Wrestlemania #27: Worst Ending Ever?

It has to be up there.At the end of the day, I think it has to be.  You have a double countout, Rock having the power to restart matches all of a sudden, and the whole thing winds up being a setup for the next year’s main event.




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2 Responses

  1. Mathix says:

    This just might be the worst wrestlemania ever. MAYBE not more so than 11, but damn close.

  2. Steve says:

    I though this was one of the Wrestlemanias of all time worst overall. For some reason the best match on the card make me feel almost uncomfortable, I’m guessing because it just felt so forced. The main event was rushed and wasn’t very dramatic because you knew The Rock would be involved and if Cena didn’t win that night he was going to pick up the strap at the next PPV, and the Miz may have been one of the worst champs walking into WM ever outside of Sid. Also none of the other matches stand out to me I think it was after watching this I realized that even tho Randy Orton is very popular he isn’t very good, either that or he just sucks at WM. And of course they end the show with a guy that didn’t even wrestle posing.

    When I watched Raw the next night I said to myself, “Oh my god they actually did it. They wasted an entire WM set up next years WM.” Looking back I guess it work but goddamn there had to be a better way of doing it.

    Overall I rank it ahead of 9, 11, 2, 25 and its iffy with 7 but im going to rank 7 ahead beacuse I liked Savage Warrior better than HHH Taker

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