New Column – In Other News: Other Edition

You can only talk about Reigns vs. Lesnar and Evolution so many times so here are a few other things worth talking about.

New Column: On Evolution

I think you get the idea here.

New Column: Just Wait For April

Since when???

Ask Wrestling Rumors – July 14, 2018

Another week of questions, including what I like on the WWE Network.  Check it out, watch the videos, and ask me more questions!

Oh and like it on Facebook and ask questions there too.

New Column: I Choose You Drew!

I like Drew McIntyre.  A lot.

Ask Wrestling Rumors Week 5 – July 7, 2018

This week with underused wrestlers, a lot of AJ Styles, defending Roman Reigns, Shelton Benjamin and a recommendation.  As always, make sure to watch the videos!

New Column: Reviewing The Review – Monday Night Raw: July 2, 2018

It’s a dead week and this show made me feel dead inside so it kind of fits.

New Column: Give Blue A Chance

It’s been long enough.

Ask Wrestling Rumors – Week 3

Another long form Q&A.  Thank you again to anyone who sent me a question and please ask another for next week if you’d like.  Also make sure to watch the videos included in there if you can please.


New Column: What About That One Over There?

This just came out on its own and shows how tunnel visioned things can be in WWE.