NXT – August 17, 2021: Takeover Ahoy

Date: August 17, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the go home show for Takeover 36 and the card is completely set. That might not be the best thing though as the show could use a few upgrades. As has been the case for a long time, Takeover has not had the sparkiest of sparks, even if the shows wind up being pretty high qualify. Let’s get to it.

The Diamond Mine (with Tyler Rust missing with no explanation from the team) is in the ring to start things off. Kushida isn’t here tonight (due to not being cleared) to defend the Cruiserweight Title against Roderick Strong, so it’s open challenge time.

Roderick Strong vs. Ilja Dragunov

Strong grabs the arm to start but Dragunov kicks him away without much trouble. Back up and Strong chops him down, only to have Dragunov hit one of his own. Dragunov goes up top but has to bail out, leaving him to run Strong over again. Strong’s leg gets knocked out but he is fine enough to knock Dragunov outside. Dragunov is sent face first into the steps and there’s the Rock Bottom onto the steps as we take a break.

Back with Dragunov busted WAY open but being fine enough to fight out of an abdominal stretch. The German suplexes put Strong in trouble and an enziguri sets up a reverse t-bone suplex. Torpedo Moscow is broken up with a jumping knee but Dragunov pops back up for Torpedo Moscow and the pin at 12:09.

Rating: C+. I’d be curious to know if they went home a little earlier than expected because of the cut. I didn’t see when he got cut but there is something to be said about the added emotion that comes with seeing blood in a match. Dragunov winning here makes sense, though Strong losing is a little weird when he is scheduled for a title match whenever Kushida gets back. Still though, pretty good.

Post match, Dragunov calls out Walter but no one shows up.

It’s time for the Prime Target on Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly (which I believe we’ve had for another match between them). They have fought before and now it is time for the big Undisputed Finale to blow the whole thing off for good. Now they hate each other and have made it personal, but they have to finish this.

Here is Hit Row for a chat. They aren’t happy with Legado del Fantasma for taking the grill out of Isaiah Scott’s mouth. Santos Escobar pops up on screen with the grill and says he should give it back to him. He would be there in person, but he doesn’t trust Swerve’s crew. Come meet him in the parking lot, where he has no one waiting with him. That’s cool with Swerve, who heads to the back, where the rest of Legado pops up. Top Dolla runs in for the save but gets sent into a metal wall. B Fab makes the real save with a pipe and Legado is left laying.

LA Knight is working out in the gym with Cameron Grimes wiping him down. Knight isn’t happy with him though and brings in Josh Briggs to face Grimes tonight.

Imperium, with Walter, doesn’t like people like MSK and are here to get rid of people like them.

Josh Briggs vs. Cameron Grimes

Ted DiBiase and LA Knight are on commentary as Grimes, in his tuxedo, gets beaten down to start, including a heck of a big boot in the face. DiBiase throws out a $20,000 bet on Grimes winning as Briggs drops him with a release side slam. A splash gets two but Grimes gets a boot up in the corner. There’s a running forearm to drop Briggs and the running belly to belly gives Grimes two. The Cave In finishes Briggs at 2:07.

Post match DiBiase goes to collect on his bet but Knight punches him in the face. Grimes goes for the save and walks into Blunt Force Trauma on the floor.

Indi Hartwell brags to the Way about how much she has been seeing of Dexter Lumis. Candice LeRae: “They have a shirt now!” Indi: “We went hiking.” Gargano: “Ew.” Indi: “We went bicycling.” Gargano. “Ew.” Indi: “We went up in a hot air balloon.” Gargano: “Ok that’s pretty cool.” Dexter pops up and has the same gloves as Indi, which has Gargano and LeRae even more annoyed.

Zoey Stark and Io Shirai talk about trying to be friends but Shirai says just focus on being partners. Stark thinks this might take time.

Jessi Kamea/Robert Stone vs. Dexter Lumis/Indi Hartwell

Frankie Monet is here with Kamea and Stone. Hartwell copies Lumis’ intro and walk to the ring, though she does bump into him at one point. The fans wish Hartwell a happy birthday as Stone dives at Lumis’ leg to start. Everything breaks down in a hurry and Lumis and Hartwell hit stereo stomps in the corner. Monet grabs Lumis’ leg and gets dragged in, which is enough for an ejection as we take a break.

Back with Hartwell fighting out of trouble and bringing Lumis in to clean house. The spinebuster plants Stone for two and Lumis sends him outside. Back in and Kamea grabs a half crab on Hartwell, who makes it over to the ropes. Everything breaks down and Stone misses a slingshot dive, landing in front of a staring Lumis. Stereo Silencers give Hartwell and Lumis the win at 9:17.

Rating: C. Total comedy match here and that is what you have to do in a situation like this. The wrestling wasn’t the point at all here and Lumis/Hartwell are good in their roles. I’m curious to see where it goes from here and that is a nice feeling. I didn’t expect to like this but they have made it work, which you don’t get very often these days.

Post match, Beth Phoenix whispers some advice to Indi Hartwell, who pulls out a ring and proposes to Lumis. That’s good for a quick nod of acceptance.

The Diamond Mine insists that Roderick Strong’s loss to Ilja Dragunov doesn’t count because Dragunov is not a cruiserweight. Therefore, Strong’s title shot against Kushida still counts.

We get a split screen sitdown interview between Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez. Kai talks about how she discovered Gonzalez but Gonzalez says she has become a superstar. How does Kai expect to win on Sunday? By bringing in the next Raquel Gonzalez? Kai says she can play all the roles she wants, but on Sunday, Kai is playing the role of champion. See you at Takeover, sidekick. This was short and to the point but you can feel the intensity.

Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Duke Hudson vs. Carmelo Hayes

The bigger Hudson goes with the headlock to start but Hayes slips out and grabs one of his own. A big shoulder drops Hayes, who is back with a springboard crossbody for two. Hudson tosses him outside in a heap and we take a break. Back with Hudson kneeing him in the face and hitting an overhead belly to belly out of the corner.

Hayes manages a quick scissors kick though and a slingshot DDT sends Hudson face first into the apron (geez that looked rough). Hudson catches him on top but the slam is countered into a small package for two. A Backstabber rocks Hudson again and Hayes goes up for the top rope Fameasser to advance at 8:57.

Rating: C+. Hayes has looked like a complete package since he debuted around here and this was no exception. This was a nice come from behind win as Hayes hung in there just long enough to pull it off, with Hudson getting a bit too cocky and not being able to keep up. The finals could go either way and Hudson has come off like a star, making this a pretty efficient tournament so far.

Post match Hayes said he called his shot to make the finals and that’s what he did. That isn’t enough for him though and now it is time to face the final boss. Hey Odyssey Jones, plot twist: Hayes is the final boss. Cue Jones to say the universe will sound the alarm next week. This was a perfectly fine jawing segment.

Jacy Jayne says a lot of people are just satisfied but that is not good enough for them. You have heard them silenced for too long and now it is time to break free. The plurals were strong with this one.

Ted DiBiase apologizes to Cameron Grimes in the back, with Grimes going into a rant to recap the whole thing. He dropped the ball for DiBiase but after Takeover, the two of them are going to be Million Dollar Champions going TO THE MOON! DiBiase is so impressed that he busts out the laugh. DiBiase: “THAT’S MY CAMERON!” I’m not sure how much DiBiase likes this stuff but he’s the only person who would fit in this role.

Tag Team Titles: MSK vs. Imperium

Imperium is challenging. Lee takes Aichner into the corner for the slingshot dropkick, followed by the running Bronco Buster from Carter. Barthel brings himself in and armdrags Carter into a hammerlock. A hard uppercut rocks Carter but he fights out of the corner, only to get suplexed right back down. The beating doesn’t last as long this time though as Carter gets over for the tag to Lee. Everything breaks down and the champs’ dives are cut off by stereo slams as we take a break.

Back with Lee fighting out of a chinlock but getting pulled into an ankle lock. Lee gets sent hard into the corner and we need a quick breather so the referee can make sure he’s fine. The double dropkick in the corner gets two on Lee but he sends both of them outside. Cue Walter as the hot tag brings in Carter to clean house. The push moonsault gets two on Aichner with Barthel making the save. Walter’s distraction looks to set up the European Bomb but here is Ilja Dragunov to cut Walter off. Lee makes the save and the Blockbuster Hart Attack retains the titles at 11:04.

Rating: C+. Imperium continues to be a problem for me in the tag division. They are technically sound and their gimmick makes perfect sense but I have yet to find myself invested in anything they do. They just aren’t very interesting and it feels like no one can do anything to bring them up. MSK winning is the good move here, though I continue to not be sure who takes the titles off of them.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Walter destroying everyone in sight. Dragunov is taken out as well and Imperium stands tall.

Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland don’t like Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa ignoring them. Holland would fight through people just to get to a fight and he’ll be seeing Thatcher next week.

Takeover rundown.

Here is Samoa Joe for the big face to face with Karrion Kross. Joe says it is time to verbally eviscerate Kross in front of the world but what’s the point? He isn’t here to hurt Kross’ feelings because he is here to hurt Kross period. Cue Kross to say that this is about the future of this brand and Joe isn’t coming in to beat him after a year off. Kross calls out security to protect Joe but Joe is ready to fight anyway. The brawl is on, with Joe hitting the big dive to take everyone out. They fight over to the announcers’ table and the big double knockdown ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a fine enough go home show, but it was far from a home run. There was nothing on here that really made me want to see Takeover, though I’m sure the show will wind up being another hit. Maybe it’s the lack of anything interesting in Kross or Cole vs. O’Reilly AGAIN but I can’t get myself to care about what they’re doing. That being said, Walter vs. Dragunov II is going to be enough to carry a lot of the show and I’m really not worried. Good go home show, though I’m not entirely jazzed for Takeover.

Ilja Dragunov b. Roderick Strong – Torpedo Moscow
Cameron Grimes b. Josh Briggs – Cave In
Dexter Lumis/Indi Hartwell b. Jessi Kamea/Robert Stone – Silencer to Kamea
Carmelo Hayes b. Duke Hudson – Top rope Fameasser
MSK b. Imperium – Blockbuster Hart Attack to Barthel




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NXT – August 3, 2021: Effectively Logical

Date: August 3, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph, Beth Phoenix.

We are less than three weeks away from Takeover and after last week, we have a new main event for the show as Samoa Joe will challenge Karrion Kross for the NXT Title. Granted Kross might not mean as much after how things have gone on Monday Night Raw, I’m not sure how much that is going to be worth. Other than that, more things will be happening. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Hit Row

Santos Escobar and the rest of Hit Row is at ringside. It’s a brawl to start with Legado being knocked outside until Mendoza and Adonis slug it out inside. A whip into the corner takes Mendoza down and a neckbreaker makes it worse. Top Dolla comes in to throw people around, including running both of them over. Hold on though as Escobar gets up for a distraction, allowing Mendoza to low bridge Adonis to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Adonis getting planted with a double spinebuster into a chinlock. Back up and some running clotheslines in the corner set up a moonsault for two. Mendoza’s chinlock doesn’t last long either as Adonis gets up for a dropkick. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Dolla to clean house. Legado is rocked but Escobar hits Dolla in the back with a chair for the DQ at 10:52.

Rating: C+. It was nice while it lasted but they were smart to not have a definitive ending here. This is all but guaranteed to have some kind of a big match at Takeover (or maybe even two of them) so there was zero reason to have a clean fall here. Hit Row shouldn’t be losing, but you also don’t want Legado taking another loss until it’s on a big stage. The ending might be annoying, but it was the right call.

Post match the beatdown is on with Escobar stealing Swerve’s grill. The Pillmanizing of the neck is broken up though and Dolla sends Legado running. Escobar still has the grill.

William Regal tells Samoa Joe to not get physical until Takeover.

We look back at the return of Ridge Holland last week to wreck Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Dexter Lumis is drawing INDEX over and over.

Ridge Holland vs. Ikemen Jiro

Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan are here too. An uppercut drops Jiro in a hurry and we’re already off to a chinlock. Jiro fights up but gets knocked outside in a hurry. The big tackle sends Jiro hard into the barricade, allowing Holland to take off the jacket, which is high treason against Jiro. A headbutt into Northern Grit finishes Jiro at 3:12.

Rating: C. This was all it needed to be as Holland destroyed someone with a minor name. Holland is going to need ring time after being gone for so long (and not being around that long before he was put on the shelf). Holland is a monster who can wreck people for a good while while he develops and that should work fine for the time being.

Post match Pete Dunne says they’re ready to destroy Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa, because Holland is a real man.

Frankie Monet blames Robert Stone for her loss last week. The Robert Stone Brand is used to losing but that is not what she does. Stone seems to accept responsibility as Monet and Jessi Kamea leave.

Video on Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish.

Video on Trey Baxter, who is All Heart.

Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish

The rest of the Diamond Mine is here too. They go technical to start with Fish grabbing a headlock into a suplex to take Strong down. The grappling on the mat goes to Strong until he lands a kick to the chest. Fish is fine enough to take him into the corner as Malcolm Bivens is looking worried on the floor. Strong gets knocked to the apron and we take a break.

Back with Strong taking him down for another chinlock but Fish fights up again. A fish hook gives Fish a breather and it’s time to strike away at Strong. Some chops stagger Fish and a belly to back faceplant puts him down again. Fish is back with a rollup for two but Strong knees him in the face. End of Heartache finishes Fish at 12:45.

Rating: C+. Only way this one could have gone as Fish isn’t going to win any important match right now. Strong seems to be on the rise and a Cruiserweight Title match against Kushida at Takeover would make sense. You almost have to get the Fish match out of the way though and it gives Strong a nice win on the way there.

Cameron Grimes is ready for the tag match tonight but LA Knight wants him to be more serious. Grimes promises to be there for him and Knight will have his back too. For now though, Grimes has a boot to polish.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Cameron Grimes/LA Knight

Grimes is still in his tuxedo. Before the match, the Veterans say they don’t like Grimes and Knight and want them out of their way. Grimes and Gibson start things off but it’s quickly off to Knight, who gets caught with a clothesline. Drake comes in to forearm away but a neckbreaker gets Knight out of trouble. It’s back to Grimes, who gets distracted by Knight and taken into the wrong corner.

Grimes manages to backdrop his way out of trouble but Knight walks off, saying Grimes can do this on his own. That’s fine with Grimes, who takes off the gloves and sends the Veterans into each other. A double hurricanrana puts the Veterans on the floor and Grimes snaps off the flipping powerslam for two on Drake. Gibson comes back in though and it’s the Ticket To Mayhem for the pin at 4:42.

Rating: C. This was angle advancement and that’s fine. The big blowoff match is coming at Takeover and that is the right way to go for Grimes and Knight. Grimes needs to get the big win and probably will, which will be even better now that they have put in the effort like this. The Veterans even got to win something for a bonus too!

Post match Ted DiBiase comes out to say that Grimes is a man of his word, but he needs to find a way out of this.

Video on Samoa Joe.

We look back at Dakota Kai turning on Raquel Gonzalez last week.

Dakota Kai talks about how she found Raquel Gonzalez and helped bring her up. They were friends and partners, but it was all Kai’s doing. Then Io Shirai gave Gonzalez the Women’s Title shot at Takeover: Stand & Deliver and won the title. That should have been Kai’s, because she plucked Gonzalez out of security. Kai is more than Gonzalez’s sidekick and the only opportunity should be hers. How does it feel knowing that the person standing next to you is about to kick your head off? Kai brought her into this world and now she is going to take her out of it by winning the Women’s Title. Logical explanation.

Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae are sick of Dexter Lumis messing with the Way. Tonight, Gargano is ending InDex for good.

Joe Gacy won’t be controlled until he wins the Breakout Tournament. After that, sure why not.

Adam Cole has a neck injury after last week’s attack at the hands of Kyle O’Reilly. We look at the attack again.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Trey Baxter vs. Joe Gacy

The smaller Baxter tries a waistlock to start but gets thrown into the corner for his efforts. A dropkick puts Gacy on the floor but he catches a dive by sending Baxter into the ropes. That lets Gacy knock Baxter silly again and we hit the neck crank back inside. Baxter reverses into a quickly broken choke and Gacy suplexes him down for two. The neck crank is on again but Baxter escapes just as quickly.

A missile dropkick sends Gacy outside and this time the suicide dive works. Back in and a slingshot splash gets two but Gacy sends him into the corner for a Cannonball. Gacy takes him up but Baxter slips off and sends him into the ropes. Baxter hits a quick middle rope 450 stomp (or maybe he just didn’t rotate properly) for the pin at 5:11.

Rating: C+. I liked what we got here but Baxter needs to either pick a 450 or a stomp because it was messy enough that I couldn’t really tell what he was trying. At the same time, Gacy winning would have been nice as the roster could use someone built like him rather than another cruiserweight style guy. Baxter was good though and will be fine as an appetizer for Odyssey Jones in the semifinals.

Zoey Stark and Io Shirai get sushi and Stark is rather confused/disgusted. Food is thrown away when Shirai isn’t looking and Stark gets stuck with the bill. Shirai hugs the waitress, who says they don’t know each other but speak the same language. The two of them leave and Stark is somewhere between annoyed and disgusted by the food.

Indi Hartwell wishes the Way would give Dexter Lumis a chance because he isn’t a bad guy. Tonight, we’ll see how much he cares.

Commentary talks about Johnny Gargano vs. Dexter Lumis but Karrion Kross interrupts to stand on the announcers’ table and call out Samoa Joe. Cue Joe, who fights through security and chokes one of them out but Kross has escaped. Joe shouts a lot.

We get the Prime Target video on Ilja Dragunov vs. Walter II. They beat each other so horribly in the first match and everyone is talking about it. Dragunov talks about how angry and aggressive he has been since the first match because he knows something was missing. The rematch will take place at Takeover, and Walter says he is unbeatable on his best day. Dragunov says he has the stamina and mental toughness, which is why he can take the title. We see clips from the press conference with Dragunov getting in Walter’s head as he’s smarter this time around. This is going to be awesome.

Kushida says of course Roderick Strong can have a Cruiserweight Title shot.

Dexter Lumis vs. Johnny Gargano

Love Her Or Leave Her, which technically means the winner gets Indi Hartwell. Gargano shouts about how Lumis has to go through him to get her and starts in on the arm. Lumis is back up with a dropkick but gets sent outside as Hartwell comes out. The distraction lets Lumis get in a Thesz press back inside to hammer away and slowly stalk Gargano in the corner. Gargano is back up to knock Lumis outside, with Lumis going under the ring. Hartwell goes after him so here is Candice LeRae to help pull her out….with her hands interlocked with Lumis’.

We take a break and come back with Gargano winning a slugout but getting caught in a spinebuster. The Silence is broken up with Lumis being elbowed to the floor. Gargano hits his suicide dive and yells at Beth Phoenix, with the distraction allowing Lumis to block the slingshot spear. A slingshot Falcon Arrow gives Lumis two but Gargano’s superkick gets the same. Lumis runs him over again but misses the springboard elbow. The Gargano Escape goes on until Lumis reaches out to Hartwell/the rope for the break. Lumis’ rollup gets two and the kickout sends him into Hartwell. One Final Beat finishes Lumis at 12:53.

Rating: C. I was getting into the love conquers all story and you know this isn’t going to be the end of the thing. It’s a fine enough story, but Lumis is still not doing anything for me for the most part. This isn’t exactly the most thrilling stuff, but Beth being so into the romance thing and Hartwell in general are making it work well enough. Just…please find something to make Lumis more interesting somehow.

Post match Hartwell goes to leave with the Way but then runs back and dives on Lumis for the big kiss as Beth Phoenix screams about InDex to end the show. Makes enough sense (while not doing much for the stipulation), as Hartwell never said she was leaving anyone.

Overall Rating: C+. Nothing really jumped off the page here but it was an easy to swallow use of two hours. The good thing is you can see almost all of (if not all of) Takeover from here. NXT knows how to set up a card and then make it come into reality. That’s what they did a lot of here, making it more efficient/important than good.

It’s also nice to see how logical things are around here. There might be some things that don’t make a ton of sense at first, but NXT knows how to tie them together. It is such a jarring change of pace from Raw, where things seem like they are happening at random and if they can be made somewhat coherent later, so be it then. NXT feels like they have this planned out and that can make all kinds of difference.

Hit Row b. Legado del Fantasma via DQ when Santos Escobar interfered
Ridge Holland b. Ikemen Jiro – Northern Grit
Roderick Strong b. Bobby Fish – End of Heartache
Grizzled Young Veterans b. Cameron Grimes/LA Knight – Ticket to Mayhem to Grimes
Trey Baxter b. Joe Gacy – Middle rope 450 stomp
Johnny Gargano b. Dexter Lumis – One Final Beat




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – June 29, 2021: The Balancing Act

Date: June 29, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the go home show for the Great American Bash and a lot of the card is either set or all but set. They still have a few hours to get the rest of it ready and that should work out well, though I’m not sure how much they are going to put on the show. Samoa Joe still has people to choke out too so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Shotzi Blackheart/Ember Moon vs. Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez vs. Io Shirai/Zoey Stark

The winners get a Tag Team Title shot next week. Moon and Shirai starts in on Gonzalez, who runs them both over with straight power. Blackheart comes in to springboard armdrag Gonzalez but Kai makes the save. Everything breaks down and they all brawl on the floor, setting up dives from Shirai and Moon, followed by a heck of a springboard dive from Stark to take everyone out.

We take a break and come back with Gonzalez in control over Blackheart and Shirai, including some running shoulders in the corner to the former. Shirai gets in a shot of her own though and Stark gets the hot tag to start cleaning house. A 619 rocks Kai and Shirai adds a springboard missile dropkick for two. Blackheart hits a reverse Sling Blade for two on Shirai and Moon comes in for stereo kicks to Kai and Shirai. A tiger suplex gives Blackheart two on Kai with Gonzalez making the save.

That means a quadruple teaming on Gonzalez until Kai makes the save, meaning it’s time to load up the Tower of Doom. Gonzalez breaks that up as well and Kai hits a heck of a top rope double stomp on Blackheart. Shirai is back up with a moonsault onto Gonzalez and Kai at the same time but Moon is back in with the Eclipse to Stark. Kai hits Moon with a running kick to the face for two, only to get palm striked down by Shirai. The Moon Over Moonsault finishes Kai to give Shirai the pin at 14:08.

Rating: C+. Believe it or not, a team with less than five matches together as team is getting a shot at the titles. I know that’s hard to fathom, but this is Shirai and Stark’s third match together, putting them ahead of some other challengers. The match was action packed enough and Gonzalez looked like a monster, which is exactly how she should be presented.

The Way jumps Karrion Kross in the back. Referees break it up and Kross swears revenge.

The Breakout Tournament is coming back in two weeks. Cool, though we don’t get any brackets.

Bronson Reed is happy with the tournament being back but Hit Row comes in to ask how he got the title. That would be hard work, but Top Dolla (or Dolla King according to Reed) wants the title on the line tonight. Swerve Scott is getting said shot.

Here are a ticked off Karrion Kross and Scarlett, with Kross daring Johnny Gargano to come out and face him. The JOHNNY WRESTLING chants bring out Gargano, to say he isn’t afraid. Gargano doesn’t have the sword that Kross was talking about, but he has talent. He’s smarter than Kross and here is Austin Theory to jump Kross from behind. Kross fights back and sends Gargano into the barricade. The steps are loaded up but security and Samoa Joe break it up. Kross tells Joe he’s doing a h*** of a job and Scarlett says they’ll pay for that.

The battery is at 61%.

The Way bails in their car, with Gargano waving goodbye.

Roderick Strong vs. Asher Hale

Strong grabs a headlock to start and wrestles Hale to the mat without much effort. Back up and Hale grabs a choke, only to get sent face first into the buckle. A Rock Bottom backbreaker plants Hale and a hard shot to the face puts him down again. Strong cranks on both arms arms at once for the tap at 3:05.

Rating: C. This was a fine debut squash for the team as Strong is likely to be the star. Let him get in there and show off his new style with a bit of the old mixed in with the backbreaker. They got in and out with a name who has been slightly established on 205 Live, which is about as good as that show is going to get at the moment. Not bad and I’m curious to see where the team goes.

Post match, Malcolm Bivens says the Diamond Mine is open for business.

Cameron Grimes vs. Ari Sterling

Speaking of people established on 205 Live, we have Sterling who has done the same. Sterling snaps off a hurricanrana but Grimes cartwheels to safety. Grimes tells him to kiss his grits and sends Sterling to the floor, where a trip drops Grimes face first onto the apron. A springboard moonsault to the floor takes Grimes down and he drops a knee to the back inside. Sterling’s standing corkscrew moonsault gets two and he goes up top, only to miss a shooting star to a standing Grimes. The Cave In finishes Sterling at 2:45. Simple come from behind win here and it did what it was supposed to do.

Post match here is LA Knight to laugh at Grimes. The fans think Knight sucks and Grimes agrees before challenging Knight for the Million Dollar Title next week. That’s not happening….but hang on as Knight has an idea. Knight has been having problems with the little things, so he’ll put the title on the line. When he wins though, Grimes is going to be his butler. That’s fine with Grimes, who has no problem being a butler. Not that it matters though, as he’s winning the title and taking it TO THE MOON! Nothing wrong with dusting off a classic idea.

Io Shirai and Zoey Stark are ready for the Tag Team Title shot but here is the Way to interrupt. They don’t think much of the challenge, with Candice LeRae saying Shirai can be a sore loser.

Here’s Kyle O’Reilly to say that all he wants is to fight people who make him a better fighter. That’s why he is facing Adam Cole again next week, because they went to war before. Cue Cole, but here is Samoa Joe to make sure this doesn’t break down. Cole says O’Reilly is obsessed with him, with O’Reilly recapping their feud and accusing Cole of being the one who is obsessed.

Cole laughs it off and talks about how he is the real star around here and everyone knows it, even O’Reilly’s wife. That is too far for O’Reilly, who tells Cole to never mention her again. He was in the Undisputed Era with Cole and now it disgusts him. Violence is teased but Joe says not now. O’Reilly isn’t listening and pulls Cole into a heel hook. Cole: “GET HIM OFF ME!” Joe walks away so security breaks it up.

Tian Sha is ready for revenge on Jake Atlas and Mercedes Martinez.

The battery is at 71%.

Hit Row fires up Isaiah Scott, who promises to win the North American Title.

Tian Sha vs. Jake Atlas/Mercedes Martinez

Atlas and Martinez jump Boa and Xia Li to start with the guys staying in the ring. Boa gets dropkicked down for two and it’s off to the women. Li kicks Martinez in the back but can’t grab a suplex. Instead Martinez rolls her up for two and hits a backdrop to send Li rolling outside. We take a break and come back with Atlas making the hot tag to Martinez to clean house.

Martinez grabs a butterfly superplex for two with Boa having to break up the cover. Atlas comes in for a belly to back suplex/middle rope clothesline combination to get rid of Boa. That leaves Martinez standing but Mei Ying stands up on stage. Martinez goes for the staredown, allowing Li to get in a shot from behind. Li kicks Martinez in the head for two….and the referee stops it anyway at 8:24 (Martinez was covered but kind of rolled up in the fetal position so her shoulders wouldn’t go down. That looked really, really bad.).

Rating: C-. That ending looked awful as Martinez is either a great actress or was knocked absolutely senseless. Hopefully she’s ok because Li’s kick looked great and it made her feel like a monster. Tian Sha is an interesting group and I’m curious to see just what they do next, as there are a few options.

Here are Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher for a face to face sitdown chat with MSK. Ciampa talks about how the champs are the underdogs next week, because Thatcher has never held gold in NXT and he is hungry. Nash Carter starts to cut Ciampa off but everyone gets up with the chairs being thrown away. MSK knows they are the young guns but they’re ready to fight. That means a slap to Ciampa, with Thatcher having to be held back. Ciampa gets in Carter’s ear to say keep the titles shiny, because only tonight is free.

William Regal is excited about the Great American Bash. Sarray comes up to say she would like a match with Toni Storm. Regal will consider it.

The battery is at 81%.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett are leaving when Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory jump him. Gargano slams the car door on Kross, who pops up and chokes him out. Kross and Scarlett drive off, with Samoa Joe popping up to drag Gargano back inside.

Great American Bash rundown.

North American Title: Bronson Reed vs. Isaiah Scott

Scott, with the rest of Hit Row, is challenging. Reed headlocks him to start but has to fight out of a triangle choke. Back up and Reed swats a crossbody out of the air, setting up a gorilla press drop. Reed pulls Scott off the apron to set up a splash as it’s all champ so far. Scott goes after the leg and tries a sunset bomb to the apron, only to have Reed sit on his chest in a smart counter.

We take a break and come back with Scott driving Reed into the ropes for a German suplex. The half nelson doesn’t last long so Scott settles for a choke, earning himself a flip over into a crash. Scott is back up with a shot to the face, earning himself a heck of a clothesline. Reed plants him with a Death Valley Driver for two and it’s time for the Tsunami. Hit Row offers a distraction but Top Dolla is sent crashing through the barricade. Reed tosses Ashante Adonis onto him but the distraction lets Scott hit the House Call. The 450 onto Reed’s back is enough for the pin and the title at 13:12.

Rating: C+. As much as I’m surprised Reed lost the title, I’m all the less surprised that Scott won it. Hit Row has come in with some momentum and they needed something to validate their status. That’s what a win like this can do and it makes the team feel that much more important. Good enough match too, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Reed on his way up to the main roster sooner rather than later.

A celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was an interesting show as they were pushing a lot of what was left for the Bash while also doing a little something of their own. The Bash is a hue card at the moment, almost feeling like a mini Takeover. If NXT can deliver on something like that, they are going to be fine next week. This week’s show worked well, but it didn’t quite handle the balancing act as perfectly as they could have.

Io Shirai/Zoey Stark b. Shotzi Blackheart/Ember Moon and Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez – Moon Over Moonsault to Kai
Roderick Strong b. Asher Hale – Double arm crank
Cameron Grimes b. Ari Sterling – Cave In
Tian Sha b. Mercedes Martinez/Jake Atlas – Kick to Martinez’s head
Isaiah Scott b. Bronson Reed – 450


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – June 22, 2021: Old NXT

Date: June 22, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix

It’s another pretty big show this week as Kyle O’Reilly faces Kushida. That’s an interesting way to go but it doesn’t do much good for the Cruiserweight Title. The easiest way to make a title valuable is to have people fight over it and the title isn’t on the line here. We also find out what the Diamond Mine is, which has me curious. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The narrated recap talks about Samoa Joe’s return last week and the chaos between Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly.

Here is Adam Cole to pick his opponent for his match against Kyle O’Reilly. Cole isn’t going to do that because no one is going to tell him what to do. Samoa Joe may be back, but he isn’t the big star around here anymore. Cue Carmelo Hayes to say he’ll change Cole’s mind. Cole wants to know how so Hayes says RUTHLESS AGGRESSION and slaps him in the face to start things off.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Adam Cole

Hayes starts fast by hitting a springboard clothesline to put Cole on the floor, setting up the big dive. Back in and Cole stomps away in the corner, setting up a suplex so he can wipe the dust off of his hands. A neckbreaker looks to set up a low superkick but Hayes is back up with a hard clothesline for two. Hayes tries to go up but gets knocked to the floor in a heap.

Back to back whips into the barricade take us to a break with Hayes in trouble. We come back with Cole hitting a running knee in the corner but Hayes is back with a pump kick. Something like a suplex into a cutter gets two on Cole, who grabs a Backstabber for two of his own. Cole goes up but dives into a superkick, only to get superkicked out of the air as well. The Panama Sunrise finishes for Cole at 12:27.

Rating: B-. You can feel the potential with Hayes, who has the poise and skill to back it up. He doesn’t seem like someone who is trying to get in everything he can but rather having a match that he has planned out. It worked well here, and having him hang with Cole for twelve minutes is a good idea.

Frankie Monet is talking to the Robert Stone Brand about how they are all going to win their matches tonight. Robert Stone comes in and gets scared by Frankie’s dog.

Zoey Stark helped Io Shirai last week because Shirai gave her the big break around here. Shirai comes in to say she respects Stark.

LA Knight talks about taking out Cameron Grimes and the fans chanting or Cameron Grimes. It turns out that Grimes cares about DiBiase instead of the money. That makes Grimes a total idiot and Knight will drink to that for sure.

Here is the Way for a chat. Johnny Gargano thinks he should be the handsome, hard working, headband working, respectable family man to be the NXT Champion again. He was champion for 57 days and NXT has never been better. At Takeover, Gargano outclassed Karrion Kross and he can do it again any day. Cue Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan to interrupt and Austin Theory isn’t happy. Dunne tells him to try it but Gargano calls them off. They don’t partake of in hijinks or shenanigans anymore and it’s time to go. Gargano leaves but Theory stops to point fingers at Dunne, earning him a snap. That’s perfect Theory.

Cameron Grimes arrived earlier and paid some of the attendants for being nice. Someone asked how Ted DiBiase was doing at the nursing home and gets punched in the face. Grimes throws some money at him and says that was for Ted.

Adam Cole isn’t talking about Kyle O’Reilly when William Regal comes in. Regal says there is no animosity between Cole and Samoa Joe. Cole provoked him and got Clutched out, so that’s it. That’s not enough for Cole, but he leaves anyway.

The battery from last week is now at 31%.

Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory go into William Regal’s office to complain about Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan. Gargano wants consequences and bribes Regal with a new pencil. Regal has an idea: a tag match for later tonight.

Zoey Stark/Io Shirai vs. Robert Stone Brand

Shirai fireman’s carries Aliyah to start but puts her down to chop away. A flapjack plants her again and there’s a basement dropkick to the side of Aliyah’s head. The slingshot knees to the chest connect and it’s off to Stark for an armbar. A sliding clothesline drops Aliyah again so it’s off to Kamea, who hits a rolling kick to the face for two. Stark comes back in for a running double stomp to the back but Kamea elbows her down again.

Cue the Way to watch and the distraction lets Kamea drop Stark as we take a break. Back with Stark still in trouble, including Kamea dropping Aliyah down onto her for two. The bodyscissors goes on but Stark gets over the hot tag to Shirai. House is cleaned for a bit until Aliyah grabs a northern lights suplex. That doesn’t last long either as it’s back to Stark for a suplex of her own, setting up the moonsault to finish Kamea at 9:42.

Rating: C. The Stone Brand continues to be lovable losers and little more than that. They still don’t exactly feel like major stars, but at least they are established enough to lose a match like this and still make the other team feel like they did a little something. Odds are they are going to be pawns for Frankie Monet in one way or another and that is not a bad place for them.

Post match here are Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez to help the Way surround Stark and Shirai. The brawl is almost on but Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart come in as well as the Way stays on the floor. Samoa Joe comes out to call in security to break things up.

Kushida is looking forward to his match with Kyle O’Reilly.

We look back at Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher beating the Grizzled Young Veterans. As a result, Thatcher and Ciampa get a Tag Team Title shot at the Great American Bash.

The Way vs. Pete Dunne/Oney Lorcan

Gargano armdrags Dunne down to start and hands it off to Theory, who uses his bad hand for a not very bright chop. Dunne takes Theory down and starts cranking on various limbs before taking him into the corner. Lorcan comes in to work on the wrist but Theory gets in a quick shot for two of his own. Dunne isn’t having that and takes him back down to crank on the arm, including some finger bending.

We hit the seated armbar into the kick to the bad arm but Theory manages to fight up. After knocking Lorcan to the floor, Theory hits a big dive to take him down but it’s a double half nelson slam onto the apron to send us to a break. Back with the arm stomping continuing but Theory kicks Dunne into the corner. Lorcan is right there in time to break up the tag, meaning it’s a big forearm allowing the tag to Gargano.

House is cleaned and it’s rather quickly back to Theory for a springboard Spanish Fly for two on Lorcan. Gargano escapes the Bitter End though and Dunne is planted with a DDT. A running Blockbuster drops Theory so Dunne comes back in to kick him down, setting up the arm cranking until Gargano makes the save.

Gargano comes back in to kick away at Dunne, including the rolling version to send him outside. Back in and Dunne is sent into Lorcan but it’s a half nelson slam/powerbomb combination for two on Gargano. Theory makes the save but can’t hit his own powerbomb to Dunne. An enziguri drops Lorcan again but Gargano is back up with a suicide DDT to Dunne on the floor. One Final Beat finishes Lorcan at 14:18.

Rating: B. If they are trying to turn the Way, or at least Gargano and Theory, face, this was a good start as they played the roles well. These two are so much goofy fun together that it would be an easy way to go, especially with the idea of Johnny Gargano/Takeover/Wrestling challenging Karrion Kross for the NXT Title at Takeover. Heck of a match here, though I could also see Dunne getting the shot. Those question marks are what make NXT thrive and it is nice to have them back.

Post match, Karrion Kross comes out to drop Gargano.

The battery is at 40%.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett run into Samoa Joe, who is reminded that nothing physical can happen unless Joe is provoked. Joe: “Of course champ.” Kross and Scarlett leave, but Pete Dunne pops up for the staredown with Joe.

Next week: a triple threat match to crown new #1 contenders to the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Elektra Lopez vs. Frankie Monet

Monet headlocks her down to start and it’s time to fight over a wristlock. Lopez backs into the corner so Monet poses a bit and runs her over again. Some mounted shots to the face have Lopez in more trouble but she comes back up with a shot to the face. A pump kick drops Money for a second but two shots of her own set up the Road to Valhalla to put Lopez away at 3:26.

Rating: D+. Fairly short and to the point here as Monet beat her up, posed a lot and then won. That’s why you bring in someone like Lopez, who has a unique enough look to get some interest and then lose anyway. Monet is someone who came in ready to be a star and very well could be again for a long time to come. The Robert Stone deal is fine for a start, especially if she can steal them from Stone.

Bronson Reed isn’t sure what is going on around here but Hit Row comes in. Top Dolla says everyone is colossal until Colossus walks into the room. They don’t like Ever-Rise either.

Earlier today, Ever-Rise went to spray point Hit Row’s car but Top Dollar was inside, sending them running off.

Ever-Rise vs. Hit Row

That would be Ashante Adonis/Top Dolla, with the latter running Chase Parker off the apron to start. Matt Martel gets dropped as well and it’s off to Adonis for a dropkick. Parker saves Martel from a powerslam and Ever-Rise knocks Dolla to the floor. This proves to be a bad idea as Dollar comes back in to wreck more things. The Long Kiss Goodnight sets up a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination (with a nasty landing) to finish Martel at 2:32. Hit Row has great presence, but they aren’t completely polished in the ring.

Mercedes Martinez is ready for a mixed tag against Tian Sha next week. Xia Li and Boa jump her from behind but Jake Atlas kicks Boa in the head for the save.

Kyle O’Reilly is ready for the main event.

The battery is at 51%, putting it into green.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Kushida

Kyle takes him to the mat to start but Kushida winds up on top in the grapple. They get up to a standoff so O’Reilly goes for a kneebar. That’s broken up as well so Kushida takes him down and twists on the arm. Back up and O’Reilly takes him into the corner where a double headbutt puts both of them down.

We take a break and come back with Kushida working on the ankles but O’Reilly slips out. A kneebar is broken up with Kushida looking for the Hoverboard Lock, which is countered into a cross armbreaker which is countered into the Hoverboard Lock which is countered into a choke which is countered into a kick to O’Reilly’s arm. O’Reilly blocks a kick but Kushida is right back with a bridging northern lights suplex for two.

Kushida goes up but dives into a kick to the chest, setting up another kneebar from O’Reilly. That’s countered into a cradle for two but O’Reilly is back up with a rebound lariat to put him down as well. The brainbuster gives O’Reilly two so he heads to the apron, where Kushida sends him arm first into the post.

They trade kicks to the arm until Kushida’s hammerlock suplex drops O’Reilly onto the apron and out to the floor. Back in and they trade more kicks but Kushida still can’t get the Hoverboard Lock. Another attempt mostly works but O’Reilly gets smart by putting his hands in his trunks to avoid all of the pressure. O’Reilly finally manages to roll out and cradle Kushida for the pin at 14:26.

Rating: B+. Yep this was great and I’m not sure why that should be a surprise. They traded holds and strikes for the better part of fifteen minutes until one of them got pinned. Everything looked crisp, they didn’t do very many ridiculous looking things and it felt like a struggle. This was a heck of a main event and is more than worth the time to find if you want to see something awesome from this style.

Post match here is Adam Cole to brawl off with O’Reilly. Cue three guys in hoodies with one of them jumping Kushida. The guys are revealed as Roderick Strong, Tyler Rust and Hideki Suzuki (not named). Malcolm Bivens comes in to hand Strong the Cruiserweight Title and says THIS IS THE DIAMOND MINE to end the show. I’m intrigued, while also being annoyed that I thought Strong was the battery guy.

Overall Rating: B. When the only thing close to bad (and that is debatable) on your show is a three minute squash, you’re having a pretty good week. This was a heck of a show and felt like the NXT of old, with a mixture of very good wrestling, building for the future and leaving me intrigued about where things go. Awesome show here, and it’s nice to have NXT feeling like it’s old self again.

Adam Cole b. Carmelo Hayes – Panama Sunrise
Zoey Stark/Io Shirai b. Robert Stone Brand – Moonsault to Kamea
The Way b. Pete Dunne/Oney Lorcan – One Final Beat to Lorcan
Frankie Monet b. Elektra Lopez – Road To Valhalla
Hit Row b. Ever-Rise – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Martel
Kyle O’Reilly b. Kushida – Cradle



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NXT – June 15, 2021: Homecoming

Date: June 15, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett

We’re past a pretty lackluster Takeover and that means it is time to start getting ready for the rest of the summer. I’m not sure what that is going to included but William Regal was teasing some kind of a big change. That could mean multiple things, though there are some rumors of what it could mean, most of which are rather intriguing. Let’s get to it.

Here is Takeover if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Takeover.

Here is a serious looking William Regal for a chat. Regal talks about being with NXT from the beginning, including starting at the commentary desk for the first Takeover. NXT has grown throughout the last few years and they have gone around the world, including to his hometown of Blackpool. Regal gets a bit emotional as he talks about everything that NXT has done for everyone involved here. He thanks everyone who took them to San Jose and Houston and Brooklyn and Portland, but now there is so much chaos around here.

Regal doesn’t think he is capable of giving us what we deserve anymore, so it is time for…..him to be interrupted by Karrion Kross and Scarlett. Kross says he knew this was coming because he was going to control NXT with chaos and violence. He wants Regal to leave and admit that Kross has won…..and here is the returning Samoa Joe.

That makes Kross look a little worried and Regal says Samoa Joe should be the new General Manager. Joe understands what is going on but he is absolutely not accepting the job. Regal has cast a large shadow for seven years and Joe made his job a nightmare. Now though, he would like to make sure that Regal receives the respect that he deserves.

Regal finds this intriguing, but says Joe cannot be a competitor and cannot lay his hands on anyone…..unless he is provoked. Joe accepts, and asks why Kross is still in this ring. Joe: “Tick tock, young champion.” The fans sing the Goodbye Song as Kross and Scarlett leave. This is quite the nice moment, as Joe is a great way to counter Kross, especially if he can have a match one day.

The Grizzled Young Veterans are ready to take out Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Imperium vs. Breezango

Barthel shoulders Breeze down to start but a quick jawbreaker gets him out of trouble. It’s off to Fandango for a dropkick but Aichner pulls him into an armbar. Some chops in the corner look to set up a sunset flip so Fandango is back with a legdrop. Breeze loads up a bit dive but only hits mat, allowing Fandango to hit his own big flip dive. Back in and Fandango gets crotched on top and it’s an uppercut off with Aichner.

We take a break and come back with Aichner hammering away at Fandango and planting him with a slam. Barthel comes back in and grabs a cobra clutch but Fandango kicks him away. A backdrop allows the hot tag off to Breeze to….get dropped with a clothesline. Not that it matters as Breeze grabs a small package for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: C. I’m a bit surprised by the finish but Breezango continues to be one of the weakest teams around. I’m not sure what Imperium is going to be doing, though the wrath of Walter seems to be a real possibility. I can’t imagine MSK having to worry about either team, but at least we got a decent tag match here.

Post match Imperium lays out Breeze and drapes an Imperium flag over him.

Regal is breaking up a fight between Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole and says they can fight at the Great American Bash. Until then, they can pick their own opponents to fight next week. Joe comes in and gets shoved away by Cole, who is promptly choked out. With that broken up, Joe says that when Cole wakes up, he can give Mr. Regal an answer.

We see an image of a battery charging and it reaches 1%.

Santos Escobar does not like Bronson Reed putting him through a wall. Reed has revealed a weakness but now it is going to be one on one. This time, he’ll pick Reed up and let gravity do the rest on the way to the title.

Cruiserweight Title: Kushida vs. Trey Baxter

Baxter, better known as Blake Christian, is challenging and promises to show that he is all heart. Feeling out process to start with Baxter grabbing a rollup for two. A running hurricanrana sends Kushida to the corner and there’s an enziguri in the corner. Kushida gets draped ribs first over the top rope and sent to the floor for a big dive. Cue Kyle O’Reilly to watch from the stage as we take a break.

Back with Kushida scoring with an atomic drop but missing a running kick to the face. An enziguri doesn’t miss but Baxter hits a handspring kick to the face. Baxter is back with a Spanish Fly into a springboard 450 for two more. They head up top with Kushida hitting a super flying armbar, setting up the Hoverboard Lock to retain at 10:27.

Rating: C+. Another good open challenge title match here but Kushida vs. O’Reilly should be a heck of a match whenever we get there. That is the kind of a match which could tear the house down in a hurry, though I’m not sure how much of a chance that Kushida would have to keep the title. O’Reilly needs to win something, but it’s still the Cruiserweight Title. That is something that works great for someone new like Baxter (because his name is Trey Baxter) and he got a good rub out of this one.

Post match Kushida shakes Baxter’s hand but O’Reilly gets in the ring to say he wants to face Kushida next week. Kushida is ready.

Frankie Monet is going to be back in the ring next week but she goes over to Jessi Kamea and Aliyah, saying they would have won their most recent match if Robert Stone hadn’t gotten involved. Stone comes in and Monet says the team would have won if they had listened to Stone a bit more.

Mercedes Martinez talks about how she got taken down by Tian Sha but she isn’t going to be held down. If Boa wants to come after her, come get her. She and Xia Li are 1-1 so come on for round three.

Here is Ted DiBiase to present the Million Dollar Title to LA Knight. DiBiase shows us a video on Knight, who arrives in a rather nice car. Knight comes to the ring and loads up LET ME TALK TO YA but cuts himself off. Instead he would rather talk to DiBiase, because it is rare that you get to meet your heroes. Knight watched DiBiase growing up and he always wanted to be DiBiase when they were wrestling in the backyard. He needed DiBiase here tonight just to say thank you and they shake hands.

It would be the honor of Knight’s life to have DiBiase officially crown him the Million Dollar Champion. DiBiase puts the title on Knight’s shoulder and they take turns laughing. The fans still want Cameron Grimes but Knight says he has everything that he wants. Now it’s time to get rid of everything he doesn’t need, and he decks DiBiase. Knight shouts that this is his title and now he is the only true Million Dollar Champion. Cameron Grimes makes the save and clears Knight out in a hurry.

Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez are ready for to get the Tag Team Titles back.

The battery is now at 11%.

Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez vs. Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter

Carter sends Kai into the ropes for a double knee to the face. Kacy holds Kai in place for a running dropkick to the side of the head. It’s off to Gonzalez to pull Carter by the hair but some double teaming puts Gonzalez on the floor. Carter hits a huge dive onto both of them and we take a break. Back with Gonzalez working on a backbreaker on Catanzaro, setting up Kai’s running knee in the corner. A running pump kick sends Catanzaro to the floor but she gets over for the tag off to Carter a moment later.

Carter gets to clean house and a nasty running kick to the face gets two on Kai. Gonzalez hits a messy spinning side slam for two on Carter and an assisted Codebreaker gets the same. Everything breaks down again and Catanzaro’s hurricanrana off the apron sends Gonzalez face first into the apron. Back in and a neckbreaker/450 combination gets two on Kai with Gonzalez making the save. Carter is sent hard into the barricade and the GTK finishes Catanzaro at 12:27.

Rating: C-. This was a bit too much on the sloppy side and that hurt what they had going on here. Catanzaro and Carter are a fine team for a spot like this as Gonzalez and Kai needed a win to build them up a little bit. It wasn’t exactly a red hot match, but it did what it was supposed to.

Ever-Rise isn’t happy with Hit Row breaking their house on the Takeover Kickoff Show but they have rebuilt.

The battery is now at 21%.

Here is Io Shirai to say that she is back. She says that her next target is….and here is Candice LeRae to interrupt. Candice talks about how she is no longer an uncrowned champion and Shirai picked the wrong time to come back. Cue Indi Hartwell to jump Shirai from behind and the beating is on. The announcers’ table is loaded up but here is Zoey Stark for the save.

William Regal and Samoa Joe are leaving but are asked about how they feel tonight has gone. Regal…..is cut off, as we jump to MSK eating popcorn as Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher are on their way to the ring. Thatcher comes back and angrily steals some popcorn.

The Diamond Mine is opening next week.

William Regal and Samoa Joe are trying to give an update on the evening when the Way comes in to mock the JOE chants. They’re glad he’s here but Joe tells them to get out. Pete Dunne comes in for a heck of a staredown with Joe.

Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Tornado Tag. It’s a brawl to start with Thatcher and Ciampa taking them down into stereo forearms to the chest. The stereo holds send the Veterans to the floor and the chase is on. Back in and the Veterans get in some cheap shots to take over, meaning the beating can be on. Thatcher is sent face first into a light tower but he is fine enough to come back in for a standing sleeper on Drake.

That is broken up but Ciampa is back in with a chinlock of his own. Ciampa is taken outside for a whip into the barricade, leaving Thatcher to get taken down in a belly to back suplex/neckbreaker combination. Ciampa is back up to send the Veterans into the barricade, setting up a running hip attack into the two of them. Back in and Thatcher and Ciampa hit some running shots to the face in the corner as we take a break.

We come back with Thatcher getting knocked into the Koji Clutch so Gibson can stomp away. Ciampa makes the save (after unloading on Drake’s head that is) but accidentally kicks Thatcher in the face. A Doomsday Device is broken up though and Ciampa hits a super Air Raid Crash on Gibson as Thatcher has Drake. Somehow Gibson kicks out so it’s Ciampa and Drake chopping it out on the apron.

The running Doomsday Device on the floor plants Ciampa so it’s time for Thatcher and Gibson to slug it out inside. An exchange of holds doesn’t work but Drake is back in for a running boot in the corner. A Backstabber hits Thatcher so Ciampa runs in for the save. The Veterans double team Ciampa on the floor and put him (mostly) through the top of the announcers’ table. Ciampa is back up with the Air Raid Crash to drop Gibson onto said table. Back in and some hard slaps set up Angel’s Wings into an ankle lock/armbar combination for the tap at 17:27.

Rating: B. This was a fight and that’s exactly what they were shooting for here. What mattered here was it felt like they wanted to win at all costs, which is not something you see enough of in wrestling. I’m a bit surprised at the result as the Veterans really need to win something at some point, but at least they had a pretty awesome showing in defeat. Thatcher and Ciampa moving up the card works too, so this was a pretty solid match all together.

William Regal is pleased with Samoa Joe’s first night around here. Joe says that was the first night of many as Regal gets into his car and……drives off with no problem to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The return of Joe was the big story here and the rest of the show was build around it. What matters is they have something fresh which might make people interested, which has been lacking around here as of late. It’s a good show with a solid main event, plus some things being set up for later. NXT still has some work to do, but this was a nice start.

Breezango b. Imperium – Small package to Aichner
Kushida b. Trey Baxter – Hoverboard Lock
Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez b. Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter – GTK to Catanzaro
Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher b. Grizzled Young Veterans – Ankle lock/armbar combination to Drake


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – June 1, 2021: That’s In The Script?

Date: June 1, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

We have less than two weeks to go before Takeover and that means it is time to start setting up the card. One of the most important matches will be made tonight as we have a triple threat match between Kyle O’Reilly, Pete Dunne and Johnny Gargano to find out Karrion Kross’ next challenger. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the triple threat match, with all three participants getting to say why they can win.

Pete Dunne vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Johnny Gargano

The winner gets the title shot against Karrion Kross at Takeover. They start fast with Gargano being sent outside, leaving Dunne to work on O’Reilly’s arm. Gargano comes back in to tie up O’Reilly’s leg at the same time, which is broken up in a hurry. The rather sore O’Reilly rolls outside, leaving Gargano to miss an armdrag on Dunne, who ties up the legs. O’Reilly comes back in to kick Dunne to the floor so O’Reilly can work on Gargano’s arm.

That’s fine with Dunne, who comes back in to crank on one of their arms at the same time. Dunne gets sent to the floor and Gargano drops O’Reilly for two as we take a break. Back with O’Reilly kicking away and throwing some suplexes. O’Reilly hits a running knee off the apron to drop Dunne but Gargano hits a suicide dive each. The slingshot spear gets two on O’Reilly but Dunne is back in for the X Plex for two on Gargano.

Dunne grabs an armbar on O’Reilly with Gargano making the save. Gargano sends Dunne to the floor and O’Reilly grabs a kneebar, leaving Dunne to come back in for the save. The Lawn Dart gives Gargano two on Dunne but O’Reilly gets back in, leaving everyone to knock each other down for a breather. O’Reilly chokes Gargano so Dunne chokes O’Reilly, who drops Gargano as a result.

Gargano breaks that up with the Gargano Escape on Dunne as O’Reilly is sent outside. Dunne manages to snap the fingers for the escape and hits the Bitter End, only to have O’Reilly make the save with the top rope knee. O’Reilly follows Dunne outside for a double clothesline….and here’s Adam Cole to chair both of them down. A livid William Regal comes out with security to get rid of him, though Cole throws in another low superkick to Cole as he leaves in a great move. We’ll say it’s a no contest at about 18:00.

Rating: B. This was all action and that’s what it needed to be, though the Cole ending is a little surprising. O’Reilly seemed to be the perfect choice to get the title shot at Kross here and I’m hoping that they don’t just do a rematch later on. A four way isn’t out of the question, though I’m not sure where that leaves Cole. Odds are we get something by the end of the show, but this was kind of a weird way to go.

Post break Regal ejects Cole from the building, with security dragging him out.

Ember Moon is in the ring and demands Raquel Gonzalez get out here right now. Cue Gonzalez and Moon superkicks her straight back out to the floor. Regal and security hold them apart but Dakota Kai runs in to take out Moon from behind. Regal checks on a downed Moon.

Santos Escobar gives Legado del Fantasma a pep talk before their Tag Team Title shot tonight. It’s going to be their coronation, because that is what they do.

Earlier today, Hit Row interrupted Drake Maverick and Ever Rise, the former of whom is called a clown. Killian Dain came in and a tag match seems to be set up.

LA Knight vs. Jake Atlas

The camera follows Knight from the back, with Knight talking about how he is going to drop Atlas and prove that he is the one worthy of the Million Dollar legacy. Atlas armdrags Knight down to start and grabs a springboard armdrag for two. The armbar keeps Knight down but he fights back up and nails a hot shot. Cue Ted DiBiase to watch as Atlas grabs a springboard sunset flip for two. Knight slams him down though and hits a fist to the face, followed by a slingshot shoulder.

We take a break (ok then) and come back with Atlas hitting a crossbody for two but getting sent over the top. Knight hammers away back inside but Atlas punches him out of the air (with Knight doing the front flip bump that DiBiase would do back in the day). Atlas strikes away as Cameron Grimes is out to say he deserves the Million Dollar legacy. Something like a Death Valley Driver into a standing moonsault gets two on Knight so Atlas goes back up. Knight runs the corner but Grimes offers a distraction, allowing Atlas to knock him back down. The cartwheel DDT finishes Knight at 12:35.

Rating: C-. This was a good bit longer than it needed to be, but the worse part was they gave away the ending with the break. There was little reason to have the match go longer other than some kind of a screwy finish. Atlas winning via interference isn’t some death knell for Knight, but this didn’t need to go that long for this kind of a finish.

Post match, DiBiase shakes his head at Knight and leaves.

Oney Lorcan chases the camera out of the trainer’s room. Lorcan says Adam Cole just cost Pete Dunne the title shot but here is Austin Theory to say that it’s Gargano’s shot. Shoving ensues.

Ted DiBiase talks about how important it is to have brains and brawn…..and Adam Cole walks by so let’s follow him to a break. You don’t get that kind of spontaneous stuff and it’s a nice feeling.

Post break Cole is in the ring to rant about how he just took out three main event stars in one night. That means he wants the NXT Title back because Karrion Kross is just some big musclehead. It’s no coincidence that Cole was NXT Champion for 403 days….and here are Karrion Kross and Scarlett to interrupt. Kross says Cole stopped being special as soon as he signed here, but entertain him anyway. Cole: “All right Mr. Overrated.”

Cole talks about how NXT has done everything they can to make Kross feel special but all they have to do with Cole is ring the bell. Kross isn’t special because he’s just a guy who has Cole’s property. Cue William Regal to say Cole’s plan isn’t going to work but Kross cuts him off. Kross wants…….EVERYONE in the match at once, including this kind of weasel. Regal: “Done. Done.” Cole gets on the announcers’ table to shout at Kross, who mocks him for just talking. With that not working, Cole throws a bottle of water at the two of them and leaves. It’s an interesting match, but I’m not big on making the triple threat a waste of time.

Candice LeRae is annoyed that Poppy is going to be back next week but even more annoyed that Indi Hartwell is listening to 80s power ballads on her headphones.

Video on Carmelo Hayes, formerly known as Christian Casanova. He is ready to prove himself tonight against Kushida. You’ll see a UFO before you see someone as good as him.

Tian Sha is watching Mercedes Martinez and seems to have a new target.

Dexter Lumis picks up Indi Hartwell’s headphones and seems to like what he hears.

Cruiserweight Title: Kushida vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes is challenging and gets a pretty big entrance. Feeling out process to start until Hayes snaps off some armdrags into a dropkick. Hayes kicks him in the back of the head for two and ties Kushida in the ropes. That means a springboard legdrop (with Hayes going backwards instead of forwards) for two on Kushida as we take a break.

Back with Kushida knocking Hayes off the apron and hard into the barricade. Hayes comes back in with a springboard….I guess we’ll say clothesline, as even commentary isn’t sure what to call it. Something close to La Mistica plants Kushida for two so Hayes tries it again, only to get taken down for a basement dropkick. The Hoverboard Lock is countered but Kushida punches Hayes out of the air. Now the Hoverboard Lock can retain the title at 10:58.

Rating: B-. Hayes lost but he looked like a star here as it is clear NXT wants to push him as something serious. He has a good look and the athleticism, but more importantly he has the presence to make something of himself. This was a heck of a surprise and they put on a good one, so well done on throwing this in.

Post match Kushida shakes Hayes’ hand and tells the fans to give him some applause. Hayes shakes the hand and gets a nice ovation.

MSK is ready to retain the Tag Team Titles.

Frankie Monet is rather pleased with the reviews of her debut. She is just getting started.

Zayda Ramier/Zoey Stark vs. The Way

Non-title. Hartwell slams Ramier down to start and it’s off to LeRae to take it into the corner. The neck crank/chinlock have Ramier in trouble and Hartwell kicks Ramier from a tag attempt. LeRae elbows Stark off the apron but the tag brings her in just a few seconds later. Stark comes in and drops LeRae in a hurry for two before wheelbarrow slamming Ramier onto her for the same. Everything breaks down and start gets sent over the top, with her face landing hard on the apron. Back in and the Wicked Stepsister sets up Pretty Savage (springboard elbow) to finish Ramier at 3:37.

Rating: C-. They did something interesting with Stark here as she was treated as someone to be feared. That’s a good way to help make someone feel like a big deal and it was an effective move. The match itself wasn’t anything great, but the Way does feel like a team instead of two women who have been thrown together. In other words, they’re ahead of most of the teams on the main roster.

Mercedes Martinez isn’t worried about being marked as Tian Sha because she has been a marked woman for her whole career. At Takeover, she’s running through her, assuming that is official.

Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight is confirmed for Takeover.

The Diamond Mine is opening soon.

Ember Moon is tired of Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez. That’s why it’s Kai next week and Gonzalez at Takeover, where Moon is becoming a two time Women’s Champion.

Tag Team Titles: MSK vs. Legado del Fantasma

Legado, with Santos Escobar, is challenging. Wes Lee and Joaquin Wilde trade armdrags to start as Escobar has a seat at ringside. Wilde slams Lee down and runs Nash Carter over as well to put the champs in early trouble. Raul Mendoza comes in to drop Wilde onto Carter for two but Carter fights back up. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans but Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa come out to fight them to the back. The champs hit a pair of moonsaults to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Mendoza getting two on Lee and handing it off to Wilde for an armbar. A hard elbow to the jaw sets up a slingshot splash into a Lionsault for two on Lee. Back up and Lee finally gets in a DDT, allowing for the hot tag to Carter. House is cleaned in a hurry and the push moonsault gets two on Wilde. It’s already back to Lee but Mendoza makes a blind tag behind Lee’s back. That lets him come in with a springboard missile dropkick and a swinging suplex gets two.

Carter gets knocked off the apron and some running clotheslines in the corner have Lee in more trouble. A super hurricanrana into a powerbomb gets two with Lee being tossed outside. Escobar sends Lee into the steps, setting up the running boot/Russian legsweep combination. Carter makes the save and Bronson Reed runs in to crush Escobar against the barricade (that came out of nowhere). The Blockbuster Hart Attack retains the title at 15:26.

Rating: B-. MSK continues to get to showcase their crazy athleticism and there was enough stuff going on here to make it that much more interesting. I wasn’t sure who was leaving with the titles here and that is always a nice feeling to have. Thatcher and Ciampa cutting off the Veterans helped and Reed crushing Escobar looked good. It’s a good main event and MSK could hold the titles for a pretty long time.

Reed and MSK have the staredown with Legado and pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The main thing I liked about this show, or at least the first half of it, was that it felt spontaneous. So many times a wrestling show feels far too structured and rigid, with segments going from one point to another. This felt like things were happening on the fly, with things like DiBiase’s promo just being cut off because something else happened. The action was good as well, making this a rather fun use of two hours.

Pete Dunne vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Johnny Gargano went to a no contest when Adam Cole interfered
Jake Atlas b. LA Knight – Cartwheel DDT
Kushida b. Carmelo Hayes – Hoverboard Lock
The Way b. Zayda Ramier/Zoey Stark – Pretty Savage to Ramier
MSK b. Legado del Fantasma – Blockbuster Hart Attack to Wilde

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – May 18, 2021: Then, Now, And For A Few Weeks

Date: May 18, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s time for a big main event with the North American Title being defended inside a cage. Johnny Gargano has to defend against Bronson Reed, which could set up a heck of a Tsunami to crush Gargano for good. That could be quite the match as you have two talented people in there, plus a lot of other things on the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the cage match.

Toni Storm vs. Zoey Stark

Stark starts fast and drives her into the corner to hammer away, setting up a springboard missile dropkick. They head outside with Storm getting knocked around until she manages to whip her into the steps. The running hip attack crushes Stark against the steps and Stark barely beats the count. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Storm boots her down for two.

Stark grabs a backslide for two and nails an enziguri to put both of them down as we take a break. Back with Stark reversing Storm Zero into a hurricanrana for two, followed by a half nelson suplex for the same. Storm is back up with Storm Zero for two and shock exists. That’s fine with Storm, who grabs a judo throw and spins it over into a DDT, which drops Stark on her head (that was TERRIFYING) for the pin at 11:30.

Rating: C+. They got me with the finish as I was thinking Stark was going to win after surviving Storm Zero. Granted I would hope they could come up with a better way to do it than by dropping Stark on her head, but at least she seems to still be alive. Storm really needed the win, and if she can get a less disturbing finisher, she should be good to go.

Post match here is Frankie Monet to stare at Storm.

Legado del Fantasma is ready for MSK but Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher come in to say not so fast. Thatcher goes into Spanish to say…..I believe “the cat does not have shoes.” Ciampa: “That makes perfect sense.” The match seems to be made for later.

Cameron Grimes comes up and says park his car, but he’s in Ted DiBiase’s spot. He gets a match with the valet, who happens to be Jake Atlas, for later.

The Way is at a spa, where Indi Hartwell admits that Candice LeRae was right about everything, including Dexter Lumis. As you might have guessed, Lumis is giving her the massage, though she can’t see him due to the cucumbers over her eyes.

We get a Prime Target on Karrion Kross vs. Finn Balor II. Kross was feeling the injuries from the match for weeks and can’t believe Balor survived as long as he did. At the end though, Kross left with the title. Balor says getting back up is how you keep going though and it’s time to go. Pat McAfee is ready for the rematch and Paul Heyman says everyone is interested in the match, even Roman Reigns. As for a spoiler….it’s a little too close to call. Next week, it’s round two. More greatness from these videos, as usual.

Cameron Grimes vs. Jake Atlas

Before the match, Grimes says everyone is glad to see Ted DiBiase, but he has a video on the REAL DiBiase, including all kinds of bad things happening to him over the years. Atlas dropkicks him to the floor before the bell and we take a break. Joined in progress after a break with Grimes hammering away but charging into a boot to the face. A springboard armdrag sets up a running enziguri in the corner, followed by the middle rope hurricanrana for two.

Grimes clotheslines him down and grinds an elbow into the chest in the corner. Atlas sends him chest first into the corner and snaps off a German suplex….as Ted DiBiase arrives in his limo. Something misses off the top and Grimes snaps off the flipping powerslam. The Cave In is loaded up but we’ve got Ted DiBiase in person, allowing Atlas to grab a rollup for the pin at 4:51.

Rating: C-. The action wasn’t the point here and Grimes losing to Atlas in this kind of situation isn’t going to hurt him. Grimes vs. DiBiase continues to be one of the best things going on in all of wrestling today and I want to see where it keeps going. I’m not sure if it is going to be but they have me wanting to see it every week.

Post match Grimes gives chase but DiBiase is in the limo, saying that Grimes will never be a Million Dollar Man. Ranting ensues again.

Bronson Reed is ready to make everything he has put into his career worth it by winning the North American Title. He has been around the world but now he is going to be here, winning the title and telling his wife that they did it.

We get a sit down interview with Pete Dunne, talking about how he can win any title he wants at any time. He has never had a bad match and even when he loses, people leave the ring a different person. Dunne talks about being influenced by British style and everything he has put together over the years (with the required Fit Finlay reference). The fans’ influence makes a huge difference and he can’t wait to see what is next.

Alexander Wolfe vs. Killian Dain

The rest of Imperium (minus Walter) and the still scared Drake Maverick are here too. Dain punches him into the corner to start but gets kicked and uppercutted for his early efforts. Some uppercuts from Dain allow him to send Wolfe into the corner. Fabian Aichner knocks Maverick off the apron and there’s a German suplex to Dain. Marcel Barthel throws in a chair but Wolfe takes too long, allowing Dain to hit a running crossbody for the pin at 1:49.

Post match, Imperium turns on Wolfe and beats him down, setting up the posing.

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai are done with Mercedes Martinez and are ready for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Ever-Rise come in (with coffee mugs) to say Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon are the #1 contenders. They plug their show, but Gonzalez doesn’t watch it. Matt Martel says that sounds like she wants to hit him….and she does, dropping him with one slap. These guys are good.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher

Wilde dances at Ciampa to start, who takes him outside for a ram into the barricade. Back in and we hit the front facelock on Wilde, setting up the chinlock. Thatcher comes in for a hammerlock on Mendoza, followed by a headscissors from Ciampa. Mendoza fights up and raises a boot in the corner to cut Ciampa off. Thatcher comes back in for a headlock into an ankle lock.

With that still on, Ciampa comes in with his own to Wilde but stereo rollups get….no count because two of the people are illegal. Stereo enziguris put everyone down and we take a break. We come back with Ciampa hitting a string of running clotheslines in the corner. Mendoza breaks up the hanging DDT on Wilde as we see Mendoza’s busted nose being checked on during the break. Ciampa gets punched and chopped in the corner but Mendoza misses a charge into the post.

The hot tag brings in Thatcher to hammer away in the corner, with Ciampa getting to do the same. Legado gets Ciampa into the corner for a clothesline and some moonsaults get two. Thatcher breaks up the Russian legsweep/boot combination and Wilde nails the big running flip dive. Back in and the hanging DDT gets two on Wilde with Mendoza making the save. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans to jump Ciampa though and now the boot/Russian legsweep is good for the pin at 15:41.

Rating: C+. What we got was good but we got quite a bit of it as this match felt long. Legado is a solid team, though it’s weird to have heels who fly around like they do. At the same time though, it sets up the Veterans vs. Ciampa vs. Thatcher, which more than works for everyone involved. Legado likely gets a title shot too so that is a well used match.

Bobby Fish says his business is with Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan. The torn tricep was a long recovery, but now he is back and there is a debt to be paid. First up is Pete Dunne because they have unfinished business. Next week, they can finish it.

Back at the spa, the Way’s credit card is declined. They think it is Austin Theory, but the spa employee called the credit card company and found out that it was something about a florist three weeks ago. Indi Hartwell puts the pieces together and realizes that Dexter Lumis still loves her. Hartwell runs off screaming this over and over as Candice LeRae is stunned. Beth: “Forget Bennifer! INDEX IS BACK!!!”

Johnny Gargano is ready to prove that Bronson Reed is not on his level. Gargano stops the unstoppable inside of a steel cage.

Aliyah vs. Sarray

Sarray starts fast with a springboard armdrag into a basement dropkick but Jessi Kamea grabs a leg. Aliyah gets in a few shots of her own but walks into a spinning kick to the face. There’s a German suplex into a missile dropkick from Sarray, followed by a running dropkick against the ropes. The high collar suplex finishes Aliyah at 2:25.

Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon are ready for the Way again and it’s time to get gritty and wild. Howling ensues (Moon: “That’s what she said.”).

Hit Row vs. Ariya Daivari/Tony Nese

That would be Ashante Adonis/Top Dolla, with the former taking over on Nese to start. Dollar hits a World’s Strongest Slam/Wasteland at the same time and it’s already back to Adonis for the corner stomping to Daivari. A superkick drops Nese and Dolla has to calm Adonis down. Something like an AA into a neckbreaker gives Dollar the pin on Daivari at 2:20.

Post match, Hit Row brags about the win, with Isaiah Scott promising to watch the North American Title match.

William Regal announces Legado del Fantasma vs. MSK for the Tag Team Titles in two weeks. There are going to be some new stars in the cruiserweight division, and also next week it’s Dakota Kai/Shotzi Blackheart vs. Ember Moon/Raquel Gonzalez.

Here’s what’s coming next week, including Frankie Monet’s debut, Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase in a Million Dollar Faceoff, plus Balor vs. Kross II.

North American Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Bronson Reed

Gargano, with Austin Theory, is defending inside a cage. An early escape attempt doesn’t work for Gargano as Reed pulls him back and shoves Gargano out of the air without much trouble. Reed sends him into the cage a few times and drives his face into the steel to make it worse. A missed charge hits cage, but the slingshot spear doesn’t work because of the cage.

That lets Reed snap off a hanging DDT but Theory is there to cut off a climb attempt. Gargano superkicks the knee out and we take a break. Back with Reed hitting a super Samoan drop for a delayed two. That means it’s time to go up but Gargano powerbombs him back down. It’s too early for Gargano to escape though as Reed pulls him back in and sits on his chest. A powerbomb is countered with a grab of the cage though and Gargano hits a poisonrana to put both of them down.

One Final Beat is countered with a toss into the cage but Theory slams the door on Reed’s head. Now One Final Beat can give Gargano two so it’s time to go up. Reed is right there to catch him with a superbomb but makes the mistake of climbing, allowing Theory to cut him off. Gargano gets headbutted off the top and Theory gets punched down. The splash to the back sets up the Tsunami to give Reed the title at 15:25.

Rating: B. This was exactly how such a match should have gone, with Reed overcoming the obstacles/odds and winning clean in the end. There was no fluke here either, as that Tsunami is one of the best looking finishers going today. Gargano was a good choice as champion because he could do something like this, but is more than enough of a legend to be back just fine in a few weeks. Solid main event here, and a good example of how a telegraphed finish isn’t a bad thing.

Pyro goes off for the celebration to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Pretty awesome show here as they had a bunch of nice stuff capped off by the big main event, which more than delivered. I can always go with watching NXT get to do their thing and show how a good show is supposed to be put together. They have things set up for weeks now while delivering this week as well. That’s an efficient two hours and it was worth the watch here as usual.


Toni Storm b. Zoey Stark – Judo throw spun into a DDT

Jake Atlas b. Cameron Grimes – Rollup

Killian Dain b. Alexander Wolfe – Crossbody

Legado del Fantasma b. Tommaso Ciampa/Timothy Thatcher – Russian legsweep/running enziguri to Ciampa

Sarray b. Aliyah – High collar suplex

Hit Row b. Tony Nese/Ariya Daivari – Fireman’s carry flipping neckbreaker to Daivari

Bronson Reed b. Johnny Gargano – Tsunami



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – April 20, 2021: I’m Too Sleepy To Come Up With A Way To Say Good Show

Date: April 20, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph

They are going to have a hard time topping what they did last week but NXT can figure it out as well as anyone else. The big story tonight is the return of Kyle O’Reilly for the first time in a long thirteen days, though it isn’t clear what he’ll be doing. You could easily put him into the title picture with Karrion Kross but he might be dealing with Adam Cole for a bit longer. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Kyle O’Reilly……in a jean jacket, a hat and sunglasses. Kyle talks about what a great time he is having and asks if we can turn the lights up. Oh never mind as it’s just the sunglasses making things seem dark. Anyway, he is so happy because Adam Cole isn’t here and that makes things better. Now it is time to move on, but what is next for him? At Takeover, he learned that you need that killer instinct to succeed. He needs to go after a title, but which one? Should he try for the workhorse title with the North American Title? Or should he go after Karrion Kross and the biggest evil NXT has ever seen?

Cue Cameron Grimes to interrupt, because he knows that O’Reilly can deliver. Grimes likes Cool Kyle and thinks they could have some merchandising options. O’Reilly joins him in TO THE MOON and of course he loves the idea. After thanking Grimey for the Dogecoin tip, O’Reilly starts wondering about his first opponent tonight. He can’t get the sunglasses to work but realizes that it’s Grimes, who he drops with a right hand. I think I really like this O’Reilly, as goofy as it is.

Sarray arrived earlier today but Zoey Stark, her opponent for later, interrupted. Starks would like to face her, and Sarray agrees to the match. This was announced in advance but at least there is a quick explanation. I’m not sure it needed one, but it was there.

LA Knight is ready to take out Dexter Lumis, because tonight they’re going eye to eye.

LA Knight vs. Dexter Lumis

Knight takes him into the corner as commentary tries to figure out Lumis’ psyche. Lumis knocks him down and the threat of the Silence sends Knight outside in the hurry. Back in and Lumis scares him into the corner and knocks him outside again. They head back inside and Knight grabs a jumping neckbreaker, meaning it’s another trip to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Lumis grabbing a spinebuster, followed by the belly to back suplex for two. Lumis knocks him outside again but Drake gets in a drop toehold into the steps. Hold on though as here is Indi Hartwell on the others side of the barricade to distract Lumis. Knight gets in a cheap shot and yells at Hartwell, allowing Lumis to hit a slingshot dive. Lumis looks at Hartwell again though and it’s a bulldog driver (ignore Lumis’ head not hitting the mat) for the pin at 9:51.

Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one but the right person won. Knight still has a long way to go but getting a win here while the other two get to do the angle should serve him well. Lumis and Hartwell is the first mildly interesting thing Lumis has done so far in NXT so maybe they have a bit of an idea for him for a change.

Post match Hartwell gets on the apron and seems ready for a kiss but here is the Way to take her to the back.

Leon Ruff asks Isaiah Scott if he liked getting sent into a locker last week.

Beth Phoenix sits down with Io Shirai and asks about the beginning and ending of her title reign. Shirai is ready for the title rematch but for now, her body needs some rest. Cue Franky Monet (with dog of course) to introduce herself to Shirai and be a bit in awe of Phoenix. Since Shirai is taking some time off, she is willing to fill Shirai’s spot. That earns her some yelling in Japanese, which Monet does not understand. Shirai: “I LIKE CATS!” Monet kisses her dog as Shirai leaves.

Breezango vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Breezango are in British palace guard gear this week (yes this includes the large hats). The Veterans don’t like it but get knocked to the floor in a hurry anyway. We settle down to Gibson hammering on Breeze but getting pulled into an armbar. Drake dives into the corner to prevent Gibson from crashing, meaning Fandango can be taken down into a chinlock. That’s broken up in a hurry with the Veterans being sent outside for the stereo dives.

We take a break and come back with Drake being sent into the ropes and seeming to hurt his knee. The referee checks on him and Gibson uses the distraction to poke Fandango in the eye in some quality cheating. Gibson rips at Fandango’s face but it gets broken up in a hurry, allowing the hot tag off to Breeze. Everything breaks down and Breeze hits a Russian legsweep for two. Drake’s rollup gets a close two and it’s a blind tag back to Gibson. Ticket to Mayhem finishes Breeze at 9:01.

Rating: C. Pretty to the point match here as Breezango continues to be that team who doesn’t do much but are former champions so they are in a nice enough place. The Veterans should be the next challengers to MSK and I’m assuming they are going to have the match sooner rather than later. If nothing else, it means we might be seeing more of the creative cheating.

The Way cuts off an Indi Hartwell interview but here’s Bronson Reed to say let love love. Reed talks about the North American Title but Austin Theory gets between them and says Johnny is Papa John. The only way Reed is getting another title shot is by beating Theory, which sounds good to Reed. Gargano points out that Reed beat Theory last week, which seems to be a surprise. Theory is great in this role.

Cameron Grimes is happy to have bought a Ja Morant (NBA) NFT….but it seems that there was a huge bid after the auction so someone else has bought it instead. That someone: TED DIBIASE! Grimes: “TED DIBIASE!!!!!” The cameo will be excellent.

Sarray vs. Zoey Stark

They fight over a test of strength to start but Stark can’t break the bridge. Sarray is back up with a dropkick to the knee and a lot of screaming before tying up the leg. Stark’s legs are tied up for a Muta Lock but she makes the rope in a hurry. A basement clothesline gets two on Sarray and some elbows to the neck get the same. Sarray fights up and drives Stark into the corner. Stark is knocked to the apron and a dropkick to the knee puts her on the floor.

Back in and they strike it out with Sarray getting the better of things. A running basement dropkick against the ropes rocks Stark and a fisherman’s suplex gives Sarray two. Stark is right back with a suplex into a sliding knee for two of her own. A 450 (which was a Swanton and would have missed by two feet anyway) misses Sarray so Starks kicks her in the head for two instead. Sarray hits her own kick and a high collar suplex finishes at 7:13.

Rating: C+. Sarray was energetic but she didn’t exactly blow the doors off here. I’m not wild on Stark losing just after she got her big win over Toni Storm but odds are she’ll be back. They had a good enough match though, despite being a bit sloppy at times. Sarray seems to be the next big thing in the division and I’ve heard worse ideas.

Respect is shown post match but here is Toni Storm to jump Stark. Sarray clears her off.

Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez are asked about Io Shirai wanting the Women’s Title shot. Kai says you can’t always get what you want, including her not getting to study witchcraft at Hogwarts. She also DOES NOT like the suggestion that she wants the Women’s Title though.

Candice LeRae wants Indi Hartwell to talk to William Regal but Dexter Lumis pops up again and Hartwell leaves with him. LeRae doesn’t notice and goes to Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon to challenge them for the titles. Now LeRae gets it and is dragged into a locker room for the beating.

Video on Kushida becoming the new Cruiserweight Champion last week.

Here is Kushida, who is giving out a title shot of his own.

Cruiserweight Title: Oney Lorcan vs. Kushida

Kushida is defending. They go to the mat to start with Kushida working on a headscissors but Lorcan reverses into something like an STF. A missed kick to the head lets Lorcan grab a pretty aggressive headlock. That is broken up as well and Kushida kicks him to the floor as we take a break. Back with an exchange of strikes in th middle until a running uppercut gives Lorcan two.

Lorcan grabs an abdominal stretch before planting him for two. They strike it out again but this time the chops just fire the champ up. Some running shots in the corner have Lorcan in trouble and there’s the top rope knee to the arm. Lorcan blocks the Hoverboard Lock though and a running Blockbuster gives Lorcan a pretty late two. Back up and Kushida goes after the arm again, setting up the cartwheel into the basement dropkick. More kicks to the arm set up the Hoverboard Lock to retain the title at 9:24.

Rating: B-. I was liking this one and it is nice to see Kushida getting to showcase himself again. This has been more of the old Kushida, who was awesome in his New Japan days and is now getting to show a bit more of that. He isn’t going to be his entire old self, but at least we got a good one here. Lorcan can hang with almost anyone and he got to show off again here.

Post match here is Legado del Fantasma to jump Kushida. MSK comes in for the save to clean house.

Mercedes Martinez thinks Raquel Gonzalez is ducking her. That’s cool, because Martinez can take out Dakota Kai and it can be one on one for the title.

Candice LeRae is rather banged up but comes up to see the Way. Indi Hartwell pops in to say she and Dexter Lumis made eye contact! Oh and she talked to William Regal, who has given the Way a Women’s Tag Team Title shot. Johnny Gargano is happy but Candice can’t even put her hands in for the celebration.

Imperium vs. Ever-Rise

Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel for Imperium, with Alexander Wolfe in their corner. Barthel beats on Chase Parker to start and it’s quickly off to Aichner for more of the same. Cue Killian Dain and Drake Maverick for a distraction though, allowing Matt Martel to grab a rollup for two on Aichner. That’s enough for Imperium, who finishes Martel with the European Bomb at 1:53.

Kyle O’Reilly comes to the ring for the main event but runs into Karrion Kross and Scarlett in the back. Sneering ensues.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Cameron Grimes

O’Reilly goes right for him to start and grabs an armbar. That’s reversed into one from Grimes but O’Reilly is out in a hurry. It’s time to start the strikes, including the running knee against the ropes. Some kicks to the ribs and leg have Grimes in trouble but he chops his way to freedom. O’Reilly counters a sunset flip into another armbar so Grimes rolls into the ropes to escape. A suplex drops O’Reilly on his head and we take a break. Back with Grimes whipping him hard into the corner and grabbing the chinlock.

O’Reilly breaks that up and knees Grimes in the ribs to put him down. The series of strikes drops Grimes again but it’s too early for a heel hook. Instead O’Reilly grabs a guillotine to knock Grimes mostly out, followed by a running knee to the chest. Grimes is right back up with a swinging Side Effect for two of his own. They’re both down for a bit before getting to their feet again for the strike off. Grimes hits his flipping powerslam for two but O’Reilly flips him inside out with a clothesline. A brainbuster plants Grimes and the top rope knee finishes for O’Reilly at 13:29.

Rating: B. This was feeling like a standard not quite squash for O’Reilly and then turned into a much better than expected back and forth match. Grimes can hang with anyone and it is nice to see him being the steady hand who can be put into this spot. They were trading bombs there at the end and while I didn’t exactly believe that the upset was coming, it wasn’t as cut and dry as I would have expected. Well done on a good main event.

Overall Rating: B-. Two matches carried this show and that is not exactly surprising. The main focus was on the Way this week and a lot of the major stars were nowhere to be seen, or at least not doing anything important. What we got worked out well though and it was a very quick two hours, as NXT tends to be. Another good show here, which probably shouldn’t be a surprise.


LA Knight b. Dexter Lumis – Bulldog driver

Grizzled Young Veterans b. Breezango – Ticket to Mayhem to Breeze

Sarray b. Zoey Stark – High collar suplex

Kushida b. Oney Lorcan – Hoverboard Lock

Imperium b. Ever-Rise – European Bomb to Martel

Kyle O’Reilly b. Cameron Grimes – Top rope knee to the back




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Takeover Stand & Deliver Night One: The Really Big Kickoff

Takeover: Stand & Deliver Night One
Date: April 7, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix

Things are changing a bit here as we have the first ever two night Takeover. It’s going to be interesting to see if they can make a two night event work, but I have learned never to bet against NXT. Hopefully they can make that work here, with Io Shirai defending the Women’s Title against Raquel Gonzalez in the main event. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Zoey Stark vs. Toni Storm

The fans are split on this one to start. They trade headlocks to start with Toni getting the better of things early on. Stark drives her down with a knee into the arm but Storm is back up with a shoulder. Stark gets away and hits a quick missile dropkick to rock Storm. That’s enough for Stark to go up but Storm pulls her off of the middle rope for a crash. Storm knocks her into the corner and stomps away a bit, followed by a slap out of the corner.

This time it’s Storm going up but Stark catches her with an enziguri, setting up a superplex for the double knockdown. A kick to the face rocks Storm and a half nelson suplex makes it even worse. Stark’s running knee to the face gets two but Storm is right back with an electric chair faceplant for two of her own. Storm Zero is blocked and Stark hits a heck of a superkick for another near fall. A pair of quick German suplexes drop Stark but she counters Storm Zero into a small package to pin Storm at 9:49.

Rating: C+. I’m surprised that it happened but Stark had to win something at some point. You can only be the one who comes close so many times while still losing for so long so the win is a good sign for her future. I’m not sure how much doubt there was that NXT wanted to push her, but now they are actually giving her a little something. Somehow Storm now needs a win to stop her downward slide, but I’m not sure when that is actually going to come.

Nita Strauss plays America the Beautiful to open things up.

A bunch of lightning goes off and the voiceover says welcome to the show. There are a lot more fans here here than there have been in recent weeks and you can feel more energy than NXT has had in a very long time.

There is even a ramp to the ring to make things feel even more unique this time around.

Pete Dunne vs. Kushida

Kushida takes him straight to the mat for a failed cross armbreaker attempt. A kneebar doesn’t work either but Kushida ties up the legs and grabs the arms. They get back up to fight over arm control with Dunne not being able to keep a hammerlock. Kushida tries a Tajiri handspring but Dunne cuts him down and starts in on the fingers. Dunne snaps the arm across the bottom rope for a nasty visual, followed by a painful looking stomp to the head.

Back up and Kushida kicks him in the arm, setting up the cartwheel dropkick to put Dunne on the ramp. Kushida misses a dive but manages the handspring elbow on the ramp instead. Back in and Dunne jumps onto Kushida for a Hoverboard Lock of his own but Kushida reverses into a quickly broken real thing. Kushida hits a fisherman’s buster for two and we take a break.

We come back with Kushida grabbing a Falcon Arrow into the cross armbreaker but Dunne is out in a hurry. Dunne’s armbreaker is broken up as well and they trade headbutts on the mat. Kushida hits a running dropkick to the arm and there’s a running flip kick to send Dunne to the apron.

The Hoverboard Lock goes on on top and Kushida flips him down into the full version on the mat. Kushida reverses into another arm crank, forcing Dunne to have to reach the ropes with his foot. A hard knee to the arm sets up another Hoverboard Lock but Dunne makes the rope. That’s fine with Kushida, who grabs the Hoverboard Lock on the other arm instead. Dunne escapes again and stomps on the hand, setting up the Bitter End for the pin at 10:41.

Rating: B-. I was getting into this one near the end and then it just wrapped up all of a sudden. They were getting somewhere with all of the arm work and building to a big submission battle but it felt like the match needed another five to six minutes to really hit that other gear. It’s good and Kushida was doing better than he usually does, but it just didn’t have the time to reach that next level.

Gauntlet Eliminator

There are six people involved here and a new entrant comes in every three minutes. Pinfall and submission only for eliminations and the winner gets a North American Title shot against Johnny Gargano for tomorrow night. We come back from a break with Leon Ruff in at #1 and Isaiah Scott in at #2, with both guys already fighting in the ring (possibly because the Peacock feed is continuing during the commercials). Thankfully we get the opening bell here and they fight to the floor in a hurry.

Ruff is dropped onto the barricade but comes back with the twisting cutter off the announcers’ table. Back in and Scott sends him into the corner but a superbomb is countered into a good looking hurricanrana to put them both down again. Bronson Reed is in at #3 so Ruff dives at him on the ramp, only to get thrown back in over a ducking Scott. Reed sits on Scott’s back to put him down and then German suplexes both of them at the same time.

Cameron Grimes is in at #4 and a quick triple team knocks Reed to the floor. Scott and Grimes start double teaming Ruff but he bounces off the ropes in the corner (that was cool) and slides between Grimes’ legs. That doesn’t work to get rid of Scott though and a faceplant puts Ruff down again. Scott goes outside to kick Reed in the face and keep him down.

Back in and a hard clothesline puts Ruff down and it’s Dexter Lumis is in at #5. During the entrance, Scott pins Ruff for the first elimination at 9:46. Lumis gets in and fires off the suplexes to everyone but Reed, meaning it’s time for a staredown. Back up and Lumis manages to lift him up in a fireman’s carry but that doesn’t quite last. Instead Reed is thrown outside with Lumis and Grimes being knocked down as well. LA Knight completes the field at #6 and it’s time to talk a lot of trash on the mic. Reed scares him down though and we take a break.

We come back with Lumis grabbing the Silence on Grimes but Knight grabs a rollup to pin Lumis at 14:50. Grimes plants Knight though and Reed adds a backsplash to get rid of Knight at 15:25, much to Barrett’s annoyance. Lumis Silences Knight after the elimination and it’s a three way slugout inside. Grimes puts Scott down but a staggered Reed falls onto both of them to leave everyone on the mat for a breather. Back up and Grimes manages to counter Reed’s crossbody with the flipping powerslam (that was impressive) but Scott rolls Grimes up with trunks for the pin at 18:29.

Reed knocks Scott down and goes up but Scott catches him with a running kick to the head. Scott manages something like a Death Valley Driver onto the apron for a big knockdown, followed by a 450 for two back inside. The House Call rocks Reed again but another attempt is countered with a grab to the throat. Scott isn’t having that and hits another House Call for another two. Reed is back up with a powerbomb into something like White Noise. The Tsunami sends Reed to tomorrow at 22:25.

Rating: B. This was another good one but it never came close to that top level. That being said, Reed is a very fresh name to push in this spot and that is something interesting. There is something to be said about a monster who can hit a heck of a splash like that and I could go for Gargano seeing what he can do with Reed. If nothing else, it isn’t Lumis and I’ll take that pretty much every time.

Post match Gargano comes out for the staredown.

United Kingdom Title: Walter vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Walter is defending and Ciampa is in trunks for the first time in a long time. Ciampa’s headlock doesn’t last long as the much bigger Walter drives him into the corner. You don’t do that to Ciampa, who goes into Blackheart mode and stomps Walter down into another corner. A running boot is cut off by a big chop though and they head outside, where a missed chop sends Walter’s hand through the announcers’ table.

The arms are fine enough to drop Ciampa onto the apron though and they head back inside. A big chop is cut off with a raised elbow and Ciampa kicks away at the bad hand. Walter kicks him down for a breather and a half crab has Ciampa in more trouble. That’s broken up so Walter kicks him in the face again. Walter slowly knocks him around but Ciampa gets in a few shots of his own and we take a break.

Back with Ciampa managing to hit the Fairy Tale Ending and not being able to believe the kickout. Walter can’t get the sleeper but he can hit a release German suplex into the huge clothesline….for two. Back up and Ciampa pulls another clothesline into a Fujiwara armbar with the hand being bent back as well. The rope is grabbed so Ciampa unloads on Walter, who can only cover up until he makes the rope again.

Walter gets up on the apron and headbutts Ciampa down but he is right back to catch Walter on the top. That means a super Air Raid Crash gets two and they’re both down. Walter is back up to chop him down again and the powerbomb plants Ciampa one more time. Then it’s another powerbomb with Walter stacking up the cover for two. A sleeper suplex drops Ciampa again and the big chop is finally enough to put him away at 16:05.

Rating: B+. These guys beat the fire out of each other and that’s what you want from Walter. I don’t think there was any drama over who was leaving with the title here, due to a combination of Rampage Brown already having a title match tomorrow at Prelude and, you know, Walter doesn’t lose. The hand injury being kind of forgotten near the end hurt things a bit, but these two beat each other senseless and that’s all this was for a good while. Pretty awesome stuff.

The dog from last week runs into an elevator, comes out of an elevator, and then runs into the ring where a woman (or at least her legs) are waiting. The name is confirmed as Franky Monet.

Tag Team Titles: MSK vs. Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Legado del Fantasma

The titles are vacant coming in. Legado elbows Lee down to start and drop Gibson as well. There’s a double basement dropkick to Lee but the Veterans get together to dropkick Wilde in the knee and the head to send him outside. Caster comes back in with a high crossbody to Gibson but Drake hits a clothesline to take him down. Drake stomps Carter down in the corner and we hit the chinlock.

That’s broken up as well so Lee comes back in to double team Gibson to the floor. Carter hits a step up dive to take the Veterans down again but Mendoza kicks Lee outside. Legado hits stereo dives (one of which included a flipping springboard) to take everyone down at once and we take a break. Back with Carter in trouble in the corner as Legado keeps up the double teaming.

Some running charges in the corner set up a double a suplex, followed by a moonsault to give Wilde two. Carter manages to get in a shot of his own though and the hot tag brings in Lee to clean house. The big flip dive takes out Legado on the floor and there’s the moonsault kick to Drake’s head. The push moonsault gets two more on Drake but Gibson is right there to pull Lee off the apron. Carter knees Drake but Legado is back into drop Carter again.

Lee hits a springboard moonsault into a double reverse DDT to put Legado back on the floor. Gibson is right back up to tie Lee’s hand in the turnbuckle, with Drake adding a running dropkick to crush the hand. The Shankly Gates has Lee in trouble but Carter grabs his hand to break up the tap. Gibson chokes Carter out but Mendoza breaks it up. A Death Valley Driver plants Drake and Wilde hits a top rope splash on Gibson.

The Russian legsweep/clothesline combination gets two on Lee and Legado can’t believe it. The Veterans load up the running Doomsday Device to Wilde and Carter Racks Mendoza for a running knee from Lee. That leaves us with MSK vs. the Veterans in the big showdown into a slugout. Carter hits a double cutter to put the Veterans down again and the flipping neckbreaker Hart Attack finishes Gibson for the titles at 15:29.

Rating: B. Yeah this was exactly what it needed to be here and that is all you can ask for. They had three teams going nuts for fifteen minutes and the young team won. I would assume that they were going to win the titles here anyway, so maybe we can see them face Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch when they get back. If nothing else, NXT just did what Impact Wrestling didn’t do in the years the team was there as the Rascalz: win something important. This was the high energy match that you would expect it to be and I’ll certainly take that.

We run down the night two card, which does look a lot better.

Stephanie McMahon and Sarray are here.

Women’s Title: Io Shirai vs. Raquel Gonzalez

Shirai is defending and Dakota Kai is here with Gonzalez. We get the Big Match Intros and Shirai charges straight at her, only to get sent into the corner. A hurricanrana doesn’t work for Shirai so she slaps her legs around Gonzalez’s head instead. That sets up a good looking top rope hurricanrana but the slingshot knees are blocked with straight power. Shirai sends her outside and hits the suicide dive against the barricade to keep the pace up.

Kai goes after Shirai though and that means the big over the top ejection. A kick to the chest sets up a Lionsault to drop Gonzalez again but she blocks another one. Gonzalez lawn darts her shoulder first into the post for two, followed by a powerbomb flipped forward into a kind of spinebuster for the same. Another powerbomb is dropped backwards to send Shirai throat first onto the top rope for two more.

Gonzalez drops some elbows for three but Shirai kicks out at four (that was a REALLY bad mess up as the referee clearly knew something went wrong) so we can keep going. Back up and Gonzalez puts on something like a Gory Stretch but Shirai reverses for a hurricanrana. A double stomp has Gonzalez in more trouble and the 619 makes it even worse. The springboard missile dropkick into a Code Red gets two on Gonzalez so Shirai goes up top.

Gonzalez catches her in the lifting powerbomb but Shirai slips out into a Crossface to have Gonzalez in trouble again. The rope is finally reached and the moonsault onto the ramp drops Gonzalez again. Shirai hits some running knees to leave Gonzalez mostly done. Naturally Shirai has found a way to climb onto the skull set and hit a HUGE high crossbody to crush Gonzalez for about the ninth time.

Back in and Shirai hits the moonsault for two. Gonzalez is down on the floor so Shirai goes after her, only to get caught in the lifting powerbomb. Back in and Gonzalez blasts her with a clothesline to turn Shirai inside out. One heck of a lifting powerbomb gives Gonzalez the pin and the title at 12:54.

Rating: B. Gonzalez winning was the best way to go here as Shirai is all but out of challengers after holding the title for over ten months. I’m not sure if Shirai is on her way to the main roster, but she didn’t need to have the title any longer. You also needed a big moment to end the night here and Shirai was doing everything she could here. They told a nice story of having Shirai try everything she could, only to come up short in the end. This felt like a main event and that’s a nice way to wrap up the show.

The long celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: A-. It says a lot when the worst match on the show would be one of the best matches of the month on Raw. I’m not sure if it felt like a Takeover (the commercials on the TV version took a lot out of it) but they kept things going here and it was a very entertaining show. Above all else, it was an awesome start to Wrestlemania weekend and I had a great time. Tomorrow night awaits us though and that’s when the big stuff goes down. For now though, more Takeover awesomeness, which really shouldn’t surprise you.


Pete Dunne b. Kushida – Bitter End

Bronson Reed won a Gauntlet Eliminator last eliminating Isaiah Scott

Walter b. Tommaso Ciampa – Chop

MSK b. Grizzled Young Veterans and Legado del Fantasma – Flipping neckbreaker/spinebuster combination to Gibson

Raquel Gonzalez b. Io Shirai – Lifting powerbomb



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver Preview

This is a different kind of Takeover as the whole thing is spread over two nights. That has caused a few issues with the build to the show as it is a little bit difficult to focus on two shows at once. Throw in the fact that this means we have twice as many matches as usual for a Takeover and I’m not sure how something like this is going to go. Then again, you don’t bet against Takeover so let’s get to it.

Night One

Kickoff Show: Toni Storm vs. Zoey Stark

Stark continues to be one of the more interesting cases in NXT at the moment as it is clear that they see something in her (because it’s there) but she keeps losing to one big name after another. At some point that is going to stop working out for her and the stock is going to drop, meaning she needs to win something. I’m just not sure if she is going to get that win here.

I think I’ll go with Storm to win here, as she has been kind of floating since the feud with Io Shirai, meaning she is going to need something to get her back on track. Beating Stark is not exactly the kind of thing that is going to be the big saving grace for her, but it is going to help her out a bit. Stark is going to get a win of her own someday, though I’m really not sure when that is going to be the case.

Tag Team Titles: MSK vs. Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Legado del Fantasma

This is for the vacant titles thanks to Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch being injured. We’re starting off with a confusing one here too as I have no idea who is winning the titles. You really could go with all three as possible winners and that is a great thing to see. MSK would seem to be the likely winners here as they were guaranteed a title shot thanks to winning the Dusty Classic….but things have changed since then.

As much as I want to pick Legado as the team who could pick up the titles because the other two seem like the likely winners, I’ll go with MSK winning the titles here for a nice feel good moment. I’m not sure if that is the best idea though as the Veterans need to win something after coming up short time after time, but MSK seems popular enough that a win would be a nice energy boost to the show.

Gauntlet Eliminator: Leon Ruff vs. Isaiah Scott vs. Bronson Reed vs. Cameron Grimes vs. Dexter Lumis vs. LA Knight

This is something similar to a Royal Rumble, but you are eliminated by pinfall or submission and the winner gets a North American Title shot against Johnny Gargano on night two. In theory that eliminates the heels from getting their shot, but stranger things have happened around here. I would assume that we only have three potential contenders, and only two of them are interesting.

Unfortunately I think we’re getting Lumis here, as he has been tied up with Gargano and the Way for a few weeks now. Reed is the most interesting choice and Ruff has a history with Gargano, but Lumis makes the most sense here. Grimes is on a roll and could feud with a few people in the match. Scott is already feuding with Ruff and Knight….well I’m not sure you can call his stuff with Reed a feud just yet. Lumis goes over here and moves on to the title shot on night two.

Pete Dunne vs. Kushida

Yes please. I think I might need a bit more than that, but this one feels like possibly the most intriguing match on the entire card. Kushida is someone who is capable of busting out a great match at the drop of a hat and Dunne is Dunne, so how can this one be bad? These two have been having issues for weeks now and that sounds like a good enough reason for the two of them to spend fifteen minutes trying to break the other’s arm off.

While Kushida needs a win to get some footing underneath him, Dunne is a far bigger star and is going to win here. He is someone who could become a top star around here in the blink of an eye and it makes sense to have him go over here. This very well could steal the show and the entire Takeover, but it is more about getting us to the inevitable, which is Dunne getting the win.

United Kingdom Title: Walter(c) vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Speaking of matches that could steal all of Takeover, we have these two who are more than capable of doing just that. This time around it is for Walter’s title, as his seemingly never ending reign continues. Now the problem with this one is they have announced Walter’s next title defense, but that isn’t exactly the point here. What matters is Walter is back in the ring and that is a great thing for everyone.

Of course Walter wins here, because they aren’t going to end the epic title reign on a different continent in a match that feels a bit thrown together. Walter is someone who can have a classic with anyone he faces and if we get the old Ciampa here, these two could do something incredible. I know Ciampa isn’t as great as he has been before, but even a mostly there Ciampa is a sight to behold.

Women’s Title: Io Shirai(c) vs. Rhea Gonzalez

This is an interesting one as the champ issued the challenge for a change. You might not realize it but Shirai has been champion for about ten months now and has all but cleared out the division. Thankfully NXT is good at bringing in fresh talent and that is exactly what they are doing with people like Gonzalez (among others). This was the main focal point of last week’s NXT and it feels like a main event.

I’ve been betting that Shirai will lose the title for the better part of ever now and I’ll do that again here, as there just aren’t many people left to take it from here (save for maybe Xia Li, but I’m not sure how much someone with her current gimmick needs the title). They need to pull the trigger on someone eventually (though Shirai is doing fine in this role) and Gonzalez makes more sense than probably anyone else. Gonzalez wins here and ends a sneakily epic reign from Shirai.

Night Two

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Shotzi Blackheart/Ember Moon(c) vs. The Way

These titles are still brand new and one of the best ways to make them mean something is to have them on the line. Granted there still are not very many established teams to go after them, but at least the Way has a name. Blackheart and Moon don’t feel like long term champs, but losing in one of your first defenses seems like a quick drop (pun intended), even at a show like this.

Now the question is will they drop them here and I’ll go with not yet. I think the Way does get the belts eventually, but it isn’t happening so soon. It is just a little too early for the titles to change hands twice and NXT would be smart to have the titles sink in with Blackheart and Moon for a bit. The Way isn’t a team that needs to have multiple titles, so hopefully the titles don’t change here, because they really don’t need to yet.

North American Title: Johnny Gargano(c) vs. Gauntlet Eliminator Winner

This is a follow up from the previous night as the winner of the Gauntlet Eliminator (Lumis, assuming my completely accurate picks are right) gets a shot at Gargano. I’m not sure how much I like this idea as it can make for a hard match to set up in advance, but at least they have something going here between Gargano and Lumis. That sets up a rather scary possibility of even more of a focus on Lumis, though they have pulled back a bit in recent weeks.

I think I’ll go with Lumis winning here, as it has been teased long enough that it probably needs to just happen already. Gargano is fine in his role as champion, but it feels like he has held the title for the better part of ever at the moment. The title probably needs some fresh blood and while Lumis isn’t the most exciting or interesting blood, he certainly would be fresh. Now just get it over with already.

Cruiserweight Title: Jordan Devlin(c) vs. Santos Escobar(c)

It’s a special situation as both are champions, meaning there are two titles. Since Shawn Michaels is helping to run NXT and it has been at least a month since the last one, it is time to put the belts above the ring and have a ladder match. That makes things both a little more interesting and less interesting at the same time, as I wasn’t sure who was going to actually take the fall here. Throw in the ladder though and things are a little bit different. Someone has to stick around though and I think I know what that means.

I’ll go with Escobar to win here, as not being able to pull down a title from above the ring is not going to crush his momentum. Devlin still seems to be the guy who is going to go after Walter (and likely take the title from him) so getting him away from the Cruiserweight Title is a necessary step. I’m also not sure I can imagine him sticking around in America and NXT UK doesn’t need a Cruiserweight Title so let Escobar have it for good.

Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly

This is unsanctioned and I believe the words “oh boy” are appropriate. These two have some great chemistry together and it should be awesome to see them beat the living fire out of each other. I know the working theory is that it should be time to see Cole go to the main roster and while I’m not sure I believe that is the case, getting beaten by O’Reilly in a big blowoff feud would be a great way to go.

So yeah give me O’Reilly here, mainly for the reason that Cole absolutely does not need to win this match. O’Reilly has yet to have the big singles win and Cole has won everything he needs to win in all of NXT. I wouldn’t mind seeing Cole show up on the main roster as a post WrestleMania surprise, but I’m hoping that we see him go down to O’Reilly after one heck of a fight.

NXT Title: Finn Balor(c) vs. Karrion Kross

We’ll wrap it up with another match that could go either way. In theory the loser here should be on their way to the main roster, as Balor has already been a main roster star and Kross was pretty much ready for the main roster the day he debuted. I don’t know how well the gimmick would work there, but at least it would make sense to have Kross and Scarlett up there. Someone has to lose though and that makes it hard to figure out.

I actually think I’ll take Balor to win here, as NXT is going to want to keep some star power down there because the show moving over to another night. Hopefully the match is the hard hitting struggle that it should be, but I have no idea who goes after the title once Balor retains. Granted he probably doesn’t win here because it is a complete coin flip, but yeah we’ll go with Balor here.

Overall Thoughts

I’m not completely sold on the idea here as it feels like a pair of shows put together rather than one great Takeover. That could mean a bit of a downgrade, but if there is one thing that I have learned about Takeover over the years, it is that NXT knows how to figure out a way around anything. There is enough good stuff on the card to believe that they could pull it off and hopefully that is the case here.



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