Impact Wrestling – March 20, 2025: Filler Week

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 20, 2025
Location: El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Sacrifice and on the way to Unbreakable, with the biggest story coming out of last week seeing Nic Nemeth turning evil and attacking Matt Hardy. That should be enough to get the Nemeths a Tag Team Title shot, but Joe Hendry is going to need a new #1 contender for his World Title as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Sacrifice if you need a recap.

Long Sacrifice recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Masha Slamovich to say Cora Jade gave her a good fight but she retained the title at Sacrifice. Now she is here to prove that she is the best champion in all of wrestling so she issues a challenge…and here is Tessa Blanchard. Beating Jade doesn’t mean anything and now it’s time for Blanchard to get her title back. Cue NXT’s Jacy Jayne to attack Slamovich from behind. Santino Marella comes in and makes Jayne vs. Slamovich for next week, with Blanchard banned from ringside.

Post break, Marella yells at Arianna Grace for letting that happened. There is another surprise planned for later.

Northern Armory vs. Rascalz

Eric Young is here with the Armory and joins commentary. Wentz starts fast by crossbodying Icarus for two but Williams comes in for a cheap shot to take over. The Armory takes turns working on the arm but Wentz is back up with a springboard knee to the face. Everything breaks down and Icarus pulls Wentz to the floor. Back in and a superkick sets up Feed Them To The Lions for the pin on Williams at 4:51.

Rating: C. Short and to the point here with the Rascalz continuing their rise back up the ranks. At the same time, the Armory stuff doesn’t feel overly important. The team shouldn’t be winning everything, but it feels like they almost never win and that’s going to be a problem if they’re supposed to be anything more than the lowest of lackeys.

Post match Young comes in but Ace Austin runs in with a chair for the save.

Xia Brookside’s eyes are ok after being misted last week but she’s tired of fighting fairly and getting attacked. Rosemary pops up on screen and taunts her for being held back by her morals. She’ll have a surprise for Brookside tonight, with a tag match being teased. Please tell me that this isn’t going to turn into Brookside going evil because of the mist. Anything but that.

It’s time for the First Class Penthouse with First Class mocking the city, only to be interrupted by their guest, and hometown boy, Chavo Guerrero Jr. They threaten Chavo for being disrespectful and say if they wanted the second best Guerrero, they would have called Dominik. Chavo suggests that Dominik might not be an actual Guerrero but here is Frankie Kazarian to interrupt. Kazarian hasn’t forgiven Chavo for costing him the Tag Team Titles (in 2012) but here are the Aztec Warriors so a six man tag can be made next week. Yeah it’s Chavo but the fans went nuts for him so it makes enough sense.

Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali

The Cabinet is barred from ringside. Santana wastes no time in jumping Ali and sending him outside for a dive. Ali is sent over the timekeeper’s table and the beating continues on the floor. They go inside for the opening bell and Ali goes after Santana’s banged up arm. The rolling neckbreaker gives Ali two and we hit the armbar. Back up and Santana is fine enough to hit the rolling cutter but the threat of a frog splash sends Ali outside…and he takes the countout at 4:09.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t the big ending in the story but rather the next step as we get closer to a blowoff. That should make for a good moment as they are setting things up for the showdown, likely at Unbreakable. They’re making the fans want to see Santana give Ali what is coming to him and that should be a nice moment, assuming that is where they go.

Post break, Ali says he didn’t run from Santana but rather conquered him. This is done and Ali and the Cabinet drive off.

Here is Ryan Nemeth to explain his brother’s actions at Sacrifice. Ryan says HIS BIG BROTHER finally did the right thing at Sacrifice by sacrificing all of their love for the love of his own brother. Cue Nic, who says the Hardys aren’t coming. Nic takes credit for TNA’s momentum over the last year, but then the Hardys tried to come in and take the credit for themselves.

They are the greatest brothers in wrestling history but here is Leon Slater to say he isn’t going to listen to this bollocks (Nic: “I don’t know what that means.”). Slater says Nic can’t steal the show because Slater has already stolen it. Ryan issues the challenge for next week but Slater gets in now, only to be superkicked down. I’m assuming this is to set up a title match at Unbreakable and….that’s only going to be so interesting.

Rosemary/Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee

Rosemary sticks out her jaw to Brookside to start but hands it off to Evans before anything can happen. That’s fine with Brookside, who knocks her into the corner before getting to beat up Rosemary for a change. Broken Wings connect but it’s already back to Evans for a chokebomb on Lee. The Samoan drop gets two on Lee, who kicks Rosemary down and makes the tag without much trouble. Everything breaks down and Rosemary mists Evans by mistake. Lee is back in for something like a TKO into Thunderstruck to pin Evans at 6:02.

Rating: C. Rosemary continues to get in trouble with the mist, which hopefully doesn’t have any special powers attached. There wasn’t much to the match but somehow it’s the longest of the show thus far. Brookside is still someone who feels like she is just floating around without much to do, though she also hasn’t shown that she is ready for some big step up either.

The Personal Concierge, in a neck brace to make it even better, brings out a cake for the champions’ celebration. By Elegance comes out, seemingly rather pleased with their title win. Apparently the cake costs $5000 and Ash needs a chance to make her wish. Cue NXT’s Meta Four to say they want the titles but here is Spitfire to say they have a guaranteed rematch.

Cue NXT’s Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley to say they want the titles and the brawl is on. This brings out Santino Marella to make Paxley/Dolin vs. By Elegance next week, with the other teams banned from ringside. Meta Four beats up some security and Marella is scared of Lash Legend. Arianna Grace comes in to say Meta Four is indeed banned next week. That was quite the unnecessary cameo.

Mance Warner vs. Magno

Warner runs him over and finishes with the running knee at 1:01.

Steve Maclin insists that he wants no part of Eric Young’s Northern Armory.

System vs. Elijah/Joe Hendry

Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Hendry hammers Myers to start and grabs a powerslam. Elijah comes in to work on the arm and everything breaks down with the System quickly being cleared out. We take a break and come back with Eddie being knocked to the floor, where he sends Elijah hard into the steps.

Myers’ chinlock doesn’t last long but Alisha is right there to pull Elijah’s beard to keep him down. Elijah neckbreakers his way to freedom though and it’s back to Hendry to clean house. Everything breaks down and Elijah is knocked to the floor but Hendry cuts off the Backpack Stunner. Elijah cuts off Eddie and the Standing Ovation plants Myers for the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C. This was little more than a match to get the World Champion on the show and it worked well enough. Hendry doesn’t have a clear opponent at the moment and at least they didn’t waste time in having him face someone in a big match here. Elijah might be the next challenger and that’s only going to be so interesting, assuming they even go in that direction.

Overall Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this show for the most part, as it was rather light on the in-ring action and never felt like much happened. Maybe they needed a breather after Sacrifice, but there is only so much time to get ready for Unbreakable. You can see some of the card from here, but this show didn’t exactly have me interested after Sacrifice.

Rascalz b. Northern Armory – Feed Them To The Lions to Williams
Mike Santana b. Mustafa Ali via countout
Rosemary/Savannah Evans b. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee – Thunderstruck to Evans
Mance Warner b. Magno – Running knee
Elijah/Joe Hendry b. The System – Standing Ovation to Myers



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – March 13, 2025: This Is Looking Big

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 13, 2025
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the last show before Sacrifice and the show is mostly set up. There is still the chance that we are going to see something new added, though there is only so much time left to fill in. The big match at Sacrifice seems to be the big team cage match so we’ll probably hear a lot about that here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Eddie Edwards vs. Leon Slater

Alisha Edwards is here with Eddie and the winner’s team gets the advantage in the cage match, which sounds a lot more like Lethal Lockdown. Eddie jumps him to start but Slater hammers away in the corner. A running hurricanrana sends Eddie outside, where he avoids a dive and hits a big chop. Slater uses the steps to snap off another hurricanrana but Eddie snaps his throat across the top rope.

Eddie sends him hard into the steps and then sends the banged up arm into the corner for two. The armbar doesn’t last long so Eddie snaps off an overhead belly to belly for two more. Eddie cranks on the arm again and grabs another armbar, at least until Slater kicks him in the face to escape. A high crossbody gives Slater two but Eddie catches a flip with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Slater kicks him down but misses the Swanton 450. Eddie sends him into the post and adds the Boston Knee Party for the win at 9:42.

Rating: C+. The villain winning this is the only thing that makes sense and as good as Slater has been, there is nothing wrong with him losing to a former multiple time World Champion. Eddie had to win to give his team the advantage so they weren’t going in any weird direction here. The match was fine enough, but the result making sense is what matters most.

Sami Callihan is ready to take out Mance Warner, who comes in (with Steph de Lander) to say Sami doesn’t have the guts to hit him now (which he isn’t allowed to do). Trash talking ensues.

Wes Lee vs. Laredo Kid

Kid twists the arm to start and sends Lee outside, where a baseball slide misses. Instead Kid is back up with an Asai moonsault, followed by a crossbody for two back inside. Lee is right back with a superkick and a bunch of stomping, setting up a brainbuster for two. That lets Lee crank on the arm (it must be required around here) until Lee is up for the slugout. Kid knocks him down and hits a pair of moonsaults for two. A hurricanrana gets the same so Lee belly to back suplexes him into the Cardiac Kick for the pin at 7:19.

Rating: C+. Lee gets to win something around here over a talented star, even if Kid has only done so much around here. It helps that Lee is someone who has done enough around here before so it isn’t the biggest stretch. Not a bad match at all, but Kid losing time after time has taken away a lot of his value.

Post match the Rascalz and Ace Austin come out to say they’re coming for Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont.

By Elegance yells at Santino Marella over how they were treated by Spitfire. Marella gives them one more title shot….but with the Personal Concierge wrestling as well, to make it a handicap match. The Concierge panicking is rather amusing.

Rosemary vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside strikes away to start but gets taken down with a choke, allowing Rosemary to hammer away (and scream a lot). The chinlock is broken up but Rosemary is right back with the Upside Down. Rosemary pulls out a chain but Brookside takes it away, only to get misted for the DQ at 5:25.

Rating: C. This didn’t have the time to go very far and I’m a bit confused about what it is supposed to do. Rosemary was being hyped up as wanting to get back into the Knockouts Title scene but she just attacked Brookside when she was already winning a match. Odds are this gets a rematch, and I could go with either of these two moving up the standings a bit.

Steve Maclin is writing in a notebook and drinking when Eric Young shows up to drink with him. Maclin doesn’t want to hear from him and leaves.

JDC vs. Cody Deaner

Deaner talks about how he didn’t think he would be here just a year ago but now he is letting the fans decide for him and that has changed his life. JDC offers to let him have his countout loss but Deaner listens to the fans and hammers away to start fast. That’s broken up with some right hands from JDC, who gets caught with an atomic drop. The big right hand gives Deaner two but JDC pokes him in the eye. The Falcon Arrow finished Deaner at 1:56.

Tessa Blanchard/Cora Jade vs. Lei Ying Lee/Masha Slamovich

Arianna Grace is on commentary. Jade tags out and lets Blanchard start with Slamovich, who drops her with some early clotheslines. Lee comes in and flips over Jade before hammering away in the corner. Blanchard offers a distraction though and Jade gets to choke away on the ropes. A basement dropkick gets two on Lee and Blanchard hits a rather hard running slap in the corner.

Jade’s chinlock is broken up and they collide for a double down. Slamovich comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down. Magnum hits Lee but Slamovich drops Blanchard. Lee hits a running knee off the apron to drop Jade before coming back in for Thunderstruck to send Blanchard outside. Jade hits Slamovich with the belt though and the Buzzsaw gives Blanchard the pin at 8:44.

Rating: B-. While Sacrifice is tomorrow, this feels like a way to get things ready for whatever the next major pay per view is going to be. Like her or not, Blanchard is an absolute star and putting her in the Knockouts Title picture immediately is not a stretch. I could go for seeing the match and this very well may have helped set it up.

We get a sitdown interview between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali, the latter of whom shows up late with his cabinet. Ali says he respects Santana but they need to think about the bigger picture, which is TNA. He is here to knock down walls and can handle the pressure, unlike Santana. That doesn’t work for Santana, who has carried the pressure since he got here.

Ali shrugs that off and says Santana would crack under the pressure because he’s an addict. Santana: “Ali, you’re full of s***.” Santana is an addict but he’s an addict to the people. Ali can talk all the garbage that he wants, but at Sacrifice, his hands better cash those checks. Ali whips out a bottle of alcohol and asks Santana to take one sip and let everyone down. He brings up Santana’s daughter, which brings Santana out of his chair.

The cabinet beats Santana down and Ali leaves him a drink for when he wakes up. I liked this a bit better than the original with JBL and Eddie Guerrero, even if it’s almost the exact same story. That being said, this feud has been great for Santana (urine test gag aside), as he has looked like a star.

Sacrifice rundown.

Frankie Kazarian comes out for commentary on the main event and is told he’s facing Steve Maclin at Sacrifice. This doesn’t go well.

Here is Joe Hendry to defend the World Title against a mystery challenger. Santino Marella comes out to introduce….Ryan Nemeth, who announces that his big brother is returning at Sacrifice. He’ll be taking Nic’s contractually obligated rematch.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Ryan Nemeth

Hendry is defending and retains with the Standing Ovation at 17 seconds, a good chunk of which was him holding Nemeth in the air.

That’s not what Santino had in mind, so here is the other challenger.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Hammerstone

Hendry is defending and Hammerstone is even bigger than he was before. Hammerstone powers him into the corner to start before they chop it out. A jumping forearm staggers Hammerstone but he sends Hendry shoulder first into the post. Hendry fights up but gets dropped onto the apron as we take a break.

Back with Hendry fighting out of a neck crank but getting planted with a spinebuster for two. Another slugout goes a bit better for Hendry and he muscles Hammerstone up with a suplex. There’s the fall away slam to Hammerstone but the Standing Ovation is blocked. Hammerstone hits a powerslam for two and a German suplex into a powerbomb gets the same. A not great Boston crab sends Hendry over to the ropes (Kazarian finds this cheap.) and he’s back up with a German suplex. Now the Standing Ovation can retain the title at 15:29.

Rating: C+. This was a perfectly fine match and a way to get the champ in the ring. That being said, Hammerstone has gotten even bigger and it made him look almost goofy in a way. It doesn’t help that he has never really won much of anything in TNA, at least not in a good while, but at the moment he is little more than an intimidating looking star who gets beaten almost every time.

Post match the System and the Colons come in for the beatdown but Hendry’s teammates at Sacrifice run in for the big brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling wasn’t the best here, but what mattered was helping to build up Sacrifice. That show is looking like one of the biggest non-major pay per views that TNA has presented in a long time with a ladder match and Lethal Lockdown, plus one heck of a grudge match between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali. There is a lot of potential on that show and while this week didn’t really make me more interested, it kept things going well enough on the way to El Paso.

Eddie Edwards b. Leon Slater – Boston Knee Party
Wes Lee b. Laredo Kid – Cardiac Kick
JDC b. Cody Deaner – Falcon Arrow
Tessa Blanchard/Cora Jade b. Lei Ying Lee/Masha Slamovich – Buzzsaw DDT to Slamovich
Joe Hendry b. Ryan Nemeth – Standing Ovation
Joe Hendry b. Hammerstone – Standing Ovation



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – March 6, 2025: Showdown Imminent

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 6, 2025
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re coming up on Sacrifice and perhaps the biggest story is the invasion/crossover from NXT. There are a variety of stars coming in from the other promotion and getting involved in some high profile stories around here. That should make for some interesting situations and more of them can take place this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap, including some clips of TNA stars in NXT.

Elijah vs. Brian Myers

Alisha Edwards is here with Myers. Elijah jumps him to start and they go to the floor in a hurry. Some rams into the apron have Myers in more trouble and a running hip attack makes it even worse. Alisha’s distraction lets Myers grab a belly to back suplex though and she gets in a neck snap across the middle rope too. The chinlock is broken up rather quickly and Elijah hits a running knee. The implant DDT gives Myers two more so here is Eddie Edwards for a distraction. Elijah sends them together though and grabs the Highwayman’s Farewell (Tombstone) for the pin at 5:46.

Rating: C+. Myers is a great choice for someone to make Elijah look good since Elijah is still new around here. That is what we had here, as Elijah is already looking like a player. I’m not sure how far he is going to go, but at least he is off to a nice start by surviving three members of the System at once.

Post match the System comes in for the beatdown but Joe Hendry makes the save with his guitar.

Ace Austin and the Rascalz are ready for the Northern Armory tonight. They might not have the best history but their future is looking good.

It’s time for the First Class Penthouse and they have a special guest in the prizefighter: KO! As in KC Navarro! Cue Steve Maclin to tell them to shut up, with AJ Francis saying they can fight in thirty minutes.

Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside strikes away to start and gets nowhere, instead getting smart by kicking out the leg. Rosemary is watching from the rafters as Evans takes over. Brookside gets sent hard into the corner and the chinlock goes on. Back up and Brookside sends her into the corner, setting up a high crossbody for two. Evans misses a charge into the corner and bangs up her knee, which has Brookside talking to the referee. The distraction lets Evans hit a hard clothesline to the back of the head for the pin at 5:15.

Rating: C. Evans is a powerhouse but she’s not a particularly interesting powerhouse. She’s just kind of there and there isn’t much for her to do at the moment so soon after losing to Masha Slamovich. Brookside is rather perky and can do some nice things in the ring, but it isn’t going to matter if she keeps losing like this.

Spitfire has given By Elegance a makeover, which isn’t to their liking. Don’t worry though as Spitfire has the perfect travel meals for them, which doesn’t sit well with By Elegance. The Personal Concierge watching from the distance in tears is a great touch.

John Skyler vs. Mike Santana

Jason Hotch is here with Skyler, who says he is here on behalf of Mustafa Ali. Skyler hammers away to start but is quickly caught in Three Amigos. A Cannonball into a sitout powerbomb finishes for Santana at 1:31.

Post match Hotch tries to come in but gets caught with Spin The Block. Mustafa Ali pops up on screen and says that Santana has been randomly selected for a urine test. I think you know where this one is going.

AJ Francis vs. Steve Maclin

KC Navarro is here with Francis. Maclin wastes no time by hammering away in the corner but Francis is too big for the Angle Slam. Instead Maclin goes up but Navarro’s distraction lets Francis slam him off the top. A running knee in the corner rocks Maclin again, only for him to tie Francis in the Tree Of Woe. The running spear gets two, as does Francis’ spear. Cue the Northern Armory as Maclin sends him outside for a Scud. Back in and Navarro offers another distraction, allowing Francis to hit a rather big Down Payment for the win at 4:13.

Rating: C. Well they certainly didn’t have Maclin go down easily as it took four people to put him away. That’s what it should be with Maclin against someone on Francis’ level and it made for a good enough story. I’m not sure what First Class is doing, but Eric Young and company against Maclin is only so interesting.

Earlier this week, Ryan Nemeth said he was going to be on Joe Hendry’s team at Sacrifice but Matt Hardy called Nic Nemeth to say not so fast. Ryan got annoyed and left.

Steve Maclin yells at Eric Young, who says they’re doing this for Maclin. Good grief enough of this Eric Young philosophical stuff. Maclin storms off and runs into Frankie Kazarian, who is enjoying what is happening to Maclin lately.

We look at the Hardys vs. Fraxiom being set up on NXT for NXT.

Also on NXT, Moose said his match with Oba Femi next week at NXT will be the biggest match of his career.

Here is NXT Champion Oba Femi for a face to face chat with Moose, with the System and a bunch of security. Femi wants to know what is up with the security, but he also wonders why Moose waited so long to come see him. Moose says he was just waiting for the right time to cross the line. Femi praises Moose, who agrees with what Femi says. Femi is ready to fight so JDC tells the security that the first person to jump Femi is in the System. The entire team jumps him at once so Femi clears them out, only to get speared by Moose. This is going to be two big men hitting each other really hard and it should be a great time.

Fraxiom is ready to prove themselves to the Hardys.

Northern Armory vs. Ace Austin/Rascalz

Austin takes Icarus down to start and hits a quick spinning middle rope crossbody for an early two. Williams comes in as commentary recaps how the Northern Armory got here. Miguel comes in and the Rascalz hit stereo suicide dives but Icarus grabs Wentz’s leg, allowing Young to get in a cheap shot. Wentz fights up but his partners are pulled to the floor to keep him in trouble.

As you might have expected, the comeback doesn’t take long and it’s back to Austin to pick up the pace. Young slams Austin down but misses a moonsault (because Eric Young can now do moonsaults), allowing Miguel to come in and clean house. The Rascalz start using some Motor City Machine Guns double teaming until Young manages a Death Valley Driver. Cue Wes Lee and company for a distraction though, allowing Young to hit a piledriver on Wentz for the pin at 9:46.

Rating: B-. Perfectly fine six man tag here with the Northern Armory getting built up a bit with Young vs. Steve Maclin likely on the horizon. The match was mostly action based and the interference at the end made sense and protected the good guys in the loss. That’s a nice way to go and it’s nice to see a perfectly well put together match like this one.

Mike Santana yells at Santino Marella about having to take a urine test. At the same time, Tasha Steelz yells about Mustafa Ali’s coffee not being right. The payoff here is so obvious that Santana smiles at the camera.

Spitfire tortures By Elegance in a training session but the Personal Concierge, disguised as a janitor, makes the save.

Here is Masha Slamovich for a chat. She’s ready to go to war with Cora Jade at Sacrifice so cue Jade to say she’ll win. Slamovich mocks her but here is Tessa Blanchard to jump Slamovich from behind. Lei Ying Lee makes the save.

Mustafa Ali is told that Mike Santana passed his drug test….but his coffee is terrible. Comedy ensues.

Ryan Nemeth says that Nic Nemeth will still be back at Sacrifice.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Hardys vs. Colons

Non-title. Matt backs Orlando into the corner to start and works on the arm before it’s already off to Jeff. We take an early break and come back with Matt missing a charge into the corner. Orlando comes back in and drops Matt for two, setting up a legsweep for two. Eddie works on the arm but gets sent into the corner, allowing the tag off to Jeff. Everything breaks down and the Plot Twist connects…but the System runs in to jump the Hardys for the DQ at 4:49.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much to this one as it was more about the angle at the end rather than the match. That’s a fine way to go, as the ten man tag very well might be headlining Sacrifice at this rate. At the same time, the Colons are the latest definition of “I guess they’re here too”, which isn’t exactly glowing praise. There isn’t much for them to do other than put over better teams, but it’s also not exactly fun to see them show up.

Post match the beatdown is on but Elijah, Joe Hendry and Leon Slater make the save. Santino Marella comes out to make the ten man tag match a cage match as well. That’s going to be crowded.

Overall Rating: C+. This felt like a bit of a step back from recent weeks without much worth seeing. The best match was just pretty good and the Santana/Ali angle felt like bad comedy with a payoff so obvious that they were practically winking at the camera. They did add some stuff to the pay per view and built things up a bit, but it’s not a show you need to see in the slightest.

Elijah b. Brian Myers – Highwayman’s Farewell
Savannah Evans b. Xia Brookside – Clothesline to the back of the head
Mike Santana b. John Skyler – Sitout powerbomb
AJ Francis b. Steve Maclin – Down Payment
Northern Armory b. Ace Austin/Rascalz – Piledriver to Wentz
Hardys b. Colons via DQ when the System interfered



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – February 13, 2025: And He’s Out

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 13, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re still in Texas and on the long road to Sacrifice. The big story at the moment is Joe Hendry needing a challenger, which could come in a few different forms. Other than that, we have NXT stars running around, with Cora Jade seemingly eyeing the Knockouts Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

TNA World Title: Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry

Hendry is defending. They fight over arm control to start with Hendry flipping him down and offering a stare. Hendry actually runs him over with some shoulders and manages a delayed vertical suplex. We take a break and come back with Hendry getting some near falls but a clothesline gives Something a quick two.

A hard whip into the corner puts Hendry down again and we hit the neck crank. Hendry isn’t having that and comes back with some clotheslines and a swinging slam, followed by another clothesline to put Something on the floor. Back in and a super fall away slam sets up the Standing Ovation to retain the title at 14:42.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t so much about a high drama title defense but rather getting Hendry in the ring with the title on the line. Hendry is still looking for a big challenger and while Something wasn’t that, he was fine as a midcard villain to come after the title. Nice opener here, which mainly served to have Hendry in the ring in a singles match.

Post match Ryan Nemeth comes out to yell at Hendry but Santino Marella interrupts. Cue Nic Nemeth to go after Something but a superkick hits Marella by mistake.

Post break Nic apologizes to Santino, who suspends him without pay. Nic leaves, likely to be back after missing a TV taping.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance vs. King Bees

One of the Bees is sent into the corner for a handspring elbow and a running dropkick for two as the beating is on fast. A basement dropkick gives Ash two but the Bee fights up and fires off some chops against the ropes. The tag brings in the bigger Bee to fire off some forearms and a spinebuster gets two on Heather. They go up top though and a super Spanish Fly plants the second Bee for the pin at 4:32.

Rating: C. The road to yet another By Elegance vs. Spitfire title match continues and it’s still not a very interesting feud. There isn’t much of a reason for them to be fighting other than they’re both Knockouts tag teams and that isn’t much to go on. At least Heather got to win something here, as she hasn’t exactly been the most successful recently.

Post match the Bees get beaten down and have L lipsticked on their foreheads. Spitfire makes the save as this feud continues.

We look back at the Hardys and Leon Slater beating the System last week.

The Hardys thank Slater for being there last week and Slater thanks them for being his inspiration.

Earlier today, Mustafa Ali held a town hall where he introduced his cabinet: the Great Hands (formerly known as the Good Hands) and his secretary, Tasha Steelz. Ali declares himself the #1 contender to the World Title but Tommy Dreamer comes in to say not so fast. And we’re done.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Sami Callihan

Mance Warner, with Steph de Lander, jumps Callihan before the bell and beats him down. Callihan gets in anyway and hits a Stunner for two but can’t hit the Cactus Driver. Instead Kazarian pulls him into the chickenwing for the tap at 46 seconds.

Post match Callihan wants to fight Warner some more and the brawl is on, with security not being able to do much.

Josh Alexander knows Eric Young doesn’t like him, but he’ll respect him.

We look at Lexis King beating JDC to retain the NXT Heritage Cup.

JDC calls Leon Slater “kid” and tells him that the Hardys are just using him. A brawl is quickly broken up.

Xia Brookside vs. Cora Jade

Jade chills on the top rope to start so Brookside snaps off a hurricanrana into a monkey flip. Back up and Jade fakes an ankle injury to drop Brookside for two more. Jade’s choking in the corner doesn’t get her very far so she knocks her down for a quick two. The double arm crank is on but Brookside is up with the clothesline comeback. Broken Wings and a Russian legsweep give Brookside two but Jade knocks her away without much effort. Jaded finished Brookside at 7:34.

Rating: C. Jade’s road to the Knockouts Title shot continues and they’re doing it in a perfectly logical way by having her win some matches. That should be enough to set her up for something bigger down the line and a pay per view showdown with Masha Slamovich would make sense. Not much of a match here, but Brookside can make people look pretty good.

Arianna Grace talks to Tessa Blanchard, who yells at her in response. Santino Marella breaks it up and gives Blanchard a match next week.

Here are the Rascalz for a chat. They aren’t happy with Wes Lee and company interfering but they have Ace Austin to even things up a bit. Cue Lee and company, who are ready for a fight. Austin even things up but some low blows put the good guys down.

We look at Savanna Evans becoming the #1 contender to the Knockouts Title last week.

First Class think it’s time for an upgrade.

Knockouts Title: Savanna Evans vs. Masha Slamovich

Slamovich is defending and gets tossed away a few times to start. A hard shot to the face knocks Slamovich off the top and Evans slams her on the floor for a bonus. Back in and a swinging belly to back suplex gives Evans two as Tessa Blanchard is watching in the back. Slamovich fights up and hits a middle rope dropkick for a needed breather. Some strikes to the face, including a rolling kick, give Slamovich two but Evans sits on her chest for the same. Something like a TKO gives Evans two but Slamovich gabs a quick Texas piledriver for the pin to retain at 7:43.

Rating: C+. They were trying here but there was only so much to get excited about. Not only is Cora Jade lurking around the title picture, but Slamovich isn’t about to lose the title so soon. Also, Evans continues to be fairly dull other than having some nice power stuff. Not a thrilling match or anything, but they did what they could in the situation they were in.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young

Young has the Northern Armory with him and this is Alexander’s last TNA match. They slug it out to start and Alexander rains down right hands in the corner. Young goes evil by raking the eyes as we hear about Young’s various incarnations over the years. The sunset flip slide is broken up though and Alexander hits the crossbody to the back to put him on the floor. Back in and Young gets in a cheap shot to take over as we take a break.

We come back with Young hammering away and the Armory choking away on the floor. Young drops him again and grabs a chinlock but Alexander fights up for a dropkick. A Regal Roll and middle rope knee to the head set up a quickly broken ankle lock as Young makes the rope. Young knocks him down for the top rope elbow as Alexander has lost the headgear. A Styles Clash gives Alexander two and he grabs the ankle lock again. An Armory distraction breaks it up though and Young gets in a shot with the hockey mask. The piledriver ends Alexander’s TNA run at 14:45.

Rating: B-. Well that was a bit of a weak ending as Young just cheated to win. That’s not the best way to go, but it gives Young a win on the way to a likely World Title feud with Joe Hendry. Alexander is one of the biggest stars TNA has ever had and even though his time didn’t come at the apex of the company, it is going to be a big loss for the company to have him gone. Nice main event to go out on here, though I was hoping for a bigger ending.

Overall Rating: C+. With Alexander out of the way, there is going to be a hole to be filled in the upper midcard and it should be interesting to see who takes that spot. Other than that, there are a few stories which have my attention around here, though I’m not sure what we’re going to be seeing at Sacrifice. As usual, the show covered enough ground to stay interesting without having a big story and I’ll take that for a week.

Joe Hendry b. Jake Something – Standing Ovation
Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance b. King Boos – Super Spanish Fly
Frankie Kazarian b. Sami Callihan – Chickenwing
Cora Jade b. Xia Brookside – Jaded
Masha Slamovich b. Savanna Evans – Texas piledriver
Eric Young b. Josh Alexander – Piledriver



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Impact Wrestling – February 6, 2025: Guest Stars

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 6, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

The road to Sacrifice continues and we really don’t have much for the card yet. Then again, TNA has a history of waiting for the last minute to set up some of their shows and that might be the case again here. The big draw this week is the Nemeth Brothers getting a shot at Fraxiom and the NXT Tag Team Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

We look at Joe Hendry in the Royal Rumble. It wasn’t much of a surprise but it’s still hard to fathom.

Here is Joe Hendry to get things going and it is time for a concert. Hendry sings about how terrible the world is but it doesn’t matter because he won the belt. Cue Jake Something to interrupt, saying he’s taking Hendry up on his title match anytime offer next week. Hendry, naturally in song, accepts.

Masha Slamovich is ready for Cora Jade.

Tyson DuPont vs. Ace Austin

DuPont has Wes Lee and Tyriek Igwe with him. The rather large DuPont powers him into the corner to start but Austin starts rolling around. Austin kicks away at the legs for a breather as commentary talks about what is coming tonight. A pop up powerslam gives DuPont two and we hit the full nelson. Austin fights out and hits a dropkick for a needed breather. DuPont misses a splash and gets caught with the Fol for the fast pin at 5:30.

Rating: C. This was more about having Austin fight against a rather large monster and show off what he can do. That is always going to work and it is nice to see a TNA star get a win here. Not a great match, but it was a simple story that helped Austin look like a winner after his recent loss to Moose. Nice work, though not much of a match.

Post match the brawl is teased but the Rascalz make the save.

Tessa Blanchard isn’t going to be in the battle royal tonight because she knows everyone is coming for her.

Steph de Lander and Mance Warner are happy together with the Digital Media Title.

Battle Royal

Rosemary, Ash By Elegance, Heather By Elegance, Savannah Evans, Jazz, Dani Luna, Jody Threat, Alisha Edwards, Tasha Steelz, Xia Brookside

The winner gets a Knockouts Title shot next week and NXT’s Cora Jade is on commentary. Jazz is here as a surprise and wastes no time Jazz Stingering Edwards. The big brawl is on with people pairing off and Edwards tosses Steelz. Spitfire gets together to eliminate Edwards and both By Elegances attempt to hide underneath the ring, only to be pulled out.

Speaking of out, Heather and Luna both are, followed by Threat to get us down to five. Jazz isn’t interested in the potential alliances and gets eliminated by Rosemary shortly thereafter. Rosemary and Ash are out too, leaving us with Brookside vs. Evans. Brookside sends her to the apron but Jade offers a distraction. That means a headbutt can eliminate Brookside to give Evans the win at 8:45.

Rating: C-. This was short and to the point, which is what you need in a match like this. The ending helps set up Jade vs. Brookside if that is where things are going, as Jade feels like someone who is going to be a top challenger sooner than later. For now though, Evans is getting the title shot, despite not being the biggest star in the division.

Here are Eric Young and the Northern Armory for a chat. Young says they run this company, which has been dominated by Canadians for years. He has wrestled here more than anyone else and that puts him ahead of everyone. His first act was to take out Josh Alexander but here is Steve Maclin to interrupt. Maclin does not accept this as he Young is the only person he has ever trusted around here. If the two of them are with Young, Maclin isn’t with him. As Maclin leaves, Josh Alexander interrupts and he gets one final wish: his last match in TNA, next week against Young.

Sami Callihan is looking for Mance Warner and blows off Frankie Kazarian. Santino Marella comes in and doesn’t like Kazarian either.

Hardys/Leon Slater vs. The System

JDC headlocks Slater to start but it’s quickly off to Edwards, who gets stomped down in the corner. Everything breaks down and the Hardys hit Poetry In Motion as we take a break. Back with Alisha Edwards cutting off Slater’s big dive, allowing Moose to hit a powerbomb on the apron.

The camel clutch goes on and the Hardys are taken down, allowing a parade of finishers to get two with the Hardys making the save. Slater gets over to Jeff for the tag as everything breaks down again. Slater’s big dive connects and the Plot Twist to Moose sets up Slater’s Swanton 450. Jeff adds the regular Swanton for the pin at 10:45.

Rating: B-. It seems like they are setting up Slater as the next challenger for the title and I’ve heard worse ideas. Slater is not someone who is reinventing anything, but he does well with what he is doing. Let him go out there and fly around and give Moose a challenge. At the same time, I’m not sure I need to see the Hardys vs. the System again, but odds are we’re going back in that direction.

Mustafa Ali breaks up an argument between the Good Hands. With them gone, Ali gives Tasha Steelz a pep talk.

Matt Cardona vs. Mike Santana

Cardona gets knocked outside to start, allowing commentary to talk about upcoming events. Cardona manages some rams into various things as commentary previews the rest of the show. A neckbreaker gives Cardona two but Santana fights up without much trouble. Spin The Block is blocked but a Death Valley Driver leaves Cardona down for a second. Back up and the Reboot into a tiger bomb gets two but Radio Silence is broken up. A Death Valley Driver sets up Spin The Block to give Santana the pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. For someone who is quite the big star, Cardona tends to lose a lot. It helps when he is going to be in and out of a bunch of promotions so he is going to be able to put a bunch of people over. That is a good thing to see with Santana, who is on his way to something big in TNA.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

NXT Tag Team Titles: Fraxiom vs. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth

Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer/Axiom) are defending and Arianna Grace are on commentary. Axiom and Nic wrestle each other down to start with Axiom getting a headlock. Frazer comes in to work on the armbar but Ryan comes in as well for a double elbow. Everything breaks down and Frazer’s dive is cut off, with Nic sending Axiom’s kick into Frazer’s face.

We take a break and come back with Ryan being sent into the corner for some kicks to the face. It’s back to Nic for the elbow to Axiom and Ryan grabs a front facelock. The chinlock goes on and Axiom gets kicked down again, only for him to fight up. Frazer comes back in to clean house but Nic plants him with the jumping DDT.

Everything breaks down and stereo Danger Zones give Ryan two on Frazer. The Golden Radio/brainbuster combination gets two with Ryan making the last second save. Ryan tries to bring in a chair due to reasons of being stupid, allowing Axiom to get in a shot on Nic. A missile dropkick/Russian legsweep combination to Ryan retains the titles at 13:38.

Rating: B. That’s a perfect way to go as they had a good title match going and then the ending was Ryan doing something like a moron. It made sense for everyone and gave them a way out, as the titles weren’t changing hands here and Nic wasn’t getting pinned. Best match on the show, which shouldn’t be surprising given that Fraxiom can have a good match with anyone.

Overall Rating: B. This took some time to get going and it made for a good night, even though Sacrifice wasn’t really mentioned. You can see some matches coming up in the next few weeks but nothing seems to be ready for the next big show. Hendry vs. Something should be fine for a quick title defense and Santana and Slater are on the way up, so the future is rather interesting. I liked the show, even though the battle royal wasn’t much to see.

Ace Austin b. Tyson DuPont – The Fold
Savannah Evans won a battle royal last eliminating Xia Brookside
Hardys/Leon Slater b. The System – Swanton to Moose
Mike Santana b. Matt Cardona – Spin The Block
Fraxiom b. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth – Missile dropkick/Russian legsweep combination to Ryan



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Impact Wrestling – January 30, 2025: They’re (Still) Here

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 30, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Mathews Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re back to taped this week after a pretty strong showing on last week’s live show. Hopefully they can continue the momentum on the way to whatever the next big show happens to be. Joe Hendry is still World Champion so now we get to hear from former champion Nic Nemeth. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Nic Nemeth to get things going. Nemeth talks about how important Genesis was for the company and now he has to start things over. Before he can get very far though, here is Ryan Nemeth to say that HIS BROTHER is not happy with what happened. Joe Hendry is a flash in the pan but Nic isn’t having that. It’s going to be the Nemeth Brothers’ year so here is First Class to interrupt. They’re here for the titles because it means money, and they are sick of the old people taking up all of the top spots. Arguing ensues so here is Santino Marella to make the tag match for tonight.

Arianna Grace is happy to see what is going on around here and runs into Tessa Blanchard. Tessa isn’t interested and doesn’t like Grace. She chases Gia Miller off too, which is a threat to everyone.

NXT’s Cora Jade ran into Xia Brookside in the back and they argued like wrestlers running into each other in the back.

Cora Jade vs. Hyan

Hyan flips out of a wristlock to start but is quickly clotheslined down. Back up and Jade chokes on the rope, setting up a running dropkick in those ropes. Hyan is sent hard into the corner and Jaded (double arm DDT) finishes for Jade at 2:57.

Post match Jade keeps up the beating but Xia Brookside runs in…and gets beaten down as well. Masha Slamovich makes the real save.

NXT’s Wes Lee/Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont are ready for Ace Austin and Fraxiom. Lee wants gold of any kind.

The Personal Concierge yells at Santino Marella about how By Elegance should be the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Next week there is a battle royal for a title shot, but it sounds like the singles version. Spitfire comes in to glare.

Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater

Myers, with the System, shoulders him down to start but Slater does it as well, meaning it’s time to dance. A bouncing kick to the face and elbow to the face give Slater two but he gets sent face first into the middle buckle. Myers sends him hard into the corner and then does it again, chest first this time, for two.

We hit the reverse chinlock but Slater is back up with a springboard crossbody. Slater kicks him in the head but walks into an implant DDT for two. The Roster Cut is countered into a small package for two and Slater sends him outside for a big dive. Alisha Edwards gives Myers a ring though and a shot to Slater’s face sets up the Roster Cut for the pin at 9:51.

Rating: C+. Slater losing to someone like Myers might not be the best idea but what mattered the most is that Slater got to have another nice match. He continues to look good almost every time he’s out there and it is nice to see him building up a bit of status. Now just get a few wins going and he might actually go somewhere.

Sami Callihan goes after Mance Warner and Steph de Lander.

Leon Slater still isn’t interested in working with Frankie Kazarian but the System interrupts. Maybe he could be the team’s secretary! The Hardys show up and a six man is set for next week.

Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawl into the arena but Steph de Lander runs in for the distraction. Warner takes Callihan down and hits a running knee to leave him laying.

Steve Maclin isn’t having anything to do with Eric Young working with Josh Alexander.

Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali

Kid starts fast by running the corner for an armdrag but Ali is right back with some uppercuts in the corner. Back up and Kid gets dropkicked out of the air for two and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and they trade rollups for two each and they go outside, where Ali hits a hanging DDT. The 450 gives Ali the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C+. Ali is still as smooth in the ring as you can see and that is great to see. It is interesting to see what Ali can do when he is given the chance and not doing as much of the over the top campaigning stuff. That can work well, but he has the in-ring work to back it up and that works very well.

Post break Ali is rather happy with his win but Mike Santana comes in to challenge him. Ali would love to do that….uh, some day.

Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory

Alexander throws Icarus into the corner to start and headlocks Williams to keep up the control. A missed charge sends Alexander to the floor though and a kick to the chest drops him again. The Armory hit some running kicks in the corner but Alexander suplexes his way out of trouble. The tag brings in Young and….he turns on Alexander. That means the Armory goes after Alexander as well and the match is thrown out at around 4:30.

Rating: C. So yeah this was little more than an angle and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m curious to see if this is pretty much it for Alexander, as he will probably have a match with Young and then ride off into the sunset. Other than that, it’s Young as a heel again and, uh, I guess that’s something we get to see for reasons of TNA not liking us.

Post match the big beatdown is on and Alexander is left laying.

Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin

Austin takes him down by the arm to start but Lee flips up and grabs an anklescissors. Back up and Lee flips over Austin before kicking him into the ropes. Lee hits a nice suicide dive, followed by a basement dropkick to the back for two. Another, and harder, kick gets two on Austin and it’s time to crank on the arm.

Austin fights up and hits a quick Russian legsweep, followed by some running clotheslines in the corner. A gutwrench powerbomb connects but here are Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont for a distraction. Austin dives…kind of in their general vicinity to take them down, only to get Cardiac Kicked (kick to the head) for the pin at 9:38.

Rating: B-. Take two good high fliers and let them do their thing for a bit, though that dive wasn’t exactly the best looking. Other than that though, it was nice to see Austin out there again as he can work well with anyone. Lee continues to need something a bit better to do, though maybe a change over to TNA is a smart move.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Rascalz make the save.

Joe Hendry is ready to entertain, so next week it’s a concert.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth vs. First Class

Francis shoves Ryan into the corner and demands/receives Nic. Navarro comes in and gets hiptossed into a dropkick, setting up double dropkick to Francis. We take a break and come back with Ryan in trouble (I for one am shocked). Something close to a 619 sets up a leg lariat for two on Ryan and it’s back to Francis for the chinlock. Ryan manages to get in a knockdown and the tag brings in Nic to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ryan dives onto Francis on the floor. The Fameasser and Danger Zone hit Navarro but Ryan tags himself in to steal the pin at 12:50.

Rating: C+. Ryan is starting to turn himself into something interesting with this goofiness and having him steal the win is a nice touch for him. That being said, I don’t want to see the two of them face each other, but for now, we are at least having something with Ryan as the annoying brother. Francis and company losing is always a plus as well so this could have been a lot worse.

Overall Rating: C+. The NXT stars being around is a nice way to go and I’m curious to see where all of that goes. At the same time, you had some good matches and enough things being moved forward, though I’m more than a bit hesitant about a renewed Eric Young heel run. The show wasn’t great, but it does give you a good idea of where some things are going in the next few weeks.

Cora Jade b. Hyan – Jaded
Brian Myers b. Leon Slater – Roster Cut
Mustafa Ali b. Laredo Kid – 450
Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory went to a no contest
Wes Lee b. Ace Austin – Cardiac Kick
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro



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Impact Wrestling – January 9, 2025: Insert Title Here

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 9, 2025
Location: Center Stage, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentator: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re still on the way to Genesis and that means we should be getting some more of the card set up. In this case that could make for an interesting show, as there are several spots to be filled in on the card. Joe Hendry is still on his way to another World Title shot and we should be getting some hype towards it this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

The System vs. Eric Young/Steve Maclin/Jonathan Gresham

Edwards charges into Gresham’s bot in the corner to start and it’s off to Young to hammer on Myers. A quick necksnap across the top rope takes over on Young though and the villains take him into the corner. JDC sends him back into the corner to cut off a comeback attempt and we hit the chinlock. It’s too early for the Roster Cut though as Young cuts off Myers with the Death Valley Driver. Maclin comes in to clean house with a backbreaker getting two on JDC. Everything breaks down and the KIA finishes JDC at 6:30.

Rating: C+. They weren’t wasting time here as the System takes a loss in less than seven minutes. The team isn’t doing so well right now and the idea of Moose losing their lone title at Genesis isn’t out of the question. For now though, the trio of unlikely good guys are fine for what they are, especially in a fast spot like this.

Post match the System lays the winners out and wrap a chair around Gresham’s neck, which is sent into the post for a crash.

Video on Joe Hendry, looking at his childhood and rise up the ranks to the #1 contendership. We look at his education in judo and music to make him quite the mixture of talents. This is a really good package and a great “get to know you” idea to make you want to see Hendry the person win rather than Hendry the character.

Savannah Evans vs. Lei Ying Lee

Lee is being brought in by Xia Brookside for revenge on Evans, who injured both of them. Lee starts fast and takes Evans out with a dive on the floor, followed by another for two back inside. Evans powerbombs her down for two and we hit the chinlock. Back up and a clothesline drops Evans but Lee is right back with Thunderstruck for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C. It’s nice to see Lee back in the ring and getting a win but I’m still not seeing much out of her that makes me think she’s going to be a star. At least she has something of a story here though and that is more than she has been able to say thus far. Brookside being involved should help a bit, though I’m curious to see who Evans is going to get to even things up.

Jordynne Grace grabs the mic and calls out Tessa Blanchard for a fight.

Here’s a Classic Moment Of The Week as Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Jarrett at Genesis 2009. We see about eight minutes of a twenty one minute match, which is quite a bit of TV time to use on something like this.

Rosemary wants Masha Slamovich.

Mike Santana vs. Northern Armory

Gauntlet Match and Judas Icarus starts for the team. Icarus jumps him from behind but the clotheslines don’t seem to matter. Santana hits a dropkick but gets knocked off the top for a crash. Not that it matters as Spin The Block gives Santana the pin at 1:56. Travis Williams is in next and slips out of a Death Valley Driver attempt to kick Santana down.

We take a break and come back with Williams getting a cross armbreaker but Santana powers out. The buckle bomb into a sitout powerbomb finishes Williams at 8:23 total, meaning it’s time for Josh Alexander. Cue Alexander…and the rest of the Armory jumps Santana for the DQ at 9:16.

Rating: C+. This was more of a plot device than anything else and that is not a bad idea. Santana wants to get his hands on Alexander and having to get through the lackeys first makes sense. Alexander sent the goons to do his dirty work and it makes for a perfectly simple wrestling angle as a result.

Post match the beatdown is on and Alexander gets his headgear back.

The Personal Concierge is ready to have a pre-title win title celebration next week.

Rosemary sees cracks in Masha Slamovich’s armor. Raven of all people comes in to ask how long it’s been since she held the belt. Rosemary whips out a knife and holds it to his throat so Raven offers to coach her. Well that came out of nowhere.

Good Hands vs. Rascalz

Wentz dropkicks Hotch down to start but Skyler breaks up the handspring to take over. A double middle rope crotch standing has Wentz in more trouble and Skyler grabs an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and everything breaks down with Rolling Thunder getting two on Wentz. A quick Feed Them To The Lions finishes Skyler at 4:48.

Rating: C+. Not much to see here but the Good Hands are in fact good hands, in that they can make anyone around them look better. That’s what the Rascalz can use on the way to their title shot next week at Genesis and it worked well enough here. Not a great match, but it did exactly what it needed to do.

Frankie Kazarian annoys Rhino.

Steve Maclin and Eric Young want revenge on the System but First Class interrupts to get on their nerves. A match is likely for next week.

Here is Alisha Edwards to introduce Moose for a chat. Moose promises to introduce a new X-Division Title at Genesis but cue former TNA star Andrew Everett to say that title means a lot around here. Moose isn’t sure who Everett is and promises violence. A boot to the face and a referee running in are enough to set up a title match.

X-Division Title: Moose vs. Andrew Everett

Moose is defending and runs him over in the corner to start fast. Everett gets in a tornado DDT though and Moose is sent outside. That means the big dive but Moos is back with an apron powerbomb. Back in and a Last Ride finishes for Moose at 2:54.

Sami Callihan demands a title shot against the Hardys. Santino Marella makes it a non-title match next week and if Callihan and PCO win, Genesis is a three way. Works for Callihan.

Here is Jordynne Grace to call out Tessa Blanchard, who answers for the pull apart brawl.

Grace vs. Blanchard is set for Genesis.

Rhino/Joe Hendry vs. Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth

Frankie Kazarian is on commentary as Ryan bails from Rhino to start. Nic works on Rhino’s arm instead but can’t get very far. Instead a double clothesline puts Rhino down for two but he easily takes Ryan into the corner to take over. It’s off to Hendry for a running shoulder and a rather delayed suplex gets two.

Rhino comes back in and gets double teamed down, with Nic grabbing a chinlock. That’s broken up and Hendry comes back in to clean house in a hurry. Kazarian gets up for a failed distraction, leaving Rhino to Gore Ryan but get dropped by Nic’s superkick. Hendry drops Nemeth and hits the Standing Ovation to pin Ryan at 9:19.

Rating: C+. Similar to a few things tonight, this wasn’t a match that was designed to blow the roof off but rather move us a few steps closer to a match that has already been set up. It worked well and gave Rhino a nice win on his way out of the promotion. That’s minor compared to helping boost up Nic vs. Hendry, but I can go for two birds with one match.

Nic and Joe have one more staredown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This might as well have been TNA in a nutshell recently: it’s nothing that is blowing the doors off of the place and certainly nothing overly novel, but it did a good job of setting up the show that has already been made. I want to see Genesis and while they still have one week to go, they have done well enough so far and this week was a big part of making that work.

Eric Young/Steve Maclin/Jonathan Gresham b. The System – KIA to JDC
Lei Ying Lee b. Savannah Evans – Thunderstruck
Mike Santana b. The Northern Armory via DQ
Rascalz b. Good Hands – Feed Them To The Lions to Skyler
Moose b. Andrew Everett – Last Ride
Rhino/Joe Hendry b. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth – Standing Ovation to Rhino



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Impact Wrestling – December 12, 2024: Hurry Up

Impact Wrestling
Date: December 12, 2024
Location: Crown Arena, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the last show before Final Resolution, which isn’t exactly feeling like a hot card. The show hasn’t had time to get built up and there is only so much that can be done in the span of one more night. Odds are we’ll get some more matches added to the card this week and that could make things interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here is Moose to get things going. Ever since he won the X-Division Title, the question has been what he is going to do with the title. He is going to make it the most important title around here, which is what has happened since he became champion. People aren’t talking about Nic Nemeth or Joe Hendry and they certainly aren’t talking about the Hardys because they are too busy chanting his name.

The reality is he doesn’t need the people because he is going to be the greatest X-Division Champion in TNA history. Cue Cody Deaner to interrupt, saying he lost his love for wrestling but the people led him back in the right direction. Deaner says he can beat Moose if he has the people behind him so the title challenge is on. Moose knocks him down, orders a ref, and says the match is on right now.

X-Division Title: Moose vs. Cody Deaner

Moose, in a tracksuit, is defending and grabs the mic to ask the fans to chant for Deaner. Back up and the spear misses, allowing Deaner to send him outside for a dive. They get back inside and Moose is sent into the corner so Deaner can roll him up for two. A big boot cuts Deaner off but he escapes a powerbomb and gets two more. The DDT is countered into a release Rock Bottom though and Moose hits the spear for the pin at 3:04.

Rating: C. This was more of an angle than a match with Moose being a dominant monster but getting a bit too cocky for his own good. That being said, the match with Kushida is already set and the title wasn’t likely to change hands so close to Final Resolution. It wasn’t the most serious match but it wasn’t supposed to be and that’s fine once in awhile.

First Class and Tasha Steelz say tonight’s main event will be a preview of their dominance at Final Resolution. AJ Francis promises a bunch of chokeslams.

The Northern Armory interrupts Mike Santana and they bicker, with both promising to win the #1 contenders match at Final Resolution. That could be promising if they ever break into a singles match.

Rosemary vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside flips away to start and works on the arm before scoring with a running dropkick. Back up and Rosemary blocks a running headscissors, setting up a chinlock. That’s broken up and Brookside hits a middle rope crossbody to leave both of them down for a bit. Brookside hits some clotheslines into a running headscissors, setting up Broken Wings in the corner. The Brooksie Bomb is countered into the Upside Down and Rosemary grabs a choke. That’s reversed into a cradle for two but Rosemary pulls her into As Above So Below for the pin at 6:30.

Rating: C+. This was a snappy little match as they didn’t have much time but they were moving throughout the time that they had. It was entertaining while it lasted and I can go for Rosemary getting a bit of an upgrade. She’s one of the most established names in all of the division and having her win something like this should help her, at least a little bit.

Post match Rosemary hammers on Brookside some more until Jordynne Grace makes the save.

Trent Seven is not happy with being put into a match against Ace Austin at Final Resolution. Austin comes in to promise revenge for Seven turning on Mike Bailey.

Leon Slater/Laredo Kid vs. The Rascalz

Wentz and Slater go technical to start before fighting over wrist control. Miguel comes in for a rope walk wristdrag to Kid and all four nip up into a standoff as we take a break. Back with Wentz cranking on Slater’s arm until Slater makes the rope for the escape. Miguel snaps the arm but Slater is up with a running cutter, allowing the tag off to Kid. A pair of moonsaults gets two on Wentz but it’s quickly back to Miguel for a double hurricanrana.

The Rascalz hit a double dive but Slater is right back up for a heck of a flip dive to the floor. An assisted sitout powerbomb gets two on Miguel, with Slater’s bad arm meaning he can’t get a proper cover. A Swanton to a hanging Kid gets two and everything breaks down, with Slater’s Swanton 450 getting superkicked out of the air. Kid gets put in a torture rack and it’s a top rope double stomp into a reverse AA combination to give Miguel the pin at 11:44.

Rating: B-. This was the fast paced tag match of the week and as usual, it went just fine. It’s still a formula that works very well and it went just fine again here. The Rascalz get a quick win and Slater gets to look good in the process. That’s all it needed to be and it was a nice way to get them back on the winning path and give us a fun match at the same time.

The System is ready to win at Final Resolution.

PCO/Sami Callihan vs. Jake Something/Hammerstone

Something jumps PCO from behind to start and it goes as well as you might have expected. Callihan comes in to work on Something’s arm and bends the fingers back to make it worse. Hammerstone offers a distraction though and Something runs PCO over. A whip into the corner has PCO in some trouble but a running clothesline breaks that up and allows the tag off to Callihan. Everything breaks down and PCO hits a double DDT, followed by the big double dive tot he floor. Back in and Callihan Stunners Something but Hammerstone hits PCO with a chair for the DQ at 5:14.

Rating: C. So this was little more than a way to set up a rematch, likely with No DQ, at Final Resolution. I could go for this a bit more if it wasn’t something that they had already done with the Tag Team Title match. For now though, Callihan and PCO will do well enough as the good monsters, though Hammerstone and Something actually winning a match would be nice for a change.

Post match the weird 23 thing pops up again.

Dani Luna vs. Heather By Elegance

Jody Threat and Ash By Elegance/the Personal Concierge are here too. Luna offers a test of strength to start but Heather has to go to the middle rope to reach her hand. Heather’s running elbow doesn’t get her anywhere as Luna grabs a fall away slam. The Concierge breaks up a dive though and that’s the big wind up ejection.

Heather uses the distraction to go after the leg and hits a running hurricanrana driver for two. Luna kicks her way out of the corner and makes the clothesline comeback, setting up a slingshot Blue Thunder Bomb for two more. Back up and Heather snaps the throat across the top rope, only to get caught with a German suplex. Ash tries a distraction so Threat dives on her, leading Luna to hit a fireman’s carry powerbomb for the pin at 6:40.

Rating: C. This was more about the interference than anything else but my goodness can they think of something better than singles matches between tag wrestlers? It feels like that is all they do with these teams over and over and it has long since become tiresome. Just find some different teams for By Elegance to beat to set up their title shot.

Final Resolution rundown.

Tasha Steelz/First Class vs. Joe Hendry/Nic Nemeth/Masha Slamovich

Navarro mocks Hendry to start and gets run over with a shoulder to start. A rather delayed suplex gives Hendry two and it’s already off to Nemeth. Navarro gets dropped with a dropkick and Nemeth gets to pose before doing it again. Slamovich comes in and gets to face Steelz, who hits her in the face.

Steelz’s kick to the head drops Slamovich again as we take a break. Back with Navarro grabbing a front facelock on Steelz, who fights up with ease and brings in Nemeth to clean house. The rapid fire elbows get two on Navarro but a cheap shot lets Francis come in for the stomping. Navarro whips him into the corner and Francis hits a big boot for two.

We hit the chinlock but Nemeth jawbreaks his way to freedom in a hurry. A DDT plants Francis again and it’s Hendry coming in to fight off everyone. The fall away slam sends Francis flying (well close enough) but the Standing Ovation is broken up. Nemeth dives onto Francis and hits a Fameasser for two on Navarro. Slamovich dives onto Steelz and the Danger Zone finishes Navarro at 15:54.

Rating: B-. It was a long match and gave some time to a pair of matches at Final Resolution, which is always a nice way to use some television time. At the same time, Hendry almost has to be the next #1 contender but it wouldn’t surprise me to see him not wind up as champion at Genesis one way or another. Slamovich feels like she’s going to smash Steelz as well, but hopefully they can have a good match on the way there.

Post match the women fight and Francis spears Nemeth. Back to back to back Down Payments leave Nemeth laying to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. They’re trying with Final Resolution, but there is only so much you can do when the main event is AJ Francis getting a World Title shot. The main match at the pay per view is the four way for the #1 contendership and Hendry feels like the big favorite. Final Resolution needs more and for now, this show didn’t make me want to see what they are going to do tomorrow night.

Moose b. Cody Deaner – Spear
Rosemary b. Xia Brookside – As Above So Below
The Rascalz b. Leon Slater/Laredo Kid – Top rope double stomp/reverse fireman’s carry slam combination to Kid
Dani Luna b. Heather By Elegance – Fireman’s carry powerbomb
Joe Hendry/Nic Nemeth/Masha Slamovich b. Tasha Steelz/First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro



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Impact Wrestling – November 28, 2024: I’m Thankful

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 28, 2024
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
Hosts: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s Thanksgiving night and thankfully TNA is smart enough to go with something other than a regular show. Rather than a traditional Best Of show, we’re getting some previously unreleased matches from earlier in the year. Some of those have been rather fun before so hopefully the trend can continue. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

The hosts give us a quick welcome.

From October 2024, Nashville, Tennessee.

The System vs. PCO/Sami Callihan/Joe Hendry

Alisha Edwards and Brian Myers are here with the System. Before the match, Hendry says that even though PCO is dead, the crowd is going to make the team come alive. Callihan shoulders Eddie into the corner to start and it’s PCO coming in, with an actual Honor No More reference.

Everything breaks down in a hurry and everybody heads outside, with Alisha’s distraction letting Moose boot Callihan in the face. Callihan suplexes his way out of trouble and it’s Hendry coming in to clean house. Moose breaks up the Standing Ovation but PCO plants him with a DDT. Callihan gives Eddie the Cactus driver 97 and the Standing Ovation is enough for Hendry to get the pin at 5:38.

Rating: C+. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be in for a lot of things like this for most of the show and that isn’t a bad thing. This was a fun match and felt like something you would see on a house show, which is what a show like this should be. Hendry is of course as over as free beer in a frat house and that has been the situation for a long time now. PCO gets his own cheers and Sami…well he had good partners here.

From June 2024, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Jordynne Grace vs. Dani Luna

Grace’s Knockouts Title isn’t on the line and Jody Threat is on commentary. At least I think this is non-title but it doesn’t make the biggest difference. They fight over a lockup to start with Luna actually powering her back into the corner. Back up and Grace powers her into the corner as well, only for both of them to miss some chops.

An exchange of shoulders goes to Luna but Grace is back with a running shoulder. They go nose to nose and then forearm it out with Grace knocking her outside. Grace’s suicide dive doesn’t even knock Luna down so she plants Luna with a Jackhammer instead. Back in and a slingshot Blue Thunder Bomb gives Luna two but Grace is back with a Regal Plex. The Juggernaut Driver finishes Luna at 5:42.

Rating: B-. This didn’t have the time to get to that next level but it was starting to be a lot of fun with the two of them trading power moves. You don’t see Grace’s power advantage negated very often but it made for an interesting match. Luna is a good powerhouse in her own right and she did well enough here. Nice match and better than I was expecting.

Sami Callihan is running a poker game and PCO wins (beating aces and 8’s in the process). The Good Hands aren’t happy but Santino Marella comes in to make a tag match. Xia Brookside is called “just a girl” and food winds up in John Skyler’s face.

From June 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Leon Slater vs. Trent Seven vs. Mustafa Ali

Slater starts fast with a big flip flip dive onto Ali and the Secret Service, leaving Seven to hit the Seven Star Lariat for two on Ali. Slater breaks up the Birminghammer with a high crossbody before chopping it out with Seven. Ali knocks both of them off the top for a crash to the floor, followed by the rolling neckbreaker for two on Seven. Ali and Seven go up top with Seven’s super slam getting two as Slater dives in for a save.

They all chop it out from their knees and Ali is backdropped out to the floor. Seven slams Slater for two before heading outside, where he chops the post instead of Ali. Slater busts out an insane running flip dive over the post to take both of them down (that was great). Back in and the Swanton 450 hits Seven, only for Ali to steal the pin at 5:38.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have much time so they packed in as much as they could in about five and a half minutes. Slater got in his array of crazy athletic stuff and Seven was good as the biggest guy in the match. That left Ali to steal the win and it made for a nice formula, but Slater’s stuff was rather impressive.

From October 2024, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mike Bailey vs. Jake Something

Hammerstone is here with Something. Bailey kicks (shocking I know) away in the corner but Something runs him over to cut that off. A big toss to the floor has Bailey down and his kicks to the face don’t have much effect. Instead Bailey sweeps the leg to send Something outside for a change but Hammerstone gets in a cheap shot. Back in and Bailey strikes away but has to roll his way out of a chokeslam attempt for two. A kick to the face staggers Something but he hits the ropes and blasts Bailey in the back of the head.

Something gets smart by stepping on Bailey’s foot to cut off the kicks and drops him with a big right hand. Bailey is back up and heads to the top, where Something catches him with a super sitout powerbomb (OUCH) and a near fall. Something tackles him out to the floor but Hammerstone’s interference doesn’t work. Instead Bailey hits a Canadian Destroyer into a superkick, only to have the Tornado Kick broken up with a running forearm…for the pin at 8:14.

Rating: B-. They must have known that Bailey was on the way out here as it’s hard to imagine one of the bigger stars in the company losing to someone like Something otherwise. That being said, it’s nice to see Something pick up a win, which doesn’t happen very often. I’m not sure why as he has potential, but we’ll call that the second benefit to Bailey leaving.

From November 2024, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Rhino/Joe Hendry vs. First Class

Before the match, Hendry accuses AJ Francis of complaining to HR about Hendry being too man on the microphone. Therefore, please don’t chant AJ SUCKS, because you can believe in the Gore and Joe Hendry. Navarro starts for the team and gets shoved down, meaning it’s time to dance. Hendry shows off the power game with a delayed suplex and it’s off to Rhino, who gets to trade shoulders with Francis.

A Navarro distraction lets Francis take over and a running shot in the corner gets two on Rhino. Francis cuts off the tag attempt and Navarro adds a backsplash. The second tag attempt works though and it’s Hendry coming in to clean house. The fall away slam sends Navarro flying and Rhino Gores Francis. That leaves Hendry to hit the Standing Ovation to finish Navarro at 6:44.

Rating: C. Perfectly nice match here with Hendry getting to pop the fans and beat up an annoying heel team. Rhino is always going to get some nice reactions, with his recent Hall Of Fame induction making it even better. The fans responded as they should have and, like everything else, they didn’t overstay their welcome.

From July 2024, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

PCO vs. Moose

Casket match and the System is here with Moose. The bell rings and PCO drops Moose, only to get jumped by the System. Everyone hits a finisher on PCO and the casket is loaded up (with DO NOT ENTER painted on the bottom of the lid), only for Joe Hendry to run in for the save. PCO is back up and Moose accidentally spears Alisha Edwards. Moose is knocked down for the PCOsault and PCO wins at 3:46.

Rating: C+. This was barely a match as the big heel beatdown and then the interference started almost immediately. That being said, it continued the trend of the night being all about the fun, as PCO got a nice win in his hometown without Moose having to get pinned. Hendry gets another appearance, as this has more or less been his show so far, which isn’t a bad idea.

From September, San Antonio, Texas.

Nic Nemeth vs. Sami Callihan

Nemeth is the only person on the show to get to wear his belt. Callihan starts fast and hits a sitout powerbomb for an early two. The Cactus Driver 97 is blocked though and Nemeth hits a superkick as we take a break. Back with Callihan staggering around the ring but raking the eyes to take over. Callihan chops the post by mistake but he’s fine enough to bend the finger and hit Nemeth in the back of the head for two.

The chinlock doesn’t last long so Callihan elbows him in the face. A nerve hold is broken up and it’s a double clothesline to leave them both down. Callihan wants Nemeth to slug away but Nemeth goes with a Fameasser instead. The ten elbows into the Shot To The Heart gets two but Callihan is back with a cutter for the same. Callihan tunes up the band, which of course takes too long and allows Nemeth to hit his own superkick. The Danger Zone finishes for Nemeth at 9:07.

Rating: C. Not a match you really need to see, but it’s a fresh matchup and the World Champion gets to beat someone who has a bit of status. It’s not something I would want to see on a regular show, but it was a fine way to go to wrap up a show like this. Nemeth wasn’t on the show much, though it makes sense for the World Champion to be the only title featured.

A quick Turning Point rundown and a farewell from the hosts wrap us up.

Overall Rating: B-. This was fun! They didn’t do anything long (with the longest match being about eight minutes), the matches were mainly about the good guys winning to make the fans happy, and it didn’t do anything serious on a show a lot of people aren’t going to see. It’s not an important show in the slightest as it’s basically just a collection of dark matches, but it breezed by and I had a good time. Nice job here and exactly what a holiday special should be.

Joe Hendry/Sami Callihan/PCO b. The System – Standing Ovation to Edwards
Jordynne Grace b. Dani Luna – Juggernaut Driver
Mustafa Ali b. Leon Slater and Trent Seven – Swanton 450 to Seven
Jake Something b. Mike Bailey – Running forearm
Joe Hendry/Rhino b. First Class – Standing Ovation to Navarro
PCO b. Moose – PCO shut Moose in the casket
Nic Nemeth b. Sami Callihan – Danger Zone



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Turning Point 2024: Thanks? I Guess?

Turning Point 2024
Date: November 29, 2024
Location: Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the Thanksgiving week special, though the card is only so good. They’re coming off the biggest show of the year with Bound for Glory so this is going to be something of a downgrade. The main event will see Nic Nemeth defending the World Title against Eddie Edwards, plus we have the annual turkey suit match because tradition. Let’s get to it.

This show is taking place as part of WrestleCade, a wrestling fan convention, though the venue is rather dim and doesn’t look very big.

Countdown Show: Rosemary vs. Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside

They circle each other to start until Rosemary hits Evans in the face. Rosemary’s quick rollup on Brookside annoys Evans but they get together to clothesline Brookside. The alliance is as short lived as you would imagine and Rosemary is sent outside, leaving Brookside to drop Evans. Brookside’s dive is pulled out of the air and Evans drops a leg, with Rosemary making the save.

Evans clotheslines Rosemary and grabs a fisherman’s suplex for two, with Brookside making the save. Back up and Rosemary slugs away at Evans but Brookside is back in to hit some running shots in the corners. Evans kicks Rosemary in the face and gets Codebreakered by Brookside. The Brooksey Bomb takes Evans down but Rosemary spears Brookside for the pin at 9:14.

Rating: C+. They were doing a nice job of keeping things moving here and Rosemary stealing the win is a good way to go. Rosemary needs to win a few matches to rebuild herself up and this was a fine start. Evans felt like a monster and Brookside was keeping things moving, making this a nice choice for an opener. If nothing else, they were in and out in less than ten minutes, which is as long as a pre-show match needs to go. Get in, let the fans have some fun, get out.

The opening video is a quick montage of what is coming on the show.

Mike Santana vs. Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian armdrags him down to start so Santana comes back with a wristlock. An exchange of armdrags sets up a springboard moonsault to drop Kazarian and they go to the floor for a breather. Santana scores with a superkick but Kazarian gets in the Fameasser over the middle rope.

Back in and Kazarian grabs a short armscissors but Santana grabs a belly to back suplex. They go to the apron, where Kazarian hits a slingshot DDT to knock him silly. Back in again and the springboard spinning legdrop gives Kazarian two but it’s too early for the chickenwing. Santana catches him on top though and grabs a belly to belly superplex to leave both of them down.

A rolling cutter gives Santana two and something like a Death Valley Driver gets the same. Santana grabs a hanging twisting neckbreaker for two more but Kazarian is back with a slingshot cutter for two more. Kazarian goes for the leg, only to walk into Spin The Block for the pin at 12:29.

Rating: B-. Nice opening match here with Santana continuing his rise up the company. At this rate it wouldn’t surprise me to see him in the World Title scene sooner than later, as there are only so many things left for him to do. That being said, Kazarian seems destined to try to steal the title sooner or later, and that could delay Santana that much more.

We run down the card.

The System promises a big night.

Joe Hendry vs. Eric Young vs. Hammerstone vs. Rhino vs. Brian Myers vs. John Skyler

This is the Turkey Bowl match, meaning whoever takes the fall has to wear a turkey suit, and yes this is the best they have for Hendry at the moment. The brawl starts fast until Skyler and Hendry are left alone in the ring. Hendry takes over without much effort and gets two off the delayed suplex.

Rhino and Myers take their place but it’s quickly off to Young to work on Hammerstone’s leg. Skyler and Myers take over on Young and Hammerstone joins in, only for Rhino to hit a Tower Of Doom to leave everyone down. Henry cleans house with clotheslines, followed by a fall away slam to Hammerstone. The parade of finishers is capped off by Myers charging into the Standing Ovation to give Hendry the pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. I’m still trying to get my mind around the idea that there was nothing else for Hendry to do on this show. This was little more than a goofy match designed for the post match comedy spot and I was expecting a bit more for the most popular star in the company. But why push the popular star when you can, you know, not? Other than that, this was what you would expect from six people fighting for eight minutes with no tags, as no one really got to stand out.

Post match Myers doesn’t want to put on the suit so the good guys beat him up and half put it on him.

Rosemary is happy with her win but wants more. Like the Knockouts Title.

X-Division Title: Laredo Kid vs. Moose

Moose is defending and has Alisha Edwards with him. Kid strikes away to start but his springboard is shoved to the floor for a big crash. Moose sends him into the barricade and goes traditionally evil by going after the mask back inside. Kid gets tied in the Tree of Woe for some choking but it’s too early for the spear.

A hurricanrana just annoys Moose, who plants him with a release Rock Bottom. Moose charges into a boot in the corner though and a missile dropkick sends him outside. There’s the big dive, setting up the super Spanish Fly for two back inside. The 450 hits knees though and a pair of spears retains Moose’s title at 8:23.

Rating: C+. There were a few nice spots here but for the most part, this was Moose shrugging off anything Kid threw at him and winning with raw power. There is a good chance that we’ll be seeing that in Moose’s title defenses for a long time to come and it’s not a bad idea. Moose mauling the division until someone is built up to take the title isn’t a bad idea, though it might take some time to really get going.

We recap Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin. Alexander has driven Maclin crazy for over a year now and has since turned evil, even zip tying Maclin during their match at Bound For Glory. Tonight it’s No DQ, with Maclin going a bit nuts in his quest for revenge.

Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander

They slug it out to start with Maclin clotheslining him to the floor, setting up the Scud to drop him again. Alexander gets sent into various things on the floor and it’s already time for a table. They fight on the apron but neither can go through the table so Alexander rolls the German suplexes back inside. Maclin grabs one of his own, only to be sent hard into the post.

The fight heads back to the floor, where Maclin grabs a quick Death Valley Driver through a table leaned against the apron. More weapons are thrown in, with some trashcan lid shots staggering Alexander. Back in and Alexander grabs the ankle lock but Maclin breaks it up with more trashcan lid shots.

Alexander hits him with the rest of the trashcan but takes too long loading up a door. Maclin dropkicks the door into his face and hits a Cactus Elbow off the apron to crush the door onto Alexander. Alexander is right back up and goes after the leg before grabbing some chairs. The piledriver through the chairs is blocked and Maclin hits an Alabama Slam through the chairs instead. The KIA is blocked so Maclin settles for a running knee into a chair into Alexander’s head.

Back up and Alexander torture rack bombs him over the top and through the table at ringside for a huge crash. Maclin rolls out of the ankle lock and puts Alexander in the Tree of Woe for three straight spears. The KIA connects…but Maclin pulls him up at two. Instead Maclin throws in a bag of shell cases, earning himself a low blow to cut him off. A super C4 Spike is broken up and Maclin hits a super KIA onto the casings for the win at 23:44.

Rating: B+. These guys beat each other up pretty badly and if Alexander had sold some of the big shots a bit more, this would have been even better. What mattered here was the match feeling like a battle between two people who couldn’t stand each other. Maclin was obsessed with winning and pushed his way forward until Alexander couldn’t survive any longer. Best match on the show by a good while so far.

Video on Chris Bey.

Ace Austin/Hardys vs. Zachary Wentz/Kushida/???

Wentz and Kushida were supposed to team with Trey Miguel, who isn’t here due to travel issues. Therefore the replacement is….Matt Riddle, making his TNA debut. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll refer to Matt Hardy as “Matt” and Matt Riddle as “Riddle”. Wentz and Austin start things off and go to the mat to limited success, meaning it’s an exchange of armdrags.

Jeff comes in but Matt follows him off a blind tag to take over on Wentz. That’s broken up as Wentz goes after the arm, allowing Kushida to come in for a surfboard. Matt gets out and hands it off to Austin to work on Kushida’s arm for a change. Riddle comes in to roll some gutwrench suplexes before it’s quickly back to Wentz, who gets dropkicked in the back.

Everything breaks down and Riddle gets to clean house, with a knee to the face getting two on Austin. Back up and Austin hands it off to Jeff to pick up the pace, including the Whisper In The Wind. Everything breaks down again and we get the Jeff vs. Riddle slugout. A Canadian Destroyer drops Riddle and it’s the Plot Twist into the Swanton to finish Kushida at 16:00.

Rating: B-. The match was fast paced and entertaining, though this was mainly about getting Riddle in a TNA ring. I’m guessing he was there as part of WrestleCade and was brought in as a result, though if TNA can get him around more often, the star power would help. For now though, it was a nice one off match, with the action keeping the interest going.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich

Slamovich is defending in a 2/3 falls match after they’ve traded wins. Feeling out process to start with some armdrags not getting either of them anywhere. Grace’s spinebuster gets two but Slamovich drops her throat first onto the ropes. Some hair mares send Grace outside and they go to the apron to slug it out. Grace is right back with a package piledriver on the apron and Slamovich needs a breather on the floor.

They fight over a piledriver on the floor, with Grace getting dropped on her head…but Slamovich breaks up the count. Back in and Slamovich gets two (yeah still way too soon after being dropped on padless concrete) so Grace slugs away but can’t get the MuscleBuster. Instead they trade rollups, with Grace getting the first fall at 11:14.

Slamovich is right back up to strike away before cranking on both arms to put Grace in trouble. That’s reversed into a full nelson and they fight over a Vertebreaker. Slamovich gets a rear naked choke, which is reversed into the Vertebreaker for two. A springboard DDT into a guillotine choke has Grace in trouble but she World’s Strongest Slams her way to freedom.

The Vader Bomb connects but Slamovich grabs a small package to tie it up at 17:40 total. The brawl is on as Rosemary comes out to watch. Slamovich gets the better of the strike off and hits a running knee into a piledriver into a package piledriver to finally retain the title at 19:41.

Rating: B. Much like the No DQ match, this was rather good but could have been better without some of the fairly ridiculous selling issues. Again, if someone is piledriven on the exposed concrete, they shouldn’t be up and winning a fall just a few minutes later. That kind of stuff drives me nuts but thankfully it didn’t ruin the match, which felt like a major struggle between two of the biggest stars in the division. Rosemary is waiting on Slamovich and that takes things into a different direction, but it’s going to be difficult to top this.

We recap Nic Nemeth defending the World Title against Eddie Edwards, who pinned him in a tag match to set this up.

TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth vs. Eddie Edwards

Edwards, with Alisha Edwards, is challenging. They lock up against the ropes to start and that’s an early standoff. Nemeth’s rollup sends Edwards out to the floor as things reset a bit. Back in and Nemeth grabs a headlock but gets sent face first into the buckle. Alisha gets in some choking from the floor, with Edwards adding a chop that has Nemeth slapping the mat.

Nemeth kicks him down and drops the rapid fire elbows but Alisha offers a distraction, allowing Edwards to send things outside. That’s broken up as well and Nemeth drops a top rope elbow for two back inside. A backbreaker cuts Nemeth down and Edwards starts in on the back, with the near fall offering some frustration.

They run the ropes and a double clothesline leaves both of them down for a breather. Nemeth slugs away so Alisha grabs the boot, only to get caught and ejected. Back up and Nemeth gets in a Thesz press and hammers away but Edwards’ Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. The Backpack Stunner connects for two more but Nemeth is back with a Fameasser. Alisha is back (total disrespect for the referee) and Edwards gets in a belt shot for two.

The Boston Knee Party gets two more but the Diehard Driver is countered into the Danger Zone for another near fall. Back up and a Cactus Clothesline sends both of them outside, so here is Brian Myers, in turkey suit, and loads up a ring on his finger (with the referee watching all of this). Cue John Layfield for the Clothesline From JBL to Myers, leaving Nemeth to hit a superkick into the Danger Zone to retain at 22:03.

Rating: B. I’m not sure this was designed to feel like a major threat to Nemeth as Edwards isn’t someone who is going to give him much of a run for his money. The interference helped a bit but the JBL stuff is weird. It doesn’t feel so much like any kind of a turn as he was evening the odds, but at the same time, you don’t bring in JBL as some kind of a guardian angel. Anyway, good enough main event, though Nemeth is going to need a top challenger sooner than later.

Overall Rating: B. The show was entertaining and had a nice string of matches, which makes up for it feeling like a pretty low level show. The Hendry stuff continues to be annoying, as he almost has to be getting back into the World Title picture around Genesis at the latest. Other than that, Maclin vs. Alexander was good and the Knockouts Title match was very hard hitting, which was enough to make this worth a look. It might not be an instant classic, but it’s a nice addition to a holiday weekend.

Rosemary b. Xia Brookside and Savannah Evans – Spear to Brookside
Mike Santana b. Frankie Kazarian – Spin The Block
Joe Hendry b. Eric Young, Hammerstone, Rhino, Brian Myers and John Skyler – Standing Ovation to Myers
Moose b. Brian Myers – Spear
Steve Maclin b. Josh Alexander – Super KIA
Hardys/Ace Austin b. Matt Riddle/Zachary Wentz/Kushida – Swanton to Kushida
Masha Slamovich b. Jordynne Grace 2-1
Nic Nemeth b. Eddie Edwards – Danger Zone



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