Jack Swagger Arrested, Charged With DUI and Possession Of Marijuana

Apparently Swagger was arrested last night after the Smackdown tapings on an undisclosed traffic offense.  No word on if alcohol was involved or not or if this is legit or storyline based.  I don’t see any indication that it’s an angle though.  Also no word on what this means for Wrestlemania.  It’s still early enough to change the match if need be.


Update: Apparently it was DUI and possession of marijuana.  Bye bye Wrestlemania.  Nice going Jack.


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12 Responses

  1. Chrisman442000 says:

    They COULD use it in the storyline. Tasteless? Yes….and?

  2. The Killjoy says:

    I can see the creative meetings right now.

    “Lets just have Ziggler cash in”

    “Brilliant! But wait, hasn’t Alberto beaten him several times already?”

    “I….. Don’t think people will notice.”

  3. Redsox4life says:

    Looks like they should have booked Mark Henry to win the Chamber match after all.

  4. M.R. says:

    Unfortunate to see a guy flush away his shot, especially in a business in which he probably won’t get another.

  5. Jay H. says:

    Shades of when RVD got in trouble during his WWE/ECW Title run in 2006. I gotta think now either Mark Henry or Randy Orton take on ADR at WM 29. Either that or Ziggler decides to Cash in MITB.

    • Eric says:

      Ironic that you say Orton since that dude’s had more than one incident with the substance in question. Quite honestly, the more you read on this story, the more minor it seems. It might lead to a change in the program but it might not. Still not a good decision by Swagger but it definitely could have been worse.

      • Rocko says:

        In fair world the Orton argument would make sense, but life isn’t fair. Orton was more important at the time of his dumbassness and he had better timing too. Swagger is not as important as Orton and there is still plenty of time to change the match.

        This is basically a slap in the face to the WWE. They gave him a vacation and then brought him and immediately put him in a title match at Wrestlemania. He should be fired for this (although I think every wrestler that gets a DUI should be fired anyway).

  6. Jordan says:

    Wow this guy is done.

  7. The Killjoy says:


    WOW. Well, at least he and Dutch didn’t get offend anyone.

  8. Ocie says:

    I thought that this guy was smart. How could he put himself in this situation?

  9. Rocko says:

    Wow. I really can’t think of anything else to say.

  10. Yerp says:

    Lol. A multi man match seems likely or Henry will get the shot.

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