Tagged: Wrestlingrumors.net

New Column: Pandora’s Raw 2

New Column: Pandora’s Raw

I wrote this one before this week’s Monday Night Raw and I thought the opening segment might have made it invalid.  As expected though, it still applies.   https://wrestlingrumors.net/tommyhall/kbs-review-pandoras-raw/

New Column: The NXT Three 0

New Column: The NXT Three

In which I look at three NXT stars from Takeover.  I mean, it’s not like anything happened this week that I missed by writing this on Saturday is there? https://wrestlingrumors.net/tommyhall/kbs-review-nxt-three/

This Is Really Cool, As Usual 0

This Is Really Cool, As Usual

I love these kind of things.   https://wrestlingrumors.net/tommyhall/really-cool-wwe-posts-original-smackdown-intro-modern-wrestlers/