Wrestling Revolver X House Of Glory: Weekend Stealer

Wrestling Revolver X House Of Glory
Date: April 5, 2024
Location: Trinity Center For Urban Life, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jason Solomon, JD From New York, Veda Scott

So we have another competing show here, with Wrestling Revolver vs. House Of Glory. I’ve seen a bit from both promotions and those looks have been positive, so this has me interested. Shows like this can be very hit or miss and it’s likely all going to be about the action, which could work rather well. Let’s get to it.

Note that I do not follow either promotion so I apologize in advance for missing any story or character points.

House Of Glory Title/Pro Wrestling Revolver Title: Mike Santana (HOG) vs. Alex Shelley (Revolver)

Title vs. title and the fans prefer Santana. The main camera shot is VERY wide and it’s making for a weird visual. They fight over arm control to start and Santana shoves him into the corner off what seemed to be trash talk. Santana fights out of a headlock and hits a running shoulder before sending Shelley outside. A big dropkick through the ropes connects for Santana and he fires off some hard chops.

Shelley manages a posting though and they head back inside, where Santana blocks a slingshot splash. Santana sends him back to the apron but a dragon screw legwhip takes things to the floor again. Back in and Shelley goes after the arm again, with Santana being sent hard into the corner.

Shelley switches it up with the Figure Four, but a rope is quickly reached. Santana’s knee is fine enough for a step up kick in the corner and a cutter gets two. Shelley goes evil with a cheap shot and grabs one of the belts, only for Santana to kick the referee down by mistake. Back up and Santana hits his big spinning clothesline with another referee coming in to count the pin at 12:04.

Rating: B. That ending felt screwjobbish but at least it felt like that at the end of a good match. Santana has been impressive since coming back from his injury and Shelley can wrestle with anyone. This was a heck of an opener and if Santana’s selling hadn’t been a weak spot, it would have been one of the better matches of the weekend.

HOG – 1
Revolver – 0

Post match yeah it’s a screwy finish with a Revolver referee coming out to DQ Shelley, meaning Shelley is still champion.

HOG Tag Team Titles: Mane Event (HOG) vs. Rascalz (Revolver) vs. Grizzled Young Veterans (HOG) vs. Red (Revolver)

That would be Jay Lyon/Midas Black (Mane, defending) vs. Trey Miguel/Zachary Wentz (Revolver) vs. James Drake/Zack Gibson (HOG) vs. Alex Colon/Ricky Shane Page (Revolver) and it’s one fall to a finish. It’s a brawl to start with the Rascalz clearing the ring and double teaming Gibson down. Page comes in to take over on Wentz but it’s quickly off to the Event to take over on Colon. It’s off to Midas, who is quickly taken apart by the Veterans as they take over.

Gibson’s suplex gets two and it’s Drake coming back in for a slam. Page tags himself in, much to Drake’s annoyance, and Red gets to stomp Midas in the corner. Now it’s Gibson tagging himself in and mocking Red, which allows Black to dive through the legs and bring Lyon in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Wentz suplexes Drake, setting up a spinebuster into a backbreaker/stomp combination.

Red comes back in and gets to take over on Miguel, who has to hand it back to Lyon. An assisted Death Valley Driver plants Lyon, with almost everyone else coming together to make the save. The Rascalz superkick the Veterans to the floor and hit stereo suicide dives, followed by a dive each from Lyon and Page. Back in and the Event hits an assisted X Factor to finish Colon and retain at 9:15.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of match that you know you’re going to see on a show like this one. They had all kinds of people running around and getting in what they could, which is about all you could get in a match with eight people and around nine minutes. I’ve seen a decent amount from the Event in recent weeks and they’re…I don’t quite know, but they feel more weird than good, which isn’t the best place to be.

HOG – 2
Revolver – 0

Post match Charles Mason, a HOG villain, comes in with a chair to beat up the Event and referees. He even pulls off Lyon’s mask.

HOG Crown Jewel Title: Carlos Ramirez (HOG) vs. 1 Called Manders (Revolver)

Manders, a cowboy, is challenging and Ramirez is rather tall. Ramirez powers him into the corner to start and it’s already time for a chop off. The fight heads to the floor with Manders taking over and hitting more chops. Back in and Ramirez manages a Randy Savage jump over the top neck snap, setting up the rather early chinlock.

With that broken up, Manders fights out of the corner and it’s a double knockdown. They slug it out from their knees until Manders snaps off an exploder suplex for two. The lariat is cut off with a heck of a rolling Liger kick to give Ramirez two of his own. Ramirez misses a flying headbutt and gets lariated down for two more. Back up and a powerbomb plants Manders for another near fall, meaning it’s time to…lift the referee. The distraction lets Ramirez kick Manders low, setting up a pumphandle into a piledriver to retain at 9:15.

Rating: B-. Nice power match here, with Manders being a pretty standard cowboy hoss while Ramirez is a big man who can do some impressive looking things. Ramirez is someone who looks like he should wrestle one style but he mixes it up with some different stuff to keep things more interesting. This is the kind of match I like to see as you have two people you might not know and it wound up being good.

HOG – 3
Revolver – 0

Mike Bailey (HOG) vs. Masha Slamovich (Revolver)

I’m kind of guessing with the promotions here, as Bailey wrestles for both of them (shocking I know) and Slamovich has only wrestled for Revolver a handful of times but it’s as good as we’re going to get here. Bailey dropkicks her before the bell and hits a brainbuster for an early two. Slamovich fights up and hits a dropkick out to the floor, setting up another dropkick through the ropes. Some hard chops send Bailey back inside and he’s right back with a suicide dive.

Back in and a Boston crab sends Slamovich bailing over to the ropes, leaving Bailey to drop her throat first onto the rope. Bailey plants her down but misses something like a Vader Bomb. A rolling Liger kick gives Slamovich two so she grabs a crossface. With that broken up, Slamovich hits a backsplash and grabs a seated abdominal stretch. Bailey is out of that as well and kicks her down for a running shooting star press.

Slamovich is sent outside for a triangle moonsault but the Flamingo Driver is blocked back inside. Instead Slamovich hits a German superplex and they’re both down in a heap. Back up and they slug it out rather hard, with Slamovich’s kicks to the head getting two. Bailey kicks her back and hits a Falcon Arrow into a shooting star press for two.

One heck of a superkick gets two but Slamovich rolls away from the Ultimate Weapon. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence until Slamovich grabs a rear naked choke. That doesn’t work so it’s a sleeper suplex for two before Slamovich grabs the choke again. This time they head out to the apron, where Slamovich hits a piledriver to knock him silly for the pin at 12:39.

Rating: B. These two beat the daylights out of each other, with the idea that Bailey has never been able to beat Slamovich and was getting more and more desperate to pin her. It was another physical, hard hitting match and I wanted to see how one of them was going to put the other away. Slamovich has been a beast this weekend while Bailey has been…well he’s been around a lot.

HOG – 3
Revolver – 1

Charles Mason (HOG) vs. Steve Maclin (Revolver)

Street fight and Mason has Jay Lyon’s mask, while Maclin has Killer Kelly. The bell rings and Kelly gets in Mason’s (who is wearing dress clothes) face, only to have him spit on her. That doesn’t work for Maclin, who starts the beating in a hurry by knocking Mason out to the floor. They fight into the crowd and them go outside and hold up traffic before fighting back inside.

Maclin hits him in the back with a chair, sends him into the ring again, and then clotheslines him right back out. Mason cuts off a dive and hits a slingshot DDT onto the apron to take over. Kelly has to dodge a chair shot so Maclin chairs Mason down instead. Back up and Mason grabs an Upside Down choke but stop to trade chokes with Kelly.

Maclin’s backbreaker and a running clothesline set up a pair of powerbombs for two. Mason gets tied in the Tree of Woe and Maclin puts a chair in front of him, only to have it pelted at his charging head. Mason pulls off his belt for some choking and grabs a rolling Death Valley Driver for two. It’s time for a trash bag but Maclin fights off the suffocation. Maclin puts him in the Tree of Woe again for the spear and KIA is enough to finish Mason at 11:00.

Rating: B-. Well it certainly wasn’t boring. They have something with Mason as the pure evil guy but he was almost in a handicap match, which made things a little weird. At the same time, Maclin is a bigger name from a bigger promotion (TNA that is) and it’s not stunning to have him beat almost anyone around here. Going outside certainly made things a bit more interesting and I could go for more of Mason.

HOG – 3
Revolver – 2

Revolver Remix Title: Gringo Loco (Revolver) vs. Ace Austin (Revolver) vs. KC Navarro (HOG) vs. Myron Reed (Revolver) vs. Nolo Kitano (HOG) vs. Raheem Royal (HOG) vs. Aigle Blanc

One fall to a finish, Loco is defending and this is the only match Blanc has ever wrestled for either promotion. Austin has Gia Miller with him to uneven things up. Before the match, Reed apparently adds himself in rather than having been in the match in the first place (I think, as the audio on the house mic is almost non-existent).

It’s a big fracas to start with Austin and Reed clearing the ring off a bunch of superkicks. That’s broken up and we settle down to Kitano vs. Royal. As expected, that doesn’t last long as Blanc comes in for a running headscissor driver. Loco is back up to trade takedowns with Blanc but Navarro comes back in to take both of them down. Navarro and Blanc slug it out until Reed comes back in to clear the ring.

Austin and Reed double superplex Blanc before Royal and Kitano springboard into a mid-air collision to leave everyone down. Kitano is back up with some kind of a spinning neckbraker for two on Reed. Navarro hits a quick suplex powerbomb for two on Kitano and Blanc is back in with a 450 for two on Royal. Blanc Tombstones Royal for two but gets rolled up by Austin for the same. Loco is back in to clear Austin out and hits a super spinning electric chair powerbomb to pin Blanc and retain at 9:55.

Rating: B. Much like the big tag match earlier, there is only so much that you can do when you have so many people and so little time. This kind of match is almost standard for a show like this one and while it was entertaining, popcorn match style wrestling, you pretty much know exactly what you’re getting. I’ve seen Blanc in a few matches this weekend and I could see him being a prospect if he spends more time here rather than in his native France. Good, chaotic fun here.

HOG – 3
Revolver – 3

Amazing Red vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali isn’t really part of either promotion so we’ll call this a showcase with the score being a tie (though Red is firmly HOG). Hold on though as Red says let’s make this a TNA X-Division Title match. Works for Ali, who mocks him with the title before the bell.

TNA X-Division Title: Mustafa Ali vs. Amazing Red

Ali is defending and they trade misses to start until a running headscissors sends Red outside. Red accepts Ali’s invitation back in and grabs a headlock. A rollup gives Red two, with Ali bridging out and not thinking much of Red in the process. Some chops annoy/damage Ali so he forearms Red down to slow the pace again. A springboard is broken up and Ali is knocked to the floor for a big dive from Red.

Ali chops the post to hurt his hand and Red kicks him in the head for two back inside. The chinlock goes on, though the fans are behind the rather villainous Ali. That’s broken up so Red hits a clothesline for two more as things have slowed down a lot. Ali shoves him off the top and flips forward into a running clothesline. The rolling neckbreaker lets Ali put him on the top but Red shoves him away, only to get dropkicked out of the air.

Red puts him on top this time but gets caught with a sunset bomb, though Red lands on Ali’s legs for a nasty crash. Back up and Red knocks him silly with a hard shot of his own and they’re both down again. They slug it out from their knees until Red kicks him into the corner. A DDT gives Red two but the referee gets distracted, allowing Ali to break up the Code Red with a low blow. Ali drops the 450 to retain at 13:46.

Rating: B. Red is someone who wasn’t seen as the biggest deal during the peak of his career but he was absolutely an inspiration to the current generation. It’s no surprise that he was given a featured spot here and commentary was hyping up how important and special this was. It might not have been a classic, but Ali is among the biggest thing in the indies these days and he was in there with quite the legend.

Post match Ali grabs the mic and praises Red for making people like himself and Ricochet and Will Ospreay. Ali praises him again, though the audio is almost impossible to understand. Ali leaves and Red thanks the fans and calls Ali one of the true friends in wrestling. One more handshake and hug wrap up the show. This was quite the emotional exchange and you could tell they both meant everything they were saying.

Overall Rating: A-. I had heard really good things about this show coming in and the praise was well deserved. There was a lot of solid wrestling here, with nothing resembling a bad match and a nice mixture of established names and up and coming stars. HOG is a bit different than a lot of independent promotions and Revolver has some bigger names due to Sami Callihan’s connections. This was probably the best of the Wrestlemania Weekend shows thus far and that is clearing quite the bar. Check this one out.


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Pancakes And Piledrivers III: I Hope There’s A Bullet In That Revolver

IMG Credit: Wrestling Revolver

Pancakes And Piledrivers III
Date: April 6, 2019
Location: New York Hilton Midtown, New York City, New York
Commentators: Bork Torkelson, Don Callis

This is from Wrestling Revolves, where the idea is that you get something different every time. There’s a bonus in this show though as if you’re in the crowd, you get free pancakes. That alone should be more than enough to get people to show up but there’s also the whole wrestling thing on the side. Let’s get to it.

A rather ridiculous thirty minutes after the scheduled start time, we get a DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME message.

Opening sequence, with a song about the pancake robot coming to town.

The ring announcer introduces Jimmy Jacobs as our host….and he’s accompanied by the Rascalz dressed as pancakes. The Rascalz carry Jimmy around the ring and it’s time to throw out bags of swag. Jimmy explains that the hotel won’t allow them to give you pancakes so the Rascalz are the pancakes instead. They run off and I guess we’ll be seeing them later.

David Starr vs. Moose vs. Brian Cage

Starr, from Philadelphia, is billed from London and doesn’t get his monikers so he’s not happy. He has a card with the names listed, though Jacobs adds his own twists and the arguing continues. Moose and Cage stare each other down and Starr doesn’t like being left out. We get the MOOSE vs. the Terminator clap until Starr tries chopping both of them. Starr can’t slam or suplex either guy so they launch him into the air for a crash, leaving Cage to headscissor Moose.

An exchange of pump kicks goes nowhere but Starr manages to drop them both throat first over the rope. That means a double suicide dive and the brainbuster to the knee for two on Moose. Cage German suplexes both of them at the same time and an F5 gets two on Starr. Moose’s chokebomb out of the corner gets the same on Cage with Starr making a save of his own. A powerbomb backbreaker takes Starr down again and the Drill Claw makes it worse, only to have Moose throw Cage outside and steal the pin at 5:49.

Rating: D+. The story was simple enough and I’m surprised that they didn’t go with Starr getting the fluke win. Starr being in over his head was making me chuckle as he continues to be all over Wrestlemania weekend. I’m guessing the match ran short because of the crazy long delay to start the show, which really didn’t do the show any favors.

Tag Team Titles: Gauntlet Match

The Besties in the World (Davey Vega/Matt Fitchett, who come out to I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden) are in first and Aussie Open are in second (out of six). Davey walks into a double flapjack to start and a backbreaker into a backsplash gets two. Everything breaks down and the Besties both get an abdominal stretch on Davis at the same time. Fletcher is right back with a standing Lionsault and it’s Vega getting chopped in the corner.

Davey finally gets in a kick to the face and makes the tag with Fitchett hitting a high crossbody for two on Fletcher. A running knee gets the same but it’s Davis coming back in to clean house. Davis picks Vega up for a jumping cutter from Fletcher but a running kick to the face finishes Davis at 7:40.

The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz/Dezmond Xavier this time around) are in third and the Besties are right there to slow them down, including a backflip kick to the head on the apron. Not that it matters as Vega is run over and the shoving moonsault gives Wentz the pin at 9:35. The Lucha Bros are in fourth and it’s a quick exchange of superkicks with the Bros getting the best of things. Wentz gets kicked down and a double superkick makes it even worse. The wheelbarrow splash gets two on Xavier and the Pentagon Driver gets rid of the Rascalz at 12:30.

Hang on though as the Rascalz jump the Bros as LAX (defending champions) is in fifth. The four of them beat the Bros down but LAX superkicks the Rascalz and pin the Bros at 15:36. Team Tremendous (Bill Carr/Dan Barry) are in last with LAX right there to jump them. Barry is right back up for an Asai moonsault onto both of them, followed by a running flip dive from the bigger Carr.

They get inside with Ortiz kicking Barry away and it’s off to Santana vs. Carr. A big clothesline gives Carr two but everything breaks down. Santana superkicks Barry into a cutter for two with Carr making the save. The Street Sweeper is broken up and it’s an electric chair Sliced Bread to finish Ortiz for the titles at 20:54.

Rating: C-. As usual in a gauntlet match, the fast falls didn’t help things but at least they had a surprise ending with what seems to be a fun team winning the titles. There were some awesome teams in there and I really wish we could have seen some of them have some longer segments, but there’s not exactly time for something like that. Not bad, but pretty disappointing.

AR Fox vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Ace Austin vs. JT Dunn

Austin fires off kicks from the apron until Fox gets in a kick of his own. Guevara and Dunn chop it out with Sammy hitting Feast Your Eyes for two. Dunn sends Austin outside and hits a rolling cutter for two on Guevara. Austin throws Guevara into the air for a cutter but Dunn makes the save to put everyone down. Dunn’s rollup with tights gets two on Fox so Fox hits a springboard Downward Spiral to plant Dunn for the same. Ace is back in with a top rope spinning Fameasser for two on Sammy as Fox makes another save. Dunn’s Death By Elbow (discus elbow) finishes Fox at 8:52.

Rating: C+. This was a lot of fun with everyone moving as fast as they could. They weren’t going for anything more than one spot after another and that’s a perfectly good decision in a match like this. Dunn and Austin looked good here, though I’m not sure what the point of the Skulls was. They just came and went and didn’t change anything, so why even have them out there in the first place?

Open Invite Scramble Title: Caleb Konley vs. Jake Manning vs. Ian Maxwell vs. Daga vs. Lance Anao’i vs. Mance Warner vs. Arik Cannon vs. Trey Miguel vs. Jon Skyler vs. Shigehiro Irie vs. Clayton Gaines vs. KTB

Konley is defending and this is one fall to a finish. Daga and Miguel go nuts by hiptossing everyone until the referee hiptosses Miguel for a change. Warner comes back in but gets crotches by KTB, leaving Daga to come off the top with a Meteora to make KTB DDT Mance. Lance superkicks Skyler, who hits a double superkick along with Gaines. Daga runs the ropes to headscissor Maxwell and wristdrag KTB at the same time.

Irie comes in and gets to run everyone over but it’s Mance coming back in to offer Cannon a beer. Gaines comes back in with his energy drink and gets beer spat in his face, though he’s fine enough to clothesline Warner and Cannon down. Konley remembers he’s in the match and powerbombs Maxwell onto the pile but Skyler cuts him down with a slingshot spear. Maxwell and Miguel hit their own running dives, followed by one from KTB off the top.

Back in and Miguel hits a 619 on Maxwell but Manning cuts him off with a backbreaker into a Downward Spiral. Daga comes back in to beat up Gaines and it’s time for Warner to put Skyler on top. That’s not the best idea as it’s a super Regal Roll to drop Warner with Lance coming off the top with a Superfly Splash. Konley and Irie get their turn now with Konley not being able to get a sunset flip.

Irie manages to piledrive Cannon onto Konley, leaving Lance and Miguel to go Coast to Coast at the same time. Hang on though as Manning, the Manscout, needs to bring in a tent. Skyler knocks Manning into the tent but he’s right back up for the Tower of Doom to drive a bunch of people through the tent. Konley rolls Maxwell up to retain the title at 14:38.

Rating: D. I get the idea here but it’s too long and messy to really work. Cut it down to six or so and this would have worked far better than the dozen wrestlers in there at once. It’s a bunch of spots, many of which weren’t all that great in the first place. This definitely wasn’t a terrible match but the concept didn’t work with this many people involved at once.

Jacobs thanks the fans for being so awesome and makes fun of Callis.

Adam Brooks vs. Matt Cross

Cross is better known as Son of Havoc from Lucha Underground. Brooks is replacing Sonjay Dutt for some reason. Brooks gets aggressive to start and catches a running Cross in a Downward Spiral into the buckle. An elbow to the face stops Brooks and there’s the first suicide dive.

Back in and Cross misses a top rope double stomp, allowing Brooks to hit a Backpack Stunner. A double stomp to the ribs works better for Cross but Brooks catches him in a fireman’s carry facebuster. That sends Cross outside for a suicide dive into a sloppy tornado DDT but he’s fine enough to dropkick Brooks down. The shooting star press finishes Brooks at 4:39.

Rating: C-. It was nice to have a singles match for once, though they went through it so fast that it didn’t exactly have a lot of impact. The energy was there though and that helped keep the show going well enough. I could have gone for more of this and that’s about as good of an endorsement as you can have.

Jacobs decides the next match will be for the X-Division Title. Bork: “Can he do that?” Callis: “No.”

X-Division Title: Chuck Mambo vs. Rich Swann

Mambo is “gnarliest wrestler in the world” and seems to like beach balls. Swann, now without facial hair, has Jason Cade of the Crew faction with him. Mambo takes him down by the arm to start before sending Swann into the corner, meaning it’s time to dance. A wristlock makes Swann scream until he bounces out of it as the pace picks up. An inverted Gory Stretch has Swann in more trouble but a Cade distraction lets him slip out. Mambo gets dropkicked out of the air. The stepover kick to the face gives Swann two but Mambo explodes with chops and punches to the chest.

A Blockbuster drops Swann and a springboard Meteora gets two. Mambo gets hurricanranaed off the top but he’s fine enough to superkick Swann to the floor. That means a double jump springboard flip dive onto Swann and Cade for the big spot of the match. Back in and Swann’s Lethal Injection gets two but a second attempt is countered into a Backstabber. Cade breaks up a cover off the springboard splash, which isn’t an ejection for some reason. Mambo chases him inside and gets rolled up for the pin at 10:38.

Rating: C. Mambo’s gimmick was a little goofy but once he got into the actual wrestling, he wasn’t bad at all and the match was pretty good. Swann looks so strange without his goatee but at least he can still have a good match. I could go for more of Mambo and that’s a big reason to watch these shows: you never know who you might see for the first *time.

Ace Romero vs. Fallah Bahh vs. Larry D. vs. Dan Maff vs. Madman Fulton vs. Jacob Fatu vs. Jessika Havoc

Havoc is a surprise surprise entrant and aside from her, Fulton is the smallest at 305lbs. Everyone goes after her and it’s a six way crush to send her outside. Larry powerbombs Fatu and catches Maff’s crossbody until Fulton kicks them both down. Fulton slams Bahh but Romero takes both of them down. Havoc slams the 385lb Romero but Bahh gives her a Banzai Drop with Fulton having to make a save. Fatu superkicks Maff, only to miss the handspring moonsault.

Romero goes to the middle rope for no logical reason, allowing Fulton to hit a Regal Roll but he dives into a Samoan drop from Bahh. With everyone else on the floor, Havok hits a suicide dive but Fatu drives over the top to take all of them out in a more impressive landing. Back in and Maff’s Burning Hammer gets two on Havok with Romero making a save and then diving onto Maff. Fatu moonsaults Havok for the pin at 5:43.

Rating: D+. There were some impressive spots in there and they were very smart to keep it short. If you have these bigger wrestlers going too long, it’s going to get lethargic and sloppy so going with the quick form was certainly the right call. Havoc and Romero were impressive, though I still don’t know how WWE didn’t see the potential in Fulton.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Ricky Shane Page

I’ve never seen Page wrestle but he has some size and smiles a lot. They stall a lot with Tessa not shaking his hand and then slapping him in the face. The lockup finally starts after two minutes, followed by Tessa hitting a good looking tornado DDT. A dropkick to the back of the head has Page in more trouble so he slaps Tessa into the corner. That ticks Tessa off and she unloads with forearms before taking it outside to beat Page up against the barricade.

Page blasts her with an overhand chop but she jumps to the apron to kick Page in the face. A hard suicide dive sends Page into the barricade and Tessa plants him with an impressive Samoan drop. Page shoves her away and hits a splash but gets caught in another tornado DDT for two. Back up and a top rope superplex drops Tessa and a chokebreaker gets two more. Tessa gets taken up top again but counters into a super Canadian Destroyer….for two. Magnum and the Buzzsaw DDT finish Page at 13:26.

Rating: C-. This was longer than it needed to be and the kickout of the Destroyer was ridiculous. If you’re going to finish the match thirty seconds later, why even have the kickout in the first place? Tessa winning is hardly a surprise as she’s one of the best female wrestlers in the world right now and Page is just a big guy who didn’t do anything special here.

Jacobs introduces us to a dog named Nami and tells us to come see her at the Wrestling Revolver booth.

OVE vs. Unwanted

OVE has a loud manager named JT Davidson. The Unwanted is Shane Strickland/Joe Gacy/Eddie Kingston (with Colby Corino) and this is Shane’s final independent match. OVE isn’t having this big entrance and the fight is on in a hurry. We settle down to Eddie STOing Dave but taking a neckbreaker from Jake. Strickland comes in for his anklescissors into a dropkick and a running dropkick to the knee.

Now it’s Sami coming in for the staredown and he doesn’t understand why Shane won’t shake hands after Sami spit on it. Instead it’s a kick to the face but Sami forearms Shane out to the floor. Sami goes outside as well and it’s Gacy diving onto all of them, followed by Dave hitting a dive into a tornado DDT. Colby tries a dive of his own but gets superplexed onto the pile. Not to be outdone, Davidson hits his own flip dive and the referee adds a non-flip dive.

Back in and it’s the Tower of Doom as they’re getting through all of the six man spots in a hurry. Shane nails his snap German suplex on Dave, followed by the rolling cutter. The Cactus Piledriver gives Sami two on Shane and Jake’s cutter gets the same (just a regular cutter as he couldn’t hit the jumping version). With everyone else going to the floor, Sami spits at Shane, who spits right back. Shane snaps the arm back and the Swerve Stomp connects for the pin at 10:32.

Rating: B-. This felt rushed, which is probably the case as they seemed to want to be out by the top of the hour and had to hurry to get done on time. Strickland is going to be a heck of a talent in WWE due to how smooth he can be in the ring. Callihan was his usual vile self and the Crists were every bit as awesome as usual. Gacy didn’t show me much and Kingston was the same brawler he’s been for years, meaning your mileage may vary.

Post match Sami hugs Strickland. The announcers sign off but Sami grabs the mic and says he quit WWE for reasons like this. Sami saw something in him when no one else did and now it’s time for Shane to be the leader of this generation. Shane thanks the locker room because they’re his brothers. It took him ten years to get here and his first WrestleCon was in New York/New Jersey and now he’s leaving here as well. Strickland talks about wrestling in England, where everything just clicked and the confidence started coming in.

That’s where Swerve started to come together and what he wanted to show everyone: confidence. He was in the military as a teenage and had two kids when he was nineteen. Wrestling was in his heart then and it’s in his heart now because he’s traveled the world and met people everywhere. Have confidence in yourself and there is swerve in all of you. Awesome speech and Strickland could be a star in NXT.

Overall Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one as there was just too much stuff going on to make it work. There were too many multi-man matches and trying to cram in as many people as you could. The wrestling was hit or miss, mainly because there wasn’t enough of a chance for anyone to stand out among everyone else. For a wild mess of a show it was passable, but it’s nothing that I’d want to watch again.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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