New Column: Twenty Years (And Way Too Many References) Since Montreal

I ramble about Montreal for a while.

New Column: Reviewing the Review: Bound For Glory 2017

I gave the show a C- and the more I think about it, the more I think that’s a bit high. Let’s look at the whole mess again.

KB’s Review: The Ballad of Emma

WWE at its finest.

New Column: Por Favor, No Te Vayas

We might have seen the end of Lucha Underground and that’s just mal.

New Column: My Version of Thinking Lesnar vs. Mahal is Dumb

You know, because it is.

New Column: These Five Things I Know Are…Happening

Another look at a bunch of stories at once, which I kind of like doing.

New Column: Still, He Is Eerily Like Diesel

So we have this Shield reunion.  How can this be used to benefit Roman Reigns?

New Column: Don’t Wood Chip Him Just Yet

It turns out it’s taking me a long time to wake up from this Enzo Is Champion nightmare so maybe talking about it could help a bit.

New Column: He Was No Ham and Egger

Like it could be anything else.

New Column: The Road to KO-Mania III

I do fantasy booking.