Evolve – March 19, 2025: Still Settling In

Date: March 19, 2025
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Peter Rosenberg, Robert Stone

The beginnings of this series continue as we are at the third show. In theory last week should be a sign of where we are going, but you never can tell with a new concept. There have already been some stories set up and now we get to see how some of those are paid off. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Brinley Reece is very excited to be here. She’s into fitness and is very excited.

Masyn Holiday is the valedictorian of Howard University where she was a track star.

Brinley Reece vs. Masyn Holiday

Holiday takes her down by the arm to start but Reece is back up with a takedown of her own. Back up and Holiday takes her down by the head before stomping away in the corner. A backbreaker lets Holiday grab a bodyscissors but Reece is back up with a flipping clothesline. Reece hits a TKO for the pin at 3:37.

Rating: C. This was another short match and that is only going to get them so far. It helps that Reece has been around for a good while now and isn’t an unknown so this was hardly her big introduction. Holiday is the latest on a long list of really athletic people who needs something else to make her stand out.

Post match Reece is very pleased with what she did because that’s a positive mindset.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont are in the VIP section. They’re chasing titles and want someone to step up to get beat down.

Jordan Oasis has been wrestling for ten years and was trained by Rikishi. And he has a backpack.

Sam Holloway is a big guy who had to deal with bullying while he grew up. Now he’s going to make everyone learn the hard way because that’s how he got here.

Gallus vs. Jordan Oasis/Sam Holloway

The rather tall Holloway headlocks Joe to start before they strike it out. Mark comes in and gets dropped by Holloway before Oasis comes in (yelling at Holloway on the way) for a headlock of his own. It’s already back to Holloway for a slam before we hit the chinlock. Back up and Oasis sends Mark throat first into the ropes, setting up a Cannonball to the back (that’s a new one).

Mark fights up and makes the tag back to Joe for the house cleaning. The double springboard spinning high crossbody gets two on Oasis with Holloway making the save. Everything breaks down and Mark gets posted but cue Wolfgang (the third member of Gallus) to yell at Holloway. Joe punches Oasis out for the TKO at 5:50.

Rating: C+. This got some more time and it made for a bit of a better showcase, though Gallus has fallen through the floor in WWE over the last few months. They might not be great but they’re good enough for a spot higher than Evolve. Oasis and Holloway got in some offense here, though they didn’t have enough time to really do much.

Post match Oasis has to be held back from going after all of Gallus.

Layla Diggs has self confidence issues but she has quite the athletic background. Now she’s going to prove herself.

Chantel Monroe is a gymnast from Auburn University and cares a lot about fashion.

Chantel Monroe vs. Layla Diggs

Monroe takes her down with a headscissors to start and stomps away. Diggs is back up with a sunset flip for two, allowing her to check her hair. Back up and Diggs hits a powerslam for two but Monroe goes after the leg. Some cartwheel knees to the ribs give Monroe two and the half crab works on the leg some more. That’s broken up as well but Monroe hits her in the leg. A dropkick to the leg has Diggs in more trouble but she goes up for a sunset flip. The leg gives out though and Monroe rolls her up for the pin at 3:27.

Rating: C. Another match designed to showcase a few people but neither of them really stood out for the most part. As was the case earlier in the show, it’s another case of people with athletic backgrounds and nothing that makes them stand out. That’s going to need to change, and having so many such people on the show isn’t helping here.

Haze Jameson played college (shocking I know) volleyball and is the life of the party. She’s a big Dennis Rodman fan….and Kali Armstrong storms the announcers’ desk, demanding a match.

Kali Armstrong vs. Haze Jameson

Armstrong knocks her into the corner to start and hits a not great powerslam. The Kali Connection (a hard shoulder block) finishes Jameson at 49 seconds.

Here is Kylie Rae to talk about what was in the note Wendy Choo gave her last week. Rae doesn’t know Choo and isn’t sure if she wants to, mainly due to fear. There are a lot of talented women in the locker room and she doesn’t have time to focus on the bear or note that Choo gave her, so she throws both of them down. Cue….well Choo’s face on the video screen but Zara Zakher comes out to get Rae out of there instead. Rae was a little more heely there and…I don’t know if that’s a great move.

Drako Knox is from a small town in Georgia and is trying to get out of the same routines that his family have been stuck in for years. This is his lottery ticket out.

Tate Wilder is a cowboy and likes various violent sports. He’s a mixture of Matthew McConaghey and a famous bull rider.

Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont vs. Tate Wilder/Drako Knox

Drako takes DuPont into the corner to start but gets shouldered down for his efforts. Wilder comes in for a dropkick and celebrates with Knox, allowing the tag to Igwe. A face first drop onto the turnbuckle knocks Wilder silly but DuPont running him over knocks him even sillier. A full nelson slam gets two but here are Swipe Right and Zayda Steel (who picks up Wendy Choo’s note to Kylie Rae) to sit in the VIP area. Wilder backflips over Igwe and gets one off an O’Connor roll. Knox comes back in for some forearms but Igwe kicks Knox in the face. The Heartstopper (belly to back suplex/chokeslam combination) finishes Knox at 4:10.

Rating: C+. Wilder and Knox stood out a bit more, mainly because they had something closer to characters that gave them something different. That’s more than a lot of the people on this show can say so maybe there is something for them. Not much to the match, as Igwe and DuPont are bigger stars and mostly dominated, but at least the other two felt more unique.

Oro Mensah is now in the VIP section.

Javier Bernal vs. Luca Crusifino

Crusifino takes him down by the arm to start but Bernal sends him to the apron. That just means a slingshot shoulder but Bernal is back up with a knockdown to the floor. The baseball slide drops Crusifino, who drops him onto the apron. An apron legdrop gets two on Bernal and a kick to the head rocks him again. Bernal is back with a backdrop and a snap half nelson suplex. The tornado DDT gives Bernal two but Crusifino Codebreakers him out of the air. The Case Closed (fisherman’s suplex into a brainbuster onto the knee) finishes for Crusifino at 4:41.

Rating: B-. As has been the case with this show so far, the main event tends to go well, mainly because they have more experience and aren’t out there to establish themselves. Crusifino is a bigger name and Bernal was on his way to getting better before he got hurt. The match was good enough, with Crusifino feeling like the biggest star on the show.

Post match Keanu Carver and Harlem Lewis come out to glare at Crusifino to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The show is still in its early stages and that isn’t a bad thing. They need to get these people out there and start setting them up, which is mostly what we have been doing so far. That can continue for a few weeks, though it does seem like some of these names are starting to interact, which is here things should go from here. For now though, not a bad show at all as they’re not wasting time around here and it feels a lot more interesting than LVL Up did for years.

Brinley Reece b. Masyn Holiday – TKO
Gallus b. Sam Holloway/Jordan Oasis via referee stoppage
Chantel Monroe b. Layla Diggs – Rollup
Kali Armstrong b. Haze Jameson – Kali Connection
Tyson DuPont/Tyriek Igwe b. Tate Wilder/Drako Knox – Heartstopper to Knox



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NXT LVL Up – December 27, 2024 (Series Finale): The Only Way It Could End

Date: December 27, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

So it’s the final show and for the first time in a good while, we actually have something set up coming in. While we have what is likely going to be a six woman tag, we also have Dante Chen running a gauntlet because this is his show. I’m not sure how to handle something being ready on the way to the show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Lainey Reid/Wendy Choo/Kali Armstrong vs. Layla Diggs/Carlee Bright/Kendal Grey

Grey and Reid slug it out on the mat to start and Reid quickly hands it off to Choo. That doesn’t last long as Armstrong comes in, with Diggs slamming Bright onto her for two. Reid comes back in to punch Bright in the face, followed by one to Diggs to draw her in as well. Bright fights up and brings in Diggs to pick up the pace without much trouble. Everything breaks down and Diggs ax kicks Reid for the pin at 5:30.

Rating: C+. This is the closest thing to a blowoff to a feud as we’re going to get around here and it went well enough. Diggs doesn’t exactly stand out around here but she got her big win over Reid, who has been all over the show in recent months. If nothing else, it’s nice to have Bright and Grey get a win as things close up.

Dante Chen is ready to face anyone who wants their shot.

We look at some stars who have gone from LVL Up to the main NXT show. That’s a nice little touch.

Gauntlet Match

It’s Dante Chen facing a bunch of people, starting with Keanu Carver, who had a good performance last week. Chen runs the ropes to start but gets caught in a powerslam. Back up and Carver is sent into the corner, allowing Chen to grab a rollup for the pin at 1:32. Harlem Lewis is the second opponent and immediately grabs a suplex for two. A hard kick in the corner staggers Chen again but he’s right back with the Gentle Touch for the pin at 3:51 total.

Kale Dixon is the third opponent and hammers away, including a bit of dancing. Dixon plants him down and chops away in the corner but Chen fights up. Chen is sent to the floor and comes back in to get caught with something like a Downward Spiral. For some reason Dixon tries the Gentle Touch, only to get caught with one of his own to give Chen the pin at 7:26 total for the final win. That’s the whole gauntlet?

Rating: C. Well, that’s about as perfect of a way for Chen to wrap it up: a nondescript match where he didn’t show anything notable and you’re left saying “that’s it?”. I’m still not sure I get the appeal of Chen around here, and as his only appearance in a month and a half after this was losing in less than a minute on the main NXT show, WWE doesn’t seem to see it either.

Chen poses to end the show and the series.

Overall Rating: C. And that’s LVL Up and…I have no idea what the point was in having this most of the time. It was about half an hour a week most of the time and had very little in the way of storylines, making it as skippable of a show as you could have. At the same time, it still felt totally unimportant and like a waste of time most weeks. I get that it helps the wrestlers getting their feet wet and earning some experience for the bigger parts of their careers, but egads they could have made it more interesting. It felt like they were trying a bit more here, but that doesn’t make the last few years any better.



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NXT LVL Up – December 20, 2025: Almost There

Date: December 20, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We’re down to two shows and that means we aren’t going to be getting much out of them. That means we are going to likely be seeing the same stars we usually get around here, but since there isn’t much in the way of stories, what else are they suppose to do? That leaves them in a weird spot so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Joe Coffey vs. Keanu Carver

Carver shrugs off a shoulder to start and grabs a front facelock before knocking Coffey outside. Back in and Carver pulls a high crossbodying Coffey out of the air to put him down again. A powerslam gives Carver two and he grabs an Argentinean backbreaker. That’s broken up and Coffey starts hammering away, setting up the big running shoulder. All The Best For The Bells is loaded up but Carver Pounces him down. Coffey goes simple with the running headbutt into the corner, setting up All The Best For The Bells for the pin at 5:23.

Rating: C+. This was much more about Carver, who dominated most of the match against a more established star. That worked out well as Carver got to showcase himself, which is always a good thing. It was a nice showcase here, even with Coffey winning in the end, as he should at this point.

Lainey Reid is annoyed at being asked about her match tonight with Kendal Grey.

Kendal Grey is ready to beat Lainey Reid.

Lainey Reid vs. Kendal Grey

Grey grabs a fast rollup to start and Reid is looking a bit concerned. Back up and Grey knocks her into the corner, setting up a middle rope crossbody for two. The bridging hammerlock has Reid in more trouble but she manages a belly to belly suplex for a needed breather. A running crotch attack to the back hits Grey for two but Reid elbows her in the face a few times. Reid shrugs off a rollup and knees her in the face for the pin at 5:48.

Rating: C. Grey (and Carlee Bright) has kind of disappeared in recent weeks and you could see why here. They just do not have much that makes them stand out and that is going to create an issue. There are so many talented women in the NXT women’s division that just being in great shape and being athletic isn’t going to carry them very far. The match was nothing to see, but that shouldn’t be much of a shock.

Post match the beatdown is on with Carlee Bright making the save. Kali Armstrong, Wendy Choo and Layla Diggs run in for the big brawl. A six woman seems likely.

Dante Chen talks about how he is known for this show so next week on the final show, he’ll be in a gauntlet match. Who else could it be in the last show?

Overall Rating: C+. I’ll take some things being set up for the grand finale, even if there is very little to get excited about. The opener was a nice way to make Carver look like a bigger deal and the post main event stuff set up things for next week, so we’ll call this a nicely done show. Just stick the landing as well as possible next week and this will work out.



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NXT LVL Up – December 13, 2024: Circling The Drain

Date: December 13, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

The very slow road to the end of this show continues as we have three episodes left. Last week saw what passes for a long story being paid off around here, though that isn’t likely to happen again as we don’t really have anymore of them to go. Maybe the action will make up for it though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wendy Choo vs. Dani Palmer

Choo takes her down by the leg to start but Palmer handstands out in a hurry. Palmer flips around again and hits a basement crossbody for two, only to get sent hard into the corner. A neck twist has Palmer in more trouble and a basement dropkick gets two. Choo hits some running shots in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Palmer is put in the Tree of Woe for some stomping but she slips out and makes the clothesline comeback. Choo catches her in the corner though and a cobra clutch finishes Palmer at 5:07.

Rating: C. Choo continues to be someone I cannot bring myself to care about, though thankfully she seems to just be weird now rather than the whole sleep themed woman. Palmer is athletic, but that is only going to get you so far with the talent around here. Not much of a match, with the bigger star winning.

Oro Mensah is ready for Niko Vance, who is a bit crazy for wanting to listen to Shawn Spears.

Dani Palmer is tired of losing and is ready to change something.

Oro Mensah vs. Niko Vance

Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears is here with Vance, who starts fast with some rapid fires shoulders in the corner. Mensah fights back but misses a charge to crash out to the floor. Back in and Vance gets some near falls before he switches to choking in the corner. A powerbomb gives Vance two and we hit the reverse chinlock. That’s broken up and Mensah flips away, setting up a kick to the back to rock Vance for a change. A neck snap over the top staggers Mensah and a top rope headbutt finishes him off at 6:43.

Rating: C. Vance is someone who is getting more of a shot lately and that was the case here. Beating Mensah isn’t a huge deal but it’s as big of a thing as Vance has done so far. For now, I could go for seeing more of Vance, who has done well enough in his rather limited appearances.

Overall Rating: C-. Not much to see this week as they were going short and didn’t exactly offer a ton of star power. That makes for a pretty dull show, which granted makes sense with so little time left in the series. Choo was her usual uninteresting self and Vance only got to do so much. Skippable show this week as we start to circle the drain.

Wendy Choo b. Dani Palmer – Cobra clutch
Niko Vance b. Oro Mensah – Top rope headbutt



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Impact Wrestling – November 7, 2024: They Had To Do Something

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 7, 2024
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re still in the aftermath of Bound For Glory and unfortunately still in the aftermath of Chris Bey’s neck injury. That match was scheduled to take place this week and as a result, this week’s show might be a bit weird. We’re also on the way to Turning Point and a lot of people are coming after Nic Nemeth’s World Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Tasha Steelz/Alisha Edwards vs. Masha Slamovich/Jordynne Grace

Grace and Slamovich start things off with Grace grabbing a headlock as we get some graphics for what is coming throughout the show (nice touch). Slamovich comes in and strikes away before running Steelz over with a shot to the face. A World’s Strongest Slam looks to set up Grace’s Vader Bomb but Edwards cuts it off.

Edwards realizes that hitting Grace in the face is a bad idea but it’s back to Steelz, whose dancing earns her a quick spank. Grace plants Steelz down and hands it back to Slamovich, who drops Steelz with a running boot for two. It’s already back to Grace, who gets caught in a quick crucifix bomb for two more. That’s enough for Slamovich, who gets the tag and chokes Edwards out for the win at 7:16.

Rating: C. This was about as to the point as it should have been, with Grace and Slamovich being a pair of monsters who aren’t going to have much trouble against Edwards and Steelz. Thankfully they didn’t mess around here and it made the match work out well. I’m not sure if we’re getting a Grace vs. Slamovich III, but there are worse ideas out there.

We look back at Savannah Evans attacking Lei Ying Lee last week.

Evans says she’s the big deal and she’s taking over.

Wendy Choo vs. Rosemary

No DQ. Choo jumps her to start but Rosemary fights back and tries the Upside Down. That’s broken up and Choo hits a running dropkick. They fight over to the announcers’ table with Rosemary choking away with a camera cord. Back in and they fight over a cane until a double knockdown lets them both do the situp. Choo beats her up with the loaded pillow and drops a middle rope elbow with said pillow for two. Rosemary gets in a cane shot though and hits As Above So Below for the pin at 6:01.

Rating: C-. Forgive me for not being able to get into the idea of someone whose big deal is a pillow that she uses to beat on people. It hasn’t exactly worked in NXT and it isn’t working here. At the same time, this whole crossover is losing its steam rather quickly, as there is little to get behind when the home promotion star wins pretty much every time.

Post match Rosemary seems to lick Choo’s head.

And now, from the vault, on June 15, 2024, likely as a replacement for the Hardys vs. ABC match.

X-Division Title: Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

Ali, with Champaign Sing, is defending. Santana knocks him down to start and shrugs off a chop. Some right hands in the corner and a clothesline have Ali in more trouble but Singh gets in a cheap shot for the DQ a 2:35.

Cue Santino Marella to make a tag match.

Mustafa Ali/Champaign Singh vs. Mike Santana/Joe Hendry

Hendry cleans house to start and hands it back to Santana to drop Singh. Ali pulls Hendry off the apron though and Singh gets in a shot to Hendry to take over. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Santana fights up and rolls over to bring in Hendry for the house cleaning. It’s already back to Santana, who elbows Singh down, leaving Hendry to GTS Ali, setting up Spin The Block to finish Singh at 6:29.

Rating: C. This whole thing could have been at any house show, with the cool pairing defeating the villains. Ali was a pretty big deal at this point, while Singh was there to take the fall. That’s all it needed to be and the fans were certainly into Hendry, which was the big point of the whole thing.

Post match Steve Maclin runs in for the beatdown but Rhino makes the save, including a Gore.

Maclin says no one, including Josh Alexander, can beat him.

The Rascalz are anxious, so they go to the tree house and talk about Space Jam. Lightening up ensues.

We look at Ryan Nemeth and Joe Hendry yelling at each other after last week’s main event.

Here is Hendry for a chat. Hendry has a special video about Ryan Nemeth’s entire career. Beginning of the video, “He’s Nic Nemeth’s brother. The end.”, end of the video. Hendry wants to face Ryan next week.

Mike Santana runs into First Class, who likes him and offers him a spot on the team. Santana isn’t impressed.

Jody Threat vs. Heather By Elegance

Their partners are here too. Heather jumps her to start but Threat gets in some clotheslines in the corner, followed by a suplex right back out of it. A tornado DDT gives Heather two and she stomps away in the corner, where Ash can get in some hair pulling. The neck crank goes on but Threat suplexes her way to freedom. Ash’s distraction lets Heather pull Threat into the corner, but Threat is fine enough to catch a high crossbody. Pop Shove It finishes Heather at 5:02.

Rating: C. Well I’ll take it over another tag champion losing a singles match to set up a Tag Team Title match. It’s still not good, but at least the champions don’t look like losers for a change. There still isn’t much in the way of a division, but at least they’re doing something with a fresh team.

X-Division Title: Mike Bailey vs. Moose

Moose is challenging and is quickly hurricanranaed out to the floor. A pump kick just annoys Moose so he takes Bailey outside, where a chop hits the post. Bailey accidentally kicks the steps though and Moose drops him onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Moose stomping away in the corner but getting caught with another hurricanrana. A release Rock Bottom drops Bailey again though and a kick to the head makes it worse. Bailey is back up with the moonsault knees for two and we take another break.

We come back again with Bailey hitting a top rope dive, followed by a shooting star press for two. They strike it out until the tornado kick is blocked, leaving Moose to hit a discus lariat. Bailey is right back with a Code Red for two and the Ultimate Weapon is loaded up, only for Moose to dropkick him out to the floor.

Back in and a super poisonrana puts Moose down and the Ultimate Weapon connects for two more. Another tornado kick is cut off with a spear to send Bailey outside, followed by an even bigger spear. They go back inside where two more spears give Moose the pin and the title at 17:24.

Rating: B-. That’s something of a relief, as Bailey getting away from the title makes things more interesting. I can only take so many tornado kicks and Ultimate Weapons, though thankfully Bailey only ignored a few moments of leg work this time. Moose winning the title is a new way to go, and I could go for a bunch of people coming after the monster champion.

Post match Moose leaves so Trent Seven comes out, hugs Bailey, and then hits him low. The Seven Star Lariat drops Bailey to end the show. If it keeps Bailey away from the title, I approve.

Overall Rating: C+. These tapings are nearly cursed by injuries as there is only so much you can get with two matches being stopped due to injuries. Putting in the previously unreleased match wasn’t exactly interesting but they had limited options here. Other than the title change at the end, there wasn’t much to be seen here, but there is still more than enough time before Turning Point to get things going. Just make things a bit more interesting on the way there, as this show was only ok for the most part.

Masha Slamovich/Jordynne Grace b. Tasha Steelz/Alisha Edwards – Rear naked choke to Edwards
Rosemary b. Wendy Choo – As Above So Below
Jody Threat b. Heather By Elegance – Pop Shove It
Moose b. Mike Bailey – Spear



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NXT – October 29, 2024: Rough Night

Date: October 29, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with Halloween Havoc and the big story is wee seem to be heading for a mini ECW reunion when the show heads to Philadelphia next week. Odds are that means we get some hype for the show this week, as Bubba Ray Dudley does not seem happy with Ridge Holland for attacking NXT Champion Trick Williams to end Sunday’s show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Halloween Havoc if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Halloween Havoc but it’s interrupted by Tatum Paxley shoving a casket to the ring.

Tatum Paxley vs. Wendy Choo

Casket match with Paxley bringing a casket and Choo bringing a bed. Paxley starts fast with a dropkick to stagger Choo as commentary says the first casket match was between Undertaker and Kamala in 1992, showing commentary doesn’t know the difference between Casket and Coffin. Choo gets a trashcan wrapped around her head for some stick shots, followed by something like a reverse Angle Slam back inside. Back up and Choo puts her in a trashcan for a dropkick as we take a break.

Back with Paxley being hiptossed into a dollhouse but Paxley uses the pillow to avoid the casket being closed. Choo pulls out a pillow full of Legos and a full nelson slam plants Paxley in a rather painful way. Paxley still won’t be slammed inside so they both crash in with the lid closing. A fire extinguisher blast to the face sends Choo onto her bed and Paxley puts her into the casket for the win at 10:10.

Rating: C. This felt like something that belonged on the Halloween Havoc Kickoff Show more than here, but I do like Paxley getting a win. That and anything involving Choo and this dumb sleep/pillow/bed thing taking a step down. I’m still not sure what the heck Choo is supposed to be about but I also can’t bring myself to be remotely interested.

Now we get the Halloween Havoc recap.

Here is Trick Williams for a chat. Williams went into the Devil’s Playground at NXT and he’s still your NXT Champion. Ridge Holland attacked him after the match though and that’s why he owes Bubba Ray Dudley a thank you. Cue Bubba, who says he did what he did because Holland was disrespectful. Bubba was watching Holland get involved and wondered where everyone was, but none of them came out because of that title.

Williams needs to have eyes in the back of his head, which Williams understands, but he wants revenge. What he wants is a tag match with the two of them against Holland and Ethan Page in the ECW Arena next week. Ray says he’s known Williams for about three minutes and the juices are already flowing. He’s ready to bring out the tye dye and puts on the glasses, but then he says no. I heartily approve of this decision.

Ava is in the back with Rob Van Dam, who says if Bubba doesn’t want to do it, he will. Ava says she’d love to have him on the show and will think of something for him to do. Kelani Jordan comes in and wants the North American Title back. Nikkita Lyons comes in to say Jordan is at the back of the line, which doesn’t work for Jordan.

Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen play Tony D’Angelo a voicemail from someone not happy with how this has been going. They’ll deal with D’Angelo next week. Commentary confirms that was Nunzio on the phone, meaning we’re likely getting the FBI. Sure.

Heritage Cup: Lexis King vs. Charlie Dempsey

King is challenging and has William Regal in his corner. Round one begins with a bit of a slow start before they trade rollups for two each. Dempsey fires off some knees to the face but Dempsey hits a spinning high crossbody for two. A rollup (ala his father Brian Pillman) gets the same but Dempsey grabs a bridging butterfly suplex for the pin at 2:24.

Round two begins with Dempsey elbowing him in the face and grabbing a cravate to crank away. Back up and Dempsey sends him over the top, with King hurting his knee on the apron. We take a break and come back with the clocking having been paused for the commercial (erg). King’s belly to back suplex into a superkick drops Dempsey as the round ends.

Round three begins with Dempsey going after the bad knee and a fisherman’s suplex gets two. A half crab stays on the leg but King fights back, only for the knee to go out again. Regal tries to slip him the brass knuckles but King says no, allowing Dempsey to grab a German suplex for the pin to retain at 2:55 of the round and 13:34 overall.

Rating: C. This was another step in the evolution o King into a nice guy, but at the same time it’s also another loss on a large pile of them. At some point he has to win some bigger matches, which could still come, but he also has to do something that stands out a bit more. I didn’t see it here, even with Regal in his corner.

Video on Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker.

Zaria vs. Brinley Reece

Zaria shoulders Reece down and lifts her up by the arm or some pain. Reece’s clothesline doesn’t work as it’s a spear into an F5 to give Zaria the pin at 2:48. Total destruction.

Post match Fatal Influence pops up to mock Zaria but here are Roxanne Perez/Cora Jade to do the same. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer run in to even things out a bit (some may say they’re already ahead) but Jordynne Grace (from TNA) runs in to officially wreck the villains.

Post break, a ten woman tag has been set up.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan snaps off an armdrag to start and hits a running dropkick. A basement crossbody gets two on Lyons before they pull each other into the splits. Lyons sends her hard into the corner but Jordan fights up with some running forearms. Those are cut off but here is Rizzo for a distraction, allowing Jordan to pull Lyons down. One Of A Kind finishes Lyons off at 4:04.

Rating: C. I can certainly go for Lyons not getting close to a title, as she loses what little appeal she has every time she’s on the show. Rizzo going after Lyons could be interesting as Rizzo has done well enough when she is given the chance. Jordan is likely going to either go after Fatal Influence again or go after the Women’s Title.

Post match Rizzo runs in to beat Lyons down and they brawl to the back.

Here is Ethan Page for a chat but Ridge Holland cuts him off in a hurry. Holland says everyone is sick and tired of Page but Holland will be taking the NXT Title from Trick Williams. Bully Ray made the right call by turning down the offer of a tag match but here is Ray to interrupt.

Ray has learned a lot about Holland in the last 48 hours, who has commanded the conversation on Busted Open Radio. He’s impressed by Holland’s rugby background and ability to come back after serious injuries so quickly. Ray doesn’t like disrespect but isn’t going to be wrestling again. Holland isn’t surprised because Ray is just a radio host and is overrated, just like ECW. The beating is on but Trick Williams makes the save. The tag match is on.

This was a good example of what has kept me from caring about the whole story. Ray talked about being half of the greatest tag team ever and while the Dudleys were great, Ray on his own is just kind of there. He’s dragged down a lot of shows he’s been on in recent years and it’s hard to care about him again just because they’re going to a certain arena. At least it’s likely to be done next week though.

Stephanie Vaquer and company are ready for the big ten woman tag next week. Rhea Ripley comes in and tells them to blow the roof off.

Jaida Parker is ready to take out Lola Vice and Dawn Marie better stay out of her way.

Judgment Day is here…and Rhea Ripley has been attacked.

Tag Team Titles: Nathan Frazier/Axiom vs. Cedric Alexander/Je’Von Evans

Frazier and Axiom are defending. Alexander works on Axiom’s arm to start but gets armdragged without much effort. Frazier and Evans come in to trade missed kicks and flips but Alexander comes in of a blind tag for a running dropkick. Frazier knocks Alexander into the corner so Axiom holds out his hand for a tag but Frazier would rather stomp away.

Back up and Frazier is sent outside, with Evans and Alexander hitting dives as we take a break. We come back with Alexander hitting a fireman’s carry kick to the head to Axiom and Evans comes back in. A springboard clothesline gets two on Frazier and Evans makes Axiom DDT Frazier for two. Evans’ powerbomb gets two with Frazier making the save.

A double springboard cutter gives Evans two on Axiom, who is right back with a super Spanish Fly to Alexander. Frazier’s phoenix splash gets two but Evans makes the save while also hitting a step up cutter on Axiom. Cue Wes Lee to brawl with Evans to the back, leaving Alexander to hit a Michinoku Driver. Not that it matters as the brainbuster/superkick combination finishes Alexander to retain at 14:55.

Rating: B-. This was pretty much the same thing Axiom and Frazier have done for months now: bicker a lot leading up to the match, have some issues during the match, win to retain anyway, stat the whole thing over. They’re going to split up someday and neither of them are going to come out looking good because this story has been going on way too long. That being said, I’m not sure who else there is to take the titles, but find something new for them already.

Wes Lee and Je’Von Evans are brawling in the back when Ava and Rob Van Dam come in. The fight is broken up, with Van Dam saying he knows what he wants to do next week. I’m going to assume it’s another special referee and if so, egads find something else to do already.

Overall Rating: C. I was not feeling this one at all, as there is a bunch of stuff that I feel like we have to get through before we can get to something better. This includes the Frazier/Axiom stuff and the ECW nostalgia, which thankfully should only last a week. Just not the most appealing show here, but hopefully it picks up when we get done with the latest reminder that ECW was supposed to be far better than it really was.

Tatum Paxley b. Wendy Choo – Paxley shut Choo in the casket
Charlie Dempsey b. Lexis King 2-0
Zaria b. Brinley Reece – F5
Kelani Jordan b. Nikkita Lyons – One Of A Kind
Nathan Frazier/Axiom b. Cedric Alexander/Je’Von Evans – Brainbuster/superkick combination to Alexander



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Bound For Glory 2024: Of Course They Did

Bound For Glory 2024
Date: October 26, 2024
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the biggest night of the year in TNA and the show is looking pretty solid. The main event is Joe Hendry challenging Nic Nemeth for the World Title, but the show is billed as a triple main event. The other two main events will see Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against Masha Slamovich, plus a three way Full Metal Mayhem match for the Tag Team Titles. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: Ash By Elegance/Heather Reckless vs. Brinley Reece/Xia Brookside

Reckless messes with Reece’s hair to start so Reece works on her arm. Brookside comes in for a wheelbarrow splash, followed by a double suplex. It’s off to Ash to kick away at Reece but Reckless gets taken down. The fans want Brookside as Ash faceplants Reece into a basement dropkick (which isn’t exactly smooth, with commentary saying is due to their inexperience as a team, which seems to be intentional).

Reece fights out of Reckless’ chinlock and gets in a double knockdown, allowing Brookside to come back in with some clotheslines. Broken wings connects with Ash and Reece’s Codebreaker gets two. It’s back to Reckless, whose high crossbody is rolled through so Reece can hit a TKO for two, with the Personal Concierge putting the foot on the rope. Brookside and the Concierge are ready to fight on the floor, but that leaves Reckless to hit a springboard Spanish Fly. Rarefied Air finishes for Ash at 8:38.

Rating: C. Perfectly fine match here to get things going as the fans are always going to want to see the Concierge get beaten up. If nothing else, I’m glad they didn’t start the biggest night of the year with an NXT star getting the win, as it wouldn’t have felt right. Not a great match here, but the fans were into it and that’s always a smart way to get things going.

We get the Bob Ryder Hall Of Fame video. Ryder was a longtime backstage worker in TNA and had a lot to do with building up wrestling on the internet. He also worked in ECW and WCW and helped develop a lot of the things that got the company on the map. A bunch of wrestlers say thank you and we get quite the THANK YOU BOB chant.

Eric Young is here to induct Ryder into the Hall Of Fame. Young talks about Ryder being part of the original group that made the company come together. Ryder worked in WCW and ECW, becoming a pioneer in online wrestling discussion. Ryder was in talent relations and did all kinds of things to make it work for everyone. Young and Ryder were friends and spent Christmas and Thanksgiving together and all of the Brazilian steakhouses throughout the southeast miss him.

Despite everything he loved, he loved wrestling the most and despite what one idiot backstage says, there is one King Of TNA, and that’s Bob Ryder. Young holds up the plaque for Ryder and another THANK YOU BOB chant wraps it up. You could hear how much this meant to Young and there couldn’t have been a better inductor.

We see the Rhino Hall Of Fame video. It looks at Rhino’s career before TNA, along with various people talking about how big of a deal it was for him to sign with the company. Rhino signed up here because he believed in it.

Here is Tommy Dreamer to induct Rhino into the Hall Of Fame. When he inducted Team 3D, he got 3D’d the next night. When he inducted Raven, he got DDT’d. Whoever invented the phrase “always a bridesmaid, never a bride”, he hates you. Dreamer is excited to induct Rhino into the Hall Of Fame and goes over Rhino’s career path, including coming to TNA. Rhino has found the fountain of youth because he looks the same, works the same and is the same as he has been for twenty five years. He always says it’s the year of the Lions (we pause for the chant) but this is the year of the RHINO.

This brings out Rhino for the YOU DESERVE IT chant, but he says that’s not true. WE deserve it because the fans have been here forever. Rhino talks about how much he loves Detroit and hopes to die here. After mocking Dreamer a bit, Rhino thanks his girlfriend for being here but he won’t be proposing because he doesn’t have the hardware. The fans boo, but Rhino says it’s his night.

Rhino talks about how much he loves his daughter and how much he wishes he had been there more often. He thanks a bunch of people from Jim Cornette to Paul Heyman to WWE and more, including Heath Slater. This brings up a story about his brother being diagnosed with cancer and being given a death sentence. Slater would talk to him during the long car rides and it was like the cancer went away. He thanks Slater for being a friend and a brother.

Rhino talks about his faith in God and how he prays for the family to get home save every time. His goal is to leave the planet a bit better than he found it and that’s what he hopes to do. One more thank you and he’s out. This was an excellent speech and you could feel the emotion from Rhino. Easily one of the best induction speeches I’ve ever heard for an induction and Rhino does deserve it.

Steve Maclin thanks Eric Young for his help but he’s got Josh Alexander by himself. Young is fine with that, but he’s got Maclin’s back if Alexander brings help, which seems fine with Maclin.

Call Your Shot Gauntlet

This is basically a 20 entrant Royal Rumble with 2 minute intervals at first and then 1 minute intervals for everyone else, with an anytime title shot to the winner. We have standard over the top eliminations until there are two left, when it becomes a one on one match. Frankie Kazarian is in at #1 and Zachary Wentz is in at #2. Wentz takes him down in the corner to start and then pulls Kazarian out of the air, only to get caught with a Fameasser over the middle rope. Wentz fights back again and knocks him into the corner as Jake Something is in at #3 to run Wentz over.

Trey Miguel is in at #4 and picks up the pace as Wentz gets a needed breather. Hammerstone is in at #5 and teams up with Something to wreck various people. It’s not enough for an elimination or anything, but it is quite the collection of clotheslines. Rohit Raju is in at #6 and gets in an assortment of stomps. Laredo Kid is in at #7 and is quickly knocked out for the first elimination. Something tosses Miguel and it’s Sami Callihan in at #8. That goes nowhere either and it’s John Skyler in at #9 as Hammerstone seems to have been eliminated.

That means the pace can pick up a bit but no one is eliminated so it’s Bhupinder Gujjar in at #10. Again the pace picks up, including Gujjar having to skin the cat to survive an early elimination attempt. Trent Seven is in at #11 as the ring is starting to fill up. KC Navarro makes it even busier at #12 and is promptly powerbombed by Callihan. Rhino is in at #13 and gets rid of Raju, Skyler and Gujjar in short order. Callihan is gone as well and it’s Tasha Steelz in at #14. Steelz drops Navarro with a cutter but another one to Rhino doesn’t go so well.

Lei Ying Lee is in at #15 and Steelz is quickly out. Jason Hotch is in at #16 and dropkicks Seven in a hurry. Leon Slater is in at #17 as Ying goes after Kazarian, who drops her with a clothesline. Lee is out as Jonathan Gresham is in at #18. Everyone is down so it’s JDC in at #19 to…stay on the floor instead of getting inside. Slater hits his Swanton 450 but JDC is right there to toss him out.

AJ Francis is in at #20, giving us a final grouping of Kazarian, Wentz, Something, Seven, Rhino, Hotch, Gresham, JDC and Francis. Gresham goes after Francis but gets knocked out in a hurry. The Down Payment gets rid of Seven and Hotch is out shortly thereafter. Something and Wentz fight to the apron and both gets eliminated.

We’re down to Kazarian, JDC, Rhino and Francis, with Rhino tossing JDC. Francis gives Rhino a Gore of his own but Rhino hits a clothesline to get rid of him. That leaves us with Rhino and Kazarian in a singles match for the title shot so Rhino hammers away. The referee has to duck a shot though and Kazarian hits a low blow for the fast pin at 26:33.

Rating: C. These things are mainly about getting a bunch of people on the card and there is nothing wrong with that. They were blazing through the introductions, which is kind of what has to be done in a match like this. Rhino was a great choice for the push to the end, but Kazarian was almost destined to win this as he already has a tie to tonight’s World Title match.

And now, the show proper.

Ilona sings the National Anthem.

The opening video hypes up Detroit and talks about how important it is to wrestling history, with a look at the people in the bigger matches, as well as TNA’s history in the city.

X-Division Title: Mike Bailey vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

Bailey is defending and this is something of a dream match. We get the big handshake of respect to start and the fans are very pleased to start. They trade some snazzy rollups to start until Vikingo manages to send him outside. That sets up the big head first dive to drop Bailey as the fans continue to approve. Back in and Bailey starts firing off the kicks, including some shots to the ribs for two.

Vikingo hits a kick of his own and, after avoiding a charge in the corner, kicks Bailey out to the floor. That’s fine with Vikingo, who bounces of the barricade and hurricanrans him down again. Bailey is back up with a corkscrew dive to put Vikingo down as well, meaning it’s time for a double breather. A shooting star press misses for Bailey back inside so he grabs the Green Tea Plunged for two instead.

Bailey hits a fisherman’s Falcon Arrow into a shooting star press for two and we pause for a quick breather. Vikingo ducks a superkick and hits a hard kick to the face of his own and they’re both down again. Bailey wins a battle of the kicks and even hits a crane kick to drop him again. The moonsault knees set up a tornado kick and the Ultimate Weapon gets two. The Flamingo Driver is countered into a Canadian Destroyer though and Vikingo hits some running knees in the corner.

Bailey bails out to the floor but there’s a rope walk into a corkscrew moonsault to drop Bailey again. Back in and Bailey breaks up another 630, only for the moonsault knees to hit apron. Vikingo’s Canadian Destroyer from the post to the apron knocks Bailey silly again and they both go up top. That’s fine with Bailey, who grabs something like a fisherman’s superplex (Meteor Rain) for the pin to retain at 14:49.

Rating: B. The pretty much non-existent build to this match didn’t make me think the title was in jeopardy, but that’s not the worst thing. This was more about giving Bailey a hard fought win over a top international name, which I’ll take over trying to tie everything together with a last second challenger. Rather good opener here, with two very exciting stars.

We run down the pay per view card.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Spitfire vs. Rosemary/Wendy Choo

Spitfire is defending. Threat sends Choo into a slam from Luna, who drops Threat onto her for a bonus. Rosemary comes in and gets suplexed for two so it’s already back to Threat. Choo busts out her special pillow (it’s dumb in NXT too) so the pillow gets suplexed, allowing Choo to take over. Choo’s running boot in the corner staggers Luna and a double dropkick in the Tree of Woe makes it worse. A running clothesline out of said corner gets Luna out of trouble and it’s back to Luna to clean house.

The middle rope dropkick hits Rosemary and a powerbomb connects for the same. Luna’s big dive takes Rosemary out again but she has to save Threat from Choo. That just means a DDT to put Luna down on the floor, setting up the big dive from Threat. Back in and Rosemary spears Luna for two but Luna reverses a double superplex into a double powerbomb. Threat comes back in and strikes away but Rosemary hits Choo by mistake. Threat sends both of them flying and the Pressure Drop to Choo retains the titles at 10:28.

Rating: C+. As usual, the titles feel like they belong on a regular TV match more than anything else, but it’s nice to see something like an actual feud over the belts. Rosemary still deserves better than Choo and hopefully that is coming soon, as the pillow stuff is just nonsense. I’m not sure who is next for the titles, but at least Spitfire is being built up.

Post match Rosemary spears Choo down to end the team.

We look at Frankie Kazarian cheating to win the Call Your Shot gauntlet match.

Kazarian is reading Earl Hebner’s book and promises to raise the hand of the World Champion at the end of the night.

Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander

The brawl is on in the aisle to start and Alexander is sent hard into the steps. Maclin scores with the Scud and drops him onto the apron as the bell has yet to ring. Alexander manages a quick posting and the leg is wrapped around the post as well. They both get inside and the bell rings with Maclin fighting back. A backbreaker gives Maclin two but the Jarheadbutt misses.

Alexander knees him in the ribs and snaps off a bunch of rolling German suplexes. Maclin reverses into his own rolling German suplexes and they’re finally both down. The slug out goes to Maclin, who ties him in the Tree of Woe, only to miss the running shoulder. Alexander’s crossbody to the back knocks him to the floor for two but Maclin is right back with an Angle Slam.

A top rope superplex rolled into a Death Valley Driver for two leaves Alexander staggered but the referee gets bumped. Alexander scores with a low blow and zip ties Maclin’s hands behind his back. Maclin is able to avoid a charge though and now the running shoulder hits the ribs. The Scud, still with the hands tied (which is FINE with the referee), connects and a running knee gets two on Alexander. Back up and Alexander manages a Tombstone for two, setting up the ankle lock as Maclin passes out at 14:45.

Rating: B-. The hard hitting aspect was good and I wanted to see where it was going, but the zip tie thing completely lost me. How is that either not a DQ or maybe something that earns a quick stoppage? Other than that, Alexander winning was the right call as he’s been losing a good bit lately, so this was the best result, especially with Maclin being protecte.

We recap Matt Cardona vs. PCO in a Monster’s Ball match. Steph de Lander has fallen for PCO and they got married, but Cardona doesn’t approve. Now de Lander is off getting neck surgery, so Cardona has to fight him on his own.

International Title/TNA Digital Media Title: Matt Cardona vs. PCO

Monster’s Ball, meaning anything goes and PCO is defending both titles. An early clothesline drops Cardona but he sends PCO outside, where Cardona realizes there are no countouts. That means Cardona joins him on the floor for some rams into various steel objects, including dropping him back first onto the steps. Cardona whips out a door but a nasty backdrop sends him through it instead.

With Cardona on the floor, PCO loads up a dive, which is cut off with a trashcan shot to the head. Another door, plus some chairs (Cardona doesn’t know why his face isn’t on it) are thrown in, with Cardona building up a structure with more chairs underneath the bridged door. PCO fights back but gets powerbombed through everything for two.

The bag of thumbtacks are pulled out, with some of the tacks going into PCO’s mouth for the Reboot. PCO fights up so it’s Radio Silence for two, with Cardona being stunned. A third door is brought in but PCO breaks it over Cardona’s back. PCO pulls out a bag of his own containing…well more tacks actually. Cardona gets in a low blow and finds a barbed wire baseball bat. PCO fights up, chokeslams him into the tacks and drops the PCOsault to retain at 13:16.

Rating: B-. It was violent and PCO gets his revenge, but these things have become paint by numbers over the years. You can almost guarantee the spots you’ll see, with doors instead of tables this time around. PCO smashing through the annoying Cardona is fine, but there was no big moment here that made this one stand out in any significant way.

We recap Moose vs. Mike Santana. Moose is part of the System and Santana has gone after the team. Santana wants to get into the main event scene so he’s coming after the biggest name the System has.

Mike Santana vs. Moose

Moose has JDC with him. The fight starts fast on the floor with Santana sending him into the barricade. The referee goes to check on Moose, allowing JDC to send Santana into the steps. They get inside so Moose can get two but Santana escapes a powerbomb and hits an enziguri. Santana’s running Cannonball in the corner is countered into a powerbomb to give Moose two more. A release Rock Bottom plants Santana and Moose slaps away, only to miss a spinning high crossbody.

The rolling Buck Fifty gives Santana two so Moose rolls outside, where Santana hits a huge dive. Back in and a leg lariat gives Santana two but Spin The Block misses. Santana settles for a Death Valley Driver into the corner and a 450 gives Santana two. Back up and they go to the corner, where Moose tries the super Sky High but they both crash down instead.

A nasty powerbomb onto the apron has Santana in more trouble but he beats the count at nine. JDC comes in with a chain around his hand (works for the referee) but almost hits Moose, earning himself a Spin The Block. Moose’s spar gets two and the fans are into it again. Another spear is countered though and Spin The Block finishes for Santana at 13:44.

Rating: B. There was no reason for Moose to win here, as Santana has hit the ground running as a singles star and very well could be moving into the World Title scene sooner rather than later. What mattered here was getting Santana the biggest singles win of his career and he fought back to overcome the odds to get there. Perfectly acceptable match, with the result being what matters.

We recap Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against Masha Slamovich. Grace helped her out against the System and now Slamovich wants another shot at the Knockouts Title. Grace beat her before at Bound For Glory and now it’s time for the showdown against a much improved Slamovich.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich

Grace is defending. Feeling out process to start with Grace winning the battle over a lockup. Slamovich gets in some shots of her own but Grace ties her in the ropes for a kick to the leg. They head outside where Grace hits a rolling Death Valley Driver for a near fall back inside. Grace starts kicking away at the leg but it’s too early for the Juggernaut Driver. Slamovich fires off some kicks but the leg is too banged up for the full impact. A guillotine keeps Grace in trouble but she powers up into a Jackhammer for two.

They go up top where Slamovich plants her back down, setting up the Snowplow for a fast near fall. Slamovich knees her down and hits a running spinwheel kick, only for Grace to knock her down again. They fight back up and Grace runs her over, setting up the Juggernaut Driver for two. A leglock immediately goes on but Slamovich bails to the ropes. They go up again, and this time it’s a super Snow Plow to bring Grace down. A package piledriver gives Slamovich the pin and the title at 12:42.

Rating: B. Take two powerhouses, let the beat on each other until one of them can’t get up anymore. That’s all you had here and it worked rather well, with Slamovich FINALLY getting the big title win that she’s been needing. It was a good powerhouse match too, and now we’ll have to see who is coming after the title next. I’m not sure how much longer Grace has on her deal around here, but odds are she’ll be in WWE sooner than later, so this isn’t much of a setback.

We recap Joe Hendry challenging Nic Nemeth for the World Title. Hendry has been the hottest thing in the company and now he needs to win the big one. Nemeth isn’t so sure of that, but Frankie Kazarian, now with his guaranteed title shot, is lurking around as guest referee.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Nic Nemeth

Nemeth is defending and Frankie Kazarian is guest referee. They go rather slowly to start with Hendry’s wristlock not getting him very far so Nemeth hits a nice dropkick to really stagger Hendry. The fans do NOT like Nemeth’s home state of Ohio so Hendry running Nemeth over makes them feel better. A rather delayed vertical suplex puts Nemeth down and Hendry drops him again with some right hands.

There’s the fall away slam to send Nemeth flying but it’s too early for the Standing Ovation. Instead Alexander grabs a pop up powerbomb for two and the ankle lock goes on (as I remember Kazarian is the referee, as he hasn’t been a factor thus far). Nemeth makes the rope so Hendry puts him on top and grabs a super fall away slam. Kazarian teases the cash in but Hendry tells him to do his job instead.

That’s enough for Nemeth to hit a Fameasser for two, even with Kazarian counting rather quickly. Hendry rolls through a high crossbody and hits an AA for another near fall. They fight out to the apron, with Nemeth planting him down with Hendry falling out to the floor. Kazarian tries to cash in again but John Bradshaw Layfield is here to give him the Clothesline From JBL.

Another Clothesline takes Hendry down and there’s a third to take out Nic’s brother Ryan Nemeth. Back in and Nic, who might not have seen what happened, hits Danger Zone and another referee comes in to count two. The superkick is countered but Nemeth counters the counter into Danger Zone to retain at 15:10.

Rating: B-. Yes really, JBL just helped cost Joe Hendry the World Title in the main event of Bound For Glory. I don’t care if Hendry is leaving next week (which he isn’t), you need to give him the title here. Hendry has been the next big thing for way too long around here, but instead of going with the title change, we’re sticking with the TNA tradition of NOT going with what the fans are begging to see. The match was good but not great, with a rather slow pace until the big messy finish. Which was about JBL.

We look at the Hall Of Fame inductions.

Genesis is back on January 19, a Sunday.

Here’s what’s coming on Impact.

We recap the Tag Team Titles in Full Metal Mayhem. The Hardys and ABC both want the belts back do we’ll do it in TNA’s version of TLC.

Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. ABC vs. The System

The System is defending and it’s basically Tables, Ladders And Chairs. The ring is all painted up in something Jeff Hardy had to design, complete with something like a ramp on the floor in front of the hard camera. We starts slowly as the champs get double teamed to the floor with Poetry In Motion.

Bey takes them out with a dive and a bunch of chairs are brought in, but instead we get Austin splashing Myers through a table out in the crowd. Matt legdrops Eddie off a ladder through another table so we’re down to challengers vs. challengers at the moment. The Hardys take over inside, with the Plot Twist taking Bey down. Jeff gets knocked into the corner for Poetry In Motion but comes back with some ladder shots.

ABC grabs a specialty ladder and tries to climb but it takes too long to hold up, allowing the Hardys to make the save. The big ladder is bridged in a regular ladder, basically cutting the ring in half. They grab chairs and walk across the bridge until Austin and Jeff get knocked onto the bridged part, leaving everyone down. The System returns from the dead to pour a bunch of ladders out before setting up a bunch of tables (which are all painted as well).

The Hardys are put through the tables but Bey breaks up the Conchairtos. The 1-2-Sweet takes Myers down and Bey goes up but gets Blue Thunder Bombed off the ladder for another crash. Matt tries to climb, only to get pulled down with the Art Of Finesse. Myers and Bey go up the ladder to slug it out but Bey is left hanging. Myers hits a spear off the ladder ala Edge in 2001 and everyone is down.

It’s Matt coming back in with a chair, which he wraps around Edwards’ neck for the Twist Of Fate. Jeff brings in the really big ladder and Swantons Myers through a table at ringside. Austin goes up so here is Alisha Edwards to break it up. Matt takes out Alisha but Eddie goes up, only for the Hardys to throw chairs at him and powerbomb him off the ladder through tables at ringside. That’s enough for the Hardys to win the titles at 27:17.

Rating: D+. As soon as the Hardys were announced for the match, you could tell what was coming. As soon as it was announced as Full Metal Mayhem, you knew it wasn’t going to be very good. But then they went nearly half an hour in slow motion, with the whole thing being a Hardys tribute, because the Hardys have to win everything.

The painted ring, ladders and tables were little more than an eyesore and didn’t help anything. Also, why would TNA allow the challengers to set up the mood of the match or whatever it was? Shouldn’t that be the System’s deal? Either way, rather weak main event, as the Hardys just cannot do this anymore. Naturally, they’re the Tag Team Champions and get the big, ahem, feel good moment to end the show.

The Hardys celebrate with the fans to wrap it up.

Oh and one more thing:

I was watching on TNA+, the official TNA streaming service.

Show ends, Thanks For Watching graphic comes up. Fine.

Below that.

“Don’t Miss Bound For Glory On October 26!”

Overall Rating: B-. And that’s TNA in a nutshell: they have some good stuff (most of the matches were completely acceptable or better) and a nice moment with Slamovich FINALLY winning the title, only to entirely overthink the ending of the two biggest matches. Hendry winning the title, even if he loses it back on Thursday, was what the fans wanted to see. Instead, they got JBL and Ryan Nemeth getting involved before Hendry lost pretty much clean (he fought back up and even tried his finisher, so he at least had a chance).

Then there’s the main event, which was roughly the 14th time this promotion has paid tribute to the Hardys. They’re a great team and legends and everything, but that doesn’t mean they need to win the titles in the main event of your version of Wrestlemania. Right now, TNA needs something to fire the fans up.

That could have been Hendry, but instead they have a bunch of rather aged champions (save for Mike Bailey, 36, the youngest men’s champion is 44 year old Nic Nemeth). You can be older and still more than hang in the ring, but you might want to go with some people whose heyday wasn’t 15+ years ago.

Overall, this show was good, but it had the same problem that has plagued TNA for almost its entire history: they won’t just give the fans what is right there in front of them. I liked most of the show and most of it worked, only for the last two matches to leave a really bad taste in my mouth. That shouldn’t be happening very often, and it is almost a tradition around here.

Ash By Elegance/Heather Reckless b. Brinley Reece/Xia Brookside – Rarefied Air to Reece
Frankie Kazarian won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet last eliminating Rhino
Mike Bailey b. El Hijo del Vikingo – Meteor Rain
Spitfire b. Rosemary/Wendy Choo – Pressure Drop to Choo
Josh Alexander b. Steve Maclin – Ankle lock
PCO b. Matt Cardona – PCOsault
Mike Santana b. Moose – Spin The Block
Masha Slamovich b. Jordynne Grace – Package piledriver
Nic Nemeth b. Joe Hendry – Danger Zone
Hardys b. The System and ABC – Hardys pulled down the titles



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Impact Wrestling – October 24, 2024: Get Ready For Glory

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 24, 2024
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re two days away from Bound For Glory and the show is pretty much set. There are still some matches that could use a final push towards the show though and that is what we will be seeing here. Other than that, there is still the chance that we could be seeing something added to the show at the last minute so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Jake Something vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Francis vs. Sami Callihan vs. Laredo Kid vs. Jason Hotch

One fall to a finish, the winner is #20 in the Call Your Shot gauntlet match and the person who loses the fall is #1. Kazarian wants his special introduction but gets dropkicked outside for his efforts. Kid and Hotch are left in the ring with Kid flipping him around. Something comes back in but Francis knocks him down to take over.

Francis teases the dive but stops instead, only for Callihan to take him out. Kid breaks up Callihan’s dive so Callihan throws him onto the pile and a triplebomb puts Francis down for two back inside. Hotch hits a tornado DDT on Something but Kazarian is back in with the slingshot cutter for two. Callihan Stunners Something and hits the Cactus Driver 97 on Kazarian…but Francis steals the pin on Kazarian at 6:57.

Rating: C+. What do you want from something like this? It’s supposed to be a random scramble match with one person stealing the pin. That’s exactly what we got here with the people getting in their stuff until Francis stole the pin. Francis makes sense, though Kazarian being there at the beginning and already having a spot at the end of the pay per view in the World Title match is scary.

Jonathan Gresham is ready to prove he’s the best in the world and he’ll start against Josh Alexander.

Mike Santana is walking through his childhood neighborhood and talks about how tough they made him. He’s ready for Moose.

It’s time for a launch party, with Ash By Elegance and the Personal Concierge coming out around a champagne and punch table. We meet the new Heather Reckless, who looks quite a bit like Ash. Fans: “BASIC WHITE GIRL!” The women toast the champagne but here is Xia Brookside to say the excitement is almost as fake as the two of them. She doesn’t like what they did to Brinley Reece so here is Reece to help send the women into the beverages.

Josh Alexander vs. Jonathan Gresham

The Northern Armory is here with Alexander. They take their time to start before grappling to a standoff. Alexander works on the arm and Gresham can’t quite flip his way to freedom. An armdrag to the floor works a bit better and Gresham posts him for a bonus as we take an early break.

Back with Alexander getting in some cocky kicks to the head but Gresham scores with an enziguri. A springboard armdrag sends Alexander outside, setting up four straight dives, followed by a middle rope moonsault. Back in and Gresham slips on a springboard, setting up an exchange of rollups for two each. The C4 Spike is blocked so Alexander settles for an ankle lock. That’s broken up as well so Alexander grabs something from his headgear and knocks Gresham silly. The C4 Spike finishes Gresham off at 12:48.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of match that boosts Alexander up on his way to a big showdown at Bound For Glory. Gresham has enough status left over from his time in Ring Of Honor and he’s not going to be hurt by losing to a multiple time World Champion. The action was good enough too and that’s all it should have been.

Post match the beatdown is on so Steve Maclin runs in with a chair for the save, only to get beaten down. The villains zip tie him to the ropes but some wrestlers run in to cut off a big chair shot to the head.

Mike Santana is still in New York and still from the streets. He was on the way to jail or the morgue but he got in the ring instead. These vignettes have been great.

Wendy Choo vs. Jody Threat

Rosemary is here with Choo. They go with some grappling to start before heading out to the floor. Choo gets in a posting to take over and Threat is slammed off the top back inside to make it worse. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Threat comes up for the double clothesline. Threat’s German suplex and clothesline get two but Rosemary gets on the apron for a distraction. The half nelson slam finishes for Choo at 7:04.

Rating: C. Rather to the point here as we have a match that helps set up a less than interesting showdown on Saturday. Choo and Rosemary as the creepy team is better than nothing as challengers for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles but it’s still only so good. Thankfully they didn’t waste time here and got to the point, even with Dani Luna not here for some reason.

The System is ready to win their matches at Bound For Glory.

Bound For Glory rundown.

The System vs. Hardys/ABC

ABC clears Moose out to start and the rest of the System is sent outside as we take a break. Back with Jeff slugging away at JDC and suplexing Edwards. Myers comes in for a cheap shot though and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and it’s Matt coming in to clean quite a bit of house.

It’s of to Bey, who gets distracted by Alisha Edwards, meaning a four way stomping can ensue on the floor as we take another break. Back again with Myers suplexing Bey for two but the Roster Cut is blocked. Austin comes back in to pick up the pace and we hit the parade of finishers. The 1-2-Sweet finishes JDC at 12:09.

Rating: C+. This was a way to get everyone in the ring before the three way tag match on Saturday, with JDC being the designated jobber. I’m still expecting the Hardys to take the titles in the “feel good” moment at Bound For Glory, but ABC getting the titles back is certainly not out of the question. For now though, a nice preview and that’s all it needed to be.

Post match the villains take out the winners, with Mike Santana’s save attempt not exactly working.

Santino Marella is here to moderate the contract signings for the Knockouts and World Title matches. After all four come to the ring, Slamovich says she’s said everything there is to say and promises to win the title. Slamovich signs and Grace says we know how this will go. Nothing will change from their first match and she signs.

That leaves Hendry, who talks about playing a lawyer the first night he saw Nemeth. That night, no one knew his name but everything has changed, because now they are chanting his name. On Saturday, they will be chanting WE BELIEVE and he signs. Nemeth wants Hendry focused on Bound For Glory, because he doesn’t plan on losing. He signs as well, leaving Marella stunned that this worked, but cue Frankie Kazarian to interrupt.

Kazarian went to the Earl Hebner Referee Academy and went over Marella’s head to get the referee spot. Marella means nothing at Bound for Glory because he is the law. Nemeth drops Kazarian and it’s a Cobra to put him down again. Everyone but Santino puts him through the table, setting up the four way staredown to end the show. Kazarian is going to be a factor, but him being in the Call Your Shot and still being there in the end needs to be a red herring, as another cash in title change to end the show would be terrible.

Overall Rating: C+. This was one of those shows that is always hard to pull off, as the show was all but set and they only had to put on the finishing touches. The good thing is they did a nice job of reinforcing what was already set up and didn’t make me lose any interest in the pay per view. Saturday is what matters the most though and now we should be ready for the big show.

AJ Francis b. Jake Something, Frankie Kazarian, Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid and Jason Hotch – Cactus 97 Driver to Kazarian
Josh Alexander b. Jonathan Gresham – C4 Spike
Wendy Choo b. Jody Threat – Half nelson slam
ABC/Hardys b. The System – 1-2-Sweet to JDC



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Impact Wrestling – October 17, 2024: Bound To Get Ready

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 17, 2024
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re coming up on Bound For Glory and the card has started to take shape. The main event will see Nic Nemeth defending the World Title against Joe Hendry but we’ll also be seeing a ladder match for the Tag Team Titles. You know, because we have to do that at some point in every promotion. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Joe Koff, former Ring Of Honor executive.

Opening recap.

Digital Media Title/International Heavyweight Title: PCO vs. Rhino

PCO is defending both titles. They slug it out to start until Rhino sends him outside and grabs a chair, as this is apparently No DQ. Some cookie sheets to the head rock PCO and it’s time for the trashcan. That takes too long though and PCO chokeslams Rhino onto it for the big crash. Rhino goes back out to the floor but grabs the trashcan to cut off a big dive. The table is brought in but Rhino Gores it by mistake. The PCOsault retains the titles at 8:02.

Rating: C. I’m not sure why this was a hardcore match but it was as run of the mill of one as you could have gotten. They used all of the regular hardcore tropes and there was nothing that went outside of the norm. PCO gets a nice win, but Matt Cardona is the real opponent for him in the near future so this was only going to go so far.

Nic Nemeth is ready to face anyone as a fighting champion so tonight he’s facing Matt Cardona. He wants to see the special Cardona rather than whatever he’s been lately.

Here is Arianna Grace to introduce this week’s NXT guest star.

Brinley Reece vs. Ash By Elegance

Ash’s kick to the ribs off a handshake is broken up and Reece takes her down for a wipe of the lipstick. We pause for some fresh makeup before Reece starts cranking on the arm. A pose off goes to Reece so Ash does some pushups, only for her running shoulder to have no impact. Reece knocks her down and does her own pushups but gets kicked out to the floor for her efforts. Back in and Ash hammers away before grabbing the quickly broken chinlock. Reece’s flipping clothesline gets two but the Personal Concierge offers a distraction, allowing Ash to drop her. Rarefied Air finishes Reece at 5:17.

Rating: C. This is the kind of NXT cameo that offers very little as Reece doesn’t mean much over there in the first place. It isn’t that Ash beat someone important but rather someone from another promotion, which only has so much value. Ash is likely going to get into a bigger story soon, so call this a glorified warmup for whatever is next.

Post match we’re going to be seeing a makeover, but for now it’s just some fresh makeup to Reece. Xia Brookside makes the save.

Rosemary and Wendy Choo torment/stalk Spitfire.

X-Division Title: Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater

Bailey is defending. They both miss dropkicks to start and it’s an early standoff with Bailey doing his martial arts stance. Slater knocks him to the floor but his dive is knocked out of the air and Bailey gets in a posting as we take a break. Back with Slater’s arm giving out on a handspring attempt so Bailey kicks him down, only to miss a running shooting star press. Slater kicks him right back down as the fans want them to fight forever.

Bailey goes back to the arm but Slater snaps off a flying mare to the floor. The big dive is cut off though and Bailey’s moonsault knees have Slater down again. Slater sends him to the apron, only to miss a dive and get caught with an Asai moonsault. Back in and the tornado kick is cut off by a leg lariat, with Slater sending him outside for the big dive. Bailey goes after the arm again but gets planted off the top. The Swanton 450 misses though and Bailey grabs a chickenwing suplex. The Ultimate Weapon into the Flamingo Driver retains at 15:03.

Rating: B-. Maybe it’s just been seeing him with the title for what feels like ever but I am completely sick of Bailey in almost anything he does. He has a certain style to him that might be impressive but it’s feels so much like a performance rather than trying to win a match. It doesn’t help that he’s also rather active, which makes what he does feel all the more repetitive. Just not my guy and it becomes less interesting every time he’s out there.

Respect is shown post match.

El Hijo del Vikingo will be at Bound For Glory and Bailey seems interested.

Video on the three way match for the Tag Tam Titles at Bound For Glory. Ladders ahoy.

ABC praises the Hardys for being an inspiration but neither of them like the System. An eight man tag is set for next week, but the Hardys promise to win the Tag Team Titles at Bound For Glory.

Here is Steve Maclin, who wants Josh Alexander out here right now. Cue Alexander, flanked by Sinner & Saint, now known as the Northern Armory. Alexander doesn’t know where this change of attitude comes from because he knows what it takes to try and make these fans cheer you. He is the longest reigning World Champion of all time, so why would they believe in a failure like Maclin.

That doesn’t work for Maclin, because Alexander was the first guy to take him under his wing. Maclin thought they could be a team but they’re nothing alike. The Armory comes in and Maclin gets beaten down, with his arms being zip tied behind his back. A C4 Spike leaves Maclin laying.

Santino Marella and Arianna Grace are getting ready for the Call Your Shot gauntlet when an annoyed Frankie Kazarian comes in to draw his number.

Mike Santana vs. Brian Myers

The rest of the System is here too and Santana knocks Myers cold with a chain before the bell. Spin The Block with the chain drops Myers again and Santana calls out Moose. That doesn’t happen so the hunt is afoot. No match.

Post break Santana goes after Moose, who hits him with something made of metal to leave Santana laying.

We get a sitdown interview between Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace. Slamovich has been a good friend and doesn’t know why Grace hasn’t helped her up. Grace talks about how hard she has worked to get here and the same thing that happened at Bound for Glory two years ago is happening again this year. Slamovich doesn’t think so.

Matt Cardona vs. Nic Nemeth

Non-title, Frankie Kazarian is on commentary and Cardona has security here to protect him from PCO. Cardona takes him into the corner to start but Nemeth fights out and drops the ten elbows for two. Back up and Cardona hammers away before sending Nemeth shoulder first into the post. They head outside where Cardona’s piledriver attempt is blocked, only for him to send Nemeth into the steps.

We take a break and come back with Nemeth breaking up a superplex attempt. Cardona hits the running boot in the corner for two but Radio Silence is countered into a DDT to give Nemeth two. An implant DDT hits Nemeth for two but he’s right back with a superkick for two more. The Fameasser hits Cardona for another near fall, only for Cardona to sneak in a low blow. Cue PCO to break through security, which is enough of a distraction for the Danger Zone to finish for Nemeth at 12:57.

Rating: B-. Cardona has had a total career renaissance since leaving WWE and in that whole change, his in-ring abilities have been kind of forgotten. For so long he was known as little more than a comedy guy but he can wrestle a completely fine match, which is what we saw here. Cardona was hanging with an established star like Nemeth and never felt like he was out of place or trying to keep up. That’s a side of him that is overlooked and it’s kind of a shame.

PCO drags Cardona away so Kazarian jumps Nemeth, with Joe Hendry coming in for the save. Kazarian grabs a referee shirt and says he’s the guest referee for the title match at Bound For Glory to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. We’re at the point where everything at Bound For Glory is either set or all but set and that means the shows can have a tough go. There is only so much let for TNA to do before going to Detroit and they had to make it work here. What we got did hype up the show a bit more and I want to see most of what they’re offering, though the Tag Team Title stuff still isn’t doing it for me. Other than that though, they’re set up well and we should be in for a good biggest show of the year.

PCO b. Rhino – PCOsault
Ash By Elegance b. Brinley Reece – Rarefied Air
Mike Bailey b. Leon Slater – Flamingo Driver
Nic Nemeth b. Matt Cardona – Danger Zone



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NXT – October 22, 2024: Down The Middle

Date: October 22, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the last show before Halloween Havoc and the card…well it somewhat exists. There have been a few matches set, including those with Spin The Wheel Make The Deal attached, but very little is standing out. The main event will see Ethan Page getting another shot at Trick Williams and the NXT Title, with the two of them going face to face this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Damage CTRL vs. Meta Four

Jackson backs Sane up against the ropes to start but Sane is back up with a running dropkick. It’s off to Sky for some stereo basement dropkicks but a missed charge lets Jackson send her into the corner. The much bigger Legend comes in to choke Sane, with Legend holding both Sane and Sky up at the same time to bounce them on the ropes. A sleeper slows Legend down though and Sane sends her outside, setting up Sky’s Asai moonsault as we take a break.

Back with Sane coming back in for a running Blockbuster to Jackson with Legend being knocked to the floor. A top rope forearm gets two on Jackson and an assisted elbow drop gets the same. Jackson gets over to Legend though and a pump kick knocks Sane silly. Cue Piper Niven to pull Jackson outside for the DQ at 11:16.

Rating: C+. The match was just good enough, but the interesting thing here is that WWE seems to actually be pushing the women’s tag division. You can only get so far with the same two or three teams fighting each other over and over so mixing it up a bit is great to see. What matters the most is building up some actual teams for a division with some depth. It will take time but the start is there, which I’ll take more than what they’ve been doing lately.

Post match Chelsea Green is here to help assist Niven with the beatdown.

Cole Custer, a NASCAR driver, arrives and is greeted by Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. OTM interrupts and a match seems likely.

Ashante Thee Adonis hits on Karmen Petrovic again but Brinley Reece and Sol Ruca pop in to say she’s not interested. Petrovic doesn’t approve.

Tatum Paxley vs. Jaida Parker

OTM is here with Parker. Paxley starts fast with a rollup for two but Parker sits her on the middle rope for the sitdown splash. Parker sends her flying and cranks on both arms as Lola Vice is watching backstage. Back up and a facebuster gets Paxley out of trouble and something like a modified Angle Slam gets two. Parker flips out of a rollup though and hits a pair of running hip attacks for the pin at 4:17.

Rating: C. Short match here but Parker’s rise continues. She is probably in for a showdown with Lola Vice sooner rather than later and that could be a big step up the ladder. Parker is someone who feels like she could be a player at a higher level in the future and another win like this one is just one more move in the right direction. They kept this quick and to the point, with Parker doing well enough.

Post match Lola Vice has to be held back from Parker. Cue Wendy Choo to kidnap Paxley.

Lexis King asks the No Quarter Catch Crew how he can get some better respect around here. Maybe winning the Heritage Cup can make it happen, so the match is made. Just find a corner man.

Axiom and Nathan Frazier congratulate Je’Von Evans, with Cedric Alexander, on coming close and say he’ll get there someday. Evans slaps Frazier in the face and they have to be held apart. Wes Lee pops in to say he knew someone would get under Evans’ skin eventually.

Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia talk about their friendship on the way to WWE and now they are here to dominate.

Riz has been attacked, with the D’Angelo Family wanting revenge.

Luca Crusifino vs. Oba Femi

Crusifino hits a dropkick and goes after the knee to start but a shoulderbreaker cuts him off. Some knees to the back set up a quickly broken chinlock so Femi knocks him down again. The chokeslam is countered into a Codebreaker but Femi sends him flying. The toss powerbomb finishes for Femi at 3:04.

Rating: C. That’s all it needed to be as Femi gets to smash one of the Family before his rematch with Tony D’Angelo. It’s as logical of a result as you can have and the title match is already looking like it could go either way. He looks like one heck of a monster, though the stipulation gives him enough of an out to lose without being downgraded. That’s smart booking, or he just gets the title back.

Post match Femi lays out the Family, with Tony D’Angelo running down for the save but getting zip tied to the post. With D’Angelo stuck, Femi slams Crusifino onto a ladder.

The woman in red, named Zaria, will be at Halloween Havoc.

Andre Chase talks about how Chase U is about giving people a chance, just like they gave to Ridge Holland. Then Holland turned on them because there are some people who can’t be saved. At Halloween Havoc, they’re having an ambulance match. Makes sense.

Here are Ethan Page and Trick Williams for a face to face chat. Williams is willing to wait for Halloween Havoc to fight, but he thinks Page is desperate. Page talks about how he’s been at this for seventeen years and didn’t have the resources Williams had at his disposal. Williams says he gets it, which is all the proof Page needs to know Williams doesn’t get it. Has Williams ever tasted his own blood and sweat?

Williams is ready to make Page tastes his blood again on Sunday, which Page sees as fake confidence. The match is the Devil’s Playground, which benefits page, because Williams isn’t ready to go through that. Page is ready to take this further than anyone else Williams has faced, but Williams says Page has never pinned him. Page is desperate, but Williams is looking forward to it. This was as good as it could have gotten, but this story still isn’t interesting.

Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade are ready for Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer. Fatal Influence comes in to say they’re ready, with Kelani Jordan coming in to say she’s not so sure. The wheel will be spun tonight.

Sol Ruca vs. Karmen Petrovic

Ruca takes her down to start but Petrovic is back up with some strikes. That’s fine with Ruca, who drops her again and gets in some surfing on the back. A superkick gives Petrovic two but Ruca hits a Codebreaker as we see Ashante Thee Adonis in the crowd with some woman. Petrovic catches her on top with an Iconoclasm but Adonis and said woman distracts Petrovic. The Sol Snatcher gives Ruca the pin at 4:04.

Rating: C. Another short match in a series of them tonight as the Adonis story actually goes somewhere for a change. Having Petrovic fall for him a bit without realizing what he really is could be a nice path to follow, though I’m not sure where it could lead. Any excuse to see the Sol Snatcher is a plus though and that was certainly true here.

Nikkita Lyons gives Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont a pep talk. Oba Femi comes in to give Ruca her jacket, saying she dropped it. Oh dear.

OTM vs. Hank Walker/Tank Ledger

Jaida Parker and Cole Custer are here too and the fight starts on the floor with Walker and Ledger taking over. Meet In The Middle gets two on Nima but it’s off to Price to plant Ledger. That’s broken up and the rolling tag brings in Walker to clean house in short order. A swinging Boss Man Slam gets two on Price as Lola Vice comes out to deck Parker. Custer’s distraction sets up the Collision Course to finish Price a 3:09.

Rating: C. There’s your guest star match of the night and Custer added as much as most guest stars over the years. OTM is still around but hasn’t done anything in a good while, with this match not helping things. At least Vice and Parker got to do something, which should move us closer to their big showdown.

Post match, dancing ensues.

Axiom and Nathan Frazier argue but get a Tag Team Title match with Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander. The champs leave but Lexis King comes in to say he needs a corner man for the Heritage Cup shot. Ava seems to have an idea.

Ridge Holland is ready to hurt Andre Chase.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Tony D’Angelo is ready to hurt Oba Femi.

Giulia/Stephanie Vaquer vs. Fatal Influence

Giulia knocks Henley into the corner to start and takes her down without much effort. Vaquer comes in to drive Henley’s face into the mat but it’s off to Jayne to take over in the corner. Back up and a dropkick gets Vaquer out of trouble and it’s off to Giulia as everything breaks down. Jazmyn Nyx gets in a cheap shot on the floor and the villains take over as we take a break.

Back with Giulia hitting a basement dropkick to get out of trouble and the big tag bringing in Vaquer to clean house. Everything breaks down and Jayne has to make a save, leaving Giulia and Henley to slug it out. Jayne hits a spinebuster with Vaquer making a save of her own so Nyx gets involved. Cue Kelani Jordan fr the save so Giulia can knee Jayne into a package backbreaker for the pin at 12:13.

Rating: C+. Fatal Influence was little more than cannon fodder for the new monster dream team here and that’s perfectly fine. Giulia and Vaquer are designed to be some great team and I could go for the two of them on some path of destruction for the time being. Perez and Jade are bigger challengers, but I wouldn’t be getting my hopes up about them for Sunday.

Post match, Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade show up for the staredown. Fatal Influence spins the wheel for their match with Jordan and it’s…Spinner’s Choice. Never mind though as Zaria shows up for the debut to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. NXT is getting more and more divided, as the men’s stuff is becoming downright uninteresting while the women’s division is rather entertaining. The latter is keeping the show afloat and thankfully NXT seems to understand what they have there. At the same time, Halloween Havoc is looking more like the big finale to the summer feuds, which were only so good in the first place. Not much of a show here, with the limited positives coming from the women’s side of things.

Meta Four b. Damage CTRL via DQ when Piper Niven interfered
Jaida Parker b. Tatum Paxley – Hip attack
Oba Femi b. Luca Crusifino – Toss powerbomb
Sol Ruca b. Karmen Petrovic – Sol Snatcher
Hank Walker/Tank Ledger b. OTM – Collision Course to Price
Giulia/Stephanie Vaquer b. Fatal Influence – Package backbreaker to Jayne



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