New Column: While The Beast’s Away, WWE Can Still Play

What can WWE do while Lesnar is gone?  Quite a bit actually.

New Column: The Repaired Hardys

Looking at one of the most amazing comebacks in wrestling history.

New Column: The Jinder Gap and Mahal Its Possibilities


It’s not the worst idea in the world.  I mean, it’s close, but there are worse ideas.

New Column: Shaking Down the Shakeup

Going over each pick and what they could/do mean, plus an overall look at the Shakeup.

New Column: Wrestlemania….And Other Stuff

A look at what there is to do over Wrestlemania weekend.

New Column: Then vs. Almost Now


I know Wrestlemania XXXII was bad, but is XXXIII going to be even worse?  Let’s look at five arbitrary points!

New Column: Hey We Want Some Better Bayley

Just what is wrong with the bubbly one?

KB’s Review: Reviewing the Review – Fastlane 2017

Dusting off one of my old ideas this week.

New Column: So Long and Farewell

Four in one week.  That’s hard.

Please give us any stories you might have of any of them.  They’re always worth it.

New Column: I Don’t Get It

I do some rare fantasy booking on the Women’s Title situation.