Thought Of The Day: Goldberg

This is another internet wrestling/wrestling in general obsession that I don’t get.Goldberg debuted in 1997, won the US Title in spring of 1998, won the world title in July of 98, lost it in December, feuded with Hall and Nash until the summer, left for a month or two, came back and feuded with Sting, feuded with Russo and hurt his arm attacking the limo, missed four more months, came back, turned heel, turned face, restarted the Streak, and got hurt again in January and was never seen in WCW again.


Then he debuted in WWE in March of 2003, feuded with and beat Rock, feuded with HHH over the summer and won the world title, lost the title in December, feuded with Lesnar and had a horrible match with him at Wrestlemania 20.


That is Bill Goldberg’s American wrestling career, with every major moment listed in two paragraphs.  Goldberg last appeared in a WWE ring over eight and a half years ago, or longer than Austin and Rock’s WWF careers.


So why is the audience still obsessed with the guy?  You hear his name chanted anytime someone goes on a winning streak, people seemingly drool over the idea of him coming back, and people keep wanting him to come back for one more run.  Why?  What is this obsession with Goldberg?  I don’t get it at all.  He’s going to be 46 in December so it’s not like he’d have a long run in him.  His entire career ran for about five years yet people STILL want him back.


Someone explain this to me.


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2 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    If I had to take a guess I’d say it’s because the majority of the internet wrestling community began watching in the late 90s when Goldberg was the biggest face in the company.

  2. Mike says:

    Can’t answer that one, though I still maintain the position that he had the most badass look of the passed twenty years.

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