Turning Point Preview
The show is tomorrow night and even after watching Impact regularly, I’m not sure what all the matches are. I’ve heard of a few more being announced, but it’s not like they’ve had a ton of time to build them up. Here are the predictions.Roode to retain of course. There’s no way he’s dropping the title that fast after winning it. This match is as slapped on as an octopus tattoo during a drunken night on the town.
Geez what are the other big matches? It’s pretty sad that I have to check Wikipedia to remember them less than 48 hours after watching the Go Home show.
Hardy over Jarrett. No way they’re having Jeff lose that fast. Hardy I mean, not Jarrett. This is going to get really annoying when I write the review.
Daniels over RVD with some cheating involved. Remember when like 13 months ago RVD was in the main event of the show of the year?
And Crimson to beat Morgan in what is not a dream match no matter what they say.
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