ECW On Sci Fi – July 22, 2008: Same Old Problems

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 22, 2008
Location: Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tazz, Mike Adamle

We’re done with the Great American Bash and that means we need a new #1 contender to the ECW Title. Mark Henry dispatched Tommy Dreamer to the shock of no one and needs someone else to crush next. There is a chance we find that out here as Summerslam is less than a month away. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Teddy Long to present a much bigger ECW Title to Mark Henry. Thank goodness as the one he had looked like a toy. Henry, with Tony Atlas, comes out and is rather pleased with the new belt. Atlas talks about how this is a new ECW in the home of the original. That beautiful new title is something you can all be proud of and it is held by the World’s Strongest Man. If you try to hold onto the past, you will be swept aside, but if you go along with it, you will be fine.

Like Colin Delaney, who joins us in the ring for an explanation of why he betrayed Tommy Dreamer. Delaney wanted to be just like Dreamer, but it just got him beaten up over and over. Then he saw Atlas and Henry and wanted to be like them, so here we are. Delaney calls them his future, but Long says Dreamer is Delaney’s future. As in his immediately future.

Colin Delaney vs. Tommy Dreamer

Delaney hides in the corner to start so Dreamer powers him into and then back out of said corner. They go outside with Delaney getting in a cheap shot but Dreamer runs him over with a clothesline. Dreamer ties him in the Tree Of Woe for a running dropkick, followed by a pumphandle throw. The DDT finishes Delaney in a hurry.

Miz and John Morrison are unhappy with losing their Tag Team Titles but they’re ready to win the fatal four way tonight to crown a new #1 contender to the ECW Title. Well one of them anyway. Morrison: “May the Buddha of luck sit in your corner.”

Jenny McCarthy doesn’t like autism.

Evan Bourne vs. James Curtis

Chavo Guerrero, with Bam Neely, is on commentary. Bourne takes him down with an armbar to start as Chavo brags about his various accomplishments. Curtis makes the rope so Bourne hits a nice dropkick into a hurricanrana for two. Bourne grabs a sanding armbar but a monkey flip is blocked with a grab of the rope. A belly to back suplex gets two and we’re off to the chinlock. Bourne fights up and strikes away, with another hurricanrana setting up the shooting star press to finish Curtis.

Rating: C+. Curtis has been around a few times now and he’s done well in his short appearances, but there is only so much you can get out of a match that doesn’t even last five minutes. Other than that, Bourne continues his ascent as he is slowly becoming a bigger star around here, which is what ECW really needs.

Post match Guerrero and Neely go after Bourne but he gives them the slip.

Finlay is ready to win the four way to get an ECW Title shot. Finlay: “Who needs luck when you’ve got a shillelagh?”

Raw Rebound.

Tiffany talks to Ricky Ortiz about her marketing background when Teddy Long interrupts. Ortiz has been working on some ideas, including a nickname: The Latin Assassin, complete with hand gestures! Long points out the whole “you’ve had one match” issue so next week we’ll double that.

Video on Mike Knox.

Matt Hardy is ready to get back to winning.

Matt Hardy vs. Miz vs. John Morrison vs. Finlay

One fall to a finish for the ECW Title shot at Summerslam. As you might have expected, a mini tag match breaks out, with Miz and Morrison being sent outside rather quickly. Finlay backs Hardy into the corner for some trash talking before Finlay drops him with a left arm clothesline. Miz and Morrison get back in to take over, which is cut off rather quickly. Hardy’s middle rope elbow to the back of the head drops Morrison and a backslide gives Hardy two. Hardy stands alone and we take a break.

Back with Morrison hitting a neckbreaker on Finlay as Miz chokes Hardy on the ropes. Finlay gets back up to go after Miz and Morrison, including an atomic drop and right hand to Miz. Some rollups get two each before Miz sends Hardy into the buckle. Finlay grabs a Fujiwara armbar on Morrison as Hardy suplexes Miz for…no cover as the referee is WAY out of position. With that broken up, Finlay takes over and gets two each on Hardy and Miz, only to get posted by Morrison.

For some reason, Morrison goes after Hornswoggle, earning a toss over the barricade. Miz has to save Morrison and drives Finlay into said barricade as there is a bunch of water on the camera lens. Some double teaming puts Finlay down so Hardy gets the chance to beat up both villains for a change. The double teaming takes Hardy down in the corner though, with a double gutbuster making it even worse.

Posing ensues until Morrison rolls Hardy up for two, meaning it’s time for angry Miz. The argument is on but they go after Hardy instead, only for the Flying Chuck to take Miz out by mistake. Finlay remembers he’s in the match and comes back in with the Regal Roll for two on Hardy.

For some reason Finlay actually goes up for a middle rope dropkick to put Morrison down but Hardy is back up to take everyone out. Finlay is back with the running seated senton to Morrison, with Hardy making the save. Miz’s corner clothesline hits Hardy but goes after Hornswoggle due to reasons of Miz isn’t that smart. Finlay shillelaghs Miz but gets kicked in the head by Morrison. The distraction lets Hardy kick Morrison out of the air and hit the Twist of Fate for the pin and the title shot.

Rating: B-. Good enough stuff here, with Hardy being the best choice for the next challenger. I’m not sure I can imagine Finlay challenging Mark Henry on a major show and that leaves the other two and….no. The match got some time and that made things a bit more interesting as Hardy had to overcome some odds, which went about as well as it could have gone.

Mark Henry comes out for the staredown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event got some time, but it really did feel like it was just there to fill in a lot of the show. That’s still the biggest problem with ECW: there is very, very little here, as you had three stories in an hour. That isn’t much to go on, and it only worked fairly well here. Not a bad show, but they still need a lot more depth as there is very little to get interested about.



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ECW On Sci Fi – July 15, 2008: Save Us Guest Stars

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 15, 2008
Location: Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

It’s been a bit since I’ve done one of these but we are in the middle of Mark Henry’s monster reign as ECW champion. He is scheduled to defend against Tommy Dreamer on Sunday at the Great American Bash and that match is going to need some more build to make things interesting. Like Tony Atlas perhaps. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Tony Atlas joining forces with Mark Henry as his new manager, which is certainly an interesting choice.

Opening sequence.

Tazz is in the ring and brings out Mark Henry and Tony Atlas for a chat. Tazz brings up the title match at the Great American Bash, but first he wants to know what happened with these two last week. Atlas says he’s a legend who doesn’t carry bags, but he’ll do it for the World’s Strongest Champion. To prove how strong Henry is, we have a demonstration, involving some frying pans.

After establishing that the pans are normal, Atlas wants someone to come out here and try to bend it. A fan attempts to do it but can’t get anywhere, so Henry does it instead. Cue Tommy Dreamer (Adamle: “Here comes the Dream Machine.”) but he’s not here to fight. Instead he would rather try to bend the other pan, which of course he can’t. He can however hit Henry in the head with the pan before leaving like a wise man would.

Post break, Teddy Long ejects Dreamer from the arena. Oddly enough, Dreamer is stunned.

Mike Knox vs. Shannon Moore

Knox sends him into the corner to start and drops Moore with a hard clothesline. There’s a backbreaker and Knox bends Moore’s back over the knee. Moore comes back up and kicks away, setting up a top rope hurricanrana for two. Not that it matters as Knox is back with the swinging faceplant for the fast pin.

Raw Rebound.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Evan Bourne

Bam Neely is here with Guerrero and we get quick comments from Bourne, who wants to show he is on Chavo’s level. Chavo grabs a headlock to start but Bourne armdrags him down and hits a dropkick. The spinning kick to the face set up an armbar but Chavo knocks Bourne off the top.

The nasty crash has Bourne in trouble and Chavo belly to bellies him for two. We hit the chinlock but Bourne fights up and grabs a middle rope armdrag. The standing moonsault gives Bourne two but Chavo is back up with a spinning backbreaker. Chavo’s Vader Bomb only hits knees though and it’s the shooting star press to give Bourne the pin.

Rating: C+. This was good stuff with Chavo being a nice choice to give Bourne a clean win. Bourne is someone with some impressive high flying but he has the strikes to make it that much better. He certainly feels like one of the better additions to the ECW roster at the moment and that is a good thing to see after some less than successful attempts.

Mark Henry and Tony Atlas interrupt Colin Delaney talking to Tiffany and tell him he has nothing to worry about. Then Henry gives him a bearhug and tosses him around.

Video on CM Punk vs. Kane on Raw, with Batista having to make the save.

Great American Bash rundown.

Hardys vs. Miz/John Morrison

Non-title and we’re joined in progress with Miz clotheslining Matt. That doesn’t get very far as Matt’s hiptoss gets two and we hit the headlock. Jeff comes in but gets taken into the wrong corner, where Morrison starts working on the arm. That’s broken up just as quickly as Jeff hits the legdrop between the legs and the Spin Cycle gives Matt two. Miz has to offer a distraction and hit a clothesline to save Morrison from the Twist of Fate, showing how versatile he really is.

The chinlock goes on before it’s back to Morrison to strike away. Matt Russian legsweeps his way to freedom though and it’s back to Jeff to pick up the pace. The slingshot dropkick hits Miz in the corner, as does Poetry In Motion for good measure. It’s too early for the Swanton though as Miz and Morrison bail to the floor. We take a break and come back with Jeff fighting out of a reverse chinlock….eventually. Miz cuts off the tag bid with a backbreaker for two before grabbing a chinlock of his own. That gives me a chance to marvel a bit at how far Miz has come. Yeah he still looks like a goof, but he’s an accomplished goof.

Then said accomplished goof misses a charge into the corner, meaning Morrison has to cut off another tag attempt. Jeff manages to knock Morrison down but Matt is pulled off the apron again, meaning the beating continues. This time Miz ties him in the Tree of Woe for some choking, only to have Jeff get up and hit the Whisper In The Wind.

Now the tag can bring in Matt to clean house, including a clothesline/bulldog combination. Morrison gets in a shot of his own but Starship Pain is easily broken up. A Razor’s Edge powerbomb plants Morrison for two and the Side Effect drops Miz. Morrison knees Matt down but Jeff hits a Swanton onto his back to break it up and give Matt the pin.

Rating: B-. This got some time and felt like a big match, even if it was more for the North Carolina fans than anything else. That being sad, it’s the best match on the show and that makes for a good main event. The Hardys still feel like a big enough deal and them going over the Tag Team Champions in a long match doesn’t feel like the biggest stretch. Odds are we’ll get a title rematch out of this and that should be a good one.

Overall Rating: C+. They kept things fairly simple here, with the main event and the opener being long enough to eat up a lot of the show’s time. The best thing is the show didn’t feel long and helped build up Evan Bourne, which is something the show needs. ECW hasn’t been very good lately but maybe things are starting to turn around. I wouldn’t bet on it, but I’ll take the slightest hope where I can.



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ECW On Sci Fi – July 8, 2008: Knock Knock

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 8, 2008
Location: River Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Commentators: Tazz, Mike Adamle

Things are changing a bit around here as we are firmly in the Mark Henry era. Last week saw Henry wrecking Colin Delaney, which might earn him the ire of Tommy Dreamer. In addition, we saw the debut of Atlas Ortiz, which really was not the most thrilling start. Maybe the second week can go better so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here are the Miz and John Morrison for a chat. They introduce themselves, with some jokes about hurricanes wrecking things around here. With that fairly disturbing line out of the way, they say they want new challengers for the Tag Team Titles so here is Finlay to interrupt. Finlay doesn’t think people want to see them run their mouths, but rather someone come out there and shut those mouths. Hornswoggle sneaks in with a water gun and the champs are quickly cleared out.

Finlay vs. Miz

We’re joined in progress with Finlay taking Miz down and doing it again with some uppercuts. A headlock on the mat has Miz in trouble and Adamle not being clear on who Finlay is facing. They go outside with Miz being rammed into the apron, followed by some stomping inside.

An atomic drop has Miz in more trouble and Finlay beats on him in the ring skirt to make it even worse. A cheap shot lets Miz ram him into the apron though and we hit the chinlock. Miz drops a leg and bends Finlay’s arm around the rope, setting up the logical armbar. The corner clothesline connects but Hornswoggle offers a distraction, allowing Finlay to grab the Celtic Cross for the fast pin.

Rating: C+. Finlay is the guy to put in there if you need to make someone look good and that was the case here. Miz is still nowhere near ready to be a featured star so having Finlay out there to walk him through a match is a good idea. That being said, Miz has come a long, long way in a relatively short time and that deserves a lot of praise.

Teddy Long and Tiffany are in Teddy’s office when Armando Estrada interrupts. Long isn’t happy with the lack of respect but asks what Estrada wants. That would be a contract, but instead Long gives him a match with the newest ECW star. Cue a man behind Estrada, who says knock knock. Apparently his name is Braden Walker, and he’s going to knock Estrada’s head off. That would be former TNA star Chris Harris under a really stupid name.

Raw Rebound.

Armando Estrada vs. Braden Walker

Walker snaps off an armdrag to start but Estrada drives him into the corner without much trouble. Walker charges into an elbow to the face though and we hit the chinlock. That doesn’t last long so Estrada elbows him down and stomps away, setting up a waistlock. Some slow stomps set up another waistlock as you can hear some BORING chants pop up. Walker fights up with a running clothesline and a full nelson slam gets two. A high crossbody, with Walker almost landing on Estrada’s shoulder, is enough for the pin.

Rating: D. Somehow, Walker might have made Atlas Ortiz look good last week. Walker was slow, sluggish and had some very lame offense. He might not have been a top star during his time in TNA, but he was a lot better than this. I’m not sure what went wrong here, but this was rather horrible.

Teddy Long runs into Tony Atlas and wants to treat him well tonight. Atlas can even be the ring announcer for the main event. With that out of the way, Mark Henry comes in to say what a fan he was of Atlas growing up. Henry mocks Atlas’ 650lb bench press and doesn’t shake his hand before leaving.

Atlas Ortiz brags about being undefeated.

Video on Matt Hardy.

Tommy Dreamer is giving Colin Delaney a pep talk when Tony Atlas walks in. Dreamer talks about Atlas mentoring him and pleasantries are exchanged.

Evan Bourne vs. Nunzio

We get a voiceover from Bourne about how great of a high flier he is, but we don’t get any special kind of video so it’s quite the odd visual. Bourne takes him into the corner to start and snaps off a headscissors into a jumping kick to the head. Nunzio gets in a backbreaker and bends Bourne’s back over the knee for a bit. Bourne is back up with a kick to the head into something like a standing Sliced Bread. The shooting star press finishes Nunzio.

Rating: C. Well it was better than Braden Walker. Other than the ending, this wasn’t much of a showcase for Bourne, though that jumping kick to the head was good. The positive for Bourne is that he is by far the best of the newcomers so far and that should be enough to keep him in good graces until he gets something more important to do.

Mark Henry runs into Tony Atlas again and hears he needs a payday. How about Atlas carries his bags? Atlas thinks about it.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry

Non-title with Tony Atlas as guest ring announcer and he introduces Henry from “Sillsville” as opposed to “Silsbee” Texas. Colin Delaney is here with Dreamer as well. Dreamer slugs away to start before Henry hits a standing body block. The comeback attempt is swatted away and Henry drops the rather large elbow. Delaney grabs Henry’s leg so the chase is on, with Atlas asking Henry to leave him alone….and then sending Delaney into the announcers’ table. Dreamer goes outside for the save and gets World’s Strongest Slammed onto the floor for the double countout.

Atlas announces Henry as the winner to end the show as Adamle thinks Dreamer invited Atlas to be ringside for the main event (Tazz thankfully ignores him).

Overall Rating: C-. The opener was good and the main event angle was…well it was something. Other than though, this was a rather weak show, with the new stars ranging from pretty good to dreadful. ECW is feeling like even more of a nothing show as WWE is now putting its newcomers on here rather than people you might want to see. Lame show, and I don’t see that getting much better.



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ECW On Sci Fi – July 1, 2008: Wrong Way?

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 1, 2008
Location: Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

We’re all done with the Draft, including the Supplemental Draft, and we also have a new ECW Champion in Mark Henry. ECW needs a new direction and having someone to chase the monster champ could be a good way to go. Other than that though, it should be interesting to see what they go with from here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night Of Champions if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Mark Henry beating Big Show and champion Kane to win the ECW Title.

Opening sequence.

Here is Mark Henry to get things going. Henry brags about his dominance and proclaims himself as the savior of ECW. Cue Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney, with Henry saying he doesn’t like being interrupted. Dreamer issues a challenge to Henry, who tells both of them to get out of here. We hear about Delaney’s toughness before Dreamer goes into the history of the ECW Title. Dreamer points out Tazz breaking his neck for the title and how much of a legacy it carries. Henry says Dreamer has to earn a title shot, but only if Delaney can beat him. Delaney accepts and Henry promises to wreck him tonight.

Matt Hardy/Hornswoggle/Finlay vs. Miz/John Morrison/Chavo Guerrero

Bam Neely is here with the villains. Matt and Miz start things off with Matt winning the standard fight over arm control. The armbar goes on until Miz fights up and drives him into the corner. A front facelock cuts Miz off though and it’s off to Finlay, who atomic drops Morrison. Chavo comes in to hammer away but Finlay ties him up in the ring skirts and unloads with forearms. Hornswoggle gets tossed onto Chavo and we take a break.

Back with Matt fighting out of a chinlock but getting dragged back into the wrong corner. Morrison adds a slingshot elbow and we hit the chinlock. Miz gets his own chinlock before it’s back to Morrison for the third chinlock in about two minutes. Matt fights up and hits a Side Effect to escape, allowing the tag back to Finlay. Everything breaks down and Hornswoggle hits a Tadpole Splash on Chavo, setting up the Celtic Cross for the pin.

Rating: C+. Not a bad six man here as Chavo is starting to be treated a bit less seriously around here. Finlay being used in his standard tough guy role works well, even with Hornswoggle there to keep things light. Matt, Miz and Morrison feel like they should be bigger deals, but having them involved with this did add some star power.

Raw Rebound.

Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney have a pep talk.

Armando Estrada interrupts Teddy Long talking to Tiffany and someone with a lot of hair. Estrada wants to know about his contract status but Long says don’t interrupt. Long introduces Atlas Ortiz, part of the new Superstar Initiative. Estrada can face Ortiz next.

Armando Estrada vs. Atlas Ortiz

They go to the mat to start with Atlas grabbing a headlock. Said headlock goes on for a good while until Estrada fights up and starts working on the back. A few forearms set up an armbar as this isn’t exactly high speed stuff. Estrada pulls him down by the hair and the armbar goes on again. Back up and Ortiz snaps off an armdrag before a dropkick gets two. A backslide gives Ortiz the pin.

Rating: D+. I remember watching Ortiz back in OVW and he wasn’t interesting there either. Ortiz looks unique and unfortunately that’s about the extent of his positives. If this was supposed to be the match that makes me want to see more of Ortiz, WWE has missed pretty badly, as this was a lot of laying around before the most basic offense finished it off. If Ortiz is their best prospect, they’re in big trouble.

Colin Delaney vs. Mark Henry

Non-title but if Delaney wins, Tommy Dreamer (at ringside) gets an ECW Title shot. Delaney gets powered into the corner to start and a hair takedown makes it worse. A few shots to the head and chest have little effect on Henry, who gorilla press drops him. The World’s Strongest Slam finishes Delaney in a hurry.

Overall Rating: C. Well, it was certainly different, and that does at least address one of the biggest issues this show has had in recent weeks. That being said, Henry beating up Delaney feels like something we’ve been seeing for months now and Ortiz was hardly an interesting new direction. I like that they tried, but it didn’t exactly go in the right direction.



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ECW On Sci Fi – June 17, 2008: My ECW For A Draft

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: June 17, 2008
Location: HP Pavilion, San Jose, California
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

Things are still kind of sluggish around here, as we have Big Show set to challenge for the ECW Title but he has barely interacted with champion Kane whatsoever. Instead, Kane and CM Punk are still feuding with Miz and John Morrison, which isn’t exactly interesting stuff. Maybe they’ll find something new in next week’s Draft but that is still a long way off. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hornswoggle vs. Armando Estrada

No Finlay here with Hornswoggle for a change. The chase is on to start until Hornswoggle whips out a bag of marbles to make Estrada slip. Hornswoggle whips out a rubber mallet before running underneath the ring and escaping to the other side. Cue Finlay with a water gun, allowing Hornswoggle to hit a dive off the apron. Back in and the Tadpole Splash gives Hornswoggle the fast pin.

Post match Tazz asks Finlay what is under the ring. Finlay says leprechauns, hobbits and even people Tazz’s size. Tazz didn’t seem to see that coming so we’ll wrap it up there.

Layla danced during the break.

Evan Bourne vs. Matt Striker

Striker sends him to the apron to start and even catches Bourne in a top rope hanging DDT for two. The cravate goes on for a bit before Bourne fights up. What might have been a low blow cuts Bourne off but he gets his feet up in the corner. Bourne pulls himself up top and hits a shooting star press for the fast pin.

Post match Mike Knox runs in to hit Bourne with the spinning Downward Spiral.

Mike Knox vs. Kofi Kingston

Knox goes with the power to start but Kofi gets some boots up in the corner. It doesn’t really matter though as Knox throws him down and cranks on both arms at once. Kofi kicks his way to freedom and hits a dropkick, followed by the Boom Drop. Cue Shelton Benjamin to jump Kofi for the DQ. Well that was quick.

Post match the brawl is on but Shelton Dragon Whips Knox down by mistake.

Long look at this week’s Million Dollar Mania.

Finlay and Hornswoggle are in Teddy Long/Tiffany’s office for a contract signing. They sign, and get a Tag Team Title shot at Night Of Champions. Granted Hornswoggle signs with a big green marker and then goes after Finlay. That’s broken up but here is Miz to be incredulous about the title shot. Finlay drops him with a single shot.

CM Punk vs. John Morrison

Punk kicks away to start so Morrison hits him in the face. A high kick to the head gives Punk two but Morrison sends him into the ropes. Morrison grabs an arm and leg on the mat for some cranking. Back up and Morrison drives him into the corner, setting up a crank on the other arm and leg. Morrison drapes him over the top rope to stay on the ribs, followed by the seated abdominal stretch.

Punk fights up and tries the GTS but the ribs go out, allowing Morrison to drop him again. The bodyscissors goes on but Punk reverses into a giant swing of all things. Punk’s ribs are fine enough to snap off a powerslam and they’re both down for a bit. Morrison knees him in the face for two and loads up a springboard, only to dive into the GTS to give Punk the pin.

Rating: C+. It was nice to have a match that actually got a little bit of time here and Punk and Morrison’s chemistry made it that much better. I’m not sure if we need to keep going with Punk going after the titles, but at least they had a nice main event here. Punk is ready to go from ECW though and there is a good chance that the Draft will take care of that.

Post match Miz pops up to say Morrison is still a Tag Team Champion.

Teddy Long brings out Big Show and Kane for a showdown as this match is suddenly remembered. Show talks about their history together and promises to take the title again. Kane says Show has no idea what is coming for him but Show talks about how crazy he knows Kane is. Cue Mark Henry to say they better hope he gets drafted elsewhere, or he’s coming for the winner. Henry gets double chokeslammed to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Well that was quite the nothing show. I get that we are coming up on the Draft and the Show vs. Kane match, but this was a bunch of nothing until a good enough main event. I’m not sure how anyone thought this was a show worth presenting, but at least they should be shaking things up after next week.


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ECW On Sci Fi – June 10, 2008: Please Help

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: June 10, 2008
Location: Save Mart Center, Fresno, California
Attendance: 6,000
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

Things took a step back in time last week as it seems like we are on the way towards Miz/John Morrison vs. CM Punk/Kane again. That isn’t the most thrilling concept at the moment, but it isn’t like there is anything else going on. As usual, ECW feels pretty creatively out of gas but maybe they can change it up a bit in the Draft later this month. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne vs. Mike Knox/Shelton Benjamin

Bourne was formerly known as Matt Sydal and we get a quick insert interview where he gets to introduce himself. Knox and Bourne start things off with Bourne’s jumping kick not having much effect. Instead Knox takes him into the corner so Benjamin can come in for a clothesline. That earns Benjamin a jumping spinwheel kick to the face and it’s off to Kofi vs. Knox. Kofi hammers away in the corner and hits some dropkicks (this is a rather kick heavy match) but Benjamin’s distraction lets Knox come back with a heck of a clothesline.

Benjamin grabs the reverse chinlock but Kofi fights up and hits another dropkick. Knox is back in there to cut him off so Kofi kicks him a few times and gets over to Bourne. A pop up hurricanrana into a dropkick rocks Knox, who kicks Bourne in the face. Everything breaks down and Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise, allowing Bourne to hit a top rope dropkick to a laying/seated Knox (that didn’t seem to go as it was supposed to) for the pin.

Rating: C+. It was a fun match but the kicks thing became a joke by the end. It’s still effective enough but that was more than a little weird to see. What matters is Bourne gets a nice start in WWE and Kofi gets to regain some of his momentum. Nice start here, and it’s nice to see some fresh names getting a chance.

A never before seen blonde is waiting in Teddy Long’s office when Armando Estrada comes in, looking for Long. He just stepped out, so Estrada brags about being the former GM. Long comes in and introduces the blonde as his new personal assistant Tiffany. Estrada wants a contract and gets a chance to earn one tonight if he can beat Finlay. Tiffany gets in the holla holla holla.

Victoria vs. Kelly Kelly

So Long’s catchphrase is holla holla holla and Kelly’s song starts with “holla holla” (or something close to it). That’s quite the theme. Victoria mocks Kelly’s stretching before the bell so Kelly sweeps the legs and gets some terrible right hands. Kelly tries to do it again and gets kneed in the face, allowing Victoria to send her shoulder first into the buckle.

We hit the chinlock, followed by a chinlock, and then another chinlock (Victoria might want to work on her variety) until Kelly fights up and grabs a headscissors out of the corner. A victory roll gets two but Kelly gets sent to the apron. Another headscissors is blocked with a simple shove on to the floor (for a heck of a face first bump)….and the referee calls it because Kelly is out. I guess it was a better bump than I thought.

Rating: C. The ending wasn’t quite what I was expecting but it does seem that Kelly is getting better in the ring. She’s still not great, but she is able to do some stuff that makes her look a bit more competent. Victoria is still one of the best hands around despite feeling like a relic from a generation gone by.

Finlay vs. Armando Estrada

Hornswoggle is here with Finlay. Estrada jumps him in the corner to start and hammers away as well. Finlay gets a boot up in the corner though and the seated senton has Estrada in more trouble. The Celtic Cross finishes Estrada in less than a minute.

Post match Teddy Long comes out and says Estrada has another match right now.

Armando Estrada vs. Colin Delaney

Finlay gets in a shillelagh shot before the bell and Delaney hits a DDT for th pin in less than ten seconds.

Hold on though as Long has one more match for Estrada.

Armando Estrada vs. Hornswoggle

Tadpole splash finishes in less than ten seconds. Finishes for Hornswoggle if that wasn’t clear.

The three winners dance…and then Finlay hits Delaney with the shillelagh, apparently for Delaney giving him Hornswoggle’s hat.

Here is Mark Henry for a chat. He addresses Big Show’s challenge for a fight last week and says he’s here right now. Cue Show, and Henry looks rather shocked at these developments. Henry congratulates Show on becoming #1 contender and wants the first shot if Show wins, but for now he’ll settle for a handshake. They shake hands but Show doesn’t let go, because he knows what Henry is doing. If Henry keeps campaigning for an a** whipping, he’ll get elected. That’s enough for Henry to leave, with Show promising to win the ECW Title at Night Of Champions.

Tag Team Titles: Kane/CM Punk vs. Miz/John Morrison

Kane and Punk are challenging and Kane runs into Show on the way to the ring. Punk and Morrison trade hammerlocks to start until Morrison kicks him down. Miz comes in and gets elbowed in the face before Punk sends him out to the floor. Punk hits a slingshot dive to drop Miz again and we take a break. Back with Kane seemingly trying a cross armbreaker on Miz but Miz reverses into some forearms to a downed Kane.

They get back up and Kane hits a side slam but Miz gets in a cheap shot to bring Morrison back in. Morrison grabs the chinlock before Miz hits the running corner clothesline. Kane manages a backdrop and hands it back to Punk (who is holding his ribs after the dive before the break). Punk’s ribs are good enough to slam Morrison and fire off some knees in the corner. The snap powerslam gives Punk two but everything breaks down. Miz and Kane go outside and Morrison kicks Punk in the bad ribs. The Moonlight Drive retains the titles.

Rating: C+. Mr. Money In The Bank loses again as that tends to be the case far too often. The problem continues to be that these people have little to do other than face each other, but it does make me wonder why Big Show isn’t involved in this whatsoever. He’s the #1 contender to Kane but Kane is busy doing this instead. I’m not sure I get that.

Overall Rating: C. There are at least some different people involved in some things around here and that helps, but the main event didn’t do much in the way of keeping things interesting. Other than that you had more Estrada/Delaney stuff and Show vs. Henry teased, but at least Tiffany and Bourne are some fresh blood. The Draft needs to help this show, but I’m not entirely sure that is going to be the case. For now though, this could have been worse.



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