ECW on TNN – November 19, 1999: ECW’s Best Show In Weeks

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Date: November 19, 1999
Location: Broome County Arena, Binghamton, New York
Attendance: 3,500
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

Rhyno is in the back and Tammy Sytch offers sex for something not mentioned.

Opening sequence.

Jerry Lynn vs. Super Crazy

Rating: C+. For some reason I liked this. It was fast paced and while the ending was kind of out of nowhere, it fits with the story from last week which is a big improvement over a lot of the stuff you get on here. These guys worked well together but then again I like Lynn a lot which has a lot to do with it.

The Baldies are still waiting at the subway and go New Jack hunting. They want New Jack.

Da Baldies vs. Balls Mahoney/Axl Rotten

This is joined in progress for the sake of the previous segment. Whoever loses the fall is gone from ECW. This would be PN News and Vito for the Baldies. Balls beats on the fat man News in the ring but gets taken down by a clothesline. Axl moves him out of the way of a News splash and a double chair shot takes down both Baldies. Mahoney superkicks Vito down and the Nutcracker Suite (sitout powerslam) pins Vito to send him to WCW. This was short and nothing.

Corino and Victory go looking for Rhyno and find him with Tammy and Candido. Candido is his partner for tonight now.

Gertner is very proud of Rhyno in a funny bit.

House show ads.

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Go to our website!

Back to the subway or L train or whatever it is. The Baldies challenge New Jack to a New York street fight anywhere.

Tag Titles: Chris Candido/Rhyno vs. Raven/Tommy Dreamer

Everyone goes into the crowd and Raven drives Rhyno through a table back at ringside. Candido throws Dreamer off the apron and onto the concrete as Raven plays cheerleader. Things settle down again and Rhyno hits a spinebuster on Dreamer for two. A Gore puts Dreamer down but it only gets two as Bird Boy makes the save. A delayed vertical suplex gets two for Candido on Dreamer.

Post match Corino and Victory join in for a four on one beatdown of the champions. Sandman finally comes in for the save. Raven jumps Sandman and Dreamer is caught in the middle again. Dreamer winds up getting caned in the head and the Impact Players run in for the big beatdown to end the show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

ECW on TNN – November 12, 1999: Raven Did The Right Thing

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Date: November 12, 1999
Location: Hara Arena, Dayton, Ohio
Attendance: 5,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

Opening sequence.

Joey runs down the card and plugs the website, which has a lot of stuff about the PPV apparently.

Jerry Lynn vs. Steve Corino

Tajiri runs in post match and Mists Lynn. Super Crazy runs in for the save but the blind Lynn goes after Crazy for a bit, which goes nowhere.

Gertner is stunned.

Buy the November To Remember replay!

Buy the November To Remember replay!

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Super Crazy

A sunset flip is countered by Crazy but Tajiri reverses the counter into the Tarantula. Crazy shrugs that off and hooks a surfboard with a dragon sleeper. Brainbuster by Tajiri is broken up but the triple moonsault hits knees. Jerry Lynn runs in to attack Tajiri but Crazy goes after Jerry as well. A Cradle Piledriver to Crazy is followed by a standing moonsault from Tajiri for the pin.

Rhyno vs. Sandman

Dreamer comes out for the second save but Storm comes in and beats him down too. Raven is watching in the back and finally runs in for the save. Sandman destroys Raven for past hatreds until Dreamer takes him down.

Raven wants to know why he got beaten up after he did the right thing. He says Dreamer let the drunk beat him up like his dad did when he was seven. Raven cries while saying he did the right thing over and over to end the show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

ECW on TNN – November 5, 1999: These Pulp Fiction Segments Are Really Bad Ideas

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Date: November 5, 1999
Location: ECW Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 1,500
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

We open with a clip of a house show tag title match with Raven/Dreamer defending against the Impact Players. There was a catfight (duh) and Rhyno ran in to take down Dreamer, revealing himself as the mystery partner of the Impact Players. Raven tried to DDT him but Credible destroyed him with a Singapore cane.

Opening sequence.

Joey runs down the PPV card.

Axl Rotten/Balls Mahoney vs. The Baldies

After a break, Rotten/Mahoney vs. The Baldies is made for the PPV.

We run down the PPV card again.

Little Guido vs. Spike Dudley vs. Super Crazy

Simon Diamond has Dick Hertz with him.

Fonzie tells Candido to bring it to Sabu.

Simon and Dick make fun of Buffalo.

Jerry Lynn is ready for his three way dance on Sunday.

The Baldies tell New Jack it could have been worse.

Simon warns people about his Big Dick.

The Impact Players want the titles.

Raven wants to hurt Credible.

Credible says his catchphrase.

Raven would rather let his mother die than lose to Justin.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

ECW on TNN – October 29, 1999: They’re Getting Close To Getting This Right

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Date: October 29, 2006
Location: Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, New York
Attendance: 2,500
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

After the theme song, Joel and Joey do their usual intro.

Taz vs. Sabu

Rating: C-. Not a terrible match here and I liked it better than their Barely Legal match. This is one of those matches where the history was there (not that ECW would ever give that history to you) so the fans were automatically going to care about it. The ending was a little lackluster, but Taz was on his way out so it made sense for him to go out on his back.

We get a clip from Hardcore TV with Lou E. Dangerously bringing back Mikey Whipwreck who got destroyed by Mike Awesome.

Lance Storm vs. Tommy Dreamer

A middle rope elbow misses Storm completely and hits the ladder which had to freaking HURT. They head back in and Storm is in complete control. And scratch that as Dreamer whips him into the ladder and hits the Dreamer Driver for two. The girls get in and break it up with a catfight, allowing Raven to run in and DDT Dreamer so Storm can get the pin.

The Impact Players beat down Raven as well until Dreamer makes the save.

We recap the whole Dreamer/Raven vs. Impact Players feud.

Raven yells at Dreamer, saying that Tommy is a leech and a degenerate. For some reason Dreamer stands there and lets Raven beat him up before Tommy DDTs him and yells a lot.

Nova/David Cash vs. The Baldies

No match as Doring/Roadkill jump Nova while the Baldies beat up Cash. Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten make the save for no apparent reason. They argue over hitting Lita with a chair but Jazz comes out and does it for them.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

ECW on TNN – October 15, 1999: They Were Doing So Well And Then Pulp Fiction

Date: October 15, 1999
Location: Civic Center, Houma, Louisiana
Attendance: 2,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Joel Gertner

We’re heading towards November 2 Remember and not a lot has been established yet. Then again that’s pretty common for ECW PPVs so I’m not that worried. The only other main story is the Raven vs. Dreamer feud, but that could be said about almost any time that the two were in the company at the same time. Let’s get to it.

We open with Candido and Sytch coming to the ring. Before they can say anything though, here are Storm and Dawn Marie. I still can’t get over how hot she was in ECW. Storm says that Sytch is a has been at 26 but everyone knew it a year ago. At least Candido had some talent. Not a lot mind you but enough for Storm to carry him. Those are Storm’s words if that’s not clear. Storm makes a drug reference and it’s on. Security breaks it up before they fight too much though.

Theme song.

David Kash vs. Tom Marquez

That’s Kid Kash and it’s his debut. Kash hooks a Japanese armdrag and here are Corino and Rhyno to beat them both down. The match didn’t last 30 seconds.

Rhyno and Tajiri are in Falcons’ jerseys and insult the Saints players in the audience. Rhyno goes after them and Dreamer comes out to try to break it up. Corino calls out Tommy and we’re having a match after the break.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve Corino

It’s a big wild brawl and they go into the stands very quickly. Dreamer is in pure control and beating him up in the crowd. They tease throwing both guys over the railing and I think Dreamer falls off the side. Not that you can see anything mind you so that’s kind of a guess. They get to the ring for the first time and there go Corino’s pants and whatever he had under them. Everything is covered by a mosaic at least.

There’s a superplex to Steve Corino, whose clothes are having some issues. He comes back with a shot to Dreamer’s bad back and pulls his singlet up. Corino puts on a front facelock and sits down in the chair for some reason. Dreamer escapes the devastating sitting hold and sets up the DDT on said chair, but Corino escapes and sends Dreamer into the chair.

There goes the referee and Dreamer hits the Death Valley Driver. He hooks a Tarantula as Francine knocks Jack Victory down. Cue Tajiri to kick Dreamer in the head. Tajiri goes after Francine and Raven comes in to break up whatever Corino was setting up. DDT to Tajiri and one to Dreamer as well. Corino goes for the cover but Dreamer rolls him up for the pin.

Rating: D+. It’s pretty clear they have no idea what to do with Dreamer and Raven at this point. The problem was they didn’t have anything to do with them other than throw them together because they feuded for so many years. This was more of a fight anyway and I thought about not rating it. Not terrible though and it was entertaining I guess.

Fonzie says watch out for Sabu.

Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm

After a break we join this in progress with Storm chopping away in the corner. Candido takes him down and pounds away but walks into a spinwheel kick from Storm. Chris hooks a neckbreaker and a middle rope legdrop gets two. A very delayed vertical suplex gets two on Storm. Out to the floor and Candido hits a big dive to the floor.

Storm is sent to the barricade but knocks Candido over the railing. Back in a springboard clothesline gets two for Storm. Tammy interferes to slow Lance down and a superplex followed by a swan dive gets two. Cue Justin Credible and it’s time for a cat fight. Credible pops Candido with a Singapore Cane and Storm pins Candido with Jerry Lynn’s cradle piledriver.

Rating: C. I like Storm so I can’t complain much about this one. Candido was fine but sometimes he could get a little boring. To be fair the girls here looked great so that always helps. This was a feud that went on forever a few years before though so we had seen it for a long time already.

Rod Price vs. Mike Awesome

Price is a big jock looking guy. Awesome however is a monster and knocks Price to the floor and dives over the top onto him. Back into the ring and Price gets some shots in but the world champion runs him over, kicks him down and powerbombs him through a table. Another powerbomb puts Price’s manager through a table on the floor and a top rope splash ends Price. Squash pretty much.

Awesome vs. Tanaka is announced for the PPV.

Dawn Marie and the Impact Players say they’re running everyone out of town.

Da Baldies say that they’re Da Baldies.

Raven is on Bourbon Street and talks about souls.

Doring talks to Miss Congeniality but I can’t understand any of it. He tells Chetti that Chetti wouldn’t listen so now he’s hurt. He’s coming for Nova too.

Back to Raven who talks about how the idiots on this street are Dreamer’s people.

Rotten and Mahoney say they’re hardcore.

Spike looks at his hands. These are supposed to be themed like Pulp Fiction I think.

Da Baldies are still named Da Baldies.

New Jack talks about being a baby.

RVD says nothing of note about November 2 Remember.

Lynn says the injuries won’t stop him. Corino interrupts him and says to work hurt. Corino leaves and Lynn goes looking for him but finds Congeniality in a towel instead. He keeps looking but finds Tajiri who kicks his bad ribs.

Raven makes fun of Dreamer some more.

Van Dam wants to face Sabu at the PPV.

New Jack yells a lot.

Tajiri talks about his favorite Jimmy Stewart movie.

In a funny bit, Gertner compliments Tajiri’s promo (which was in Japanese). Joey says what did Tajiri say. Joel opens his mouth and a voiceover of Tajiri’s promo plays. Joey looks at the camera with a look straight out of a Daffy Duck cartoon.

New Jack rants some more.

Van Dam says he’ll fight anyone. That ends the show. The last nine minutes were all these promos being split up.

Overall Rating: C-. This is on the ECW scale of course. The show wasn’t that bad but the ending was really weird. I get that they’re going for something different, but different doesn’t always mean good. They did a good job here of getting more wrestling on the show, but then the last quarter of the show was like that, which doesn’t really work. Not a horrible show but it didn’t quite work.

Remember to like this on Facebook and follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

ECW on TNN – August 27, 1999: Not The Worst Debut. It’s Very Close But Not The Worst.

There are a total of 59 episodes of this show so why not knock them out too? I’ll be doing two of these right after I do the ECW on Sci-Fi episodes so this won’t take long to knock out. I just hope I can find them all. Enjoy.

First ECW on TNN
Date: August 27, 1999
Commentator: Joey Styles

From the title I think you get the idea here. This show is weird as it’s a lot like the old WWF TV shows as it’s a collection of previously aired matches thrown together here. The first show they taped was awful so they turned it into this. The main thing is Lynn vs. Van Dam from Hardcore Heaven 99 which I’ll re-review and see how it matches up with the original rating I gave it, which is something I don’t think I’ve done before. Let’s get to it.

We open with a clip of the Dudleys (who would leave for WWF in like a week) powerbombing someone through a flaming table as Joey says this isn’t WCW or WWF but ECW.

Cue theme song. The main focus is Tazz who would leave in like 2-3 months and everyone knew that was going to happen.

Joey lists off a bunch of people to have held the TV Title but says RVD might be better than all of them.

TV Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

I think this is new commentary here but I’m not sure. This is really just a way to introduce Van Dam and give us what they know is an exciting match. You can’t hear a word the ring announcer is saying. They start with a nice sequence where neither can get any real advantage but the fans love it. We actually get highlights of both guys in the middle of the match. I get that you want to showcase two of your top guys but dude, do it when there’s not a match on.

Van Dam gets knocked to the floor and Lynn takes over. Lynn gets a top rope bulldog for two. RVD is bleeding from…..something. I think at this point we go to a commercial as we get an ad for Anarchy Rulz. Joey suggests the Warrior could be coming to ECW. Oh dear. Yeah the commentary here is new. Lynn is bleeding too now after botching a fall to the floor and hitting his foot on the ropes. The replay has a rap song with it. Really?

Lynn gets a sunset powerbomb for two. What would an ECW match be without tables? Van Dam’s eye is messed up and black as coal. Van Daminator in the stands as this match is kind of hard to follow. Another commercial doesn’t help as they don’t stop the match for it, which is either a good idea or a bad idea and I’m not sure which. Lynn gets another sunset powerbomb through the table on the floor.

CUE THE RAP SONG REPLAY! After a clip or a commercial, Fonzie takes a chair pelted at his head. Lynn goes for a top rope belly to belly but he just falls off. You know the chant we get from that. Cradle Piledriver is blocked and both guys are down. Split Legged Moonsault hits Lynn. PAY ATTENTION MORRISON. THAT IS HOW YOU DO THE MOVE. And there’s the Five Star out of more or less nowhere but Lynn rolls through for two. Van Daminator and a HUGE Five Star ends it.

Rating: B-. The clipping hurts this a lot. It makes this look like far less of an ultra competitive match and more like RVD just breaking a sweat. It’s still good but at the same time it really makes Lynn look weak. At the same time though this was about RVD and that worked very well. This was still good but a different kind of good. I gave the PPV version a B as I still find these matches to be overrated by most ECW fans.

We plug Rollerjam (which as a kid I thought was a cool show. The women were hot if nothing else) and then talk about the ECW World Title, listing off guys that didn’t win it but tried to, such as Konnan, Benoit, Austin and Foley. I’m not entirely sold on talking about guys that USED to be here, but you could look at it like this: We had these guys before they were superstars. Imagine what kind of buried treasures we have here now. That makes sense.

Shane threw down the NWA Title, which meant nothing to most fans watching this show but whatever. That was 5 years before the debut of the TV show. Didn’t know that.

ECW World Title: Taz vs. Rhyno

This is from Hardcore TV or a house show. Rhyno hits a powerbomb 3 seconds in and Taz just pops up. Rhyno means nothing at this point which you can probably guess. Well we’re in Chicago if nothing else. Taz is massacring him here with Rhyno looking like a freaking jobber. He’s hit two punches to the ribs and a no sold powerbomb. Tazz sets up a table and Rhyno hits new levels of offense with THREE punches to the ribs. Suplex through the table sets up the Tazmission. Total squash if there ever has been one.

Rating: N/A. This was DOMINANCE which is the idea I guess, but Rhyno looks like a joke here. The problem is that these matches are just random defenses with no meaning to them. We keep hearing about Steve Corino and how he’s Taz’s archenemy, but we never even see him.

Video on Sabu who is apparently awesome. No match or anything but just highlights.

Ad for Anarchy Rulz again.

Spike Dudley vs. Big Sal

Low blow and Acid Drop end it. Literally that’s the whole thing. Who is Spike? Who is Sal? “Spike has done it again!” What does he do? Apparently that’s not important. Ah ok they call him the Giant Killer.

The Impact Players introduce themselves and we have no idea if they mean anything or not. Cyrus pops up for no apparent reason as Jason makes gay jokes about Joey. We see clips of the Impact Players beating people up which helps a bit as we know they’re dominant.

House show ads.

We get a BUNCH of clips of guys and a brief description (as in their nickname) of them. It’s set to a Kid Rock song so what do you expect here?

Taz talks about how TNN and ECW are together now and how cool that is I guess. We get clips of famous people he’s made tap out. He talks for like three minutes and that ends this mess.

Overall Rating: D. This was a total mess. Considering this is the first show, this was just awful as you learn nothing about the guys other than Taz being a tough guy and RVD is awesome. Other than that though you get nothing at all here though and other than a single good match to start, this gave us nothing. We have no idea about any feuds or angles or anything like that as it was just a few squashes and one big match from months earlier. This just didn’t work as Heyman clearly didn’t know what he was doing, which became a theme here. Bad show and just a car wreck of an hour.

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