Best Friends With Chuck And Trent: Popping Dogs And Talkin Hogs With Teddy Hart DVD

This one is from January 2015 but it’s completely timeless.

I don’t care for the Best Friends. I never have and I don’t think I ever will. They can have some good matches with the right opponents, but there is something about them I just cannot bring myself to care about. When I pulled this one out of the box, I kind of rolled my eyes a bit as I can never escape from these people. Then I found out that it’s them interviewing Teddy Hart and had no idea what to think. It wound up being way different than what I would have ever expected.

This is one of the most unique interviews you’ll ever see as there is very little about wrestling and much more about the life of a wrestler. There is one thing that changes this one though: Teddy Hart is completely insane. I know that word is thrown around a lot, but in this case it seems to be the case. Maybe it’s the ridiculous amount of weed he smokes or just one too many shots to the head, but you can see that Hart is several steps off but he completely embraces the whole thing. You’ll never see someone like Hart and it makes for a fascinating interview.

I’m not going to bother going into the details of the stories here because I can’t do them justice. Hart’s way of speaking and it could only work for him. You can see Trent and Chuck being terrified and intrigued by everything that he is saying and it’s rather awesome in several ways. If you can find this one, check it out whether you’re a fan of the people involved or not, because it really is like nothing else.

Oh and as a bonus: there are a dozen or no indy wrestlers in the background, including Ricochet and Drew McIntyre. They all seem disturbed too, as they should be.

Ring of Honor – June 24, 2015: Quality Meets Entertainment

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Date: June 24, 2015
Location: Ted Reeve Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 1,500
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, King Corino, Nigel McGuinness

Opening sequence.

Roderick Strong vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Michael Elgin vs. Gedo

Roppongi Vice/Kazuchika Okada vs. AJ Styles/Young Bucks

Back from a break with AJ taking Romero and Okada off the apron to prevent a tag, so Trent whips out a tornado DDT for the tag to Romero. Rocky cleans house by dropkicking AJ off the apron and hurricanranaing both Bucks at the same time. Matt nails a superkick to slow him down but Rocky pops off the ropes and hits a clothesline to put both guys down. Okada and Styles come in off another double tag with Okada taking over in a hurry. AJ comes back with his moonsault into a reverse DDT but Okada reverses into something like White Noise into a backbreaker.

All six slug it out and a triple superkick staggers Chaos. Okada again pops up and a double superkick/Pele combo and a spike piledriver into a flipping spike tombstone (the Meltzer Driver. Yes that Meltzer) puts him right back down, followed by a double superkick into a Styles Clash on Baretta for the pin at 17:25.

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