for now it’s a lot of waiting to get to the better stuff. Not a bad show, but dang getting back to two hours sounds great.

Tiffany Stratton b. Chelsea Green via DQ when Nia Jax interfered
Jacob Fatu b. Andrade – Triple jump moonsault
LA Knight b. Santos Escobar – BFT
Carmelo Hayes b. Braun Strowman via DQ when Strowman was accused of using a chair
Roxanne Perez/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Bayley/Naomi/Bianca Belair – Pop Rox to Bayley
LA Knight b. Jacob Fatu and Carmelo Hayes – Triple jump moonsault to Hayes



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – February 21, 2025: The Rock Is Speaking. A Lot.

Date: February 21, 2025
Location: Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re closing in on Wrestlemania but the big story this week would be the return of the Rock. That could be for a variety of reasons and now we get to see what he is going to be announcing. Other than that, Elimination Chamber is just over a week away and the show’s namesake matches are officially set. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Cody Rhodes is here for the main event…but Nick Aldis reveals that the Rock has pulled him from said match.

Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Uso

During his entrance, Jimmy mocks McIntyre’s chances of going to Wrestlemania. McIntyre mocks the Yeet pose and gets punched in the face for his early efforts. An overhead belly to belly sends Uso flying again and they go outside for a ram into the barricade. Back in and McIntyre says Jimmy will not be going to Wrestlemania so he knocks McIntyre outside for the suicide dive. A hard whip into the steps drops Jimmy again though and we take a break.

We come back with Jimmy knocking him off the top, meaning it’s a Whisper In The Wind to drop McIntyre again. The Samoan drop gives Jimmy two but McIntyre catches him with a headbutt. A superkick and spear give Jimmy two so McIntyre comes back with a neckbreaker. More trash talking ensues but Jimmy rolls him up for the pin at 11:18.

Rating: C+. It’s good for Jimmy to get a nice win like this, even if it was off of a fluke rollup. It was a clean pin over an established main eventer who is likely going to be in a big match at Wrestlemania no matter what. Jimmy needed this a lot more than McIntyre did and points for going with the surprise, which didn’t really hurt McIntyre all that much.

Post match McIntyre wrecks Jimmy and loads up a Claymore against the post but referees break it up. Then McIntyre breaks free and hits a Claymore (no post).

We look at Solo Sikoa returning last week but Damian Priest won his Elimination Chamber qualifying match anyway.

Sikoa arrives and says what happened was an accident. Jacob Fatu says if it wasn’t an accident, Sikoa wouldn’t be here. Tonight, the two of them are running the plays instead.

Video on the men’s Elimination Chamber match.

Earlier tonight, R-Truth told Carmelo Hayes that they had a tag match tonight and Hayes was surprised that he would be teaming with Miz.

Zelina Vega is tired of being treated as too small to be a star and we hear about some of her success. She’ll keep fighting.

Carmelo Hayes/The Miz vs. R-Truth/LA Knight

R-Truth says that Knight is a local legend, because his name is Louisiana Knight. Ok that’s so stupid it’s hilarious. R-Truth takes Hayes down and gets two off a rollup, followed by the hiptoss. He counts his own near fall, despite not actually being on top of Hayes. The armdrag goes on and….R-Truth tags the Miz in as we take a break.

Back with R-Truth hitting a Stundog Millionaire and making the tag to Knight to pick up the pace. Knight seems to drop Miz on what looked like a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but does block Hayes’ First 48. R-Truth comes back in for the John Cena sequence but Miz breaks up the STF. Cue Shinsuke Nakamura to jump Knight though and the First 48 gives Hayes the pin on Knight at 10:04.

Rating: C. I laughed at the LA part but the stuff after the break was pretty much just generic. R-Truth was doing his usual fun stuff but there was nothing all that interesting otherwise. Nakamura vs. Knight has been going on for a long time now and the other people involved just weren’t all that interesting. This felt like a one joke idea to set up the ending sequence.

Mike Tyson will be at WWE World.

Video on Charlotte, who says she doesn’t have to call herself the greatest of all time. She’s officially facing Tiffany Stratton for the title at Wrestlemania.

Here is Stratton for a chat before her match. Stratton knows that people are obsessed with her since she won the title and now she is ready to make sure that the unstoppable force comes to a bitter end. For now though, she wants to talk about Charlotte, who took her sweet time officially challenging her for the title. The rumors are true: no one loves to kick a woman down like Charlotte. Stratton is coming for the top spot in WWE but here are Nia Jax and Candice LeRae to interrupt. Jax promises to come for the title after Elimination Chamber. Stratton laughs it off and is ready to beat LeRae tonight.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Candice LeRae

Non-title and we’re joined in progress with Stratton working on the arm but here is Charlotte to interrupt. The distraction lets LeRae hit a Hennig necksnap but Charlotte is right back up with a running hip attack. Charlotte joins commentary to brag about how great she is, just stopping enough to see Stratton leave a moonsault to the floor short.

We take a break and come back with Stratton hitting a spinebuster for two as Charlotte says Stratton’s career comes from copying one more. Stratton misses a Swanton but LeRae misses a moonsault, only to be pulled out to the floor. Back in and Stratton hits the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the pin at 9:49.

Rating: C+. It’s good for Stratton to win as she is going to be an underdog against Charlotte no matter what and it would not surprise me whatsoever to see Charlotte walk out with the title at Wrestlemania. The other stuff with Jax and LeRae feels like it’s on another planet for Stratton right now and that’s a weird way to go with Wrestlemania so close. Just keep her strong and don’t let Charlotte, or Jax, run her over and it should be fine.

Post match the beatdown is on but Trish Stratus runs in for the save. Jax puts Stratus and Stratton down for a double Annihilator to leave them laying. With the villains gone, Charlotte comes in for the sign pointing. This whole thing was fine on paper, but I’m going to need a lot more of a reason to cheer for Stratton. She’s still a villain and hasn’t had a big moment to turn her to the good side. Right now, it’s Charlotte being more evil than Stratton and that’s not good enough. They really need to work on that, and I’m not sure how well it’s going to go at Wrestlemania if things don’t improve in a big way.

Damian Priest runs into Cody Rhodes and respectfully says he’s coming for Rhodes’ title. That’s fine with Rhodes, who leaves. Braun Strowman comes in and they’re good for tonight’s tag match.

Video on the women’s Elimination Chamber.

Naomi and Bianca Belair are ready to defend the Women’s Tag Team Titles against Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez. They’re convinced the two of them attacked Jade Cargill too.

Evolve is coming.

Video on Alexa Bliss, who has changed while she was gone but this place is still the same. She has won the Elimination Chamber before and she’ll do it again.

Naomi vs. Liv Morgan

Bianca Belair and Raquel Rodriguez are both here too and it’s a four way brawl before the bell. Naomi and Belair are laid out. No match.

Post break Nick Aldis throws Morgan and Rodriguez out. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven come in and say they’re ready to take Belair and Naomi’s spots in the Elimination Chamber. Aldis doesn’t think that’s necessary, though Green refers to herself as “the greatest Canadian export since maple syrup.” Aldis puts her in a match on Smackdown next week instead.

Here is the Rock for a chat, thankfully without that personalized belt. Rock says you know it’s important if he’s here and we get the catchphrase…and the announcement that Wrestlemania is coming back to New Orleans next year. It’s on April 11/12 2026 and Rock belts out a little When The Saints Go Marching In, though this is NOT singalong with the Final Boss. Rock insults the fans and says he’s also here to call out Cody Rhodes.

Rock talks about how Cody deserves these cheers and then talks about their good night in Los Angeles last month. They have become friends since then and their moms are even friends now. Yes the Rock is on the Board Of Directors but he wants Cody to be more than a great champion. He wants Cody to be HIS champion. Cody isn’t sure what this is about but says he’s their (meaning the fans) champion.

The Rock brags about his social media following and wants Cody to go even higher. If Cody is his champion, the dreams of Cody, his wife and daughter can come true. What the Rock wants is a brother, and that’s what he wants Cody to be. Last year, he wanted Cody to step aside but Cody did something censored. Then Cody slapped him, which no one does and gets away with it. He wants Cody to think about it and give him an answer at Elimination Chamber. The Rock wants his soul, which has Cody confused.

I have a really bad feeling about where this is going and the Rock is starting to wear thin. He’s a major star, but it feels like he is coming in out of nowhere and is suddenly involved in the World Title picture. He very well might not be wrestling, but it would be fine to see a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania which doesn’t have Rock and everything else involved. I’m curious to see where it goes at Elimination Chamber, but dang Rock takes his sweet time getting to the point.

Tag Team Titles: DIY vs. Pretty Deadly

DIY is defending and want a moment of silence for Pretty Deadly before the bell but get cut off rather quickly. Pretty Deadly clears the ring while the music is still playing but Prince gets kneed to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Prince and Ciampa hitting stereo crossbodies for a collision, allowing the tag off to Wilson. A Codebreaker out of the corner gets two on Gargano…and the Street Profits come in for the double DQ at 6:15. Not enough shown to rate but it was just picking up when the Profits interrupted.

Post match the Profits beat them down so here are the Motor City Machine Guns, who are beaten up as well.

We look at John Cena’s time in the Elimination Chamber.

We look at Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens in an unsanctioned match being set for the Elimination Chamber.

Owens says Zayn got what he wanted and couldn’t just take the beating he deserved. Has Zayn thought about his family? Owens moves the camera to show that he’s outside Zayn’s house and watching them through the window. He’ll see Zayn in Toronto, but remember that Zayn asked for this. That shot made it feel a lot more serious and that’s a good thing.

Damian Priest/Braun Strowman vs. Jacob Fatu/Solo Sikoa

Tama Tonga is here with the villains. During the entrance, Fatu promises revenge as Sikoa stays silent. Priest backs Sikoa into the corner to start but Sikoa headbutts his way out of trouble. Sikoa spends too much time talking to Fatu though and Priest knocks him down, allowing the tag to Strowman.

Everything breaks down and Strowman charges around ringside, only to have Fatu knock him into the timekeeper’s area. We take a break and come back with Strowman fighting up but getting run over by Fatu again. Sikoa hits a running Umaga attack in the corner and Fatu hits his own, only to try once too often and get cut off.

Strowman hits a spinebuster for a needed breather and the double tag brings in Priest to face Sikoa. A superkick staggers Priest, who is right back with his lifting Downward Spiral for two. The Old School crossbody connects but Priest has to take out an interfering Tonga. Fatu gets in a cheap shot and Spinning Solo gets two. Back in and Fatu accidentally superkicks Sikoa and Strowman takes Fatu out. South of Heaven finishes Sikoa at 12:33.

Rating: B-. This was a nice hoss match and I’ll take that in the main event. Priest is being treated as a big deal around here and putting him in the main event slots, even in a show like this, is a good sign for his career. Sikoa’s fall continuing is a logical way to go as well, as there is no reason to keep Fatu as the monster much longer. Let him take Sikoa’s spot, and that seems to be what we are going to see sooner than later.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show, in that the big focal point was in the middle and we’re going to have to wait and see what that means next weekend. Other than that, the Stratton/Charlotte feud is going to need some work and some of the other stuff was only so interesting. The problem with having Elimination Chamber set is it only leaves so much to be done on TV. That was the case here and while it wasn’t a terrible show, it wasn’t something you need to see.

Jimmy Uso b. Drew McIntyre – Rollup
Carmelo Hayes/The Miz b. R-Truth/LA Knight – First 48 to R-Truth
Tiffany Stratton b. Candice LeRae – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
DIY vs. Street Profits went to a double DQ when the Street Profits interfered
Damian Priest/Braun Strowman b. Jacob Fatu/Solo Sikoa – South of Heaven to Sikoa



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Smackdown – February 14, 2025: Speed It Up A Little

Date: February 14, 2025
Location: Capitol One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s Valentine’s Day and that means…well very little really as we are likely to be in for a pretty run of the mill show. We have a big hoss fight in the form of an Elimination Chamber qualifying match tonight and that should be fun. Other than that, we need some non-Chamber matches for the show in a few weeks and we might find some of those this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Vic Joseph is filling in for Joe Tessitore for one week. Interesting that it isn’t Corey Graves, who has had that spot before.

We look back at last week with Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso beating Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu, followed by the return of Solo Sikoa.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Now that Jey Uso has chosen to challenge Gunther at Wrestlemania, the Elimination Chamber will determine Rhodes’ challenger. Will it be Logan Paul? Maybe CM Punk? Or Drew McIntyre? What about John Cena? Well the fans seem to favor Punk or Cena, but Rhodes would rather talk about someone it will not be, which would be Solo Sikoa. Cue McIntyre to interrupt because he didn’t like being just a name on a list.

Rhodes gives him a more enthusiastic “ALSO DREW MCINTYRE”, with McIntyre listing off his accolades. Is it the former multiple time World Champion Drew McIntyre? Maybe he has to remind Rhodes who he is, but Rhodes remembers McIntyre beating him. Cue Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga to interrupt, with Fatu saying McIntyre already has his spot in the Chamber.

Now it’s time for Fatu to get his spot and go to Wrestlemania to bring the title back home. McIntyre thinks people want to see him fight Fatu right now but nah because McIntyre already has his spot. McIntyre: “Hey Cody, I think he wants to talk to you.” Rhodes is ready to face Fatu at Wrestlemania if that’s what it comes to but we see Solo Sikoa arriving in the back. Fatu says he’s talking to Sikoa first but Rhodes says he’ll be talking to Sikoa last. This was a lot of talking to set up some possible challengers for Rhodes, but we’ll see where that goes in a few weeks.

Post break, Fatu is looking for Sikoa and, shockingly, isn’t happy.

Wade Barrett talks to Trish Stratus, who is in the crowd. She’s excited for Elimination Chamber and she’s going to be at the show in Toronto.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Naomi vs. Chelsea Green

Non-title and Bianca Belair and Piper Niven are both here too. Naomi wastes no time in rolling her up for two and then does it again for a bonus. Some kicks put Green down again for the splits splash and another near fall. Naomi’s running Meteora gets two and Green is sent outside, where she gets in a pump kick as we take a break.

Back with Green hammering away but Naomi gets in a quick Fameasser for another near fall. The hanging Pedigree gets two but Naomi misses the split legged moonsault. The Rough Ryder gives Green two and a Backstabber out of the corner gets the same. Green can’t hit the flipping Unprettier though and Naomi grabs an X Factor. Now the split legged moonsault can put Green away at 8:29.

Rating: C+. It’s a bad week for midcard champions in the women’s division as both Green and Lyra Valkyria lose in qualifying matches. Naomi getting into the Chamber is a logical way to go as she fits in well, but at the same time I could have gone with seeing what Green could have done in there. Other than that, Green could still probably use a new challenger, and I’m not sure I can picture that being Naomi.

Sami Zayn has a banged up neck after being attacked by Kevin Owens. He knows they have a history of turning on each other and he can’t believe that Owens is going this nuts over not helping him at the Royal Rumble. When Zayn is clear, they’re going to do this again. Anything those two do works fine so this should be no exception.

Michelle McCool is going into the Hall Of Fame. I’m surprised it took her that long.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Los Garza

Angel knees Sabin in the ribs to start but Shelley comes in to take over without much trouble. The double dive is cut off though and Los Garza gets to pose, complete with Angel TAKING OFF HIS PANTS as we go to a break. Back with the Guns hitting the Downward Spiral/missile dropkick combination for two but everything breaks down again. A powerbomb/World’s Strongest Slam/springboard kick to the face combination gives Garza two but Berto’s moonsault hits raised boots. Now the Guns can hit the stereo dives, setting up Skull & Bones for the pin on Berto at 7:29.

Rating: C+. As usual, the Guns can do just about anything with anyone and having an underrated team like Los Garza in there made it better. I’m not sure what is next for the Guns, as we’ve covered them against DIY. Maybe the Street Profits are up next, but we might be waiting a bit to get there.

Video on Damian Priest.

Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga find Solo Sikoa, who said he needed time away after losing to Roman Reigns. It’s time to start taking over everything and that starts with Fatu winning tonight so he can get the title back in the family. That sounds more like the ending rather than the beginning.

Here is Shinsuke Nakamura for a chat. He has been waiting for a worthy challenge for weeks now but there are no warriors here. Cue LA Knight to interrupt, saying Nakamura is out here looking for a test, but that’s clearly a lie. Knight had him beat when Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu interfered. He’s the test Nakamura is looking for but here is the Miz to interrupt. Miz isn’t impressed with Knight, who mocks Miz for saying the same things for years. Why can’t Miz start his own Farewell Tour?

Miz mocks Knight for saying it’s ok for men to cry, but Knight says Miz and Drew McIntyre have to be at the top of the list of crybabies. Miz says Knight doesn’t have his resume and now he wants the US Title. Knight: “Dude you suck.” The threat of a BFT sends Miz outside but here is Nick Aldis to make the match. This felt like a way to fill in time on a long show.

Miz vs. LA Knight

We’re joined in progress with Knight hitting a running knee in the corner and snapping off a powerslam for two. A hot shot cuts Knight off though and Miz hits a running crotch attack to the back. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Miz grabs a neckbreaker for two. They go outside for Knight’s rams into the announcers’ table, only for Shinsuke Nakamura to offer a distraction.

Miz sends Knight into the table for a breather as we take a break. Back with Knight hitting his jumping neckbreaker for two but Miz catches him with the corner clothesline. A Downward Spiral out of the corner (and off the clothesline as Miz as something new) sets up a DDT for two as things slow down a bit. Back up and Knight grabs the BFT out of nowhere, setting up the jumping top rope elbow for the pin at 10:18 shown.

Rating: C+. Not a bad match at all here as Knight thankfully gets a win over someone with some status. That’s the kind of win he needs and WWE might be on the way to getting him back on track. Maybe he gets another shot at Shinsuke Nakamura at Elimination Chamber, possibly on the way to a bigger match with Drew McIntyre down the line.

Liv Morgan suggests she’ll win the Elimination Chamber and face Nia Jax should Jax win the title back tonight. This matters more as the Wyatt Sicks logo pops up as Bliss talks. Can we just not with that? Please?

Miz runs into Andrade, who offers to teach him something after his loss. With Andrade gone, Carmelo Hayes comes up to say people don’t respect people like them. Miz suggests a partnership but Hayes leaves for his match.

R-Truth vs. Carmelo Hayes

This is after R-Truth got confused by Hayes calling himself “Him”. Hayes jumps him to start but R-Truth is back with the John Cena offense. A Stunner staggers Hayes, who is right back with the First 48 for two. Nothing But Net finishes for Hayes at 2:21. It’s nice to see Hayes getting back on track, at least for now.

The Street Profits don’t know why people are made at them but once Angelo Dawkins is cleared to return, the rest of the tag division is in trouble. They want the smoke. I want to know why Ford’s sunglasses keep appearing and disappearing in between shots.

DIY interrupts Pretty Deadly, who are ready for their Tag Team Title shot next week. Tommaso Ciampa threatens violence.

In his car, Kevin Owens talks about how everyone has betrayed him in the last six months an invites Sami Zayn to come find him at Elimination Chamber. Then Zayn will know pain.

Women’s Title: Nia Jax vs. Tiffany Stratton

Jax, with Candice LeRae, is challenging and powers Stratton into the corner to start. Stratton tries to flip away but gets dropped with a headbutt for two. Jax misses a hip attack on the apron, only to come back with a pop up Samoan drop for two more. The big legdrop gives Jax another near fall and now the hip attack can send Stratton into the post.

We take a break and come back with Stratton flipping out of a powerbomb attempt for two. Stratton hits….we’ll call it a spinebuster for two but Jax sends her flying again. A super Samoan drop is broken up and Stratton hits a top rope double stomp for two. Jax is right back with the super Samoan drop for two more and a middle rope legdrop gets the same.

We take another break and come back with Stratton hitting a moonsault to the floor, followed by the Swanton for two more. For some reason Stratton thinks she can pick her up in a fireman’s carry and collapses just as fast. The Annihilator misses though and Stratton grabs a second spinebuster (thanks for clarifying that Vic) but LeRae runs in to break up the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the DQ at 16:57.

Rating: B-. This was a way to get us past the rematch and that’s what it needed to be. Stratton is likely on to something better in the near future, though Jax adding herself into something is pretty normal around here. Having two breaks in there didn’t help things, but Stratton was doing what she could in a longer match like this. On the other hand, Jax more than held up her side, which I’m not sure she would have been able to do in her first run with the company.

Post match the beatdown is on but Trish Stratus jumps the barricade and makes the save. Jax wrecks Stratton and Stratus anyway. Then Charlotte comes out and, as mockingly as she can, challenges Stratton for WrestleMania. Well at least it’s officially set.

Nick Aldis shows Naomi and Bianca Belair a video showing Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez near the scene of Jade Cargill’s attack. They’re going to Raw to deal with this themselves.

We look at Undertaker on Legends & Future Greats.

Trish Stratus comes up to Tiffany Stratton in the back and offers to team with her against Nia Jax and Candice LeRae at Elimination Chamber. Didn’t they not get along last time?

Drew McIntyre comes up to Jimmy Uso to mock him for not qualifying for the Elimination Chamber. At least Jimmy married up! McIntyre calls him Jey, earning himself a superkick.

Braun Strowman is ready to get some gold so he’s coming for Cody Rhodes.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Braun Strowman vs. Damian Priest vs. Jacob Fatu

They stare at each other to start before trading shots to the face, with Strowman being knocked to the floor. Priest gets the better of a fight with Fatu but Strowman runs them both over with a crossbody. We take a break and come back with Strowman pulling Fatu to the floor to break up the running Umaga Attack. Fatu isn’t having that as he sends Strowman into the barricade but gets kicked down by Priest.

The Old School crossbody is countered into a Samoa drop though, followed by a Swanton for two. They go up top but here is Strowman to turn it into a Tower Of Doom, leaving all three down. Priest takes Fatu outside for a Downward Spiral onto the announcers’ table, only for Strowman to drop Priest in a hurry. Back in and Fatu hits some running Umaga Attacks on Strowman before wrapping a chair around Strowman’s neck.

Strowman gets up and unloads with the chair…but here is Solo Sikoa to Samoan Spike Strowman down. Cue Cody Rhodes to go after Sikoa, who Spikes Tama Tonga by mistake. Fatu yells at Sikoa but gets taken out by Priest. Back in and Strowman misses a charge into the post, setting up South Of Heaven to give Priest the pin at 16:14.

Rating: B-. They were teasing a big time hoss fight here but we only got a pretty good one. This needed to be more of a train crash with less time, but going that long hurt it a bit. Priest is the biggest deal right now and it makes sense to put him in the Chamber, as you don’t want Fatu in there if he’s going to take a loss. Nice enough main event here, though it never got to that next level.

Priest and Rhodes share a bit of a moment to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show had a bit better pace than the previous weeks, but there were still some parts which felt like they could have gone a bit faster. They’re turning the Elimination Chamber matches into some big time matches and a Wrestlemania match is officially set. That’s a lot for one show and now we get to see who else will be in the Chambers in the near future. Nice show here, but getting it back to two hours is still going to help a lot.

Naomi b. Chelsea Green – Split legged moonsault
Motor City Machine Guns b. Los Garza – Skull & Bones to Berto
LA Knight b. The Miz – Top rope elbow
Carmelo Hayes b. R-Truth – Nothing But Net
Tiffany Stratton b. Nia Jax via DQ when Candice LeRae interfered
Damian Priest b. Braun Strowman and Jacob Fatu – South Of Heaven to Strowman



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Smackdown – February 7, 2025: The Raw Problem

Date: February 7, 2025
Location: FedExForum, Memphis, Tennessee
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re done with the Royal Rumble and that means Jey Uso and Charlotte have a choice to make. Having won their respective Royal Rumbles, they get to choose their Wrestlemania title matches, though we could be waiting a long time before we get there. Other than that, Cody Rhodes is still WWE Champion and is going to need some new challengers. Let’s get to it.

Here is the Royal Rumble if you need a recap.

A bunch of people came to work today.

Long Royal Rumble recap.

Here is Jey Uso, naturally coming through the crowd, for a chat. Just like on Raw, we get a YEET encore because the fans demand one. He’s on his way to the main event of Wrestlemania but he has some decisions to make. On Raw, he talked to Gunther so tonight, he would like Cody Rhodes to come out here.

Cue Cody, who knows what Uso wants to talk about, and we pan out to show the Wrestlemania sign. Uso has choices to make, but Cody talks about the various medical issues he is having at the moment. They can go hit Beal street together to have some fun, but it will be the last time if Uso chooses him.

We get a handshake, but here are Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga to interrupt. Fatu says Cody took the title from his family and now it is time to get it back. That doesn’t mean Jey though, and the fight is on, with the good guys clearing the ring. We probably won’t have an answer anytime soon, but at least we got a nice tease here.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Bianca Belair vs. Piper Niven

Naomi and Chelsea Green are here too. Belair wastes no time in slugging away in the corner before low bridging her out to the floor. That’s fine with Niven, who hits a crossbody against the barricade and a backsplash as we take a break. Back with Niven blocking the KOD and getting two off a Boss Man Slam. The Cannonball connects and a Vader Bomb gives Niven two but Belair avoids a charge in the corner. Now the KOD can finish Niven off at 8:04.

Rating: C+. Belair throwing Niven around is awesome to see and even though we’ve seen it a few times, it still works so well. Belair very well could be in a title match at Wrestlemania and hopefully it is a singles match rather than for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Not a great match or anything, but it did what it needed to do.

Carmelo Hayes interrupts new Smackdown stars Kayden Carter and Katana Chance before being told how he is going to face another Raw star tonight. That would be Akira Tozawa, which Hayes thinks will be a layup. He could use one.

Here is DIY for a chat. They brag about beating the Motor City Machine Guns twice in one night and now it’s time for a moment of silence for the Guns. Cue Pretty Deadly to interrupt, with Pretty Deadly annoying the champs. Nick Aldis comes in to make a non-title match, but if Pretty Deadly wins, they get a future title shot.

Pretty Deadly vs. DIY

Non-title, Pretty Deadly get a title shot if they win, and DIY is in street clothes. Ciampa stomps Prince in the corner to start but misses a charge into the corner, allowing Wilson to come in and clean house. Everything breaks down and a Codebreaker out of the corner gives Prince two. Ciampa tries a rollup while grabbing the ropes but Wilson breaks it up, allowing Prince to grab a rollup, and the rope, for the upset pin at 2:59. Nice result here, as the division getting bigger is a good thing.

Miz tries to suck up to Andrade, who isn’t impressed. Cody Rhodes comes in and isn’t impressed either. Miz suggests that Jey Us might be turning on Cody, which has him thinking a bit.

John Cena is set for the Elimination Chamber.

Here is Drew McIntyre, who is officially back on Smackdown. He slept in his own bed in Nashville and realized that he is a jacked and handsome man. McIntyre is a product of his own atmosphere, which is due to Raw being so toxic. He’s here for Cody and the WWE Championship but Jimmy Uso interrupts, saying McIntyre sounds like an ex girlfriend. McIntyre: “I’m cool Jey. I mean Jimmy.”

That doesn’t mean much to Jimmy, who is ready for their Elimination Chamber qualifying match. Cue LA Knight, the other person in the match, who says there is nothing wrong with crying if something gets to you and it doesn’t make you any less of a man (amen). McIntyre whining is one of those things you can guarantee in life though and it’s time to beat him up. Yeah.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Uso vs. LA Knight

We’re joined in progress with McIntyre getting stomped down in the corner but the other two get in a fight of their own. McIntyre fights up and takes both of them down but they all go outside. Knight rams McIntyre into the announcers’ table over and over again as we take a break.

Back with Jimmy breaking up McIntyre’s superplex and tying him up in the Tree of Woe for some stomping. Naturally McIntyre pops up for a superplex to both of them, leaving all three down. Knight plants McIntyre and drops the top rope elbow for two, with Jimmy making the save. McIntyre spinebusters Knight for two before Knight tries the BFT on Jimmy. That’s broken up with a Claymore though and McIntyre pins Knight at 12:41.

Rating: B-. Gah I could go for not seeing Knight take the loss, but McIntyre in the main event scene is a good thing to see. McIntyre continues to be one of the best things about WWE at the moment though and it is nice to see him heading back into the title scene. Other than that, Jimmy can find something else to do, though I’m not sure what that is.

Braun Strowman interrupts Damian Priest. They’re in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match next week with Jacob Fatu and they argue a bit first.

We look at Kevin Owens attacking Sami Zayn on Raw.

From his car, Owens can’t believe that Zayn didn’t help him but did help Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble. Makes sense, at least from him.

Akira Tozawa vs. Carmelo Hayes

Tozawa jumps him to start and hits a middle rope hurricanrana. We take an early break and come back with Hayes working on an armbar. The spinning faceplant gives Hayes two and Tozawa is up with a knockdown of his own. A sunset bomb gives Tozawa two but Hayes his him in the face. Nothing But Net finishes Tozawa off at 7:32.

Rating: C. It might have been a bit longer than it needed to be, but dang it is nice to see Hayes get a win other than a countout. What matters the most here is that Hayes gets some elevation, as having him lose over and over again stops meaning anything after a bit. This isn’t going to fix him, but it’s better than getting pinned again.

We look at Roman Reigns being attacked by Seth Rollins after they were both eliminated from the Royal Rumble.

Jerry Lawler is here.

R-Truth is checking on Akira Tozawa but then drops him upon seeing Jey Uso. R-Truth thinks Jey won King Of The Ring but Cody Rhodes comes in, with Jey still not being sure who he is facing at Wrestlemania.

Here is Charlotte for a chat. She hears money when people boo her because everyone is obsessed with her. Of course she came back and won the Royal Rumble because she’s just that great. Now it’s her time, which is why she has been on all three shows this week. Cue Tiffany Stratton to interrupt, saying she’s a big Charlotte fan but look at how big WWE has gotten with Charlotte gone.

Charlotte says Stratton can speak when spoken to, but Stratton wants Charlotte to pick her for Wrestlemania. Charlotte says Stratton can beg her but here are Nia Jax and Candice LeRae to interrupt. Jax is getting a title shot next week so Charlotte says she’ll be here to watch. Cue Alexa Bliss to interrupt and after a break, here we go.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Candice LeRae vs. Alexa Bliss

Bliss shoves her down to start and hits some knees to the ribs. LeRae knees her in the back though and grabs a backbreaker to slow Bliss down. They fight to the apron with Bliss being knocked to the floor. We take a break and come back with LeRae cranking on the arms. Bliss fights up and hits some knees to the back, only to get neckbreakered over the ropes. They fight over a small package until Bliss grabs an Abigail DDT for the pin at 10:41.

Rating: C. Bliss being back is nice but at the end of the day, she’s only so good in the ring and it holds her down. At the same time, having her still doing stuff with the Wyatt inspired deal is a bit annoying and has me worried. It was a lot to take before and now we get to see just how well it is going to go again, assuming that is what takes place.

Chelsea Green is ready to qualify next week but B-Fab, Michin and Zelina Vega come in to say they want the Women’s US Title.

The Street Profits interfered at the Royal Rumble because they want the Tag Team Titles back.

The Motor City Machine Guns are ready for the Profits to try and kick them out of their yard. Los Garza comes in and argue as well, with Santos Escobar making the tag match for next week.

Video on Damian Priest vs. Jacob Fatu vs. Braun Strowman next week.

Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso vs. Tama Tonga/Jacob Fatu

Tonga slips out of Cody’s suplex to start and it’s quickly off to Fatu for a backsplash. We take a break and come back with Fatu staying on Rhodes, who avoids Tonga’s charge in the corner. The tag brings in Uso to clean house The running Umaga Attack gets two on Tonga as everything breaks down.

We settle down to Us getting double elbowed in the face and the Samoan drop puts him down again. A double clothesline gets Uso out of trouble though an it’s back to Rhodes to clean house. Rhodes goes up top but gets shoved down by Fatu. Uso pulls Fatu to the floor and hits a dive, leaving Rhodes to hit Cross Rhodes for the pin on Tonga at 11:04.

Rating: B-. I was expecting this to be a bit longer but I’ll take what I can get here. Fatu being in there with bigger names, including the WWE Champion, is a good sign for his future. Other than that, Rhodes gets a nice win over someone with some status, though I’m not sure what is going on with the former Bloodline at the moment. They need something to do and that could take some time to set up.

Post mach Solo Sikoa runs in to Samoan Spike Rhodes to end the show. That might help.

Overall Rating: C+. We’re reaching the point where the three hour time span is hurting the show, as it’s becoming less fun and just feeling long most weeks. That was the case here, as it felt like the show was being stretched out to cover the time, which held Raw back for years. It was still good, but this feels like a show which could have been great if it was an hour shorter. It’s not good to copy Raw’s formula for so long, but at least they should only have a few more months of this schedule.

Bianca Belair b. Piper Niven – KOD
Pretty Deadly b. DIY – Rollup to Ciampa while holding the rope
Drew McIntyre b. LA Knight and Jimmy Uso – Claymore to Knight
Carmelo Hayes b. Akira Tozawa – Nothing But Net
Alexa Bliss b. Candice LeRae – Abigail DDT
Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso b. Tama Tonga/Jacob Fatu – Cross Rhodes to Tonga



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