Rampage – March 20, 2024: A Different Take On This

Date: March 20, 2024
Location: Coca Cola Coliseum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re having a rare live edition of the show this week and that means they are going to be coming in hot after Dynamite. The big match of the week is a street fight between Kris Statlander/Willow Nightingale and Julia Hart/Skye Blue, though it is going to be taking place about an hour after an I Quit match on Dynamite. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

We open with Adam Copeland’s celebration after winning the TNT Title in the main event of Dynamite. Copeland mocks Cage and the Patriarchy a bit more before leaving.

Bullet Club Gold is in Florida and see rather pleased with turning on the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn last week. Jay White has painted Sting’s baseball bat gold and laughs about Darby Allin’s foot being broken, meaning he can’t climb Mt. Everest.

Here is the Acclaimed for a chat. They aren’t happy with what Bullet Club Gold did to them last week and now Billy Gunn isn’t even cleared to return to the ring. Jay White isn’t even here tonight because he hates Toronto. When the Acclaimed gets beaten down though, they show up because they want to fight.

Caster offers White a free trip anywhere because White needs to run from him. Bowens says the Club isn’t here because they aren’t good enough, so maybe White should have signed somewhere else. White got a World Title shot and lost to MJF with one leg. The only gang the Acclaimed needs are these people right here. Heck of a fired up promo here and you can smell the unification match from here. I hope.

Tag Team Title Tournament Wildcard Match: Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta vs. Kyle Fletcher/Powerhouse Hobbs

Don Callis is here with Fletcher/Hobbs. Hobbs wastes no time in spinebustering Cassidy before taking him into the corner for a running knee to the ribs. Another charge misses though and Hobbs crashes out to the floor, allowing the tag off to Beretta. Everything breaks down and Beretta hits a big dive down to the floor. Back in and Beretta hits some running shots in the corner until a pendulum bomb cuts him off.

We take a break and come back with Beretta hitting a tornado DDT to get himself out of trouble. It’s back to Cassidy to pick up the pace, including the spinning DDT for two on Fletcher. Hobbs isn’t having that and grabs the torture rack, with Beretta making the save. Cassidy’s kicks just tick Hobbs off so he runs Cassidy over without much trouble. The Stundog Millionaire into the half and half has Fletcher down, meaning we can pause for some hugging.

Hobbs makes the save and sends Cassidy into the LED ring skirt. Cassidy is fine enough for an assisted Beach Break on the floor but Fletcher gives Beretta a spinning Tombstone back inside. Beretta saves Cassidy on top and hits a half and half superplex, setting up Cassidy’s top rope DDT. The Orange Punch finishes for Cassidy at 10:33.

Rating: B-. Fun match here, with Cassidy and Beretta working together to take out the monster in Hobbs. That left them to beat Fletcher, which is fine enough as the ROH titles have already been treated like garbage anyway. Cassidy and Beretta might not be winning the titles, but I could certainly see them making a run all the way to the finals for the underdog story.

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Kevin Matthews

Shibata fires off the forearms to send Matthews into the corner, setting up the big running dropkick. Matthews gets in a clothesline but Shibata grabs a sleeper into the PK for the pin at 1:22. That was quick.

Adam Copeland and friends are celebrating the title win.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Rocky Romero

Don Callis is here too. Takeshita powers him into the corner to start and then sits Romero on another corner for some mind games. Romero goes simple by hitting him in the face, setting up a quick hurricanrana. The Forever Clotheslines are broken up as Takeshita knocks him down and sends him to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Romero hitting some suicide dives until Takeshita pulls one out of the air. Takeshita elbows the post though, allowing Romero to hit another dive. Sliced Bread gives Romero two and it’s time to go after the arm. The cross armbreaker goes on but Callis’ distraction breaks it up. Takeshita grabs a wheelbarrow suplex into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two, leaving Takeshita looking stunned. Romero kicks him away but gets run over with a clothesline. The spinning Falcon Arrow finishes for Takeshita at 8:56.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of win that Takeshita needed to get back on track after his big loss to Will Ospreay. As has been the case for far too long with Takeshita, the talent is absolutely there but he needs something to do. By something I don’t mean working for Don Callis, even though multiple talented stars are stuck doing just that.

Video on Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander vs. Julia Hart/Skye Blue.

Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander vs. Julia Hart/Skye Blue

Street fight and Stokely Hathaway is here with the heroines, who are in white to make bleeding seem likely. The brawl starts in the aisle as Hathaway joins commentary to start praising his team. They get inside with Hart being wedged in a chair for a kick to the head. A backbreaker drives the chair into Hart (that’s a new one) for two and it’s time to bring in a table.

Blue comes in for the save but accidentally gets spiked by Hart as we take a break. Back with the villains still in trouble and the fans declaring this awesome. Blue has to fight out of a powerbomb onto the announcers’ table and hits Code Blue to plant Nightingale instead. That leaves Statlander to bring out the thumbtacks but Blue kicks her down.

A powerbomb out of the corner sends Statlander into the tacks, which are then put in Statlander’s mouth. Blue hits a superkick to the tack filled mouth for two but Nightingale is back up with a Death Valley Driver through the tables at ringside. Back in and Statlander backdrops Hart onto some chairs but the 450 only hits said chairs. Hartless makes Statlander tap at 11:27.

Rating: B-. They had to try and follow the I Quit match and while it didn’t quite work, it wasn’t due to a lack of trying. All four of them were working hard here and the violence was intense, though there was nothing overly big to make things feel epic. For now though, I’ll take Hart getting a win over a bigger name, which she hasn’t done very often.

Overall Rating: B. This show was in a rough spot coming right off a fairly big Dynamite but they made it work out. It helps that the show felt like a third hour of Dynamite instead of something different, as that can make the show feel more interesting. It helps that the matches were good and nothing overstayed its welcome, making this a rather nice edition.

Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Powerhouse Hobbs/Kyle Fletcher – Orange Punch to Fletcher
Katsuyori Shibata b. Kevin Matthews – PK
Konosuke Takeshita b. Rocky Romero – Spinning Falcon Arrow
Julia Hart/Skye Blue b. Kris Statlander/Willow Nightingale – Hartless to Nightingale



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Rampage – March 15, 2024: At Least They Beat Someone

Date: March 15, 2024
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We’re slowly on the way towards Dynasty and that means we are going to be needing some things set up for the show. Odds are we won’t get anything big this time around, but we could be getting some smaller things here or there. That should be combined with some solid action so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta vs. Dark Order

Chuck Taylor is here with Cassidy and Beretta. Uno’s headlock on Cassidy doesn’t work to start but Cassidy asks him to wait for the hand/pocket merging. Silver breaks that up so Beretta comes in to shoulder the Order down. We get a forced Dark Order hug, followed by the real version, referee and Chuck included. Silver is back up with a gorilla press drop on Cassidy, followed by Uno neckbreakering Beretta.

We take a break and come back with Cassidy kicking away at the Order. Beretta rolls some German suplexes Silver a few times but Uno breaks up Strong Zero. Everything breaks down and we start the flip dives to the floor. Back in and Silver gets two on Beretta with Cassidy having to shove Uno into the cover for the save. That leaves Cassidy to Orange Punch Silver into Strong Zero for the pin at 9:42.

Rating: B-. Fast paced match here and they didn’t stay out there for a long time, meaning there was less Dark Order than was necessary. Cassidy and Beretta are getting primed for the tournament and they could make a nice run for a round or two. As for the Order, they’re fine in a role like this, which thankfully doesn’t involve them talking.

The Righteous talks about how you have to die to grow again.

Zak Knight and Angelo Parker get in a fight as the Outcasts watch on.

Mariah May/Toni Storm vs. LMK/Kayla Sparks

Before the match, Storm asks us to turn off all cellular devices. Also, if Deonna Purrazzo and her partner want a tag match, watch this. Storm jumps the two of them to start, with May adding a hard basement dropkick. Mae and Storm pose for a bit before Storm hits LMK with some hip attacks (including a dance before one of them). It’s back to Mae for a running knee to the face, followed by back to back running hip attacks. Storm Zero finishes Sparks at 3:07.

Rating: C. Total dominance here as May becomes more and more like Storm every time she’s out there. That should take us towards something interesting between the two of them and it could go in a few ways. Other than that, Storm gets to look dominant before we find out who Purrazzo has as a partner.

Post match here is Deonna Purrazzo with her partner…Thunder Rosa. Cool, as it’s been too long since she’s had anything important to do.

Video on Queen Aminata, who wants the ROH Women’s TV Title.

We get the brackets for the Tag Team Title tournament:

Young Bucks
Private Party

Undisputed Kingdom
Best Friends/Don Callis Family

Ricky Starks/Big Bill
Top Flight

Infantry/House Of Black

The lack of Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli is interesting.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Komander

Takeshita shoulders him down to start but Komander nips up. Komander avoids a running knee and hits a quick Lionsault, sending Jericho into a rant about a stolen move. Back up and Takeshita kicks him in the face to take over before snapping off a nasty release German suplex. We take a break and come back with Komander hitting a rope walk moonsault to the floor for the double knockdown.

Back in and a springboard hurricanrana gives Komander two but a springboard crossbody is countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb. Komander kicks him off the rope though and hits a springboard Canadian Destroyer. Cielito Lindo hits raised knees though and Takeshita scores with a running knee. A spinning Falcon Arrow finishes Komander off at 9:38.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of win that gets Takeshita back on the right track after losing his big showdown with Will Ospreay at Revolution. Takeshita is someone who feels like he has had to take a back seat multiple times and it would be nice to see that change. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe that will be the case this time around.

Serena Deeb is back and ready to hurt people.

Video on the Undisputed Kingdom vs. Top Flight.

Undisputed Kingdom vs. Top Flight/Action Andretti

Strong jumps Dante to start and the villains take turns stomping away in the corner. Dante slips out to the apron and springboards in with a flip dive. A rolling DDT is cut off though, leaving Dante to bring in Darius to keep the pace up. Strong comes in to knock Darius into the corner and some hard chops have him in trouble. It’s already back to Dante for two off a sunset flip and Andretti comes in for a running shooting star press. Everything breaks down and the good guys hit running dives as we take a break.

Back with Taven missing a Lionsault (Jericho: “Another one? You have got to be kidding me.”), allowing Dante to come back in for a springboard high crossbody. A springboard 450 gives Andretti two but Bennett makes the save. Andretti slips out of the spike piledriver and cleans house, only to get spike piledriven anyway. The End of Heartache gives Strong the pin at 11:25.

Rating: B-. It was the usual fast paced, entertaining match with Andretti and Top Flight doing exactly what they should have done. At the same time, it’s kind of nice to see the Undisputed Kingdom getting to do something, even if it’s had to buy into them as a threat to anyone of note. The match was fine for a Rampage main event, but I’m not sure how much of a future the villains have without a bunch of adjustments.

Overall Rating: B-. This show felt a bit more important than the last few weeks and that’s nice to see. There weren’t exactly higher stakes but there were some bigger names and Rosa joining forced with Purrazzo should be good. Other than that, they set a few things up for future shows and that made for a nice enough show. It’s still nothing worth seeing, but you won’t be disappointed if you do see it.

Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Dark Order – Strong Zero to Silver
Mariah May/Toni Storm b. LMK/Kayla Sparks – Storm Zero to Sparks
Konosuke Takeshita b. Komander – Spinning Falcon Arrow
Undisputed Kingdom b. Top Flight/Action Andretti – End of Heartache to Andretti



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Ring Of Honor – March 14, 2024: Back To That Show

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 14, 2024
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are less than a month away from Supercard Of Honor and it should be time to announce some matches. That could make things all the more complicated as there isn’t much time left to build up the card. Then again ROH has a tendency to just throw things together and that will probably be the case again here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Diamante vs. Billie Starkz

They trade rollups to start until Diamante knocks her into the corner for a running dropkick. The beating heads outside with Starkz being knocked into the barricade. Starkz is right back with a hurricanrana off the steps to take over. Diamante drives some shoulders in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Starkz fights up but gets splashed for two, only to kick her back to the floor.

There’s the suicide dive, followed by two more to make it worse. Back in and a suplex onto the knee gives Starkz another near fall, followed by a faceplant to plant Diamante on her face. Diamante is back with a rolling Chaos Theory out of the corner for two, only to have Starkz blast her with a clothesline. They forearm it out (of course) until Diamante grabs a quick Stunner. A standing Sliced Bread #2 gives Diamante two but Starkz kicks her in the face. The Swanton gets two so Starkz goes for a half nelson crossface for the tap at 11:38.

Rating: B-. This got rolling near the end and I was digging what they were doing. The tournament matches have been made a good bit more exciting s there is SOMETHING for these people to fight over. The fact that there was a pretty obvious winner in Starkz but they had me wondering on some of those near falls is proof that they were doing something right. Good stuff here and one of Starkz’ better matches to date.

Lee Johnson vs. Aaron Solo

They trade arm control to start until Johnson grabs a headlock takeover. That’s broken up and Solo gives him a sarcastic handshake. Solo is sent outside and shakes the fans’ hands but runs into a dropkick back inside. Back up and Solo sends him hard into the ropes with Johnson seemingly hitting his throat on the top rope to cut him down fast. A suplex gives Solo two and we hit the chinlock.

Johnson fights up and sends him throat first into the ropes to even things up with a double knockdown. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two but the Big Shot Drop is broken up. Solo kicks him down for two and a top rope double stomp gets the same. A butterfly powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana from Johnson, who lawn darts Solo into the buckle. The Big Shot Drop finishes Solo at 10:22.

Rating: C+. Lee Johnson is being pushed, with six straight wins coming into this match. This was near his hometown of Atlanta. It took him ten minutes to beat a perennial jobber in Solo. There was little reason for this to be anywhere near as competitive if Johnson is supposed to be something important. In theory he is on the way to a title shot, but why should I believe he can beat someone important if it is this hard to beat Solo?

Robyn Renegade vs. Lady Frost vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Leyla Hirsch

Renegade gets triple teamed down to start, leaving the other three to fight in the ring. Frost sends Hirsch into the corner but gets legdropped by Hogan for two. Robyn comes back in but gets choked by Hirsch, only to have Hogan break it up with some kicks to the head. They all slug it out until Frost sends them into the corner for a pair of flipping Cannonballs. Hogan is back up with a running hip attack against the ropes to Renegade, followed by Face The Music for the pin at 5:26.

Rating: C. Hey look: another four way match where the winner is no further ahead than she was before the match. It also didn’t get a ton of time so they didn’t have the time to shine or get anything going. The action was fine enough, but these things coming and going every week have taken away almost all of their interest.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter are ready for their big match but Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes in to blame their lack of Collision appearances on Garrison’s loss to Adam Copeland. Don’t disappoint her.

Athena vs. Aisha

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning Aisha gets a title shot if she survives the ten minute time limit or wins. Athena starts fast with a toss suplex but Aisha kicks her into the corner. They head outside with Athena sending her into the barricade a few times. Aisha comes back with a spinebuster for two inside but Athena grabs the Codebreaker. Something like an abdominal stretch makes Aisha tap at 4:29.

Rating: C. This is what you get from an Athena Proving Ground match and there isn’t much to be gained from them. The good thing is they got through the match rather quickly and Aisha didn’t put up much of a fight. Athena needs a new challenger and we’ll probably get that sooner than later, but for now there isn’t much for her to do.

Post match Athena keeps up the beating and runs down the city of Atlanta. Cue Hikaru Shida to interrupt and we seem to have a challenger for Supercard of Honor. That would be another person from outside ROH getting the title shot because the division has been wrecked so badly by this Athena title reign that could have ended months ago without her losing a thing. But then again it’s not like this show matters in the slightest so why should I expect it to be well put together?

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Iron Savages

Before the match, we get a drink off between the Savage Sauce and Andretti’s water. Andretti wins and we’re ready to go, with Top Flight/Andretti hitting dives out to the floor. Back in and Dante kicks away at Bronson and everything breaks down again. Dante avoids going into a hairy chest and brings Darius back in to clean house.

Darius gets knocked down in the corner but Bronson spends too much time on pelvic thrusting and misses the moonsault. A kick to the face out of the corner allows the tag to Dante, meaning things pick up again. Everything breaks down and Jameson gets caught with a shooting star press followed by a frog splash to give Dante the pin at 6:01.

Rating: C+. Nice six man here with Top Flight and Andretti continuing to work well together. That being said, it’s another case where a team is floating around from win to win without getting much of a chance to go anywhere. Granted it might help if the Six Man Tag Team Titles had been defended here but that hasn’t happened on this show since September.

Lee Johnson is just getting started.

Workhorsemen vs. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto

The Workhorsemen jump them from behind to start and Comoroto is knocked into the wrong corner. Comoroto slugs his way out of corner but Henry kicks him down for two. Everything breaks down and Drake suplexes Comoroto, setting up Henry’s top rope double stomp for the pin at 3:41.

Rating: C. This is a good example of a match that was fine but since it didn’t really add anything, it probably didn’t need to be on a show that is running over two hours. The Workhorsemen have been around here for months and don’t seem to be going anywhere, which again might have something to do with the champions almost never being around here (with their one title defense since winning the titles in December).

Post match Watts holds the ropes for Comoroto and they take their time leaving together.

Lance Archer vs. Darian Bengston

Jake Roberts bothers to show up for once. Archer misses a charge into the corner but pulls Bengston out of the air without much trouble. Another missed charge lets Bengston strike away but Archer plants him with a chokeslam. The Blackout finishes for Archer at 2:17.

We look at Dalton Castle losing the Boys to Johnny TV/Taya Valkyrie two weeks ago.

Taya Valkyrie is thinking about buying the Boys matching outfits but Dalton Castle comes in to say he can smell them. They shout at each other over the boys diets (sushi vs. tater tots) until security drags Castle away. This was amusing.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Mercedes Martinez vs. Abadon

Abadon slugs away to start and hits some running knees in the corner. Martinez is knocked outside and taken down again, only to come back with a big boot. Back in and some rolling butterfly suplexes have Abadon in trouble and a clothesline gives Martinez two. Abadon fights up and hits a running Codebreaker for two, only for Martinez to come back with a hard suplex.

The half crab has Abadon crawling over to the ropes for the break, followed by a quick cutter to send Martinez outside. Martinez is back up with a hard knee on the apron, setting up a hanging neckbreaker to the floor. Back in and Abadon grabs a quick DDT for two…but someone pops out from under the ring to deck Abadon. The fisherwoman’s buster gives Martinez the pin at 9:46.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t as good as the opener but it was still a nice showdown between two talented stars. Martinez going forward is a good choice as she is at least a minor threat to win the title but also someone who can be beaten to give someone a rub. I’m curious about the interference, as it’s at least a fresh ending for one of the tournament matches.

And it’s Diamante as the interfering scoundrel.

The final four:

Billie Starkz
Mercedes Martinez

Red Velvet
Queen Aminata

Slim J vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Komander

Oh this is ROH in 2024 all right. J isn’t interested in a handshake and instead flips everyone off before heading to the floor for the bell. Fox takes him out with a dive, as he won’t stand for that kind of disrespect. That leaves Komander to miss a charge in the corner so Cartwheel hits a flipping elbow for two. J is back in to hit Fox low and another one cuts off Cartwheel, setting up a running cutter for two more. Fox flips J off the top and steps through into a cutter of his own for two of his own.

Komander has to make a save before kicking J down in the corner. Komander’s backbreaker puts Fox down before going to the top with Cartwheel. A middle rope Codebreaker on the apron rocks Cartwheel but J is there with a suicide dive to drop Komander. Back in and a top rope reverse DDT gives J two on Fox before Cartwheel and Komander go flipping up (and down) the ramp. Komander gets the better of things, setting up Cielito Lindo to finish J at 8:20.

Rating: B-. Remember the women’s version of this match earlier, where it was more or less the same kind of match that they’ve had for months and it is mainly just flashy yet meaningless? Same thing here, but with the men instead. It was entertaining enough, but when you’ve seen it over and over again for weeks, it’s hard to get interested again.

Eddie Kingston says Mark Briscoe was supposed to get a World Title shot last year. He can have it this year at Supercard Of Honor instead. There is no mention of anything but the ROH World Title on the line. Naturally this had to be a pre-tape because the champ isn’t going to be on the regular show.

Cole Karter/Griff Garrison vs. Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy

Maria Kanellis Bennett is here with Karter and Garrison so Chuck Taylor is here to cancel her out. Karter misses an armdrag attempt to start so Cassidy puts his hands in the pockets to take over. Beretta comes in to hiptoss Garrison, setting up a quick double suplex for two. Cassidy sends Garrison face first into the buckle over and over but Karter is back in with a snap suplex.

Cassidy manages to kick his way to freedom though and there’s the hot tag to Beretta. A dive to the floor takes out Garrison but some double teaming puts Beretta in trouble for a change. Karter misses a 450 though and Beretta suplexes Garrison, allowing the real tag off to Cassidy. A bunch of kicks put the villains down and Garrison gets high crossbodied. The tornado DDT gets two on Karter but Maria offers a distraction, meaning it’s time for an exchange of kicks to the head. Maria gets up for another distraction and offers a hug, but Beretta would rather hug Chuck. The Orange Punch finishes Karter at 10:58.

Rating: B-. Nice match here, even if it is near impossible to care about Karter and Garrison no matter what they do. They have been up and down for months and still seem to be going nowhere as I still wonder why Maria is stuck with them. Cassidy and Beretta were the big guest stars and it makes perfect sense to close with them, even if they needed better opponents.

Post match the Spanish Announce Project comes in to get Serpentico’s mask back but manage to get beaten down. Cassidy and Beretta make the save and pose with the Project to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. And we’re back to the old format with two hours of stuff, much of which could have easily been dropped with absolutely nothing being lost. The four ways feel like little more than ways to get people on the show and when they feature a lot of the same people week in and week out, it’s rather hard to care. Other than that you had a bunch of the usual stuff, with the tournament matches at least feeling important. So yeah, it’s back to what makes ROH annoying after weeks of having it be what it should have been.

Billie Starkz b. Diamante – Half nelson crossface
Lee Johnson b. Aaron Solo – Big Shot Drop
Kiera Hogan b. Robyn Renegade, Lady Frost and Leyla Hirsch – Face The Music to Renegade
Athena b. Aisha – Abdominal stretch
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson – Frog splash to James
Workhorsemen b. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto – Top rope double stomp to Comoroto
Lance Archer b. Darian Bengston – Blackout
Mercedes Martinez b. Abadon – Fisherwoman’s buster
Komander b. AR Fox, Slim J and Jack Cartwheel – Cielito Lindo to J
Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter – Orange Punch to Karter



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Rampage – March 8, 2024: Call It An Upgrade

Date: March 8, 2024
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We’re done with Revolution and the big story coming out of Dynamite is the debut of Kazuchika Okada. Not only did he show up, but he has officially joined the Elite along with the Young Bucks. That should make for an interesting future, but we should also be seeing something else here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta vs. Kip Sabian/Butcher

Cassidy and Sabian start things off but it’s off to Butcher before anything happens. Trent comes in as well and gets shoved down a few times as Excalibur runs through the card. A suplex doesn’t work for Butcher as Trent slips out, only to break up the tornado DDT. Trent gets taken into the corner and it’s back to Sabian, who is quickly backdropped. Cassidy comes in for his half of a double suplex and they go to the mat for some quick rollups. It’s back to Butcher, who plants Cassidy down with a powerslam to further wreck Cassidy’s…everything. Sabian comes back in to stay on Cassidy and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy putting his hands in his pockets and rolling under Sabian to get to Trent (though Cassidy doesn’t want to take his hands out for the tag). Butcher accidentally runs Sabian over and Trent knocks Butcher outside for the slingshot dive. A running knee gets two on Sabian but Butcher is back in to kick Trent in the face. Sabian’s top rope double stomp gets two, with Cassidy making the save. Everything breaks down and Sabian is dropped, leaving Butcher to get caught with the Orange Punch into Strong Zero for the pin at 11:12.

Rating: C+. The way the promo on Dynamite had sounded, I thought this was going to be the first round of the tournament but instead it was Cassidy and Beretta just having a match against a team of guys who have lost a good deal of matches before. That being said, the fans are always going to respond to Cassidy and it makes the show feel more important by having him around.

Video on the Infantry.

Ruby Soho is in tears and says Angelo Parker is hurt, possibly with torn ligaments in his knee. Soho hates Saraya, who is an ugly person deep down. Saraya and her inbred family are going to get what’s coming.

TBS Title: Julia Hart vs. Robyn Renegade

Hart is defending in an open challenge House Rules match, with the rule being nothing off the top rope. They go to the mat to start with Hart grabbing a headlock and then bashing said head against the mat. Choking on the ropes has Renegade in more trouble and we hit the chinlock. Back up and Hart sends her into the corner, setting up Hartless for the win at 3:40.

Rating: C-. Total squash for Hart here with the top rope thing not playing any sort of role. There was little reason to believe that Renegade was going to be a threat of any sort and that is exactly what happened, as Hart ran through her with no trouble. Hart is likely coming up on a title defense against Willow Nightingale or Riho and that should be a bit more competitive.

Renee Paquette (being recorded by a phone and the main camera for some reason) is interrupted by the Outcasts, who swear vengeance against Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker. Saraya slaps something out of a man’s hand so that it hits Zak Knight, causing violence.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Action Andretti

Andretti doesn’t care for Penta’s shouting to start and takes him down with a double leg. Back up and a tornado DDT plants Penta, who is right back with a shot to the face. They head to the floor, where Penta wins a chop off and sends him into the steps. Andretti is right back with a hurricanrana off the apron as we take a break.

Back with Andretti hitting a flip splash off the apron, only to get superkicked out of the air. Andretti is fine enough to grab a Spanish Fly for two, followed by Penta hitting a Death Valley Driver powerslam (I guess Keith Lee isn’t around) for the same. Penta knocks him out of the air again and the Fear Factor finishes Andretti at 9:08.

Rating: B-. They were trading their big flips and flashy moves until one of them won and that’s almost always going to work. It might not have been a classic or anything, but there are far worse ways to fill in about ten minutes. Penta has been getting some more television time in recent weeks and that is nice to see after he was just kind of hanging around for so long.

Video on Titan (Tee-Tahn), who faces Chris Jericho on Collision.

Private Party vs. Top Flight vs. Komander/Bryan Keith

Keith and Quen start but the latter tags in Kassidy, who tags in Dante. Everything breaks down in a hurry and it’s a big brawl with Top Flight clearing the ring. We take a break and come back with Quen kicking Keith down but Keith crotches Kassidy on top. Quen gets taken down as well but Komander has been knocked to the floor, meaning Keith has to tag in Darius.

Komander is back up to tag himself in for a rope walk dropkick. Private Party tries to double team Komander but Keith makes the save. Komander rolls Dante up for two but gets kneed in the face for his efforts. Dante dives onto a bunch of people, leaving Darius to hit the Ripcord to finish Komander at 11:00.

Rating: B-. This was pretty much exactly what you would expect from this kind of a match, as they were going all over the place until one of the established teams beat the makeshift team. It’s similar to what has been going on with Ring Of Honor for weeks now and it had about the same impact. It’s fine for a one off match, but it’s little more than a showcase for Private Party and Top Flight.

Overall Rating: B-. It wasn’t a bad show and it was an improvement over last week, but this still felt like a show that could have complete disappeared without missing a thing. This show came and went with pretty much nothing that made a difference in the slightest, with the biggest part being Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta beating a pretty nothing team. The action was good and even entertaining, but it was nothing that you need to see.

Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Butcher/Kip Sabian – Strong Zero to Butcher
Julia Hart b. Robyn Renegade – Hartless
Penta El Zero Miedo – Fear Factor
Top Flight b. Private Party and Bryan Keith/Komander – Ripcord to Komander



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Collision – March 2, 2024: They Did Well

Date: March 2, 2024
Location: Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the last show before Revolution and while the card is mostly set, there is always the chance that something more could be added at the last minute. The likely main event will see an eight man tag which will feature some of the matches at Revolution combined into one. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Buddy Matthews comes out for a match but Mark Briscoe jumps him from behind and the beating is on. Briscoe uses a chair for a step up flip dive through a table at ringside before grabbing a spike. The House Of Black comes in for the save and Buddy has to knee Briscoe in the head to knock the spike away. Briscoe fights back on the stage and sends Matthews down to the floor. Things get more serious as Briscoe grabs the controls for the pyro and tries to use it to burn Matthews before security cuts him off. Briscoe being violent fits him well.

After getting jumped on Dynamite, Swerve Strickland isn’t happy with what Hangman Page did. Swerve will never take his eyes off of him again and at Revolution, Swerve is taking the World Title.

All Star Scramble Qualifying Match: Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Bryan Keith vs. Dante Martin

They shove each other to start before an exchange of shots to the face put everyone down for a second. Back up and Martin knees Keith to the floor, leaving Penta to Sling Blade Martin a few times. Penta Backstabbers Martin outside but gets suplexed by Keith for two. Martin comes back in with a dive onto both of them, followed by another dive to the floor as we take a break.

Back with another three way exchange of strikes but Penta blocks Keith’s Diamond Dust. Everyone is knocked down again until Keith knocks Penta outside. Keith’s tiger driver gets two on Martin before Keith heads to the apron to chop it out with Penta. That leads to a Fear Factor to drop Keith on the apron but Martin knocks Penta off. A frog splash gives Martin the pin on Keith at 10:01.

Rating: B-. I was surprised by the result as Penta is a more established name and Keith is getting a lot of TV time in recent weeks. That being said, Martin is someone who has felt like he could move up to the next level more than once but it has never clicked. While I can’t imagine him winning the scramble, getting into it is a step forward for him. Fun match too, with all three working well.

At Dynamite, a rather mad Hangman Page says he did what he had to do and he won’t let Swerve Strickland get the World Title.

Mariah May vs. Angelica Risk

May chops her to start and chokes on the ropes, followed by a rather spinning side slam. Nigel McGuinness is so overcome when May blows him a kiss that he falls down on the floor (Schiavone: “A grown man.”) and May kneeing Risk in the face makes it worse. May Day finishes for May at 2:54. Total squash.

Post match here is Toni Storm, leaving May rather overwhelmed. Never mind though as Storm calls out Deonna Purrazzo, ignoring May entirely. Storm says this isn’t why she and Purrazzo got here and says she loves Purrazzo. She also loves that there is only room for one and it will never be Purrazzo. That makes Purrazzo laugh, because she says she is the best friend and the worst enemy. Purrazzo promises to break both of Storm’s arms so Storm puts on lipstick and kisses her on the cheek. The fight is on but May breaks it up, earning herself a piledriver from Purrazzo. This played into two stories at once and did so well.

Austin Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Dark Order

The rest of the Bang Bang Scissor Gang is here too. This time the rap is broken up by Jay White putting his arm around Max Caster’s shoulders. Gunn punches Reynolds down to start before handing it off to Caster, who is driven into the corner. That doesn’t last long as Caster fights back and cleans house without much trouble.

Scissor Me Timbers hits Uno but Silver breaks up the scissoring. Uno hits a DDT and we take a break, coming back with Gunn knocking Uno down. The tag brings in Bowens to clean house, including the running Fameasser to Uno. Everything breaks down and the Order’s triple slam hits Bowens for a rather near fall. Back up and the Arrival into the Mic Drop finishes Reynolds at 8:17.

Rating: C+. Fun match here as the Order got in just enough offense to be interesting but not enough to overstay their welcome. The rap being messed up gives me hope that the team is already about to implode, meaning we could be in for a unification match at Double Or Nothing or so. I’m not sure what else the endgame for the whole thing should be, and it would be nice to see it finally happen.

Stokely Hathaway apologizes to Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander, but Nightingale cuts him off and promises to beat up Skye Blue and Julia Hart at Revolution.

Tony Schiavone brings out Wardlow for a chat, though Wardlow tells him to get out. Wardlow says he’s ready to win the scramble match and become the new #1 contender. But which champion is he going to face? Maybe he can slap Hangman Page back into depression. Maybe he can kick in the front door of Swerve’s house. Or maybe it’s Wardlow vs. Samoa Joe, because Wardlow is sick of the JOE chants. Joe is in Wardlow’s spot and this is no longer wrestling, because this is WAR.

Cue Chris Jericho to interrupt to say Wardlow isn’t fighting for the World Title tomorrow. He’s fighting Jericho, one of the best to do this. Jericho has won eight World Titles but Wardlow hasn’t won anything and it’s been years since he has had the chance to win the title again. Jericho knows he’s good enough, but does Wardlow know it? Maybe the reason Wardlow never got here is because he’s just not good enough, Mike (Wardlow’s first name).

Wardlow says he was this close to the top of the mountain, but then he had to take one step down after another and yeah he was mad. Work took away his happiness and he sat at home for three months, but then he came back and remembered who he was. He is the baddest man ever in wrestling and he is done eating scraps, so come do something about it. Jericho goes towards the ring but here is Powerhouse Hobbs to jump him from behind. Dang that was a heck of an exchange and now I want to see Wardlow vs. Jericho on their own rather than in a scramble.

Serena Deeb wants competition and issues an open challenge. She is the final boss. Meiko Satomura does not approve.

Private Party vs. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels

Sydal hurricanranas Kassidy to start and everything breaks down in a hurry, giving us a four way standoff. We settle down to Quen and Daniels having a bit of a dance off, including the Curry Man dance. Sydal comes in to take Quen down for two before it’s back to Daniels for a clothesline to the back of the head as we take a break.

Back with Daniels grabbing a quick Downward Spiral, meaning a double tag brings in Sydal and Quen. Sydal gets to clean house but gets caught in a Swanton/neckbreaker combination for two. Daniels comes back in for the save but Angel’s Wings is broken up. Sydal’s top rope Meteora hits Zay and Daniels hits Angel’s Wings on Quen. Cue Jeff Jarrett and company (teaming with Private Party at Revolution) for a distraction though, allowing Jay Lethal to drop Daniels with the Lethal Combination and give Quen the pin at 9:49.

Rating: C. The match itself was fine and the interference at least set something up for the pay per view match. Private Party is at least getting to do something now that they are back together, while Sydal and Daniels are more or less the jobbers to the stars in Ring Of Honor, which might be spreading here too. That’s not a bad use of them, but I’m not sure how long it will last.

Video on Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Danielson.

Thunder Rosa vs. Cassandra Golden

Commentary talks about various wrestlers named Golden over the years as Rosa kicks her in the chest to start. Golden gets out of a fireman’s carry but gets sent into the corner for a running dropkick. A top rope double stomp to the back sets up a seated cobra clutch to make Golden tap at 2:18. That was efficient.

Video on Sting/Darby Allin vs. the Young Bucks.

Revolution rundown.

Hook/Daniel Garcia/Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy vs. Christian Cage/Killswitch/Brian Cage/Roderick Strong

Brian shoves Trent into the corner to start and shrugs off a headlock attempt. Garcia comes in to face Strong with Garcia rolling around a lot. Strong’s wristlock doesn’t get him very far so Garcia and Hook clear the ring. We take a break and come back with Garcia being whipped hard into the corner but managing to send Brian into the buckle. That just earns Garcia a heck of a superplex and now Christian is more than willing to come in. The villains take turns beating on Garcia but he manages a shot of his own. The tag brings in Trent to clean house, only to have Killswitch chokeslam him onto the apron.

We take another break and come back again with Christian’s reverse layout DDT planting Trent. The top rope headbutt misses but Strong cuts off the tag attempt. Trent kicks him away though and it’s Cassidy coming in to clean house. The Stundog Millionaire drops Brian and the spinning DDT gives Cassidy two.

Everything breaks down and we hit the parade of strikes and throws. Brian F5’s Cassidy for two with Garcia and Hook making the saves. Cassidy dives onto Strong, who hits End of Heartache on the floor. The Stronghold keeps Cassidy in trouble outside as Trent rolls Killswitch up for two. Nick Wayne gets in a cheap shot though and Killswitch hits a clothesline to the back of Trent’s head for the pin at 19:14.

Rating: B-. This was the big fight to advance a bunch of matches at once and that is one of the best ways to go on a show like this one. The action was fine but it never hit that level that something like this tends to go. Trent taking the pin is the right way to go as he has nothing going on, so well done on doing the logical move.

Post match the big brawl is on to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Nice, efficient show here with little that didn’t advance a story (or two in some cases). This covered enough things on the way to Revolution, which is feeling like a pretty big show all things considered. They didn’t rock the boat here and that is what you want to do with the last show before the big event. Good enough here and that worked well.

Dante Martin b. Bryan Keith and Penta El Zero Miedo – Frog splash to Keith
Mariah May b. Angelica Risk – May Day
Austin Gunn/Acclaimed b. Dark Order – Mic Drop to Reynolds
Private Party b. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels – Quen pinned Daniels after a Lethal Combination from Jay Lethal
Thunder Rosa b. Cassandra Golden – Seated cobra clutch
Brian Cage/Christian Cage/Killswitch/Roderick Strong b. Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta/Hook/Daniel Garcia – Clothesline to the back of Trent’s head



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Dynamite – February 14, 2024: Make Your Own Valentine’s Day Pun For The Title

Date: February 14, 2024
Location: H-E-B Center, Cedar Park, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We have two and a half weeks to go before Revolution and after last week’s ending, what very well could be the main event got a lot more serious. Last week the Young Bucks brutally attacked the new Tag Team Champions, Sting and Darby Allin, before their title match at Revolution. Odds are we’ll hear something about that tonight so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Jon Moxley vs. Dax Harwood

There are no seconds here and Moxley takes him into the corner to start…for a kiss? Happy Valentine’s Day I guess. Moxley puts his hands behind his back so Harwood kisses him as well, followed by some right hands. Harwood slugs away but Moxley bites his face and kicks him down in the corner. A choke is broken up but Harwood can’t get the Sharpshooter.

They fight to the floor where Harwood is sent over the barricade, followed by the slingshot into the post to rock him hard. Back in and Moxley hammers away but a powerbomb out of the corner plants him down for two. They crash out to the floor again and we take a break. Back with the two of them striking it out until they both go down. Moxley goes up but Harwood catches him with a top rope superplex and they’re both down again.

Harwood grabs the Sharpshooter as we get the five minute call. Moxley breaks it up and goes for the cross armbreaker, which is broken up as well. Harwood’s piledriver gets two and they head outside again, with the fans dubbing this awesome. Back in and Moxley hits a Stomp into a piledriver of his own for a rather near fall. The Paradigm Shift is countered into a brainbuster to give Harwood two as we have two minutes left. Harwood goes up but dives into the rear naked choke for the tap at 18:39.

Rating: B+. This wasn’t exactly meant to be a big showdown but rather a way for Moxley to get a good win under his belt. Harwood continues to lose every singles match he has despite putting up a heck of a fight every time. It would be nice to see him win a match on his own once in awhile, though that certainly wasn’t going to be the case here. I did like the close call with the time limit, as they got close enough that Harwood could have pulled it off, only to fall short in the end.

Post match Moxley won’t let go so Cash Wheeler runs in for the save, only to have Claudio Castagnoli jump Wheeler.

Don Callis says his Family has all the talent so we’ll do Konosuke Takeshita vs. Will Ospreay at Revolution.

Wardlow vs. Barrett Brown

Knee to the face and powerbomb finish Brown at 1:24.

Earlier today, the Young Bucks, still in their bloody gear, landed at the airport.

Adam Copeland vs. Daniel Garcia

For a TNT Title shot and Matt Menard is on commentary. Copeland knocks him into the corner to start but it’s way too early for the Grindhouse. Garcia tries a drop down but gets splashed on the back for two, allowing Copeland to choke away in the ropes. Garcia fights out and stomps on the knees, only to dive into a shoulder breaker.

We take a break and come back with Garcia catching him on top but having the arm snapped down over the rope. Garcia is back up with a dragon screw legwhip and stomps away in the corner, allowing him to snap the leg back again. An STF has Copeland in more trouble but he’s right back out again. Garcia goes up so Copeland pulls him down with a single underhook superplex….and Nick Wayne runs in for the no contest at 12:18.

Rating: B-. This was a good back and forth match with the exchange of limb work (AEW really likes that style) until the screwy ending. Garcia was hanging with Copeland, though it would have been hard to imagine him doing anything but stealing a win. What matters here is the ending, which I would hope doesn’t lead to a three way at the pay per view.

Post match the Patriarchy beats them both down, with Killswitch taking out Menard for daring to try and help. Copeland gets a chair and saves Garcia from a Conchairto…until Shayna Wayne hits Copeland low. The Conchairto crushes Copeland’s head and Garcia finally gets up as the villains leave.

We look back at Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland going to a time limit draw last week, setting up a triple threat World Title match at Revolution.

Here is World Champion Samoa Joe for a chat. Joe talks about bringing back the ranking system to make sure he faces the best, but then Page and Swerve went to a draw. Therefore, AEW took a page out of the Texas playbook by making the title match bigger and dumber. Joe promises to hurt one if not both of them, but here is Strickland, with Prince Nana, to interrupt.

Swerve says this wasn’t supposed to be personal but it is getting that way. Joe has said hunger defines the greats, and no one is hotter than Swerve. He has been hoping for a break for years now and today is that day. When the people walk away, all they can say is “whose house” and they’ll do it again when he leaves Revolution with the title.

Cue Page to say Swerve couldn’t beat him last week so it should be Page vs. Joe at Revolution. Page says Swerve doesn’t deserve a second of his time because Swerve couldn’t get it done. Joe isn’t having this and says he’s winning at Revolution. As usual, Joe can talk with the best of them, but it still feels like Page vs. Swerve with Joe on the side.

We see Toni Storm’s new film, which looks at her history with Deonna Purrazzo. Storm let Purrazzo be her young girl but now Purrazzo has forgotten who she is so now she can have the old Toni Storm, if that’s what she wants.

Purrazzo says Storm talks too much and promises to break her arm. B****.

Young Bucks vs. Top Flight

Nick and Dante start things off with the latter working on the arm. Matt comes in and gets ping ponged between the Martins before everything breaks down early on. Top Flight’s dives don’t get to launch but the second attempts connect on the floor. Back in and Matt takes over with a clothesline and we take a break.

We come back with Darius clotheslining his way to freedom and hitting an enziguri, allowing the tag to Dante. Everything breaks down and Top Flight’s stereo sunset flips get stereo near falls. Dante drops both of them and Darius uses his brother to hit a tornado DDT for two on Matt. Nick sends Dante into the barricade though and it’s a low blow to drop Darius. The EVP Trigger is enough to finish Darius at 11:07.

Rating: B-. This was a good way for the Bucks to look good on the way to the title match. They are long since established but giving them some wins before Revolution is a good idea. At the very least, the Bucks got a long way off their attack last week and we should be in for a heck of a showdown at Revolution.

Post match the Bucks talk to Tony Schiavone, by praising Top Flight and talking about how they are the official #1 contenders. At the same time, they do no like what Tony has been saying about them, so that’s a $1000 fine. Tony gets shoved down and the EVP Trigger is loaded up, only to have Darby Allin make the save with the baseball bat. Allin talks about not being able to get a job while all of the Bucks’ friends got hired, but thankfully there was a sane EVP here, and he isn’t talking about Kenny Omega.

After the required CODY chant, Allin talks about how the Bucks re-signed here because it was easier. Allin brings up the first Dynamite, which didn’t feature him but did feature BRANDON CUTLER? Now it’s about the Tag Team Titles at Revolution in Sting’s final match and the champs have nothing to lose. Apparently that makes the title match official. It wasn’t before? Allin was bringing the fire here and leaned a lot into the inside stuff, but what mattered here was the emotion he was bringing with everything he said.

The Bang Bang Scissor Gang is ready for a 12 man tag on rampage, though Billy Gunn isn’t happy with his sons taking his lines.

Willow Nightingale vs. Skye Blue

Stokely Hathaway is on commentary. Blue takes her into the corner to start but Nightingale cartwheels her way out of trouble. One heck of a Pounce sends Blue outside and we take a break. Back with Blue getting the better of a strike off but Nightingale crushes her in the corner. A spinebuster connects but Blue kicks her in the face for two. Nightingale sends her to the apron and knocks her down, only to get caught on top back inside. Blue’s powerbomb out of the corner sets up Code Blue, only to have Hathaway offer the distraction. The Babe With The Powerbomb finishes for Nightingale at 8:52.

Rating: C. This was the weekly women’s match that got around nine minutes and went through a commercial break. In this case we have a slight step forward for the Nightingale/Hathaway/Kris Statlander story, which still only feels so important. At the same time, Blue has fallen quite a ways and that was obvious here, as she lost in one of the lower level feuds in the women’s division.

Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Taven

Non-title Texas Deathmatch, which means Last Man Standing. Cassidy slugs away to start but Taven hits a dropkick. A powerbomb gives Taven two and they head to the floor. Cassidy beats him over the barricade and we take a break. Back with Taven dropping an elbow off the stage to put Cassidy….not quite through a table.

A suplex puts Cassidy through another table for a near ten so Taven hits a running knee on the ramp. Taven pulls another table out from underneath the ring but a bleeding Cassidy is back up. Taven’s Flight Of The Conqueror only goes through the table for an insane crash. Cassidy pulls out a box of chocolates from Chuck Taylor (again, Valentine’s Day)….and yeah it’s thumbtacks instead.

Cassidy tornado DDT’s the rather bloody Taven onto the tacks but here is Mike Bennett to break something over Cassidy’s head. Cue Trent Beretta with a pipe (out of his own gift box) but Taven sends him into a chair. Cassidy hits the Beach Break onto a chair, with Taven popping up and ripping off the pockets. The Orange Punch connects to finish Taven, despite Roderick Strong running in, at 13:27.

Rating: B. The match had some insane bumps (that dive by Taven was nuts), though I have no idea why they had this knockdown bloody war to set up a singles match between Strong and Cassidy. This was all about avenging Chuck Taylor and while it seems to be a bit of an over the top reaction, they need something more interesting than Strong vs. Cassidy in a straight match for the title.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a pretty textbook example of AEW as of late: the action was good to very good (that opener was a blast) but I’m not sure how much difference it made as far as building things up. I was actually surprised when the Tag Team Titles match was made official and the only other thing set for the pay per view was done in a quick backstage segment. That being said, with two and a half weeks before Revolution, most of the card should be set. Right now there are five matches set so they’re doing well enough, at least with the top of the card. Really solid action this week and that’s a good way to go.

Jon Moxley b. Dax Harwood – Rear naked choke
Wardlow b. Barrett Brown – Powerbomb
Daniel Garcia vs. Adam Copeland went to a no contest when Nick Wayne interfered
Young Bucks b. top Flight – EVP Trigger to Darius
Willow Nightingale b. Skye Blue – Babe With The Powerbomb
Orange Cassidy b. Matt Taven when Taven couldn’t answer the ten count



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Rampage – February 9, 2024: Depressurized

Date: February 9, 2024
Location: Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re still in Arizona and there is a heck of a crowd for the show this week. That alone should make the energy that much better and everything else should be fine. Rampage has quite the success rate, if nothing else for the sake of the show having so little pressure involved. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy/Rocky Romero/Trent Beretta vs. Kingdom/Roderick Strong

The fight starts in the aisle and Cassidy even throws the sunglasses at Strong to show how serious he is. Then he puts his hands in his pockets to take care of that. Cue Adam Cole and Wardlow to watch as Trent takes out Bennett’s legs to start. Taven comes in and gets draped over the top, setting up a top rope knee to the back.

It’s off to Strong, who gets German suplexed for his efforts. Trent finally gets pulled into the corner so the beating can be on, including a suplex from Bennett. Taven’s top rope splash misses though and it’s Cassidy coming in with a high crossbody. The tornado DDT plants Taven but Bennett is back with a spinebuster to put Cassidy down. Everything breaks down until Taven kicks Cassidy down to block the Orange Punch.

We take a break and come back with a low blow cutting Cassidy down and the Hail Mary getting two. The powerbomb/Zig Zag combination hits Trent but he rolls outside before a cover. Instead the Kingdom goes after Romero, who is right back in for a big dive. Back in and Romero hits the Forever Clotheslines but Strong cuts him off with the End of Heartache for the pin at 9:13.

Rating: C+. This was the match to help set up Cassidy vs. Strong for the International Title at Revolution, which brings up the bigger problem: the match is almost a month away. The match was set up really far in advance and that doesn’t make for the best setup. I’m not sure how the match is going to go, but I’m also worried about how the story is going to go on the way there.

Post match Romero is sent through a bunch of chairs to make it even worse.

We look at Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland going to a time limit draw on Dynamite, meaning they both get a shot at Samoa Joe for the World Title at Revolution.

Young Bucks vs. Mondo Rox/Robbie Lit

The Bucks are still in their bloodstained white suits from Dynamite. Matt runs over Lit to start and stomps away in the corner. Nick comes in with a Blockbuster into a backbreaker and doesn’t even lose his hat on the way down (that’s talent). A Matt distraction lets Nick get in a low blow and the EVP Trigger finishes at 2:11.

Post match the Bucks say they want more respect and congratulate Sting and Darby Allin for winning the Tag Team Titles. Sting and Allin are apparently banged up though and the Bucks are thinking of them. That being said, they still want the titles back and they are going to play by the rules to get there.

Video on Tomohiro Ishii.

Mistico vs. Matt Sydal

Sydal offers respect while Menard goes on a rant about how AEW has to fight to feed their families when other companies are invading. Mistico snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor and naturally follows with a dive. Another dive is cut off though and Sydal grabs a bow and arrow. A standing corkscrew backsplash gets two on Mistico and we take a break.

Back with Sydal hitting a jumping knee to the face and an Air Raid Crash gets two. They strike it out with Mistico getting the better of things but Sydal gets his boots up to block a moonsault. Mistico snaps off a powerslam though and they’re both down. They go up top and Mistico grabs a super Spanish Fly for the pin at 8:48.

Rating: C+. They had to give the CMLL guys a few more wins after they’ve lost their big matches to the Blackpool Combat Club. It’s not exactly a huge win but Mistico got to showcase himself a little bit and that’s a good thing to see. I’m still not sure how long this feud can go on, but you can almost guarantee that some AEW stars will wind up in Arena Mexico at some point out of all this.

Brian Cage issues a challenge for a handicap match on Collision to show he’s better than Hook.

Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander vs. Saraya/Ruby Soho

Stokely Hathaway is on commentary and Harley Cameron is at ringside. Soho looks at a note in her pocket on the way to the ring but doesn’t want the others to see it. Statlander headlocks Saraya over to start and nails her with a basement dropkick. Soho comes in and gets armdragged down as Excalibur rapid fires off things coming on Collision.

Nightingale’s fisherman’s suplex gets two on Soho and Statlander runs her over with a shoulder. Some running backsplashes in the corner connect but Saraya pulls Nightingale off the ropes as we take a break. Back with Nightingale hitting a big boot and the double tag bringing in Statlander and Soho.

Statlander’s powerslam gets two as everything breaks down. Saraya knees Statlander down for two but accidentally hits Soho. Statlander is back up to drop Saraya for two and a Blue Thunder Bomb gets the same. Saraya tries to get over to Soho….who drops to the floor and walks out (including decking Cameron on the way). The Babe With The Powerbomb gives Nightingale the pin on Saraya at 10:38 as Soho watches.

Rating: C. This was a match for the sake of an angle and there’s nothing wrong with that. Soho has been having issues with the team for weeks now and the whole note in her pocket should make things more interesting. It’s not like the Outcasts have been doing much in recent weeks anyway so having Soho walk away is the best choice.

Post match Skye Blue comes out to stare down Nightingale and Statlander. Then the lights go out and Julia Hart is next to Blue. The lights go out again and they vanish to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Yeah this was ok. That’s just slightly below average for Rampage as it’s a show that takes an hour, has about one or two things that feel like they might matter and then we move on to the important shows. While it might not be the most important show, it’s the kind of show that you can watch without needing some deep backstory and have a good time. It worked well and goes by quickly, which is a nice change after how intense Dynamite and Collision tend to be.

Kingdom/Roderick Strong b. Orange Cassidy/Rocky Romero/Trent Beretta – End of Heartache to Romero
Young Bucks b. Mondo Rox/Robbie Lit – EVP Trigger to Lit
Mistico b. Matt Sydal – Super Spanish Fly
Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander b. Saraya/Ruby Soho – Babe With The Powerbomb to Saraya



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Dynamite – January 24, 2024: Here’s Two Hours Of Stuff

Date: January 24, 2024
Location: Enmarket Arena, Savannah, Georgia
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

The road to Revolution continues and the big story coming out of last week is what could be a three way feud between World Champion Samoa Joe, Hangman Page and Swerve Strickland. We should be able to find the next step in that story this week, plus a good bit more. Like Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Samoa Joe to get things going. Joe talks about how people have to earn title shots but just like Hook last week, they’ll take a beating. Here is Hook to interrupt, saying Joe won last week, but they’ll see each other again. Joe bets Hook will, but calls for security to get him out of here. Cue security…with Hook beating them up before leaving. Well that was fast.

Hangman Page vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Samoa Joe is on commentary. Penta does the usual pose to start so Page backs him into the corner. That earns Page some running Sling Blades but Page sends him into the corner for a running boot to the face. They trade chops in the corner until Penta has to slip out of the Deadeye. An exchange of clotheslines and superkicks leave them both down and we take a break.

Back with Penta kicking him to the floor for a big running flip dive. They get back inside where Page hammers away in the corner, followed by Penta’s running Death Valley Driver. Page avoids having the arm snapped and comes back with a sitout powerbomb for two. Neither can hit anything big on the apron so the Buckshot Lariat is countered into Made In Japan for two. Page is sent to the apron again but he counters a Canadian Destroyer into the Deadeye. Now the Buckshot finishes Penta at 13:45.

Rating: B. It was the kind of back and forth match that you would expect in this spot as Page gets a win over someone with some credibility. They were trading big spots here and while at times it felt like they were checking moves off a list they had planned to cover, it was still more than exciting enough stuff. At the very least, this should put Page on the road to the title match, where he seems destined to go.

Orange Cassidy is down to defend the International Title against Roderick Strong at Revolution. For now though, he’s setting up a match for Rampage where the winner gets a title shot on Collision.

The Young Bucks like the show’s format and want to be called Nicholas and Matthew. Backstage morale is way up and they want a great show! Top Flight come in and get chastised for being late but respect is shown. Do you get the joke yet? I’m not sure they’re hammering it in hard enough.

Trent Beretta vs. Wardlow

The Best Friends and the Undisputed Kingdom are here too. Wardlow knocks him into the corner to start and fires off some shoulders to the ribs. Trent manages to knock him outside and hits a dive, only to be driven into the barricade. We take a break and come back with Trent slugging away. A clothesline sends Wardlow outside, where a distracted referee misses Trent getting in a chair shot. Back in and a tornado DDT sets up a piledriver for two on Wardlow so Trent goes up top. Wardlow pulls him down into a knee and the powerbomb finishes Trent off at 7:59.

Rating: C+. Between this match and the Kingdom’s first match after being revealed, I’m really not sure what the thinking is with this team. They’re struggling to beat midcarders and haven’t shown the slightest bit of dominance. If Wardlow is supposed to be the guy to go after the World Title, he’s going to need a lot more than this, as needing eight minutes to beat Trent is hardly impressive.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Best Friends make the save.

Adam Copeland is ready for Minoru Suzuki.

Here are Deonna Purrazzo and Toni Storm for a face to face interview on the stage. Storm says she’s going to speak first because she has a massage scheduled. Purrazzo was recently body shamed which is ridiculous when there is SO MUCH MORE to shame about her. Storm threatens to twist Purrazzo’s lips around but Purrazzo says she’s here to be champion.

She’ll win the title arm by arm because this delusional Storm isn’t the one she wants. She wants the Storm who worked on the dojo floors and lived in Purrazzo’s house. They even show off matching ankle tattoos, which is why Storm doesn’t have Purrazzo fooled. Shoe throwing ensues and Purrazzo pulls her into the Venus de Milo, with Mariah May making the save. That added a little personal touch to the story, though Purrazzo still doesn’t sound overly confident with her promos.

Jon Moxley says the Blackpool Combat Club has won a lot of titles but haven’t had any victory parties. He’s ready to hurt anyone who gets in the ring with him.

Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV aren’t happy with people jumping to the front of the line. That’s why Taya wants to face Deonna Purrazzo next week.

Swerve Strickland vs. Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy is here with Jeff. They start slowly, with Swerve knocking him into the corner so Jeff has to hold his neck. Jeff shoves him away to get a glare from Swerve, who takes him down and goes for the arm. Matt offers a distraction though and Jeff gets out, only to be sent to the apron. A superkick drops Jeff again and Swerve drops him hard on the floor. Back up and Jeff manages a Poetry In Motion of the steps to take Swerve over the barricade as we take a break.

We come back with Jeff knocking him off the top and hitting the Whisper In The Wind. Jeff kicks him in the face and hits a splash for two. Swerve gets in a knock off the top and they go outside, with Jeff hitting a Twist of Fate onto the steps. Back in and the Swanton hits raised knees, allowing Swerve to backslide him for two. The rolling Downward Spiral sets up a suplex into the Swerve Stomp to finish Jeff at 13:57.

Rating: C+. Well the right guy won, though he took his sweet time getting there. I get that they’re doing the Swerve/Hangman are matching each other, and that makes all the sense in the world assuming you ignore their two pay per view matches within the last ten weeks or so. Jeff wasn’t exactly his old self here, but he did seem like he was trying.

Post break Hangman Page is interrupted by Swerve Strickland, where they’re told they get to pick the other’s opponents for next week.

Red Velvet vs. Thunder Rosa

Velvet grabs the arm to start but Rosa drop toeholds her into the corner. They go outside with Velvet chopping away and we take a break. Back with Rosa hitting a running dropkick against the ropes but Velvet rolls her up or a double stomp. Rosa hits a dropkick and a Tijuana Bomb for the pin at 7:10.

Rating: C. Nothing much to see here, which tends to be the case with a good deal of the women’s matches. There is only so much you can do when about half of a match that doesn’t last eight minutes is in a break and that was the case here. Rosa is slowly getting back to her pre-injury status, but it is going to take a long time.

Here are Sting and Darby Allin for a chat. Allin talks about being asked what it means to be in the ring with Sting. He remembered hearing about Sting’s career being over and going down to Sting’s house in Texas. They got in a ring he had down there and within five minutes, Allin said “you still got it”. Now Sting is about to hang it up, but maybe they should go out as Tag Team Champions. Sting is in.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks accept Sting and Allin’s challenge.

Trios Titles: Mogul Embassy vs. Billy Gunn/Acclaimed

Gunn and the Acclaimed, with Bullet Club Gold, are defending. Cage drives Caster into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs to start. Caster grabs the arm and hands it off to Bowens to stay on said arm, only to have Cage pull him into the corner. Bowens fights up but Prince Nana offers a distraction, allowing Kaun to knock him off the apron.

We take a break and come back with Bowens hitting a Blockbuster but Toa cuts of the tag attempt. That doesn’t last long either, as Bowens gets over to Gunn for the house cleaning tag. Everything breaks down and Kaun faceplants Gunn for two. Kaun brings in a chair but Jay White takes it away, allowing Gunn to hit a cobra clutch slam. The Gunns powerbomb an interfering Nana through the timekeeper’s table, leaving Toa to take a not very good 3D. The Fameasser into the Arrival into the Mic Drop retains the titles at 8:52.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t boring, though there was a lot packed into this, with the interference and the chair and the match itself, all in less than nine minutes. Still though, the Club being involved gives me hope that we could be in for a title unification match. If nothing else, it would mean three less belts floating around and that sounds rather nice.

Serena Deeb returns on Collision.

Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki

They slug it out to start with Suzuki getting the better of things (shocking I know), including a hard forearm to put Copeland down. Copeland is back up and sends him to the apron for the big boot. The spear is countered into a guillotine though, with Copeland having to drive him through the barricade.

Back in and they slug it out again for another double knockdown. Back up and they slug it out again until Copeland grabs an Impaler. Copeland hits a quick spear for two but gets pulled into the rear naked choke. He reaches for the corner and the pad is pulled up, with Suzuki going face first into the buckle. A really not good Killswitch gives Copeland the pin at 8:52.

Rating: C+. I’m sure there was an audience for this and it definitely did feel like a major event, but I couldn’t get into the idea of Copeland and Suzuki trading forearms and then exchanging some finishers for Copeland to win in about nine minutes. It felt like a way to say “wait, those two had a match?”, which is ok, but doesn’t exactly guarantee the quality or interest.

Post match Copeland says he’s never been hit that hard and offers respect but Suzuki walks off instead. These two had the kind of match that Christian Cage has never had and Copeland is still coming for him.

Overall Rating: C+. There was some good wrestling in here but a grand total of nothing felt important. This show felt like AEW was saying “here’s two hours of stuff, see you next week”. While that’s not good, it’s something that every promotion has done before and it just happens on occasion. They have a stacked Collision and next week’s Dynamite could very well be back to full form, so hopefully we can call this a one off slip and move on.

Hangman page b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Buckshot Lariat
Wardlow b. Trent Beretta – Powerbomb
Swerve Strickland b. Jeff Hardy – Swerve Stomp
Thunder Rosa b. Red Velvet – Package spinning slam
Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Mogul Embassy – Mic Drop to Toa
Adam Copeland b. Minoru Suzuki – Killswitch



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Dynamite – January 17, 2024: I Liked This Show

Date: January 17, 2024
Location: North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston, South Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Taz

It’s time for a special main event with Hook challenging Samoa Joe for the World Title. That should make for an interesting learning experience for Hook but the question seems to be what happens next. We’re coming up on Revolution and the show needs a card to be set up so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

We open with a video on Hook vs. Samoa Joe.

TNT Title: Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes

Cage, with Killswitch and Nick Wayne, is defending. They fight over a lockup to start and roll around the ropes with neither getting anywhere. Cage hammers away in the corner but Rhodes is right back with the rolling powerslam for two. The fight heads outside with Cage being sent into the steps and Rhodes hitting a clothesline off of those steps. Back in and Cage knocks him off the top and out to the floor, setting up a big dive.

We take a break and come back with Rhodes missing a crossbody to fall outside. Rhodes gets back in to slug it out from their knees until the bulldog gives Rhodes two. The Code Red gets two more so Cage goes outside, where he cuts off a dive. Back in and a frog splash gives Cage two so he grabs the belt, only to have it taken away.

Rhodes grabs a small package but Wayne turns it over to give Cage two more. Back up and Shattered Dreams connects and Cross Rhodes connects for a VERY near fall. Rhodes stops to go after Wayne so Cage hits a spear into the Killswitch….for two. Cage is stunned so he hits another Killswitch to retain at 15:26.

Rating: B. I wasn’t looking forward to this one coming in and they had a heck of a match with Rhodes trying everything he could but coming up short in the end. Rhodes as the guy who just does not age is rather impressive and Cage’s great run continues. Awesome match here and they were absolutely rolling by the end.

Swerve Strickland is going to be focused on the main event because he’s watching everything. Yes he wants the World Title but yes he’s also watching Hangman Page. The thing is, Page could beat everyone in AEW to the Lord himself…but he can’t beat Swerve.

Chris Jericho wants revenge on the Don Callis Family. Matt Sydal of all people comes in to say he wants a match tonight so they’re on (with Jericho making a Bourne reference).

Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy vs. Komander/Penta El Zero Miedo

Cassidy and Penta go face to face to start with both of them taking the other to the mat for a string of misses. Trent comes in and reverses Komander’s springboard dive into a half and half suplex. We take a break and come back with Komander sending Trent to the floor, followed by the big running flip dive.

Back in and the spike Fear Factor is broken up, allowing Trent to come back inside to hammer on Komander. Penta kicks Trent in the head though and adds a Canadian Destroyer. Cassidy has to dive over the referee for the save so Komander goes up top. The Phoenix splash misses though and Trent adds the running knee. Cassidy hits Penta with the Beach Break, followed by the Orange Punch to Komander. The Crunchy finishes for Trent at 10:16.

Rating: B-. This was another fast paced match with Cassidy and Trent hanging in there with the faster team. I could go for more of Trent as he’s an underrated star, but at the same time, Cassidy seems all but destined for a big showdown with Roderick Strong. Penta and Komander were just opponents here, but their high flying stuff was as entertaining as ever.

Post match here is the Undisputed Kingdom, with Roderick Strong wanting Orange Cassidy to take off his glasses for the staredown. Strong wants an International Title shot because he is coming for the title. Fans: “SHUT THE F*** UP.” Cassidy is willing to put the title on the line right now….but let’s wait until Revolution because Strong wants Cassidy to think about it. Strong is a dumb villain.

Hangman Page (looking more like Magnum TA every week) wants the World Title back. Oh and it doesn’t matter if he can’t beat Swerve Strickland, because Swerve isn’t World Champion.

Here is Mark Briscoe, with his family in the crowd, for a chat on the anniversary of his brother’s death. Jay’s daughters were in the car with him and one was told she would never walk again. Well here she is, walking on her own (with presumably her sister and brother). That’s awesome.

Video on Jay Briscoe.

We get a sitdown interview with the Young Bucks, who want to be called by their full names because they are Executive Vice Presidents. You have heard some things about them, but what would you do to protect your family? Things were changing and they needed to stop leaning on yesterday’s self serving cancerous stars. Sting is the last of a dying breed so it’s time to get rid of him too. When asked if that’s a direct call out for Revolution, they leave for the sake of a meeting. I can’t believe it but somehow they’re more annoying than they were before.

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Bullet Club Gold vs. Mogul Embassy

The Club is challenging. Kaun strikes away at White to start so it’s off to the Gunns to take him down. Cage comes in with a superkick and it’s Kaun coming back in for an elbow as we take a break. Back with Colten cleaning house and getting two off a neckbreaker. The Embassy takes him back down though and a sitout powerbomb into an Air Raid Crash gets two.

Colten backdrops his way out of trouble and hands it back to White to strike away at Kaun. 3:10 To Yuma hits Cage but a Prince Nana distraction lets Kaun hit a fireman’s carry gutbuster. Cue Anthony Bowens for a distraction though and White hits the Blade Runner for the pin and the titles at 9:31.

Rating: C+. If there is any sanity around here, this will lad to a unification match to get rid of one set of the Six Man Titles. There has never been any need to have two sets of them around and now it’s time to get rid of one. Other than that, you had a good enough match with a title change that needed to happen due to Cage’s injury.

Post match the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out for the staredown.

Adam Cole hypes up Wardlow as the new wrecking ball on his way to the World Title.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Anna Jay

Toni Storm is on commentary. Purrazzo spins out of a wristlock to start and rolls Jay up for a fast one. Jay has to bail over to the ropes, where she grabs a neckbreaker over the ropes. We take a break and come back with Purrazzo getting two off a clothesline. Jay kicks her in the face for two more but the Queenslayer is countered into a quickly broken armbar. They forearm it out until Purrazzo pulls her into the Venus de Milo (double armbar) for the tap at 6:40.

Rating: C. There was barely enough to rate here with the commercial involved and that’s pretty normal for a lot of women’s matches around here. Purrazzo is off to a good start and I wouldn’t be surprised if she got the next title shot either on a big Dynamite or at Revolution. As usual, Anna loses after building up some momentum, which tends to be her case.

Post match Purrazzo says she doesn’t know what is up with Toni Storm, but Purrazzo has changed as well. Storm has never met the Virtuosa, but Storm calls her an artificially tanned hag. The shoe is thrown and Purrazzo chases her off.

Top Flight vs. Private Party

Kassidy takes Darius down to start but they nip up for the staredown. Everyone gets in for the staredown and it’s off to Dante vs. Quen. Dante takes him down by the arm but Kassidy is back in with a springboard crossbody. We take a break and come back with Darius working on Kassidy’s arm as commentary talks about almost anything else. Kassidy fights up and brings in Quen to clean house, including a 450 to Dante. Everything breaks down and Dante knees Quen in the face. Gin and Juice takes Dante down, leaving Quen to roll up Darius (while grabbing the rope) for the pin at 10:11.

Rating: B-. Take two high flying teams and let them go nuts for a bit. It’s a little strange to see Private Party come back and have a fairly high profile match like this one but at least they won. I can go for Private Party as villains, but AEW needs to actually go somewhere with them or it won’t matter.

Video on Sting and Darby Allin.

AEW World Title: Hook vs. Samoa Joe

Only Joe’s title is on the line. Hook goes right after him to start and they’re already on the floor, where Joe strikes away. Back in and Joe hits a jumping enziguri in the corner, followed by the hard kick to the chest. Hook gets in some shots of his own and knocks Joe outside, setting up the big forearm from the apron. Joe isn’t having that and release Rock Bottoms him through the announcers’ table.

That earns him a double middle finger so Joe powerbombs Hook onto the apron. Back in and Joe snaps off a powerslam for two, followed by a Death Valley Driver for the same. The MuscleBuster gets one but Hook is back up with some running clotheslines and the t-bone suplex. Redrum goes on but Joe reverses into the Koquina Clutch for the knockout win at 8:45.

Rating: B. This is a good example of a match that was pretty much exactly what you would have expected but better. Hook wasn’t going to win the title here but he brought the energy and Joe felt like he was in a fight. Granted I could have gone without the new World Champion’s finisher only getting a one count, but otherwise Joe looked like a killer as usual.

Post match Joe gives him another MuscleBuster but here is Hangman Page to chase Joe off. Swerve Strickland is watching from the crowd and stares at Page as Hook leaves to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was a show that focused on the wrestling and that ranged from pretty good to very good. They also took some steps towards Revolution as you can see a lot of the card from here. If you take out the Young Bucks making me want to put my head through a wall, it’s that much better of a show. Rather strong show this week and I had a good time throughout.

Christian Cage b. Dustin Rhodes – Killswitch
Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Komander/Penta El Zero Miedo – Crunchy to Komander
Bullet Club Gold b. Mogul Embassy – Blade Runner to Kaun
Deonna Purrazzo b. Anna Jay – Venus de Milo
Private Party b. Top Flight – Rollup to Darius while grabbing the rope
Samoa Joe b. Hook – Koquina Clutch



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Collision – January 6, 2024: Like The Old Days

Date: January 6, 2024
Location: Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the first Collision of the new year and this time around we have a big showdown with the House Of Black finally facing FTR. These teams have been teasing a fight for a long time now and it should be quite the fight. Other than that, Sting and Darby Allin are in action as the retirement tour continues. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Sting/Darby Allin vs. Workhorsemen

Ric Flair is here with Sting and Allin and….yeah ok it’s Charlotte. The Workhorsemen try to jump them before the bell, with Sting no selling a chair shot from Drake and Flair even getting in a chop. The fight keeps going on the floor with Sting and Allin being beaten down until we go inside for the opening bell. Allin gets beaten down to start and Henry grabs a Backstabber for two. A cheap shot knocks Sting off the apron but Allin rolls away, allowing him to bring the quickly recovered Sting back in. The Scorpion Death Drop finishes Drake at 2:51. Well that was quick.

Post match the winners and Flair celebrate with some fans, including a Flair cosplayer in a nice touch.

We look at Konosuke Takeshita destroying Allin on Dynamite, setting up the Don Callis Family vs. Sting/Allin on Dynamite.

Continental Crown: Trent Beretta vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston is defending, and it’s still not clear if this is for one individual title or all three combined. Trent gets powered into the corner for the early break before winning a strike off. Trent grabs a quick tornado DDT for one and a snap suplex gets the same. Back up and Kingston fires off the rapid chops in the corner, including one chop to the face.

That leaves Trent rather bloody (his nose might be broken) and his missed dive to the floor makes it even worse as we take a break. Back with Kingston hitting a running boot in the corner before pulling Trent off the ropes for a head first crash into the buckle. Trent manages some forearms to pound Kingston down against the ropes and a basement dropkick puts him on the floor.

Back in and Trent powerbombs him out of the corner for two but Kingston snaps off an exploder. The DDT gives Kingston two but Trent rolls some German suplexes. The running knee to the face and a Gotch style piledriver give Trent two more. They slug it out from their knees until Trent grabs the half nelson suplex. Kingston grabs one of his own though, setting up a spinning backfist into the northern lights bob for two more. Another northern lights bomb retains the title at 15:13.

Rating: B. It wasn’t a match with the highest level of drama but they traded big shots here until one of them got the win. Kingston is still the kind of wrestler who can get a crowd behind him like few others and that is a very valuable thing to have. He’s getting featured in a big way here and it makes sense with the reception he receives. Trent can still have a good match with anyone and that was the case again here.

Earlier today, Tony Schiavone asked Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale about Stokely Hathaway but they’d rather just be friends and have a big new year.

Hook says he’s coming for Samoa Joe.

Kingdom vs. Bryan Keith/Komander

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Keith and Komander win or survive the ten minute time limit, they get a future title shot. Roderick Strong is here with the Kingdom, who take Komander into the corner to start the beating. Komander kicks away at Taven and brings in Keith to strike away against the ropes. A blind tag brings in Bennett to knock Keith down though and we take a break.

Back with a top rope elbow getting two on Keith and something like a Border City Stretch going on. Keith gets out and manages to suplex Bennett into the corner. Komander comes in with the spinning DDT, setting up a running headbutt in the corner to Taven. Komander’s big assisted flip dive takes the champs down but Bennett is back in with a piledriver. Just The Tip hits Keith and the powerbomb/Zig Zag combination finishes for Taven at 8:33.

Rating: C+. You have the new champs (on Collision rather than ROH, where the titles have not been seen in over five months) making their debut after being revealed as part of the big heel stable and it takes almost nine minutes to beat a makeshift team? At the same time, commentary pointed out that no one has ever beaten the champ/survived in a Proving Ground match. It shouldn’t have taken place here, but maybe it should take place at some point to add some drama?

Bullet Club Gold says they have no relationship with the Acclaimed, who come in to interrupt. Violence is teased but Anthony Bowens thinks they might be better together. The Club will think about it.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat. Copeland talks about how he and Christian Cage had a fight at Worlds End and he won the TNT Title. Then on Dynamite, Cage said that because he beat Copeland to get the title back, Copeland goes to the back of the line. If he has to earn his title shot, he’ll start right here because he works hard. So get him someone out here.

Adam Copeland vs. Griff Garrison

Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Cole Karter are here with Garrison. Before the match, Garrison says he wants respect but Copeland says he’s coming from below sea level to Mt. Everest. A slap to the face has Copeland saying he likes Garrison, but it’s time for a beating. Copeland chops him into the corner to start and drops Garrison face first onto the top turnbuckle. Maria breaks up the spear though and Karter offers another distraction, allowing Garrison to get in a big boot to take over.

The chinlock doesn’t last long so Garrison faceplants him for two instead. Copeland is back up with the Edge O Matic and takes out Karter, setting up a high crossbody for two more. The spear is cut off by a discus right hand but Copeland headbutts him on top, setting up a superplex. The crossface finishes Garrison at 6:37.

Rating: C. It was nice to have Copeland in a random match like this, as we keep hearing about him wanting to work with others but he’s been around Cage for a long time. Putting him in a quick match like this one was a fine way to go and it seems we might be seeing more of it in the near future, as he has to go up the ladder to get at Cage again.

Post match Karter jumps Copeland but gets speared down instead.

Sting, Ric Flair and Darby Allin are fired up for the tag match on Dynamite.

Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan

Hogan powers her into the corner to start and we actually get a clean break. Blue’s headlock slows Hogan down until she’s back up with some slaps. A kick to the head gives Hogan one but Blue drops her again and we take a break. Back with Blue kneeing her in the chest but diving into a superkick for the double knockdown. Hogan hits the running hip attack (as seems to be required in women’s wrestling these days), only to have Blue pull her into the dragon sleeper for the win at 8:49.

Rating: C. I’ve said this before but it’s getting more and more difficult to get into a match between either of these two as they have been on the treadmill for the better part of ever. They’ll win some matches, they’ll get a bigger match, they’ll lose, they’ll start over. Odds are that is going to be the case again with Blue again, as has been the case with her for months now.

Serena Deeb is coming back.

Andrew Everett vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Everett’s running dropkick has no effect and Castagnoli slams him down (with Schiavone continuing Everett’s “I’m a seven footer” deal, which just kind of makes Schiavone sound dumb as it’s not exactly something you hear about around here very often). The Swing connects but Everett is back with a springboard spinwheel kick. The shooting star press is loaded up but Castagnoli misses what seemed to be an uppercut to knock it out of the air. Thankfully Castagnoli just picks him up and hits the Neutralizer, followed by a clothesline to finish at 3:15.

Rating: C. This wasn’t quite a squash and they weren’t exactly on the same page. Everett’s deal with the thinking he’s a giant is kind of a weird thing and thankfully he’s not around often enough for it to become a thing. At the same time, points for not worrying about the missed uppercut and moving on to the next thing without missing a beat.

Castagnoli wants (and will get) Hangman Page on Dynamite.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks are ready to face Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara….at Battle Of The Belts. And we’ll make it a street fight. Well dang. That’s been one of the biggest issues with Battle Of The Belts and they addressed it. Nice job.

FTR vs. House Of Black

FTR has some friends and family here. Wheeler and Matthews fight over a lockup to start and go into the corner. Matthews gets shoved away but comes back with some hard arm cranking. They go to the mat for some quick escapes so FTR grabs a double Russian legsweep (and yes we get a Brad Armstrong reference). It’s off to Harwood vs. Black, with the latter dropping into a sit to avoid a right hand.

Harwood sits down as well and flips him off as we take an early break. Back with Harwood and Matthews chopping it out until Harwood is sent into the wrong corner. That’s broken up and the tag brings in Wheeler, who is sent outside again for a middle rope moonsault. Wheeler manages to send them into each other back inside but Matthews cuts Harwood off in a smart move.

We take another break and come back with Harwood hammering on Black in the corner before diving onto Matthews. A brainbuster gets two on Black but the Sharpshooter is broken up. Matthews gets in a cheap shot from the floor but Harwood is fine enough to get Black into the PowerPlex. A Matthews saves breaks up the cover though and all four of them are down.

Back up and Wheeler is sent over the announcers’ table so Black grabs a chair. We pause for Black to look menacingly at Harwood’s family but the distraction lets FTR hit the Shatter Machine for two on Matthews. Black gets spike piledriven onto the apron so here is Brody King. Cue Daniel Garcia to chair King in the back and then throw the chair at his head. Back in and Matthews stomps Harwood for two but a powerbomb is countered into a sunset flip to give Harwood the pin at 21:28.

Rating: B+. As usual, if you give FTR some time and the right opponents, they can make some magic happen. That was the case here as these guys tore the house down and had a heck of a main event. What matters is the good guys won for a feel good moment in front of their family, which gave the show a nice ending. King and Garcia get to continue their deal but they didn’t actually get involved so the ending was even clean. Really strong stuff here, with FTR showing they can still do it.

Post match the House beats down FTR and Garcia, with Black spin kicking a chair into Harwood’s head. Julia Hart pops up to slowly ring the bell to end the show. Well so much for the happy ending.

Overall Rating: B. This show was carried by two matches and that was more than enough to make it work. It went by quickly and the main event was a grudge match that more than delivered. Some of the stuff in the middle was a bit lacking, but they had a nice variety and it felt more like one of the first few Collisions, which is quite the compliment as those were some very good shows.

Sting/Darby Allin b. Workhorsemen – Scorpion Death Drop to Drake
Eddie Kingston b. Trent Beretta – Northern lights bomb
The Kingdom b. Bryan Keith/Komander – Powerbomb/Zig Zag combination to Keith
Adam Copeland b. Griff Garrison – Crossface
Skye Blue b. Kiera Hogan – Dragon sleeper
Claudio Castagnoli b. Andrew Everett – Clothesline
FTR b. House Of Black – Sunset flip to Matthews



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