Dynamite – October 18, 2022: It’s Better On TV

Date: October 18, 2022
Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re here for a big show as there are several titles on the line. The main event will see Jon Moxley defending the World Title against Hangman Page, with MJF hanging over their heads. The Trios Titles and the Interim Women’s Title are on the line too as the card is rather stacked. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the endzone, slightly to the left of the ring.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Death Triangle vs. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy

Death Triangle is defending. Trent shoulders Pac down to start and they trade some jumps until Trent hits a clothesline. Everything breaks down (What took them so long?) and Fenix hits a heck of a Swanton for two on Chuck, who is back up to toss Fenix into something like a spear. The Friends’ triple splash is broken up and Death Triangle hit the stereo running flip dives to the floor.

We settle down to Pac kicking Cassidy in the back of the head and Fenix taking him into the corner as we take a break. Back (after missing a Tower of Doom in the break, because of course that was in the break) with Trent fighting back and hitting a tornado DDT out of the corner on Fenix. The champs take the Friends down though and an assisted Codebreaker into a bridging German suplex gets two.

Chuck hits a stuff piledriver on Penta and Trent follows with a more regular version, setting up the big hug. The assisted splash gets two with Pac making another save. Pac grabs the hammer but Fenix takes it away, allowing Cassidy to grab a rollup for two. The Orange Punch connects and it’s back to Trent, who counters Penta’s Canadian Destroyer attempt into Strong Zero for two. Fenix comes back in for the spinning kick to Trent’s face and the Black Fire Driver retains the titles at 11:45.

Rating: B. You know what you’re getting with a match like this (as we saw it when the champs won the titles in the first place) and they delivered just that, with all kinds of flips, dives and hard shots. That being said, who is supposed to be a serious threat to Death Triangle and will actually be in contention for the belts? There are a lot of trios in AEW, but I don’t know how many could be seen as major challengers. For now though, this was a perfect choice to start the show as they kept the energy high the whole time.

Post match, the Lucha Bros remind Pac that he doesn’t need the hammer.

Video on Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page for the AEW World Title later tonight. Moxley is glad to be back home and Page knows he can beat Moxley to win the title again.

Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter, with Rebel, promise to win the AEW Women’s Title by the end of the year (with Baker making sure to drop the interim moniker). Hayter doesn’t do the DMD taunt though.

Interim Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Toni Storm

Storm is defending. Feeling out process to start with Shida taking her down and going to the apron, only to get hip attacked out to the floor. We take a break and come back with Shida hitting a jumping knee and raining down right hands in the corner. A missile dropkick gives Shida two and an enziguri drops Storm again.

Storm is fine enough to catch Shida on top but a headbutt gets her out of trouble. Shida’s top rope Meteora gets two but Storm grabs a German suplex. The running hip attack in the corner connects, only to have Shida come back with a kind of suplex into a powerslam for two more. Storm blocks the Katana and grabs a bridging German suplex for two of her own. A springboard tornado DDT sets up Storm Zero to retain the title at 8:44.

Rating: C+. Storm continues to do her part in these matches but it still feels like she is the fourth or so biggest star in the division while holding a temporary title. Her value feels like it has plummeted and there is little chance of it bouncing back anytime soon. This was a strong win for her, but until she is treated like a bigger deal, it isn’t going to change much.

Post match Jamie Hayter and Rebel come in to jump Storm from behind, with Britt Baker, in a Pittsburgh Steelers (huge Cincinnati Bengals rivals) jersey, joining in. Cue Saraya to jump Baker and the fight is on in the aisle. They fight into the crowd and Riho makes her return to save Storm. How many women are being treated as a bigger deal than Storm now? Five? Six?

We look at the Kingdom returning on Rampage, with Samoa Joe and Wardlow not being pleased. Joe and Wardlow are ready to fight them in any fashion, so pick a title and come get it.

FTR talks about all the titles they have won but they want the AEW Tag Team Titles. They’re coming for them, but Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee come in to interrupt. Swerve thinks that just because FTR has been #1 contenders for six months, they aren’t getting the title shot right now. Lee agrees for once so we’ll have a #1 contenders match next week. Lee: “Indubitably.” Swerve: “What? WHAT?”

Jay Lethal wants a rematch with Darby Allin because Allin beating him two weeks ago was a fluke. Allin says sure to the rematch and trash is talked until the fight is on. They fight towards a garage door, which is lowered onto Allin’s ribs. Lethal goes around to the other side of the door and puts the Figure Four on Allin’s dangling legs for a visual that was way funnier than it should have been.

William Regal is in the ring with Tony Schiavone but MJF interrupts before they can get anywhere (for the non-Moxley pop of the night so far). Regal loads up the brass knuckles but MJF says he’s here to tell a story instead of fight. MJF talks about being 19 years old and training at the Create A Pro wrestling school under Brian Myers and Pat Buck (who MJF calls good guys).

Then one day, he was told that he got WWE extra work, which was the best thing he ever could have hoped for. He went to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, where he was put under the care of Regal. The extras were told to have tryout matches in front of Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Adam Pearce and Regal himself. MJF was up second and he knew he was fighting for his life, because wrestling is his lief. After winning the match, Regal said follow him.

They went to another room and Regal said MJF had three minutes to sell himself. MJF finished talking and Regal’s jaw was on the floor, with Regal saying he was getting him a job that day. It was then that MJF knew he had made it and he wasn’t going to be a “five foot nothing, ADD riddled little Jew boy”. Then Regal asked him how old he was and MJF said 19, which Regal said was way too young. Fans: “YOU F***** UP!”

Regal then made things better, by saying that when he put his name on people, they got jobs in WWE. The names he had put his names on were Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. Regal told him to send him a match and promo every month. MJF did that for two months, but then in the third month, Regal sent him an email that MJF has saved to his phone to this very day. MJF: “Smirk all you want you son of a b****.”

He pulls out his phone and reads an email from Regal talking about how MJF didn’t have the abilities yet and to stop contacting him because WWE only hired the best in the world. “When you’re one of them, then maybe send me your stuff.” It had MJF ready to kill himself but he knew that would have proven every right. Now the tables have turned and Regal is a sad, withered old man who got FIRED.

Regal has snuck into MJF’s company and MJF is a 26 year old kid who is a generational talent. MJF is ready to make more money in the Bidding War Of 2024 and he reads that email when he needs a good laugh. He’s ready to win the AEW World Title because he is better than Regal and Regal knows it.

Regal grabs the mic and asks if MJF is done. MJF mentioned being nineteen, but when Regal was sixteen, he left home and was fighting grown men to make a living in this business. He likes what he sees in MJF because he knew MJF was going to be a big star. Regal wanted to light a fire under him, but he remembers crawling into bed every night with blood coming out of every part of his body. It was not going to make him quit though because Regal was going to make a living as a professional wrestler.

If an email has kept MJF angry for seven years, MJF has had it easy. Regal has told him to practice enough to make people notice him and yes he can see the talent in Regal. Before MJF was born, Regal was insulting Tony Schiavone but he never put a hand on Schiavone. Regal is an Ordinary Decent Villain, because he would only put his hands on people who stepped through these ropes to face him as fair game. For now though, MJF hasn’t proven a thing.

Just making money doesn’t prove anything because MJF hired people to do things for him. MJF wears a rung to knock people out, whereas Regal used the brass knuckles because he liked hitting people with them. If MJF wants to be the devil, make a name for yourself and do it right, but keep your hands off the wrong people. Regal turns his back to MJF and tells him to be the devil instead of taking his own way out. MJF loads up the ring and Regal opens his arm to give him a free shot, but MJF can’t do it. Regal turns back around and shakes his head, saying MJF still has a lot to prove. MJF isn’t sure what to do as Regal leaves.

I believe the term here is “whoa”, as this was one of the best exchanges I’ve seen in a very long time. What mattered here was that it felt real, as MJF made me feel everything that he went through with a gutwrenching story. Now MJF believes that he has gotten where he wants to be, but Regal cut him right back down by saying he is still just pretending to be great rather than having actually accomplished anything. MJF wants to be great and now he has to do it, which could provoke quite the change in him. This was incredible storytelling with some amazing emotions and it is absolutely worth your time to see.

Video on Dalton Castle vs. Chris Jericho for the Ring Of Honor World Title.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn doesn’t think much of Mark Sterling trying to take away the idea of scissoring. They’re ready for the Varsity Athletes on Friday though, titles vs. trademark. The audio of this kept cutting out in the arena so no one had any idea what they were saying.

Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta sit down with Renee Paquette, with Danielson talking about how disappointed he is about losing his Ring Of Honor Title shot against Chris Jericho last week. He is also disappointed in Daniel Garcia, who has potential to be even better than Danielson. Yuta doesn’t seem impressed by what Danielson says about Garcia. Yuta asks how Danielson doesn’t see what Garcia is doing when everyone else does. The blood they have spilled means something to the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club, but maybe not to Danielson. Oh dear.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Dalton Castle vs. Chris Jericho

Castle is challenging and comes to the ring after rising off a throne and with an army of Boys. Ian Riccaboni is on commentary to make this feel more Ring Of Honorish. Jericho brings Jake Hager with him, which is noteworthy because of Hager’s snazzy purple hat. Castle teases pulling something out of his trunks but goes with a middle finger instead. Jericho knocks him outside though and Castle needs a lap around the ring, with the Boys of course.

Back in and Castle sends Jericho flying with some suplexes before throwing the Boys out onto Hager, eventually knocking him down. We take a break and come back with Jericho chopping away in the corner but Castle reverses for some strikes of his own. Castle sends him onto the turnbuckle and hits a running knee to knock Jericho outside. There’s the suicide dive and a hurricanrana takes Jericho down again.

Hold on though as the Boys give Hager quite the weak beatdown as Jericho and Castle hit stereo crossbodies. The Boys take Hager’s hat, causing Hager to yell I LOVE THAT HAT. He destroys said Boys and gets his hat back, which is enough of a distraction for Jericho to try the Walls. That’s countered into the Julie Newmar (because Castle’s choke is called the Julie Newmar), which is countered into the Walls.

The long crawl makes the rope to get Castle out of trouble, meaning Jericho needs to pose. They slug it out from their knees until Castle counters the Lionsault into a German suplex for a close two. The Codebreaker is countered into the Bang A Rang for two more and that’s about it for Castle’s chances for the upset. Back up and they slug it out again until Jericho hits the Judas Effect to retain at 12:27.

Rating: B. There was good and bad here, as Castle is so incredibly entertaining, though Jericho kicked out of his finisher and then pinned him clean to retain. Jericho going over Ring Of Honor doesn’t do much for me, but I can always go for more Castle. Throw in the Boys being rather hilarious and Hager’s very funny reaction to the hat and this was good, Jericho’s latest mega push aside.

Post match the Jericho Appreciation Society comes out to celebrate his win, with Jericho talking about how he wanted to destroy everything from Ring Of Honor. This includes commentators, so the Society goes to get Ian Riccaboni. Hold on though as Jerry Lynn (former Ring Of Honor World Champion) comes out for the save, earning himself a beatdown. Jericho Tombstones (very safely) Lynn onto the title.

Video on Luchasaurus/Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy. Christian thinks quite a bit of Luchasaurus.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Baddies have yet to get the TNT Title back for Jade Cargill. Cue Jade, in a Reds jersey, to say she better get it back on Rampage or she’s holding the show hostage for an hour. You hear that Tony Khan?

AEW World Title: Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending and gets the superstar pop you knew he would get as MJF, with poker chip, is watching from a box. Page jumps Moxley during his entrance underneath the crowd (and underneath me) with the fight starting away from the ring. A suplex on the floor drops Moxley and page heads up into the crowd and moonsaults down onto Moxley, without even taking off his vest.

We take a break and come back with the fight at ringside, the bell seemingly having rung and, say it with me, Moxley busted open. Page grabs another suplex and kicks Moxley in the head, only to get pulled into a quick Figure Four. Page goes for the eyes for the break as he is in full on heel mode here. Moxley hammers away in the corner but Page is right back with the fall away slam into the nip up but Moxley is right back with a jumping cutter.

The right hands in the corner keep Page in trouble and there’s the back rake on the middle rope. Moxley superplexes him back down before stomping away at the head. The threat of a cross armbreaker sends Page bailing to the rope….and MJF has left his box. They fight to the apron, where Moxley’s piledriver is countered into the Dead Eye as we take a break. Back with Page hitting a super fall away slam for two and a heck of a discus lariat. Page gets a running start and Moxley BLASTS him with a clothesline….and Page isn’t getting up. The doctor comes in to check on Page and the match is stopped at 12:44.

Rating: B. First and foremost: AEW has announced that Page suffered a concussion and was released from the hospital a few hours after the show. That could have been so much worse so now we can get on with the match. I’m never sure how to rate a match that ends out of nowhere with what seems to be a rather legitimate injury like that one. They were having the main event style match here though and it was starting to cook at the end before everything got cut off. The big thing that I took out of this one was that I could go for a Page heel run, as he was pretty awesome playing one here.

The referee and doctor check on Page, whose arm and legs are moving. William Regal comes to the ring and the cameras look at anything other than Page. We talk about what is coming on Rampage and next week’s Dynamite as a stretcher is brought out. The bottom rope had to be loosened to get Page out. Moxley also got on the mic and said some rather un-PG things off camera.

The camera goes back on him, with Moxley saying he hopes Page is safe and 100% so he can come back and do it again for these fans. Moxley still has some energy in him and he wants MJF out here right now. Cue MJF and he’s got his own referee with him. MJF takes his shirt off (looking by far the best he’s looked in AEW) but he’ll wait on the cash-in for Full Gear because he wants to do it the right way. Moxley promises to put various parts of himself and his gear into and onto MJF at Full Gear to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. This was MUCH better on TV than it was live, which is a weird flip of the norm but I’ll definitely take a series of pretty awesome matches and a likely all time promo for two hours. MJF seems to be gearing up for the major run of his career (so far) and there were multiple good matches throughout to back it up. Very strong show here, even if didn’t come across that way in the arena.

Death Triangle b. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy – Black Fire Driver to Trent
Toni Storm b. Hikaru Shida – Storm Zero
Chris Jericho b. Dalton Castle – Judas Effect
Jon Moxley b. Hangman Page via referee stoppage


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Monday Night Raw – February 4, 2008: Needs More Filler

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 4, 2008
Location: Frank Irwin Center, Austin, Texas
Attendance: 13,552
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

So we are firmly into the build for No Way Out, which will feature John Cena challenging Randy Orton for the Raw World Title, plus an Elimination Chamber match for the Raw World Title shot at Wrestlemania. Thankfully we’re only getting the build toward one Elimination Chamber match, which should fill in most of this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Randy Orton is in the ring to start things off and it looks like we’ve got a contract signing. Orton recaps the setup of his title match with John Cena at No Way Out, which is Cena’s Royal Rumble title shot. That’s not good enough for Orton though, which is why he wants a contract signed so Cena has no way out. Orton’s lawyers have already signed the contract and he has signed it, so get Cena out here to sign it too.

After a quick walk through the back, here is Cena to quite the ovation. Cena wastes no time in signing and Orton is rather pleased, because the match is on no matter what happens to Cena, including in his arm wrestling match with Mark Henry tonight. Cue Henry for a distraction so the RKO can lay Cena out. They certainly didn’t waste time here.

Post break, Henry and Orton deny planning anything in advance. Violence is promised for later tonight.

Kelly Kelly/Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix/Victoria

Kelly goes after Victoria to start and manages a backslide, which has commentary far too impressed. Mickie comes in to go after Beth but gets pulled off the top, which might be a knee injury. A guillotine works a bit better for Mickie but Beth powers her into the corner. Everything breaks down and Mickie hits a tornado DDT to finish Victoria.

Mickie wants the title.

William Regal tells Hornswoggle to get ready to join Vince McMahon’s special club. Regal: “I’m in it!”

Here is Shawn Michaels, with JR saying HHH isn’t here tonight due to a family emergency. Shawn talks about how close he got to winning the WWE Title last year at Wrestlemania but he doesn’t want to be second place. He is ready to go back this year so everyone in the Elimination Chamber is on notice. Shawn: “Friend, family and Umaga….whatever he is, he’s on notice too!”

Cue Chris Jericho to interrupt to say he respects Shawn and how much he loved their Wrestlemania match. But then Shawn suggested he is going to win the Elimination Chamber and that’s too far. Jericho has been inside the Chamber three times and knows what it takes to make it to the main event of Wrestlemania. Cue Jeff Hardy to interrupt to say that he’ll be going to the main event of Wrestlemania for the first time.

Now it’s JBL interrupting to say he gets what he wants. He has bought Umaga to get him to the main event of Wrestlemania….so here is Umaga to interrupt. After staring down the good guys, Umaga turns to JBL and backs him into the corner, which brings out Snitsky, to say the other five have had their chances. Fans: “BRUSH YOUR TEETH!”

Shawn doesn’t care for threats and mocks Snitsky’s teeth before hitting him in the face. The brawl is on and we probably have a six man for later. Indeed as William Regal comes out to make the six man tag. This took a long time to get to the point and was mainly there to get all six of the Elimination Chamber participants out there.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Super Crazy

Kennedy dropkicks the knee out to start and hammers away at the leg. The knee is twisted back and then around the post but Crazy uses the free leg to kick Kennedy in the head. That’s broken up and Kennedy grabs…kind of an inverted Figure Four for the fast tap. At least the hold was different than just a copy of Flair’s Figure Four.

Post match Kennedy shows us a clip of MVP taking out Ric Flair’s knee last week on Smackdown. Therefore, Kennedy is giving Flair a chance to come here next week and forfeit the No Way Out match and save his leg. They’re taking a different path to Kennedy vs. Flair and it’s more interesting than I would have thought.

Mike Adamle hypes up the Raw Elimination Chamber.

Video on the Chamber itself.

Carlito/Santino Marella vs. Paul London/Brian Kendrick

Maria is here with Carlito and Marella. Kendrick dropkicks Carlito for a fast two but Marella low bridges him to the floor. London chases Marella around the ring, leaving Carlito to hit a Backstabber to finish Kendrick. Remember when London and Kendrick were one of the best teams in the company?

Vince McMahon is preparing for Hornswoggle to join his, ahem, special club. This involves a, quote, “Professional a** buffer” and “a** cream”. Vince: “Mr. McMahon’s a** in HD!”

Here’s Vince to humiliate Hornswoggle again. He talks about how you can’t reason with a child, so you have to discipline them. After ranting about children in the audience, Vince says you have to literally make them kiss your a**. Cue Hornswoggle, who Vince blames for the whole thing and it’s going to hurt Vince more than him.

Vince drops his pants and asks for a pardon of the tan lines. Hornswoggle goes to kiss it but Vince demands that he kiss it (that felt like a missed cue). Cue Finlay to ask what is wrong with Vince, who threatens a firing. Actually, Finlay can kiss it instead, but Hornswoggle gives it a bite. That doesn’t work for Vince, who makes himself vs. Hornswoggle next week, No DQ, and if Finlay interferes, he’s fired. This was WAY longer than any segment involving Vince not wearing pants should have been.

Cody Rhodes/Hardcore Holly vs. Trevor Murdoch/Lance Cade

Non-title. Holly elbows Murdoch down to start so it’s off to Cade to run Holly over right back. That doesn’t last long and Cody comes in with a top rope ax handle, setting up a bulldog. Everything breaks down and Cody DDTs Murdoch for the pin.

Post match Carlito and Santino Marella come out to challenge for the titles. Egads that’s a rough time for the belts.

No Way Out rundown.

Shawn Michaels/Jeff Hardy/Chris Jericho vs. John Bradshaw Layfield/Snitsky/Umaga

Shawn and Umaga start things off with Shawn’s chops having no effect. Umaga misses a sitdown splash so Jericho comes in and gets headbutted down without much trouble. It’s off to Snitsky to miss a big boot, allowing Jericho to triangle dropkick him out to the floor. Hardy comes in (big reaction for that) and gets slammed by Snitsky, allowing JBL to pound away.

A hard shoulder drops Hardy but Snitsky comes in and allows the tag off to Shawn. Something like an Indian Deathlock has Snitsky in trouble but everything breaks down. The good guys hit triple dives and we take a break with the fans sounding rather enthusiastic. Back with Jericho in trouble and getting caught in the wrong corner.

Umaga grabs a bearhug before hitting the Samoan drop for two. Jericho tries to fight out but gets kicked in the back to cut him right back down. An enziguri gives Jericho a breather though and the hot tag brings in Hardy to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Snitsky.

Rating: C+. Pretty standard, long form six man here with Hardy winning for the feel good moment. Hardy is going to be the fan favorite in the Chamber and giving him some momentum on the way there is the right thing to do. The fans wanted to see him do anything here and it’s not like Jericho and Shawn need to pin Snitsky. Basic six man formula here and it worked just fine.

And now, arm wrestling between John Cena and Mark Henry. As expected, Henry takes forever to start and gets in a cheap shot on Cena’s recently injured chest. They go, Henry is about to win, Cena is about to win, Randy Orton runs in to jump Cena. The RKO and AA are blocked and Orton runs, leaving Cena to AA Henry to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was a weird show as they had two stories, with the Elimination Chamber stuff and John Cena vs. Randy Orton. That filled in part of the show, but there wasn’t much else to fill in time other than those two stories. Unfortunately the other big story was Vince/Hornswoggle and….yeah that was as Vince of a segment as you could have had. No Way Out is all but set and that has me wondering how bad things are going to go next week when they don’t have much to say. For now though, it was just an ok show without much to fill in the gaps between the big stuff.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Dynamite – October 5, 2022: In Search Of A Story

Date: October 5, 2022
Location: Entertainment And Sports Center, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the third anniversary of Dynamite and you know that means we are going to be seeing something special. In this case we have a big tag match main event as Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are facing Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia. As a bonus, the show is an extra fifteen minutes long tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

William Regal is on commentary and doesn’t think much of MJF, even if the fans seem to like him. Wheeler sends him into the corner to start and we hit the Fargo Strut for some old school flare. A dropkick just annoys MJF so he takes Yuta down and grabs a chinlock. Back up and MJF grabs a tilt-a-whirl faceplant as we take a break.

Back with Yuta whipping him hard into the corner and grabbing a small package for two. Yuta grabs some rolling German suplex for two but his hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb onto a knee. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence for several near falls each and then do it again for a bonus.

Back up and a double clothesline puts them down, which is good for a standing ovation. MJF takes him up top for a super Tombstone but gets countered into a super hurricanrana. Yuta goes up for a splash but MJF rolls away and flips him off. That’s fine with Yuta, who hits a heck of a dive into the splash for two anyway. Yuta tries the Seatbelt but gets pulled into the Salt Of The Earth for the tap at 15:00.

Rating: B. They got time, they had a good story and it worked well as a result. MJF might not be the flashiest star in the ring but he knows how to put together a solid match. There was no way that Yuta was going to win here but the fact that he was wrestling instead of talking was a smart way to go.

Post match Yuta offers MJF the handshake and MJF considers it, only to have Lee Moriarty jump Yuta from behind. Cue Stokely Hathaway with the Dynamite Diamond, which MJF reluctantly puts on. That’s enough for William Regal, who gets up from commentary and LOADS UP THE BRASS KNUCKLES. MJF and company leave, albeit with MJF glaring at Regal. The knuckles got quite the reaction.

Video on Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with Garcia and punishment is promised.

Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

Feeling out process to start with Lethal sending Allin out to the floor. Allin is right back in for the springboard high angle armdrag into a standoff. Lethal gets smart by going after the knee but gets caught in a Scorpion Death Drop for a double knockdown. We take a break and come back with Lethal staying on the knee, including a super dragon screw legwhip.

Lethal slaps on the Figure Four as you might have expected, but Allin makes the rope, as you might have expected. The leg is fine enough for two off a Code Red so here are Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. Lethal wants them to go back, setting off a pinfall reversal sequence until Allin grabs the Last Supper for the pin at 10:15.

Rating: B-. Another good one here as Lethal continues to be able to have a nice match with anyone. That is why he is put in these spots over and over, with Allin getting a win over a name who still matters. This was the kind of television match that is always going to work and that was the case again here.

Post match Lethal shakes Allin’s hand, much to Singh and Dutt’s annoyance.

Video on Brian Cage and the Embassy.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Brian Cage

Cage, with Prince Nana, is challenging. They fight into the corner to start with Cage hitting a running clothesline but not being able to drop him. A hurricanrana sends Wardlow into the ropes but he catches a 619. Wardlow plants him with a World’s Strongest Slam but the Powerbomb Symphony is countered as we take a break.

Back with Wardlow fighting out of the corner and hitting a Whisper in the Wind of all things. A series of suplexes rock Cage but he catches Wardlow on top with a kick to the head. The apron superplex gets two on Wardlow, who is fine enough to come back with a spinebuster. Not to be outdone, Cage hits an F5 but tries his own powerbomb. Wardlow headbutts him a few times and hits the four movement Powerbomb Symphony to retain the title at 10:03.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you need two big strong men hitting each other for a good while until one of them can’t stand up any longer. That is exactly what we got here and Wardlow felt like his old self for a change. I’m still not sure why we need the Wardlow/Samoa Joe thing when this is the kind of stuff that he can do on his own. As for Cage….well he had potential but it’s pretty clearly over for him no matter what.

Post match the Gates of Agony come in for the beatdown on Wardlow but Samoa Joe runs in for the save. Cage is back up but FTR comes in for the real save.

Britt Baker says Saraya isn’t cleared to wrestle so this is still her house.

Toni Storm/Athena/Willow Nightingale vs. Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb/Jamie Hayter

Saraya is here to cancel out Rebel and Britt Baker. Willow and Hayter start things off but it’s off to Athena vs. Ford instead. Athena hits a basement dropkick but Ford is back up with a handspring elbow back in the corner. Deeb comes in and gets dropped by a springboard spinning crossbody. It’s off to Storm to run Deeb down down and pound away with the forearms to the back. Deeb gets sent into the corner for some running charges, including Storm’s running hip attack. Deeb is right back up and takes out Storm’s leg as we take a break.

We come back with Storm fighting out of a chinlock and forearming away at Deeb. Everything breaks down and Deeb leglocks Storm as she suplexes Athena, with Hayter doing the same thing to Nightingale. Back up and Storm gets over for the tag off to Nightingale for a spinebuster on Hayter. Rebel loads up a crutch shot but Saraya makes the save. We hit the parade of secondary finishers until Ford gets a quick two on Nightingale. Ford’s handspring elbow is broken up and a doctor bomb gives Nightingale the pin on Ford at 9:29.

Rating: C+. There were two good parts here, as we had the women getting some more time, plus Nightingale actually getting a win. They didn’t get too insane here either and that made for another nice TV match. Nightingale could be on her way to something in the future if they give her a chance, and based on this maybe they are doing so.

Post match we get the big staredown, with Saraya getting in a fight with Baker. A low superkick from Saraya drops Rebel. So I guess she can wrestle again.

Rush and Jose the Assistant aren’t pleased with Private Party.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, because it’s National Scissoring Day. The champs talk about their success and say AEW now stands for ACCLAIMED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Bowens talks about how scissoring is something that makes you friends and partners. The fans want a real team rather than two people thrown together like Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland (dubbed Sneaky Swerve).

Billy talks about how this is a special day and he has a present from city hall: some GIANT GOLD SCISSORS! Billy: “No running with scissors please.” Bowens wants to see some scissoring before Caster talks about his dad winning a Super Bowl for the local NFL team. That Super Bowl ring is his prized possession and now he is proud of his son becoming a champion too. For now though, we are in a city that represents the divide in America. However, everyone loves the Acclaimed and scissoring goes beyond left and right and red and blow.

We load up the three way scissoring to unite America but Swerve Strickland cuts them off. Swerve wants the titles back and doesn’t like Billy Gunn, even pulling out a rock, which beats scissors. The challenge is on for Billy vs. Swerve next week….and here is Mark Sterling of all people. He wants in on the scissoring and gets beaten down in a bit of a bizarre cameo. Billy accepts Swerve’s challenge for next week and three way scissoring ensues. This was long, ridiculous, over the top, and an absolute blast.

Dark Order is ready to win the Trios Titles on Rampage.

Madison Rayne praises Skye Blue when Tay Melo and Anna Jay to come in and mock them. A sports entertainers vs. wrestlers challenge is on.

Hangman Page vs. Rush

Jose the Assistant is here with Rush. Page gets shoved around to start but Rush has to bail from the threat of a Buckshot Lariat. They head outside with Rush whipping away with a camera cord and sending Page into the barricade. We take a break and come back with Page hitting a slingshot dive onto Rush before they get back inside. Rush stands on Page’s shoulders in the corner but gets taken down for two. Page has had it with him and gets in a hard clothesline. The Buckshot Lariat finishes Rush at 9:05.

Rating: C+. Well Page wasn’t going to lose less than two weeks away from his World Title shot so Rush putting him over was the right way to go. They had a hard hitting match here until Page knocked him silly, which is how this should have gone. Page needs to get back to the serious and they started it well here, though I don’t know if they have time to do enough before Cincinnati.

Post match Private Party comes out but Jon Moxley comes through the crowd to say he has been waiting for this for three years. Moxley is ready for his match in his hometown at the arena he used to smoke and drink in. After he walks from his house to the arena, he is ready to beat Page and prove that he is the man around here. Moxley goes to leave but Page is ready to do this right now. Moxley calls him a sweet kid and says Page says stuff that gets him in trouble. He has thirteen days, so watch your d*** mouth.

Willow Nightingale wants to be TBS Champion so Jade Cargill and the Baddies come in. Nightingale can be #39, but she thinks she can be the 1 in 38-1.

Luchasaurus vs. Fuego del Sol

A chokeslam and something like a reverse AA finishes Fuego at 23 seconds.

Post match Jungle Boy comes in with a chair to knock Luchasaurus outside. He and Luchasaurus were best friends but Luchasaurus chose Christian instead. Now Jungle Boy is going to break him piece by piece. Luchasaurus can pick the time and the place so Christian picks next week in Toronto.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Pac is ready for Trent Beretta.

Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara

Jericho and Garcia start things off to start, with Jericho armdragging him down. Garcia gets him to the mat and has a seat on Jericho’s back but a cheap shot from Guevara lets the villains take over. It’s off to Danielson to clean house and send Jericho outside for the suicide dive as we take a break.

Back with Guevara hitting a super Spanish Fly for two on Danielson and then posing with Jericho. Stereo crossbodies put Jericho and Danielson down though and it’s a double tag to Garcia and Jericho. Guevara gets dropped hard so we get the staredown into the hockey fight right hands. Garcia gets the better of things and kicks Jericho in the chest, setting up the Dragontamer.

Guevara makes the save but the Lionsault hits Garcia’s raised knees. Guevara tries to come in off the top but dives into a Crossface. Danielson grabs one on Jericho at the same time before they switch to stereo hammer and anvil elbows. Guevara comes back in and cleans house but Garcia counters the GTH into a piledriver. Jericho breaks it up so Danielson knees him from the apron.

A clothesline drops Guevara and Jericho drops Danielson onto a table. With that not being enough to break it, Jericho suplexes him through the table. Guevara’s shooting star hits raised knees though and now the Dragontamer….is broken up with a Jericho belt shot. That’s enough for Guevara to steal the pin at 14:23.

Rating: B. It was a good match with a bit of a screwy finish so it was didn’t exactly come off well. This didn’t feel like the major main event of the AEW anniversary show, at least somewhat due to it mainly being about Ring Of Honor. Garcia vs. Jericho continues to be built up, though I’m still not sure how interesting that is really going to be.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a stacked show with a bunch of very good matches, though nothing broke through to that top level. What matters here that they are setting up a major title match in Cincinnati before we can move on to the Full Gear build. The problem is that it might not be that interesting, despite being put together well enough. Solid action and storytelling, but they need a big story around here and that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Wheeler Yuta – Salt Of The Earth
Jay Lethal b. Darby Allin – Last Supper
Wardlow b. Brian Cage – Powerbomb Symphony
Willow Nightingale/Athena/Toni Storm b. Jamie Hayter/Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb – Doctor bomb to Ford
Hangman Page b. Rush – Buckshot lariat
Luchasaurus b. Fuego del Sol – Reverse flipping fireman’s carry slam
Sammy Guevara/Chris Jericho b. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia – Belt shot to Garcia



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Monday Night Raw – January 28, 2008: The Hardy Drop

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 28, 2008
Location: Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

The Royal Rumble has come and gone and that means it is time to start the Road To Wrestlemania. Randy Orton retained the Raw World Title over Jeff Hardy last night, but the big story is the return of John Cena, who is back months ahead of schedule and wont he Royal Rumble. That means Cena is going to be coming for Orton sooner than later so let’s get to it.

Here is the Royal Rumble if you need a recap.

Royal Rumble recap.

Here is John Cena to get things going. Cena is a bit more serious than usual and says he knows this town is always going to tell him the truth. He is here tonight to answer a question that has been on everyone’s mind: how could this be possible? Back in October he suffered a major injury….and we pause for a CENA SUCKS chant. Cena: “Right now, that’s music to my ears.” Cena was supposed to be out for a year and that meant no Wrestlemania.

Some things have changed around here and in a hospital bed, he made a decision that would change everything. Now he is back for one chance just to maybe get an opportunity to go to Wrestlemania. Maybe it was luck, but he stands before you the winner of the Royal Rumble and he is going to Wrestlemania. Unless of course the people here would like to see Wrestlemania…..tonight. That gets the fans’ attention so Cena throws out the challenge to Randy Orton for the title TONIGHT.

Cue Orton to list off the people he has beaten since winning the title, which is quite the impressive collection. Cena cuts him off and says yes, Orton has beaten them all, in addition to putting him on the shelf. That’s because Orton is smart, and that’s why he is going to take this match tonight. Orton is smart enough to think that there is no way Cena has healed in four months.

Cena says Orton is too smart to let Cena have eight more weeks to heal up and make it easier to whip Orton all over Disneyland (World. Get it right.). Orton isn’t buying it and says he only defends the title if people open their wallets and pay to see it, so no match tonight….but they can do it at No Way Out. Cena is in but says he wants some tonight, so he’ll get some. This was a weird way to go, but Cena being back boosts up any show so there was no other way to start things up.

Ashley Massaro/Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall/Beth Phoenix

Mickie and Jillian start things off with Mickie taking her down for a fast two. Beth comes in to mock Mickie for crying over last week’s loss before being sent….mostly into the post. A side slam plants Mickie so Jillian comes back in, only to get rolled up for two. Mickie neckbreakers her for two but gets dropped by Beth, setting up the fisherman’s suplex to give Beth the pin (Jillian was never in).

Post match Mickie is distraught again.

Vince McMahon and William Regal are in the back where Vince makes Cena vs. Orton for No Way Out. They need a Wrestlemania match though, with Regal saying they can have THAT match with the winner facing the winner of Cena vs. Orton at Wrestlemania. Vince: “Not THAT match.” Vince lets Regal go make it.

Here is William Regal to announce that the Elimination Chamber is back at No Way Out. After a video on the match, Regal explains the concept and announces Umaga, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL, Jeff Hardy and HHH for the Chamber.

Mike Adamle announces what is coming tonight.

Cody Rhodes vs. Carlito

Hardcore Holly, Santino Marella and Maria are here too. Cody armdrags him into an armbar to start before winning a strike off in the corner. Another armdrag into an armbar doesn’t go so well but they roll with it anyway and it’s off to an arm crank to keep Carlito down. Carlito gets sent to the apron for a springboard punch to the face to send him outside. Back in and Cody gets distracted by Santino, allowing Carlito to grab a Backstabber for the pin.

Rating: D+. Not exactly good stuff here and the ending wasn’t quite inspired. At the same time, it isn’t a great sign that Carlito and Santino Marella seem to be the top challengers to the Tag Team Titles. If Rhodes and Holly as champions wasn’t enough proof, what other evidence do you need?

HHH and Shawn Michaels both want to get back into the title picture at No Way Out, but for tonight they need partners. As luck would have it, they both have their DX gear so it’s reunion time (and WWE Shop plug time).

D-Generation X vs. Snitsky/Umaga

After the usual pre-match chattering, HHH and Snitsky start things off. Hang on though as HHH grabs the mic and asks if anyone has a toothbrush, Tic Tacs, mints or ANYTHING before he has to fight Snitsky. HHH hits an early clothesline and slams his way out of trouble, meaning it’s off to Shawn. Umaga isn’t having that though and kicks Shawn off the top for the big crash. Back in and Snitsky takes us back to the 80s with the bearhug before choking in the corner. Umaga grabs his own bearhug and we take a break.

We come back with Shawn caught in the Tree of Woe and…Snitsky grabbing another bearhug. Shawn gets sent into the corner where he avoids the running Umaga attack. A DDT is enough for the tag off to HHH for the house cleaning but Umaga grabs a Samoa drop. Shawn superkicks Umaga in the back of the head and out to the floor for the dive, setting up the Pedigree to finish Snitsky.

Rating: C. Pretty paint by numbers tag match here with no drama about the result. It was more about whether HHH or Shawn would get the pin over Snitsky, as Umaga still has just enough star power to avoid taking a fall here. HHH and Shawn have much bigger deals to get to in the next few weeks and Umaga needs to be kept strong for the Chamber, leaving Snitsky getting pinned as the only way to go.

JBL comes up to Randy Orton, his partner in the main event, in the back and says they’re partners tonight but he’s taking the title at Wrestlemania. You know, assuming Orton wins at No Way Out. Orton likes the idea because he knows he can beat JBL.

Jeff Hardy is ready to get back to the title scene so he is ready to win the Elimination Chamber and go on to Wrestlemania.

Hornswoggle is in Vince McMahon’s office, where Vince berates him for being a loser.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick charges into the ring to start and gets sent into the corner. The running boot misses but Kennedy is back up with a shoulder first ram into the buckle. Kendrick gets in a kick to the face but misses a charge, setting up the Mic Check to give Kennedy the pin.

Post match Kennedy says he wanted in the Elimination Chamber, but he’ll settle for retiring Ric Flair at No Way Out instead. Cue Flair for some WOOing.

Maria vs. Melina

Santino Marella is here with Maria. Melina takes her down early but Maria is back up with a kick to the ribs. There’s the Bronco Buster in the corner but Maria misses a charge, allowing Melina to forearm her in the back. Maria hits a gutbuster (belly buster according to JR) but misses a charge in the corner. Melina tries a rollup but only pulls Maria’s tights down, allowing Maria to sit down on her for the pin.

Post match Santino runs in and throws his shirt around Maria’s waist and rants about her wanting to be in Playboy.

Chris Jericho is ready to be serious instead of the goofy guy so he can go to Wrestlemania.

Mike Adamle gives us the No Way Out rundown.

Jeff Hardy/Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton/John Bradshaw Layfield

Jericho wastes no time in suplexing Orton down and elbowing him in the face. Double knees to the face drop Orton again and Hardy hits a very early Swanton for two, with JBL pulling Orton out. We take a break and come back with Hardy hitting a running forearm to drop Orton, who pulls him into the corner by the throat.

Orton takes him down again and works on an armbar until Hardy fights up and hits a swinging sleeper drop. It’s back to Jericho to try the Walls but he has to stop and dropkick Orton off the apron. The Lionsault gets two on JBL as everything breaks down. The Walls go on JBL again but Orton makes the save with the RKO to give JBL the pin.

Rating: C+. Pretty standard main event tag match here with the villains stealing the pin and giving JBL some momentum heading into the Chamber. It isn’t like he has any real chance to win so boosting him up even slightly in a match like this isn’t going to hurt. It makes more sense than Orton getting the pin so at least they thought about this one.

Post match here is John Cena to lay out Orton to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This wasn’t the strongest show coming out of the Royal Rumble and a lot of that is due to the lack of Jeff Hardy energy. That story was carrying the show for a good while and now that Hardy has lost, most of it is gone. Cena being back is the big deal of course, but moving the match to No Way Out in less than three weeks feels rushed to say the least. Pretty disappointing show here and that’s never fun to see.



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Dynamite – September 14, 2022: What They Needed To Do

Date: September 14, 2022
Location: MVP Arena, Albany, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re a week away from Grand Slam and that means it is time to set up a World Title match. We have two semifinal matches in the title tournament this week and that should make for a good show. Other than that, we might get some more of the start of the build towards Full Gear. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Grand Slam Tournament Of Champions: Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara

No Tay Melo with Guevara but William Regal is on commentary. Guevara bails to the floor to start before coming back in and getting headlock takeovered. Back up and Guevara hammers him down in the corner, including some boot choking. They chop it out with Moxley laying down and feigning sleep before chopping more. Guevara sends him to the floor for the flipping suicide dive, followed by the running corkscrew dive. Moxley is sent into the steps and we take a break.

Back with Guevara blocking a piledriver on the apron and sending Guevara outside instead. Moxley hits the corner clothesline and rakes the back, setting up a butterfly superplex. Guevara manages an enziguri out of the corner and the top rope cutter gets two. The GTH is blocked but the King Kong lariat is countered into the bulldog choke.

With that broken up, Guevara is taken up top, only to have Anna Jay and Tay Melo come out. A Jay distraction lets Melo kick Moxley low, leaving Guevara to go up top, only to miss the Swanton. They slut it out until Guevara hits a jumping knee to stagger Moxley. The GTH is countered into the Death Rider for the pin at 13:25.

Rating: B-. There was no drama here as Moxley wasn’t going to lose to Sammy Guevara in a World Title tournament semifinal. Moxley is one of the favorites to win the whole thing and was the World Champion less than a month ago. Guevara did his usual stuff and had the women interfere, but there was nothing to convince me that Moxley was ever in danger.

Here is MJF for a chat. He says he hasn’t slept since he and Jon Moxley went toe to toe last week. MJF doesn’t like Moxley but isn’t the same person he was when they met the first time. Moxley is someone playing a character and MJF knows it because he read Moxley’s book. Moxley isn’t a normal person because he was raised like these people right here in Albany: poor and uneducated, which is why they love him.

Now Moxley is playing with something a lot more dangerous than his disease. MJF knows that Moxley is still the scared kid from Cincinnati, no matter how much people cheer for him. Sure Moxley went to rehab but MJF is the demon that he can’t overcome. Now though MJF has some backup that is going to help him take the title so here is the first stable on retainer: Stokely Hathaway and the Firm.

MJF leaves and Hathaway is going to tell us the gospel. He and MJF are best friends and Hathaway talked him out of quitting AEW. They prayed a lot and the men in this ring are his support system. Each of them will help MJF when necessary before going their separate ways. Hathaway is a friend who kicks it with Britt Baker and watches reruns of Living Single with the House of Black.

Hathaway talks about each member, saying he loves and appreciates them but thinks they could use some gold. Or to not be in their father’s shadow in the Gunn Club’s case. Either way, Hathaway is going to help get them what they want. This went on WAY longer than it needed to and Hathaway had nothing to talk about, which left it hanging badly. It doesn’t help that he is representing a bunch of goons and it was made even more obvious here.

Jungle Boy wants to fight and has issued an open challenge.

Jay Lethal is down to face Jungle Boy.

Jay Lethal vs. Jungle Boy

Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here with Lethal while Jungle Boy’s back is taped up. Lethal takes him into the corner to start and something involving running the corner is blocked. Jungle Boy is right back up and runs the corner for a wristdrag. Back up and Lethal goes for the leg but Jungle Boy sits down on him for two instead. A quick distraction lets Lethal get in a shot to the bad back, setting up a middle rope backbreaker onto the turnbuckle as we take a break.

Back with Jungle Boy winning a slugout but his back gives out on a suplex attempt. Jungle Boy pops back up for a brainbuster and goes to the middle rope, only to get Russian legsweeped down. The Lethal Combination sends Jungle Boy outside for the suicide dive, setting up the top rope elbow for two back inside. Lethal loads up a pump kick but gets pulled into the Snare Trap and Lethal taps at 10:34.

Rating: C+. There is nothing wrong with a good face coming in hurt and having to fight through the pain to win. That’s exactly what they had here and with Lethal in the ring as the good hand, this was going to work well. It wasn’t an epic or a classic, but it was a perfectly watchable wrestling match and that’s a nice thing to have on the show.

Action Bronson and Hook train for the Jericho Appreciation Society.

Ethan Page kicks pizza maker Luigi Primo in the face because no one takes his place seriously. Danhausen pops in and gets a match with Page on Rampage.

Darby Allin rides extreme bicycles.

Matt Hardy doesn’t like Darby Allin.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Matt DiMartino

Spinebuster finishes for Hobbs in 26 seconds.

Post match Hobbs says Ricky Starks is tough but it took him 4:35 to win at All Out. Damage starts tonight, but here is Starks through the crowd to interrupt. Starks charges the ring and clears Hobbs out.

The Lucha Bros are ready for their Tag Team Title shot.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros vs. Swerve In Our Glory

The Bros are challenging and Pentagon strikes away on Strickland to start. It’s way too early to snap the arm so Penta settles for a kick to the ribs instead. Fenix comes in with a rolling dropkick, drawing some polite applause from Lee. There’s the assisted wheelbarrow splash for two but Strickland gets in a shot of his own and brings Lee in to shrug off some chops as we take a break.

Back with Fenix slipping out of a Gory Stretch and bringing Penta in to clean house. The Fear Factor is broken up though and a kick to the face allows Strickland to bring Lee back in. Lee wrecks the Bros but Penta manages a Canadian Destroyer on Lee for a very delayed two. That’s enough for Lee, who is back up with a Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin to retain at 8:12.

Rating: B-. Kind of a random Tag Team Title shot here but the Lucha Bros are always going to be near the top of the division. Lee and Swerve work well together as a big man/speed team, even though they’ve kind of become heels by default due to the Acclaimed stuff. Another good match though, and that’s always nice to see.

Post match here is the serious Acclaimed to promise to win the titles next week. They kind of have to.

Pac doesn’t like that loss being called a bump in the road and wants more respect. Orange Cassidy comes in with an Orange Punch and suggests he’s taking one of Pac’s titles.

Athena and Toni Storm don’t like Britt Baker and Serena Deeb.

Athena/Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb/Britt Baker

Rebel is here with the villains. Deeb and Storm trade takeovers and headscissors on the mat to start until Storm gets her into the corner and chops away. Athena comes in with a slingshot splash for two and an over the shoulder spin into a Codebreaker (that was a lot) drops Deeb again. Baker offers a distraction though and Deeb takes the knee out as we take a break.

Back with Storm getting the hot tag to clean house, including a tornado DDT to Baker on the floor. Baker is fine enough for a Sling Blade back inside so it’s off to Athena vs. Deeb again. Athena has to power out of an armbreaker and brings Storm back in. Deeb grabs a half crab and shrugs off shots from Athena to keep Baker in trouble. Baker adds a basement superkick to Storm for two, with Athena having to backsplash the pile for the save. Athena is sent into the steps so Rebel offers a distraction, allowing Deeb to send Storm into a Baker held chair. Storm is out and Deeb gets the pin at 8:37.

Rating: C. So yeah, just after Storm wins the big one, she is losing to Serena Deeb in a tag match. It wasn’t clean, but Storm is at the point where she doesn’t need to be losing for a long time. She needs the rub to get her back to credibility and even though there was a chair involved, this wasn’t a good way to get there. At least it wasn’t Baker getting the pin though.

Post match Athena comes back in and gets Stomped for her efforts. Jamie Hayter runs in to break up another chair shot but beats Storm down with the chair instead. Hayter yells at Baker, who still says she is sorry.

Mark Sterling is ready for Josh Woods to win the ROH TV Title on Rampage.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Tournament Of Champions Semifinals: Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

William Regal is on commentary. Danielson starts fast by firing off the kicks in the corner. There’s the running dropkick in the corner as we see Daniel Garcia watching, because of course he’s featured here too. Jericho fights back but gets taken outside with Danielson starting in on the arm.

Back in and the missile dropkick sets up the Swan Dive for two. Jericho manages a release German suplex into the triangle dropkick to the floor. They get back in for a chop off until stereo crossbodies leave them both down. We take a break and come back with Jericho snapping off a super hurricanrana but the Judas Effect is countered into a suplex for two.

Cattle Mutilation doesn’t finish Jericho so Danielson fires off the Hammer and Anvil elbows. Jericho reverses into some of his own, followed by a Codebreaker. Danielson isn’t having that and pops up with the running knee for the double knockdown. Back up and Jericho sends him over the top to the floor, where Danielson comes up grabbing his ankle.

Jericho isn’t going to let the doctor check on Danielson so he wraps the leg around the post. With the leg banged up, Jericho grabs a half crab and pulls Daniels back into the middle for a Figure Four. Somehow Danielson escapes and gets him into the LeBell Lock for the tap and the title match at 19:40.

Rating: B+. It felt like two guys struggling against each other because they both want something. That is how a match like this should go and it was another good one between two of the biggest stars in AEW. Danielson needed the win after a bit of a skid lately, though the positive thing is that he is so over in the first place that a few losses aren’t going to hurt him that much.

Post match Jon Moxley comes out for the staredown with Danielson as William Regal looks anxious. The handshake ends the show.

Overall Rating: B+. The tournament matches were good and the Firm is kind of interesting, but what made this one stand out a bit more was having good stuff in the middle. There wasn’t a point here where I felt bored (save for maybe the women’s match) and the two good matches book ended the show well. It was a wrestling heavy show and that is a good way to get rid of some of the drama.

Jon Moxley b. Sammy Guevara – Death Rider
Jungle Boy b. Jay Lethal – Snare Trap
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Matt DiMartino – Spinebuster
Swerve In Our Glory b. Lucha Bros – Big Bang Catastrophe to Penta
Britt Baker/Serena Deeb b. Toni Storm/Athena – Storm was sent into a chair
Bryan Danielson b. Chris Jericho – LeBell Lock



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Monday Night Raw – January 21, 2008: Get To It Already

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 21, 2008
Location: Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Virginia
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble and that means we should be in for some final pushes. There is some drama to this one as HHH has to earn his way back into the match by beating someone tonight. That is a problem though as Vince McMahon hasn’t said who HHH is facing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with the traditional Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. video, as per his holiday.

We look back at Jeff Hardy jumping off a really high tower onto Randy Orton last week.

Opening sequence.

And hey we’re officially in HD.

Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy

The fans are WAY behind Shawn, even as Kennedy armdrags him into an armbar to start. Back up and Shawn sweeps the leg and grabs a headlock on the mat. That’s reversed into a battle over a backslide but Kennedy neckbreakers him onto the knee and cranks away. Shawn fights up and hits a swinging neckbreaker for the needed breather, meaning the comeback is on. There’s the forearm into a nip up and Shawn drops the top rope elbow. The threat of Sweet Chin Music sends Kennedy outside though, leaving Shawn to dive on him as we take a break.

Back with Shawn being sent hard into the corner and a running boot to the head gives Kennedy two. The Mic Check is blocked but Kennedy rams him into the corner and takes it up top. Shawn knocks him off but another elbow hits raised knees, which thankfully hurts his knee, as it should. Back up and the threat of Sweet Chin Music drops Kennedy, allowing Shawn to try his leglock. Kennedy blocks that too, but Shawn is right back up with Sweet Chin Music for the pin.

Rating: C+. The idea of Kennedy hiding from Sweet Chin Music for the whole match and then managing to escape the other finisher, only to get superkicked was a good way to go. It’s a different way to go and they made it work well here. This needs to be the end of the story though as there isn’t much else left for them to do.

Randy Orton is annoyed at Vince McMahon for wanting him to shake Jeff Hardy’s handshake. Vince tells him to get over it before saying it could give Orton a competitive advantage at the Royal Rumble. That has Orton thinking.

Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James

Non-title. Mickie loses a test of strength to start and has to counter a powerbomb. A Thesz press works a bit better for Mickie but Beth powers out of the hurricanrana from the corner. A rollup gives Mickie two and she grabs something like a choke to slow Beth down. Back up and Beth knocks her to the floor for a crash, followed by a chinlock to keep Mickie in trouble. That’s broken up as well and Mickie hurricanranas her out of the corner. Beth powers up though and drops her on the top rope before pulling it into the fisherman’s buster for the pin.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to do much but the bigger problem is that Mickie is one of the few women who could give Beth a real run for her money. The division isn’t exactly deep with talent at this point and if Mickie isn’t going to take the title, they are going to have to build someone else up in a hurry. I’m just not sure who that is going to be.

HHH makes fun of Vince McMahon’s age before saying he doesn’t care who he is facing tonight because he is going to the Royal Rumble. That is a guaran-censored-tee.

Brian Kendrick and Cody Rhodes are fired up about being in the Royal Rumble when Hardcore Holly comes in. This turns into a discussion of MySpace and Holly is lost.

Video on Randy Orton, eventually focusing on his feud with Jeff Hardy.

Hornswoggle/Finlay vs. Highlanders

Rory takes Finlay into the corner to start but he knocks Robbie off the apron without much effort. For some reason Rory goes after Hornswoggle, meaning Finlay blasts him with a clothesline. The Tadpole Splash is good enough to give Hornswoggle the fast pin.

Video on JBL vs. Chris Jericho.

Here is a more serious Jericho for a chat. Jericho talks about how he could come out here and rant and rave about how he wants JBL tonight, but that won’t work. Last week, Jericho was watching Raw with his children when JBL called him a coward. His son asked if he was a coward and for the first time, Jericho saw doubt in his son’s eyes.

JBL didn’t make a mistake when he choked Jericho and hurt his throat, but only when he didn’t finish the job. Jericho is still here and he isn’t coming to the Royal Rumble for a shot, but to hurt JBL. This was serious Jericho and it worked really well. Do this kind of thing more often, at least when it’s needed.

Royal Rumble rundown.

Vince McMahon yells at Jeff Hardy over last week’s mega Swanton and tells him to never risk himself like that. Now go shake Randy Orton’s hand. Hardy promises to give everyone something to talk about.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Brian Kendrick vs. Umaga

William Regal pops up on screen to introduce Umaga. Kendrick avoids a charge to start and strikes away but gets hit with an uppercut to cut that off fast. The running Tree of Woe headbutt misses though and Kendrick goes for some running shots to the face. This goes as well as you would expect as Umaga hits the pop up Samoan drop. The Samoan Spike sends Umaga to the Rumble fast.

Mickie James cries to Maria about losing to Beth Phoenix again. Ashley Massaro comes in and wants to talk to Maria about something she heard at the Playboy Mansion. Cue Santino Marella who doesn’t like Playboy and accidentally suggests Maria is a cow.

We look at Vince McMahon on the Celebrity Apprentice.

Video on Jeff Hardy on his way to the World Title match against Randy Orton.

Carlito vs. Hardcore Holly

Santino Marella and Maria are here with Carlito so Holly has Cody Rhodes with him. They fight over a hiptoss to start until a full nelson slam plants Carlito for an early two. Carlito takes him down as well and we hit the chinlock, only to have Holly fight up for a suplex. That earns him another takedown but Hardy is back up again and wins a slugout. Santino’s distraction breaks up the Alabama Slam though and Carlito hits the Backstabber for the pin.

Rating: C-. Another match with no time to get anywhere and that isn’t a big disappointment. You can only get so much out of these two fighting for any length of time and it isn’t like there was much of a point to this one. Nothing to see with the match, but at least Holly didn’t have a wig on.

HHH won the 2002 Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: HHH vs. ???

William Regal comes out to say HHH has to beat three opponents in an over the top rope gauntlet match. First up is Snitsky, who forearms away to take over but HHH slips out of a powerslam. A running clothesline knocks Snitsky out so Regal sends out Mark Henry as the second opponent. Henry runs him over and goes for the elimination but it’s far too early for that. The splash misses for Henry in the corner so HHH tries and fails at a slam. Now the splash connects but he misses a charge, meaning Regal himself is the third opponent. Regal can’t get him out so HHH punches him in the face and hits the spinebuster. The easy elimination sends HHH on to the Rumble.

Rating: D. What else was this going to be? It was HHH winning three straight short over the top challenges against two monsters and a lackey in a suit. You can’t get much out of that and that is about as far as they got here. HHH was always going to be in the Rumble and they didn’t bother with anything overly flashy here, which was about as good as this was going to get.

Another video on Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy.

Here is Vince McMahon to oversee a handshake between Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy. Vince knows how big of a match this is going to be and has them stand face to face. Orton talks about how he was relieved when he found out he would be facing Hardy. Now though, he admits he underestimated Hardy, though Orton is leaving with the title.

Hardy doesn’t care about gaining Orton’s respect and says he has been doing these things for himself and his brother Matt. He’ll do anything to become WWE Champion and doesn’t respect Orton. Hardy goes outside and shakes hands with JR, the King, Lilian Garcia and a bunch of fans. Back in and Hardy shakes Orton’s hand, only to naturally pull him into the Twist of Fate to end the show. The handshake stuff was good and going to the fans was clever, but was this ever going to end with anything but a Twist of Fate?

Overall Rating: C-. There wasn’t much to be done here and I think they knew that coming in. With the World Title match having been set for weeks now and the Rumble not needing much more work, there wasn’t a lot that had to be done here. The Rumble should be a good show and I’m curious to see where things go after that.



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Rampage – September 9, 2022: I Guess Good Is Good Enough

Date: September 9, 2022
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

It’s the second night of the Tournament Of Champions and the best thing that can happen to this show is a hot match to make some of the last week go away. That is what they did on Dynamite but Rampage is a bit of a trickier subject. We do get Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara this week though and that should be enough. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tournament Of Champions First Round: Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara

Tay Melo is here with Guevara. Feeling out process to start as they trade headlocks until Allin backslides him for two. A Gory Stretch into a Fujiwara armbar keeps Guevara in trouble but he blocks a charge in the corner. Guevara superplexes him into Two Amigos but Allin reverses the third into a crash over the top…where Allin suplexes him on the floor for a bonus. Melo cuts off a dive before Allin tries anyway, only to get pulled out of the air with a cutter on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Guevara hitting a knee to the face as Jericho talks about the chemistry these two have in the ring. Guevara misses a shooting star press and gets caught with a Code Red for two. Melo offers another distraction though, allowing Guevara to kick Allin in the face. The always confident Guevara stops to kiss Melo, allowing Allin to hit the big flipping suicide dive.

Back in and Allin rips off Guevara’s wedding ring, which is enough to make Melo get on the apron. Guevara knocks Allin down and takes his ring back, setting up an enziguri in the corner. A double springboard cutter gives Guevara two but he misses his own Coffin Drop. Cue Anna Jay so Melo can throw in the skateboard. Guevara powerbombs him onto the wheels, setting up GTH to finish Allin at 11:05.

Rating: B-. It was another good match between the two of them though I don’t know if it was quite the classic that commentary was hyping it up as being. Guevara going forward is a fine way to go, even if it means Allin loses another big match. That being said, Guevara is the hotter star right now, as Allin hasn’t done much without Sting in a pretty long while. Solid opener, as AEW continues putting their biggest matches at the top of their shows.

We look at MJF’s return on Dynamite and showdown with Jon Moxley.

Here is Samoa Joe for a chat. Joe hasn’t been around very often and he owes the people a lot more violence. He is open for business so here is Mark Sterling with Josh Woods and Tony Nese. Sterling thinks that Woods should get a TV Title shot and Joe says sure. Hold on though as Sterling says the paperwork isn’t done so we’ll do it next week in a real city like Albany.

Miro is mad at not being in the tournament and calls himself flawless.

Madison Rayne vs. Serena Deeb

I had forgotten Rayne worked here. Feeling out process to start with Deeb not being able to hit the Deebtox as Rayne rolls her up for a close two. Back up and Deeb shoves her down and starts hammering away. Deeb gets annoyed at being rolled up so she goes after the knee and Serenity Locks Rayne for the tap at 3:58.

Rating: C. Not much beyond a squash here and I’m still not sure how much higher Rayne is going to go in AEW. She has experience and is certainly passable in the ring, but she feels like just another person on the show for the most part. I’m still not sure why Deeb isn’t a bigger star, she she rarely breaks out of that third tier of women. The skill is there, but for some reason nothing else is clicking for her.

Jade Cargill and the Baddies aren’t surprised by beating Athena and say she might as well be 50-0.

Powerhouse Hobbs is ready to hurt even more people.

William Regal talks about hiring Dax Harwood out of obscurity, but now Regal is in Claudio Castagnoli’s corner. Castagnoli is ready to face Harwood, who will win something on his own one day, but it won’t be tonight. Harwood says this is how he feeds his family so Top Guy out.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Dax Harwood vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Harwood is challenging and William Regal is here with the champ. Feeling out process to start with Harwood’s leapfrog being pulled out of the air but he grabs some rollups for two each. Back up and Castagnoli fires off some uppercuts to take over so Harwood suplexes both of them over the top and out to the floor. We take a break and come back with Castagnoli winning a slugout and putting on an abdominal stretch.

With that broken up, Castagnoli puts him on top but gets chopped backwards, setting up a Swan Dive from Harwood. JR goes into a funny rant about how you’re an idiot if you aren’t doing this for the money as Harwood backdrops his way out of a Neutralizer. Harwood grabs a piledriver for two and goes up top, only to get superplexed back down. We take another break and come back again with Harwood getting two off a backslide so Castagnoli kicks him in the face.

The slingshot sitout powerbomb gives Harwood two more but Castagnoli puts him right back on top. A belly to back superplex is countered into a crossbody for two more, plus a big crash. Another slugout goes to Castagnoli and it’s a giant swing into the Sharpshooter. With that almost broken up, Castagnoli tries a Crossface but gets reversed into a Sharpshooter of his own. That breaks down and Castagnoli drives in some hammer and anvil elbows, setting up the Sharpshooter to make Harwood tap at 20:24.

Rating: B. This wasn’t a match that had a ton of doubt to it but the action getting to the pretty obvious ending was quite good. Castagnoli is a monster and Harwood kept at him until he fell short at the end. I could go with Harwood not getting pinned so often, but then again I could also go with FTR doing something of note but that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon either.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As usual, outside of a single match, there was nothing on here that felt like it was making any kind of a difference. Rampage feels like a show where they grabbed a handful of people who weren’t on Dynamite and let them get ring time that week. That can be nice to see and gives us stuff like the main event, but when you have this many people and so little TV time, there are going to be problems and that is what you see with AEW a lot of the time. The main event was very good, but sometimes you need more than that to make something worth the time and effort.

Sammy Guevara b. Darby Allin – GTH
Serena Deeb b. Madison Rayne – Serenity Lock
Claudio Castagnoli b. Dax Harwood – Sharpshooter



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All Out 2022: Up And Down And Long

All Out 2022
Date: September 4, 2022
Location: Now Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

It’s time for the big night and in this show’s case, that means really big, as we have a whopping fifteen matches on the card. That alone is going to make this a busy night, but the question becomes what happens in the main event. CM Punk is challenging Jon Moxley despite having a bad foot as of last week. This could go in a few ways, and I’m not sure how well it is going to wind up. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: AAA Mixed Tag Team Titles: Sammy Guevara/Tay Melo vs. Ruby Soho/Ortiz

Sammy and Tay are defending and get jumped during their entrance at the Red Carpet. Soho and Ortiz chase them down with a golf cart and beat them into the ring, where we officially start with Sammy and Tay in street clothes. I have no idea what street, but they’re street clothes. Sammy gets kicked in the face to start and is busted open but manages a shot of his own.

Tay comes in and kisses a downed Soho on the cheek before putting Soho on top. The guys come in so Sammy launches Tay at Ortiz for a Canadian Destroyer. A Swanton gives Sammy two but Soho missile dropkicks Melo and lands on Sammy in the process. Cue Anna Jay for a failed save attempt, leaving Soho to hit No Future and Ortiz to hit a clothesline for stereo near falls. Back up and Melo catches Soho on top for a superplex onto the guys on the floor. They head back inside where the TayKO finishes Soho to retain the titles at 6:04.

Rating: C. So now Tay gets jumped before the match, wrestles in street clothes, and still pins Soho? At what point should she just move on to a trade school? The match was the usual collection of rapid fire spots as we have now seen this match three times in ten days. That is more than enough but hopefully everyone can move on from this feud, as it has been rather overdone in short order.

Zero Hour: FTW World Title: Hook vs. Angelo Parker

Hook is defending and Matt Menard is here with Parker. Hook takes him down to start but gets poked in the eye, allowing Parker to send him throat first into the ropes. Parker: “I’M EXPOSING HOOK!” That earns him a shot to the face but Menard grabs the foot for a distraction. Granted it doesn’t matter as Hook throws him down and an exploder suplex. Another suplex drops Parker again and Redrum makes him tap at 3:38.

Rating: C. They kept this short, as tends to be the case for Hook matches. As usual, it’s the idea of getting him in and out before anything can go badly, which is the right way to go for him. I’m sure Hook will get to beat up Menard next before moving on to whatever his next goofy match is, as it isn’t like this title matches whatsoever.

Post match Menard runs in to jump Hook but Action Bronson, who performs Hook’s music, comes in for the save.

Zero Hour: All-Atlantic Title: Kip Sabian vs. Pac

Sabian, with the box on his head, is challenging and yeah I still have no idea what the deal is supposed to be with that thing. Pac starts fast and kicks away at Sabian but it’s too early for the Black Arrow. Sabian gets shoved off the top but is right back with a springboard kick to the head.

That’s enough to knock Pac outside, setting up a springboard moonsault to drop him again. Pac is fine enough to hit a suplex on the floor and they head back in for some kicks to the unboxed head. A pop up knee to the head sets up a dragon suplex for two on Pac but he snaps off a German suplex for the double knockdown. The Black Arrow is loaded up again but Sabian rolls away before it can launch. Pac chokes him down again and stomps away, setting up the Red Arrow for the pin to retain at 10:20.

Rating: C+. I for one totally get why we waited six months to set this up with Sabian sitting in the crowd without being acknowledged in any way. Pac winning and getting this over with is the right way to go because there wasn’t much to the story anyway, and I’d much rather not have to figure out what the point of Sabin was supposed to be. Nice enough match as Pac was there, but Sabian is still his old self.

Post match Pac says he needs a new challenger so here is Orange Cassidy. Pac: “NO!” Cassidy is a joke instead of a wrestler and he can get to the back of the line.

Sabian yells at his box hat.

Zero Hour: Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston

Rematch from a New Japan match earlier this year, with Ishii winning. The chop it out to no avail to start with Ishii getting the better of things until Kingston drops him with a hard clothesline. Back up and Ishii unloads on him in the corner with Kingston being knocked down for a change. Kingston can’t hit a belly to back suplex so Ishii hits a vertical suplex but they’re both banged up.

Ishii misses a charge in the corner so Kingston hits, you guessed it, more chops. A DDT plants Ishii and a sliding forearm gives Kingston two. Ishii gets up and is more serious so he stands there while Kingston chops him. A kick to the back frustrates Kingston for a change so this time they slap it out.

Kingston hurts his shoulder on a suplex attempt and Ishii is back with a German suplex. One heck of a clothesline staggers (but doesn’t drop) Kingston so they hit each other for a double knockdown. Back up and Kingston hits a hard lariat for two before Ishii runs him over for the same. Ishii’s brainbuster is blocked and Kingston hits the spinning backfist for a VERY near fall. Another spinning backfist is shrugged off and Kingston grabs a northern lights bomb for the pin at 13:28.

Rating: B-. This is a good example of a match that might not be everyone’s taste and that was the case for me as well. The chopping part was more than a bit repetitive but eventually they started beating the fire out of each other and that made up for a lot of it. Kingston winning the match made sense, but there is only so much that you can get out of these two hitting each other with such similar stuff over and over.

Casino Ladder Match

Rey Fenix and Wheeler Yuta start things off and Fenix is right there with the first ladder, which he leans over the barricade. That takes too long so Yuta takes him down and goes up. Rush is in at #3 and shoves both of them down to take over. Andrade El Idolo comes in at #4 and this is not going to go well for everyone not named Rush. A ladder is set up in the middle and it’s a super sunset bomb to drop Martin hard onto the bridged ladder.

Claudio Castagnoli is in at #4 and pushes the double ladder, with Andrade on it, over for the big crash out to the floor. Dante Martin is in at #5 and has a ladder fall on him as he hits the ring. Martin kicks away at Castagnoli before getting shoved from one ladder to another. Penta El Cero Miedo is in at #6 and Canadian Destroys Martin on the ramp and another one drives Andrade onto a bridged ladder.

Fenix frog splashes Rush through a table at ringside and….we’ve got a bunch of masked men to wreck everyone else. One of them goes up to pull down the chip and it’s Stokely Hathaway. Apparently that doesn’t count because he’s not a wrestler, so whoever get the chip wins the title shot. Cue the Joker, another masked man, and it’s…well we don’t know as he doesn’t unmask but he wins at 14:12.

Rating: B-. It’s another wild ladder match and there are only so many things that you can see in one of these things. They were doing all of their crashes and dives but what matters most is having the Joker as a wild card. That could be a lot of people and odds are we’ll be finding out in a few weeks at the most. Good stuff here, but these ladder matches completely run together.

We recap the Trios Titles tournament, which should make for a big final.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. Hangman Page/Dark Order

For the inaugural titles and Don Callis is on commentary. Reynolds and Matt Jackson start things off and neither gets anywhere of note. That means a lot of glaring as we recap the issues among Page and the Elite over the years (and there are a lot of them). Matt gets knocked down by Silver and his back seems to be messed up, which is enough for Page to call off the Order. It’s off to Omega vs. Page and the fans are WAY into this.

They lock up and go into the Order corner, where Silver comes in, much to some booing. Omega’s recently repaired shoulder gets cranked on but Page doesn’t like that either. A big boot and fall away slam connect for Page but his springboard is superkicked out of the air. The Bucks start taking turns on Page before Omega tells him that HE CAN’T ESC….ok I guess Page can as he slips out and gets Silver back in.

Everything breaks down and the Order hits a suicide dive/brainbuster combination to Nick on the floor, giving us a rare ALEX REYNOLDS chant. Matt suplexes both of them but hurts his back again, as tends to be the case with him. Omega gets caught in the corner for the running lariats and the German suplex into a jackknife rollup gives Reynolds two. The Bucks are back in with the superkicks to set up the V Trigger to send Silver outside.

Omega hits the big running flip dive to the floor but Silver is back in with a Backstabber. Page moonsaults onto Nick on the floor and the Pendulum Bomb gets two on Matt. The Bucks and the Order trade clotheslines and a four way superkick puts all of them down. That leaves us with Page vs. Omega….and the referee actually says they need to tag in. With that idiocy out of the way, Omega hits a V Trigger into the Jay Driller for two but Page is able to catch him on top.

A super fall away slam into a cover gives Page two of his own and there’s a Buckshot Lariat to the back of Omega’s head. Matt teases grabbing Page’s leg ala when Page won the World Title but the delay lets Nick hit his own Buckshot Lariat to drop Page. The BTE Trigger gets two with Silver making the save but a V Trigger cuts him down. The One Winged Angel is countered into a rollup to give Silver two but a Buckshot Lariat accidentally knocks Silver silly, with Omega stealing the pin at 19:47.

Rating: B+. Heck of a match as you knew it would be, but there is something amusing about the Elite winning again and setting up even more Bucks/Page/Omega melodrama. What we got here was another pretty awesome match though and that is the point of these belts. Just let them get in their car crash, all action stuff and pop the crowd, which I’ll take over it being the focal point of the show. Very good stuff, even if I’m not at all into the never ending Elite story.

We look at Jade Cargill and Athena yelling at each other on Rampage.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Athena

Cargill is defending and is painted green for a She-Hulk look. Athena starts fast and hits the O Face in less than a minute, but the Baddies pull Athena out (a second late as the referee had to slow his count). That earns the Baddies a beating but Jade runs Athena over for two back inside. A big toss sends Athena flying until she’s back up with a springboard spinning crossbody for her own two. The fans get behind Athena as she goes up but Kiera Hogan grabs her leg again. Another springboard is pump kicked out of the air and Jaded retains the title at 4:25.

Rating: C-. So remember every big match that Cargill has had? This was the latest one as Athena gets beaten down and added to the list. I’m not sure who is next for Cargill but she continues to be the most pushed woman in AEW, which does make sense given how oddly charismatic she is, but it is going to be very interesting to see what happens when she loses.

CM Punk arrived earlier and put over Chicago again as the live crowd gets more love.

FTR/Wardlow vs. Jay Lethal/Motor City Machine Guns

Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here, with the latter’s shirt mocking Dax Harwood’s daughter. Harwood one ups that by bringing out his daughter for a sweet moment. Lethal and Wardlow start things off but it’s way too early for a powerbomb. Harwood and Sabin come in, with the latter slapping him in the face. Everything teases breaking down before Harwood runs Sabin over again.

Shelley gets knocked off the apron but it’s time to chase Dutt, allowing Sabin to get in a cheap shot back inside. Harwood chops his way out of trouble though and it’s Wardlow coming in to clean house. A double suplex drops the Guns and Harwood comes back in (rather quickly) for a chop off with Lethal.

Harwood fights his way out of the corner and hands it off to Wheeler to pick up the pace. Sabin is sent outside, leaving Shelley to kick Wheeler’s leg out. The villains take turns wrapping Wheeler’s leg around the post, leaving Lethal to grab a Figure Four. With that broken up, Wheeler gets over to Wardlow for the tag, setting up the house cleaning.

Everything breaks down and Singh punches Wardlow in the face for two, leaving Wardlow to be tied in the Tree of Woe for the series of baseball slide dropkicks. Lethal is back up with the double Lethal Injection to FTR. That’s enough time for Wardlow to fight up and start wrecking everyone, including a four movement Powerbomb Symphony on Lethal at 16:36.

Rating: C+. Good enough match here as Wardlow gets some momentum back after a few weeks of nothing. That doesn’t really help FTR, but maybe we can get a regular tag match against the Guns sooner than later. This match never felt important from the moment it was announced and this didn’t help, though of course it was at least pretty good.

Post match Samoa Joe returns and goes after Sonjay Dutt. Cue Harwood’s daughter Finlay so Harwood decks Dutt, allowing Finlay to get the pin for a feel good moment.

We recap Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks. They were friends and partners, but then Hobbs got sick of Starks’ singles success. Fighting ensued and here we are, as Starks wants revenge.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

Starks charges straight at him to start and is promptly powered down without much trouble. Hobbs goes into the slow power beating as Starks realizes he might be in over his head. The neck crank goes on as Hobbs is working on the recently injured neck. Starks fights up and strikes away in the corner, setting up a DDT for two. Back up and Starks charges into a spinebuster to give Hobbs the sudden win at 5:13.

Rating: C. This feels like the match that was cut down due to time but the ending made up for it. Hobbs winning is a fine way to go (and Starks would have been as well) because AEW is giving someone young and talented a win. We could be in for something from Hobbs and I could certainly go for that kind of a push, as he seems like he could be a breakout star.

We look back at Acclaimed and Swerve Strickland/Keith Lee arguing on Rampage.

Tag Team Titles: Swerve Strickland/Keith Lee vs. Acclaimed

Acclaimed, with Billy Gunn, is challenging. Bowens takes Swerve down to start as the fans chant OH SCISSOR ME DADDY at Billy. Thankfully they are smart enough to let the fans get it out of their system before handing it off to Lee vs. Caster. For some reason Caster tries to go with power vs. Lee but gets about as far as you would expect. A middle rope hurricanrana works a bit better as Lee is taken down before all four come in at once.

The champs are sent outside, meaning it’s time for the big scissoring, much to Billy’s delight. We settle down to Lee taking over on Caster, despite the fans letting Lee know that HE CAN’T SCISSOR. Caster fights out of the corner and hits a middle rope cutter to put Lee down. It’s back to Bowens to hit a running neckbreaker on Swerve, followed by a discus forearm.

A shot to the leg cuts Bowens down though and Swerve throws him over the top, with the leg being banged up again. Lee adds a splash to the knee but misses a charge, allowing the hot tag off to Caster for the house cleaning. For some reason Caster tries a fireman’s carry on Lee, which works as well as you would expect. Lee Pounces over by mistake and a knee gets two on Lee.

Back up and Lee kicks out Bowens’ bad knee but gets caught up top. Swerve makes the save and hits the Swerve Stomp for a VERY close two on Bowens. A half crab goes on but Caster makes the save with a missile dropkick. Swerve’s running kick to the head gets two on Caster, leaving Bowens to break up Swerve’s springboard. With Bowens holding Swerve over the floor, Caster hits a Mic Drop, only to hurt Bowen’s knee in the process. Back inside and Lee chops away, until Billy gets up for a distraction.

Somehow Caster uses the distraction to hit an FU on Lee and it’s the Arrival to Swerve setting up the Mic Drop for a VERY close two with Lee making the save (and the fans aren’t pleased). A Death Valley Driver onto the apron plants Caster and Bowens gets pulled into a backbreaker back inside. Bowens has to fight off both champs but his knee gives out, causing Swerve to kick Lee by mistake. A rollup gets a VERY close two on Lee but Bowens gets caught on Lee’s shoulders. Swerve adds the Stomp to make it a sitout powerbomb for the pin to retain at 22:18.

Rating: B+. Oh I’m not sure about that result, as the fans were BEGGING for the Acclaimed to win here. I get why they didn’t do it and I get why they want Swerve and Lee to retain, but egads if there was ever a reason to call an audible, that might have been it. Either way, at least they had a big pick up match that got a lot of time, with some of those near falls being too close to believe.

Post match Lee and Billy scissor, much to the fans’ uncertainty.

All of the Women’s Title match participants want the title.

Interim Women’s Title: Jamie Hayter vs. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Toni Storm

For the vacant title, Rebel is here too and the fans seem to like Hayter. It’s a big brawl to start and we get an exchange of rollups. With that not working, Hayter half crabs Storm to leave her in trouble. Baker and Shida trade some rollups before Baker is back up with a Sling Blade. Hayter suplexes Shida and Storm at the same time before being sent outside. Storm dives onto Hayter but gets Sling Bladed by Baker.

With Baker taken down, Shida and Storm face off back inside with Storm being shouldered down but nipping right back up. Rebel tries to come in and gets double headbutted down, which is good for a flat back fall and a lot of laughter from commentary. Hayter carries Shida up the ramp and Baker follows for a Stomp to Shida. That’s enough to get Shida taken out, leaving us with three for the moment.

Storm is double teamed inside and the fans think Hayter is better, which has JR talking about….a sale in a department store? And now here is Shida, complete with two kendo sticks, because KENDO STICKS ARE COOL. Shida gets to clean house and suplexes Baker into Hayter in the corner. Everyone is back up for an exchange of strikes and the villains get a double rollup for two on Shida.

Now it’s Shida with a Falcon Arrow for two on Hayter, with Storm making the save. Hayter breaks up a German suplex with a Tombstone to Storm (that was cool) but Shida makes a save of her own. Baker is back up with a Stomp to Shida for two but Storm breaks up a Lockjaw attempt. There’s a ripcord lariat from Hayter to Shida, causing baker to pull the referee out at two. Storm hits Storm Zero on Hayter but Baker steals the cover for two more. Back in and Storm gives Baker and Hayter a jumping DDT each, with the latter being enough to make Storm champion at 14:41.

Rating: B-. There were some plot points in there, as Baker costing Hayter is going to come back and bite her in the near future. Storm needed to win here as you can only go so far with the losses before she stops mattering. Good match here with the right result, so I’ll take what I can get.

We recap Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy. Christian claims that Jungle Boy cost him money by losing the Tag Team Titles so he started insulting the memory of Jungle Boy’s dead father. Jungle Boy is out for revenge.

Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage

Hold on though as Jungle Boy can’t find Luchasaurus, who comes up from behind and chokeslams Jungle Boy onto the lighting grid. Jungle Boy is taken to ringside and beaten down again, but insists on the bell ringing. A spear gives Christian two and the Killswitch finishes for Christian at 21 seconds.

Death Triangle is ready for the Best Friends on Dynamite, though Pac still doesn’t like Orange Cassidy.

We recap Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson, which is about who is the better professional wrestler/sports entertainer.

Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

William Regal is on commentary and it’s Lionheart here as the 17 Faces Of Jericho continues. Danielson is sung to the ring by someone named Elliott Taylor. They go technical to start until Danielson takes him down for the stomping. With that broken up, they stare at each other a bit in the corner and Jericho hits a hard chop. Danielson goes with a hammerlock but lets him go instead of firing off the palm strikes.

Jericho takes him down on the mat for a change, which is reversed into a double knee stomp. A cross armbreaker is blocked and Jericho reverses up for some elbows to the head. Danielson reverses that and ties up the legs before asking if the fans want some entertainment. That means a Rick Rude hip swivel, which has Jericho angry enough that he chops away in the corner.

Jericho sends him to the apron and hits the triangle dropkick to the floor, but the dive is knocked away to give Danielson a breather. Back in and Danielson hits a missile dropkick, setting up the YES Kicks. A super hurricanrana is countered into the Walls though but Danielson slips out and sends Jericho outside.

That means a suicide dive through the ropes in the corner, only to miss the Swan Dive back inside. Jericho takes his time following up though and Danielson tries the LeBell Lock, which is reversed into a catapult. Naturally Danielson skins the cat so Jericho hits a Tombstone into the Lionsault for two. Back up and the Judas Effect misses and Danielson kicks him in the head.

Danielson stomps away at Jericho, setting up the LeBell Lock. It’s rolled into the middle for better position but Jericho reverses into the Walls again. That’s reversed into a triangle choke but Jericho gets him into the ropes for the break. They chop it out from their knees with Jericho getting chopped into the corner. The backflip over into the clothesline is countered with the Codebreaker for two, setting up a Liontamer to make it even worse.

Another rope is grabbed so Jericho goes primal by hammering away at the head. Danielson gets up again though and it’s the running knee for two. Cattle Mutilation goes on but Jericho rolls out again. That works for Danielson, who fires off the hammer and anvil elbows. Cattle Mutilation goes on again but this time Jericho makes the rope with his foot. More kicks stagger Jericho until Danielson is backed away from the rope. Instead it’s a rolling forearm to rock Jericho and more hammering and elbowing ensues. Jericho manages a low blow though and the Judas Effect finishes Danielson at 23:31.

Rating: A-. They were having a classic and a low blow brought it down a bit. Otherwise, this was a heck of a wrestling match, but I’m really not sure on having Danielson lose again. I’m sure this will be more about Daniel Garcia on the end than anything else, but could we get Danielson a big win for a change? He’s a made man for the rest of his career, though I’m still not sure how many more losses he needs.

The House Of Black is ready to end Sting, Darby Allin and Miro.

House Of Black vs. Sting/Darby Allin/Miro

Miro and Black start things off with Miro taking him into the corner. King comes in for the power brawl with Miro until Allin has to tag himself in. Allin counters Matthews’ Murphy’s Law into a cradle for two but a Code Red is countered (Allin: “Oh s***.”) by Black’s kick to the head. King throws Allin into the corner and Black comes in for the chinlock. Allin fights up and goes over to the corner but Julia Hart distracts the referee, meaning no tag.

The tag goes through a few seconds later, allowing the tag brings in Sting. Some Stinger Splashes connect and it’s time for the staredown with Black. The brawl is on and we hit the Scorpion Deathlock, with the rest of the House not being able to break it up. Sting is finally staggered enough to let Black reverse into a kneebar, with Miro having to make a save.

Allin hits a Coffin Drop for two but Matthews gets in a bat shot to send Miro crashing into the steps. Allin is back up with a flipping Stunner and a suicide flip dive, only to come up holding his shoulder. Back in and Sting mists Black, setting up Allin’s Last Supper for the pin at 12:09.

Rating: C+. This didn’t get crazy for Sting but at least he got to get in there and do his thing while Allin got the glory in the end. I’m still not sure what AEW is doing with Black and Miro, but neither of them did much of anything here. What we got was a fun match, but it is coming near the end of a FAR too long show and that hut things a lot.

Chris Jericho asks Daniel Garcia where he was. As a result, Garcia is challenging Wheeler Yuta for the Pure Rules Title without the Jericho Appreciation Society.

We recap the AEW World Title match. CM Punk came back from his injury and lost to Jon Moxley in three minutes. Now he is motivated by his friends and family and wants to win the title back for Chicago.

AEW World Title: Jon Moxley vs. CM Punk

Moxley, with William Regal in his corner, is defending. They stall to start until Moxley starts hammering away in the corner. Punk gets in a kick to the head with the bad foot, setting up the running knees in the corner. Some Hammer and Anvil elbows rock Moxley and the GTS gets two. They fight into the crowd with Punk unloading as Moxley seems to be covering up.

Back at ringside and Moxley manages to post him, which busts Punk open. They get back inside where Moxley licks the blood off of his hand before kicking away at Punk again. Back up and Punk hits the running knee in the corner but the knee gives out, allowing Moxley to hit a shinbreaker. We hit the leglock, followed by a half crab, which Moxley switches into an STF and then a Figure Four.

Some middle fingers fire Punk up enough to roll over to freedom and Moxley gets beaten up on the floor. Back in Punk grabs the Anaconda Vice but Moxley slips out and stomps away. The clothesline misses though and Punk hits a dropkick but the top rope elbow is pulled into a bulldog choke.

That’s broken up and Punk hits a kick to the head, only to be taken down for more Hammer and Anvil elbows to knock Punk silly. The bulldog choke goes on again but that’s muscled up as well. The GTS attempt is countered and Moxley hits the Death Rider for two. Moxley isn’t having that and grabs the choke again, only to get GTS’d for the third time and the title at 19:43.

Rating: B. This was more of a fight than anything else, though it does feel like they spent a long time setting up this one moment when they could have cut out a lot of stuff in the middle. Anyway, Punk got to get his big hometown moment (as it had been…four days since the last one) and is champion again, but now he needs something else to do as we start to close out the year. Heck of a match here, but I really don’t think it was worth the effort they put in to make it happen.

Then the lights go out and we hear a voiceover from Tony Khan, talking about how someone is gone over and over and keeps screwing the fans. Show up at All Out and everything is forgiven, with whoever it is being put in the Casino Ladder Match, plus get a big bonus. We see a clip of Punk in the old ROH days talking about the devil. Then we see the devil from earlier….and he’s wearing a scarf. MJF is back and comes into the arena and the fans are VERY happy to see him. MJF motions that he wants the title to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. It was a show where the high points were very good, but there is enough stuff here that REALLY needs to be cut or just dropped altogether. The biggest problem as always with these shows it he length, but at least we had some very good action in there as well. The big ending should set up Grand Slam where MJF gets the World Title, but other than that, you also have Jericho vs. Danielson in a great one and the far better than expected Tag Team Title match.

This was another awesome AEW pay per view, but if they want to really make them all timers, enough with the Wrestlemania lengths. It doesn’t work there and it doesn’t work here, as I was sitting around wondering how in the world there were so many matches left on the show, despite how good they might be. Anyway, certainly check this out, but have a fast forward button loaded up, or at least take a break in the middle.

Tay Melo/Sammy Guevara b. Ortiz/Ruby Soho – TayKO to Soho
Hook b. Angelo Parker – Redrum
Pac b. Kip Sabian – Black Arrow
Eddie Kingston b. Tomohiro Ishii – Northern lights bomb
The Joker won the Casino Ladder Match
Elite b. Hangman Page/Dark Order – Buckshot Lariat to Silver
Jade Cargill b. Athena – Jaded
FTR/Wardlow b. Jay Lethal/Motor City Machine Guns – Powerbomb Symphony to Lethal
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Ricky Starks – Spinebuster
Swerve Strickland/Keith Lee b. Acclaimed – Sitout powerbomb/Swerve Stomp combination to Bowers
Toni Storm b. Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida – Jumping DDT to Hayter
Christian Cage b. Jungle Boy – Killswitch
Sting/Miro/Darby Allin b. House Of Black – Last Supper to Black
CM Punk b. Jon Moxley – GTS



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Monday Night Raw – January 14, 2008: That’s Really High

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 14, 2008
Location: Mobile Civic Center, Mobile, Alabama
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

The rise of Jeff Hardy continues as we are less than two weeks away from his showdown with Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble. You can feel the momentum building and Hardy feels like he could actually pull off the miracle win. Why the Intercontinental Champion feels like such an underdog is beyond me, but we should be in for more of him tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last week’s highlight reel moment of Jeff Hardy Whispering In The Wind off the top of the cage to beat Umaga.

Here is Hardy to get things going. Hardy has a chance to become WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble but he wants Randy Orton out here right now. Cue Orton to the stage to say he wants Hardy to defend the Intercontinental Title against him TONIGHT. Hardy is in and we have a main event.

We look at Vince McMahon putting Ric Flair’s career in jeopardy in case you haven’t been watching in a few months.

Ashley Massaro/Maria/Mickie James vs. Melina/Jillian Hall/Beth Phoenix

Jillian takes Ashley down and hammers away to start as commentary talks up the ring attire. Maria comes in for a scorpion kick to Melina, who chokes her on the ropes to even things up. We complete the trio of pairings as Mickie comes in with a headscissors to Phoenix as everything breaks down. Everyone else fights to the floor and Beth drops Mickie throat first onto the top rope. The fisherman’s buster gives Beth the pin.

Rating: D+. This was exactly what you would expect from it as Mickie and Beth did the only wrestling of the match while the rest of it was built around brawling and catfighting. Beth still needs a new challenger and other than Mickie, I’m not sure who could give her a serious challenge. At least it was short, but that quiet crowd tells you a lot.

Vince McMahon yells at William Regal, who promises to end Ric Flair’s tonight. McMahon whips out….an enema, which belongs in Mobile, Alabama. Snitsky comes in to say he wants to hurt Flair, but Vince gives him HHH instead.

WWE HD is coming!

Classic Royal Rumble clip: Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker in the final two last year. Yep that fits.

Here is Shawn Michaels for a chat. Shawn can’t believe that he has to win a qualifying match because he is the defending runner up and a two time winner. He was going to challenge Mr. Kennedy Kennedy anyway, so let’s just make that the qualifying match instead. Here’s his real opponent though.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Trevor Murdoch

Murdoch strikes away to start and hits a quick atomic drop. A whip into the corner gives Murdoch two but Shawn is back with chops and a Thesz press. There’s the top rope elbow and a little dance sets up the superkick….but Murdoch is ready for it. That’s fine with Shawn, who sweeps the legs and puts on something like an inverted Figure Four for the tap.

Post match Mr. Kennedy pops up on screen to say he can’t believe how bad Shawn is at letting things go. Shawn can’t handle that Kennedy beat him and has passed him by. Someone has proven that he is better, but why would Kennedy accept the challenge for next week? Eh why not though? Kennedy is in for next week. Murdoch tries to jump Shawn and gets superkicked.

We look back at Ric Flair surviving against Randy Orton.

We look at Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI, I’m assuming because Randy Orton could win the Intercontinental Title tonight.

Royal Rumble rundown.

Vince McMahon is worried about Hornswoggle being in the Royal Rumble so let’s give Hornswoggle some experience tonight. We’ll have a mini Royal Rumble, with Hornswoggle in at #1 and then Mr. Kennedy, Mankind and Batista, plus some surprises. Hornswoggle knows he isn’t likely going to win the Royal Rumble but Vince chokes him anyway. That was harsh.

HHH vs. Snitsky

Snitsky kicks him in the corner to start but HHH clotheslines his way to freedom. A missed charge sends Snitsky outside and we take an early break. Back with Snitsky whipping him hard into the corner and dropping some elbows for two. The bearhug goes on and HHH actually goes down to one knee, but he’s fine enough to reverse a pump handle slam and hit a DDT. The Pedigree is countered with a backdrop over the top, with Snitsky sending him into the steps to increase the pain. A big steps shot misses though and HHH hits him with a chair for the DQ.

Rating: C. This was HHH fighting a monster and getting tired of things getting that violent so he went bit with a weapon of his own. Snitsky is fine as a monster of the week/month because he looks that evil but it wasn’t like he was a threat to HHH. I can go for something like this over Snitsky taking the Pedigree so at least they mixed it up a bit.

Post match, a sledgehammer shot and the Pedigree leave Snitsky laying again. HHH goes to leave but Vince McMahon pops up on screen to say HHH can’t keep being violent just because he isn’t in the Royal Rumble. He needs to calm down, but HHH hits the video screen with the sledgehammer to make it explode a bit.

Post break Vince yells at HHH and says he can be back in the Royal Rumble, but only if he can win next week against….someone.

Here is JBL, complete with balloon drop, to say that someone promised to return to Raw to save the show. That would be Chris Jericho, who was a complete failure. We look at JBL taking Jericho out last week and choking him with a cable. So where is Jericho now? He’s at home, recovering, where he belongs. Last week, it was like JBL was carrying everyone around this arena. Now JBL wants Jericho to talk to his children and tell them that JBL is just better. If Jericho comes to the Royal Rumble, the Savior is going to need to be saved. Pyro ensues.

HHH was both WWE and Intercontinental Champion at No Mercy 2002. Good thing they had these clips ready just in case Orton challenged Hardy tonight.

Mini Royal Rumble

We have five entrants and thirty second intervals. Hornswoggle is in at #1 and….a miniature Mr. Kennedy in at #2. Since Kennedy can’t reach the mic, Hornswoggle hits a dropkick to start fast but misses a charge into the corner. Mini Mankind is in at #3 and busts out Mr. Socko but Hornswoggle puts it in his mouth and tosses him out. Kennedy is eliminated as well so here is Mini Batista in at #4.

This one is a bit bigger and hits a spear but can’t get rid of Hornswoggle. Mini Kane is in at #5 and gets Batista Bombed, only to have Hornswoggle toss Batista. Kane hits the uppercuts and the middle rope clothesline but Hornswoggle elbows his way out of a chokeslam. The Celtic Cross lets Hornswoggle get rid of Batista…..and the real Great Khali is in at #6. Batista jumps Hornswoggle but here is Finlay to jump Khali and beat up Runjin Singh for a bonus. Singh is tossed and that’s enough for Hornswoggle to win.

Rating: D. I chuckled a few times but Vince sending Khali after Hornswoggle and having Finlay make the save was a tired idea a long time ago and now it is only getting worse. How many times can they do the same bit with these guys? Some of the minis were funny enough though so it could have been worse, but this story needs to end already.

Post break, Finlay storms into Vince McMahon’s office and yells at him, but Vince says Finlay better keep their deal. An annoyed Finlay leaves.

William Regal vs. Ric Flair

We’re joined in progress with Regal working on Flair’s knee but Flair dives over and reaches the rope. Flair shows him how to start working on the knee but lets go as soon as Regal makes the rope as well. Back up and Regal yells at the referee, allowing Flair to grab a rollup for the pin. This feels like it was cut for time.

Intercontinental Title: Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy

Hardy is defending. The bell rings and Orton kicks him low for the DQ.

Orton says we’re not done and the fight is on, with Hardy fighting back as they go up the ramp. Hardy knocks him off the stage….and then goes up onto the lighting structure. And I mean WAY up onto the structure, far higher than you would see on the top of a cage. The biggest Swanton ever crushes Orton and they’re both done in a heap. Medics tend to both of them (as commentary is SILENT) to end the show. This wasn’t as good as last week’s Whisper In The Wind but DANG Hardy was up there.

Overall Rating: D+. This wasn’t great, but the problem with the last shows before the Royal Rumble is that the card is mostly set and the Rumble itself doesn’t need much build. Hardy vs. Orton feels like a major showdown and the Rumble will be big by definition, so that doesn’t leave much left to do on this show. Maybe next week can be a bit better, but I’m not exactly looking forward to what we’re getting.



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Monday Night Raw – January 7, 2008: Spin The Wheel, Steal The Show

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 7, 2008
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut
Attendance: 7,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the first Raw of the new year and we’re starting big with Raw Roulette. The show will basically be a bunch of Spin The Wheel Make The Deal matches and that should make for some interesting options. I say should because it probably won’t, but at least they’re doing something. Oh and there will be a lot about Ric Flair, because we need to do that as often as possible. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of last week’s main event with William Regal costing HHH a spot in the Royal Rumble, but Ric Flair’s career was saved again.

William Regal is in Vince McMahon’s office and tells him that the fans are expecting something big from Raw Roulette on the first Raw of the year. Vince goes over some of the options and you can hear the salesman in him, which is where he tends to shine. As for HHH, Vince wants to see him injured so Regal can face him tonight. We spin the wheel and it’s…..First Blood. Regal seems to approve and leaves, only to get jumped by an angry HHH.

Opening sequence.

Here are Shawn Michaels and Mr. Kennedy and the wheel gives them….a Strange Bedfellows match, meaning they’re going to be partners!

Shawn Michaels/Mr. Kennedy vs. Charlie Haas/Trevor Murdoch

We’re joined in progress with Kennedy dropping Haas for two but Shawn tags himself in and throws Kennedy outside. Then Haas goes to the floor as well, puts on a superhero mask, declares IT’S TIME, and gets slingshotted back inside. Murdoch gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and a clothesline gives him two.

Haas comes back in but gets dropped, only to have Kennedy bail to the floor to avoid a tag. Shawn doesn’t seem to mind and rips Haas’ mask off before starting the comeback. Sweet Chin Music knocks Murdoch off the apron but Kennedy tags himself in, just before Shawn superkicks Haas as well. The Mic Check drops Shawn and Kennedy pins Haas.

Rating: C. Haas and Murdoch were little more than props here and that isn’t the worst idea. What mattered here was keeping Michaels vs. Kennedy going and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them have their big blowoff at the Rumble. The wrestling wasn’t the point here and in this case that’s ok.

Carlito vs. Hardcore Holly

Trading Places match, meaning they’re dressed as each other, but we don’t even get to see the spin of the wheel, which is the best part of the show. Santino Marella and Cody Rhodes are here too, but hang on as Holly has trouble with his big afro. It doesn’t stay on long but Carlito uses the distraction to stomp away and take over. Carlito hits a chop in the corner but Holly shows him how it’s really done to start the comeback. There’s the dropkick so Santino offers a distraction. Since it’s Santino, that doesn’t exactly go well as Holly intercepts the apple and spits it in Carlito’s face. The Alabama Slam finishes for Holly.

Rating: C-. This was mainly there for the visual gag of Holly in a wig so there was no need to have the match get any kind of time. There isn’t much to the tag division at the moment but would Carlito/Marella be huge underdogs against Holly and Rhodes? Carlito in a blond wig was a bit confusing as he did look like Holly, so they got half of the visual quite right.

Maria spins the wheel for her match and it lands on submission match, but Vince McMahon changes it to a lingerie pillow fight. For some reason, Vince feels the need to explain the concept. This results in Maria making a joke about having natural pillows.

Video on Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy, including Orton kicking an injured Matt Hardy last week.

Jeff Hardy promises to take Randy Orton out.

Vince McMahon has Hornswoggle spin the wheel and gives him a talk about….I have no idea as the audio is all screwed up, with JR apologizing for the issues.

Post break we see a repaired version of the video, which saw Vince put Hornswoggle in the Royal Rumble, but first he has to qualify. It’s a Mr. McMahon’s Choice match, so we’ll have a tag match with Hornswoggle getting to pick his partner, with the winning team qualifying. Finlay isn’t here, but Hornswoggle seems confident.

Maria vs. Jillian Hall vs. Mickie James vs. Melina

Lingerie pillow fight, meaning there is a bed with a bunch of pillows on it provided. Lawler: “Why do all of these Divas have all of this great looking lingerie with them every week?” Hold on though as we have a surprise bonus.

Maria vs. Jillian Hall vs. Mickie James vs. Melina vs. Ashley

Jillian and Melina try to hide under the bedspread and get beaten up with the pillows. Maria gives Jillian a Bronco Buster and Mickie tries to powerbomb Melina onto the bed. We get some “vicious” pillow attacks and Jillian is tossed into Melina. Ashley drops an elbow for the pin.

Rating: D-. It’s a good example of a match where the concept is obvious but it’s just so dumb that the charm was lost. Everyone is just oh so happy to be out there with their friends and it comes off as so stupid. There is enough talent in there to get over without this stuff and it’s annoying to have to see.

Super Crazy turns down Hornswoggle’s offer to team up but Hornswoggle sees someone else off camera who gets his attention.

HHH vs. William Regal

First blood. HHH wastes no time in taking the brawl to the floor but misses a toss with the steps. Regal posts him head first and they head back inside where a turnbuckle pad is taken off. Right hands and a knee drop stay on the face but HHH is back with a facebuster. A kick to the head drops HHH again and the fans are all over Regal. The brass knuckles shot is broken up with a spinebuster, allowing HHH to unload with right hands to bust Regal open for the win.

Rating: C. This was short and to the point but mainly just made me want to see these two have a regular match. You can’t do much in a five minute First Blood match but HHH pounding on Regal’s face until it was busted open was quite the visual. Regal is a good lackey who can fight and he wasn’t squashed here, but a First Blood match needs more time than this.

Post match HHH hits a Pedigree.

Video on Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton.

Santino Marella turns Hornswoggle down too because he doesn’t want Vince mad at him and small people freak him out. Hornswoggle is dejected.

We recap JBL vs. Chris Jericho, which stems from Jericho being annoyed at getting bumped into. Then they yelled at and punched each other a lot.

Chris Jericho comes to the ring and finds out that he is in a handicap match.

Chris Jericho vs. Snitsky/John Bradshaw Layfield

Snitsky hammers away in the corner to start but gets caught with the running forearm. Some stomping has Jericho in more trouble but he’s back up with the triangle dropkick to the floor. The brawl with JBL is on outside, at least until JBL hits him with the bell for the fast DQ.

Post match the beatdown continues, with JBL pounding away and choking with a microphone cable. JBL even drags him up the aisle by the cord to make things extra violent.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Highlanders vs. Hornswoggle/BH Jordan

Jordan is a rather skinny guy but hang on as someone comes out to take his place.

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Highlanders vs. Hornswoggle/Mick Foley

Foley hammers away at Robbie to start and it’s off to Hornswoggle for a running kick to the face. Rory comes in for a faceplant but a slide through the legs allows the tag off to Foley. The Highlanders actually take him into the corner to start up the double teaming. Foley fights him off like he’s Mick Foley beating up the Highlanders, including the Mandible Sock to Rory and a double arm DDT to Robbie. Hornswoggle comes in with the tadpole splash for the pin.

Rating: C-. Nothing wrong with Foley coming in to save Hornswoggle from a low level team. Foley in the Rumble in the Garden will be nice and Hornswoggle has been featured far too much lately to not be around in some way. They kept it quick here and the fans were into Foley so it went well enough. That being said, egads the Highlanders fell fast, despite not even being that high up in the first place.

The cage is lowered, as the stipulation was already set.

Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga

Non-title in a cage and Randy Orton is watching from ringside. Umaga runs him over to start but misses a sitdown splash. A jawbreaker staggers Umaga and he misses a charge into the cage in the corner. Back up and Umaga launches him into the cage but Hardy hangs on in an impressive counter. It’s too early to go over the top though as Umaga pulls him back down for a crash as we take a break.

We come back with Umaga working on a nerve hold for a good while. A backdrop into the cage rocks Hardy again and Umaga splashes him up against the cage for a bonus. Hardy manages a few right hands so Orton throws in a bunch of chairs to give Umaga weaponry. A chair to the back has Hardy in trouble but he’s fine enough to crotch a climbing Umaga on top. Springboard Poetry In Motion drives Umaga into the corner but the Twist of Fate is easily blocked.

The running hip attack misses though and Hardy LAUNCHES a chair at Umaga’s head to stagger him again. A DDT onto a chair gives Hardy two but Orton slams the door on his head to cut off the escape. The Samoan Spike is blocked though and now the Twist of Fate connects. Hardy goes up, sees Orton waiting on him below, and dives off the cage with a Whisper In The Wind to knock Umaga silly for the pin.

Rating: B. That’s almost all for the finish as otherwise it was a run of the mill cage match with some good spots. What mattered here was Hardy coming off like a superhero with that Whisper in the Wind and Orton looking scared of what is waiting on him at the Rumble. I remember watching this live and being completely sold on Hardy beating Orton. It had me needing to see the title match because I knew Hardy could win. That’s a nice feeling to have and it worked to perfection here.

Overall Rating: C. The main event is more than enough to carry the show, but the Raw Roulette stuff was only so good. They didn’t even show some of the spins and the matches didn’t exactly blow anyone away. What matters here is Hardy, as Orton is starting to realize he could be in trouble and that feels different for him. I liked parts of the show, but the Rumble itself needs some more build. More on that next week, but for now, it’s all about Hardy and that’s really cool to see.




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