Survivor Series Tanks

Apparently the 2012 Survivor Series did a horrible amount of domestic buys.  This tells you three things.1. Having Ryback, the unstoppable monster, lose more or less killed him with the audience.  The audience isn’t stupid and knew that the only chance he had was inside the Cell, and that anything after that was a waste of their time to watch.


2. Ryback is going to lose his match on the 7th and his character is going to be crushed even further.


3. Having Rock announced six months in advance is going to turn out being a really bad idea.


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7 Responses

  1. chris says:

    Or they could not give ryback another shot

  2. chris says:

    It also tells you it’s time for someone other then cena to be the focus of the show.

    • Thriller says:

      How do you figure that? The feud was Ryback vs Punk with Cena tacked on as an afterthought. If anything, you could say that adding Cena into that match so late could’ve cost WWE buys.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      No, it really doesn’t. It tells you that giving us no reason to think anything is going to happen in a match needs to stop happening. It makes no sense to have Ryback vs. Punk II one on one after not having it in the Cell, so adding Cena was the only option they could do if they were going to have Ryback get another shot.

  3. Jam says:

    This also tells us that;

    4. The Survivor Series concept is stale and has ran it’s course. It’s time for a change.

    5. The build-up to the PPV sucked.

    6. Changing the main event of the Survivor Series PPV didn’t help things either.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      No, not really.

      The main event and main draw of this show was something different from a Survivor Series match, as was the main event of last year’s show which did very badly as well. The Survivor Series match was barely hyped up at all and was treated as a complete afterthought, featuring captains who only spoke once about four days before the show.

      Indeed it did.

      That’s a bit misleading. Changing it to a match that doesn’t work didn’t help. Having a match where something was in doubt that the fans would buy would have helped a lot more.

  4. Not surprised at all. Anyone with a half brain knew Ryback wasn’t going to win the strap. And he’s not taking anything from Punk during the Raw TLC match. The Shield (or someone else) is going to screw him out of the gold again. But it’s too late now, because anything below a world title or an opponent with some real name value is beneath Ryback, and WWE really pushed him into the WWE Championship picture too soon.

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